Collection contains Margaret and Herbert Meier's materials documenting the activities of the political right in California
and nationally.
Margaret and Herbert ("Herb") Meier were active in Republican politics in Orange County, and in California as a whole, primarily
during the 1960s and 1970s. Herbert worked as a "field underwriter" at the Pasadena office of Home Life Insurance Co., of
New York. Both were moderate Republicans, although Margaret held a membership card for the Moderate Democrats [see Box 20,
folder 10]. In 1965, Herbert Meier was president of the Arcadia-Sierra Madre Chapter of the California Republican League,
a "state-wide volunteer political organization authorized by the California Republican State Central Committee and activated
in 1964," whose objective was that the "party must be broader, more dynamic, more forward-looking." Both Herbert and Margaret
also held other state and local positions in Republican political groups. This collection reveals their effort to document
the rise of the extreme right during these years.
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