V. I. LENIN FILE 1917-1924
Leon Trotsky to V. I. Lenin
January 31
August 6
(ca.) August 7-9
August 9
August 12
August 13
August 14
August 15
August 17
August 21
August 23
(ca.) August 23-31
August 24
August 25
August 27
August 28
August 29
September 11
September 14
September 26
November 7
November 25
November 29
December 1
December 14
December 26
December 27
December 28
December 29
December 30
December 31
January 2
January 3
January 7
(ca.) January 9-31
January 11
January 19
January 22
January 23
January 25
March 17
March 18
March 20
March 21
March 24
March 25
April 7
April 10
April 15
April 16
May 2
May 7
May 12
May 14
May 17
May 21
May 22
May 26
May 27
June 1
June 3
June 5
July 27
August 1
August 2
August 6
August 7
August 9
September 4
October 17
October 19
October 20
October 24
October 25
October 27
October 30
November 2
November 3
December 22
January 26
February 11
February 16
February 19
February 26
February 27
February 28
March 2
March 4
March 5
March 8
March 9
March 12
March 20
March 24
March 26
April 20
April 26
April 30
May 1
May 2
May 7
May 21
June 3
June 4
June 5
July 13
August 2
August 4
August 13
August 15
August 17
August 18
August 31
September 12
September 13
September 24
October 1
October 2
October 10
October 16
October 25
November 1
November 19
November 25
November 27
March 15
May 3
June 5
July 3
August 1
August 2
August 15
August 25
September 21
October 10
October 11
November 14
November 23
December 16
December 20
January 21
January 30
April 5
December 12
December 13
V. I. Lenin to Leon Trotsky
February 7
February 24
April 21
April 22
July 8
July 27
August 17
(ca.) August 18-21
August 19
August 21
August 22
August 30
September 7
September 12
November 3
November 5
November 7
November 19
December 13
January 3
January 24
January 27
May 14
May 15
May 18
May 21
May 22
May 23
May 30
June 2
June 3
June 4
June 5
June 6
July 8
July 29
August 7
August 9
August 13
September 6
September 9
October 17
October 18
October 20
October 22
October 24
October 27
November 1
December 4
February 1
February 17
February 19
February 20
February 27
March 7
March 11
March 28
March 29
(ca.) June 13-14
September 8
September 9
September 10
September 11
October 1
October 10
November 6
March 3
March 21
March 28-29
April 6
April 30
June 5
June 18
July 3
July 28
July 30
August 16
October 9
October 31
December 7
December 26
January 12
January 16
January 23
February (day unknown)
February 10
February 22
April 4
April 19
November 25
December 13
December 15
December 21
1923 March 5-6
Leon Trotsky to others
Anisimov, Nikolai 1918 November 4
Arzamas (R.S.F.S.R.) Revoliutsionnyi Voennyi Sovet 1918 August 17
Astrakhan' (R.S.F.S.R.) Revoliutsionnyi Voennyi Sovet 1919 January 26
Bonch-Bruevich, Mikhail 1918 August 21
Chicherin, Georgii
1918 January 31
1920 June 4
Czernin von und zu Chudenitz, Ottokar, Graf 1918 January 26
Fotieva, Lidiia 1921 December 28
Glazman, Mikhail 1924 July 26
Gorbunov, Nikolai 1922 October 20
Hoffmann, Max 1918 February 2
Kamenev, Lev 1919 May 9
Kamenev, Sergei 1919 September 6
Kerzhentsev, Platon 1921 October 4
Kozlov (Tambovskaia oblast', R.S.F.S.R.) Revoliutsionnyi Voennyi Sovet 1919 May 23
Krasin, Leonid
1920 October 16
1921 October 4
Krasnoshchekov, Aleksandr 1921 March 19
Krestinskii, Nikolai 1920
March 2
November 15
Kuz'min, N. N., (day unknown) 1918 January
Ordzhonikidze, Grigorii 1920
May 27
June 3
Petrogradskii Voennyi Okrug. Revoliutsionnyi Voennyi Sovet 1921 November 28
Rakovskii, Khristian 1919 April 18
Rossiiskaia Kommunisticheskaia Partiia (bol'shevikov) Moskovskii Komitet 1920 May 2
Rossiiskaia Kommunisticheskaia Partiia (bol'shevikov) Prezidium 1921 March 10
Rossiiskaia Kommunisticheskaia Partiia (bol'shevikov) Tsentral'nyi Komitet. See TSK RKP(b)
Rossiiskaia Kommunisticheskaia Partiia (bol'shevikov) Tsentral'nyi Komitet. See TSK RKP(b)
Russian S.F.S.R. Komissiia po Borbe s Banditizmom 1921 March 19
Russian S.F.S.R. Narodnyi Komissariat po Voennym i Morskim Delam, (day unknown) 1918 January
Russian S.F.S.R. Raboche-Krestianskaia Krasnaia Armiia. Armiia, 7-ia 1919 October 27
Russian S.F.S.R. Raboche-Krestianskaia Krasnaia Armiia. Konnaia Armiia, 1-ia 1920 October 24
Russian S.F.S.R. Sovet Truda i Oborony
January 4
June 26
1922 August 23
Saks, Sergei 1919 January 3
Semashko, Nikolai 1920 April 29
Sklianskii, Efraim
May 7
May 13
May 16
May 24
June 1
June 7
October 17
1920 May 10
1921 February 21
Smilga, Ivan
1919 October 10
1920 February 5
Smirnov, Ivan 1920
January 13
February 18
Stalin, Joseph
March 21
March 22
March 23
March 24
(ca.) February 3-4
February 4
1923 April 18
Sverdlov, Iakov
November 1
November 4
November 24
1919 January 11
1918 December 25
(ca.) March 25-31
April 5
May 1
May 3
May 17
June 1
June 5
July 11
July 14
July 29
August 5
August 7
August 11
September 20
February 17
February 18
May 9
May 10
May 11
September 9
December 25
1921 August 7
1922 June 2
January 20
January 25
February 22
March 28
April 16
April 17
June 15
TSK RKP(b) Politbiuro
1919 March 17
April 17
July 8
July 12
September 2
November 2
October 4
December 3
January 29
February 9
February 10
March 11
April 10
January 15
February 13
June 16
Tsiurupa, Aleksandr 1920 April 29
Zinov'ev, Grigorii
1920 January 28
November 22
November 23
November 24
Others to Leon Trotsky
Aralov, Semen 1918
November 8
December 15
Berens, Konstantin 1920 May 27
Bogdanov, Petr 1921 November 20
Bonch-Bruevich, Mikhail 1918 August 22
Briukhanov, Nikolai 1920 February 20
Chicherin, Georgii 1919
October 22
October 25
October 26
October 27
(ca.) October 29-30
October 30
Dzevaltovskii, I. L. 1919 June 24
Fotieva, Lidiia
1920 February 28
1922 May 22
Frunze, Mikhail 1920
October 15
October 26
December 17
December 19
Gorbunov, Nikolai
1921 March 2
1922 October 19
Kobozev, Petr 1918 August 12
Kopp, Viktor 1921 April 7
Krestinskii, Nikolai 1920
February 17
February 24
February 27
March 2
Lebedev, Pavel 1920 June 14
Matiasevich, Mikhail 1920 January 10
Natsarenus, S. P. 1918 August 5
Nevskii, Vladimir 1918 November 6
Okhotin 1918 July 25
Ordzhonikidze, Grigorii 1920 June 2
Podvoiskii, Nikolai 1918 August 8
Preobrazhenskii, Evgenii 1920 May 10
Prokop'ev 1918 April 5
Samoilo, Aleksandr 1919 September 30
Shliapnikov, Aleksandr 1918 November 25
Sklianskii, Efraim
May 23
May 24
August 12
February 11
September 13
Smirnov, Ivan 1920 January 26
Sokol'nikov, Grigorii 1920 May 5
Stasova, Elena 1919
July 26
July 28
August 17
September 18
Sverdlov, Iakov 1918
August 31
September 8
September 10
December 13
Tukhachevskii, Mikhail 1920 January 19
Unidentified 1918 June 7
Vatsetis, Ioakim 1919 June 22
Zinov'ev, Grigorii 1919 April 15
V. I. Lenin to others
Antonov-Ovseenko, Vladimir 1919
April 22
April 25
May 29
Astrakhan' (R.S.F.S.R.) Revoliutsionnyi Voennyi Sovet 1919 May 18
Averin, Vasilii 1919 June 13
Beloborodov, Aleksandr 1919 June 10
Bubnov, Andrei 1919 June 5
Danishevskii, Karl 1920 August 11
Dzerzhinskii, Feliks, (ca.) 1920 August 28-31
Efremov, M. I. 1919 June 6
Evetskii, Apollon 1919 August 9
Frumkin, Moisei 1922 December 12
Frunze, Mikhail
May 12
May 22
July 1
July 25
October 18
November 2
October 16
October 28
Gittis, Vladimir 1919 October 21
Gol'dberg, B. I. 1919
October 19
November 1
Gusev, Sergei
April 26
May 29
June 3
June 4
June 6
June 11
June 16
1920 September 13
Ioffe, Adol'f 1918 June 10-15
Kamenev, Lev 1919 May 26
Kolegaev, Andrei 1919 May 21
Kuz'min, N. N. 1920 March 5
Lashevich, Mikhail
June 9
June 11
June 18
June 20
June 27
July 17
August 28
1920 May 27
Mekhonoshin, Konstantin 1919
April 24
April 26
Mel'nichanskii, Grigorii 1919 June 9
Mitskevich-Kapsukas, Vikentii 1920 August 20
Molotov, Viacheslav 1922 April 9
Narimanov, Nariman 1921 September 26
Ordzhonikidze, Grigorii
April 3
April 20
August 20
September 9
March 29
March 30
April 5
April 9
Peterson, Karl 1919 October 25
Petrogradskii Komitet Oborony 1919 May 27
Podvoiskii, Nikolai 1919 May 31
Rakovskii, Khristian 1919
April 20
April 24
May 8
May 22
May 24
May 26
May 28
June 12
July 11
Raskol'nikov, F. 1919 October 30
Rozengol'ts, Arkadii 1919 August 1
Russian S.F.S.R. Raboche-Krestianskaia Krasnaia Armiia. Armiia, 3-ia 1920 January 12
Russian S.F.S.R. Raboche-Krestianskaia Krasnaia Armiia. Armiia, 5-ia 1919 October 21
Russian S.F.S.R. Raboche-Krestianskaia Krasnaia Armiia. Armiia, 10-ia 1919 May 18
Russian S.F.S.R. Raboche-Krestianskaia Krasnaia Armiia. Armiia, 11-ia 1921 March 10
Russian S.F.S.R. Raboche-Krestianskaia Krasnaia Armiia. Eshelonyi Poezd 54 1918 July 27
Russian S.F.S.R. Raboche-Krestianskaia Krasnaia Armiia. Zapasnaia Armiia 1920 February 8
Russian S.F.S.R. Revoliutsionnyi Voennyi Sovet Respubliki (Iuzhfront)
June 14
June 21
1920 November 12
Russian S.F.S.R. Revoliutsionnyi Voennyi Sovet Respubliki (Zapfront) 1919 April 24
Russian S.F.S.R. Tsentral'nyi Otdel Voennykh Zagotovok 1919 November 8
Shumskii, Aleksandr 1920 March 23
Siberia. Tsentral'nyi Ispolnitel'nyi Komitet, (ca.) 1918 April 5-8
Sklianskii, Efraim
1917 November 28
August 9
August 16
(ca.) March 1-15
April (day unknown)
April 2
April 10
April 24
April 26
May 15
June 8
June 9
(ca.) June 10-11
July 4
July 5
July 8
(ca.) July-August
August (day unknown)
August 10
September (day unknown)
October 15
February 19
March 14
March 22
May 25
(ca.) July 12-13
(ca.) July 27-31
August (day unknown)
(ca.) August 1-25
August 7
August 12
August 17
(ca.) August 17-18
February 6
February 12
March 3
March 25
April 9
May 30
(ca.) June-July
Undated 1922
Smilga, Ivan
August 13
October 4
October 5
February 17
February 28
March 3
March 11
March 17
May 12
July 20
August 3
August 18
August 20
August 24
Smirnov, Ivan 1920
January 29
(ca.) February 7-29
March 10
April 20
August 2
Sokol'nikov, Grigorii 1919
April 20
April 24
May 6
May 14
May 19
May 20
June 5
Somov, O. 1919 June 14
Stalin, Joseph 1922 April 15
TSK RKP(b) 1921 January 20
TSK RKP(b) Politbiuro
1921 December 19
March 23
April 11
Unshlikht, Iosif 1920 March 11
Ural'skii Voenno-Revoliutsionnyi Komitet 1920 August 2
Vatsetis, Ioakim 1919 April 22
Vladimirov, Miron 1921 July 28
Voroshilov, Kliment 1921 May 5
Zatonskii, Vladimir 1920 August 19
Zinov'ev, Grigorii 1920 February 17
Others to V. I. Lenin
Bonch-Bruevich, Mikhail 1919 June 10
Chekasskii 1921 March 18
Chicherin, Georgii
1919 October 22
1920 April 2
1921 December 20
Egorov, Aleksandr 1918 August 20
Frumkin, Moisei 1922 December 15
Frunze, Mikhail 1920
October 3
October 18
Ganetskii, Iakov 1920
May 28
May 29
Kamenev, Sergei 1919 October 22
Karakhan, Lev 1918 February 2
Martynov, Ivan 1921 March 19
Ordzhonikidze, Grigorii 1920 September 24
Podvoiskii, Nikolai 1917 December 13
Potiaev, Andrei 1919 December 18
Protasov, Aleksandr 1921 March 25
Rakovskii, Khristian 1919 June 11
Raskol'nikov, F. 1919 September 6
Sadoul, Jacques 1920 September 19
Shaposhnikov, Boris 1919 December 15
Shatunovskii, Ia. M. 1922 October 5
Shliapnikov, Aleksandr 1919 November 19
Sklianskii, Efraim 1921
May (day unknown)
(ca.) June 14-15
September (day unknown)
November (day unknown)
Smirnov, Ivan
March 9
September 22
September 23
March 18
March 25
Stalin, Joseph
(ca.) 1919 July 20-21
June 2
June 3
Sverdlov, Veniamin 1919 December 23
Tukhachevskii, Mikhail 1921 July 16
Vatsetis, Ioakim
August 24
December 14
December 28
1919 April 21
Viktorov, B. K. 1919 December 15
Miscellaneous. Arranged alphabetically by writer and thereunder by addressee
Butov, Georgii, to Chicherin, Georgii 1921 December 1
Chicherin, Georgii, to TSK RKP(b) Politbiuro 1921 December 2
Fotieva, Lidiia, to Kamenev, Lev 1923 April 16
Frumkin, Moisei, to Krestinskii, Nikolai 1920 September 29
Iakovlev, Nikolai, to Karakhan, Lev 1918 April 5
Kamenev, Sergei, to Sklianskii, Efraim 1921
February 17
March 23
Kraevskii to Shaposhnikov, Boris 1921 March 23
Kuz'min, N. N.
Chicherin, Georgii 1920 February 29
Russian S.F.S.R. Revoliutsionnyi Voennyi Sovet Respubliki 1920 March 3
Lashevich, Mikhail
Smilga, Ivan 1919 June 19
TSK RKP(b) 1919 July 3
Obolenskii, Valerian, to TSK RKP(b) 1921 May 11
Pugachev, Semen, to Russian S.F.S.R. Revoliutsionnyi Voennyi Sovet Respubliki 1921 February 17
Russian S.F.S.R. Revoliutsionnyi Voennyi Sovet Respubliki to Krupskii, Mikhail 1920 February 17
Sergeev, I., to TSK RKP(b) Politbiuro 1920 September 24
Sklianskii, Efraim
Danishevskii, Karl 1920
August 25
August 26
Russian S.F.S.R. Revoliutsionnyi Voennyi Sovet Respubliki (Zapfront) 1920 August 23
Smirnov, Ivan 1921 February 21
Sokol'nikov, Grigorii, to TSK RKP(b) Politbiuro 1922 January 31
Stalin, Joseph, to Molotov, Viacheslav 1922 March 10
Thalheimer, August, to TSK RKP(b) 1921 June 16
Tsiurupa, Aleksandr, to Murav'ev 1920 February 21
Unshlikht, Iosif, to Russian S.F.S.R. Sovet Truda i Oborony 1920 June 20
Vatsetis, Ioakim, to Volkov, Sergei 1918 December 25
Vladimirov, Miron, to Tsiurupa, Aleksandr 1921 March 2
Volin, Boris, to Sverdlov, Iakov 1918 December 21
Miscellany. Arranged by writer
Bonch-Bruevich, Mikhail. Memorandum 1919 June 1
Chicherin, Georgii. Memorandum 1921 December 2
Kamenev, Sergei. Memoranda
(ca.) 1920 September 23-24
1921 March 23
Lapinskii, Stanislav. Memorandum, (ca.) 1920 July 12-24
Lenin, V. I.
Endorsement for Trotsky, (day unknown) 1919 July
Memorandum, (ca.) 1919 December 11-17
Order 1920 January 21
Memorandum, (ca.) 1920 October 1-3
Memorandum, (day unknown) 1920 November
Memorandum 1922 March 9
Memoranda 1922 December 27-29
Rossiiskaia Kommunisticheskaia Partiia (bol'shevikov). Draft program 1919 March
Russian S.F.S.R. Tsentral'nyi Ispolnitel'nyi Komitet, and Moskovskii Sovet. Joint resolution 1918 June 17
TSK RKP(b). Excerpts from minutes of meetings
March 16
March 25
April 13
July 3
February 21
February 22
February 24
TSK RKP(b) Orgbiuro. Excerpts from minutes of meetings 1919
April 20
May 7
TSK RKP(b) Politbiuro. Excerpts from minutes of meetings unless otherwise noted
April 18
May 26
August 6
October 15
October 23
October 26
November 14
December 31
1920 August 19
Opinions of individual members 1922-1923
1922 April 18-19
February 8
February 20
March 1
March 8
March 22
TSK RKP(b) Politbiuro, and TSK RKP(b) Orgbiuro 1919
Excerpts from minutes of joint meeting May 22
Excerpts from minutes of joint meeting June 2
Joint resolution July 5
Excerpts from minutes of enlarged meeting August 6
TSK RKP(b) Sekretariat. Proposals 1923 January 29
Trotsky, Leon
Order 1918 August 9
Message to troops 1918 August 27
Excerpt from speech 1918 September 12
"Nashe otnoshenie k borot'bistam," (ca.) 1919 December 11-17
Memorandum 1921 November 16
"K voprosu o kreditivaniiu pod osnovnoi kapital," 1923 February 12
Memorandum 1923 February 15
"Tezisy o promyshlennosti," 1923 March 6
Memorandum 1923 November 15
Memoranda 1924 July
American Committee for the Defense of Leon Trotsky 1937
January 11
March 17
March 28
Bardin, Alexis 1938 June 9
British and International Press Ltd. 1937 July 4
Bukharin, Nikolai 1926
January 8
March 4
Burnham, James 1937
June 25
December 6
December 15
Cannon, James P.
1937 December 24
February 15
April 5
March 27
April 8
Carolina Political Union 1937 July 28
Chautemps, Camille 1937 November 12
Ciliga, Ante 1936 January 2
Communist League of America
January 6
March 26
1931 December 25
January 5
May 19
May 27
October 20
1934 March 29
Curtiss, Charles 1939
January 18
February 15
Dewar, Hugo 1936
March 7
April 9
Dobbs, Farrell 1940
January 10
March 4
March 20
April 4
April 16
Dunayevskaya, Raya
1937 June 12
June 20
June 29
August 27
November 3
March 29
April 20
November 14
Eastman, Max 1931 January 2
Farrar and Rinehart (Publishers) 1937 March 15
Farrell, James T. 1937 November 8
Fourth International 1940
February 1
February 20
Fourth International. Pan American Commission 1939 March 22
Frank, Pierre 1940 July 1
Frankel, Jan
Inscriptions 1931-1936
January 15
February 22
March 8
April 3
April 12
April 14
April 18
April 21
April 27
April 29
May 8
May 11
May 21
May 26
(ca.) June-July
July 5
November 26
November 25
December 11
December 15
December 24
December 30
December 31
January 24
April 28
October 2
November 3
December 21
January 26
January 30
February 3
February 7
March 16
March 30
April 29
May 14
June 5
June 13
April 12
May 10
Glotzer, Albert
1937 September 18
1939 February 14
Goldman, Albert
April 28
September 5
December 21
1939 March 24
January 11
February 10
February 19
April 2
May 3
May 14
July 3
July 9
July 17
July 18
July 23
July 27
August 1
August 9
August 12
August 17
Groupe Bolchevique-Leniniste (France)
1935 September 7
1936 January 4
Hansen, Joseph
February 14
April 24
May 10
(ca.) Inscription 1939-1940
January 5
January 18
February 29
Harper and Brothers (Publishers) 1937 February 20
Harvard University 1940 February 14
Heisler, Francis
March 13
September 28
1938 June 4
Held, Walter
May 4
June 13
June 24
November 2
November 7
November 20
November 30
December 18
1934 January 29
Holm og Rode (Law firm) 1938 February 7
International Communist League
January 31
June 10-13
October 3
October 21
December 15
1938 January 21
International Communist League. Australian Section 1937 December 23
International Communist League. Belgian Section, (day unknown) 1934 August
International Left Opposition
January 31
March 7
1932 June 9
1933 April 17
International Left Opposition. Belgian Section 1930 October 12
International Left Opposition. Bulgarian Section
1930 October 4
1932 March 29
International Left Opposition. Chinese Section 1931 January 8
International Left Opposition. Spanish Section 1932 March 7
Isaacs, Harold R. 1937
February 25
June 12
James, C. L. R. 1939 March 29
Juin 36 1939 July 25
Kahlo, Frida 1939 January 12
Karsner, Rose
January 9
February 20
June 5
September 1
September 28
1940 July 27
Kay, Mr. 1940 August 3
Kitain, Hyman 1937 April 28
Kluger, Pearl 1937 October 6
Kopp, George 1938 May 31
LaFollette, Suzanne
March 15
July 4
September 29
1938 January 30
Langer, William L. 1939 November 6
League of Nations 1938 March 31
Lesoil, Leon 1935 March 24
Ligue Communiste (France) 1930 December 22
Lunacharskii, Anatolii 1926 April 14
La Lutte Ouvriere 1937 March 23
Macdonald, Dwight 1938 January 20
Maitland, Frank 1938 April 15
Malamuth, Charles
1939 October 21
1940 March 19
Mejsnar, I. 1938 June 1
Milton, Harry 1937 November 6
Moustakis, Chris 1940 August 17
Muralov, Nikolai 1928 September 11
Muste, A. J. 1936 February 8
Naville, Pierre
1937 February 25
1938 May 10
Nin, Andres 1931 September 1
Novack, George
March 9
August 31
September 25
1939 December 28
1940 January 16
Ordzhonikidze, Grigorii 1927
June 28
July 25
August 1
Parti Ouvrier Internationaliste (France) 1936
June 19
June 21
July 11
Preobrazhenskii, Evgenii 1928 March-April
Reiss, Else 1937 October 13
Revolutionair Socialistische Arbeiders Partij (Netherlands) 1936 July 16
Rous, Jean 1935 July 30
Schlamm, Willi 1935 December 24
Schultz, Henry 1940 August 20
Serebriakov, Leonid 1927 September 12
Shachtman, Max
May 23
July 1
November 6
Sneevliet, Henk December 20
1934 March 17
1935 November 5
1937 December 2
Socialist Appeal Association 1937 September 30
Socialist Lawyers' Front 1937 March 15
Socialist Workers Party
December 30
December 31
February 10
February 22
May 21
January 1
April 18
April 22
October 12
November 28
December 26
December 27
January 3
January 4
February 20
February 21
February 23
March 21
August 13
Soviet Union. Tsentral'nyi Ispolnitel'nyi Komitet 1927 November 15
Stanley, Sherman 1939 October 8
Sumner, Charles 1938 April 15
TSK VKP(b) Politbiuro 1927
September 6
September 12
October 1
November 9
Thomas, Wendelin 1938 January 17
Treint, Albert 1931 September 13
1928 June 2
1936 January 28
1938 December 22
1939 January 31
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Un-American Activities 1939 October 12
Vardin 1927 April 26
Vazquez, Federico 1933 April 12
Vereecken, Georges 1935 November 18
Vsesoiuznaia Kommunisticheskaia Partiia (bol'shevikov) Tsentral'naia Kontrol'naia Komissiia 1927
January 26
August 27
Vsesoiuznaia Kommunisticheskaia Partiia (bol'shevikov) Tsentral'nyi Komitet. See TSK VKP(b)
Walker, Charles R.
July 6
September 17
1938 February 10
Wasserman, Jac
1937 November 14
1938 June 14
Weber, Jack 1937 December 1
Weber, Sara
August 21
September 18
October 4
1938 April 26
Wechsler, Abraham 1940 August 3
Weisbord, Albert 1932 May 22
Wolf, Erwin 1936
July 27
July 29
October 4
Workers Party of the U.S. 1935
August 11
August 12
August 13
Wright, John G.
1933 November 21
February 20
April 28
April 29
May 21
June 3
June 11
August 21
November 6
February 5
April 5
September 12
October 17
January 21
January 31
February 1
February 10
February 14
March 20
March 29
September 28
November 11
December 19
(ca.) Undated 1939-1940
January 7
January 10
January 13
January 25
February 7
March 4
April 6
April 20
April 24
April 26
May 2
July 17
July 27
Aftenposten (Oslo), Includes translations of news dispatches 1937-1938
Agence Telegraphique Juive 1937
Anonymous, Includes related letter by Albert Goldman 1938
Carolina Political Union 1937
Carter, Joseph 1937
Communist League of America 1933
Dobbs, Farrell 1940
Frankel 1937-01-01 00:00:00 -0800
Glass, C. Frank 1935
Glotzer, Albert 1937
Goldman, Albert 1939-1940
Hansen, Joseph 1939-1940
Hansen, Reba 1940
Held, Walter 1933-1937
Holm og Rode (Law firm) 1938
Isaacs, Harold R. circa 1934-1938
Karsner, Rose 1940
Landau, Kurt 1930
La Lutte Group (Vietnam) 1939
Maitland, Frank 1938
Martin, Jeanne 1938
Moguel Traconis, Manuel 1937
El Nacional (Mexico City) 1937
New York Public Library 1940
Novack, George 1937
Orlov, Aleksandr 1938
Paris-Soir 1937
Pickens, William 1937
Rosmer, Alfred 1930
Sabath, A. J. 1939
Selander, Ted 1937
Shachtman, Max 1936-1939
Stanford University 1940
Swabeck, Arne 1933
Unidentified 1938
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Un-American Activities 1939
Wolf, Erwin 1937
Wright, John G., 1933-1940.
General. Selected writings, 1930-1940, published in booklet form as Por los Estados Unidos Socialistas de America Latina (Buenos Aires, Printed copy (in Spanish) 1961)
Tuda i obratno, Published in St. Petersburg, 1907 1907
Printed copy (in English), entitled My Flight from Siberia (Berlin 1923)
Printed copy (in English), entitled My Flight from Siberia (New York 1925)
"Intelligentsiia i sotsializm," 1910 November. Published in Sovremennyi mir (1910 November). Printed copies in pamphlet form (in English), entitled The Intelligentsia and Socialism (London 1966 1974)
Open letter to Jules Guesde, 1916 October 11. Published in La Vie ouvriere (1916). Printed copy in pamphlet form (in English), entitled Against Social-Patriotism (Colombo 1952)
"Tainye dogovory i tainaia diplomatiia," 1917 November 9. Published in Izvestiia (1917 November 10). Printed copy (in English), included in pamphlet Full Texts of Secret Treaties (New York 1918)
Interview with Edward Alsworth Ross, 1917 December. Published in The Independent (1918 March 9). Printed transcript (in English, in The Independent 1918 March 9)
Istoriia oktiabr'skoi revoliutsii, Published in 1918 1918
Printed copy (in Russian), entitled K istorii oktiabr'skoi revoliutsii (New York 1919)
Printed copy (in English), entitled From October to Brest-Litovsk (New York 1919)
Our Revolution, 1918. Published in New York, 1918. Printed copy of excerpts in pamphlet form (in English), entitled 1905: Before and After (Colombo 1953)
What Is a Peace Programme?Published in Petrograd and San Francisco, 1918. Printed copy (in English, Colombo, 1956) 1918
"Slovo russkim rabochim i krestianam o nashakh druz'iakh i vragakh i o tom, kak uberech' i uprochit' Sovetskuiu Respubliku," speech, 1918 April 14. Published as pamphlet with same title (Moscow, 1918). Printed copy in pamphlet form (in English), entitled A Paradise in This World (Colombo 1957)
"Karl Libknekht i Roza Liuksemburg," eulogy, Petrograd, 1919 January 18. Published as pamphlet with same title (Petrograd, 1919). Printed copy in pamphlet form (in English), entitled Martyrs of the Third International: Karl Liebknecht, Rosa Luxemburg (London, 1971). Also includes "Luxemburg and the Fourth International" (1935 June 24)
"Beglye mysli o Plekhanove," 1919 March 18. Published in Pod znanemen marksizma (1922). Printed copy in pamphlet form (in English), entitled George Valentinovich Plekhanov (Colombo 1949)
Mezhdu imperializmom i revoliutsiei, 1922. Published in Moscow, 1922. Printed copy (in English), entitled Between Red and White (London 1922)
1905, Published in Moscow, 1922. Printed copy (in Russian, Moscow, 1925) 1922
Voina i revoliutsiia, 1922. Published in Petrograd, Printed copy (in Russian, Moscow and Petrograd, 1924) 1922-1923
Volume I
Volume II
Speech, Kommunisticheskii Soiuz Molodezhy congress, 1922 October 11. Published in Trud (1922 October 12). Printed copy in pamphlet form (in English), entitled The Position of the Republic and the Tasks of Young Workers (London 1972)
Voprosy byta, Published in Moscow, 1923. Printed copy (in Russian, Moscow, 1925) 1923
O Lenine, Published in Moscow, 1924 1924
Printed copy (in Russian, Moscow 1924)
Printed copy of excerpts in pamphlet form (in English), entitled Lenin (Colombo 1951)
"Lenina net!" 1924 January 22. Published in Izvestiia (1924 January 24). Printed copy in pamphlet form (in Turkmen), entitled Lenin yok! Yakdir indi Lenin! (Tashkent 1924)
"Molodezh, uchis' politike!" speech, 1924 April 29. Published in Kommunisticheskii Internatsional (1924 May-June). Printed copy in pamphlet form (in English), entitled The Fight for Marxism (London, 1966). Also includes English versions of "Leninizm i rabochie kluby" and speech on Soviet Georgia (1926 February 25) (1924 July 17)
"Voprosy grazhdanskoi voiny," speech, Moscow, 1924 July 29. Published in Izvestiia (1924 August 26-28). Mimeograph copy (incomplete, in English, in Free Expressio^*n\*, 1945 January), and printed copy (in French, in Initiative socialiste 1968 June)
"Kabardino-Balkarskaia avtonomnaia oblast' i ee zadachi," speech, Nalchik, 1924 September 22. Published in Izvestiia (1924 October 17). Printed copy in pamphlet form (in Karandaish), entitled Qabarty byla malqarny aftonomny oblastary byla any ne dat eterge bulganyny haqqyndar (Moscow 1925)
Offer of resignation from Revoliutsionnyi Voennyi Sovet Respubliki, 1925 January 15. Published in Izvestiia (1925 January 20). Printed copy in pamphlet form (in Russian), entitled Otstavka Trotskogo (Berlin circa 1925)
"D. I. Mendeleev i marksizm," speech, 1925 September 17. Published in Ekonomicheskaia zhizn' (1925 September 18-29). Printed copy in pamphlet form (in English), entitled Marxism and Science (Colombo 1949)
"Kultura i sotsializm," speech, Moscow, 1926 February 3. Published in Krasnaia nov (1926). Printed copy in pamphlet form (in English), entitled Culture and Socialism, and a Manifesto: Towards a Free Revolutionary Art (London, 1975). Includes "Manifesto: Toward a Free Revolutionary Art" (1938 July 25)
"Radio, nauka, tekhnika i obshchestvo," speech, 1926 March 1. Published in Krasnaia nov (1927). Printed copy in pamphlet form (in English), entitled Radio, Science, Technique and Society (London 1974)
"Voprosy nashei politiki v otnoshenii Kitaia i Iaponii," 1926 March 25. Published in Leon Trotsky on China (New York, Typescript (in Russian) 1976)
"Popravki k proektu rezoliutsii T. Rykova o khoziaistvennom polozhenii SSSR," 1926 April 12. Published in Hapoel HatzairTypescript (in Russian) -1926
"Voprosy britanskogo rabochego dvizheniia," 1926 May 19. Published in PravdaTypescript of excerpts (in Russian) (1926 May 25-26)
"Chto takoe 'demokratiia'?" 1926 June 6. Published in The Challenge of the Left Opposition, 1926-27 (New York, Typescript of excerpts (in Russian) 1980)
"O ravenstve," 1926 July 11. Published in The Challenge of the Left Opposition, 1926-27 (New York, Typescript (in Russian) 1980)
Declaration to TSK VKP(b) Politbiuro, Typescript (in Russian) 1926 August 13
Answers to questions on the Russian opposition, 1926 September. Published in The New InternationalTypescript (in Russian) (1938 May)
Theses for 15th Conference, Vsesoiuznaia Kommunisticheskaia Partiia (bol'shevikov), Typescript of excerpts (in Russian) 1926 September 19
"Iz dnevnika," 1926 November 26. Published in The Age of Permanent Revolution (New York, Typescript of excerpts (in Russian) 1964)
"Voprosy Kominterna v delegatsiiu VKP(b)," 1927 January 18. Published in The Challenge of the Left Opposition, 1926-27 (New York, Typescript (in Russian) 1980)
"Tekushchii moment," 1927 February 19. Published in Dnevniki i pis'ma (Tenafly, N.J., Typescript of excerpts (in Russian) 1986)
Memorandum to TSK VKP(b), 1927 February 21. Published in The Challenge of the Left Opposition, 1926-27 (New York, Typescript (in Russian) 1980)
"Klassovye otnosheniia kitaiskoi revoliutsii," 1927 April 3. Published in The New InternationalTypescript (in Russian) (1938 March-April)
"Po lichnomu voprosu," 1927 April 14. Published in Portrety (Benson, Vt., Typescript (in Russian) 1984)
"Ob Anglo-Russkom Komitete," Typescript of excerpts (in Russian) 1927 April 15
"O lozunge sovetov v Kitae," 1927 April 16. Published in Leon Trotsky on China (New York, Typescript of excerpts (in Russian) 1976)
"O nashei zavisimosti ot mirovogo rynka," Typescript (in Russian) 1927 April 16
"Druzhestvennyi obmen portretami Stalina i Chan-Kai-Shi," 1927 April 18. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in Russian) (1932 July)
"Bor'ba za mir i Anglo-Russkii Komitet," 1927 May 16. Published in Der Kampf um die Kommunistische Internationale (Berlin, Typescript (in Russian) 1927)
Protest to TSK VKP(b) Politbiuro and Vsesoiuznaia Kommunisticheskaia Partiia (bol'shevikov) Tsentral'naia Kontrol'naia Komissiia, 1927 May 16. Published in Leon Trotsky on China (New York, Typescript of excerpts (in Russian) 1976)
First speech on Chinese question, Communist International Executive Committee Presidium, 1927 May 24. Published in Problems of the Chinese Revolution (New York, Typescript (in Russian) 1932)
Second speech on Chinese question, Communist International Executive Committee Presidium, 1927 May 24. Published in Der Kampf um die Kommunistische Internationale (Berlin, Typescript (in Russian) 1927)
"Dva slova ob armii," Typescript (in Russian) 1927 July
Protest to Vserossiiskii Soiuz Rabochikh Metallistov, 1927 July 1. Published in The Challenge of the Left Opposition, 1926-27 (New York, Typescript (in Russian) 1980)
Replies to questions, joint plenum, TSK VKP(b) and Vsesoiuznaia Kommunisticheskaia Partiia (bol'shevikov) Tsentral'naia Kontrol'naia Komissiia, Typescript (in Russian) 1927 August
"Termidor," 1927 August. Published in The Challenge of the Left Opposition, 1926-27 (New York, Typescript (in Russian) 1980)
"Klemanso," Typescript (in Russian) 1927 August 2
Speech, joint plenum, TSK VKP(b) and Vsesoiuznaia Kommunisticheskaia Partiia (bol'shevikov) Tsentral'naia Kontrol'naia Komissiia, 1927 August 6. Published in The Challenge of the Left Opposition, 1926-27 (New York, Typescript (in Russian) 1980)
"Chego zhdali i chto poluchili?" 1927 September 23. Published in The New InternationalTypescript (in Russian) (1934 September-October)
"'Tezis o Klemanso' i rezhim v partii," 1927 September 24. Published in The New InternationalTypescript (in Russian) (1934 July)
Speech to Communist International Executive Committee Presidium, 1927 September 27. Published in Leon Trotsky on China (New York, Typescript of excerpts (in Russian) 1976)
"Ko vsem chlenam partii," 1927 October 4. Published in The New InternationalTypescript (in Russian) (1934 November)
Speech, 1927 October 15. Published in Fahne des KommunismusTypescript (in Russian) (1927 November 11)
Speech to TSK VKP(b), 1927 October 3. Published in PravdaTypescript of excerpts (in Russian) (1927 November 2)
"Posle slovesnogo zigzaga vlevo, glubokii sdvig vpravo," 1927 November 8. Published in The Challenge of the Left Opposition, 1926-27 (New York, Typescript (in Russian) 1980)
"Zaiavlenie oppozitsii i polozhenie v partii," 1927 November 20. Published in The Challenge of the Left Opposition, 1926-27 (New York, Typescript (in Russian) 1980)
"Na novom etape," 1927 December 15. Published in Fahne des KommunismusTypescript (in Russian) (1928 December 21-28)
The Real Situation in Russia, 1928. Published in New York, 1928. Printed copy of excerpts in pamphlet form (in Turkish), entitled Rusyada hakiki vaziyet (Berlin 1929)
"The Draft Program of the Communist International," Published in booklet form under same title (New York, 1929). Typescript of fragments (in English) 1928 June 28
"K voprosu o proiskhozhdenii legendy o 'trotskizme'," 1928 July 12. Published in Stalinskaia shkola falsifikatsii (Berlin, Typescript (in Russian) 1932)
"Kto rukovodit nyne Kominternom?" 1928 September. Published in Fahne des KommunismusTypescript (in Russian) (1929 May 17-June 28)
"Beseda na chistotu s dobrozhelatel'nym partiitsem," 1928 September 12. Published in La Revolution defiguree (Paris, Typescript (in Russian) 1929)
Circular letter, 1928 October 21. Published in Fahne des KommunismusTypescript (in Russian) (1929 January 4)
"V chem raznoglasiia s D. Ts. (Gruppa 15)," 1928 November 11. Published in Fahne des KommunismusTypescript (in Russian) (1929 January 25)
"Na zloby dnia," 1928 December. Published in The Challenge of the Left Opposition, 1928-29 (New York, Typescript (in Russian) 1981)
Chto i kak proizoshlo?Published in Paris, 1929. Printed copy (in Russian, Paris, 1929) 1929
"Zhalkii dokument," Published in leaflet form under same title (Constantinople, 1929). Printed copy (in Russian, Constantinople, 1929) 1929 July 27
"Concerning the Communication of the German National Committee of " ca. 1930-1931. Typescript (in English) Dec. 28, 1930
"Pamiati druga: nad svezhei mogiloi Kote Tsintsadze," 1931 January 7. Published in La VeriteTypescript (in English). Includes typescripts of related articles of uncertain authorship (1931 January 16)
"Uber die Bordigisten: Kritische Bemerkungen anlasslich der Resolution der Gruppe Prometheo uber den Kampf fur demokratische Losungen," 1931 January 15. Published in Bulletin international de l'Opposition Communiste de Gauche (1932 June). Mimeograph copy (in French). Also includes French versions of message to conference of the International Left Opposition Spanish Section (1932 March 7), and of greetings to Unzer Kamf (1932 May 9)
"The Crisis in the German Left Opposition," 1931 February 17. Published in Bulletin international de l'Opposition Communiste de GaucheTyped copy (in English) (1931 April)
Circular letter, 1931 May 5. Published in Mitteilungsblatt der Reichsleitung der Linken Opposition der KPD (Bolschewiki-Leninisten)Typescript (in German) (1931 June)
"Voprosy ispanskoi revoliutsii izo dnia v den'," 1931 July 8. Published in Internationales Bulletin der Kommunistischen Links-OppositionMimeograph copy (in German) (1931 August)
"A Few Remarks Apropos the Internal Differences and Friction in the Ligue (France)," 1931 September 25. Published in Bulletin interieur de la Ligue CommunisteTyped copy (in English) (1931 October)
"Why Russia Dare Not Fight Japan," 1931 November 30. Published in Liberty (1932 February 27). Printed copy (in English, in Liberty 1932 February 27)
"Documentary Material for Discussion," 1931-1932. Published in Internal Bulletin of the Communist League of AmericaTyped copy (in English) (1932 July)
Nemetskaia revoliutsiia i stalinskaia biurokratiia, Published in Berlin, 1932 1932
Typescript (incomplete, in Russian)
Printed copy (in Russian, Berlin 1932)
"Otkrytoe pis'mo Prezidiumu TSIKa Soiuza SSSR," 1932 March 1. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsii (1932 March). Printed copy in pamphlet form (in Yiddish), entitled An ofener Briv tsum Prezidium fun Tsentraln Oisfir Komitet fun Sovetn Farband (New York 1932)
"The Labor Party Question in the United States," 1932 May 19. Published in The MilitantTyped copy (in English) (1932 June 11)
Open letter to Zurich workers, 1932 June 25. Published in Der BolschewikTypescript (in Russian) (1932 June-July)
"Krestianskaia voina v Kitae i proletariat," 1932 September 22. Published in Bulletin of Marxist StudiesTyped copy (in English) (1932 August)
Filmed speech, Copenhagen, 1932 November 25. Published in Writings, 1932 (New York, Mimeograph copy (in English) 1973)
"On the Situation of the Left Opposition," 1932 December 16. Published in Bulletin international de l'Opposition Communiste de GaucheTyped copy (in English) (1932 December)
"On Those Who Have Forgotten the ABC," 1932 December 28. Published in Internal Bulletin of the Communist League of AmericaTyped copy (in English) (1933 January 28)
"Pered resheniem," 1933 February 5. Published in Permanente RevolutionTypescript (in Russian) (1933 February)
"The United Front for Defense," 1933 February 23. Published in Unser Wort (1933 March). Printed copy in pamphlet form (in Spanish), entitled Que es el frente unico proletario? (Mexico City 1977)
Discussion with Arne Swabeck on the race question in the United States, Prinkipo, 1933 February 28. Published in Internal Bulletin of the Communist League of AmericaTyped transcript (in German), and typed copy (in English) (1933 April 19)
"Signal trevogi," 1933 March 3. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in Russian) (1933 March)
"On the Question of the Situation in the American League," 1933 March 7. Published in Internal Bulletin of the Communist League of AmericaTypescript (in English) (1933 April 29)
"Germany and the U.S.S.R.," 1933 March 17. Published in Internal Bulletin of the Communist League of AmericaTyped copy (in English) (1933 March 31)
"Selin i Puankare," 1933 May 10. Published in The Atlantic MonthlyTypescript (in Russian) (1935 October)
"Chto takoe natsional-sotsializm?" 1933 June 10. Published in Neue WeltbuhneTypescript (in Russian) (1933 July 13)
"Fashizm i lozungi demokratii," 1933 July 14. Published in Unser WortTypescript (in Russian) (1933 August)
"Pered ot'ezdom," 1933 July 15. Published in Modern Monthly (1934 March)
Typescripts (in Russian and English)
Printed copy (in English, in Modern Monthly 1934 March)
"Nel'zia bol'she ostavat'sia v odnom 'Internatsionale' so Stalinym, Manuilskim, Lovozskim i ko.," 1933 July 20. Published in Internal Bulletin of the Communist League of AmericaMimeograph copy (in German) (1933 August)
"Uspekh ili neudacha?" 1933 September 7. Published in Oeuvres, Volume II (Paris, Typescript (in Russian) 1978)
"Klassovaia priroda sovetskogo gosudarstva," 1933 October 1. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsii (1933 October). Typescript (in Russian); and printed copy in pamphlet form (in English), entitled The Class Nature of the Soviet State (London, 1973). Latter also includes English version of "Rabochee gosudarstvo, termidor i bonapartizm" (1935 February 1)
"Chego khochet Gitler?" 1933 November 23. Published in Neue WeltbuhneTypescript (in Russian) (1933 November 30)
"Politicheskii protsess bez politicheskoi osi," 1933 November 26. Published in Neue WeltbuhneTypescript (in Russian). Includes related letter by Maxim Lieber (1933 December 14)
"Natsionalizm i khoziaistvo," 1933 November 30. Published in Neue WeltbuhneTypescript (in Russian) (1933 December 28)
"Zametki zhurnalistov," 1933 December 12. Published in La VeriteTypescript (in Russian) (1933 December 22)
Chetvertyi Internatsional i voina, Published in Geneva, 1934. Printed copy (in Russian, Geneva, 1934) 1934
"Anatolii Vasilevich Lunacharskii," 1934 January 1. Published in Neue Weltbuhne, Typescript (in English) 1934 January 11
"SAP, LKI i Chetvertyi Internatsional," 1934 January 11. Published in International Bulletin of the League of Communist InternationalistsTypescript (in Russian) (1934 April)
"Gde granitsy padeniia?" 1934 January 18. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in Russian) (1934 February)
"Die Liga vor der Wendung," 1934 July. Published in Bulletin interieur de la Ligue CommunisteMimeograph copy (in German). Also includes "Die Aufgaben der LKI beim Kampf um die IV Internationale und die Wendung der Stalinisten" (1934 July 21) (1934 July)
"Soviets in America?" 1934 August 17. Published in Liberty (1935 March 23)
Typescript (in English)
Typed copy of article as revised by publishers (in English)
Printed copy (in English, in Liberty 1935 March 23)
"On the Theses 'Unity and the Youth,'" 1934 December. Published in Bulletin interieur du Groupe Bolchevik-Leniniste (Jeunes)Mimeograph copy (in English) (1934 December 20)
"Obvinitel'nyi akt," 1934 December 30. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescripts (in Russian and French) (1935 January)
"Nekotorye itogi stalinskoi amalgamy," 1935 January 12. Published in La VeriteTypescript (in Russian) (1935 January 20)
"Delo Zinov'eva, Kameneva i dr.," 1935 January 18. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in Russian) (1935 February)
"Vse stanovitsia postepenno na svoe mesto," 1935 January 26. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in Russian) (1935 February)
"Rabochee gosudarstvo, termidor i bonapartizm," 1935 February 1. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in Russian) (1935 April)
"Zamechaniia po povodu proekta tezisov Kommunisticheskoi Ligi Iuzhnoi Afriki," 1935 April 20. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in Russian) (1935 July)
"Tsentristskaia alkhimiia ili marksizm?" 1935 April 24. Published in Unser WortTypescript with handwritten additions (in Russian) (1935 May)
"Za Chetvertyi Internatsional," 1935 July. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in Russian) (1935 July)
"Kak oni pishut istoriiu i biografiiu," 1935 September. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in Russian) (1935 September)
"Ot redaktsii Biulletenia," 1935 September. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in Russian) (1935 September)
"Terror biurokraticheskogo samosokhraneniia," 1935 September 6. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsii (1935 September). Printed copy (in English, in New York American 1936 January 10)
"Po povodu VII Kongressa Kominterna," 1935 September 7. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in Russian) (1935 September)
"Pora organizovat' pomoshch' revoliutsioneram-internatsionalistam!" 1935 September 7. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in Russian) (1935 September)
"Fridrikh Engel's v novykh pis'makh," 1935 October 15. Published in The New InternationalTypescript (in Russian) (1936 June)
"Sektanstvo, tsentrizm i Chetvertyi Internatsional," 1935 October 22. Published in Bulletin de la Ligue des Communistes-Internationalistes (Bolcheviks-Leninistes)Typescript (in Russian) (1935 December)
Preface to Zeller, Fred, The Revolutionary Road for Socialists, Published in 1935. Typescript (in Russian) 1935 November 7
"Narodnyi front i komitety deistviia," 1935 November 26. Published in La VeriteTypescript (in Russian) (1935 November 26)
Vie de Lenine: Jeunesse, Published in Paris, 1936 1936
Typescript with handwritten additions (incomplete, in Russian)
Notes and working materials (in Russian, French and German). Includes letter by Maurice Parijanine
"Zametki zhurnalista," 1936 January 10. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in Russian) (1936 February)
"Sovetskaia sektsiia Chetvertogo Internatsionala," 1936 January 11. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in Russian) (1936 February)
"Revoliutsionnye plenniki Stalina i mirovoi rabochii klass," 1936 January 15. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in Russian) (1936 February)
"Izmena ispanskoi 'Rabochei Partii Marksistskogo Edinstva,'" 1936 January 22. Published in Unser WortTypescript (in Russian) (1936 February)
Discussion with Maurice Spector on the American question, Oslo, 1936 February. Published in Writings: Supplement, 1934-40 (New York, Mimeograph copy of transcript (in English) 1979)
"Plan fizicheskogo istrebleniia bol'shevikov-leninistev," 1936 March 25. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in Russian) (1936 May)
"Frantsiia na povorote," 1936 March 28. Published in The New MilitantTypescript (in Russian) (1936 April 25-May 9)
Preface to Wohin geht Frankreich? (German edition of Ou va la France?), Published in Antwerp, 1936. Typescript (in Russian) 1936 March 31
"Tuda, otkuda net vozvrata," 1936 April. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in Russian) (1936 April)
"Novaia konstitutsiia S.S.S.R.," 1936 April 16. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in Russian) (1936 May)
"Po stolbtsam Pravdy," 1936 April 16. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in Russian) (1936 May)
"Samye ostrye bliuda eshche vpered!" 1936 April 17. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in Russian) (1936 May)
"Reshaiushchii etap," 1936 June 5. Published in Unser WortTypescripts (in Russian and English), and mimeograph copy (in Italian). Latter also includes mimeograph Italian version of "Tasks of the Fourth International" (1936 April 12) (1936 June)
"Frantsuzskaia revoliutsiia nachalas'," 1936 June 9. Published in Unser WortTypescript (in Russian) (1936 June)
Preface to Ou va la France?, Published in Paris, 1936. Typescript (in Russian) 1936 June 10
"Maksim Gor'kii," 1936 July 9. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in Russian) (1936 July-August)
"Pered vtorym etapom," 1936 July 9. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in Russian), and mimeograph copy (in Italian) (1936 July-August)
Les Crimes de Staline, Published in Paris, 1937. Typescript (in Russian) 1937
"Series of Amalgams," Typescript (in English) 1937
"Otvety na voprosy redaktsii El Tiempo," Typescript (in Russian) 1937 January 19
Statement on Moscow Trial charges, 1937 January 23. Published in The Manchester Guardian (1937 January 25). Printed copy (in English, in The Manchester Guardian 1937 January 25)
Statement on Moscow Trial charges, 1937 January 24. Published in El Nacional (1937 January 25). Printed copy (in English, in The Manchester Guardian 1937 January 26)
"El proceso de Moscou al dia," 1937 January 25. Published in El UniversalTypescript (in Russian) (1937 January 26)
"Vokrug protsessa 17-ti," 1937 January 28. Published in El UniversalTypescript (in English) (1937 January 29)
Statement on Moscow Trial charges, 1937 January 31. Published in New York American (1937 February 1). Printed copy (in English, in New York American 1937 February 1)
"An Incomprehensible Polemical Sally by Mr. Troyanovsky," 1937 February 4. Published in Writings, 1936-37 (New York, Typescript (in English) 1978)
Interview with Mme. Titayna, Coyoacan, 1937 February 11. Published in Paris-MidiTypescript of answers to questions (in English) (1937 February 16)
Answers to questions from Havas correspondent, 1937 February 19. Published in La Lutte ouvriereTypescript (in English) (1937 February 26)
"Kak zhe oktiabr'skoe vosstanie proiskhodilo na dele?" 1937 March 3. Published in The Stalin School of Falsification (New York, Typescript (in Russian) 1937)
Preface to The Stalin School of Falsification (English edition of Stalinskaia shkola falsifikatsii), Published in New York, 1937. Typescript (in Russian) 1937 March 3
"Fenner Brockway, Pritt Number Two," 1937 March 6. Published in Voz LeninistaTypescript and mimeograph copy (in English) (1937 April 28)
Statement on Andre Malraux, 1937 March 8. Published in La Lutte ouvriereMimeograph copy (in English) (1937 April 9)
Deposition on theft of archives in Paris, 1937 March 10. Published in Writings, 1936-37 (New York, Typescript (in English) 1978)
"Otel' Bristol," 1937 March 13. Published in Truth about the Moscow TrialsTypescript (in English) (1937 April)
"Some Concrete Questions to Mr. Malraux," 1937 March 13. Published in La Lutte ouvriereTypescript and mimeograph copy (in English) (1937 March 26)
"A Mockery of Justice," 1937 March 16. Published in The Manchester GuardianTypescript (in English) (1937 March 16)
"The Proposed Barcelona Conference," 1937 March 20. Published in JiskraTypescripts (in English and French) (1937 June)
Statement on Carleton Beals, 12th session, Commission of Inquiry into the Charges Made against Leon Trotsky in the Moscow Trials hearings, Mexico City, 1937 April 17. Published in The Case of Leon Trotsky (New York, Mimeograph copy (in English) 1937)
Closing statement, 13th (final) session, Commission of Inquiry into the Charges Made against Leon Trotsky in the Moscow Trials hearings, Mexico City, 1937 April 17. Published in The Case of Leon Trotsky (New York, Typescript (in Russian). Includes preliminary draft with letter by Bernard Wolfe indicating corrections 1937)
"Vozmozhna li pobeda v Ispanii?" 1937 April 23. Published in Unser WortTypescripts (in Russian and French) (1937 May)
"Dantsigskii sud nad trotskistami," 1937 April 29. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescripts (in Russian and English) (1937 July-August)
"The Insurrection in Barcelona," 1937 May 12. Published in La Lutte ouvriereTypescript (in English) (1937 June 10)
"Mr. Beals as a Witness," 1937 May 18. Published in The New York TimesMimeograph copy (in English) (1937 May 26)
"Stalin o svoikh podlogakh," 1937 June. Published in La Cuarta InternacionalTypescript (in Russian) (1937 June)
"Nachalo kontsa," 1937 June 12. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in Russian) (1937 September-October)
"Obezglavenie Krasnoi Armii," 1937 June 15. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in Russian) (1937 July-August)
"Otvety na voprosy Vendelina Tomasa," 1937 July 6. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescripts (in Russian, English, French and German) (1937 July-August)
"Ubiistvo Andreia Nina agentami G.P.U.," 1937 August 8. Published in La Lutte ouvriereTypescript (in English) (1937 August 27)
"Pered novoi mirovoi voinoi," 1937 August 9. Published in La Lutte ouvriere (1937 August 27)
Typescripts (in Russian and English)
Printed copy (in English, in Liberty 1937 November 13)
"The Examination of Ideas and Individuals through the Experience of the Spanish Revolution," 1937 August 24. Published in Internal Bulletin of the Organizing Committee for the Socialist Party ConventionTypescript and typed copy (in English) (1937 October)
"Stalinizm i bolshevizm," 1937 August 29. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in English) (1937 September-October)
"Litsemerie pod maskoi 'bespristrastiia': eshche raz o Fenner Brokvee," 1937 September 5. Published in Socialist AppealTypescripts (in Russian and English) (1937 September 18)
"Concise Answers to Questions Concerning the Spanish Revolution," 1937 September 14. Published in Internal Bulletin of the Organizing Committee for the Socialist Party ConventionHolograph, typescript and mimeograph copy (in English). Also includes mimeograph copies of "The Examination of Ideas and Individuals through the Experience of the Spanish Revolution" (1937 August 24), "On the Sino-Japanese War" (1937 September 23), and "The Ultra-Lefts in General and the Incurable Ultra-Lefts in Particular" (1937 September 28) (1937 October)
Interview with J. P. McKnight, Coyoacan, 1937 September 20. Published in Socialist AppealTypescript of answers to questions (in English). Also includes questions submitted by McKnight (1937 October 9)
"Tragicheskii urok," 1937 September 21. Published in Socialist AppealTypescript (in Russian) (1937 November 6)
Answer to question of Selden Rodman, 1937 September 22. Published in Quatrieme InternationaleTypescript (in English) (1938 January)
"On the Sino-Japanese War," 1937 September 23. Published in Internal Bulletin of the Organizing Committee for the Socialist Party ConventionTypescript (in French), and typed copy (in English) (1937 October)
"Pacifism and China," 1937 September 25. Published in Socialist AppealTypescript (in English) (1937 October 16)
"The Ultra-Lefts in General and the Incurable Ultra-Lefts in Particular," 1937 September 28. Published in Internal Bulletin of the Organizing Committee for the Socialist Party ConventionTypescript (in English) (1937 October)
"Results of the Entry and the Next Tasks," 1937 October 6. Published in Writings, 1936-37 (New York, Typescript (in English) 1978)
Letter to the editor, Modern Monthly, 1937 October 15. Published in Socialist AppealTypescript (in English). Also includes related letter by Joseph Hansen (1937 December 11)
Interview with Aftenposten correspondent, Coyoacan, 1937 October 19. Published in Socialist AppealTyped transcript (in English) (1937 October 30)
Statement on assassination of Ignace Reiss, 1937 October 19. Published in Writings, 1936-37 (New York, Typescript (in English) 1978)
"90 let Kommunisticheskogo manifesta," 1937 October 30. Published as preface to Negentig Jaar van die Kommunist Manifest (Cape Town, Typescripts (in Russian and English) 1937)
"Pora pereiti v mezhdunarodnoe nastuplenie protiv stalinizma!" 1937 November 2. Published in Socialist AppealTypescript (in Russian) (1937 November 20)
"Once Again: The U.S.S.R. and Its Defense," 1937 November 4. Published in Internal Bulletin of the Organizing Committee for the Socialist Party ConventionTypescript (in English) (1937 November)
"On the Pioneer Press," 1937 November 29. Published in Socialist AppealTypescript (in English) (1938 January 1)
Letter to the editor, The New International, 1937 December 15. Published in Writings, 1937-38 (New York, Typescript (in English). Also includes cover letter by Trotsky and related letters by Joseph Hansen and Raya Dunayevskaya 1976)
"Ispanskii urok: poslednee predosterezhenie," 1937 December 17. Published in Socialist AppealTypescript (in English) (1938 January 8-15)
"Again Our Attitude on War," 1938 January 2. Published in Bulletin interieur du Parti Socialiste Revolutionnaire adherent au Centre pour la IV InternationaleTypescript (in English) (1938 February)
"Za stenami Kremlia," 1938 January 8. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in English). Also includes related letter by Joseph Hansen (1939 January)
Letter to the editor, El Universal, Typescript (in Spanish) 1938 January 15
Letter to the editors, De Nieuwe Fakkel and De Internationale, 1938 January 21. Published in De Nieuwe FakkelTypescript (in English) (1938 February 18)
"A Caricature of Defeatism," 1938 January 26. Published in International Internal Bulletin of the International Secretariat for the Fourth InternationalTypescript (in English) (1938 April)
"The Possibility of Foul Play," 1938 February 18. Published in Socialist Appeal (1938 February 26). Printed copy (in English, in Forward 1938 March 5)
"Lev Sedov: syn, drug, borets," 1938 February 20. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsii (1938 March). Typescript (in Russian), and printed copy (in Spanish, in Hoy 1938 October 7)
"A Forced Declaration," 1938 February 24. Published in Socialist AppealTypescript (in English) (1938 March 5)
"Trotsky Sees Trial as Reply to Dewey," 1938 March 2. Published in The New York Times (1938 March 3). Printed copy (in English, in The New York Times 1938 March 3)
"The Secret Alliance with Germany," 1938 March 3. Published in Writings, 1937-38 (New York, 1976). Typescript (in English), and printed copy of excerpts (in English, in The New York Times 1938 March 5)
"To the Attention of Thinking People," 1938 March 3. Published in Writings, 1937-38 (New York, Typescript (in English) 1970)
"Trotsky Suggests 4 Knew Too Much," 1938 March 3. Published in The New York Times (1938 March 4). Printed copy (in English, in The New York Times 1938 March 4)
"Trotsky Sees Army Opposed to Stalin," 1938 March 5. Published in The New York Times (1938 March 7). Printed copy (in English, in The New York Times 1938 March 7)
"Why Are There So Many Centres? Why Do All Centres Submit to Trotsky?" 1938 March 5. Published in El UniversalTypescript (in English) (1938 March 7)
"Rol' Genrikh Iagody," 1938 March 7. Published in The New York Times (1938 March 8). Printed copy (in English, in The New York Times 1938 March 8)
"Strange New Developments," 1938 March 7. Published in El UniversalTypescript (in English) (1938 March 8)
"Anachronisms," 1938 March 8. Published in ExcelsiorTypescript (in English) (1938 March 9)
"Diplomaticheskie plany Moskvy v zerkale protsessa," 1938 March 8. Published in The New York Times (1938 March 9). Printed copy (in English, in The New York Times 1938 March 9)
Message to protest meeting, New York City, 1938 March 9. Published in Socialist AppealTelegram of text (in English) (1938 March 19)
"Podsudimiye Zelenskii i Ivanov," 1938 March 11. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in English) (1938 April)
Letter to the editor, The New York Times, 1938 March 17. Published in The New York TimesTypescript (in English) (1938 March 21)
Discussions with Socialist Workers Party leaders, Coyoacan, 1938 March 20-25. Published in Writings, 1937-38 (New York, Typed transcripts (in English) 1976)
"The Problem of the Labor Party," 1938 April. Published in The Labor Party in America (Toronto, Typescript (in English) 1962)
Letter to the editor, Daily Herald (London), 1938 April 22. Published in El UniversalTypescript (in English) (1938 April 23)
"Agoniia kapitalizma i zadachi Chetvertogo Internatsionala," 1938 May. Published in Internal Bulletin of the Socialist Workers PartyTypescript (in English). Also includes related letter by Raya Dunayevskaya (1938 April)
Discussion with Socialist Workers Party leaders, Coyoacan, 1938 May 19. Published in Internal Bulletin of the Socialist Workers PartyTyped transcript (in English) (1938 June)
"Nado uchit'sia dumat'," 1938 May 20. Published in The New InternationalMimeograph copy (in German). Also includes mimeograph German version of "Eshche raz o tt. Sneflite i Verekene" (1938 May 23) (1938 July)
"Eshche raz o tt. Sneflite i Verekene," 1938 May 23. Published in Bulletin interieur du Parti Socialiste Revolutionnaire adherent au Centre pour la IV InternationaleTypescripts (in Russian and French) (1938 May)
Discussion with Socialist Workers Party leaders on the labor party question, Coyoacan, 1938 May 31. Published in Internal Bulletin of the Socialist Workers PartyTyped transcript (in English) (1938 June)
"Meksika i britanskii imperializm," 1938 June 5. Published in El UniversalTypescript (in English) (1938 June 7)
Letter to the editor, Ken Magazine, 1938 June 28. Published in Oeuvres, Volume XVIII (Paris, Typescript (in English). Also includes cover letter by Trotsky and related letter by Joseph Hansen 1984)
"Eshche ob usmirenii Kronshtadta," 1938 July 6. Published in The New InternationalTypescript (in English) (1938 August)
"Sledstvie po delu o smerti moego syna L'va Sedova," 1938 July 19. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescripts (in Russian and English). Also includes related press release by Max Shachtman (1938 August-September)
"Predstoiashchii protsess diplomatov," 1938 July 24. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in English) (1938 August-September)
Discussion with Jack Weber, Coyoacan, 1938 July 29. Published in Internal Bulletin of the Socialist Workers PartyTyped transcript (in English) (1938 August)
"Po povodu sud'by Rudol'fa Klementa," 1938 August 3. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in English) (1938 August-September)
"SSSR i Iaponiia," 1938 August 11. Published in Socialist AppealTypescript (in English) (1938 August 27)
Interview with Lloyd Tupling, Coyoacan, 1938 August 12. Published in Sunday OregonianTyped transcript (in English) (1938 September 4)
"Sledstvie po delu o smerti L'va Sedova," 1938 August 24. Published in Socialist AppealTypescript (in English) (1938 September 10)
"Why Russia Is Powerless: The Totalitarian Defeatists in the Kremlin," 1938 September 12. Published in LibertyTypescript (in English) (1938 November 26)
"Yes or No?" 1938 September 14. Published in Writings, 1937-38 (New York, Typescript (in English) 1976)
"Navstrechu resheniiu," 1938 September 17. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in Russian) (1938 October)
"Frazy i real'nost'," 1938 September 19. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in English) (1938 October)
"Totalitarnoe 'pravo ubezhishcha,'" 1938 September 19. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in English) (1938 October)
Interview with El Pais (Havana) correspondent, Coyoacan, 1938 September 21. Published in Socialist AppealTypescript of statements (in English) (1938 October 8)
Interview with Mateo Fossa, Coyoacan, 1938 September 26. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTyped transcript (in English). Also includes declaration of adherence to Fourth International by Fossa (1938 October)
Discussion with Abraham Plotkin on American trade unions, Coyoacan, 1938 September 29. Published in Socialist AppealTyped transcript (in English) (1938 October 29)
"Svezhii urok," 1938 October 10. Published in Workers FightTypescript (in Russian) (1938 October)
Sound recorded speech on anniversaries of the Fourth International and of the Socialist Workers Party, Coyoacan, 1938 October 10. Published in Socialist AppealTyped transcript (in English). See also PHONORECORDS; and PHONOTAPE (1938 November 5)
Discussion with Socialist Workers Party leaders on the Mexican situation, Coyoacan, 1938 November 4. Published in Intercontinental PressTyped transcript (in English) (1975 May 19)
"Novaia era mira?" 1938 November 4. Published in HoyTypescript (in Russian) (1938 November 18)
Discussion with Nathan Gould on the youth question, Coyoacan, 1938 November 18. Published in Writings, 1938-39 (New York, Typed transcript (in English) 1974)
"Chas resheniia blizitsia," 1938 December 14. Published in Socialist AppealTypescript (in English) (1938 December 24)
"The Jewish Bourgeoisie and Revolutionary Struggle," 1938 December 22. Published in Fourth InternationalTypescript (in English) (1945 December)
"Declaration forcee," 1939 January 4. Published in Writings, 1938-39 (New York, Typescript (in French) 1974)
Statement on Diego Rivera, 1939 January 11. Published in Writings, 1938-39 (New York, Typescript (in French) 1974)
"Eks-radikal'naia intelligentsiia i mirovaia reaktsiia," 1939 January 30. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in Russian) (1939 February)
"Ispanskaia tragediia," 1939 January 30. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in Russian) (1939 February)
"Stalin, Skoblin i ko.," 1939 January 30. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in Russian) (1939 February)
"Za Grinshpana: Protiv fashistskikh pogromshchikov i stalinskikh negodiaev!" 1939 January 30. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in Russian) (1939 February)
"Zhuo i Toledano," 1939 January 30. Published in Writings, 1938-39 (New York, Typescript (in Russian) 1974)
"Ou va le P.S.O.P.?" 1939 February 14. Published in The New InternationalTypescript (in French) (1939 May)
"Eshche raz o prichinakh porazheniia ispanskoi revoliutsii: Izobretateli zontika," 1939 March 4. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in Russian) (1939 March-April)
"Ispaniia, Stalin i Ezhov," 1939 March 4. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in Russian) (1939 March-April)
"Misterii imperializma," 1939 March 4. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in Russian) (1939 March-April)
"Umerla Krupskaia," 1939 March 4. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in Russian) (1939 March-April)
"Gitler i Stalin," 1939 March 6. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in Russian) (1939 March-April)
"Eshche o 'krizise marksizma,'" 1939 March 7. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in Russian) (1939 March-April)
"Shag v storonu sotsialpatriotizma," 1939 March 7. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in Russian) (1939 March-April)
"Uchites' rabotat' po-stalinski!" 1939 March 7. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in Russian) (1939 March-April)
Answers to questions of Sybil Vincent, 1939 March 18. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in English) (1939 March-April)
Discussion with Socialist Workers Party leaders on work in the Communist Party, Coyoacan, 1939 March 20. Published in Writings, 1938-39 (New York, Typed and mimeograph transcripts (in English) 1974)
Discussion with C. L. R. James on the Fourth International in Europe, Coyoacan, 1939 April. Published in Internal Bulletin of the Socialist Workers PartyTyped transcript (in English) (1939 March 20)
Discussions with Socialist Workers Party leaders on the race question in the United States, Coyoacan, 1939 April 4-5. Published in Internal Bulletin of the Socialist Workers PartyTyped transcripts (in English) (1939 June)
Discussion with Socialist Workers Party leaders on the race question in the United States, Coyoacan, 1939 April 11. Published in Internal Bulletin of the Socialist Workers PartyTyped transcript (in English) (1939 June)
"Bonapartistskaia filosofiia gosudarstva," 1939 May 1. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in Russian) (1939 May-July)
"Nationalized Industry and Workers' Management," 1939 May 12. Published in Fourth International (1946 August). Printed copy (in Spanish, in Programa 1952 May)
"Istoriia bol'shevizma v zerkale Tsentral'nogo Komiteta," 1939 June 7. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in Russian) (1939 May-July)
"Moralisty i sikofanty protiv marksizma," 1939 June 9. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in Russian) (1939 May-July)
"Desiat' let," 1939 June 10. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in Russian) (1939 May-July)
"K itogam chistok," 1939 June 10. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in Russian) (1939 May-July)
"Lenin o stalintsakh," 1939 June 10. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in Russian) (1939 May-July)
"Prognozy 1931 g.," 1939 June 10. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in Russian) (1939 May-July)
"Sovetskie plutarkhi," 1939 June 10. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in Russian) (1939 May-July)
"1917 g.-1939 g.," 1939 June 10. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in Russian) (1939 May-July)
"'Trotskizm' i PSOP," 1939 July 15. Published in Juin 36Typescript (in Russian) (1939 September 10)
"'Progressivnyi paralich,'" 1939 July 29. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in Russian) (1939 August-October)
"Nezavisimost' Ukrainy i sektanskaia putanitsa," 1939 July 30. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in Russian) (1939 August-October)
"Stalin," 1939 September 22. Published in Life (1939 October 2). Printed copy (in English, in Life 1939 October 2)
"SSSR v voine," 1939 September 25. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in Russian), and typed excerpts (in English) (1939 August-October)
"Eshche i eshche raz o prirode SSSR," 1939 October 18. Published in Internal Bulletin of the Socialist Workers PartyTypescript (in Russian) (1939 November 6)
"K voprosu o rabochei samooborone," 1939 October 25. Published in Writings, 1939-40 (New York, Typescript (in Russian) 1973)
Prospectus of article for Liberty magazine, 1939 November 15. Published in Writings: Supplement, 1934-40 (New York, Typescript (in English) 1979)
"Dvoinaia zvezda: Gitler-Stalin," 1939 December 4. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsii (1940 January)
Typescript (in English)
Printed copy (in English, in Liberty 1940 January 27)
"Melko-burzhuaznaia oppozitsiia v Rabochei Sotsialisticheskoi Partii Soedinennykh Shtatov," 1939 December 15. Published in Internal Bulletin of the Socialist Workers PartyTypescript (in English) (1940 January)
Letter to the editor, Excelsior, 1939 December 26. Published in Writings: Supplement, 1934-40 (New York, Typescript (in Spanish) 1979)
Notes on dialectics, Holograph and typescripts (in Russian). Also includes a few clippings used as working materials 1939-1940
Draft article on war for Liberty, 1940. Holograph and typescripts (in Russian and English). Also includes issue of Novoe russkoe slovo used as working material
Notes, fragments, and working materials, Holographs and typescripts (in Russian and French) 1940
Stalin, 1940. Published in New York, 1941. See also SUBJECT FILE/Trotsky, Leon/ Stalin
Typescript (incomplete, in Russian)
Photocopy of typescript (in Russian)
Photocopy of typescript appendix, "Tri kontseptsii russkoi revoliutsii" (in Russian)
Research materials assembled by John G. Wright in New York and sent to Trotsky. Also includes several accompanying letters from Wright to Trotsky or his secretaries, and one related letter from Jean van Heijenoort to Wright, 1939 1937-1939
"Ot tsarapiny k opasnosti gangreny," 1940 January 24. Published in Internal Bulletin of the Socialist Workers PartyTypescript (in Russian) (1940 February)
Testament, 1940 February 27. Published in Trotsky's Diary in Exile, 1935 (Cambridge, Mass., Holograph copy (in Russian), and typescript (in English). Also includes related letters by Joseph Hansen 1958)
Preface to a proposed book, 1940 April. Published in Intercontinental PressTypescript (in Russian) (1970 July 2)
"Melkoburzhuaznye moralisty i proletarskaia partiia," 1940 April 23. Published in In Defense of Marxism (New York, Typescript (in Russian) 1942)
"Vas obmanyvaiut! Pis'mo v SSSR," 1940 April 23. Published in Socialist AppealTypescripts (in Russian and English) (1940 May 11)
"Itogi Finliandskogo opyta," 1940 April 25. Published in ClaveTypescript (in Russian) (1940 April-May)
Fragment on the future of Hitler's armies, ca. 1940 May. Published in The MilitantTypescript (in Russian) (1941 May 10)
"Imperialistskaia voina i proletarskaia revoliutsiia: Manifest Chetvertogo Internatsionala," 1940 May 26. Published in Socialist AppealTypescript (in Russian) (1940 June 29)
"Sobre Lombardo Toledano" and "Sobre Robert Sheldon," Typescript (in Spanish) 1940 June 6
"Pokushenie 24-go maia," 1940 June 8. Published in Fourth InternationalTypescript (in Russian) (1940 October)
Discussions with Socialist Workers Party leaders, Coyoacan, 1940 June 12-15. Published in Internal Bulletin of the Socialist Workers PartyTyped transcripts (in English) (1940 August-September)
"Rol' Kremlia v evropeiskoi katastrofe," 1940 June 18. Published in Socialist AppealTypescript (in Russian) (1940 June 22)
"Chto dal'she? My ne meniaem kursa," 1940 June 27. Published in Socialist AppealTypescript (in Russian) (1940 July 6)
"Evreiskii vopros," 1940 July. Published in Fourth InternationalTypescript (in Russian). Also includes clipping used as research material (1945 December)
Preface to O-kuo ko ming shih (Chinese edition of Istoriia russkoi revoliutsii), Published in Shanghai, 1940. Typescript (in Russian) 1940 July
Writing on Futuro, El Popular and La Voz de Mexico as agents of the G.P.U., Typescript (in Russian) 1940 July
"El Senor Pavon Flores como abogado de la G.P.U.," Typescript (in Spanish) 1940 July 3
" Futuro, El Popular, La Voz de Mexico y los agentes de la G.P.U.," 1940 July 5. Published in Los Gangsters de Stalin (Mexico City, Typescript (in Spanish) 1940)
Discussion with Socialist Workers Party leaders, Coyoacan, 1940 August 7. Published in Writings, 1939-40 (New York, Typed transcript (in English) 1973)
"Komintern i GPU," 1940 August 17. Published in Fourth International (1940 November)
Typescript (in Russian)
Typescript (in Spanish)
"Bonapartizm, fashizm i voina," 1940 August 20. Published in Biulleten' oppozitsiiTypescript (in Russian) (1940 August-October)
"The Class, the Party, and the Leadership: Why Was the Spanish Proletariat Defeated? Questions of Marxist Theory," 1940 August 20. Published in Fourth InternationalTypescript with handwritten additions (in Russian), and printed copy (in English, in pamphlet form with same title, London, 1957) (1940 December)
"O professional'nykh soiuzakh v epokhu imperialistskogo zagnivaniia," 1940 August 20. Published in Fourth InternationalTypescripts with handwritten additions (in Russian and English) (1941 February)
Letters, resolutions, theses, receipts, memorandum, and clippings. Includes letters by Sara Weber and Erwin Wolf; clippings about Wolf; resolutions and theses on the French and German sections of the International Communist League; memorandum on anti-militarist work in preparation for discussion with Trotsky; and analysis of the assassination of Sergei Kirov 1931-1936
Letters, telegram and memoranda. Includes letters by Jan Frankel, Walter Held, George Novack, Max Shachtman, Jean van Heijenoort, Erwin Wolf, Bernard Wolfe, and John G. Wright; and memoranda on the German section of the International Communist League January-June
Letters. Includes letters by James P. Cannon, Raya Dunayevskaya, Jan Frankel, Joseph Hansen, Francis Heisler, Rose Karsner, Max Shachtman, Jean van Heijenoort, Sara Weber, Bernard Wolfe, and John G. Wright July-December
Letters, telegrams, memorandum, and report. Includes letters by Raya Dunayevskaya, Jan Frankel, Joseph Hansen, Henry Schultz, Jean van Heijenoort, and John G. Wright; report on the German section of the International Communist League; and memorandum by Jan Frankel on Maurice Parijanine January-March
Letters, telegrams, reports, circulars, notes, and clippings. Includes letters by James P. Cannon, Lillian Curtiss, Raya Dunayevskaya, Jan Frankel, Joseph Hansen, Henry Schultz, Jean van Heijenoort, and Sara Weber; notes and clippings describing George Mink; reports on the Miller case; and circulars on the right of asylum April-July
Letters, telegram, agreements, statement, list, and addresses. Includes letters by James P. Cannon, Lillian Curtiss, Albert Goldman, Joseph Hansen, Vaughan T. O'Brien, Henry Schultz, and Sara Weber; agreement for receipt of papers from Jeanne Martin; and draft statement for Mexican teachers in defense of Trotsky August-December
Letters, telegram, memoranda, minutes, and press release. Includes letters by James P. Cannon, Lillian Curtiss, Raya Dunayevskaya, Fourth International Mexican Section, Joseph Hansen, Vaughan T. O'Brien, Walter O'Rourke, Henry Schultz, and Jean van Heijenoort; memoranda by Charles Curtiss on Diego Rivera; press release on interview request by H. R. Knickerbocker; and excerpt from Socialist Workers Party Political Committee minutes on assignment of Joseph Hansen to Coyoacan January-March
Letters, telegram, and notes. Includes letters by James P. Cannon, Charles Curtiss, Lillian Curtiss, Vaughan T. O'Brien, and Jean van Heijenoort; and memorandum by C. L. R. James in preparation for discussion with Trotsky on race question in the United States April-June
Letters and telegrams. Includes letters by James P. Cannon, Charles Cornell, Vaughan T. O'Brien, Max Shachtman, and Jean van Heijenoort July-September
Letters and telegram. Includes letters by James P. Cannon, Charles Cornell, Albert Goldman, Joseph Hansen, Dwight Macdonald, Jean van Heijenoort, and John Wheelwright October-December
Defense Fund (including Guard Fund), Coyoacan. Accounts of receipts and expenditures
Assassination attempt Notes of telephone conversations transmitting news of attempt to New York; Socialist Workers Party reports based on accounts of guards, including diagram; summary of press conference by Trotsky; Socialist Workers Party defense fund appeal; and press releases relating to arrests in connection with attempt (May 24)
Assassination Notes of telephone conversations transmitting news of assassination to New York; notes on arrangements to be made following assassination; and press releases in New York and Mexico City following assassination and death of Trotsky. See also SUBJECT FILE/Trotsky, Leon/Assassination (August 20)
Assassination investigation
General. Memoranda, notes, press releases, summaries of press stories, and list of questions for witnesses
Ageloff, Sylvia, Hilda and Ruth. Summaries of statements by Sylvia Ageloff as reported in press; typed copy of letter from Sylvia to Hilda Ageloff; and typed reports of conversations with Hilda and Ruth Ageloff
Chambers, Whittaker. Typed report of conversation with Whittaker Chambers
Geltman, Emanuel, and Karsner, Walta. Typed statements by Emanuel Geltman and Walta Karsner; and typed reports of conversations with Geltman
Mercader, Ramon. Typed copy of letter found on person of Ramon Mercader at time of assassination; typed copies of letters and telegrams from Mercader to Sylvia Ageloff; and summaries of statements by and interrogations of Mercader as reported in press
Rosmer, Alfred and Marguerite. Typed reports of conversations with Alfred and Marguerite Rosmer
Schultz, Henry and Dorothy. Typed statements by Henry and Dorothy Schultz
Condolences. Letters, telegrams, and typed copies of letters and telegrams, of condolence, sent to Nataliia Sedova Trotskaia or to Socialist Workers Party
Memorial meetings. Letters, telegrams, press releases, and announcements, relating to memorial meetings for Leon Trotsky. Includes letters by James P. Cannon, Joseph Carter, Farrell Dobbs, and Max Shachtman; speech by Albert Goldman at Mexico City meeting; typed report of Mexico City meeting; and agenda of New York City meeting
Letters and telegram. Includes letters by Alexander Buchman, James P. Cannon, Charles Cornell, Farrell Dobbs, Albert Goldman, Walter O'Rourke, Harold Robins, Jean van Heijenoort, Sara Weber, and John G. Wright January-May
June. Letters and telegrams. Includes letters by Adams, William Bryan, James P. Cannon, Charles Cornell, Farrell Dobbs, Albert Goldman, Joseph Hansen, Walter O'Rourke, Harold Robins, and Henry Schultz
July. Letters. Includes letters by Adams, William Bryan, Alexander Buchman, Charles Cornell, Farrell Dobbs, Vincent Dunne, Albert Goldman, Joseph Hansen, and Harold Robins
Letters, telegrams, and notes. Includes letters by Adams, William Bryan, James P. Cannon, Charles Cornell, Farrell Dobbs, Albert Goldman, and Joseph Hansen August 1-20
Letters, telegrams, memorandum, and note. Includes letters by Alexander Buchman, James P. Cannon, Farrell Dobbs, Albert Goldman, Isaac Don Levine, Charles Malamuth, and Walter O'Rourke August 21-31
September. Letters and telegrams. Includes letters by James P. Cannon, Farrell Dobbs, Albert Goldman, Joseph Hansen, Felix Morrow, Walter O'Rourke, and Harold Robins
October. Letters, memorandum, and typed excerpt from press. Includes letters by James P. Cannon, Charles Cornell, Charles Curtiss, Farrell Dobbs, Albert Goldman, and Joseph Hansen; and memorandum by Albert Goldman on Nataliia Sedova Trotskaia
Letters and telegram. Includes letters by James P. Cannon, Farrell Dobbs, Liliia Estrina, Albert Goldman, and Walter O'Rourke November-December
Letters. Includes letters by Albert Goldman and Walter O'Rourke; mimeograph open letter in defense of David Alfaro Siqueiros, and mimeograph draft open letter initiated by Socialist Workers Party in response 1941
Broadsides, appeals, declaration of principles of the American Committee for the Defense of Leon Trotsky, and press release, resolutions, and messages of support from mass meeting in New York City 1936
January-March. Letters, press releases, minutes, and broadsides. Includes copies of letters by Charles A. Beard, Paul F. Brissenden, Lewis Browne, Mauritz A. Hallgren, Sidney Howard, George Novack, Edward Alsworth Ross, Meyer Schapiro, and Norman Thomas; draft of procedures for Commission of Inquiry into the Charges Made against Leon Trotsky in the Moscow Trials; pamphlet by Hallgren, Why I Resigned from the Trotsky Defense Committee; statement by John Chamberlain and James T. Farrell; statement by Ligue des Droits de l'Homme; speech by John Dewey; and typescript on Kleber Legay
April. Letters, press releases, statements, minutes, and reports. Includes copies of letters by Carleton Beals, Louis Hacker and Felix Morrow; and statements by Beals and John Dewey
May. Press releases, broadside, speeches, report, and letter. Includes report on the work of the American Committee for the Defense of Leon Trotsky by George Novack and Felix Morrow; speeches by John Dewey, Suzanne LaFollette and Benjamin Stolberg; and letter by Jan Frankel
Press releases, broadsides, and statement. Includes letters by John Dewey, George Novack, Jean van Heijenoort, and John G. Wright; and statement by Dewey June-December
1938. Press releases, letters, and speeches. Includes letter by Corliss Lamont; copies of letters by Horace M. Kallen, George Novack and Norman Thomas; mimeograph copy of Sidney Hook, "Corliss Lamont, Friend of the G.P.U."; report on the work of the American Committee for the Defense of Leon Trotsky; speech by Suzanne LaFollette; and special issue of Biulleten' oppozitsii
Background material, Printed matter and typed copies of documents assembled as exhibits or as background material for testimony at the hearings of the Commission of Inquiry into the Charges Made against Leon Trotsky in the Moscow Trials, Mexico City; depositions by Pierre Frank, Henri Molinier, Arven Tarov and others; and bulletin issue of a Labour and Socialist International commission of inquiry 1937
Bulletins 1937
American Committee for the Defense of Leon Trotsky. News Bulletin. No. (1937 January 23-May 3) 1-6
British Committee for the Defence of Leon Trotsky. Information Bulletin. No. 2 (1937 July)
Comite pour l'Enquete sur le Proces de Moscou (France). Bulletin mensuel d'information et de presse (1937 January)
Newspaper issues 1937-1938
Socialist Appeal offprint, "An Open Letter to the Members of the Communist Party" (1938 March 19)
Truth about the Moscow Trials. No. 1 (1937 April)
Report, 1937. Commission of Inquiry into the Charges Made against Leon Trotsky in the Moscow Trials, Abstract of the Final Report, (mimeograph and printed copies) 1937
Correspondence 1935-1960
Berger, Iosif, Relates to Sergei Sedov undated
Bleecker, Sylvia 1948-1960
Cannon, James P. 1940-1945
Cardenas, Lazaro 1940
Curtis Brown Ltd. 1949
De Silver, Margaret 1943
Dunayevskaya, Raya 1942-1946
Fourth International 1951
Frankel January 1937-1938
Goldman, Albert 1941-1946
Gordon, Sam 1948
Hansen, Joseph 1941
Harvard University 1958-1959
Held, Walter 1940
Kommunisticheskaia Partiia Sovetskogo Soiuza 1956
Martin, Jeanne
1938 February-April
1938 May-1939
Morrow, Felix 1941
Pioneer Press 1957
Shachtman, Max 1959
Simon and Schuster (Publishers) 1949
Socialist Workers Party 1940-1949
Stein, Morris 1948
Van Heijenoort, Jean 1959
Voroshilov, Kliment 1956
Weber, Jack 1944-1952
Weber, Sara
1935-1946 June
1946 July-1948
Wright, John G. 1941-1946
Yamanishi, E. 1949
Writings 1937-1961
Will, Typescripts (in Russian, French and English) undated
"To the Conscience of the Entire World!" Relates to Sergei Sedov. Mimeograph copy (in English) 1937 February 6
Statement regarding Diego Rivera, Typescript (in French) 1939
"Otets i syn," Typescript with handwritten additions (in Russian) 1940 June 8
"Tak eto bylo," 1940 November. Relates to the assassination of Leon Trotsky. Published in Leon Trotsky: The Man and His Work (New York, Typescript with handwritten additions (in Russian), and typescript (in English) 1969)
Memoir of Leon Trotsky circa 1940-1943
Typescript with handwritten additions (in Russian)
Typescript with handwritten additions (in English)
"Kto zashchishchaet terroristov?" Holograph (in Russian) 1941
"Vinovnost' Stalina," Typescript with handwritten additions (in Russian) 1942 April 18
"Forgery of Trotsky's Will," Typescript (in English) 1948 April
Radio Liberation broadcast to the Soviet Union, Typed transcript (in English) 1956
"A Page to the Diary," 1958 July. Relates to the introduction by Max Shachtman to Trotsky's Diary in Exile, 1935 (Cambridge, Mass., Typescript (in English) and typescript (incomplete, in Russian) 1958)
Letter to the editor, France-Soir, Typescript (in English) 1961 November 9
Correspondence 1937-1938
Trotskaia, Nataliia Sedova 1937
Unidentified 1938
Wolf, Erwin 1937
Writings 1936-1938
"K voprosu o semichasovom rabochem dne v SSSR," Biulleten' oppozitsii, Typescript with handwritten additions (in Russian) 1936 January
"Stakhanovskoe dvizhenie," Biulleten' oppozitsii, Typescript with handwritten additions (in Russian) 1936 January
"Moscow Trials," Holograph copy (in English) 1937 January 5
"Vyshinskii protiv Vyshinskii," Biulleten' oppozitsii, Typescript (in Russian) 1937 March
Will, Photocopy of holograph (in French) and typed copy (in French) 1938 February 9
SUBJECT FILE 1920-1980
Commission of Inquiry into the Charges Made against Leon Trotsky in the Moscow Trials. Newspaper and journal articles from The Daily Worker, Modern Monthly, New Masses, The New Republic, The New York Herald-Tribune, The New York Times and other publications, ; printed copy of Alan Wald, "Memories of the John Dewey Commission: Forty Years Later," 1977; and notes. See also Moscow Trials, Moscow, R.S.F.S.R., 1936-1937. 1936-1938
Communism. Printed copies of three pamphlets: Herman Gorter, Het Imperialisme, de Wereldoorlog en de Social-Democratie (Amsterdam, 1920); Herman Gorter, Het Opportunisme in de Nederlandsche Communistische Partij (Amsterdam, 1921); and V. I. Lenin, Staat en Revolutie (Dutch translation by Herman Gorter, Amsterdam 1920)
Espionage, Soviet. Clippings, ; printed copies of articles by Walter Krivitsky, 1939; and photocopies of holograph notes written by Krivitsky prior to his ostensible suicide, 1941 1937-1956
Held, Walter. Typescript biographical sketch 1977
Clippings, broadside, note, and letter 1937-1972
Miscellaneous bulletin issues of the International Left Opposition and International Communist League. Includes: Bulletin de la Gauche (Opposition), No. 5-7 (1932 August 24-October 15); Biulleten' oppozitsii, No. 32 (1932 December); Bulletin international des Jeunesses Bolcheviks-Leninistes, No. 2 (1934 August); and Bulletin interieur international, No. 4 (1938 June)
Moscow Trials, Moscow, R.S.F.S.R., See also Commission of Inquiry into the Charges Made against Leon Trotsky in the Moscow Trials 1936-1937
General. Serial issues of Common Sense, Controversy, Foreign Policy Bulletin, International Review, Modern Monthly, Moscow News, and Soviet Russia Today, ; mimeograph copy of Eugene Lyons, "The Terror in Stalin's Russia: An Open Letter to Upton Sinclair," 1938; and typescript statement by H. G. Wells, Arthur Koestler and others, "Nuremberg and the Moscow Trials," ca. 1945 1937-1938
Clippings. Includes articles from The Daily Worker, The Nation, New Masses, The New Republic, The New York Post, The New York Times, La Revolution proletarienne, Time, and Der Tog 1934-1939
Partisan Review. Clipping, n.d., and printed copy of Alan Wald, "Revolutionary Intellectuals: Partisan Review in the " 1974 1930s
Rivera, Diego. Clippings 1951-1976
Salus, Wolfgang Vaclav. Typewritten biographical sketch 1953
Sedov, Lev
General. Printed article, ; mimeograph copy of eulogy for Sedov at New York City memorial meeting, 1938; bibliography of writings by Sedov; and typewritten memoir by Liliia Estrina, "Leon Sedov," 1975 1937
Clippings. Obituaries and articles regarding circumstances of death 1938
Memorial issues of newspapers and journals. Includes issues of Biulleten' oppozitsii, The Challenge of Youth, Cuarta Internacional, Der Einzige Weg, Inicial, La Lutte ouvriere, Oktober, Quatrieme Internationale, Revolution, Socialist Appeal, Unser Wort, and Workers' Voice 1938
Sedov, Sergei. Printed statement by Iosif Berger, and fragment of typescript by P. Richards undated
Soviet Union--Politics and government
Five typescript articles by Left Oppositionists: Lapin, "Kritika proekta programmy Kominterna," ; Khristian Rakovskii, "Politika rukovodstva i partiinyi rezhim," n.d.; "Nastroeniia molodezhi: Pis'mo iz Leningrada," 1932 (author unknown); Ante Ciliga, "V bor'be za vyezd iz SSSR," 1936; and F. Raskol'nikov, "Otkrytoe pis'mo Stalinu," 1939 undated
Untitled typescript memoir (in Russian) by unidentified Russian Left Oppositionist, n.d., relating to experiences in the Russian Civil War and in the Left Opposition in the Soviet Union from 1918 to 1941
Spain--History--Civil War, 1936-1939. Typescripts of Felix Giordano, "The Spanish Revolution and the Tasks of the International Proletariat," "The May Events in Catalonia" (author unknown), Charles Orr, "Report on the Situation of International Aid for the Spanish Revolution," and George M. Whiteside, " Appeal Resolution on Spain Straddles the Barricades"; mimeograph copies of Salemme-Joerger Group, "Shall the International Proletariat Give Material Aid to the Spanish Loyalist Government?", Marxist Policy Committee, "Against the Capitulators! No Aid to the People's Front! For a Marxist Policy on the Civil War in Spain!", and Marxist Policy Committee, "The Civil War in Spain and the SPUSA"; and broadsides by the Revolutionary Workers League (U.S.) and by the International Communist League Spanish Section; all 1937
Stalin, Joseph. Printed articles by Louis Fischer, 1948, and clippings 1938-1974
Strikes and lockouts--Drama. Typescript of play by Robert Sheldon Harte, "Strike Scenes: Four Scenes of the Opentown Strike of '39," circa 1939-1940
Trials (Political crimes and offenses)--Soviet Union. Special issue of International Press Correspondence on trial of the "Industrial Party," 1930. See also Moscow Trials, Moscow, R.S.F.S.R. 1936-1937
Trotskaia, Nataliia Sedova. Letters exchanged between associates of Nataliia Sedova Trotskaia, and clippings, Includes letters by Sylvia Bleecker, Albert Goldman, Walter O'Rourke, and Esteban Volkov; and letters and memoranda relating to the deposit of Sara Weber's correspondence with Trotskaia in the Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis. Does not include correspondence of Trotskaia 1941-1975
Trotsky, Leon
1924-1940. Includes articles from The Daily Worker, Forward, The New Leader, The New York Times, Paris-Soir, Der Tog, and La Verite
1941-1979. Includes articles from Algemeen Dagblad, The Ceylon Daily News, The Ceylon Observer, Excelsior, Le Figaro, The Jerusalem Post, El Mercurio, Le Monde, The Nation, Neue Zurcher Zeitung, The New Statesman, The New York Herald-Tribune, The New York Times, New Zealand Truth, The Observer, Soviet Weekly, The Times of Ceylon, and Vrij Nederland
Miscellany. Letters, leaflet, press release, news dispatch, notes, and sketch 1932-1973
Printed articles
1922-1940. Includes articles by James Burnham, Max Eastman, R. Pero, and George Bernard Shaw, and articles in Life, Time, and Todo
1940. Special commemorative issue of Claridad
1948-1967. Includes articles in Le Contrat social, Esquire, Queen's Quarterly, Socialist Standard, and Les Temps modernes
1971-1977. Includes articles in Les Lettres nouvelles, Matin, Proceso, and Sunday Times Magazine (London)
Recollections by others
General. Printed articles, including articles by Arne Swabeck, Esteban Volkov, and Sara Weber 1970-1977
Hansen, Joseph, "With Trotsky to the End," Typescript (in Russian) 1969
Merlon, C., "A Reply to Eastman," Typescript (in English). Includes typed copy of response by Max Eastman 1959.
Robins, Harold, "Recollections," Typescript (in English) circa 1950.
Zeller, Fred, "Reminiscences of Leon Trotsky," Typed copy (in English) 1947.
Typewritten articles
Untitled writing by unknown author, (in Russian); and Fernandez, Octavio, "Como se obtuvo el derecho de asilo para Leon Trotsky en Mexico," 1945 (in Spanish) circa 1940-1941
De Silva, Ray, "Leon Trotsky: The Story of His Life," (in English) 1950
Archives. See also LEON TROTSKY CORRESPONDENCE/Harvard University; and NATALIA SEDOVA TROTSKAIA FILE/Correspondence/Harvard University
General. Memoranda, lists of material, and deeds of sale, Includes memoranda on sale of archives to Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis, 1935; deeds of sale of archives to Harvard University, 1940 and 1953; and memoranda on access status 1935-1980
Correspondence. Includes letters by Albert Goldman, Sara Weber, and officials of Harvard University and of the New York Public Library 1939-1963
Assassination. Includes material on Ramon Mercader and David Alfaro Siqueiros. See also NEW YORK/COYOACAN FILE/ /General/Assassination 1940
Clippings. Includes articles from The Chicago Daily News, Ercilla, Excelsior, France Observateur, The New York Daily News, The New York Herald-Tribune, The New York Post, The New York Times, The New York World-Telegram and Sun, and The Times (London) 1940-1978
Miscellany. Broadside by Partido Obrero Internacionalista (Mexico), 1940; photocopy of police fingerprints of Ramon Mercader; printed copy of United States. Congress. House. Committee on Un-American Activities report, American Aspects of Assassination of Leon Trotsky, ; press release, 1959; and notes 1951
Printed articles
1940-1953. Includes series of articles by General Leandro A. Sanchez Salazar and Julian Gorkin in Revista de America, 1948; and articles in Life, Male, The New Leader, News Chronicle (London), Il Popolo d'Italia, Readers' Digest, La Stampa, True, and True Detective
1954-1978. Includes printed excerpts from memoirs of Pablo Neruda, 1977; article by Bernard Wolfe in Coronet, 1959; and articles in Ahora!, I Grandi Fatti, Historia ilustrada, Maclean's, Magazine de policia, Manana, Le Nouvel Observateur, The Saturday Evening Post, Triunfo, and U.S. News and World Report
Bibliographies prepared by the Lanka Samasamaja Party (Ceylon), and by the Socialist Workers Party 1953-1956
Bibliography prepared by Pathfinder Press. Also includes miscellaneous bibliographical notes 1979
Collected works. Correspondence of editors of Pathfinder Press with former associates of Leon Trotsky and veterans of the early Trotskyist movement, in connection with preparation of the Pathfinder Press editions of the collected works of Trotsky
Archer, John 1976-1978
Curtiss, Charles 1973
Frank, Pierre 1968-1977
Groves, Reginald 1973
Mandel, Ernest 1973-1975
Naville, Pierre 1972-1973
Pablo, Michel 1974
Pieterson, Herman 1976-1978
Van Heijenoort, Jean 1971-1975
Wicks, Harry 1973-1975
Estate. Certificate of legal agreement with the Mexican government 1945
Government surveillance
France. Photocopies of French police reports, ; and printed copy of Annie Kriegel, "Le Dossier de Trotski a la Prefecture de Police de Paris," 1963 1934
United States. Photocopy of register of United States Department of State and Department of Justice reports 1929-1941
Interviews. Articles based on interviews with Leon Trotsky (not verbatim transcripts of interviews)
Politiken (Copenhagen), Typed copies (in Danish and English) 1929 June 22
Berliner Tageblatt, Printed copy (in English) 1930
Cumhuriyet (Istanbul), Printed copy (in Turkish), and typed copy (in English) 1932 December 12
Milliet (Istanbul), Printed copy (in Turkish), and typed copy (in English) 1932 December 12
Sun and Guardian Magazine (Sydney), Printed copy (in English) 1937 November 21
El Pais (Havana), Printed copy (in Spanish) 1938 November 14-18
Hoy (Mexico City), Printed copy (in Spanish) 1938 December 18
St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Printed copy (in English) 1940 March 10
Motion picture film. Letters and lists, Includes letter by Alexander Buchman 1941-1945
Secretaries. List, ; and notes on service of Joseph Hansen 1975
Stalin. Letters, press releases, memoranda, and clipping, regarding controversies over the publishers' withdrawal of the book from publication in 1941, the content of the 1946 edition, and the introduction to the 1967 edition. Includes contract between Leon Trotsky and Harper and Brothers, 1938; typescript of introduction by Bertram D. Wolfe, 1967; printed excerpts from memoirs of Cass Canfield, 1972; and letters by Sylvia Bleecker, Morris D. Forkosch, Albert Goldman, Borys Lewytzky, Felix Morrow, Walter O'Rourke, Morris Stein, Esteban Volkov, John G. Wright, representatives of Curtis Brown Ltd., and Cass Canfield of Harper and Brothers 1938-1972
Trotsky, Leon in fiction, drama, poetry, etc.
General. Clippings 1960-1973
Mission to Moscow (Motion picture film : 1943). Letters, leaflets, press releases, clippings, lists, and printed article, 1943. Includes newspaper issue, The Truth about Mission to Moscow and the Moscow Trials; minutes of the Mission to Moscow Film Committee; and letters by Daniel Bell and Dwight Macdonald
Trotzki im Exil (Play : Program, flyer, clippings, and biographical data on the playwright, Peter Weiss, 1970 1970)
The Assassination of Leon Trotsky (Motion picture film : 1972). Typescript of screenplay by Nicholas Mosley, and clippings 1970-1972
Trotsky a Coyoacan (Play : Typescript of play script by Hartmut Lange (in French), n.d. undated)
Abern, Martin
Action Socialiste Revolutionnaire
Adler, Hans
Adler, Jan
Adler, Raisa
Advokatenverein (Norway)
Ageloff, Ruth
Aggarwala, Hans Raj
Alexander, Leon
Allen, Henry
America Libre
American Committee for the Defense of Leon Trotsky
Andrade, Juan
Auquier, Victor
Austria. Konsulat (Istanbul)
Balabanoff, Angelica
Bardin, Alexis
Bardin, Joannes
La Batalla
Bauer, Eugen
Beech, Dick
Behens, Walter
Belleville, Fritz
Bennett, William
Bergmann, Fritz
Bergstrom, Evert
Berl, Emmanuel
Berndl, Ludwig
Bernstein, Sidney
Bill, Friedrich
Biulleten' Oppozitsii
Black, Samuel
Bleiman, Junius
Bocker, Sidney R.
Boggild, Bernard
Boggild, Bernard, Mrs.
Bokowski, A.
Brenner, Anita
Breton, Andre
Brockway, Fenner
Browne, Robert
Buch, Vera
Buchman, Alexander
Bueno, Javier
Burgess, Ernest Watson
Burian, Vladimir
Burnham, James
Bynner, Witter
Caby, Robert
Calas, Nicolas
Caldas Luna, Joaquin
Caldis, Arist.
Calverton, V. F.
Canfield, Cass
Cannon, James P.
Carlo, Joseph
Carlson, Peter
Carter, Joseph
The Challenge of Youth
Chautemps, Camille
Ch'en Tu-hsiu
Christiana Bank (Oslo)
Ciliga, Ante
Claus, Otto
Clay, Howard B.
Cohn, Oscar
Comisariado Ejidal "Lazaro Cardenas"
Commission of Inquiry into the Charges Made against Leon Trotsky in the Moscow Trials
La Commune
Communist League of Struggle (U.S.)
Conway, M. G.
Corpening, M. M.
Cortes Martinez, Pablo Emilio
Cowles, David
Craipeau, Yvan
Le Crapouillot
Curtis Brown Ltd.
Curtiss, Charles
Curtiss, Lillian
Czech, Ludwig
Czechoslovakia. Konzulat (Istanbul)
Czechoslovakia. Ministerstvo Vnitra
Dahl, Elizabeth
Daily Herald (London)
Daniel, Cuthbert
Dauge, Walter
Demby, F. L.
De Silver, Margaret
Despres, Leon Mathis
Deutsch, Kurt
Dewar, Hugo
Dewey, John
Diamond, Max
Dobbs, Farrell
Documentation Statistique et Economique
Draper, Hal
Driesten, Theo van
Dunayevskaya, Raya
Dunne, Vincent
Duwell, Wilhelm
Eastman, Max
Enyclopaedia Britannica
Epstein, Julius
Ernst, Morris
Espinoza, Enrique
Estrina, Liliia
Evang, Karl
Fadiman, Clifton
Faerge, Aage
Farrar and Rinehart (Publishers)
Farrell, James T.
Feipel, Louis N.
Feix, Anna
Field, B. J.
Field, Esther
Fischer, K.
Fischer, Paul
Fischer, Ruth
Fourth International. This and the following entries include material on the Fourth International's predecessors, the International Left Opposition and the International Communist League
Fourth International. American Section
Fourth International. Australian Section
Fourth International. Austrian Section
Fourth International. Belgian Section
Fourth International. British Section
Fourth International. Bulgarian Section
Fourth International. Canadian Section
Fourth International. Chilean Section
Fourth International. Chinese Section
Fourth International. Czechoslovak Section
Fourth International. Dutch Section
Fourth International. French Section
Fourth International. German Section
Fourth International. Greek Section
Fourth International. Hungarian Section
Fourth International. International Secretariat
Fourth International. International Secretariat
Fourth International. Italian Section
Fourth International. Lithuanian Section
Fourth International. Norwegian Section
Fourth International. Pan American Commission
Fourth International. Polish Section