1891, Dec. 23 | Born, Melbourne, Australia |
1913 | B.A., Canterbury College |
1914 | M.A., University of Canterbury |
1915 | Lecturer in Economics, University of Canterbury |
1914-1918 | Served in the First World War with the New Zealand Division |
1916 | Married Olive Grace Mills |
1919-1920 | Gainville and Caius College, Cambridge |
1920-1926 | Professor of Economics, Canterbury College |
1925 | Attended the first conference of the Institute of Pacific Relations at Honolulu |
1927 | Received the degree of D.Sc. in Economics from the University of New Zealand;
Author, Problems of the Pacific |
1927-1931 | Research Secretary, Institute of Pacific Relations, Hawaii |
1930 | Author, New Zealand in the Making |
1930-1931 | Visiting Professor of Economics, University of Michigan |
1931 | Author, Problems of Food and Population in the Pacific Area, and The Pacific Area in International Relations |
1931-1937 | Member, Economic Intelligence Service, League of Nations |
1932 | Author, China To-Day: Economic |
1933 | Author, World Economic Survey |
1935 | Author, A Short History of New Zealand, and War and Depression |
1937-1939 | Professor of Commerce, University of London |
1938 | Author, Markets and the Problem of Peaceful Change, and A Survey of International Research in Europe |
1939 | Recipient of Howland Memorial Prize, Yale University
Author, The Changing Structure of Economic Life |
1940-1958 | Professor of Economics, University of California, Berkeley |
1940 | Author, The Reconstruction of World Trade |
1941 | Author, Report Upon a Survey International House, University of California, Berkeley |
1942 | Received Honorary degree of LL.D., Occidental College
Author, Agenda For a Postwar World |
1943 | Author, The Economic Pattern of World Population |
1943-1944 | Research Associate, Institute of International Studies, Yale University |
1943-1947 | Associate Director, Division of Economics and History, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace |
1944 | Author, The Foreign Economic Policy of the United States, and The Common Interest in International Economic Organisation |
1945 | Naturalized citizen of the United States
Author, How Much Tariff Protection for Farm Products?, La Politica Economic Exterior De Estados Unidos, Exchange Stabilization, and World Economic Survey |
1946 | Author, Proposals For Consideration by an International Conference on Trade and Development |
1947 | Author, Obstacles to Multilateral Trading and The Foreign Loan Policy of the United States |
1950 | Recipient of Wendell Wilkie Prize
Author, The Commerce of Nations, The Economic Consequences of Scientific Research, and Point Four and the World Economy |
1951 | Author, Technological Progress and Economic Development and International Trade and Economic Nationalism |
1953 | Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science |
1957 | Received Honorary Litt.D. degree, University of New Zealand |
1959-1960 | Adviser, Indian National Council of Applied Economic Research, New Delhi |
1959 | Author, The Welfare State in New Zealand |
1961-1967 | Senior Economist, Stanford Research Institute |
1964 | Author, The Development of Australia |
1965 | Author, Foresight and Enterprise and From Adam Smith to Keynes -and After |
1966 | Author, The Balancing of International Payment: Money and Goods |
1967 | Author, The University and Technology |
1969 | Author, The Economic Outlook for New Zealand |
1971 | Author, Te Rangi Hiroa |
1973 | Erskine Fellow, University of Canterbury |
1974 | Author, Defunct Economists |
1977 | Gold Cross, Royal Order of Phoenix (Greece) |
1981 | Author, Reminiscences of the Institute of Pacific Relations |
1981, Dec. 23 | Died, Walnut Creek, California |
Subjects and Indexing Terms