Inventory of the Assembly Governmental Efficiency and Economy Committee Records

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Inventory of the Assembly Governmental Efficiency and Economy Committee Records

Inventory: LP43; LP44; LP45; LP46

California State Archives

Office of the Secretary of State

Sacramento, California

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Descriptive Summary

Title: Assembly Governmental Efficiency and Economy Committee Records
Inventory: LP43; LP44; LP45; LP46
Creator: California Assembly Governmental Efficiency and Economy Committee
Repository: California State Archives
Sacramento, California
Language: English.

Administrative Information

Publication Rights

For permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the California State Archives. Permission for reproduction or publication is given on behalf of the California State Archives as the owner of the physical items. The researcher assumes all responsibility for possible infringement which may arise from reproduction or publication of materials from the California State Archives collections.

Preferred Citation

[Identification of item], Assembly Governmental Efficiency and Economy Committee Records, LP[number}, California State Archives.

Related Material

Records from the committees that had some of the same functions of the Assembly Governmental Efficiency Committee are also available at the California State Archives; for example, see the Assembly Government Administration Committee Records; Government Efficiency and Cost Control Committee Records; Governmental Efficiency and Consumer Protection Committee Records; Governmental Efficiency, Consumer Protection, and New Technologies Committee Records; Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency and Economic Development Committee Records.


1. 1959-61 Interim Committee Papers LP43:10-24

Scope and Content Note

Agendas, transcripts of proceedings, dictabelts, statements and testimony presented at comm. hearings, corr, memos, press releases, newspaper clippings, exhibits, data, reports, committee findings and recommendations and working papers.

LP43:10-11,18 X-Ray Technicians, Subcommittee on - hearings re. state regulation and licensing of Sept. 1959

Physical Description: (3 f.)

LP43:12,18 Transportation Facilities in State Parks, Subcommittee on - hearings re Hearst San Simeon State Historical Monument Oct. 1959

Physical Description: (2 f).

LP43:13,18 Fair Trade Price Fixing, Subcommittee on - hearings re repeal of California Fair Trade Law. SEE ALSO: LP43:20 Nov. 1959

Physical Description: (2 f).

LP43:14,18 Buy American, Subcommittee on - hearings re repeal laws prohibiting public agencies from purchasing foreign produced materials where price differences are more than 10%. SEE ALSO: LP43:19 Nov. 1959

Physical Description: (2 f).

LP43:15,18 Subliminal Messages, Subcommittee on - hearings re regulation of in advertising Dec. 1959

Physical Description: (2 f).

LP43:16,18 Canine Policemen, Subcommittee on - hearings re use of dogs in law enforcement work Dec. 1959

Physical Description: (2 f).

LP43:17,18 Licensing of Mining, Geological, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Subcommittee on - hearings re State regulation Jan. 1960

Physical Description: (2 f).

LP43:19 California Buy America Act - hearings. SEE ALSO: LP43:14 June 1960

Physical Description: (1 f)

LP43:20 Use of loss leaders in merchandising - hearings. SEE ALSO: LP43:13 June 1960

Physical Description: (1 f).

LP43:21 Privileges of news medias - hearings to determine whether radio, TV and other medias to be extended same priviledges enjoyed by news papers under Sect. 1881, Code of Civil Procedure. July 1960

Physical Description: (1 f)

LP43:22 Unfair trade practices in sale of cigarettes - hearings Oct. 1960

Physical Description: (1 f).

LP43:23 Structural Pest Control Act - hearings re amendments to with regards to fraud prevention Oct. 1960

Physical Description: (1 f).

LP43:24 Vehicle repair shops - hearings re proposed licensing by Dept. of Motor Vehicles Oct. 1960

Physical Description: (1 f)

2. 1961 Standing Committee Papers LP43:25-25a

Physical Description: (2 f)

Scope and Content Note

Misc. corr. re amending powers and duties of State Building Standards Commission, minutes of Structural Pest Control subcommittee.

3. 1961-63 Interim Committee Papers LP43:26-39; LP44:1-14

Scope and Content Note

Agendas, transcripts of proceedings, dictabelts, statements, and testimony presented at comm. hearings, corr, memos, press releases, newspaper clippings, exhibits, data, photographs, reports and comm. working papers.

LP43:26-30 Housing problems -hearings re urban redevelopment, discrimination, building standards and finances, enforcement of government agency regulations and problems of individual citizens affected by them Sept. 1961

Physical Description: (5 f)

LP43:31-32, 36 Out-of-state subdivided lands and sale within California-hearings re state regulation to prevent fraud and misrepresentation Nov. 1961 Jan. 1962

Physical Description: (5 f).

LP43:33 Building designers -hearings re state licensing and regulation of Nov. 1961

Physical Description: (1 f)

LP43:37 Marina Del Rey State Park, Subcomm. on - hearing re establishment of May 1962

Physical Description: (1 f)

LP43:38-39; LP44:1-2 Boxing - hearings re safety measures for protection of boxers from serious injury or death. May 1962

Physical Description: (4 f)

LP44:3-8 State Fire Marshal - hearings re fire safety standards enforcement problems and overhaul of state records management program Sep. 1962

Physical Description: (5 f).

LP44:9-11 Marriage Counselors hearings re state licensing and regulation Nov. 1962

Physical Description: (3 f)

LP44:12-13 Licensing - hearings re state licensing and regulation of building inspectors, home appliance contractors and property appraisers, amendments to Subdivision Map Act Nov. 1962

Physical Description: (2 f)

LP44:14 Dry Cleaning - hearing re state registration Nov. 1962

Physical Description: (1f)

4. 1963-65 Interim Committee Papers P44:15-31; P45:1-7

Scope and Content Note

Agendas, transcripts of proceedings, dictabelts, statements and testimony presented at comm. hearings, corr, memos, press releases, newspaper clippings, exhibits, data, committee findings and recommendations and working papers.

LP44:15,19 Cosmetology Schools - hearings re unfair competition with licensed beauty salons Nov. 1963 Aug. 1964

Physical Description: (2 f)

LP44:16 Subdivision planning - hearing re revision of Subdivision Map Act Nov. 1963

Physical Description: (1 f)

LP44:17 Community Planning - Proprietary Hospitals, Subcomm on - hearings re discrimination against doctors by community hospitals and determination of local hospital needs Nov. 1963

Physical Description: (1 f)

LP44:18 Licensing - hearings re licensing of city and regional planners, public accountants and persons who prepare income tax returns for a fee Jan. 1964

Physical Description: (1 f)

LP44:20,20A Motor vehicle repair shops - hearings re state regulation and registration with particular reference to businesses installing and servicing smog control devices Aug. 1964

Physical Description: (2 f)

LP44:21 Gambling and Games of Chance, Subcomm on - hearings re state regulation of Panguinque parlors Aug. 1964

Physical Description: (1 f)

LP44:22 Opticians and optometrists - hearings re prohibiting operations through discount stores Sept. 1964

Physical Description: (1 f).

LP44:23 Pawnbrokers - hearings re state licensing and regulation Sept. 1964

Physical Description: (1 f)

LP44:24 Building designers - hearings re state licensing and regulation of individuals previously unregulated by State Bd. of Architectural Examiners Sept. 1964

Physical Description: (1 f).

LP44:25 Janitorial Maintenance contractors - hearings re state licensing and regulation Dec. 1964

Physical Description: (1 f)

LP44:26 Locksmiths - hearings re state licensing and regulation Dec. 1964

Physical Description: (1 f)

LP44:27 State Board of Motor Vehicle Repair - hearings re establishment of to regulate mechanics and service dealers Dec. 1964

Physical Description: (1 f).

5. 1965-67 Interim Committee Papers

Scope and Content Note

Agendas, transcripts of proceedings, dictabelts, statements and testimony presented at committee hearings, corr, memos, press releases, newspaper clippings, exhibits, data, reports, committee findings and recommendations and working papers.

LP 44:28-29 Amateur Athletics - hearings re rights of amateur athletes and jurisdiction dispute between NCAA and AAV. Dec. 1965

Physical Description: (2 f)

LP 44:30-31 Massage parlors - hearings re state regulation of. Jan. 1966

Physical Description: (2 f)

LP 45:1-2 Professional engineers - hearings re classifications of professional engineers to be established and regulated by State Board of Registration for Civil and Professional Engineers. Aug. 1966

Physical Description: (1 f)

LP 45:3-4 Professional foresters - hearings re state licensing. Sept. 1966

Physical Description: (2 f)

LP 45:5-6 Osteopathic physicians and surgeons - hearings re state licensing. Dec. 1966

Physical Description: (2 f)

LP45:7 Jai Alai - hearings re state licensing and regulations. Dec. 1966

Physical Description: (1 f)

6. 1967 Standing Committee Papers LP45:8-15

Physical Description: (8 f)

Scope and Content Note

Schedules of bills heard, bill analyses, proposed amendments, actions taken, statements and testimony submitted at comm. hearings, subject files on specific issues, including civil rights, amendment to Rumford Fair Housing Act, licensing of various professions and structural pest control legislation.
1967: AB109-AB2563, HR407 (LP45:8-10).
1967: SB34-SB1533 (LP45:11)

7. 1967-69 Interim Committee Papers LP45:16-27

Scope and Content Note

To read as description under 1963-65 Interim Committee Papers.

LP45:16-18 County Grand Juries - hearings re makeup of and selection of jurors and other aspects of activities. Sept. - Oct. 1967

Physical Description: (3 f)

LP45:19-20 California Institute of Applied Design - hearings re feasibility of establishing. Oct. 1967

Physical Description: (2 f)

LP45:21-22 Equal opportunity in employment - hearings re practices and problems in state ahd local government agencies. Nov. 1967

Physical Description: (2 f)

LP45:23-24 Cosmetology - hearings re booth rental leasing practices. Dec. 1967

Physical Description: (1 f)

LP45:25-26 Structural pest control industry - hearings re state regulation. Dec. 1967

Physical Description: (1 f)

LP45:27 Construction Inspectors, State registration of. Dec. 1967

Physical Description: (1 f)

8. 1968 Standing Committee Papers LP45:28-30

Physical Description: (3 f)

Scope and Content Note

Schedules of bills heard - bill analyses, proposed amendments, actions taken, statements and testimony submitted at comm. hearings, corr.
1968: AB4-AB2089 (LP45:28-29).
1968: SB132-SB1138, SCR27 (LP45:30).

9. 1959-68 Rumford Fair Housing Act Files LP45:31-35; LP46:1-11

Physical Description: (16 f)

Scope and Content Note

Proposed bills, amendments, hearings, statements and views, background material, literature and publications re passage of the original act, proposition 14 and subsequent amendments and addition legislation pertaining to discrimination in housing, civil rights, etc.
NOTE: The files on the Rumford Fair Housing Act were maintained as a unit by the Assembly Governmental Efficiency and Economy Committee rather than filing by legislative session.