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Biographical File 1937-1978

Scope and Contents note

Biographical sketches, clippings, interviews, lecture notices, and miscellany, relating to the life of Freda Utley, arranged alphabetically by form
Comprises boxes 1-2.
box 1, folder 1

Biographical sketches

box 1, folder 2-4


box 1, folder 5

Immigration materials (affidavits, applications, memoranda, and bills, relating to the admission of Freda Utley to the United States)

box 1, folder 6

Interviews (summaries and notes of interviews of Freda Utley by others)

box 2, folder 1

Lecture notices

box 2, folder 2

Miscellany (includes certificates, and memorial service program)

box 2, folder 3

Publicity materials (press releases, and brochures)


Correspondence, Alphabetical 1886-1977

Scope and Contents note

Significant correspondence of Freda Utley, arranged alphabetically by correspondent. Includes a few letters neither from nor to Freda Utley, arranged alphabetically by author.
Comprises Boxes 2-13.
box 2, folder 4

Achenbach, Ernst 1952-1954

box 2, folder 5

Ad Hoc Committee on the Middle East 1968

box 2, folder 6

Ahrens, Hanns Dietrich 1953-1970

box 2, folder 7

Alsop, Joseph 1952

box 2, folder 8

American China Policy Association 1944-1949

box 3, folder 1-2

American China Policy Association 1950-1959

box 3, folder 3

American Committee for Christian Refugees 1940

box 3, folder 4

American Committee for Non-Participation in Japanese Aggression 1938

box 3, folder 5

American Council for Judaism 1956-1959

box 3, folder 6

American Friends of the Middle East 1957-1958

box 3, folder 7

American Friends' Service Committee 1941-1958

box 3, folder 8

American Legion 1953-1955

box 3, folder 9

American Legion Magazine 1950-1953

box 3, folder 10

American Mercury 1942-1956

box 3, folder 11

American Middle East Rehabilitation 1964-1968

box 3, folder 12

Amini, Ali 1957-1958

box 3, folder 13

App, Austin J. 1950-1974

box 3, folder 14

Arabian American Oil Company 1957

box 3, folder 15

Asha, Rafik 1957

box 3, folder 16

Asian Peoples' Anti-Communist League 1956-1968

box 3, folder 17

Atequi, Abdul Rahman 1971-1973

box 3, folder 18

Atlantic Monthly 1941-1968

box 4, folder 1

Baird, Alexander 1944-1955

box 4, folder 2

Balabanoff, Angelica 1944-1945

box 4, folder 3

Baldwin, Roger N. 1942

box 4, folder 4

Barnes, Harry Elmer 1951-1957

box 4, folder 5

Barten, Ernst H. 1949-1971

box 4, folder 6

Battle, Lucius D. 1965-1971

box 4, folder 7

Bauer, Maximilian B. 1960

box 4, folder 8

Bell Syndicate 1948

box 4, folder 9

Bertrand Russell Archives 1969-1970

box 4, folder 10

Besant, Annie 1886

box 4, folder 11

Biddle, Francis 1942

box 5, folder 9

Bingham, Alfred M. see Common Sense

box 4, folder 12

Bishara, Abdulla Yaccoub 1973

box 4, folder 13

Blake, Peter 1951-1961

box 4, folder 14

Blomberg, Frary von, Baron 1951-1971

box 4, folder 15

Bobbs-Merrill Company 1947-1950

box 4, folder 16

Boeker, Alexander 1948

box 4, folder 17

Boettiger, Anna Roosevelt 1942

box 4, folder 18

Bourguiba, Habib, Jr. 1962

box 4, folder 19

Bowles, Chester 1941-1944

box 4, folder 20

Boxer, Charles 1939

box 4, folder 21

Brailsford, H. N. 1954

box 4, folder 22

Brandt, Karl 1949

box 4, folder 23

Braun, Freiherr von 1951-1958

box 4, folder 24

Brewster, Owen 1950

box 4, folder 25

Bridges, Styles 1953-1958

box 4, folder 26

Bucerius, Gerd 1950-1951

box 4, folder 27

Buchanan, Rab 1928-1959

box 4, folder 28

Buck, Pearl S. 1940-1945

box 4, folder 29

Buckley, James L. 1971

box 9, folder 9

Buckley, William F., Jr. see National Review

box 4, folder 30

Buffett, Howard 1952

box 4, folder 31

Burton, Dora 1946-1950

box 4, folder 32

Burton, Wilbur 1948-1954

box 4, folder 33

Cain, Harry P. 1954

box 4, folder 34

Calverton, V. F. undated

box 4, folder 35

Campaign for the 48 States 1955

box 4, folder 36

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation 1958

box 4, folder 37

Capper, Arthur 1943

box 4, folder 38

Carlson, Evans 1939-1946

box 4, folder 39

Carr, E. H. 1936

box 4, folder 40

Chamberlin, William Henry 1952-1955

box 4, folder 41

Chambrun, Jacques 1947-1954

box 4, folder 42

Chanderli, Abdul Kader 1957

box 4, folder 43

Chang, Hajji Yusuf 1956-1960

box 4, folder 44

Chang, Kuo-sin 1948

box 4, folder 45

Chavez, Dennis 1950

box 4, folder 46

Chen, Chih-mai 1945-1972

box 5, folder 1

Chen, Chih-ping 1957

box 5, folder 2

Chiang, Kai-shek 1956-1957

box 5, folder 3

China Weekly Review 1938-1948

box 5, folder 4

Christian Anti-Communist Crusade 1974

box 5, folder 5

Cincinnati Enquirer 1954-1957

box 5, folder 6

Clay, Lucius D. 1948

box 5, folder 7

Cohn, Roy 1954

box 5, folder 8

Columbia Lecture Bureau 1940-1950

box 5, folder 9

Common Sense 1940-1944

box 5, folder 10

Commonweal 1952

box 5, folder 11

Congress for Cultural Freedom 1950-1954

box 5, folder 12

Congress of Freedom 1955-1956

box 5, folder 13

Cooke, Charles M. 1955-1963

box 5, folder 14

Crane, John B. 1949-1955

box 5, folder 15

Dallas, George 1954-1955

box 5, folder 16

Degras, Jane 1941-1970

box 5, folder 17

Dennis, Lawrence, see also SUBJECT FILE 1955.

box 5, folder 18

Dessouki, Salah 1961-1964

box 5, folder 19

Devin-Adair Company 1958-1973

box 5, folder 20

Dewar, Rita 1941-1972

box 5, folder 21

Dirksen, Everett McKinley 1964

box 5, folder 22

Dodd, Thomas J. 1962-1965

box 5, folder 23

Dodd, Mead and Company 1970-1972

box 5, folder 24

Donovan, William J. 1948

box 5, folder 25

Dooley, Thomas A. 1957-1958

box 5, folder 26

Dooman, Eugene H. 1952

box 5, folder 27

Douglas, Paul H. 1955-1958

box 5, folder 28

Duehring, Walter 1960-1968

box 5, folder 29

Duff, J. Arthur 1956

box 5, folder 30

Durdin, Tillman 1962

box 5, folder 31

Eastland, James O. 1955

box 5, folder 32

Eastman, Max, see also SUBJECT FILE 1940-1966.

box 5, folder 33

Eaton, Charles A. undated

box 5, folder 34

Elliott, William Yandell 1950

box 5, folder 35

Emmet, Christopher 1947

box 5, folder 36

Epstein, Julius 1951-1953

box 5, folder 37

Ernst August, Prince 1952-1953

box 5, folder 38

Evans, M. Stanton 1955-1970

box 5, folder 42

Evans, Medford. see Facts Forum

box 5, folder 39

Evans, Rowland, Jr. 1971

box 5, folder 40

Everett, Willis M., Jr. 1954

box 5, folder 41

Faber and Faber Company 1939-1974

box 5, folder 42

Facts Forum 1954-1955

box 5, folder 43

Ferguson, Homer 1944-1952

box 5, folder 44

Ferlisi, Alfredo 1960-1971

box 6, folder 1

Fischer, Hanns 1958-1970

box 6, folder 2

Fisher, Dorothy Canfield 1940

box 6, folder 3

Flanders, Ralph E. 1957-1958

box 6, folder 4

Flynn, John T. 1944-1949

box 6, folder 5

Foreign Affairs 1940

box 6, folder 6

Forster, Clifford 1953-1954

box 6, folder 7

Fortune 1942-1949

box 6, folder 8

Foundation for Foreign Affairs 1950-1958

box 6, folder 9

Fraser, A. G. 1939

box 6, folder 10

Freeman 1950-1955

box 6, folder 11

Frei, Erich 1953-1970

box 6, folder 12

Friends of Democracy 1951

box 6, folder 13

Fulbright, J. William 1971-1972

box 6, folder 14

George Allen and Unwin Company 1949-1955

box 6, folder 15

Goldsmith, Sybil 1949-1968

box 6, folder 16

Gould, Randall, see also Starr, Park and Freeman Company 1939-1940.

box 6, folder 17

Graves, Sidney 1944-1961

box 6, folder 18

Green, Theodore Francis 1958

box 6, folder 19

Grenfell, Russell 1953

box 6, folder 20

Grundner, Gerhard 1952-1953

box 6, folder 21

Haikal, Y. 1958

box 6, folder 22

Hamilton, Edith 1945-1949

box 7, folder 17

Hanighen, Frank C. see Human Events

box 6, folder 23

Hankinson, Norman 1953-1954

box 9, folder 7

Hart, Merwin K. see National Economic Council

box 6, folder 24

Harten, K. P. 1952-1953

box 6, folder 25

Hatem, Abdul Kader 1963

box 6, folder 26

Hatfield, Mark O. 1971

box 6, folder 27

Hebert, Edward 1971

box 6, folder 28

Heffron, Edward J. 1952-1953

box 6, folder 29

Heimlich, William F. 1955

box 6, folder 30

Henderson, Loy W. 1940-1969

box 6, folder 31

Henry Holt and Company 1958

box 6, folder 32

Henry Regnery Company 1948-1959

box 7, folder 1

Henry Regnery Company 1961-1977

box 7, folder 2

Herron, George B. 1958

box 7, folder 3

Heymann, Egon 1950-1958

box 7, folder 4

Hickenlooper, Bourke B. 1958-1966

box 7, folder 5

Hill and Knowlton Company 1952-1970

box 7, folder 6

Ho, Shai Lai 1955-1972

box 7, folder 7

Hocking, William Ernest 1963-1964

box 7, folder 8

Hogan, John F., Jr. 1967-1972

box 7, folder 9

Holman, Rufus C. 1944

box 7, folder 10

Holmes, John Haynes 1942

box 3, folder 11

Holt, L. Emmett, Jr. see American Middle East Rehabilitation

box 7, folder 11

Holt, Olivia 1964

box 7, folder 12

Hook, Sidney 1941-1970

box 7, folder 13

Hoover, Herbert 1949-1955

box 7, folder 14

Hu, Chiu-yuan 1956-1958

box 7, folder 15

Hu, Shih 1942-1944

box 7, folder 16

Hudson, Geoffrey 1938-1970

box 7, folder 17

Human Events 1944-1956

box 7, folder 18

Humphrey, Hubert H. 1957-1964

box 7, folder 19

Hunt, H. L. 1956

box 7, folder 20

Hussein, Ahmed 1957

box 7, folder 21

Independent Labour Party 1939-1949

box 7, folder 22

Jackson, Henry M. 1971

box 7, folder 23

Jamali, Mohammad Fadhel 1957

box 7, folder 24

Javits, Jacob K. 1969

box 7, folder 25

Jewish Labor Committee 1942-1943

box 7, folder 26

John Day Company 1940-1946

box 7, folder 27

Johnson, Philip 1963-1965

box 7, folder 28

Judd, Walter H. 1944-1961

box 7, folder 29

Jung, Ernst 1955

box 7, folder 30

Kalckreuth, Gerty, Graefin 1958-1963

box 7, folder 31

Kalckreuth, Joachim, Graf 1952-1965

box 8, folder 1

Kamel, Mostafa 1958

box 8, folder 2

Kampelman, Max M. 1968-1970

box 8, folder 3

Kao, Tsung-wu 1943-1944

box 8, folder 4

Keedick, Lee 1947-1953

box 8, folder 5

Kem, James P. 1951

box 8, folder 6

Kennedy, John F. 1957

box 8, folder 7

Kerensky, Alexander 1940

box 8, folder 8

Kesselring, Albert 1953-1958

box 8, folder 9

Kfoury, Robert 1957-1959

box 8, folder 10

Kilpatrick, James J. 1957

box 8, folder 11

Klein, Herbert G. 1971

box 8, folder 12

Klingelhofer, Albert 1952-1961

box 8, folder 13

Knowland, William F. 1954-1958

box 2, folder 8

Kohlberg, Alfred. see American China Policy Association

box 3, folder 1-2

Kohlberg, Alfred. see American China Policy Association

box 8, folder 14

Kranzbuehler, Otto 1953-1962

box 8, folder 15

Kuebler, Paul C. 1948-1952

box 8, folder 16

Kuhn, Irene Corbally 1947-1977

box 8, folder 17

Laird, Melvin R. 1971-1974

box 8, folder 18

Langer, William 1949-1954

box 8, folder 19

Laski, Harold J. 1937

box 8, folder 20

Lattimore, Owen, see also Schmidt, Egan and Murray; BIOGRAPHICAL FILE, under Clippings; and SUBJECT FILE 1952.

box 8, folder 21

Leinfelder, Georg 1953

box 8, folder 22

Levine, Isaac Don 1946-1963

box 8, folder 23

Lewis, Fulton, Jr. 1951

box 8, folder 24

Life 1945-1954

box 8, folder 25

Lilienthal, Alfred 1971

box 8, folder 26

Lindbergh, Anne Morrow 1944

box 8, folder 27

Lindbergh, Charles A. 1970

box 8, folder 28

Loeb, William 1952-1973

box 8, folder 29

Loewenstein, Hubertus zu, Prince 1953-1955

box 8, folder 30

Longworth, Alice Roosevelt 1944

box 8, folder 31

Lovestone, Jay 1956

box 8, folder 32

Luce, Clare Boothe 1944-1947

box 8, folder 24

Luce, Henry R. see Life

box 12, folder 5

Luce, Henry R. see Time

box 3, folder 10

Lyons, Eugene. see American Mercury

box 10, folder 2-3

Lyons, Eugene. see Reader's Digest

box 8, folder 33

MacArthur, Douglas 1954

box 8, folder 34

McCarran, Pat 1951-1952

box 8, folder 35

McCarthy, Joseph R., see also SUBJECT FILE 1950-1954.

box 8, folder 36

Macdonald, Dwight 1962-1967

box 8, folder 37

McKneally, Martin B. 1951-1953

box 8, folder 38

McNamara, Robert 1972

box 8, folder 39

Maloney, Francis 1943-1944

box 8, folder 40

Mandel, Benjamin 1950-1956

box 8, folder 41

Manes, Alfred 1942-1943

box 8, folder 42

Mannin, Ethel 1964

box 8, folder 43

Marquand, John P. 1944-1948

box 8, folder 44

Mason, Frank E. 1947-1962

box 8, folder 45

Matthews, J. B. 1942

box 8, folder 46

Maurer, Herrymon 1948

box 9, folder 1

Menjou, Adolphe 1954-1955

box 9, folder 2

Miles, Milton E. undated

box 9, folder 3

Mohr, Gretel 1952-1963

box 7, folder 17

Morley, Felix. see Human Events

box 9, folder 4

Muggeridge, Malcolm 1948-1971

box 9, folder 5

Mundt, Karl E. 1946-1964

box 9, folder 6

Nasser, Gamal Abdel, see also SUBJECT FILE, under Egypt 1959-1965.

box 9, folder 7

National Economic Council 1952-1972

box 9, folder 8

National Press 1967-1970

box 9, folder 9

National Review 1952-1971

box 9, folder 10

Nedelmann, Heinz 1949-1976

box 10, folder 24

Nelson, Frederic. see Saturday Evening Post

box 9, folder 11

Nelson, Sylvia 1942-1945

box 9, folder 12

New Statesman and Nation 1939

box 9, folder 13

New York Times 1947-1968

box 9, folder 14

News Chronicle (London) 1938

box 9, folder 15

Nixon, Richard M. 1955-1971

box 9, folder 16

Noelke (H. H.) Verlag 1951-1957

box 9, folder 17

North, Robert C. undated

box 6, folder 10

Norton, Florence, 1951-1966. see also Freeman

box 9, folder 19

Nye, Gerald P. 1943-1944

box 9, folder 20

O'Conor, Herbert 1952

box 9, folder 21

Odlum, Victor W. 1948-1949

box 9, folder 22

Oeftering, H. M. 1953

box 9, folder 23

Ogren, Pat 1958-1959

box 9, folder 24

O'Hara, Joseph P. 1941-1944

box 9, folder 25

Palestine Arab Refugee Office 1956-1957

box 9, folder 26

Papen, Franz von 1948-1954

box 9, folder 27

Papen, Franz von, Jr. 1958-1959

box 9, folder 28

Pathfinder 1952-1953

box 9, folder 29

Pearson, Drew 1954

box 9, folder 30

Pegler, Westbrook undated

box 9, folder 31

Phillips, Emily 1933-1963

box 9, folder 32

Plesse Verlag 1958-1963

box 9, folder 33

Ponce de Leon, Guy 1965

box 5, folder 3

Powell, J. B. see China Weekly Review. and SUBJECT FILE, under Eastman, Max

box 9, folder 34

Princeton University 1941-1944

box 9, folder 35

Progressive 1944

box 9, folder 36

Rahim, Kamil A. 1957-1960

box 9, folder 37

Ram Goel, Sita 1953-1958

box 9, folder 38

Ram Swarup 1955-1974

box 10, folder 1

al-Rashid, Rashid 1973

box 10, folder 2-3

Reader's Digest 1942-1974

box 10, folder 4

Redpath Bureau 1951-1970

box 6, folder 32

Regnery, Henry. see Henry Regnery Company

box 7, folder 1

Regnery, Henry. see Henry Regnery Company

box 6, folder 8

Regnery, William H. see Foundation for Foreign Affairs

box 10, folder 5

Reimann, Guenter 1937-1974

box 10, folder 6

Religion and Society 1970-1971

box 10, folder 7

Reporter 1952-1957

box 10, folder 8

Rheinlaender, Paul 1952-1965

box 10, folder 9

Ribbentrop, Annelies von 1958

box 10, folder 10

Richardson Foundation 1956

box 10, folder 11

Rifa'i, Abdul Monem undated

box 10, folder 12

Robertson, Walter S. 1954-1957

box 10, folder 13

Roechling, Ernst 1955

box 10, folder 14

Rohland, Walter 1952-1966

box 10, folder 15

Rolland, Romain 1937

box 10, folder 16

Rountree, William M. 1957-1958

box 10, folder 17

Russell, Bertrand, see also Bertrand Russell Archives; and SUBJECT FILE 1930-1968.

box 10, folder 18

Russell, Patricia 1937-1961

box 10, folder 19

Russell, Richard B. 1944

box 10, folder 20

Ryskind, Morrie 1955

box 10, folder 21

St. George, Katherine 1950-1964

box 10, folder 22

Sansom, Sir George 1940-1944

box 10, folder 23

Sansom, Lady Katherine 1939-1954

box 10, folder 24

Saturday Evening Post 1942-1974

box 10, folder 25

Saturday Review of Literature 1951-1961

box 10, folder 26

Sayegh, Fayez A. 1957

box 10, folder 27

Schacht, Hjal mar, 1953-1954

box 10, folder 28

Schelfhout, Paul 1960

box 10, folder 29

Schlafly, Phyllis 1969-1970

box 10, folder 30

Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr. 1961-1970

box 10, folder 31

Schmid, Karlo 1950

box 10, folder 32

Schmidt, Egan and Murray (law firm) 1952

box 11, folder 1

Schoknecht, Werner 1953-1954

box 11, folder 2

Schumacher-Nelles, Johann 1949-1950

box 11, folder 3

Scott, Charles Ernest 1949-1956

box 11, folder 4

Scott, H. Vernon 1970

box 11, folder 5

Selvage, Lee and Chase Company 1953-1955

box 11, folder 6

Shah, Konsin C. 1957-1971

box 11, folder 7

Shakespeare, Frank 1969-1970

box 11, folder 8

Sharaf, Abdul Hamid 1971-1972

box 11, folder 9

Shaw, George Bernard 1937

box 11, folder 10

Shehab, Fakri 1963-1964

box 11, folder 11

Sign 1947

box 11, folder 12

Skoniecki, A. A. 1945

box 11, folder 13

Skorzeny, Ilse 1954-1958

box 11, folder 14

Skorzeny, Otto 1954-1959

box 11, folder 15

Smal-Stocki, Roman 1953

box 11, folder 16

Smedley, Agnes 1944

box 11, folder 17

Smith, Margaret Chase 1951

box 11, folder 18

Smith, Truman 1944-1953

box 11, folder 19

Sohl, Hans-Guenther 1963

box 11, folder 20

Sokolsky, George E. 1950-1954

box 11, folder 21

Sourwine, J. G. 1972

box 11, folder 22

Souvarine, Boris undated

box 11, folder 23

Speidel, Hans 1949-1954

box 11, folder 24

Spiegel 1952

box 11, folder 25

Staar, Richard F. 1956

box 11, folder 26

Starr, Park and Freeman Company, see also Subject File 1941-1971.

box 11, folder 27

Stennes, Walther 1952-1972

box 11, folder 28

Stimson, Henry L. 1939

box 11, folder 29

Stinnes, Otto 1953-1955

box 11, folder 30

Stratemeyer, George E. 1955

box 11, folder 31

Strausz-Hupe, Robert 1951-1956

box 11, folder 32

Taft, Robert A. 1944-1953

box 11, folder 33

Tariki, Abdullah H. 1960-1961

box 11, folder 34

Taylor, Telford 1948

box 12, folder 1

Thomas, Norman 1944-1964

box 12, folder 2

Thompson, Dorothy 1955-1958

box 12, folder 3

Thompson, H. Keith 1954

box 12, folder 4

Thompson, Llewellyn E. 1962

box 12, folder 5

Time 1940-1970

box 12, folder 6

Toynbee, Arnold 1961

box 12, folder 7

Triumph 1967

box 12, folder 8

Tyson, Francis D. 1943-1944

box 12, folder 9

U.S. Central Intelligence Agency 1947-1958

box 12, folder 10

U.S. Consulate General, Montreal, Canada 1940-1944

box 12, folder 11

U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service 1940-1945

box 12, folder 12-13

Utley, Emily 1926-1945

box 12, folder 14

Utley, Emsie 1933-1961

box 12, folder 15

Utley, Jon 1941-1973

box 12, folder 16

Utley, Temple 1913-1935

box 12, folder 17

Utley, William 1911-1917

box 12, folder 18

Valdeiglesias, Jose Ignacio, Marques 1954-1958

box 12, folder 19

Veale, F. J. P. 1953-1961

box 12, folder 20

Verlag Fritz Schlichtenmayer 1961-1963

box 12, folder 21

Verlag Karl Heinz Priester 1960-1961

box 13, folder l

Villard, Oswald Garrison 1944-1945

box 13, folder 2

Voorhis, Jerry 1942-1944

box 13, folder 3

Wagner, Hans 1950

box 13, folder 4

Wahba, Moustapha 1960

box 13, folder 5

Waldman, Louis 1970

box 7, folder 26

Walsh, Richard J. see John Day Company

box 13, folder 6

Walter, Heinrich 1949

box 13, folder 7

Washington Post 1952-1970

box 13, folder 8

Webb, Sidney 1936

box 13, folder 9

Weber, Erhart 1948-1969

box 13, folder 10

Weber, Wilhelm 1952

box 13, folder 11

Wedemeyer, Albert C., see also SUBJECT FILE 1946-1961.

box 13, folder 12

Wehner, Herbert 1952

box 13, folder 13

Wei, James 1972

box 13, folder 14

Werner, Franz 1949-1953

box 13, folder 15

Wheeler, Burton K. 1944

box 13, folder 16

White, Harry Dexter 1945

box 13, folder 17

White, William L. 1948-1955

box 13, folder 18

William, Maurice 1944

box 13, folder 19

William Collins Sons and Company 1970-1971

box 13, folder 20

William Volker Fund 1953-1954

box 13, folder 21

Williams, C. Dickerman 1943-1961

box 13, folder 22

Wilms, Ernst 1948-1955

box 13, folder 23

Wittfogel, Karl A., see also SUBJECT FILE 1951.

box 13, folder 24

Wolfe, Bertram D. 1946

box 13, folder 25

Wolfe, Ella 1945

box 13, folder 26

Women for Nixon-Agnew 1968

box 13, folder 27

Wood, Robert E. 1942-1958

box 13, folder 28

Yeh, George 1954-1968

box 13, folder 29

Young, A. Morgan 1939-1941

box 13, folder 30

Zapp, Manfred 1950-1958

box 13, folder 31

Zeit 1953-1955

box 13, folder 32

Zeitschrift fuer Geopolitik 1952-1954

box 13, folder 33

Zezulak, Hans H. 1949-1952


Correspondence, Chronological 1919-1976

Scope and Contents note

Less significant correspondence of Freda Utley, arranged chronologically. Includes a few letters neither from nor to Freda Utley
Comprises boxes 14-18.
box 14, folder 1


box 14, folder 2


box 14, folder 3


box 14, folder 4


box 14, folder 5


box 14, folder 6


box 14, folder 7


box 14, folder 8


box 14, folder 9


box 14, folder 10


box 14, folder 11


box 14, folder 12


box 14, folder 13


box 14, folder 14


box 14, folder 15


box 14, folder 16


box 14, folder 17


box 14, folder 18


box 14, folder 19


box 15, folder 1


box 15, folder 2


box 15, folder 3


box 15, folder 4


box 16, folder 1


box 16, folder 2


box 16, folder 3


box 16, folder 4


box 16, folder 5


box 17, folder 1


box 17, folder 2


box 17, folder 3


box 17, folder 4


box 17, folder 5


box 17, folder 6


box 17, folder 7


box 17, folder 8


box 17, folder 9


box 17, folder 10


box 17, folder 11


box 17, folder 12


box 17, folder 13


box 17, folder 14


box 17, folder 15


box 17, folder 16


box 17, folder 17


box 17, folder 18


box 17, folder 19


box 18, folder 1-3

Undated (includes many fragments of letters)


Speeches And Writings, Dated 1930-1974

Scope and Contents note

Drafts and/or printed copies of speeches and writings by Freda Utley, arranged chronologically. Includes reviews of her books and some related promotional material.
Comprises boxes 18-29.
box 18, folder 4

"Safeguarding the Geisha," New Statesman and Nation Sept. 13, 1930

box 18, folder 5

Japan's Feet of Clay, (reviews and financial statements) 1936

box 18, folder 6

Japan Can Be Stopped (pamphlet co-authored with David Wills), (reviews) 1937

box 18, folder 7

"A Chinese Popular Front?" New Statesman and Nation Jan. 9, 1937

box 18, folder 8

"Why Labour Is Cheap in Japan," Manchester Evening News Jan. 18, 1937

box 18, folder 9

"Humours of Trading in China," New Statesman and Nation, Apr. 3, 1937 (review of Carl Crow, 400 Million Customers)

box 18, folder 10

"Why Japan Makes War Now," News Chronicle (London) July 28, 1937

box 18, folder 11

"What Does Japan Want? Background of the War in the East," Common Sense Sept. 1937

box 18, folder 12

"Why Japan May Meet Her Waterloo," Reynolds News Sept. 19, 1937

box 18, folder 13

"Japan Fears a Boycott," Nation Oct. 2, 1937

box 18, folder 14

"Why China Must Not Be Conquered," News Chronicle (London) Oct. 5, 1937

box 18, folder 15

"Comment On Pourrait Arr^ter l'Agression Japonaise: Ses Faiblesses Economiques et Sociales," Journal des Nations Oct. 6, 1937

box 18, folder 16

"Dossier des Agressions Totalitaires: On Peut Encore Enrayer l'Agression Japonaise," Journal des Nations Nov. 25, 1937

box 18, folder 17

"The Vulnerability of Japan," New Statesman and Nation, (letter to the editor) Dec. 25, 1937

box 19, folder 1

Japan's Gamble in China, (reviews) 1938

box 19, folder 2

"The Japanese God," New Statesman and Nation, Jan. 22, 1938 (review of Carl Crow, I Speak for the Chinese)

box 19, folder 3

"Japan Now Feels the Boycott," News Chronicle (London) May 16, 1938

box 19, folder 4

"The Danube and the Yellow River," New Statesman and Nation June 11, 1938

box 19, folder 5

"Japanese Prepare Big Drive," News Chronicle (London) July 19, 1938

box 19, folder 6

"More Civilians Massacred by Japan's Planes," News Chronicle (London) July 20, 1938

box 19, folder 7

"Truckloads of Babies Escape Bombs," News Chronicle (London) July 22, 1938

box 19, folder 8

"China Will Fight On and Defend Hankow," News Chronicle (London) Aug. 4, 1938

box 19, folder 9

"A Day in Canton," New Statesman and Nation Aug. 13, 1938

box 19, folder 10

"The South Yangtze Front," New Statesman and Nation Oct. 15, 1938

box 19, folder 11

"A Woman in China's War Zone," San Francisco Chronicle Nov. 27, 1938

box 19, folder 12

China at War, (reviews and financial statements) 1939

box 19, folder 13

"Having It Both Ways," Far Eastern Service 1939

box 19, folder 14

"The Knouto-Soviet State," Observer (London), 1939 (review of Boris Souvarine, Stalin: A Critical Survey of Bolshevism)

box 19, folder 15

"War Aims," New Statesman and Nation, (letter to the editor) 1939

box 19, folder 16

"An Iron Constitution!" Synopsis Jan. 1939

box 19, folder 17

"China," New Statesman and Nation, (letter to the editor) Jan. 28, 1939

box 19, folder 18

"China's Many Problems: Left or Right? Wang Ching-wei's Departure: A New Stage Beginning," Manchester Guardian Feb. 2, 1939

box 19, folder 19

"Japan Beginning to Feel the Pinch," Far Eastern Service June 7, 1939

box 19, folder 20

"Incidents and the Currency War in North China," Far Eastern Service June 14, 1939

box 19, folder 21

"The Blockade of Tientsin: Japan's Aims: Currency Control in North China: Need of Foreign Exchange," Manchester Guardian June 19, 1939

box 19, folder 22

"Tientsin: The Choice Before Us," Far Eastern Service June 21, 1939

box 19, folder 23

"Tientsin," New Statesman and Nation June 24, 1939

box 19, folder 24

"Tientsin," Far Eastern Service June 26, 1939

box 19, folder 25

"Currency Control in North China: 'Background' of Tientsin Blockade: Worthless Japanese Paper," Johannesburg Star July 1, 1939

box 19, folder 26

"Who's Who in Asia," New Statesman and Nation, July 1, 1939 (review of John Gunther, Inside Asia)

box 19, folder 27

"Can We Stay in China?" News Chronicle (London) July 5, 1939

box 19, folder 28

"Second Anniversary of the Sino-Japanese War," New Statesman and Nation July 8, 1939

box 19, folder 29

"Front Line Horrors," Daily Record (Glasgow) July 10, 1939

box 19, folder 30

"China at War," North Mail and Newcastle Chronicle July 11, 1939

box 19, folder 31

"Upper and Middle Class Idlers," Manchester Daily Dispatch July 12, 1939

box 19, folder 32

"The Sino-Japanese War," (radio interview with W. H. Stoneman) July 14, 1939

box 19, folder 33

"Will a Betrayal of China Profit Us?" Far Eastern Service July 27, 1939

box 19, folder 34

"Serve Notice on Japan!" Daily Herald (Manchester) Aug. 7, 1939

box 19, folder 35

"The Tokyo Negotiations," Service Extr`me-Orient, Aug. 9, 1939

box 19, folder 36

"Co-operate with America - or Japan?" Time and Tide Aug. 12, 1939

box 19, folder 37

"Habeas Corpus in the Far East?" Far Eastern Service Aug. 16, 1939

box 19, folder 38

"The Chinese Currency Problem," Far Eastern Service Aug. 23, 1939

box 19, folder 39

"Left in the Lurch," Sept. 1, 1939

box 19, folder 40

Letter to the editor, New Statesman and Nation Sept. 30, 1939

box 19, folder 41

"China and Japan: Two Views of the Struggle," Observer (London), Oct. 15, 1939 (review of C. R. Shepherd, The Case against Japan, and I. Epstein, The People's War)

box 19, folder 42

"Has Stalin Become a 'Trotskyist'?" Common Sense Dec. 1939


The Dream We Lost 1940

box 19, folder 43


box 19, folder 44

Promotional material

box 19, folder 45


box 20, folder 1

"Making the World Safe for Stalin," 1940

box 20, folder 2

"Who Owns the Future?" 1940?

box 20, folder 3

"Today and the Far East," Independent Woman Mar. 1940

box 20, folder 4

"Japan and the Double Standard," Common Sense May 1940

box 20, folder 5

"Russia and Germany," (radio address) July 1, 1940

box 20, folder 6

"Japan's Great Bluff," Nation Oct. 12, 1940

box 20, folder 7

"The Limits of Russian Resistance," 1941

box 20, folder 8

"The Russo-German War," 1941

box 20, folder 9

"What Shall It Profit a Man..., or, The Great Delusion," 1941

box 20, folder 10

"Will Russia Betray China?" 1941

box 20, folder 11

"Revolutions and Reality," Saturday Review of Literature, Jan. 18, 1941 (review of Jan Valtin, Out of the Night)

box 20, folder 12

"A Terse, Authentic Report of the Terror in China," New York Times Book Review, Mar. 9, 1941 (review of Edgar Snow, The Battle for Asia)

box 20, folder 13

"Can Democracy Survive Total War?" Apr. 4, 1941 (address, annual meeting of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Philadelphia; published in Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science July 1941)

box 20, folder 14

"If You Could See What I Have Seen," Asia, (clippings about article only) July 1941

box 20, folder 15

"Must the World Destroy Itself?" Common Sense, Aug. 1941 (reprinted in Reader's Digest, ; includes clippings about article) Oct. 1941

box 20, folder 16

Speech Oct. 15, 1941?

box 20, folder 17

"How Could We Combat a Hitler-Dominated Europe?" Nov. 16, 1941 ( American Forum of the Air radio symposium with John M. Vorys, H. R. Knickerbocker and Herbert Elliston)

box 20, folder 18

"This War Can and Will be Won: Jap Treachery Unites All U.S.," New York Journal-American Dec. 14, 1941

box 20, folder 19

"Japan Is Not Germany," 1942

box 20, folder 20

Letter to the editor, New York Herald-Tribune Oct. 1942

box 20, folder 21

Letter to the editor, New York Herald-Tribune, (date written) Nov. 24, 1942

box 20, folder 22

"Britain at the Halfway House," Asia 1943

box 20, folder 23

"The Totalitarian Menace Within," 1943

box 20, folder 24

"Big Business and Communists: A New Alliance," New Leader May 22, 1943

box 20, folder 25

Review of Harry Paxton Howard, America's Role in Asia Shanghai Evening Post and Mercury July 23, 1943

box 20, folder 26

"Stalin's Recognition of the Badoglio Regime," New Leader Mar. 18, 1944

box 20, folder 27

"A British Plea for India's Freedom," Progressive, Apr. 24, 1944 (review of H. N. Brailsford, Subject India)

box 20, folder 28

"British Realism," Progressive May 22, 1944

box 20, folder 29

"The Theory of Realism," New Leader, June 17, 1944 (review of Alfred Bingham, The Practice of Idealism)

box 20, folder 30

"Frances Gunther's Revolution in India," Progressive, (book review) July 3, 1944

box 20, folder 31

"Why Pick on China?" American Mercury Sept. 1944

box 20, folder 32

"When, How, and If Russia Fights Japan," Progressive Mar. 26, 1945

box 20, folder 33

"Are They Real Communists?" Apr. 19, 1945

box 20, folder 34

"To Have and to Hold," Shanghai Evening Post and Mercury Nov. 10, 1945

box 20, folder 35

"Inflation," Shanghai Evening Post and Mercury Nov. 13, 1945

box 20, folder 36

"Vengeance, Justice and Economic Rehabilitation," Shanghai Evening Post and Mercury Nov. 16, 1945

box 20, folder 37

"Manchuria," Shanghai Evening Post and Mercury Nov. 19, 1945

box 20, folder 38

"Prospects for Foreign Business in China," Shanghai Evening Post and Mercury Nov. 21, 1945

box 20, folder 39

"China's Responsibilities," Shanghai Evening Post and Mercury Nov. 23, 1945

box 20, folder 40

"China's New Supreme Economic Council," Shanghai Evening Post and Mercury Nov. 30, 1945

box 20, folder 41

"Views of China," Shanghai Evening Post and Mercury Dec. 5, 1945

box 20, folder 42

"Pearl Harbor," Shanghai Evening Post and Mercury Dec. 11, 1945

box 20, folder 43

"King Can Do No Wrong," Shanghai Evening Post and Mercury Dec. 19, 1945

box 20, folder 44

"Peace on Earth, Good Will towards Men," Shanghai Evening Post and Mercury Dec. 24, 1945

box 20, folder 45

"The Hour of Decision," China Critic Dec. 27, 1945

box 20, folder 46

"General Marshall's Failure in China, or, Time for a Change in China," 1946

box 20, folder 47

"The Plain Facts of Yenan: A U.S. Journalist Finds the Chinese Communists Run True to Form," 1946

box 21, folder 1

"Manchuria: The First Test and the Last," Foreign Notes Apr. 12, 1946

box 21, folder 2

"See Red China in U.S. Policy: Soviet Domination Growing since Yalta Deal with Stalin," New York Journal-American July 7, 1946

box 21, folder 3

"Mme. Sun Yat-sen's Appeal," (co-signer with Alfred Kohlberg and others) July 23, 1946

box 21, folder 4

Statement to Secretary of State James F. Byrnes, (co-signer with others) July 24, 1946

box 21, folder 5

"What Should We Do about China?" Aug. 20, 1946 ( American Forum of the Air radio symposium with Harrison Forman, J. Spencer Kennard and Alfred Kohlberg)

box 21, folder 6

"'Behind the Curtain,'" Washington Post, (letter to the editor) Sept. 7, 1946

box 21, folder 7

Letter to the editor, New York Times, (date written) Sept. 12, 1946

box 21, folder 8

"Communistic Activities, as Especially Related to the Far East," (speech, Washington, D.C.) Dec. 18, 1946


Last Chance in China 1947

box 21, folder 9-12


box 22, folder 1

Promotional material

box 22, folder 2


box 22, folder 3

"Letters from Russia," 1947

box 22, folder 4

Radio interview, Nov. 14, 1947 ( Woman of Tomorrow program with Nancy Craig)

box 22, folder 5

Radio interview, (with Irene Kuhn and Rene Kuhn) Nov. 22, 1947

box 22, folder 6

"America's Stake in China," Dec. 2, 1947

box 22, folder 7

"America's Unrealistic View of China," 1948

box 22, folder 8

Letter to the editor, Saturday Review of Literature 1948


Lost Illusion, 1948 (revised version of The Dream We Lost)

box 22, folder 9


box 22, folder 10

Printed copy

box 22, folder 11

Promotional material

box 22, folder 12


box 22, folder 13

"Sees U.S. Blunders Giving China to Reds: Expert Would End Appeasement," Mar. 7, 1948

box 22, folder 14

"Our Futile China Policy," New York Journal-American, (two-part article) Mar. 8-9, 1948

box 22, folder 15

"Marshall and Coalition Government: Our China Policy," New Leader Mar. 27, 1948

box 22, folder 16

"Decline and Fall," Human Events Apr. 21, 1948

box 22, folder 17

"Let's Face the Facts in China," Sign May 1948

box 22, folder 18

"Ruhr Wrecking Goes On: Arms Factory Stays: Siegen Loses Plants of Peace Time Use," Chicago Daily Tribune Oct. 18, 1948


The High Cost of Vengeance 1949

box 23, folder 1-4


box 23, folder 5


box 23, folder 6

Promotional material

box 23, folder 7


box 24, folder 1

"Obstacle to German Recovery: Dismantling of Equipment Opposed as Loss to Europe's Economy," New York Times, (letter to the editor) Mar. 11, 1949

box 24, folder 2

"Author's View," New York Times, (letter to the editor) Aug. 7, 1949

box 24, folder 3

Letter to the editor, New York Times, (date written) Oct. 10, 1949

box 24, folder 4

"Bungled into War: From Yalta to Korea," (synopsis of projected book) Nov. 29, 1949

box 24, folder 5

"According China Recognition: Criticizing Britain's Course, Author Warns against Similar Action by Us," New York Times, (letter to the editor) Dec. 8, 1949

box 24, folder 6

"Sheean's Newest Pilgrimage," Plain Talk, Jan. 1950 (review of Vincent Sheean, Lead Kindly Light)

box 24, folder 7

"Course of United States Policy in China," Feb. 1950

box 24, folder 8

"The Real Strength of Communism," Plain Talk, Mar. 1950 (review of A. Rossi, A Communist Party in Action)

box 24, folder 9

"Chasing Chameleons," Human Events Mar. 29, 1950

box 24, folder 10

Letter to the editor, Washington Post, (date written) Apr. 14, 1950

box 24, folder 11

Testimony, U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee May 1, 1950

box 24, folder 12

Untitled May 13, 1950

box 24, folder 13

Review of Louis Francis Budenz, Men without Faces: The Communist Conspiracy in the U.S.A. Human Events July 12, 1950

box 24, folder 14

Review of Victor Serge, The Case of Comrade Tulayev Human Events Aug. 30, 1950

box 24, folder 15

"What 'Second Crusade' Has Got Us Into," Chicago Sunday Tribune, Oct. 15, 1950 (review of William Henry Chamberlin, America's Second Crusade)

box 24, folder 16

"The Incurables," Freeman, Oct. 16, 1950 (review of Victor Serge, The Case of Comrade Tulayev)


The China Story 1951

box 24, folder 17


box 24, folder 18

Printed copy

box 24, folder 19

Promotional material

box 24, folder 20


box 25, folder 1

Review of Barbara West, Policy for the WestKeith Hutchison, The Decline and Fall of British Capitalismand Frederic R. Sanborn, Design for War: A Study of Secret Power Politics, 1937-1941 Economic Council Review of Books Mar. 1951

box 25, folder 2

Review of B. H. Liddell Hart, Defence of the WestElinor Lipper, Eleven Years in Soviet Prison CampsHelen MacInnes, Neither Five nor Threeand Douglas Reed, Somewhere South of Suez Economic Council Review of Books Apr. 1951

box 25, folder 3

Review of Sumner Welles, Seven Decisions that Shaped HistoryWomen Investors Research Institute, Special Report No. 80l in re Will Present United Policies Defeat Communist World Empire Program? and Henry C. Link, The Way to Security Economic Council Review of Books May 1951

box 25, folder 4

Review of Paul G. Hoffman, Peace Can Be WonLeigh White, Balkan Caesar: Tito versus Stalinand Hede Massing, This Deception Economic Council Review of Books June 1951

box 25, folder 5

"The Case of Owen Lattimore," American Mercury Sept. 1951

box 25, folder 6

Review of Edward Crankshaw, Cracks in the Kremlin Walland Elizabeth Bentley, Out of Bondage Economic Council Review of Books Oct. 1951

box 25, folder 7

Testimony, U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and Other Internal Security Laws Oct. 11, 1951

box 25, folder 8

"And Now the Smear of the McCarran Committee," Human Events Oct. 17, 1951

box 25, folder 9

Review of William F. Buckley, Jr., God and Man at Yaleand George F. Kennan, American Diplomacy, 1900-1950 Economic Council Review of Books Nov. 1951

box 25, folder 10

Review of Robert A. Taft, A Foreign Policy for AmericansJoseph McCarthy, Retreat from Victory: The Story of George Catlett Marshalland Gary MacEoin, The Communist War on Religion Economic Council Review of Books Jan. 1952

box 25, folder 11

"How a Handful of Americans Gave East Asia to Russia," Pathfinder Feb. 6, 1952

box 25, folder 12

"Gen. Willoughby's Report on Sorge Spy Conspiracy," Chicago Sunday Tribune, Feb. 10, 1952 (review of Charles A. Willoughby, Shanghai Conspiracy: The Sorge Spy Ring)

box 25, folder 13

"Was It Treason or Ignorance that Destroyed Our Far East Policy?" Pathfinder Feb. 20, 1952

box 25, folder 14

"The Strange Case of the I.P.R.," American Legion Magazine Mar. 1952

box 25, folder 15

Review of William Hillman, Mr. Presidentand Chester Wilmot, The Struggle for Europe Economic Council Review of Books Apr. 1952

box 25, folder 16

"The Isolationism of 'Internationalists,'" Commonweal Apr. 11, 1952

box 25, folder 17

"The China Lobby," Reporter, (letter to the editor) May 27, 1952

box 25, folder 18

"Die Bedeutung der Amerikanischen Praesidentschaftswahlen fuer Deutschland," (speech, Deutsche Parlamentarische Gesellschaft, Bonn) June 17, 1952

box 25, folder 19

"Germany's Fifth Man," Pathfinder Oct. 22, 1952

box 25, folder 20

"Facing Both Ways in Germany," Freeman Dec. 15, 1952

box 25, folder 21

"The Saar: A 'Free' Police State," Human Events Dec. 31, 1952

box 25, folder 22

"Shall Freedom Ring?" 1953

box 25, folder 23

"Atlantic Disunion," Human Events Feb. 25, 1953

box 25, folder 24

"Germany's Dilemma," Freeman Mar. 9, 1953

box 25, folder 25

Testimony, U.S. Senate Committee on Government Operations Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations Apr. 1, 1953

box 25, folder 26

Letter to the editor, Washington Times-Herald, (date written) Apr. 3, 1953

box 25, folder 27

"Report from Washington," Apr. 13, 1953

box 25, folder 28

"Timely Reappraisal," Freeman, May 4, 1953 (review of Norbert Muhlen, The Return of Germany)

box 25, folder 29

"Facing the Facts in Germany," American Mercury June 1953

box 25, folder 30

"Appeasement 'la Mode,'" Human Events June 24, 1953

box 25, folder 31

"France and Germany," July 10, 1953

box 25, folder 32

"Theory versus Fact," Freeman, July 27, 1953 (review of Arnold J. Toynbee, The World and the West)

box 25, folder 33

"Second Chance in Germany," American Legion Magazine Oct. 1953

box 25, folder 34

"Freda Utley's Answer to Criticism of Her Article 'Second Chance in Germany,'" Nov. 19, 1953

box 25, folder 35

"The Book Burners Burned," American Mercury Dec. 1953

box 25, folder 36

"Victor's Justice: Then and Now," Dec. 8, 1953

box 25, folder 37

"War Crimes Trials and American Security," Dec. 9, 1953

box 25, folder 38

"The Spectre of Rapallo," 1954

box 26, folder 1

"England after Austerity," Freeman Feb. 22, 1954

box 26, folder 2

"Lion into Ostrich," Freeman Mar. 8, 1954

box 26, folder 3

"Berlin: The Republican Yalta?" Human Events Mar. 10, 1954

box 26, folder 4

"A Plan for Molotov," Freeman Apr. 19, 1954

box 26, folder 5

Testimony, U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and Other Internal Security Laws July 1, 1954

box 26, folder 6

"Scribes and Pharisees," Human Events July 28, 1954

box 26, folder 7

"France against Europe," Sept. 13, 1954

box 26, folder 8

"Kremlin Orchestra," Freeman, Oct. 1954 (review of Joseph Z. Kornfeder, Brainwashing and Senator McCarthy)

box 26, folder 9

"That London Agreement," Human Events Oct. 20, 1954

box 26, folder 10

"Malmedy and McCarthy," American Mercury Nov. 1954

box 26, folder 11

Untitled 1955

box 26, folder 12

"Was It Planned that Way?" Human Events Jan. 1, 1955

box 26, folder 13

"Russians Hate Communists," Facts Forum News Feb. 1955

box 26, folder 14

"A Program to Govern Our Foreign Relations," New York Times, (paid political advertisement; co-signer with others) Feb. 28, 1955

box 26, folder 15

"Modern Barbarism," Freeman, Mar. 1955 (review of Whitney R. Harris, Tyranny on Trial: The Evidence at Nuremberg, F. J. P. Veale, Advance to Barbarism, and K. O. Kurth, comp., Documents of Humanity)

box 26, folder 16

"Peace in Our Time?" Facts Forum News Apr. 1955

box 26, folder 17

"Yalta Then and Now," Human Events Apr. 16, 1955

box 26, folder 18

Speech Apr. 25, 1955

box 26, folder 19

Letter to the editor, Washington Post, (date written) May 12, 1955

box 26, folder 20

"The Truce of the Bear: Present Communist Strategy," Human Events May 21, 1955

box 26, folder 21

"The Triumph of Owen Lattimore," American Mercury June 1955

box 26, folder 22

"Geneva - and a New Pattern of Soviet Imperialism," Human Events July 16, 1955

box 26, folder 23

"Can We Be Sure of Germany?" Facts Forum News Oct. 1955

box 26, folder 24

"Can the Kremlin Relax?" (speech) Nov. 15, 1955

box 26, folder 25

"The World Views the U.S.," National Review, (column) Nov. 26, 1955

box 26, folder 26

"The German Cycle," Freeman, Dec. 1955 (review of Ernst von Salomon, The Questionnaire [ Fragebogen])

box 26, folder 27

"The World Views the U.S.: British Comments on American Politics," National Review, (column) Dec. 28, 1955

box 26, folder 28

"End of the Adenauer Era?" 1956

box 26, folder 29

"The Formosa Story," 1956

box 26, folder 30

"Formosan Surprises," 1956

box 26, folder 31

"Friends, Enemies and Neutrals: From Formosa to Cairo in " 1956 1956,

box 26, folder 32

"The Hong Kong Mind," 1956

box 26, folder 33

"'No Flies on Formosa,'" 1956

box 26, folder 34

"On the Island of Formosa," 1956

box 26, folder 35

"With the Free Chinese Armed Forces," 1956

box 26, folder 36

"The World Views the U.S.," (column; date written) Jan. 9, 1956

box 26, folder 37

"India: Neutral against Whom?" Human Events Jan. 28, 1956

box 26, folder 38

"Chinese Red and Scholastic Blue," National Review, Feb. 1, 1956 (review of Richard L. Walker, China under Communism, and James Cameron, Mandarin Red)

box 26, folder 39

"The World Views the U.S.: Mr. Dulles' Best Defense - from England," National Review, (column) Feb. 15, 1956

box 26, folder 40

"Living Letters from the Dead," National Review, Feb. 29, 1956 (review of Last Letters from Stalingrad)

box 26, folder 41

"The World Views the U.S.," National Review, (column) Mar. 14, 1956

box 26, folder 42

"The World Views the U.S.," National Review, (column) Mar. 28, 1956

box 26, folder 43

"Escape," National Review, June 13, 1956 (review of Markoosha Fischer, The Right to Love)

box 26, folder 44

"Hong Kong in Mid-1956," June 27, 1956

box 26, folder 45

"No Softening of U.S. Policy, Nixon's Reassurance," Cincinnati Enquirer July 20, 1956

box 26, folder 46

"No Escape from Fate," National Review, Aug. 1, 1956 (review of Luigi Villari, Italian Foreign Policy under Mussolini)

box 26, folder 47

Untitled Sept. 4, 1956

box 26, folder 48

"Formosa Is Striving to Set an Example for All of Asia," Sunday Tiger Standard (Hong Kong) Sept. 9, 1956

box 26, folder 49

"The Voice of China as Heard in Hong Kong," Sept. 12, 1956

box 26, folder 50

"'Old-Hat' Notions of Marxism 'Modern' in Tokyo: The Strange Case of Japan," Standard-Times (New Bedford, Mass.) Sept. 25, 1956

box 26, folder 51

"The Amazing Mr. Diem," National Review Nov. 24, 1956

box 26, folder 52

"Taiwan: Trial and Error," National Review Dec. 22, 1956


Will the Middle East Go West? 1957

box 27, folder 1-2


box 27, folder 3

Printed copy

box 27, folder 4

Promotional material

box 27, folder 5


box 27, folder 6

"Letter from Formosa: A Going Concern," National Review Jan. 26, 1957

box 27, folder 7

"Dissent on Egypt," National Review Mar. 9, 1957

box 27, folder 8

"Nationalizing Suez: Legality of Egyptian Move Said to Be Supported by Record," New York Times, (letter to the editor) Mar. 12, 1957

box 27, folder 9

"Brief Interlude," Los Angeles Times, (letter to the editor) Mar. 28, 1957

box 27, folder 10

"Visitor to Formosa Scores U.S. Policy on the Island," New York Herald-Tribune, (letter to the editor) June 15, 1957

box 27, folder 11

Speech Nov. 26, 1957

box 27, folder 12

Letter to the editor, Middle East Journal 1958

box 27, folder 13

Radio interview, July 1958 ( Tex and Jinx Jury program)

box 27, folder 14

Radio interview, July 15, 1958 ( Life and the World program)

box 27, folder 15

Statement, Special Memorandum from Universal Research and Consultants, Inc. Oct. 17, 1958

box 27, folder 16

"Taiwan Cause Supported: Nationalists Held Only Hope of Oppressed Mainland Chinese," New York Times, (letter to the editor) Nov. 1, 1958

box 28, folder 1

Letter to the editor, New York Times, (date written) Aug. 30, 1960

box 28, folder 2

"The Middle East and the Elections," Washington Post, (letter to the editor) Sept. 11, 1960

box 28, folder 3

Letter to the editor, National Review 1961

box 28, folder 4

Letter to the editor, Washington Post, (date written) Feb. 1, 1961

box 28, folder 5

Letter to the editor, Washington Post Apr. 15, 1961

box 28, folder 6

"Divide and Conquer," Oct. 20, 1961 (letter to the editor of the New York Times. date written)

box 28, folder 7

Untitled July 10, 1964

box 28, folder 8

Letter to the editor, Human Events, (date written) Nov. 23, 1964

box 28, folder 9

"Israel on Trial," Triumph Aug. 1967

box 28, folder 10

Speech, (Italian-German Friendship Association, Rome) Mar. 18, 1968

box 28, folder 11

"Strange Anniversary of the June War: Report from the West Bank," Triumph June 1968

box 28, folder 12

"Who Will Win the 'June War?': Report from the Holy Land," Triumph June 1968

box 28, folder 13

Letter to the editor, Washington Post, (date written) June 10, 1968

box 28, folder 14

"Upside Down Victory in the Holy Land," Arab World Jan.-Feb. 1969


Odyssey of a Liberal 1970

box 28, folder 15-17


box 28, folder 18


box 29, folder 1

Promotional material

box 29, folder 2


box 29, folder 3

"Fulbright and the Mideast," Washington Post, (letter to the editor) Oct. 19, 1970

box 29, folder 4

"God Save Israel (and Us) from Her Friends," Religion and Society Feb. 1971

box 29, folder 5

"Zionist Propaganda: An Evaluation of Its Effect upon the World," Daily Star (Beirut, Lebanon), (two-part article) May 9-10, 1971

box 29, folder 6

"The Pro-Red China Lobby Rides Again: How China Was Lost," Human Events Sept. 4, 1971

box 29, folder 7

"Will Chou En-lai Outmaneuver Nixon?" Human Events Oct. 9, 1971

box 29, folder 8

"As the Bell Tolls for China," 1972

box 29, folder 9

"John Carter Vincent," Washington Post, (letter to the editor) Jan. 1, 1973

box 29, folder 10

"Forcing the Arabs into Devil's Arms," Washington Star-News Oct. 21, 1973

box 29, folder 11

"Who Can Be the Real Mideast Winner? The Kissinger Cease-Fire," Human Events Nov. 24, 1973

box 29, folder 12

"No Hope Except in God," Washington Star-News, Jan. 27, 1974 (review of Malcolm Muggeridge, Chronicles of Wasted Time: Chronicle 1: The Green Stick)

box 29, folder 13

"Repatriation Measured in Lives," Washington Star-News, Mar. 10, 1974 (review of Julius Epstein, Operation Keelhaul)

box 29, folder 14

"Oppression by a 'General Idea' Can Affect Us All," Human Events, May 11, 1974 (review of Malcolm Muggeridge, Chronicles of Wasted Time: Chronicle 1: The Green Stick)


Speeches And Writings, Undated

Scope and Contents note

Drafts of undated, and mainly unpublished, speeches and writings by Freda Utley, arranged alphabetically by title. In a few cases includes printed copies of articles whose publication dates could not be ascertained
Comprises boxes 29-32.
box 29, folder 15

"Agrarian Crisis in Russia?"

box 29, folder 16

"America House Libraries in Germany"

box 29, folder 17

"American Business between Two Fires"

box 29, folder 18

"Auction in the Far East"

box 29, folder 19

"Australia and Japan"

box 29, folder 20

"Bases of British Policy"

box 29, folder 21

"The Book of the Month Club Too!"

box 29, folder 22

"British Foreign Policy"

box 29, folder 23

"The Budget and Dismantlement"

box 29, folder 24

"The Camouflaged Communist Press"

box 29, folder 25

"Can Russia Win Germany? Ominous Reactions to the 'Contractual Agreement'"

box 29, folder 26

"Can Russia Win Our War?"

box 29, folder 27

"Can the New World Save the Old?"

box 29, folder 28

"Can We Be Sure of the Philippines?"

box 29, folder 29

"Can We Count upon Russia as an Ally?"

box 29, folder 30

"Cardboard Colossus"

box 29, folder 31

"Castlereagh's Strategy against Napoleon"

box 29, folder 32

"Chiang Kai-shek and the Communists"

box 29, folder 33

"China Focus of Conflict"

box 29, folder 34

"China's Camouflaged Communists"

box 29, folder 35

"China's Industrialization," Shanghai Evening Post and Mercury

box 29, folder 36

"China's Tragic Dilemma"

box 29, folder 37

"China's War Effort"

box 29, folder 38

"Chinese Communism"

box 29, folder 39

"Chinese Representation in the United Nations: An Analysis"

box 29, folder 40

"The Chinese Situation"

box 29, folder 41

"Coffee without Caffeine"

box 29, folder 42

"The Colonisation of Eastern Europe"

box 29, folder 43

"Communism in Asia"

box 29, folder 44

"Communism in the Middle East"

box 29, folder 45

"Communist Influence in America"

box 29, folder 46

"The Communist Menace in America"

box 29, folder 47

"Communist Myths"

box 30, folder 1

"Congress and the Preservation of Democracy"

box 30, folder 2

"Contrasts on Formosa"

box 30, folder 3

"Coue Diplomacy"

box 30, folder 4

"The Crime of the 'China Experts' and the Drama of China Today"

box 30, folder 5

"Danger at Geneva"

box 30, folder 6

"The Dangerous Mr. Davis"

box 30, folder 7

"The Danubian Lands and the Balkans"

box 30, folder 8

"De Gaulle and Pandora's Box"

box 30, folder 9

"Did Communists Influence Our Far Eastern Policies?"

box 30, folder 10

"Dismantlement at Salzgitter: Hermann Goering Works"

box 30, folder 11

"Dry Well," National Review (review of Michael Bialoguski, The Case of Colonel Petrov)

box 30, folder 12

"The Economic and Political Structure of Fascist Germany"

box 30, folder 13

"Emergency Appeal to All Freedom-Loving People: Aid Refugees from Communism in China" (paid political advertisement; co-signer with other members of the Emergency Committee for Chinese Refugees)

box 30, folder 14

"The Enslaved Women of Japan"

box 30, folder 15

"Exit Economic Man: Enter Ethical Man?" Common Sense (review of Peter Drucker, The Future of Industrial Man: A Conservative Approach)

box 30, folder 16

"False Dawn in Chungking"

box 30, folder 17

"The Far East in World Affairs"

box 30, folder 18

"The Far East in World Politics"

box 30, folder 19

"The Far Eastern Crisis"

box 30, folder 20

"The Far Eastern Situation"

box 30, folder 21

"Feng Yu-hsiang"

box 30, folder 22

"Foreign Trade and Exchange Control"

box 30, folder 23

"Four Hundred Million Lost Allies"

box 30, folder 24

"The French Sickness"

box 30, folder 25

"From Mongolia to Madrid"

box 30, folder 26

"Full Circle"

box 30, folder 27

"German Realities"

box 30, folder 28

"Germany Abandons Japan for Russia"

box 30, folder 29

"Germany and Russia"

box 30, folder 30

"Good News from China"

box 30, folder 31

"How Communist Myths Are Spread in America"

box 30, folder 32

"How Dumb Can You Get?"

box 30, folder 33

"How Many Switzerlands?"

box 30, folder 34

"How We Blackmail the Germans"

box 30, folder 35

"I March with the Red Cross in China," Reynolds News

box 30, folder 36

"Ice Age or Iron Age" (review of Max Lerner, Ideas for the Ice Age, and William Henry Chamberlin, The World's Iron Age)

box 30, folder 37

"Illusions about Soviet Russia"

box 30, folder 38


box 30, folder 39

"The Italian-German Agreement"

box 30, folder 40


box 30, folder 41

"Japan and Russia"

box 30, folder 42

"Japan over China"

box 30, folder 43

"Japan Prepares to Don Sheep's Clothing"

box 30, folder 44

"The Japanese Budget"

box 30, folder 45

"Japan's Hopes of British Friendship"

box 30, folder 46

"Last Chance for Israel"

box 30, folder 47

"Laying Lenin's Ghost"

box 30, folder 48

Letter to the editor, National Review

box 30, folder 49

Letter to the editor, New Statesman and Nation

box 30, folder 50

Letter to the editor, New York Herald-Tribune

box 30, folder 51

Letter to the editor, New York Times

box 30, folder 52

Letter to the editor, Times (London)

box 30, folder 53

Letter to the editor, Washington Evening Star

box 30, folder 54

Letters to the editor, unknown publications

box 30, folder 55

Letters to the editor, Washington Post

box 30, folder 56

"'Like a God in France'"

box 31, folder 1

"'Mad Hatter's Party'" (letter to the editor)

box 31, folder 2

"The Malmedy Case"

box 31, folder 3


box 31, folder 4

"The Miracle Railway"

box 31, folder 5

"'Moderates' and 'Extremists' in Japan'"

box 31, folder 6

"Moscow's Failure in the Middle East"

box 31, folder 7

"The Neutrals' War"

box 31, folder 8

"A New Bid from Peking to Cairo?"

box 31, folder 9

"The New Imperialism: National Socialism: Can We Escape It?"

box 31, folder 10

"The New Type of Fellow Traveller"

box 31, folder 11

"No Easy Way Out," American Mercury

box 31, folder 12

"One Step Backward, Two Steps Forward," National Review

box 31, folder 13

"An Open Letter to President Johnson by Middle East Specialists" (paid political advertisement; co-signer with others)

box 31, folder 14

"The Opening of the Gates"

box 31, folder 15

"Our German 'War Criminals'"

box 31, folder 16

"Our Liberal Bourbons"

box 31, folder 17

"Paris Is Not Europe"

box 31, folder 18

"Political Developments in Germany"

box 31, folder 19

"The Political World Is Also Round"

box 31, folder 20

"Post-Mortem on Capitalism"

box 31, folder 21

"The Quaker Report: A Dissent"

box 31, folder 22

"Raw Materials, Colonies, Markets, and 'Overpopulation'"

box 31, folder 23

"Recent Events in Europe and the Far Eastern War"

box 31, folder 24

"Red Star over Independence Square: The Strange Case of Edgar Snow and the Saturday Evening Post," Plain Talk

box 31, folder 25

"The Reluctant American Dragon"

box 31, folder 26

Review of Pearl Buck, Imperial Woman

box 31, folder 27

Review of James Burnham, The Coming Defeat of Communism

box 31, folder 28

Review of James Burnham, The Managerial Revolution

box 31, folder 29

Review of Alistair Cooke, A Generation on Trial

box 31, folder 30

Review of John Gunther, Behind the Curtain

box 31, folder 31

Review of Thor Heyerdahl, Kon-Tiki, and Erik Hesselberg, Kon-Tiki and I: A Sketch-book of the Famous Kon-Tiki Expedition

box 31, folder 32

Review of Douglas Hyde, I Believe

box 31, folder 33

Review of John F. Kennedy, Profiles in Courage

box 31, folder 34

Review of Owen Lattimore, The Situation in Asia

box 31, folder 35

Review of Herbert Luethy, France against Herself

box 31, folder 36

Review of Felix Morley, The Power in the People

box 31, folder 37

Review of Komakichi Nohara, The True Face of Japan, Edgar Lajtha, The March of Japan, Hessel Tiltman, The Far East Comes Nearer, Guenther Stein, Far East in Ferment, and E. N. Courton, Militarism and Foreign Policy in Japan

box 31, folder 38

Review of George Orwell, 1984

box 31, folder 39

Review of Henry L. Roberts, Russia and America: Dangers and Prospects

box 31, folder 40

Review of A. L. Sadler, The Maker of Modern Japan: The Life of Tokugawa Ieyasu

box 31, folder 41

Review of Philip Spratt, Blowing up India

box 31, folder 42

Review of Edward R. Stettinius, Jr., Roosevelt and the Russians: The Yalta Conference

box 31, folder 43

Review of George R. Stewart, The Years of the City

box 31, folder 44

Review of John L. Strohm, Just Tell the Truth

box 31, folder 45

Review of G. A. Tokaev, Betrayal of an Idea

box 31, folder 46

Review of Harry S. Truman, Memoirs

box 31, folder 47

"Right and Left Illusions"

box 31, folder 48

"The Russian Dilemma"

box 31, folder 49

"Russian Neutrality"

box 31, folder 50

"Russo-Chinese Rapprochement"

box 31, folder 51

"The Saar: Test Case for Democracy and European Defense"

box 31, folder 52

"Shall It Profit Us to Betray China?"

box 31, folder 53

"Shall Not the Judge of All the Earth Do Right?"

box 31, folder 54


box 31, folder 55

"Signs and Significance of the Communist Turn to a 'Soft' Line"

box 31, folder 56

"The Sky Is Dark"

box 31, folder 57

"Socialism Must Be Democratic"

box 31, folder 58

"Some Contradictions in British Foreign Policy"

box 31, folder 59

"Stalin's Left Hand in America"

box 31, folder 60

Statement, U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee

box 31, folder 61

"A Statue to Patton"

box 31, folder 62

"The Strange Case of Japan"

box 31, folder 63

"Structure of the Nazi State"

box 31, folder 64

"Those Whom the Gods Wish to Destroy..."

box 31, folder 65

"Total War and the Nemesis of Imperialism"

box 31, folder 66

"Tragedy or Triumph on the Nile, or, Should We Back Nasser?"

box 31, folder 67

"Truth Will Out," Freeman (review of Walter Millis, ed., The Forrestal Diaries)

box 31, folder 68

"Turn the Flood of Lend Lease Over to China!"

box 32, folder 1

"Unending Quest"

box 32, folder 2


box 32, folder 3

"Versailles Treaty"

box 32, folder 4

"A Visit to Quemoy"

box 32, folder 5

"The War to Make the World Safe for Stalin"

box 32, folder 6

"What Is Behind the Attempt to Discredit Congress?"

box 32, folder 7

"What Is the Stalin Plan?"

box 32, folder 8

"What Is to Be Done in the Far East?"

box 32, folder 9

"What of the Chemical Revolution? Synthetics and the Future" (co-author with Alexander Baird)

box 32, folder 10

"What Power Has the Mikado?"

box 32, folder 11

"What's Wrong with the Right - and the Left Too, or, A Plague on Both Your Houses"

box 32, folder 12

"Where Liberty Is Not"

box 32, folder 13

"Where the Fate of the World Is Being Decided"

box 32, folder 14

"Whither Bound?"

box 32, folder 15

"Who Are the Chinese Liberals?"

box 32, folder 16

"Who Rules Japan?"

box 32, folder 17

"Why German Industrialists Need Public Relations in the United States"

box 32, folder 18

"Why I Like You"

box 32, folder 19

"Why Japan Cannot Face a Long War"

box 32, folder 20

"Why So Tender to Nehru? or, As the Pakistanis See Us"

box 32, folder 21

"Will America Fall for Nehru?"

box 32, folder 22

"Will Germany Turn East or West? Importance of the Paris Conference"

box 32, folder 23

"Will the Chinese Communists Break the United Front?"

box 32, folder 24

"The World Views the U.S." (column)

box 32, folder 25

"The Wrong Premise"

box 32, folder 26

"Yesterday China, Tomorrow the Middle East, or, Last Chance in the Middle East"


Speeches And Writings, Fragments Of undated

Scope and Contents note

Fragments of drafts for unidentifiable speeches and writings by Freda Utley, unarranged.
Box 32-36.
box 32, folder 27-28


box 33, folder 1-4


box 34, folder 1-4


box 35, folder 1-4


box 36, folder 1-4



Notebooks undated

Scope and Contents note

Notes assembled by Freda Utley for use in her speeches and writings, not readily divisible by subject, unarranged.
Comprises boxes 37-41
box 37

Notebooks undated


Box 37 may not be used without permission of the Archivist.
box 38

Notebooks undated

box 39

Notebooks undated

box 40

Notebooks undated

box 41, folder 1-3

Notebooks undated

box 41, folder 4

Calling cards undated


Subject File 1936-1976

Scope and Contents note

Clippings, serial issues, pamphlets, reprints, leaflets, bulletins, newsletters, other printed matter, typed copies and translations of printed matter, press summaries, press releases, news dispatches, speech transcripts, memoranda, lists, notes, and miscellany, relating broadly to contemporaneous political, social and economic conditions in most parts of the world, arranged alphabetically by subject. In most cases subjects are names of countries or other geographical areas
Comprises boxes 42-84.
box 42, folder 1


box 42, folder 2-3


box 42, folder 4-5


box 43, folder 1




box 43, folder 2-3


box 44, folder 1-3


box 45, folder 1-5

Printed matter

box 46, folder 1-5

Printed matter

box 47, folder 1-2

Printed matter

box 47, folder 3

Speeches (by persons other than Freda Utley)

box 47, folder 4

Communism (communism in the United States or in international aspects only; material on communism in countries other than the United States filed under geographical headings)

box 48, folder 1-3


box 48, folder 4


box 48, folder 5

Eastman, Max (includes draft of "The Fate of the World Is at Stake in China" by Max Eastman and J. B. Powell) see also CORRESPONDENCE, ALPHABETICAL



box 49, folder 1


box 49, folder 2-4


box 49, folder 5

Printed matter

box 50, folder 1-5

Printed matter

box 51, folder 1-4

Printed matter

box 51, folder 5

Speeches and interviews of Gamal Abdel Nasser (mimeographed)



box 52, folder 1


box 52, folder 2-4

Printed matter

box 52, folder 5


box 53, folder 1-2




box 53, folder 3-5


box 55, folder 1-4

War crime trials (post-World War II)

box 54, folder 3-4

Reparations (post-World War II)

box 54, folder 2

Displaced persons (post-World War II)

box 54, folder 1


box 56, folder 1-2

Press summaries

box 56, folder 3-4

Printed matter

box 57, folder 1-4

Printed matter

box 58, folder 1-4

Printed matter

box 59, folder 1-5

Printed matter

box 60, folder 1-3

Great Britain

box 60, folder 4

Hong Kong



box 60, folder 5


box 61, folder 1-5

Printed matter

box 62, folder 1


box 62, folder 2-3




box 62, folder 4


box 62, folder 5

Printed matter

box 63, folder 1-5

Printed matter

box 64, folder 1-2

Printed matter

box 64, folder 3


box 64, folder 4-5


box 65, folder 1-2


box 65, folder 3-4


box 65, folder 5


box 66, folder 1


box 66, folder 2

Latin America

box 66, folder 3-4

Lattimore, Owen (includes draft of "Japan, Nanking and the Chinese Red Armies" by Owen Lattimore) see also CORRESPONDENCE, ALPHABETICAL; and BIOGRAPHICAL FILE, under Clippings

box 66, folder 5-6


box 67, folder 1


box 67, folder 2


box 67, folder 3-5



Near East

box 67, folder 6


box 68, folder 1


box 68, folder 2-4

Printed matter

box 69, folder 1-4

Printed matter

box 70, folder 1-5

Printed matter

box 71, folder 1-2


box 5, folder 32

Powell, J. B. see Eastman, Max; CORRESPONDENCE, ALPHABETICAL, under China Weekly Review

box 71, folder 3

Russell, Bertrand. see also CORRESPONDENCE, ALPHABETICAL



box 71, folder 4


box 71, folder 5-6

Printed matter

box 72, folder 1-3

Printed matter

box 72, folder 4-5

Saudi Arabia

box 73, folder 1

Schieber, Haviv

box 73, folder 2


box 73, folder 3-5

Starr, Park and Freeman Company. see also CORRESPONDENCE, ALPHABETICAL

box 73, folder 6


box 74, folder 1-4



United States (see also Communism)

box 75, folder 1-2


box 75, folder 3-4

Printed matter

box 76, folder 1-4

Printed matter

box 77, folder 1-4

Printed matter

box 78, folder 1-3

Printed matter

box 78, folder 4


box 79, folder 1-2



Wedemeyer, Albert C. (see also CORRESPONDENCE, ALPHABETICAL)

box 79, folder 3


box 79, folder 4

Wedemeyer Reports! (drafts of the book by Albert C. Wedemeyer)

box 80, folder 1-3

Wedemeyer Reports! (drafts)

box 81, folder 1

Welles, Sumner (notes for interview)

box 81, folder 2

Wittfogel, Karl A. (draft of Chapter 9 of Oriental Despotism by Karl A. Wittfogel) see also CORRESPONDENCE, ALPHABETICAL

box 81, folder 3-4

World Anti-Communist League


World politics

box 81, folder 5-6


box 82, folder 1-5

Printed matter

box 83, folder 1-5

Printed matter

box 84, folder 1-4

World War 1939-1945

box 84, folder 5




envelope A

10 prints of Freda Utley, alone, and with others, including William F. Buckley, Jr., and Walter Judd 1930-1970

envelope B

9 prints of Freda Utley and her brother Temple as children, and of their parents undated

envelope C

6 prints, including 1 of Arcadi Berdichevsky, husband of Freda Utley, circa 1935, and 5 of Freda Utley and her son Jon 1930-1970

envelope D

10 prints and postcards of war damage and other scenes in Germany, and German acquaintances of Freda Utley 1940-1950

envelope E

12 prints of scenes in China, including military scenes from the Sino Japanese War; Freda Utley in China; and Chinese acquaintances, including Chou En-lai 1938-1956

envelope G

9 prints and postcards of scenes in Egypt, and Freda Utley with King Faisal of Saudi Arabia and President Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt 1918-1970

envelope H

27 prints made by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees of Palestine Refugees of Palestinian refugees in Jordan and the Gaza Strip and of relief work on their behalf 1959

envelope I

17 prints, of Arab war refugees and of Arab civilian victims of Israeli bombing 1967

envelope J

7 miscellaneous or unidentified prints and postcards 1934

envelope K

26 unidentified negatives undated

box 85

Material not yet described

box 86

Material not yet described

box 87

Material not yet described