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Finding Aid for the Blase Bonpane Papers, 1977
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Box 1

Archives - blue. Finished business, 1970-1975.

Box 1

Archives - miscellaneous. 1970-1974.

Box 1

Archives - green and yellow. 1954-1968.

Box 2

Archives - green and yellow. 1968-1980.

Box 3

Archives - green and yellow. 1980-1984.

Box 4

Archives - green and yellow. Five folders n.d.

Box 4

Archives - green and yellow. 1984-1989.

Box 5

Archives. Reference.

Box 5

Archives - green and yellow. n.d.


Campaign Materials

Box 21

Campaign materials.


Cassette Tapes

Box 35

Audiocassettes. 1968-1980.

Box 36

Audiocassettes. 1981.

Box 37

Audiocassettes. 1982, 1985, and miscellaneous.

Box 38

Audiocassettes. 1983, Radio KPFK - 1988-1989.

Box 39

Audiocassettes. 1984 and miscellaneous.

Box 40

Audiocassettes. 1986 and Radio KPFK, 1989.

Box 41

Audiocassettes. 1987 and duplicates.

Box 42

Audiocassettes. 1988.

Box 43

Audiocassettes. Miscellaneous.

Box 44

Audiocassettes. Miscellaneous and duplicates.

Box 107

BB - Focus on the Americas: July 15, 1994.

Box 107

BB - The Nobody Show: May 8, 1996.

Box 107

Cease Fire - In Memory of the Jesuits of El Salvador, BB - A Visit to Cuba

Box 107

BB - Muzzling the Media, An interview with law professor Robert Benson

Box 107

Q & A Continued.

Box 107

BB - Commemoration of Romero: March 24, 1996.

Box 107

46th Conference on World Affairs - Series 15 - Policing the World: April 6, 1993.

Box 107

Office of the Americas - #35 BB interviews socialist mayor Bernie Sanders; #36 BB and Father Aristide of Haiti.

Box 107

#21 Human rights in El Salvador - O. Hernandez; #20 interview with Dennis Bernstein.

Box 107

#34 Some interesting reading, #35 East Timor.

Box 107

BB and Noam Chomsky: February 28, 1995.

Box 107

BB and Jean Claude Martineau: July 13, 1994.

Box 107

BB [interviews] Jennifer Harbury: June 10, 1994.

Box 107

BB - Interview with Jennifer Harbury: June 24, 1994.

Box 107

Amado Avendano interview with BB: March 21, 1995.

Box 107

BB and Jennifer Harbury: December 1, 1994.

Box 107

BB and Madea Benjamin: April 21, 1994; Humanism as a policy: May 19, 1994.

Box 107

BB - Haiti Occupation: 1994.

Box 107

Latin America News - KGNU Boulder: October 24, 1994.

Box 107

BB and Louis Chase - KPFK: August 11, 1994.

Box 107

For ARN: October 7, 1994.

Box 107

Jesus Garcia and Lucius Walker, Archbishop Oscar Romero.

Box 107

Blase - KPFK.

Box 107

Hemispheres - BB, Verne Lyon, Abigail Fuller and Scott Smith: April 5, 1994.

Box 107

The Twenty-First Century: April 9, 1991 [Conference on World Affairs?].

Box 107

BB and Noam Chomsky.

Box 107

BB (Nicaragua) interview with Francisco Campbell.

Box 107

Guatemala and Lucy Edwards, other Americas.

Box 107

1 unidentified.

Box 107

#18 The United Nations of the Future; #19 Peace Team.

Box 107


Box 107

#16 Relentless Persistence - Philip McManus; #17 Global Crime without Punishment.

Box 108

BB - The Oasis: June 11, 1996.

Box 108

Interview - Father Yves Voltaire: June 7, 1996.

Box 108

Father Yves Voltaire - Lunch: June 7, 1996.

Box 108

Focus on the Americas: Voz Popular #33 - Guatemalan Clandestine, Haiti Reborn; #32 - Interview with Marx Aristide.

Box 108

Focus on the Americas: #3 Insurgency in Mexico: January 13, 1994; #4 Zapata and the Mexican Revolution: January 27, 1994.

Box 108

BB and Noam Chomsky: February 28, 1995.

Box 108

Blase Bonpane Live: October 27, 1992.

Box 108

Focus on the Americas: Javier Rodriquez: October 4, 1995.

Box 108

Focus on the Americas: Lucius Walker and Jesus Garcia: March 25, 1994.

Box 108

Focus on the Americas: #26 An interview with Saul Landau; #27 Let's Crucify the Poor

Box 108

Focus on the Americas: Gathering the Evidence, Victory in the Gulf?

Box 108

Focus on the Americas: #32 Interview with Jorge Ruiz Miyares: August 7, 1991; #33 Response to the Listeners: August 14, 1991.

Box 108

Focus on the Americas: #22 Response to the Listeners; #23 Letter to the Pope.

Box 108

Focus on the Americas: Relentless Persistence - Philip McManus, Global Crime without Punishment.

Box 108

Focus on the Americas: #24 Education; #25 Interview with Daniel Ellsberg.

Box 108

Focus on the Americas: #34 Some Interesting Reading; #35 East Timor.

Box 108

Focus on the Americas: #38 Interview with Father Bill Davis; #39 International War Crimes Tribunal.

Box 108

Focus on the Americas: #48 BB and Father Fambrini - Refugees; #49 Songs by Blase Martin Bonpane - Celebrating Life.

Box 108

Focus on the Americas: #63 Peace in the New Year (Parts 1 and 2).

Box 108

Focus on the Americas: #68 State of the Union; #69 The Unnecessary War.

Box 108

Focus on the Americas: BB, Medea Benjamin, and Lisa Sanchez: March 21, 1995.

Box 108

Focus on the Americas - #20 Civil Rights in the Kingdom of Kuwait; #21 Human Rights in El Salvador.

Box 108

Focus on the Americas - #6 The Scene of the Crime; #7 The Vision Endures.

Box 108

Focus on the Americas - March 14, 1995. BB and Lisa Sanchez.

Box 108

Gathering the Evidence; Victory in the Gulf? [ Focus on the Americas(?)].

Box 108

Office of the Americas - BB interview with Noam Chomsky.

Box 108

Focus on the Americas - November 17, 1989 - BB.

Box 109

Dave Emory and John Judge on UFOs and Cults; Dave Emory on UFOs and ETs.

Box 109

Dave Emory on UFOs and ETs - Part 1 (To Blase from Sammy Sanchez).

Box 109

BB - Commentary: February 6, 1996.

Box 109

CSU Fresno - Re: Caravan: November 14, 1996.

Box 109

BB: June 18, 1996 - Commentary.

Box 109

BB: May 21, 1996.

Box 109

BB: May 28, 1996 - Commentary.

Box 109

BB: May 7, 1996 - Commentary.

Box 109

BB: January 9, 1996 - KPFK Commentary.

Box 109

Focus on the Americas: #38 Interview with Father Bill Davis; #39 International War Crimes Tribunal.

Box 109

Office of the Americas Forum: May 22 [?]. Bill Rosendahl (moderator), Anne Marie Stans, Jim Lafferty and Ronnie Dugger - Q & A.

Box 109

BB: March 19, 1996 - Commentary: Terrorism.

Box 109

BB: January 2, 1996 - Commentary.

Box 109

BB: June 25, 1996 - Commentary (military).

Box 109

BB: January 16, 1996 - Commentary Re: Wilson Budget.

Box 109

BB: February 27, 1996 - Commentary: Cuba.

Box 109

BB: February 20, 1996 - Commentary.

Box 109

BB: January 30, 1996 - Commentary: Prisons.

Box 109

BB: January 23, 1996 - Commentary.

Box 109

BB: March 12, 1996 - Commentary: Necrophilia.

Box 109

BB: March 5, 1996 - Commentary.

Box 109

BB: March 23, 1996 - Report on Guatemala (at home of Suzy and Wally Marks).

Box 109

BB: January 28, 1996 - Chiapas, Hollywood Unitarians.

Box 109

BB: May 21, 1996 - Commentary.

Box 110

BB: January 26, 1995 - Guerillas of Peace (ARN).

Box 110

BB: April 13, 1994 - Class at Harbor College.

Box 110

BB: Christmas 1994 (ARN).

Box 110

Redondo Democratic Club: June 28, 1994.

Box 110

BB: November 1994 - Guatemala (ARN).

Box 110

BB: 1994 - Cuba (ARN).

Box 110

BB: February 10, 1995 - Guerillas of Peace (ARN).

Box 110

BB: November 1994 - 4th Pastors for Peace Caravan (ARN).

Box 110

BB: September 22, 1994 - Haiti (KPFK).

Box 110

BB: April 22, 1994 - Hilga Sittkin (ARN).

Box 110

BB: April 12, 1994 - Harbor [College](?).

Box 110

BB: April 26, 1994 - Harbor College.

Box 110

BB: April 16, 1994 - Loyola Law School.

Box 110

BB: April 16, 1994 - Loyola Law School.

Box 110

BB: April 19, 1994 - Harbor College.

Box 110

BB: April 21, 1994 - Harbor College.

Box 110

KPFK: May 30, 1995 - BB and Alice Zachmann.

Box 110

BB: May 26, 1995 - Guatemala (ARN).

Box 110

Santa Monica Unitarian [Church?]: May 25, 1995 - Guatemala.

Box 110

BB: May 23, 1995 - Report on Chiapas Peace Talks (KPFK).

Box 110

BB: March 31, 1995 - Loving the Sojourner (ARN).

Box 110

Report on Chiapas (ARN): May 19, 1995.

Box 110

Rafael Mariano: May 22, 1995 - Peasant Movement of Philippines next hit .

Box 111

Women for Theresa and Blase.

Box 111

BB: April 2, 1996 - Commentary: Arms Sales and Purchases.

Box 111

Focus on the Americas: #42 and #43 Liberation Theology with BB (parts 1 and 2).

Box 111

Guatemala Hearings V - Jennifer, Guatemala Hearings: April 5, 1995.

Box 111

Focus on the Americas: #5 Witness for Peace: March 7, 1994; #6 A Fresh Start.

Box 111

Focus on the Americas: State of the Union, Unnecessary War.

Box 111

Focus on the Americas: Guatemala Voz Popular, Conversion.

Box 111

BB: March 26, 1996 - Commentary Re: Sister Diana Ortiz.

Box 111

BB: July 2, 1996 - Commentary.

Box 111

BB: April 19, 1996 - Copy of interview, Farrakahn.

Box 111

BB: July 9, 1996 - News comment.

Box 111

BB - Mike Donlan (ARN).

Box 111

BB: June 10, 1994 - Music to Live By (99.3 FM KCLA), BB: January 9, 1996 - KPFK.

Box 111

BB: April 9, 1996 - Commentary: Police Science.

Box 111

BB: May 14, 1996 - Commentary.

Box 111

BB: June 11, 1996 - Commentary.

Box 111

Blase - Good Bombs (ARN).

Box 111

BB: September 2, 1994 - Cuba Crisis (ARN), BB: August 26, 1994 - Cuba Crisis.

Box 111

BB: 1994 - Haiti and U.S. Intervention.

Box 111

Answering the President.

Box 111

BB: November 26, 1991 - Central America, Cuba (UCSU - Class from Santa Cruz).

Box 111

Central America: El Salvador's Continuing Pain: April 9, 1991 (CWA).

Box 111

#24 Thoughts form Central America, Caribbean: March 31, 1990; #25 Nicaragua Ambassador Leonor Arguello de Huper: April 5, 1990.

Box 111

Peace in Yugoslavia - BB and Judith Gabriel, Election Year 1992 - Commentary by BB.

Box 111

Ruben Zamora.

Box 111

[BB] and Pam: August 25, 1994.

Box 111

Ruben Zamora - Q & A.

Box 112

ARN: June 2, 1995 - Blase.

Box 112

Voices of Our World: June 4, 1995 - Jennifer and Roy.

Box 112

Guatemala and Santa Barbara: June 30, 1995 (ARN).

Box 112

BB: June 8, 1995 - Santa Barbara.

Box 112

BB: August 29, 1995 - KPFK.

Box 112

BB: August 1, 1995 - KPFK.

Box 112

Voices of Our World: August 13, 1995 - Blase.

Box 112

BB: August 8, 1995 - Justice for Janitors (with Local 399).

Box 112

Focus on the Americas: August 22, 1995, August 15, 1995.

Box 112

Ronnie Dugger and BB: August 18, 1995 (ARN).

Box 112

BB: August 27, 1995 - KLAS Live.

Box 112

ARN: July 14, 1995 - Bonpane.

Box 112

ARN: July 7, 1995 - Bonpane.

Box 112

Focus on the Americas: July 18, 1995.

Box 112

BB: July 16, 1995 - Ventura, Prairie Home Companion Thanksgiving Rerun: November 29, 1987.

Box 112

BB: July 27, 1995 - National Council of Senior Citizens.

Box 112

BB: July 25, 1995 - KPFK.

Box 112

BB: July 22, 1995 - Loyola Law School.

Box 112

BB: July 20, 1995 - Thurs PM Forum.

Box 112

BB: July 29, 1995 - ARN.

Box 112

BB: September 17, 1995 - ARN.

Box 112

KPFK: September 19, 1995 - BB, Medea Benjamin, and Kevin Pina, Led Zep II.

Box 112

Journey of Hope (KPFK): September 26, 1995.

Box 112

Focus on the Americas: September 12, 1995 - BB, Roberto Sosa, and Daisy Zamora.

Box 112

BB (KPFK): September 5, 1995 - Torture in Israel.

Box 113

BB: April 13, 1994 - Harbor College II and III.

Box 113

Gary McEoin: March 10, 1995.

Box 113

BB: April 18, 1994 - Pasadena City College.

Box 113

BB and Gwen Walters: March 17, 1994 - Rangel Hearings.

Box 113

BB: February 17, 1995 - 50 Years is Enough (ARN).

Box 113

BB (ARN): 1995 - previous hit Philippine Leader.

Box 113

Focus on the Americas: October 10, 1995, October 17, 1995.

Box 113

BB and Edward Asner: April 6, 1995 - CSULA, Guatemala Hearings: April 5, 1995.

Box 113

Guatemala Hearings: April 5, 1995; Jennifer Harbury Senate Hearings: April 5, 1995.

Box 113

BB: April 1, 1995 - Church Women United.

Box 113

Pierre LaBossier: April 1, 1995 - Loyola Law School.

Box 113

Jennifer Harbury Testimony (ARN): April 7, 1995.

Box 113

BB: April 21, 1995 - Oklahoma (ARN).

Box 113

BB (Ventura): April 23, 1995 - Guatemala and CIA.

Box 113

Focus on the Americas: Nuclear Terror Bill Legislation: April 25, 1995, Guatemala Hearings: April 5, 1995.

Box 113

BB: April 28, 1995 - Nuclear Terror.

Box 113

BB: April 29, 1995 - OCCOCA (Orange County Committee on Central America).

Box 113

BB: May 2, 1995 - Julia Sweig (KPFK).

Box 113

Santa Monica Unitarian Church: May 4, 1995.

Box 113

[BB]: May 5, 1995 - Guatemala and CIA (Santa Monica Unitarian) (ARN).

Box 113

[BB]: May 5, 1995 (for use on May 12, 1995) - Rogue States (ARN).

Box 113

San Andres Larrainzar (Chiapas I): May 12, 1995 and May 13, 1995.

Box 113

San Andres Larrainzar: May 13, 1995.

Box 113

Cecelia Rodriguez: May 17, 1995 - Loyola Law.

Box 114

BB and Medea Benjamin: March 24, 1995 (ARN).

Box 114

BB: July 1, 1994 - Immigration (ARN).

Box 114

BB and Jean Claude Martineau: July 15, 1994.

Box 114

BB: July 29, 1994 - Haiti (ARN).

Box 114

BB: July 22, 1994 - Limbaugh (ARN).

Box 114

Living History Recorded: 99.3 FM KCLA: June 17, 1994.

Box 114

BB: July 8, 1994 - Living History (ARN).

Box 114

BB: August 12, 1994 - Cuba (ARN).

Box 114

[BB]: August 5, 1994 (ARN).

Box 114

Jennifer Harbury (ARN).

Box 114

BB: December 1995 - Interview with Colby and Dennett.

Box 114

BB: December 12, 1995 - KPFK.

Box 114

BB: August 19, 1994 - School of the Americas (ARN).

Box 114

BB: October 19, 1995 - Rhino Records.

Box 114

BB: February 24, 1995 - Mexico (ARN).

Box 114

Focus on the Americas: January 26, 1995 - Neo-Liberalism, Clare Spark 6.

Box 114

BB: December 19, 1995 - Populism (KPFK).

Box 114

BB: March 3, 1995 - Mexico (ARN).

Box 114

BB: October 26, 1995 - Rhino Records Talk (ARN).

Box 114

Re: Caravan: November 16, 1995 (ARN).

Box 114

Merlie Robertson - November 7, 1995.

Box 114

Jennifer Harbury with Ariana Manov: December 7, 1995, [BB]: November 28, 1995 (KPFK).

Box 114

BB: June 3, 1994 - Music to Live By (KCLA), Jennifer Harbury: December 7, 1995.

Box 114

Gerard Colby and Charlotte Dennett: November 30, 1995.

Box 114

BB: November 21, 1995 - Caravan (KPFK).

Box 115

BB: December 27, 1989 - Invasion of Panama, BB and Noam Chomsky: January 3, 1990 - Noriega in the Vatican Embassy?

Box 115

Office of the Americas: April 3, 1991 - #14 Learning from History, April 5, 1991 - #15 Peace is the Way.

Box 115

BB: January 10, 1990 - Media and the Invasion.

Box 115

El Salvador in Focus - End of Year: 1989.

Box 115

BB and Jeff Cohen: February 14, 1990 - Media Coverage of Central America, February 21, 1990 - Open Letter to President Bush from BB.

Box 115

BB and Noam Chomsky: October 1989 - Controversy and Action.

Box 115

BB and Chomsky - Conversion from a Permanent War Economy: October 18, 1989, Anti-communism in light of Perestroika & Glasnost: November 1, 1989.

Box 115

BB and Chomsky: October 25, 1989 - Implications of the Coup Attempt in Panama, October 11, 1989 - Drugs and Addiction.

Box 115

Focus on the Americas: November 17, 1989.

Box 115

Ideology of Anti-Communism: November 1, 1989, Latin American Pres. Meeting: November 15, 1989; Assasination Jesuits/El Salvador: November 22, 1989.

Box 115

BB and Noam Chomsky: November 8, 1989 - Meeting of Central American Presidents, November 17, 1989 - Assassination of 6 Jesuit Priests.

Box 115

BB and Chomsky: November 8, 1989 - Meeting of Central American Presidents, November 17, 1989 - Assassination of six Jesuit priests.

Box 115

War in El Salvador and U.S. Media: November 29, 1989, Assassination of the Six Jesuit Priests in El Salvador: November 22, 1989.

Box 115

BB and Three Los Angeles Priests: December 6, 1989 - Death Squads in LA?, December 13, 1989 - The Role of the Church in the Context of Revolution.

Box 115

BB, Frs. Kennedy, Boyle, & Olivares: December 6, 1989 - Death Squads in Los Angeles?, December 13, 1989 - The Role of the Church in Context of Revolution.

Box 115

BB: January 24, 1990 - Commentary on the Killings in Central America, BB & Luis Wolf: January 17, 1990 - Covert Action in the Central American War.

Box 115

BB: January 31, 1990 - Two Panamanians Interviewed about the Invasion, February 7, 1990 - Response to the State of the Union Message.

Box 115

BB and Noam Chomsky: January 10, 1990 - The Media During the Invasion of Panama.

Box 115

BB and Noam Chomsky: January 1990 - Noriega in the Vatican Embassy, BB: December 27, 1989 - The Invasion of Panama.

Box 115

BB: January 31, 1990 - Two Panamanians Interviewed about the Invasion, February 7, 1990 - Response to State of Union Message.

Box 115

BB, Frs. Kennedy, Boyle & Olivares: December 13, 1989 - The Role of the Church in Context of Revolution, December 6, 1989 - Death Squads in LA?

Box 116

Focus on the Americas: 1992 - #2 El Salvador: Peace at Last? - BB and Gladys Sibrian; #3 The Cancer of Militarism - BB.

Box 116

Focus on the Americas: #1 Election Year 1992 - BB; #52 Peace in Yugoslavia - BB and Judith Gabriel.

Box 116

1992 - Are Theology and Economics the Same?, Nicaragua.

Box 116

Focus on the Americas: #4 Interview with Law Professor Robert Benson; #5 Muzzling the Media - BB.

Box 116

Focus on the Americas: #10 The Pope and the President - BB; #11 Honduras - Elvia Alvarado/Medea Benjamin.

Box 116

Focus on the Americas: #19 How to Fix the United States #1; #20 How to Fix the United States #2.

Box 116

Focus on the Americas: #21 How to Fix the USA Part III - BB; #22 We Have Too Much Money - BB.

Box 116

Focus on the Americas: Speaking at Brown University, BB interviews Alan Nairn.

Box 116

Focus on the Americas: Future of U.S. Labor, Campaign Season.

Box 116

Focus on the Americas: #32 Equal Justice Under the Law #33 Defense Conversion Testimony.

Box 116

Focus on the Americas: #34 Some Interesting Reading; #35 East Timor.

Box 116

Focus on the Americas: #36 Family Values; #37 Response to the Listeners.

Box 116

Focus on the Americas: #46 Why Did I Do It?; #47 Pastors for Peace.

Box 116

Focus on the Americas: #42 N.A. Free Trade; #43 Forgive Us Our Debts.

Box 116

Focus on the Americas: #38 Israel; #39 Door to Door.

Box 116

Focus on the Americas: #25 City of Quartz; #26 Interview with Mike Davis.

Box 116

Focus on the Americas: #27 Interview with Saul Landau; #28 Let's Crucify the Poor.

Box 116

Focus on the Americas: United Nations Conference on Environment & Development, A Friendshipment to Cuba.

Box 116

[ Focus on the Americas(?)]: #50 A Vision of Peace; #51 Intervention.

Box 116

[ Focus on the Americas(?)]: #40 Turning Green; #41 Cypress.

Box 116

[ Focus on the Americas(?)]: #48 Stopped at the Border; #49 [Interview] with Pablo Rodriguez.

Box 116

[ Focus on the Americas(?)]: #44 Now That the Elections are Over; #45 The Issues Remain.

Box 116

[ Focus on the Americas(?)]: #52 Resolutions for the New Year; #53 I Beg Your Pardon.

Box 116

[ Focus on the Americas(?)]: Interview with Father Mulligan, A Few Legislative Matters.

Box 117

BB - Political Science 155 [Lectures] - February 2-7, 1978.

Box 117

BB - Political Science 155 [Lectures]: February 7-9, 1978.

Box 117

BB - Political Science [Lectures]: February 9-14, 1978.

Box 117

BB - Political Science 155 [Lectures]: February 16-21, 1978.

Box 117

BB - Political Science 155 [Lectures]: February 21-28, 1978.

Box 117

BB - Political Science 155 [Lectures]: February 28-March 2, 1978.

Box 117

BB - Political Science 155 [Lectures]: March 2-16, 1978.

Box 117

BB - Political Science 155 [Lectures]: March 9, 16, 1978.

Box 117

BB - Blase Bonpane [Lectures]: March 30, April 4-6, 1978.

Box 117

BB - Political Science 155 [Lectures]: April 6-11, 1978.

Box 117

BB - Political Science 155 [Lectures]: April 11-18, 1978.

Box 117

BB - Political Science 155 [Lectures]: April 20-27, 1978.

Box 117

BB - Political Science 155 [Lectures]: April 25-27, 1978.

Box 117

BB - Political Science 155 [Lectures]: May 2-4, 1978.

Box 118

Congressional Debate [on] Contra Aid: February 3, 1988 (1 and 2).

Box 118

Congressional Debate [on] Contra Aid: February 3, 1988 (3 and 4).

Box 118

Congressional Debate [on] Contra Aid: February 3, 1988 (5 and 6).

Box 118

Congressional Debate [on] Contra Aid: February 3, 1988 (9 and 10).

Box 118

BB - Insurgency in Mexico, OOA: January 13, 1994.

Box 118

BB - Looking at 1994 (parts one and two).

Box 118

Focus on the Americas: #63 Peace in the New Year (parts one and two).

Box 118

[ Focus on the Americas(?)]: Peace Mission to Baghdad, Mr. Bush Begins His War.

Box 118

[ Focus on the Americas(?)]: Turning the Tables, The War and the Media.

Box 118

Focus on the Americas: State of the Union, Unnecessary War.

Box 118

[ Focus on the Americas(?)]: We Refuse to be Well Adjusted, Michael Parenti - The Media Covers the War.

Box 118

Focus on the Americas: Victory in the Gulf?, Gathering the Evidence.

Box 118

[ Focus on the Americas(?)]: BB & Dennis Bernstein: March 22, 1991 - WIMP.

Box 118

Focus on the Americas: April 3, 1991 - Learning from History.

Box 118

Focus on the Americas: Philip McManus Relentless Persistence, Global Crime without Punishment.

Box 118

Focus on the Americas: May 1, 1991 - The Future of the United Nations, Walking to Jerusalem: May 8, 1991.

Box 118

Focus on the Americas: #20 Civil Rights in the Kingdom of Kuwait with Dennis Bernstein; #21 Human Rights in El Salvador with Oscar Rodriguez.

Box 118

[ Focus on the Americas(?)]: #22 Response to the Listeners; #23 The Pope's Letter.

Box 118

Focus on the Americas: #24 Education; #24 Interview with Daniel Ellsberg.

Box 118

[ Focus on the Americas(?)]: #26 Greg Landau; #27 Soul Vibrations.

Box 118

[ Focus on the Americas(?)]: Mexican Insurgency: January 13, 1994, Zapata and the Mexican Revolution.

Box 118

[ Focus on the Americas(?)]: Witness for Peace: March 7, 1994, A Fresh Start.

Box 118

Focus on the Americas: #32 Haiti Reborn BB Interview with Marx Aristide; #33 Voz Popular Guatemalan Clandestine Radio.

Box 118

Brian Wilson.

Box 118

Focus on the Americas: Reverend Lucius Walkerand Father Jesus Garcia: March 25, 1994.

Box 119

Focus on the Americas: #3 Insurgency in Mexico: January 13, 1994; #4 Zapata and the Mexican Revolution: January 27, 1994.

Box 119

[ Focus on the Americas(?)]: #12 Empire Never Learns; #13 Interview with Alan Nairn.

Box 119

Focus on the Americas: #24 Gary Cox interviews Dr. Blase Bonpane; #26 The Little Yellow School Bus/Pam Burton.

Box 119

Focus on the Americas: #14 Time to Renew Relations with Cuba #15 Interview tih Dr. Sergio Ramirez.

Box 119

Focus on the Americas: #20 Ten Years; #21 Freedom to Travel with Teresa Walsh.

Box 119

Focus on the Americas: #8 Instruments of Change; #9 Alternatives to Neo-Liberalism.

Box 119

Focus on the Americas: #17 Interview with Orestes Gonzalez; #16 Ethnic Cleansing.

Box 119

[ Focus on the Americas(?)]: #2 Neo-Liberal Wars; #3 The Serial Killer.

Box 119

[ Focus on the Americas(?)]: #8 Instruments of Change; #9 Alternatives to Neo-Liberalism.

Box 119

[ Focus on the Americas(?)]: #6 The Scene of the Crime; #7 The Vision Endures.

Box 119

[ Focus on the Americas(?)]: #4 The Pulse of the Morning; #5 Interview with D. Sheehan and B. Davis.

Box 119

[ Focus on the Americas(?)]: #11 Ramsey Clark Interview; #12 Answering the President.

Box 119

BB - Have a Nice Summer '93 (parts 1 & 2).

Box 119

[ Focus on the Americas(?)]: Conventional Wisdom, Mind Control '93.

Box 119

[ Focus on the Americas(?)]: Marx Aristide Haiti Reborn: November 18, 1993.

Box 119

Focus on the Americas: Looking at 1994 (parts one and two).

Box 119

Focus on the Americas: #32 Haiti Reborn Interview with Marx Aristide; #33 Voz Popular Guatemalan Clandestine.

Box 119

Focus on the Americas: #3 Insurgency in Mexico: January 13, 1994; #4 Zapata and the Mexican Revolution: January 27, 1994.

Box 119

Focus on the Americas: #5 Witness for Peace: March 7, 1994; #6 A Fresh Start.

Box 119

[ Focus on the Americas(?)]: #16 Ethnic Cleansing.

Box 119

Focus on the Americas: #20 Ten Years; #21 Freedom to Travel with Teresa Walsh.

Box 119

[ Focus on the Americas(?)]: Ten Years; [#21] Freedom to Travel with Teresa Walsh.

Box 119

Focus on the Americas: #19 Health Care; #18 A Visit to Guatemala - Freddie & Jim Shrider.

Box 119

[ Focus on the Americas(?)]: #15 Interview with Dr. Sergio Ramirez; #14 Time to Renew Relations with Cuba.

Box 119

BB: Orestes Gonzalez, President - Cuban Ecumenical Council, Art Cribbs, March 22, 1993 - Warren Christopher.

Box 120

Office of the Americas: #24 War Economy; #25 Anticommunism: April 5, 1990.

Box 120

Focus on the Americas: #50 Fighting for the Union in 1864 and 1990; #51 What is the Office of the Americas?

Box 120

Focus on the Americas: #52 Separation of Media and State; #53 Repulicrats.

Box 120

[ Focus on the Americas(?)]: Death Squads in LA?: February 14, 1990, The Role of the Church: February 21, 1990.

Box 120

[El Salvador in Focus] January 27, 1990.

Box 120

[El Salvador in Focus]: September 9, 1989.

Box 120

BB: June 2, 1989 KPFK (1 & 2).

Box 120

El Salvador in Focus: April 8, 1990.

Box 120

Central America: April 10, 1989 - Its Problems.

Box 120

Growing Up Catholic: April 13, 1989.

Box 120

Guatemala Death Squads: April 13, 1989.

Box 120

BB and Phoebe Hirsch: August 11, 1989 - Just a Minute.

Box 120

El Salvador: April 12, 1989 - End of Game.

Box 120

Soviet Clients and the New Order: April 10, 1989.

Box 120

Theologies of Life and Death: April 14, 1989.

Box 120

Liberation Theology as a Force for Change: April 11, 1989.

Box 120

El Salvador: April 12, 1989 - End of Game.

Box 120

[Office of the Americas(?)] - Sixth Anniversary: October 1989.

Box 120

BB: March 18, 1989 - Casa Conference.

Box 120

Bill Gentile, Scott Wallace et al. on E.S. Elections: March 25, 1989.

Box 120

El Salvador in Focus: October 21, 1989.

Box 120

El Salvador in Focus (news feed) August 21, 1989.

Box 120

El Salvador in Focus: August 26, 1989.

Box 120

El Salvador in Focus: November 4, 1989.

Box 120

Office of the Americas - 6th Anniversary.

Box 120

Martin Khor (Malaysia): June 1989 - Fate & Hope of Earth.

Box 120

Campaign Music for Sandinistas, February 25, 1990 Election.

Box 120

El Salvador in Focus: August 26, 1989.

Box 120

Panama: May 23, 1989 - Mark Corske; February 9, 1988 - Harassment of BB.

Box 121

[ Focus on the Americas] - Militarism.

Box 121

Focus on the Americas: December 16, 1993 - Christmas.

Box 121

Peace March: 1985.

Box 121

43rd Annual Conference on World Affairs: April 11, 1990 - Central America: Panama. BB, Kenneth Bleakley, Peter Dale Scott, and John Tirman.

Box 121

Haiti: The Morning After the Drill.

Box 121

Focus on the Americas: Relentless Persistence by Philip McManus, Global Crime without Punishment.

Box 121

Focus on the Americas: #33 Response to the Listeners: August 14, 1991; #32 Jorge Ruiz Miyares, Attache of Cuban Interest Section: August 7, 1991.

Box 121

Focus on the Americas: #26 BB Interviews Greg Landau: June 26, 1991; #27 Soul Vibrations: July 3, 1991.

Box 121

Focus on the Americas: #34 Father Jon Sobrino; #35 Peru.

Box 121

Focus on the Americas: The Future of the United Nations: May 1, 1991, Walking to Jerusalem: May 8, 1991.

Box 121

BB (Los Angeles Harbor College): May 30, 1992.

Box 121

BB (Los Angeles Harbor College): May 30, 1992.

Box 121

FDA Raids - Cancer and Aids Research.

Box 121

BB and David Horowitz: November 3, 1992.

Box 121

BB: August 12, 1992 - on Issues.

Box 121

BB: August 12, 1992 - on Issues.

Box 121

The Liberation of Christmas: Capitalism and Christianity in Crisis? PVACC Peace Fellowship, Long Beach California: December 7, 1991 (Tape 1/2).

Box 121

The Liberation of Christmas: Capitalism and Christianity in Crisis? PVACC Peace Fellowship, Long Beach California: December 7, 1991 (Tape 2/2).

Box 121

BB: October 26, 1992 - Roy Tuckman Program (KPFK).

Box 121

BB - Political Science 155: May 4-9, 1978.

Box 121

BB - Political Science 155: March 28-30, 1978.

Box 121

BB - Political Science 155: May 9-11, 16-18, 1978.

Box 122

Focus on the Americas: Blase Martin Bonpane [son of BB] - We've Seen Those Guns Before (June 1991 - Office of the Americas Anniversary).

Box 122

BB - Idyllwild: March 2, 1991.

Box 122

BB: April 1, 1991 - (KLOS).

Box 122

BB: July 28, 1991 - United Methodist Church (Culver City), Guatemala Information Center and Office of the Americas.

Box 122

Bridging the Gulf Teach-In, PVACC Peace Fellowship, Long Beach California: March 2, 1991 (Tape 1/2).

Box 122

Bridging the Gulf Teach-In, PVACC Peace Fellowship, Long Beach California: March 2, 1991 (Tape 2/2).

Box 122

BB - (KCLA): January 20, 1995.

Box 122

BB - (KCLA).

Box 122

Unidentified tape.

Box 122

BB and Jennifer Harbury: December 29, 1994.

Box 122

Focus on the Americas: November 17, 1994.

Box 122

BB and David Lynn - Los Angeles and El Salvador: 1990, Los Angeles Uprising Predicted: 1990.

Box 122

The Decline and Fall of the Communist Empire - Stoessinger.

Box 123

I've Got God by Annabella Wood, Reflections by Annabella Wood: 1986.

Box 123

The October Surprise - 1980: Hostages...Arms...The Presidency.

Box 123

Hear Our Voices: 1983 [Songs by Salvadorean Refugees living in Mesa Grande, a refugee camp in Honduras. Taped in August 1983].

Box 123

Guatemala: A Curtain of Silence.

Box 123

Father Len Schreiner.

Box 123

Focus on the Americas: #52 Peace in Yugoslavia (BB and Judith Gabriel); #1 Election Year 1992: A Commentary by BB.

Box 123

Focus on the Americas: #1 Election Year 1992: A Commentary by BB; #36 An Interview with Father Aristide of Haiti.

Box 123

[ Focus on the Americas(?)]: #50 Haiti: Harvest of Hope; #51 Blaming the Victim.

Box 123

Focus on the Americas: #48 Refugees (BB and Father Fambrini); #49 Celebrating Life (Songs by Blase Martin Bonpane).

Box 123

Focus on the Americas: #46 A Visit to Cuba; #47 In Memory of the Jesuits of El Salvador.

Box 123

Focus on the Americas: The Future of Marxism (parts 1 & 2).

Box 123

[ Focus on the Americas(?)]: #40 The Impact of Changes in the Soviet Union on the Americas; #41 Interview with Hugo Blanco.

Box 123

[ Focus on the Americas(?)]: #38 Interview with Father Bill Davis; #39 International War Crimes Tribunal.

Box 123

Focus on the Americas: #36 The Lowest Form of Politics; #37 Public and Private Diplomacy

Box 123

Focus on the Americas: #34 Father Jon Sobrino; #35 Peru.

Box 123

Focus on the Americas: #32 Jorge Ruiz Miyares, Attache of Cuban Interest Section: August 7, 1991; #33 Response to the Listeners: August 14, 1991.

Box 123

[ Focus on the Americas(?)]: July 24, 1991 - Jesus the Jew, Embargo on Truth?: July 26, 1991.

Box 123

Focus on the Americas: #28 Building Communities of Resistance: July 10, 1991; #29 It's Time to Stop U.S. Aid to Israel: July 17, 1991.

Box 124

Office of the Americas: #28 Liberation Theology and Militarism; #29 Militarism and Ecology.

Box 124

Women's Group (Madres El Salvador): July 4, 1990, Ahna Chappan (El Salvador) - July 3, 1990.

Box 124

Focus on the Americas: #23 On the Run with Ex-CIA Agent Philip Agee March 23, 1990; #22 Panama: 3 Months After: March 16, 1990.

Box 124

Nelson Mandela at U.N.: June 22, 1990.

Box 124

ESIF [El Salvador in Focus]?: March 25, 1990.

Box 124

El Salvador in Focus: April 15, 1990.

Box 124

El Salvador in Focus: March 11, 1990, Blase-Chomsky: October 6, 1989.

Box 124

Focus on the Americas: #42; #43 Liberation Theology with BB (parts 1 and 2).

Box 124

Focus on the Americas: #40 Saving the Pentagon; #41 The Case of Cesar Vielman Joya Martinez.

Box 124

Office of the Americas: #28 What Would Mandela Say...; #29 Militarism and Ecology.

Box 124

Office of the Americas: #38 Guatemala: A Nation of Prisoners; #39 General Strike: Labor's Most Powerful Tool.

Box 124

Liberation Theology.

Box 124

Focus on the Americas: #57 Interview with Nicaragua's Father Ernesto Cardenal; #58 Interview with Michael Job on a Recent Trip to Iraq.

Box 124

Focus on the Americas: #54 Patriots; #55 BB Interviews Ron Daniels.

Box 124

Focus on the Americas: #20 Post Nicaragua Elections with BB; #21 March 9, 1990 Where is the Revolution Going?

Box 124

Focus on the Americas: #34 Uncovering the Massacre in Panama: Filmmaker Barbara Trent; #37 What Would Mandela Say If He Were An American?

Box 124

Office of the Americas: #32 Challenging Militarism in Central America and At Home; #33 Role of Israel's Secret Police in Nicaragua.

Box 124

Office of the Americas: #24 Thoughts from Central America Caribbean: March 31, 1990; #25 Visit with Nicaragua Ambassador Leonor Arguello De Huper: April 5, 1990.

Box 124

[ Focus on the Americas(?)] - #30 Father Cortina; #31 Lawrence Weschler.

Box 124

Focus on the Americas: #26 Militarism; #27 Transition in Nicaragua.

Box 124

Office of the Americas: #28 Liberation Theology and Militarism; #29 Militarism and Ecology.

Box 124

[ Focus on the Americas(?)] - #26 Militarism; #27 Transition in Nicaragua.

Box 124

BB: January 29, 1990 Impact.

Box 124

Focus on the Americas: #19 Pre-Nicaraguan Elections from Managua; #20 Post-Nicaraguan Elections with BB.

Box 125

Focus on the Americas: May 1, 1991 - The Future of the United Nations, May 8, 1991 - Walking to Jerusalem.

Box 125

Focus on the Americas: #32 Equal Justice Under the Law; #33 Defense Conversion Testimony.

Box 125

Focus on the Americas: #26 June 26, 1991 - BB Interviews Greg Landau; #27 July 3, 1991 - BB Interviews Soul Vibrations.

Box 125

Focus on the Americas: Gathering the Evidence, Victory in the Gulf?

Box 125

Focus on the Americas: #44 Now That the Elections Are Over; #45 The Issues Remain.

Box 125

Focus on the Americas: Looking at 1994 (parts one and two).

Box 125

Focus on the Americas: #42 North American Trade; #43 Forgive Us Our Debts.

Box 125

Focus on the Americas: Philip McManus Relentless Persistence, Global Crime Without Punishment.

Box 125

Focus on the Americas: #21 Human Rights in El Salvador - Oscar Hernandez; #20 Dennis Bernstein - Civil Rights in the Kingdom of Kuwait.

Box 125

Focus on the Americas: #34 Some Interesting Reading; #35 East Timor.

Box 125

Focus on the Americas: #8 Let's Not Be Soft On Crime; #9 When Did the Military Take Over?

Box 125

Focus on the Americas: #35 Peru; #34 Father Jon Sobrino.

Box 125

Focus on the Americas: #12 Empire Never Learns; #13 Interview with Alan Nairn.

Box 125

Focus on the Americas: BB Interviews Alan Nairn, Speaking at Brown University [may be used as introduction to program on other side].

Box 125

Focus on the Americas: #21 Human Rights in El Salvador - Oscar Hernandez; #20 Dennis Bernstein - Civil Rights in the Kingdom of Kuwait.

Box 125

Haiti tape, D. Bernstein.

Box 125

Focus on the Americas: #38 Israel; #39 Door to Door.

Box 125

Focus on the Americas: #6 The Sorry State of the Union; #7 What About Ethics.

Box 125

Focus on the Americas: Campaign Season, Future of U.S. Labor.

Box 125

Focus on the Americas: Unnecessary War, State of the Union.

Box 125

Focus on the Americas: #32 Equal Justice Under the Law; #33 DefenseConversion Testimony.

Box 126

Focus on the Americas: #48 No We Don't Agree With You Mr. President; #49 Interview with Ray Gatchalian.

Box 126

Focus on the Americas: #59 Commentary on Iraq; #60 Peace in the Middle East.

Box 126

Focus on the Americas: #46 and #47 The Iraq Crisis (parts 1 and 2).

Box 126

M[artin] Sheen, K[ris] Kristofferson: December 17, 1988.

Box 126

El Salvador in Focus: November 11, 1989.

Box 126

BB and Chomsky: November 3, 1989.

Box 126

Edward Said: October 26, 1989 - Palestinian Perspective.

Box 126

El Salvador in Focus and News.

Box 126

Daniel Ortega: July 22, 1989 (KPFK).

Box 126

El Salvador in Focus: November 18, 1989.

Box 126

El Salvador in Focus: October 1, 1989.

Box 126

BB and Noam Chomsky: October 6, 1989.

Box 126

La Voz Popular: October 27, 1989.

Box 126

El Salvador in Focus: December 2, 1989.

Box 126

El Salvador in Focus: October 6, 1989.

Box 126

BB Interview on Michael Jackson Show: February 26, 1990.

Box 126

43rd Annual Conference on World Affairs: April 10, 1990 - Central America,Cuba,Impact of Peristroika. Speakers: BB, Judy Jackson, and others.

Box 126

Marvin Treiger: October 7, 1990 - Nicaragua: Wild at Heart.

Box 126

BB, Oscar Hernandez, and Kathy Herrera: May 17, 1991; BB and Dennis Bernstein: May 17, 1991.

Box 126

New Forum: January 1990 - BB and Crisis in Central America.

Box 126

BB: April 11, 1991 - Central America: Cuba: Stalinist Anachronism (Side 2 is BB).

Box 126

All Things Considered - Children of War Tour: 1984.

Box 126

43rd Annual Conference on World Affairs: April 12, 1990 - Central America: Death Squads in El Salvador and Guatemala. Speakers BB and others.

Box 126

43rd Annual Conference on World Affairs: April 9, 1990 - Central America: Nicaragua. Speakers: BB, Lee Allen, and Jonathan Kwitny.

Box 126

43rd Annual Conference on World Affairs: April 13, 1990 - Third World Development: Militarization of the Third World. Speakers: BB and others.

Box 126

Ortega and Pacifica, Ortega: March 4, 1990.

Box 126

M. Jackson Show: January 9, 1990 - El Salvador, Jenifer Casolo.

Box 126

Harassment Call: January 11, 1988.

Box 126

Crank Calls: October 18 and 20, 1988.

Box 126

Threat: January 1, 1989.

Box 126

Threat Call: April 1 or 2, 1988.

Box 126

Harassment [Message]: December 28, 1987.

Box 126

Harassment Calls as of October 9, 1987 [micro-cassette for answering machine].

Box 126

Death Threat Call to Bonpane Home: February 27, 1987.

Box 126

El Salvador in Focus: October 28, 1989.


Central America

Box 49

International March of Peace in Central America.

Box 50-53

International March of Peace in Central America.

Box 60

Additional material on Central America etc.

Box 67-68

Central American delegations.

Box 71-74

Central America.

Box 75

Central American delegations.

Box 75

Central America.

Box 78

Central America.

Box 83

Acknowledgements, 1988-1989, form letters, Nicaragua.

Box 84-85

Central America.

Box 89

Central America.

Box 90

Central America.

Box 92

Central America.

Box 93

Central America.

Box 87

Central America.

Box 88

Central America.



Box 16-19


Box 20

Letters and clippings.

Box 70


Box 130, Folder 2

BB: 1977-1985.

Box 130, Folder 3

Harassment Calls and Letters.

Box 130, Folder 4

Office of the Americas: 1986.

Box 130, Folder 5

Office of the Americas: June 1987.

Box 130, Folder 6

BB: February 1988.

Box 130, Folder 7

BB: 1988.

Box 130, Folder 8

Office of the Americas: 1996.

Box 130, Folder 9

Rosario Murillo.

Box 145, Folder 1

Office of the Americas: 1977-1982 and 1988.

Box 145, Folder 2

Office of the Americas: 1979-1981.

Box 145, Folder 3

BB: 1983.

Box 145, Folder 4

BB: 1985-1987.

Box 145, Folder 5

Office of the Americas Donor Letters: 1986.

Box 145, Folder 6

BB: 1987.

Box 145, Folder 7

BB: 1987.

Box 146, Folder 1

Office of the Americas: May 1987.

Box 146, Folder 2

BB: 1988.

Box 146, Folder 3

BB: March 1988.

Box 146, Folder 4

Office of the Americas: 1989.

Box 146, Folder 5

BB: January 1989.

Box 146, Folder 6

Office of the Americas and Personal: February 1989.

Box 146, Folder 7

Office of the Americas and Personal: March 1989.

Box 146, Folder 8

Office of the Americas and Personal: April/May 1989.

Box 146, Folder 9

BB: April 1989.

Box 146, Folder 10

Office of the Americas and Personal: June/July 1989.

Box 147, Folder 1

Office of the Americas: Papers and Correspondence: 1988-1989.

Box 147, Folder 2

Office of the Americas: Papers and Correspondence: 1988-1991.

Box 147, Folder 3

Office of the Americas: 1988-1994.

Box 147, Folder 4

Office of the Americas Major Donor Letters: 1991.

Box 147, Folder 5

Office of the Americas: 1991.

Box 147, Folder 6

Blase Bonpane (father) with Governor Edmund G. Brown and others.

Box 147, Folder 7

Lottie Wexler: 1988.

Box 147, Folder 8

Haskell Wexler: 1988 (re: donations).

Box 147, Folder 9

BB and Clinton Administration - Washington D.C.: 1993.

Box 147, Folder 10

Martin Sheen.

Box 147, Folder 11


Box 147, Folder 12

Blase and Theresa Bonpane - Personal.

Box 147, Folder 13

BB - Personal.

Box 147, Folder 14

Oliver Stone.

Box 148, Folder 1

National Public Radio Re: Focus on the Americas1989-1991.

Box 148, Folder 2

Office of the Americas: 1990.

Box 148, Folder 3

Office of the Americas Papers and Correspondence: 1993.

Box 148, Folder 4

Office of the Americas Papers and Correspondence: 1991-1993.

Box 148, Folder 5

Office of the Americas Donor Letters: 1992.

Box 148, Folder 6

BB: 1994.

Box 148, Folder 7

Office of the Americas Papers and Correspondence: 1994.

Box 148, Folder 8

BB: 1995.

Box 148, Folder 9

Office of the Americas Papers and Correspondence: 1995.

Box 148, Folder 10

BB: 1996.


Date Books and Appointment Books

Box 6

Date books. 1956-1974.

Box 7

Date books. 1975-1983.

Box 8

Date books. 1983-1986.

Box 79-82

Bonpane appointment books (1979, 1987-1992).


Freedom of Information files (FBI, NSC, etc.)

Box 69

Freedom of Information files (FBI, NSC, etc.).

Box 70

Freedom of Information files (FBI, NSC, etc.).


Judge Bonpane Files

Box 9-13

Judge Bonpane files.


Manuscripts and Clippings

Box 14


Box 15

Manuscripts and clippings.

Box 20

Letters and clippings.

Box 22


Box 133, Folder 5

Newspaper Clippings on Ed Asner.

Box 133, Folder 7

Newspaper Clippings, Magazine Articles, and Flyers.

Box 133, Folder 8

Newspaper Clippings.

Box 144, Folder 11

Miscellaneous Newspaper and Magazine Clippings



Box 23-34


Box 87

Bonpane notebooks.

Box 91



Office of the Americas (OOA) Events and Activities

Box 131, Folder 1

Congressional Role Call Vote on Contra Aid.

Box 131, Folder 2

National Committee Against Repressive Legislation (NCARL).

Box 131, Folder 3

Centro Fray Bartolome De Las Casas.

Box 131, Folder 4

Mexico Crisis: 1995.

Box 131, Folder 5

Miscellaneous Papers on Central America: 1989 (Walk to Witness, Hemisphere Initiatives).

Box 131, Folder 6

Miscellaneous Nicaragua Materials.

Box 131, Folder 7

American Association of Retired People (AARP) - Vote.

Box 131, Folder 8

Chiapas, Mexico Delegation: 1993-1994.

Box 131, Folder 9

International Peace March - Central America.

Box 131, Folder 10

World Affairs Conference: 1987.

Box 131, Folder 11

Days of Decision Retreat: February 20, 1988.

Box 131, Folder 12

Washington D.C. Trip Re: George Denby and Nicaragua.

Box 131, Folder 13

Sandy Pollack Foundation.

Box 140, Folder 1

Democratic Platform Committee on Central America.

Box 140, Folder 2

World Affairs Conference - University of Colorado.

Box 140, Folder 3

National Public Radio.

Box 140, Folder 4

National Rainbow Coalition: 1987.

Box 140, Folder 5

National Referendum to End the War in Central America (with Martin Sheen Letter).

Box 140, Folder 6

Neigbor to Neighbor.

Box 140, Folder 7

Halifax Conference with BB and Ed Asner: 1987.

Box 140, Folder 8

Peace Center Coalition.

Box 140, Folder 9

Walk in Peace: 1988.

Box 140, Folder 10

Winning Democracy Campaign.

Box 140, Folder 11

Central American Refugees - Boulder, Colorado Conference: December 1988.

Box 140, Folder 12

Conference on World Affairs - Boulder, Colorado: 1993-1994.

Box 140, Folder 13

World Link North America

Box 140, Folder 14

Marin Interfaith Task Force on Central America.

Box 140, Folder 15

Veterans Peace Action Teams (El Salvador).

Box 140, Folder 16

Walk to Witness - Artists Affinity Group: 1989-1990.

Box 141, Folder 1

Haiti Action Network - Minutes.

Box 141, Folder 2

Cuba Delegation.

Box 141, Folder 3

Cuba - Pastors for Peace.

Box 141, Folder 4

Cuba Delegation.

Box 141, Folder 5

Cuba - Newspaper and Magazine Articles.

Box 141, Folder 6

Chiapas Delegation: May 1995.

Box 141, Folder 7

Chiapas - Pastors for Peace Delegation: 1995.

Box 141, Folder 8

Angola Liberation - Various Writings.

Box 141, Folder 9

National Commission for Democracy in Mexico (Chiapas).

Box 144, Folder 1

Jennifer Harbury.

Box 144, Folder 2

Ramsey Clark.

Box 144, Folder 3

Holly Near.

Box 144, Folder 4

Brian Wilson: 1986-1987.

Box 144, Folder 5

Report on Death of Michael Kline.

Box 144, Folder 6

Visit of Bishop Samuel Ruiz Garcia: 1994.

Box 144, Folder 7

Father Ernesto Cardenal.

Box 144, Folder 8

Ernesto Cardenal - Writings.

Box 144, Folder 9

Dan Zimbaldi.

Box 144, Folder 10

HEAL Survival Directory.

Box 144, Folder 11

Miscellaneous Newspaper and Magazine Clippings.

Box 144, Folder 12

Liberation Theology Papers.

Box 144, Folder 13

Ballads Without a Face - Othello Khanh.

Box 144, Folder 14

Miscellaneous Papers: 1990.

Box 144, Folder 15

California Military Monitor [magazine].

Box 144, Folder 16

Articles by Tom Hayden and Daniel Moynihan.

Box 144, Folder 17

Miscellaneous Papers.

Box 144, Folder 18

Course Syllabus: J. William Gibson.


Office of the Americas (OOA) Files

Box 77

Office of the Americas files.

Box 88

Files - Theology, Offices of the Americas.

Box 90

Office of the Americas.

Box 93

Office of the Americas.

Box 130, Folder 1

Budget, and Minutes: 1985-1991.

Box 132, Folder 1


Box 132, Folder 2

Sale of Donated Baldessari Prints: 1992.

Box 132, Folder 3

Miscellaneous Information: 1991-1992.

Box 132, Folder 4

Father Ernesto Cardenal Visit: November 13-16, 1990.

Box 132, Folder 5


Box 132, Folder 6

El Salvador: 1989.

Box 132, Folder 7

Nicaragua Delegation with Martin Sheen: December 10-18, 1984.

Box 132, Folder 8

Board Meeting Minutes, Income and Expense Reports: 1988-1989.

Box 136, Folder 1

Focus on the Americas - Radio Programs: 1989-1993.

Box 136, Folder 2

Focus on the Americas - Program Descriptions.

Box 136, Folder 3

Focus on the Americas - Program Descriptions and Station Evaluations.

Box 136, Folder 4

Focus on the Americas Correspondence: Request for Tapes of Broadcasts.

Box 136, Folder 5

Focus on the Americas - Program Descriptions and Correspondence: 1992-1993.

Box 136, Folder 6

Focus on the Americas - Radio Program: April 1991.

Box 136, Folder 7

Focus on the Americas: 1991.

Box 136, Folder 8

Focus on the Americas - Cable TV Show.

Box 136, Folder 9

Focus on the Americas: February 7, 1992.

Box 136, Folder 10

Focus on the Americas: June 26, 1992.

Box 136, Folder 11

Focus on the Americas - Program Descriptions: 1990-1991.

Box 137, Folder 1


Box 137, Folder 2

Congressional Profiles (Views on Contra Aid).

Box 137, Folder 3

Miscellaneous Information.

Box 137, Folder 4

Protests Against Gulf War and Central American Intervention.

Box 137, Folder 5

Media and Press Contacts.

Box 137, Folder 6

Press Contacts, Media Labels, and Callback Lists.

Box 137, Folder 7

Media Contacts and Press Conference Information.

Box 137, Folder 8

Media Work: June 19, 1993.

Box 137, Folder 9

Events: 1988-1989.

Box 137, Folder 10

Miscellaneous Information.

Box 137, Folder 11

Papers: 1992.

Box 137, Folder 12

Tape Transcriptions.

Box 138, Folder 1

Motorhome Donation from Haskell Wexler.

Box 138, Folder 2

Persian Gulf War Protests.

Box 138, Folder 3

Papers: 1983.

Box 138, Folder 4

Papers: 1984.

Box 138, Folder 5

Board of Directors.

Box 138, Folder 6

Miscellaneous Papers.

Box 138, Folder 7

Papers: 1991-1992.

Box 138, Folder 8

Papers: 1993.

Box 138, Folder 9

Papers: 1985.

Box 138, Folder 10

Miscellaneous Papers.

Box 138, Folder 11

Requests for Funding: Right-to-Know Campaign.

Box 138, Folder 12

Miscellaneous Papers: 1987-1994.

Box 139, Folder 1

New York Times Letter to President Bush: April 11, 1989.

Box 139, Folder 2

Miscellaneous Papers: 1986.

Box 139, Folder 3

Employee Manual.

Box 139, Folder 4

Newsletters and Donor Letters: 1986-1993.

Box 139, Folder 5

Press Releases, Flyers, and Donor Letters: 1991.

Box 139, Folder 6

Personnel Evaluations of Blase and Theresa Bonpane.

Box 139, Folder 7

Press Releases, Flyers, Letters to the Editor, Office of the Americas in Action: 1990.

Box 139, Folder 8

Activities: 1996.

Box 139, Folder 9

Papers, Flyers, and Newsletters: 1993-1995.

Box 139, Folder 10

Tides Foundation: Grants.

Box 139, Folder 11

Grant Proposals: 1988-1992.

Box 139, Folder 12

Threshold Grant: 1990.

Box 139, Folder 13

Grant Proposals: 1987-1992.


Office of the Americas (OOA) Programs - Central America

Box 133, Folder 6

Articles Re: The Catholic Church in Central America and Pope John Paul II.

Box 142, Folder 1

New El Salvador Today (NEST).

Box 142, Folder 2

Salvadoran Coffee Boycott - Neighbor-to-Neighbor.

Box 142, Folder 3

El Salvador.

Box 142, Folder 4

Nicaragua Papers.

Box 142, Folder 5

Sandinista Cultural Workers Association (ASTC) - Rosario Murillo.

Box 142, Folder 6

Nicaragua: 1990.

Box 142, Folder 7

Nicaragua Network and Office of the Americas on Nicaragua.

Box 142, Folder 8

March in Nicaragua: 1989; Walk to Witness, 1990 Elections.

Box 142, Folder 9

Nicaragua Correspondence [in Spanish].

Box 142, Folder 10

Nicaragua Delegation Responses (per Ernesto Cardenal's request).

Box 142, Folder 11

Nicaragua Delegation: 1984.

Box 143, Folder 1

National Actions on Central America (NACA).

Box 143, Folder 2

CNI - Pro-Defensa de Presos Perseguidos.

Box 143, Folder 3

School of the Americas (with Father Roy Bourgeois).

Box 143, Folder 4

Various Papers - Central America: 1989-1991.

Box 143, Folder 5

Congressional Legislation Re: Central America.

Box 143, Folder 6

Various Writings on Central America.

Box 143, Folder 7

Peace in Central America.

Box 143, Folder 8

Various Papers: Guatemala.

Box 143, Folder 9


Box 143, Folder 10

Guatemala (Draft of The Politics of Land, Ownership in Nicaragua).


Personal Activities and Information on Blase Bonpane

Box 132, Folder 10

How to Fix the U.S.A. and Green Party Candidacy.

Box 132, Folder 11

Santa Paula School Controversy: 1970.

Box 132, Folder 12

Vatican Folio - Puebla: February 13, 1979 (Bonpane participated).

Box 133, Folder 7

Newspaper Clippings, Magazine Articles, and Flyers.

Box 133, Folder 8

Newspaper Clippings.

Box 134, Folder 1


Box 134, Folder 2

Newspaper Articles About BB.

Box 134, Folder 3

BB Profile by Jim Schrider.

Box 134, Folder 4

Delegate Application for 1988 Campaign.

Box 134, Folder 5

Arrest and Court Appearance: March, May 1990.

Box 134, Folder 6

Keith Zavala Defense Committee.

Box 134, Folder 7

Expert Testimony at Asylum Hearing for Sandra and Victor Martinez.

Box 134, Folder 8

Congressional Candidate - Green Party.

Box 134, Folder 9

Assorted Flyers for Blase Bonpane Speaking Engagements.

Box 134, Folder 10

Green Party Candidacy: 1992.

Box 134, Folder 11

Sociology Class Syllabus and Bibliography.

Box 134, Folder 12

Political Campaign and Speaker Fees.

Box 134, Folder 13

American Civil Liberties Union Award for Theresa and Blase Bonpane.

Box 134, Folder 14

Biographical Information and Resumes of Theresa and Blase Bonpane.

Box 134, Folder 15

Guerillas of Peace - Material for Second Edition.

Box 134, Folder 16


Box 134, Folder 17

California State University Northridge Bulletin and Papers.

Box 134, Folder 18

California State University Northridge Papers.


Published Writings

Box 48

Published writings. Guerrillas of Peace by Blase Bonpane, Boston: South Blend Press [1987], second edition.

Box 61-63

Various published articles by Blase Bonpane.


Reel to Reel Tapes

Box 45-48

Audio reel to reel tapes.

Box 54

Focus on the Americas. Radio program. Reel to reel tape #1-13.

Box 55

Focus on the Americas. Radio program. Reel to reel tape #14-27.

Box 56

Focus on the Americas. Radio program. Reel to reel tape #28-41. (36 & 62 on same tape).

Box 57

Focus on the Americas. Radio program. Reel to reel tape #42-55.

Box 58

Focus on the Americas. Radio program. Reel to reel tape #56-63, 65-70 (no 64).

Box 59

Focus on the Americas. Radio program. Reel to reel tape #72-79.

Box 64-66

Focus on the Americas Audio tapes (large reel to reel format).

Box 127

Focus on the Americas: #105 Interview with Carmen Camey.

Box 127

Focus on the Americas: #106 The Future of Marxist Thought.

Box 127

Focus on the Americas: The Future of Marxism #2.

Box 127

Focus on the Americas: #108 A Visit to Cuba.

Box 127

Focus on the Americas: #109 Seize Fire.

Box 127

Focus on the Americas: #110 Refugees.

Box 127

Focus on the Americas: #112 Harvest of Hope.

Box 127

Focus on the Americas: #115 Election Year.

Box 127

Focus on the Americas #116 El Salvador: Peace at Last.

Box 127

Focus on the Americas: #117 Cancer of Militarism.

Box 127

Focus on the Americas: #118 Robert Bensen's Visit to Cuba.

Box 127

Focus on the Americas: #119 [Muzzle] on the Media.

Box 127

Focus on the Americas: #120 The Sorry State of the Union.

Box 127

Focus on the Americas: #121 What About Ethics?

Box 128

Focus on the Americas: #64 Peace in the New Year.

Box 128

Focus on the Americas: #80 The United Nations of the [Future].

Box 128

Focus on the Americas: #81 Gulf Peace Team Marches Again.

Box 128

Focus on the Americas: #82 Interview with Dennis Bernstein.

Box 128

Focus on the Americas: #83 Human Rights in El Salvador.

Box 128

Focus on the Americas: #84 Response to Your Questions.

Box 128

Focus on the Americas: #85 A Letter to the Pope.

Box 128

Focus on the Americas: #86 Education.

Box 128

Focus on the Americas: #87 Interview with Daniel Ellsberg.

Box 128

Focus on the Americas: #88 Interview with Greg Landau.

Box 128

Focus on the Americas: #89 Interview with Soul Vibrations.

Box 128

Office of the Americas [ Focus on the Americas]: #90 Building Communities of Resistance.

Box 128

Focus on the Americas: #91 It's Time to Stop U.S. Aid to Israel.

Box 128

Focus on the Americas: #92 Jesus the Jew.

Box 129

Focus on the Americas: #93 Embargo on Truth.

Box 129

Focus on the Americas: #94 Jorge Ruiz Mujares.

Box 129

Focus on the Americas: #95 Response to the Listeners.

Box 129

Focus on the Americas: #96 Father Jon Sobrino.

Box 129

Focus on the Americas: #97 Peru.

Box 129

Focus on the Americas: #98 [no title].

Box 129

Focus on the Americas: #99 Public and Private Diplomacy.

Box 129

Focus on the Americas: #100 An Interview with Bill Davis.

Box 129

Focus on the Americas: #101 War Crimes Tribunal.

Box 129

Focus on the Americas: #102 The Impact of Soviet Changes on the Americas.

Box 129

Focus on the Americas: #103 Interview with Hugo Blanco.

Box 129

Focus on the Americas: #104 Haiti.


Speeches and Articles by Blase Bonpane

Box 132, Folder 9

Various Writings.

Box 135, Folder 1

Los Angeles Times Articles, Editorials, and Letters to the Editor on Central America.

Box 135, Folder 2

Haskell Wexler Grant for Script (Cancer of Militarism): 1992.

Box 135, Folder 3

Writings: Blase Bonpane III.

Box 135, Folder 4

Speeches and Speaking Engagements: 1992-1995.

Box 135, Folder 5

Review of From Conquest to Struggle.

Box 135, Folder 6


Box 135, Folder 7

Speeches and Speaking Engagements.

Box 135, Folder 8

Speeches: 1994.

Box 135, Folder 9

Screenplay: Epikia.

Box 135, Folder 10

Article: Five Central American Presidents.

Box 135, Folder 11

South End Press Re: Publication of BB's Guerillas of Peace.

Box 135, Folder 12


Box 135, Folder 13

Various Speeches and Writings.

Box 135, Folder 14

Miscellaneous Writings.


Various Papers

Box 76

Miscellaneous files.

Box 86

A liberation study of Scripture - Chapters 1-10.

Box 91

Gulf War and Iraq.

Box 93


Box 94


Box 133, Folder 1

Flyers and Brochures.

Box 133, Folder 2

Papers and Flyers on Central America: 1989-1991.

Box 133, Folder 3

February 14, 1992.

Box 133, Folder 4

Various Papers.



Box 48

Production. Viva Los Angeles Paz, produced by Kelly Holland and Art Attack - video tape.

Box 95

Bellevue Democrat Club: January 22, 1988.

Box 95

BB speaking at the San Luis Rey Mission in Oceanside, California: March 1985.

Box 95

Venice Democrat Club: February 24, 1988.

Box 95

BB Liberation theology and the Central American Revolution: October 5, 1989.

Box 95

BB Lecture on Nicaragua at Antelope Valley College: November 9, 1988.

Box 95

BB - Gallery Channel 5 Los Angeles: February 6, 1988.

Box 95

Liberation theology.

Box 95

BB - Green Party Candidate for Congress: October 8, 1992.

Box 95

Tribute to Stephen H. Fritchman: May 1, 1993.

Box 95

Jennifer Casolo - Westwood Methodist Church: January 11, 1990.

Box 95

BB - Fort Lewis College, Durango, Colorado: September 29, 1986.

Box 95

BB - Rancho San Antonio College: 1986-1987.

Box 95

Ernesto Cardenal: December 7, 1983.

Box 95

Ben Linder Peace Tour -- Ed Asner and John Linder: July 21, 1987.

Box 96

Focus on the Americas #1 - BB, Lisa and Kris Kristofferson (copy 1 of 2).

Box 96

Focus on the Americas #2 - BB, Leticia Ponce-Diaz, and Fionnula Flanagan (copy 1 of 2).

Box 96

Focus on the Americas #3 - BB, Leticia Ponce-Diaz, Aurora Morales, and Bruce Chalett (copy 1 of 2).

Box 96

Focus on the Americas #4 - BB, Haskell Wexler, and Leticia Ponce-Diaz (copy 1 of 2).

Box 96

Focus on the Americas #2 - BB, Leticia Ponce-Diaz, and Fionnula Flanagan (copy 2 of 2).

Box 96

Focus on the Americas #1 - BB, Lisa and Kris Kristofferson (copy 2 of 2).

Box 97

Peacemakers with guest: Dr. Blase Bonpane: July 21, 1988.

Box 97

Focus on the Americas #3 - BB, Leticia Ponce-Diaz, Aurora Morales, and Bruce Chalett (copy 2 of 2).

Box 97

Focus on the Americas #4 - BB, Haskell Wexler, and Leticia Ponce-Diaz (copy 2 of 2).

Box 97

World Focus #3.

Box 97

World Focus - Edition #2: September 1993.

Box 97

World Focus - Edition #4: November 1993.

Box 98

World Focus - Cuba/Mexico/Chiapas/Guatemala/Harbury: May 1995.

Box 98

World Focus - Edition #14: April 1995.

Box 98

World Focus - Show #13 - Mexico: March 1995.

Box 98

World Focus - Edition #12 - The Last Zapatista: February 1995.

Box 98

World Focus - Edition #11: December 1994.

Box 98

World Focus - Show #10 - Haiti and the California Elections: October 1994.

Box 98

World Focus - Edition #9 - Mexico, Cuba: September 1994.

Box 98

World Focus - Edition #8 - Haiti, Mexico: August 1994.

Box 98

World Focus - Show #23 - Mexico with Guest Father Jesus Garcia: April 1994.

Box 98

World Focus - Show #6(Edition 1) - Mexico with Guest Father Jesus Garcia: April 1994.

Box 98

World Focus - Show #5 - Gary Cox and BB Re: Chiapas: February 1994.

Box 98

World Focus - Edition #4 - Gary Cox, BB, U.S. Senate Anti-Crime Bill, alternate ways of dealing with crime: November 1993.

Box 98

World Focus - Edition #3 - Gary Cox and BB re: Somalia and Russia. Propositions on ballot, group to Cuba: October 1993.

Box 98

World Focus - Edition #2 - Gary Cox and BB. Caravan of humanitarian aid to Cuba: September 1993.

Box 99

Office of the Americas - World View with BB. Commentaries: War on Addiction and Economic Conversion.

Box 99

Focus on the Americas - #4 - Haskell Wexler: March 21, 1989 (copy 1 of 2).

Box 99

Focus on the Americas - BB, Leticia Ponce-Diaz, Aurora Morales, and Bruce Chalett: February 23, 1989.

Box 99

Focus on the Americas #2 - BB, Leticia Ponce-Diaz, and Fionnula Flanagan: January 31, 1989 (copy 1 of 2).

Box 99

Focus on the Americas - BB, Lisa and Kris Kristofferson: November 21, 1988.

Box 99

Focus on the Americas - BB, Leticia Ponce-Diaz, and Fionnula Flanagan: January 31, 1989 (copy 2 of 2).

Box 99

Focus on the Americas - BB, Fionnula Flanagan, and Leticia Ponce-Diaz: February 20, 1989.

Box 99

Focus on the Americas #4 - BB, Leticia Ponce-Diaz, and Haskell Wexler: March 21, 1989 (copy 2 of 2).

Box 99

Conference on World Affairs - BB on Is it time for the U.S. to Renew Relations with Cuba?: April 9, 1993.

Box 99

Peacemakers #228 and #257 - BB.

Box 99

Peacemakers #228 - Options to War - BB.

Box 99

Who's Afraid of a Little Yellow School Bus? U.S. - Cuba Friendship Caravan - IFCO/Pastor for Peace.

Box 99

Charles Litkey and Daniel Ellsberg: September 28, 1986 (Frumpkin).

Box 99

Charles Litkey - St. Augustine's, Santa Monica, California: August 16, 1986.

Box 100

Voices from the Darkness - Producer/Director Johnathan Treat: 1992.

Box 100

Earth Day After #15 - California Greens - BB and Gary Cox.

Box 100

Price for Change - Western USA Green Party Conference: February 13-14, 1993.

Box 100

From Around Los Angeles - BB and Gary Cox re: Office of the Americas, Bosnia, and Blase's Candidacy: June 1993.

Box 100

From Around Los Angeles - BB: June 1993.

Box 100

From Around Los Angeles - BB and the Office of the Americas: June 1993.

Box 100

Human Rights for Immigrants Conference: October 13, 1995 (Part 1 of 2).

Box 100

Human Rights for Immigrants Conference: October 13, 1995 (Part 2 of 2).

Box 100

World Focus: August 1996 Edition - Show #24.

Box 100

World Focus - Edition #20 - Office of the Americas 12th Anniversary: December 1995.

Box 100

World Focus - Edition #17 - Gary Cox interviews BB: September 1995.

Box 100

World Focus - Edition #18: October 1995.

Box 100

World Focus - Edition #16 - Bosnia, Chiapas.

Box 101

Third World Issues - Peace and Friendship with Cuba: March 30, 1992.

Box 101

Cuba on stage - Entertainers and cuts from Antonio's Cuba Trip: Spring 1991.

Box 101

Meet with Ken Levy and Mona Field: 1992.

Box 101

Week in Review - Bill Rosendahl: December 11, 1992.

Box 101

Week in Review: 1991.

Box 101

KCET with Blase: 1992.

Box 101

From Around Los Angeles - Office of the Americas.

Box 101

Channel 7 - Blase Bonpane's Return: October 24, 1986.

Box 101

Nicaragua Debate - Tustin High School: January 22, 1987.

Box 101

Sor Mot Nord - En Reise for Fred (Peace March - Blase Bonpane).

Box 101

Channel 13 - BB interview upon return from Nicaragua: March 29, 1988.

Box 101

Peacemakers - BB (268 - The Struggle Continues, 228 - Options to War, 257 - Focus on the Americas).

Box 101

Conference on World Affairs - BB: April 11, 1988.

Box 101

Face to Face - U.S. Teenagers Tour Nicaragua.

Box 102

Salvadoran Protest - Arrests at Salvadoran Consulate - BB: October 28, 1987.

Box 102

BB - Office of the Americas - For a Better World Take Action, Jennifer Harbury and the CIA, and Guatemala.

Box 102

The Twenty-First Century - Plenary Session: April 9, 1991 [World Affairs Conference?].

Box 102

Bill Rosendahl - BB: 1992.

Box 102

Sor Not Nord - En Reise for Fred - BB: March 1985 [Norwegian videotape of International Peace March].

Box 102

Bill Rosendahl - BB Congressional Candidacy: 1992.

Box 102

Bill Rosendahl (Century Cable) - BB for Congress: 1992.

Box 102

World Focus - BB, Office of the Americas, and Cuba Blockade: August 1993.

Box 102

Opening Conference - Henson College - Central America in Crisis - BB and Ed Asner: March 5, 1987 (tape 2 of 2).

Box 102

KCOP - Return from Nicaragua: March 29, 1988.

Box 102

Peacemakers - Hosted by Gary Butterworth, Dr. Blase Bonpane, guest: July 21, 1988.

Box 102

LA 1st Unitarian Church - BB, Green Party Candidate for Congress - The Cancer of Militarism and How to Cure it: October 25, 1992.

Box 103

The 90's - The Anti-War Tapes: Volume 8 - Interview with BB.

Box 103

AV Today - Dr. Bonpane.

Box 103

Viva Los Angeles Paz.

Box 103

Office of the Americas - Vigil for Brian Wilson: September 6, 1987.

Box 103

Focus on the Americas #1 - Lisa and Kris Kristofferson: November 21, 1988.

Box 103

Focus on the Americas - BB, Leticia Ponce-Diaz, AuroraMorales, and Bruce Chalett: February 23, 1989.

Box 103

From Around Los Angeles - Office of the Americas - Gary Cox and Blase Bonpane: Social Justice in the Americas.

Box 103

BB with Dan Zimbaldi: 1990.

Box 103

From Around Los Angeles - Office of the Americas.

Box 103

Office of the Americas - Sergio Ramirez, Fumkin Gallery and Wilshire UMC.

Box 103

The Liberation of Christmas - Christianity & Capitalism in Conflict? -BB, Reverend Jim White, Peter Matthews & Reverend Amundsen: December 7, 1991.

Box 103

BB - Beyond War Panel - Santa Monica Unitarian Church: February 1, 1991.

Box 103

Conference on World Affairs - Verne Lyon: April 14, 1988.

Box 103

Opening Conference - Henson College. Central America in Crisis - BB and Ed Asner: March 5, 1987 (tape 1 of 2).

Box 104

Century Cable Interview with BB: October 1992.

Box 104

Week in Review - BB and Bill Rosendahl: January 14, 1994.

Box 104

BB and Rosendahl: October 1992 and Ireland - PBS: May 1993.

Box 104

BB - Ask the Lawyer: January 17, 1991.

Box 104

1 [unidentified].

Box 104

2 [unidentified].

Box 104

3 [unidentified].

Box 104

4 [unidentified].

Box 104

Pastors for Peace at Center for Action and Contemplation - BB - Speaker, Albequerque, New Mexico: July 21, 1993.

Box 104

Who has legitimacy in Nicaragua? . . . The Forum, Institute of Politics, Harvard - BB and Michael Waller: October 1, 1987.

Box 104

BB - Home of Earl Fisher: September 23, 1989.

Box 104

Middle East Teach-In with Ed Asner: December 16, 1990.

Box 104

Beverly Hills High School - BB and Daniel Sheehan: August 29, 1987.

Box 104

Office of the Americas - World View with BB.

Box 105

Ending the U.S. War on Cuba - Pam Montenaro, Arquimedes Gonzales, Blase & Theresa Bonpane and others: April 16, 1993.

Box 105

Week in Review: July 28, 1995.

Box 105

Untitled Master Tape.

Box 105

Century Cable Interview with Bill Rosenthal Re: BB - Green Party Candidate for Congress: October 8, 1992.

Box 105

Maryknoll: March 21, 1981 [20/20?].

Box 105

Beverly Hills High School - BB and Daniel Sheehan: August 29, 1987.

Box 105

Bonpane interview: July 7, 1986.

Box 105

Keith Berwick - At One with Blase Bonpane: January 9, 1984.

Box 105

Blase interview - Two minutes of demonstration: December 1986.

Box 105

Blase Bonpane - Catholic Parish at Baldwin Park: October 1983.

Box 105

At One with Blase Bonpane: January 9, 1984.

Box 105

Office of the Americas - Vigil for Brian Wilson: September 6, 1987.

Box 105

Ernesto Cardenal: December 7, 1983.

Box 106

Group W Cable - BB, and Janet McLoughlan: September 21, 1983.

Box 106

BB - Let's Rap - Guatemala: July 20, 1981.

Box 106

BB on How to Fix America: June 17, 1992.

Box 106

Nicaragua Diary - Nine Days with Brian Wilson (A documentary by Mark R. Birnbaum).


Cassette Tapes



Box 153, Folder 14 , Box 153, Folders 18-19 , Box 153, Folders 21-22.1 , Box 154, Folder 2 , Box 154, Folder 13 , Box 155, Folders 13.1-13.5


Physical Description: [12 folders.]
Box 153, Folder 15

KPFK Commentary

Box 153, Folder 16


Box 153, Folder 17

Welfare Reform

Box 153, Folder 20

Culture of Militarism

Box 153, Folder 22.2

Commentary with Outtake

Box 154, Folder 1

Legacy of Romero

Box 154, Folder 3

Middle East

Box 154, Folder 4

Mind Control

Box 154, Folder 5


Box 154, Folder 6

Tax Day

Box 154, Folder 7


Box 154, Folder 8


Box 154, Folder 9

Clinton in Mexico

Box 154, Folder 10

Torture in Israel

Box 154, Folder 11

Atheists at Prayer

Box 154, Folder 12


Box 154, Folder 14

Geronimo Pratt

Box 154, Folder 15 , Box 154, Folder 21


Physical Description: [2 folders.]
Box 154, Folder 16

Code of Conduct

Box 154, Folder 17

Unions - ESOPS

Box 154, Folder 18

Growth Industry

Box 154, Folder 19


Box 154, Folder 20


Box 154, Folder 22

Test Ban Treaty

Box 154, Folder 23


Box 154, Folder 24

NRA Advertising

Box 155, Folder 1


Box 155, Folder 2

CIA Archives

Box 155, Folder 3

Drug War

Box 155, Folder 4


Box 155, Folder 5


Box 155, Folder 6

War Crimes Tribunal

Box 155, Folder 7


Box 155, Folders 8-9 , Box 155, Folder 11


Physical Description: [3 folders.]
Box 155, Folder 10

Santa Monica City Council

Box 155, Folder 12

KPFK: Ethics

Box 155, Folder 14

Nick Rahall

Box 155, Folder 15

Holocaust in Iraq

Box 155, Folder 16

Cult Leaders

Box 155, Folder 17

Betrayal by Congress

Box 155, Folder 18


Box 155, Folder 19

Pacifica Commentary: Victory

Box 155, Folder 20

Starting a War


Focus on the Americas

Box 150, Folder 1.1

Two Panamanians Interviewed About the Invasion

Box 150, Folder 1.2

Response to State of Union Message

Box 150, Folder 2.1


Box 150, Folder 2.2

Transition in Nicaragua

Box 150, Folder 3.1

The Case of Cesar Vielman Joya Martinez

Box 150, Folder 3.2

Saving the Pentagon

Box 150, Folder 4.1

Liberation Theology - Part 1

Box 150, Folder 4.2

Liberation Theology - Part 2

Box 150, Folder 5.1

Liberation Theology - Part 3

Box 150, Folder 5.2

Liberation Theology - Part 4

Box 150, Folder 6.1

No We Don't Agree With You Mr. President

Box 150, Folder 6.2

Interview with Ray Gatchalian

Box 150, Folder 7.1

Interview with Nicaragua's Father Ernesto Cardenal

Box 150, Folder 7.2

Interview with Michael Job on a Recent Trip to Iraq

Box 150, Folder 8.1


Box 150, Folder 8.2

Interviews with Ron Daniels

Box 150, Folder 9.1

Peace in the New Year - Part 1

Box 150, Folder 9.2

Peace in the New Year - Part 2

Box 150, Folder 10.1

Separation of Media and State

Box 150, Folder 10.2


Box 150, Folder 11.1

Commentary of Iraq

Box 150, Folder 11.2

Can There Be Peace in the Middle East?

Box 150, Folder 12.1

State of the Union

Box 150, Folder 12.2

The Unnecessary War

Box 150, Folder 13.1

Victory in the Gulf?

Box 150, Folder 13.2

Gathering the Evidence

Box 150, Folder 14.1

Peace is the Way

Box 150, Folder 14.2

Learning from History

Box 150, Folder 15.1

We Refuse To Be Well

Box 150, Folder 15.2

The Media Covers the War

Box 150, Folder 16.1

The Future of the United States

Box 150, Folder 16.2

Walking to Jerusalem

Box 150, Folder 17.1

Dr. Bonpane Interviews: Greg Landau

Box 150, Folder 17.2

Dr. Bonpane Interviews: Soul Vibrations

Box 150, Folder 18.1

An Interview with Dennis Bernstein; Civil Rights in the Kingdom of Kuwait

Box 150, Folder 18.2

Human Rights in El Salvador: An Interview with Oscar Hernandez

Box 150, Folder 19.1

Building Communities of Resistance

Box 150, Folder 19.2

It's Time to Stop U.S. Aid to Israel

Box 150, Folder 20.1

Response to Listeners

Box 150, Folder 20.2

Interview with Jorge Ruiz Miyares, Attache of Cuban Interest Section

Box 150, Folder 21.1

The Lowest Form of Politics

Box 150, Folder 21.2

Public and Private Diplomacy

Box 150, Folder 22.1

Interview with Father Bill Davis

Box 150, Folder 22.2

International War Crimes Tribunal

Box 150, Folder 23.1

The Impact of Changes in the Soviet Union on the Americas

Box 150, Folder 23.2

Interview with Hugo Blanco

Box 150, Folder 24.1

In Memory of the Jesuits of El Salvador

Box 150, Folder 24.2

A Visit to Cuba

Box 150, Folder 25.1

Refugees (with Father Fambrini)

Box 150, Folder 25.2

Celebrating Life (songs)

Box 150, Folder 26.1

Election Year 1992 - Commentary

Box 150, Folder 26.2

Peace in Yugoslavia

Box 151, Folder 1.1

Labor Day 1995

Box 151, Folder 1.2

Global Crime Without Punishment

Box 151, Folder 2.1

Interview with Father Joseph Mulligan

Box 151, Folder 2.2

A Few Legislative Matters

Box 151, Folder 3.1


Box 151, Folder 3.2

Interview with Daniel Ellsberg

Box 151, Folder 4.1

Let's Not Be Soft on Crime

Box 151, Folder 4.2

When Did the Military Take Over?

Box 151, Folder 5.1

Jesus the Jew

Box 151, Folder 5.2

Embargo on Truth

Box 151, Folder 6.1

The Future of Marxism - Part 1

Box 151, Folder 6.2

The Future of Marxism - Part 2

Box 151, Folder 7.1

Uncovering the Massacre in Panama: Filmmaker Barbara Trent

Box 151, Folder 7.2

What Would Mandela Say If He Were an American?

Box 151, Folder 8.1

Haiti: Harvest of Hope

Box 151, Folder 8.2

Blaming the Victim

Box 151, Folder 9.1

An Interview with Mike Davis

Box 151, Folder 9.2

City of Quartz

Box 151, Folder 10.1

The War and The Media

Box 151, Folder 10.2

Turning the Tables

Box 151, Folder 11.1

Response to the Listeners

Box 151, Folder 11.2

The Pope's Letter

Box 151, Folder 12.1

Family Values

Box 151, Folder 12.2

Response to the Listeners

Box 151, Folder 13.1

Interviews: Alan Narin

Box 151, Folder 13.2

Speaking at Brown University

Box 151, Folder 14.1

An Interview with Saul Landau

Box 151, Folder 14.2

Let's Crucify the Poor

Box 151, Folder 15.1

An Interview with Law Professor Robert Benson

Box 151, Folder 15.2

Muzzling the Media

Box 151, Folder 16.1

Mr. Bush Begins His War

Box 151, Folder 16.2

Peace Mission to Baghdad

Box 151, Folder 17.1


Box 151, Folder 17.2

Guatemala Voz Popular



Box 155, Folder 21

SOA: Mary Knoll

Box 155, Folders 22-23

S.B. Library Series

Physical Description: [2 folders.]
Box 156, Folder 1

June Advance Cassette

Box 156, Folder 2.1

Sister Diane Ortiz

Box 156, Folder 2.2

Jennifer Harbury

Box 156, Folder 3

Women For Irvine

Box 156, Folder 4

Jerry Brown (with Theresa Bonpane)

Box 156, Folder 5

We The People: Jerry Brown (with Theresa Bonpane)

Box 156, Folder 6

Ventura Unitarians

Box 156, Folder 7

U.S. Foreign Policy in Latin America - Chapman University

Box 156, Folder 8

S.R. Phejean

Box 156, Folder 9 , Box 156, Folder 11 , Box 156, Folder 19 , Box 157, Folder 20 , Box 159, Folder 6 , Box 159, Folder 10 , Box 159, Folder 14 , Box 159, Folder 22 , Box 160, Folder 14

[no title]

Physical Description: [9 folders.]
Box 156, Folder 10

The Battle for History - 1st Unitarian

Box 156, Folder 12

The Oasis - Los Angeles

Box 156, Folder 13

Contra-Cocaine III

Box 156, Folder 14

Mom N' Pop Music, Sung by Mom N' Pop

Box 156, Folder 15

Marcos Frommer - Guatemala

Box 156, Folder 16

Michael Ruppert - Former LAPD - CIA Crack

Box 156, Folder 17

Phoenix AZ

Box 156, Folder 18

Talk to INS - Anaheim

Box 156, Folder 20

Chapman University

Box 156, Folder 21

Sinking the School of the Americas

Box 156, Folder 22

Olie Haskell - Summerhill

Box 156, Folder 23

Oliver Haskell - Black List Era

Box 156, Folder 24

Convivimos (one)

Box 157, Folder 1

Convivimos (two) - Luis

Box 157, Folder 2.1 , Box 157, Folder 3.1

Convivimos (three) - Hector Fabid and Henao Gaviria, Director Secretariado Nacional de Pastoral Social

Physical Description: [2 folders.]
Box 157, Folder 2.2 , Box 157, Folder 3.2

Convivimos (three) - Gloria Cuartas Mayor, Forensic Doctor, Gloria again

Physical Description: [2 folders.]
Box 157, Folder 4.1 , Box 157, Folder 4.2

Convivimos (four) - Turbo Gymnasium Displaced - Uraba

Physical Description: [2 folders.]
Box 157, Folder 5 , Box 157, Folder 6

Convivimos (five) - Children of Turbo Displaced: Sister Carolina and Children of Widow

Physical Description: [2 folders.]
Box 157, Folder 7.1

Convivimos (six) - Amigos del Rio Environment, Comite de Viduas, Madre Carolina: in the AM in Barrio Chinita, Apartado Uraba Antioquia, Colombia

Box 157, Folder 7.2

Convivimos (six) - Human Rights Office of the Colombia Military

Box 157, Folder 8.1

Convivimos (seven) - Ref to Gustavo Porras Castejon

Box 157, Folder 8.2

Convivimos (seven) - Oficina - Defense del Poetslo

Box 157, Folder 9

Convivimos (eight)

Box 157, Folder 10

Convivimos (nine) - Regarding Gustavo Porras Castejon

Box 157, Folder 11

Convivimos (ten)

Box 157, Folder 12

Tuesday Night Forum, Colombia

Box 157, Folder 13

Toward a Peace System, Laguna

Box 157, Folder 14

Letter to General Barry McCaffrey

Box 157, Folder 15

Mind Control

Box 157, Folder 16


Box 157, Folder 17 , Box 176, Folders 10-12 , Box 179, Folder 13

Bishop Samuel Ruiz

Physical Description: [5 folders.]
Box 157, Folder 18


Box 157, Folders 19-23

KPFK Commentary

Physical Description: [5 folders.]
Box 158, Folder 1

Amariclar Mujeres

Box 158, Folder 2.1

Neighborhood Church I - Pasadena

Box 158, Folder 2.2

Neighborhood Church II - Pasadena

Box 158, Folder 3

Church in Ocean Park

Box 158, Folder 4

Amy Goodman

Box 158, Folders 5-6


Physical Description: [2 folders.]
Box 158, Folders 7-8

University of Colorado

Physical Description: [2 folders.]
Box 158, Folders 9-10

University of California, Riverside

Physical Description: [2 folders.]
Box 158, Folder 11 , Box 159, Folder 9


Physical Description: [2 folders.]
Box 158, Folder 12

University of California, Santa Barbara

Box 158, Folder 13

WBIX: What Else Can We Do?

Box 158, Folder 14

Occidental University: Final Part

Box 158, Folder 15

Saddleback College

Box 158, Folder 16


Box 158, Folder 17

Phyrric Victor for KPFK

Box 158, Folder 18

Holiday Message to President Bush

Box 158, Folder 19

World for Us: Haiti and State of the Union

Box 158, Folder 20


Box 158, Folder 21

KPFK Fund Drive

Box 158, Folder 22


Box 159, Folder 1.1

Partial Football Analogy

Box 159, Folder 1.2


Box 159, Folder 2

Anti-Semitism (Final)

Box 159, Folder 3.1

The Marches of 4/20/2002

Box 159, Folder 3.2

United Republicans

Box 159, Folder 4

The United Republic of the Middle East

Box 159, Folder 5

The United Republic of the Middle East (second cut)

Box 159, Folder 7.1


Box 159, Folders 7.2-8


Physical Description: [2 folders.]
Box 159, Folders 11-12


Physical Description: [2 folders.]
Box 159, Folders 13 , Box 159, Folder 15

Pledge of Resistance

Physical Description: [2 folders.]
Box 159, Folders 16-17


Physical Description: [2 folders.]
Box 159, Folders 18-19

Preemptive Strikes

Physical Description: [2 folders.]
Box 159, Folder 20

Words of Israeli Mother

Box 159, Folder 21


Box 159, Folder 23

MLK and Rabbi Lerner

Box 160, Folder 1

The Iraq Peace Team

Box 160, Folder 2

Dup of Three Commentaries

Box 160, Folder 3

World Focus: Bush/Iraq

Box 160, Folder 4

War Mania (with Kelly Campbell)

Box 160, Folder 5

World Focus: Doctors at Harbor

Box 160, Folder 6

World Focus: Israel (with Aliyah Strauss)

Box 160, Folder 7

World Focus (with Roy Bourgeois and Ed Asner)

Box 160, Folder 8

World Focus (with Roy Bourgeois and Ed Asner) #2

Box 160, Folder 9

World Focus (with Greg Palast)

Box 160, Folder 10

General Lee Butler: Regarding Nuclear War

Box 160, Folder 11

The Pope and the President

Box 160, Folder 12


Box 160, Folder 13

The Struggle for History (by Michael Parenti)

Box 176, Folder 1

David Finnegan: Up for Air (KPFK)

Box 176, Folder 2

Amy Goodman and Terry Freitas

Box 176, Folder 3

Radio for Peace

Box 176, Folder 4

Century of War, Radio for Peace

Box 176, Folder 5

Making Contact: Crossing the Line: Civil Disobedience

Box 176, Folder 6

Making Contact: Cruel and Unusual? Women's Prisons

Box 176, Folder 7

Making Contact: Tantamount to Torture: Pepper Spray and Activism

Box 176, Folder 8

Making Contact: S.O.A. exporting Democracy or Terror?

Box 176, Folder 9

Making Contact: Made in a Maquiladora: Transnationals and Labor

Box 176, Folder 13


Box 176, Folder 14 , Box 178, Folder 10

Phil Berrigan and Amy Goodman

Physical Description: [2 folders.]
Box 176, Folder 15

Pablo Richard

Box 176, Folder 16

Giulio Girardi, SISCAL

Box 176, Folder 17

Haiti, Nicaragua

Box 176, Folder 18

Chiapas, Panama

Box 176, Folder 19


Box 177, Folder 2

Making Contact: A Hidden War: Paramilitary Violence in Mexico

Box 177, Folder 3

Making Contact: Indigenous People on Endangered Land

Box 177, Folder 4

Making Contact: Truth Sanctioned: U.S. Foreign Policy on Iraq

Box 177, Folder 5

Making Contact: How Free Is Our Free Press?

Box 178, Folder 1

Columbia Harbor College

Box 178, Folder 2

Martin Luther King and Rabbi Lerner

Box 178, Folder 3

Aid to Palestine

Box 178, Folders 4-8

Bluefields, NIC

Physical Description: [5 folders.]
Box 178, Folder 9

Hal Fishman Commentary; Nasreen Haroon on "Week in Review"

Box 178, Folder 11

Chomsky in Porto Alegro

Box 178, Folder 13

ENIGRAC: Luis E Mejia Godoy y Mangotal en Holanda

Box 178, Folder 14

ENIGRAC: "Misa campesina," Carlos Mejia Godoy y el taller de sonido popular

Box 178, Folder 15


Box 178, Folder 16

U.S. Crimes: Korea

Box 178, Folder 17

Entocristo Cristino Campos, Costa Rica

Box 178, Folder 18

Rito Alejo del Rio Rojas

Box 178, Folder 20

Francisco Herrera

Box 179, Folder 8

Los Angeles Festival of Books: Postcards from South America (Moderator: Bonpane)


Office of the Americas

Box 151, Folders 18.1-18.2

Fathers: Kennedy, Boyle, and Olivares

Physical Description: [2 folders.]
Box 151, Folder 19.1 , Box 152, Folder 13.1 , Box 152, Folder 14.1 , Box 152, Folder 15.1 , Box 152, Folder 16.1 , Box 152, Folder 17.1 , Box 152, Folder 18.1

Media Coverage of Central America (with Jeff Cohen)

Physical Description: [7 folders.]
Box 151, Folder 19.2

Open Letter to President Bush

Box 151, Folder 20.1

Drugs and Addiction (with Noam Chomsky)

Box 151, Folder 20.2

Implications of the Coup Attempt: Panama (with Noam Chomsky)

Box 151, Folder 21.1

Panama: Three Months After

Box 151, Folder 21.2

On the Run with Ex-CIA Agent Philip Agee

Box 151, Folder 22.1

The Invasion of Panama

Box 151, Folder 22.2

Noriega in the Vatican Embassy? (with Noam Chomsky)

Box 151, Folder 23.1

Meeting of Central American Presidents (with Noam Chomsky)

Box 151, Folder 23.2

Assassination of Six Jesuit Priests

Box 152, Folders 1-12

The Invasion of Panama/Noriega In the Vatican Embassy? The Media During Panama Invasion

Physical Description: [12 folders.]
Box 152, Folder 13.2 , Box 152, Folder 14.2 , Box 152, Folder 15.2 , Box 152, Folder 16.2 , Box 152, Folder 17.2 , Box 152, Folder 18.2

Open Letter to President Bush from Bonpane

Physical Description: [6 folders.]
Box 152, Folder 19.1

Liberation Theology and Militarism

Box 152, Folder 19.2 , Box 152, Folder 20.2

Militarism and Ecology

Physical Description: [2 folders.]
Box 152, Folder 20.1

Liberation Theology and Militarism

Box 152, Folder 21.1

Interviews: Socialist Mayor Berme Sanders

Box 152, Folder 21.2

Father Aristide of Haiti

Box 152, Folder 22.1

Guatemala: A Nation of Prisoners

Box 152, Folder 22.2

General Strike: Labor's Most Powerful Tool

Box 153, Folder 1.1 , Folder 2.1 , Folder 3.1 , Folder 4.1 , Folder 5.1 , Folder 6.1 , Folder 7.1 , Folder 8.1

Thoughts from Central America Caribbean

Physical Description: [8 folders.]
Box 153, Folder 1.2 , Folder 2.2 , Folder 3.2 , Folder 4.2 , Folder 5.2 , Folder 6.2 , Folder 7.2 , Folder 8.2

Visit with Nicaragua Ambassador Leonor Arguello de Huper

Physical Description: [8 folders.]
Box 153, Folder 9.1

Anticommunism in Light of Perestroika and Glasnost

Box 153, Folder 9.2

Conversion from Permanent War Economy

Box 153, Folder 10.1

Covert Action in Central American War (with Louis Wolf)

Box 153, Folder 10.2

Commentary on the Killings in Central America

Box 153, Folder 11

The Media During the Invasion of Panama (with Noam Chomsky)

Box 153, Folder 12.1

Role of Israel's Secret Police in Nicaragua

Box 153, Folder 12.2

Challenging Militarism in Central America and At Home

Box 153, Folder 13.1

The War in El Salvador and the U.S. Media (with Noam Chomsky)

Box 153, Folder 13.2

The Assassination of Six Jesuits in El Salvador

Box 178, Folder 22

Throop Church

Box 179, Folder 1

Focus on the Americas



Box 172, Folder 8

Commentary: Humanitarian Intervention

Box 172, Folder 9

Commentary: Prisons

Box 172, Folder 12

Commentary: Lies Regarding Iraq

Box 176, Folder 20 , Box 177, Folders 6-7 , Folder 9 , Folder 19 , Folder 21


Physical Description: [6 folders.]
Box 176, Folder 21

Commentary: War Mania, Rumsfeld

Box 176, Folder 22

Commentary: Nick Rahall

Box 177, Folder 8


Box 177, Folder 10

Commentary: Hiroshima, Nukes

Box 177, Folder 11

Commentary: Cult Leaders

Box 177, Folder 12

Commentary: Betrayal by Congress

Box 177, Folder 13

Commentary: Fundamentalist

Box 177, Folder 14

Commentary: Practice Bombing Real Bombs

Box 177, Folder 15

Commentary: Veteran's Day

Box 177, Folder 16

Commentary: Persian Gulf, Pieces in Place

Box 177, Folder 17

Commentary: Victory

Box 177, Folder 18

Commentary: Phil Berigan

Box 177, Folder 20

Commentary: Lori Berenson

Box 178, Folder 12

International Criminal Court Begins

Box 178, Folder 19

The Iraq Peace Team

Box 178, Folder 21

Iraq War Plans

Box 178, Folder 23

David Occhioto and Walter Wink


World Focus

Box 172, Folders 1-3 , Folder 13

Ann Fagan Ginger and Mario Hardy

Physical Description: [4 folders.]
Box 172, Folder 4

From Baghdad with Kathy Kelly, and International Aids Day

Box 172, Folder 5 , Folder 20 , Box 173, Folders 7-12 , Box 177, Folder 23 , Box 179, Folder 9

Howard Zinn

Physical Description: [10 folders.]
Box 172, Folder 6 , Folder 11 , Folder 21 , Box 173, Folders 1-6

From Baghdad, with Kathy Kelly

Physical Description: [9 folders.]
Box 172, Folder 7 , Box 173, Folders 14-15 , Box 179, Folder 6

Reverend Sandra Olewine

Physical Description: [5 folders.]
Box 172, Folder 10 , Box 173, Folder 16


Physical Description: [2 folders.]
Box 172, Folder 14 , Box 173, Folders 18-19

Brian Cancannon

Box 172, Folders 15-17 , Box 173, Folder 17

Chalmers Johnson

Physical Description: [4 folders.]
Box 172, Folders 18-19

Rabbi Hambeliak and Steve Connell

Physical Description: [2 folders.]
Box 173, Folder 13

Doctors Without Borders: Nicolas de Torrente

Box 176, Folder 23

Gerard Ungerman

Box 177, Folder 1

Amy Goodman, Celerino-Castillo

Box 177, Folder 22

Dr. Charles Clements

Box 179, Folder 2

Celerino Castillo and Fernando Velazquez

Box 179, Folder 3

Robert Greenwald and Ron Kovic

Box 179, Folders 4-5

Kathy Kelly, From Baghdad

Physical Description: [2 folders.]
Box 179, Folder 7

Larry Bensky (Nicaragua, Aleman) and Amy Goodman (Iran-Contra)

Box 179, Folder 10

Eric Gustavson and Robert Greenwald

Box 179, Folder 11

Medea Benjamin

Box 179, Folder 12

Lori Berenson and Haiti

Box 179, Folder 14

Steve Rhode and Muslim Affairs Council

Box 179, Folder 15

General Rito Alejo del Rio Rojas


Compact Discs


Focus on the Americas (CD)

Box 174, Folder 142

On the Pulse of Mourning (KZ2594)

Box 174, Folder 143

U.S. Cuban Relations (KZ2595)

Box 174, Folder 149

Controversy and Action, with Noam Chomsky (KZ2485)

Box 174, Folder 150

Bonpane with Michael Parenti (KZ1613)

Box 174, Folder 151

Interview with Jorge Ruiz Miyares (KZ2798)

Box 174, Folder 156

Luis Olivares, Michael Kennedy, and Gregory Boyle (KZ2590)

Box 174, Folder 164

Interview with Allan Nairn (KZ2638)

Box 174, Folder 167

Meaning of Violence: Noam Chomsky (KZ2486)


Miscellaneous (CD)

Box 170, Folder 10

James Alan: What's Become of America (2 copies)

Box 174, Folder 48

Gulf War veteran testimonials

Scope and Content Note

Includes Jeff Patterson, Andrew Mcgriffin, Glen Motil, Marcos Ericson, Charles Miles, Dave Wiggins, and Alan Gunderson
Box 174, Folder 49

Donald Rumsfeld and the Politics of Decontextualization: A Case Study

Box 174, Folder 50

Who is Threatening Whom: The Bush Ultimatum and the Justification of War

Box 174, Folder 51

Iraqi-American Documentary

Box 174, Folder 52

Children's Voices on War and Peace

Box 174, Folder 112

Dr. James Warf

Box 174, Folder 113

Danny Schucter

Box 174, Folder 114

Health Care Crisis in Los Angeles

Box 174, Folder 132

Pre-Nuclear War Blues, by the Wilson Brothers

Box 174, Folder 133

We are not worth more, they are not worth less, by S. Brian Wilson

Box 174, Folder 134

Not in our name (the anti-war song), by Molasses

Box 174, Folder 135

Don't Wanna Be Inna World War III, by Hendy Foote and the Rockafarians

Box 174, Folder 136

Chomsky in L.A.

Box 174, Folder 137

Addicted to War, by Joel Andreas

Box 174, Folder 170

C. Johnson

Box 174, Folder 171

Kodak Photo CD: Liberation Theology and the Nicaraguan Revolution (various photos)

Box 174, Folder 172

World War II

Box 174, Folder 173

The Harmonious Circle: Man in the White House

Box 175, Folder 24

Not In Our Name: Shine with the Pacifica Radio Archives


Pacifica (CD)

Box 174, Folder 94 , Box 174, Folders 96-102 , Box 174, Folder 105 , Box 175, Folder 3 , Box 175, Folder 6 , Box 175, Folder 50


Physical Description: [11 folders.]
Box 174, Folder 95 , Box 174, Folder 110 , Box 175, Folder 32


Physical Description: [3 folders.]
Box 174, Folder 103

Commentary: State of the Union

Box 174, Folder 104

Commentary: Damn Liberals

Box 174, Folder 106

Commentary: The 9/11/01 Hearing

Box 174, Folder 107

Commentary: Mayday Haymarket 1886, California 2004

Box 174, Folder 108

Commentary: Mordechai Vanunu

Box 174, Folder 109

Commentary: The Wall

Box 174, Folder 111

Commentary: Bush in London

Box 174, Folder 115

Commentary: Political Conscience

Box 174, Folder 138

How To Be a Guerilla (BB4600)

Box 174, Folder 139

"I Am Not a Wimp": The Rise of American World Imperialism (KZ1619)

Box 174, Folder 140

A Visit to Baghdad: A Gulf Report (KZ1595)

Box 174, Folder 141

Bonpane on El Salvador (KZ1369)

Box 174, Folder 144

The War and the Media (KZ1598)

Box 174, Folder 145

Democracy Now! (PZ0355.227a)

Box 174, Folder 146

Insurgency and Guerillas in Guatemala (BB1753)

Box 174, Folder 147

Bonpane on El Salvador Situation (KZ1009)

Box 174, Folder 148

Reagan Intervention in Central America (KZ2445)

Box 174, Folders 152-155

Dissident Voices: A Teach-In on the War in Yugoslavia

Physical Description: [4 folders.]
Box 174, Folder 157

ARDIS members (KZ1443)

Box 174, Folder 158

Charles Litkey (KZ1434)

Box 174, Folder 159

We Remember, with Jean Donovan (KZ1230)

Box 174, Folder 160

Listener Response to Bonpane's Program (KZ2800)

Box 174, Folder 161

El Salvador Now (KZ0968)

Box 174, Folder 162

Summary of the Hearings on Lifting Cuba Sanctions (KZ2605)

Box 174, Folder 163

Interview with Jackson Browne (KZ2642)

Box 174, Folder 165

Interview with Ray Hooker (KZ2522)

Box 174, Folder 166

U.S./Cuba Friendshipment (KZ2298)

Box 174, Folder 168

Interview with Father Jean Betrand Aristide (KZ1585)

Box 174, Folder 169

Special on Haiti

Box 175, Folder 1

Commentary: Jean Bertrand Aristide to U.S. Haitians

Box 175, Folder 2

Commentary: Haiti

Box 175, Folder 4

Commentary: Haiti: You are either with us or with the terror

Box 175, Folder 5

Commentary: Army Adventure Vans Recruiting

Box 175, Folder 14

Commentary: Code of Military Justice, Camilo Media

Box 175, Folder 15

Commentary: TET Offensive of 1968 as Compared to Iraq in April of 2004

Box 175, Folder 16

Commentary: The Grand Inquisitors

Box 175, Folder 17

Commentaries: Haiti and the TET Offensive

Box 175, Folder 18

Commentary: Ronald Reagan's Legacy

Box 175, Folder 21

Commentary: Cuba

Box 175, Folder 37

Commentary, Veteran's Day

Box 175, Folder 38

Commentary: The Salvador Option

Box 175, Folder 39

Commentary: The Gross Social Product

Box 175, Folder 40

Commentary: The Budget, an Immoral Document

Box 175, Folder 41

Commentary: The True Faith

Box 175, Folder 42

Commentary: Torture; Coalition for Justice and Peace

Box 175, Folder 43

Commentary: Inauguration Day

Box 175, Folder 44

Commentary: Honor the Dead, Fight for the Living

Box 175, Folder 45

Commentary: Tribunal in NYC; Sidewalks of New York

Box 175, Folder 46

Commentary: Likudization of the World

Box 175, Folder 47

Commentary: Defeat

Box 175, Folder 48

Commentary: Whining Billionaires; Palestine

Box 175, Folder 49

Commentary: Formula for Intervention

Box 175, Folder 51

Commentary: Time for Hearings

Box 175, Folder 52

Commentary: Let the War Crimes Hearings Begin

Box 175, Folder 53

Commentary: Gentle of the Eary, Tyranny

Box 175, Folder 54

Commentary: Tyranny; One Senator Please


World Focus (CD)

Box 174, Folder 1

Dan Ellsberg, Preston Wood, Brian Becker

Box 174, Folder 2

Jeff Halper

Box 174, Folder 3

Dr. Charlie Clements

Box 174, Folders 4-5

Torill Eide and Adrienne Goldstone

Physical Description: [2 folders.]
Box 174, Folders 6-8 , Box 174, Folder 40

Chalmers Johnson

Physical Description: [4 folders.]
Box 174, Folder 9

Mark Weisbrot

Box 174, Folder 10

Robert Greenwald and Eric Gustafson

Box 174, Folder 11

Leonard Weinglass and John Bonifaz

Box 174, Folder 12

Rabbi Haim Beliaz and Michael Cox

Box 174, Folder 13

Kelly Haye Raitt, Kent Wong, and James Lawson

Box 174, Folder 14

Brian Wilson

Box 174, Folder 15

Eide Torill

Box 174, Folder 16

The Berrenson Story

Box 174, Folder 17

Doctors Without Borders: Diane Watson and Nicolas de Torrente

Box 174, Folder 18

Kids in Prison: Matt Olson

Box 174, Folder 19

Starhawk, Ann Fagan Ginger

Box 174, Folder 20

Starhawk, Kimberly Huff

Box 174, Folders 21-22

Shafik Handal

Physical Description: [2 folders.]
Box 174, Folder 23

Medea Benjamin

Box 174, Folder 24

Margaret Prescod, Danny Glover, and Howard Zinn

Box 174, Folder 25

Kent Wong

Box 174, Folder 26

Chip Berlet, Shiela McMahon, and Amal Al-Khedairy

Box 174, Folder 27

John Jeffer and Sanderson Beck

Box 174, Folder 28

Miami Protest: Lisa Fithian

Box 174, Folder 29

James Linsey, Cohen Weiss, and Terrance Long

Box 174, Folders 30-31

Kathy Kelly

Physical Description: [2 folders.]
Box 174, Folders 32-33

Ron Kovil

Physical Description: [2 folders.]
Box 174, Folder 34

Dolores Huerta and Max Cabrera Quezada

Box 174, Folder 35

Jodi Evans and Aliyah Strauss

Box 174, Folder 36

Sonali Kohatkar and Edward Asner

Box 174, Folder 37

Gail Phares and Eric De'Bode

Box 174, Folder 38

Afghanistan: Gino Strada and Kate Rowlands

Box 174, Folder 39 , Box 174, Folders 72-76 , Box 174, Folders 87-89 , Box 174, Folder 92 , Box 174, Folder 119 , Box 174, Folder 127


Physical Description: [12 folders.]
Box 174, Folders 41-42

John Mark, Cynthia Rojas and Dr. Rabab Abdulhadi

Physical Description: [2 folders.]
Box 174, Folder 43

Dr. Rosemary Ruether and Bill Hartung

Box 174, Folder 44

Kimi Lee, Tom Matzzie and Myra Bronstein

Box 174, Folder 45

Simon Harak and Deborah James

Box 174, Folder 46

Jimmy Massey and Gila Svirsky

Box 174, Folder 47

John Dean and Michelle Mason

Box 174, Folder 53

Jonathan Schell

Box 174, Folder 54

Colombian Labor Leaders: Wilson Mayano and Francisco Javier Ruiz

Box 174, Folder 55

Jonathan Schell and Dr. Tara Sethia

Box 174, Folder 56 , Box 174, Folder 70

Elaine Pagels and Jerry Lemblke

Physical Description: [2 folders.]
Box 174, Folder 57

Nicolas von Hoffman and Prof. George Lakoff

Box 174, Folder 58

Jack Healy and Richard Matthews

Box 174, Folder 59

Margaret Prescod

Box 174, Folders 60-61

Noam Chomsky and Shan Cretin

Physical Description: [2 folders.]
Box 174, Folder 62

Christian Parenti and Don White

Box 174, Folder 63

Bruce Gagnon and Maria Elena Durazo

Box 174, Folder 64

Marjorie Cohn and Yael Berda

Box 174, Folder 65

Mike Wilken, Amado Albanez, Teodoro Cuero and Ester Kaplan

Box 174, Folder 66

Bishop Thomas Gumbleto and Melissa Hill

Box 174, Folder 67

Reverend James Wallis and Carla Zendejas

Box 174, Folder 68

Gila Svirsky, Hidaya Said Naimi, and Marianne Albina

Box 174, Folder 69 , Box 174, Folder 77

Jeff Cohen and Javier Stauring

Physical Description: [2 folders.]
Box 174, Folder 71

Dr. Rosemary Ruether and Bill Hartman

Box 174, Folder 78

Barbara Lubin and Melinda Miles

Box 174, Folder 79

Heather Boushey and Jim Noureckas

Box 174, Folder 80

David MacMichael and Matt Eisenbrandt David MacMichael

Box 174, Folder 81

Michael Paradies Shoob, Joseph Mealey and Ann Wright

Box 174, Folder 82

Sally Marr, Peter Dudar, Arlene Inouye and John Ross

Box 174, Folder 83

Francis Boyle and Rob Sarra

Box 174, Folder 84

Vivian Rothstein and Charles Derber

Box 174, Folder 85

Sylvia Beltran and Steven Zunes

Box 174, Folder 86

Gerard Ungerman and Mimi Kennedy

Box 174, Folder 90

Ed Asner

Box 174, Folder 91

Joey Evans and Aliya Strauss

Box 174, Folder 93

Clarissa Romano

Box 174, Folder 116

Kathy Kelly and Alan Minstry

Box 174, Folder 117

Pierre La Bossier and Ben Guillory

Box 174, Folder 118

Mania for War

Box 174, Folder 120

Aliyah Strauss

Box 174, Folder 121

Interview with Father Roy Bourgeois

Box 174, Folder 122

Greg Palast

Box 174, Folder 123

Rabbi Ham dav Beliak and Steve Connell

Box 174, Folder 124

Ron Kovic and Robert Greenwald

Box 174, Folder 125

Gerard Ungerman

Box 174, Folder 126

Howard Zinn

Box 174, Folder 128

Ann Fagan Ginger and Mario Hardy

Box 174, Folder 129

Constitution Under Attack: Sarah Eltantawi and Stephen F. Rohde

Box 174, Folders 130-131

Reverend Sandra Olewine

Physical Description: [2 folders.]
Box 175, Folder 7

Scott Ritter and Hector Aristizebel

Box 175, Folder 8

Eisha Mason, Danielle Babineau and Preston Wood

Box 175, Folder 9 , Folder 23

Reverend James Lawson

Physical Description: [2 folders.]
Box 175, Folder 10

Charley Richardson and Nancy Lessin

Box 175, Folder 11

Nagwa Ibrahim and Carol Sobel

Box 175, Folder 12

Dr. James Warf and Jonathan Parfrey

Box 175, Folder 13

Dennis Kucinch

Box 175, Folders 19-20

Alan Minsky and Kathy Kelly

Physical Description: [2 folders.]
Box 175, Folder 22 , Box 175, Folder 24

Brian Cancannon

Physical Description: [2 folders.]
Box 175, Folder 25

Rahul Mahajan

Box 175, Folder 26

Roy Bourgeois and Rabbi Arik Ascherman

Box 175, Folder 27

George Monbiot and John Choe

Box 175, Folder 28

Dr. Andrew Schmookler and Reverend Alex Awad

Box 175, Folder 29

Mark Berensen and Aiden Delgado

Box 175, Folder 30

Reed Brody and Frank Brodhead

Box 175, Folder 31

Jonathan Schell and Steven Shafarman

Box 175, Folder 33

Richard Allen White and Melissa Boyle Maule

Box 175, Folder 34

Gino Strada and Perry O'Brien

Box 175, Folder 35

Eugenia Charles and Robert Parry

Box 175, Folder 36

Michael Mandel and Medea Benjamin

Box 175, Folder 55

Jodie Evans and Laura Carlson




Miscellaneous (Papers)

Box 168, Folder 7 , Box 169, Folders 1-5

Ephemera, including fliers, correspondence, and newsletters for various social causes

Physical Description: [6 folders.]

Office of the Americas (Papers)

Box 169, Folder 6

Delegation to Nicaragua

Box 169, Folder 7

13th Anniversary Celebration program

Box 170, Folder 1

14th Anniversary Celebration program

Box 170, Folder 2

15th Anniversary Celebration program

Box 170, Folder 3

16th Anniversary Celebration program

Box 170, Folder 4

17th Anniversary Celebration program

Box 170, Folder 5

18th Anniversary Celebration program

Box 170, Folder 6

19th Anniversary Celebration program

Box 170, Folder 7

20th Anniversary Celebration program

Box 170, Folder 8

Various fliers and invitations to events

Box 179, Folder 16

Miscellaneous documents, brochures, ephemera


Pacifica (Papers)

Box 168, Folders 1-6

Bonpane commentaries

Physical Description: [6 folders.]
Box 175, Folder 56



Umatic Videos


Miscellaneous (Umatic)

Box 161, Folder 5

OOA 18th Anniversary #1

Box 161, Folder 6

OOA 18th Anniversary #2

Box 162, Folder 1

OOA 18th Anniversary #3

Box 162, Folder 2

OOA 18th Anniversary Edit


World Focus (Umatic)

Box 161, Folder 1

Colombia (Producer: Lisa Smithline)

Box 161, Folder 2

World Peace (Producer: Lisa Smithline)

Box 161, Folder 3 , Box 162, Folder 4

Building a Peace System (Producer: Lisa Smithline)

Box 161, Folder 4

Peace Movement (Producer: Lisa Smithline)

Box 162, Folder 3

Columbia (Producer: Lisa Smithline)

Box 162, Folder 5

The Movement for Living WAGE (Producer: Lisa Smithline)

Box 162, Folder 6

Physicians for Social Responsibility (Producer: Lisa Smithline)

Box 163, Folder 1

National Lawyers Guild (Producer: Lisa Smithline)

Box 163, Folder 2

Yoss: Khen (Producer: Lisa Smithline)

Box 163, Folder 3

Religion and Peace (Producer: Lisa Smithline)

Box 163, Folder 4

Homies Unidos (Producer: Lisa Smithline)

Box 170, Folder 9

Building a Peace System: Lisa Smithline

Box 171, Folder 1


Box 171, Folder 2

Police Accountability: Cynthia Anderson-Batker

Box 171, Folder 3

Art and Politics: Steven Connell and David Clennon


VHS Cassettes


Christian Perspectives on Globalization

Box 164, Folder 1

Chiapas and Peacemaking Bonpane workshop

Box 164, Folder 2

Obstacles and Opportunities - Interdependence or Exploitation: Bonpane

Box 164, Folder 3

A Christian Perspective on Globalization: Bonpane

Box 164, Folder 4

Globalization and Jubilee Debt: Tom Ambrogi workshop

Box 164, Folder 5

An Open Border? High Hopes and Conflicting Concerns: Bonpane, Brubaker, et al.

Box 164, Folder 6

Where Do We Go From Here? Panel


Miscellaneous (VHS)

Box 164, Folder 9

Viva La Paz

Box 165, Folder 1

Democracy University Vol. 40

Box 165, Folder 2

Gary Cox

Box 165, Folder 3

The "Everything" Tape: 1987 The Great Peace March

Box 165, Folder 5

"Face to Face" and "U.S. Teenagers Tour Nicaragua"

Box 165, Folder 8

A Perspective on the Middle East: Bill Rosendahl


Office of the Americas (VHS)

Box 164, Folder 10 , Box 165, Folder 4

Noam Chomsky

Physical Description: [2 folders.]
Box 165, Folder 10 , Box 166, Folder 2

Howard Zinn

Physical Description: [2 folders.]
Box 167, Folder 11

OOA Luncheon


World Focus (VHS)

Box 164, Folder 7

Assault on Civil Liberties: Stephen Rohde

Box 164, Folder 8

Health Care for All: Gilberton Granados

Box 165, Folder 6

Kent Wong

Box 165, Folder 7

Show 29

Box 165, Folder 9

Is Peace Possible in the Middle East? Yossi Khen

Box 165, Folder 11

Global Justice? Don White

Box 166, Folder 1 , Box 167, Folder 6

Physicians for Social Responsibility: Jonathan Parfrey

Physical Description: [2 folders.]
Box 166, Folder 3

Art and Politics: Steven Connell and David Clennon

Box 166, Folder 4 , Box 167, Folder 7

Building a Peace System: Robert Greenwald

Physical Description: [2 folders.]
Box 166, Folder 5

Alice Powell

Box 166, Folder 6

Reverend George Regas

Box 166, Folder 7

Catholic Worker Movement: Jeff Dutrich

Box 166, Folder 8

Movement for a Living Wage: Vivian Rothstein

Box 166, Folder 9 , Box 167, Folder 3

Building a Peace System: Rabbi Steven Jacobs and Elisha Mason

Physical Description: [2 folders.]
Box 166, Folder 10

Peace Movement

Box 166, Folder 11

World Peace

Box 167, Folder 1 , Box 167, Folder 4


Physical Description: [2 folders.]
Box 167, Folder 2

Twilight of the Empire: Jodie Evans

Box 167, Folder 5

Alex Sarchiz

Box 167, Folder 8

Police Accountability: Cynthia Anderson-Baker

Box 167, Folder 9

Kelly Hayer-Raih

Box 167, Folder 10

Justice for All? Eric DeBode