Brown James R. Memorandum to Vice Chancellor R. W. Wright, Business and Administrative Services re: Strawberry Creek water quality 1985 October 10
Donald, William Goodricke. Memorandum to William J. Norton, Business Manager, re: acid in Strawberry Creek 1943 May 3
Erman, Don C. Memorandum to James R. Brown, Director, Office of Environmental Health and Safety re: pollution in Strawberry Creek 1985 October 15
Gerber, Martin. City of Berkeley Marina and Strawberry Creek water quality survey 1978 May 2
Hagill, E. A. Memorandum to W. J. Norton re: pollution of Strawberry Creek 1943 May 7
Norton, William J. Memorandum to Mangold regarding pollution of Strawberry Creek 1942 May 10
Norton, William J. Memorandum to E. A. Hagillregarding impurities in Strawberry Creek 1943 May 4
O'Riordan, Brendan. "Stream temperature, velocity, and phosphate content effects on the distribution of Cladophoraalgae colonies in Strawberry Creek, University of California, Berkeley" 1976 June 11
Phillips, J. A. "History of water quality data for Strawberry Creek on the University of California, Berkeley campus" 1986
Phillips, Jane and Vincent H. Resh . Memorandum to UC Berkeley natural science department chairs and libraries regarding Strawberry Creek file 1987 June 22
Wood, David L. Memorandum to UC Berkeley Entomology Department regarding the Strawberry Creek file 1987 August 7
Sub-Series 1.2. Other research 1949-1991
Steilberg, Walter T. Memorandum to Joseph Kittredgeregarding rainfall and runoff studies in Strawberry Creek as pertaining to the stadium culvert 1949 April 23
A tour of Strawberry Creek on the UC Berkeley central campus 1989
Sklar, Leonard, and Jeffrey Haltiner. "Strawberry Creek bank stabilization monitoring and follow-up report : University of California, Riverside. Philip Williams Associates 1991 January 4
Series 2. Luna B. Leopold files 1976-1986
Sub-Series 2.1. Term Papers 1981-1986
Cook, Jeffrey D. "Evaluation of centroid-to-centroid lag on the North Fork of Strawberry Creek (above campus) : the effect of urbanization" May 1986
Sub-Series 2.2. Field Data 1976-1986
Waterways Restoration Institute. "Final Strawberry Creek report : hydraulic geometry, hydrology, pipe hydraulics and natural channel restoration design. Berkeley" March 1999
Maps of Strawberry Creek
Riley, Ann L., Drew Goetting, and Joshua Bradt. "Restoration design for Strawberry Creek from the Oxford Street culvert to the upstream culvert at the eucalyptus grove on the north fork" 1998
University of California, Berkeley - Office of Environmental Health and Safety "Keeping Strawberry Creek clean" 2001
University of California, Berkeley - Office of Environmental Health and Safety "Water Protection" 2004