Papers include family correspondence (with a few pertaining to the Civil War United States Sanitary Commission); correspondence
relating to the administration of Stanford University; and a few articles by Davis, diplomas, and pamphlets. The bulk of the
papers concern Stanford University, its Board of Trustees, and the problems it faced such as salaries, tuition and fees, faculty
reirements, discipline, the 1906 arthquake, and problems of organizing the Board of Trustees. Correspondents include Thomas
R. Bard, George Crothers, Henry T. Gage, David Starr Jordan, Samuel F. Leib, George C. Perkins, James D. Phelan, Whitelaw
Reid, Eugene E. Schmitz, Silas W. Terry, Booker T. Washington, Benjamin Ide Wheeler and John D. Works.
Horace Davis was a United States representative from California, a member of the original Board of Trustees of Stanford University
(1885-1916), and President of the University of California.
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