Finding Aid to the Charles Caldwell Dobie Papers, [circa 1905-1943]
Finding Aid to the Charles Caldwell Dobie Papers, [circa 1905-1943]
Collection number: BANC MSS C-H 31
The Bancroft Library- Finding Aid Author(s):
- Processed by The Bancroft Library staff
- Finding Aid Encoded By:
- GenX
- Illustrations for San Francisco: A Pageant have been transferred to the Pictorial Collection of The Bancroft Library (BANC PIC 1945.008--B).
- A portrait of Charles Caldwell Dobie, dated August 1918, has been transferred to the Pictorial Collection of The Bancroft Library (BANC PIC 1945.009--E).
Partial List of Correspondents
A - Miscellaneous
- Abdy, H. Bennett, 1922
- Abbott, Samuel Leonard Jr. (1891- ), 1935
- Adams, Edson F., 1938
- Aiken, Ednah (Robinson) (1872- ), ca. 1935. Also Christmas card.
- Alameda. Chamber of Commerce, 1938
- Alameda. Free Library, 1921
- Albert, Charles S., 1936
- Albright, Catherine M., 1921
- Alexander, Betty, n.d.
- All Arts Club, San Francisco, 1921
- Allen, Evelyn, n.d.
- Allen, Hal, n.d.
- Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles, 1939
- Amercon Club, San Francisco, 1934
- American Brotherhood for the Blind, 1937
- American Forestry Association, 1939
- Anderson, E. M., 1933
- Anderson, John D., 1919
- Anderson, Lillian, 1932
- Appleton, Adeline C., 1929
- Arden, Elsie, n.d.
- The Argus Book Shop. Chicago., 1935
- The Argus Pressclipping Bureau, 1939
- Arliss, George (1868-1946), 1926
- Armes, George Arthur (1875- ), 1920
- Armstrong, Ian, 1938
- The Artists and Writers Dinner Club. New York, 1936
- Associated Students. Stanford University, n.d.
- Associated Students. University of California, 1935
- The Authors' Service Bureau, undated
Adventure Magazine
- 3 letters, 1914-1917
Ainslee's Magazine
- 5 letters, 1911-1912
- Whiting, Robert Rudd (1877-1918)
Alden, Ada Foster
- 3 letters, 1920-1929
Alexander, Frederich
- 6 postcards, 1921
Aley, Maxwell
- 34 letters, 1918-1938
- Also, 2 letters addressed to Laura D. Wilck and 2 Christmas cards.
Aley, Ruth
- 3 letters, 1938 & undated
American Association of University Women
- 5 letters, 1934-1936
American Blue-Book of Biography
- 2 letters, undated
American Book Company
- 4 letters, 1938-1940
- Charles Madison Curry (1869-1944)
American Film Company
- 4 letters, 1917
- Stearns, M. M.
- Ritchey, Will M.
American Foundation for the Blind, Inc.
- 2 letters, 1935
American Friends of the Chinese People
- 2 letters, 1938
American Library in Paris
- 2 letters, 1935-1937
The American Magazine
- 6 letters, 1914-1916 & undated
The American Mercury
- 3 letters, 1925
- Angoff, Charles (1902- )
- Lustgarten, Edith
See also: Mencken, H. L.
Appleton (D) & Company
- 3 letters, 1925
- Williams, John Lauris Blake (1893- )
- Wells, William H.
See also: Appleton (D) - Century Co.
Appleton (D) - Century Co.
- 195 letters, 1933-1942
- Church, F.
- Noble, G.
- Smith, Edward L.
- Smith, Rita
- Sohns, H.
- Williams, John Lauris Blake (1893 - )
- Schaeffer, C. C. Gibson
- Haskell, E. O.
The Argonaut
- 6 letters, 1910-1934
- Chapin, William Wallace (1874- )
- Hamilton, Mathew
Arronge, Frederic
- 2 letters, 1939-1940
Arts and Crafts Club. Carmel Calif.
- 4 letters, 1923
Association Against the Prohibition Amendment
- 2 letters, 1929
Atherton, Gertrude Franklin (Horn) (1857-1948)
- 13 letters, 1925-1929 & undated
- Also, 2 unsigned typed copies of letters not written to Dobie; and 2 Christmas cards.
The Atlantic Monthly
- 5 letters, 1914-1917
- Sedgwick, Ellery
Authors and Photo-Players Co. Inc.
- 3 letters, 1920-1921
Authors' Clipping Bureau
- 2 letters, 1920-1929
Authors' Club, London
- 4 letters, 1938-1939
- Gribble, Francis
- Giles, C.
- Slade, N. St. Barbe
Authors' League of America, Inc.
- 16 letters, 1927-1940
- Auw, Ivan von, Jr.
- Basnett, Katherine Crane
- Irwin, Inez Haynes (1875- )
- Sillcox, Luise
Awl, Alma de Bretville Spreckels
- 4 letters, 1936-1940
Aydelott, Clio Lee
- 9 letters, 1920-1936 & undated
- Also, 7 Christmas cards.
Ayer (N. W.) & Son, Inc.
- 2 letters, 1934-1935
B - Miscellaneous
- Bachmann-Herzbrun, Inc., 1935
- Barnes, Howard, 1928
- Barrett, n.d.
- Barron, Mrs. Edward Francis
- Barry, Victor, n.d.
- Barth, Gertrude, n.d.
- Bash, Bertha R., n.d.
- Batsise, Louise, n.d.
- Baumgarten, J. Hampton, 1939
- Bayes, Nora, 1927
- Beasley, Albert E., 1925
- Beatty, Bessie, 1927
- Bellew, Tom, 1939
- Belvedere, Calif. Library, 1936
- Bement, Douglas, 1933
- Bennett, Alma C., 1928
- Bennett, H. V., 1935
- Berg, Hazel, 1938
- Bergin, Josephine, 1914
- Berkeley. Chamber of Commerce, 1938
- Berkeley. Public Library, 1921
- Bildersee, Adele, 1926
- Biographical Encyclopedia of the World, 1940
- Birdwell, Russell, 1930
- Blake, James E., 1920
- Blodgett, Glen Walton, 1928
- Bodin, Walter, 1923
- Boeing, William Edward (1881- ), 1929
- Bolm, Beatrice, 1940
- Book Club of California, 1936
- Book-of-the-Month Club Inc., 1927
- Boone, Cora, 1936
- Boston Magazine Exchange, 1922
- Bowers, H. V., 1926
- Bowman, Sidney, 1935
- Boy Scouts of America. Marin Council, 1939
- Boyd, Mrs. J. M., 1929
- Braasch, Frances M., 1936
- Bracelin, N. Floy, 1939
- Breeze, Frances, 1929
- Brentano's Book Chat, 1928
- Brentano's, 1925
- Brewer, Janet, 1939
- Briscoe, J. Straith, 1921
- Bronner, Edwin M., 1942
- Brosseder, Hilda, 1937
- Brown, C. G., 1937
- Brown, Marjorie M., n.d.
- [Brown], Rosalia (Moore) (1910- ), n.d.
- Broze, Irwin, n.d.
- Bryan, Margaret L., n.d.
- Bryant, Helen D., n.d.
- Buch, Elfrida, 1933
- Bunker, Una, 1930
- Bureau for Natural Pearl Information, 1939
- Burlingame, California. High School, 1935
- Burt, Frank, 1923
- Business and Professional Women's Club, San Mateo, Calif., 1931
- Bussell, Virginia, 1936
- Butler, Florence, undated
Ballaseyus, Virginia
- 15 letters, 1938-1940
Banner Play Bureau
- 4 letters, 1929-1936
Barber, Jackson
- 2 letters, 1938 & undated
Barclay, Sam
- 6 letters, 1920-1922
Barraud (?), George
- 1 letter, n.d.
- 2 postcards, undated
Barrett, Eileen E.
- 2 letters, 1933-1934
Barry, John Daniel (1866-1942)
- 2 letters, 1925
Bates, Harry S.
- 2 letters, 1923
Battu, Zoë A.
- 2 letters, 1939
- Also, 1 Christmas card.
Beckwith, Elizabeth Carrick
- 2 letters, 1923
Bender, Albert Maurice (1866-1941)
- 3 letters, 1927-1936
- Also, letter to Julian Dana, 1936 and 2 Christmas cards.
Benefield, Barry
- 37 letters, 1926-1934
Berkeley Women's City Club
- 6 letters, 1935-1940
Bertholf, Ina W.
- 2 letters, 1924
Black, Winifred (Sweet) (1869-1936)
- 2 letters, 1927-1935
Bobbs-Merrill Company
- 10 letters, 1909-1924
- Chambers, D. L.
- Howland, Hewitt Hanson (1863-1944)
Bodding, Karl
- 2 letters, 1925-1926
Bohemian Club. San Francisco.
- 53 letters, 1917-1941
- Upham, Isaac O.
- Denicke, F. A
- Farish, John B.
- Patigan, Haig (1876-1950)
- Thompson, Joseph S.
- Oddie, Clarence Meigs (1876- )
- Schmidt, Hubert A.
- Dill, Marshall
- Blethen, Joseph
- Healy, Timothy
- Gray, Fred
- Harlan, M. E.
- Weihe, Ernest
- Landfield, Jerome Barker (1871- )
- Hardy, Lowell E.
- Larson, Randell (1891- )
- Farqhuar, Francis Peloubetloubet (1887- )
- Connolly, John F.
See also:
Paul, G. Gibson
Norris, Charles Gilman
Travers, Reginald
Hotaling, Richard
Bonfils, Winifred (Sweet) Black (1869-1936)
See Black, Winnifred (Sweet) -
Boni & Liveright Inc.
- 3 letters, 1922-1923
- Also, letter addressed to Laura D. Wilck.
- Liveright, Horace Brisbin (1886-1933)
See also: Liveright (Horace) Publishers
Bosworth, Hobart Van Zandt (1867-1943)
- 2 letters, 1933-1934
- Also, letter addressed to Will Irwin
Brady, Judson T.
- 2 letters, 1935
Brady, Loretta Ellen (1892- )
- 5 letters, 1918-1927
- Also, Christmas card.
Brandt & Brandt
- 3 letters, 1927
Brastow, Virginia
- 9 letters, 1926-1939
Bret Harte Associates of California, Inc.
- 4 letters, 1938-1939
See also: Radenzel, Edward
- 4 letters, 1938-1939
Brewer, William A.
- 2 letters, 1935
Brown (Curtis), Ltd.
- 6 letters, 1940
- Collins, Alan P.
- Haggard, Edith
Bucy, Simon A.
- 3 letters, 1939
- Also, letter addressed to him by Sherman, Clay & Co.
Buerkle, Mary Elizabeth
- 2 letters, 1935
Burch, Phil
- 4 letters, 1927-1938
Burke, Harry Rosencrans
- 3 letters, 1924-1938
- Also, 4 Christmas cards
Burr, Mabel Neal
- 2 letters, 1917-1920
Burrows, Anne
- 9 letters, 1934-1940 & undated
C - Miscellaneous
- Caglieri, Guido E., n.d.
- California Club of California, 1934
- California Library Association, 1934
- The Callahans, 1937
- Cameron, Helen, 1933
- Campbell, Maury, 1935
- Campione, Albert, 1940
- Cannon, Dorothy Vaughan, n.d.
- Carlisle, Alma, n.d.
- Carrick & Evans, Inc., 1940
- Carrick, Lynn (1899- )
- Carroll, Francis, 1935
- Cartas, Hablen, 1928
- Carter, Mrs. Leslie M., 1939
- Case, Justin, 1932
- Cesana, Renzo, 1940
- Chambers, Wheaton, 1935
- Cheever, L. O., 1940
- Cheu, Henry D., 1936
- Chidester, Nell, 1936
- Chipman, Miner, 1941
- Christian Science Monitor, 1924
- Chung Mei Home, El Cerrito, Calif., 1936
- City and County Federation of Women's Clubs, San Francisco, 1929. Addressed to the Community Chest, San Francisco.
- Civic Light Opera Committee, San Francisco, 1941
- Clark, Donald Lemen (1888- ), 1931
- Clark, Margaret, 1937
- Clionian Club, San Francisco, 1918
- Coghlan, Mabel K., 1938
- Coghlan, Virginia, 1935
- Collett, Elmer, n.d.
- Colman, Clarence, 1923
- Colman, Thelma (Ray), 1939
- Coloroto Corporation, 1924
- Comstock Club, San Francisco, 1940
- Connick, Charles J., 1933
- Cook, Rose D., 1939
- Cook, Thomas R., 1928
- Cooke, Henry D., n.d.
- Cooksley, Sidney Burt (1903- ), 1929
- Coolley, Nelle F., 1934
- Coonan, Clarence, 1940
- Coons, William F., 1927
- Cooper, Frances D., 1926
- Cooper, Jane, n.d.
- Coplestone, Jean, n.d.
- Corbaley, Kate, 1934
- Corti, Louis, n.d.
- Cosgrave, Millicent, n.d. Also, 3 Christmas cards.
- Cosmopolitan Magazine, 1914
- Coulthard, John, 1936
- Country Gentleman, 1916
- Cowan, Robert Ernast (1862-1942), 1935
- Cowdery, Alice, 1921
- Cowen, Frederic C., 1938
- Cowley, Irene, 1927
- Craddook, Tony, n.d.
- Crandall, Albertine D., 1925
- Cranford, Dorothy, n.d.
- Creel, George (1876-1953), 1928
- Crowley, Constance, 1936
- Culver, Louise J., undated
- Cunning, Aurelia Reid, 1936
Cahen, Elizabeth
- 2 letters, 1921
California. State Library, Sacramento.
- 5 letters, 1921-1935
California. University
- 4 letters, 1907-1938
- Faculty Club
- Library
- President (Robert Gordon Sproul)
California Federation of Women's Clubs
- 2 letters, 1934
California Historical Society
- 3 letters, 1935-1938
California League of Women Voters
- 2 letters, 1934
California Monthly
- 3 letters, 1935
California Spring Blossom and Wild Flower Association
- 2 letters, 1925-1927
California State Association of English Teachers
- 2 letters, 1940-1941
California Teachers Association
- 2 letters, 1935
California Writers' Club
- 11 letters, 1920-1940
- Keeler, Charles Augustus (1871-1937)
- Babington, S. H.
- Donelson, Richard N.
Californians Inc.
- 2 letters, 1936-1939
Carpenter, Warwick S.
- Letter with several enclosures, 1934
Catelli, Sylvio L.
- 2 letters, undated
Center, Robert Innes
- 2 letters, 1914-1933
The Century Co.
- 12 letters, 1914-1933
- Benet, William Rose (1886- )
- Van Doren, Carl Clinton (1885- )
- Frank, Glenn (1887- )
- Also 3 letters, 1921-1922, addressed to Laura D. Wilck
See also: Aley, Maxwell
Chamberlain, Arthur Henry (1872-1942)
- 4 letters, 1927-1929
Chèvremont, Paul de
- 3 letters, 1934
Clark, Mary
- 2 letters, undated
Clemons, Cyril (1902- )
- 4 letters, 1935-1937
Cleveland, Ann
- 2 letters, 1937
Coan, Oris
- 2 letters, 1933
The Coast
- 2 letters, 1939
Cole, Mary Stuart
- 2 letters, undated
College Humor
- 2 letters, 1927
- 10 letters, 1907-1917
Commonwealth Club of California
- 3 letters, 1927-1936
- Also, letter, 1934, addressed to Clarence W. Dobie with draft of his reply.
Community Chest of San Francisco
- 7 letters, 1928-1940
Conley, Peter
- 4 letters, 1935-1938
Connor, Torrey (1869- )
- 67 letters, ca. 1917-1937
- Also, letter, undated, addressed to Harper Publishing Co.
Cool, Frank Cooper
- 4 letters, 1927-1937
Coolbrith, Ina Donna (1842-1928)
- 7 letters, 1916-1925
Council of Jewish Women, Oakland, Calif.
- 2 letters, 1934
Cravens, Junius
- 2 letters, 1927-1936
- Also 4 Christmas cards and a postcard.
Crawford, Agnes Kerr
- 25 letters, 1927-1938
Creel, Blanche (Bates)
- 3 letters, undated
Crocker, Templeton (1884-1948)
- 3 letters, 1929
- Also, 5 Christmas cards and 2 letters written to Crocker by Fred S. Myrtle with copy of Crocker's reply.
Cronier, Etienne
- 3 letters, 1935-1938
Cuddy, John
- 4 letters, 1928-1935
- Enclosures: letter from Edward H. Suydem and copy of letter to Suydam, 1931; also, copy of telegram from Cuddy to D. Appleton-Century Co., 1933.
Cullinan, Eustace
- 2 letters, 1941 & undated
Cullum, Winifred H.
- 4 letters, 1917-1920
- Also 1 Christmas card
D - Miscellaneous
- Daley, Madeline M., 1917
- Dall, C. G., 1928
- Daly City. Jefferson Union High School, 1938
- Darbyshire, Percy William, 1936
- Davenport, Eleanor M., 1933
- Davis, Harold, 1922
- Day, Marjorie, 1924
- De Jagers, Dorothy, n.d.
- De Lano, Irene W., 1937
- Deering, Henry, 1927
- Dell Publishing Co., 1925
- Deming, Hattie, 1927
- Dempsey, Lucille, 1927
- Dettmer, Cecilia Katherine, 1928
- The Dial, 1923
- Diether, Ruth, ca. 1927
- Dill, Marshall, 1935
- Dixon, Florence, 1935
- Dobbins, Natalia, n.d.
- Dobie, Delos W. C., 1932
- Dobie, George N., 1935
- Dominican Convent of San Rafael, 1935
- Donald, Paul, 1935
- Donaldson, Adelaide, 1932
- Donzel, David, 1936
- Dreyer, Martin, 1936
- Drum, Georgiana, n.d.
- Du Bois, F. A., 1931
- Duffy, Henry, 1930
- Dunn, Berry E., 1927
- Durney, Raymond J., 1938
- Dutton (E. P.) & Co., 1924
- Dwight, Charlotte S., undated
- Dyer, Frank Lewis (1870-1941), 1934
- Dyer, George, 1935
Daggett, Mrs. Robert S.
- 2 letters, 1938
Dakers, Andrew H.
- 4 letters, 1922
Dale, Patricia
- 2 letters, 1934
Dana, Julian (1907- )
- 12 letters, 1934-1936
Darbyshire, Blanche
- 5 letters, 1925-1937
- Also, 6 Christmas cards
Darling, Esther Birdsall
- 18 letters, 1921-1942
- Also, 2 Christmas cards
Darrach, Marie L.
- 2 letters, 1938 & undated
Davidson, E. W.
- 2 letters, 1914 & undated
Davis, Sheldon B.
- 4 letters, 1926-1929
Dawn, Marjory
- 7 letters, 1933
Day (John) Company, Inc.
- 57 letters, 1926-1934
- Holt, Guy (1892-1934)
- Walsh, Richard John (1886- )
- Whitcomb, Lois
- Austin, Cleland
Deering, Frank Prentiss (1855- )
- 2 letters, 1926-1933
Deffenbaugh, Estella
- 2 letters, 1939
Dery, Charles F.
- 2 letters, 1935
Devlin, Anna Mary
- 2 letters, 1935
De Young, M. H., Memorial Museum, San Francisco
- 2 letters, 1932-1934
Dobie, Clarence W.
- 4 postcards, 1911
Dobie, William Jardine
- 3 letters, 1936-1938
Dodson, Martha E.
- 6 letters, 1918-1919 & undated
Dollard, Leo
- 2 letters, 1932
Dolman, Mahlon
- 4 letters, 1935
Doubleday. Doran and Co.
- 2 letters, 1928-1929
Doubleday Page & Co.
- 8 letters, 1914-1927
- Also, letter, 1922, addressed to Laura D. Wilck.
Down Town Association, San Francisco
- 4 letters, 1934-1935
Duffey, Vincent
- 2 letters, 1929 & undated
Dunagan, Richard A.
- 2 letters, 1938
Durney, Joseph (1860- )
- 2 letters, 1926-1937
Dwight, Ward A. (1878- )
- Letter, 1925
- Also 6 Christmas cards
E - Miscellaneous
- Editor Magazine, 1924
- Eldridge, David, 1935
- Elkus, Miriam M., n.d.
- Ellicott, J. M., 1932
- Elliot, Clair L., 1931
- Emerson, John, 1936
- The Emporium Book Shop, 1935
- The Emporium, 1934
- England, Robert, 1934
- English, Elisabeth Doby, 1928
- Erasma, Sister M., 1938
- Esberg, Mr. and Mrs. Milton H., n.d.
- Escamilla, Orrie, n.d.
- Ewing, Jerry, 1940
- Ewing, W. Philip, undated
Earle, Susan H.
- 6 letters, 1933-1936
Easton, Louise Adams
- 3 letters, 1921-1939
Eaton, Henry G.
- 2 letters, undated
Elder, [David] Paul (1872- )
- 16 letters, 1920-1939
- Also, 2 Christmas cards
Ellis, Mildred A.
- 2 letters, 1935-1937
Eltse, Oma (Davies)
- 2 letters, 1936 & undated
English, Frank
- 2 letters, 1936 & undated
Eugene Field Society
- 2 letters, 1939
Everett, Elizabeth A.
- 3 letters, 1920-1938
Everybody's Magazine
- Letter, 1926
- Also, letter addressed to Laura D. Wilck, 1921.
Exhibitors Art & Design Service Inc.
- 2 letters, 1939
Exposition Light Opera Co.
- 4 letters, 1936
F - Miscellaneous
- Fact-finders, 1937
- Farm & Home, 1916
- Farqhar, Samuel T., 1939
- Fassett, Jaimie, 1927
- Feldheym, Jean S., 1929
- Felix, Walter J., 1931
- Feuchtwanger, Lion (1884- ), 1940
- Field, Edmund, 1937
- Finnish-Polish Benefit Hall, San Francisco, 1940
- Fire Insurance Society of San Francisco, 1912
- Fisher, Marjory Marckyres, n.d.
- Fisher, William, 1934
- Fisk, Helen G., 1921
- Fisk, James K., 1921
- Fitzsimmons, Muriel S., 1936
- Fletcher, Peggy Inglis, n.d.
- Fletcher, Peter, 1934
- Ford, Harrison, 1939
- Frank, Charlotte A., 1913
- Frank, R. W., 1937
- Freedom and Unity, 1940
- Freeman, Grace H., undated
- Fresno Parthenon, 1929
- Fry, Louise Arnold, 1935
- Fuller, Elnora, 1934
Faber, Karen
- 2 letters, undated
Fairfax, Robert
- 16 letters, 1926-1928
Famous Players-Lasky Corporation
- 4 letters, 1922-1925
Famous Story Publishing Company
- 6 letters, 1925-1926
- Delacorte, George Thomas (1894- )
- Steeger, Henry
- Balch, David
Farrar & Rinehart, Inc.
- 3 letters, 1942
- Farrar, John Chipman (1896- )
Fay, Paul B.
- 4 letters, 1935-1939
Federal Theatre Projects
- 2 letters, 1936
Federal Writers' Projects
- 3 letters, 1936-1937
- Hopper, James Marie (1876-1956)
Fee, Marcia Gayle
- 2 letters, 1929 & undated
Felton, Cora L.
- 2 letters, 1939 & undated
Ferguson, Elsie
- 2 letters, 1923. Written for her by her secretary.
Ferrante, Rose
- 2 letters, 1939 & undated
Ferris, Helen Josephine (1890- )
- 2 letters, 1928
Field, Charles Kellog (1873 - )
- 18 letters and cards, 1912-1936
Findeisen, William Ernest
- 2 letters, 1929-1940
- Also, 3 Christmas cards
Finger, Charles Joseph (1869-1941)
- 5 letters, 1923-1926
Fletcher, Marion Ryan
- 3 letters, undated
The Forum
- 6 letters, 1925-1929
- Pezet, A. Washington
- Leach, Henry Goddard (1880- )
- Chapin, Eunice Bramble
Fowler, Augusta B.
- 6 letters, 1917-1919 & undated
Fox, Russell A.
- 2 letters, 1936
Fraser, Lula Morgan
- 2 letters, 1925-1939
Frasher, George
- 11 letters, 1925-1927 & undated
- Also, 2 Christmas cards.
Frothingham, Roy S.
- 4 letters, 1931-1934 & undated
Fuller, Adaline W.
- 3 letters, 1940 & undated
- Also her correspondence with the American Play Co., Inc., 1926
G - Miscellaneous
- Garland, L. H., 1934
- Garthwaite, James, 1936
- Garwood, William, 1921
- Gatlin, Lillian, 1925
- Georgian American, The, 1926
- Gerstle, Hilda H., n.d.
- Gillilan, Mary Francis, 1936
- Gillis, Mabel R., 1936
- Gilman, Caroline Stella, 1934
- Gobbel, Luther Lafayette (1895- ), 1938
- Goddard, Mary P., n.d.
- Gold Book, 1937
- Golden Horseman Press, 1938
- Goldstein & Co., Costumers, 1939
- Good Housekeeping, 1930
- Goodwin, Alice, 1938
- Gowan, Edith, 1934
- Gradwohl, Rebecca J., 1929
- Graham, Gladys Wilmot, 1920
- Grant, Laura, n.d.
- Graston, Harley S., 1939
- Green Room Club, London, 1937
- Green Room Club, San Francisco, 1935
- Greene, Elizabeth, 1938
- Greene, Louis C., 1924
- Greene, Clay Meredith (1850-1933), 1931
- Griffiths, Farnham P., 1939
- Grinton, Lornie, 1929
- Gromer, Belle Bierns, n.d.
- Grosvenor Hotel, New York, 1937
- Guerhard, Wilhelmina (Macartney), 1938
- Guerhard, Albert Leon (1880- ), 1931
- Guise, M. H., n.d.
- Gulick, Sidney Lewis (1902- ), 1938
- Gustafson, William, Jr., 1922
- Gwin, William, undated
Gabriel, Ruth
- 8 letters and cards, 1938-1940 & undated
- Also, 5 Christmas cards.
Game and Gossip
- 6 letters, 1926-1928
See also: Wylie, Cameron Ellsworth
- 6 letters, 1926-1928
Gates, Arnold F.
- 2 letters, 1940
Gerberding, Elizabeth (Sears)
- 2 letters, 1923-1936
Gerould, Katharine (Fullerton) (1879-1944)
- 8 letters, 1924-1936 & undated
Gibson, Nelle W.
- 2 letters, undated
Gjerdrum, Henrik
- 6 letters, undated
Glen, Marion R.
- 3 letters, 1928 & undated
Golden Book
- 3 letters, 1929-1931
- O'Dell, Edith
- Field, Frederica
Goldwyn, (Samuel) Inc., Ltd.
- 3 letters, 1933
- Oppenheimer, George
Goodman, Henry (1893- )
- 7 letters, 1927-1930
Goodrich, Nelly
- 2 letters, 1934
Gregory, Blanche
- 28 letters, 1929-1942
Grider, Fred W.
- 4 letters, 1926-1935
Griffin, Marjory B.
- 4 letters, 1927-1934
Guernsey, Aline (Greenwood)
- 3 letters, 1922 & undated
Gunsky, Robert
- 2 letters, 1932
H - Miscellaneous
- Haartman, O., 1931
- Hadley, Roscoe, 1938
- Hager, Alice, n.d.
- Hall, M. E., 1932
- Hall, Wilbur, n.d
- Halliburton, Richard (1900-1939?), 1938
- Hamill, James Martin, 1925
- Hamilton, Edward H., 1926
- Hamilton, Mary S., n.d.
- Handlos, Genevive, 1936
- Hanifin, Ada, 1938
- Hansen, R. M., 1929
- Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1928
- Hardeman, Cecilia, 1925
- Harkrider, John W., 1925
- Harms, Josephine C., 1923
- Harrington, Harry Franklin (1882-1935), 1929
- Harrison, Grover, 1918
- Harsen, Leonard T., 1938
- Hart, Joan, 1938
- Hart, Stanley D., n.d.
- Hartford, Jane, n.d.
- Hartman, Ferris, 1925
- Haslett, Rose H., 1936
- Hassett, Blenner, 1934
- Hastings Clothing Company, 1924
- Hawkes, A. McLean, 1936
- Hawthorne, Hildegarde (1872- ), 1931
- Hayden, Dorothea (Hoaglin), 1927
- Hayes, Sibyl, 1938
- Hays, Blanche M., 1939
- Heath, Monroe (1889- ), 1938
- Heath, Sara R., n.d.
- Heide, Eugene E., 1921
- Helvenston, Harold, n.d.
- Henefer, Mrs. Ben, 1936
- Henley, Homer, 1932
- Hepburn, Lucille H., 1934
- Herzburn (Walter) Agency, 1940
- Hewes, Anita W., 1927
- Heyneman, Julie Helen, 1932
- Higgins, J. E., Jr., 1939
- Hill, Eloise, 1938
- Hill, Ruth, n.d.
- Hill, J. George, n.d.
- Hills, Herbert George
- Hinkley, Richard, n.d.
- Hinds, Saretta, 1933
- Hobbs, Jean, 1935
- Hode, Hal, 1932
- Hoelscher, A. G., 1927
- Holland, Jack, 1927
- Holland's Magazine, 1921
- Holmes, N. L., 1932
- Holt, Mrs. H. von, 1939
- Holumbe, E. Amelia, n.d.
- Hoover, Herbert, 1935. Addressed to Mrs. Charles Sedgwick Aiken.
- Horst, Betty, n.d.
- Hotchkiss, Ellen R., n.d.
- Howe, Maurice, 1935
- Howe, Mrs. W. D., 1913
- Howell, John (1874-1956), 1939
- Hoyt, Helen, n.d.
- Hull, Howard, undated
- Huntington, Marian, n.d
- Hutner, Daniel Jay, 1933
Hallock, H. G. C.
- 2 letters, 1927-1929
Harper & Brothers
- 84 letters, 1913-1937
- Wells, Thomas Bucklin (1875-1941)
- Hartman, Lee Foster (1879-1941)
- Anthony, Joseph (1897- )
- Briggs, William H.
- Allen, Frederick Lewis (1890- )
- Also, 5 letters addressed to Laura D. Wilck, 1921-1923
See also: Aley, Maxwell
Harper's Bazar
- 7 letters, 1913-1937
- Sell, Henry Blackman (1889- )
- Also, 5 letters addressed to Laura D. Wilck, 1920-1923
See also: Dodson, Martha E.
Hartley, Roland English
- 4 letters, 1925-1938
Harvey, Sophie
- 4 letters, undated
Hatch, Virginia
- 2 letters, 1930
Haverland, Stella
- 2 letters, 1939 & undated
Hawkins, Hannah
- 8 letters, 1939 & undated
Hawks, Harry
- 4 letters, 1925-1929
Healy, Frank W.
- 2 letters, 1927-
Hebberd (Wallace) Publisher
- 2 letters, 1928
Henrici, Wanda Brastow
- 2 letters, 1927 & undated
Herold, Marion A.
- 2 letters, 1933-1934
Higgins, Robert V.
- 6 letters, 1926-1927
Hillcrest Club, San Francisco
- 2 letters, 1927
Hiller, Emily
- 3 letters, 1927-1934
Hobart, Mabel D.
- 2 letters, undated
Holly, F. M.
- 10 letters, 1907-1909
Holt (Henry) and Company
- 5 letters, 1910-1927
Honolulu Star-Bulletin, Limited
- 3 letters, 1939-1941
Hosford, George Newton
- 2 letters, 1930-1933
Hostater, John E.
- 15 letters, 1935-1940
Hotaling, Richard M. (1868-1925)
- 3 letters, 1919-1925
- Also, 2 Christmas cards
Hotel Del Monte, Del Monte Calif.
- 7 letters, 1933-1936
Houghton Miflin Company
- 4 letters, 1925-1939
House, Henry Arthur
- 3 letters, 1924-1927
The Housekeeper
- 2 letters, 1921
Howland, Louise
- 2 letters, undated
- Also 2 Christmas cards
Hunter, Kathryn
- 2 letters, 1931
Hurst, Fannie (1889- )
- 3 letters, 1924-1936
I - Miscellaneous
- Ingram, (Frederick B.) Productions, 1935
- Ingram, Marie C., 1934
- International Goodwill Congress, 1938
- International Institute for Service and Information to Foreign Born People, 1936
Ina Coolbrith Circle
- 2 letters, 1928-1935
Ingerson, Frank
- 2 letters, 1933 & undated
- 3 letters, 1925
Irwin, William Henry (1873-1948)
- 3 letters, 1928-1936
J - Miscellaneous
- Jafke, Orville, 1932
- Jeffrey, Dagmar, 1938
- Jenkel-Davidson Optical Company, 1939
- Jennings, Winnifred, undated
- Jensen, Herbert, 1928
- Jeswinn, Edward, 1932
- Johnson, Doris, 1940
- Johnson, Endrea Marka, 1934
- Johnson, Theodore, 1916
- Johnson, Royal, 1940
- Johnston, William Andrew (1871-1929), 1919
- Jones, Bill, 1925
- Jones, Susan, 1923
- Jordan, Frances S., 1927
- Josselyn, Charles (1847- ), 1924
- Judy, Catherine T., 1938
Jackson, Lucille Prim
- 2 letters, 1939
Jessup, Alexandar (1871- )
- 17 letters, 1921-1929
- Also, 1 Christmas card
Jewish Community Center, San Francisco
- 5 letters, 1936-1937
Johannsen, Albert (1874- )
- 2 letters, 1923
John, Omar
- 3 letters, undated
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation
- 2 letters, 1935
Johnson, Edna Gulledge
- 3 letters, 1932
Johnston, Maude M.
- 2 letters, 1938
K - Miscellaneous
- KJBS, 1928
- Kappa Lambda Sigma, University of San Francisco, 1934
- Kaufman, Martha, 1931
- Keenan, Sarah A., 1935
- Kelty, Karl S., n.d.
- Kendall-De Vally Operalogue Co., 1932
- Kenyon, Camilla, 1927
- Keyes, Charles, 1931
- King, Basil, 1921
- Kinney, Percy, 1932
- Kirkpatrick, Dorothy, n.d.
- Knight, Frances H., 1939
- Koch, John, n.d.
- Korshet, Bernice, n.d.
- Koski, Estelle C., 1936
- Kreutzmann, Henry A. R., 1939
- Kujawa, Jan, undated
Kahn, Edmond
- 3 letters, 1932-1933
Kane Travel Service
- 4 letters, 1937
Kappa Alpha Theta, Alumnae Chapter, San Francisco
- 3 letters, 1935
Katzoff, Simon L.
- 3 letters, 1929
Knopf (Alfred A.), Inc.
- 5 letters, 1918-1934
- Knopf, Alfred A. (1892- )
- Knopf, Blanche (Wolf)
Knudson, Charlotte
- 2 letters, 1934
Koons, E. Ray
- 2 letters, 1936-1937
Kyne, Peter Bernard (1880-1957)
- 2 letters, 1922-1929
- Also, 1 Christmas card.
L - Miscellaneous
- Labhard, Jessie, n.d.
- Lacy, George S., 1939
- Ladd, Anna P., n.d.
- Lake, George and Hattie, 1933
- Lampson, Robin (1900- ), 1938
- Languil (?), R. L., 1929
- Lannes, John E., 1938
- Larson, Edna Louise, n.d.
- Larsson, Genevieve, 1922
- Latta, Frank Forrest (1892- ), 1938
- Lattimore, Owen (1900-), 1938
- Lawlor, William Patrick, 1920
- Lawton, Thomas H., n.d.
- Leach, William H., 1923
- Leahy, Don, 1929
- Lee-Fu, Woo, 1937
- Leis, Isabel Stine, n.d.
- Leventritt, Roy, 1927
- Lindstrom, Betty Sue, 1936
- Lippincott (Ji Bi) Company, 1910
- Little, Brown & Company, 1936
- Livermore, Edith, 1928
- The Living Age, 1933
- Livingston, Florence, 1921
- Lloyd (Frank) Productions, 1924
- Lowry, George Maus (1889- ), 1936
- Lullit, Gladys W., n.d.
- Lyles, Mary L., 1921
- Lynch, Mrs. John, n.d.
- Lyon, Matie C., undated
Ladd, Schuyler
- 3 letters, undated
Ladies' Home Journal
- 6 letters, 1911-1924
- Bok, Edward William (1863-1930)
- Wiley, Franklin Baldwin (1861-1930)
- Emery, Stewart M.
- MacAlarney, Robert E.
Lamb, Harold Albert (1892- )
- 2 letters, 1927-1928
Lane, Rose Wilder
- 2 letters, 1917-1918
- Also, letter, undated to Virginia (?)
Larsh, Lee
- 2 letters, 1937
League of Western Writers
- 9 letters, 1935-1938
- Fresno Chapter
- San Francisco Chapter
See also: Chamberlain, Arthur Henry
Lee, B. Virginia (1902- )
- 10 letters, 1925-1929
Lee, James Zee-Min
- 2 letters, 1935
- Also, 3 Christmas cards
Lehman, Benjamin Harrison (1889- )
- 3 letters, 1927-1928
Leonard, Richard
- 2 letters, 1930-1941
Letcher, Blanche
- 2 letters, undated
Lewis, Oscar (1893- )
- 8 letters, 1936-1939
Lewis & Gordon
- 2 letters, 1923
- Also, letter, 1923, addressed to Reginald Travers
- 4 letters, 1924-1928
- Wheeler, John Neville (1886- )
Lichtig and Englander
- 5 letters, 1920-1940
Linn, June
- 2 letters, 1934 & undated
Liveright (Horace) Publishers
- 3 letters, 1928-1930
See also: Boni & Liveright, Inc.
- 3 letters, 1928-1930
Liveright, Otto K.
- 167 letters, 1926-1939
- Liveright, Otto K.
- Davies, A. Mervyn
London, Charmian (Kittridge)
- 5 letters, 1925-1938
London Times
- 5 letters, 1929
Long, Mabel
- 4 letters, 1939-1940 & undated
- Also, 2 Christmas cards
Longmans, Green & Co.
- 2 letters, 1939
Los Angeles National Book Fair
- 2 letters, 1936
Lowther, James B.
- 2 letters, 1937
Luke, Keye (1904- )
- 17 letters, 1925-1940
- Also copy of letter by Laurence Bingon, 1927 re: Keye Luke's work; 3 Christmas cards; and 3 printed reproductions of his drawings.
Lyman, William Whittingham (1885-)
- 4 letters, 1934-1936
- One letter incomplete
M - Miscellaneous
- MacAdams, J. N., 1926
- McBryde, A. Douglas, 1928
- McCloskey, Mae, 1938
- McCoy, Fleta B.
- McCullough, Kathleen, n.d.
- McEnerney, Genevieve, n.d.
- MacGregor, Jean, n.d.
- McIntosh, M. E., 1938
- MacMillan, Frederick E., 1935
- MacMinn, George R., 1917
- McNeil, Austin E., 1927
- McPherson, A., 1931
- MacMillan Company, 1941
- McRaye, Walter, 1937
- Madden, Eva, n.d.
- Madden, Harry, 1934
- Madison, Maury, 1939
- Magee, William A., 1936
- Magill, F. M., 1906
- Mailly, Marguerite de, n.d.
- Majors, Ergo A., 1939
- Manning, Marjorie, 1929
- Maples, Anne, 1939
- Marin Musical Chest, 1940
- Markham, Virgil (1899- ), 1938
- Marley, Evelyn (?), 1936
- Marsh (Lawrence) Company, 1926
- Marshall, Dora, n.d.
- Matthews, Jeanette C., 1930
- Maugham, William Somerset (1874- ), n.d.
- Maynard, Sallie, n.d.
- Mechanics Mercantile Library, San Francisco, 1921
- Meek, Sterner St. Paul (1894- ), 1934
- Melden, Charles M., 1927
- Meldrum, A. McKenzie, 1933
- Melville, Emelie, n.d.
- Meritt, Ralph Palmer (1833- ), 1918
- Metcalf, Alice, 1926
- Methodist Historical Society, San Francisco, n.d.
- Metro Picture Corporation, 1921
- Metropolitan [Magazine], 1914
- Meyer, Arthur, 1935
- Meyer, Marian, 1931
- Michael, Mrs. H., n.d.
- Michelena, Beatriz, n.d.
- Michigan. University, 1939
- Middleton, William H., n.d.
- Mills, Myrtle B., 1920
- Mitchell, Lorraine, 1938
- Mitchell, Mott Kirk, 1928
- Mohr, Margaret Jane, 1931
- Molina, Josephine, 1938
- Montpellier, Elva Bolton, 1913
- Moore, A. J., 1927
- Moore, Frances L., 1941
- Moore, Joseph A., 1933
- Moore, Mary Carr (1873- ). Note written on printed announcement, n.d.
- Moore, R. D., 1940
- Moran, John Oscar (1891-), n.d.
- Morbio, Carlo Sutro, n.d.
- Morgan, Arthur Ernest (1878- ), 1939
- Morgan, Gail W., n.d.
- Morris (L. M.) Co., 1935
- Muldoon, Vince, n.d.
- Muller, A. C., 1921
- Mullins, Helene, 1939
- Murayama, Sada (?), n.d.
- Murio, Patsy, undated
- Murray, Ada Foster, 1924
- Myrtle, Fred S., 1929
McCaffry, Helen
- 5 letters, 1925-1928
McCall's Magazine
- 4 letters, 1918-1924
- Grossman, Martha
- Reed, Myra G.
- Henle, James (1891-)
- Giles, Dorothy
- Also 2 letters, addressed to Laura D. Wilck, 1922
McClure Newspaper Syndicate
- 2 letters, 1928-1929
McClure's Magazine
- 9 letters, 1911-1927 & undated
- McClure, Samuel Sidney (1857-1949)
McClurg, (A. C.) & Co.
- 4 letters, 1910-1914
McCurry (?), Leslie Francesca
- 2 letters, 1933
MacFarland, Clara A.
- 2 letters, 1919-1922
McGraw, Baldwin
- 5 letters, undated & 1938
McKenzie, Romona
- 2 letters, 1937 & undated
McKeogh, Arthur (1890-1937)
- 2 letters, 1925-1927
McKibben, George B.
- 2 letters, 1921
Macky, Eric Spencer (1880- )
- 3 letters, 1921-1941 & undated
McLaren, John
- 2 letters, 1931-1934
McWilliams, Carey (1905- )
- 2 letters, 1927-1929
- Also, 1 Christmas card
Marcelli, Ulderico
- 10 letters, 1919-1940
Marshall, Carol
- 3 letters, 1940
Mary James, Sister
- 2 letters, 1928-1930
Maxwell, C. Stirling
- 2 letters, undated
Mencken, Henry Louis (1880-1956)
- 24 letters, 1916-1940 & n.d.
- Also, letter, 1918, to the Silhouette Agency and copy of letter, undated, to Otto
K. Liveright; and inscribed visiting card pasted on New Years greeting card.
See also: The American Mercury and The Smart Set
Merrick, Mollie
- 2 letters, 1926-1931
- Also, 1 Christmas card.
Methodist Episcopal Church. Board of Home Missions and Church
- 2 letters, 1936
Milkman, Jerome
- 3 letters, 1925-1928
Miller, Eleanor L.
- 2 letters, 1929-1933
Mills College, Oakland, Calif.
- 8 letters, 1935-1937
- James, E. O.
- Lindsay, Elizabeth Conner
- Hazard, Lucy Lockwood
Mirrielees, Edith Ronald (1878- )
- 4 letters, 1928 & undated
Mitchell, Ruth Comfort (1822- )
- 5 letters, 1924-1933 & undated
Montedoro, Marco
- 4 letters, 1940
Moon, Lorna
- 6 letters, 1924 & undated
- Also, draft of letter to Irving Thalberg and Harry Ropf; and 2 Christmas cards.
Moore, Inez Macondry
- 2 letters, 1939
Morgan, Grace Jones (1887- )
- 7 letters, 1923-1927
- Also, 1 Christmas card
Morrin, Mary Irene
- 4 letters, 1931-1942
Morrow, Lydia H.
- 3 letters, 1923-1927
Morrow, William Chambers (1853-1923)
- 24 letters, 1906-1921
- Also, letter addressed to Miss Macfarland, 1917
Morrow (W. C.) Committee
- 3 letters, 1922-1927
- Williams, Cora Lenore, (1865-)
Morse, Frank
- 2 letters, 1937-1938
Mountain Play Association, San Francisco
- 3 letters, 1938-1941
Munger, Dell H. (1862- )
- 5 letters, 1916-1934. One letter incomplete
Munsey, (Frank A.) Company
- 12 letters, 1908-1914
- Metcalf, Thomas Newell
- Duffy, Richard (1873-1949)
N - Miscellaneous
- Natchez Garden Club, Natchez, Miss., 1940
- National Arts Club, 1921
- National Post Company, 1911
- National Society of the Colonial Dames of America. California, n.d.
- National Transcribers Society for the Blind, 1941
- New Democracy, 1945
- New Fiction Publishing Company, 1916
- Newall, Mrs. Martin, n.d.
- Newcomb, Bob, 1920
- Newcomb, Ruth, 1925
- Newman, Louis Israel (1893- ), 1926
- Nicol, Duncan, 1925
- Nicholson, J. K., undated
- Nishiki, Sakiye, 1941
- Northfield, Victor, 1938
National Amateur Press Association
- 4 letters, 1921
- Moiteret, Anthony F.
National Cyclopedia of American Biography
- 3 letters, 1920-1921
National League of American Pen Women
- 13 letters, 1924-1936
- Berkeley Branch
- Butte Co. Branch
- Sacramento Branch
- San Francisco Branch
- San Jose Branch
- Santa Clara Co. Branch
- Sonoma Co. Branch
New York American
- 11 letters, 1932-1933
- Towne, Charles Hanson (1877-1949)
- Bergman, B. A.
- Also letter addressed to John Hewins Kern, 1934
New York Herald Tribune
- 2 letters, 1928
New York World
- 4 letters, 1926-1929
News Letter and Wasp
- 3 letters, 1939
- Le Berthon, John L.
Nicol (William), Ltd.
- 2 letters, 1934
Nichols, Ode C.
- 3 letters, 1932-1933
Norris, Charles Gilman (1881-1945)
- 49 letters, 1923-1939
- Also copies of letters to Fremont Older, 1929, and to Malcolm Johnson, 1938
Norris, Kathleen (Thompson) (1880- )
- 6 letters, undated
- Also, 15 Christmas cards
Novo Club, San Francisco
- 2 letters, 1936 & undated
O - Miscellaneous
- Oakland. Chamber of Commerce, 1938
- Oakland. University High School, 1933
- Oakland Post Enquirer, 1922
- O'Brien, Ada Morgan, 1926
- O'Conner, Charles A., 1928
- Ogg, Grace Carlisle, n.d.
- O'Kelly, Dan J., n.d.
- Old Time Vaudeville and Dramatic Artists' Club, Inc., 1940
- Older, Fremont (1856-1935), 1929. Also, 2 Christmas cards.
- Olmsted, Josie A., 1935
- Ong, Genevieve de, 1937
- Orland Women's Club, 1936
- Outdoor Art Club, Mill Valley, Calif., 1932
- The Outlook, 1939
- Overland Monthly, undated
- Overseas Friendship League, 1939
- Owen, Margaret, 1934
Oakland, Calif. Free Public Library
- 2 letters, 1921-1937
O'Brien, Edward Joseph Harrington (1890-1941)
- 18 letters, 1917-1933
- Enclosure to letter of 9/2/18 is letter from Alfred A. Knopf
- Also, letter addressed to Mrs. Medbury, 1917; inscribed visiting card; and Christmas card.
O'Brien, Frederick (1869-1932)
- 3 letters, 1927-1931
Ovens, Jane Paterson
- 10 letters, 1917-1927
P - Miscellaneous
- Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, 1938
- Painter, Mrs. H., 1937
- Palmer, Marie E., 1919
- Palmer, Olive H., 1935
- Parandowski, Jan (1895- ), 1938
- Park, Kenneth Marvin, n.d.
- Parker, Lydia Bedford, 1936
- Parton, Mrs. F. A., n.d.
- Payne, Lois, 1935
- Pease, Howard (1894- ), 1922
- Peck, E. E., 1933
- Peck, Maria L., 1939
- Pelenc, Helen, 1936
- Pence, Raymond Woodbury (1885- ), 1932
- Pendleton, Magaret, 1928
- Perdue, Elizabeth, n.d.
- Peteler, Frank Knight, 1930
- Peters, Charles Rollo (1862-1928), 1923
- Peterson, Katherine M., 1923
- Phillips, Lilliam M., n.d.
- Phillips, Pandora, 1936
- Phipps, Gertrude, 1930
- Pi Gamma Mu, 1927
- Piatt, Homer, 1935
- Pickering, Loring, (1888- ), 1926
- Piercy, Josephine Ketchum, 1925
- Pike, Peter, 1940
- Pike, Roy M., 1932
- Piper, Helen S., 1929
- Piskor, Aleksander, 1939
- The Plaza, San Francisco, 1938
- Plummer, Charles C., 1932
- Polland, Elizabeth, n.d.
- Potter, Mary (McNutt), undated
- Presbyterian Mission Home, San Francisco, 1938
- Presidio Women's Club, San Francisco, 1934
- Price, Fannie S., 1936
- Prideaux, Daisy L., 1935
- Pringle, E. J., 1933
- Pringle, Nina, 1941
P. E. N.
- 10 letters, 1937-1942
- Jameson, Storm (1897- )
- Hellstom, Gustaf (1882-1953)
- Ould, Herman (1886-1951)
The Pacific Monthly
- 3 letters, 1910
- Pease, Lute (1869- )
The Paget Literary Agency
- 4 letters, 1916-1918
Paget-Frederick, Joseph Rous (1905-1963)
- 2 letters, undated
Panteleieff, Consuelo
- 2 letters, 1929
Parent-Teacher Association of Presidio Jr. High School, San Francisco
- 2 letters, 1937
Parker, Ralph Anderson
- 5 letters, 1923-1925
- Some signed Ralph Parker Anderson
Parkhurst, Genvieve
- 5 letters, 1923-1940
Parry, Duke L.
- 2 letters & postcard, 1925-1930
Pattee, Fred Lewis (1863-1950)
- 2 letters, 1926-1927
Paul, G. Gibson
- 6 letters, 1938-1939
Phelan, James Duval (1861-1930)
- 7 letters, 1923-1929
- Also, 2 Christmas cards
Phelan, (James Duval), Estate of
- 11 letters, 1934-1937
- Lipman, Charles Bernard (1883-1944)
- Sullivan, Noël
- Cushing, Oscar K. (1865-1948)
- Kendrick, Charles
Pi Delta Epsilon
- 2 letters, 1935
Pictorial Review
- 19 letters, 1917-1926
- Vance, Arthur Turner (1872-1930)
- Walker, Helen Deer
- Also letter addressed to Laura D. Wilck, 1922
See also: Parkhurst, Genevieve
Players Club of San Francisco
- 4 letters, 1926-1940
See also:
Travers, Reginald
Telfer, Ronald
- 4 letters, 1926-1940
Popular Magazine
- 3 letters, 1911
- MacLean, Charles Agnew
Porter, Rebecca Newman (1885- )
- 3 letters, 1926-1927
Prentice-Hall, Inc.
- 2 letters, 1936
Q - Miscellaneous
- Quiett, Glenn Chesney (1895-1936), 1934
- Quill and Scroll. Fremont Older Chapter, 1937
Quatres Arts Ball, San Francisco
- 3 letters, 1923
Quota Club of San Francisco
- 3 letters, 1939
R - Miscellaneous
- Raffay, Irene, 1933
- Rainey, William S., 1936
- Rascoe, Burton, 1933. Also, 1 Christmas card
- Ray, Milton Smith (1881-1946), 1936. Enclosures: 3 letters of introduction to principal South American distributors for the Ray Oil Burner Company.
- Reid, M. Francis, 1926
- Reilly and Britton Co., 1913
- Resler, William, 1928
- Revella, Arthur Hamilton, 1924. Also, 11 Christmas and greeting cards
- Rheefmarshall, Dora, n.d.
- Rice, Marion, 1928
- Riddle, Mary, n.d.
- Riehl, O., 1935
- River Lines, 1935
- Robbins, Alice, n.d.
- Robbins, Elsie M., 1940
- Robinson, Mrs. E. Y., 1935
- Roberts, Hazel, ca. 1927
- Robinson, Edith Day, 1931
- Roche, J. R., 1934
- Rogers, John, 1928
- Romeike (Albert) & Co., Inc., 1927
- Ronchi, Eileen, undated
- Ross, Ida M., 1935
- Ross, M. Tom, 1930
- Rosseter, Alice M., 1939
- Row, Arthur William, 1934
- Roulac, John W., 1934
- Runnells, Mary, 1926
- Rueter, Katherine, 1933
- Russia (1923-U.S.S.R.) Consulate. San Francisco, 1937
- Radenzel, Edward, 10 letters, 1937-1939
Randall, William Rufus
- 2 letters, 1935-1938
- Also 2 Cristmas cards
Red Book Magazine
- 3 letters, 1925
- Harriman, Karl Edwin
See also: McKeough, Arthur
Red Cross U.S. American National Red Cross
- 2 letters, 1919-1930
- Davison, Henry Pomeroy, 1867-1922
Redwood City Women's Club, Redwood, Calif.
- 4 letters, 1938
Reid, Robert Pittman
- 5 letters, 1936-1938
Residence Club, San Francicso
- 2 letters, 1935-1936
The Reviewer
- 4 letters, 1925
- Green, Paul Eliot (1894- )
Reynolds, Beatrice C.
- 2 letters, 1934 & undated
Reynolds, Paul Revere (1864-1944)
- 2 letters, 1921-1930
Riedling, G. A.
- 3 letters, 1933
Rising, Lawrence
- 3 letters, 1926 & undated
- Also, 5 Christmas cards
Robinson, Elsie (1883- )
- 3 letters, 1934-1935
- Also, 1 Christmas card
Roe, Virginia Eve (1879- )
- 3 letters, 1934-1935
- Also, 1 Christmas card
Roma, Caro (1866-1937)
- 3 letters, 1926-1927
- Also, 1 Christmas card
Root, Henry W.
- 4 letters, 1925 & undated
Ross, Eleanor Farrand
- 2 letters, 1939
Rossi, Angelo Joseph (1878-1948)
- 5 letters, 1935-1938
Ryan, Beatrice Judd
- 2 letters, 1927 & undated
Ryder, David Warren (1892- )
- 4 letters, 1928-1935
S - Miscellaneous
- Sack, Peggy Reeves, n.d.
- Sackrider, John, n.d.
- Sacks, Terese, 1932
- St. Clair, R. E., 1936
- St. Mary's College, Calif., 1936
- St. Patrick's Shelter for Men, San Francisco, 1930
- Samuels, Maurice V., 1928
- The San Franciscan, 1927
- San Francisco. Board of Education, 1936
- San Francisco. Convention and Tourist Bureau, 1935
- San Francisco. People's Assembly, 1928
- San Francisco. Presbyterian Mission Home, 1936
- San Francisco. True Sunshine Chinese Episcopal Mission, 1936
- San Francisco Advertising Club, 1931
- San Francisco Chronicle, 1937
- San Francisco Classroom Teacher's Association, 1934
- San Francisco Garden Club, n.d.
- San Francisco Light Opera Guild, 1937
- San Francisco News Letter, 1924
- San Francisco Open Form, 1927
- San Francisco Opera Guild, 1936
- Santa Clara County, Coroner, 1936
- Saroyan, William (1908- ), 1929
- Saunders, Muriel, 1939
- Sawyer, H. A., 1932
- Sayler, Oliver M., 1927
- Schmitz, Evelyn, 1934
- Scholefield, Guy Hardy (1877- ), 1935
- Schultz, W., 1940
- Schweitzer, Maurice, 1935
- Seaman's Church Institute, San Francisco, 1935
- Sebring, May, n.d.
- Sedgley, C. L., 1936
- Serlin, Oscar, n.d.
- Sether, Ruth, 1934
- Seymour, John Laurence, 1938
- Shaffel, Eva, n.d.
- Sharp, Russell A., 1930
- Sharpsten, Charles MacDowel, 1938
- Shaw, Morris, 1931
- Shaw, Morris, 1931
- Shaw, Sue, n.d.
- Shipman, Samuel, 1923. Addressed to Laura D. Wilck
- Shook, Virginia, n.d.
- Short, Adeline Day, n.d.
- Shortstory Publishing Company, n.d.
- Simpson, Lola Jean, ca. 1927
- Sinclair, Aileen, 1933
- Sitgreaves, Beverly, n.d.
- Slack, Emilie Hayward, 1928
- Slattery, Elizabeth C., n.d.
- Sloss, Hattie L., 1934
- Smith, Amelie, 1929
- Smith, Grover C., 1927
- Smith, Lloyd Edwin, 1933
- Smith, Lucia E., n.d.
- Smythe, A. H., 1936
- Snodgrass, David E., 1938
- Society of Colonial Wars. California, 1920
- Sommer, Anna, n.d.
- Sonderegger, Leo, 1938
- Sorosis, San Francisco, n.d.
- Soule, Douglas, 1924
- Spofford, Verna M., 1934
- Spofford, Walter R., 1937
- Spokane. Chamber of Commerce, 1934
- Spring Valley Water Company, 1928
- Stanford University, 1925
- Stanton, Martha, 1939
- Starrett, Lee, 1937
- Stearns, M. M., 1917
- Steele, Gladis Tilton, n.d.
- Steffy, Vernon, 1933
- Stein, John J., 1939
- Steelman, Louis John (1877- ), 1918. Also, 4 Christmas cards
- Stephens, Harold Montelle (1886- ), 1934
- Sternberg, Fred, 1927
- Stevenson, Lionel (1902- ), 1937
- Stewart, Rosalie, 1936
- Stobener, Helen Delores, 1935
- Stocker, Mrs. W., 1927
- Stokes (Frederick A.) Company, 1910
- Stoll, Horatio F., 1933
- Story, 1933
- Stout, Charley, undated
- Stranmann, Heinrich, 1933
- Stratford Company, 1923
- Street, Arthur J., 1922
- Strickland, Theresa N., 1930
- Sullivan, Noël, 1929. Also, 6 Christmas cards
- Sullivan, Suzanne, 1934
- Sundberg, George, 1931
- Sutter's Fort Historical Museum, 1929
- Swanson, H. N., 1935
- Syme, Rebecca H., 1924
- Syracuse University, 1936
San Carlos Borromeo Mission
- 2 letters, 1935
San Francisco. Balboa High School
- 2 letters, 1936
San Francisco. Galileo High School
- 2 letters, 1933-1936
San Francisco. Golden Gate International Exposition
- 6 letters, 1937-1939
- Lasker, Bruno (1880- )
San Francisco. Junior Chamber of Commerce
- 5 letters, 1929-1941
San Francisco. Public Library
- 2 letters, 1921-1939
San Francisco. Recreation Commision
- 6 letters, 1934-1936
San Francisco. University. Maraschi Club
- 2 letters, 1938
San Francisco. Yerba Buena School
- 5 letters, 1935
San Francisco Bulletin
- 13 letters, 1925-1928
San Francisco Century of Commerce Celebration
- 7 letters, 1935
San Francisco Examiner
- 4 letters, 1936-1938
San Francisco Museum Theater
- 3 letters, 1935
San Francisco Opera Association
- 4 letters, 1935-1938
See also: Conley, Peter
- 4 letters, 1935-1938
San Francisco Symphony Orchestra
- 4 letters, 1938-1940
See also: Conley, Peter
- 4 letters, 1938-1940
San Francisco Town Forum
- 2 letters, 1938-1939
Saturday Evening Post
- 19 letters, 1910-1924
- Costain, Thomas Bartram (1885- )
- Also letter, 1922, addressed to Laura D. Wilck
Saturday Review of Literature
- 8 letters, 1926-1939
- Loveman, Amy (1881- )
- Stevens, George (1904-)
Sawyer, Wallace B.
- 2 letters, 1926-1927
Scarborough, Dorothy (1877-1935)
- 2 letters, 1923-1924
Schiffers, Julia A.
- 2 letters, 1935
Schmidt, Emil
- 2 letters, 1934-1935
The Scholastic
- 3 letters, 1927-1932
Scott, Ida Gregory
- 2 letters, 1938 & undated
Scribner's (Charles) Sons
- 11 letters, 1914-1939
Seckels, Alice
- 2 letters, 1931 & undated
See and Know San Francisco First Club
- 2 letters, 1931
Setchell, William Albert (1864-1943)
- 23 letters and postcards, 1910-1939
- Also, 3 Christmas cards.
Shawn, Ted
- 5 letters, 1920-1924
- Also, 5 Christmas cards, one signed by Ruth St. Denis.
Shelton, Edith
- 3 letters, 1939
Shorb, Ethel
- 2 letters, undated
Shupper, Alyce
- 5 letters, 1935
Simpson, Lola Jean (1880- )
- 2 letters, 1929
Skinner, Marian W.
- 2 letters, 1928
Small, Maynard & Co.
- 11 letters, 1917-1925
- Hale, Ralph T.
Small, Sidney Herschel (1893-1958)
- 2 letters, 1926-1929
- Also, Christmas card
The Smart Set
- 33 letters, 1911-1917
See also: Mencken Henry Louis
- 33 letters, 1911-1917
Smilie, Rozelle Lili
- 2 letters, 1934
Smythe, J. Anthony
- 2 letters, 1937-1939
- Also, 2 Christmas cards
Sons of the American Revolution. California Society.
- 4 letters, 1936-1937
Southworth, May E.
- 2 letters, undated
Sperry Flour Co.
- 5 letters with enclosures, 1931
Sprague, Marshall
- 2 letters, 1936
Stanford University. English Club
- 3 letters, 1937 & undated
Starke, Thelma
- 2 letters, 1935
Stevens, Georgia
- 2 letters, undated
Steward, Pearl Bank
- 7 letters, 1924-1938
Stockton, Calif. College of the Pacific
- 5 letters, 1934-1936
Stofer, Robin
- 4 letters, 1934-1940
Stone, Ellen H.
- 2 letters, 1932
Stralendorff, Robert
- 3 letters, 1925
Styles, Jewell C.
- 2 letters, undated
Summit, N.J. Summit High School
- 2 letters, 1939
- 3 letters, 1909-1934
See also: Field, Charles Kellogg
- 3 letters, 1909-1934
Suydam, Edward Howard (1885-1940)
- 10 letters, 1935-1938
- Also, Christmas card
Symington, Maud Fay
- 2 letters, 1932 & undated
T - Miscellaneous
- Talbott, E. J., 1926
- Task, Aaron, n.d.
- Taylor, Joan, 1929
- Taylor, Josephine, n.d.
- Teague, M. Helena, 1925
- Tedrick, Everett, 1934
- Tempesti, Aldo, 1939
- Terry, Florence, 1935
- Tharp, Laura H., 1922
- Theatre Arts Magazine, 1923
- Theatre Guild, 1929
- Thompson, Frank, 1928
- Tildeslay, Alice L., 1922
- Tichener, George H., 1938
- Tobin, Abbey Parott (?), n.d.
- Todhunter, Francis S., n.d.
- Top-Notch Magazine, 1912
- Tower, Roy A., 1936
- Tracy, J. N., 1929
- Traung, Charles F., 1934
- Treasure Tours, New York, 1937
- Treat, Laura, 1931
- Treimur (?), Ruth, n.d.
- Trevillian, Harold D., 1938
- Tripler, Leonora, undated
- Troupers Inc., 1936
- Tucker, Phyllis de Young, 1939
- Tucson. Chamber of Commerce, 1938
- Twitchell, May, 1914
Taber, Louise Eddy (1890- )
- 4 letters, 1920-1936 & undated
Talbot, Louise
- 2 letters, 1935 & undated
Tanner, Pearl King
- 4 letters, 1921-1927
Taylor, A. W.
- 2 letters, 1932
Taylor, Ross McLaury
- Letter, 1941
- Also, letter addressed to Otto K. Liveright, 1941
Telfer, Ronald (1901- )
- 8 letters, 1923-1935
Theta Sigma Phi. Alumnae, San Francisco
- 5 letters, 1935-1938
Thomas, Edith
- 2 letters, 1919
Thomas, J. M.
- 2 letters, 1932
Thompson, James Alden
- 6 letters, 1921-1936
- Also, Christmas card and letter from Mrs. Thompson, undated
Torchiana, Henry Albert Willem van Goenen (1867- )
- 2 letters, 1934
Torres, David
- 3 letters, 1927-1931
Tourneur, Maurice
- 2 letters, 1921. Written for him by Dora W. Ingram
Travers, Reginald
- 7 letters, 1920-1940
U - Miscellaneous
- Uhl, Kenneth, 1937
- Ukai, Kikue, 1936
- Universal Film Manufacturing Co., 1920
- U.S. Department of Labor, 1938
- Universal Pictures Corporation, 1931
- Laemmle, Carl (1867-1939)
- Upson, F. S., 1938
- Urbanitzky, Grete von (1893- ), 1938
U.S. Work Projects Administration
- 2 letters, 1936-1939
- Budd, Claya
- Kerr, Florence
U.S. Treasury Department
- 3 letters, 1918
- Laundon, M. H.
V - Miscellaneous
- Van Marter, Lucy Calkins, n.d.
- Vanderburgh, Florence, 1929
- Varela, Mary Lou, 1931
- Vaughan, George, 1935
- Vermilye, Kate (Jordan) (d. 1926), n.d.
- Vernon, Betty, 1934
- Vincent, Devereux, 1919
- Visva-Bharati Quarterly, 1935
- Von Frankenberg, Irvin, undated
Virginia Quarterly Review
- 2 letters, 1925
- Wilson, James Southall (1881- )
Vitagraph Company of America, Inc.
- 2 letters, 1921
Voiles, Jane
- 2 letters, 1936
Volz, Tony
- 2 letters, 1935-1939
- Also, a Christmas card.
Voorhees, Edward Lloyd (1887- )
- 3 letters & 1 postcard, 1928-1940
W - Miscellaneous
- Wagner, Mrs. A. J., 1929
- Walcott, Francis V., 1932
- Waldron, Webb (1992-1945), n.d.
- Wadsworth, Eulita, 1919
- Walker, Franklin Dickerson (1900- ), 1933
- Walker, Harry N., 1934
- Walker, Jacqueline Snyder, n.d.
- Wapple, Georgiana, 1934
- Ward, Carence R., 1937
- Ward, Frann, 1931
- Warford, Frederick S., n.d.
- Warren, W. Phelps, n.d.
- Washington, Genevieve, n.d.
- Watkins, Eleanor Preston, n.d.
- Watkins, Louise, n.d.
- Watkins, Maurine Dallas, n.d.
- Webster, Minnie Elizabeth, n.d.
- Wells, Herbert George (1866-1946), n.d.
- Wells Fargo Bank & Union Trust Co., 1939
- Weseen, Maurice Harley (1890-1941), 1937
- West, Isabelle Percy, n.d.
- West, Mary Mills, 1926
- Western Fruit Jobbers Association of America, 1935
- Western Press Reporter Publishers, 1925
- Westways, 1936
- Wettig, A. F., 1931
- Whipple, (Arthur) Publisher, 1935
- White, Elma C., 1924
- White, Georgia S., n.d.
- White, Sargeant (1892- ), 1930
- White, Susan, n.d.
- Whiting, Ethel Robertson, 1941
- Whitney, H. M., 1940
- Who's Who of California Co., 1940
- Wickware, F. G., 1935
- Widdener, Margaret, 1935
- Wiel, Harry I., 1932. Copy of letter addressed to the editor, San Francisco Examiner, 1932
- Wilcox, Stepovich & Gallagher, 1937
- Wilder, Ernestine, 1941
- Williams, Edward Thomas (1854-1944), 1921
- Williams, Leslie, n.d.
- Williams, Rose, 1920
- Wilson (H. W.) Company, 1941
- Winchell-Thomas Company, 1935
- Winn, H., 1932
- Winter, Ella, 1935
- Winterburn, Louise E., 1934
- Wolseley, R. E., 1933
- Woman's Club of Hollywood, 1929
- Woman's Club of Palo Alto, 1935
- Woman's Club of Alameda Co., 1936
- Wood, Gloria, n.d.
- Woods (Frank) Productions, 1924
- Woollcott, Alexander (1887-1943), n.d.
- World Biographical Encyclopedia, 1940
- Wren, June, undated
- Wright, Muriel, 1933
- The Writers, Hollywood, California, 1935
- Writers' Colony, Inc., 1929
Wagner, Harr (1857-1936)
- 2 letters 1934-1935
- Written as President of Sequoia Club.
Waite, Leslie S.
- 2 letters, 1929
Waldo, Hal
- 3 letters, 1926-1927
- Also, 2 letters addressed to Mrs. Esther Darling, 1923 & undated
Walker, Hazel A.
- 4 letters, undated
Walker, Stuart (d. 1941)
- 5 letters, 1920-1923
Ward, Bertha Evans
- 3 letters, 1926-1928
Warren, George C.
- 3 letters, 1923-1927
Warrender, Harold
- 2 letters, 1937
Wayne, University. Detroit, Mich.
- 4 letters, 1940-1941
Weatherholt, Edna Rowe
- 2 letters, 1938 & undated
Weaver's Club, San Francisco
- 2 letters, 1933
Wendy, Carlin
- 4 letters, 1922-1933 & undated
- Also, Christmas card
Western Women's Club
- 3 letters, 1935-1938
The Westerner
- 2 letters, 1923
Whitney Bros.
- 2 letters, 1940
Who's Who on the Pacific Coast
- 2 letters, 1940-1941
Wilck, Laura D.
- 106 letters, 1918-1940
Williams, Blanche Colton (1879-1944)
- 25 letters, 1918-1938
- Also, letter, 1922, addressed to Laura D. Wilck; copy of letter, undated, re: Less Than Kin;inscribed visiting card; and 5 Christmas cards.
Willoughby, Florance (Barrett) (1892- )
- 4 letters, 1931-1935 & undated
Wilson, Josephine Young
- 5 letters, 1923-1935
Wilson, Katherine
- 2 letters, 1920
Woman's Home Companion
- 6 letters, 1918-1923
- Bates, Sylvia Chatfield
- Lane, Gertrude Battles
Wright, Margaret
- 6 letters, 1922-1929
Wright, William Spencer
- 2 letters, 1941 & n.d.
- Also, 3 Christmas cards; and letter from Albert Jay Nock, addressed to Wright, undated
Wylie, Cameron Ellsworth (1896- )
- 3 letters, 1928 & undated
Y - Miscellaneous
- Young Women's Christian Associations. National Board, 1936
Yorker, Eva
- 4 letters, 1935
Younger, Virginia
- 3 letters, 1939-1941
- Also, 3 Christmas cards
Z - Miscellaneous
- Zanna, Jud, 1934
- Zannon, Fred, 1936
- Zimmerman, Vaiden, 1931
- Zweig, Stefan (1881-1942), undated
Zachrisson, Carl
- 2 letters, 1936
Zwier, Effa J.
- 2 letters, 1925
Letters written to Dobie (arranged alphabetically)
B - Ca
Ce - D
E - G
H - K
L - M (misc.)
Ma - P (misc.)
Pa - San
Sat - W (misc.)
Wa - Z
Unidentified and anonymous letters
Fan letters addressed to "The Caliph"
Form letters (acceptance and rejection slips) from miscellaneous publishers.
Letters written by Dobie (arranged chronologically)
undated letters
Cards sent by Dobie
Manuscripts of novels and novelettes
The Blood Red Dawn
Broken to the Plow
The Damaging Circle
Hester Lancel
The Knock on the Door
Less Than Kin
Manuscripts of novels and novelettes
Less Than Kin
Portrait of a Courtesan
Proof sheets of Less Than Kin
Manuscripts of short stories
Banquo the Second
Birds of a Feather
The Choice
The Door to Freedom
The Failure
Five Actual Dollars
Forewarned is Disarmed
Fried or Scrambled
His Sister
The Labyrinth
Paying the Piper
The Sign Language
The Thoroughbred
The Vision
Where the Road Forked
Bound volume with manuscripts of unpublished short stories
Bound volume with manuscripts of stories included in The Arrested Moment and Other Stories
Manuscripts of short stories
Bound volume with manuscripts of stories included in San Francisco Adventures
Bound volume with manuscripts of stories included in San Francisco Tales
Manuscripts of plays
Manuscripts of scenarios
Manuscripts of radio scripts
Manuscripts of scripts for Dobie's radio appearances
Manuscript of book San Francisco: A Pageant
Manuscript of book San Francisco's Chinatown
Manuscripts of articles
Manuscript copy of Dobie's columns
Manuscripts of his book reviews
Manuscripts of his criticisms on stories submitted to him
Notes on Chinatown
Notes on California history
Reviews and announcements of his books
Clippings of his columns and his stories [See also book catalog for volumes of mounted clippings]
Clippings of some published stories (oversize - 41cm)
Thirteen scrapbooks of clippings. 1920-1943
Biographical and autobiographical material and personalia
Royalty statements
Manuscripts of plays and stories, not by Dobie
Material re: Dobie's trip to Hawaii with the U.S. fleet. 1925
Material re: Dobie's trips to Europe. 1934, 1937
Programs (theater, opera) (arranged chronologically)
Undated programs
Announcements, programs, invitations
Art exhibitions
Authors' Club
Authors' League of America, Inc.
Bohemian Club. 1911-1941
Bret Hart Associates of California
California Writers' Club
Club courtesy cards extended to Dobie
Edwin Markham Testimonials
Fire Insurance Society of San Francisco
Green Room Club, San Francisco
Hillcrest Club, San Francisco
Holluschickie Club, San Francisco
League of Western Writers
Literary and book announcements
Mechanics' Institute, San Francisco
Menus, S.F. restaurants
Misc. personal invitations
Morrow, W. C. - lectures on authorship
Musical events
P.E.N. (Poets, Playwrights, Editors, Essayists, Novelists): The World Association of Writers
Seven Arts Club, San Francisco
Sons of the American Revolution. California Society.
Theatrical events
Wedding announcements
Christmas cards (arranged alphabetically)