Letters written to Dobie (arranged alphabetically)
B - Ca
Ce - D
E - G
H - K
L - M (misc.)
Ma - P (misc.)
Pa - San
Sat - W (misc.)
Wa - Z
Unidentified and anonymous letters
Fan letters addressed to "The Caliph"
Form letters (acceptance and rejection slips) from miscellaneous publishers.
Letters written by Dobie (arranged chronologically)
undated letters
Cards sent by Dobie
Manuscripts of novels and novelettes
The Blood Red Dawn
Broken to the Plow
The Damaging Circle
Hester Lancel
The Knock on the Door
Less Than Kin
Manuscripts of novels and novelettes
Less Than Kin
Portrait of a Courtesan
Proof sheets of Less Than Kin
Manuscripts of short stories
Banquo the Second
Birds of a Feather
The Choice
The Door to Freedom
The Failure
Five Actual Dollars
Forewarned is Disarmed
Fried or Scrambled
His Sister
The Labyrinth
Paying the Piper
The Sign Language
The Thoroughbred
The Vision
Where the Road Forked
Bound volume with manuscripts of unpublished short stories
Bound volume with manuscripts of stories included in The Arrested Moment and Other Stories
Manuscripts of short stories
Bound volume with manuscripts of stories included in San Francisco Adventures
Bound volume with manuscripts of stories included in San Francisco Tales
Manuscripts of plays
Manuscripts of scenarios
Manuscripts of radio scripts
Manuscripts of scripts for Dobie's radio appearances
Manuscript of book San Francisco: A Pageant
Manuscript of book San Francisco's Chinatown
Manuscripts of articles
Manuscript copy of Dobie's columns
Manuscripts of his book reviews
Manuscripts of his criticisms on stories submitted to him
Notes on Chinatown
Notes on California history
Reviews and announcements of his books
Clippings of his columns and his stories [See also book catalog for volumes of mounted clippings]
Clippings of some published stories (oversize - 41cm)
Thirteen scrapbooks of clippings. 1920-1943
Biographical and autobiographical material and personalia
Royalty statements
Manuscripts of plays and stories, not by Dobie
Material re: Dobie's trip to Hawaii with the U.S. fleet. 1925
Material re: Dobie's trips to Europe. 1934, 1937
Programs (theater, opera) (arranged chronologically)
Undated programs
Announcements, programs, invitations
Art exhibitions
Authors' Club
Authors' League of America, Inc.
Bohemian Club. 1911-1941
Bret Hart Associates of California
California Writers' Club
Club courtesy cards extended to Dobie
Edwin Markham Testimonials
Fire Insurance Society of San Francisco
Green Room Club, San Francisco
Hillcrest Club, San Francisco
Holluschickie Club, San Francisco
League of Western Writers
Literary and book announcements
Mechanics' Institute, San Francisco
Menus, S.F. restaurants
Misc. personal invitations
Morrow, W. C. - lectures on authorship
Musical events
P.E.N. (Poets, Playwrights, Editors, Essayists, Novelists): The World Association of Writers
Seven Arts Club, San Francisco
Sons of the American Revolution. California Society.
Theatrical events
Wedding announcements
Christmas cards (arranged alphabetically)