The collection includes correspondence, reports, drafts, notes, legal documents, maps, diagrams, and photographs relating
to geologic investigation done for the Pacific Gas and Electric Company and other firms and agencies. The more important projects
include Bodega Bay Atomic Park, Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, and Union Valley Dam. Also includes material on water disputes
in Southern California.
Elmer Chester Marliave (1910-1967) was an engineering geologist with interest in California water resources development. After
receiving his A. B. from the University of California in 1932, he worked for the California Division of Water Resources from
1935 to 1956, being Chief Engineering Geologist from 1939 on. His work there included studies of dams and reservoirs, tunnels,
power plants, ground water and water quality problms. As a consulting geologist in private practice after 1956 he worked on
similar projects.
2.92 linear feet
(7 boxes)
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The collection is open for research.