Index of Correspondents: (In individual folders)
Index of Correspondents (Continued)
General Correspondence. Letters from Norman Douglas to various persons, 1916-1936.
Letters to Norman Douglas from various persons, 1914-1950.
Scientific correspondence, 1889-1901.
Correspondence of Edward Hutton, 1875- with Norman Douglas, 1918-1950, as well as with various others of their mutual acquaintance, 1918-1942.
Manuscripts, Ephemera, and Books
Index [to the Capri monographs] 1915
Provenance/Source of Acquisition
In the beginning (Florence, 1927) 4 signatures, unbound.
Books - privately printed, limited editions, etc.
1: Anthologia graeca, with English translations by W.R. Paton. London, Heinemann, 1917 (Loeb Classical Library) vol.3 (of 5).
3: Athenaeus: the Deipnosophists, with English translation by Charles Burton Gulock. London, Heinemann, (Loeb Classical Library. vol.5 (of 7). 1933
4: Bedriaga, J von. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Lacertiden Familie. Frankfurt, 1886.
5: Bergse, Vilhelm, 1835-1911. Italienische Novellen. Aus dem Daenischen von Wilhelm Lange. Leipzig, Reclam, (A few annotations in Douglas' hand). n.d.
6: British Ornithologists' Union. A list of British birds compiled by a committee of the British Ornithologists' Union. London, Van Voorst, 1883.
7: Brehm, Alfred Edmund, 1829-1884. Brehms Tierleben. 2. Ausg. Leipzig, Bibliographisches Institut, vol.7 only: 3. Ahtheilung: Kriechtiere. 1883.
8: Burnaby, Frederick Gustoavus, 1842-1885 Ride to Khiva: travels and adventures in Central Asia. 10th ed. London, Cassell Petter & Galpin, 1877.
9: Calderon, George, 1868-1915. Tahiti by Tihoti (George Calderon). London, Grant Richards, 1921.
10: Censored Mother Goose Rhymes. New York, Knopf, 1930.
11: Caracciolo, Enrichetta, 1821-1901. Memoirs of... Princess of Forino, ex-Benedictine Nun. 3rd ed. London, Bentley, 1865.
12: Du Chaillu, Paul Belloni, 1831-1903. Explorations and adventures in equatorial Africa, London, Murray, 1861.
13: Doelter y Cisterich, Cornelius August, 1850-1930. Die Vulkangruppe der pontinischen Inseln. (Mathematisch -Naturwissenschafltiche Classe, April 15, 1875.
14: Durr, Julius. Reisen des Kaisers Hadrian. Abh. des Archäologischen-epigraphischen Seminars d. Univ. Wien. Heft II. Wien, 1881.
15: Fatio, Victor, 1838-1906. Faune des vertébrés de la Suisse. Genéve, H. Georg, vol.3 (of 5): Histoire naturelle des reptiles et des batraciens. 1872.
16: Goldsmith, Oliver, 1728-1774. Poetical works... Cooke's edition. London, Cooke (ca. 1795).
17: Gubernatis, Angelo de, Conte, 1840-1913. Zoological mythology, or the legends of animals, London, Trübner, vol.2 only. 1872.
18: Haeckel, Ernst Heinrich Philipp August: 1834-1919. A visit to Ceylon, Translated by Clara Bell. London, Kegan Paul, Trench & Company, 1883.
19: Harris, Frank: 1855-1931. My life. Privately printed, vol.2-3 (of 4 vol. set). 1925.
20: Harris, Frank: 1855-1931. Oscar Wilde, his life and confessions. New York, by the author, vol.2 only. 1916.
21: Heer, Oswald: 1809-1883. Die Urwelt der Schweiz. Zürich, F. Schulthess, 1865.
22: Hehn, Victor: 1813-1890. Kulturpflanzen und Hausthiere in ihren Ubergang aus Asien nach Griechenland... 7. Aufl. Berlin, Bornträger, 1902.
23: Herodotus: with English translation by A.D. Godley. 4 vol. London, Heinemann, (Loeb Classical Library) vol.1 only, containing books 1 & 2. 1926.
24: Hudson, William Henry: 1841-1922. Naturalist in La Plata. London, Chapman & Hall, 1892.
25: Hufeland, Christian Wilhelm: 1762-1836. Art of prolonging life ed. by Erasmus Wilson. London, J. Churchill, 1853.
26: Institoris Henricis: d. ca. 1500. Malleus Maleficarum, translated by the Reverend Montague Summers. London, John Rodker, 1929. Limited edition of 1275 copies of which this is no.1090. Signed by M. Summers.
27: Livingstone, David: 1813-1873. Missionary travels and researches in South Africa; including a sketch of a 16 years residence in the interior of Africa. London, Murray, 1857.
28: Ludwig, Hubert: 1852-1913. Wirbelthiere Deutschlands in übersichtlicher Darstellung. Illus. Hannover, Hahn, 1884.
29: Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix: 1809-1847. Reisebriefe aus den Jahren 1830 bis 1832. 2. Aufl. Leipzig, Mendelsohn, 1862.
30: Milton, John: 1608-1674. Comus, being the Bridgewater manuscript with notes and a short family memoir by Lady Alix Egerton. London, Dent, Limited edition. 1910.
31: Ovidius Naso, Publius. Eton selections from Ovid and Tibullus... adjecit Gulielmus Gifford Cookesley. Eton, 1879.
32: Pereira, Adolf von: Im Reiche des Aeolus. Ein Bordleben von hundert Stunden an den Liparischen Inseln. Wien, A. Hartleben, 1883.
33: Prodgers, Cecil Herbert: Adventures in Peru. London, John Lane, 1924.
35: [ Smith, James: 1775-1839] Rejected addresses... [London, W. Pople] n.d.
37: Unger, Franz Joseph Andreas Nicolas: 1800-1870. Die versunkene Insel Atlantis. -Die physiologischen Bedeutung der Pflanzenkultur. 2 Vorträge. Wien, Braumäller, 1860.
38: Vonbun, Franz Joseph: 1824-1870. ed. Die Sagen Vorarlbergs. Innsbruck, Wagner, 1858.
39: Von Hagen, Victor Wolfgang: 1908- . Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, Author's dedication to N. Douglas on fly-leaf. 1949.
40: Wallace, Alfred Russell: 1823-1913. Tropical nature and other essays. London, MacMillan, 1878.
41: Zimmermann, Johannes Georg: ritter von, 1728-1795. Vom Nationalstolse... 4. verbesserte Auflage, Frankfurt & Leipzig, 1780.
42: Italian textbook: play. Title-page missing, fly-leaf: G.N. Douglas, , Karlsruge. December 1886
43: Gätke, Heinrich: 1814-1897. Die Vogelwarte Helgoland. Hrsg. von Rudolf Blasius. Braunschweig, J.H. Meyer, 1891.
46: Sitizano, Giuseppe Taccone, marchese di. De tribus Basilidianis gemmis Iosephi Marchionis Tacconii... Neapoli, Ex typographeo Angeli Trani, 1824.
47: Abel, Jakob Friedrich: 1751-1829. Philosophische Untersuchunger über die Verbindung der Menschen mit höhern Geistern. Stutgart, Mezler, 1791.
48: Hufeland, Christoph Wilhelm: 1762-1836. Guter Rath an M¨tter Uber die wichtigsten Punkte der physischen Erziehung der Kinder... Basel, Rottmann, 1836.
49: Giraldi, Lilio Gregorio: 1479-1552. De sepulchris & uario sepeliendi ritu libellus... Basileae, 1539.
51: _____ Le danseur aux caresses. Paris, Messein, 1906.
52: _____ Et le feu s'éteignit sur la mer [par] Fersen. [3.éd.] Paris, Messein, 1909.
53: Douglas, Norman. Siren land... new and revised edition. London: Martin Secker With copious manuscript notes by the author. [1923].
54: Douglas, Norman. Some comments on my books. In: Life and letters today. vol.39 no.76. Author's own copy with manuscript notes & corrections. December 1943.
55: Douglas, Norman. Some comments on my books. In: Life and letters today. vol.40 no. 77. Author's own copy with manuscript notes & corrections. January 1944.
57: Douglas, Norman. Together. London, Chapman & Hall, Limited, Notes by the author's friend William King. 1923.
58: Douglas, Norman. Together. London, Chapman & Hall, Limited, 248pp. Presentation to Archie Douglas (the author's son) from the author, With some corrections in the author's hand. 1923. Sept. 1923.
59: Defoe, Daniel [?]. The pleasant and surprising adventures of Robert Drury... London, Hunt and Clarke, Gift of Robin Douglas. 1826.
60: Scott, Sir Walter. Letters on demonology and witchcraft... London, John Murray, Gift of Robin Douglas. 1830.
61: Forbes, James David. Occasional papers on the theory of glaciers... Edinburgh, Adam and Charles Black, Gift of Robin Douglas. 1859.
62: Mansur, Abdullah, pseudonym [Bury, George Wyman]. The land of Uz. London, Macmillan, Gift of Robin Douglas. 1911.
63: Burton, Richard F. A mission to Gelele, king of Dahome... London, Tylston and Edwards, 2 vol. Gift of Robin Douglas. 1893.
64: Graham, Robert Bontine Cunninghame. Mogreb-El-Acksa... New York, Viking, Gift of Robin Douglas. 1930.
65: Cesnola, Luigi Palma di. Cyprus: its ancient cities, tombs, and temples.... New York, Hraper & Brothers, Gift of Robin Douglas. 1878.
66: Whymper, Edward, Travels amongst the Great Andes of the equator... New York, Scribner's, Gift of Robin Douglas. 1892.
67: Vambery, Arminius. Travels in Central Asia... London, John Murray, Gift of Robin Douglas. 1864.
68: Burton, Richard Francis. The Nile basin... London, Tinsley Brothers, Gift of Robin Douglas. 1864.
69: Frazer, James George. Adonis Attis Osiris: Studies in the history of Oriental religion. Second edition... London, Macmillan, Gift of Robin Douglas. 1907.
70: Palgrave, William Gifford. Narrative of a year's journey through central and eastern Arabia (1862-63)... in two volumes. Third edition. London and Cambridge, Macmillan, Gift of Robin Douglas. 1866.
71: Lear, Edward. Journals of a landscape painter in southern Calabria, etc. [London] Richard Bentley, Gift of Robin Douglas. 1852.
Douglas, Norman. Looking back. New York, Harcourt, Brace & Company, 1 p.l., 135 leaves. Galley proofs, uncorrected. 15 illustrations are listed in the galleys, but only 8 were published. 1933.
___ Together. n.p., 102 pages. Holograph manuscript (incomplete) with copious corrections and additions. This is apparently the first draft. pp.103-178 missing (sections titled Valduna, Old Anna, and Schlins.) With this: Notes used for writing Together, pp.179-192. 1923.