1 of 3 pages |
Series 1 Correspondence, ca. 1926-1981
Scope and Content Note
1.01 A miscellany
AAA - Abromson
Academy - Actors
Adair - A.D.W.
Afro - Aistrop
Ajderian - Aktiebolaget
Alameda - Altounian
Amateur - American Brotherhood
American Center - American Community
American Druggist - American Legion
American Museum - American Productions
American Reader - American Visitors
Americana - Amphoto
Anaheim - Anvil
A-1 - Aquarian
Arabian - Arlington
Armenian A - Armenian Literary
Armenian Mesrobian - Armenian National
Armenian Presbyterian - Armenian Youth
Armstrong - Artesian
Arthur - Arzoomanian
Asahi - Astoorian
At - Attaway
Auchincloss - Autzen
Avak - Aviz
Axmann - Azrouni
1.02 A primary
American Academy of Arts Letters
Atlantic Monthly Press
Alioto, Joseph,1973-74
Abbott, George,1954
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences,1946-76
The Acting Company,1975-76
Adamic, Louis,1939-40
Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.,.1968-70
Adler, Luther,1947-54
Aharonian, Varkes,1939-58
Adler, Stella,1975-76
Ahlstrom, David,1980
Albee, Edward,1979-80
Alevy, Maurice,1954-58
Alexa, Joseph,1951-53
Algren, Nelson,1951
Allen, Corey,1958
ALMO ,1959-75
Alperin, Philip,1952-53
American Broadcasting Corp.,1948-53
American Conservatory Theatre,1966-74
American Federation of Television And Radio Artists,1955-76
American Heritage Publishing Co.,1980
American Library in Paris,1946; 1974
American Magazine,1941-56
American Mercury,1934-57
American Name Society,1953-57
American University of Beirut,1972-75
Amirian, Lemyel1935-74
Amirian, Lemyel1976-79
Anderson, Sherwood,1936
Angelo, Valenti,1936-1950
Appel, Ben,1934-77
Arax, Aram,1949-78
Argus Book Shop,1934-39
Arlen, Harold,1955
Armen, Kay,1962
Armenian Assembly,1976-78
Armenian General Benevolent Union1935-74
Armenian General Benevolent Union1975-80
Armenian Mirror-Spectator,1957-60
Armenian Reporter,1971-78
Armenian Review,1959-78
Armenian Spectator,1934-36
Armenian Weekly,1970-77
Arno Press,1970-79
Arthur, Jean,1955
Associated Educational Services.1967-69
Associated Press,1942-81
Atamian, Krikor,1961-80
Athearn, Chandler Hoffman1965-66
Athearn, Chandler Hoffman1967 Jan.-May
Athearn, Chandler Hoffman1967 June-Dec.
Athearn, Chandler Hoffman1968
Athearn, Chandler Hoffman1969-70
Athearn, Chandler Hoffman1972-73
Athearn, Chandler Hoffman1974
Athearn, Chandler Hoffman1975 Jan.-July
Athearn, Chandler Hoffman1975 Aug.-Dec.
Athearn, Chandler Hoffman1976
Athearn, Chandler Hoffman1977
Athearn, Chandler Hoffman1978
Athearn, Chandler Hoffman1979
Athearn, Chandler Hoffman1980
Athearn, Chandler Hoffman1981
Atlantic Monthly Press1939-55
Atlantic Monthly Press1956
Atlantic Monthly Press1957-61
Atlantic Monthly Press1962-71
Atlantic Monthly Press1972-79
Authors' Agency Ltd.,1966-76
Author's Guild,1939-72
Author's League of America,1939-81
Avakian, Anne,1934-80
Avakian, George,1949-79
Avery, Val,1974
Avon Book Co.,1946-61
1.03 B miscellany
Babayan - Baird
Bais - Balch
Baldwin - Banta
Banter - Baronian
Barr - Basic
Basil - BC
Beacham - Beckman
Bedford - Beloin
Bemidji - Beruh
Beshar - BFL
Bibas - Bissiri
Black - Blum's
B'Nai - B'Nai B'Rith Women
Boal - Bois
Bokforlaget - Bonosky
Book - Bookman
Books - Boston University
Bostonian - Boyajian
Boyer - Bozart
Bradford - Brevard
Bridge - Bromberg
Brooklyn - Browne
Browning - Bryn
Buchanan - Butler
Byrd - Byron
1.04 B primary
Bohnert, McCarthy, Flowers, Roberts Damir
Borzoi Books
Babb, Sanora,1932-41; n.d.
Badal, Angelique,1977
Badlian, Richard,1934; 1936
Bagdasarian, Ross1938-52
Bagdasarian, Ross1953-62; n.d.
Bagdasarian, Dick,1947; 1962
Bailey, F. Lee,1972
Bakjian, Andy,1975
Bakjian, Mardie,1934-61
Balakian, Anna,1974; 1980
Balakian, Nona1973-75
Balakian, Nona1976
Balakian, Nona1977-80; n.d.
Ballantine Books Inc.,1953-71; n.d.
The Bancroft Library1955-76
The Bancroft Library1977-81
Banklian, Armen,1958-73; n.d.
Bantam Books1947-65
Bantam Books1966-80
Bar. David Literary Agency,1969-78
Barash, Stanley,1941-57
Bardizian, Armen,1933-51
Barooshian, Stephen,1976-77
Barr, Richard,1955-60
Barry, Joe,1975-76
Hans Bartsch Plays,1945-47
Basmadjian, Garig,1974-77
Bayerische Ruckversicherung Aktiengesellschaft,1975; n.d.
Bayliss, John,1965
Beacon Press,1969-70
Beeson, Jack,1953-70; n.d.
Behavioral Science Associates,1967-68
Bekins Movers,1959-80
Bel Geddes, Barbara,1954
Belwin Mills Publishing Corp.,1970-81
Bender, Albert,1936; 1939
Berger, Mark,1955
Bergman, Frank,1933-34; n.d.
Berkeley Repertory Theater,1980
Bettis, Valerie,1971-73
Bezzerides, Al,1934-39
Blake, Robert,1948
Bode, Carl,1974-75
Bodek, Gordon,1979-80
Bogdanovich, Peter,1960
Bond, Anson and King Vidor,1951
Albert Bonnier Publishing House,1942-46
Bontemps, Arna,1951
Book Collector's Journal,1936
Book-of-the-Month Club,1941-77; n.d.
Books for Libraries,1970-79
Boston University Journal,1974
Bowles, Paulm1979
Boyle, Kay,1934-58
Boy's Life,1955-72
Bradbury, Ray,1951
Brandt Brandt,1950-58
George Braziller, Inc.1957-60
George Braziller, Inc.1961-78; n.d.
Brigham Young University,1970-71
Britton, Burt,1974-75
Broadcast Music Inc.,1951-65
Bromberg, J. Edward,1942
Brooks, Bill,1961
Broun's Nutmeg,1939
Curtis Brown Ltd.,1947; 1961-64
Bruccoli, Matthew,1972-75
Bryant, Markham,1947-48
Buchwald, Art,1958-59
Bufano, Beniamino,1939-69; n.d.
Bulgaria (Embassy),1977-80
Burke, Sonny,1951
Leo Burnett Co., Inc.,1973
Burnett, Whit,1952-70
Buttons, Red,1957
1.05 C miscellany
Caddie - Calhoun
California A - California P
California Shakespeare - Call
Callahan - Canadian G
Canale - Caramanian
Cardinal - Carr
Carre - Cassal
Cassell - Cavoukian
CDN - Cezanne
Chaffee - Chazin
Chekhov - Chicago Herald
Chicago Sun - Chozlian
Chris - Chvokoron
Cincinnati - Civil
Claire - Clark
Clarke - Clough
CMA - Cohn
Colbert - Collins
Colonial - Columbia Univ. Press
Columbus - Comparative
Conaway - Conte
Contemporanul - Cooper
Cope - Council
Country - C.P.
Crabtree - Crawford
Creative - Cricket
Crispino - Crush
Cub - Czebotar
1.06 C primary
Cerf, Bennett
City Center Theatre
Caedmon Records,1961-71; n.d.
Caen, Herb,1939-81; n.d.
Cagney Productions,1934-48
Calif. Dental Assoc. Journal,1976
California. Dept. of Motor Vehicles,1951-56
California. Dept. of Veterans Affairs,1964; n.d.
California State Automobile Assn.,1947-73; n.d.
California State Univ., Fresno,1946-80
California State Univ., Northridge,1977-81
Univ. of California, Berkeley,1939-79
Univ. of California, Los Angeles,1948-75
Calonne, David and Marion,1980
Canadian Broadcasting Corp.,1953-77
Canadian National Institute for the Blind
Cannon, Jimmy,1956
Capa, Cornell,1968-70
Capitol Records,1951
Capp, Al,1950
Carmen Capalbo and Stanley Chase,1955-58
Carradine, John,1947
Carter, Jimmy,1977
Cassell and Company,1952-71
Center Theater Group,1967-76; n.d.
Jacques Chambrun, Inc.,1946-58; n.d.
Chaplin, Charlie and Oona O'Neill,1947-51; n.d.
Chappell Co., Inc.,1951
Chavoor, Frank,1971-73
Chekhov Theatre Studio,1939-42; n.d.
Childress, William,1973-81; n.d.
Chilton Book Co.,1970
Chisholm, Alex ,1971-79
Christian Science Monitor,1957; 1975-79
Circle Players,1947-48
Clarke, Irwin Co.,1969-71
Clemens, Cyril1935-72
Clemens, Cyril1973-81; n.d.
Clooney, Rosemary,1951
Clurman, Harold,1951; 1971
The Coast,1938-39; n.d.
Coates, Grace,1934; 1936
Cohen, Les,1949
Cohn, Art,1958
College Humor,1936; 1939
Collier, Peter,1972
Collier Books,1962-63
Collins Associates,1973
Columbia Broadcasting System (Radio),1951-61
Columbia Broadcasting System (Television)1936-53
Columbia Broadcasting System (Television)1954-78; n.d.
Columbia Pictures,1936-55
Columbia Records1941-54
Columbia Records1955-65; n.d.
Columbia University,1947-80; n.d.
Committee for Cultural Relations with Armenians Abroad,1970-81
Comstock Editions,1971
Conrad, Barnaby,1954-80
Cordtz, Dan,1964
Cosmos Travel, Inc.,1956-79
Coudert Frères1959-61
Coudert Frères1962-64
Coudert Frères1965-66; 1972; n.d.
Country Beautiful,1962-70
Covici, Friede, Inc.,1934
Cowles Communications, Inc.1953; 1966-67
Cowles Communications, Inc.1968
Cowles Communications, Inc.1969-70; n.d.
Cowley, Malcolm,1953; 1970
Creative Arts Book Co.,1978-81
Thomas Y. Crowell, Inc.,1961; 1974-79
Crum, Gertrude and Bart,1936-41
Cummings, E. E.,1954
Cunningham, James C.,1932
Curtis Publishing Co.,1957-66
Czinner, Paul,1947
1.07 D miscellany
Dabaghian - Daily Telegraph
Dallas - Danvent
Danysh - Daugherty
Daughin - Davis
Davison - Day
De - Dee
Deemer - Dekonics
De la Cruz - DeLys
DeMarco - Desch
Desert - DeYoung
Di - Didier
Diffusion - Dillon
Dilo - DMA
Do - Donabedian
Donovan - Doyle
Drag - Dramatic
Dramatist - Drevdahl
Drew - Dreyfus
Du - Duke Univ. Press
Duncan - Dunton
Dupont - Dyer
1.08 D primary
Duggan, Pat
Daggett, Charles,1934; 1942; 1952
Daily Variety,1971
Daley, Arthur,1964-69
Dalma, Bogomir,1948
Dalrymple, Jean,1954-75
Dalton Schools,1957-62
Damir, Robert,1955-1956; 1977-81
Danish Bird's Nest,1953
Dantzig, Charlotte,1931-34; n.d.
Dartmouth College Library,1939; 1970
David, Narsai,1980
Peter Davies Ltd.,1962
Degnan, June Oppen,1937; 1960-61
Delacorte Press,1965-78
Dell Publishing Co.,1939-80
Der Hovanissian, Diana,1977-81; n.d.
Derounian, A.B.,1934-38; 1976
Desser, Rau, Christensen Hoffman,1952
Dial Press, Inc.1954-69
Dial Press, Inc.1970
Dial Press, Inc.1971-72; 1975
Diamond, David,1939; 1942; 1951
Dietrich, Marlene,1957
Dilia1960-62; 1965-70
Dilia1971; 1975-76
Diocese of the Armenian Church in America,1951-78
Walt Disney Productions,1967; 1978
Dodd, Mead Co.,1934; 1953; 1971
Dodgson, Louise,1958-81
Doubleday Co.1934-36; 1949-50
Doubleday Co.1951
Doubleday Co.1952
Doubleday Co.1953
Doubleday Co.1954-59
Doubleday Co.1960-66; 1968-69
Doubleday Co.1970-73
Doubleday Co.1973-81; n.d.
Dowling, Eddie,1939-54; n.d.
The Dramatists Guild1939-67
The Dramatists Guild1970-80; n.d.
Dreiser, Theodore,1936
Duchess Music Corp.,1950-77
Duncan, Ronald,1976
Dunn, James T.,1977; 1979
E.P. Dutton Co.,1939; 1951; 1964
1.09 E miscellany
Eads - Eastern
Ebbin - Ebersole
Ecco - Econ
Ed - Educational Book
Educational Br - Edwards
Egan - Einstein
Ekstrom - Elster
Embers - Emurian
Encounter - Entertainment
Epstein - Equity
Er - Erysian
Essex - Etulain
Eu - Europaverlag
Ev - Everyman
Ewbank - Eyjian
1.10 E primary
Eagle-Lion Studios, Inc.,1946
East/West Network,1976-80
Economy Company,1973-80
Ehrenman, Howard,1955-58
Paul Elder Co.,1934; 1939
Eliot, T.S.,1936-37
Elkin, Sam,1951
Encyclopedia Britannica,1952-72; n.d.
Epstein, Jerome,1948-70
Equitable Life Assurance Society,1951
Ernst Ernst,1973-74
Ernst, Cane, Berner Gitlin1947-48
Ernst, Cane, Berner Gitlin1949-52
Ernst, Cane, Berner Gitlin1953-54
Ernst, Cane, Berner Gitlin1955-57
Ernst, Cane, Berner Gitlin1958
Ernst, Cane, Berner Gitlin1959-60
Ernst, Cane, Berner Gitlin1961-63
Ernst, Cane, Berner Gitlin1964
Ernst, Cane, Berner Gitlin1965-79; n.d.
Erskine, Helen Worden,1951
1.11 F miscellany
Fa - Famous
Fantasy - Fayetteville
Fe - Ferguson
Fernand - Feuer
Fi - Field
Fields - Fireman
First - Fischl
Fischoff - Fizdale
Fl - Florida State Univ.
Florida, Univ. of - Floyd
Fo - Ford
Fordham - Forster
Fort - Foster
Foundation - Foyle
Fr - Fredericks
Free - Freizer
Fremont - Fresno City College
Fresno (City) Dept. of P - Fresno (City) Utilities
Fresno Community - Fresno Metropolitan
Fresno Office - Friends of A
Friends of F - Frost
Fuller - Future
1.12 F primary
Friedrich, Otto
Faber Faber1934-48
Faber Faber1951-59
Faber Faber1960-78; n.d.
Fairbanks, Douglas,1936
Family Circle,1956; 1973-74
Family Weekly,1962; 1972; 1977-78
Famous Studies,1943
Fante, John,1935; 1938-1941; 1951; 1953-59; 1971
Farmer, Frances,1961
Farrar, Straus Giroux,1958-73
Federal Bureau of Investigation,1975-76
Feldman, Charles,1951-54
Fenner, Alan M,1951-67; n.d.
Ferlinghetti, Lawrence,1958; 1976
Carl Fischer, Inc.,1958-78
S. Fischer Verlag,1950-67
Fischer, Theodor,1947-59
Fitzgerald, Geraldine,1961
Fleisher, Sidney,1942
Fles, Barthold,1952-53
Flores, Angel,1933; 1965-66
Foley, Martha,1946-55
Folmer Hansen,1960-67
Fondul Literar al Scriitorilor,1965-72
Fontaine, Joan,1956
Forbes, W. Stanton,1954
Ford Foundation1952-54
Ford Foundation1955-61; n.d.
Ford Times1952
Ford Times1953-61
Ford Times1962-77
Ford Times1978-81
Foreign Publications Service,1964-66
Fosse, Bob,n.d.
Fox Chase Agency,1972-73; 1980
Franchey, John,n.d.
Franklin Library,1977-80
Fred Finch Children's Home,1912-69
Freed, Arthur,1946-58
Freedman, Leo,1941; n.d.
Freeman, Don1939-52
Freeman, Don1953-71
Freeman, Don1971-79; n.d.
Samuel French Ltd.1941-49
Samuel French Ltd.1950-59
Samuel French Ltd.1960-69
Samuel French Ltd.1970-76
Samuel French Ltd.1977-81; n.d.
Fresno Bee,1951-80
Fresno County Free Library,1951-81; n.d.
Friedman, Bruce Jay,1968
Friends Magazine,1976-77
Fromer, Irving,1947
1.13 G miscellany
Ga - Galkovitch
Gallaher - Garabetyan
Garbis - Gaskin
Gaspar - Gass
Gastoukian - Gavoor
Gavris - Gaye
Ge - Geis
Geisenhoff - General Telephone Co.
Genesis - Georgia Review
Georgia, Univ. of - Gewertz
Gh - Gillis
Gillner - Gintzburger
Giovanazzi - Gizir
Gj - Glenn
Glennon - Glover
Go - Goldhor
Goldman - Goldstone
Golf - Goodman
Goodson - Gordon
Gorham - Gourmet
Gr - Grayson
Great - Greenwald
Greenwich - Gross
Grossberg - Gryphon
Gu - Gujarat
Gulbekian - Gyorgy
1.14 G primary
Gale Research Company,1968-80
Geer, Will,1955
Gelber Lilienthal, Inc.,1934-47; 1971; n.d.
Geller, James G.,1951-52; n.d.
Gershwin, Ira,1958; n.d.
Gerstle, William,1935-39
Giesler, Jerry,1952-59
Ginn Co.,1969-78
Ginzburg, Ralph,1973
Gish, Lillian,1976
Gleason, Jackie,1958; 1970; n.d.
Glencoe Press,1974
Globe Book Company,1954; 1965-67
Goddard, Paulette,1935
Gold, Don,1977-78
Gold, Herb,1972-81; n.d.
Samuel Goldwyn Productions,1946
Gordon, H.H. Sheldon,1961
Gotham Book Mart,1939-47
Grabhorn Press,1935-63; n.d.
Claude Gratade Cie.,1961-64
Green, Hymie,1945-46
Stephen Green Press,1972-73
Gregory, Vahan,1954-55; n.d.
Grolier Enterprises, Inc.,1972-76; n.d.
Group Theatre Inc.,1934-57
Grove Press, Inc.,1959-80
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation,1934-71
Guidance Associates,1973-77
Guild Theatre,n.d.
Gulbenkian Library,1953-78
Gunther, John and Jane,1955
1.15 H miscellany
Ha - Haig
Hairabedian - Halwood
Hamasdegh - Hampshire
Hancock - Hannum
Hansen - Hardy
Hari - Harlow
Harout - Harris
Harrison - Hartman
Harvard - Haverty
Hawaii - Hawthorn
Hayden - HB
He - Hecht
Heditsian - Helmers
Henderson - Herald
Herbert - Herriman
Hersey - Heym
Hi - Hills
Himmirsky - Hind
Hingorani - Hiram
Hirsch - Hitch
Ho - Hohner
Hokerbergs - Hollyman
Hollywood - Holman
Holmes - Holzman
Homemakers - Hopkins
Horizon - Hornor
Hos - Housewife
Houston - Howell
Hu - Hullihan
Hummert - Hunt
Hunter - Hussissian
Hutchinson - Hutchison
Hyams - Hyland
1.16 H primary
Haydon, Julie
Hacikyan, A J (Hagop),1969-71
Hagopian, Ed1960-75
Hagopian, Ed1976-81
Haigazian College,1971-74
Hairenik1954-74; n.d.
Hall, Vic,1949-56
Hamalian, Leo,1969-80
Hampar, Armen,1967-79
Hamparian, Arthur,1951-71; n.d.
Hanna, Mark,1939-47
Hanson, Philip,1961-62
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich1934-39
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich1941-42
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich1943-46 March
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich1946 Apr.-Dec.
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich1947-49
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich1950-59
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich1960-63
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich1964
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich1965
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich1966
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich1966
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich1967
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich1968
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich1969
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich1970
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich1971-72
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich1973-74
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich1975-77
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich1978-79
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich1980-81; n.d.
Harper Row, Publishers,1934-80
Harper's Bazaar,1939-74
Harper's Magazine1973-74
Harper's Magazine1975-81
Harris, Julie,1954; 1959
Harris, Phil,1941
Harrison, Gil,1939; 1971-76
Hartford, Huntington,1950-54
Haslam, Gerald,1976; 1980
Hausman, Gerry,1970
Hearst, William Randolph,1933
D.C. Heath and Co.,1970-71
Hecht, Ben,1954
Heidlebaugh, Tom,1972-73
Hemingway, Ernest,1934-36
Hepburn, Katharine,n.d.
Herbert, Frank,1969-71
Hersey, John,1952
High Fidelity,1954-55; n.d.
Hiler, Hilaire,1936-39
Hirschfeld, Al,1955-56
Hite, Shere,1964
Hoban, Lillian,1970
Hogan, William,1939
Holden, Barbara,1966-68
Holden, William,1934-36
Holm, Celeste,n.d.
Holt, Achilles,1932
Holt, Rinehart Winston1935-67
Holt, Rinehart Winston1968
Holt, Rinehart Winston1969-81
Hosford, George,1961-65; n.d.
Houghton Mifflin Co.1934-70
Houghton Mifflin Co.1971-78
Houseman, John,1941-76
Hovhaness, Alan,1941-62; n.d.
Hughes, James,1968-70
Huston, Nan,1954; n.d.
1.17 I miscellany
I - Ike
Ilic - Imura
In - Indiana Univ. Press
Infantry - Insight
Institute - Insurance
Intendant - International Cultural
International Editors - International Poetry
International T - Intravaia
Io - Israelite
Italian - Ivry
1.18 I primary
Ince, Alexander,1946; 1952
International Communication Agency,1979-80
International Herald Tribune1974-78
International Herald Tribune1979-80
Irbe, Elza,1970-72; 1975-79
Irish Press,1952; 1975-78; 1980-81
Irving, Jules,1969; 1972
Ives, Burl,1965
Ito, Teiji,1961
1.19 J miscellany
Ja - James
Jamieson - Janes
Janevesian - Jay
Je - Jiggerian
Jo - Johnson, J.
Johnson - Jonathan
Jones - Joyce
Judd - Justman
1.20 J primary
Jacobson, Helen,1955
Janes, Jose,1946-66
Janigian, Bruce,1978-79
Japan Uni Agency,1970-81; n.d.
Jasienko, Jean Michel,1953-61
Jessel, George,1954-55
Jones, Margo,1954-55
Michael Joseph Ltd.,1970-71
Jugoslovenska Autorska Agencija,1959-73
1.21 K miscellany
Ka - Kalaydjian
Kaldunion - Kanzlit
Kaplan - Kassouni
Katchadourian - KCET
Ke - Kells
Kelly - Kennedy
Kennelly - Keosheyan
Kerman - KFSN
Kh - Kimmel
King - Kiraly
Kirkeby - Kiwanis
Khachadourian - Khoulesserian
Kl - KMJ
Knadjian - Knox
Ko - Kolligian
Kolsoozian - Kozlenko
Kr - Kravette
Kremer - Krup
Kucera - Kuznetsov
Kx - Ky
1.22 K primary
Kalustian, Mark,1980
Kandel, Boris,1968-71
Kanin, Garson,1942-76
Karabian, Walter,1970-76
Kaufman, Schima,1936
Kazarian, Jacqueline (Papazian),1936-80; n.d.
Keane, Margaret and Walter,1963; 1965; n.d.
Kelikian, Alice,1975-76
Kelikian, Hampar and Zoom,1934-78
Kelly, Gene,1942-55
Kelm, Karlton,1934; 1939; n.d.
Kenkyusha Ltd.,1951-78
J. F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts,1972; 1979-80
Kenyon Review,1967-70
Kerr, Walter,1961
Kerz, Leo,1954-55
Kesdekian, Mesrop,1954-64
Kesey, Ken,1976
Keshishian, Levon,1952-55; 1969-72
Kalmanoff, Martin,1955-56; 1959
Kevorkian, Andy,1965-72
Kevorkian Caldwell1966-67
Kevorkian Caldwell1968
Kevorkian Caldwell1969
Kevorkian Caldwell1970
Kevorkian Caldwell1971
Kevorkian Caldwell1972
Kevorkian Caldwell1973
Kevorkian Caldwell1974-81
Keyishian, Harry,1970-72; 1978-80
Kherdian, David1963-66
Kherdian, David1967-79; n.d.
Kingman, Dong,1953-68; n.d.
Kinseido Ltd.,1966-69
Klezmer Corp.,1979-80
Knight, Goodwin J.,1958
Alfred A. Knopf Inc.,1934-48
Kolev, Svetoslav,1968-79
Kornfeld, Anita and John,1979-80
Kovacheva, Katia,1978
Krakower, Arnold,1950-59
Krementz, Jill,1974-75
Krim, Seymour,1951-52; 1968
Kudian, Mischa,1947-78
1.23 L miscellany
L.A. - Landau
Lane - Langsford
Langworthy - Lass
Latum - Lazarus
League - LeClerc
Lee - Lehman
Leigh - Leung
Levchev - Levitz
Levonian - Lexington
Liber - Lichtig
Liddell - Limited
Lincoln - Linton
Lion - Literary Review
Literatura - Livingston
Lloyd - Longford
Longman - Loroth
Los Angeles - Los Angeles Welfare
Lothrop - Lowits
Lubetsky - Ludlum
Luhn - Lutheran
Lycee - Lytell
1.24 L primary
La Jolla Playhouse,1951-53
Ladies Home Journal,1950-77
Laemmle, Carl,1951-71
Landers Agency, Inc.,1962-63
Lang, John,1936
Lapham, Roger,1947
LaPautre, Michelle,1963-80
Law, Janet,1956
Lawrence, Seymour,1971; 1980
Lazar, Irving.1949; 1959; 1961
League of American Writers,1939
Leake, Chauncey J.,1951-76
Lee, Canada,1948
Leeds Music Corp.,1951-62
Leinsdorff, Erich,1955
Leisure Books, Inc.,1970
Lerner, Max,1942
LeRoy, Warner,1960-61
Leve, Sam,1947; 1971
Lewis, Sinclair,1936
Lexington Herald,1980-81
Liberty Mutual Insurance Co.,1946; 1953
Librairie Stock,1960-64
Liebermann, Rolf,1956
Liebow, Richard,1957
Life Magazine.1940-69
J. B. Lippincott Co.,1949-80
Lish, Gordon,1965-66
Listening Library1971-73
Listening Library1974-80
Little, Brown and Co..1936-76
Lloyd, Norman,1952-55
Loeb Loeb,1954-55; 1975
Loesser, Frank,1948; 1951
Look Magazine,1952-70
Loring, Eugene,1941-42; 1951
Los Angeles County Dental Society,1954
Lowe, David,1942
Lowry, Robert,1958
Luce, Claire,1951; 1971
Luengo, Lucinda (Saroyan),1961-81
Lundbergh, Holger,1957; 1965; 1976
A. and S. Lyons, Inc.,1931-48; n.d.
Lyons, Leonard and Sylvia1938-62
Lyons, Leonard and Sylvia1964-80; n.d.
1.25 M miscellany
Macalester - McCally
McCarthy - McCutcheon
MacDonagh - MacEwen
Macfadyen - McKinney
McKowen - McMullin
McNeil - McWhorter
Maddaugh - Madigan
Madison - Magic
Magnin - Magyar
Mahari - Mallet
Malloy - Manhatten
Manitoba - Manoukian
Manuel - Maple
Marano - Markarian
Markovic - Marowitz
Marquis - Marsoobian
Maryland - Massiah
Masteroff - Matilla
Matisse - Maxwell
May - Mayorga
Meador - Meltzer
Memphis - Mentally
Meramec - Merriman
Mersand - Metropole
Miami - Michigan
Microform - Midlo
Midtown - Millersburg
Milligan - Minasian
Mindel - Miss
Missakian - MKR
Mobile - Mollica
Monitor - Montfort
Montgomery - Mooradian
Moore - Morrison
Morrissey - Mowen
MS. - Muradian
Murphy - Mutual
Myerberg - Myerson
1.26 M primary
McCabe, Charles,1972
McClanahan, Grant,1968; 1980
McClanahan, Marion and Robt. Wernick,1975
Macdonald, Dwight,n.d.
MacDonald, Phyllis Brooks,1979-80
McDougal, Littell Co.1970-71
McDougal, Littell Co.1972-75
MacGibbon Kee,1968-69
McGowan, John,1955
McGraw-Hill Book Co.1957-64
McGraw-Hill Book Co.1975 Jan.-Sept.
McGraw-Hill Book Co.1975
McGraw-Hill Book Co.1976 Jan.-March
McGraw-Hill Book Co.1976 Apr.-Dec.
McGraw-Hill Book Co.1977-79; n.d.
McKeen, Willian,1976
Macleish, Archibald,1954-55
Macleod, Norman,1951
Macmillan Company1936-68
Macmillan Company1970-76
McPartland, Marian,1957
MacRae, Gordon,1957
Mademoiselle,1939; 1951; 1954
Magazine Management Co.,1955-63
Mahakian, Karnig,1965-79
Makasian, Dennis and Jim,1969; 1976-77
Makasian, Ralph (Buck),1939-80
Maksian, George,1970; 1978-79
Malibu (Misc. org.),1952-80
Mandel, Julie,1960-62
Manoogian, Kathy1958-69
Manoogian, Kathy1970
Manoogian, Kathy1971-76
March, Michael,1934-39; n.d.
Marcos, Imelda,1975-76
Marcus, Charles and Rosheen,1946-57; n.d.
Mardikian, George1938-49
Mardikian, George1951-54
Margossian, Sarkis,1979-80
Mark 56 Records,1975-78
Marlin, Max,1951; n.d.
Marshall, Herbert,1980
Martin, Fletcher.1951-53
George Marton Plays,1953-62
Marton, Elizabeth,1969-77
Marvin, Mark,1948
Mason, Phil,1936; 1967-75
Harold Matson Co.1937-39 Sept.
Harold Matson Co.1939 Oct.-Dec.
Harold Matson Co.1940
Harold Matson Co.1941
Harold Matson Co.1942-49
Harold Matson Co.1950
Harold Matson Co.1951-52
Harold Matson Co.1953
Harold Matson Co.1954
Harold Matson Co.1955-56
Harold Matson Co.1957-59
Harold Matson Co.1960
Harold Matson Co.1961 Jan.-April
Harold Matson Co.1961 May-Aug.
Harold Matson Co.1961 Sep.-Dec.
Harold Matson Co.1962; 1965-69
Matthau, Carol (Saroyan)1944 Jan.-March 21
Matthau, Carol (Saroyan)1944 Mar. 22-Ap. 15
Matthau, Carol (Saroyan)1944 Ap. 21-30
Matthau, Carol (Saroyan)1944 May
Matthau, Carol (Saroyan)1944 June
Matthau, Carol (Saroyan)1944 July
Matthau, Carol (Saroyan)1944 Aug.
Matthau, Carol (Saroyan)1944 Sept.
Matthau, Carol (Saroyan)1944 Oct.
Matthau, Carol (Saroyan)1944 Nov.
Matthau, Carol (Saroyan)1944 Dec.
Matthau, Carol (Saroyan)1945 Jan.-Feb.
Matthau, Carol (Saroyan)1943-45
Matthau, Carol (Saroyan)1947
Matthau, Carol (Saroyan)1949
Matthau, Carol (Saroyan)1950
Matthau, Carol (Saroyan)1951
Matthau, Carol (Saroyan)1952
Matthau, Carol (Saroyan)1952
Matthau, Carol (Saroyan)1953
Matthau, Carol (Saroyan)1954
Matthau, Carol (Saroyan)1954 June-Aug.
Matthau, Carol (Saroyan)1955
Matthau, Carol (Saroyan)1956
Matthau, Carol (Saroyan)1957
Matthau, Carol (Saroyan)1958
Matthau, Carol (Saroyan)1959
Matthau, Carol (Saroyan)1960-62
Matthau, Carol (Saroyan)n.d.
George Mattingly Graphic Design,1978-79
Mayer, Louis B.,1943
MD Publications,1965-66
Ben Medford Agency,1934-47
Mencken, H. L.,1936; 1942-47
Meredith, Burgess,1961
Scott Meredith Literary Agency,1955-75
Meridian Productions, Inc.,1954
Messerlian, Zaven,1972-74
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer1952-54; n.d.
Meyer, Fleur Cowles,1960
Michaelian (various cousins),1954-76
Michigan State Library,1968
Miller, Arthur,1970
Miller, Henry,1936; 1946
Miller, Mitch,1956
Mills College,1935; 1947-66
Minasian, Archie1930-38
Minasian, Archie1940-47
Minasian, Archie1950-51
Minasian, Archie1952
Minasian, Archie1953
Minasian, Archie1954
Minasian, Archie1955
Minasian, Archie1956
Minasian, Archie1957
Minasian, Archie1958-59
Minasian, Archie1961-65
Minasian, Archie1966-68
Minasian, Archie1969
Minasian, Archie1970
Minasian, Archie1971
Minasian, Archie1972
Minasian, Archie1973
Minasian, Archie1974
Minasian, Archie1975
Minasian, Archie1976
Minasian, Archie1977
Minasian, Archie1978-79
Minasian, Archie1980-81; n.d.
Minasian, Frances,1968-70
Minasian, Kirk1934-57
Minasian, Kirk1963-80
Minasian, Vic,1954-80
Minnelli, Vincente,1939
Miss Hewitt's Classes,1950-51
Mitchell, Curtis,1963-64
Mkrchian, Levon,1978-80
Modern Age Books,1937-39
Modern Library,1934-36
Mogull, Ivan,1965
Momjian, Set Charles,1976-79
Arnoldo Mondadori Editore,1946-71
Moody, Helen Wills,1952; 1957; n.d.
Moradian, Frank and Roxie1933-51
Moradian, Frank and Roxie1953-80
Moradian, Tom,1966-75
Morgan, Henry,1951
Mori, Toshio,1939-67
Morley, Frank,1952-69
William Morris Agency1934-56
William Morris Agency1966-69
William Morris Agency1970-78
Morrow, Vic,1971
William Morrow Co.,1936-77
Mostel, Zero,1948
Mullen, Judith,1959
Muni, Paul,1947; 1957
Munich - Festverein Munchen,1958
Murrow, Edward R.,1958
Myerberg, Michael,1955-56
Myers, Lanny,1965
1.27 N miscellany
Nacionalni - Najimian
Nakagawa - Nathan
National A - National Book
National C - National Endowment
National General - National Society
National Student - National Union
National Variety - Nazarian
Nebraska - Neiman
Nelson - Newbury
New Chicago - New Golden
New Homes - New Masses
New Playwrights - New York Mirror
New York News - Neylan
Nichols - Nixon
Noble - Nordstrom
Norman - North
Northeastern - Northwestern
Norton - Novosti
Nubar - Nuzum
1.28 N primary
Nash, Alden,1976
Nathan, George Jean,1939-48
Nathan, Julie Haydon,1939; 1970-71
The Nation1934-64
The Nation1970-78
National Association of Armenian Studies and Research,1955-80
National Broadcasting Company,1934-76
National Council of Teachers of English,1962-75
National Educational Television,1966-70
National Enquirer,1971-76
National Geographic,1977-78
National Institute of Arts and Letters; Includes: American Academy of Arts and Letters1949-56
National Institute of Arts and Letters; Includes: American Academy of Arts and Letters1957-69
National Institute of Arts and Letters; Includes: American Academy of Arts and Letters1970-71
National Institute of Arts and Letters; Includes: American Academy of Arts and Letters1972-73
National Institute of Arts and Letters; Includes: American Academy of Arts and Letters1974
National Institute of Arts and Letters; Includes: American Academy of Arts and Letters1975-76
National Institute of Arts and Letters; Includes: American Academy of Arts and Letters1977-81
Thomas Nelson Sons Ltd.,1961-75
New American Library,1951-78
New Directions,1936-75
New Mexico State University,1967
New Republic1932-39
New Republic1940-57
New Republic1961-75
New Republic1976-77
New Republic1978-80
New York Drama Circle,1939
New York Herald Tribune,1934-62
New York Post,.1946-55
New York Public Library,1939; 1971
New York Times1934-55
New York Times1956-70
New York Times1971-81; n.d.
The New Yorker1935-58
The New Yorker1961-75
The New Yorker1976
The New Yorker1977-79
Newnes Pearsons,1955-57
Nippon Hoso Kyokai,1955-78
Noble Noble, Inc.,1967-71
Norman, Dorothy,n.d.
University of North Carolina,1956
Northwest Drama Conference,1962-65
W.W. Norton Co.1951-76
W.W. Norton Co.1977
W.W. Norton Co.1978
W.W. Norton Co.1979-81
Norvelle, Lee,1941-61
NTA Productions,1960
Nucoa News,1963
Nye, Robert,1975-81
1.29 O miscellany
Oak - Oakly
O'Brien - Obzor
O'Casey - O'Donnell
Office - Ogonyok
Ohandjanian - Ohrt
Ojakian - Old
Olfson - Olympic
Omaha - Omnibook
O'Nolan - Oppenheimer
Ordynski - Orton
Osborne - Ott
Our - Ozuma
1.30 O primary
Odets, Clifford,1949; 1958
O'Donnell, Judson,1952
O'Faolain, Sean,1946-47
Oklahoma Agricultural Mechanical College - Stillwater,1957-58
Olson, Culbert L.,1954
Omnibus,1953; 1980
Ontario Educational Communications Authority,1971-79
Orenstein, Harold,1955
Organization of American States,1954
Osers, Ewald,1978
Oswald, Marianne,1939
Oxford University Press,1967; 1978-79
1.31 P miscellany
Pace - Panetta
Pannes - Paris
Park - Passenger
Pategian - Pawtucket
Peacock - Penzer
Peonidoa - Perry
Persea - Pettet
Phelan - Photo
Pi - Pix
Plain - PM
Pocket - Popkin
Porter - Powers
Prague - Preview
Price - Provisional
Psychiatry - P.T.T.
Public - Pynchon
1.32 P primary
Perspectives USA
Pacific Weekly,1934-36
Paddington Press,1978-80
Pagano, Jo,1934-36; 1971
Papazian, Gilbert Arnold,1942-80
Papazian, Gloria Barbara,1935-41; 1963
Papazian, Zabe Walter,1942-79
Paramount Pictures Corp.,1932-73
Paris Review,1959; 1976
Parkhurst, Helen,1951-53; n.d.
Pasadena Playhouse,1946-65
Patchen, Kenneth,1951; n.d.
Pearn, Pollinger Higham, Ltd.
Pearn, Pollinger Higham, Ltd.
Pearn, Pollinger Higham, Ltd.
Pearn, Pollinger Higham, Ltd.
Pearn, Pollinger Higham, Ltd.
Pearn, Pollinger Higham, Ltd.
Pearn, Pollinger Higham, Ltd.
Pearn, Pollinger Higham, Ltd.
Pearn, Pollinger Higham, Ltd.
Pearn, Pollinger Higham, Ltd.
Pearn, Pollinger Higham, Ltd.
Pearn, Pollinger Higham, Ltd.
Pearn, Pollinger Higham, Ltd.
Pearn, Pollinger Higham, Ltd.
Pearn, Pollinger Higham, Ltd.
Pearn, Pollinger Higham, Ltd.
Pearn, Pollinger Higham, Ltd.
Pearn, Pollinger Higham, Ltd.
Pearn, Pollinger Higham, Ltd.
Pearn, Pollinger Higham, Ltd.
Peckinpah, Sam,1962
Pelzman vs. Saroyan,1955-56
Penguin Books, Inc.,1939-72
Penmaen Press,1974-78
Perls, Frank,1954
Persoff, Nehemiah,1972-75
Phaedra Publishers, Inc.1965-66 April
Phaedra Publishers, Inc.1966 May-1968
Platt Munk,1965-67
Playbill,1958; 1971
Playboy1956; 1961-65
Plumstead Playhouse,1969-72
Pocket Books, Inc.,1939-78
Poets Writers,1973-77
Pohl, Lilo,1955
Laurence Pollinger Ltd.
Laurence Pollinger Ltd.
Laurence Pollinger Ltd.
Laurence Pollinger Ltd.
Laurence Pollinger Ltd.
Laurence Pollinger Ltd.
Laurence Pollinger Ltd.
Laurence Pollinger Ltd.
Laurence Pollinger Ltd.
Laurence Pollinger Ltd.
Laurence Pollinger Ltd.
Laurence Pollinger Ltd.
Laurence Pollinger Ltd.
Laurence Pollinger Ltd.
Laurence Pollinger Ltd.
Laurence Pollinger Ltd.
Laurence Pollinger Ltd.
Laurence Pollinger Ltd.
Laurence Pollinger Ltd.
Laurence Pollinger Ltd.
Laurence Pollinger Ltd.
Laurence Pollinger Ltd.
Laurence Pollinger Ltd.
Laurence Pollinger Ltd.
Laurence Pollinger Ltd.
Laurence Pollinger Ltd.
Laurence Pollinger Ltd.
Popular Library,1953-54; 1958
Porter, Katherine Anne,1958
Praeger Publishers Inc.1971
Praeger Publishers Inc.1972-73
Prentice-Hall, Inc.,1951-79
Prince, Harold,1954; 1979
Purdue University,1957-74
Purdy, James,1956
Pushcart Press,1976-81
Putnam's,1936; 1957-78
1.33 Q miscellany
Quarenghi - Quintero
1.34 Q primary
Quadrangle Books,1972-73
1.35 R miscellany
Raber - Rafferty
Raggio - Razanjian
Rea - Redlands
Redwood - Reitzel
Remington - Rhodesia
Ribeiro - Rigby
Right - Riverton
Robbins - Rocky
Rodakiewicz - Ross
Rosser - Royalton
Rubin - Ruchaud
Ruder - Rutt
Ryan - Rye
1.36 R primary
Radio Free Europe,1953-60
Radovic, Ljerka,1957-79
Random House1934
Random House1935
Random House1936
Random House1938-76
Rasky, Harry,1965
Rather Press,1973
Ray, Positive Love,1949-51
RCA Victor,1948-58
Reader's Digest,1946-80
Recording for the Blind,1954-67
Redbook Magazine,1950-70
Henry Regnery Company,1951; 1972-74
Reilly Lee,1934
The Reporter,1953-65
Revue Studios,1961-62
Rexroth, Kenneth,1939; 1958
Rhoades, Frank,1955-57
Rialto Service Bureau1940-50
Rialto Service Bureau1951-59
Rialto Service Bureau1960-69
Franco Maria Ricci Editore,1974-76
Rice, Elmer,1947; 1957
Richards, Stanley,1952-71
Rizzo, Frank,1976
RKO Radio Pictures,1933-34; 1951
Hal Roach Studios,1939-61
Robbins, Jerome,1947; 1957
Robeson, Paul,1947
Robinson, Earl,1971
Rodrigo, Joaquin,1958
Rogers, Will Jr.,1946
Rolling Stone Magazine,1975-78
Romeike Press Clippings,1947-53
Stanley Rose Bookshop Gallery,1934-56; n.d.
Roskolenko, Harry,1939; 1956
Rothstein, Arthur,1941-72
Round-Up Theater,1954
Royal McBee Corp.,1960-62
Russell, Rosalind,1950
Russin, Robert,1970; 1976-77
1.37 S miscellany
Sabbagh - Saito
Sakajian - Samuelian
San - San Francisco
San Joaquin - Sansum
Santa - Saphier
Sardi - Saroukhan
Sarra - Sayper
Scandinavian - Schiller
Schindler - School
Schrader - Schwerin
Science - Scuola
Seabury - Selwyn
Selz - Session
Sessler - Sewing
Shabazian - Sharpe
Shaw - Sherek
Sherman - Shuss
Sidney - Simmen
Simmonds - Sisterhood
Skloot - Skutt
Slate - Slovenska
Small - Smalley
Smiles - Snyder
Sobel - Sohigian
Sokolow - Soroptomist
Soskin - South
Southeast - Soviet
Spanish - Spier
Spina - Split
Splivado - Springfield
SRA - St. Mary
St. Matthew - St. Sarkis
Stackpole - Stanford
Stanislaus - Starr
Steffen - Steltz
Stephen - Sterns
Steven - Stewart
Stig - Stix
Stockdale - Story
Straight - Strout
Stuart - Students
Studentsko - Sturgis
Sub - Summerfield
Summers - Suritz
Susnow - Sveriges
Swank - Swiss
Sycamore - Szekely
1.38 S primary
Saroyan, Carol
Saroyan, Suren
Sack, Meyer,1960
Salisbury, Harrison,1980
Samuelian, Varaz,1971-77
San Francisco Chronicle,1936-79
San Francisco Examiner,1956-69
San Francisco Review,1958-59
Saroyan, Aram (Uncle)1933-68
Saroyan, Aram (Uncle)1972-79
Saroyan, Aram (Son)1948-49
Saroyan, Aram (Son)1950-55
Saroyan, Aram (Son)1956-57
Saroyan, Aram (Son)1958-59
Saroyan, Aram (Son)1960-61
Saroyan, Aram (Son)1962-65
Saroyan, Aram (Son)1966-67
Saroyan, Aram (Son)1968-69
Saroyan, Aram (Son)1970-75
Saroyan, Aram (Son)1976-78
Saroyan, Cheslie,1947-63
Saroyan, Cosette1935
Saroyan, Cosette1936
Saroyan, Cosette1939
Saroyan, Cosette1942
Saroyan, Cosette1946
Saroyan, Cosette1947
Saroyan, Cosette1949
Saroyan, Cosette1951
Saroyan, Cosette1952
Saroyan, Cosette1953
Saroyan, Cosette1954
Saroyan, Cosette1955
Saroyan, Cosette1956
Saroyan, Cosette1957
Saroyan, Cosette1958
Saroyan, Cosette1959
Saroyan, Cosette1960
Saroyan, Cosette1961
Saroyan, Cosette1962
Saroyan, Cosette1963
Saroyan, Cosette1964
Saroyan, Cosette1965
Saroyan, Cosette1966
Saroyan, Cosette1967
Saroyan, Cosette1968
Saroyan, Cosette1969
Saroyan, Cosette1970
Saroyan, Cosette1971
Saroyan, Cosette1972
Saroyan, Cosette1973
Saroyan, Cosette1974
Saroyan, Cosette1975
Saroyan, Cosette1976
Saroyan, Cosette1977
Saroyan, Cosette1978
Saroyan, Cosette1979
Saroyan, Cosette1980
Saroyan, Cosetten.d.
Saroyan, Cy1952-75
Saroyan, Cy1976-81
Saroyan, Don,1971
Saroyan, Gailyn,1977
Saroyan, Hank1960-79
Saroyan, Hank1980
Saroyan, Henry1935-39
Saroyan, Henry1943-49
Saroyan, Henry1950-59
Saroyan, Henry1960-69
Saroyan, Henry1970
Saroyan, Henry1971
Saroyan, Henry1972
Saroyan, Henry1973
Saroyan, Henry1974
Saroyan, Henry1975
Saroyan, Henry1976-78
Saroyan, Henry1979-80
Saroyan, Jack,1953-80
Saroyan, John,1928-64
Saroyan, Louis and family,1963-80
Saroyan, Lucy1949-55
Saroyan, Lucy1956-58
Saroyan, Lucy1959-60
Saroyan, Lucy1961
Saroyan, Lucy1962-63
Saroyan, Lucy1964-65
Saroyan, Lucy1966-67
Saroyan, Lucy1968-69
Saroyan, Lucy1970-81
Saroyan, Lucyn.d.
Saroyan, Mihran1926-29
Saroyan, Mihran1930-51
Saroyan, Mihran1952
Saroyan, Mihran1953
Saroyan, Mihran1954-56
Saroyan, Mihran1961-64
Saroyan, Ralph,1958-77
Saroyan, Ruben,1976-80
Saroyan, Takoohy,1936-49
Saroyans (Misc.)
William Saroyan Foundation,1966-75
Saroyan Television Playhouse,1952
Saroyan Theatre Production miscellany of Across the Board on Tomorrow Morning and Talking to You,1942
Saturday Evening Post1936-55
Saturday Evening Post1956-59
Saturday Evening Post1960-64
Saturday Evening Post1965
Saturday Evening Post1966-67
Saturday Evening Post1968-69
Saturday Evening Post1971-77
Saturday Review,1934-67
Saudek Associates,1961
Savage, Steven,1965
Scholastic Book Services,1936-81
Schorer, Mark,1951-59
Schulberg, Budd,1936
Scott, Foresman and Co.,1935-77
Screen Actors' Guild,1942
Charles Scribner's Sons,1934-81
Scrimshaw Press,1976
Seeger, Hal,1973
Seino, Choichiro,1953-57
Selective Service System,1942
David O. Selznick Productions, Inc.,1941-61
Setrakian, Ed,1965; 1974
Setrakian, Robert,1975-79
Seventeen Magazine,1956-57; 1965
Shahbazian, Jackie,1953-54; 1969-71