The collection consists of correspondence, news clippings, memoranda, office files, legal documents, drafts of legislation,
and transcripts of hearings. Principal topics include area planning, flood control and drainage, garbage and refuse collection
and disposal, sewerage and industrial wastes, water quality management, water resources development (both state and federal),
and water supply and distribution.
The following "qualification" material was presented as an EXHIBIT in a case where William O'Connell testified in his capacity
as consultant for the Contra Costa County Water Agency. It is included here for the biographical detail.
56.0 linear feet
(56 boxes)
Copyright has not been assigned to the University of California, Riverside Libraries, Special Collections & University Archives.
Distribution or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission
of the copyright owners. To the extent other restrictions apply, permission for distribution or reproduction from the applicable
rights holder is also required. Responsibility for obtaining permissions, and for any use rests exclusively with the user.
The collection is open for research.