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Finding Aid to the Robert Marshall Papers, 1908-1939
BANC MSS 79/94 pz  
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Container Listing


Series 1: Correspondence 1908-1939

Physical Description: Boxes 1-12


Family subseries arranged hierarchically and Personal and Professional subseries in alphabetical order by last name.


Divided into two subseries: Family and Personal and Professional.

Subseries 1.1: Family 1908-1939

box 1, folder 1-10

Dear Family 1920-31

box 1, folder 11-14

Marshall, Louis 1908-20

box 2, folder 1-9

Marshall, Louis 1921-29

box 2, folder 10

Marshall, [Florence?] undated

box 2, folder 11-17

Marshall, George 1919-35

box 3, folder 1-3

Marshall, George 1936-39

box 3, folder 4-6

Marshall, James 1925-30

box 3, folder 7

Marshall, Lenore G. 1920-36

box 3, folder 8-19

Billikopf, Ruth Marshall 1920-35

box 4, folder 1-4

Billikopf, Jacob 1922-39

box 4, folder 5

Lowenstein, Blanche 1927-33

box 4, folder 6

Marshall, Ida 1919-26

box 4, folder 7

Rosenberg, Bertha and Abe 1921-34

box 4, folder 8

Stolz family 1927-31

box 4, folder 9

Miscellaneous 1913-39


Subseries 1.2: Personal and Professional 1922-1939

box 5, folder 1

Adams, Charles Christopher 1925-37

box 5, folder 2

Adirondack Mountain Club 1922-39

box 5, folder 3-4

Ahern, George P. and Jean Gill 1928-38

box 5, folder 5-6

Allen, Jessie 1931-39

box 5, folder 7

American Association on Indian Affairs, Inc., Oliver LaFarge 1935-38

box 5, folder 8

Arnstein, Margaret G. (Peggy) 1923-38

box 5, folder 9

Association for the Protection of the Adirondacks, Raymond H. Torrey 1930-37

box 5, folder 10

Baldwin, Roger 1929-38

box 5, folder 11

Belyea, Harold C. (Hal) 1927-39

box 5, folder 12

Blaisdell, Catherine and Thomas C. 1934-36

box 5, folder 13

Blumenthal, Andre 1925-27

box 5, folder 14

Blumenthal, Hugo 1922-39

box 5, folder 15

Bowe, Earl E. 1926-37

box 5, folder 16

Broome, Harvey 1934-39

box 5, folder 17

Cardozo, Benjamin Nathan 1930-37

box 5, folder 18-23

Carson, Russell M. L. 1923-39

box 6, folder 1

Chase, Stuart 1936-37

box 6, folder 2-3

Cline, Albert C. 1922-39

box 6, folder 4

Common Sense, Alfred M. Bingham 1938-39

box 6, folder 5

Cooper, William Skinner 1929-39

box 6, folder 6

Dodd, Jack 1931-33

box 6, folder 7

Drift, Ivan 1935-39

box 6, folder 8

Ellison, Lincoln 1928-38

box 6, folder 9

Emergency Conservation Committee, Rosalie Edge 1935-38

box 6, folder 10

Engelhard, Georgia 1937-39

box 6, folder 11

Explorer's Club 1932-39

box 6, folder 12

Fisher, Richard T. 1924-32

box 6, folder 13

Fivas, Al E. 1929-35

box 6, folder 14

Flint, Charles W. 1930-36

box 6, folder 15-19

Flint, Elizabeth 1927-39

box 6, folder 20

Flint, Howard 1928-31

box 7, folder 1

Foote, James A. 1932-39

box 7, folder 2

Foster, Clifford H. 1930

box 7, folder 3

Frank, Bernard 1935-38

box 7, folder 4

Franklin, Susan B. 1922-37

box 7, folder 5

Fredenberg, Ralph 1938

box 7, folder 6

Gast, Paul Rupert 1922-39

box 7, folder 7-8

Gisborne, Harry T. 1927-38

box 7, folder 9

Granger, Christopher M. and Louise 1936-39

box 7, folder 10

Harvey, C. Kenneth 1932-39

box 7, folder 11

Heritage, William 1934-39

box 7, folder 12

Hickerson, Harold 1936-39

box 7, folder 13

Hinckley, Frank C. 1932-35

box 7, folder 14

Hosley, Neil W. 1924-39

box 7, folder 15

Hosmer, Ralph S. 1932-37

box 7, folder 16

Howard, William G. 1923-39

box 7, folder 17-19

Ickes, Harold L. 1933-38

box 7, folder 20

Isaac, Leo A. 1924-39

box 7, folder 21

Izaak Walton League of America, Inc. 1935-39

box 7, folder 22

Johannes, Herman W. 1937-38

box 8, folder 1

Johnson, Ernest 1931-39

box 8, folder 2-3

Jonas, Katherine (Kitty) 1932-39

box 8, folder 4-5

Kempff, Gerry and Lily 1926-37

box 8, folder 6

Lake Placid Club, Harry W. Hicks 1931-33

box 8, folder 7

League for Industrial Democracy, Norman Thomas 1933-38

box 8, folder 8

Leopold, Aldo 1925-39

box 8, folder 9

Livermore, Norman B., Jr. 1937-38

box 8, folder 10-11

Livingston, Burton L. 1928-38

box 8, folder 12-13

MacKaye, Benton 1934-37

box 8, folder 14

MacMullen, Clara Carpenter 1931-34

box 8, folder 15-16

Martin, Newell 1928-39

box 8, folder 17

Millin, Richard B. 1933-39

box 8, folder 18

Mirsky, Jeannette 1934-35

box 8, folder 19

Mollenhauer, William, Jr. 1935-39

box 8, folder 20-22

The Mountaineers, Irving M. Clark 1935-39

box 9, folder 1

Murie, Olas and Margaret 1933-39

box 9, folder 2

Olmsted, Frederick Law 1937

box 9, folder 3

Ordway, Samuel H. 1930-33

box 9, folder 4

Pierce, Clinton G. 1935-38

box 9, folder 5

Pinchot, Gifford 1929-39

box 9, folder 6

Pingel, Louisa F. and Henry F. 1930-38

box 9, folder 7

Rayburn, George 1935-39

box 9, folder 8-9

Retzlaf, Alexander 1929-38

box 9, folder 10

Richards, Edward C. M. 1933-38

box 9, folder 11

Shepard, Ward 1925-39

box 9, folder 12

Slisco, Martin 1932-38

box 9, folder 13

Spinks, Ike 1932-35

box 9, folder 14

Stefansson, Vilhjalmur 1932-39

box 9, folder 15

Stocking, Helen Smith 1935-36

box 9, folder 16

Sugarman, Dorothy 1938-39

box 9, folder 17

Survey Associates 1933-39

box 9, folder 18

Tang, Pei-Sung 1930-38

box 9, folder 19-20

Terry, Helen V. 1927-35

box 9, folder 21

Tobin, Emery F. and Florence 1933-39

box 9, folder 22

Troop, Margaret H. 1927-33

box 9, folder 23

Ulen, E. Joseph 1931-35

box 9, folder 24

Untermeyer, Elise and family 1925-33

box 10, folder 1

Watts, Vernon 1931-35

box 10, folder 2

Weidman, Robert Harrison 1925-33

box 10, folder 3

Wheeler, Daisy Mae 1932-36

box 10, folder 4

White, Roberta 1932-33

box 10, folder 5

Wise, Louis E. 1927-39

box 10, folder 6

Zeh, William 1937-38

box 10, folder 7-9

Zon, Raphael and Anna 1924-39

box 10, folder 10-19

A-E miscellaneous ca. 1924-39

box 11, folder 1-16

F-N miscellaneous ca. 1924-39

box 12, folder 1-17

O-W miscellaneous ca. 1924-39

box 12, folder 18-19

Unidentified ca. 1924-39


Series 2: Writings And Speeches 1911-1939

Physical Description: Card Files Boxes 1-4, Carton 1, Carton 2, folders 1-45, Oversize Box 1, Volumes 1-7


Arranged by genre. Within genre hierarchially and chronologically where appropriate.


Divided into 3 subseries: Field Journals and Notebooks, Books, and Articles, Speeches and Studies.

Subseries 2.1: Field Journals and Notebooks 1917-1939

box 13, folder 1-12

Adirondack trip journals 1917-21

box 14, folder 1

"Adirondack Landscapes," photo journal ca.1920

box 14, folder 2-5

Adirondack notebooks 1916-21 BANC MSS 79/94

box 14, folder 2

Adirondack Notebook 1. 1916 BANC MSS 79/94 pz

Physical Description: 1 notebook

Third Mill on the Fluss Walk (diary entry). June 23, 1918 BANC MSS 79/94 pz

Additional Note

This material was selectively digitized from a larger resource or collection.
box 14, folder 2

Mill on the Fluss and Vicinity (diary entry with photographs). 1916-1919 BANC MSS 79/94 pz

Additional Note

This material was selectively digitized from a larger resource or collection.
card-file-box 1, folder 18

Adirondack photographic record 1920-21

carton 1, folder 1

Adirondack photographic record 1921

card-file-box 1, folder 1-2

Field journals, Alaska 1929-30

card-file-box 1, folder 3

Field journal Mar 1931

carton 1, folder 2

Field journal: Wiseman, Alaska 1930-31

box 15, folder 1

Field journal, Alaska Jul 1931

card-file-box 1, folder 4

Field journal 1938

card-file-box 1, folder 5

Field journal 1939

carton 1, folder 3

Field journal insert, pg. 78 Jun 1939

card-file-box 1, folder 6-12

Field notebooks 1923-31

card-file-box 2, folder 1-22

Field notebooks 1922-39

card-file-box 1, folder 13-17

Calendars 1922-28

box 15, folder 2-5

Calendars 1920-26

card-file-box 2, folder 23-24

Time and mileage log 1929-30

card-file-box 1, folder 19

Arctic vocabulary undated


Subseries 2.2: Books 1931-1939

carton 1, folder 4-7

Arctic Village, correspondence and related material (no draft) 1933

card-file-box 3-4

Notes ca. 1928-29

oversize-box 1, folder 1

Scrapbook, clippings 1933

carton 1, folder 8-12

Arctic Wilderness, draft of posthumously printed edition edited by George Marshall undated

carton 1, folder 13

The People's Forest, clippings 1933

oversize-box 1, folder 2

Scrapbook, clippings 1933

carton 1, folder 14-15

Doonerak or Bust 1938

carton 1, folder 16

North Doonerak, Amawk and Apoon 1939

carton 1, folder 17-24

An Island in Oblivion, unpublished 1931


Subseries 2.3: Articles, Speeches, and Studies 1911-1939

carton 1, folder 25

"Why I Want to Become a Forester in the Future" ca. 1911-17

carton 1, folder 26

"High Peaks of the Adirondacks" 1921

carton 1, folder 27

"Plowing" ca. 1922

carton 1, folder 28

"End of a Dream" [1922?]

carton 1, folder 29-30

"Weekend Trips in the Cranberry Lake Region" 1922

carton 1, folder 31

"The Wildest Core of the Adirondacks" 1922

carton 1, folder 32

"Forestry Problem of Knollwood" 1923

carton 1, folder 33

"Virgin Forests" ca. 1924

carton 1, folder 34

"History of the Knollwood League" 1925

carton 1, folder 35

"Recreational Limitations to Silviculture in the Adirondacks" 1925

carton 1, folder 36

"An Adventure in Silver" 1927-30

carton 1, folder 37

"The Freezing of Old Dad Alt" 1927

carton 1, folder 38

"Growth of Hemlock Before and After Release from Suppression" 1927

carton 1, folder 39-40

"Impressions from the Wilderness" 1927

carton 1, folder 41

"Research in a Forest Laboratory" 1927

carton 1, folder 42

"Trade School Methods in Forestry Education" 1927

carton 1, folder 43

"Natural Reproduction in the Western White Pine Type" 1928

carton 1, folder 44

"Contribution to the Life History of the Northwestern Lumberjack" 1929

carton 1, folder 45

"Forest Devastation Must Stop" 1929

carton 1, folder 46

"Journal of the Exploration of the North Fork of the Koyukuk," by Al Retzlaf and Bob Marshall 1929

carton 1, folder 47

"Observations of a Peripatetic Ecologist in Northern Alaska" 1929-30

carton 1, folder 48

"A Summer on the Koyukuk" 1929

carton 1, folder 49-50

"The Problem of Wilderness" 1930

carton 1, folder 51

"The Social Management of American Forests" 1930

carton 2, folder 1

"An Experimental Study of the Water" 1931

carton 2, folder 2

"Eighteen Years of All America Teams" 1931

carton 2, folder 3

"Adirondack Peaks" 1932

carton 2, folder 4

"Adventure, Arrogance, and the Arctic" 1933

carton 2, folder 5

"A Forest Program" 1933

carton 2, folder 6

"Herbert Clark" 1933

carton 2, folder 7

"Public Forestry or Private Devastation" 1933

carton 2, folder 8

"Reconnaissance of the Arctic Koyukuk Valley, Alaska" 1934

carton 2, folder 9

"Priorities in Forest Recreation," speech Oct 1934

carton 2, folder 10

"Ecology and the Indians" 1935

carton 2, folder 11

"Largest Roadless Areas in U.S.," by previous hit Robert Marshall next hit and Althea Dobbs 1936

carton 2, folder 12-15

"The Universe of the Wilderness is Vanishing" 1937-38

carton 2, folder 16

"I Am a Bureaucrat" 1938

carton 2, folder 17-18

"Correspondence with the Comptroller General's Office" 1938

carton 2, folder 19

"Growth of a Fable" 1939

carton 2, folder 20

"The Problem of Alaskan Development" 1939

carton 2, folder 21

"Vacation in the Woods" 1939

carton 2, folder 22

"A Practical Program for American Economic Recovery" undated

carton 2, folder 23

A President Might Do Great Things undated

carton 2, folder 24

Adirondack articles 1923

carton 2, folder 25

American Forests articles undated

carton 2, folder 26

Journal of Forestry articles 1927

carton 2, folder 27

Living Wilderness articles 1937

carton 2, folder 28

Articles, miscellaneous 1920-38

carton 2, folder 29-31

Tree Growth at Northern Treeline, study 1929-39

carton 2, folder 32

Published letters 1937-38

carton 2, folder 33

Speeches 1935-37

carton 2, folder 34

Interview 1939

carton 2, folder 35-36

Poems undated

carton 2, folder 37-41

Notes undated

carton 2, folder 42-43

Personal Lists and Ratings undated

carton 2, folder 44

Alaska stories and legends undated

carton 2, folder 45

Bibliography undated

volume 1

Bibliographies, Alaska undated

volume 2

Wilderness Theory and Practice undated

volume 3

Forest Policy undated

volume 4

Technical Forestry undated

volume 5

Adirondacks undated

volume 6

Alaskan Sociology undated

volume 7

Biography (on previous hit Robert Marshall next hit ) undated


Series 3: Professional Files 1922-1939

Physical Description: Carton 2, folders 46-58, Cartons 3-5, Boxes 16-17, Oversize folders 1-3


Arranged hierarchically by organization.


Divided into 5 subseries: Office of Indian Affairs, National Forest Service, Wilderness Society, Affiliated Organizations, and Biographical Files.

Subseries 3.1: Office of Indian Affairs, Director of Forestry 1933-1938



carton 2, folder 46

Arnold, Leroy D. 1934-37

carton 2, folder 47-49

Collier, John 1933-39

carton 2, folder 50

Crawford, Wade 1934-37

carton 2, folder 51

Department of the Interior 1933-38

carton 2, folder 52-54

Miscellaneous 1933-37

carton 2, folder 55-56

Memoranda 1934-37


previous hit Robert Marshall next hit

carton 2, folder 57

Meeting notes 1934

carton 2, folder 58

Schedules 1933

carton 3, folder 1

Reports and papers undated


Subject Files

carton 3, folder 2

Grazing 1934

carton 3, folder 3

Housing Authority 1936-37

carton 3, folder 4-5

Land policy 1934

carton 3, folder 6

Navaho Educational Program 1934

carton 3, folder 7

Potomac River 1936

carton 3, folder 8

Public Ownership 1933-37

carton 3, folder 9-12

Self government 1934-36

carton 3, folder 13

Lumber and timber products 1933-34

carton 3, folder 14-15

Wilderness and roadless areas 1926-37

carton 3, folder 16-17

Wade Crawford dismissal 1934-37

carton 3, folder 18-19

Miscellaneous 1935-36

oversize-folder 1C

Maps 1921-35

carton 3, folder 20-26

Related Material 1934-38


Subseries 3.2: National Forest Service 1924-1939



carton 3, folder 27

Department of Agriculture 1924-39

carton 3, folder 28

Dion, Carl R. 1937-39

carton 3, folder 29

Silcox, F. A. 1936-37

carton 3, folder 30

Stuart, Robert Young 1927-33

carton 3, folder 31-34

Miscellaneous 1927-39

carton 3, folder 35-38

Northern Rocky Mountain Experimental Station 1924-33

carton 3, folder 39-40

Geological Survey, Alaska 1930-36

oversize-folder 2C

Maps 1913-1930

carton 3, folder 41-42

previous hit Robert Marshall trip memoranda 1938

carton 3, folder 43-44

Memoranda 1937-39

carton 3, folder 45

Travel expenses 1937-38

carton 3, folder 46

National Forest Manual, outline undated

carton 3, folder 47

Committee on Refugee Problems, Report on Alaska 1939


Subject Files

carton 3, folder 48

Farm tenancy 1937

carton 3, folder 49

Land use 1938-39

carton 3, folder 50

Oil and gas royalties 1937

carton 3, folder 51

Olympic National Park 1937

carton 3, folder 52

Porcupine Mountains (Michigan) 1937

carton 4, folder 1

Recreation 1936-38

carton 4, folder 2

Reorganization 1938

carton 4, folder 3-4

Miscellaneous 1925-39


Subseries 3.3: Wilderness Society 1932-1939

carton 4, folder 5

Bylaws and minutes 1935-38

carton 4, folder 6

"Reasons for a Wilderness Society," brochure 1934

carton 4, folder 7-17

Yard, Robert Sterling, correspondence 1932-39

carton 4, folder 18-22

General correspondence 1935-39

carton 4, folder 23

New York Section 1936-37

carton 4, folder 24

Washington D. C. section 1936-39

carton 4, folder 25

Green Mountain Parkway 1934-35

carton 4, folder 26

Kings Canyon 1935-39

carton 4, folder 27

Notes undated

carton 4, folder 28

Publications 1935-37


Subseries 3.4: Affiliated Organizations 1925-1939

carton 4, folder 29-30

American Forestry Association 1929-39

carton 4, folder 31-35

National Parks Association 1932-38

carton 4, folder 36-37

National Park Service 1927-39

carton 4, folder 38

National Resources Committee 1935-37

carton 4, folder 39-40

Alaska Resources Committee 1937-39

carton 4, folder 41-43

New York State Conservation Department 1923-38

carton 4, folder 44-50

Quetico-Superior Committee, Ernest C. Oberholtzer 1934-39

carton 5, folder 1-5

Quetico-Superior Committee 1934-39

carton 5, folder 6-16

Society of American Foresters 1925-39

carton 5, folder 17-19

Forest Conservation Conference 1933-37

carton 5, folder 20

National Recreation Conference 1939


Subseries 3.5: Biographical Files 1914-1939

carton 5, folder 21-22

John Hopkins Laboratory of Plant Physiology 1929-30

carton 5, folder 23-24

Harvard Forest School 1934-37

carton 5, folder 25-36

New York State Forestry School 1921-39

carton 5, folder 37-38

Ethical Culture School 1914-39

carton 5, folder 39-40

Catskills trip 1930

carton 5, folder 41

Highlander Folk School trip 1938

carton 5, folder 42

Alaska trip 1939

box 16, folder 1-2

Appalachian Trail Club 1930-38

box 16, folder 3-12

Adirondack files 1904-30

box 16, folder 13-14

Mountain climbing undated

box 16, folder 15-16

Ephemera undated

box 16, folder 16

Check stubs 1937-38

box 17, folder 1-9

Clippings and related material 1925-39

oversize-folder 3A

Diplomas undated