Guide to the Howard Seifert Papers SC0173

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Contributing Institution: Department of Special Collections and University Archives
Title: Howard Seifert papers
Creator: Seifert,
Creator: Seifert, Howard
Identifier/Call Number: SC0173
Physical Description: 48.25 Linear Feet
Date (inclusive): 1960-1977
Language of Material: Undetermined .

Scope and Content

Papers include correspondence, photographs, newsclippings, notes, memoranda, reports, reprints, proposals, and class materials (notes, problems, exams, and reference sources). Some materials pertain to his work with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and NASA.


Howard Seifert, an authority on rocket propulsion of space vehicles, was professor of aeronautics and astronautics at Stanford from 1960 to 1976. He also directed the Physical Sciences Laboratory at the United Aircraft Corporation (1960-65) and was president of the American Rocket Society (1960). Before joining the Stanford faculty, he was on the staff at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and Space Technology Laboratories and a visiting professor at UCLA.

Preferred Citation:

[Identification of item], Howard Seifert Papers, SC 173, Stanford University Archives, Stanford, Calif.


Gift of Mrs. Howard Seifert, 1977, and administrative transfer, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1979.

Publication Rights

Property rights reside with the repository. Literary rights reside with the creators of the documents or their heirs. To obtain permission to publish or reproduce, please contact the Public Services Librarian of the Dept. of Special Collections and University Archives.

Access Restrictions

This collection is open for research.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Solar energy -- Research.
Aeronautics -- Research.
clippings (information artifacts)
United States.. National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
Seifert, Howard,
Jet Propulsion Laboratory (U.S.)
Stanford University. Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics -- General subdivision--Faculty.;


General Files, Part 1 ARCH-2023-514, Series 1

Language of Material: English.
Box 1, folder 1

KLS: doc., moving, wedding

Box 1, folder 2

Personal Stanford history

Box 1, folder 3

News clippings

Box 1, folder 4

Notes, clippings, brochures

Box 1, folder 5


Box 1, folder 6

Research plans

Box 1, folder 7


Box 1, folder 8


Box 1, folder 9


Box 1, folder 10

Letters (to and from children)

Box 1, folder 11

Cyl. lens theory

Box 1, folder 12


Box 1, folder 13

Misc. notes, recital announcement

Box 1, folder 14

Eyes - double vision, musical activities

Box 1, folder 15

Clippings about Prof. Seifert and Wyld Propulsion award

Box 1, folder 16

Insurance policies

Box 1, folder 17

Memo - disposal of property after death

Box 1A

Miscellaneous unfoldered materials

Language of Material: English.

Journal - Trip to Arabia and technical notes for trip (University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhammam, Saudi Arabia) (2/21/77)


Brochures: University of Petroleum and Minerals and assorted energy topics


Photos: Luna Colloquim at STL (1959)


Clippings: Desalination (2/20/77)


Arabia trip itinerary and consulting agreements (University of Petroleum and Minerals), visa applications, local information, etc.


University of Petroleum and Minerals planning handbook, map, memos, history, project proposals


Notes (1/2/77)


Assorted photos


Research report Electrical Breakdown Between Cylinders in Vacuum by Seifert

Box 2, folder 1

"Hopping Transporters for Lunar Exploration." (8/69)

Box 2, folder 2

"Laser Doppler Technique for the Measurement of Particle Velocity." (1967)

Box 2, folder 3

"Laser-Doppler Particle Sensor for Rocket Exhausts." (3/69)

Box 2, folder 4

"Laser-Doppler Technique for Measurement of Particle Velocity in Gas-PArticle Two-Phase Flow." (6/66)

Box 2, folder 5

Rocket Propulsion (7/68)

Box 2, folder 6

Non-Chemical Propulsion (1968)

Box 2, folder 7

State of Propulsion Art (7/68)

Box 2, folder 8

AGARD Combustion and Propulsion Panel (1962)

Box 2, folder 9

"A Miniature Kundt Tube." (12/39)

Box 2, folder 10

"Shocks Induced by Secondary Fluid Injection." (1/64)

Box 2, folder 11

"Lunar Pogo Stick." (6/67)

Box 2, folder 12

La Scuola in Azione (1962-63)

Box 2, folder 13

Student receipts

Box 2, folder 14

Bibliography on Space Travel and Rockets

Box 2, folder 15

Sohn Orbit Computer

Box 2, folder 16

Book and UCLA: brochures and covers

Box 2, folder 17

"Propulsion for Space Vehicles." (1962)

Box 2, folder 18

Student receipts (1962)

Box 2, folder 19

"Stop-Light Dilemna" (3/62)

Box 2, folder 20

"Studies of Unstable Combustion in Solid Propellant Rocked Engines" (3/62)

Box 2, folder 21

"Can We Decrease Our Entropy?" (6/61)

Box 2, folder 22

Book of Knowledge Article (1960)

Box 2, folder 23

Turbopumps for Small Rocket Engines (9/57)

Box 2, folder 24

Thrust Coefficient and Expansion Ratio Tables (2/56)

Box 2, folder 25

Notification of Acceptance of Paper for Symposium on Ballistic Missiles (6/56)

Box 2, folder 26

Modern Physics for the Engineer (8/55)

Box 2, folder 27

Development of the Guided Missile (9/55)

Box 2, folder 28

Twenty-Five Years of Rocket Development (10/55)

Box 2, folder 29

Semantics Bibliography (1953)

Box 2, folder 30

Variable Propellant Density (6/53)

Box 2, folder 31

Review Conquest of the Moon (12/53)

Box 2, folder 32

Inventions of Importance to Aviation (8/53)

Box 2, folder 33

Compressible Flow (1953)

Box 2, folder 34

Listing of Reports Pre-1953

Box 2, folder 35

Comparison of Adiabatic and Isothermal Expansion Processes in Rocket Nozzles (6/52)

Box 2, folder 36

The Effect of Variable Propellant Density on Rocket Performance (8/52)

Box 2, folder 37

Friction Tape Produces Glow Discharge (9/52)

Box 2, folder 38

Letter to the Editor - American Journal of Physics (9/52)

Box 2, folder 39

The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (10/52)

Box 2, folder 40

Corporal Missile School (1951)

Box 2, folder 41

Heat-Transfer Studies Relating to Rocket Power-Plant Development (1951)

Box 2, folder 42

Make Your Own Microprojector (1/51)

Box 2, folder 43

The Scientific Monthly

Box 2, folder 44

Central Data-Recording System for A Jet-Propulsion Laboratory (10/51)

Box 2, folder 45

Aircraft Instrumentation and Control Course (1950)

Box 2, folder 46

Rocket Propulsion Elements and Rocket Guns and Targets (2/49)

Box 2, folder 47

Is the Nuclear-Powered Rocket Feasible? (5/49)

Box 2, folder 48

Compressibility Effects in Two Phase Flow (7/49)

Box 2, folder 49

Stream Paths from Rotating Liquid Propellant Injectors (9/48)

Box 2, folder 50

Problems in the Application of Nuclear Energy to Rocket Propulsion (1/47)

Box 2, folder 51

The Physics of Rockets (1/47)

Box 2, folder 52

Physics of Rockets: Liquid Propellant Rockets (4/47)

Box 2, folder 53

Physics of Rockets: Dynamics of Long-Range Rockets (6/47)

Box 2, folder 54

Cal Tech Research Topics for Thesis and Assorted Memos (1947)

Box 2, folder 55

Jet Propulsion - Its Effect Upon Engineering Education (10/46)

Box 2, folder 56

Program for Pasadena Meeting of the American Physical Society (12/44)

Box 2, folder 57

JPL Report - Development of Regeneratively-Cooled Liquid Propellant Jet Motors (7/43)

Box 2A, folder 58

Electrical Breakdown in Vacuum Between Electrodes of Large Area (6/42)

Box 2A, folder 59

Detection of Flaws in Metal Coatings (6/42)

Box 2A, folder 60

The Induction Inverter (9/42)

Box 2A, folder 61

Editorial for 1/12/60 issue of Astronautics

Box 2A, folder 62

List of Publications:

Scope and Contents note

Missing Title

  1. Shocks Induced by Secondary Fluid Injection (1/64)
  2. Use of Preformed Solid Particles in Colloidal Propulsion (9/67)
Box 2A, folder 63

Propulsion Dynamics of Lunar Hoppers (12/74)

Box 3, folder 1

Space Mission Slide Chart; Pocket Planetarium; Rocket Thrust Computer; Scientific Catalog; and Portable Flight Path Model Photos

Box 3, folder 2

Space Vehicle Designer; Pocket Planetarium; and Rocket Thrust Computers

Box 3, folder 3

Pocket Planetarium Design

Box 3, folder 4

The Induction Inverter and "Vapor Discharge Cavity Oscilloscope" (9/42); (8/42)

Box 3, folder 5

Student Projects in Physics at Kalamazoo College (6/40)

Box 3, folder 6

Electrical Breakdown Between Cylinders in Vacuum plus Notes (1942)

Box 3, folder 7

Transmission and Reflection of Plastics and Metal Blocks in the Far Infra-Red (11/40)

Box 3, folder 8

A Miniature Kundt Tube (12/39)

Box 3, folder 9

Miscellaneous Correspondence (1964)

Box 3, folder 10

The Induction Inverter (9/42)

Box 3, folder 11

BS, MS, PhD Theses

Box 3, folder 12

Survey of Electrically-Powered Rockets (1963)

Box 3, folder 13

Stop-Light Dilemma and Correspondence (3/62)

Box 3, folder 14

Notes on Talk about Lunar Hopper

Box 3, folder 15

TV Script for Show about JPL; Notes: The Scientist's Code of Ethics Notes: Application of Electrical Analog Computers to Rocket Propulsion and Index of Visits to British Establishments (4/52); (10/51); (1945)

Box 3, folder 16

(Binder) Talks 1960-70

Box 3, folder 17

(Binder) Talks 8/55-6/60

Box 3, folder 18

(Binder) FORTRAN IV Notes

Box 3, folder 19

(Loose) FORTRAN Class Notes

Box 3, folder 20


Box 3, folder 21

WATFIV Compiler Guide (8/70)

Box 3, folder 22

Introduction to Programming Concepts

Box 3, folder 23

BASIC User's Manual (7/70)

Box 3, folder 24

BASIC User's Guide to Remote Terminals (10/69)

Box 3, folder 25

Guide to the BALLOTS Files

Box 3, folder 26

Lectures, Handouts, Etc. for EE 231

Box 3, folder 28

Inactive Documents

Box 3, folder 29

Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets article by HSS (8/69)

Container Summary: 2 copies,
Box 3, folder 30

Space Technology covers (book edited by HSS) 1959

Box 3, folder 31

A Central Data-Recording System for a Jet Propulsion Laboratory (1959)

Box 3, folder 32

Book Review by HSS: Rocket Power and Space Flight (1/58)

Box 3, folder 33

UCLA Space Technology Brochure (1/58)

Box 3, folder 34

Correspondence regarding Thrust Coefficient and Expansion Ratio Tables (1/59)

Box 3, folder 35

The Performance of a Rocket with Tapered Exhaust velocity (12/57)

Box 3, folder 36

The Effect of Propellant Energy and Mass Distribution on Rocket Propulsion Efficiency (1/57)

Box 3, folder 37

Turbopumps for Small Rocket Engines (9/57)


AA 280A Class Files

Box 4, folder 1

Ballistic Problems/Solutions

Box 4, folder 2

Ballistics Solutions (1/68)

Box 4, folder 3

Ballistics Solutions

Box 4, folder 4

Nozzle Flow Problems

Box 4, folder 5

Nozzle Flow Solutions

Box 4, folder 6

Engine Design Problems (1967)

Box 4, folder 7

Engine Design Solutions

Box 4, folder 8

Thermochemistry 1-8 Problems

Box 4, folder 9

Thermochemistry Solutions

Box 4, folder 10

Heat Transfer Problems

Box 4, folder 11

Heat Transfer Solutions

Box 4, folder 12

Problems and Solutions 67-27, 28, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26

Box 4, folder 13

Problems and Solutions 67-12 through 67-16

Box 4, folder 14

Solutions to Problem Set 69-3

Box 4, folder 15

Problem 67-8 through 16 (1967)

Box 4, folder 16

Problem 67-7 (6/30/67)

Box 4, folder 17

67-1 Tullig Solution

Box 4, folder 18

Midterm Exam (2/69)

Box 4, folder 19

1969 Winter Final

Box 4, folder 20

Thermochemistry Quiz (2/20/70)

Box 4, folder 21

Hybrid Problem (1969)

Box 4, folder 22

Hybrid Rocket Design (4/11/68)

Box 4, folder 23

Midterm Solutions (2/69)

Box 4, folder 24

Thermochemistry A Quiz and Thermochemistry B Quiz (2/24/69);

Box 4, folder 25

Thermochemistry A/B Quiz and Solutions (2/26/69)

Box 4, folder 26

Thermochemistry Quiz and Solution (2/23/68)

Box 4, folder 27

Summer 1968 Midterm

Box 4, folder 28

Final Exam (3/68)

Box 4, folder 29

Midterm Solutions (2/68)

Box 4, folder 30

Midterm Exam (2/7/68)

Box 4, folder 31

Handout Stage Mass Ratio Vs. Stage Velocity Increase (1967)

Box 4, folder 32

Propulsion Final (8/18/67)

Box 4, folder 33

Quiz Solutions (1967)

Box 4, folder 34

Thermochemistry Quiz (2/27/67)

Box 4, folder 35

Thermochemistry Quiz Solution (2/27/67)

Box 4, folder 36

Final Exam (3/24/67)

Box 4, folder 37

Assorted Problems

Box 4, folder 38

Course Notes

Box 4, folder 39

Stage Optimization Procedure

Box 4, folder 40

Periodic Table of the Elements

Box 4, folder 41

Gamma Curves

Box 4, folder 42

Theoretical Performance of Rocket Propellant Combinations

Box 4, folder 43

Background Data Form

Box 4, folder 44

Winter Quarter Schedule `69/'70 and `71/`72

Box 4, folder 45

Summer Quarter Schedule 1970

Box 4, folder 46

Set I Rocket Fundamentals

Box 4, folder 47

Set II Ballistics and Staging

Box 4, folder 48

Set III Multi-Stage Rockets

Box 4, folder 49

Set IV Satellite Motion

Box 4, folder 50

Set V Rocket Thrust

Box 4, folder 51

Set VI Design Parameters

Box 4, folder 52

Set VII Simplified Liquid Rocket Design

Box 4, folder 53

Set VIII Solid Propellant Rockets

Box 4, folder 54

Set IX Solid Propellant Rocket Design

Box 4A

Set X Thermochemistry of Rocket Propellants

Language of Material: English.
Box 5, folder 1

Set XI Heat Transfers in Chemical Rockets

Box 5, folder 2

Set XII Ablation

Box 5, folder 3

Set XIII Hybrid Rockets

Box 5, folder 4

Class Grades and Schedules, Tau Beta Pi Survey Results

Box 5, folder 5

Space Suttle Bulletins

Box 5, folder 6

Combustion Processes in a Bipropellant Liquid Rocket Engine

Box 5, folder 7

Reference and Source Material

Box 5, folder 8

Reference: Satellite Auxiliary-Propulsion Selection Techniques

Box 5, folder 9

Reference Materials

Box 5, folder 10

Reference and Source Materials - 1963

Box 5, folder 11

Reference Material: Propulsion for Space Flight

Box 5, folder 12

Reference Material: Nozzle Performance, One-Dimensional Theory

Box 5, folder 13

Reference Material: Flow Equations, Impulse Expressions

Box 5, folder 14

Reference Material: ME 237A Notes and Problems

Box 5, folder 15

Reference Material: Mechanisms of Thermochemical Erosion

Box 5, folder 16

Reference Material: General Ablation Data

Box 5, folder 17

Reference Material: Effect of Chamber Pressure on Ablation Rate of a Packaged Liquid Thrust Chamber

Box 5, folder 18

Reference Material: Methods to Determine Step Weights of Rockets to Minimize Initial Gross Weight

Box 5, folder 19

Reference Material: Estimating Performance Capabilities of Boost Rockets

Box 5, folder 20

Reference Material: Liquid Rocket Heat Transfer

Box 5, folder 21

Reference Materials: Course Outlines

Box 5, folder 22

Reference Materials: Status Report on Large Solid Booster Nozzle Inserts

Box 5, folder 23

Reference Materials: Stage Optimization Curves

Box 5, folder 24

Reference Materials: Bartz Heat Transfer Theory

Box 5, folder 25

Reference Material: On Incremental Rockets

Box 5, folder 26

Reference Material: Estimating Performance Capabilities of Boost Rockets

Box 5, folder 27

Reference Material: Assorted Hybrids Reference

Box 5, folder 28

Reference Material: Space Systems Propulsion Studies

Box 5, folder 29

Reference Material: Ultra-High Temperature Chambers

Box 5, folder 30

Reference Material: Rocket Power Concept

Box 5, folder 31

Reference Material: The Problem of Escape from the Earth by Rocket

Box 5, folder 32

Reference Material: Fundamental Principles of Reaction Propulsion

Box 5, folder 33

Reference Material: Altman Enthalpy Tables

Box 5, folder 34

Reference Material: Energy Limitations on Space Navigation

Box 5, folder 35

Reference Notes: Liquid Propellant Rockets

Box 5, folder 36

Reference Notes: Space Slide Rules


AA 280B Class Files

Box 5, folder 37

Ramjet Problem Set

Box 5, folder 38

Air Augmented Rocket Problems

Box 5, folder 39

Solutions to Air Augmented Rocket Problems (5/10/71)

Box 5, folder 40

Problem AAR-1

Box 5, folder 41

Solutions: Two-Phase Flow

Box 5, folder 42

Two-Phase Flow Problems (4/70, 4/71)

Box 5, folder 43

Thrust Vector Control Problems (1969-71)

Box 5, folder 44

TVC Problem 1 Solutions

Box 5, folder 45

Hybrid Rocket Problem H-1

Box 5, folder 46

Solution to Hybrid Problem H-1 (4/71)

Box 5, folder 47

Characteristics of a Good Solution

Box 5, folder 48

Turbojet Problems

Box 5, folder 49

Kaplan Problem

Box 5, folder 50

Ramjet Problem

Box 5, folder 51

Problem 67-10 Solution (5/25/67)

Box 5, folder 52

Hybrid Rocket Design, Problem 67-1 (4/13/67)

Box 5, folder 53

Problem 69-5 Ramjet

Box 5, folder 54

Solution 67-2

Box 5, folder 55

Solution 67-2 (4/25/67)

Box 5, folder 56

Solutions - Ramjet (5/16/67)

Box 5, folder 57

Ramjet Design Solutions (5/16/68)

Box 5, folder 58

Units Problem 69-3 (4/22/69)

Box 5, folder 59

Ramjet Problem (5/16/56)

Box 5, folder 60

Problem 67-2

Box 5, folder 61

Advanced Chemical Propulsion Spring 1972

Box 5, folder 62

Advanced Propulsion

Box 5, folder 63

Liquid-Solid Rockets

Box 6, folder 1

Charts and Text Thrust Vector Control by Secondary Injection into Rocket Exhaust

Box 6, folder 2

Charts and Text Liquid Rockets (1969)

Box 6, folder 3

Charts and Text Liquid Rocket Charts (1969)

Box 6, folder 4

Charts and Text Gasdynamic Structure of Jets from Plug Nozzles

Box 6, folder 5

Charts and Graphs Typical Throttling/Performance Tradeoffs Without Aft-End Injection

Box 6, folder 6

Charts and Text The Ramjet

Box 6, folder 7

Charts and Text The Thermodynamics of Aircrafts Jet Engines

Box 6, folder 8

Charts and Text Aft-End Injection

Box 6, folder 9

Notes: Dynamics of Two-Phase Flow in Rocket Nozzles (1968)

Box 6, folder 10

Lecture Notes: Liquid Rockets (1969)

Box 6, folder 11

Lecture Notes: Selected Bibliography on Transverse Jets to 1966

Box 6, folder 12

Lecture Notes Hybrid Throttling (6/12/67)

Box 6, folder 13

Financial: EMPTY

Box 6, folder 14

Lecture Notes Dynamics of Two-Phase Flow in Rocket Nozzles Spring (1967)

Box 6, folder 15

Lecture Notes Index to Two-Phase Flow Notes Based on UTC 2102FR

Box 6, folder 16

Lecture Notes - Hybrid Figure Originals

Box 6, folder 17

Class Grades and Schedules

Box 6, folder 18

Advanced Chemical Propulsion Schedule for Spring 1969

Box 6, folder 19

Advanced Chemical Propulsion Schedules and Grades (Spring 1968)

Box 6, folder 20

Advanced Chemical Propulsion Schedules and Grades (Spring 1967)

Box 6, folder 21

Reusable Launch and Reentry Vehicles for Space Flight Short Course (August 1969)

Box 6, folder 22

Hybrid Experiment UTC

Box 6, folder 23

Briefing to the Advanced Propulsion Comparison Steering Committee (March 1, 1972)

Box 6, folder 24

Reference and Source Materials: Miscellaneous Articles

Box 6, folder 25

Reference Material: Internal Rocket Dynamics

Box 6, folder 26

Reference Material: Hybrid Second Copy and Miscellaneous Notes (EMPTY)

Box 6, folder 27

Study Calculations and Report "Air Breathers"

Box 6, folder 28

Reference Material "Combustion - Eustis 1961"

Box 6, folder 29

Reference Material: Misc. Articles from Various Companies Concerning Rockets, Engines and Thrust

Box 6, folder 30

Reference Material: Development of the Post Injection Propulsion System for the Mariner C Spacecraft

Box 6, folder 31

Reference Material: Rains - Feed System Notes 1958 and 1962

Box 6, folder 32

Reference Material: J. Grey - Feed System 1961 (and Dupe)

Box 6, folder 33

Reference Material: Hoffman Liquid Rocket Survey 1961

Box 6, folder 34

Reference Material: Gas Storage in Tanks (French: 1962

Box 6, folder 35

Reference Material: Rocketdyne Propellant Charts (1963)

Box 6, folder 36

Reference Material: Rains TVC Charts 1963-64

Box 6, folder 37

Reference Material: Student Design (Frewing 1964

Box 6, folder 38

Reference Material: Ross on Combustion Chambers Scaling (1965)

Box 6, folder 39

Reference Material: Glassman Liquid Notes

Box 6, folder 40

Reference Material: Osborn, Matheson and Kruger: System Problems

Box 6, folder 41

Reference Material: Miscellaneous Booste, Instability and Premix

Box 6, folder 42

Reference and Source Material: Feed Systems 1960-61

Box 6, folder 43

Two-Phase Flow

Box 6, folder 44

AA 283: Problem Sets, Quizzes, Notes

Box 6, folder 45

AA 283: Student Reports

Box 6, folder 46

AA 283: Things to File

Box 6, folder 47

Hoffman: Calculation of the Lifting Force

Box 6, folder 48

Stanford Propulsion Courses: Seifert A200 Lecture (11/9/67)

Box 6, folder 49

A200: Rocket Propulsion

Box 6, folder 50

AA 283: Class Grades and Schedules

Box 6, folder 51

AA 283: Aircraft Propulsion Source Material

Box 6, folder 52

AA 200: Engine Analysis of Flight Vehicles

Box 6, folder 53

Aerodynamics for Naval Aviators

Box 6a, folder 54

NASA Report: Pressure Recovery Performance of Conical Diffusers at High Subsonic Mach Numbers

Box 6a, folder 55

NASA Report: An Investigation of Several BACA 1-Series Axisymmetric Inlets at Mach Numbers from 0.4 to 1.29

Box 6a, folder 56

NASA Notes: Performance of an Asymmetric Short Annular Diffuser with a Non-Diverging Inner Wall Using Suction

Box 6a, folder 57

NASA Memorandum: Drag and Distribution Measurements of Single-Element Fuel Injectors for Supersonic Combustors

Box 6a, folder 58

GE Report: Subsonic and Supersonic Jets and Supersonic Suppressor Characteristics

Box 6a, folder 59

Aircraft Reprint: "Review of SCRAMJET Propulsion Technology"

Box 6a, folder 60

The Aircraft Gas Turbine Engine and Its Operation

Container Summary: (2 Copies)
Box 6a, folder 61

Allison 250 Series Gas Turbine Engines 317 to 400 Shaft HP for Light Helicopters and Fixed-Wing Aircraft

Box 6a, folder 62

Garrett-Airesearch TPE 331/T76 Turboprop Record

Box 7, folder 1

Program Schedule AA 298: 1961-69

Box 7, folder 2

UTC Technical Seminars

Box 7, folder 3

JPL Research Topics Seperation in Nozzles 1948

Box 7, folder 4

JPL Documents

Box 7, folder 5

Mills-Summerfield Hassle (January 1947)

Box 7, folder 6

Old Cal Tech Notes: Nozzle Flow Paper (April 1958)

Box 7, folder 7

Old Cal Tech Notes: CIT Liquid Notes

Box 7, folder 8

Old Cal Tech Notes: CIT Solid Notes

Box 7, folder 9

Syllabi and Notes - Other Schools: Astro Propulsion - MIT, 1964 (Oates)

Box 7, folder 10

Astro Propulsion Notes MIT (1964)

Box 7, folder 11

Syllabi and Notes - Other Schools: Rocket Exam - UCIA, 1957 (Levine)

Box 7, folder 12

Syllabi and Notes - Other Schools: UCIA - Answers to Sutton, 2nd Edition

Box 7, folder 13

Syllabi and Notes - Other Schools: A Compilation of Lectures Given at Arnold Center as Part of the Work-Study Program, Summers of 1960 and 1961

Box 7, folder 13a

Syllabi and Notes - Other Schools: A Compilation of Lectures Given at Arnold Center as Part of the Work-Study Program, Supp. Summers of 1960 and 1961,

Box 7, folder 14

NASA-SU Summer Institute 1964-66

Box 7, folder 15

Senior Colloquim A48 Extraterrestrial Life - Class Schedules, Grades, Misc.

Box 7, folder 16

ET Life: Class Schedules, Correspondence (1967-68)

Box 7, folder 17

ET Life: Schedules and Correspondence

Box 7, folder 18

ET Life: Borshader Seminar (April 9, 1970)

Box 7, folder 19

ET Life: Lecture Notes

Box 7, folder 20

ET Life: Student Reports

Box 7, folder 21

ET Life: Reference and Source Materials

Box 7, folder 22

ET Life: Reference and Source Materials

Box 7, folder 23

ET Life: AIAA Mount Diablo Section

Box 7, folder 24

ET Life: Reference and Source Materials: Foothill Junior College District Short Courses

Box 7, folder 25

ET Life: Reference and Source Materials; Extraterrestrial Life NASA SP-7015

Box 7, folder 26

ET Life: Notes - August 1967

Box 7, folder 27

ET Life: Notes

Box 7, folder 28

ET Life: Notes

Box 7, folder 29

ET Life: NASA Technical Report Life Detection by Visual Imaging

Box 7, folder 30

ET Life: NASA Technical Report Sample Acquisition for Life Detection Experiments

Box 7, folder 31

AA 283: Reference Materials: AIAA Reprints - 66-674; 66-660; 67-128; 66-87; 66-85; 68-470

Box 7, folder 32

AA 283: Program, Class Schedules; Records 1968-69

Box 7, folder 33

Speaker Lecture Notes: System Development Planning by James G. Wenzel

Box 7, folder 34

National Geographic (April 1960)

Box 7, folder 35

Deep Submergence Systems Project (November 24, 1964)

Box 7, folder 36

Progress in Aircraft Design Since 1903

Box 7, folder 37

Microfilm Reel - Unknown Subject

Box 7, folder 38

AA 280: TV Notes (Winter 1970)

Box 7, folder 39

AA 280: TV Notes (Summer 1969)

Box 8, folder 1

Aerodynamic Noise

Box 8, folder 2

Musical Acoustics (Proposals, Data)

Box 8, folder 3

Science of Music Lecture Notes FS 3 1969-1970

Box 8, folder 4

FS 3 Problems and Quizzes 1969-1970

Box 8, folder 5

FS 3 Source Material and References: The Catgut Acoustical Society

Box 8, folder 6

FS 3 Science of Music Planning and Correspondence 1969-1970

Box 8, folder 7

FS 3 Planning and Correspondence Distribution List 1969-1970

Box 8, folder 8

FS 3 Program Schedules and Class Records 1969-1970

Box 8, folder 9

FS 3 Science of Music Notes 1969-1970

Box 8, folder 10

FS 3 Science of Music Notes 1969-1970

Box 8, folder 11

FS 166 Problems and Quizzes

Box 8, folder 12

FS 166 Program Schedules and Class Records

Box 8, folder 13

FS 166 Lecture Notes 1971

Box 8, folder 14

FS 166 Science of Music Planning and Correspondence (1971)

Box 8, folder 15

FS 166 Planning and Correspondence Distribution Lists 1971

Box 8, folder 16

FS 166 Equipment and Lab Data

Box 8, folder 17

FS 166 Source Material and References 1971

Box 8, folder 18

FS 166 Source Material and References 1969-70

Box 8, folder 19


Box 8, folder 20

Research Proposal

Box 8, folder 21

Technical Information Service Report (in German)

Box 8, folder 22

NAtional Science Foundation Potential Opportunity Report 72-2 March 10, 1972

Box 8, folder 23

Sponsored Research in the School of Engineering - The Role of Research Coordination

Box 8, folder 24

Potential Research Topics - Miscellaneous

Box 8, folder 25

General Research Plans Bernard Spectra 1970

Box 8, folder 26

Research Planning (Rambo 1970 Essay)

Box 8, folder 27

Steam Rocket

Box 8, folder 28

Steam Rocket

Box 8, folder 29

Steam Rocket

Box 8, folder 30

Laser Doppler - 1966

Box 8, folder 31

Analysis of a Propulsion Device Whose Chamber Conditions are Dependent Upon Time - Bruce G. Wrenn

Box 8, folder 32

Liquid Rockets: Rudi Beichel Aerojet General Corporation

Box 8, folder 33

Chemical Diets November 27, 1967

Box 8, folder 34

Bloomer - Space Telescope

Box 8, folder 35

Electrically Augmented Burners - G. Montes, R. Cushing - Northern Natural Gas Co.

Box 8, folder 36


Box 8, folder 37

Holography Kit

Box 8, folder 38

Vortex Flow

Box 8, folder 39

Oceanology 1967

Box 8, folder 40

Miscellaneous Articles 1967

Box 8, folder 41

Particle Cyclotron April 11, 1967

Box 8, folder 42


Box 8, folder 43

Bloomer - Space Telescope May 10, 1966

Box 8, folder 44

Small Kundt Tube April 21, 1967

Box 8, folder 45

Oscillation Droplets, OAR, Vol. 6, No. 3

Box 8, folder 46

Operation of Solid Fuel MHD Generators, C. D. Bangerton, A. H. Peterson, E. E. Covert March 30, 1967

Box 8, folder 47

Experimental Thesis: Particle Drag Coefficient March 31, 1967

Box 8, folder 48

Laser Impact: Laser to Assist Shock Studies

Box 8, folder 49

Miscellaneous on Lasers

Box 8, folder 50

Examining the Anomaly of the Singular Point at Launch of the Tapered Exhaust Velocity Rocket February 2, 1967

Box 8, folder 51

Holography and DCO Plot RFP November 23, 1966

Box 8, folder 52

Subliming Jets September 1966

Box 8, folder 53

Subliming Rocket

Box 8, folder 54

Lateral-Step Rockets 1951

Box 8, folder 55

Wrenn-MHD Dra (1961-62

Box 8, folder 56

OAR Progress 1965

Box 8, folder 57

Power Generation, Electric and Advanced Propulsion (Non-Chemical) November 1965

Box 8, folder 58

Future Satellite to Use Skyhook 1966

Box 8, folder 59

All-Fluid Control, J. A. King July 1966

Box 8, folder 60

John Teem October 20, 1966

Box 8, folder 61

Af Raps Research Log, Technology Week October 10, 1966

Box 8, folder 62

Coanda Effect, Scientific American June 1966

Box 8, folder 63

Ordnance Topic Search

Box 8, folder 64

Pulse-Electric Propulsion

Box 8, folder 65

RAdiator Problem

Box 8, folder 66

Resume of John A. Dempsey

Box 8, folder 67

Radiance Characteristics of Interacting Flames William S. Cronk and William A. Schmeling September 1969

Box 8, folder 68

Drag and Propulsion of Large Satellites in the Ionosphere; an Alfven Propulsion Engine in Space

Box 8, folder 69

NASA Flight Research Center Programs

Box 8, folder 70

A New Technique for TVC Control: USTTVC, B. W. Silver May 31, 1963

Box 8, folder 71

Tilt Nozzle

Box 8, folder 72

Pintle Nozzles

Box 8, folder 73

The Dynamics of Liquids in Moving Containers - A Survey, R. M. Cooper June 1960

Box 8, folder 74

Notes on UTC Technical Management Conference October 25, 1965

Box 8, folder 75

JPL Space Programs Summary No. 37-39, Vol. 9

Box 8, folder 76

Subliming Solid

Box 8, folder 77

Micrometeoroid Simulation

Box 8, folder 78

Graduate and Undergraduate Theses

Box 8, folder 79

JPL Research Activities

Box 8, folder 80

NASA Bibliography No. 229, ARC Jet Axisymmetric Hall Accelerator June 1965

Box 8, folder 81

NASA Bibliography 1229, ARC Jet Axisymmetric Hall Accelerator - PArt II

Box 8, folder 82

Axisymmetric HAll Accelerated ARC with Axial Magnetic Fluid:, S. L. Camacho

Box 8, folder 83

The Subliming Solid Control Rocket March 2, 1965

Box 8A, folder 84

Subliming Jet December 1966

Box 8A, folder 85


Box 8A, folder 86

Letter from V. R. Gutman, Review of Selected Papers of the AIAA Meeting at Palo Alto January 29, 1964

Box 8A, folder 87

Aerospace Theses Topics List January 1963

Box 8A, folder 88

NASA Technical Reports List, Misc. Notes

Box 8A, folder 89

AFRPL Planning Brochure 1965

Box 8A, folder 90-91

Electrical Control of Solid Propellant Burning, P. J. MAyo, L. A. Watermeieeer, F. J. Weinberg 1965

Box 8A, folder 92

Stilt-Walking Elaboration

Box 8A, folder 93

AA Department Published Reports Listing, Miscellaneous Notes

Box 8A, folder 94

Unlabelled Notes

Box 8A, folder 95

Shaking a Rocket to Death, Research Review September 1966

Box 8A, folder 96

Technology Week. 6th Annual NASA Issue November 28, 1966

Box 8A, folder 97

E. Fields and Combustion

Box 8A, folder 98

NSF-ONR Proposal Calls

Box 8A, folder 99

De Bra - Microthruster - Electrical Energy August 26, 1970

Box 8A, folder 100

Thesis - General Planning; Hall-Airport City 1969

Box 9, folder 1

Potential Research Topics and Engineering Thesis - General Planning, Cohen 70's Rocket Forecast, No. 2

Box 9, folder 2

General Planning, Sublimation April 8, 1970

Box 9, folder 3

General Planning, Miscellaneous Notes

Box 9, folder 4

General Planning, Lehan, Potential Research 1968

Box 9, folder 5

General Planning, Steam Rocket Booster 1969

Box 9, folder 6

General Planning, Dr. Harold Wooster, Reducing (Foods and Metabolism) 1969

Box 9, folder 7

General Planning, Research Opportunities Related to Technical Problems February 1969

Box 9, folder 8

Holography and Its Applications

Box 9, folder 9

Park Rocket - Point Lite Source, Christie Electric Corporation

Box 9, folder 10

Park Rocket March 20, 1956

Box 9, folder 11

Chase-BAllistics, Contents of Engineering Thesis, 1968

Box 9, folder 12

Hop Toy

Box 9, folder 13

Bloomer 1968-71

Box 9, folder 14

Bloomer-Lasers, Discraft Corporation, 1967

Box 9, folder 15

David V. Kalbaugh, Park Rocket June 1968

Box 9, folder 16

Auhll-Pogo: AA 290 Auhll Design Study

Box 9, folder 17


Box 9, folder 18

Huddleston - Kundt's Tube, June 1968

Box 9, folder 19

Huddleston - Acoustic Particle April 14, 1969

Box 9, folder 20

Huddleston - Correspondence and E. S. forces

Box 9, folder 21

Huddleston - Kundts Tube, Babcock Photos

Box 9, folder 22

On the Circulations Caused by the Vibration of Air in a Tube

Box 9, folder 23

Huddleston - Kundts Tube, Thermistor Explorations in a Kundt Tube

Box 9, folder 24

Andrews - Electrical Properties

Box 9, folder 25

Feasibility of Hybrid Pyrotechnic Signature Generation Techniques

Box 9, folder 26

Lai-UTC Feasibility of Hybrid Pyrotechnic Signature Generation Techniques

Box 9, folder 27

Lai-UTC An Approach to Scaling of Flame Irradiance, 1969

Box 9, folder 28

Hybrid Demonstration - Bunn

Box 9, folder 29

Placer - Investigation of Flow Fields Due to Retro-Jets and Their Use for Vehicle Drag Modulation

Box 9, folder 30

Faculty Research and Scholarship Table, 1974-75

Box 9, folder 31

Aero #16A-66 Measurement of Particle Velocity in Gas-PArticle 2-Phase Flow by Laser-Doppler Technique

Box 9, folder 32

Aero No. 9-65, Proposal for the Research and Measurement of Particles

Box 9, folder 33

Monthly Reports

Box 9, folder 34

Study Calculations and Reports, Present Status of Particle Velocity Determination Using Opticle Doppler Reader, L. F. Mollenauer

Box 9, folder 35

SUDAARS Application of Laser-Doppler Technique to Measure Two-Phase Flow, R. N. James 1965

Box 9, folder 36

Study Calc./Reports, Early Study Notes, Colloidal Propulsion

Box 9, folder 37

Study Calc./Reports, Preliminary Survey of Colloidal Propulsion Particle Size and Charge Requirement, R. N. James

Box 9, folder 38

Proposal, The Role of Research Coordination

Box 9, folder 39

Proposal, New Proposal for Research Submitted to Project Squid

Box 9, folder 40

Colloidal Proposal Research, J. P. Kesserling 1964-1967

Box 9, folder 41

SUDAARS Publications, Colloid Propulsion Negatives and Photos

Box 9, folder 42

SUDAARS Publications, The Use of Preformed Solid Particles... Kesserling, Seifert October 1968

Box 9, folder 43

Development of a Solid-Charged Colloidal Particle Thruster

Box 9, folder 44

Colloidal Preparation - Appendix 1

Box 9, folder 45

Electrical Propulsion with Colloidal Materials

Box 9, folder 46

Reference and Source Materials, Onboard Colloidal Particle for Electrostatic Engines C. T. Norgren

Box 9, folder 47

Decomposition of a Liquid Jet Injected Normal to A Supersonic Air Stream June 1972

Box 9, folder 48

TVC File Index (From UTC to March 1984)

Box 9, folder 49

Comptes Rendus TVC JAnuary 1963

Box 9, folder 50

Opposing Jets September 1962

Box 9, folder 51

TVC Reference and Source Material, Study of Secondary Injection of Gases Into Supersonic Flow

Box 9, folder 52

Broadwell-STL-Blast Wave March 15, 1962

Box 9, folder 53

Schgal-Wu, JPL July 1963

Box 9, folder 54

Proposal, Laser Analysis of Rocket Exhaust with A Condensed Phase July 8, 1963

Box 9, folder 55

Proposal, Measurement of Particle Velocity in Gas-Particle Two-Phase Flow by a Laser-Doppler Technique July 7, 1966

Box 9, folder 56

Security Guide

Box 9, folder 57

Bi-Monthly Reports and Summaries: Laser Doppler

Container Summary: (3 Binders)
Box 9A, folder 58

SUDAARS Publications, Development of Laser-Doppler Particle Sensor... Morse, Tullis, Seifert and Babcock

Box 9A, folder 59

Optical and IR Properties of AL2O3 at Elevated Temperatures

Box 9A, folder 60

Reference and Source Material, Temperature Dependence of the m,e Scattering and Absorption Cross Sections for Aluminum Oxide

Box 9A, folder 61

Reference and Source Material, Experimental Investigation of the Opacity of Small Particles, P. J. MArteney, NASA CR-211 April 1965

Box 9A, folder 62

Dan Particles

Box 9A, folder 63

Reference and Source Materials, Mechanism of Particle Collision in the One-Dimensional Dynamics of Gas-Particle Mixtures, Frank E. Marble August 1964

Box 9A, folder 64

Reference and Source Materials, Gas Velocity Measurement Using Scattering Techniques, Foreman, George, Jenson

Box 9A, folder 65

Reference and Source Material, Exhaust Particle Size Data

Box 9A, folder 66

Correspondence 1970-1972

Box 9A, folder 67

Correspondence 1969

Box 9A, folder 68

Laser Doppler: Proposal and Planning 1971

Box 10, folder 1

Laser Doppler: Proposal and Planning, 1969-70

Box 10, folder 2

Research, Laser Doppler - Contract, 1969-70,

Box 10, folder 3

Financial: 1969, 1970

Box 10, folder 4

Laser Doppler, Periodic Reports, 28-Sep-70

Box 10, folder 5

Investigation of Particle Size in Two-Phase Exhausts by Means of the Optical Response of a Laser-Doppler Velocimeter, and notes

Box 10, folder 6

Laser Doppler Paper

Box 10, folder 7

Project Squid Note, Report (Loose)

Box 10, folder 8

Study Calculations/Reports, AF Propulsion Laboratory Two-Phase Flow Conference, March, 1969

Box 10, folder 9

SUDAARS and Publication

Box 10, folder 10

Investigation of Particle Size in Two-Phase Exhausts by Means of the Optical Response of a Laser-Doppler Velocimeter, November 1972

Box 10, folder 11

Photos - Glass Beads Under White and Laser Light - Assorted Magnifications

Box 10, folder 12

Squid Final Report

Box 10, folder 13

An Experimental Investigation of Turbulent Diffusion; notes and memos, July 6, 1972

Box 10, folder 14

Particle Flow in Turbomachinery with Application to Laser-Doppler Velocimetry

Box 10, folder 15

Development of a Laser-Doppler Particle Sensor for the Measurement of Velocities in Rocket Exhaust, Seifert, et al

Box 10, folder 16

Investigation of Particle Size in Two-Phase Exhausts by Means of the Optical Response of a Laser-Doppler Celocimeter (loose), Andrews, Seiffert

Container Summary: (2 copies)
Box 10, folder 17

Laser Anemometry

Box 10, folder 18

Frontiers of Laser Development

Box 10, folder 19

Investigation of Particle-Size Determination from the Optical Response of a Laser-Doppler Velocimeter, D. Andrews, H. Seiffert, November 1971

Container Summary: (2 copies)
Box 10, folder 20

The Optical Response of a Laser-Doppler Sensing Instrument in Measurements of High Velocity Particle-Entraining Flows, Tullis, January, 1970

Box 10, folder 21

Use of Lasers for Local Measurement of Velocity Components, Species Densities and Temperatures, Penner, Jerskey

Box 10, folder 22

Reference and Source Material

Box 10, folder 23

Laser-Doppler Velocity Measurements of Swirling Flows with Upstream Influence, Orloff and Bossel, July 1973

Box 10, folder 24

Study of Laser Backscatter by Particulates in Stock Emissions, April 23, 1973

Box 10, folder 25

Measurement of Particle Drag Coefficients in Flow Regimes Encountered by Particles in a Rocket Nozzle, Crowe, Babcock, Willoughby, Carbon

Box 10, folder 26

Calculation of Scattered Patterns from Asymmetrical Reflectors, Ludwig, February 15, 1970

Box 10, folder 27

Project Squid: Semi-annual Progress Report May 1, 1970

Box 10, folder 28

Investigation of Supersonic Phenomena in a Two-Phase Tunnel, Eddington January 1970

Box 10, folder 29

Dusty Hypersonic Flows, Probstein, Fassio

Box 10, folder 30

Mechanism of Particle Collision in the One-Dimensional Dynamics of Gas-particle Mixtures, Marble, August 1964

Box 10, folder 31


Box 10, folder 32

Outline - Final Squid Report

Box 10, folder 33


Box 10, folder 34


Box 10, folder 35

Laser-Doppler Instruction Manual Manuscript

Box 10, folder 36

Dana Andrews: Thesis Rough Draft

Box 10, folder 37

Dana Andrews: Thesis

Box 10, folder 38

Dana Andrews: Final Thesis

Box 10, folder 39

Particle Size LDV-Andrews, 1974

Box 10, folder 40

Current LDV

Box 10, folder 41

Development of a Laser-Doppler Particle Sensor for the Measurement of Velocities in Rocket Exhausts, Seiffert, et al

Box 10, folder 42

IDA Trip - December 14-15, 1972

Box 10, folder 43

LDV References

Box 10, folder 44

L. G. Correspondence-TV Publicity

Box 10, folder 45

Engineering Notes - The Lunar Pogo Stick, Journal of Spacecraft, Vol. 4, No. 7, pp. 941-943 July 1967,

Box 10, folder 46

Art Work: Pogo, color and black and white

Box 10, folder 47

Kaplan-Grasshopper Theory, 1967/68 Dissertation Outline

Box 10, folder 48

Small Scale Lunar Surface Personnel Transporter Employing the Hopping Mode, Seifert, et al September 1, 1971

Box 10, folder 49

Supporting Calculations and Studies - earliest notes May 23, 1966

Box 10, folder 50

Meeting, Ronald J. - Proposal Comments, Thermodynamic Analysis of the Process of Letting Gas from the Reaction Chamber into the Piston for a Lunar Pogo Stick Using Anhydrous Hydrazine, December 7, 1967

Box 10A, folder 51

Pogo Notebook, Meeting

Box 10A, folder 52

Lunar Grasshopper Proposal Critique, NASA Critique

Box 10A, folder 53

Kaplan Proposal, 1974

Box 10A, folder 54

Kaplan Proposal - Small Scale Lunar Surface Personnel Transporter Employing the Hopping Mode

Box 10A, folder 55

Formal Pogo Proposals

Box 10A, folder 56

Kaplan Hopper Proposal

Container Summary: (Envelope)
Box 10A, folder 57

Semi-Annual Status Report, Small Scale Lunar Surface Personnel Transporter Employing the Hopping Mode, September 1968

Container Summary: (loose)
Box 10A, folder 58

AIAA Paper: Hopping Transporter for the Lunar Explorer October 1968

Box 10A, folder 59

Pogo Publicity

Box 10A, folder 60

Renewal Proposal for Research on a Small-Scale Lunar Surface Personnel Transporter Employing the Hopping Mode, March 9, 1970

Box 10A, folder 61

Ames Pogo Review, May 21, 1970

Box 10A, folder 62

Pogo Pictures

Box 10A, folder 63

Meetin/Seifert - Closed Cycle Problem

Box 10A, folder 64


Box 10A, folder 65

Meetin Papers

Container Summary: (envelope)
Box 10A, folder 66

Meetin Papers

Container Summary: (envelope)
Box 11, folder 1

Minutes of Pogo Meetings - 4/3/68 to 12/17/69

Container Summary: (binder)
Box 11, folder 2

Pogo Notes, 1968-70

Container Summary: (binder)
Box 11, folder 3

Pogo Demonstrator Publicity

Box 11, folder 4

NASA Grant - Reference and Source Material

Box 11, folder 5

Manned Propulsion Devices and Their Application On Earth and In Space, Seale and Emerson

Box 11, folder 6

Reference/Source Material, Experimental Investigation of Ultahigh Vacuum Adhesion as Related to the Lunar Surface, JAnuary 1 to December 31, 1968

Box 11, folder 7

Synoptic Paper and Kaplan Plane-Change

Box 11, folder 8

Kaplan Plane-Change and Proposal

Box 11, folder 9

Pogo Publication

Box 11, folder 10

Meetin Pogo Paper

Box 11, folder 11

Kaplan-Meetin-Pogo Correspondence, Proposal

Box 11, folder 12

Pogo Closed System and Proposal

Box 11, folder 13

Design Specification Grove - Mity-Mite Regulator October 1967

Box 11, folder 14

Lunar Grasshopper (Pogo) Page Demonstrator... Propulsion Tests

Box 11, folder 15

Pogo Demonstrator - Drawings and Reports

Container Summary: (pictures)
Box 11, folder 16

Robotics (spires) Compendex

Box 11, folder 17

Ph.D. Qualifying Examinations beginning May 1970

Box 11, folder 18

Ph.D. Qualifying Examinations (Examination question Types - January 15, 1971

Box 11, folder 19

Notes, Qualifications, Etc., May 1971

Box 11, folder 20

Qualifying Examinations, 1971

Box 11, folder 21

Ph.D. Examinations, (confidential) May 1970

Box 11, folder 22

Ph.D. Qualifying Examinations, January 1970

Box 11, folder 23

Ph.D. Qualifying Examinations, (confidential) January 1969

Box 11, folder 24

Ph.D. Qualifying Examinations, January and May 1968

Box 11, folder 25

Ph.D. Qualifying Examination Results - (confidential) January 12 and 13, 1967

Box 11, folder 26

Ph.D. Qualifying Examinations, 1966-67

Box 11, folder 27

Ph.D. Qualifying Examinations, Enrollment to 1964

Box 11, folder 28

Ph.D. Qualifying Examinations, Oral Scores, 1962-64

Box 11, folder 29

General Finances, 1971-74

Box 11, folder 30

Long-term Plans, Stanford Documents

Box 11, folder 31

Administration and Planning, UPL-CIT REIN's, 1970

Box 11, folder 32

Long-term Plans - Propulsion August 22, 1968,

Box 11, folder 33

Long-term Plans - Space Task Group

Box 11, folder 34

Long-term Plans - Plans, Aero and Astro Department, Space Committee, 1962

Box 11, folder 35

Department Brochure, Aero/Astro 1970,

Box 11, folder 36

Department Brochures (Engineering Department) Faculty Directory, 1969-70, 1971-72

Box 11, folder 37

Department Brochures - Thermo. Sciences, Engineering Education at Stanford, 1968

Box 11, folder 38

Department Brochures History to 1963

Box 11, folder 39

Affiliates, 1975-76

Box 11, folder 40

Affiliates, May 6-7, 1974

Box 11, folder 41

Affiliates, 1974

Box 11, folder 42

Affiliates, (University) 1974

Box 11, folder 43

Afiliates, Miscellaneous, 1973

Box 11, folder 44

Department Brochures, Affiliates and Alumni Newsletter

Box 11, folder 45

Affiliates, 1975

Box 11, folder 46

Affiliates, Miscellaneous, 1973

Box 11, folder 47

Stanford University Affiliates Notes, May 1973

Box 11, folder 48

Affiliates and Sponsors, 1970-71

Box 11A, folder 49

Affiliates Remarks by HSS to First Annual Meeting: SU Affiliates - Kesselring and Tulles April 11, 1960,

Box 11A, folder 50

Affiliates Stanford for Engineering

Box 11A, folder 51

Internal Affairs Committee

Box 11A, folder 52

Lecturer Appointments The News President: Kenneth S. Pitzer 1968,

Box 11A, folder 53

Facilities Major Equipment for Next Decade

Box 11A, folder 54

Facilities Propulsion Teaching Lab, July 26, 1966

Box 11A, folder 55

Curriculum - Stanford University Freshman Seminars, 1967-68

Box 11A, folder 56

Curriculum - 1970-71, 1973

Box 11A, folder 57

Aero/Astro Department Administration- Professor Wells Notes on AA 241, 1970

Box 11A, folder 58

Curriculum - 280 A, B, C - Outlines, et al

Box 11A, folder 59

Curriculum - Underwater Propulsion or Hydronautics

Box 11A, folder 60

Curriculum - Planning: First 280A - 1960

Box 11A, folder 61

Curriculum - Propulsion 1959-60 Plans (STL-UCLA, 1959)

Box 11A, folder 62

Curriculum - Memo Re: Seminar on Electric Propulsion - AA 298, March 21, 1961

Box 11A, folder 63

Curriculum - 280A Laboratory (possible)

Box 11A, folder 64

Curriculum - Curriculum Committee - 1961

Box 11A, folder 65

Curriculum - History Astro to 1962

Box 11A, folder 66


Box 11A, folder 67

Ignorance Explosion

Box 11A, folder 68

Freshman Seminar Topic, Must Science be Obscure? November 2, 1970,

Box 11A, folder 69

Rambo 1970 Conference Cassandra Talk

Box 11A, folder 70

SDS Info - Student Revolt 1969

Box 11A, folder 71

Stamp Out Engineering Schools - Robert Hutchins 1968,

Box 11A, folder 72

Packer, 1968

Box 11A, folder 73

The Reluctant Astronaut S. Ramu and P. Johnson, March 20, 1959

Box 12, folder 1


Box 12, folder 2


Box 12, folder 3


Box 12, folder 4

AS Metals

Box 12, folder 5

A. Nuclear Soc.

Box 12, folder 6

A. Phys. Soc. - Materials

Box 12, folder 7


Box 12, folder 8


Box 12, folder 9


Box 12, folder 10

Minutes - Stanford University Committee (Eng.) April 29, 1975

Box 12, folder 11

Ann. and Forms (by Soc.), Miscellaneous

Box 12, folder 12

Candidates (by name) and Forms

Box 12, folder 13

Preliminary List Combined with Deadlines

Box 12, folder 14

Honors and Awards Committee, Stanford Awardees List

Box 12, folder 15

Text Writing

Box 12, folder 16

Consulting and Professional

Box 12, folder 17

UTC Monthly Reports - HSS Consulting 1966-67

Box 12, folder 18

Capabilities of the Physical Science Laboratory, UTC Brochure 64-45 May 1964

Box 12, folder 19

Chemical Laser Task Force 1971

Box 12, folder 20

Research and Development

Box 12, folder 21

Mislaid Laboratory Books

Box 12, folder 22

Tech Programs UTC Air Breathing

Box 12, folder 23

AIAA Business and Correspondence

Box 12, folder 24

TC Membership List

Box 12, folder 25

TAC Actions: SST Study

Box 12, folder 26

Correspondence AIAA

Box 12, folder 27

Final Program

Box 12, folder 28

Energy Systems TC

Box 12, folder 29

IAA and IAF Business Correspondence - Letter from J. J. Harford Re: Aide Memoire on Plenary Session held during the 11th IAF Congress in Stockhold August 1960

Box 12, folder 30

IAA Bulletins - International Academy of Astronautics Membership List, 1966

Box 12, folder 31

IAA Bulletins Beginning 1970

Box 12, folder 32

McGraw-Hill Correspondence (Consult Ed. Contract 1960

Box 12, folder 33

Correspondence 1967

Box 12, folder 34

McGraw-Hill Correspondence 1968

Box 12, folder 35

McGraw-Hill: Gates-UPL, Lunar and Planetary Flight Analysis

Box 12, folder 36

IS and T Correspondence 1966-67

Box 12, folder 37

Wiley Correspondence - Dover Reprint

Box 12, folder 38

Tinnan-Brown Correspondence

Box 12, folder 39

Reprints AIAA-SST Study, March 1, 1971

Box 12, folder 40

JPL Publications - JPL Explorer 10th Anniversary

Box 12, folder 41

Notes and Reports (non-rocket) The United States Supersonic Transport John M. Swihart, The Boeing Company

Box 12, folder 42

Notes and Reprints - Amateur Rocketry

Box 12, folder 43

Notes and Reports - Fluid Dynamics Theoretical Investigation of the Switching Mechanism in a Bistable..., M. Epstein

Box 12, folder 44

Fluid Dynamics - Miscellaneous Articles by H. G. Heinrich

Box 12, folder 45

Fluid Dynamics - The Expansion of a Rarefied Gas into a Vacuum by P. Molme July 27, 1959

Box 12, folder 46

Dynamics - Some Basic Response Relations for Reaction-Wheel Attitude Control, W. H. Cannon Jr.

Box 12, folder 47

Dynamics - Basic Response Relations for Satellite Attitude Control Using Gyros, R. H. Cannon, Jr.

Box 12, folder 48

Structures - Paper # 219, Introduction to Instability: A Pictorial Survey of Stability, etc., W. H. Horton, S. C. Bailey, B. H. Mcwilkin

Box 12, folder 49

Clippings - John F. Kennedy Space Center

Box 12, folder 50

Clippings - Space Radiators, Cooled Probes for Gas Measurement at Very High Temperatures

Box 12, folder 51

Clippings - Ranger Photo Series from JPL October 12, 1965

Box 12, folder 52

Clippings - Swingby

Box 12, folder 53

SERI File Index and Addresses

Box 12, folder 54

SERI Expenditures

Box 12, folder 55

Budgets and Expenditures

Box 12, folder 56

Proposal Outlines and Position Papers

Box 12, folder 57

California Siting Source Data - Fortune Survey

Box 12, folder 58

Current California Research (Hoffner, Smithsonian, CSES)

Box 12, folder 59

ERDA Bulletins

Box 12, folder 60

Public Information and Education (Including TV)

Box 12, folder 61

Candidate Personnel

Box 12, folder 62

Other Studies

Box 12, folder 63

Personal Notes -HS-CTT-EQL Meeting Notes 1971-72

Box 12, folder 64

Correspondence and Notes

Box 12, folder 65

Solar Correspondence 1975

Box 12, folder 66


Box 12, folder 67

Correspondence - Northrop Solar Proposal 1975

Box 12, folder 68

Northrop Proposal

Box 12, folder 69

For Non-solar File

Box 12, folder 70

Northrop Tech. Data - Northrop Facility

Box 12, folder 71

Undergraduate Solar Program 1975

Box 12, folder 72

De Guerre Pool

Box 12, folder 73

Hittman Report on Domestic Energy

Box 12, folder 74

Solar UPL Reference

Box 12, folder 75

References and Sources

Box 12, folder 76

NASA-Ames Flexure Meter (solar)

Box 12, folder 77

Energy-General References

Box 13, folder 1

Solar and Peltier (SPIRES) Compendex

Box 13, folder 2

Western Regional Solar Heating and Cooling Workshops and Product Exhibit

Box 13, folder 3

AIAA Technical Committee Data 1974

Box 13, folder 4

Move and Sort Logic July 22, 1976

Box 13, folder 5

SCRA - Solar Pool Heat Plans

Box 13, folder 6

Miscellaneous Articles, Clippings and Magazines Concerning Solar Energy

Box 13, folder 7

DOD Discussion

Box 13, folder 8

Mixed H2 and O2 Jets September 7, 1970

Box 13, folder 9

Irvin Benard - Hybrid Spectra

Box 13, folder 10

Course Evaluation 280A

Box 13, folder 11

Postoffice Research

Box 13, folder 12

Vandalism Committee Beginning April 10, 1970

Box 13, folder 13

Lunar Grasshopper Publicity

Box 13, folder 14

Eustis - MHD Pros.

Box 13, folder 15

Vacuum Balloon

Box 13, folder 16

Productive Meeting - JPL

Box 13, folder 17

Electric Propulsion Notes (Piasecki)

Box 13, folder 18

Teleoperators (Including AA 297 Seminar, November 15, 1972)

Box 13, folder 19

Automation - JPL

Box 13, folder 20

JPL Proposals and Funding

Box 13, folder 21

Courses and Advisees

Box 13, folder 22


Box 13, folder 23

Correspondence and Equipment Records

Box 13, folder 24

WHP Saudi Project

Box 13, folder 25

Coulombrer, Marie Farge

Box 13, folder 26

Miscellaneous Papers

Box 13, folder 27

SERI Accounts

Box 13, folder 28


Box 13, folder 29

Current Projects

Box 13, folder 30

DuBra Snow Gun

Box 13, folder 31

Two-Phase Flow

Box 13, folder 32

Solar Energy R & D

Box 13, folder 33

Amarande Ballistics, Fluid Dynamics Notes

Box 13, folder 34

Tau Beta Pi Teaching Survey

Box 13, folder 35

ERDA: R & D Solicitation Requests for Research Proposals

Box 13, folder 36

Hearing Requirements of Swimming Pools (Graduate Thesis)

Box 13, folder 37

SERI Proposal to ERDA

Box 13A, folder 38

Solar Energy Studies in Progress by Proposed SERI Member Universities 1976-77

Box 13A, folder 39

AIAA International Electric Propulsion Conference (Colorado State Papers)

Box 13A, folder 40

Ion Research for NASA (Colorado State)

Box 13A, folder 41

Laser-Doppler Velocimeter Lab Work

Box 13A, folder 42

Caltech Alumni Directory 1975

Box 13A, folder 43

Caltech JPL Phone Directory 1974

Box 13A, folder 44

Directory of Research and Scholarship at Stanford 1975

Box 14, folder 1

Miscellaneous Notes, 1975-76

Box 14, folder 2

Solar Brochures

Box 14, folder 3

Industry Opinions on Formation of SERI

Box 14, folder 4

Miscellaneous Solar Energy Applications, Present and Future

Box 14, folder 5

Miscellaneous Solar Industrial, Commercial Applications

Box 14, folder 6

JPL Civil Systems

Box 14, folder 7

Light Generation Dispersion Detection

Box 14, folder 8

UCLA Short Courses in Engineering and Mathematics Catalogue, 1975

Box 14, folder 9

Test Report: MArtin MArietta Black Surface

Box 14, folder 10

Electrical Power systems for Space

Box 14, folder 11

Solar Radiation Measuring Equipment

Box 14, folder 12

National Science Foundation Guide to Programs

Box 14, folder 13

SERI Proposal - State of New Mexico

Box 14, folder 14

ERDA Solar Development Program Reports

Box 14, folder 15

Berkeley Cyclotron

Box 14, folder 16

JPL Energy Program

Box 14, folder 17

Berkeley Geothermal Test Facility

Box 14, folder 18

Electric Power Research Institute

Box 14, folder 19

Solar Applications

Box 14, folder 20

National Solar Energy Research Institute

Box 14, folder 21

SERI Proposal: California

Box 14, folder 22

Slides: Solar Energy

Box 14A, folder 23

Personal Correspondence and Information on Solar Applications

Box 14B

Slides: Solar energy 1976

Language of Material: English.

Course Information Collection I ARCH-2023-514, Series 2

Language of Material: English.
Box 15, folder 1

A. Fundamentals


A.1 Problems and Solutions

Box 15, folder 2-3


Box 15, folder 4-5


Box 15, folder 6-7-8


Box 15, folder 9-10


Box 15, folder 11-12


Box 15, folder 13-14



A. 2 Quizzes and Solutions

Box 15, folder 15


Box 15, folder 16


Box 15, folder 17


Box 15, folder 18


Box 15, folder 19


Box 15, folder 20



A.3 Notes, Charts, and Data

Box 15, folder 21

Pe/Pc vs. e

Box 15, folder 22

r vs. r1 vs. alpha (gamma) neg.

Box 15, folder 23

Wp vs. dv + Ws - 1 stage

Box 15, folder 24

Stage Opt. Curves-Rains

Box 15, folder 25

Two Cf curves (neg.)

Box 15, folder 26

Boil and Rad. H. T. Masters

Box 15, folder 27

Hybrid 1961 Data

Box 15, folder 28

Emission of CO2 and H2O

Box 15, folder 29

Boil H. Tr. - 2 charts


A.4 Notes

Box 15, folder 30

Burr Ballistics Notes 1961

Box 15, folder 31

Marxman Paper - Hybrid Comb.

Box 15, folder 32

Marxman Class Notes - Hybrids

Box 15, folder 33

Wooldridge Notes - Hybrids

Box 15, folder 34

2-Phase Flow: Crowe and Wrenn

Box 15, folder 35

HSS Notes: October 12, 1964

Box 15, folder 36

HSS Notes: October 9, 1964

Box 15, folder 37

HSS Notes: (solids) October 21, 1964

Box 15, folder 38

Weil or McLaren - Propellants


A.5: Records and Schedules

Box 15, folder 39


Box 15, folder 40


Box 15, folder 41


Box 15, folder 42


Box 15, folder 43


Box 15, folder 44



A.6 Source Materials

Box 15, folder 45

Reference/Source and Material

Box 15, folder 46

The Book; Miscellaneous Performance Calculations and Figures


B.1 Problems and Solutions

Box 15, folder 47

Problems - 1961 (NSF) 1963, 1964

Box 15, folder 48

Problems and Solutions 1962, 1963


B.2 Quizzes

Box 15, folder 49

Quizzes 1961, 1962, 1963

Box 15, folder 50

Quizzes 1964, 1965


B.3 Notes

Box 15, folder 51

Class Notes 1964, 1965

Box 15, folder 52

Speaker and Lecturer Notes

Box 15, folder 53

Lecturer Notes: Aaron Rose, Solid 1962,

Box 15, folder 54

Lecturer Notes: Goalwin, Liquid 1962,

Box 15, folder 55

Speaker and Lecturer Notes: Ordahl 1961

Box 15, folder 56

Speaker and Lecturer Notes: Rains 1962

Box 15, folder 57

Lecturer Notes: Osborn, 1965 set

Box 15, folder 58

Lecturer Notes: Rains, 1964 set

Box 15, folder 59

Speaker and Lecturer Notes

Box 15, folder 60

Lecturer Notes: Ordahl, on Propellants January 31 to February 14, 1964

Box 15, folder 61

Lecturer Notes: Vogel, Mechanical Design January 24, 1961,


B.4 Records and Schedules

Box 15, folder 62

1962 and 1963 Records and Schedules

Box 15, folder 63

Schedules and Records 1964-65

Box 15A, folder 64

B.5 Reference/Source and Material

Box 15A, folder 65-73

C.1 Problems and Solutions

Box 15A, folder 74-75

C.2 Quizzes and Solutions


C.3 Notes

Box 15A, folder 76

Speaker/Lecturer Notes - Osborn, Ordahl, Vogel

Box 15A, folder 77

Speaker Notes: Set of Vogel Notes



Box 15A, folder 78

Rocket Propulsion 1961

Box 15A, folder 79

Rocket Propulsion 1962

Box 15A, folder 80

C.5 Reference/Source and Material

Box 15A, folder 81-99

D. Electric Rockets

Box 15A, folder 100-118

D.1 Problems and Solutions

Box 16, folder 1-4

D.2 Quizzes and Solutions, (Elec. Prop.) 1963

Box 16, folder 5-14

D.3 Charts and Text


D.4 Notes

Box 16, folder 15

Lecturer Notes - J. E. Ohlson 1963

Box 16, folder 16

Lecturer Notes - 1963

Box 16, folder 17

Lecturer Notes - (Electrical and Nuclear Class Notes) 1962

Box 16, folder 18

Lecturer Notes - Electrical Propulsion

Box 16, folder 19

Lecturer Notes


D.5 Records and Schedules

Box 16, folder 20-21

Class Grades and Schedules - 1963

Box 16, folder 22-24

Class Grades and Schedules - 1965


D.6 References and Sources

Box 16, folder 25

Rocket Propulsion - 1961

Box 16, folder 26

Plasma Characteristics of the Electron... Engine

Box 16, folder 27

Electrothermal, Ion, Magnetohydrodynamic Propulsion System

Box 16, folder 28

German Arcjet Work - 1963

Box 16, folder 29

French Ion Engine Work - 1963

Box 16, folder 30

French Ion System Study - 1963

Box 16, folder 31

High Specific Impulse Thermo-ionic Acceleration

Box 16, folder 32

JPL Technical Report: Plasma non-Uniform and Grid Erosion in an Electron Bombardment Ion Engine


E. Nuclear Rocket Propulsion Course

Box 16, folder 33

Nuclear Rockets and Fundamentals

Box 16, folder 34

E.1 Nuclear Rockets: Problems

Box 16, folder 35

E.2 Nuclear Rockets: Quizzes

Box 16, folder 36-39

E.3 Nuclear Rockets: Charts and Text


E.4 Notes

Box 16, folder 40

Nuclear Rockets: Speaker/Lecturer Note

Box 16, folder 41

Charts and Text: Yasui Notes 1964

Box 16, folder 42

Electric Propulsion Student Notes: Magnetohydrodynamics 1963

Box 16, folder 43

Speakers/Lecturers: Nuclear Propulsion

Box 16, folder 44

Nuclear Rocket Propulsion: Bussard and DeLauer (Text)


E.5 Nuclear Rocket Technology Course

Box 16, folder 45

Course Outline

Box 16, folder 46

Class Schedules

Box 16, folder 47

Class Schedules

Box 16, folder 48

Grades: Yasui


E.6 References

Box 16, folder 49

Course Reference: Fundamental Materials in Heat Exchange

Box 16, folder 50

Miscellaneous Reference Information


Course Information Collection II ARCH-2023-514, Series 3

Language of Material: English.

C.6 Chemical Rocket Design and Technology Course

Box 16, folder 51

A Preliminary Design Method for Turbopumps

Box 16, folder 52

Propellant Feed Systems for Liquid Rocket Engines

Box 16, folder 53

SPS Engine Apollo Contractor Technical Review Meeting

Box 16, folder 54

AIAA Second Propulsion Joint Specialist Conference

Box 16, folder 55

Papers: Ignition Systems, Solid Propellant Rocket Motors

Box 16, folder 56

NASA Technical Reports: Liquid Propellant Rocket Engines

Box 16, folder 57

Vogel Data: Desired Propellant Properties

Box 16, folder 58

Star Charge Nomographs

Box 16, folder 59

J. Priapi: Ignition Systems

Box 16, folder 60

Reference and Source Material

Box 16A, folder 61

JPL Memo

Box 16A, folder 62

Reference and Source Material

Box 16A, folder 63

Table: High Melting Temperature Materials

Box 16A, folder 64

Simkin-UCLA-Solid Propellants


D. Electric Propulsion Course

Box 16A, folder 65

Course Information

Box 16A, folder 66

Take-home Final Exam

Box 16A, folder 67

Problems - Fall 1966

Box 16A, folder 68

Solutions - Fall 1966

Box 16A, folder 69

Mid-Term Quiz

Box 16A, folder 70

Final Exam - Fall 1968

Box 16A, folder 71

Graph Charts

Box 16A, folder 72

Tables - Ion Propulsion, Seperately Powered Rockets

Box 17, folder 1

Speaker-Lecturer Notes: Colloids (Kesserling, 1966)

Box 17, folder 2

Speaker-Lecturer Notes: Electron Bombardment Ion Engines (H. T. Johnson, 1966)

Box 17, folder 3

Speaker Notes: References (1968)

Box 17, folder 4

Class Grades and Schedule - Fall 1968

Box 17, folder 5

Grades and Schedules - Fall 1966

Box 17, folder 6

Stanford Propulsion Courses - 1970

Box 17, folder 7

Solar Electric Propulsion: JPL Report


Reference and Source Material

Box 17, folder 8

SPET: Solid Propellant Electric Thruster

Box 17, folder 9

Ion Propulsion

Box 17, folder 10

Thermoelectrostatic Generator

Box 17, folder 11

Engine Photos

Box 17, folder 12

Thermal Radiators

Box 17, folder 13

Power Sources for Electric Propulsion

Box 17, folder 14

Electrostatic Propulsion

Box 17, folder 15

Summer Program Rocket Propulsion Lectures 1961

Box 17, folder 16

Engineering Problems of Power Sources; Thrusters for Low Acceleration Nuclear Electric Rocket

Box 17, folder 17

Air Force Report: Prototype Cesium Bombardment System

Box 17, folder 18

NASA Publications on Electric Propulsion

Box 17, folder 19

Tadpole Satellite

Box 17, folder 20

Sert Delta Spacecraft Study

Box 17, folder 21

Exploratory Electromagnetic Thruster Research

Box 17, folder 22

Computer Program for Analyzing E. P. Missions

Box 17, folder 23

Composite Ion Accelerator Grids

Box 17, folder 24

Common Solar-Electric Upper Stage for High-Energy Unmanned Missions

Box 17, folder 25

Status of Electrostatic Thrustors for Space Propulsion

Box 17, folder 26

Plasma Properties and Performance of Mercury Ion Thrusters

Box 17, folder 27

Miscellaneous NASA E. P. Publications


E. Nuclear Rockets Course

Box 17, folder 28

Rockets Using Nuclear Energy? - Tsien

Box 17, folder 29

Heat Transfer Characteristics of Cryogenic Hydrogen at High Fluxes and Pressures- Aerojet Corporation

Box 17, folder 30

Nuclear Rocket Nozzle Thermal Design Analysis - Aerojet Corporation

Box 17, folder 31

Fusion Rocket Propulsion

Box 17, folder 32

Research Proposal to Project SQUID (Purdue University): Properties of Particles in Two-Phase Flow Using a Laser-Doppler Technique

Box 17, folder 33

Nuclear Propulsion Class Schedule and Notes: Fall 1969

Box 17, folder 34

Quizzes and Handouts

Box 17, folder 35

NERVA Program - Nuclear Rocket Nozzles

Box 17, folder 36

Reprints of Lectures - Nuclear Rocket Engine Components Fall 1966 -

Box 17, folder 37

Notes for Guest Instructor Charles Rice, Nuclear Rocket Engines

Box 17, folder 38

Guest Lecturer Notes (T. J. Connoly) Fall 1967



Box 17, folder 39

Notes from 1947 Ohlienger Class, Nuclear Power Engineering

Box 17, folder 40

NERVA Photographs - Nevada Test Site

Box 17, folder 41

Correspondence Regarding United Technology Corporation Publications

Box 17, folder 42

Miscellaneous Clippings Regarding Rocket Propulsion


Company Report

Box 17, folder 43

Recent Advances in Ablation

Box 17, folder 44

Correspondence and Articles Regarding Rocket Nozzle Technology; Paper: Mechanisms of Thermochemical Erosion (April 1966)


Visiting Lecturer Notes

Box 17, folder 45

J. P. Layton, Princeton University: Propulsion Technology for Manned Planetary Missions 1967

Box 17, folder 46

D. A. Rains, United Technology Corporation: Lectures on System Analysis 1961

Box 17, folder 47

D. A. Rains: Rocket Vehicle Performance

Box 17, folder 48

D. A. Rains: Liquid Propellant Rocket Motor Configuration

Box 17, folder 49

D. A. Rains: Liquid Propellants

Box 17, folder 50

D. A. Rains: Rocket Propellant Performance Calculations

Box 17, folder 51

D. A. Rains: Liquid Propellant Combinations

Box 17, folder 52

D. A. Rains: Injector Design

Box 17, folder 53

D. A. Rains: Nozzle Configurations

Box 17, folder 54

D. A. Rains: Thrust Chamber Design and Construction

Box 17, folder 55

D. A. Rains: Regeneratively-Cooled Thrust Chamber Design

Box 17, folder 56

D. A. Rains: Turbopump Design

Box 17, folder 57

D. A. Rains: Tank Pressurization System Design

Box 17, folder 58

D. A. Rains: Miscellaneous Features of Liquid Rocket Systems

Box 17, folder 59

D. A. Rains: Vehicle System Comparisons of Various Liquid Rocket Configurations

Box 17, folder 60

D. A. Rains: Rocket Engine Control

Box 17, folder 61

D. A. Rains: Vehicle Stability and Control and Engine Starting

Box 17, folder 62

D. A. Rains: Combustion Instability

Box 17, folder 63

D. A. Rains: Rocket Engine Testing

Box 17, folder 64

D. A. Rains: Liquid Rocket Engine Development

Box 17, folder 65

C. E. Woolridge, United Technology Corporation: The Hybrid Combustion Mechanism


General Files, Part 2 ARCH-2023-514, Series 4

Language of Material: English.
Box 18, folder 1

UCLA Short Course, Electro-Thermal Propulsion: Part One of Plasma Propulsion Systems (R. D. Buhler, Electro-Optical Systems, Inc.) 1965:

Box 18, folder 2

UCLA Short Course, Electro-Thermal Propulsion (R. D. Buhler) 1962:

Box 18, folder 3

Current Status and Prospects of Electrothermal Propulsion (R. J. Page, Plasmadyne Corporation, 1962)

Box 18, folder 4

AIAA Short Lecture Series: Electric Propulsion (E. L. Katz, Electro-Optical Systems, Inc., 1965)

Box 18, folder 5

Survey of Electrically Powered Rockets (H. S. Seifert, 1963)

Box 18, folder 6

Ion Rocket Systems (G. R. Brewer, Hughes Research Labs, 1966)

Box 18, folder 7

Papers Presented at AIAA National Meetings:


Electric Propulsion in 1964 - A Status Review (E. Stuhlinger, NASA, 1964)


A 100-KV, 10-W Heavy Particle Thrustor (E. Cohen, C. J. Somol, D. A. Gordon, TRW Space Technology Labs, 1965)


A Review of the Role of Electric Propulsion (J. Lazar, J. P. Mullin, NASA, 1966)

Box 18, folder 8

Advances in Space Propulsion: Magnetohydrodynamic Propulsion (R. W. Ziemer, Electro-Optical Systems, Inc., 1962)

Box 18, folder 9

NASA Technical Report: Hollow Cathode Restartable 15 Cm. Ion Thruster (1973)


AA 100: Introduction to Aeronautics and Astronautics

Box 18, folder 10

Quizzes and Solutions 1973-74

Box 18, folder 11

Solutions to Problems

Box 18, folder 12

Handouts on Rocket Propulsion and Dynamics

Box 18, folder 13

Handouts on Fluid and Aerodynamics 1974

Box 18, folder 14

Handouts Calculations of the Lifting Force and The Mechanics of Flight (1966):

Box 18, folder 15

Class Grades AA 100 Fall 1973, Fall 1974, Fall 1975

Box 18, folder 16

Lecture Schedules AA 100 Fall 1973, Fall 1974

Box 18, folder 17

Miscellaneous Articles on Fluid Mechanics

Box 18, folder 18

A Brief Outline of the History of Aeronautics (E. G. Reid, 1960)

Box 18, folder 19

Lecture Notes on Rocket Propulsion AA 100 1967

Box 18, folder 20

Manuscript Entitled Aeronautics and Astronautics in Six Chapters by N. J. Hoff, Copyright 1968-69


Engineering 121: Solar Energy Utilization

Box 18, folder 21

Problems and Solutions 1974-76

Box 18, folder 22

Quizzes and Take-Home Final 1976

Box 18, folder 23

Lecture Schedule Fall 1976

Box 18, folder 24


Box 18, folder 25

Class Grades Fall 1975

Box 18, folder 26

Lecture Notes

Box 18, folder 27

Handouts Fall 1975

Box 18, folder 28

Article: Revere Solar Energy Collector


AA 101 Summer Course: Solar Energy Utilization

Box 19, folder 1

Lecture Schedule 1975

Box 19, folder 2

Lecture Schedule 1976

Box 19, folder 3


Box 19, folder 4

Student Reports

Box 19, folder 5

Student Reports, Miscellaneous Source Articles

Box 19, folder 6

Class Grades 1975, 1976

Box 19, folder 7



Engineering 121 (Continued)

Box 19, folder 7

Lecture and Research Presentation Schedules

Box 19, folder 8

Student Research Papers

Box 19, folder 9

Student Research Papers and Miscellaneous Source Articles

Box 19, folder 10


Box 19, folder 11

Reference List and Suggestions for Research Topics

Box 19, folder 12

Class Grades 1974, 1975, 1976

Box 19, folder 13

Lab Data

Box 19, folder 14

Photovoltaic References

Box 19, folder 15

Talks on Solar Energy 1974-75

Box 19, folder 16

Workshop: Solar Energy Applications Summer 1976

Box 19, folder 17

Notes and Agendas for Conferences on Energy Resources: University of Missouri-Rolla, 1974 and University of Miami 1974

Box 19, folder 18

Solar Energy for Earth Task Force Material

Box 19, folder 19

Material on Metal Hydrides as a Hydrogen Fuel Source

Box 19, folder 20

International Astronautical Federation (IAF) Meeting 1976: Agenda and Selected Papers

Box 19, folder 21

AIAA Conference Papers: 1973, 1974, 1975

Box 19, folder 22

Manuscript: Advanced Solid-Propellant Rocket Engineering by R. D. Geckler

Box 19, folder 23

Manuscript: Liquid Propellant Rockets, by I. Glassman

Box 20, folder 1

AIAA Subject and Author Indexes 1968-74


AA 280 Course: Rocket Propulsion

Box 20, folder 2

Class Roster and Lecture Notes on Hybrid Rocket (1962)

Box 20, folder 3

Quizzes and Exams Fall 1960

Box 20, folder 4

Problems and Handouts

Box 20, folder 5

Article on Space Shuttle Design

Box 20, folder 6

Course Notes and Lecture Schedule 1972-73

Box 20, folder 7

AE 281 B,C Thermal Jets - Class Notes and Exams 1947-48:

Box 20, folder 8

JPL Technical Reports:


An Exploratory Investigation of a 1979 Mars Roving Vehicle Mission December, 1970


Semiannual Progress Report: Advanced Teleoperator Systems Requirements January 1972


Analytical/Experimental Definition of Man-Machine Interface Characteristics in Remotely Manned Systems July 1972


Summary Report-Advanced Teleoperator/Robot Studies for Planetary Surface Roving Vehicles July 1972


Science Aspects of a Remotely Contolled Mars Surface Roving Vehicle July 1972


Remote Manipulator Systems, Technology Review nd Planetary Operation Requirements July 1972


Problems of Previous Projects on Scientists/Machine/Operations Interfaces July 1972


Remotely Manned Systems for Exploration and Operation in Space - An Overview July 1972


Advanced Automation Systems for Manipulator Control Technology Survey December 1972

Box 20, folder 9

Correspondence Regarding Sabbatical plans from Stanford University to JPL Advanced Technical Studies Office Spring 1971

Box 20, folder 10

Manuscript by P. T. Carroll, JPL: A Horse for Sergeant: The Rise of Case-Bonded Internal-Burning Solid Propellant Rocket Motors December 1971

Box 20, folder 11

Diary of Meetings and Appointments While With JPL: 8/71 to 8/72

Box 20, folder 12

Brochures and Photos from Mariner 9 Orbital Mission Information about Planned Viking Missions < 1971;

Box 20, folder 13

General Brochures about JPL

Box 20, folder 14

Notes from JPL Service 7/71-8/72

Box 20, folder 15

Review of JPL Teleoperator/Robot Work June 20, 1972

Box 20, folder 16

Other Teleoperator/Robot Work

Box 20, folder 17

Soviet Papers on AI

Box 20, folder 18

SRI Papers on AI and Teleoperator Systems

Box 20, folder 19

Summaries of JPL Projects Related to Robot Research, Manipulator Systems, AI, etc.

Box 20A, folder 20

Third International Conference on AI 1973

Box 20A, folder 21

JPL Robot Research Program

Box 20A, folder 22

Miscellaneous Correspondence while at JPL

Box 21, folder 1

Remotely Manned Systems Symposia

Box 21, folder 2

Survey of Remotely Manned Teleoperator Systems

Box 21, folder 3

Teleoperators and Remote Manipulators

Box 21, folder 4

JPL Robot Research

Box 21, folder 5

JPL Manipulator Control Research

Box 21, folder 6

AIAA Electric Propulsion Technical Committee

Box 21, folder 7

Solar Electric Propulsion

Box 21, folder 8

Electric Propulsion Technology - Rockwell Stage

Box 21, folder 9

Solar Electric Multimission Spacecraft

Box 21, folder 10

JPL Chemical Propulsion Systems

Box 21A

Loose items from Box 21

Language of Material: English.
Box 22

Clippings, correspondence, notes, memoranda, proposals and other items pertaining to Solar Energy Research Institute 1976

Box 22

Notebook of clippings, correspondence, notes, photographs, and press releases, re lunar pogo 1968,

Box 22

Notebooks of class notes and quizzes 1960-75

Box 23

Notebooks of class notes, problems, and exams 1947 and 1967-73

Box 24

Notebooks of class notes and problems 1960-70

Box 24

Clippings, correspondence, reprints, proposals, reports, and brochures on classes and conferences, largely on solar energy 1974-76,

Box 25

Notebooks of class notes and problems 1970-76

Box 25

Miscellaneous clippings, articles, and printed matter

Box 26

Notebooks of class notes and problems 1973-75

Box 26

GE and Westinghouse reports on solar heating and cooling of buildings 1974

Box 27

Reports on solar heating and cooling of buildings 1973-74

Box 28

Miscellaneous professional and personal papers, 1959-75:

Scope and Contents note

clippings, articles, memoranda, correspondence, biographical materials, audio tapes, memo books, and photographs; includes small reel of 16mm film of chain reaction demonstration, 1947
Box 29 OS

Scrapbook (possibly kept by Bucky Seifert) of clippings, and photographs from Jet Propulsion Lab 1954,

Box 29 OS

Two award certificates to Howard Seifert 1976