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Register of the Harold S. Jacoby Nisei Collection, 1942-46
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Collection Contents

Box: 1-2

War Relocation Authority (WRA)---Printed Matter 1942-1946

Box: 1


Box-folder 1.1

"1st Quarterly Report, March 18, 1942 - June 30, 1942" [18 l.;2 copies]

Box-folder 1.2

Roy D. Nash, Project Dir. "Manzanar from the inside" (7-31-42) [13 l.] [address to Commonwealth Club, SF]

Box-folder 1.3

"Relocation and the Constitution," (8-12-42) [2 l.]

Box-folder 1.4

"Prevalent fears in the Tule Lake community" (9-3-42) [7 l.]

Box-folder 1.5

"Relocation communities for war-time evacuees," (Sep 1942) [incl. capsule description each facility]

Box-folder 1.6

"2nd Quarterly Report, July 1, 1942 - September 30, 1942," [41 l.; 3 copies]

Box-folder 1.7

"Quarterly Report of Project Director, Granada Relocation Center...Jul 1-Sep 30, 1942" [44 l.]

Box-folder 1.8

"Community Analysis Report No. 1: John F. Embree. "Dealing with Japanese Americans," (Oct 1942) [+ memo from Paul J. Terry, Dir. Educ. at Granada recommending Report to his principals, 11-9-42]

Box-folder 1.9

"Background [thru 10/42] for the Relocation Program," [6 1.] [ Prepared for the information of the staff of the War Relocation Authority]; "Chronology of the Relocation [thru 10/42]," [3 l.; 2 copies]

Box-folder 1.10

"WRA Bibliography of Japanese in America," Pt. 1 (11-7-42) [7 l.]; Pt. 2 (11-24-42) [3 l.]

Box-folder 1.11

"Extracts from a report on the Poston disturbance (Nov 1942); "Conversation betw. W. Wade Head, Project Dir. & H.H. Townsend, Supply & Transportation Officer on Dec 1, 1942" [2 l.;2 copies]

Box-folder 1.12

[WRA newsletter?; Dec 1942?; lacks title pg.]

Box-folder 1.13

"WRA Reports. Digest of Information, No. 29" (12-26-42) [1 l.] [report on disturbance at Manzanar]

Box-folder 1.14

"3rd Quarterly Report, October 1, 1942- December 31," [36 l.;2 copies]

Box-folder 1.15

"Excerpts from a report on community development at Poston," (n.d.; stamped "rec'd. 1-4-43")

Box: 1


Box-folder 1.16

"Supplementary statement by Mr. D. S. Myer before Sub-Comm. of Military Affairs Comm." (1-20-43) [15 1.; 3 copies]

Box-folder 1.17

Paul J. Terry, Dir. Educ. "Schools at Granada Relocation Center..." (1-21-43) [4 l.]

Box-folder 1.18

Community Analysis Report No. 2: John Embree. "Causes of unrest at relocation centers" (Feb 1943)

Box-folder 1.19

Community Analysis Report No. 3: "Japanese groups & associations in the US" (Mar 1943)

Box-folder 1.20

"Quarterly Report of the Amache Junior High School of the Granada Relocation Center, December 15 to March 20, 1943," [17 l.]

Box-folder 1.21

"Japanese Americans in Relocation Centers" (Mar 1943) [2 l.; 3 copies]

Box-folder 1.22

"Weekly Press Review," No. 1,3-6,10-11 (Jan-Mar 1943)

Box-folder 1.23

Community Analysis Report No. 4: "Notes on Japanese holidays" (4-2-43) [3 l.]

Box-folder 1.24

"Report of Committee on Dissemination of WRA Information" (4-9-43) [1 l.]

Box-folder 1.25

John W. Powell, Asst. Chief Comm. Services, Poston. "America's refugees..." (4-14-43)

Box-folder 1.26

"Reports Roundtable No. 7" (4-19-43) [1 l.] [re role of schools in disseminating info about WR policies]

Box-folder 1.27

"The Relocation Program: A Guidebook for Residents of Relocation Centers" (May 1943)

Box-folder 1.28

"Manual of evacuee transfer operations" (6-12-43)

Box-folder 1.29

Community Analysis Report No. 5: "Evacuee resistance to relocation" (Jun 1943) [6 l.; 2 copies]

Box-folder 1.30

"Weekly Press Review," No. 12-13,16,18,22-24 (Apr-Jun, 1943)

Box-folder 1.31

"Semi-Annual Report of the WRA, Jan 1 to Jun 30, 1943" [25 l.;2 copies]

Box: 2


Box-folder 2.1

[WRA comments on HUAC activities & pronouncements] (May-Jul 1943)

Box-folder 2.1

"Stmt. of testimony by Harold H. Townsend before HUAC, LA" (5-26-43) [14 l.]

Box-folder 2.1

"False stmts. of Harold H. Townsend before HUAC, LA" (n.d.) [13 l.]

Box-folder 2.1

"Comments by WRA on newspaper stmts. attr. to representatives of HUAC" (n.d.) [4 l.; 2 copies]

Box-folder 2.1

"Suppl. comments by WRA on newspaper stmts. allegedly made by representatives of HUAC" (n.d.) [9 l.; 2 copies]

Box-folder 2.1

"Comments by WRA on stmts. reported in press allegedly made by witnesses before HUAC during hearings in LA betw. Jun 8 & Jun 17" (n.d.) [4 l.; 2 copies]

Box-folder 2.1

"Stmt. of Dillon S. Myer...[before HUAC]" (7-6-43) [1 l.; 2 copies]

Box-folder 2.1

"A statement of guiding principles of the WRA [before HUAC]" (7-7-43) [3 l.; 3 copies]

Box-folder 2.1

"Evidences of Americanism among Japanese Americans: statement of Dillon S. Myer, Dir. WRA [before HUAC]" (7-7-43) [1 l.; 2 copies]

Box-folder 2.1

"Comments by WRA on remarks of Rep. John M. Costello made in House of Rep. Jun 28, 1943" [2 l.; 2 copies]

Box-folder 2.2

[Memo re planned use of Tule Lake as Segregation Center] (7-14-43) [10 l.]

Box-folder 2.3

Misc. Segregation Process materials (Su1943)

Box-folder 2.3

Plan of segregation movements

Box-folder 2.3

Agenda for relocation meetings

Box-folder 2.3

"Report on the Director's telegram of July 13, 1943" [4 l.]

Box-folder 2.3

"Questions & answers for governing administration & policy of the segregation center", (n.d.) [6 l.]

Box-folder 2.3

Registration notice for internees (Feb 1943) [2 l.]

Box-folder 2.4

Community Analysis No. 6: "Nisei assimilation" (7-21-43)

Box-folder 2.5

"Summary Notes of Segregation Conference of WRA Officials, July 26-27, 1943," [17 l.; 2 copies]]

Box-folder 2.6

Granada Community Analysis Report No. 2: "Evacuee attitudes on relocation" (n.d.; cJul 1943)

Box-folder 2.7

D.S. Myer. "The truth about Relocation" (8-6-43) [6 l.; 2 copies] [address to Commonwealth Club, SF]

Box-folder 2.8

"WRA Bibliography on WRA, Japanese & Japanese Americans, Pt. III," (8-14-43) [16 l.]

Box-folder 2.9

"Second Quarterly Report of WRA, Jul 1 to Sep 30, 1943"

Box-folder 2.10

"Weekly Press Review," No. 25-26,28,30,33 (July-Sep 1943)

Box-folder 2.11

"A brief Description of the WRA Project for Evacuated Japanese (Granada Project)." (10-43) [2 l.; 3 copies] (+related untitled item, 4 l.; 2 copies)

Box-folder 2.12

[D.S. Myer press release on Tule Lake disturbance] (11-13-43) [3 l.; 2 versions]

Box-folder 2.13

D.S. Myer. "The Relocation Program," (11-16-43) [Address by D.S. Myer to American Legion State Commanders]

Box-folder 2.14

Project Analysis Series No. 11: "Notes on evacuee family patterns" (11-24-43) [2 l.]

Box-folder 2.15

"Weekly Press Review," No. 38-39,41-45,47-48 (Oct-Dec 1943)

Box-folder 2.16

"War Relocation Authority Abstracts." (1943) [39 abstracts of magazine articles about Japanese Americans & the relocation; earliest article dated May 1941, latest Jan 1943; articles not numbered in consecutive chronological order (numbering provided by WRA) these abstracts probably all created at one time for use of WRA staff;; abstracts offer WRA perspective on each article as well as summary of contents, c 50 1.]

Box-folder 2.16

Theodore Fithian. "Are we outlawing Japanese Americans?" Common Sense (9/42)

Box-folder 2.16

Carey McWilliams. "Moving the West Coast Japanese," Harper's Magazine (9/42)

Box-folder 2.16

"Moving a whole people," Scholastic (11/16-21/42)

Box-folder 2.16

Roger Baldwin. "Japanese Americans & the law," Asia (9/42)

Box-folder 2.16

Karl R. Bendetsen. "The Japanese evacuation," Vital Speeches (6-15-42)

Box-folder 2.16

John Bird. "Our Japs have gone to work," Country Gentleman (8/42)

Box-folder 2.16

Carey McWilliams. "Japanese evacuation policy & perspectives" Common Ground (Su1942)

Box-folder 2.16

Robert L. Brown. "Manzanar Relocation Center," Common Ground (F1942)

Box-folder 2.16

"The Japanese in America," Harper's Magazine (9-19-42)

Box-folder 2.16

"Evacuees to farms," Business Week (9-19-42)

Box-folder 2.16

Grace E. Wills. "The West Coast Japanese," Asia (Aug 1942)

Box-folder 2.16

Ernest O. Hauser. "America's 150,000 Japanese," American Mercury (Dec 1941)

Box-folder 2.16

Ernest K. Lindley. "Problems of the Japanese migration," Newsweek (3-30-42)

Box-folder 2.16

"West Coast Nisei present a problem," Scholastic (3/9-14/42)

Box-folder 2.16

Yoshita Nakashima. "Dual citizenship & the question of statehood for Hawaii," Scholastic (May 12, 1941)

Box-folder 2.16

Asami Kawachi. "Stranger's rice," Common Ground (Su1942)

Box-folder 2.16

Jim Marshall. "The problem people," Collier's (Aug 15, 1942)

Box-folder 2.16

"Coast Japs are interned in mountain camp," Life (4-6-42)

Box-folder 2.16

"Business in evacuation centers," Business Week (7-18-42)

Box-folder 2.16

Mary Oyama. "After Pearl Harbor--Los Angeles"; Tooru Kanazawa."After Pearl Harbor-- New York," Common Ground (Sp1942)

Box-folder 2.16

Mary Oyama. "This isn't Japan," Common Ground (Fall 1942)

Box-folder 2.16

"Doughboys by choice," Parade (10-18-42)

Box-folder 2.16

Mike Masaoka. "Japanese American creed," Common Sense (9/42) [2 copies]

Box-folder 2.16

"No certain way to tell Japanese from Chinese," Science News Letter (12-20-41) [2 copies]

Box-folder 2.16

W.H. Chamberlin. "Civil liberties...," Christian Century (1-13-43) [2 copies]

Box-folder 2.16

"A blot on our record," Christianity in Crisis (4-20-42) [2 copies]

Box-folder 2.16

H.P. Howard. "Americans in concentration camps," The Crisis (9/42) [2 copies]

Box-folder 2.16

Satoko Murakami. "I am alive," Common Ground (Sp1942) [2 copies]

Box-folder 2.16

George D. Nickel. "Evacuation American stule," Survey Midmonthly (4/42) [2 copies]

Box-folder 2.16

"Jap evacuation," Western Industry (5-42)

Box-folder 2.16

Paul S. Taylor. "Our stake in the Japanese exodus," Survey Graphic (9/42)

Box-folder 2.16

George D. Nickel. "In the relocation centers," Survey Midmonthly (1-43)

Box-folder 2.16

Albert W. Palmer. "Arizona's city of exiles," Christian Century (1-20-43)

Box-folder 2.16

Stanley High. "Japanese saboteurs in our midst," Reader's Digest (1/42)

Box-folder 2.16

Blake Clark. "The Japanese in Hawaii," New Republic (9-14-42)

Box-folder 2.16

Galen M. Fisher. "Japanese evacuation from the Pacific Coast," Far Eastern Survey (6-29-42)

Box-folder 2.16

Pearl S. Buck. "Tinder for tomorrow," Asia (3-42)

Box-folder 2.16

Mabel B. Ellis & H.J. Wilkins. "The West Coast evacuation in relation to the struggle for freedom," Public Affairs News Service, Bull. 6

Box-folder 2.16

Emory S. Bogardus. "Current problems of Japanese Americans," Sociology & Social Research (Jul-Aug 1941)

Box: 2


Box-folder 2.17

Dillon S. Myer. "Facts about the War Relocation Authority," (1-21-44) [6 l.] [address to LA Town Hall]

Box-folder 2.18

Community Analysis Report No. 8: "Japanese Americans educated in Japan" (1-28-44) [8 l.]

Box-folder 2.19

Project Analysis Series No. 12: "Studies of segregants at Manzanar" (2-3-44) [7 l.]

Box-folder 2.20

Project Analysis Series No. 13: "A preliminary survey of boilermen's dispute at Minidoka" (3-3-44) [6 l.]

Box-folder 2.21

Community Analysis Notes No. 2: "Engagement & marriage customs in a relocation center" [Minidoka] (3-29-44) [2 l.]

Box-folder 2.22

Community Analysis Series No. 15: "The reaction of Heart Mtn. to the opening of selective service to the Nisei" (4-1-44) [7 l.]

Box-folder 2.23

Community Analysis Notes No. 3: "Traditional Japanese Therapeutics practised at Minidoka" (4-7-44) [1 l.]

Box-folder 2.24

"Weekly Press Review," No. 51-52,69,71 (Jan-Jun 1944)

Box-folder 2.25

"WRA and minority problem material (in Mr. Walther's file)" (7-20-44) [3 l.] [Walther was a teacher at Granada]

Box-folder 2.26

"Analysis of Alien Land Law of Washington..." (8-17-44)

Box-folder 2.27

Granada Community Analysis Report No. 8: "Factors & attitudes in the resettlement problem" (9-44) [24 l.]

Box-folder 2.28

"The leave program of the WRA" (10-1-44) [9 l.]

Box-folder 2.29

Dillon S. Myer. "A 10th of a million people" (10-26-44) [5 l.] [address to Des Moines Adult Education Forum]

Box-folder 2.30

Community Analysis Report No. 10: "Labor relations in relocation centers" (10-28-44) [15 l.]

Box-folder 2.31

"Weekly Press Review," No. 78-80,82-83 (Jul-Dec 1944)

Box-folder 2.32

"Semi-Annual Report, Jul 1-Dec 30, 1944" [40 l.]

Box-folder 2.33

Joseph B. Hunter. "The evacuation & relocation of Japanese Americans" (n.d. c1944)

Box-folder 2.34

"What we're fighting for" (n.d. cFall 1944) ["stmts. by US servicemen about Americans of Japanese descent"]

Box: 2


Box-folder 2.35

"Education program in War Relocation Centers" (2-1-45)

Box-folder 2.36

Community Analysis Notes No. 10: "Boys' Day" (3-13-45) [1 l.]

Box-folder 2.37

Community Analysis Report No. 11: "Exploratory survey of California attitudes toward return..." (4-4-45) [5 l.; 2 copies]

Box-folder 2.38

Community Analysis Notes No. 13: "West Coast localities: SF Bay Area" (4-9-45) [10 l.]

Box-folder 2.39

"Myths & facts about Japanese Americans" (Jun 1945) [2 copies]


1946 and undated

Box-folder 2.40

U.S. Dept. of Interior. Administrative Highlights of the WRA Program (1946)

Box-folder 2.41

"The place of schools in the WRA Relocation Centers" (n.d.; probably 1942)

Box: 3

Other US Government Agencies---Printed Matter

Box: 3

Before 1942

Box-folder 3.1

"Prisoners of War--Convention between the United States and other powers," 1932.

Box: 3


Box-folder 3.2

U.S. Congress. H. Res. 113. "Preliminary report & recommendations on problems of evacuation of citizens & aliens from military areas" (3-19-42)


Headquarters Western Defense Command & 4th Army.

Box-folder 3.3

Evacuation Poster (4-1-42)

Box-folder 3.4

Bulletins #1-9 (Mar-May 1942)

Box-folder 3.5

US. House of Representatives. 77th Congress, 2d Sess. Report No. 2124. "Findings and recommendations on evacuation of enemy aliens..." (May 1942)

Box-folder 3.6

Headquarters Western Defense Command and Fourth Army. Proclamations #1-3, 6-9, 11, 14-17 (3-2-42 thru 4-19-43)

Box-folder 3.7

U.S. House of Rep. Subcommittee on Appropriations. "Abstract of stmt. by Milton S. Eisenhower to substantiate request for $70 million for WRA in 1943" (6-29-42)

Box: 3


Box-folder 3.8

excerpts from broadcast by Elmer Davis, Dir. Office of War Information (4-23-43)

Box-folder 3.9

U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt. "Segregation of loyal and disloyal Japanese...," (9-14-43) [two copies]

Box-folder 3.10

U.S. House of Rep. 78th Congr. Sess. 1. Report No. 717: "Report & minority views of the Special Committee on Un-American Activities on Japanese War Relocation Centers" (9-30-43)

Box-folder 3.11

Lt. Col. Verne Austin, Cmdr. Tule Lake. "Proclamation No. 2" (11-13-43) [stmt. of rules for conduct of residents while military are in charge]

Box: 3


Box-folder 3.12

U.S. Dept. of Interior. Information Service. "An American doughboy's solution of how to handle those whowould prevent the relocation of Japanese American citizens from evacuee centers into the normal stream of American life..." (5-31-44)

Box: 3

1945-46 & undated

Box-folder 3.13

"Minority report of the Hon. Herman P. Eberharter [U.S. House Rep.]" (n.d.; after 9-43)

Box-folder 3.14

Elizabeth Shellhorn. San Joaquin County Welfare Dept. [?] "Report on welfare problems" (1-25-46)

Box: 4

Materials authored by Japanese-Americans


1941 and no date

Box-folder 4.1

Japanese American Citizens' League. "The Japanese American creed" (1941), "A Declaration of policy by the Japanese American Citizens League" no date

Box: 4


Box-folder 4.2

Tule Lake Information Bulletin No. 3-9 (May 30-Jun 11, 1942) [precursor of Center newspaper, The Tulean Dispatch]

Box-folder 4.3

El Joaquin (6-6-42) [Stockton, California Assembly Center newspaper]

Box-folder 4.4

The Tulean Dispatch (6-42)

Box-folder 4.5

"History of Merced Asembly Center School" (n.d.) [placed here because deals w/ period before Relocation Centers, Feb-Jun 1942]

Box-folder 4.6

Speeches by Block Administrators at Heart Mountain [Wyoming] shortly after arrival (n.d., ca 6-42)

Box-folder 4.7-4.10

The Tulean Dispatch, July-Oct 1942

Box-folder 4.7


Box-folder 4.8


Box-folder 4.9


Box-folder 4.10


Box-folder 4.11

Yamato Ishihashi. "A survey of Japanese immigration in general" (WRA summary,10-24-42)

Box-folder 4.12-4.14

The Tulean Dispatch, 11-12 1942

Box-folder 4.12


Box-folder 4.13


Box-folder 4.14

The Tulean Dispatch Magazine Section (Aug-Dec 1942)

Box: 4


Box-folder 4.15-4:20

The Tulean Dispatch, Jan-May 1943

Box-folder 4.15


Box-folder 4.16

The Tulean Dispatch Magazine Section (1-43)

Box-folder 4.17


Box-folder 4.18


Box-folder 4.19


Box-folder 4.19

(Circa 4-43)

Box-folder 4.20

The Tulean Dispatch (5-43)

Box-folder 4.21

The Tri-Stater 1:17-18 (5-14,21-43); 2:24 (7-2-43) [Tule Lake High School newspaper]


The Tri Stater 1:17


The Tri Stater 1:18


The Tri Stater 1:24

Box-folder 4.22

The Tulean Dispatch "A Tule Lake Interlude: 1st Anniversary, May 27, 1942-43"

Box-folder 4.23

The Tulean Dispatch (Jun 1943)

Box-folder 4.24

"Tule Lake Project" (ca Jun 1943)

Box-folder 4.25-4.30

The Tulean Dispatch, July-Nov 1943

Box-folder 4.25

(July 1943)

Box-folder 4.26


Box-folder 4.27


Box-folder 4.28


Box-folder 4.29


Box-folder 4.30

Sample newspapers from relocation centers (1943)


Gila News-Courier (Arizona) (5-1-43)


Heart Mt. Sentinel (Wyoming) (5-15-43)


Rohwer Outpost (Arkansas) (5-12-43)


Topaz Times (Utah) (5-6-43)

Box-folder 4.31

Li'l Daniel (12-43) [Rohwer Relocation Center 1st anniversary book; 2 copies]

Box-folder 4.32

Jimmie Omura. "Pigeon-hole musings" n.s. (n.d.; ca 1943)

Box: 4


Box-folder 4.33

"Amache" (n.d.; ca 2-44) [descriptive brochure by Nisei inhabitants of Granada]

Box-folder 4.34

Ben Kuroki. "Ben Kuroki's story" (2-4-44) [address to Commonwealth Club, San Francisco; one publ. & one mimeo copy]

Box-folder 4.35

Japanese American Citizens' League. "What we're fighting for" (n.d. ca 1944)

Box-folder 4.36-4:37

Granada [Colorado] community & Amache High School miscellaneous programs

Box-folder 4.36

Spring 1944


Sophomore St. Patrick Dance program


Amache High School Spring Music program


Amache High School Senior Banquet program


Chiyoko Matsuda recital program


Amache High School Senior Class Play program


Amache High School 8th Grade Dance


Amache High School Commencement invitation


"Isle of May" Dance program


Ruby Yoshino Recital program Amache Secondary School

Box-folder 4.37

Fall 1944


Amache Carnival coaster


Box Sociable invitation

Box-folder 4.37

Spurs Anniversary Ball invitation

Box-folder 4.37

Granada Christian Sunday School Christmas Carol Sing

Box-folder 4.37

New Year's Party invitation

Box : 4

1945-46 & undated

Box-folder 4.38-4.39

Granada community [Colorado] & Amache High School miscellaneous programs

Box-folder 4.38

Spring 1945


Instructional Square Dances poster


Amache High School Mid-term Prom invitation


Amache High School Junior Dance invitation


WR Anglers Club Bridge Party invitation [2/5/45]


WR Anglers Club Bridge Party invitation [1/22/45]


Amache High School Sophomore Dance invitation


Staff Dinner Dance


Amache High School Press Club Party Invitation


Amache High School Senior Banquet


Amache High School Spring Concert program


Amache High School 9th Grade Dance program


Amache High School Senior Prom invitation


Amache High School Senior Banquet program


Amache High School Baccalaureate


Amache High School Commencement invitation


Amache High School Commencement program


WRAnglers Club Dance Invitation "Washington's Birthday Social"


WRAnglers Club Dance Invitation [6-8-1945]

Box-folder 4.39



WR Anglers Club dance ticket


President's Ball invitation


Amache High School Royal Ball invitation


Amache High School Pan-American Assembly program


GR Tri-Delt "Apple Blossom Time" invitation


Amache High School Girls Glee Concert ticket


Amache [Colorado] Christmas card


Silk Screen Shop Exhibition invitation


WRAnglers New Years card

Box-folder 4.40

"Onlooker" (1944, 1945) [Amache High School, Granada yearbooks]

Box-folder 4.41

Granada Pioneer (12-17-44) & ("final ed." 9-15-45)


3:14 (12-17-44)


3:91 (9-15-45)

Box-folder 4.42

"Report of Alyce A. Ohama" (n.d.; ca 1945) [describes work experiences after leaving Granada in Chicago & Rochester, New York]

Box-folder 4.43

Japanese American Committee for Democracy Newsletter (8-45)

Box-folder 4.44-4.45

Pacific Citizen

Box-folder 4.44

(12-22-45) [describes postwar situation in Hawaii]

Box-folder 4.45
Box: 5

Non-Government Publications from outside the Centers

Box: 5

Pre-War to 1941

Box-folder 5.1

Jiuji J. Kasai. "Foundations of American-Japanese friendship," 1925

Box-folder 5.2

"A list of Life, Time & Fortune articles of current significance on China" [1938-42] and "Stockton Mobilizes Emergency Defense; Japanese Association Pledges Support" Stockton Record [12-8-41]

Box: 5


Box-folder 5.3

Norman Thomas. "Democracy & Japanese-Americans," 7-20-42

Box-folder 5.4

Albert Horlings. "Hawaii's 150,000 Japanese," The Nation (7-25-42) [+ letters to editor in response]

Box-folder 5.5

Carey McWilliams. "Japanese evacuation...," Common Ground (Su1942)

Box-folder 5.6

Galen M. Fisher. "A balance sheet on Japanese evacuation," Christian Century(9-42)

Box-folder 5.7

Joseph H. Smart. "Democracy in relocation centers," (10-8-42) [2 copies]

Box-folder 5.8

Harry P. Howard. "Our allies in Japan," Commonweal (10-9-42)

Box-folder 5.9

Ross Thompson. "Relocation center presents many problems," Lamar Daily News (n.d.; F1942) [re Granada Relocation Center]

Box-folder 5.10

Caleb Foote. "Democracy in detention," Fellowship (12-42)

Box-folder 5.11

Colorado Council of Churches. "The Japanese in our midst," (1942 & 1943 ed.)

Box-folder 5.12

"The Teacher & the War Relocation Project," 1942. "Dr. Jacoby Leave College to Take up position in Tule Japanese Camp" 5-7-42 Stockton Record. "Entire Port Area Barred to 'Enemy' Nationals" 1-2-42. "S.J. Farm Bureau Lashes Japs' Presense in Delta" 2-16-42. Jacoby Leaves for Government Position at Relocation Camp" Pacific Weekly 5-8-42.

Box: 5


Box-folder 5.13

Isamu Noguchi. "Trouble among Japanese Americans, New Republic (2-1-43)

Box-folder 5.14

Willard W. Beatty. "What makes an American?," Journal of the National Education Association (2-43)

Box-folder 5.15

Galen M. Fisher. "Japanese colony success story," (2-43) [J.'s in Utah outside camps]

Box-folder 5.16

John Larison. "The Jap Crow experiment," The Nation (4-10-43)

Box-folder 5.17

Station KFEL, Denver. [untitled 5 program series on Granada Relocation Center] (7/5 thru 7/9/43)

Box-folder 5.18

"March of Time." [radio program] "Remarks of Rep. Herman P. Eberharter" (8-26-43). "Pacific Coast Committee on American Principles and Fair Play" (6-15-43)

Box-folder 5.19

Galen M. Fisher. "A balance sheet on Japanese evacuation," Christian Century (Aug 18,25 & Sep 1,8, 1943)

Box-folder 5.20

Eleanor Roosevelt. "A Challenge to American sportsmanship, Collier's (10-16-43)

Box-folder 5.21

National Japanese American Student Relocation Council. Newsletters No. 6 (9-24-43) & No. 7 (12-10-43)

Box-folder 5.22

Ruth Benedict & Gene Weltfish. "Races of mankind," 1943

Box-folder 5.23

"Need farm or factory help...?" n.s. (n.d. c1943)

Box-folder 5.24

John F. Embree. The Japanese. Washington, D.C.: The Smithsonian Institution, 1943 [2 copies]

Box-folder 5.25

"The Chinese in relation to America's exclusion & naturalization laws," n.s. (1943)

Box-folder 5.26

Caleb Foote. "American refugees," Berkeley: Fellowship of Reconciliation, c1943

Box: 5


Box-folder 5.27

Natl. Japanese American Student Relocation Council. Minutes (1-19-44)

Box-folder 5.28

"Race: The Color of Christian Democracy," Motive (Jan 1944) [suite of articles]

Box-folder 5.29

"Ben Kuroki: American," Time (2-7-44)

Box-folder 5.30

"Tule Lake," Life (3-20-44)

Box-folder 5.31

"Issei - Nisei - Kibei," Fortune (Apr 1944)

Box-folder 5.32

Committee on Resettlement of Japanese Americans. "The Concern of the Church..." (Apr 1944)

Box-folder 5.33

"Talk by Dr. Robert Gordon Sproul, President of the University of California, on June 29, 1944," ["from Rob Wagner's script" reprint by WRA]

Box-folder 5.34

Congregational Christian General Council. "Japanese relocation & our democracy" (Jun 1944)

Box-folder 5.35

Blue Network, "America's Town Meeting of the Air." "Can the Japanese be assimilated...?" (8-3-44)

Box-folder 5.36

Gene Casey. "GI Japyank," Collier's (8-5-44)

Box-folder 5.37

Harry Kleiner. "They call me GI Joe," NBC. "University of the Air." No. 11 (10-7-44)

Box-folder 5.38

Carey McWilliams. What about our Japanese Americans? NY: Public Affairs Committee, 1944 [2 copies]

Box-folder 5.39

Committee on American Principles & Fair Play. "American Fighting Men Speak Out" (1944)

Box-folder 5.40

Truman B. Douglass. "70,000 American refugees made in USA." Citizens Committee for Resettlement, 1944.

Box: 5


Box-folder 5.41

San Joaquin Industrial Union Council. [resolution to assist returning Nisei] (2-19-45)

Box-folder 5.42

California Preservation Association. "Why do we take the stand we do not solicit Japanese trade?" (3-2-45)

Box-folder 5.43

Judge James H. Wolfe. "The Dawn of a new day" (3-10-45) [address to residents of Topaz Relocation Center]

Box-folder 5.44

John H. Provinse. "Relocation of Japanese-American college students...," Higher Education (4-16-45)

Box-folder 5.45

Dillon S. Mayer. "American Japanese: A Test of tolerance," The Progressive (9-24-45)

Box-folder 5.46

Galen M. Fisher. "The Nisei return," Common Sense (Nov 1945)

Box: 5


Box-folder 5.47

John Hersey. "A Reporter at Large: Hiroshima," New Yorker (8-31-46)

Box 6

Correspondence; Reminiscences; Clippings; Ephemera

Box 6


Box-folder 6.1

Toshi Tomita [Turlock Assembly Center] to Dr. Irving Goleman, May 1942

Box-folder 6.2

War Relocation Authority (WRA) correspondence

Box-folder 6.2

D.S. Myer to Harold Jacoby, n.d. [re Yeiko Uyeno]

Box-folder 6.2

C. Fred Lane, WRA San Francisco to Claud C. Gilmore, WRA Stockton, 3-26-46 [re Justice Dept. directive on protection of minority rights; incl. directive]

Box-folder 6.2

Jacoby employment correspondence with WRA and other agencies, 1942-1944

Box-folder 6.3

O.D. Richardson [LA City College] to "Dear Friends," 12-12-42.

Box-folder 6.4

Paul J. Terry [Educ. Dir., Granada] to Lee Casey [Rocky Mtn. News], 1-20-43

Box-folder 6.5

Ted E. Lewis, Topaz, Utah to "Chief" [Harold Jacoby?], 3-26-43

Box-folder 6.6

Harold S. Jacoby to "Ex-Tulean," 8-12- 43; Notes beginning "Miss Gifford" [green ink, 2 pp.]

Box 6

Reminiscences & Other Writings

Box-folder 6.7

P.G. Webber. Untitled personal observations on Japan & relocation, n.d. [Webber, a Japan scholar who spoke Japanese]

Box-folder 6.8

"Meditation on a boy," n.d., 6 pp. [anonymous typescript on Paul Takemura, who died in an accident at Amache]

Box-folder 6.9

Toyohiko Kagawa. "Poems on the Far Eastern Crisis," n.d. [written in relocation center]

Box 6

Newspaper Clippings

Box-folder 6.10


Box-folder 6.10

"Church services for Japanese," n.s. (5-23-42)

Box-folder 6.10

"Women's luncheon," n.s. (6-10-42)

Box-folder 6.10

Bill Henry. "By the Way," Los Angeles Times (12-26-42) [typed transcript]

Box-folder 6.10

"Japanese neighbors help Chinese to farm land of evacuated friends," n.s. (n.d., c1942)

Box-folder 6.11


Box-folder 6.11

"Army will admit loyal US Japanese," Cleveland Press (1-29-43)

Box-folder 6.11

"Welcome plan for Jap labor here," Cleveland Press (1-29-43)

Box-folder 6.11

"Loyal to America," Canton Repository (1-30-43)

Box-folder 6.11

"Jap battalion in US Army is highly praised," Erie Dispatch Herald (2-3-43)

Box-folder 6.11

"Nisei seeks job at Middletown State Hospital," Hartford Courant (2-6-43)

Box-folder 6.11

"Abbreviated citizenship," Detroit Free Press (2-16-43)

Box-folder 6.11

"University Women protest act aimed at Japanese," Little Rock Gazette (2-21-43)

Box-folder 6.11

"Wisconsin jobs waiting for Japanese-Americans," Milwaukee Sentinel (2-24-43)

Box-folder 6.11

"Nisei nurses," Newark Evening News (3-26-43)

Box-folder 6.11

"Recent addition to Inter-City News staff has deep faith in Uncle Sam," Kansas City Inter-City News (3-26-43)

Box-folder 6.11

"Evacuated farmers," Washington Post (3-28-43)

Box-folder 6.11

"Four Sakura brothers are shown with their mother...," Twin Falls Times News (3-28-43)

Box-folder 6.11

"Earns citation," [Richard Ko Watanabe] Schenectady Union Star (3-31-43)

Box-folder 6.11

"Three-Point Plan for supervision of Japanese evacuees proposed," Stockton Record (4-11-43)

Box-folder 6.11

Frank Herron Smith. "Japanese-American students accepted by some colleges," California Christian Advocate (4-22-43)

Box-folder 6.11

"Japanese said to desire dispersal," Stockton Record (5-12-43)

Box-folder 6.11

"Letters on the Japanese," Stockton Record (5-22-43)

Box-folder 6.11

Milton Silverman. "Life at Tule Lake," San Francisco Chronicle (5-25-43)

Box-folder 6.11

Milton Silverman. "Life in Tule Lake," San Francisco Chronicle (5-26-43)

Box-folder 6.11

Milton Silverman. "Life at Tule Lake---Rumors & riots spread like wildfire...," San Francisco Chronicle (5-27-43)

Box-folder 6.11

Milton Silverman. "The Emperor of Tule Lake," [Dr. Yamato Ichihashi] San Francisco Chronicle (5-27-43)

Box-folder 6.11

Milton Silverman. "Life at Tule Lake: Groups that pass resolutions receive a lashing," San Francisco Chronicle (5-28-43)

Box-folder 6.11

"US Jap Chaplain," Stockton Record (6-10-43)

Box-folder 6.11

"Heart Mountain Relocation Center's Population about same as Laramie's; WRA plan described," Laramie Republican & Boomerang (8-9-43)

Box-folder 6.11

"Getting Nisei to leave Centers is one of WRA's toughest jobs," Laramie Republican & Boomerang (8-11-43)

Box-folder 6.11

"Pro-Japanese testimonial," Oregon Journal (8-18-43)

Box-folder 6.11

Chester Rowell. "Stressing issues that have not been raised," San Francisco Chronicle (8-19-43)

Box-folder 6.11

"Jap Relocation Center at Heart Mountain hums with sounds of industry," Billings Gazette (8-22-43)

Box-folder 6.11

"Behold! A Molehill," Washington Post (8-26-43)

Box-folder 6.11

"Galen Fisher and the Japanese," Stockton Record (11-8-43)

Box-folder 6.12


Box-folder 6.12

"Japanese-Americans offered good jobs," n.s. (2-1-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"WRA office toopen here," Stockton Record (2-7-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Farmers act on Japanese," Stockton Record (2-12-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Nisei protection urged by Kenny," Stockton Record (3-16-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Nisei & Legion rolls," Stockton Record(3-17-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Alien Japanese said first in Army," Stockton Record (3-21-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Attempt is made on life of Jap-American vet," Merced Sun-Star (3-27-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Mario Mirko died in Jap prsion camp," Lodi News Sentinel (3-28-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Japanese family welcomed back by neighbors," Stockton Record (3-28-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Select panel for Nisei intimidation," Lodi News Sentinel (3-29-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Oppose evacuee return," Lodi News Sentinel (3-30-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Staff Sgt. James Hajime Kurata...," Stockton Record(3-31-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Livingston Jap's home is fired on third time," Merced Sun-Star (4-2-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Shots fired at Japanese home are investigated," Modesto Bee (4-3-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Pfc. Toby M. Nishimoto of Rt.3, Lodi..." Stockton Record(4-3-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Japanese-American girl enlists as Army nurse," Merced Sun-Star (4-3-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Shots are fired into home of two Japs at Cortez," Merced Sun-Star(4-4-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Plan forum on Japanese: Resettlement problems to be discussed," Stockton Record(4-4-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Can bid on buildings," Lodi News Sentinel (4-6-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Will form fair play committee in Merced County," Merced Sun-Star(4-9-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Fresno fair play group to smooth way for Japanese," Merced Sun-Star (4-10-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Legion post replaces Nisei names on roll," Stockton Record (4-10-45)

Box-folder 6.12

Marq. "Over the morning coffee," Lodi News Sentinel (4-11-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Nisei problem to be topic," Stockton Record(4-12-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Groups opposing Japs return to organize," Merced Sun-Star (4-12-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Declares Japs only wanted to dig in here," Modesto Bee (4-12-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Dual citizenship safeguard is adopted by FCAAAC," Modesto Bee (4-12-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Stockton's housing problem laid before congressman," Stockton Record(4-12-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Says Japanese have no place in democracy," Modesto Bee (4-12-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Tiny Nisei WAC aids Army hospital," Stockton Record (4-13-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Anti Japanese league will be formed by six state groups," Merced Sun-Star (4-14-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Return of Japs opposed by Chamber of Commerce," Merced Sun-Star (4-14-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Japanese dispute stirs Legion meet," Stockton Record(4-16-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Anti Japanese league will be formed by six state groups," Stockton Record (4-16-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"PAC, Nisei rapped by solon probers," Stockton Record (4-16-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Resettlement aid must be offered to Japanese," Modesto Bee (4-17-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Trial of 3 opens for Nisei terror raid," Stockton Record(4-17-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Nisei citizen rights asked," Stockton Record (4-17-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Selecting jury in Nisei arson plot," Lodi News Sentinel (4-18-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"State is near showdown on Nisei question," San Francisco Chronicle (4-18-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Pete & his pipe," Stockton Record (4-18-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Nisei [Harley Oka, Hollywood] resigns from American Legion post," Lodi News Sentinel (4-19-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Legion head quits in row over Nisei," Stockton Record (4-19-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Legion disputes over admission of Jap veterans," Merced Sun-Star(4-19-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Legion commander quits over post row," Lodi News Sentinel (4-20-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Link pliers wih Nisei arson plot," Lodi News Sentinel (4-20-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Nisei testifies in terror raid trial," Stockton Record(4-20-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Three shots are fired into home of Livingston Jap," Merced Sun-Star (4-23-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Judge will rule on anti-Nisei tesimony," Stockton Record (4-23-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Civic group plans for Nisei return," Stockton Record (4-23-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Deny use of Assembly post office facilities for booklet on Japs," Merced Sun-Star (4-24-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Japanese return discouraged by new league," Merced Sun-Star (4-24-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"County benefit from escheat bill unknown, says Watson," Stockton Record (4-24-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Shots fired at homes of returned Japanese," Stockton Record (4-24-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"'White supremacy' urged in Nisei case," Stockton Record(4-24-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Toastmasters discuss returning Japanese," Lodi News Sentinel (4-25-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Three accused of raid on home of Nisei are freed," Modesto Bee (4-25-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Dispersal policy would be best for Japanese," Modesto Bee (4-25-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"State investigates Nisei attacks in Livingston area," Modesto Bee (4-25-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Nisei attack case jury frees three," Stockton Record(4-25-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Identities on Nisei council are cleared," Stockton Record (4-25-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Returning Japanese unloaded in Stockton," Stockton Record (4-25-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Anti-Japanese group for state formed," Stockton Record(4-25-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Soldier sons of Kishi family asks WRA to protect parents," Merced Sun-Star (4-26-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Sheriff doing all possible to find Jap assailants," Merced Sun-Star (4-26-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Japanese American soldiers ask WRA to potect family," Modesto Bee (4-26-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Deplores persecution of minority racial groups," Modesto Bee (4-26-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"29 Japanese return," Stockton Record (4-26-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Nisei soldiers ask family protection," Stockton Record (4-26-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Pete & his pipe," Stockton Record (4-27-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Modesto Nisei is sentenced as draft evader," Modesto Bee (4-30-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"WRA agent hits at Nisei baiters," Modesto Bee (5-1-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Pro Japanese pressure group are criticized," Modesto Bee (5-1-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Some counties refuse to resettle Japs," Merced Sun-Star (5-1-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Supervisors deny sheriff's request for night patrol," Merced Sun-Star (5-1-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Sheriff asks funds for protection of Japanese," Modesto Bee (5-2-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Merced refuses funds for protecting Nisei," Modesto Bee (5-2-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Jap-Americans aid in capture of Italian port," Merced Sun-Star(5-2-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Nisei citizenship to be debated," Stockton Record(5-2-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Killed in action [Robt. T. Kishi, Stockton]," Stockton Record(5-3-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Japanese aid in quelling blaze," Modesto Bee (5-3-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"With folks you know [Sgt. Kazuo Nakabayashi]," Lodi News Sentinel (5-4-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"A thousand times no," Lodi News Sentinel (5-4-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Kenny sees need for vigilance by police...," Merced Sun-Star (5-7-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Uncle Sam is sued for failure to pay light bill," Modesto Bee (5-9-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Police probe shooting at Japanese domicile," Modesto Bee (5-9-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Pistol attack on Nisei in Fresno probed," Stockton Record (5-9-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Wounded veterans score recent terrorist attacks," Modesto Bee (5-9-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Hoodlums fire shots into Japanese home," Merced Sun-Star (5-9-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Rock thrown in home of Japanese-American," Merced Sun-Star (5-9-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Knoles urges change in citizenship laws," Lodi News Sentinel (5-11-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Thinks Japanese should not return to Coast," Modesto Bee (5-11-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Beware of prejudice on part of commentators," Modesto Bee (5-12-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Ickes calls on California for Nisei protection," Stockton Record (5-14-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"West Coast attitude is hit by Ickes," Lodi News Sentinel(5-14-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Ickes flays West Coast officers...," Merced Sun-Star (5-14-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Ickes hits terror attacks against Nisei in state," Modesto Bee (5-14-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Calif. Jr. Chamber asks Jap return delay," Stockton Record(5-14-45)

Box-folder 6.12

Junior Chamber urges delay in returning Nisei," Modesto Bee (5-14-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Union refuses to work with Nisei," Stockton Record(5-15-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Sues for divorce [Futayo Bingo]," Modesto Bee (5-15-45) [over citizenship issue]

Box-folder 6.12

Letter to editor from "Miss. A.O., Amache Colo." Merced Sun-Star (5-15-45) [re Merced Supervisors' refusal to grant Nisei protection]

Box-folder 6.12

"Jap Americans victims of new incidents," Merced Sun-Star (5-15-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Stop hate campaign," Modesto Bee (5-15-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Violence against citizen Japanese is wrong way," Modesto Bee (5-16-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Stockton union refuses Nisei," Lodi News Sentinel (5-16-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"S.T. Ichiki [Lodi] met death in Germany," Lodi News Sentinel (5-16-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Wounded in action [Pvt.s Tokko Fukuchi & Yoshio Honbo]," Stockton Record (5-17-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Stockton Longshoremen refuse to work with returned Jap-Americans," Merced Sun-Star (5-17-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Union gives okeh to hiring Nisei," Modesto Bee (5-17-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Union vote against Nisei laid to outside influence," Stockton Record (5-17-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"The Stockton incident," Stockton Record(5-18-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Bridges against Stockton ban on Nisei," Merced Sun-Star(5-18-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Bridges assails vote against Nisei," Stockton Record (5-18-45)

Box-folder 6.12


Box-folder 6.12

"Bridges pledges protection for Nisei workers," Modesto Bee (5-18-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"City news briefs," Stockton Record (5-19-45) [meeting of Community Comm. on J-A Resettlement]

Box-folder 6.12

"Longshoremen to be dealt w/ for ban on Nisei," Merced Sun-Star (5-19-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Backs CIO workers," Modesto Bee (5-19-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Japs must prove loyalty before owning Calif. land," Merced Sun-Star (5-19-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Quakers assist returned Nisei [Seattle]," Merced Sun-Star (5-19-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Open house today at Nisei hostel [Oakland]," San Francisco Chronicle (5-20-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Continuance of Oriental Exclusion Act is asked by Native Sons," Modesto Bee (5-21-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Bill would bar land to disloyal Nisei," Stockton Record (5-21-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Japanese loyalty," Modesto Bee (5-21-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"New assault on Nisei home [Selma] is reported," Stockton Record (5-21-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Attack on Nisei home at Selma is probed," Modesto Bee (5-21-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Returned Japanese number 750 persons," Merced Sun-Star (5-22-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Japanese exclusion urged by Native Sons," Stockton Record(5-22-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Union calls meet to discuss Jap issue," Stockton Record (5-22-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Selma Japanese assaulted Sunday," Merced Sun-Star (5-22-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Union asks cooperation in drive to eliminate racial discrimination," Modesto Bee (5-22-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Stockton union is suspended," Modesto Bee(5-23-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Stockton union suspended for ban on Nisei," Merced Sun-Star(5-23-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Stockton ILWU union suspended on Nisei ban," Lodi News Sentinel (5-23-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Local union suspended for anti-Nisei action," Stockton Record (5-23-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Second home of Japanese American fired on in Selma," Merced Sun-Star (5-23-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Congressman hit WRA fund for pro Nippon propaganda," Modesto Bee(5-23-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Declares migrants were angels in tramps' garb," Modesto Bee (5-23-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Seek allegiance oath," Lodi News Sentinel (5-23-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"WRA propaganda favoring Japanese opposed in House," Merced Sun-Star(5-23-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Calif. solons oppose WRA's use of funds to publish Jap brochures," Stockton Record (5-23-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Loyalty oath from Japs asked in bill," Merced Sun-Star(5-23-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"SF man takes over local union," Stockton Record (5-24-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Union's leaders back suspension," Modesto Bee(5-24-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Authorities meet to fiht terrorism against Nisei," Merced Sun-Star(5-24-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Public Forum," Merced Sun-Star (5-24-45) [complains of anti-Nisei coverage of paper]

Box-folder 6.12

"More violence against Japs in Fresno area," Merced Sun-Star (5-24-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"More attacks are reported against Nisei families," Modesto Bee(5-24-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Opposition said growing to union edict on Nisei issue," Stockton Record(5-25-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Another attack on Jap-Americans in Fresno County," Merced Sun-Star (5-25-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Stockon unionists to face trial for ban on Nisei," Merced Sun-Star(5-25-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Two men held for assaults on Nisei," Merced Sun-Star(5-25-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Pete & his pipe," Stockton Record (5-26-45) [re ILWU suspension of Stockton branch]

Box-folder 6.12

"Union men to ask for mass trial," Stockton Record (5-26-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Public Forum," Merced Sun-Star (5-26-45) [complains of WRA efforts to "cram Japanese down our throats"]

Box-folder 6.12

Acts of terrorism against Nisei grow in Valley," Merced Sun-Star (5-26-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Man arrested for attempt to shoot Japanese-American," Merced Sun-Star (5-28-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Refuse to sign pledge in race row," Lodi News Sentinel (5-28-45) [ILWU]

Box-folder 6.12

"Terror assault on Nisei is admitted by Parlier man," Modesto Bee (5-28-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"WRA official says few Nisei return to Coast," Modesto Bee (5-28-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Stockon union calls parley to protest trial," Modesto Bee (5-28-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"High court denies review of Nisei draft decision [Minola Tamesa]," Modesto Bee (5-28-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Fascism is seen in union row by pastor," Stockton Record (5-28-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"50 union men storm out of hearing," Stockton Record (5-28-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Man held for terror shots at Nisei home," Stockton Record (5-28-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Loot is abandoned," Stockton Record (5-28-45) [theft of refrigerator from Nisei home]

Box-folder 6.12

"2353 Nisei return to Coast, WRA reports," Stockton Record (5-28-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Parlier resident charged with firing on Nisei," Merced Sun-Star(5-28-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Stockton unionists fight hearing on race charges," Merced Sun-Star (5-28-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Nisei regains farm [Oregon City, Ore.]," Lodi News Sentinel (5-29-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Oregon Nisei regains land in court fight," Merced Sun-Star (5-29-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Nisei wins right to regain farm," Modesto Bee(5-29-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Many Nisei from Heart Mountain Center plan to return to state," Modesto Bee (5-29-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Racial dispute result of union squabble," Merced Sun-Star (5-29-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Dictatorship held issue in Warehousmen's row," Stockton Record (5-29-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Stockton Union fight continues," Modesto Bee (5-29-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Pete & his pipe," Stockton Record (5-29-45) [opposes integrated housing etc.]

Box-folder 6.12

"Racial discrimination & hatred," Stockton Record (5-29-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Background of union row outlined," Stockton Record (5-29-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Charges fly in union row," Stockton Record (5-30-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Nisei evacuees plan return here June 4," Stockton Record (5-30-45) [Heart Mtn. trainload]

Box-folder 6.12

"Non-Valley Nisei may return for work on farms," Modesto Bee (5-31-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Non-resident Nisei may work in Valley," Stockton Record (5-31-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Okeh of bill to prevent Nisei ownership of land is urged," Modesto Bee (5-31-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Ickes raps judge in Parlier Nisei terroristic case," Modesto Bee (5-31-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Ickes flays judge for verdict in Nisei attack," Merced Sun-Star (5-31-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Ickes blasts Parlier justice in handling of Nisei terror case," Stockton Record (5-31-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Autos of evacuated Japanese damaged," Stockton Record (5-31-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Japanese American ownership of land argued before judiciary committee," Merced Sun-Star (5-31-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Most decorated unit in Army is Japanese-American," Merced Sun-Star(5-31-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Hint arson attempt made," Lodi News Sentinel (5-31-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"No compromise ILWU hope seen," Lodi News Sentinel (5-31-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Pete & his pipe," Stockton Record (5-31-45) [urges Nisei not return to Valley before War's end]

Box-folder 6.12

"Threats of violence hamper WRA's relocation of Nisei," Modesto Bee (6-1-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Threatened violence against Nisei said big problem facing WRA plans," Stockton Record (6-1-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Trial date set in local union row," Stockton Record (6-1-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Parlier judge says he can chaw down that Ickes any day," Merced Sun-Star (6-1-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Non-resideent Japs eligible to work," Merced Sun-Star(6-1-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"WRA to go out of business June 30, 1946," Merced Sun-Star (6-2-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Nisei to train European Gis in techniques of fighting in Pacific," Stockton Record (6-2-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Letter from a Japanese boy [Yoshi Kenmotsu]," Stockton Record (6-2-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Target practice plugs stored car," Lodi News Sentinel (6-4-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Felony complaint against Parlier man is sought," Modesto Bee (6-4-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Seek felony charges against Nisei-baiter," Lodi News Sentinel (6-4-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Letters from the people: Harmony among races," Stockton Record (6-4-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Kenny action asked in Parlier Nisei case," Stockton Record (6-4-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Yanks to learn how Nips fight from US Nisei," Merced Sun-Star(6-4-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Ask felony charge against farmer for Nisei assault," Merced Sun-Star (6-4-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Japanese in union row is alien," Stockton Record (6-5-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Seek FBI, service ok on Japanese," Lodi News Sentinel (6-5-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"District Attorney refutes criticism of Parlier trial," Merced Sun-Star (6-5-45)

Box-folder 6.12

Peter Edson. "War Relocation Authority hopes to liquidate by January 1946," Merced Sun-Star (6-5-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Writer deplores outcome of Parlier evacuee case," Modesto Bee (6-5-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Ickes is scolded by Justice of Peace," Modesto Bee (6-5-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Racial discrimination ban by union is backed," Modesto Bee(6-5-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Alien Japanese revelation fails to halt ILWU debate," Stockton Record (6-6-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Racial council airs union row," Stockton Record (6-6-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"WRA reveals Japanese who caused union fight is alien," Sacramento Bee (6-6-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"ILWU official names Stockton ringleaders," Sacramento Bee (6-6-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"WRA heads will meet in Fresno," Modesto Bee (6-6-45)

Box-folder 6.12

Peter Edson. "Washington Column," Merced Sun-Star (6-6-45) [overview of violence against Nisei]

Box-folder 6.12

"Ickes has reached end of usefulness says Judge Crosby," Merced Sun-Star (6-6-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Japanese-American boy from Winton killed in action," Merced Sun-Star(6-6-45) [Pfc. Mamoru Kinoshita]

Box-folder 6.12

"WRA officials to meet for talks on problem of Japanese-Americans," Merced Sun-Star (6-6-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Flays WRA head," Lodi News Sentinel (6-7-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Ringleaders in Stockton union row are named," Modesto Bee (6-7-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Union to try ringleaders at Stockton," Merced Sun-Star (6-7-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Letters from the people: Facts about Japanese-Americans," Stockton Record (6-7-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Five to stand union trial," Stockton Record (6-7-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Kenny commends law officers for Nisei protection," Modesto Bee (6-8-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Keep bullets at front," Modesto Bee (6-8-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Attempt to burn garages of Nisei in Hanford area," Merced Sun-Star (6-8-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Japanese Association building hit by fire," Lodi News Sentinel(6-9-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Officers prevent more assaults on Japanese citizens," Merced Sun-Star (6-9-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Parlier shooting affair sentence is criticized," Modesto Bee(6-9-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"98 Nisei sentenced for resisting draft," Stockton Record (6-11-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Maimed GIs urge Nisei protection," Stockton Record (6-11-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Two identified as Japanese are hunted," Modesto Bee (6-11-45)

Box-folder 6.12

Peter Edson. "Washington Column," Merced Sun-Star (6-11-45) [re race relations in SF]

Box-folder 6.12

"Nisei veteran [Homer Takahashi] wonders about home reception," Modesto Bee(6-11-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Violence is decried," Modesto Bee (6-11-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Homefront outlawry is likened to Hitlerism," Modesto Bee (6-12-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Association would have Ickes relieved from control ovr Nisei," Modesto Bee(6-12-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Japanese problem committee sought," Lodi News Sentinel (6-12-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Approve return of loyal Japanese," Merced Sun-Star (6-12-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Removal of Ickes asked by group opposing Nisei," Merced Sun-Star(6-12-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"News versus propaganda," Modesto Bee (6-13-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Ivanhoe District makes mass protest on return of Japs," Modesto Bee (6-13-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"'Dangerous to return Japanese to West Coast," says Committee," Modesto Bee (6-13-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Legislative group oppose Japanese return to Coast," Merced Sun-Star (6-13-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Suggest rewards to halt attacks on Amer-Japs," Merced Sun-Star (6-14-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Return of US-Japanese to Coast is opposed by state solon group," Stockton Record (6-14-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Declares terrorism is not the American way," Modesto Bee (6-14-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Suggests reward in attacks on Nisei," Stockton Record (6-14-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Union men await trial," Stockton Record (6-15-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Rewards useless to halt attacks on Amer-Japs," Merced Sun-Star(6-15-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Five union men await verdict," Stockton Record (6-18-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Anti-Japanese case in Stockton union postponed two weeks," Merced Sun-Star (6-18-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Myer believes 24,000 Nisei wil resettle on Coast," Modesto Bee (6-18-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"UnionTrial Committee studies evidence in Stockton dispute," Modesto Bee (6-18-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"American doughboys of Nippon ancestry lose 2,111 in European war," Modesto Bee(6-19-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Japs to return from Centers by January 1946," Stockton Record (6-19-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Many Japanese will resettle away f rom Coast," Merced Sun-Star (6-19-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"AmerJap soldiers suffer casualties of over 2,000," Merced Sun-Star (6-19-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Coast Nisei said settling in Midwest," Merced Sun-Star (6-19-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"2111 Nisei casualties reported in Europe," Stockton Record (6-19-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Student raps Gearhart for statement on Japanese," Modesto Bee (6-19-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Coast Nisei said settling in Midwest," Stockton Record (6-19-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Claims myths on Japanese entirely false," Lodi News Sentinel (6-20-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"32 Nisei attacks have occurred in California," Modesto Bee(6-20-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Would send Japanese to fight against each other," Modesto Bee (6-20-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"WRA expects to relocate 24,000 Nisei in West," Modesto Bee (6-20-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"WRA officials discuss Japanese problems in session at Fresno," Modesto Bee (6-21-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Director of WRA raps Nisei attacks," Stockton Record (6-21-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"GIs favorable to Nisei, says Myer," Stockton Record (6-22-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Nisei markeing problems are aired by WRA officials," Modesto Bee(6-22-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Dummy land sales to alien Japs no go, says Judge," Merced Sun-Star(6-22-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"All AmerJaps in Ariz. camps out by Jan. 1," Merced Sun-Star (6-22-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Brown reports GIs against race baiting," Lodi News Sentinel (6-23-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"GIs said opposed to Nisei persecution," Stockton Record (6-23-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Two Nippon gardeners in LA get threats," Modesto Bee (6-23-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Hits rationing board for refusing shoes for son," Modesto Bee (6-23-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"700 returned Nisei said on relief roll," Stockton Record (6-25-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Shot fired into home [San Jose]," Stockton Record (6-25-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Myer is warned," Modesto Bee (6-26-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"State aid says 700 Nisei are on relief rolls," Modesto Bee(6-26-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Shot fired into home of WRA official," Merced Sun-Star (6-26-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Mauldin has trouble getting adjusted to civilian life; angered by assaults on Japanese-Americans in California," Merced Sun-Star(6-27-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Alien Japanese faces charge of claiming to be US citizen," Modesto Bee (6-27-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Japanese episode perturbs former war prisoner," Modesto Bee (6-27-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Nisei soldier fears he must ace battle at home," Modesto Bee (6-28-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Woodward rules Jap alien leases of commercial property illegal," Stockton Record (7-5-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"$1000 reward offered for Nisei attackers," Stockton Record(7-6-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Parlier incident," Stockton Record (7-6-45) [letter to editor protesting shooting at Nisei]

Box-folder 6.12

"Calif. group set to fight race prejudice," Stockton Record (7-7-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Group to combat racial prejudice may be set up," Merced Sun-Star (7-7-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"3000 Nisei reported on casualty rolls," Stockton Record (7-7-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Land suits filed against Japanese," Lodi News Sentinel (7-9-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Gen. Devers urges Nisei defense," Lodi News Sentinel (7-9-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Alien land act strengthened by two new bills," Merced Sun-Star (7-11-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Discrimination opposed," Stockton Record(7-11-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Closing dates set for Nisei War Centers," Stockton Record (7-13-45) [Gila River, 11-15; Granada, 10-15; Heart Mtn., 11-15; Minidoka, 11-1; Manzanar, 12-1; Poston, 12-1; Rohwer, 12-15; Topaz, 11-1]

Box-folder 6.12

"Offer $1000 reward in terrorism acts," Lodi News Sentinel (7-13-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Yamamoto an alien," Stockton Record (7-13-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Three Japanese seek brokers' licenses," Stockton Record (7-17-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Captain of Niseis to speak here," Stockton Record (7-17-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Private Harry Nakamura...," Lodi News Sentinel (7-17-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Desecrated Jap cemetery is restored by COP veterans," Stockton Record (7-17-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Tanioka offers opposing views to recent Reuter observations," Stockton Record (7-21-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Japanese cemetery," Stockton Record (7-23-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Saturday opinion of Charles Tanioka is supported by letter," Merced Sun-Star (7-24-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"US will prosecute Nisei terrorists," Merced Sun-Star(7-24-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Nisei evacuees to be returned to Lodi," Merced Sun-Star (7-24-45)

Box-folder 6.12

Terrorists of Nisei face charge by federal government...," Merced Sun-Star (7-25-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Yoshiro Ito...," Lodi News Sentinel (7-26-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"21 inducted into US service by local board," Lodi News Sentinel (7-26-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"127 Japanese to arrive Sunday," Stockton Record (7-27-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Japanese relocation work explained," Stockton Record (7-27-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"DA to ask dismissal of anti-Nisei charge," Merced Sun-Star(7-27-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Ouster of 2 in ILWU sought," Stockton Record (7-28-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Japanese-Americans win another citation," Merced Sun-Star (7-30-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Reasons given for expulsion by Stockton union," Stockton Record(7-30-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Japanese-Americans in return to Lodi," Lodi News Sentinel (7-31-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Army decides Japs return," Lodi News Sentinel (7-31-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Train of AmerJaps arrives in state from Arkansas," Merced Sun-Star (7-31-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"State sues for Japanese lease," Stockton Record (8-1-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Nisei reports shot," Stockton Record (8-1-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"New race woe facing ILWU," Stockton Record (8-1-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"The WRA officials have so often acted arbitrarily...," Merced Sun-Star (8-2-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"First soldiers of Jap descent return to states," Merced Sun-Star(8-4-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"GI's greet wife of Japanese-American," Stockton Record (8-4-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Officer protests VFW discrimination against Nisei vet," Merced Sun-Star (8-6-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Commissioned" [2d Lt. Yoshiro Ito] Lodi News Sentinel (8-6-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Barring of wounded Nisei by VFW post rapped by officer [Spokane]," Stockton Record (8-6-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Protest barring of Nisei in VFW post," Lodi News Sentinel (8-7-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Japanese-Americans arrive at Beale for furloughs," Merced Sun-Star (8-7-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Alleged terrorists of Nisei indicted by Grand Jury [Auburn]," Merced Sun-Star (8-7-45)

Box-folder 6.12


Box-folder 6.12

"Kindness for Nisei urged at Lions' meet," Stockton Record(8-9-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Keep Hirohito, urges Denver Nisei priest," Stockton Record (8-11-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Japanese American of Livingston cited for heroism," Merced Sun-Star (8-11-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Stockton ILWU suspended," Stockton Record (8-13-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"VFW apologizes for post barring Nisei," Lodi News Sentinel (8-14-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"400 Nisei will leave Arkansas for West," Modesto Bee (8-16-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"250 Japanese return to California homes," Stockton Record (8-17-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"200 Japanese return from camp in Utah," Modesto Bee(8-17-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Lauds Nisei soldiers," Modesto Bee (8-17-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Japanese Americans back," Merced Sun-Star (8-17-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Amer-Japs need permits," Merced Sun-Star (8-17-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Sergeant is angered by attacks against Nisei," Modesto Bee (8-18-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Lodi GI blasts Nisei baiters, praises work," Lodi News Sentinel(8-20-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Tule Lake detention decision Monday," Lodi News Sentinel (8-20-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Against Japanese," Modesto Bee (8-20-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Fighter takes issue," Stockton Record (8-20-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Five Nisei boys seek to have jail terms set aside by court," Modesto Bee (8-20-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Decision expected on disloyal Japs," Merced Sun-Star (8-21-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Smith professor now a buck private [Shinichi Kusaka]," Merced Sun-Star (8-22-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Japs lose land," Stockton Record (8-24-45) [San Diego]

Box-folder 6.12

"Deportation to Japan faced by 6000 Nisei," Stockton Record (8-27-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"SF machinists quit as Nisei goes on job," Stockton Record (8-28-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Board 38 inducts 20 local youths," Stockton Record (8-28-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Shop vote keeps Nisei on bus repair job," Stockton Record (8-29-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Restore charters of Nisei Legion posts," Lodi News Sentinel (8-20-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Bus workers call truce," Lodi News Sentinel (8-29-45) [San Francisco]

Box-folder 6.12

"Alien Japanese in land-loss to state," Lodi News Sentinel (8-29-45) [Salinas]

Box-folder 6.12

"Seeks citizenship for Japanese aliens," Lodi News Sentinel (8-29-45) [A.L. Wirin, ACLU]

Box-folder 6.12

"Jap exclusion program ends," Merced Sun-Star (9-4-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Lift Ban on Coast Japs," Oakland Post-Enquirer (9-4-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"California Japanese lands with troops," Stockton Record (9-5-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Nisei furniture stolen," Stockton Record (9-5-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Bars off on return to Coast," Lodi News Sentinel (9-5-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"9,700 Japanese may not return," Merced Sun-Star (9-5-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Exclusion ban on Japanese lifted," Stockton Record (9-5-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Induct 15 into Army from Lodi," Lodi News Sentinel (9-6-45?)

Box-folder 6.12

"35 rail employees walk out over hiring of Nisei fireman," Stockton Record? (9-6-45?)

Box-folder 6.12

"Nisei's home is vandal's target," Merced Sun-Star (9-14-45) [Mrs. K. Imada, Lodi]

Box-folder 6.12

"San Joaquin wants no more of it," Stockton Record (9-15-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Bullet fired into home of Nisei," Lodi News Sentinel(9-15-45) [Mrs. K. Imada, Lodi]

Box-folder 6.12

"First terrorism for S.J. County," Lodi News Sentinel (9-15-45) [Mrs. K. Imada, Lodi]

Box-folder 6.12

"Two held for firing into Japanese home," Stockton Record (9-18-45) [Oakland]

Box-folder 6.12

"Two more Japanese homes hit by shots," Stockton Record (9-18-45) [Oakland]

Box-folder 6.12

"32,474 Nisei still in Relocation Camps," Stockton Record(9-18-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Sheriff checks on anti-Jap actions," Stockton Record (9-18-45) [Oakland]

Box-folder 6.12

"M. Yomeoka passes away," Lodi News Sentinel (9-18-45) [Lodi]

Box-folder 6.12

"Rich reward may nab local gang of terrorists," Lodi Times (9-20-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Nisei family returns to find home in ashes," Stockton Record? (9-20-45) [Loomis]

Box-folder 6.12

"Pacific vet tells protest to terrorism," Stockton Record (9-21-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"SF Nisei hotel guarded by police," Stockton Record (9-21-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Loyal Nisei takes beating from Japs," Stockton Record (9-25-45) [in Manila prison camp]

Box-folder 6.12

"Theater lessee wins damages," Stockton Record (9-27-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Nisei now returning to Pacific Coast in increasing numbers," Stockton Record (9-27-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"In community interest," Stockton Record (9-27-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Problem is seen as Nisei plan shift to West," Modesto Bee(9-27-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Nisei now coming to West Coast," Merced Sun-Star (9-27-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"A rock for a warrior's sister," Lodi News Sentinel? (9-28-45) [Seattle]

Box-folder 6.12

"WRA closing evacuee centers rapidly," Merced Sun-Star? (10-3-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Pete & his pipe," Stockton Record (10-6-45) [re housing for returning Stockton Nisei]

Box-folder 6.12

"Teamwork," Stockton Record (10-6-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Mauldin cartoon," Stockton Record (10-9-45?)

Box-folder 6.12

"Livingston sergeant awarded bronze star," Merced Sun-Star (10-9-45) [Sgt. M. James Masuda]

Box-folder 6.12

Lee Casey. "End of Amache," n.s. (n.d.; ca 10-15-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Nisei vet would search ruins for aged mother," Modesto Bee (10-16-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Upholds plan to bring Japanese into Valley," Modesto Bee (10-16-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Deportation of Nippon aliens is demanded," Stockton Record (10-17-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Pete & his pipe," Stockton Record (10-17-45) [re housing for returning Stockton Nisei]

Box-folder 6.12

"Nipponese camp at Tule Lake is to close Feb. 1," Modesto Bee (10-19-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Ickes commends plan for vet club to protect returning Nisei," Stockton Record (10-19-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Japanese Americans also have a responsibility," Modesto Bee (10-24-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Tule Lake Japanese still pose many problems," Modesto Bee (10-26-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"War vet changes Japanese name for even break in civilian life," Stockton Record (10-27-45) [Stockton Nisei Takeshi Miyasaki becomes Taki Saiz]

Box-folder 6.12

"576 Japanese return here," Stockton Record (10-27-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Disloyal at Tule Lake are to be sent to Japan," Modesto Bee (10-30-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Ikamatsu Hinabara dies here Tuesday," Merced Sun-Star (10-31-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Bill Mauldin warns America against home-grown bigots," Stockton Record (11-1-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Cartoonist blasts home-grown Hitlers...," Merced Sun-Star (11-1-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"US born Japanese resist deportation," Modesto Bee (11-3-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Vet K-9 attacks Japanese woman," Stockton Record (11-9-45) [Berkeley]

Box-folder 6.12

"Association head protests use of Jap labor by railroads," Merced Sun-Star (11-9-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"State seeks land held by Japanese in Fresno," Modesto Bee(11-9-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"First Japanese are put in camp near Capital," Modesto Bee (11-9-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Japanese ends life," Modesto Bee (11-14-45) [Kojiro Yoshida, age 77, Walnut Grove]

Box-folder 6.12

"7 Nisei seek beer, wine licenses," Stockton Record (11-15-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Japanese homeward bound," Stockton Record (11-27-45) [Seattle]

Box-folder 6.12

"Returning Japanese hit by housing shortage," Stockton Record(12-1-45) [Stockton]

Box-folder 6.12

"WRA drops 2500 Japanese here," Stockton Record (12-1-45) [Stockton]

Box-folder 6.12

"College students to aid Japanese," Stockton Record(12-3-45) [COP]

Box-folder 6.12

"Third man held in slaying," Stockton Record (12-3-45) [murder of Nisei in San Jose]

Box-folder 6.12

"Deplores race feeling," Modesto Bee (12-3-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Two women fined," Lodi News Sentinel (12-4-45) [for kicking ladder from under Nisei,San Juan]

Box-folder 6.12

"T. Sugihara rites set for today at 2," Lodi News Sentinel (12-6-45) [Stockton]

Box-folder 6.12

"Child killed by hammer at center," Lodi News Sentinel (12-6-45) [Tule Lake]

Box-folder 6.12

"Woman suspected of brutal murder of young daughter," Modesto Bee (12-7-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Students in Stockton serve 200 Japanese," Merced Sun-Star (12-7-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Japanese-American is being sought by WRA," Merced Sun-Star (12-7-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Repatriated Japanese family," Stockton Record (12-31-45)

Box-folder 6.12

"Child fatally hurt in fall from window," Stockton Record (12-31-45) [Saburo Motoike, Stockton]

Box-folder 6.13


Box-folder 6.13

"Gilmore named to Stockton WRA post," Lodi News Sentinel (1-7-46)

Box-folder 6.13

"Teen-ager dance to open center," Stockton Record (1-12-46)

Box-folder 6.13

"WRA office to close April 19," Stockton Record (1-19-46)

Box-folder 6.13

"Stockton boy host to mother in Japan," Stockton Record (1-19-46)

Box-folder 6.13

"Japanese worker is shot in head," Modesto Bee(1-23-46)

Box-folder 6.13

"Japanese-American WACs off for Tokio," Stockton Record (1-23-46)

Box-folder 6.13

"Pete & his pipe," Stockton Record (2-8-46) [support for racially-restricted housing in Stockton]

Box-folder 6.13

"11,285 Japanese in Army from mainland," Stockton Record (2-9-45)

Box-folder 6.13

"Pumio E. Yoshikawa...[commissioned 2nd Lt.]," Stockton Record (2-9-45)

Box-folder 6.13

"His exploitation of Tule Lake Japs," Lodi News Sentinel (2-9-46)

Box-folder 6.13

"Death decreed for slayer of Nisei vet," Stockton Record (2-22-46)

Box-folder 6.13

"Canadian men proposing marriage to Japanese women scheduled for deportaton," Merced Sun-Star (2-26-46)

Box-folder 6.13

"Relocation was necessary," Modesto Bee (3-4-46) [because FBI caught so many spies]

Box-folder 6.13

"247 Japanese at Center ask to remain in US," Modesto Bee(3-5-46)

Box-folder 6.13

"WRA will close three more camps next Saturday night," Modesto Bee (3-7-46)

Box-folder 6.13

"Japanese mother held for child stealing," Merced Sun-Star(1-13-46)

Box-folder 6.13

"Drug confession," Merced Sun-Star (3-14-46)

Box-folder 6.13

"Job well done," Washington Post (3-28-46) [relocation]

Box 6

Land Records

Box-folder 6.14

Japanese American Land Records, Merced County (California)

Box-folder 6.14

Map of Merced County, showing evacuee property, 1943;

Box-folder 6.14

"Japanese landowners in Merced County, compiled from the Merced County Assessor Plat Books as of record, March 1, 1943" [alphabetical list of names, incl. size of property & location];

Box-folder 6.14

"Crop Sales Summary, 1942-1944" [table lists crop, amt., value; no loc. provided;"Momberg Group" in pencil upper lh]

Box-folder 6.14

"Consolidated Statement, 1942, 1943, 1944" [table shows operating expenses, profits, etc.; "Momberg Group" in pencil upper lh]

Box 6


Box-folder 6.15

Tokyo, Fall of 1945. [published photo album]

Box-folder 6.16

Scroll [rice paper, 35 cm.]

Box-folder 6.17

Scroll [rice paper, 30 cm.]

Box-folder 6.19

Silk scarves depicting scenes in Japan

Box-folder 6.20

PHOTOGRAPHS of GRANADA RELOCATION CENTER [all photos are black & white 3"x5" snapshots]


General view of Granada Relocation Center


J.G. Lindley, Granada Project Dir.


View of living quarters at Granada Relocation Center


View of living quarters in snow with tree in foreground

Box-folder 6.20

Baseball game at Granada

Box-folder 6.20

Artwork by Amache High School students

Box-folder 6.20

Harvest flower arrangement

Box-folder 6.20

Nisei or Sansei little girl playing in field while parents work in distance

Box-folder 6.20

Two adult males sketching/wood carving

Box-folder 6.20

Informal interior scene w/ three adult females and one child in conversation

Box-folder 6.21

Four audio tapes, 1986 interview with Harold Jacoby about Japanese Internment and World War II

Box-folder 6.22

Jacoby Correspondence and draft articles (1943-1989)

Box-folder 6.23

Japanese-American Internment articles 1948-1989 including research on the Wakamatsu Tea and Silk Farm Colony, and brochures for history conferences about Internment