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Holman (Benjamin F.) papers
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CLIPPING FILE April 1969-June 1970

General note

Clippings collected from various newspapers, arranged chronologically
box 1, folder 1-2




General note

Case reports, memoranda, office documents, rosters, speeches and writings, arranged alphabetically by physical form
box 1, folder 3



Case reports

box 1, folder 4


box 1, folder 5


box 1, folder 6

Activity summaries

box 1, folder 7


box 1, folder 8

Crisis activities



box 2, folder 1


box 2, folder 2

Associate Director, Includes a memorandum about the American Indian Movement convention at Standing Rock Sioux Reservation 1973-1974.

box 2, folder 3

Chief Counsel, Includes weekly reports on desegregation activities and a memorandum about the Louisville desegregation case 1975-1977.

box 2, folder 4-11

Goldenrods (memoranda from previous hit Holman next hit to the staff), For topics, see appendix 1969-1977.

box 2, folder 12

Monthly region reports November and December 1976

box 2, folder 13


box 2, folder 14

Speeches and writings by CRS officials other than previous hit Holman next hit

box 2, folder 15

Staff time reports

box 3


General note

Letters and memoranda with individuals and agencies outside the Federal government and with departments and individuals within the Federal government but outside the Justice Department, arranged chronologically

Correspondence with agencies and individuals outside the Federal government

box 3, folder 1

Includes William J. Raspberry and Roy Innis 1969-1970.

box 3, folder 2


box 3, folder 3

Includes clippings 1973-1975.

box 3, folder 4

Includes William J. Raspberry 1976-1977.

box 3, folder 5

Correspondence with departments and individuals within the Federal government but outside the Justice Department



General note

Articles, memoranda, press releases, reports, speeches, arranged alphabetically by office or position


box 3, folder 6


box 3, folder 7

Press releases

box 3, folder 8

Speeches and writings by Justice Department officials other than previous hit Holman next hit . Includes speeches by Richard G. Kleindienst, Richard L. Thornburgh and William B. Saxbe

box 4, folder 1

Assistant Attorney Generals 1969-1976

box 4, folder 2

Attorney General, Topics include student unrest, desegregation in Boston, Detroit and other schools and American Indians. Includes weekly reports on significant developments nationwide 1969-1976.

box 4, folder 3

Deputy Attorney General, Topics include the IMAGE project, American Indians, Mexican-Americans and Boston school desegregation 1968-1976.

box 4, folder 4

Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA), Includes a study of LEAA and a critique of the study 1969, 1976.

box 4, folder 5

United States Attorneys. Includes memoranda about civil disturbances in Illinois



General note

Affidavits, articles, biographical sketches, clippings, correspondence, daily schedule, memoranda, office records, pamphlets, schedules, speeches, travel itineraries, arranged alphabetically by physical form

General. Includes correspondence, memoranda, clippings, pamphlets, daily schedule, articles and affidavits regarding staff complaints

box 4, folder 6

General and Includes materials on previous hit Holman's next hit reappointment as director and copy of a speech by previous hit Holman next hit to the Civil Rights Oversight Subcommittee on the proposed budget cuts for CRS 1969-1973.

box 5, folder 1

Includes article by previous hit Holman next hit on mediation 1974.

box 5, folder 2

Includes copy of a speech by previous hit Holman next hit on minority/majority coalitions 1975.

box 5, folder 3

Includes letter from Jimmy Carter accepting previous hit Holman's next hit resignation 1976-1977.

box 5, folder 4

African trip 1972

box 5, folder 5

Articles and appearances

box 5, folder 6

Biographical sketches


Clippings about previous hit Holman next hit and CRS

box 6, folder 1


box 6, folder 2-3


box 6, folder 4-5


box 6, folder 6


box 6, folder 7


box 6, folder 8


box 6, folder 9


box 6, folder 10

Congratulatory letters

box 6, folder 11

Interview with John Slawson

box 6, folder 12



Speeches and writings. Topics include desegregation, CRS, black community and press, LEAA, racial conflict, police, Hispanics Americans, Black colleges, civil rights, racism and the media

box 7, folder 1

General. Includes correspondence, schedules and background information

box 7, folder 2

Typescripts 1969-1970.

box 7, folder 3

Typescripts 1973-1977.

box 7, folder 4

Travel notes, Includes itineraries, correspondence and background information 1973-1976.


SUBJECT FILE 1966-1977

General note

Annual reports, cartoons, clippings, congressional records and legislation, correspondence, handbooks, memoranda, office records, pamphlets, reports, arranged alphabetically by subject
box 7, folder 5


box 7, folder 6

Aldritch, Alexander

box 8, folder 1


box 8, folder 2

Black Americans


Brookings Institution

box 8, folder 3


box 8, folder 4-5


box 8, folder 6

Bunche (Ralph) United Nations Association Program

box 8, folder 7

Business community

box 8, folder 8

Civil rights legislation

box 8, folder 9

Coalition on Cable Television (CATV)

box 9, folder 1

Community Anti-Crime Assistance Act of 1973


Community Relations Service

box 9, folder 2

Annual reports

box 9, folder 3

Complaints of misconduct

box 9, folder 4

History of CRS for Johnson Library Project

box 9, folder 5

Origin and development of CRS

box 9, folder 6

Promotional materials

box 9, folder 7


box 9, folder 8


box 9, folder 9

Crisis Reporting System



box 10, folder 1


box 10, folder 2

Desegregation handbook, Dayton public schools, Ohio

box 10, folder 3

Mark Twain Junior High School for gifted and talented, New York

box 10, folder 4

Resource book from CRS desegregation workshop December 11-12, 1975

box 10, folder 5

St. Louis County, Missouri

box 10, folder 6-7

Southern schools

box 10, folder 8

Wilmington, Delaware public schools

box 11, folder 1

Federal Bureau of Investigation

box 11, folder 2-3

Federal government

box 11, folder 4

Hispanic-American "Brown Program"

box 11, folder 5

Human relations commissions


Justice Department

box 11, folder 6-7

Attorney General annual reports 1973, 1974

box 12, folder 1


box 12, folder 2

KAYE radio station, Puyallup, Washington

box 12, folder 3

Labor and civil rights

box 12, folder 4

Media - advertising campaign

box 12, folder 5

Media projects

box 12, folder 6

Nixon, Richard

box 12, folder 7

Planning, Policy and Program Development, Office of (OPD)

box 12, folder 8


box 12, folder 9

Police recruitment

box 12, folder 10


box 12, folder 11

Race and race relations

box 12, folder 12

Rumor control centers

box 13, folder 1

Special Headquarters Alert Response Program (SHARP)

box 13, folder 2

Staff management plan

box 13, folder 3

Staff training

box 13, folder 4

Student unrest

box 13, folder 5

Tacoma, Washington

box 13, folder 6

Tension, Racial. Report Summer 1972

box 13, folder 7

Transition to Carter administration December 1976

box 13, folder 8

Tuller, Charles

box 13, folder 9

Wounded Knee, Pine Ridge Sioux Reservation

envelope A


General note

7 photos of Benjamin previous hit Holman .