1 of 5 pages |
Key to Arrangement
Scope and Content Note
A to AK Miscellaneous
AL Miscellaneous
AM Miscellaneous
AN to AQ Miscellaneous
AR Miscellaneous
AS to AZ Miscellaneous
Abelson, Philip H.
Accelerators (Foreign) A-E
Accelerators (Foreign) F-M
Accelerators (Foreign) N-Z
Aebersold, Paul C.
Aebersold, Paul C.; Articles
Air Force, U.S. Department of
Akeley, Lewis E. 1927-46
Akeley, Lewis E. 1947-58
Allen, Alexander J.
Allibone, Thomas E.
Alvarez, Luis W.
Amaldi, Edoardo
American Association for the Advancement of Science
American Cyanamid Company 1939-41
American Cyanamid Company 1942-46
American Cyanamid Company 1947-48
American Cyanamid Company 1949-51
American Cyanamid Company 1952-58
American Institute of Physics
American Philosophical Society
American Physical Society 1928-38
American Physical Society 1939-43
American Physical Society 1944-58
Anti Proton and Anti Neutron
Applied Radiation Corporation
Argonne National Laboratory
Army, U.S. Department of
Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell
B to BAQ Miscellaneous
BAR to BAZ Miscellaneous
BE to BEQ Miscellaneous
BER to BEZ Miscellaneous
BF to BN Miscellaneous
BO to BQ Miscellaneous
BR to BRN Miscellaneous
BRO to BRZ Miscellaneous
BU Miscellaneous
Bacher, Robert F.
Baerwald, Hans G.
Bainbridge, Kenneth T.
Bakker, Cornelis J.
Ballard, Stanley S.
Bancora, Ing. Mario E.
Barnes, Sidney W.
Barton, Henry A.
Beams, Jesse W.
Bell Telephone Laboratories
Beryllium Corporation
Bio-Medical Research 1933-45
Bio-Medical Research 1946-58
Bio-Organic Research
Birge, Raymond T.
Birmingham (England), University of
Blake, F. C.
Blumer, George
Bohr, Niels H. D.
Bolt, Richard H.
Borst, Lyle B.
Bothe, Walther
Bowen, Edward G.
Boyce, Joseph
Brady, James J.
Briggs, Lyman J.
Brobeck, William M.
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Bush, Vannevar 1939-45
Bush, Vannevar 1946-57
Bush, Vannevar; Various Speeches and Publications 1942-50
Bush, Vannevar; Various Speeches and Publications 1951-55
Business Advisory Council; Department of Commerce
C to CE Miscellaneous
CH to CI Miscellaneous
CL to COL Miscellaneous
COM to COW Miscellaneous
CR to CZ Miscellaneous
Calcutta Cyclotron
California Institute of Technology
California Research Corporation
Calvin, Melvin
Canady, Ward M.
Capron, Paul C.
Carbide and Carbon Chemicals Corporation
Carnegie Institute of Technology
Carnegie Institution of Washington
Carnegie Institution; Department of Terrestrial Magnetism
CERN: Geneva, Switzerland
Chadwick, Sir James
Chaikoff, I. L.
Chaney, Ralph W.
Chang, W. Y.
Chemical Foundation 1931-40
Chicago, University of
Chick, Arthur J.
China; Cyclotron
Chinese Political Conference 1956
Christofilos, Nicolas
Christofilos, Nicolas; Patents
Christofilos, Nicolas; Patents (Oversize)
Coates, Wesley
Cockcroft, Sir John D. 1932-46
Cockcroft, Sir John D. 1948-63
Columbia Broadcasting Company
Columbia University
Commonwealth Fund
Compton, Arthur H. 1937-45
Compton, Arthur H. 1946-58
Compton, Karl T.
Conant, James B.
Condit, Richard I.
Condon, Edward U.
Conklin, Fred C.
Consolidated Edison of New York
Cooksey, Charlton D.
Cooksey, Donald 1925-36
Cooksey, Donald; Magnetic Resonance Accelerator-Vacuum Chamber with Associated Parts 1936
Cooksey, Donald 1937-38
Cooksey, Donald 1939
Cooksey, Donald; Diary Notes 1940-51
Cooksey, Donald 1940
Cooksey, Donald 1941-42
Cooksey, Donald 1943-44
Cooksey, Donald 1945-49
Cooksey, Donald 1950-52
Cooksey, Donald 1953-54
Cooksey, Donald 1955-56
Cooksey, Donald 1957-59
Cooksey, Donald; Travel 1947-59
Cooksey, Donald; Guest Book
Cork, James M.
Cornog, Robert A.
Cottrell, Fredrich G.
Cowie, Dean B.
Crowder, Earl R.
Curran, Samuel C.
Cyclotron, 60"; Miscellaneous Research 1939-42
Cyclotron, 60"; Miscellaneous Research 1943
Letter to Joseph G. Hamilton from J. Robert Oppenheimer. 1943 May 24 BANC MSS 72/117 c
Letter to J. Robert Oppenheimer from Joseph G. Hamilton (page 1). 1943 May 31 BANC MSS 72/117 c
Additional Note
Letter to J. Robert Oppenheimer from Joseph G. Hamilton (page 1). 1943 May 31 BANC MSS 72/117 c
Additional Note
Letter to J. Robert Oppenheimer from Joseph G. Hamilton (page 2). 1943 May 31 BANC MSS 72/117 c
Additional Note
Letter to J. Robert Oppenheimer from Joseph G. Hamilton. 1943 October 5 BANC MSS 72/117 c
Scope and Content Note
Additional Note
Calexico Engineering Works, Los Angeles, Calif. teletype message. 1943 October 6 BANC MSS 72/117 c
Cyclotron, 60"; Miscellaneous Research 1944
Cyclotron, 60"; Miscellaneous Research 1945
Cyclotron, 60"; Miscellaneous Research 1946
Cyclotron, 60"; Miscellaneous Research 1947
Cyclotron, 60"; Miscellaneous Research 1948
Cyclotron, 60"; Miscellaneous Research 1949
Cyclotron, 60"; Miscellaneous Research 1950
Cyclotron, 60"; Miscellaneous Research 1951
Cyclotron, 60"; Miscellaneous Research 1952
Cyclotron, 60"; Miscellaneous Research 1953
Cyclotron, 60"; Miscellaneous Research 1954
Cyclotron, 60"; Miscellaneous Research 1955
Cyclotron, 60"; Miscellaneous Research 1956
Cyclotron, 60"; Miscellaneous Research 1957
Cyclotron, 60"; Miscellaneous Research 1958
Cyclotron, 60"; Miscellaneous Research 1959
Cyclotron, 60"; Miscellaneous Research 1960-61
Cyclotron, 60"; Reports
Cyclotron, 60"; Research for Florida State University 1952-53
Cyclotron, 60"; Research for Florida State University 1954-60
Cyclotron, 60"; Research for Oak Ridge National Laboratory 1949-52
Cyclotron, 60"; Research for Oak Ridge National Laboratory 1953-58
Cyclotron, 60"; Research for Ohio State University
Cyclotron, 60"; Research for University of Arkansas
Cyclotron, 184"
Cyclotrons; Magazine Articles
DA Miscellaneous
DE to DEM Miscellaneous
DEN to DEZ Miscellaneous
DI Miscellaneous
DO to DR Miscellaneous
DS to DZ Miscellaneous
Darrow, Karl K.
Defense, U.S. Department of
Defense, U.S. Department of; Joint Orientation Conference 1948-49
Defense, U.S. Department of; Joint Orientation Conference 1950-52
Defense, U.S. Department of; Military Liaison Committee and Research Development Board
Defense Mobilization, "Gaither Committee" 1957
deForest, Lee
Donner, William H.; Dora, Robert
DuBridge, Lee A.
DuMond, Jessie W.
Dunning, John R.
Dunnington, Frank G.
E Miscellaneous
Eastham, Melville
Eastman Kodak Company 1935-46
Eastman Kodak Company 1947
Eastman Kodak Company 1948
Eastman Kodak Company 1949-50
Eastman Kodak Company 1951-53
Eastman Kodak Company 1954-55
Eastman Kodak Company 1956
Eastman Kodak Company 1957-58
Edlefsen, Niels E.
Edwards, Hiram W.
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
Emo, Lorenzo
Encyclopaedia Britannica
Erf, Lowell A.
Esso Research and Engineering Company
Evans, Robley D.
Everson, George
F to FID Miscellaneous
FIE to FOV Miscellaneous
FOW to FZ Miscellaneous
Failla, Gioacchino
Fairbrother, Fred
Fermi, Enrico
Ford Foundation
Foster, John S.
Foster, J. Stuart
Franklin Institute
G to GI Miscellaneous
GL to GO Miscellaneous
GP to GZ Miscellaneous
Gaither, H. R.
Gaither, H. Rowan, Jr.
Gamow, George
Gardner, Eugene
General Dynamics Corporation
General Electric Company 1928-44
General Electric Company 1945-47
General Electric Company 1948-49
General Electric Company 1950-55
General Electric Company 1956-58
General Electric Company; Chauncey G. Suits 1941-54
General Electric Company; Chauncey G. Suits 1955-58
Gilles, Paul W.
Green, George K.
Griffiths, Farnham P.
Grinfeld, Rafael
Groves, Leslie R.
H to HAP Miscellaneous
HAR Miscellaneous
HAS to HEZ Miscellaneous
HI to HO Miscellaneous
HP to HZ Miscellaneous
Hahn, Otto
Hamilton, Joseph G. 1938-46
Hamilton, Joseph G. 1947
Hamilton, Joseph G. 1948-49
Hamilton, Joseph G. 1950-52
Hamilton, Joseph G. 1953
Hamilton, Joseph G. January-June 1954
Hamilton, Joseph G. July-December 1954
Hamilton, Joseph G. 1955
Hamilton, Joseph G. January-March 1956
Hamilton, Joseph G. April-December 1956
Hamilton, Joseph G. 1957-68
Hamilton, Joseph G.; Reports
Hammersmith Hospital
Harvard University 1936-39
Harvard University 1940-58
Hatch, Hon. Carl A.
Haugen, Lawrence T.
Haupt, Curtis
Heisenberg, Werner K.
Helmholz, August C.
Henderson, Joseph E.
Henderson, Malcolm C.
Hevesy, George C. de
Hildebrand, Joel H.
Hodges, Fred J.
Hoover, Herbert W.
Hopkins, John Jay
Hopkins, Jolm Jay; Articles
Hopkins, John Jay; Japan Mission 1955
Hopkins, John Jay; Japan Mission 1955 Newspaper Articles 1955
Hopwood, Frank L.
Houston, William V.
Huntoon, Robert D.
I Miscellaneous
Illinois, University of
Indiana University
Institute of Cancer Research, Columbia University
International Cancer Research Foundation
Iowa State College
Iowa, State University of
Ising, Gustaf
Isotope Research
J to JE Miscellaneous
JI to JZ Miscellaneous
Jackson, Henry M.
Jacobsohn, Samuel
Jacobson, Knute E.
Japan; Atomic Energy
Japan; Cyclotrons
Japan; Fukushima, Iwao
Japan; Kikuchi, Seishi
Japan; Kyoto University
Japan; Mitsui and Company
Japan; Nishina, Yoshio
Japan; Sagane, Ryokichi
Japan; Science Council
Japan, Shimizu, Sakae
Japan; Takamine, Toshia
Japan; Yasaki, Tameichi
Japan; Yukawa, Hideki
Johnson, Thomas H.
Joint Establishment for Nuclear Energy Research, Norway
Joint Research and Development Board
Joliot-Curie, Frédéric
KA Miscellaneous
KB to KI Miscellaneous
KL to KN Miscellaneous
KO to KZ Miscellaneous
Kalbfell, David C.
Kamen Martin D.
Kelley, Wilbur E.
Kelly, Elmer L.
Kelly, Harry C.
Kelvin Lecture
Kemp, Alexander N.
Kennedy, Joseph W.
Kerr, William J.
Kinsey, Bernard B.
Knudsen, Vern O.
Kruger, P. Gerald
Kurie, Franz N. D. 1932-39
Kurie, Franz N. D. 1940-51
LA Miscellaneous
LB to LES Miscellaneous
LET to LIN Miscellaneous
LO to LR Miscellaneous
LS to LZ Miscellaneous
Laboratory Report Logs
Lalor Foundation
Langsdorf, Alexander S.
Lark-Horovitz, Karl
Laslett, L. Jackson 1935-38
Laslett, L. Jackson 1939-48
Latimer, Wendell M.
Lattes, Cesare M. G.
Lauritsen, Charles C.
Lawrence, Barbara
Lawrence, Carl G. 1924-37
Lawrence, Carl G. 1938-54
Lawrence, Ernest O. 1920-38
Lawrence, Ernest O. 1939-41
Lawrence, Ernest O. 1942-46
Lawrence, Ernest O. 1947-48
Lawrence, Ernest O. 1949-50
Lawrence, Ernest O. 1951-53
Lawrence, Ernest O. 1954-55
Lawrence, Ernest O. 1956
Lawrence, Ernest O. 1957-58
Lawrence, Ernest O.; Autographs
Lawrence, Ernest O.; Biographical Outlines
Lawrence, Ernest O.; Biographies
Lawrence, Ernest O.; Business Christmas Card List
Lawrence, Ernest O.; Diary Date Books
Lawrence, Ernest O.; Photographs
Lawrence, Ernest O.; Portrait
Lawrence, Ernest O.; Various Relatives
Lawrence, John E.
Lawrence, John H. 1926-30
Lawrence, John H. 1931-35
Lawrence, John H. 1936-58
Lawrence, John H.; Articles
Lawrence, Margaret B.
Lawrence, Mary K.
Lawrence, Robert D.
Leake, Chauncey D.
Leprince-Ringuet, Louis
Lewis, Margaret N.
Lewis, Margaret R.
Libby, Willard F.
Lilienthal, David E.
Lindau Conferences for Nobelists
Linford, Leon B.
Litton, Charles V.
Liverpool, University of
Livingood, John J.
Livingston, M. Stanley
Livingston, Robert S.
Loeb, Leonard B.
Lofgren, Edward J.
Lomanitz, Giovanni R.
Loughridge, Donald H.
Loveridge, Lawrence E.
Lyman, Ernest M.
M to MAC Miscellaneous
MAE to MAZ Miscellaneous
ME Miscellaneous
MI to MOO Miscellaneous
MOP to MZ Miscellaneous
McCormick, Robert R.
McGill University
McGraw-Hill Book Company
MacKenzie, Chalmers J.
MacKenzie, Kenneth R.
McMillan, Edwin M. 1932-41
McMillan, Edwin M. 1942-65
Macy, Josiah, Jr. Foundation
Mann, Wilfred B.
Mann, Wilfred B.; Articles
Markle Foundation
Marshak, Alfred G.
Marshall, Lauriston C.
Marti, Othmar K.
Martin, Robert A.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Maxfield, J. R.
Maxfield, J. R., Jr.
Maxfield, Jack G. S.
Mees, C. E. Kenneth
Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company Ltd.
Michel, Albert P.
Michigan, University of
Miller, Burton F.
Mills, Mark M.
Minnesota, University of
Mitchell, Allan C. G.
Monsanto Chemical Company
Montgomery, George G.
Morgan, Henry S.
Morris, Dave H.
Morris, Joseph C.
Moyer, Burton J.
Mrozowski, Stanislaw W.
Mudd, Seeley G.
MURA, Midwestern Universities Research Association
Murry, Thomas E.
NA Miscellaneous
NE to NI Miscellaneous
NO Miscellaneous
NP to NZ Miscellaneous
Nahmias, Maurice E.
National Academy of Sciences
National Academy of Sciences; Bernard Medal Committee
National Academy of Sciences: National Research Council
National Academy of Sciences; National Science Fund
National Advisory Cancer Council 1937-38
National Advisory Cancer Council 1939-43
National Broadcasting Company 1941
National Broadcasting Company 1957
National Bureau of Standards
National Cancer Institute
National Carbon Company
National Industrial Conference Board
National Institute of Social Science
National Science Foundation
NATO, North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory, San Francisco
Navy, U.S. Department of 1946-47
Navy, U.S. Department of 1948-58
Newell, Robert R.
Newson, Henry W.
Neylan, John F. 1945-50
Neylan, John F. 1951-60
Nichols, Kenneth D.
Nixon, Richard M.
Nobel Foundation
Normand, Charles S.
Northrop Aircraft, Inc.
Nuclear Development Associates
Nye, Arthur W.
O to OO Miscellaneous
OP to OZ Miscellaneous
Oak Ridge National Laboratory 1945-53
Oak Ridge National Laboratory 1954-58
Ohio State University
Oliphant, Marcus L. 1934-47
Oliphant, Marcus L. 1934-47 (Oversize) 1934-47
Oliphant, Marcus L. 1948-66
Oliphant Group
Oppenheimer, J. Robert
Letter to Ernest O. Lawrence from J. Robert Oppenheimer (page 1). 1935 BANC MSS 72/117 c
Scope and Content Note
Additional Note
Letter of recommendation for J. Robert Oppenheimer from Ernest O. Lawrence. 1943 January 15 BANC MSS 72/117 c
Memorial service speech for President Roosevelt by J. R. Oppenheimer. 1945 April 15 BANC MSS 72/117 c
Letter to Ernest O. Lawrence from K.D. Nichols of the US Atomic Energy Commission. 1953 December 23 BANC MSS 72/117 c
Scope and Content Note
Statement by the Atomic Energy Commission. 1954 June 29 BANC MSS 72/117 c
Scope and Content Note
New York Times (front page). 1954 June 2 BANC MSS 72/117 c
Scope and Content Note
New York Times (page 7). 1954 June 2 BANC MSS 72/117 c
Scope and Content Note
Oregon State College
Overseth, Oliver E.
PA Miscellaneous
PB to PE Miscellaneous
PF to PL Miscellaneous
PM to PZ Miscellaneous
Paramount Pictures, Inc.
Pauling, Linus C.
Paxton, Hugh C.
Pecher, Charles 1940-June 1941
Pecher, Charles July 1941-47
Pecher, Charles; Patents
Pennsylvania, University of
Penrose, Spencer
Perrin, Francis H. J. S.
Perrin, Jean B.
Peters, Bernard
Photograph Requests 1935-41
Photograph Requests 1942-59
Poillon, Howard A. (Oversize)
Pollard, Ernest C.
Prentis, Henning W.
Preston, William
Priestley, Kenneth; Radiation Laboratory
Priestley, Kenneth; University of California
Princeton University
Prints; Equipment and Buildings
Q Miscellaneous
Queen's University, Ontario, Canada
Questar Telescope
RA Miscellaneous
RE to RI Miscellaneous
RO Miscellaneous
RU to RZ Miscellaneous
Rabi, Isidor I.
Radio Corporation of America
Radiological Research Institute
Radiological Society
Randleigh Farm
Reed College
Regenstreif, Edouard
Reichel, Wladimir A.
Reprint Correspondence 1931-37
Reprint Correspondence 1938-40
Reprint Correspondence 1941-43
Reprint Correspondence 1944-48
Research Corporation 1931-32
Research Corporation 1933-34
Research Corporation 1935-36
Research Corporation 1937-38
Research Corporation 1939-40
Research Corporation 1941-49
Research Corporation 1950-58
Reynolds, Wallace B.
Richardson, J. Reginald
Richman, Chaim
Rickover, Hyman G.
Robinson, William S.
Rochester, University of 1935-38
Rochester, University of 1939
Rochester, University of 1940-59
Rockefeller, Laurance S.
Rockefeller Foundation 1934-39
Rockefeller Foundation 1940
Rockefeller Foundation 1941-56
Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research
Ruben, Samuel
Rutherford, Sir Ernest
S to SB Miscellaneous
SC to SD Miscellaneous
SE to SH Miscellaneous
SI to SL Miscellaneous
SM to SO Miscellaneous
SP to STA Miscellaneous
STE to STR Miscellaneous
STU to SZ Miscellaneous
Saha, Meghnad
Salisbury, Winfield W.
Salisbury, Winfield W. (Oversize)
Sandoz Chemical Works
Saudi Arabia
Schiff, Leonard
Science Museum, London
Scientists of Tomorrow
Seaborg, Glenn T.
Seaborg, Glenn T.; Articles
Segré, Emilio
Selective Service
Serber, Robert
Shankland, Robert S.
Shapley, Harlow
Sheard, Charles
Sheridan, James C.
Siegbahn, Kai
Siegbahn, Manne K. G.
Sigma Xi
Simmons, Samuel J.
Simon, Franz E.
Simpson, Kenneth M.
Sloan, David H.
Sloan X-Ray Tubes
Sloan-Marshall "Resnatron"
Smith, Lloyd P.
Smithsonian Institution
Smyth, Henry D.
Snell, Arthur H.
Soiland, Albert
Solvay Conference, Brussels
South Carolina, University of
South Dakota; Various Friends
South Dakota, University of
Southern California, University of
Spear, F. Gordon
Sproul, Robert G.
Standard Oil Company
Stanford Research Institute
Stanford University
Stassen, Harold E.
State, U.S. Department of
Stauffer, Lynn H.
Stern, Otto
Stone, J. McWilliams
Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation
Strauss, Lewis L.
Supek, Ivan
Svedberg, Theo
Swann, W. F. G.
TA to TH Miscellaneous
TI to TQ Miscellaneous
TR to TZ Miscellaneous
Tata Institute, Bombay, India
Teller, Edward
Tennessee Eastman Corporation
Tennessee Valley Authority
Texas, University of
Thomas, Charles A.
Thornton, Robert L. 1933-48
Thornton, Robert L. 1949-55
Thornton, Robert L. 1956-63
Thornton, Robert L.; American Physical Society
Thornton, Robert L.; Atomic Energy Commission
Thornton, Robert L.; Electron Linac
Thornton, Robert L.; Le Conteur, K. J. (prints of beam extractor for synchrocyclotron in Oversize)
Thornton, Robert L.; Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory
Thornton, Robert L.; Miscellaneous Meetings
Thornton, Robert L.; Oak Ridge National Laboratory 1947-56
Thornton, Robert L.; Oak Ridge National Laboratory 1957-63
Thornton, Robert L.; Pickavance, Thomas S.
Tibbets, D. Reginald
Tichvinsky, Leonid M.
Tjaden, J. C.
Tjaden, Lowell E.
Tobias, Cornelius A.
Tomarkin, L. W.
Toronto, University of
Turner, Clarence M.
Tuve, Merle A.
Twitchell, William C.
Tyren, Helge
U Miscellaneous
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 1934-49
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 1950-58
Urey, Harold C.
V Miscellaneous
Van de Graaff, Robert J.
Van Voorhis, Stanley N.
Varney, Robert N.
Victoria University, New Zealand
Volkoff, George M.
Von Friesen, Sten
Von Laue, Max
Von Neumann, John
WA Miscellaneous
WE Miscellaneous
WH Miscellaneous
WI Miscellaneous
WO to WZ Miscellaneous
Walcott, Fred G.
Walke, Harold
Walker, Laurence R.
Warren, Shields
Washburn, Harold W.
Washington, University of
Washington University
Wataghin, Gleb
Weaver, Warren
Wedemeyer, Albert C.
Welch Foundation, Robert A.
Weltner, George
Weltner, John S.
Westinghouse Electric Corporation
White, Harry J.
White, Harry J.; Publications
White, Harvey E.
White, Milton G.
Wideroe, Rolf
Wiebe, Werner
Williams, E. Clifford
Williams, John H.
Williams, W. Walter
Wilson, Robert R.
Wisconsin, University of
Wood, Robert W.
Wooldridge, Dean E.
Works Progress Administration
Wouter, Louis F.
Wright, Byron T.
Wu, Chien-Shiung
X to Z Miscellaneous
Yale University 1933-51
Yale University 1952-61
Yale Committee; Division of Science 1947-52
Yale Committee; Division of Science 1953-56
York, Herbert F.
Yosemite Park and Curry Company
Zeleny, John
Zimmelman, Marcus
Zirkle, Raymond E.
Zworykin, Vladimir K.
Scope and Content Note
Academic Senate
Accounting Office and Comptroller
Alumni Association
Bacteriology Department
Business and Finance
Chancellor's Advisory Administrative Council 1953
Chancellor's Advisory Administrative Council January-June 1954
Chancellor's Advisory Administrative Council July-December 1954
Chancellor's Advisory Administrative Council January-May 1955
Chancellor's Advisory Administrative Council June-December 1955
Chancellor's Advisory Administrative Council January-April 1956
Chancellor's Advisory Administrative Council May-December 1956
Chancellor's Advisory Administrative Council 1957
Chancellor's Advisory Administrative Council 1958
Chancellor's Memorandums
Charter Days
Chemistry Department
College Tea Lists
Commencement 1945
Davis Campus
Davis Campus (Oversize)
Disaster Preparedness Plan
Durant Hall
Engineering Department
Extension Division
Golden Gate International Exposition
Graduate Students
Grounds and Buildings
Health Insurance
Institute of Experimental Biology
Kerr, Clark
La Jolla Campus
Lick Observatory
Los Angeles Campus
Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory 1943-50
Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory 1951-67
Loyalty Oath
Miscellaneous 1933-53
Miscellaneous 1954-53
News Service
Physics Department 1931-50
Physics Department 1951-58
Post War Plans
President's Memorandums
Purchasing Department
Regents, Board of
Request of Appointment Forms
Research Contracts
Richmond Field Station
Safety and Disaster Committee
San Francisco: Medical School 1933-43
San Francisco: Medical School 1946-52
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Sproul, Robert G. 1932-54
Sproul, Robert G. 1955-58
Scope and Content Note
Administration 1934-42
Administration 1943-46
Administration 1947-49
Administration 1950
Administration 1951
Administration 1952
Administration 1953
Administration 1954
Administration 1955
Administration 1956
Administration 1957-63
Administration; Electronics
Administration; Health and Safety 1935-47
Administration; Health and Safety 1948-58
Administration; Job Orders
Administration; Livermore Laboratory
Administration; Mechanical Drafting
Administration; Oak Ridge (Site X)
Administration; Purchasing 1937-41
Administration; Purchasing 1942
Administration; Purchasing 1943
Administration; Purchasing 1944-49
Administration; Purchasing Orders
Administration; Purchasing Reports
Administration; Security 1941-43
Administration; Security 1944-45
Administration; Security 1950-59
Administration; Shops
Administration; Space
Administration; Special Materials
Administration; Supplies and Equipment 1931-39
Administration; Supplies and Equipment 1940-54
Budget and Programs 1932-36
Budget and Programs 1937-39
Budget and Programs 1940-41
Budget and Programs 1942-46
Budget and Programs 1947
Budget and Programs 1948
Budget and Programs 1949-54
Budget and Programs 1955
Budget and Programs 1956-57
Contract W-7405-Eng-48
Historical Reports 1940
Historical Reports April 1945
Historical Reports December 1945
Historical Reports April 1946
Historical Reports 1957-59
Information Requests A-C
Information Requests D-K
Information Requests L-N
Information Requests O-R
Information Requests S-Z
Livermore Laboratory 1949-62
Livermore Laboratory; Hydrogen Bomb
Livermore Laboratory; Hydrogen Bomb, Articles
Livermore Laboratory; Test Ban Treaty
Livermore Laboratory; Tests 1946-May 1956
Livermore Laboratory; Tests June 1956-1962
Livermore Laboratory; Tests, Publicity
Personnel 1937-42
Personnel 1943
Personnel 1944
Personnel 1945-49
Personnel 1950-55
Personnel 1956-59
Personnel; Alien Lists
Personnel; Charts (January-September 1945)
Personnel; Ernest Lawrence's Students
Personnel; Lists (1943-55)
Personnel; Lists and Charts
Personnel; Passes (1942-45)
Personnel; Photographs
Personnel; Salaries 1936-42
Personnel; Salaries 1943-45
Personnel; Salaries 1946-48
Personnel; Salaries 1949-51
Personnel; Salaries 1952-53
Personnel; Salaries 1954
Personnel; Salaries 1955
Personnel; Salaries 1956
Personnel; Salaries 1957-58
Personnel; Salaries 1959
Publicity; Booklets, Equipment
Publicity; Booklets, Personnel and Research
Publicity; California Monthly
Publicity; Magazines, Articles
Publicity; Magazines, Letters A-M
Publicity; Magazines, Letters N-Z
Publicity; Newspapers, Articles
Publicity; Newspapers, Letters
Publicity; The Magnet (issues 7/61 & 10/65)
Publicity; University Explorer (transcript of programs)
Report Receipts; A Reports
Report Receipts; B Reports
Report Receipts; P Reports
Report Receipts; Miscellaneous
Report Receipts; Other than Lawrence
Report Receipts; Documents Returned
Report Receipts; Reports Returned 1947-53
Report Receipts; Reports Returned 1954
Report Receipts; Reports Returned 1955
Report Receipts; Reports Returned 1955 (cont.) 1955
Report Receipts; Reports Returned 1956
Report Receipts; Reports Returned to Sender 1941-47
Report Receipts; Reports Returned to Sender 1948-56
Report Receipts; Information Division Inventory
Report Receipts; Certificates of Destruction
Research Program Meetings
Research Reports 1933-46
Research Reports 1947
Research Reports 1948-55
Visitor Lists (1945-53)
Visitors 1934-46
Visitors 1947-51
Visitors 1952
Visitors 1953
Visitors 1954-55
Visitors 1956
Visitors 1957-62
Scope and Content Note
27" & 37" Cyclotron 1931-47
27" & 37" Cyclotron Magnets
60" Cyclotron 1936
60" Cyclotron 1937
60" Cyclotron 1938-39
60" Cyclotron 1940-41
60" Cyclotron 1942-43
60" Cyclotron 1944
60" Cyclotron 1945
60" Cyclotron 1946-47
60" Cyclotron 1948
60" Cyclotron 1949
60" Cyclotron 1950
60" Cyclotron 1951
60" Cyclotron 1952
60" Cyclotron 1953
60" Cyclotron 1954
60" Cyclotron 1955
60" Cyclotron 1956
60" Cyclotron 1957
60" Cyclotron 1958
60" Cyclotron 1959
60" Cyclotron 1960-62
60" Cyclotron; Blueprints (Oversize)
60" Cyclotron; Blueprints (Oversize)
60" Cyclotron; Charts
60" Cyclotron; Charts-Running Efficiency (Oversize)
60" Cyclotron; Operator Cards
60" Cyclotron; Radio Frequency System
60" Cyclotron; Time Sheets
184" Cyclotron 1938-40
184" Cyclotron 1941-43
184" Cyclotron 1944-48
184" Cyclotron 1949-54
184" Cyclotron; Inauguration 1946
184" Cyclotron; Mechanical Shops
184" Cyclotron; Priority Ratings
184" Cyclotron; Progress Report
184" Cyclotron; Time Analysis 1947-50
184" Cyclotron; Time Analysis 1951-53
184" Cyclotron; Time Analysis 1954-58
6" Cyclotron
Bevatron 1947-June 1948
Bevatron July 1948-1953
Bevatron 1954-57
Synchrotron; Time Analysis
X-Ray Tube
Counting Equipment
Heavy Ion Linear Accelerator
Linear Accelerator 1945
Linear Accelerator 1946-52
Linear Accelerator 1946-52 (Oversize) 1946-52
Linear Accelerator, Time Analysis
Linear Accelerator; Cost Analysis
Miscellaneous Equipment
Particle Accelerator List 1958
Thomas (Cloverleaf) Cyclotron (Livermore)
90" Cyclotron (Livermore)
A--48 High Current Linac (Livermore)
Nicolas Christofilos Accelerator (Livermore)
Swimming Pool Reactor (Livermore)
Cornell University Cyclotrons
Yale University Cyclotron 1948
Yale University Cyclotron 1951
Scope and Content Note
National Academy of Science; Atomic Fission Committee
NDRC; Microwave Committee (Sec. D-1) 1940-41
NDRC; Microwave Committee (Sec. D-1) January-September 1942
NDRC; Microwave Committee (Sec. D-1) October-December 1942
NDRC; Radar (Division 14)
NDRC; Radio Chemistry (Division B)
NDRC; Submarine Detection (Sec. C-4) 1941
NDRC; Submarine Detection (Sec. C-4) 1942
NDRC: Office of Scientific Research and Development 1940-41
NDRC; Office of Scientific Research and Development 1942-45
NDRC and OSRD; U.C. Contracts 1940-41
NDRC and OSRD; U.C. Contracts 1942-47
OSRD; Administrative Circulars 1941-April 1944
OSRD; Administrative Circulars May 1944-46
OSRD; Memoranda 1940-44
OSRD; Memoranda 1945-46
OSRD, Section S-1; Briggs, Lyman J.
OSRD, Section S-1; Bush, Vannevar
OSRD, Section S-1; Compton, Arthur H.
OSRD, Section S-1; Conant, James B. 1940-1945
OSRD, Section S-1; Murphree, Eger V. January-October 1942
OSRD, Section S-1; Murphree, Eger V. November 1942-March 1943
OSRD, Section S-1; Murphree, Eger V. April 1943-1944
OSRD, Section S-1; Smyth, Henry D.
OSRD, Section S-1; Urey, Harold C.
OSRD, Section S-1; Urey, Harold C., Progress Reports
OSRD, Section S-1; Wensel, Henry T.
OSRD, Section S-1; Meetings
OSRD, Section S-1; Patents
OSRD, Section S-1; Personnel
OSRD, Section S-1; Reports
OSRD; Report #28
Scope and Content Note
A Miscellaneous
Aebersold, Paul C.
Alpha Program 1943-June 1944
Alpha Program July 1944-1945
American Cyanamid Company
Anderson, Oscar E.
B Miscellaneous
Beams, Jesse W.
Beta Program
Breit, Gregory
British Reports, Extracts 1942-43
British Reports, Extracts 1944-45
Brobeck, William M.
Bush, Vannevar
C Miscellaneous
Chemistry Research; Correspondence
Chemistry Research, Reports 1941-April 1942
Chemistry Research; Reports July 1942-1946
Chicago, University of
Chicago Metallurgical Laboratory
Clinton Laboratories
Columbia University
Compton, Arthur H.
Contract W-7405-eng-48, Historical Summary
Contract W-7405-eng-48, Historical Summary (cont.)
D Miscellaneous
Declassification Committee
Documents Declassified (4/3/61-4/20/61)
Drawings (Oversize)
Equipment and Construction
F Miscellaneous
Fifth Track Meetings
Fowler, Ralph H.
General Electric Company 1941-43
General Electric Company 1944-45
Groves, Leslie R.
H Miscellaneous
Harvard University
Health Division Group 1943-44
Health Division Group 1945-46
Health Division Group; 60" Cyclotron-Monthly Reports 1943-44
Health Division Group; 60" Cyclotron Monthly Reports 1945
Health Division Group; 60" Cyclotron Monthly Reports 1946
Historical Reports 1942-45
Historical Reports 1946
Historical Reports; Barton Report
Illinois, University of
Iowa State College
J Miscellaneous
K Miscellaneous
Kamen, Martin D.
L Miscellaneous
Lawrence, Ernest O.
Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Project 36 1942-44
Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Project 36 1942-44 (Oversize) 1942-44
Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Project 36 1945-46
Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Project 36; Report Receipts
M Miscellaneous
McLaughlin, Donald H.
Marshall, James C.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Radiation Laboratory; Report Receipts
Metal Hydrides, Inc.
Moyer, Burton J.
N Miscellaneous
Nichols, Kenneth D.
O Miscellaneous
Oak Ridge; Y-12
Oak Ridge; Y-12, Progress Reports 1944
Oak Ridge; Y-12, Progress Reports 1945
Oliphant, Marcus L.
Operation Crossroads
Oppenheimer, J. Robert
P Miscellaneous
Personnel 1942-43
Personnel 1944-45
Personnel; Lists A and B
Post-War Reports; Planning #1
Post-War Reports; Planning #2
Post-War Reports; Reports and Plans
Post-War Reports; Atomic Bomb, Teletypes
Post-War Reports; Atomic Bomb, Letters
Post-War Reports; Bush Report
Post-War Reports; Smyth Report
Post-War Reports; Bombing Reports
Princeton University
Process Engineering Committee
Process Improvement Operations Group
Progress and Personnel Reports 1943
Progress and Personnel Reports 1944
Progress and Personnel Reports 1945
Progress and Personnel Reports 1946-47
R Miscellaneous
Reports, Various 1942
Reports, Various 1943
Reports, Various 1944-45
Reports; Distribution Lists
Reports; Distribution Notebooks #1 (two books)
Reports; Distribution Notebook #2 (one)
Reports; Distribution Notebook #3 (one)
Reports; Receipts of Reports Destroyed
Reports; Receipts of Reports Transferred to Information Division 1943-47
Reports; Receipts of Reports Transferred to Information Division 1948-49
Research and Supply Meetings
Reynolds, Wallace B.
S Miscellaneous
Seaborg, Glenn T.
Shane, Charles D.
Shane, Charles D.; Notebook (8/11/43-2/7/44)
Standard Oil Development Company
Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation
T Miscellaneous
Telephone and Telegram Record Book
Teletype Lists
Teletype Record Book
Tennessee Eastman Corporation; Alpha Meetings
Tennessee Eastman Corporation; Beta Meetings 1943
Tennessee Eastman Corporation; Beta Meetings 1944
Tennessee Eastman Corporation; Correspondence 1943
Tennessee Eastman Corporation; Correspondence 1944-46
Tennessee Eastman Corporation; Miscellaneous Meetings
Tennessee Eastman Corporation; Progress Reports, Chemical Divisions 1944
Tennessee Eastman Corporation; Progress Reports, Chemical Divisions 1945
Tennessee Eastman Corporation; Progress Reports, High Voltage Insulators
Tennessee Eastman Corporation; Progress Reports, Process Improvement Division 1943-March 1944
Tennessee Eastman Corporation; Progress Reports, Process Improvement Division April-July 1944
Tennessee Eastman Corporation; Progress Reports, Process Improvement Division August-November 1944
Tennessee Eastman Corporation; Progress Reports, Process Improvement Division December 1944-1945
Tennessee Eastman Corporation; Progress Reports, Production Divisions (weekly) 1943
Tennessee Eastman Corporation; Progress Reports, Production Divisions (weekly) 1944
Tennessee Eastman Corporation; Progress Reports, Production Divisions (monthly) February-April 1944
Tennessee Eastman Corporation; Progress Reports, Production Divisions (monthly) May-August 1944
Tennessee Eastman Corporation; Progress Reports, Production Divisions (monthly) September-December 1944
Tennessee Eastman Corporation; Progress Reports, Production Divisions (monthly) 1945
Tennessee Eastman Corporation; XAX Reports 1943
Tennessee Eastman Corporation; XAX Reports 1944-45
Tennessee Eastman Corporation; Miscellaneous Reports 1943
Tennessee Eastman Corporation; Miscellaneous Reports 1944
Tennessee Eastman Corporation; Miscellaneous Reports 1945
U Miscellaneous
United States Engineers
Washington University
Westinghouse Corporation 1941-43
Westinghouse Corporation 1944-45
Wisconsin, University of
Y Miscellaneous
Scope and Content Note
General Correspondence 1946
General Correspondence January-June 1947
General Correspondence July-December 1947
General Correspondence January-June 1948
General Correspondence July-December 1948
General Correspondence 1949
General Correspondence 1950
General Correspondence 1951
General Correspondence 1952
General Correspondence 1953
Field trip report March 12, 1953
General Correspondence 1954
General Correspondence 1955
Personnel Security Clearance Conference January 17-18, 1955
General Correspondence 1956
General Correspondence 1957
General Correspondence 1958
General Correspondence 1959
Ad Hoc Committee on Personnel Clearance (1955)
Appointments (to AEC jobs)
Biomedical Research 1946-47
Biomedical Research 1948-49
Biomedical Research 1950-51
Biomedical Research 1952-53
Biomedical Research 1954-57
Information Meetings (1946-49)
Joint AEC-Department of Defense Radiological Warfare Panel
Joint Committee on Atomic Energy
Laboratory Directors' Meetings 1946
Laboratory Directors' Meetings 1947-49
Laboratory Directors' Meetings 1950-58
Legislation; Ball Bill
Legislation; May-Johnson Bill
Legislation; McMahon Bill
Research Proposals 1950-51
Research Proposals 1953-54
Security 1942-49
Security 1950-57
United Nations A.E.C.; Articles
United Nations A.E.C.; Reports
United Nations A.E.C.; Baruch Committee
United Nations A.E.C.; Baruch Reports June-September 1946
United Nations A.E.C.; Baruch Reports October-December 1946
United Nations A.E.C.; Miscellaneous Reports 1946
United Nations A.E.C.; Miscellaneous Reports 1947
Scope and Content Note
Livermore January-July 1950
Livermore January-July 1950 (Oversize) January-July 1950
Livermore August-September 1950
Livermore October-December 1950
Livermore January-May 1951
Livermore June-July 1951
Livermore June-July 1951 (Oversize) June-July 1951
Livermore August-December 1951
Livermore January-April 1952
Livermore May-December 1952
Livermore 1953
Livermore 1954
Livermore 1955-61
Livermore; Reports 1951
Livermore; Reports 1954
Scope and Content Note
AEC Press Releases
AEC Reports 1958
AEC Reports 1959
Civil Defense
Congressional hearings
Dunham, Charles L.
General Advisory Committee
Gofman, John E.
Joint Committee on Atomic Energy
Jones, Hardin B.
Libby, Willard F.
McCone, John A.
Miscellaneous Articles 1949-57
Miscellaneous Articles 1958-62
National Academy of Sciences
Public Health; United States and California
Science magazine; "Conference of Experts to Study the Possibility of Detecting Violations of a Possible Agreement on Suspension of Nuclear Tests," July 1958, Volumes I, II, and III July 1958
Scope and Content Note
Policy and Board of Patents
Cyclotron Patent
Cyclotron Patent Letters
E. O. Lawrence, Miscellaneous Patents
E. O. Lawrence, Miscellaneous Patents
E. O. Lawrence, Applications
Radioactive Substances, Patent Applications
David Sloan, Applications
UCRL Employees A-B
UCRL Employees C-K
UCRL Employees L-W
Scope and Content Note
Europe; Nobel 1951
Japan 1951
Europe and North Cape 1951
World Tour 1953
Atoms for Peace; Japan 1955
Navy; South America 1956
Navy; Mediterranean 1957
Geneva 1958
UCRL; Donald Cooksey 1948-51
UCRL; Donald Cooksey 1952-58
UCRL 1929-41
UCRL 1942
UCRL 1943
UCRL 1944
UCRL January-July 1945
UCRL August-December 1945
UCRL 1946
UCRL 1947
UCRL 1948
UCRL 1949
UCRL 1950
UCRL 1951
UCRL 1952
UCRL 1953
UCRL 1954
UCRL 1955
UCRL 1956
UCRL January-July 1957
UCRL August-December 1957
UCRL 1958
Scope and Content Note
Yale University; Ph.D. 1925
University of South Dakota; Sc.D. 1937
Stevens Institute of Technology; Sc.D. 1937
Yale University; Sc.D. 1937
Princeton University; Sc.D. 1937
University of Michigan; LL.D. 1938
University of Chicago; Sc.D. 1941
Harvard University; Sc.D. 1941
Rutgers University; Sc.D. 1941
University of Pennsylvania; LL.D. 1942
McGill University; Sc.D. 1946
University of British Columbia; Sc.D. 1947
University of Southern California; Sc.D. 1949
University of San Francisco; Sc.D. 1949
University of Glasgow; LL.D. 1951
American Physical Society 1932
American Association for the Advancement of Science 1934
American Academy of Arts and Sciences 1937
Stanford University 1941
National Institute of Sciences of India 1941
Institute of Medicine of Chicago 1941
Royal Society of Edinburgh 1946
The Physical Society 1948
Indian Academy of Sciences 1954
Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Bohemian Club; Letters 1934-53
Bohemian Club; Letters 1954-58
Bohemian Club; Grove (notices of encampments)
Bohemian Club; Publicity
Bohemian Club, Reports
California Academy of Sciences 1940
Academy of Science, U.S.S.R. 1942
Solvay Congress, Brussels 1933
Solvay Congress; Reports (speeches by Rutherford, Cockroft, Chadwick, Joliot)
National Academy of Sciences 1934
American Philosophical Society 1937
American-Scandinavian Foundation 1941
Newcomen Society of England 1948
Physical Society of Japan 1954
California Alumni Association
Alumni Association of the University of South Dakota
Trustee; Carnegie Institution of Washington 1944-51
Trustee; Carnegie Institution of Washington 1952-58
Trustee; Rand Corporation
Rand Corporation; Record of Documents Returned 1948-56
Rand Corporation; Record of Documents Returned 1957-58
Director; Yosemite Park and Curry Company
Director; Monsanto Chemical Company 1949-57
Director; Monsanto Chemical Company 1958
Elliot Cresson Medal 1937
Research Corporation Plaque 1937
Comstock Prize 1937
Hughes Medal 1937
Nobel Prize, Physics 1939
Nobel Prize; Letters A-D
Nobel Prize; Letters E-H
Nobel Prize; Letters I-P
Nobel Prize; Letters R-Z
Duddell Medal 1940
William S. Dunn Award 1940
National Association of Manufacturer's Award 1940
Holley Medal 1942
Copernican Citation 1943
Benjamin Ide Wheeler Award 1945
Medal for Merit 1946
Medal of Trasenster 1947
Officer de la Legion d'Honneur 1948
Phi Delta Epsilon Award 1948
William Proctor Prize 1951
Faraday Medal 1952
American Cancer Society Medal 1954
Raymond E. Hackett Award 1954
Enrico Fermi Award 1957
Enrico Fermi Award; Letters A-H
Enrico Fermi Award; Letters J-O
Enrico Fermi Award; Letters P-Z
Sylvanus Thayer Award 1958
Sylvanus Thayer Award; Letters
Consulting Board, Columbia University Institute of Cancer Research
National Academy of Science, Comstock Prize Committee 1940-44
National Defense Research Committee, Office of Scientific Research and Development
Harvard University, Ad Hoc Committee 1945
Research Board for National Security 1945-46
Board of Foreign Scholarships 1947
Board of Foreign Scholarships 1948
Board of Foreign Scholarships 1949
Board of Foreign Scholarships 1950
Board of Foreign Scholarships 1951
Board of Foreign Scholarships; Minutes 1947
Board of Foreign Scholarships; Minutes January 1948
Board of Foreign Scholarships; Minutes February-December 1948
Board of Foreign Scholarships; Minutes May 1949 (part 1) May 1949
Board of Foreign Scholarships; Minutes May 1949 (part 2) May 1949
Board of Foreign Scholarships; Minutes September-December 1949
Board of Foreign Scholarships; Minutes 1950
Board of Foreign Scholarships; Information 1946-47
Board of Foreign Scholarships; Information 1948-49
Board of Foreign Scholarships; Information 1950-53
Elector, Hall of Fame, New York University
United Nations Disarmament Sub-Committee, Nuclear Task Force
Delegate to Geneva Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy 1955
Delegate to Geneva Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy; Bulletins
Delegate to Geneva Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy 1956-May 1958
Delegate to Geneva Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy June-December 1958
U.S. Scientific Advisory Committee, Brussels Exhibition 1958
Scope and Content Note
E. O. Lawrence Work Book March-August 1924
E. O. Lawrence Work Book September 1925-January 1932
E. O. Lawrence Work Book October-December 1927
E. O. Lawrence Work Book January 1928-June 1929
E. O. Lawrence Work Book May 1932-January 1933
E. O. Lawrence Work Book November 1933-March 1934
E. O. Lawrence Work Book March 1934-August 1934
E. O. Lawrence Work Book July 1947-October 1948
M. S. Livingston Work Book September 1930-January 1931
M. S. Livingston Work Book February 19 1933
M. S. Livingston Work Book May 1933-December 1933
M. C. Henderson Work Book December 1933-August 1934
Log Book December 7, 1934-July 19, 1936
E. O. Lawrence Lectures and Notes 1929-35
E. O. Lawrence Lectures and Notes 1936
2B Lecture notes (page 1). 1936 May 1 BANC MSS 72/117 c
E. O. Lawrence Lectures and Notes 1937-40
E. O. Lawrence Miscellaneous Notes
E. M. McMillan Lecture, Nuclear Physics for Engineer January 29, 1946
Lawrence and Cooksey, Geiger Counter Paper 1932
McClure's Magazine, Radium Article November 1903
Scope and Content Note
Unipolar Induction
Electricity and Magnetism
Electricity and Magnetism, W. F. G. Swann Book 1
Electricity and Magnetism, W. F. G. Swann Book 2
Theoretical Physics Elasticity 1922
Theory of Functions 1923
Thermodynamics 1923
Physical Optics 1923
X-rays 1923
Electromagnetic Theory of Light 1924
Differential Geometry 1924
Electrodynamics 1924
Application of Vector Analysis to Electromagnetic Theory 1924
General Relativity 1925
Physics 2B, Electricity and Magnetism 1931-32
Mathematical Theory of Electricity
Mathematical Theory of Electricity, Cyrus Clark
Scope and Content Note
Transmutations of Sodium by Deutons 1934
Radio and Television talks 1934-56
Cornell and Ann Arbor Lectures 1933-36
Sigma Xi Lectures 1933-40
Science and Technology (Commencement Address, Stevens Institute of Technology) June 12, 1937
Response to Presentation of Comstock Prize, Rochester, New York October 26, 1937
Atoms, New and Old (Faculty Research Lecture) March 20, 1938
Pure Science and the Practical World (Commencement Address, University of South Dakota) June 1938
Introduction and Conclusion to Convocation Address (American College of Physicians Meetings) March 29, 1939
Acceptance of Nobel Award February 29, 1940
The New Frontiers in the Atom (50th Anniversary, Stanford University) June 16, 1941
Nuclear Physics and Biology (Symposium at Rutgers University) October 10, 1941
Talks to Laboratory Personnel 1943-44
The Atomic Bomb Project (Board of Regents Meeting) August 17, 1945
The Experimental Problem of Accelerating Charged Particles (American Physical Society Meeting, Berkeley) July 13, 1946
Atomic Engineering (Award of Holley Medal) July 26, 1946
Experimental Methods of Nuclear Physics (Princeton University Bicentennial) September 24, 1946
The Future of the University in the Atomic Age (Second All-University Faculty Conference) February 10, 1947
High Energy Physics (Silliman Lecture, Yale University) October 15, 1947
Tribute to J. B. Conant (Associated Harvard Clubs Meeting, San Francisco) September 10, 1949
The Evolution of the Cyclotron (Nobel Lecture) December 11, 1951
Hopkins Atoms for Peace Mission to Japan May 1955
High Current Accelerators (Geneva) August 11, 1955
Men and Atoms (A Report on the Geneva Conference to University of California Students) September 27, 1955
Twenty-Five Years of Physics at the University of California (Symposium on the Physical and Earth Sciences, 25th Presidential Year of R. G. Sproul) October 18, 1955
Introduction of Sir John Cockcroft (National Industrial Conference Board Luncheon Meeting, New York) October 26, 1955
Dedication of the Willard Gibbs Research Center, Yale University October 28, 1955
American Physical Society (invited paper, Mexico City) August 1955
Address, Regents Dinner November 15, 1956
Faraday Medal Award (Script for British Movietone News) January 1957
Dedication of Vallecitos Laboratory (General Electric Co.) May 22, 1957
Science and the National Welfare (Robert A. Welch Foundation Conference, Houston, Texas) November 21, 1957
Sylvanus Thayer Award (U.S. Military Academy, West Point) March 21, 1958
Speech Source Material
Philharmonic Speech (prepared, never given) 1945
Miscellaneous Speeches (without manuscripts) 1931-36
Miscellaneous Speeches (without manuscripts) 1937-40
Miscellaneous Speeches (without manuscripts) 1941-51
Speech Requests 1933-38
Speech Requests 1939-40
Speech Requests 1941-45
Speech Requests 1947-48
Speech Requests 1949-58
"The Charging Effect Produced by the Rotation of a Prolate Iron Spheroid in a Uniform Magnetic Field" May 1924
"The Photo-Electric Effect in Potassium Vapour as a Function of the Frequency of the Light" August 1925
"The Role of the Faraday Cylinder in the Measurement of Electron Currents" January 1926
"Transition Probabilities: Their Relation to Thermionic Emission and the Photo-Electric Effect" May 1926
"A Principle of Correspondence" August 6, 1926
"The Ionization of Atoms By Electron Impact" November 1926
"On the Nature of Light" April 1927
"Ultra-Ionization Potentials of Mercury" July 1927
"On the Lag of the Kerr Effect" July 1927
"On Relaxation of Electric Fields in Kerr Cells and Apparent Lags of the Kerr Effect" August 1928
"Element of Time in the Photoelectric Effect" September 1928
"Photo-Ionization of the Vapors of Caesium and Rubidium" July 15, 1929
"Photo-Ionization of Potassium Vapor" October 1, 1929
"Effect of Intense Electric Field on the Photoelectric Behavior of Alkali Films Tungsten" December 1, 1929
"Early Stages of Electric Spark Discharges" December 15, 1929
"An Intense Source of Continuous Ultraviolet Light" January 1930
Abstract: "Broadening of Spectrum Lines During Early Stages of Spark Discharges" January 1930
"On the Early Stages of Electric Sparks" February 15, 1930
"Effect of Intense Electric Fields on the Photoelectric Properties of Metals" August 1, 1930
"On the Direction of Emission of Photoelectrons from Potassium Vapor by Ultraviolet Light" September 15, 1930
"On the Production of High Speed Protons" October 10, 1930
"Production of High Speed Canal Rays Without the Use of High Voltages" January 1931
"Production of High Speed Protons Without the Use of High Voltages" August 15, 1931
"Production of Heavy High Speed Ions Without the Use of High Voltages" December 1, 1931
"Production of High Speed Light Ions Without the Use of High Voltages" April 1, 1932
"Disintegration of Lithium by Swiftly Moving Protons" October 1, 1932
"Disintegration of Boron by Swiftly Moving Protons" February 15, 1933
"The Disintegration of Aluminum by Swiftly Moving Protons" March 1, 1933
"The Emission of Protons from Various Targets Bombarded by Deutons of High Speed" July 1, 1933
"The Emission of Alpha-Particles from Various Targets Bombarded by Deutons of High Speed" July 1, 1933
"Neutrons from Deutons and the Mass of the Neutron" November 1, 1933
"Neutrons from Beryllium Bombarded by Deutons" November 1, 1933
"The Emission of Protons and Neutrons from Various Targets Bombarded by Three Million Volt Deutons" February 1, 1934
"The Disintegration of Deutons by High Speed Protons and the Instability of the Deuton" February 15, 1934
"Artificial Radioactivity Produced by Deuton Bombardment" March 15, 1934
"On the Hypothesis of the Instability of the Deuton" April 1, 1934
"The Multiple Acceleration of Ions to Very High Speeds" May 1, 1934
"The Transmutation of Fluorine by Proton Bombardment and the Mass of Fluorine" July 1, 1934
"Radioactivity Artificially Induced by Neutron Bombardment" August 1934
"Radioactive Sodium Produced by Deuton Bombardment" October 15, 1934
"Transmutations of Sodium by Deutons" January 1, 1935
"Transmutations of Nitrogen by Deutons" February 15, 1935
"Transmutations of Aluminum by Deutons" March 1, 1935
"A New Type of Excitation Function for Nuclear Reactions" May 3, 1935
"The Transmutation Functions for Some Cases of Deuteron Induced Radioactivity" September 15, 1935
"Artificial Radioactivity" September 1935
"The Biological Action of Neutron Rays" February 1936
"The Transmutation of Platinum by Deuterons" June 1, 1936
"Comparative Effects of X-Rays and Neutrons on Normal and Tumor Tissue" September 1936
"On the Apparatus for the Multiple Acceleration of Light Ions to High Speeds" December 15, 1936
"The Comparative Effects of Neutrons and X-Rays on Normal and Neoplastic Tissue" June 1937
"The Biological Action of Neutron Rays" September 1937
"Science and Technology" September and October 1937
"An Improved Cyclotron" November 5, 1937
Response to Presentation of the Comstock Prize November 5, 1937
"The Cyclotron and the Elementary Course in Electricity" October 1938
"Radioactive Iron and Its Metabolism in Anemia" December 17, 1938
"Atoms, New and Old" 1939
"Radioactive Iron and Its Metabolism in Anemia" May 1, 1939
"Initial Performance of the 60" Cyclotron of the William H. Crocker Radiation Laboratory" July 1, 1939
"The Medical Cyclotron of the William H. Crocker Radiation Laboratory" November 3, 1939
Acceptance of Nobel Prize Award 1940
"The New Frontiers in the Atom" 1941
"Nuclear Physics and Biology" 1942
"High Energy Physics" July 10, 1946
"Initial Performance of the 184-inch Cyclotron of the University of California" April 1, 1947
"High Energy Physics" January 1948
"High Energy Physics" 1949
"High Energy Physics" (undated)
"A Progress Report on the Cyclotron" December 1948
Address to The Associated Harvard Clubs 1950
"The Evolution of the Cyclotron" December 1951
"A High Vacuum High Speed Ion Pump" May 1953
"High-Current Accelerators" December 1955
"Men and Atoms" December 1955
"Science and the National Welfare" November 1957
Symposium on the Physical and Earth Sciences Spring 1958
Scope and Content Note
Memorial Correspondence
Memorial Service and Articles
Memorial Service; Kerr
Lawrence Memorial Fund; University of California
Biographical Memoir: Alvarez
Biographical Memoir: Wilkes
Magazine Articles
Scope and Content Note
Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell
Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell; Conference 1950
American Physical Society; Meetings
American Physical Society; Proceedings
American Scandinavian Foundation
Argonne National Laboratory
Association for Applied Solar Energy
Australian National University
Birmingham, The University of
British Association for the Advancement of Science
British Columbia, University of
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Brookhaven National Laboratory; Reports 1947
Brookhaven National Laboratory; Reports 1948-51
California Institute of Technology
California Institute of Technology; Publications
Carnegie Corporation of New York
Carnegie Institute of Technology
Carnegie Institution of Washington 1941-47
Carnegie Institution of Washington 1948-49
Carnegie Institution of Washington 1950-54
Carnegie Institution of Washington 1955-58
National Academy of Sciences; Abstracts of Papers 1934-45
National Academy of Sciences; Abstracts of Papers 1948-58
National Academy of Sciences; Berkeley Physics Conference 1948
National Academy of Sciences; Correspondence
National Academy of Sciences; Membership
National Academy of Sciences; Meetings 1935-54
National Academy of Sciences; Meetings 1955-58
National Academy of Sciences; National Research Council
National Academy of Sciences; National Research Council, Reports 1934-47
National Academy of Sciences; National Research Council, Reports 1950-58
National Academy of Sciences; National Science Fund
National Academy of Sciences; Officers and Members 1934-41
National Academy of Sciences; Officers and Members 1942-57
National Academy of Sciences; Proceedings
National Academy of Sciences; Rules
National Advisory Cancer Council
National Cancer Institute
National Foundation for Care of Advanced Cancer Patients
National Science Foundation
National Science Foundation; U.S. Congress
New York University
New York University; Hall of Fame
Nobel Foundation
North Carolina, University of
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Ohio State University
Oslo, University of
Pennsylvania, University of
Physical Science Study Committee
The Physical Society, London
The Physical Society, London; Year Book
Pittsburgh, University of
Pratt Institute
Princeton University
Reed College
Research Board for National Security
Research Corporation
Research Corporation; Annual Reports
Rice Institute
Rochester, University of
Rockefeller Foundation; Annual Report
Rockefeller Foundation; Grants
Rockefeller Foundation; Review
Scope and Content Note
Crank letters - anonymous
Crank letters - A
Crank letters - B to BAL
Crank letters - BAR to BI
Crank letters - BL to BU
Crank letters - C to CH
Crank letters - CL to CU
Crank letters - D to DE
Crank letters - DL to DY
Crank letters - E
Crank letters - F
Crank letters - G
Crank letters - H
Crank letters - I
Crank letters - J to JE
Crank letters - JO to JU
Crank letters - K
Crank letters - L to LE
Crank letters - LI to LU
Crank letters - M to Mc
Crank letters - ME to MV
Crank letters - N
Crank letters - O
Crank letters - P to PE
Crank letters - PH to PU
Crank letters - R to RE
Crank letters - RI
Crank letters - RO
Crank letters - RU
Crank letters - S to SI
Crank letters - SM to ST
Crank letters - T
Crank letters - U to V
Crank letters - W to Z
Scope and Content Note
Lawrence, John H. 1931-37
Lawrence, John H. 1938
Lawrence, John H. 1939
Lawrence, John H. January-May 1940
Lawrence, John H. June-December 1940
Lawrence, John H. 1941-49
Lawrence, John H. 1950-59
Loomis, Alfred L. 1939-40
Loomis, Alfred L. 1941-46
Loomis, Alfred L. 1947-59
Oppenheimer, Frank F.
Patterson, Ruby
Pauley, Edwin W.
Scope and Content Note
American Cyanamid Company
Chemical Foundation
James Coffin Childs
Columbia Foundation
Donald Cooksey
International Cancer Research Foundation
William R. Kenan, Jr.
Josiah Macy Foundation
Markle Foundation
National Research Council
Research Corporation
Rockefeller Foundation
University of California Accounting
Eastman Kodak Company
Florence Hellman Ehrman
Frederick L. Ehrman
The Ford Foundation
Alfred Lee Loomis
Standard Oil Company
University of California Accounting Department
Petty Cash Fund
Monthly Summaries October 1945-December 1950
Monthly Summaries January 1951-April 1957
Laboratory Equipment
Reprint Binding
Driver Service
Ira Sandefur Expense Account
Cash Books
Cashbox Records October 1945-1949
Cashbox Records 1950-51
Cashbox Records 1952-54
Cashbox Records 1955-58
Check Records October 1945-1946
Check Records 1947
Check Records 1948
Check Records 1949
Check Records January-April 1950
Check Records May-December 1950
Check Records January-April 1951
Check Records May-October 1951
Check Records January-March 1952
Check Records April-December 1952
Check Records 1953
Check Records 1954
Check Records 1955
Check Records 1956
Check Records 1957
Check Records 1958
Fund Statements 1936-September 1945
Fund Statements October 1945-1950
Fund Statements 1951-58
Monthly Summaries January 1943-September 1945
Fund Receipts 1932-36
Fund Receipts 1937
Fund Receipts 1938
Fund Receipts 1939-40
Fund Receipts 1941
Fund Receipts 1942
Fund Receipts 1943
Fund Receipts 1944
Fund Receipts 1945
Miscellaneous Records
Cancelled Checks 1937-50 [Originals discarded after filming] 1937-50
Cancelled Checks 1951-58 [Originals discarded after filming] 1951-58
University of California Accounting Office; Monthly Ledger Sheets [Originals discarded after filming]
Declassified documents
Oversize documents
Partial List of Correspondents
Access Information
Abbot, Charles Greeley (1872-1974)
8 letters 1941-42
Abelson, Philip Hauge (1913-)
16 letters 1935-60
5 letters 1939
1 letter 1937
1 letter 1938
1 letter 1940
1 telegram 1945
1 letter 1941
1 telegram 1945
Acheson, Dean Godderham (1893-1971)
1 letter 1950
2 letters 1950
Aebersold, Paul Clarence (1910-1967)
133 letters 1935-62
6 letters 1939-40
6 letters 1946-47
1 letter 1945
1 letter 1939
1 letter 1939
1 letter 1944
1 memo 1944
4 letters 1955-56
1 letter 1947
2 letters 1954
2 letters 1956
1 letter 1943
1 letter 1944
1 letter 1940
1 letter 1939
3 letters 1939
1 letter 1951
1 letter 1942
1 letter 1937
14 letters 1953
1 telegram 1953
1 letter 1954
11 letters 1956
2 letters 1956
1 letter 1938
11 letters 1946
1 telegram 1946
4 letters 1952
3 letters 1956
1 letter 1937
2 letters 1937-38
1 memo 1944
2 letters 1938
1 letter 1939
6 letters 1938-40
4 letters 1939
2 letters 1941
1 memo 1943
2 letters 1945
3 letters 1943
1 letter 1939
1 letter 1942
1 letter 1939
1 letter 1939
1 letter 1942
1 letter 1939
3 letters 1939
2 letters 1940-42
1 letter 1946
1 letter 1942
1 letter 1942
1 memo 1943
3 letters 1947
6 letters 1942
6 letters 1943
13 memos 1943
1 letter 1942
1 letter 1944
6 memos 1943
2 memos 1943
1 memo 1943?
1 letter 1942
3 letters 1947
5 letters 1955
1 letter 1941
Akeley, Lewis Ellsworth (1861-)
106 letters 1927-46
3 telegrams 1927-46
59 letters 1947-58
5 newspaper clippings
2 letters 1954
1 letter 1958
1 letter 1958
Akers, Sir Wallace Alan (1888-1954)
7 letters 1945-48
1 telegram 1942
2 letters 1952
1 letter 1942
Alexander, Jerome (1876-1959)
9 letters 1942-49
Allen, Alexander John (1900-)
73 letters 1935-44
12 telegrams 1935-44
newspaper clippings
2 letters 1937
2 letters 1937
2 letters 1947
1 letter 1938
2 letters 1944
1 letter 1938
1 letter 1939
1 telegram 1939
1 letter 1940
2 telegrams 1940
Allen, Charles Francis Hitchcock (1895-)
1 letter 1946
1 telegram 1946
4 letters 1947
3 letters 1948
1 letter 1951
Allen, William Myron (1904-)
2 letters 1958
Aller, Lawrence Hugh (1913-)
1 letter 1944
2 letters 1944
1 memo 1944
1 letter 1944
Allibone, Thomas Edward (1903-) Some letters signed "Bones"
73 letters 1935-58
13 telegrams 1935-58
1 letter 1955
1 telegram 1955
2 letters 1950
2 letters 1950
2 letters 1937
1 letter 1949
3 letters 1948
2 letters 1945
1 memo 1944
2 letters 1957
1 letter 1958
Allison, Samuel King (1900-1965)
8 letters 1939-42
11 letters 1942-55
11 telegrams 1946-47
2 letters 1943
1 letter 1944
3 letters 1945
1 telegram 1945
2 letters 1939
1 letter 1954
1 letter 1950
1 memo 1945
8 letters 1941-43
1 telegram 1942
2 letters 1945
Alvarez, Luis W. (1911-)
1 letter 1939
47 letters 1934-61
28 telegrams 1934-61
newsclippings, speeches, lectures, photos
1 letter 1938
5 letters 1939-40
1 telegram 1950
1 memo 1947
1 letter 1940
1 memo 1948
1 letter 1955
1 letter 1954
1 memo 1951
1 letter 1956
1 letter 1942
1 letter 1959
2 letters 1940-46
1 memo 1946
1 letter 1938
1 letter 1938
1 letter 1952
1 letter 1939
1 letter 1963
1 letter 1939
1 letter 1951
1 letter 1946
1 memo 1952
3 letters 1956
1 letter 1940
1 letter 1950
1 telegram 1945
2 letters 1940
1 letter 1951
1 letter 1958
1 memo 1946
1 letter 1957
1 letter 1955
2 memos 1946-47
2 letters 1947
1 letter 1939
1 letter 1939
1 letter 1948
1 telegram 1938
1 letter 1952
1 letter 1956
1 memo 1946
1 memo 1956
1 letter 1939
1 letter 1953
1 letter 1947
1 letter 1954
1 letter 1947
1 memo 1946-47
4 memos 1958-59
2 letters 1940-53
3 letters 1939-46
1 memo 1956
1 letter 1942
5 letters 1945
1 memo 1945
5 memos 1946
1 telegram 1947
1 letter 1945
1 telegram 1944
1 telegram 1943
1 letter 1949
1 letter 1951
1 telegram 1954
1 letter 1958
1 letter 1949
1 letter 1954
1 letter 1949
1 letter 1945
Amaldi, Edoardo (1908-)
10 letters 1939-58
4 letters 1953-54
1 letter 1939
3 letters 1957-58
1 telegram 1956
1 letter 1939
1 telegram 1939
Anderson, Carl David (1905-)
1 letter 1949
3 letters 1941
6 memos 1942
1 letter 1939
1 telegram 1939
2 letters 1957
Anderson, Clinton Presba (1895-)
1 letter 1956
Anderson, Herbert Lawrence (1914-)
1 letter 1951
Anderson, Oscar Elmer (1908-)
22 letters 1944-45
5 telegrams 1944
Anderson, Thomas Foxen (1911-)
2 letters 1942
Andrade, Edward Neville da Costa (1887-)
2 letters 1946-47
Andrews, Donald Hatch (1898-)
2 letters 1943
Angell, James Rowland (1869-1949)
1 letter 1932
1 letter 1943
5 telegrams 1943
Anslow, Gladys Amelia (1892-1969)
20 letters 1938-49
2 letters 1950
2 letters 1944
1 letter 1939
1 telegram 1939
Arnold, George Benjamin (1914-)
2 letters 1956
Arnold, William Archibald (1904-)
1 letter 1942
Astin, Allen Variey (1904-)
2 letters 1952
Auchter, Eugene Curtis (1889-1952)
1 memo 1942
Auger, Pierre Victor (1899-)
15 letters 1939-52
2 letters 1952
1 letter 1939
1 letter 1946
8 letters 1951
1 letter 1946
2 letters 1939
Ba - Bl
Access Information
Babcock, Ernest Brown (1877-1954)
2 letters 1943
Babcock, Rodney Whittemore (1890-)
1 letter 1936
Bacher, Robert Fox (1905-)
6 letters 1947-53
2 telegrams 1947-53
2 letters 1946
15 letters 1949-53
1 telegram 1949
4 letters 1957
1 letter 1948
2 telegrams 1947
2 letters 1960
1 letter 1958
1 memo 1945
1 letter 1943
2 telegrams 1943
1 letter 1948
1 telegram 1948
4 letters 1949
1 telegram 1949
6 letters 1946-47
Backus, John Graham (1911-)
4 letters 1948-57
1 letter 1947
1 letter 1943
Baer, Erich Eugen Ferdinand (1901-)
3 letters 1940
Baerwald, Hans George (1904-)
15 letters 1930-39
Ba Hli, Freddy (1922-)
3 letters 1955
Bailey, George William (1887-)
1 letter 1944
1 letter 1942
Bainbridge, Kenneth Tompkins (1904-)
20 letters 1933-45
1 telegram n.d.
short biography
2 letters 1948
1 letter 1940
29 letters 1937-39
1 telegram 1938
19 letters 1940-46
2 telegrams 1940
2 letters 1937
1 letter 1936
1 letter 1937
2 letters 1940
1 letter 1949
1 letter 1945
Baker, William Oliver (1915-)
3 letters 1947
2 telegrams 1948
Bakker, Cornelis Jan (1904-1960)
34 letters 1947-57
newsclip, photos
9 letters 1954-56
10 letters 1953-55
2 letters 1955
1 letter 1957
1 telegram 1957
2 letters 1958
1 telegram 1958