Guide to the New Idria Quicksilver Mining Company Collection #2
Guide to the New Idria Quicksilver Mining Company Collection #2
California State Library
Sacramento, California
- California History Room
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- Library and Courts Building II
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- Processed by:
- The California State Library staff
- Encoded by:
- Xiuzhi Zhou
- Gould, H.W.
- Perham, Constance.
- Ashe, D. Farragut
- W.A. Bechtel Company
- Cole, Thomas
- Elliott, Edward L.
- Fopp, S. Michael
- Gardner, E.D.
- Hoover, Allan
- Lewis, C. Hyde
- Pison, Fay I.
- Rank, Kenneth
- Searles, Robert M.
- Straub Manufacturing Co.
- Symons Brothers Screen Co.
- Time
- Tuthill and Co.
- White, Holly P.
- Wickes, L.W.
- Young, Sontorn
Material Transferred from the Collection
- California Central, n.d.
New Idria
MAP-S C912 C15n n.d. - California. San Benito County. 1946.
New Idria Quicksilver Mining Co.... Main camp
MAP-S C912 S196n 1946 - California. San Benito County. 1946.
Geologic map and sections of the New Idria mine area
MAP C912 S194 1946 - California. San Benito County. [1929]
Base map of the New Idria Quicksilver mines
MAP C912 S194 1929 - California. Sonoma County. 1963.
Surface and underground map of part of Culver-Baer mine
MAP C912 S69f 1963 - California. Sonoma County. 1963.
Buckman and Culver-Baer group of mines.
MAP C912 S69 1963 - California. Sonoma County. 1913.
Map of the property of the Culver-Baer Mining Company
MAP C912 S69 1913 - California. Trinity County. 1965.
Altoona Mine surface.
MAP C912 T83a 1965
Charts & Diagrams
In textual file: charts, diagrams, tables, etc.:
- "Altoona Mine ore reserves footwall vein 410-600 level."
- "Altoona Q.S. Mine Cross Section D."
- "An Arrangement for simulatneous leaching and electrolysis of activated charcoal concentrates."
- Chart of Altoona Mine at 132 Level.
- [Chart of Altoona Mine between 10,200N and 10,400N.]
- [Chart of Altoona Mine showing Altoona Fault and stopes.]
- [Chart of Altoona Mine showing closed and caved tunnels.]
- [Chart of Altoona Mine showing raising of stopes.]
- [Charts of E Stope and C Stope, various levels.]
- [Chart of New Idria-Alaska Mines.]
- Chart of New Idria-Alaska Mining Co. Stopes, Season of 1945.
- [Chart of New Idria Mine 9/14/49 signed Lewis.]
- [Chart of New Idria Mine showing diamond drill holes.]
- "Chart showing percentages of mercury, arsenic antimony, sulphurous acid, and insoluables in condensing system. New Idria-Alaska Quicksilver Mng. Co. March 1944."
- [Composite cross section and surface map showing tunnels.]
- "Cross section along 10,330N."
- "Cross section at 10,310N."
- "Cross section at 10,350N."
- Cross section of shafts of New Idria-Alaska Mines. Season of 1945.
- "Data comparison of cost per flask 1917-1918, comparison of production 1917-1918. Tonnage mined, average of monthly price. M. Press."
- "Double Bedroom Family Dwelling/Single Bedroom Family Dwelling."
- "Double deck -Symons Screen general dimensions. Symons Bros. Screen Co., Hollywood, Calif."
- "Dwelling unit for Idria addition, New Idria Quicksilver Mining Co. Drawn by R.A. Crippen, July 28, 1942."
- "Idria Mine Molino Tunnel."
- "`M' Vertical Longitudinal Projection Veins no. 2, 3, 3A, and flat vein, Altoona Mine, Trinity County, California. Universal Silvers Company, Jan. 1961."
- "Monthly Production 1916-1918."
- "`N' Vertical Longitudinal Projection Vein Number One, Altoona Mine. Universal Silvers Company, Jan. 1916."
- New Idria Honduras Mining Co., San Andreas Mine. Ore Block No. 1.
- "New Idria Mining and Chemical Co., West Idria Extension, 5L. 30 Sept. 1952."
- "New Idria Mining and Chemical Co., West Idria Extension, 10L. 30 Sept. 1952."
- "New Idria Mining and Chemical Co., West Idria Extension, 5L. 31 Oct. 1952."
- "New Idria Mining and Chemical Co., West Idria Extension, 10L. 31 Oct. 1952."
- "New Idria Mining and Chemical Co., West Idria Extension, Composite 5 and 10 Levels."
- "New Idria Mining and Chemical Co., West Idria Extension, Composite 5 and 10 Levels, Advance for Month. 10/21/53."
- "New Idria Mining and Chemical Co., West Idria Extension, Composite 5 and 10 Levels, Advance for month. August 31, 1953."
- "New Idria Quicksilver Mine detail map of east end of level no. 10 and level no. 11 to accompany report by Wm. Forstner. November 17, 1924."
- New Idria Quicksilver Mining Co. Composite Map, Idria, Sulphur Springs, and Creek Ore Bodies.
- "New Idria Quicksilver Mining Co. 5, 6, and 10 levels, Sulphur Springs Creek Tunnel, 5 level cross cut. Date tracing 9-5-42, Print 8-5-45."
- "New Idria Quicksilver Mining Co. 5, 6, and 10 levels, Sulphur Springs Creek Tunnel, 3 level cross cut. Date tracing 9-5-42, Print 12-1-44."
- "New Idria Quicksilver Mining Co. 5, 6, and 10 levels, Sulphur Springs Creek Tunnel, 3 level cross cut. Date tracing 9/5/42, Print 1/8/43."
- "New Idria Quicksilver Mining Company, San Carlos Mine. June 1921."
- "New Idria Quicksilver Mining Co., San Carlos Tramway. 11 Feb. 1948."
- "New Idria Quicksilver Mining Co., The 5 East Area Composite Map. Date: 12-5-43."
- "New Idria Quicksilver Mining Co., The 5 East Area Composite Map. Date: 11-10-44."
- "New Idria Quicksilver Mining Co., The 5 East Area Composite Map. Date: 5-1-45."
- "New Idria Quicksilver Mining Co. Topography Map."
- "Plan and section of electrolytic cell for charcoal leaching unit."
- "Plan map and geology intermediate levels and adits and New Hope adit, Geyser and Oakland Mines, Culver-Baer Mine Area, Sonoma County, California. Aug. 1, 1963."
- "Plan map and geology no. 3 adit level (elevations 2000 to 2100 feet), Geyser and Oakland Mines, Culver-Baer Mine Area, Sonoma County, California. Aug. 1, 1963."
- "Plan map and geology old low level adit level (elevations 2150 to 2250 feet), Geyser and Oakland Mines, Culver-Baer Mine Area, Sonoma County, California. Aug. 1, 1963."
- "Plan map and geology upper levels of Geyser and Oakland Mines (elevations 2400 to 2500 feet), Culver-Baer Mine Area, Sonoma County, California. Aug. 1, 1963."
- "Planned--10 level to 8 level raise. 10/31/49."
- "Plate 9. X Section A+ 2830 SE Culver-Baer F.H.F., Aug. 1, 1963."
- "Plate 10. X Section A+ 2740 SE Culver-Baer, Aug. 1, 1963."
- "Plate 11. X Section A+ 2650 SE Culver-Baer, Aug. 1, 1963."
- "Plate 12. X Section A+ 2590 SE Culver-Baer, Aug. 1, 1963."
- "Plate 13. X Section A+ 2430 SE Culver-Baer, Aug. 1, 1963."
- "Plate 14. X Section A+ 2200 SE Culver-Baer, Aug. 1, 1963."
- "Plate 15. X Section A+ 1950 SE, Aug. 1, 1963, Culver-Baer."
- "Plate 16. X Section A+ 1720 SE, Aug. 1, 1963, Culver-Baer."
- "Plate 17. X Section A+ 1230 SE Culver-Baer, Aug. 1, 1963."
- "Plate 18. X Section A+ 830 SE Culver-Baer, Aug. 1, 1963."
- "Pre-fabricated Dwelling Single Family Unit for H.W. Gould Co., Mills Building, S.F."
- "Progress map of Red Devil Mine, New Idria-Alaska Quicksilver Mining Company, Skeelmute, Alaska."
- "Progress map of Red Devil Mine, New Idria-Alaska Quicksilver Mining Company, Skeelmute, Alaska. To date: Dec. 7, 1943."
- "San Carlos Mine showing works along haulage tunnel, March 15, 1918. N.I.Q.M. Co. elevation at south end of no. 2 taken at 200 feet."
- "Symons Cone Crushers clearance dimensions, Norberg Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, Wis."
- "Symons `K' Grizzly, Symons Bros. Screen Co., Hollywood, California."
- Symons Screen end view--36 or 42 x 6 J.W. Symons Bros. Screen Co., Hollywood, Calif.
- "Symons Screen general dimensions, Symons Bros. Screen Co., Hollywood, Cal."
- "Symons Screen Section--36 and 42 x 6 J.W. Symons Bros. Screen Co., Hollywood, Calif."
- Symons Screen 36 x 6 J.D.S. Symons Bros. Screen Co., Hollywood, Calif.
- "36" Johnesse Pan Concentrator.
- "3 ft. Symons Cone tex. rope drive, found dwg. with elevator. Norberg Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, Wis., U.S.A."
- "20" Symons Cone Crusher foundation drawing. Norberg Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, Wis.
- "2 ft. Symons Cone texrope drive--found dwg. Norberg Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, Wis., U.S.A."
- "Vertical longitudinal projection, Geyser and Oakland Mines, Culver-Baer Mine Area, Sonoma County, California, Aug. 1, 1963."
- 44 photographs catalogued to photo file.
- (3)
- New Idria Mining Co. Collection. Kenneth Rank--New Idria Collection.
Safety award
Telephone list
Equipment Information
Berdan pans - ejectors and blowers
Equipment Information
Flanges - Catalogs
New Idria/Alaska Mines
Administrative reports
General accounts
Legal materials