Descriptive Summary
Administrative Information
Access Points
History of Company
Material Transferred from the Collection
Related Collections
Descriptive Summary
Title: New Idria Quicksilver Mining Company Collection #2
Box Number: 1549-1553
New Idria Mining Company (Calif.)
California State Library
Administrative Information
Conditions of Use
Please credit California State Library.
Publication Rights
Copyright has not been assigned to California State Library. All requests for permission
to publish or quote from manuscripts must be submitted in writing. Permission for
publication is given on behalf of California State Library as the owner of the physical
items and is not intended to include or imply permission of the copyright holder, which
must also be obtained by the reader.
Preferred Citation
[Identification of item], New Idria Quicksilver Mining Company collection #2, California
State Library.
Access Points
New Idria Mining Company (Calif.)--History
Mercury mines and mining--California--San Benito County--History
Correspondence, reports, records, equipment information and catalogs, maps, photos
History of Company
The New Idria Quicksilver Mine was said to have been discovered in 1851; state
incorporation on January 27, 1858, federal patent applied for in 1868. California
corporation status forfeited on December 14, 1905. Mine and town sold at auction in 1973.
Major Correspondents
- Gould, H.W.
- Perham, Constance.
Other Correspondents
- Ashe, D. Farragut
- W.A. Bechtel Company
- Cole, Thomas
- Elliott, Edward L.
- Fopp, S. Michael
- Gardner, E.D.
- Hoover, Allan
- Lewis, C. Hyde
- Pison, Fay I.
- Rank, Kenneth
- Searles, Robert M.
- Straub Manufacturing Co.
- Symons Brothers Screen Co.
- Time
- Tuthill and Co.
- White, Holly P.
- Wickes, L.W.
- Young, Sontorn
Material Transferred from the Collection
- California Central, n.d.
New Idria
MAP-S C912 C15n n.d.
- California. San Benito County. 1946.
New Idria Quicksilver Mining Co.... Main camp
MAP-S C912 S196n 1946
- California. San Benito County. 1946.
Geologic map and sections of the New Idria mine area
MAP C912 S194 1946
- California. San Benito County. [1929]
Base map of the New Idria Quicksilver mines
MAP C912 S194 1929
- California. Sonoma County. 1963.
Surface and underground map of part of Culver-Baer mine
MAP C912 S69f 1963
- California. Sonoma County. 1963.
Buckman and Culver-Baer group of mines.
MAP C912 S69 1963
- California. Sonoma County. 1913.
Map of the property of the Culver-Baer Mining Company
MAP C912 S69 1913
- California. Trinity County. 1965.
Altoona Mine surface.
MAP C912 T83a 1965
Charts & Diagrams
In textual file: charts, diagrams, tables, etc.:
- "Altoona Mine ore reserves footwall vein 410-600 level."
- "Altoona Q.S. Mine Cross Section D."
- "An Arrangement for simulatneous leaching and electrolysis of activated charcoal concentrates."
- Chart of Altoona Mine at 132 Level.
- [Chart of Altoona Mine between 10,200N and 10,400N.]
- [Chart of Altoona Mine showing Altoona Fault and stopes.]
- [Chart of Altoona Mine showing closed and caved tunnels.]
- [Chart of Altoona Mine showing raising of stopes.]
- [Charts of E Stope and C Stope, various levels.]
- [Chart of New Idria-Alaska Mines.]
- Chart of New Idria-Alaska Mining Co. Stopes, Season of 1945.
- [Chart of New Idria Mine 9/14/49 signed Lewis.]
- [Chart of New Idria Mine showing diamond drill holes.]
- "Chart showing percentages of mercury, arsenic antimony, sulphurous acid, and insoluables in condensing system. New Idria-Alaska
Quicksilver Mng. Co. March 1944."
- [Composite cross section and surface map showing tunnels.]
- "Cross section along 10,330N."
- "Cross section at 10,310N."
- "Cross section at 10,350N."
- Cross section of shafts of New Idria-Alaska Mines. Season of 1945.
- "Data comparison of cost per flask 1917-1918, comparison of production 1917-1918. Tonnage mined, average of monthly price.
M. Press."
- "Double Bedroom Family Dwelling/Single Bedroom Family Dwelling."
- "Double deck -Symons Screen general dimensions. Symons Bros. Screen Co., Hollywood, Calif."
- "Dwelling unit for Idria addition, New Idria Quicksilver Mining Co. Drawn by R.A. Crippen, July 28, 1942."
- "Idria Mine Molino Tunnel."
- "`M' Vertical Longitudinal Projection Veins no. 2, 3, 3A, and flat vein, Altoona Mine, Trinity County, California. Universal
Silvers Company, Jan. 1961."
- "Monthly Production 1916-1918."
- "`N' Vertical Longitudinal Projection Vein Number One, Altoona Mine. Universal Silvers Company, Jan. 1916."
- New Idria Honduras Mining Co., San Andreas Mine. Ore Block No. 1.
- "New Idria Mining and Chemical Co., West Idria Extension, 5L. 30 Sept. 1952."
- "New Idria Mining and Chemical Co., West Idria Extension, 10L. 30 Sept. 1952."
- "New Idria Mining and Chemical Co., West Idria Extension, 5L. 31 Oct. 1952."
- "New Idria Mining and Chemical Co., West Idria Extension, 10L. 31 Oct. 1952."
- "New Idria Mining and Chemical Co., West Idria Extension, Composite 5 and 10 Levels."
- "New Idria Mining and Chemical Co., West Idria Extension, Composite 5 and 10 Levels, Advance for Month. 10/21/53."
- "New Idria Mining and Chemical Co., West Idria Extension, Composite 5 and 10 Levels, Advance for month. August 31, 1953."
- "New Idria Quicksilver Mine detail map of east end of level no. 10 and level no. 11 to accompany report by Wm. Forstner. November
17, 1924."
- New Idria Quicksilver Mining Co. Composite Map, Idria, Sulphur Springs, and Creek Ore Bodies.
- "New Idria Quicksilver Mining Co. 5, 6, and 10 levels, Sulphur Springs Creek Tunnel, 5 level cross cut. Date tracing 9-5-42,
Print 8-5-45."
- "New Idria Quicksilver Mining Co. 5, 6, and 10 levels, Sulphur Springs Creek Tunnel, 3 level cross cut. Date tracing 9-5-42,
Print 12-1-44."
- "New Idria Quicksilver Mining Co. 5, 6, and 10 levels, Sulphur Springs Creek Tunnel, 3 level cross cut. Date tracing 9/5/42,
Print 1/8/43."
- "New Idria Quicksilver Mining Company, San Carlos Mine. June 1921."
- "New Idria Quicksilver Mining Co., San Carlos Tramway. 11 Feb. 1948."
- "New Idria Quicksilver Mining Co., The 5 East Area Composite Map. Date: 12-5-43."
- "New Idria Quicksilver Mining Co., The 5 East Area Composite Map. Date: 11-10-44."
- "New Idria Quicksilver Mining Co., The 5 East Area Composite Map. Date: 5-1-45."
- "New Idria Quicksilver Mining Co. Topography Map."
- "Plan and section of electrolytic cell for charcoal leaching unit."
- "Plan map and geology intermediate levels and adits and New Hope adit, Geyser and Oakland Mines, Culver-Baer Mine Area, Sonoma
County, California. Aug. 1, 1963."
- "Plan map and geology no. 3 adit level (elevations 2000 to 2100 feet), Geyser and Oakland Mines, Culver-Baer Mine Area, Sonoma
County, California. Aug. 1, 1963."
- "Plan map and geology old low level adit level (elevations 2150 to 2250 feet), Geyser and Oakland Mines, Culver-Baer Mine
Area, Sonoma County, California. Aug. 1, 1963."
- "Plan map and geology upper levels of Geyser and Oakland Mines (elevations 2400 to 2500 feet), Culver-Baer Mine Area, Sonoma
County, California. Aug. 1, 1963."
- "Planned--10 level to 8 level raise. 10/31/49."
- "Plate 9. X Section A+ 2830 SE Culver-Baer F.H.F., Aug. 1, 1963."
- "Plate 10. X Section A+ 2740 SE Culver-Baer, Aug. 1, 1963."
- "Plate 11. X Section A+ 2650 SE Culver-Baer, Aug. 1, 1963."
- "Plate 12. X Section A+ 2590 SE Culver-Baer, Aug. 1, 1963."
- "Plate 13. X Section A+ 2430 SE Culver-Baer, Aug. 1, 1963."
- "Plate 14. X Section A+ 2200 SE Culver-Baer, Aug. 1, 1963."
- "Plate 15. X Section A+ 1950 SE, Aug. 1, 1963, Culver-Baer."
- "Plate 16. X Section A+ 1720 SE, Aug. 1, 1963, Culver-Baer."
- "Plate 17. X Section A+ 1230 SE Culver-Baer, Aug. 1, 1963."
- "Plate 18. X Section A+ 830 SE Culver-Baer, Aug. 1, 1963."
- "Pre-fabricated Dwelling Single Family Unit for H.W. Gould Co., Mills Building, S.F."
- "Progress map of Red Devil Mine, New Idria-Alaska Quicksilver Mining Company, Skeelmute, Alaska."
- "Progress map of Red Devil Mine, New Idria-Alaska Quicksilver Mining Company, Skeelmute, Alaska. To date: Dec. 7, 1943."
- "San Carlos Mine showing works along haulage tunnel, March 15, 1918. N.I.Q.M. Co. elevation at south end of no. 2 taken at
200 feet."
- "Symons Cone Crushers clearance dimensions, Norberg Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, Wis."
- "Symons `K' Grizzly, Symons Bros. Screen Co., Hollywood, California."
- Symons Screen end view--36 or 42 x 6 J.W. Symons Bros. Screen Co., Hollywood, Calif.
- "Symons Screen general dimensions, Symons Bros. Screen Co., Hollywood, Cal."
- "Symons Screen Section--36 and 42 x 6 J.W. Symons Bros. Screen Co., Hollywood, Calif."
- Symons Screen 36 x 6 J.D.S. Symons Bros. Screen Co., Hollywood, Calif.
- "36" Johnesse Pan Concentrator.
- "3 ft. Symons Cone tex. rope drive, found dwg. with elevator. Norberg Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, Wis., U.S.A."
- "20" Symons Cone Crusher foundation drawing. Norberg Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, Wis.
- "2 ft. Symons Cone texrope drive--found dwg. Norberg Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, Wis., U.S.A."
- "Vertical longitudinal projection, Geyser and Oakland Mines, Culver-Baer Mine Area, Sonoma County, California, Aug. 1, 1963."
- 44 photographs catalogued to photo file.
Photo Albums
Related Collections
- New Idria Mining Co. Collection. Kenneth Rank--New Idria Collection.