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Finding aid to Views of Calaveras and Mariposa Counties, California, 1890
BANC PIC 1976.033--fALB  
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Fishing party -- San Antonio Creek. Sheep Ranch (Calaveras Co.). [No.] 1. [Voituredebois] BANC PIC 1976.033:01--fALB


Wading -- San Antonio Creek. Sheep Ranch (Calaveras Co.). [No.] 2. BANC PIC 1976.033:02--fALB


Country bridge -- San Antonio Creek. Sheep Ranch (Calaveras Co.). [No.] 3. 1890. BANC PIC 1976.033:03--fALB


Peter Davis' Place -- The old man and his guest. Ridge near Sheep Ranch (Calaveras Co.). [No.] 4. BANC PIC 1976.033:04--fALB


Peter Davis' Jack. Sheep Ranch (Calaveras Co.). [No.] 5. BANC PIC 1976.033:05--fALB


Timber Land -- W.H. Clary. Sheep Ranch (Calaveras Co.). [No.] 6. BANC PIC 1976.033:06--fALB


Timber on the Calaveras Big trees Road. 3 miles from Sheep Ranch (Calaveras Co.). [No.] 7. BANC PIC 1976.033:07--fALB


Timber on Colwell Creek. W.H. Clary. Near Sheep Ranch (Calaveras Co.). [No.] 8. BANC PIC 1976.033:08--fALB


General view of Sheep Ranch, Showing the Mines (Calaveras Co., Cal.). [No.] 11. BANC PIC 1976.033:09--fALB


Main Street, Sheep Ranch (Calaveras Co.). [No.] 12. BANC PIC 1976.033:10--fALB


Friedberger's Store. Sheep Ranch (Calaveras Co.). [No.] 13. BANC PIC 1976.033:11--fALB


Chavanne's House and hoisting works -- South Side. Sheep Ranch (Calaveras Co.). [No.] 14. BANC PIC 1976.033:12--fALB


Chavanne's house and hoisting works (West Side). Sheep Ranch (Calaveras Co.). [No.] 15. BANC PIC 1976.033:13--fALB


Sheep Ranch Mine (J.B. Haggin proprietor). Sheep Ranch (Calaveras Co.). [No.] 16. BANC PIC 1976.033:14--fALB


Live Oak -- Hobe Ide's ditch. Sheep Ranch (Calaveras Co.). [No.] 17. BANC PIC 1976.033:15--fALB


Fishing -- San Antonio Creek. Sheep Ranch (S. Calaveras Co.). [No.] 18. BANC PIC 1976.033:16--fALB


Crossing San Antonio Creek from H. Ide's ditch (Calaveras Co.). [No.] 19. BANC PIC 1976.033:17--fALB


Raggio's Store, Main Street. Sheep Ranch (Calav. [Calaveras]. Co.). [No.] 20. BANC PIC 1976.033:18--fALB


Mouth of the terminal -- Colombus. J. Fricot's mine -- near Sheep Ranch (Calaveras Co.). [No.] 21. BANC PIC 1976.033:19--fALB


"Colombus" -- J. Fricot's quartz claim near Sheep Ranch (Calaveras Co.). Showing the opening of the shaft. [No.] 22. BANC PIC 1976.033:20--fALB


Main Street -- Murphy's. Calaveras Co. (Cal.). [No.] 23. BANC PIC 1976.033:21--fALB


Main Street, San Andreas (Calaveras Co.). [No.] 24. BANC PIC 1976.033:22--fALB


The "Two Sentinels" -- Diameter 23 feet. Calaveras big trees grove -- 12 miles from Sheep Ranch. [No.] 25. BANC PIC 1976.033:23--fALB


Sperry's Hotel -- Big trees (Calaveras Co.). [No.] 26. BANC PIC 1976.033:24--fALB


The "Mother of the forest." Big trees grove of Calaveras. (the bark of the tree was taken off in 1854 and taken to the Crystal Palace, London, where it was burnt.) [No.] 27. BANC PIC 1976.033:25--fALB


The original big tree, showing dancing hall on the Stump. Calaveras big trees grove -- 12 miles from Sheep Ranch. [No.] 28. BANC PIC 1976.033:26--fALB


The "Wawoona." [Wawona] Indian name for big tree. Mariposa Co. -- Cal. [No.] 29. BANC PIC 1976.033:27--fALB


The "Grizzly Giant." Mariposa Big trees. [No.] 30. BANC PIC 1976.033:28--fALB


An old Indian (Mariposa County). [No.] 31. BANC PIC 1976.033:29--fALB


View taken from the window of our room at the Hotel Wawoona. [Hotel Wawona] Road to the Yo Semite [i.e. Yosemite] Valley -- (Mariposa Co. Cal.). [No.] 32. BANC PIC 1976.033:30--fALB


Changing horses on the road from Wawoona [i.e. Wawona] to Yo Semite [i.e. Yosemite] Valley (Mariposa Co. Cal.). [No.] 33. BANC PIC 1976.033:31--fALB


Road between Wawoona & Yo Semite [i.e. Yosemite] Valley. Mariposa Co. -- Cal. [No.] 34. BANC PIC 1976.033:32--fALB


Stage of the Yo Semite [i.e. Yosemite] and Turnpike Co. at the Summit (Mariposa Co. Cal.). [No.] 35. BANC PIC 1976.033:33--fALB


First view of Yo Semite [i.e. Yosemite] Valley from Inspiration Point (Mariposa Co.). [No.] 36. BANC PIC 1976.033:34--fALB


Mirror Lake -- Mirror view of Mount Watkins. Yo Semite [i.e. Yosemite] Valley (Mariposa Co.). [No.] 37. BANC PIC 1976.033:35--fALB


Vernal fall -- taken from Lady Franklin Rock. Yo Semite [i.e. Yosemite] Valley (Mariposa Co.). [No.] 38. Vernal de Lady Franklin. BANC PIC 1976.033:36--fALB


Yo Semite [i.e. Yosemite] -- Resting after a hard climb -- Mariposa Co. Above Vernal fall and at the foot of Nevada fall. [No.] 39. BANC PIC 1976.033:37--fALB


Nevada Fall. Yo Semite [i.e. Yosemite] Valley -- Mariposa Co. [No.] 40. BANC PIC 1976.033:38--fALB


Top of Nevada fall. Yo Semite [i.e. Yosemite] Valley -- Mariposa Co. [No.] 41. BANC PIC 1976.033:39--fALB


Coming down -- last glance of Vernal fall. Yo Semite [i.e. Yosemite] Valley -- (Mariposa Co.). [No.] 42. Vernal du Font. BANC PIC 1976.033:40--fALB


Pioneer's Cabin -- Diameter 32 feet. Calaveras big tree (Calaveras Co.). BANC PIC 1976.033:41--fALB


Judge Gottschalk's team (San Andreas, Calaveras Co.). BANC PIC 1976.033:42--fALB


Judge Gottschalk's team. San Andreas, Calaveras Co. BANC PIC 1976.033:43--fALB