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Inventory of the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America Collection, 1938-1986 (bulk late 1940s-early 1970s)
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This collection consists of the office files of UE Local 1412. The bulk of the records date from the late 1940s to the early 1970s. The earliest material is UE Local 1412's charter dated June 3, 1938. The files show the daily functioning of Local 1412. Their interests and activities are reflected through the minutes, grievances, printed material, contracts, correspondance, strike files, NLRB activities and elections. The early part of the material reflects Local 1412's involvement with individual shops. The later material concentrates more on the national levels of the organization. Overall, the collection is a clear picture of the wants, needs and interests of the men and women who built and repaired the heavy electrical machinery that powered post war American industry.
Between 1931 and 1936 UE formed independently of the American Federation of Labor (AFL) and other established craft unions. The primary figures in UE's leadership were General-President Albert J. Fitzgerald, Secretary-General Julis Emspak and the Director of Organization James J. Matles. UE functioned under the new formed Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO). UE was the first union chartered in a mass production industry outside the AFL. In 1937 UE changed it's name from United Electrical and Radio Workers of America to United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America. By an act of the UE International convention, Local 1412 was chartered on June 3, 1938 to "organize the unorganized" 1 in the Bay Area. Local 1412 adopted its Constitution and By-laws on October 28, 1949. Headquartered in Oakland, California, Local 1412 "collectively persued an aggressive struggle" 2 to protect its members and shops from the organized forces of the employers.
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Collection is open for research.