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Jan. - June 1976
July - Dec. 1976
Index to Correspondence, 8/65 10/69
Miscellaneous Correspondence by Subject
Misc. Correspondence. "A"
Academic Council, 1959 - 1971
Academic Council, 9/15/72 - 1/14/74
Academic Council, 4/l/74 - 1/6/75
Academic Council, 3/26/75 - 12/12/77
Academic Planning Office
Administrative Policies, 1971
Administrative Policies, 1972
Administrative Policies, 1973
Administrative Policies, 1974
Administrative Policies, 1975-76
A.S.E.E. - General
Association for Continuing Education
Misc. Correspondence. "B"
Brooks, E. Howard
Business School
Misc. Correspondence "C"
Caldwell, Dave
Center for Materials Research
Chemistry Department
Civil Engineering Department
Classified Research
Computer Science
Corporate Friends
Cullum, Allen W.
Cuthbertson, Kenneth M.
Misc. Correspondence "D"
Davis, Paul H., 1947-70
Davis, Paul H., 1971-77
Misc. Correspondence "E"
Earth Sciences
Education School
Electrical Engineering Department
Emeritus Professors
Engineering School Newsletters
Engineering School - Misc., 1972-73
Engineering School - Misc., 1974-78
Engineering Advisory Council, 1973
Engineering Advisory Council, 1974
Engineering Advisory Council, 1975-76
Engineering Advisory Council, 1977-78
Engineering Advisory Council, 1979-80
Engineering Advisory Council, 1980-81
Engineering Management
English for Engineering Students
ERIC: Educational Resources Information Center
Misc. Correspondence "F"
Faculty Study
Fringe Benefits
Misc. Correspondence "G"
General Secretary
Ginzton Laboratory
Dean of Graduate Studies
Misc. Correspondence "H"
Heffner, Hubert
Hewlett, Walter
Honors Cooperative Program
Hoover Isolationism Episode
Misc. Correspondence "I"
IEEE Life Members
Industrial Engineering Department
Industrial Relations
Institute for Energy Studies
Misc. Correspondence "J"
Misc. Correspondence "K"
Kays, William M.
Misc. Correspondence "L"
Land Development Projects
Linvill, John
Lyman, Richard E.
Misc. Correspondence "M"
McCullough Space (Rm. 174 - 176)
McDermott, Mary
Mechanical Engineering Department
Miller, William
Misc. Correspondence "N"
National Medal of Science
National Institutes of Health
National Science Foundation
Misc. Correspondence "O"
Misc. Correspondence "P"
School of Engineering Placement Report, 1969-70
Planning and Placement Center: Employment of
Planning and Budget Committee Report (Task Force VI)
Misc. Correspondence "R"
Research Programs and Costs
Retirement Plan Study
Misc. Correspondence "S"
Salary Information
San Jose State Cybernetics Program
Shockley, William
Skilling, Hugh H.
Stanford Associates
Sterling, Wallace
Strong Vocational Test
Students, Prospective
Misc. Correspondence "T"
Tarr, Curtis
Tau Beta Pi
Misc. Correspondence "U"
United Stanford Employees
Misc. Correspondence "V"
Misc. Correspondence "W"
Visitors and Guests at Stanford
Misc. Correspondence "XYZ"
Yu, Frank and Philip
Stanford PACE Program Correspondence
Correspondence "A"
Correspondence "B"
Boswell Foundation
Briggs, Mitzi
Correspondence "C"
Campaign for Stanford
Coberly, C.J.
Components of Campaign
Correspondence "D"
Correspondence "E"
Eitel, William
Engineering Affiliates
Correspondence "F"
Correspondence "G"
Gerstley, James
General Prospects
Correspondence "H"
Harcourt, Brace, and World, Inc.
Havas, George
Hurd, C.C.
Correspondence "I"
Correspondence "J"
Correspondence "K"
Kennedy Foundation
Correspondence "L"
Correspondence "M"
McBean, Atholl
Meetings, 1961-62
Meetings, 1961-62
Miscellaneous, 1961-63
Miscellaneous, 1963-66
Morell, George
Motorola, Inc.
Muhs Foundation, 1957-62
Muhs Foundation, 1963-67
Muhs Foundation, 1968-72
Muhs Foundation, 1973-76
Muhs Foundation, 1977-80
Correspondence "N"
Correspondence "O"
Olin Foundation
Correspondence "P"
Peterson, T.F.
Pfeiffer Foundation, 1959-61
Pfeiffer Foundation, 1961-62
Pfeiffer Foundation, 1962
Pfeiffer Foundation, 1963
Pfeiffer Foundation, 1963
Pfeiffer Foundation, 1963
Polhemus Fund
Procter and Gamble
Puls, Louis
Correspondence "R"
Regional Dinners
Regional Meetings
Correspondence "S"
Correspondence "S"
Sloan Foundation
Standard Oil of California
Stanford Cabinet
Stauffer, John
Stauffer, John
Swim, Dudley
Correspondence "T"
Tax Considerations
Correspondence "U"
Union Carbide
Correspondence "V"
Correspondence "W"
Stanford PACE Program: Long Range Planning
Academic Goals and Financial Needs, 1950-1970
Academic Needs
Background Data for Financial Needs
Background Data for Financial Needs, 1960-70
Background Data for Financial Needs, 1960-70
Building Space Improvements
Building Space Improvements
Building Space Improvements
Faculty Expansion
Financial Needs
Plan of Campaign, 1963
Private Gift Support
Article: "Changing Needs for PhD's"
Articles, Information Sheets, and Publications
Article: "Economic Factors Relating to Engineering Programs"
Article: "Steeples of Excellence"
Article: "Steeples of Excellence"
Article: "Supply of Scientific and Engineering Manpower
Bay Area Electronics Industry
Building Plans and Information
Building Plans and Information
Campus Maps
Cost of Student Instruction
Cost of Student Instruction: Faculty
Electronics Education
Engineering B.S. Candidates
Engineering Research Objectives
History of Electrical Engineering Education
Articles, Information Sheets and Publications
Miscellaneous Speeches and Addresses, 1977-78
Tutored Videotape Instruction
Engineering Students
PhD Candidates, 1960-61
PhD Candidates, 1961-62
PhD Candidates, 1962-63
PhD Candidates, 1963-64
PhD Candidates, 1964-65
PhD Candidates, 1964-65
PhD Candidates, 1965-66
PhD Candidates, 1966-67
PhD Candidates, 1967-68
PhD Candidates, 1968-69
PhD Candidates, 1969-70
PhD Candidates, 1970-71
PhD Candidates, 1971-72
PhD Candidates, 1972-73
PhD Candidates, 1973-74
PhD Candidates, 1974-75
PhD Candidates, 1975-76
PhD Candidates, 1976-77
PhD Candidates, 1977-78
Engineering Degrees and Enrollments, 1964-71
Engineering Degrees and Enrollments, 1972-73
Technological Corporations
Granger Associates
Granger Associates
Granger Associates
Granger Associates
Granger Associates
Granger Associates
Hewlett Packard Monthly Reports, Jan - Apr 1978
Hewlett Packard Monthly Reports, May - Aug 1978
Hewlett Packard Monthly Reports, Sep - Nov 1978
Hewlett Packard Annual Reports 1977-78
Hewlett Packard: Miscellaneous Correspondence.
Watkins-Johnson Co.
Reports on High Technology Activities in Northern California, 1972-73
Reports on High Technology Activities in Northern California, 1974-75
Reports on High Technology Activities in Northern California, 1975-76
Report on Minorities in Engineering, Part 1
Report on Minorities in Engineering, Part 2
Report on Minorities in Engineering, Part 3
Terman Office Materials
F.E. Terman's Office Manual
Appointment Book, 9/71 - 9/72
Appointment Book, 9/72 - 9/73
Appointment Book, 9/73 - 9/74
Appointment Book, 9/74 - 9/75
Appointment Book, 9/75 - 9/76
Appointment Book, 9/78 - 9/79
Appointment Book, 9/76 - 9/77
Large Size Folders
Three Quarter Summary of Enrollment, 1968-69
Registration Statistics, 1963-78
Summer Enrollment, 1969-70
Addenda, 1984-012 ARCH-1984-012
Files Re Lewis Terman
Files Re Lewis Terman
Files Re Lewis Terman
Files Re Lewis Terman
Addenda, 1982-032 Accession ARCH-1982-032
Frederic A.C. Perrine [framed photograph] c.1901-1902
George Crothers [framed photograph]
Addenda, 1989-170 ARCH-1989-170
Papers, Lectures, Photographs, Correspondence 1952-1960
Addenda, 2002-286 ARCH-2002-286
Frederick E. Terman Ph. D. dissertation at MIT: Characteristics and Stability of transmission systems
Correspondence and contracts 1942-1943
Correspondence with publishers 1930s
Correspondence with publishers 1940s
Correspondence with publishers 1950s
Correspondence with publishers 1960s
Miscellaneous correspondence 1950s
Deed to Alturas Drive property 1976-1977
Addenda, 2019-047 ARCH-2019-047
Library Development Fund 1963-1965
Mc Miscellaneous circa 1956-1964
Overhead Studies 1960-1963
O & M 1964
OH Computation 1961-1962
Selective Services 1966
Joint Comm - Background 1966
SRI - Duplicate Copies circa 1960s
SRI - Board of Directors - General 1965
AAUP (American Association of University Professors) 1960s
Administrative Policies 1967
Admissions Committee 1956-1958
Admissions Committee 1961-1963
Admissions Committee 1959-1960
Administrative Policies 1968-1970
Admissions - Transfer Program 1965
Advisory Board 1965
Aeronautical Engineering 1967
Air Force 1964
Ampex 1963-1964
Applied Physics 1963
Art Gallery and Museum, Art Department 1956-1964
Asian Languages 1961
Athletics 1957
Biological Sciences 1956-1964
Biophysics, Review of 1960-1964
Correspondence with various academic departments 1940s-1960s
Libraries 1950s-1960s
Humanities 1962-
Correspondence with various academic departments & organizations 1950s-1960s
F. E. Terman Bibliography (Condensed Version)
News Releasese & Clippings 1965-1977
Various papers & reprints
Addenda, 2023-054 ARCH-2023-054
Biographical memoir of William Frederick Durand by Frederick Terman 1976
Letter from William Kays 1977
Addenda, 2024-512 ARCH-2024-512
Awards and Diplomas, Lewis Terman Awards 1897-1973
Company Correspondence, Annual Reports 1968-1979
Honors and Awards 1946-1977
Company Files, School of Engineering Documents, RCM Booklet 1977-83
Hoover Poll and Herbert Hoover Correspondence 1941, 1977-79
Stanford University Financial Reports 1951-70
TV Files, Booklets
TV Files
TV Files
Lowell Technological Institute 1971-1974
Herbert Hoover Letter, Merit Awards 1948-1978
Budget 1967-1970
Certificates and Membership Awards 1951-1978
Resolution, Awards, NAE Medal, Association of Old Crows Coin 1950-1980, undated
Committee on University Policy Minutes, Budgets 1956-1964
Watkins-Johnson Annual Reports 1964-1981
Educational Statistics 1961-1977
Stanford History Files 1969-1982
Reference Card Files, 1 of 2 1953-1955
Reference Card Files, 2 of 2 1953-1955
Budgets 1970-1973
Departmental Budget, Terman Engineering Books 1951-1960
Budgets 1960-1974
Subject Reference Card Files, 1 of 2 1935-1940
Subject Reference Card Files, 2 of 2 1935-1940
Subject Reference Card Files 1938-1954
Addenda, 2024-608 ARCH-2024-608
Subject reference card files - EE course questions 1946-1955
Subject reference card files - Annotated bibliographies 1925-1952
Subject reference card files - Annotated bibliographies 1937-1952
Subject reference card files - Annotated bibliographies 1942-1953
Subject reference card files - Annotated bibliographies 1930-1953
Subject reference card files - Annotated bibliographies 1937-1954
Subject reference card files 1945-1952
ME 11-12 course drawings 1917-1918
ME 13-14 course drawings 1919-1920
Award certificates, Frederick Emmons Terman; Descriptive Geometry drawings; F.E. Terman portrait photographs; NAE photographs; Terman chest x-rays [1925] 1918, 1925-1972
Award certificates, Frederick Emmons Terman
Award medals, Frederick Emmons Terman 1950-1964
[Microgroove records, 12-inch LP 33 1/3, 2 count] Engineering News-Report Network Honored Guest: "Dr. Frederick E. Terman" and "Highlights from the Easy-Chair" 1960
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