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Inventory of Views of the American West [graphic], ca. 1886
BANC PIC 1996.001--ALB  
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List of Items

item :1

Hotel Piazza - Santa Fe, New Mexico. April 1886

item :2

"Burros" - Santa Fe, New Mexico.

item :3


item :4

Santa Fe, New Mexico.

item :5

Yosemite Falls - 2634 feet.

item :6


item :7

[Child on burro]

item :8

Fire-wood. Santa Fe.

item :9

Pasadena, Cal. "The Raymond".

item :10

Yosemite Valley from Inspiration Point. May 1886

item :11

Glacier Point - Yosemite. (Fiske #356)

item :12

Mirror Lake reflecting Cloud's Rest - Yosemite. (Fiske #484)

item :13

Vernal Falls (350 ft) - Yosemite. (Fiske) 1884

item :14

Nevada Falls (750 ft) - Yosemite. (Fiske #350)

item :15

Cap of Liberty (3100 ft). Nevada Falls. Mrs Snow's House - Yosemite. (Fiske #347)

item :16

El Capitan (3300 ft) - Yosemite. (Fiske)

item :17

Dead Giants. Sequoia trees. Mariposa Grove.

item :18

From Cliff House. Seal Rock, Pacific Ocean. (Taber # B 508)

item :19

California Street from Sansome Street, San Francisco. Cable Street R.R. (Taber # B 517)

item :20

Court Yard, Palace Hotel. San Francisco.

item :21

J. C. Flood's Residence, Menlo Park, Cal. (Taber # B 1079)

item :22

Hotel del Monte. Monterey, Cal. (Johnson)

item :23

Arizona Garden. Monterey. (Johnson)

item :24

Monterey. July 20, ?

item :25

Bath House, Monterey.

item :26

Interior Bath House, Monterey. Aug. 9, 1885

item :27

Old Cypress Trees, Carmel Bay. Monterey. (Johnson)

item :28

Colonel Ingersoll [includes short description].

item :29

Santa Cruz, California.

item :30

Santa Cruz, California.

item :31

Sacramento. Cal. Capitol.

item :32

Fort Sutter. Sacramento, California.

item :33

Oakland Ferry.

item :34

Instantaneous [view of Oak., Ala. & Berk. Ferry]

item :35

Fort Presidio. San Francisco.

item :36

Cable Street R.R. San Francisco.

item :37

Cliff House. San Francisco.

item :38

Scene near Cliff House. San Francisco.

item :39

Conservatory - Golden Gate Park. San Francisco.

item :40

Chinese Restaurant. San Francisco.

item :41

[Railroad tracks: Central Pacific R.R.?]

item :42

[Railroad tracks: Central Pacific R.R.?]

item :43

[Railroad tracks: Central Pacific R.R.?]

item :44

Long Ravine Bridge of the Central Pacific Railway, Crossing the Nevada Co. Narrow Guage R.R., distant from about ½ mile from Colfax (?), between Colfax and Cape Horn.

item :45

Groupe. Near Mr. Rose's Cottage (Flume). Bear Valley, Cal.

item :46

On the Flume. Bear Valley.

item :47

Yuba Dam. Gate House and Flume. Bear Valley.

item :48

Bear Valley.

item :49

Yuba Dam and Flume. Bear Valley. Placer Co. Cal.

item :50

Yuba Dam and Flume. Bear Valley. Placer Co. Cal.

item :51

Miss Clara Martin. Bear Valley.

item :52

Ethel Rose. Bear Valley.

item :53

Central Pacific near Blue Canon.

item :54

Blue Canon near Placer Co. Cal.

item :55

Our train at Blue Canon.

item :56

Our party. Blue Canon. (Sam C. Partridge) June 3, 1886

item :57

Mormon Temple Tabernacle. Salt Lake City, Utah. View from Arsenal Hill.

item :58

Brigham Young's grave and two wives' grave. Salt Lake City, Utah.

item :59

Mr. Dye's Garden. Salt Lake City.

item :60

Hanging Rock. Black Canon, Colorado. Denver and Rio Grande R.R. June 1888

item :61

Currecanti Needle. Black Canon. (W. H. J. & Co.)

item :62

Mt. Ouray from summit of Marshall Pass. Denver and Rio Grande Railway.

item :63

Hanging Bridge, Royal Gorge. Denver and Rio Grande R.R.

item :64

Manitou, Colorado.

item :65

Ute(?) Pass, near Manitou.

item :66

Entrance to the Garden of the Gods. Pikes Peak in distance.

item :67

Garden of the Gods. Seal and Bear.

item :68

Cathedral Spires. Garden of the Gods.

item :69

Balanced Rock. Garden of the Gods.

item :70

Rocky Point, C.C.R.R., Beaver Brook. Clear Creek Canon, Colorado.

item :71

Idaho Springs, Colorado.

item :72

Georgetown, Colorado.

item :73

The "Loop" - Georgetown to Silver Plume.

item :74

Bridge at Devil's Gate. Georgetown, Col.

item :75

Silver Plume and Mines, Col.

item :76

[Niagara Falls?]

item :77

[Niagara Falls?]

item :78

[Presumed to be San Francisco]

item :79

American River from Iowa trail, showing way on bridge.

item :80

View from Iowa Hill Trail.

item :81

Trail to Iowa Hill.

item :82

Trail to Iowa Hill.

item :83

Iowa Hill, Placer County. [Landscape after hydraulic mining].

item :84

Giant Nozzle. Hydraulic Mining. Iowa Hill.

item :85

[Mining site and sluices]

item :86

[Mining site and sluices]

item :87

Mining. [Miners working at a cradle].

item :88

Cradle. [With Chinese miner]

item :89

Giant Nozzle. Hydraulic Mining. Iowa Hill, Cal.

item :90

Miners at work in "Iowa Hill Ravine" at the Spring Valley Hydraulic Gold Mine of Cherokee, Butte, Col.