Kathleen Goddard Jones Papers
Kathleen Goddard Jones Papers
Special Collections DepartmentRobert E. Kennedy Library
1 Grand Avenue
California Polytechnic State University
San Luis Obispo, CA 93407–0605
- Special Collections Department
- Robert E. Kennedy Library
- 1 Grand Avenue
- California Polytechnic State University
- San Luis Obispo, CA 93407-0605
- Phone: (805) 756-2305
- Fax: (805) 756-5770
- Email: archives@calpoly.edu
- URL: http://www.lib.calpoly.edu/specialcollections/
- Processed by:
- Nancy E. Loe
- Date Completed:
- 2007
- Encoded by:
- Byte Managers, 2007, Carina Love 2008; Marisa Ramirez, 2009
Restrictions on Use and Reproduction
1. Personal and Professional Papers 1933-2001
Scope and Content Note
A. Personal Papers
Scope and Content Note
Clippings of Interviews with Kathleen Goddard Jones, 1958, 1978-80, 1985, 1990, 1993, 1995, 2001
Ephemera, 1960s
Photographs of Kathleen Goddard Jones, 1939
Radio Scripts 1933, 1940
Travel, 1970s
Travel Correspondence with Virginia and Bob Cutler, 1964-66
B. Professional Papers
Scope and Content Note
Colleagues — David Chipping, undated
Colleagues — Bill Denneen, undated
Colleagues — Harold Miossi, 1975, 1980
Colleagues — Lee Wilson, 1981
To Do Lists, Notes, and Reminders. 1960s-1990s
2. Sierra Club Records 1950-1993
Scope and Content Note
A. National Sierra Club Records
Scope and Content Note
Sierra Club Annual Meeting, 1952, 1967
Sierra Club Board of Directors, 1953, 1956, 1958, 1965-66, 1968
Sierra Club Board of Directors — David Brower Dispute, 1968
Sierra Club Concerned Members for Conservation — David Brower Dispute, 1968-69
Sierra Club Conservation Committee, 1953-54, 1958, 1970
Sierra Club Correspondence re Norman Clyde and Hi Trip, 1950-51, 1957, 1963
Sierra Club Council Executive Committee, 1965-70
Sierra Club International Committee, 1974
Sierra Club Legislative Memos and Activism, 1965-66, 1970
Sierra Club Serials, Catalogs, Publications, 1960s-1990
B. Regional Sierra Club Records
Scope and Content Note
Angeles Chapter, 1958, 1968
Fresno Chapter, 1953-54, 1958
Kern-Kaweah Chapter, 1962, 1965, 1967, 1970
Loma Prieta Chapterl 1954, 1958, 1970
Los Padres Chapter Agendas, 1950s
Los Padres Chapter Bylaws, 1950s
Los Padres Chapter Correspondence, 1953-54, 1968-69
Los Padres Chapter Newsletters, 1959, 1965, 1971, 1978, 1980-1986
Los Padres Chapter Outings, 1980s
Motherlode Chapter, 1957
Riverside Chapter, 1954
San Diego Chapter, 1954, 1958
San Francisco Bay Chapter, 1953, 1981, 1984
San Gabriel Valley Group, Angeles Chapter, undated
Santa Barbara Chapter, 1950
Santa Lucia Group, Los Padres Chapter Newsletters, 1965
Santa Lucia Chapter Agendas, 1981, 1983
Santa Lucia Chapter Clippings, 1960s-70s
Santa Lucia Chapter Correspondence, 1963, 1971, 1973-76
Santa Lucia Chapter Events and Outings, 1960s-70s
Santa Lucia Chapter Events and Outings, 1980s
Santa Lucia Chapter Events ("Sunroof Safari" documentary), 1964
Santa Lucia Chapter Executive Committee, 1964, 1966, 1972-74
Santa Lucia Chapter Founding, 1961-62
Santa Lucia Chapter Flyers, 1965-66
Santa Lucia Chapter Membership Roster, 1978
Santa Lucia Chapter Newsletters, 1968
Santa Lucia Chapter Newsletters, 1969
Santa Lucia Chapter Newsletters, 1970
Santa Lucia Chapter Newsletters, 1971
Santa Lucia Chapter Newsletters, 1972
Santa Lucia Chapter Newsletters, 1973
Santa Lucia Chapter Newsletters, 1974
Santa Lucia Chapter Newsletters, 1975
Santa Lucia Chapter Newsletters, 1976
Santa Lucia Chapter Newsletters, 1977
Santa Lucia Chapter Newsletters, 1978
Santa Lucia Chapter Newsletters, 1979
Santa Lucia Chapter Newsletters, 1980
Santa Lucia Chapter Newsletters, 1981
Santa Lucia Chapter Newsletters, 1982
Santa Lucia Chapter Newsletters, 1983
Santa Lucia Chapter Newsletters, 1984
Santa Lucia Chapter Newsletters, 1986
Santa Lucia Chapter Newsletters, 1987
Santa Lucia Chapter Newsletters, 1988
Santa Lucia Chapter Newsletters, 1989
Santa Lucia Chapter Newsletters, 1990
Santa Lucia Chapter Newsletters, 1991
Santa Lucia Chapter Newsletters, 1992
Santa Lucia Chapter Newsletters, 1993
Santa Lucia Chapter Telephone Bills, 1984-85
Southern California Chapter, 1950
3. Non-Profit and Government Affiliations, 1954-1987
Scope and Content Note
A. Non-Profit Organizations,
Scope and Content Note
California Conservation Council, 1964
California Federation of Women's Club, undated
California Native Plant Society, 1981
Citizens' Planning Association of Santa Barbara, undated
Central Coast Memorial Society, 1981
ECOSLO, undated
Get Oil Out (GOO), 1969
Highway 1 Association – Acquisition of Hearst Castle by State, [1957?]
Land Conservancy of San Luis Obispo County, 1980s
League for Coastal Protection, 1984
Lompoc Valley Botanical and Horticultural Society, 1987
Miscellaneous Non-Profit Organizations, 1960s-1980s
Mounted Assistance Newsletter, 1983
National Audubon Society, Morro Coast, 1968-87
National Audubon Society, Pacific Coast, 1951
National Audubon Society, Paso Robles, 1967, 1970
National Audubon Society, Tulare, 1985
National Wildlife Federation, 1957, 1960s
Natural Resources Defense Council, undated
Nature Conservancy, 1984-85
Paso Robles Women's Club, 1957
Planning and Conservation League, 1968, 1983
Public Law Review Commission, 1968
Santa Barbara Women's Strike for Peace, undated
Santa Maria Air Pollution Reduction Team (SMART), 1970
Santa Maria Valley Historical Society, 1985
Santa Maria Valley Pioneers, undated
Save the Redwoods League, undated
Wilderness Society, 1970s-80s
B. Government Agencies,
Scope and Content Note
California Coastal Commission, 1982
California Coastal Zone Conservation Commission, 1974
California Conservation Council, 1954
California State Park and Recreation Commission, 1966, 1968
Port San Luis Harbor District, 1984, 1986
San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors, 1965-66
San Luis Obispo County Planning Department, 1967, 1980, 1987
U.S. Congressional Representatives – Reports and Campaigns, 1950s-1970s
U.S. Forest Service, 1967, 1973-75
4. Advocacy and Watchdog Efforts 1949-1990
Scope and Content Note
A. Correspondence
Scope and Content Note
Correspondence, 1949
Correspondence, 1950
Correspondence, 1951
Correspondence, 1952
Correspondence, 1953
Correspondence, 1954
Correspondence, 1955
Correspondence, 1956
Correspondence, 1957
Correspondence, 1958
Correspondence, 1959
Correspondence, 1960
Correspondence, 1961
Correspondence, 1962
Correspondence, 1963
Correspondence, 1964
Correspondence, 1965
Correspondence, 1966
Correspondence, 1967
Correspondence, 1968
Correspondence, 1969
Correspondence, 1970
Correspondence, 1971
Correspondence, 1972
Correspondence, 1973
Correspondence, 1974
Correspondence, 1975
Correspondence, 1978
Correspondence, 1979
Correspondence, 1980
Correspondence, 1981
Correspondence, 1982
Correspondence, 1983
Correspondence, 1984
Correspondence, 1985
Correspondence, 1986
Correspondence, 1987
Correspondence, 1990
Correspondence, undated
B. Advocacy Efforts and Issues
Scope and Content Note
Big Sur, 1980
California Redwoods, 1960s
Chorro Flats, San Luis Obispo County, 1992
Condors, 1965
Hiking Trails, 1986
Los Padres National Forest, 1972, 1975-76, undated
Plant Preservation, 1965, 1983
"Preserve the Peaks" Campaign, San Luis Obispo County, 1973
Solar Energy, 1970s
State Parks in San Luis Obispo County, 1960s-70s
State and National Parks, 1960s
Water Quality, folder 1 of 2, 1970s-80s
Water Quality, folder 2 of 2, 1970s-80s
Desolation Valley Wilderness Area, 1967
Glacier Peak Wilderness Area, 1957, 1959
San Gorgonio Wilderness Area, 1965
San Rafael Wilderness Area, 1965-67
Santa Lucia Wilderness Area, undated
Three Sisters Wilderness Area, 1957
Ventana Wilderness Area, 1967
Wilderness Act, 1957-62
Wildlife Preservation, 1963, 1980
C. Watchdog Efforts and Issues,
Scope and Content Note
Governor Wilson's Timber Plan and Maxxam, 1990s
Liquefied Natural Gas Terminal Construction in California, Folder 1 of 2, 1970s
Liquefied Natural Gas Terminal Construction in California, Folder 2 of 2, 1970s
Liquefied Natural Gas Terminal Construction Clippings, 1970s
Nuclear Power in California, 1960s-80s
Nuclear Power in San Luis Obispo County Clippings, 1970-80s
Off-Road Vehicles in State Parks, 1970s
Off-Shore Oil Drilling in California, 1977-83
Off-Shore Oil Drilling in California Correspondence, 1977-83
Off-Shore Oil Drilling in California Clippings, 1977-83
Pacific Gas & Electric's Proposed Deep Water Port, Monterey Bay, 1975
Standard Oil's Proposed Deep Water Port, Estero Bay, 1974-75
5. Guadalupe-Nipomo Dunes Conservation 1964-1990s
Scope and Content Note
A. Guadalupe-Nipomo Dunes Activism,
Scope and Content Note
Correspondence re Campaign of Senator Alan Cranston and Cranston's Tour of the Dunes, 1964-65
Nuclear Power Plant Opposition, 1960s-1970s
Off-Road Vehicle Opposition, 1970s-80s
Off-Road Vehicle Opposition Clippings, 1970s
Off-Road Vehicle Opposition Correspondence, 1970s
State Parks and Recreation Department Correspondence, 1969-71
Testimony/Hearing Statements by Kathleen Goddard Jones, 1967, 1982
B. Guadalupe-Nipomo Dunes Preservation
Scope and Content Note
Black Lake Canyon, 1970s-80s
Dunes Outings Led by Kathleen Goddard Jones, 1960s-1990s
Dunes Preservation Organizations, 1966-1990
Oso Flaco Lake, 1980, 1984
Preservation as a State Park, 1960s
Preservation as a State Park Clippings, 1960s-80s
6. Research Materials 1955-1995
Scope and Content Note
A. Government Documents
Scope and Content Note
Atascadero. Amendment to Long-Range Plan Wastewater Treatment Facilities, 1991
Atascadero. Final Engineer's Report for Improvement District No. 5, Chandler Ranch Assessment District, 1988
California. The California Environmental Quality Act, (undated) Rpt. California Environmental Law and land Practice Use, ch. 20-23, 1989
California. Recreation Policy of the State of California, 1962
California. Air Resources Board. Public Meeting to Consider the Approval of Attainment Plans for the South Central Coast Air Basin, 1992
California. Army National Guard. The San Joaquin Kit Fox, undated
California. Coastal Commission. Final Report Evaluating and Ranking LNG Terminal Sites, 1978
California. Coastal Commission. Regular Calendar Staff Report and Preliminary Staff Recommendation, State Lands Commission – Pt. Conception – Pt. Arguello Lease Sale, 1983
California. Coastal Conservancy. Coastal San Luis Resource Conservation District. Analysis of Options and Alternatives Report: Chorro Flats Enhancement and Management Plan, 1993
California. Coastal Conservancy. Coastal San Luis Resource Conservation District. Existing Conditions Background Report: Chorro Flats Enhancement Management Plan, Addendum, undated
California. Coastal Zone Conservation Commission. South Central Coast Regional Commission. Energy: An Overview and the Potential For Conservation, vol. I-II, 1974
California. Coastal Zone Conservation Commission. South Central Coast Regional Commission. Energy: An Overview and the Potential For Conservation, vol. III-IV, 1974
California. Coastal Zone Conservation Commission. South Central Coast Regional Commission. Marine Element: Life in the Sea, Draft No. 1, 1974
California. Coastal Zone Conservation Commission. South Central Coast Regional Commission. Recreation, 1974
California. Dept. of Fish and Game. Fish News for Timber Operators and Fishermen – Bulletin No. 4, undated
California. Dept. of Parks and Recreation. California State Park System Plan, 1968
California. Dept. of Parks and Recreation. News & Views, 1975
California. Dept. of Parks and Recreation. Resource Management Study for the Asilomar State Park, 1969
California. Dept. of Transportation. Draft E.I.R. for Bridge Replacement and Realignment on Route 41 in Atascadero, San Luis Obispo County, California, 1992
California. Dept. of Transportation. 1993 California Transportation Plan, 1994
California. Dept. of Transportation. 1993 California Transportation Plan, Final Draft, 1994
California. Dept. of Transportation. 1993 California Transportation Plan, Technical Addendum, 1994
California. Energy Commission. California's Energy Challenge: The Next 20 Years, Staff Draft, 1979
California. Energy Commission. Energy Choices for California ... Looking Ahead, 1979
California. Energy Commission. Opportunities for New Coastal Power Plants in California, Staff Report, 1981
California. Legislature. Assembly. Environmental Bill of Rights, 1970
California. Legislature. Assembly. Report of the Assembly Interim Committee on Natural Resources, Planning, and Public Works, pt. II, 1965
California. Legislature. Senate. Third Progress Report to the Legislature, 1965 Regular Session, by the Senate Permanent Fact-finding Committee on Natural Resources, Pursuant to Senate Resolution No. 145, Regular Session, Section I, 1963
California. Regional Water Quality Control Board. Central Coast Region. Order No. 92-67, Waste Discharge Requirements for City of Morro Bay and Cayucos Sanitary District, San Luis Obispo County, undated
California. University of California. Cooperative Extension. California's Environment, Supp., 1971
Port of Long Beach. California Public Utilities Commission. Sohio-West Coast to Mid-Continent Pipeline Project, Draft E.I.R., Executive Summary, 1976
Port of Long Beach. California Public Utilities Commission. Sohio-West Coast to Mid-Continent Pipeline Project, Draft E.I.R., vol. 3, pt.1, 1976
Port of Long Beach. Environmental Affairs. Sohio-West Coast to Mid-Continent Pipeline Project, Overview, 1977
San Luis Obispo. Draft E.I.R. for the Proposed Salinas Reservoir Expansion Project, 1993
San Luis Obispo. Water Conservation Program Alternatives, 1994
San Luis Obispo Council of Governments. Position Statement on the Proposed Notice Sale OCS LS #53, 1980
San Luis Obispo County. Cities Area Planning Coordinating Council. Intergovernmental Comprehensive Morro Bay Watershed Study, Meetings, 1975
San Luis Obispo County. Cities Area Planning Coordinating Council. Intergovernmental Comprehensive Morro Bay Watershed Study Memorandum on Natural Resource Analysis – A Status Report, 1975
San Luis Obispo County. Cities Area Planning Coordinating Council. Morro Bay: Intergovernmental Comprehensive Morro Bay Watershed Study, Summary Report, 1975
San Luis Obispo County. Dept. of Planning and Building. Offshore Energy Element, San Luis Obispo County General Plan, 1992
San Luis Obispo County. Local Coastal Program. Energy Facility Siting Management Plan for the Guadalupe-Nipomo Dunes System: Guadalupe Unit, vol. II, 1980
San Luis Obispo County. Local Coastal Program. Pismo State Beach/Pismo State Vehicular Recreation Area, Preliminary Discussion Draft, 1979
San Luis Obispo County. Planning Dept. Black Lake Canyon Sensitive Resource Area, Preliminary Report, 1986
United States. Army Corps of Engineers. Environmental Assessment: West Coast Deepwater Port Study, 1973
United States. Army Corps of Engineers. West Coast Deepwater Port Facilities Study, Appendix B, 1973
United States. Army Corps of Engineers. West Coast Deepwater Port Facilities Study, Appendix E, 1973
United States. Army Corps of Engineers. West Coast Deepwater Port Facilities Study, 1973
United States. Dept. of Agriculture. Forest Service. The American Outdoors: Management for Beauty and Use, 1965
United States. Dept. of Agriculture. Forest Service. Forests and the Natural Water Cycle: A Conservation Teaching Guide, 1957
United States. Dept. of Agriculture. Forest Service. Materials to Help Teach Forest Conservation, 1953
United States. Dept. of Agriculture. Forest Service. Multiple-use Management on the Kern Plateau, 1959
United States. Dept. of Agriculture. Forest Service. Oil and Gas Lease Applications of the Los Padres National Forest, Draft E.I.S. Summary, 1981
United States. Dept. of Agriculture. Forest Service. Oil and Gas Lease Applications: Los Padres National Forest, Draft Environmental Assessment, pt. 1, 1983
United States. Dept. of Agriculture. Forest Service. Oil and Gas Lease Applications: Los Padres National Forest, Environmental Assessment, pt. II, 1983
United States. Dept. of Agriculture. Forest Service. Oil and Gas Lease Applications: Los Padres National Forest, Environmental Assessment, pt. III, 1983
United States. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, et al. Our Nation's Wetlands: An Interagency Task Force Report, 1978
United States. Dept. of Agriculture. Forest Service. San Jacinto Mountain Area, map, 1965
United States. Dept. of Agriculture. Forest Service. Wild and Scenic River Study Report/Draft E.I.S. on the North Fork of the Mokelumne River, 1990
United States. Dept. of the Interior. Community Recreation and the Public Domain, 1963
United States. Dept. of the Interior. Proposed Lease Sale No. 73, Offshore Central and Northern California, E.I.S., Commercial Fisheries Graphic no. 4, undated
United States. Dept. of the Interior. Recreation in the Pacific Northwest, 1962
United States. Dept. of the Interior. Bureau of Land Management. Desert Rangers, undated
United States. Dept. of the Interior. Bureau of Land Management. E.I.S. Lease Sale No. 53, Offshore Central and Northern California, Visual 1-11, 1978
United States. Dept. of the Interior. Bureau of Land Management. Proposed 1983 Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Lease Sale Offshore Central and Northern California, E.I.R., vol. I, 1980
United States. Dept. of the Interior. Minerals Management Service. California OCS Phase II Monitoring Program, Final Report, 1991
United States. Dept. of the Interior. Minerals Management Service. Outer Continental Shelf Natural Gas and Oil Resource Management Comprehensive Program, 1992-1997, Proposal, 1991
United States. Dept. of the Interior. Minerals Management Service. Outer Continental Shelf Natural Gas and Oil Resource Management Comprehensive Program, 1992-1997, Proposed Final, 1992
United States. Dept. of the Interior. Minerals Management Service. Proposed 5-Year Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program, January 1987 – December 1991, Draft E.I.S., vol. 1, 1986
United States. Dept. of the Interior. Minerals Management Service. Proposed 1983 Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Lease Sale Offshore Central California, Final E.I.S., vol. I, 1983
United States. Dept. of the Interior. Minerals Management Service. Proposed 1983 Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Lease Sale Offshore Central California, Final E.I.S., vol. II, 1983
United States. Dept. of the Interior. Minerals Management Service. Proposed Polymetallic Sulfide Minerals Lease Offering, Gorda Ridge Area Offshore Oregon and Northern California, 1983
United States. Dept. of the Interior. National Park Service. Nature Notes from Crater Lake, 1955
United States. Environmental Protection Agency. Suspended and Cancelled Pesticides, 1979
United States. Environmental Protection Agency. The Toxic Substances Control Act: An Overview of Its Authorities and Major Activities, 1979
United States. Environmental Protection Agency. The Toxic Substances Control Act: Protecting People and the Environment from Dangerous Chemicals, 1980
United States. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Final E.I.S./E.I.R. for the California Acoustic Thermometry of Ocean Climate Project and Its Associated Marine Mammal Research Program, vol. I, 1995
United States. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Final E.I.S./E.I.R. for the California Acoustic Thermometry of Ocean Climate Project and Its Associated Marine Mammal Research Program, vol. II, 1995
United States. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Outer Continental Shelf Lease Sale #53: Guide for Publication, Addendum, 1980
Washington. Parks and Recreation Commission. Summary Report of a Study on The Future of the Long Beach Peninsula Seashore, Summary Report, 1970
B. Serials and Articles,
Scope and Content Note
"The Alaskan Connection." Into the LightPG&E Life, 1977, rpt. in editorial submission [arctic pipeline], undated
Association of Environmental Professionals. The California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 – An Assessment, 1969
California Monthly, 1962
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter: Official Journal of the International Carnivorous Plant Society, 1982
Charter, Richard. A Citizen's Guide to Ocean Strip-mining: the Gorda Ridge Lease Sale, 1984
Coastal News, 1978, 1979, 1980
Coastlines: The Newsletter for the League for Coastal Protection, 1990
"Conservation: A New Say in Court." Time, 1969
Defenders of Wildlife News, 1967
"Dunes." Seventy Six, 1985
Evans, Dale R., and Stanley D. Rice. "Effects of Oil on Marine Ecosystems: A Review for Administrators and Policy Makers." Fishery Bulletin, 1974
"Fall Lineup." California Today, 1990
Frome, Michael. "Freedom of the Press for Those Who Own One." The Center Magazine, 1975
Leadabrand, Russ. "Let's Explore a Byway Along the Truckhaven Trail." Westways, 1969
League of Women Voters. Local League Handbook, 1956
The Living Wilderness, 1974
"Mechanized Monsters." Time, 1970
National Motorist, 1968
National Wildlife Federation. The Toxic Substances Dilemma: A Plan for Citizen Action, 1980
News and Views, 1965
Oil & Gas Journal, 1983, 1984
OP/The Osteopathic Physician, articles [environment], 1970
PG&E Progress, 1969, 1970, 1973, 1980, 1981
Potomac Appalachian Trail Club, Inc. Hiking, Camping, Mountaineering and Trail-Clearing Equipment, 1950
"Protecting Prudhoe Bay: Good Engineering and Sound Regulations Safeguard the Environment at the Spot Where the Trans-Alaska Pipeline Begins." Exxon USA, 1979
Rood, W.B. "EPA Study – The Findings Got Distorted: Research on Sulfur's Effect on Health Stirs Power Company Furor." Los Angeles Times, 1976
Sierra Club Bulletin, 1964
Sierra Club National News Report: A Weekly Summary of News Concerning the Nation's Environment, 1970, 1979, 1981, 1984
Smith, Anthony Wayne. "Problems in the Environmental Decade." National Parks Magazine, 1970
State of the Bay, conference proceedings folder [Morro Bay], 1991
Taylor, Frank J. "They Saved the Big Sur." Reader's Digest, 1967
Wilkinson, Colin D. California Oil and Gas Exploration: San Luis Obispo Petroleum Forum, 1983
C. Newspaper Clippings,
Scope and Content Note
Newspaper Clippings
Newspaper Clippings
Newspaper Clippings
Newspaper Clippings
Newspaper Clippings
Newspaper Clippings
Newspaper Clippings
D. Scrapbooks
Scope and Content Note
Scrapbook, Santa Lucia Group, Sierra Club, History and Publicity, 1965-68
Scrapbook, 1972-75
Sierra Club, 1973-77
7. Visual Media 1960s-70s
A. 35mm Color Slides
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35mm slides
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