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Cowley (W.H.) Papers
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Series I. Personal papers and writings Series 1


Series I-A. Biographical material Series 1A 1899-1978

Scope and Contents note

Thlis series contains biographical information about Professor W.H. Cowley. It consists of articles about Cowley, some autobiographical writings and an oral history transcript. The oral history of Cowley was done by the Columbia Oral History Project in 1961.
Box 1, folder 1

Binder of miscellaneous information selected by WHC. Includes articles, excerpts from correspondence, documents relating to his career, summaries of important events in his life written by WHC, honorary degree citations. 1922-1978

Box 1, folder 2

Volume 1 of WHC's Reminiscences, transcript of an oral history done at the request of Columbia University Oral History Project. 1960

Box 1, folder 3

Volume 2 of Reminiscences.

Box 2, folder 1

Projects binder: describes and summarizes a variety of WHC's concerns during his career.

Box 2, folder 2

Biographical articles, most written after WHC's death. after 1978

Box 2, folder 3

Genealogical information on the Cowley family. Much of it on unorganized, handwritten notes. Includes unidentified photos, probably of WHC as a young child.


Series I-B. Correspondence, writings and speeches Series 1B 1922-1978

Scope and Contents note

Cowley organized his personal and professional correspondence, his manuscripts, articles and speeches into one chronological series. Because his folder numbers are referenced throughout his large and intricate research series, any attempt to reorganize the material, separating the correspondence and writings into distinct series, would not only obscure Cowley's own very definite ideas about the organization of his papers but would also cripple his elaborate information retrieval system. Instead, the original order was maintained. Correspondence, articles and speeches with related correspondence, and manuscripts are arranged in folders withl~cession numbers. The first two numbers designate the year of the accession; the remainder is an item number within a given year. For example the folder number, 22-15, would indicate that the material was the 15th item accessioned in 1922.
Box 1, folder 22-1

41 editorials written by WHC as editor of the Dartmouth College student newspaper. 1922

Box 1, folder 23-1

14 of WHC's course papers from Dartmouth. Also includes an article, "Graceful Juniorhead," written for The Twenty-Four Hour Notice. 1923

Box 1, folder 23-1A

Notes and correspondence about The Dartmouth banquet, including comments on speeches given there by WHC and by the President of Dartmouth, Hopkins, Ernest Martin. 1923 May 25

Box not specified, folder 23-2

Correspondence with Hopkins, E.M. President of Dartmouth College. 1923-1924

Box 1, folder 23-3

WHC letter to professor Richardson, Leon B. giving his reactions to the Emery Report of the Dartmouth Faculty Committee on Educational Policy. Also contains letters from Richardson, L.B. to WHC. 1923 Dec

Box 1, folder 23-4

Maclean, Norman caricature of WHC in a Dartmouth student publication, The Jack-O-Lantern. See also 24-6. 1923 Dec 28

Box 1, folder 23-5

"College Teaching," memo to self. 1923 May 30

Box 1, folder 23-6

WHC's editorials for The Dartmouth. 1923

Box 1, folder 23-7

"The Fundamental Facts," WHC editorial for The Dartmouth greeting Bryan, William Jennings upon his visit to Dartmouth College. Also contains newsclippings about Bryan's visit. 1923 Dec

Box 1, folder 24-1

Dartmouth Senior Committee Report: Part I, 45 pages, written by WHC and 11 other seniors. See also 24-3, 24-8, 24-13.

Box 1, folder 24-1A

Papers related to the initiation and sequel of WHC 24-1, including copies of the Emery Committee Report, La Critique, and E.M.Hopkins and Fran Ruml letters. 1923-1924

Box 1, folder 24-2

WHC editorials for The Dartmouth. 1924

Box 1, folder 24-3

"The Dartmouth College Senior Committee Report: Part II." 148 typed pages. Never published or reproduced. See also 24-13. 1924-1925

Box 1, folder 24-4

Miscellaneous comments about the Dartmouth Senior Committee Report and the quality of WHC's writing. 1925

Box 1, folder 24-5

Miscellaneous papers relating to The Dartmouth: correspondence about WHC's editorials, list of editorials written by WHC, and copies of some of them. 1923, 1924

Box 1, folder 24-6

Cartoons of WHC drawn by Geisel, Ted (who later wrote the Dr. Seuss books). Cartoon was Norman Maclean's suggestion. See also 23-4. 1924

Box 1, folder 24-7

Correspondence with Dubois, Charles S., President of the Western Electric Company, and with his son, Bill (a classmate of WHC's at Dartmouth) and his daughter, Sue. 1925 Mar-Oct

Box 1, folder 24-8

Correspondence. With Shea, Frank a Dartmouth classmate who became the dean of the University of Buffalo Law School and later, Assistant Attorney General under Roosevelt, Franklin. 1924 Jul-Dec

Box 1, folder 24-9

Correspondence with Judge Anderson, George W. and his son, Bob, a Dartmouth classmate. Judge Anderson was judge of the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, Boston. 1924 Sep-1925 Dec

Box 1, folder 24-10

Correspondence and WHC diary entries about WHC's University of Wesleyan speech. Also includes newsclippings. 1924-1925

Box 1, folder 24-11

Correspondence with Gavit, John Palmer and Mrs. Gavit. 1925

Box 1, folder 24-12

Papers relating to the finances of Dartmouth: Correspondence and balance sheets. 1924 May-Oct

Box 1, folder 24-13

Correspondence about the suppression of Part II of the Dartmouth Senior Committee Report. See also 24-1 and 24-3. 1924 Sep-1925 Oct

Box 1, folder 24-14

Miscellaneous papers including WHC voted "Done the Most for Dartmouth" and "Most Likely to Succeed." Also includes WHC's passport, results of his physical examination, Dartmouth Commencement program, Alpha Delta Phi annual chapter letter. 1924

Box 1, folder 24-15

Dartmouth yearbooks, The Aegis and The Greenbook, and related pictures. 1923-1926

Box 1, folder 25-1

Analysis of the course in English Composition taught by WHC as part of his job at Bell Labs. 26 typed pages. 1925

Box 1, folder 25-2

Papers and correspondence about Dartmouth's literary magazine, The Tower which was started partly because of WHC's efforts, the year after his graduation. Correspondents include Dick Eberhart, Jack Altizer and others. This folder also contains an article, "The New Curriculum" written by WHC and included in the issue of The Tower, 5 printed pages. 1925 Nov 6

Box 2, folder 25-3

Correspondence with Hopkins, E.M.. 1925

Box 2, folder 25-4

Pamphlet, "Selecting and Placing College Graduates in Business," written by Mills, John that WHC quoted, 27 printed pages. 1925

Box 2, folder 25-6

WHC memo, "The Proposed Medical Department of the Bell Telephone Labs." Blueprints are included in the text, 23 pages. 1925 Jun 27

Box 2, folder 25-7

WHC article "Twenty Courtship Axioms." Written under pseudonym, Degraw, Douglas. Sent to magazines, but never published, 13 typed pages. circa 1924

Box 2, folder 25-8

Correspondence regarding The Dartmouth and WHC's post-graduation relationship to it. 1925 Jan-1971 Feb

Box 2, folder 25-9

Correspondence about WHC's career problems. 1925 Jan-1926 Oct

Box 2, folder 25-10

Correspondence about invitation to lead discussions of the National Student Forum at their summer conferences. 1925 Apr-Jul

Box 2, folder 26-3

WHC course paper "A Study of Retroactive Inhibition," University of Chicago. 1926 Aug 26

Box 2, folder 26-4

WHC's personal analysis and diary entries. 1924-1926

Box 2, folder 26-5

WHC course paper, "Psychology and Ethics," University of Chicago. 1926 Aug 26

Box 2, folder 26-6

Miscellaneous folders: 1926

Box 2, folder 26-6A

WHC notes on college traditions. 1926

Box 2, folder 26-6B

Correspondence about employment at the YMCA College in Chicago. 1926 Jun-Aug

Box 2, folder 26-6C

Correspondence with Judge Anderson, George B. about Mayo, Elton and Judge Anderson's son Bob. 1926 Apr-Nov

Box 2, folder 26-6D

List of books read by WHC . 1926

Box 2, folder 26-6E

Miscellaneous. diary notes, including some about Commager, H.S.. 1926

Box 2, folder 26-7

Correspondence about Dartmouth Senior Committee Report. 1924

Box 2, folder 26-7A

Correspondence with Duffy, Ed and Eberhart, Dick. Folder also contains editorials from The Dartmouth written by Duffy, Ed and WHC's responses to them. 1926

Box 2, folder 26-7B

Duffy, Ed article in Intercollegiate World, "A Critical Survey of The Dartmouth Report." 1926 Mar

Box 2, folder 26-7C

Clippings from The Dartmouth, including two letters to the editor from Marks, Percy and the editor's responses concerning the proper balance between extracurricular activities and intellectual pursuits. 1926 Nov-Dec

Box 2, folder 27-1

WHC review of Percy Marks' " Which Way Parnassus?" published in the New Republic, pages 177-178. folder also contains correspondence with Lovett, R.M. 1927

Box 2, folder 27-2

Correspondence with Hopkins, E.M. about the second half of the Dartmouth Senior Committee Report. 1927

Box 2, folder 27-3

Notes for a WHC course paper, "Psychology as Art and Science". 1926-1927

Box 2, folder 27-4

Course Paper: "The Social Implications of L.L. Thurstone's 'The Nature of Intelligence.' " Also includes L.L. Thurstone's and Professor George Mead's reactions to it. 1927

Box 2, folder 27-5

Copy of WHC course paper, "The Emotions," University of Chicago. 1927 May 23

Box 2, folder 27-6

WHC course paper, "The Will," University of Chicago. 1927

Box 2, folder 27-7

Dartmouth editorial quoting WHC-Bryan editorial. See also 23-7. circa 1927

Box 2, folder 27-8

WHC report on his leadership study to Professor Merriam, C.F. 11 pages. 1927 Feb 21

Box 2, folder 27-9

University of Chicago Employment:

Box 2, folder 27-9A

WHC review of University of Chicago Employment. MISSING

Box 2, folder 27-9B

Correspondence With University of Chicago President Mason, Max. 1927 Apr-Aug

Box 2, folder 27-9C

Notes on Max Mason's and WHC's ideas. undated

Box 2, folder 27-9D

WHC nomination as Director of the University of Chicago Board of Vocational Guidance and Placement. 1927 Jul 13

Box 2, folder 27-9E

Letters home to Mrs. Gavit about Mason, Max proposal. 1927 Aug 5-18

Box 2, folder 27-9F

WHC memo as executive Secretary of the Board of Vocational Guidance and Placement. 1927 Oct 15

Box 2, folder 27-10

WHC paper, "Three Distinctions in the Study of Leaders." Read to the New York city Bureau of Personnel Administration, published in book cited in 31-18. See also 28-1. 1927, 1931

Box 2, folder 28-1

WHC article, "Three Distinctions in the Study of Leaders," published in the Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 14 pages. See also 27-10. 1928 Jul-Sep

Box 2, folder 28-2

The Profession of Librarianship with Timmerman, H.B., published in The American Council on Education Vocational Monograph Series. 1928 Nov

Box 2, folder 28-3

WHC course paper, "Obsessions," University of Chicago. 1928 Mar 31

Box 2, folder 28-4

WHC course paper, "Reasoning" for Systematic Psychology course, University of Chicago. 1928 Winter

Box 2, folder 28-5

List of University of Chicago administrators with WHC in sixth place. Also contains related correspondence. 1928 Jun-Nov

Box 2, folder 28-6

WHC course paper, "Hysteria," 7 pages, University of Chicago. 1928 Mar 12

Box 2, folder 28-7

WHC course paper, "The Will," 19 pages, University of Chicago. undated

Box 3, folder 28-8

Course paper, "Perception," 11 pages. 1928 Mar 12

Box 3, folder 28-9

Correspondence with Dartmouth administrators, Dean Craven Laycock, Dean W.R. Gray, and President Ernest Martin Hopkins about WHC's Chicago study and job. 1928 Feb 3

Box 3, folder 28-10

Maclean, Norm correspondence about WHC's recommendation of him for University of Chicago English Department position. 1928 Sep-1932 May

Box 3, folder 28-11

WHC application for Ohio State University (OSU) position as junior dean and related correspondence Includes biographical review of WHC. 1928 Apr-Jun

Box 3, folder 28-12

Correspondence with Charters, W.W. about WHC's librarianship article and his writing ability. See also 28-2. 1928 Jun

Box 3, folder 28-13

AT&T study, "Does Business Want Scholars?" written by Bridgeman, Don for President Gifford and published in Harper's Magazine. Includes WHC letter to Rees, R.I. criticizing it. 1928

Box 3, folder 28-14

Correspondence with Kennan, Jack about efforts to ge help placing black students. 1928 Nov 15-22

Box 3, folder 28-15

Miscellaneous folders: 1928

Box 3, folder 28-15A

Correspondence about WHC's Ph.D. Dissertation on leadership. 1928

Box 3, folder 28-15B

Correspondence with President Holt, Hamilton of Rollins College about the Dartmouth Senior Committee Report. 1928 Apr 19

Box 3, folder 28-15C

Correspondence about University of Pittsburg Dean of Men position. 1928 Jul

Box 3, folder 28-15D

Correspondence about Bravig Imb's "The Professor's Wife". 1928 Dec

Box 3, folder 28-15E

Correspondence with Professor Hagbolt and WHC method of studying German. 1928 Jul

Box 3, folder 28-15F

Correspondence about WHC's cousin, Harry Monk's invention of submarine rescue apparatus. 1928 Sep-1929 Jan

Box 3, folder 28-15G

List of books read. 1928

Box 3, folder 29-1

WHC article, "The University Establishes a New Administrative Office," Published in The University of Chicago Magazine. 1929 Mar

Box 3, folder 29-2

WHC article, "A Technique for Analyzing the Supply and Demand for Educational Workers." Co-authored by Grant, Albert. Published in School and Society, 3 pages. 1929 May 19

Box 3, folder 29-3

The Spirit of the College, WHC talk at the University of Chicago Chapel, 9 typed pages. 1929 May 31

Box 3, folder 29-4

WHC course paper, "Current Trends in Theoretical Psychology and Psychology of Personality," University of Chicago, 11 typed pages. 1929 Aug 29

Box 3, folder 29-5

WHC report "The Board of Vocational Guidance and Placement," report to the president of the University of Chicago, 9 typed pages. 1929

Box 3, folder 29-6

WHC's review of "The Choice of an Occupation," by Crawford, A.B., published in The Personnel Journal, Vol. 8. 1929

Box 3, folder 29-7

Report of WHC speech on leadership, Chicago. Newsclippings also included. 1929 Jun

Box 3, folder 29-8

Young, Arthur H. speech of citing WHC's "The Study of Leadership." See also 28-1. 1929 May 6

Box 3, folder 29-9

Papers related to WHC's University of Chicago position with the Board of Vocational Guidance and Placement, and his resignation from. 1929

Box 3, folder 29-10

Papers related to WHC's negotiations with and appointment to the Ohio State University faculty. Includes correspondence with the University of Chicago about resignation from job there. 1929 Jun-Sep

Box 3, folder 29-11

Miscellaneous folders: 1929

Box 3, folder 29-11A

WHC letter to Hawkes, Louise Padelford telling her of his recommendation of her for Scripps College faculty, English department. 1929 Jan 14

Box 3, folder 29-11B

WHC letter to Jordan, Frances Ruml telling her of his recommendation of her to Scripps College Economics Faculty. 1929 Jan-Nov

Box 3, folder 29-11C

Correspondence with Dickson, Campbell. 1929 Jan-Oct

Box 3, folder 29-11D

Correspondence about WHC review of book for University of Chicago Press. 1929 Apr

Box 3, folder 29-11E

WHC letter to Gavit, John Palmer about the new University of Chicago President Hutchins, R.M.. 1929 May 11

Box 3, folder 29-11F

Correspondence with Charters, W.W.. 1927-1929

Box 3, folder 29-11G

WHC letter to Little, Alene at Constantinople Women's College. Discusses new Univeristy of Chicago president Hutchins, Robert Maynard. 1929 May 8

Box 3, folder 30-1

WHC paper, "A Survey of the Personnel Activities of the Ohio State University," 42 pages. 1930 May 31

Box 3, folder 30-2

"The History of American College Calendar," WHC 18 pages. See also 32-2. undated

Box 3, folder 30-3

WHC report, "Report of the Freshman Week Evaluation Committee of Ohio state University", 76 pages. 1920

Box 3, folder 30-4

WHC paper, "Recent Developments in College Instructional Methods," 14 pages. 1930 Mar 5

Box 3, folder 30-5

WHC article, "Athletics in American Colleges," a discussion of the Carnegie Foundation report on the subject. Published in the Journal of Higher Education. 1930 Jan 29

Box 3, folder 30-6

WHC editorial for the Journal of Higher Education (JHE) "On Individualized Instruction," pages 177-78. 1930 Mar

Box 3, folder 30-7A

WHC editorial for the JHE on Rollins College course on "Evil," H.E. Hawkes and J.H. Robinson for making the student, rather than subject matter, the focus of the curriculum page 297. 1930 May

Box 3, folder 30-7B

WHC editorial for the JHE on MIT elevation of the president to be Board of Trustees Chairman. 1930 May

Box 3, folder 30-7C

WHC editorial for the JHE about proposed change of honors and pass degrees at Oxbridge, page 298. 1930 May

Box 3, folder 30-8

WHC editorial for the JHE on the Carnegie report on athletics, pages 355-58. See 30-5. 1930 Jun

Box 3, folder 30-9

WHC editorial for the JHE on criticism and defense of the liberal arts college, pages 413-15. 1930 Oct

Box 3, folder 30-10

WHC book review for the JHE of C.C. Little's The Awakening College, pages 416-17. 1930 Oct

Box 3, folder 30-11

WHE editorial for the JHE on Hudelson's Study of Size of Classes at Minnesota, pages 276-78. 1930 Nov

Box 3, folder 30-12

WHC paper, "What is Personnel Work?" 27 typed pages. 1930 Feb

Box 3, folder 30-13

WHC report, "Report of the Vocational Information Committee of the American Council on Education," OSU, 44 typed pages. 1930 Dec 30

Box 3, folder 30-14

WHC report, "The Junior Area of the Ohio State University," 31 pages. 1930 Jun 11

Box 3, folder 30-15

Typescript of WHC speech discussing Donald Bridgeman's article, "Does Business Want Scholars?" Atlantic City Conference, 5 pages. 1930 Feb 2

Box 3, folder 30-16

WHC's Ph.D. dissertation, "A Study of the Traits of Face-to-Face Leaders," University of Chicago. 1930

Box 3, folder 30-17A

Correspondence about Ph.D. Orals. 1930 Feb-Sep

Box 3, folder 30-17B

Abstract of Ph.D. dissertation, submitted to the University of Chicago Deptartment of Psychology, 10 typed pages.

Box 3, folder 30-17C

Materials collected for Ph.D. dissertation: biographical sketches of twenty-five leaders and non-leaders, quotations and notes from readings. undated

Box 3, folder 30-18

WHC memo to President Rightmire, George W. on the OSU Junior Area. 1930 Sep 9

Box 3, folder 30-19

WHC memo to President Rightmire, George W. on the employment of married women by Colleges and universities, 9 pages.

Box 3, folder 30-20

WHC's preliminary examination in general psychology, for his Ph.D. program at the University of Chicago. 1930 Jan 13

Box 3, folder 30-21

WHC's preliminary examination in differential psychology, University of Chicago. 1930 Jan 15

Box 3, folder 30-22

WHC's examination in experimental psychology, University of Chicago. 1930 Jan 17

Box 3, folder 30-23

Seven page letter from WHC to Stevens, David H. (assistant to University of Chicago President Mason, Max) with a proposal about the future of the Board of Vocational Guidance and Placement of the University of Chicago. 1930 Jul 6

Box 3, folder 30-24

Correspondence about Ohio State University Educational Conferenence assignment. See also 32-8, 33-3. 1930 Oct-1934 May

Box 3, folder 30-25

Miscellaneous folders: 1930

Box 3, folder 30-25A

OSU Official Daily Bulletin announcing WHC's participation in the AAUP discussion. 1930

Box 3, folder 30-25B

Dickson, Campbell correspondence. 1930 Mar-Jul

Box 3, folder 30-25C

WHC work and time records. 1930

Box 3, folder 30-25D

WHC's contract for OSU. 1930, 1931

Box 3, folder 30-26

Summary of WHC's work on the Journal of Higher Education and his efforts to improve higher education journalism 4 typed pages. 1930-1938, 1977

Box 4, folder 31-1

WHC article, "The Traits of Face to Face Leaders," published in the Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, pages 304-313. See also 31-18. 1931 Fall

Box 4, folder 31-2

WHC paper, "Assumptions Underlying Student Personnnel Administration," 10 typed pages. 1931 Mar 17

Box 4, folder 31-3

WHC article, "The University and the Individual." Published in the JHE, pages 391-397. Also contains list of other articles that appeared in the same issue on the topics of A. Flexner's Universities: American, English, German. 1931 Oct

Box 4, folder 31-4

WHC article, "Evaluating Freshman Week at Ohio State University." School Review, pages 134-139. 1931 Feb

Box 4, folder 31-5

WHC report, "Stability of Mid-Term Grades at Finals, OSU College of Engineering," 32 typed pages. 1931 Mar 9

Box 4, folder 31-6

WHC report, "The Report of the Temporary Personnel Council, OSU," 130 pages. 1931 Jun 15

Box 4, folder 31-7

WHC article, "Technique of Making a Personnel Survey," The Personnel Journal. 1931 Jun

Box 4, folder 31-8

WHC article,"Two Questionnaire Devices." Published in Bulletin the Educational Research Bulletin (ERP), pages 373-76. 1931 Oct 14

Box 4, folder 31-9

"Personnel Division," WHC article, ERB, pages 324-26. 1931 Sep 16

Box 4, folder 31-10

WHC editorial review of first year, JHE. 1931 Jan

Box 4, folder 31-11

WHC editorial for the JHE, "Chicago's New Curriculum." 1931 Feb

Box 4, folder 31-12

WHC editorial for the JHE, "Anent Wisconsin." 1931 May

Box 4, folder 31-13

WHC editorial for the JHE "Stand-Pat Education." 1931 Jun

Box 4, folder 31-14

WHC review of the JHE of the National Student federation of the United States of America. 1931 Oct

Box 4, folder 31-15

WHC editorial for the JHE, "Fiscal Reflections." 1931 Nov

Box 4, folder 31-15A

WHC editorial for the JHE, "The University Library." 1931 Nov

Box 4, folder 31-16

WHC response to a letter to the editor written by Hullfish, Gordon for the JHE. 1931 Dec

Box 4, folder 31-17

WHC review for the JHE of The Autobiography of Steffens, Lincoln. 1931 Dec

Box 4, folder 31-18

WHC article, "Three Distinctions in the Study of Leaders," chapter in Business Leadership, edited by Metcalf, Henry C. pages 78-96. MISSING 1931

Box 4, folder 31-19

WHC report, "A Survey of the Personnel Activities of Ohio state University," 49 pages. 1931 May 31

Box 4, folder 31-20

WHC article, "The Junior Area of Ohio State University." Published in the 9th yearbook of National Education Association Department of Superintendents, pages 150-158. 1931 Feb

Box 4, folder 31-21

Proceedings of the Ohio State Educational Conference, 45 pages. 1931 Apr 9-11

Box 4, folder 31-22

WHC Review of Piloting Your Life, by Jastrow, Joseph. ERB, pages 53-54. NO COPY KEPT

Box 4, folder 31-23

"Salvaging Old Age," Lillian J. Martin and Carle De Gouchy, ERB, pages 113. NO COPY KEPT

Box 4, folder 31-24

"Problems of Student Guidance," Sheehy, Maurice S., ERB, page 114. NO COPY KEPT

Box 4, folder 31-25

Correspondence with Dartmouth President Hopkins, Ernest Martin about Miller, Herbert Adolphus. 1931 Jun-Sep

Box 4, folder 31-26

Miscellaneous Folders: 1931

Box 4, folder 31-26A

Papers related to job offer from President Chase, H.W. at the University of Illinois. 1930 Nov-1931 Jan

Box 4, folder 31-26B

WHC's work resume. 1931

Box 4, folder 31-26C

WHC's financial resume 1931

Box 4, folder 31-27

Correspondence with and about Miller, Herbert A.. Correspondence with Dartmouth Archivist Cramer, Kenneth C. about Miller, H.A.. 1931-1933, 1976

Box 4, folder 32-1

WHC proposal, "The College Student of Another Day," 21 pages. 1932 Dec

Box 4, folder 32-2

WHC report, "A Study of the Relative Merits of the Quarter and Semester Systems," OSU, 52 pages. 1932 May

Box 4, folder 32-3

WHC article, "Cooperation in American Research," published in The American Scholar, 9 pages. 1932 May

Box 4, folder 32-4

WHC report, "An Evaluation of the College of Education Survey Course for 1931," 9 pages. 1932 Jan 25

Box 4, folder 32-5

WHC report, "Analysis of Speeded-Up Instruction of Gifted Chemistry Students," Junior Council, OSU, 3 pages. 1930-1932

Box 4, folder 32-6

WHC's "Annual Report of the Personnel Division of the Bureau of Educational Research, 11 pages. 1932 Apr 15

Box 4, folder 32-7

WHC report, "Summary of Instructional Devices Used in Junior Area Instruction," written for the OSU Junior Council, 65 pages. 1932 May

Box 4, folder 32-8

WHC report, "Report of the 12th Annual Ohio State University Educational Conference," 28 pages. 1932 Apr 7-9

Box 4, folder 32-9

WHC report, "Stability of Mid-Term Grades at Finals," OSU College of Engineering, 10 pages. 1932 Jun 15

Box 4, folder 32-10

WHC report, "A Study of the Relationship of High School Scholarship and Ohio State University Psychological Test Scores to Persistence at Ohio State University," 8 pages plus 24 tables. 1932 Nov 21

Box 4, folder 32-11

WHC article, "Providing Information Concerning Business to College and University Students," published in Personnel, co-authored by Winans, W.H. and Esterbrooks, G.H. pages 103-113. 1932 Feb

Box 4, folder 32-12

WHC article, "Preparing for College." OSU publication, 38 pages. 1932 Dec

Box 4, folder 32-13

WHC proposal, "A Study of Student Traditions in American Colleges," OSU, 19 pages. 1932

Box 4, folder 32-14

WHC article, "Personnel Division," published in ERB Report, 2 pages. 1932 Oct 12

Box 4, folder 32-15

WHC editorial for the JHE, "The Doctors Disagree," 4 pages. 1932 Apr

Box 4, folder 32-16

WHC editorial for the JHE, "Graduate School Admission," 3 pages. 1932 Apr

Box 4, folder 32-17

WHC review for the JHE of Ambrose Caliver's A Pesonnel Study of Negro College Students, 1 page. 1932 May

Box 4, folder 32-18

WHC editorial for the JHE, "Socializing the College," 3 pages. 1932 Jun

Box 4, folder 32-19

WHC editorial for the JHE, "The Undergraduate Looks at His College," 2 pages. 1932 Jun

Box 4, folder 32-20

WHC reviews for the JHE of Selecting the College Student in America by Kurani, Habib Amin.

Box 4, folder 32-20

WHC reviews for JHE of Factors Affecting the Elimination of Women Students by Pope, Ruth Vespa.

Box 4, folder 32-20

WHC review for the JHE of A Study of Interest Test and Affectivity Test in Forecasting Freshman Success in College by Drake, Charles Arthur. 1932 Jun

Box 4, folder 32-21

WHC editorial for the JHE, "Admissions and Differentiated Instruction." 1932 Oct

Box 4, folder 32-22

WHC review for the JHE of American Universities and Colleges written by MacCracken, John Henry for the American Council on Education.

Box 4, folder 32-23

WHC report, "Report of the Junior Deans and of the Junior Council, 65 pages. 1928-1932

Box 4, folder 32-24A-D

Four WHC memos to himself.

Box 4, folder 32-24A

"Religious Tolerance in Higher Education." undated

Box 4, folder 32-24B

"The Founding of Brown." undated

Box 4, folder 32-24C

"The Founding of Yale." undated

Box 4, folder 32-24D

"The Founding of Columbia." undated

Box 4, folder 32-25

WHC's first book, The Personnel Bibliographic Index, written at OSU, 433 pages, Hardcover Oversize. 1932

Box 5, folder 32-25A

Correspondence regarding the Personnel Bibliographic Index including letters giving reactions to the box, and magazine and newspaper reviews. 1932-1934

Box 5, folder 32-26

WHC article, "Who Produces Student Personnel Literature?" published in School and Society, 2 pages. 1932 May 7

Box 5, folder 32-27

WHC book review for the ERB of Randolph C. Sailor's Happiness Self-Estimates of Young Men.

Box 5, folder 32-28

WHC book review for the ERB of Henry T. Tyler's "The Bearing of Personality Factors Other Than Intelligence on Academic Success." NO COPY KEPT 1932

Box 5, folder 32-29

WHC book review for the ERB of "How to Interview," by Bingham and Moore.

Box 5, folder 32-30

WHC book review for the ERB of Walter B. Pitkin's "The Psychology of Achievement." 1932 Apr 27

Box 5, folder 32-31

WHC book review for the ERB of Charles R. Gow's "Foundations for Human Engineering." 1932 May 11

Box 5, folder 32-32

Correspondence with Linn, James W. and Morrill, J.L. about Dartmouth Alumni Magazine article citing WHC. 1932

Box 5, folder 32-33

Newsclippings related to WHC speech about leadership. 1932 May

Box 5, folder 32-34

President Hopkins, Ernest Martin correspondence about the term "personnel." 1932 Jun-1942 Jan

Box 5, folder 32-35

Crawford and Clement acknowledgement to WHC in their book, "The Choice of An Occupation." 1932

Box 5, folder 32-36A

Correspondence about WHC representing Dartmouth College at the inauguration of the new Butler university president. 1932 Jan 13-16

Box 5, folder 32-36B

Letter to Mrs. A. W. Hawkes (formerly Louise Padelford) attaching WHC's 1927 discussion of Lindbergh's flight across the Atlantic. 1932 Mar 28

Box 5, folder 32-36C

Critique of L.B. Richardson's History of Dartmouth in letter to McCarter, Bill in Hanover. 1959

Box 5, folder 32-36D

Correspondence about WHC's writing. 1932 Oct

Box 5, folder 32-36E

Correspondence with Gavit, John Palmer about the personnel Bibliographic Index, Miller, Herbert A. and Gavit's book, College. 1931 Nov-1932 Nov

Box 5, folder 32-36F

WHC letter to Morrill, J.L. about the Ohio College Association proposed annual conference on college teaching. 1932 Jun 21

Box 5, folder 32-37

Correspondence with others about WHC's relationships with Keppel, Frederick P. and Jessup, Walter A. during the 1930's. 1932 Aug-1935 Oct

Box 5, folder 32-38

Papers relating to WHC's publication negotiations with American Association of University Professors. Folder includes 3 pages typed summary by WHC with an additional page of summary. Also contains letters from WHC to W.W. Charters, Boyd H. Bode and Walter P. Metzger. 1932, 1934, 1976, 1977, undated

Box 5, folder 33-1

WHC report, "Evaluation of the College of Education Freshman Survey Course, Fall Quarter, 1932," 11 pages. 1933 Jan 3

Box 5, folder 33-2

WHC outline, "The Historical Backrounds of the Student Personnel Movement," 13 pages. 1933 Mar 16

Box 5, folder 33-3

WHC report, "Report of the Thirteenth Annual Ohio State Educational Conference," 4 pages. 1933 May 17

Box 5, folder 33-4

WHC article, "Conant and Dodds," published in JHE, pages 455-460. 1933 Dec

Box 5, folder 33-5

WHC's article, "The Professor's Numerous Functions," published in School and Society, 4 pages. 1933 Jul 15

Box 5, folder 33-6

WHC article, "Evaluating Group Lecture Courses," published in the ERB, 3 pages. 1933 Apr 12

Box 5, folder 33-7

WHC article, "An experiment in Freshman Counseling," published in the JHE, pages 245-248. 1933 May

Box 5, folder 33-8

WHC article, "A Study in College Persistence," published in the JHE, 2 pages. 1933 Feb

Box 5, folder 33-9

WHC article, "Personnel Division," published in the ERB, 2 pages. 1933 Nov 15

Box 5, folder 33-10

WHC for the JHE of Jessie M. Pangburn's The Evolution of the American Teachers College" 2 pages. 1933 Feb

Box 5, folder 33-10A

WHC book review for the JHE of Margaret Kiely's Comparisons of Teachers College and Liberal-Arts College Students, 2 pages. 1933 Feb

Box 5, folder 33-11

WHC review for the JHE of Helen Foss Weeks' Factors Influencing the Choice of Courses by Students in Certain Liberal Arts Colleges, 1 page. 1933 Feb

Box 5, folder 33-12

Hopkins, L.B. book review for the JHE of WHC's personnel Bibliograhic Index. 1933 Feb

Box 5, folder 33-13

WHC editorial for the JHE, "Chicago and the Six-Four-Four Plan," 2 pages. 1933 Apr

Box 5, folder 33-14

WHC book review for the JHE of Glenn Frank's Thunder and Dawn, 1 page. 1933 May

Box 5, folder 33-15

WHC editorial for the JHE "Ages of University Presidents," 2 pages. 1933 Oct

Box 5, folder 33-16

WHC editorial for the JHE, "The Cuban Students," 2 pages. 1933 Oct

Box 5, folder 33-17

Transcript of WHC speech, "We Guarantee Satisfaction," delivered at a meeting of the Association of College Union, OSU, 17 pages. See also 35-1. 1933 Dec

Box 5, folder 33-18

WHC paper, "The College of Education and the State of Ohio," written for Dean Arps, George F. 11 pages.

Box 5, folder 33-19

WHC report, "Report to the President on the Supervision of Instruction at Ohio State University," OSU Junior Council, 18 pages. 1933 Apr 14

Box 5, folder 33-20

WHC report, "Report to the President on the Activities of the Junior Area," OSU, 18 pages. 1933 Mar 21

Box 5, folder 33-21

WHC report, "Rating Scale for Instructors," OSU 15 pages. 1933 Nov 8

Box 5, folder 33-22

WHC book review of Willard Waller's The Sociology of Teaching. Never published. 1933 Jan 31

Box 5, folder 33-23

WHC review of H.J. Kussell's article "Some Practical Suggestions for the Teachers of Romance Languages," which appeared in the Modern Language Journal, pages 349-354. WHC's review, however, was never published. 1933 Jan

Box 5, folder 33-24

News report of WHC talk on student unrest, Columbus Journal Dispatch, 1 page.

Box 5, folder 33-25

WHC review for the JHE of Donald G. Tewksbury's The Founding of American Colleges and Universities Before the Civil War, 3 pages. 1933 Feb

Box 5, folder 33-25A

WHC review for the JHE of Myron M. Stearns' What Kind of College is Best?, 2 pages. 1933 Oct

Box 5, folder 33-25B

WHC review for the ERB of Ruth Strang's The Role of the Teacher in Personnel Work, 2 pages. 1933 May 10

Box 5, folder 33-25C

WHC book review for the ERB of C.R. Allen and H.A. Tieman's Managing Minds, 1 page. 1933 May 10

Box 5, folder 33-26

WHC article, "Vocational Monographs," in Measurement and Guidance of College Students. Published for the American Council on Eduaction, pages 165-81. MISSING

Box 5, folder 33-27

Correspondence with Stevens, James G. of the Dartmouth Education Department, about the study of higher education and educationists. 1933 Nov-1934 Jan

Box 5, folder 33-28

Summary of efforts made to interest the American Council on Education in WHC's higher educational periodicals ideas. 1933-1934, undated

Box 5, folder 34-1

"The Study of Student Traditions as a Field of Research," OSU, 21 pages. 1933 Dec 27

Box 5, folder 34-2

"The History of Student Residential Housing," WHC article, School and Society, 14 pages. Reprinted in Structure and Style, selected and edited by Gerda Okerlund and Esther Vinson. 1934, 1936

Box 5, folder 34-3

"Higher Education by Radio," a speech by WHC broadcast over WOSU Radio, 5 pages. 1934 Jan 11

Box 5, folder 34-4

"Psychology and Publicity," given before the American College Publicity Association, 19 pages. 1934 Feb 17

Box 5, folder 34-5

"Financial Retrenchment and Lower Grade Students," WHC article, Journal of Educational Research, pages 430-434. 1934 Feb 10

Box 5, folder 34-6

Two biographical sketches of WHC, one written by WHC, and the other by an anonymous author, 15 pages. 1934

Box 5, folder 34-7

Copy of WHC article, "How College Differs from High School," WHC article, ERB, 3 pages.

Box 5, folder 34-8

"Organizing Non-Academic Personnel for Economy," Journal of Higher Education, 7 pages. 1934 Jan

Box 5, folder 34-9

"Evaluating the Fraternity," WHC editorial for the JHE. See also 35-13. 1934 May

Box 5, folder 34-10

"The Open-Book Examination," WHC editorial for the JHE, 1 page.

Box 5, folder 34-11

"New Harvard Regulation," WHC editorial for the JHE, 2 pages. 1934 Oct

Box 5, folder 34-12

Papers relating to the Citizen's Conference on the Crisis in Education the 4th OSU Educational Conference.

Box 5, folder 34-12A

Program from conference, 19 pages. 1934 Feb 14

Box 5, folder 34-12B

"The Educational Emergency," 15 pages, pamphlet on the purpose of the educational conference, OSU. 1934 Apr 5-7

Box 5, folder 34-12C

Conference program with an introduction by WHC although signed by Rightmire, G.W. for the ERB. 1934 Mar 14

Box 5, folder 34-12D

Article on the conference, Ohio State Univeristy Monthly. NO COPY KEPT. 1934 May

Box 5, folder 34-13

"A Proposed Study of the College Fraternity," draft of 63 pages proposal to be submitted by WHC with Waller, Willard to the Carnegie Corporation. circa 1934

Box 5, folder 34-14

"An Evaluation of Faculty Ratings by College of Engineering Freshmen," OSU, 82 pages. 1934 Oct 30

Box 5, folder 34-15

"A Technique for Manualizing Standard Practices," M.S. thesis of Price, Marie S. supervised by WHC, 101 pages. 1934

Box 6, folder 34-16

The Personnel Bibliographic Index, promotional leaflet for WHC book. undated

Box 6, folder 34-17

"The College Guarantees Satisfaction," outline of WHC talk given in Granville, Ohio. See also, 33-17 and 35-1. 1934 Nov 2

Box 6, folder 34-18

Studies in Lutheran Education by the Committe on the American Lutheran Conference, WHC book review of JHE. NO COPY KEPT. undated

Box 6, folder 34-19

WHC review for the JHE of A Platform for Life, by Wilkins, E.H..

Box 6, folder 34-20

14th Annual OSU educational conference: Citizen's Conference on the Crisis in Education. Folder contains newsclippings about the event. 1934 Apr 5-7

Box 6, folder 34-21

Correspondence and newsclippings reviewing the OSU Student Service Program. 1934 Oct-Nov

Box 6, folder 34-22

Correspondence with Judge Anderson and son, Bob, about WHC candidacy for the Babson Institute Presidency. 1934 Oct-Dec

Box 6, folder 34-23

Kenyon presidency negotiations: folder contains 3 pages typed summary of folder contents, and correspondence with Weaver, R.A. and others, and with Kenyon librarian. 1934, 1936, 1976

Box 6, folder 34-24

Papers relating to WHC's marriage to McCampbell, Jean. 1934 Sep 8

Box 6, folder 34-25

WHC letter to Maclean, Norm and Kennan,Jack reporting WHC's National Youth Administration job, Morrow, Chuck episode, and WHC editing School and Society, 6 pages. 1934 May 10

Box 6, folder 34-26

Correspondence about WHC's National Youth Administration duties. 1934 Mar-1937 Sep

Box 6, folder 34-27

Correspondence about Morrow, Chuck and Smith, Eleanor escapade at OSU. 1934 May-1938 Nov

Box 6, folder 34-28

Summary written by WHC of his relationship with Duerr, Alvan E. 3 pages. Also includes correspondence with and about Duerr. 1934-1936, 1976

Box 6, folder 35-1

"The College Guarantees Satisfaction," WHC article, Educational Record, 21 pages. Also includes correspondence. 1934-1935

Box 6, folder 35-2

"A Study of Student Life," WHC article written with Willard Waller and published in the JHE, pages 132-142. See also 35-35. 1935 Mar

Box 6, folder 35-3

"Student Discontent and Job Placement," WHC article, Personnel Journal, pages 146-150. 1935 Oct

Box 6, folder 35-4

"The College Today," 14 pages typed outline of WHC speech, given twice. 1935 Feb-Mar

Box 6, folder 35-5

"Community Agencies Contributing to Individual Guidance," WHC article, Purdue University's Studies of Higher Education, pages 78-93. 1935 Dec

Box 6, folder 35-6

"Biographical Summary," WHC manuscript, 9 typed pages. 1935 Jun 26

Box 6, folder 35-7

"The Historical and Conceptual Backgrounds of Student Personnel Services," WHC paper, OSU, 8 pages. 1935

Box 6, folder 35-8

"The Military Drill Ruling," WHC article, 5 pages. 1935 Jan

Box 6, folder 35-9

WHC book review of the JHE of A. Lawrence Lowell's At War With Academic Traditions in America, 2 pages. 1935 Mar

Box 6, folder 35-10

WHC book review of the JHE of Mabel Agnes Elliott and F.E. Merrill's Social Disorganization, 1 page. 1934 Apr

Box 6, folder 35-11

WHC book review for the JHE of the Bibliography of Butler, Nicholas Murray 1872-1932, compiled by Thomas, Milton Halsey 1 page. 1935 May

Box 6, folder 35-12

WHC book review for the JHE of Samuel Eliot Morison's The Founding of Harvard, 1 page. 1935 Jun

Box 6, folder 35-13

WHC editorial for the JHE, "The Proposed Fraternity Survey," 2 pages. 1935 Oct

Box 6, folder 35-14

"Lazy Pyknics," WHC editorial for the JHE, 2 pages. 1935 Dec

Box 6, folder 35-15

"The Personnel Council 1934-35," written by WHC and others for President Rightmire, G.W., OSU, 100 pages. 1935 Jun

Box 6, folder 35-16

"The Public Services of Ohio State University for Ohio Business and Industry," 68 pages. 1935 Mar 7

Box 6, folder 35-17

Folders relating to WHC's efforts to interest the American Council on Education in coordinating higher education periodicals. 1935

Box 6, folder 35-17A

Summary of efforts made to interest the American Council on Education in WHC's higher educational periodicals ideas. 1935, 1976

Box 6, folder 35-17B

WHC memo to Charters, W.W., "Proposed Contents of Reorganized Journal Higher Education". 1935 Apr

Box 6, folder 35-17C

Letter to sister Cowley, Hazel. 1935 May 8

Box 6, folder 35-17D

WHC memo to Zook, George F. concerning educational periodicals. 1935 Jun 13

Box 6, folder 35-17E

Letter to Dr. Marsh, C.S. Associate Director of the American Council on Education. 1935 Sep 17

Box 6, folder 35-18

This number was inadvertently skipped.

Box 6, folder 35-19

WHC book review for the JHE of M.W. Moore's A Study of Young High School Graduates. 1935 Jan

Box 6, folder 35-19B

WHC review for the JHE of M.S. Ward's Philosophies of Administration Current in the Deanship of Liberal Arts Colleges. 1935

Box 6, folder 35-19C

WHC review for the JHE of Edward L. Thorndike's Prediction of Vocational Success. 1935 Feb

Box 6, folder 35-19D

WHC review for the JHE of W. B. Bizzell's Prediction of Vocational Success. 1935 Feb

Box 6, folder 35-20

"Differences Between High School and College Described by Students," WHC article, OSU High School News Service. MISSING 1935 Mar

Box 6, folder 35-20A

"A Problem for the Youth Commission," WHC editorial for the JHE, pages 394- 396. 1935 Oct

Box 6, folder 35-21

"The Conservation of Human Resources," WHC memo to the OSU faculty, 20 pages. 1935 Jan 10

Box 6, folder 35-22

"Closer Relations," WHC speech for Stradley, Bland L. 20 pages.

Box 6, folder 35-23

This number was inadvertently skipped.

Box 6, folder 35-24

"The Placement Program of Ohio State University," WHC report to the Personnel Council by its special committee appointed to review the problem, 24 pages. 1935 May 21

Box 6, folder 35-25

"Organization, Administration, and Objectives of Teachers Training at OSU," WHC paper written Dean Arps, George F., OSU. Note: citation only; WHC did not keep a copy of this item. undated

Box 6, folder 35-26

WHC review for JHE of Kathryn McHale's and Frances Valient Speek's Housing College Students. Note: citation only; WHC did not keep a copy of this item. undated

Box 6, folder 35-27

Copy of WHC address written for Stradley, Bland L. welcoming the members of the OSU class of 1935, 5 half-size pages. 1935 Sep 25

Box 6, folder 35-28

"Succeeding in College," WHC address for the National Committee on Education by Radio Broadcast, 10 pages. 1935 Mar 8

Box 6, folder 35-29

"The Freshman and His Problems," WHC address for the National Committee on Education by Radio Broadcast, 8 pages. 1935 Mar 15

Box 6, folder 35-30

"Attitudes in a Changing Society," outline of WHC address, 3 pages. 1935 Dec 4

Box 6, folder 35-31

"What is it?" WHC talk on personality given twice in February 1935, includes newsclippings. 1935

Box 6, folder 35-32

"Educating the Rah Rah Boy," WHC manuscript submitted to the South Atlantic Quarterly, but never published, 17 pages. Folder also includes correspondence with Dwire, Henry R. of the South Atlantic Quarterly. 1938 Jun-Jul

Box 7, folder 35-33

Bureau of Educational Research Personnel Division Office Manual. 1935

Box 7, folder 35-34

"A Study of Student Life," WHC paper written with Waller, Willard. 1935 Jul 29

Box 7, folder 35-35

"The Influence of Socially Inherited Patterns Upon Youth," a proposal by WHC and Waller, W. to the Youth Study Division of the American Council on Education, 10 pages. 1935 Jul 31

Box 7, folder 35-36

Correspondence with Time, Inc., W. Waller, W.A. Jessup and H.E. Hawkes about student life study. See also 35-34. 1936 Mar-Aug

Box 7, folder 35-37

Papers related to WHC's candidacy for the St. Lawrence University presidency. 1935 Jan-Dec

Box 7, folder 35-38

Correspondence with Hopkins, E.M. and the staff of the Drug Institute of America. 1935 Mar-Jul

Box 7, folder 35-39

Correspondence with Capen, Oliver B. and others about WHC's candidacy for the presidency of Hobart College. 1935 Jul-1936 Feb

Box 7, folder 35-40

WHC's biographical sketch and bibliography. 1924-1935

Box 7, folder 35-41

Miscellaneous folders: 1935

Box 7, folder 35-41A

Letters to Waller and Kay Watson about Keppel, F. and WHC's fraternities and traditions studies for the Carnegie Foundation. 1935 Jul

Box 7, folder 35-41B

Correspondence with Gavit, John Palmer. 1935 Aug-Oct

Box 7, folder 35-41C

Letter to Padelford, Louise Hawkes wherein he states that he doesn't want to be a college president. 1935 Oct 31

Box 7, folder 35-41D

Letter to sister Mildred about Hobart and Kenyon college presidencies, the American Council on Education and publication efforts. 1935 Nov 11

Box 7, folder 35-41E

Correspondence about full membership in the American Psychological Association, with Crawford, A.B. and Brotemarkle, R.A.. 1935 Nov-1936 Jan

Box 7, folder 35-42

Correspondence related to Prentice-Hall position offer. 1935 Apr-Nov

Box 7, folder 35-43

Correspondence with Haggerty, M.E. 1935 Jul

Box 7, folder 36-1

"A Study of Student Life," WHC research proposal to the Carnegie Corporation, 24 pages. Written with Waller, Willard. 1936 Aug 5

Box 7, folder 36-2

"A Pioneering College Library," WHC article published in the JHE. See also 36-14. 1935 Feb

Box 7, folder 36-3

"Nature of Student Personnel Work," WHC article for the Educational Record, pages 3-31. Also contains correspondence with Kennan, John C.. See also 37-4A. 1936 Mar 18

Box 7, folder 36-3A

Correspondence about 36-3. 1936 Jan-Oct

Box 7, folder 36-4

"The History of Personnel Work," chapter 1 of a projected book, 16 pages. See also 36-18, 37-14. undated

Box 7, folder 36-5A

A Proposed Study of American College Fraternities, 35 pages. Written with Waller, Willard. 1936 Jan 9

Box 7, folder 36-5B

2nd version of 36-5A, 27 pages. 1936 Mar

Box 7, folder 36-5C

3rd version of 36-5A, 26 pages. 1936 Apr 17

Box 7, folder 36-5D

4th version of 36-5A,14 pages. 1936 May 10

Box 7, folder 36-6

WHC review for the JHE of Charles F. Thwing's The American College and University. 1936 Feb

Box 7, folder 36-7

WHC review for the JHE of Mary Peter Doyle's A Study of Play in Selected Women's Colleges. 1936 Mar

Box 7, folder 36-8

WHC review for the JHE of Hilda Threlkeld's The Educational and Vocational Plans of College Seniors. 1936 Apr

Box 7, folder 36-9

"The Recruiting Problem," WHC editorial for the JHE. 1936 Oct

Box 7, folder 36-10

"More About Recruiting," WHC editorial for the JHE. 1936 Nov

Box 7, folder 36-11

WHC book review for the JHE of Grace Augustine's Some Aspects of Management of College Residence Halls for Women. 1936 Dec

Box 7, folder 36-12

"The Personnel Council, 1935-36," WHC report submitted to President Rightmire, George W., OSU,100 pages. 1936 Oct 15

Box 7, folder 36-13

"The Educational Philosophy of Noah Porter," WHC paper, 44 pages. 1936 Nov 9

Box 7, folder 36-14

"Books and Education," WHC article on the Stephens College Library written by WHC for President Wood, James M.. See also 36-2.

Box 7, folder 36-15

"Recruiting," WHC speech written for Stradley, B.L.. 1936 Apr 9

Box 7, folder 36-16A

"The Psychology of Personality," outline of WHC talk given before the Columbus Advertising Club. 1936 Jan 24

Box 7, folder 36-16B

"What is Personality?" outline of WHC talk. undated

Box 7, folder 36-17

"The Significance of Student Traditions," WHC paper. 1936

Box 7, folder 36-18

"Nineteenth Century Reconstruction of American Life," chapter 2 of unpublished manuscripts. See also 36-4, 37-14. undated

Box 8, folder 36-19

Correspondence with Good, H.G. proposing a biographical series of leading 19th century educators. 1936 Dec-1937 Mar

Box 8, folder 36-20

"N.Y.A. Aid Program at Ohio State University," 37 pages. 1936

Box 8, folder 36-21

"The History of Student Residential Housing," WHC paper reproduced in Structure and Style by editors Okerlund, Gerda and Vinson, Esther.

Box 8, folder 36-22

Papers related to University of Minnesota's invitation to WHC to be director of its new Adult Education Center. 1936

Box 8, folder 36-23

Correspondence with Willey, Malcolm seeking President Coffman's help with the Carnegie Foundation concerning funds for WHC's student life study. 1936 Jun-Jul

Box 8, folder 36-24

Miscellaneous folders: 1936

Box 8, folder 36-24A

Letter to Charters, W.W. about OSU Bureau of Educational Research and the "red scare". 1936 Aug 4

Box 8, folder 36-24B

Correspondence about WHC's candidacy for the University of New Hampshire Presidency, with Dallas, J.T. and Moore, Henry T.. 1936 Aug-Dec

Box 8, folder 36-24C

Correspondence about and critique of Willey, Malcolm M. manuscripts published in 1937: Depression, Recovery, and Higher Education. 1936 Aug-Sep

Box 8, folder 36-24D

Correspondence with Hayward, Sidney C. about Dartmouth Alumni Magazine article. 1936 Nov

Box 8, folder 36-24E

Transcript of Great Falls Montana Tribune article praising OSU N.Y.A. program. 1936 Sep 8

Box 8, folder 36-25

WHC review for the ERB of John A. Fitch's Vocational Guidance in Action. 1936 Jan 23

Box 8, folder 36-26

WHC review for for the ERB of Ruth Strang's The Role of Teacher in Personnel Work. 1936 Jan 23

Box 8, folder 36-27

WHC review for the ERB of Measurement of the Personality Adjustments of High School Pupils, by Symonds and Jackson. 1936 Jan 18

Box 8, folder 36-28A

"Student Organizations," WHC article for the ACE's American Universities and Colleges, page 39. Includes related correspondence 1936

Box 8, folder 36-28B

"Fraternities and Sororities," written for book cited in 36-28A, pages 40-41.

Box 8, folder 36-28C

"Initiation," WHC article written for book cited in 36-28A, page 42.

Box 8, folder 36-29

OSU conference manual. 1936

Box 8, folder 36-30

OSU N.Y.A. Projects Manual. 1934-1936

Box 8, folder 36-31

Papers relating to WHC's OSU student housing activities. 1936

Box 8, folder 37-1

"A Preface to the Principles of Student Counseling," WHC article, Educational Record, pages 217-234. 1937 Apr

Box 8, folder 37-2

"The Disappearing Dean of Men," transcript and abstract of WHC talk before the 19th Annual Convention of Deans and Advisers of Men, Austin, Texas, 15 pages. 1937 Apr 2

Box 8, folder 37-3

"The Student Personnel Point of View," pamphlet that WHC helped promote with Gardner, D.H. American Council of Education Studies, 14 pages. 1937 Jun

Box 8, folder 37-4

Correspondence with Myers, George E. about Myer's paper, "The Meaning and Scope of Personnel Work in School and College," 26 pages plus WHC critique, 18 pages. 1937 Feb-Jun

Box 8, folder 37-5

"The Significance of Student Tradition," WHC paper read before the OSU Alumni College, 23 pages. 1937 Jun

Box 8, folder 37-6

"The Status of Academic freedom," published in Ohio Schools, 3 pages. 1937 Feb

Box 8, folder 37-7

"President Coffman of Minnesota on Academic Freedom," WHC editorial for the JHE, 3 pages. 1937 Feb

Box 8, folder 37-7A

"Governmental Trespassing," WHC editorial for the JHE, 2 pages. 1937 Apr

Box 8, folder 37-8

WHC review for the JHE of E.G. Williamson's The University Testing Bureau. 1937 May

Box 8, folder 37-9

"Morgan vs. Hutchins," WHC editorial for the JHE. Citation only. WHC did not keep a copy. 1937 Jun

Box 8, folder 37-10

"Alumni Gifts," WHC editorial for the JHE. 1937 Oct

Box 8, folder 37-11

WHC review for the JHE of W. E. Parker's A Biliography of Occupational Literature. 1937 Oct

Box 8, folder 37-12

"Utility and Culture," WHC editorial for the JHE. 1937 Nov

Box 8, folder 37-13

WHC review for the JHE of Samuel Eliot Morison's The Puritan Pronaos. 1937 Nov

Box 8, folder 37-14

"The Growth of Democratic Education," chapter 3 of unpublished manuscript. 1937 Summer

Box 8, folder 37-15

Outline of WHC paper on Mann, Hoarce written for Morrill, J.L. 26 pages. 1937

Box 8, folder 37-16

"College and University," correspondence about WHC project and brochure, 21 pages. 1937 Mar 8

Box 8, folder 37-16B

Correspondence about 37-16. 1937 Aug

Box 8, folder 37-16C

"Colleges and Universities in the News," WHC promotional brochure for a new higher educational magazine, College and University. 1937 Nov

Box 8, folder 37-17

Statistical summary of responses to 37-16 brochure. 1937 Sep 24

Box 8, folder 37-18

Memo on employee personnel for Time Magazine, 8 pages. 1937 Nov 12

Box 8, folder 37-19

"Student Religion," WHC editorial for the JHE, 2 pages. 1937 Feb

Box 8, folder 37-20

This number was accidentally skipped.

Box 8, folder 37-21

Copy of WHC report to Dr. Charters on work accomplished and projected at OSU, 21 pages. 1937 Dec 30

Box 8, folder 37-22

"The Need of a New Higher Education Magazine," outline and transcript of WHC talk to the National Association of State Universities, Washington, D.C. 1937 Nov 17

Box 8, folder 37-23

Outlines of four WHC talks on student traditions. circa 1937

Box 8, folder 37-24

"Adult Education," outline of WHC address given at Wayne University. 1937 Nov 18

Box 8, folder 37-25

WHC's and a doctor's analyses of the educational problems of Drackett, Bolton. 1937 Dec 8

Box 8, folder 37-26

WHC letter to the editor of the Ohio State Lantern concerning N.Y.A. 1937 May 27

Box 8, folder 37-27

WHC letter to Klein, Dean A.J. reporting WHC activities at OSU, 6 pages. 1937 May-Sep

Box 8, folder 37-28

Ohio State Monthly article describing OSU development fund. See also 37-32. 1937 Feb

Box 8, folder 37-29

Correspondence with Dewey, John about the work personalism for what WHC later called holism. 1937 Jun-Jul

Box 8, folder 37-30

Correspondence with Woodbridge, F.J.E. about the same topic as 37-29.

Box 8, folder 37-31

Correspondence with Linn, James W. of the University of Chicago. 1937 Jun-Jul

Box 8, folder 37-32

Papers related to the organization of the OSU Development fund. 1937 Nov-Dec

Box 8, folder 37-33

WHC memo to Morrill, J.L. on attacks by religionists on colleges and universities, 10 pages. 1937 Jan 18

Box 8, folder 37-34

"The Personnel Division," WHC article, ERB, 2 pages. Citation only. WHC did not keep a copy. 1937 Nov 10

Box 8, folder 37-35

"A Study of N.Y.A. Projects at the Ohio State University," 148 pages. 1937 Sep 15

Box 8, folder 37-36

Correspondence with Tead, Ordway about the organization and government of the colleges under the aegis of the Board of Higher Education of the City of New York. 1937

Box 8, folder 37-37

Correspondence with Gavit, John Palmer. 1938 Mar-Nov

Box 8, folder 37-38

WHC recollections of his College and University project, 5 pages. 1937 Jul

Box 8, folder 38-1

"Intelligence is not Enough," WHC inaugural address as Hamilton College president, Hamilton College Bulletin, Vol. 22, No.1, 28 pages. Journal of Higher Education. Vital Speeches of the Day. 1938 Nov-Dec

Box 8, folder 38-2

"Nourishing Future Alumni," WHC article, Annual Report of the American Alumni Council. Educational Record. 1938

Box 8, folder 38-3

"The Strategy of Coordination," transcript of WHC talk at the 15th Annual Meeting of the American College Personnel Association. The Report of the 15th Annual Meeting of the ACPA, pages 20-24. 1938

Box 8, folder 38-4

"A Method of Occupational Description," WHC article written with Beighley, K.C. and published in Occupation, 4 pages. 1938 Apr

Box 8, folder 38-4B

"The Guidance Institute," leaflet written and designed by WHC promoting an OSU guidance program. 1938 Jun 13-19

Box 9, folder 38-5

"Culture and the College," WHC address, Hamilton College Alumni Magazine. Vital Speeches, pages 756-758. 1938 Oct

Box 9, folder 38-5A

News reports relating to 38-5. 1938 Sep-Nov

Box 9, folder 38-6

"Hamilton College Student Publication Plan," WHC proposal to the student editors, 4 pages. 1938

Box 9, folder 38-7

WHC biographical items including 1) Root, Elihu Jr. for the "Special Committee on the Presidency to the Trustees of Hamilton College," 23 pages 2) WHC letter to Woolcott, Alex (WHC did not keep a copy of this), 3) Osborn, Alex letter to WHC (WHC did not keep a copy of this) 4) WHC biographical sketch written for a publicity firm. 1937, 1938

Box 9, folder 38-8

"Student Personnel Work," WHC memo written for the Committee on Urgent Needs, OSU, 13 pages. 1938 Mar 29

Box 9, folder 38-9

Notes from WHC talk with Miller, Charles A. about the Hamilton College faculty and Board of Trustees and President Ferry's observations about the faculty. 1938

Box 9, folder 38-10

"Remarks at the Alumni Luncheon," transcript of WHC talk given at Hamilton, Hamilton College Bulletin, page 41. 1938 Jun-Jul

Box 9, folder 38-11

WHC review for the JHE of M.D. Hockenbury's Make Yourself a Job. 1938 Jan

Box 9, folder 38-12

WHC review for the JHE of F.A.P. Barnard's Annual Reports, The Rise of the University. 1938 Feb

Box 9, folder 38-13

WHC review for the JHE of W.G. Campbell's A Comparative Investigation of the Behavior of Students Under an Honor System and a Proctor System in the Same College. 1938 Mar

Box 9, folder 38-14

WHC review for the JHE of Ruth Strang's Counseling Technics in College and Secondary School. 1938 Oct

Box 9, folder 38-15

Newsclippings related to WHC's selection as the new president of Hamilton College. 1938 Jun

Box 9, folder 38-15A

Hamilton College presidency: letters of congratulation. 1938 Jun-Jul

Box 9, folder 38-16

Correspondence promoting candidacy of Morrill, J.L. for the presidency of OSU. 1938 Jun

Box 9, folder 38-16A

WHC letters to Edith Campbell, J.L. Morrill, H.S. Atkinson, and others about 38-16. See also 38-25. 1938 May

Box 9, folder 38-17

Correspondence with Foerster, Norman about humanitarianism. 1938 Apr-1939 Jan

Box 9, folder 38-18

"The Student Personnel Committee of the American Council on Education," Report of the 15th Annual Meeting of the American College Personnel Association, pages 54-55. 1938

Box 9, folder 38-19

"Personnel Work and the Liberal Tradition," WHC article for the Ohio College Association,14 pages. 1938 Apr 1

Box 9, folder 38-20

Correspondence with Jessup, Philip C. about intellectualism and holism. 1938 Oct-Nov

Box 9, folder 38-21

WHC analysis of the educational problems of Roberts, David H. plus related correspondence. 1938 Aug-Sep

Box 9, folder 38-22

Correspondence with Hopkins, Ernest Martin about WHC inauguration as Hamilton College president and Eliot, Charles W.. 1938 Sep-Nov

Box 9, folder 38-23

Reactions of staff meeting members to WHC talk on student personnel principles. 1938 Feb 23

Box 9, folder 38-24

"Survey of a Times, Inc. Staff Relations," 52 pages. 1938 Mar 15

Box 9, folder 38-25

"Study of the Pupil Personnel Program of the Cincinnati Public Schools," WHC report written with Heck, Arch O. 85 pages.

Box 9, folder 38-26

Correspondence about the Hamilton College curriculum. 1938 Fall

Box 9, folder 38-27

"Personnel Division," WHC article for the ERB. Citation only. WHC did not retain a copy of this. 1938 Sep 21

Box 9, folder 38-28

Papers related to WHC's Hamilton College presidency discussions:

Box 9, folder 38-28A

Papers related to WHC's efforts in behalf of Morrill, J.L. and his candidacy for the presidencies of OSU and Hamilton. 1938

Box 9, folder 38-28B

Discussions with friends about Hamilton College offer. 1938

Box 9, folder 38-28C

WHC's acceptance of Hamilton's offer. 1938 Jun

Box 9, folder 38-29

Papers relating to WHC's inauguration as President of Hamilton College:

Box 10, folder 38-29A

Newsclippings about. 1938 Jun-Jul

Box 10, folder 38-29B

Invitations to other institutions, list of delegates, letters of congratulations. 1938

Box 10, folder 38-30

"Inaugural Arrangements," procedural manual written by WHC for his staff. 1938

Box 10, folder 38-31

Transcripts of toastmaster's introductions at WHC's inaugural luncheon. 1938 Oct 29

Box 10, folder 38-32

Notes from WHC's first talk to the Hamilton faculty and a summary by Mineka, Francis E., Clerk of the Faculty. 1938 Sep 14

Box 10, folder 38-33

Outline of WHC Alumni Conference talk, and associated correspondence with Connell, Clancy O.. 1938 Aug-Sep

Box 10, folder 38-34

WHC review of Ruth Strang's Behavior and Background of Students in Colleges and Secondary Schools, Occupations, pages 494-495. 1938

Box 10, folder 38-35

Newsclippings about WHC's Michigan speaking trip with William, Duncan, C.. Includes correspondence with Duncan. 1938 Mar

Box 10, folder 38-36

Transcript of WHC speech given in Atlantic City against intellectualism and a letter quoting Hutchins calling WHC a Yogi. Includes newsclippings. 1938 Feb

Box 10, folder 38-37

Text of radio discussion with Reilly, William J.. 1938 Oct 20

Box 10, folder 38-38

Text of WHC talk to the Hamilton College library staff. 1938 Oct 24

Box 10, folder 38-39

WHC report to the Hamilton College Board of Trustees. 1938 Oct 28

Box 10, folder 38-40

"Student Mores as Environmental Influences," The Proceedings of 12th Annual Meeting of New York Association of Deans, Bulletin No. 8 pages. 23A-33A. Given at Union College. Citation only. WHC did not keep a copy of this. 1938 Nov 10-12

Box 10, folder 38-41

Newsclippings about WHC talks in Utica, Cleveland, Boston, New York, and Clinton. 1938 Dec

Box 10, folder 38-42

Review of WHC's OSU career. 1929-1938

Box 10, folder 38-43

Papers related to WHC's arrival at Hamilton College and the accident he had the first night in the president's house. 1938

Box 10, folder 39-1

"The College President as a Leader," WHC article, American Association of Colleges Bulletin, 5 pages. 1938

Box 10, folder 39-1A

Interview with WHC by Duncan, C. William of the Philadelphia Evening Ledger on leadership. 1938 Jan 18

Box 10, folder 39-2

"European Influences Upon American Higher Education, WHC article, Educational Record, pages 165-190. 1939 Apr

Box 10, folder 39-3

"A Challenge to Leadership, WHC address opening the college, Hamilton Alumni Review, pages 9-13. 1939 Sep

Box 10, folder 39-4

"The Liberal Tradition and Student Personnel Work," WHC speech given for the Association of Virginia Colleges, 10 pages.

Box 10, folder 39-5

"To the Student Body," WHC speech, Hamilton life. 1939 Jun 10

Box 10, folder 39-6

"The History and Philosophy of Student Personnel Work," transcript of WHC speech given at the Cleveland Conference, pages 7-10. 1939 May

Box 10, folder 39-7

WHC study outline for Professor Graves, Edgar B. to use in visiting eleven other colleges, 50 pages. 1939

Box 10, folder 39-8

"Occupational Orientation of College Students," ACE brochure written by WHC and others, 76 pages. 1939

Box 10, folder 39-9

Honorary degree citations given by Hamilton College to Hayes, Helen; Eckstein, Gustave; Kaltenborn, Hans V.; Root, Elihu Jr.; Peabody, Bishop; and Pound, Ezra. See also 39-13. 1939

Box 10, folder 39-10

Correspondence with Milton Mayer about his Harper's article and WHC's alleged criticism of Hutchins. 1939

Box 10, folder 39-11

"The Clientele of American Higher Education," WHC speech, Hamilton Alumni Review, pages 124-127. 1939 Mar

Box 10, folder 39-12

"Hamilton College Survey, Volume One: Admissions," WHC report, 152 pages. 1939

Box 10, folder 39-12A

Same as 39-12 with 70 pages supplement. 1939

Box 10, folder 39-13

Professor Edgar B. Graves' 10 page letter to WHC reporting on 39-12. See also 39-7. 1939 Jun 15

Box 10, folder 39-14

"Summary of the Alumni Study," 23 pages. 1939 May 27

Box 10, folder 39-15

"The University in the United States of America," WHC article included in The University Outside Europe edited by Bradby, Edward pages 37-112. 1939

Box 10, folder 39-16A

WHC report to the Board of Trustees. 1939 Apr 15

Box 10, folder 39-16B

WHC report to the Board of Trustees. 1939 Jun 9

Box 10, folder 39-16C

WHC report to the Board of Trustees. 1939 Oct 14

Box 10, folder 39-17

WHC review of Paul W. Chapman's Occupational Guidance, ERB, page 28. Citation only. WHC did not keep a copy of this. 1939 Jan 4

Box 10, folder 39-18

"Should Education be Strictly Mental?" transcript of WHC talk given in Fairfield, Conn. Citation only. WHC did not keep a copy of this. 1939

Box 10, folder 39-19

"Holism, A Philosophy of Education," transcript of WHC talk given for the Pennsylvannia Deans of Women, 4 pages. 1939 Feb

Box 10, folder 39-20

"They Need Jobs," WHC article, Hamilton Alumni Review, pages 187-188. 1939 May

Box 10, folder 39-21

"Charge to the Class of 1939", transcript of WHC address, plus newspaper reports in the Hamilton Alumni Review, pages 244-45. 1939

Box 10, folder 39-22

"The President's Report," Hamilton Alumn; Review, pages 231-235. 1939 Jul

Box 10, folder 39-23

Correspondence with Gavit, J.P. regarding four Hamilton College fraternity members who stole two cars. 1939 Mar

Box 10, folder 39-24

Transcript of WHC speech welcoming visiting physicists to Hamilton. 1939 Apr 1

Box 10, folder 39-25

"The College in a Democratic Society", newsclippings about Dartmouth Conference. 1939 Apr

Box 10, folder 39-26

WHC message printed in the Hamilton and Union College football game program. 1939 Nov 18

Box 10, folder 39-27

Job specifications for a chemistry professor and a dean of students at Hamilton. 1939

Box 10, folder 39-28

Memo on WHC's admission study faculty meeting. See aslo 39-12 and 39-12A. 1939 Dec 11

Box 10, folder 39-29

Newsclippings regarding miscellaneous WHC speechs and and interviews given. 1939

Box 10, folder 39-30

Correspondence with Tead, Ordway about WHC as possible candidate for the presidency of the City College of New York. 1939

Box 10, folder 39-31

Correspondence, citation and program brochure regarding Hobart College's award of an honorary L.H.D. Degree to WHC. 1939 May

Box 10, folder 39-32

Miscellaneous papers. 1939

Box 10, folder 40-1

"The History and Philosophy of Student Personnel Work," report of the 17th Annual Meetings of the American College Personnel Association St. Louis, Journal of the National Association of Deans of Women , pages153- 162. 1940

Box 10, folder 40-2

"The Constancy of Regents' Grades," WHC article, School and Society, pages 239-240. 1940 Sep 21

Box 10, folder 40-3

"Fire Always Makes Room for Itself," WHC speech, Vital Speeches of the Day, pages 87-90. 1940 Nov 15

Box 10, folder 40-4

"Two Gentlemen of Union," transcript of WHC speech given at Union College, 2/21/40. Sigma Xi Quarterly, pages 69-73. 1940

Box 10, folder 40-5

"A New Admission Plan," WHC article, JHE, pages 345-352. 1940 Oct

Box 10, folder 40-6

"The Current College Admissions Situation," WHC article, Educational Record Supplement, pages 34/46. 1940 Jan

Box 10, folder 40-7

"An Historical and Statistical Analysis of College Admissions Criteria," WHC article, Association of American Colleges Bulletin, pages 522- 558. 1940 Dec

Box 10, folder 40-8

"The Educated Man Concept in the Twentieth Century," WHC address given at Skidmore College, School and Society, pages 345-350. 1940 Oct

Box 11, folder 40-9

"A Memo to the Committee on Ways and Means About Tuition Charges," WHC memo, Hamilton College, 27 pages. 1940 Jan 20

Box 11, folder 40-10

"The Challenge to Freedom," transcript of WHC address given at the Pratt Institute, 11 pages. 1940 Oct 2

Box 11, folder 40-11

"Major Trends and Developments During the Last Decade," WHC speech given at the Eastern College Personnel Officers Conference at Amherst College. Proceedings of the Eastern College personnel Officers, pages 25-39. 1940 Oct

Box 11, folder 40-12

WHC memo to the gymnasium campaign committee, Hamilton College, 65 pages. 1940 Feb 26

Box 11, folder 40-13

President's Report, Hamilton College, Hamilton College Bulletin, Vol. 23, No.3. 1930-1940

Box 11, folder 40-14

Papers regarding the Hamilton College commencement of 1940 including the birth of Cowley, Ellen on that day. Includes letters of congratulations and newsclippings. 1940 Jun-Jul

Box 11, folder 40-15

"President's Senior Questionnaire," Hamilton College, 16 pages. 1940 Mar

Box 11, folder 40-16

"The Fraternity - Whence and Whither," Outline of WHC talk given at the Alpha Delta Phi Convention, Chicago. 1940 Sep 7

Box 11, folder 40-17

"Intelligence and Spirit," WHC address given at the University of Buffalo, 10 pages plus newsclippings. 1940 Jun 12

Box 11, folder 40-18

"National Defense and Self-Discipline," WHC speech given as opening address, Hamilton College, 9 pages Hamilton Alumni Review, pages 19-24. 1940 Sep-Oct

Box 11, folder 40-19

"What Now?" WHC address given at Kenmore High School, 12 pages. 1940 Dec 11

Box 11, folder 40-20

"Hamilton College Survey, Vol. Two: Curriculum," 238 pages, Oversize. 1940

Box 11, folder 40-20A

"An Outline of an Educational Philosophy," Hamilton College Survey, Vol. 2, Part II, chapters 4-7, 76 pages. 1939-1943

Box 11, folder 40-21

Letters about 40-20. 1939-1943

Box 11, folder 40-22

Papers concerning the Jessup Survey of the Social Sciences at Hamilton College." See also 41-20. 1940-1941

Box 11, folder 40-23

List of seven books suggested by WHC for Herb West's "Hanover Browsing" article in the Dartmouth Alumni Magazine, 1 page. 1940 Nov

Box 11, folder 40-24

WHC review of Freeman Butts' The College Charts Its Course, Survey Graphic, page 474. 1940 Sep

Box 11, folder 40-25

WHC foreword to Ike Lovejoy's So You're Going to College. 1940

Box 11, folder 40-26

WHC report to the Hamilton College Board of Trustees. 1940 Jan 20

Box 11, folder 40-27

WHC report to the Hamilton College Board of Trustees. Citation only. WHC did not keep a copy. 1940 Feb 20

Box 11, folder 40-28

WHC report to the Hamilton College Board of Trustees. Citation only. WHC did not keep a copy. 1940 Jun 14

Box 11, folder 40-29

WHC report to the Hamilton College Board of Trustees. Citation only. WHC did not keep a copy. 1940 Oct 12

Box 11, folder 40-30

Honorary degree citations conferred by Hamilton College on Robeson, Paul, Alumni Magazine, page 69. Wolcott, Coykindall, Snyder, Lambert, Littauer, Shephard, Alumni Magazine, pages 204-211. 1940

Box 11, folder 40-31

Correspondence with Horner, Harlan H. offering WHC the position of New York State Commissioner of Education. 1940 Jan

Box 11, folder 40-32

Correspondence with Hamilton trustee, Thompson, Harold W. about Hamilton College admissions proposal. Includes letter from Thompson, H. and WHC memo. 1939, 1940

Box 11, folder 40-33

"Hamilton College Announces," a pamphlet describing the new admmissions procedures, 3 pages. 1940 Jun

Box 11, folder 40-34

Newspaper reports of WHC switching support with Fox, Dixon Ryan from FDR to Willkie, Wendell. 1940 Aug-Sep

Box 11, folder 40-35

Statement against students having automobiles, one paragraph, source unknown. undated

Box 11, folder 40-36

News report of convocation address given by WHC at the University of Minnesota. 1940 Dec 20

Box 11, folder 40-37

Copy of WHC memo to Root, Elihu Jr. about complications regarding the new admissions plan, Hamilton, 2 pages. See also 40-32. 1940 Jan 4

Box 11, folder 40-38

Hamilton College Chapel prayers. 1940

Box 11, folder 40-39

Correspondence with Thurstone, L.L. about the Hamilton College Survey, Vol. II: Curriculum and Faculty Psychology. 1940 Jun-Aug

Box 11, folder 40-40

Correspondence with Stryker, Lloyd about the ideals of Hamilton, Alexander. 1940 Apr

Box 11, folder 40-41

Papers regarding Carnegie Foundation Grant and summary report. 1940, 1942

Box 11, folder 40-42

Hamilton College Publications. Similar volumes for the years 1942-43 have been sent to the Hamilton College Library. Oversize. 1938-1940

Box 11, folder 40-43

Hamilton College Minute Book. Similar volumes for the academic years through 1942-43 have been sent to the Hamilton College Library. 1940-1943

Box 11, folder 40-44

Miscellaneous folders: 1940

Box 11, folder 40-44A

Honorary degree awarded to singer Robeson, Paul newsclipping. 1940 Jan

Box 11, folder 40-44B

Correspondence abut WHC election to alumni membership in the New Hampshire chapter of Phi Beta Kappa. 1940 Mar

Box 11, folder 40-44C

Newsclippings reporting the addition of Knudson, Charles A. (classmate at WHC's at Dartmouth) to the Hamilton College faculty. 1940 Sep

Box 11, folder 41-1

"Education and National Defense," WHC speech delivered at the 35th Annual Convention of the Association of Life Insurance Presidents, 14 pages. 1940 Dec

Box 11, folder 41-2

"Destruction and Construction," WHC address delivered at the 130th Hamilton College Opening. Hamilton Alumni Review, pages 3-10, and the American Association for Colleges Bulletin, pages 619-625. 1941

Box 11, folder 41-3

"Mid-twentieth Century Discipline," WHC address given at the fall commencement of the University of Minnesota, 1940. Reprinted in Minnesota Chats, Vol. 23, No.6, 3 pages. 1940, 1941

Box 11, folder 41-4

This number was inadvertently skipped.

Box 11, folder 41-5

"Should Dentists be Educated?" WHC speech, Journal of the Dental Society of the State of New York, pages 7-13. 1941 Sep-Oct

Box 11, folder 41-6

"The Fallacy of Intellectualism," WHC article, Aim, pages 3-9. 1941 Jul

Box 11, folder 41-7

"The Large Place of the Small College," WHC speech given at the 77th convocation of the University of the State of New York. pages 26- 41. 1941 Oct

Box 11, folder 41-8

Minutes of a special Hamilton Board of Trustees meeting. 1941 Apr 14

Box 11, folder 41-9

Description of work expected of Drought, Neal E. as WHC research assistant. 1941 Nov 1

Box 11, folder 41-10

Description of work expected of Diggs, Robert M. as WHC research assistant. 1941 Sep 26

Box 11, folder 41-11

Hutchins, Cowley and Pope Pius XI, WHC article by Schwinn, Bonaventure, OSB, Catholic World, pages 22-29. 1941 Oct

Box 12, folder 41-12

Correspondence with Morris, L.G. about football, and the hiring of Evashevski, Forest as head coach. 1941 Feb 8

Box 12, folder 41-13

Correspondence with Jewett, S.O. Secretary. 1941 Feb-1942 Dec

Box 12, folder 41-14

"A Confidential Statement Concerning the Presidency of the University of Minnesota." Also contains transcript of telephone conversation with the University of Minnesota. See also 41-19. 1941 Feb

Box 12, folder 41-15

WHC's 1939-40 report to the Hamilton Board of Trustees, 23 pages. 1940 Dec-1941 Mar

Box 12, folder 41-16

"Hamilton, a Small College," WHC article, Upstate Monthly, 2 pages. 1941 Nov

Box 12, folder 41-17

Newsclipping about WHC address to IBM on creative thinking in business, Business Machines, 2 pages. 1941 Sep 2

Box 12, folder 41-18

Correspondence with Root, Elihu Jr. about the Hamilton presidency. Also contains WHC letter to Root. See also 38-38. 1938, 1941

Box 12, folder 41-19A

Correspondence with University of Minnesota officials and Hamilton officials about invitation to WHC to become President of the University of Minnesota. 1940 Jan-1941 Mar

Box 12, folder 41-19B

Correspondence with friends and colleagues about University of Minnesota presidency offer. 1940 Jan-1941 Mar

Box 12, folder 41-19C

Newsclippings about University of Minnesota presidency offer. 1941 Feb

Box 12, folder 41-19D

Correspondence with Morrill, J.L. about the presidency of the University of Minnesota. 1940 Nov-1941 Feb

Box 12, folder 41-20

"Social Science Survey Committee Report," Hamilton College. Includes joint report, 15 pages and individual reports of five social science committee members. Also includes one page explanation of Social Science Survey's organization written by WHC. 1940, 1941, 1944

Box 12, folder 41-21

Dean Restine, F. H. memo to WHC concerning holism and the administration of Hamilton, 37 pages. 1941 Jan 22

Box 12, folder 41-22

"Democracy as Self-Discipline," WHC address delivered at Mt. Hermon School, 11 pages. 1941 Jun 28

Box 12, folder 41-23

Job specifications for five Hamilton faculty positions, 9 pages. 1941

Box 12, folder 41-24

"Hamilton College Faculty Evaluation," 3 volumes. Oversize. 1941

Box 12, folder 41-25

WHC review for the JHE of Roethlisberger and Dickson's Management and the Worker. Citation only. WHC did not keep a copy.

Box 12, folder 41-26

Hamilton College Alumni Fund pamphlet, inserted in the Hamilton Alumni Review. Citation only. WHC did not keep a copy. 1941

Box 12, folder 41-27

Hamilton College honorary degree citations, Hamilton Alumni Review. Citation only. WHC did not keep a copy. 1941 Jul

Box 12, folder 41-28

"Charge to the Class of 1941," Alumni Review. Citation only. WHC did not keep a copy. 1941 Jul

Box 12, folder 41-29

Hamilton College Board of Trustees Report. 1941 Jan 25

Box 12, folder 41-30

Hamilton College Board of Trustees Report. 1941 Apr 19

Box 12, folder 41-31

Hamilton College Board of Trustees Report. Citation only. WHC did not keep a copy of this. 1941 Oct 11

Box 12, folder 41-32

Hamilton College Board of Trustees Report. 1941 Jun 13

Box 12, folder 41-33

News reoprts of WHC dinner after turning down the University of Minnesota Presidency. 1941 Apr 20

Box 12, folder 41-34

WHC speech at dinner for new Utica Superintendent of Schools. 1941 Sep 30

Box 12, folder 41-35

Prayers written to use in the Hamilton College Chapel. 1941

Box 12, folder 41-36

"To the Class of 1941," WHC article, Hamiltonian, edited by Peach, Robert E. page 7. Citation only. WHC did not keep a copy. 1941

Box 12, folder 41-37

"The Report of the President," Hamilton College Bulletin. Citation only. WHC did not keep a copy. 1939-1940

Box 12, folder 41-38

Papers concerning Hamilton College public speaking training. 1940-1941

Box 12, folder 41-39

"Hamilton College Admissions Manual." Oversize. 1941

Box 12, folder 42-1

WHC letter to the New York Herald Tribune responding to Henry Grattan Doyle's pro-language point of view on education. 1942 Jan 12

Box 12, folder 42-2

"A Ninety-Year Conflict Erupts Again," WHC article, Educational Record, pages 192-218. 1942 Apr

Box 12, folder 42-2A

Newsclippings about 42-2. 1942 Jan-Sep

Box 13, folder 42-3

Statement by WHC against the University of Chicago's two-year A.B. degree plan, Utica Observer-Dispatch. 1942 May 10

Box 13, folder 42-4

"The War on the College," WHC article, Atlantic Monthly, pages 719-26. 1942 Jun

Box 13, folder 42-4A

Correspondence about 42-4. 1942 May-Aug

Box 13, folder 42-4B

First draft of 42-4. undated

Box 13, folder 42-5

"Three Problems of Liberal Education," transcript of WHC address to be delivered at Colgate University, but cancelled due to illness. 1942 Sep 24

Box 13, folder 42-6

"The Importance of Mechanisms," WHC article, School and Society, pages 294-295. 1942 Mar 14

Box 13, folder 42-7

"Hamilton's 131st Year," WHC address given on Opening Day, Hamilton Alumni Review, pages 4-9. 1942 Oct

Box 13, folder 42-8

WHC memo to Luce, Henry R. about John K. Jessup's article, "America and the Future," Life Magazine. 1942 Fall

Box 13, folder 42-9

"Our Misleading Universities," WHC article submitted to the Saturday Evening Post but rejected. Includes correspondence. 1942 Jan-Mar

Box 13, folder 42-10

WHC letter written for inclusion in book of letters to be presented to Dr. Charters, W. W. on his retirement. 1942 May 13

Box 13, folder 42-11

"University Education in the United States," WHC article, Journal of Education, London, pages 446-447. 1942 Oct

Box 13, folder 42-12

"Fallacy of the Two-Year Degree," WHC article, University of Kansas Review, pages 23-32. 1942 Summer

Box 13, folder 42-13

Article, partially written by WHC in Survey Graphic, page 315. 1942 Jul

Box 13, folder 42-14

Correspondence with Hopkins, E.M. President of Dartmouth College. 1942

Box 13, folder 42-15

WHC review of a Stanford Conference on The University and the Future of America. 1942 Mar

Box 13, folder 42-16

Summary of the 45 chapel sessions during the academic year, WHC, Hamilton College. 1941-1942

Box 13, folder 42-16A

Correspondence about the teaching loads of the Hamilton mathematics faculty. 1942 May-Aug

Box 13, folder 42-16B

Correspondence with Mac Diggs and Campbell, and Libs Dickson about the Dicksons' drinking problems. 1942 Jan-Jun

Box 13, folder 42-17

"The University of Chicago Sophomore Degree," sent to the editors of the New York Times and published under the title, "Cowley Assails Hutchins Plan." Includes correspondence. 1942 May-Jul

Box 13, folder 42-18

"Democracy and Leadership," transcript of WHC radio talk, 7 pages. 1942 Jan 24

Box 13, folder 42-19

WHC memo on the history of American higher education, with comments by Professor Graves, Edgar B.. 1942 Jan

Box 13, folder 42-20

Correspondence related to WHC's Carnegie Foundation grants. 1942-1955

Box 13, folder 42-21

Papers related to WHC's chairmanship of the Warman-power Commission Committee on the use of the colleges during the war:

Box 13, folder 42-21A

Initial proposals for college and university participation in the war effort. 1942 May-Aug

Box 13, folder 42-21B

Correspondence about proposals adopted by the Subcommittee of the Warmanpower Commission, and about the committee set up by WHC and others to address this problem, The Committee on the Relationship of Higher Education and the Federal Government. 1942 Aug-1945 Apr

Box 13, folder 42-21C

Correspondence with Snavely, Guy E. Executive Director of the Association of American Colleges. Includes copy of a letter from Roosevelt, Franklin to Snavely. 1942 Sep-Nov

Box 13, folder 42-21D

Miscellaneous correspondence and papers. 1942 Jul-1944 Feb

Box 13, folder 42-22A

Correspondence with and about Conant, James B.. Includes WHC summary of his relationship with Conant. 1943-1950, 1973

Box 13, folder 42-22B

Papers related to WHC proposal to Conant, James B. leading to the writing and publication of General Education in a Free Society by Buck, Paul H., Chairman of Harvard University. 1942 Dec-1943 Jun

Box 13, folder 42-23

Correspondence with Plant, James S.. 1942-1946

Box 14, folder 42-24

Letters about Hillsdale College address, given by WHC (No copy of speech.) 1942 Oct-Nov

Box 14, folder 42-25

Transcript of WHC address to District Two of the American Alumni Council, New York, 29 pages. 1942 Dec 7

Box 14, folder 42-26

WHC's alumni fund pamphlet, inserted in the Hamilton Alumni Review, 8 pages. 1942 Mar

Box 14, folder 42-27

Article about Hamilton honorary degree citations given to Henry R. Luce, Bishop Coley, Chancellor Mangan, Count Sforza, Carl Carmer, in the Hamilton Alumni Review, pages 218-220. 1942 Jul

Box 14, folder 42-28

Hamilton College Trustees Report. 1942 Feb 28

Box 14, folder 42-29

Hamilton College Trustees Report. 1942 Apr 18

Box 14, folder 42-30

Hamilton College Trustees Report. 1942 May 22

Box 14, folder 42-31

Hamilton College Trustees Report. 1942 Oct 10

Box 14, folder 42-32

Note: Folders 42-26 through 42-31 are in bound volume with oversize items at the end of this series.

Box 14, folder 42-32

"Hamilton College Misellaneous Administrative Procedures," WHC. 1941-1942

Box 14, folder 42-33

Correspondence with college presidents defending small liberal arts colleges. Most cite prominent alumni from their institutions. 1942

Box 14, folder 42-34

"Education for War," WHC article, Fortune Magazine, pages 133-182. 1942 Dec

Box 14, folder 43-1

"Our Wartime Program," WHC article, Hamilton Alumni Review, pages 63-67. 1943 Jan

Box 14, folder 43-2

"Why Save Small Colleges, Anyway?" WHC article Hamilton Alumni Revew, pages 116-122. 1943 Mar

Box 14, folder 43-3

Hamilton College Board of Trustees Report, 15 pages. 1943 Jun 5

Box 14, folder 43-4

Hamilton College Board of Trustees Report, 15 pages. 1943 Oct 9

Box 14, folder 43-5

Description of WHC by Eve Dobson, WHC's secretary at Hamilton College, 10 pages. 1943 Jan

Box 14, folder 43-6

"The Liberal Arts College, WHC article," Dartmouth Alumni Magazine, pages 11-13. 1943 May

Box 14, folder 43-7

"Some are Leaders, Some are Headmen," WHC article, New York Times Magazine, 2 pages. 1943 Oct 17

Box 14, folder 43-7A

Correspondence about 43-7. 1943 Oct-1944 Jan

Box 14, folder 43-8

"Report of the American Association of Colleges Commission on Liberal Education," written by Baxter, James P., Bulletin of Association of American Colleges, pages 269-299. 1943 May

Box 14, folder 43-9

Letter to Osborn, Alex F. about student opinion of WHC, Hamilton. 1943 Sep-1943 Dec

Box 14, folder 43-10

Papers about the Couper Board-Faculty Conference, Hamilton College, 42 pages. See also 43-17.

Box 14, folder 43-11

"Responsible Cooperation," WHC charge to the Hamilton class of 1943, Hamilton Alumni Review, page 251 and School and Society, pages 113-114. 1943

Box 14, folder 43-12

WHC study of Hamilton College Faculty compensation and related correspondence, 100 pages. 1943

Box 14, folder 43-13

WHC letter to The Presbyterian Tribune, page 3, in response to an editorial of May entitled "Blackout of Culture." 1943 Jun

Box 14, folder 43-14

WHC notes for unwritten memo to the Hamilton Board of Trustees, 30 pages. undated

Box 14, folder 43-15

Correspondence with Adams, Samuel Hopkins. 1943 Oct-1945 Nov

Box 14, folder 43-16

"What is This Thing Called Love?" Outline for WHC sermon at Peddie School. Also given on Pearl Harbor Day, at Middlebury College. 1941, 1943

Box 14, folder 43-17

WHC letters to Daniel Burke and Edgar W. Couper, plus related papers, about Hamilton situation. 1943

Box 14, folder 43-18

WHC memorandum about Campbell Dickson's drinking problem. 1943

Box 14, folder 43-19

Newspaper report of grant from Carnegie Corporation for WHC to write a book on liberal education. 1943 Apr 18

Box 14, folder 43-20

Papers related to Hamilton's wartime programs. 1943 May-Jun

Box 14, folder 43-21

Honarary degree awarded to WHC by St. Lawrence University, news report. 1943 Oct 22

Box 14, folder 43-22

Hamilton College Board of Trustees Report. 1943 Jan 30

Box 14, folder 43-23

Hamilton College Board of Trustees Report. 1943 Apr 17

Box 14, folder 43-24

WHC message to Hamilton graduating seniors. Hamilton Alumni Review, pages 128-130. Citation only. WHC did not keep a copy. 1943

Box 14, folder 43-25

Honorary degree citation for Saunders, A.P., Hamilton Alumni Review, page 252. Citation only. WHC did not keep a copy. 1943 Jul

Box 14, folder 44-1

"Freedom and Discipline," The Educational Record, pages 5-22.See also 44-8. 1944 Jan

Box 14, folder 44-1A

Comments and correspondence on 44-1. 1944

Box 15, folder 44-2

"The Power Revolution," chapter 1 of WHC's unpublished manuscript written with Carnegie Foundation support. 1944

Box 15, folder 44-3

"Physical Changes," chapter 2 of WHC unpublished manuscript written with Carnegie Foundation support. 1944

Box 15, folder 44-4

"Social Change," chapter 3 of unpublished manuscript, Carnegie Corporation. 1944

Box 15, folder 44-5

"The Have-Nots Struggle for Power," chapter 4 of unpublished Carnegie supported manuscript. 1944

Box 15, folder 44-6

"The Soul of America," WHC address before the New York Chapter of Life Insurance Underwriters, Think. 1944

Box 15, folder 44-6A

Correspondence about 44-6. 1944 Jan-1945 Apr

Box 15, folder 44-7

Papers regarding Hamilton College faculty salaries including the report of the Nesbitt Committee, and WHC's analysis of the report, 25 pages. 1944

Box 15, folder 44-8

Correspondence with Sproul, Robert G.. See also 44-1. 1944 Mar-Apr

Box 15, folder 44-9

Papers regarding WHC's resignation from Hamilton College:

Box 15, folder 44-9A

Correspondence with Raitt, R.G.. 1944

Box 15, folder 44-9B

Correspondence with Hamilton faculty and staff. 1944 Aug-Nov

Box 15, folder 44-9C

Correspondence with Hamilton Board of Trustees. 1944 Aug-Nov

Box 15, folder 44-9D

Correspondence with Hamilton alumni. 1941-1944

Box 15, folder 44-9E

Correspondence with friends and colleagues. 1944 Aug-Dec

Box 15, folder 44-9F

WHC diary entries. 1944 Sep-Nov

Box 15, folder 44-9G

Report of the Rockefellor consultant on some problems of Hamilton College, 3 pages. Includes correspondence. 1942, 1944

Box 15, folder 44-10

Correspondence and notes about the Couper Committee, Hamilton. 1943-1944

Box 15, folder 44-11

Correspondence about the Hamilton College presidency. MISSING 1944

Box 15, folder 44-12

Correspondence about WHC's appointment to the Stanford University Faculty. 1944-1945

Box 16, folder 44-12A

Salary records from Stanford University. 1946-1967

Box 16, folder 44-13

WHC's secretary's manual, Dobson, Evelyn. 1944

Box 16, folder 44-14

WHC letter to Smith, T.V. on morality. 1944

Box 16, folder 44-15

Correspondence with Conant, James Bryant about possibility of WHC sojourn in Cambridge, Massachusetts. 1944 Apr-Oct

Box 16, folder 44-16

Hamilton College Alumni Fund letter. 1944 Feb 10

Box 16, folder 44-17

Text of President Roosevelt message approving a plan for the use of the colleges by the Armed Forces. 1944 Mar 3-4

Box 16, folder 44-18

Papers about two job offers in the U.S. Office of War Information and the U.S. Office of strategic Services. 1944

Box 16, folder 44-19

Correspondence with Morrill, J.L. and the presidency of the University of Minnesota. 1944 May-Nov

Box 16, folder 44-20

Report to the Hamilton College Trustees. 1944 Jan 29

Box 16, folder 44-21

Report to the Hamilton College Trustees. 1944 Apr 15

Box 16, folder 45-1

"The Significance of the Harvard Report for Secondary Schools," text of Western College Association Address, 5 pages. Also related correspondence. 1945-1946

Box 16, folder 45-2

Terminal report to the Board of Trustees of Hamilton College. Written by WHC in Columbus Ohio, 340 pages. 1945 Spring

Box 16, folder 45-3

"The Old Scorns the New," chapter 2 of Carnegie supported book on liberal education, first draft, 21 pages. 1945

Box 16, folder 45-3A

"The Old American College: Purposes," chapter 2 of liberal education manuscript, second draft, 21 pages. 1945

Box 16, folder 45-4

"The Power Revolution," chapter 3 of liberal education manuscript, 29 pages. 1945

Box 16, folder 45-5

"Five Great Pressures," chapter 4 of unfinished liberal education manuscript, 37 pages. Note: THIS FOLDER MISSING 1945

Box 16, folder 45-6

"The German Infiltration," chapter 5 of unfinished liberal education manuscript, 32 pages. 1945

Box 16, folder 45-7

"The German Infiltration," chapter 5 of liberal education manuscript, 32 pages. 1945

Box 16, folder 45-8

"The Seven Liberal Arts Hoax," magazine article offered for publication to the American Mercury, 9 pages. See also 45-19 and 45-37. 1945

Box 16, folder 45-9

Correspondence with President Conant, James Bryant of Harvard about "General Education in a Free Society." Also includes correspondence with Hollinshead, Byron. 1945 Jul-Nov

Box 16, folder 45-10

Correspondence with Buck, Paul H. Chairman of the Harvard Committee on the Objectives of General Education in a Free Society. 1943 Jun-1946 May

Box 16, folder 45-11

Miscellaneous papers on the importance of history and a proposal to the American Council on Education. 1943, 1945, undated

Box 16, folder 45-12

"The Harvard Report on General Education," WHC article published in the Stanford University School of Education Alumni Newsletter, pages 7-8. 1945 Nov

Box 16, folder 45-13

"The Report in Perspective," WHC article published in the Harvard Alumni Bulletin, pages 27-28. 1945 Sep 22

Box 16, folder 45-14A

"Challenge to Physical Education," WHC article, Journal of Higher Education, pages175-177. 1945 Apr

Box 16, folder 45-14B

"The Broad Educational Problems of Physical Educators," WHC article, Health and Physical Education, pages 325-350. 1945 Jun

Box 16, folder 45-14C

"The Broad Educational Problems of Physical Educators," WHC address published in the 48th Annual Proceedings of College Physical Educational Association, pages 19-21. 1944-1945

Box 16, folder 45-15

Student comments on WHC's student personnel course, Education 327. 1945 Fall

Box 16, folder 45-15A

Student comments on WHC course, Education 222. 1945 Fall

Box 16, folder 45-16

Correspondence with Corbett, R. H. about his criticism of WHC's article on the Harvard Report. 1945 Nov

Box 16, folder 45-17

"The College Under Fire," chapter 1 version of WHC's Carnegie Corporation supported book on liberal education, first draft, 22 pages. 1945

Box 16, folder 45-18

WHC book review of Frontier Thinking in Guidance, edited by Yale, John R., Registar's Journal. 1945 Oct

Box 16, folder 45-19

"Verbalisms from the Past," chapter 3 of liberal education book, 37 pages plus "Aristoleian Science: Another Version or Supplement of Present Text Herein," 10 pages. See also 45-8 and 45-37. 1945, undated

Box 16, folder 45-20

"Random Thoughts After Reading Niebuhr's Moral Man and Immoral Society," 5 pages. 1945 Jan

Box 16, folder 45-21

"Personnel Work in Education: Perspective and Prophecy," abstract of WHC talk at the Western Personnel Service Conference, 1 page. 1945 Nov 2

Box 16, folder 45-22

Miscellaneous writing about intellectual power, 16 pages. 1945

Box 16, folder 45-23

"Moral Responsibility," WHC article, Columbus Ohio, 1945, 8 pages. Also includes handwritten draft. 1945

Box 16, folder 45-24

Correspondence with Boodin, John Elof about his article, "Nature and Reason," in Contemporary American Philosophy. 1945 Jan 23

Box 16, folder 45-25

"The Re-education of Germany," transcript of WHC address, Tuesday Evening lecture Series, Stanford University, 32 pages. Also includes correspondence and newsclippings about talk. 1945 May-Jul

Box 16, folder 45-26

WHC book review for the Journal of Higher Education, of Jacques Barzun's Teacher in America. 1945 Jun

Box 17, folder 45-27

Adams, Samuel Hopkins correspondence about WHC's liberal education manuscript. 1945 Mar-1952 Mar

Box 17, folder 45-28

Correspondence with Graves, Edgar B.. See also 39-7, 39-13, 42-19. 1944-1946

Box 17, folder 45-29

Correspondence with Morrill, J.L. about his election as President of the University of Minnesota, See also, 44-19 and 46-14. 1945

Box 17, folder 45-30

Correspondence with Williamson, E. G. concerning possibility of Williamson joining the faculty of Stanford University. 1945-1946

Box 17, folder 45-31

Pre-publication book review done by WHC for Ginn & Co. Author of manuscript not recorded. 1945

Box 17, folder 45-32

Correspondence with Janeway, Eliot about education. 1945 Mar-Dec

Box 17, folder 45-33

Correspondence with President Day, E. E. of Cornell. See also 45-29. 1944 Apr-1950 Feb

Box 17, folder 45-34

Correspondence with Hamilton alumnus, Taylor, Frank of Reynall and Hitchcock publishing. 1944 Aug-1945 Jul

Box 17, folder 45-35

Outgoing correspondence with J.B. Conant and Paul Buck about the Harvard Report on general education and possibility of their coming to speak at Stanford. Also includes initial correspondence about Conant's Sachs lectures. 1945-1946 Jul

Box 17, folder 45-36

"An Approach to the College Problem," chapter 2 version of liberal education manuscript, 14 pages. 1945

Box 17, folder 45-37

"Verbalisms from the Past," chapter 3 version of liberal education manuscript. See also 45-8 and 45-19. MISSING 1945

Box 17, folder 46-1

"The Harvard Report: A Review," WHC article, Harvard Educational Review, pages 56-71. 1946 Jan

Box 17, folder 46-1A

Correspondence about publication of 46-1. 1945 Aug-1946 Oct

Box 17, folder 46-2

"Education for the Great Community," WHC article, Journal of General Education, pages 22-33. Also includes related correspondence. 1946, 1947

Box 17, folder 46-2A

"Education for the Great Community," text of WHC address at the Utah Higher Education, 14 pages. 1946 Sep

Box 17, folder 46-3

"Brothers Under the Sheepskin", text of WHC address at the Stanford University Educational Conference, 21 pages. (Same as 46-2 except for title). 1946 Jul

Box 17, folder 46-4

"Conflicts in College and University General Education," text of WHC address at Stanford Humanities Symposium, 29 pages. Also includes correspondence about the talk. 1946 May-Jun

Box 17, folder 46-5

"The Junior College Confusion," WHC address at the Utah Higher Education Conference. See also 46-2 and 46-16. 1946 Sep 13

Box 17, folder 46-6

"What is a College Subject in Education and Psychology?" text of WHC address at the Fall meeting of the Western College Association, 18 pages. See also 47-2. 1946 Nov 16

Box 17, folder 46-7

WHC analysis of Seligman, E.R.A. and the great man theory of history, Stanford, 13 pages. See also 46-22. 1946 Oct

Box 17, folder 46-8

Correspondence with Schlamm, William S. about WHC's projected new magazine for Time Inc.. 1945 Jul-1948 Feb

Box 17, folder 46-9

"The Education of the Larger Self," text of WHC Speech at the Northwest Conference on Higher Education, Oregon state. Includes closing discussion and summary of the conference and an evaluation by the participants, 16 pages. 1946 Jul 12-13

Box 17, folder 46-10

"Political Power," chapter 7 version of 1945 of liberal education manuscript, 15 pages. 1946

Box 17, folder 46-11

"Economic Power," chapter 7 of 1945 version of liberal education manuscript, 15 pages. 1946

Box 17, folder 46-12

"New Era in Education," speech written by WHC for Kratt, William E., 18 pages. 1946

Box 17, folder 46-13

Correspondence with Conant, J.B. about WHC's analysis of his Sachs lectures. 1945 Aug-1946 Dec

Box 17, folder 46-13A

Copy of Conant's Sachs lectures, Teachers College Record. 1945 Dec

Box 18, folder 46-13B

"Analysis of the Sachs Lecures of J.B. Conant," 96 pages. Also correspondence related to this work. 1946 Summer

Box 18, folder 46-13C

Worksheets analyzing General Education in a Free Society. See also 46-2 and 46-16. Oversize, filed at end of Series I-B.

Box 18, folder 46-14

Correspondence with Morrill, J. L. including WHC proposed inaugural address outline at request. 1946 Jan-1947 Apr

Box 18, folder 46-15

"The College Under Fire," chapter 1 of Carnegie version of liberal arts manuscript, 1946, 22 pages. 1946

Box 18, folder 46-16

WHC worksheets analyzing "Education for All American Youth." 1946

Box 18, folder 46-16A

"Six Plans for General Education," text of WHC address at the Utah Higher Education Conference, University of Utah, 35 pages. Also includes newsclipppings about the conference. 1946

Box 18, folder 46-17

Minutes of WHC higher education seminar, Stanford. 1946 Spring

Box 18, folder 46-18

Projected article on Cole, C.W. later president of Amherst, notes and correspondence. 1946 Feb-1947 Mar

Box 18, folder 46-19

"Technological Power," chapter 5 of Stanford version of liberal arts manuscript, 23 pages.

Box 18, folder 46-20

Correspondence with Hutchinson, Paul editor of The Christian Century, concerning Monsignor Sheen. 1946 Feb-Mar

Box 18, folder 46-21

"Counseling and Social Claustration," correspondence regarding WHC talk at UCLA. Does not contain text of speech. 1946 Apr 6

Box 18, folder 46-22

"Analysis of E.R.A. Seligman's Treatment of Marxism," in the Economic Interpretation of History, unpublished manuscript, 5 typed pages. See also 46-7.

Box 18, folder 46-23

WHC discussions of equality, four unpublished drafts. 1946 Nov-Dec

Box 18, folder 46-24

"A Plan of Attack," chapter 3, first version of Carnegie manuscript, 9 pages. 1946

Box 18, folder 46-25

"The Essential Fact," chapter 4 of first version of Carnegie manuscript, 11 pages. 1946

Box 18, folder 46-26

Correspondence with Wallace, Dewitt of Readers Digest about WHC's ideas for articles. 1946 Apr-Nov

Box 18, folder 46-27

Student ratings of WHC's teaching. 1946 Summer

Box 18, folder 47-1

Correspondence with Hullfish, H. Gordon about WHC article on the Harvard Report, and about WHC speech, "What is a College Subject in Education and Psychology." See also 46-6. 1946 Aug-1947 Apr

Box 18, folder 47-2

Correspondence with Charters, W. W. including a discussion of WHC's "What is a College Subject in Education and Psychology." See also 46-6 and 47-1. 1944 Dec-1948 Dec

Box 18, folder 47-3

"Plan of the Book," chapter 3 of 1946 Carnegie manuscript, 28 pages. 1946

Box 18, folder 47-4

"The Old American College," chapter 4 of 1946 version of WHC's Carnegie manuscript, 47 pages. 1947

Box 18, folder 47-5

"A New Age Begins," chapter 5 of 6th version of Carnegie manuscript, 53 pages. 1947

Box 18, folder 47-6

"The Government and Administration of Higher Education Whence and Whither?" WHC article, Journal of American Assoication of Collegiate Registrars, pages 277-291. Includes related correspondence. 1947

Box 18, folder 47-7

"San Diego's Next Fifty Years," transcript of WHC address delivered at San Diego State University, 24 pages. 1947 May 11

Box 18, folder 47-8

"Report of W.H. Cowley to the University of the Redlands," personnel survey conducted by WHC for the University of Redlands, 8 pages. 1947 Apr

Box 18, folder 47-9

"All God's Chillun Wings," WHC article, School and Society, pages 145-150. Also contains related correspondence. 1947

Box 18, folder 47-10

"Curriculum of Higher Education," outlines of three lectures in the Hanna-Bartky Course, Education 140, 14 pages. 1947 Aug

Box 18, folder 47-11

"Who is to Blame?" chapter 2 of 5th, 6th and 7th versions of Carnegie funded manuscript, 15 pages. 1947

Box 19, folder 47-12

Correspondence with Sargent, Porter about possiblity of WHC taking over the publication of Sargent's "Handbook to Private Schools" series. 1947-1951

Box 19, folder 47-13

"Some History and Venture in Prophecy," WHC article Trends in Student Personnel Work, edited by Williamson, E.G., pages 12-27. Also contains related correspondence. 1947-1948

Box 19, folder 47-14

"Jabberwocky versus Maturity," WHC article, Trends in Student Personnel Work, edited by Williamson ,E.G., pages 342-350. 1947

Box 19, folder 47-15

"The Structure of the Academic System," chapter 10, 7th and 9th version of Carnegie funded manuscript, 28 pages. See also 47-32. 1947

Box 19, folder 47-16

Personnel survey of Lewis and Clark College, 13 pages. Contains letter from WHC to President Odell, Morgan S. giving WHC's observations of the college and a report written by Professor Gilchrist, F.G. about counseling at the college. 1947

Box 19, folder 47-17

"Maintaining Quality in the Face of Increasing Numbers," text of WHC address, Western College Association Addresses, pages 901-919. Also reproduced in a book by Valentine, F. P. See also 49-11. 1947 Nov 15

Box 19, folder 47-18

Correspondence with Conant, J.B. 1947 Jan-Apr

Box 19, folder 47-19

"Point of View and Terminology," chapter 3, 6th version of Carnegie funded manuscript, 27 pages. See also 47-3. 1947-1948

Box 19, folder 47-20

Little, Arlene worksheets. MISSING 1947

Box 19, folder 47-21

A model summary of an article written by WHC for his students, 5 pages. 1947 Jun

Box 19, folder 47-22

Correspondece with and about Karl With's efforts to find a position away from Hamilton College. 1945-1948

Box 19, folder 47-23

Papers relating to a dozen or so speeches for which WHC kept no outlines. 1947

Box 19, folder 47-24

Correspondence with Elliott, R. M. about 1941 invitation from the University of Minnesota for WHC to be president. Includes important discussion Minnesota's Board of Trustees Chairman, Snyder. 1947 Nov-1948 Feb

Box 19, folder 47-25

Correspondence with Kandel, I.l about WHC article, "The Re-Education of Germany." Copy of article also included. 1947 Jan-Feb

Box 19, folder 47-26

Correspondence with Chapin, F. Stuart, Minnesota sociologist about student mores. 1947-1948

Box 19, folder 47-27

Correspondence with Smith, T.V. about his School and Society article on Catholicism in Italy. 1947

Box 19, folder 47-28

WHC analysis of John Henry Newman's 6th discourse, "The Idea of a University." 1945, 1947

Box 19, folder 47-29

Correspondence with Jones, Richard Lloyd during the 1940's about wartime programs at small college, WHC's problems at Hamilton College, and R. l. Jones' childhood.

Box 19, folder 47-30

Correspondence with Conant, J.B. about educational structuring. 1947 Jul-1948 Apr

Box 19, folder 47-31

"The Old College Overwhelmed," chapter 6, 2nd version of Carnegie funded manuscript. 1946

Box 19, folder 47-32

"Other Systems of Higher Education," outline for possible inclusion in Carnegie manuscript and related correspondence. See also 47-15. 1947 Oct-Dec

Box 19, folder 47-33

Miscellaneous material for Carnegie manuscript, 96 pages. 1947 Sep-Oct

Box 19, folder 48-1

Correspondence with Maclean, Max. 1947-1948

Box 19, folder 48-2

"The Curriculum of Higher Education," summaries of four lectures by WHC for Paul Hanna's course, 32 pages. 1948 Feb

Box 19, folder 48-3

"Preparation and Professional Growth of College Teachers," text of WHC address to the National Education Association's Conference on Higher Education. 1948 Mar 22

Box 19, folder 48-4

Correspondence with Buck-Jacoby Committee, appointed by the Rockefellor Foundation to examine the possibilities, the desirability, and the possible scope of a study of the problems involved in the finanancing of higher education and research in the United States. 1948, 1963

Box 19, folder 48-5

"Tentative Thoughts on the Truman Committee Report," text of WHC speech to the National Association of State Universities, Chicago, pages 77- 78. 1948 May 6

Box 19, folder 48-6

"Thoughts on the Truman Report," WHC article, Journal of Higher Education, pages 275-283. 1948 Jun

Box 19, folder 48-7

"The Curriculum of Higher Education," four lecture outlines prepared by WHC for Paul Hanna's course, 32 pages. See also 48-2. 1948 Summer

Box 19, folder 48-8

"The Past and Future of Student Personnel Work," text of WHC address to the Northwest College Personnel Association Convention, 19 pages. 1948 Mar

Box 20, folder 48-9

"Report on the Committee on Finance and Organization in the Pacific Coast States," from a conference on higher education sponsored by the Pacific Coast Committee of the American Council on Education, Berkeley. 1948 Jul

Box 20, folder 48-10

Notes on research versus teaching, begun. MISSING 1948 Jul

Box 20, folder 48-11A

"The Higher Learning vs. the Higher Education," WHC paper read at the Hazen Conference, University of California. Also includes related correspondence. 1948 Aug

Box 20, folder 48-11B

Duplicate of 48-11A. (Mimeographed version distributed to conference members.)

Box 20, folder 48-11C

"The Higher Learning Vs. the Higher Education," version mimeographed by the Conference on Science, Philosophy and Religion, 21 pages. Includes comments on, and related correspondence. 1948 Oct-1949 May

Box 20, folder 48-11D

"The Higher Learning Vs. the Higher Education," Kelly, Fred J.'s long quotation from, in Toward Better College Teaching, pages 17-23. 1950

Box 20, folder 48-11E

"The Higher Learning Vs. the Higher Education," first draft. 1958

Box 20, folder 48-11F

"The Higher Learning Vs. the Higher Education," proposed revision.

Box 20, folder 48-11G

"The Higher Learning Vs. the Higher Education," unpublished response to Conant's attack on the term higher education. (Differs from 48-11A-F) See also 49-2.

Box 20, folder 48-12

"Report of the Consultants on Instructional Methods to the Air University, 36 pages. WHC was one of the consultants for this report. 1948 Mar

Box 20, folder 48-13

"Our Schizophrenic Universities and Manic Deans," 3 page abstract of WHC talk for the Deans of Men, Dallas. 1948 Mar

Box 20, folder 48-14

Memo written by WHC for Eurich, A.C., about New York State higher education, contains tables, summary of plans, and recommendations, 4 pages. 1948 Jun

Box 20, folder 48-15

Establishment of an educational service bureau, correspondence and copy of WHC proposal for. 1948 Sep-1949 Jan

Box 20, folder 48-16

"A Guide to Writing Papers for Courses in Higher Education," written by WHC and Mumford, J.K., 45 pages. 1948 Jan

Box 20, folder 48-16A

Suggestions about 48-16 by Little, Alene, S., 30 pages. 1948 Sep

Box 20, folder 48-16B

Revised version of 48-16 using Little, Alene S.'s suggestions. 30 pages. 1948 Sep

Box 20, folder 48-17

Procedures in WHC's Stanford courses, memo to students, 9 pages.

Box 20, folder 48-18

"Prospectus of the Point of View and Procedures in the Courses Taught by Cowley, W.H.". 10 pages plus 21 pages of exhibits. See also 60-23 and 64-26. 1948 Sep

Box 20, folder 48-20

Correspondence with Capen, Samuel P., and Charters, W.W., about Commonwealth Fund Study of 1923. Includes discussion of several leaders in higher education, Coffman, L.D., Hall, G. Stanley, and Suzzallo, Henry. 1948 Nov-1949 Mar

Box 20, folder 48-21

Correspondence with Birdseye, Clarence about his father who wrote two important books in higher education, WHC petition for research funds, and his visit with WHC student, Corson, Lou. 1948 Aug-1949 Dec

Box 20, folder 48-22

Correspondence with Eurich, A.C. about Carnegie manuscript, WHC's academic government project, educational conferences, and requests for information from WHC. See also 44-12. 1945-1948

Box 20, folder 48-23

Conant, James Bryant's inscription to WHC in his Education in a Divided World. Contains copy of inscription, copy of preface, and a letter from WHC to Conant, J.B. 1948 Oct 15

Box 20, folder 48-24

Correspondence with Morrill, J.L., where Morrill calls WHC "the most competent scholar of higher education in America" and also reports that Eurich, Alvan C., is the favorite of the Stanford Board of Trustees to succeed Tresidder. 1948 Feb-Mar

Box 20, folder 49-1

"College and University Teaching," outline of WHC talk to professors in Stanford's Engineering and English departments. Also includes a copy a course discussion on the same topic. 1949 Feb

Box 20, folder 49-2

Correspondence with Conant, James Bryant about his Education in a Free Society, and his aversion to the terms 'higher education' and 'higher learning'. 1948 Oct-1949 May

Box 20, folder 49-3

Correspondence with Gaither, H. Rowna, Odegard, Peter, and Wood, Ben C. of the Ford Foundation about WHC proposal that they allocate some funds for the investigation of the problems that college and university presidents face. 1949 Feb-May

Box 20, folder 49-4

"Methods of Teaching," Outlines of WHC engineering seminar, Stanford University, 9 pages plus notes. 1949 May 2

Box 20, folder 49-5

"What Should a College President Be?" WHC address delivered at the inaugural luncheon of Wiggins, President, D.M., Texas Technological College Bulletin., pages 9-23. Also includes correspondence about the speech. See also 39-1 and 47-6. 1949 May-Aug

Box 20, folder 49-6

"Resume of the History of Higher Education and the Higher learning," outline of WHC lecture to Porter, Harry's class, Stanford University, 2 pages. 1949 Jun 3

Box 20, folder 49-7

"The Art of Teaching," outline of WHC seminar on engineering education, Stanford University, 7 pages. 1949 Apr 4

Box 20, folder 49-8

WHC book review of The University of Wisconsin by Curti, Merle and Carstensen, Vernon, The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. pages 231-232. Also includes related correspondence. 1949-1950

Box 21, folder 49-9

"Report to the Committee seeking a President for the College of Idaho," WHC study, 55 pages. 1949 Oct

Box 21, folder 49-10

"Tendencies in Academic Government," WHC paper, Stanford, 23 pages. 1949 Oct

Box 21, folder 49-11

"Education for Quality," WHC article, The American College, Valentine, P.F., editor, New York: Philosophical Library, pages 116-139. See also 47-17. 1949

Box 21, folder 49-12

Correspondence with Conant, James Bryant, about his monograph, The Growth of Experimental Science: An Experiment in General Education. 1949 Dec

Box 21, folder 49-13

"The College and University Presidency," WHC notes for speech given at Stanford University. 1949 Jul 21

Box 21, folder 49-14

WHC work sheet topic headings (for his research notebooks), Stanford, 2 pages. 1949 Mar

Box 21, folder 49-15

"The War on the College," Excerpt from WHC article Atlantic Monthly, quoted as an illustration by Schutt, Warren E. Schutt in his Effective Written English. See also 42-4. 1949

Box 21, folder 49-16

Correspondence with Hanna, Paul, about his W.K. Kellogg Foundation consultation, methods of teaching, and WHC's need for research funds. 1949 Jan-Nov

Box 21, folder 49-17

"American Colleges and Universities and the National Character," WHC's first lecture in his course, The American College and University, Stanford, summer, 10 pages. 1949

Box 21, folder 49-18

Higher Education Seminar: job routines, WHC memo to students, 3 pages. 1949 Oct

Box 21, folder 49-19A

Higher Education Seminar: job routines, WHC memo to students, 100 pages. 1949 Oct

Box 21, folder 49-19B

"Student Job Projects," 100 pages. 1949-1956

Box 21, folder 49-20

"The Curriculum of Higher Education, Part Four: The Philosophical issues Behind General Education," WHC course outlines, winter-spring quarters, 87 pages. 1948-1949

Box 21, folder 49-21

"Terminology," WHC's fourth lecture in his course, The American College and University, Stanford, 19 pages. Summer 1949

Box 21, folder 49-22

"Conflicts," fifth lecture in The American College and University course, Stanford, 16 pages. Summer 1949

Box 21, folder 49-23

"The Seven Liberal Arts," sixth lecture in The Curriculum of Higher Education Course, Stanford, 8 pages. 1949

Box 21, folder 49-24

"Personnel and Structural Problems of Special Education," 12th lecture, Curriculum Course, 15 pages. 1949

Box 21, folder 49-25

"Athenian Higher Education," 5th lecture, Curriculum course, 8 pages. 1949

Box 21, folder 49-26

"Definitions of Liberal Education and Related Terms," 3rd lecture, curriculum course, 16 pages. 1949

Box 21, folder 49-27

"The Curriculum of the Medieval University," 7th lecture, Curriculum Course, 10 pages. 1949

Box 21, folder 49-28

"Renaissance Curricular Contributions," 8th lecture, Curriculum Course, 8 pages. 1949

Box 21, folder 49-29

"Curriculum of the Old American College," 9th lecture, Curriculum Course, 8 pages. 1949

Box 21, folder 49-30

"19th and 20th Century Developments and Controversies," 10th lecture, Curriculum Course, 9 pages. 1949

Box 21, folder 49-31

"Special Education" Terminology and History," 11th lecture, Curriculum Course, 8 pages. 1949

Box 21, folder 49-32

"The Content of Special Education," 13th lecture, Curriculum Course, 12 pages. 1949

Box 21, folder 49-33

"The Relationships of General Education and Special Education," 14th lecture, Curriculum Course, 8 pages. 1949

Box 21, folder 49-34

Correspondence with Mitchell, Marjorie, about finding her a job in California. 1948 Dec-1949 Jun

Box 21, folder 49-35

"An Investigation of the Higher Educational Activities of the Navy," and "An Investigation of the Relation of Teaching and Research in Colleges and Universities," two WHC research proposals to the U.S. Navy. Also includes related correspondence. 1949 Apr-Jun

Box 21, folder 49-36

"What is a College," Young, Burns B.'s article (written with WHC's help, The Educational Record, pages 385-406. 1949 Oct

Box 21, folder 49-37A

"Recent Trends in College Administration," WHC article, Educational Trends, 4 pages. 1949 Dec

Box 21, folder 49-37B

"Developments in Academic Government," WHC article, Educational Trends, 4 pages. 1949 Dec

Box 21, folder 49-38

Correspondence with three graduate school deans about teaching versus research: Richardson, R.G.D., of Brown, Hudson, N. Paul of Ohio State, Belgen, Theodore C. of Minnesota. 1949 Jan-1959 Jan

Box 21, folder 49-39

"The Paramountcy of Civil Government," Topic two, Government of Higher Education Course, 16 pages. Summer 1949

Box 21, folder 49-40

"Education and Higher Education Defined," 1st lecture, Curriculum Course, 6 pages. Winter and Spring 1949

Box 21, folder 49-41

"Definitions of Functions and Aims," 2nd lecture, Curriculum Course, 7 pages. Winter and Spring 1949

Box 21, folder 49-42

"Definition of Curriculum and Related Terms," 4th lecture, Curriculum Course, 9 pages. 1949

Box 21, folder 50-1

"The Curriculum of Higher Education," four lecture outlines written by WHC for Hanna, Paul's course, Stanford, 21 pages. 1950 Feb 6-8

Box 21, folder 50-2

Correspondence with Henry, President David of Wayne State University about WHC's "Developments in Academic Administration," and Tendencies in Academic Government". See also 49-10. 1950

Box 21, folder 50-3A

"Professional Growth and Academic Freedom," Wes College Association Addresses, pages 34-35. 1950 Apr

Box 21, folder 50-3A

"Professional Growth and Academic Freedom," WHC article, Journal of Higher Education, pages 225-236. 1950 May

Box 22, folder 50-4

"Problems of Administration, WHC paper, Proceedings of the 1950 Annual Meeting Association of Texas Colleges, pages 42-58. 1950 May

Box 22, folder 50-5

"All This Rommage about General Education," WHC address at the University of Arizona, the University of Oklahoma, and at Claremont College, 34 pages. 1950 Mar-May

Box 22, folder 50-6

"General Education and the Junior College," WHC address to the Texas Junior College Association, Houston, 34 pages. Contains also related correspondence. 1950 Mar-Apr

Box 22, folder 50-7

"A Non-Engineer's View of Engineering Education," Outline of WHC lecture, Engineering Education Seminar, Stanford, 6 pages. 1950 Apr 10

Box 22, folder 50-8

"The Abundant life, 20th Century Model," text of WHC commencement address at the California State Polytechnic Institute, 22 pages. 1950 Jun 2

Box 22, folder 50-9

The curriculum of higher education, WHC lecture outlines for Hanna, Paul's course, 20 pages. 1950 Jul

Box 22, folder 50-10

Correspondence with Crothers, Judge George about early history and government of Stanford. Folder includes WHC articles, "Problems of the Administration," and "Professional Growth and Academic Freedom." 1950 Aug-Nov

Box 22, folder 50-11

Correspondence with Barnard, Chester I., about information retrieval. 1950 Jul-Sep

Box 22, folder 50-12

Correspondence with Deans Keniston, H. and Rogers, F.M., about a conference in Chicago and graduate schools. See also 49-38. 1949 Dec

Box 22, folder 50-13

Better College Teaching, Kelly, Fred J., contains WHC quotation. 1950

Box 22, folder 50-14

Papers connected with WHC's Fullbright Scholar application and subsequent award. Contains correspondence while WHC in England studying British academic government on Fullbright, and news clippings. 1949-1952

Box 22, folder 50-15

Correspondence with Padelford, Louise, about the Pasadena School conflict. 1950 May-1951 Aug

Box 22, folder 50-16

Correspondence with Le Duc, Tom, about his new career at Oberlin and his interest in the history of higher education. 1949 Feb-1950 Dec

Box 22, folder 50-17

Correspondence with Cunningham, Merrimon, about the Hazen Foundation conference at Berkeley and related ideas. See also 48-11A. 1948 Dec-1950 May

Box 22, folder 50-18

Correspondence with Morin, Dick and Dartmouth President, Dickey, John, about WHC's three proposals to the Ford Foundation. For copies of the proposals see 49-3. 1949 May-1950 Jan

Box 22, folder 50-19

Editorial reading for the Stanford University Press of Deutsch, Monroe's Within College Walls. Includes correspondence with Allen, Peter of the Stanford Press about the book. 1950 Jun-Jul

Box 22, folder 50-20

Correspondence with deHuszar, George B., about 1948 Conference on Science, Philosophy and Religion, and the papers each wrote for it. Contains a discussion of WHC's opposition to the University of Chicago's President, Hutchins, Robert Maynard. See also 48-11C. 1948 Sep-1950 Mar

Box 22, folder 50-21

Correspondence with Osborn, Alex. 1949 Nov-1950 Oct

Box 22, folder 50-22

Correspondence with President Sterling and Stanford Trustee, Edwards, Paul, about WHC's proposed study of Stanford University's government. 1950 Nov-1951 Aug

Box 22, folder 50-23

Correspondence with Eurich, A.C., and Faust, Clarence, about possible funding for WHC publication, Epitome, and funding for publication of some of the doctoral dissertations written by WHC's students. 1949-1953

Box 22, folder 50-24

Correspondence with Morrill, J.L., about Adams, Arthur S., and Howes, Raymond F., of the American Council on Education. 1950 Apr-1952 Oct

Box 22, folder 50-24A

"A Study of Higher Educational Literature", WHC proposal to the American Council on Education. 1951 Mar 23

Box 22, folder 50-25

Correspondence with Carmichael, Oliver C. of the Carnegie Foundation about the publication of WHC students' dissertations. 1950 Jun-Oct

Box 22, folder 50-26

Correspondence with Kelly, Fred J., and Garmen, Harry J., about publication of WHC's students' dissertations. 1950 Sep-Oct

Box 22, folder 50-27

Correspondence with Bean, Donald, of the Stanford Press about publication of WHC's students' dissertations. 1950-1954

Box 22, folder 50-28

Correspondence with Tead, Ordway, of Harpers Magazine about publication of WHC's students' dissertations. 1950 Sep-Oct

Box 22, folder 50-29

A study of educational periodicals including examples of educational publications plus correspondence with Lascelle, L.E. of School and Society. 1950 Sep-Oct

Box 22, folder 50-30

Correspondence with the Macmillan Company about about copyright fees involved if WHC quotes from any of their books. 1950 Oct-Nov

Box 22, folder 50-31

Correspondence with the Oxford University Press about copyright. 1950 Oct-Nov

Box 22, folder 50-32

"Administrative Politicking," from WHC course, The Administration of Higher Education, 5 pages. 1950

Box 22, folder 50-33

"Education and Related Words and Phrases Defined," first lecture outline for WHC course, The Function and Structure of Higher Education. 1950

Box 22, folder 51-1

Correspondence with DeWitt, Professor Norman J., of the University of Minnesota's Classics Department about humanism, acculturation, and other terms. 1950 Dec-1951 Aug

Box 23, folder 51-2

"Academic Government," WHC article, The Educational Forum, pages 217-229. Also includes related correspondence. 1951 Jan-Jul

Box 23, folder 51-3

Correspondence with Conant, James B., about his published bibliography. 1951 Feb-Jun

Box 23, folder 51-4

Papers concerning small research grants from the Stanford University Committee on Supplementary Research Grants. 1948-1951

Box 23, folder 51-5

"Memorandum for Students Writing Functional-Structural Dissertations," discussing the historical periods of American higher education, Stanford, 13 pages. 1951 Apr 8

Box 23, folder 51-6

"Dissertation Instructions," WHC memo to his students, Stanford, 5 pages. 1951 Mar 19

Box 23, folder 51-7

"A Proposal to the American Council on Education Concerning a Study of Higher Educational Literature," 2 pages. 1951 Mar 23

Box 23, folder 51-7A

"A Proposal to the Ford Foundation Concerning a Study of Higher Educational Literature," Stanford, 6 pages. 1951 Jul 23

Box 23, folder 51-8

Student evaluations of WHC course, "The American Colleges and Universities." Spring 1951

Box 23, folder 51-9

Correspondence with Professors Breed, F.S., Thomas, Larry, and Sayers, E.V., about WHC analysis of Theodore Brameld, Dewey and Hook. 1951 Feb-Apr

Box 23, folder 51-10

Correspondence describing life in London during WHC's Fullbright appointment, including Cowley, Jean McCampbell's letters. 1951 Nov-1952 Mar

Box 23, folder 51-11

WHC analysis of the writings of Conant, James B., OVERSIZE. 100 pages. 1951

Box 23, folder 52-1

Correspondence with Priestly, Sir Raymond, and Florence, Professor Sargant of the University of Birmingham and Chance, Sir Hugh about a proposed study of British technological education. 1951 Dec-1952 May

Box 23, folder 52-2

Outline of talk to graduate students of electrical engineering with supplements from WHC's curriculum course. 1952 Oct 28

Box 23, folder 52-3

"The Curriculums of Higher Education," outline of WHC lecture given at Sacramento State College. Same text as 13th lecture in WHC's American Colleges and University's course, 9 pages. 1952 Nov 7-18

Box 23, folder 52-4

Correspondence concerning Curran, Clyde E.'s discussion of slow learners. 1952 Nov-1953 Mar

Box 23, folder 52-5

Notes from WHC talk to Stanford University School of Education Faculty on the study of higher education at Stanford. 1952 Dec 9

Box 23, folder 52-5A

"The Study of Higher Education," topic 20 from WHC's course, The American College and University, 12 pages. 1952 Dec

Box 23, folder 52-6

Correspondence with Osborn, Alex F. concerning his book on imagination. 1952 Oct-1953 Jan

Box 23, folder 52-7

Correspondence with Hodginson, J.F.N., about his quarter at Stanford and trip visiting American colleges and universities. 1952 Jul-1953 May

Box 23, folder 52-8

Correspondence with Koutouzos, Leo concerning the Colombia University American Academic Freedom Project. 1942 Feb-1953 Feb

Box 23, folder 52-9

By-laws of the Stanford School of Education, written by WHC, but completed by others on the committee. Includes related correspondence. 1951 Nov

Box 23, folder 52-10

Correspondence with Stokes, Anson Phelps about the the history of European higher education. 1952 Jul-Nov

Box 23, folder 52-11

Correspondence with Brown, W.K., Executive director of the Danforth Foundation, about possible funding for WHC's research. 1952 Oct

Box 23, folder 52-12

Unmailed letter to Kinney and Colardarci about their article on common fallacies in thinking and writing. 1952 Nov

Box 23, folder 52-13

Correspondence with Bishop, Paul and Kay. 1952 Aug-1961 Dec

Box 23, folder 52-14

"The German Acculturation of American Higher Education," American Colleges and Universities Course, pages 32-36. Fall 1952

Box 23, folder 53-1

Outline of WHC Engineering Seminar talk for Harmon, W.W's class, 4 pages. 1953 Jan 16

Box 23, folder 53-2

State Public Finance and State Institutions of Higher Education in the United States, WHC book review of, The Annals of the American Academy of Political Social Science, plus related correspondence, pages 218-129. 1953 Mar

Box 23, folder 53-3

Memoranda on research productivity, prepared by WHC as proposals to the Ford Foundation, Fund for the Advancement of Education. Also includes related correspondence, 7 pages. 1953 Mar-Apr

Box 23, folder 53-4

Correspondence with Carmichael, O.C., of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, concerning WHC's proposal for a new higher educational publication. 1953 Apr

Box 23, folder 53-5

"The Government and Administration of the California State Colleges," Text of WHC speech at a symposium on "The Role of the California State College," San Jose State College, 3 pages. Also contains related correspondence. 1953 Mar-Jun

Box 23, folder 53-6

Some Thoughts on General Education," Outline of WHC speech given at the University of Minnesota. 1953 May 4

Box 23, folder 53-7

Conflicts in the College Presidency," WHC induction address for Jones, E.N., President of Texas Technological College, pages 30-37. 1953 Jun

Box 23, folder 53-8

"Report of the Faculty Committee on Clerical Services," Stanford University School of Education, 7 pages. 1953 Apr 28

Box 23, folder 53-9

"A Century of College Teaching," WHC article, Improving College and University Teaching, Vol. 1, No. 3, pages 3-10. Also contains related correspondence. 1953 Jan-Dec

Box 23, folder 53-10

"The Improvement of College and University Teaching," outline of WHC talk at Miami University, Ohio. 1953 May 11

Box 23, folder 53-11

"Two lectures on the Curriculums of Higher Education," outlines of WHC lectures for Hanna, Paul's course, Stanford. 1953 Jul 14-15

Box 23, folder 53-12

Student Charges and Financing Higher Education, by Ostheimer, Richard H, WHC review for The Annals of American Academy of Political and Social Sciences, pages 183-184. 1954 Jan

Box 23, folder 53-13

Papers relating to the enforced resignation of Bartky, John, A, from deanship of the Stanford School of Education. 1953 May-Jun

Box 23, folder 53-13A

Correspondence with President Hovde, Fred of Purdue University about Bartky, John and possible deanship there. 1953 Aug-Sep

Box 23, folder 53-14

"Memorandum on the Curricular and Related Problems of the Unitary Arts College," WHC memo to the the Ford Foundation Fund for the Advancement of Education, 16 pages. Includes related correspondence, See also 53-3. 1953 Sep-1954 Jan

Box 23, folder 53-15

Correspondence with Professor G.W. Pierson of Yale about faculty psychology, and higher educational history. 1953 Sep-1954 Oct

Box 24, folder 53-16

"Two Kinds of Research," WHC article, California Journal of Educational Research, pages 11-12. See Also 56-1. 1954 Jan

Box 24, folder 53-17

Correspondence and papers relating to WHC's consulting work for the Ford Foundation Fund for the Advancement of Education, First page of folder contains a summary of this work. See also 50-23. 1953 Apr-1956 Feb

Box 24, folder 53-18

Correspondence with Johnshoy, Howard, G. about his proposed joint book on academic government. 1951 Jun-1953 Sep

Box 24, folder 53-19

Correspondence with Reid, J.M. and Spalding, Willard about the latter's use and loss of WHC's lecture notes. 1951 Jul-1953 Nov

Box 24, folder 53-20

Correspondence with Morrill, J.L. about a review for him of British universities and educators that he should visit on his trip to England. 1953 Jan-Apr

Box 24, folder 53-21

Correspondence with Lord Simon of Wythenshawe about academic government. 1952 Jun-1953 Oct

Box 24, folder 53-22

Student criticisms of WHC's course, Educ. 308. 1953 Aug-Dec

Box 24, folder 53-23

Correspondence relating to WHC talk give to the American Association for University Professors, San Jose State College chapter. Copy of speech not included. 1953 Nov-Dec

Box 24, folder 53-24

Correspondence with the University of Minnesota, chiefly Williamson, E.G. and the University Press people about publishing a book of WHC's. 1953 Jan-1958 Feb

Box 24, folder 53-25

Correspondence with Prentice-Hall, Inc. about publishing a book. 1953 Apr-Nov

Box 24, folder 53-26

"Ways of Defining Education," 10th topic, WHC course, Introduction to American Higher Education, 11 pages.

Box 24, folder 53-27

"Who Can Educate," 11th topic, WHC course, Intro to American Higher Education, 10 pages.

Box 24, folder 53-28

Correspondence with Reed, Glenn about proposed book co-authored with WHC. 1953 Jul-1962 Sep

Box 24, folder 53-29

Correspondence with Norman J. DeWitt. 1953-1967

Box 24, folder 54-1

"Generalized vs. Specialized Education," WHC consulting job for Eurich, A.C., and the Ford Fund for the Advancement of Education, 15 pages. 1954 Feb 11

Box 24, folder 54-2

"Religion and Academic Freedom," text of talk given for Miller, Alex, Stanford. 1954 Jan 28

Box 24, folder 54-3

WHC book review for the Journal of Higher Education of Richard J. Storr's The Beginnings of Graduate Education in America. Pages, 104-105. 1954 Feb

Box 24, folder 54-4

"Which Liberal Arts Colleges Should be Assisted Financially?" WHC memo for the Ford Fund for the Advancement of Education. Also includes related correspondence and notes. 1954 Feb-Mar

Box 24, folder 54-5

"The Breadth Versus Depth Controversy in American Higher Education," WHC memo for the Fund for the Advancement of Education. 11 pages. See also 56-8. 1954 Mar

Box 24, folder 54-6

"Should Course Offerings Be Pruned?" Improving College and University Teaching, pages. 20-24. Originally a memo to Starcher, Dean G.W. of Ohio State University written at the suggestion of Eurich, A.C.. This folder also contains correspondence with Eurich and Starcher. 1954 Feb-May

Box 24, folder 54-7

"Survey Report of the United States Armed Forces Institute," WHC consulting work, 12 pages. 1954 Mar 13

Box 24, folder 54-8

"The Higher Education Unit in the Stanford University School of Education," WHC memo written for Quillen, Dean I.J. 25 pages. Also contains correspondence with Quillen. 1954 Apr

Box 24, folder 54-9

"The Miracle," WHC paper written for Tina, 6 pages. 1954 Dec

Box 24, folder 54-10

"Are Professors Human?" outline of WHC address at the San Jose State Class dinner. Also includes related correspondence. 1954 Jun

Box 24, folder 54-11

"A Proposed Volume Entitled Documents of American Higher Education," WHC memo to the Fund for the Advancement of Higher Education, 14 pages. 1954 Aug 25

Box 24, folder 54-12

"The Academic Lazzaroni," WHC memo to the Fund for the Advancement of Education. 9 pages. See also 54-17. 1954 Sep 1

Box 24, folder 54-12A

"Four Memoranda on the Status of Educationists," WHC memo for the faculty of the Stanford University School of Education. 29 pages. See also 54-12 and 54-17. 1954-1955

Box 24, folder 54-13

"Some Ideas for Educational Designers," WHC memo for the Fund for the Advancement of Education, 26 pages. 1954 Sep

Box 24, folder 54-14

"Improving Educational News," WHC memo to the Fund for the Advancement of Education, 18 pages. 1954 Sep

Box 24, folder 54-16A

Papers related to WHC's inauguration as Jacks, David, Professor of Higher Education, Stanford. Folder includes invitation, news clippings, and related correspondence. 1954 Jan-1955 Feb

Box 24, folder 54-16B

"The Higher Learning Versus the Higher Education," WHC's inauguration speech as Jacks, David, Professor. pages. 29-44. Also contains first draft. 1954 Apr

Box 25, folder 54-16C

"The Higher Learning Versus the Higher Education," Jacks, David, ceremony speech reprinted in The Kansai University Bulletin, 5 pages. 1954 May

Box 25, folder 54-16D

"The Higher Learning Versus the Higher Education," Jacks, David, ceremony speech reprinted in the Punjab Education Journal pages. Pages 260-279. 1954 Aug

Box 25, folder 54-16E

"The Higher Learning Versus the Higher Education," Jacks, David, ceremony speech reprinted in the Journal of Higher Education, pages 401-454. 1954 Nov

Box 25, folder 54-17

"Criticisms of Educationists," WHC memo to the Fund for the Advancement of Education. 11 pages. Includes related correspondence. See also 54/12 and 54-17. 1954 Dec-1955 Mar

Box 25, folder 54-18

"Accreditation Report, Schedule A: School of Education of Stanford," prepared by Quillen, I.J., and WHC, 18 pages. 1954 Nov

Box 25, folder 54-18A

"The School of Education at Stanford University," WHC memo to the Fund for the Advancement of Education, 18 pages. 1954 Nov

Box 25, folder 54-19

"The Government or Policy Control of American Higher Education," topic 26 of WHC course, An Intro to American Higher Education, pages 264-277. Spring 1954

Box 25, folder 54-20

"The Administration or Operational Control of American Higher Education," topic 27 in WHC course, An Intro to American Higher Education, pages 281-289. Spring 1954

Box 25, folder 54-21

"The American College Student," topic 4, WHC's Student Personnel Course, 19 pages. Spring 1954

Box 25, folder 54-22

"The American College Professor," topic 5, WHC student personnel course, 10 pages. Spring 1954

Box 25, folder 54-23

"The American College Administrator," topic 6, WHC student personnel course, 7 pages. Spring 1954

Box 25, folder 54-24

"Student Personnel Workers," topic 7, WHC student personnel course, 4 pages. Spring 1954

Box 25, folder 54-25

"Admissions," topic 8, WHC student personnel course, 7 pages. Spring 1954

Box 25, folder 54-26

"Financial Aids," topic 11 of student personnel course, 11 pages. Spring 1954

Box 25, folder 54-27

"Health Services," topic 12, WHC student personnel course, 7 pages. Spring 1954

Box 25, folder 54-28

"The Extracurricular," topic 13, WHC student personnel course, 9 pages. Spring 1954

Box 25, folder 54-29

"Extracurricular Services Managed by the Institution," topic 14, WHC student personnel course, 7 pages. Spring 1954

Box 25, folder 54-30

"Services Usually Managed by Students," topic 15, WHC student personnel course, 5 pages. Spring 1954

Box 25, folder 54-31

Papers related to WHC's participation in a seminar at the Industrial Management Institute of the University of Wisconsin, Madison. 1954 Mar-Nov

Box 25, folder 54-32

Assistance to the Dean of the Women's College of the University of North Carolina, correspondence re. 1954

Box 25, folder 54-33

Correspondence with Frank W. Wachsmith about counseling his son before his death in an automobile accident. 1954 Oct-Dec

Box 25, folder 54-34

Correspondence with the U.S. Office of Education about standard terminology in higher education. 1953-1957

Box 25, folder 54-35

WHC analysis for Harmon, W.W., Professor of Engineering at Stanford, of his plans for a course on the teaching of engineering, 2 pages. 1953 Dec 6

Box 25, folder 54-36

Correspondence with Clark, Evans. 1954

Box 25, folder 54-37

WHC letter to Eurich, Alvin, C., reporting status of work done for the Fund for the Advancement of Education. 2 pages. Includes discussion of taped interview with Wood, James M. See also 55-16. 1954 Nov 27

Box 25, folder 54-38

"The Terminology of the Educational Function," topic 12, WHC course, An Intro to American Higher Education, 22 pages. 1954 Fall

Box 25, folder 54-39

"The Financing of American Higher Education," topic 28, WHC course, Intro to Am. Higher Education, pages 319-321. 1954 Fall

Box 25, folder 54-40

Three papers by Professor Wentworth, Gerald, on the administration of higher education at the request of WHC. 1954

Box 25, folder 54-40A

Topic A: "The Background of Financing colleges and Universities," 11 pages, plus bibliography.

Box 25, folder 54-40B

Topic B: "Financing Colleges and Universities-Raising the Money," 18 pages.

Box 25, folder 54-40C

Topic C: "Financing Colleges and Universities-Managing the Funds," 10 pages.

Box 25, folder 55-1

Correspondence about WHC's career at Stanford. 1955 Jan-Oct

Box 25, folder 55-2

Papers relating to the Western College Association study of the University of California-Berkeley, 10 pages. 1955 Jan

Box 25, folder 55-3

Papers concerning a School of Education faculty meeting where WHC's "Four Memoranda on the status of Educationists," was discussed. See also 55-13. 1954 Feb 18

Box 25, folder 55-4A

"The Heritage and Purposes of Higher Education," WHC address to the Western College Association, Proceedings of the Western College Association, pages. 53-61. Includes related correspondence. 1955 Jan-Apr

Box 25, folder 55-4B

55-4A reprinted in Improving College and University Teaching, pages 27-31. Includes related correspondence. 1955 May

Box 25, folder 55-4C

55-4A reprinted in Vital Speeches of the Day, pages 1203-1207. 1955 May 1

Box 25, folder 55-5

Correspondence with Professor Schenck, Hubert, G, of Stanford's Geology Department, about his interest in higher education courses. 1955 Feb-Apr

Box 25, folder 55-6

Report of WHC remarks at the Western College Association meeting, Panel on Human Resources, Proceedings of the Western College Association, pages 44-47. 1954-1955

Box 26, folder 55-7

Correspondence with Lazersfeld, Paul, on the Stern Collection of "Historical Materials on Innovations in Higher Education," and proposed seminar on research training. 1955 Jul-Aug

Box 26, folder 55-7A

Minutes of the Behavioral Sciences Center Seminar on Research Training. 1955 Jul-Aug

Box 26, folder 55-8

"The Junior College: Whence and Whither," WHC memo to the Fund for the Advancement of Education. See 75-17. 1955

Box 26, folder 55-8A

Correspondence and papers about 55-8. 1955 May-1957 Dec

Box 26, folder 55-9

"The American System of Academic Government," WHC paper read at the Fall meeting of the WCA, Proceedings of the Western College Association, Fall 1955, pages 25-34. Includes related correspondence. 1955 Apr-1956 Jan

Box 26, folder 55-10

"The Producers of Research in Higher Education, WHC memo to the Carnegie Corporation, 9 pages. Includes correspondence with Wert, Robert, J. 1955 Dec

Box 26, folder 55-11

Correspondence with Storr, Richard, J, about the Fund for the Advancement of Education and higher educational history. 1955 Mar-1958 Mar

Box 26, folder 55-12

Papers related to WHC's five year grant from the Carnegie Corporation to support his research. 1955-1962

Box 26, folder 55-12/1

Correspondence with Quillen, I.J., Wert, Robert J., and Eurich, A.C., reviewing WHC's years at Stanford and his plans for and need for research funds for the future. 1955 Jan-Oct

Box 26, folder 55-12/2

Correspondence with Anderson, Florence, Secretary of the Carnegie Corporation about how grant money was spent. 1958-1962

Box 26, folder 55-12/3

Correspondence with Clapp, Clara F. about obtaining copies of Carnegie Corporation Annual Reports. 1958 Sep-Dec

Box 26, folder 55-12/4

Correspondence with Gardner, John W., President of the Carnegie Corporation. 1957 May-1962 May

Box 26, folder 55-12/5

Correspondence with Jackson, Frederick H., Executive Assistant to the Carnegie Corporation. 1957 Oct-1960 Dec

Box 26, folder 55-12/6

Correspondence with Wert, Robert J., Executive Assistant to the Carnegie Corporation. 1956 May-1958 Dec

Box 26, folder 55-12/7

Correspondence with Rowan, Helen, Editor of the Carnegie Corp. publication, The Quarterly. 1960 Mar-Apr

Box 26, folder 55-12/8

Analysis by WHC of the Stanford Conference on the study of Higher Education for the Carnegie Corporation who financed it. 1957-1960

Box 26, folder 55-12/9

List of Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching Bulletins, and examples of higher education publications. 1907-1955

Box 26, folder 55-12/10

Correspondence with Wert, R.J., Jackson, Fred, and others about the renewal of WHC's grant. 1959 Nov-1960 Oct

Box 26, folder 55-12/11

Receipts for supplies, equipment, and clerical assistance paid for by Carnegie grant money. 1958-1960

Box 26, folder 55-13

Correspondence with Chalmers, Gordon. 1955 Jan-Jun

Box 26, folder 55-14

"The Investigational Function," seven lecture outlines from WHC course, An Introduction to American Higher Education, winter quarter. OVERSIZE 1956

Box 27, folder 55-15

WHC course, An Introduction to American Higher Education. Topics 1-4. 1) "What is Education,'1 2) "How Higher Differs from Elementary and Secondary Education," 3) "How American Differs from European Higher Education," 4) "Why Study Higher Education." Fall 1955

Box 27, folder 55-16

WHC report to the Ford Fund for the Advancement of Education on the Stephens-Wood Project, 6 pages. Includes correspondence. See also 54-37, 57-30, 62-2, 73-6, 73-7. 1954 Sep-1955 Apr

Box 27, folder 55-17

Student course ratings and other comments concerning WHC's teaching. 1955

Box 27, folder 55-18

Correspondence with Spindler, George, D. 1955 May-Jun

Box 27, folder 55-19

Correspondence with Gerard, Ralph W.. See also 55-7 and 55-7A. 1955 Dec-1956 Jan

Box 27, folder 56-1

"The Need for Conceptually Oriented Research in Education," WHC article in the California Journal of Educational Research, pages. 61-66. Includes related correspondence. 1955 Oct-1956 Mar

Box 27, folder 56-2

"The Haven Function of Colleges and Universities," transcript of WHC talk at Colloquium on the Intellectual and the Challenge of his Culture, Berkeley. 10 pages. Includes correspondence about talk. 1955 Oct-1956 Jan 17

Box 27, folder 56-3

WHC remarks at ACE meeting in Washington about improving college and university teaching, published in the American Council on Education Studies Series I: Reports of Committees and Conferences. No. 60, Vol. XX. Includes correspondence with Eurich, A.C. 1955 Dec-1956 Oct

Box 27, folder 56-4

"What Does a College President Do?" WHC article Improving College and University Teaching. Pages 27-32. See also 60-25. 1956 Apr

Box 27, folder 56-4A

"What Does a College President Do?" WHC address at the inauguration of Lieuallen, Roy E., as President of the Oregon College of Education. 22 pages. Includes related correspondence. 1956 Feb-Nov

Box 27, folder 56-4B

56-4 published in College Public Relations Quarterly, pages 6-10. 1956 Apr

Box 27, folder 56-5

Papers related to the study of the competence expected of the Stanford School of Education. 1956

Box 27, folder 56-6

"Some History and a Look Into the Future," transcript of WHC commencement address at Texas Technological College. 21 pages. Includes related correspondence. 1956 Mar-May

Box 27, folder 56-7

"Student Personnel Services in Retrospect and Prospect," text of WHC address to the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, Stanford, School and Society, pages 19-22. Includes related correspondence. 1955 Dec-1957 Jan

Box 27, folder 56-8

"Education for Breadth versus for Depth," text of WHC address in Hot Springs, West Virginia for the scholarship advisors of Union Carbide and Carbon Co., 23 pages. See also 54-5. 1956 Jun 28

Box 27, folder 56-9

WHC book review of Kneller, George F., Higher Learning in Britain for The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, pages 211-212. 1956 Nov

Box 27, folder 56-10

WHC book review of Kin, David's, Dictionary of American Maxims, for The Journal of Higher Education, pages 114-115. 1957 Feb

Box 27, folder 56-11

Correspondence with Mumford, Kenneth, J. 1956

Box 27, folder 56-12

"The Concepts of Society and Culture," topic 24 in WHC course, An Appraisal of American Higher Education. Pages 234-248. Includes correspondence and criticisms by students and colleagues. 1954 Jul-1956

Box 27, folder 56-13

"Report of the United Armed Forces Institute Study," 19 pages. Includes correspondence. 1956 Sep-Dec

Box 27, folder 56-14

"Faculty, Rank, Salary, and Tenure Plan," WHC study of Tuskegee University for Patterson, Fred, 17 pages. Includes related correspondence. 1956 Nov-1957 May

Box 28, folder 56-14

Continued from box 27.

Box 28, folder 56-15

Student work reports, graduate seminar 308. Fall 1956

Box 28, folder 56-16

Correspondence with Surface, Frank M. of the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey. 1956 Jul-Dec

Box 28, folder 56-17

Work Records: Mitchell, Marjorie. 1956

Box 28, folder 56-18

Correspondence with Eckert, Ruth. 1956 Jan-1957 Mar

Box 28, folder 56-19

Correspondence with Cutler, I.W., about WHC's writing guide. 1956

Box 28, folder 56-20

Professional notes accession sheets. 1956

Box 28, folder 56-21

"The Purposive-Act Circuit," WHC lecture outlines. MISSING (not received). 1956

Box 28, folder 56-22

"What is Education?" topic 1, WHC course, An Appraisal of American Higher Education, 20 pages. Fall 1956

Box 28, folder 56-23

"Social Institutions are Organisms," topic 6, WHC course, An Appraisal of American Higher Education, 9 pages. Fall 1956

Box 28, folder 56-24

"The Concept of Action," topic 7, WHC course, An Appraisal of American Higher Education, 6 pages. Fall 1956

Box 28, folder 56-25

"The Two Power Triads," topic 13, WHC course, An Appraisal of American Higher Education, Fall 1956, 11 pages. Fall 1956

Box 28, folder 56-26

"The Purpose of Social Improvement," WHC course, An Appraisal of American Higher Education, 13 pages. Fall 1956

Box 28, folder 56-27

Correspondence with Matthews, Major Allen R. 1956 Mar

Box 28, folder 56-28

Correspondence with President Wessel, Nils, Y., of Tufts about courses in higher education. 1955 Apr-1956 Apr

Box 28, folder 56-29

Correspondence with Phillips, J.M., and Seltzer, L.E., of the Stanford University Press about publishing the dissertations of some of WHC's students. 1956 Apr-May

Box 28, folder 56-30

Correspondence with Paulson, Richard E., of the National Research Council. 1956 Apr-Aug

Box 28, folder 56-31

Correspondence with O'Brien, Richard F., on a proposal to the Kellogg Foundation. 1956 May-Jun

Box 28, folder 56-32

Correspondence with Darling, H. Maurice. 1956 Aug

Box 28, folder 56-33

Correspondence with the University of Chicago about publishing a book. 1956 Jun

Box 28, folder 56-34

"Who May Educate in the USA?" topic 32, WHC course, An Appraisal of American Higher Education, 6 pages. Fall 1956

Box 28, folder 56-35

"The Investigational Function, Part Six," lecture outlines from WHC course, An Introduction to American Higher Education. 1956

Box 28, folder 56-36A

"The Terminology of Commonality Education," topic 39 of 1956 Appraisal Course.

Box 28, folder 56-36B

"The Concept of Commonality," topic 40 of 1956 Appraisal course.

Box 28, folder 56-36C

"Conflicting Purposes in Commonality Enculturation," topic 41 of 1956 Appraisal course.

Box 28, folder 57-1

"Wanted: A Better Definition of the Concept of Function," WHC class assignment, 4 pages. Includes comments of students. 1957 Jan-Feb

Box 28, folder 57-2

"Man With an Idea," article about WHC by Rowan, Helen, in Quarterly Report, Carnegie Corporation, pages 3-4. 1957 Jan

Box 28, folder 57-3

Correspondence with Williamson, E.G., and McGrath, Earl J, See also 57-17.

Box 28, folder 57-4

WHC memoranda on the terms 'construct' and 'fact', Stanford. 2 pages. Includes related correspondence. 1953-1959

Box 28, folder 57-5

Brauner, Charles J's criticism of the WHC taxonomy. 57, 5 pages. Also related papers. 1929-1957

Box 28, folder 57-6

Papers related to Brauner, Charles K's dissertation proposal and the U.S. Office of Education, plus progress reports. 1957 Feb-1959 Nov

Box 28, folder 57-7

Correspondence relating to the Carnegie Corporation's Princeton Conference on Higher Education. 1931 Mar-1957 Apr 6, 1956 Dec-1957 May

Box 28, folder 57-A

The Carnegie Conference on Higher Education: Addresses and Discussion. 1931 May-1957 Apr 6

Box 28, folder 57-8

Correspondence with other professors of higher education about An Appraisal of American Higher Education. 1957 Apr-Jun

Box 28, folder 57-9

Correspondence with Jackson, Frederick H. of the Carnegie Corporation. 1957 Apr-May

Box 28, folder 57-10

Correspondence about WHC visit with Brown, Dyke, of the Ford Foundation. 1957 Apr-May

Box 28, folder 57-11

Papers relating to an experimental publication, "Epitome" which was to be a book review in higher education. The first and only issue was devoted to Veblen, Thorstein's The Higher learning in America. Includes correspondence. 1957 May-1958 Mar

Box 28, folder 57-11A

Rough drafts of 57-11, including lists of book digests that could be used in future issues.

Box 29, folder 57-12

WHC proposal to the Carnegie Corp. about a conference of professors and other students of higher education; includes proposal and related correspondence. 1957 May-Jun

Box 29, folder 57-13

"The Administration of American Colleges and Universities," WHC paper read to Japanese educators at the Stanford School of Business. Published by the Stanford University Press as a chapter of University Administration in Practice, edited by Oswald Nelson, pages 3-15. Includes related correspondence. 1957 Feb-Jul, 1959

Box 29, folder 57-14

Mitchell, Marjorie, job sheets. 1957

Box 29, folder 57-15

WHC memo on J.B. And Hefferlin, Earline, work specifications. 1957 Jun 14

Box 29, folder 57-16

Text of WHC speech at the Princeton Conference on Higher Education. Includes correspondence with McGrath, Earl J. See Also 57-7. 1957 Apr-Sep

Box 29, folder 57-17

"A Data Collection and Analysis Systems," Stanford. 6 pages. Describes WHC's professional notes and workbook systems. See also 57-3. 1957 Oct 4

Box 29, folder 57-18

Correspondence with Merrick, C. Judson, University of Chicago neurology professor, concerning the concept of structures. 1957 Jan-Oct

Box 29, folder 57-19

Correspondence with McConnell, T.R., about a proposal to coordinate the University of California and Stanford's programs in higher education. Includes earlier correspondence about Osborn, Alex F. 1950 Dec-1962 Aug

Box 29, folder 57-20

Correspondence with Hartree, Douglas, R., University of of Cambridge, concerning his concept of structure. 1957 Oct-Nov

Box 29, folder 57-21

WHC memo about procedures to students taking courses with him, 3 pages. 1957 Jun 28 and Sep 28

Box 29, folder 57-22

Correspondence with Caplow, Professor Theodore H., about academic government and higher educational history. 1957 May-1958 Apr

Box 29, folder 57-23

Papers concerning the Conference on the Study of Higher Education, Palo Alto. See also 57-23A. 1957 Oct

Box 29, folder 57-23A

Papers related to 57-23. 1957

Box 29, folder 57-24

J.B. and Hefferlin, Earline work reports. 1957

Box 29, folder 57-25

"The American Academic Presidency," WHC memo written for Dodds, President H. W., of Princeton University, Stanford, 33 pages. See also 58-4 and 58-7. 1957 Dec 31

Box 29, folder 57-26

Discussion papers related to Hefferlin, J.B. Lon, dissertation. 1957-1959

Box 29, folder 57-27

Correspondence with Griffith, Coleman, about his taxonomic ideas and their bearing upon the Office of statistical Research and Information of the American Council on Education. 1957 Jul-Dec

Box 29, folder 57-28


Box 29, folder 57-29

Professional notes accession lists. 1957

Box 29, folder 57-30

Correspondence with Pepperdine, Grace, Woods, J.M.'s secretary about JMW interviewing project. 1956 Jan-1957 Jun

Box 29, folder 57-31

Correspondence with Riesman, David, about student attitudes. 1956 Nov-1958 Jul

Box 29, folder 57-32

Student comments about WHC's teaching. 1957

Box 29, folder 57-33

Correspondence with McGrath, Earl J. about higher educational history, the length of the Harvard course, and WHC's views on liberal education. 1956 Aug-1957 Jun

Box 29, folder 58-1A

"The Diversity of American Life and the Development of Higher Education," text from panel discussion, Values and Higher Education, at the Stanford Conference on Higher Education, 11 pages. 1958 Mar 26-29

Box 29, folder 58-1B

"The Distinctive Characteristics of American Higher Education," excerpt from WHC article, "The Higher Learning Versus the Higher Education," for Values and Higher Education panel of the Stanford Conference on Higher Education. 1958 Mar

Box 29, folder 58-1C

"The Administration of Colleges and Universities," text for panel discussion, Values and Higher Education, of the Stanford Conference on Higher Education, Appendix F, 12 pages. See also 57-13 and 58-21. 1958 Mar

Box 29, folder 58-1D

Correspondence associated with 58-1 A-C.

Box 29, folder 58-2

"College and University Teaching, WHC article, Educational Record, pages 311-326. 1858-1958

Box 29, folder 58-2A

"College and University Teaching, 1858-1958," WHC article, The Two Ends of the Log, edited by Cooper, Russel M.. Includes related correspondence. See also 58-2. 1858-1959

Box 30, folder 58-3

WHC letter to Murray, Sister Gerard Maria about Catholicism and American Freedom, 3 pages. 1958 May 8

Box 30, folder 58-4

WHC memo to Dodds, President H.W. About his study of the academic presidency, 39 pages. See also 57-25, 58-4A, 58-7. 1958 Jun 10

Box 30, folder 58-4A

Correspondence with Dodds, Harold W. and others about Dodds' book on the academic presidency. 1957 Jun-1962 May

Box 30, folder 58-5

"Diverse Educational Paths," WHC memo written for Gardner, John W., of the Carnegie Corporation. 61 pages. Also contains related correspondence. 1958 Jun-1959 Jun

Box 30, folder 58-6

Miscellaneous correspondence with McGrath, Earl J. about his research on liberal education. 1958 Apr-1960 Jan

Box 30, folder 58-7

"A Tentative Outline with Some Text of a Book on the History of the Academic Presidency," WHC study for President Dodds, 96 pages. 1958 Aug 30

Box 30, folder 58-8

Correspondence with Pullias, Professor E.V., of USC about WHC's higher educational program at Stanford. 1957 Sep-1958 Feb

Box 30, folder 58-9

"The Liberal Arts College in the 20th Century," outline of WHC address at the All-College Lecture of the University of California at Santa Barbara. Folder includes news clippings. 1958 Oct 14

Box 30, folder 58-10

Papers and correspondence related to WHC's semester teaching at the University of Illinois, and discussion with Henry, President Dave about teaching there permanently. 1958 Oct-1960 Jan

Box 30, folder 58-11

"Three Brief Discussions of the Humanities," WHC memo written for Rhinelander, Dean Philip. 14 pages. 1958 Sep 26

Box 31, folder 58-12A

WHC memo about the Stanford University School of Education (SUSE) higher education program for the Asilomar Conference and the self-study committee, 6 pages. 1958 Nov 1

Box 31, folder 58-12B

WHC memo to the Co-ordinating Committee of the SUSE self-study committee, 4 pages. 1958 Nov 17

Box 31, folder 58-13

Correspondence with Spaght, M.E., of the Shell Companies Foundation and others about WHC's historical writings. 1958 Nov-1959 Jan

Box 31, folder 58-14

Correspondence with Martorana, S.V., of the U.S. Office of Education about WHC's writings on the history of the junior college. 1957 Oct-1958 Jul

Box 31, folder 58-15

Correspondence with Kirkpatrick, Paul, about his paper "On Colleagues and Clients." 1958 Oct-1961 Mar

Box 31, folder 58-16

Professional notes accession sheets. 1958

Box 31, folder 58-17

Correspondence with the University of Chicago Press about their contract with WHC to publish his Professors, Presidents, and Trustees. Book was published after WHC's death by Jossey-Bass Inc. 1958 Jul-1967 May

Box 31, folder 58-18

Correspondence with U.S. Office of Education officials about defining higher educational terminology. 1958 Apr-1959 Sep

Box 31, folder 58-19

Writings of the "Quilp Quidnunc," a Cowley family newsletter. Folder contains only an excerpt from the 10/12/58 issue. 1958 Oct 12

Box 31, folder 58-20

"The Traits of Face-to-Face Leaders," WHC's Ph.D. dissertation included in The study of Leadership, edited by Browne, C.C. and Cohn, Thomas S, Interstate Printers and Publishers, Inc. pages 227-234. See also 31-1. 1958

Box 31, folder 58-21

"Administration of American Colleges and Universities," WHC address, Kansai University Bulletin. 12 pages. Includes correspondence. 1957-1959

Box 31, folder 58-22

Letters from students commenting on WHC courses and teaching. 1958 Apr-Dec

Box 31, folder 58-23

Correspondence with Schuyler, Professor R. L. of Columbia University about teaching versus research, the history of Columbia, N.M. Butler and Dewey, John. 1958 Jan-Oct

Box 31, folder 58-24

Correspondence with Wright, President Benjamin F. of Smith College about teaching versus research The Harvard Report, Conant, J.B., and Hutchins, Robert Maynard. 1958 Sep-Nov

Box 31, folder 58-25

Miscellaneous correspondence with Williamson, E.G., about WHC professional notes system, student personnel writings, a proposed series of lectures at the University of Minnesota on student personnel services and a discussion of the intelligence and academic performance of engineers. 1957 Apr-1958 Dec

Box 31, folder 58-26

Correspondence with Loftis, Professor J., of the Stanford English Department about a petition to increase the salaries of Stanford professors. 1957 Dec-1958 Feb

Box 31, folder 58-27

Correspondence with Handlin, Professor Oscar, of Harvard about important omissions of higher educational documents in The Harvard Guide to American History. 1957 Dec-1958 Jan

Box 31, folder 58-28

Correspondence with Berelson, Bernard, about his study of graduate education in America. 1957 Jul-1958 Jan

Box 31, folder 58-29

Correspondence with Pace, C. Robert, about his study of college and university characteristics, teaching, college environments and the quality of education. 1957 Dec-1958 May

Box 31, folder 58-30

Correspondence with Plock, Richard H. of the Association of Governing Boards, about academic government. 1956 Sep-1958 Sep

Box 31, folder 58-31

Correspondence with an architect on the staff of Pereira & Luckman about the design for the University of California at Irvine. 1958 Jan

Box 31, folder 59-1

An Art of Thought Exists, outline of WHC address on creativity at San Lorenzo School District Teachers Institute, San Lorenzo, CA. Folder includes correspondence and news clippings. 1958 Nov-1959 Jan

Box 31, folder 59-2

Chambers, M.M., correspondence about academic corporations, academic govt., WHC's University of Illinois lectures and Chambers' publication, The Grapevine. 1958 Nov-1959 Sep

Box 31, folder 59-3

Correspondence with Fullen, Jack B., about his effort to break up the Big Ten Rose Bowl Pact. 1958 Dec-1959 Sep

Box 31, folder 59-4

WHC memo to Henry, President David D., of Illinois about the education of administrators. 1959 Jan-Mar

Box 31, folder 59-5

Minutes of the University of Illinois' Second President's Faculty Conference where WHC gave talk. 1959 Mar 13-15

Box 31, folder 59-6

Correspondence about WHC talks for the Richmond Area University Center, Visiting Scholar Program. 1957 Dec-1959 Apr

Box 31, folder 59-7

Correspondence about invitation from Coladarci, Professor Arthur P., for WHC to spend 1959-1960 in Japan. 1959 Feb-Mar

Box 31, folder 59-8

Correspondence about WHC consultation for student service programs at Southern Illinois University. 1959 Jan-Apr

Box 31, folder 59-9

Correspondence with Albertson, Jim, and Emens President Jack, about consultation at Ball State Teachers College. 1959 Apr-Jun

Box 31, folder 59-10

Correspondence with Hannah, H.W., about WHC consultation with the University of Illinois Senate Committee on General Education. 1959 Mar-May

Box 31, folder 59-11

1959 Plus and Minus Thirty-Five, WHC commencement address at the Oregon College of Education. 11 pages. Includes correspondence. 1959 Nov-1959 June

Box 31, folder 59-12

WHC address at the Stanford Graduate School of Business seminar for Business Administrators of privately supported Japanese universities. 16 pages., published in University Administration in Practice, Nielson, Oswald editor, pages 3-17. Includes related correspondence See also 57-13 and 58-1C. 1959 Feb-Oct

Box 31, folder 59-13

Critical analysis of Corson, John J's text on academic government, and related topics in higher education. 1958 Sep-1960 Mar

Box 32, folder 59-14

WHC notes for a talk at the Stanford Workshop on Administration in Student Personnel Work, "Student Personnel Work-Past, Present and Future." Also includes related correspondence. 1959 May

Box 32, folder 59-15

Correspondence with Gardner, John W. about speech Gardner needed help with, Howard, John B., of the Ford Foundation, and WHC's work at Stanford. 1959 Aug-Oct

Box 32, folder 59-16

Report on the SUSE Higher Education Program for the Self-Study Committee. Stanford, 9 pages. 1959 Sept 23

Box 32, folder 59-17

Correspondence about and copy of three page editorial review written by WHC for the Harvard University Press of Ulich, Robert's The Education of Nations. 1959 Sep-Dec

Box 32, folder 59-18

Correspondence about and copy of 2 page editorial by WHC for McGraw-Hill of Williamson, E.G.'s The Administration of Student Personnel Services. 1959 Sep-Dec

Box 32, folder 59-19

Correspondence with Williamson, E.G., and others about four talks given by WHC at the University of Minnesota on student personnel services. See also 59-20, 59-21, 59-38, 59-39. 1959 Feb-1961 Feb

Box 32, folder 59-20

The Rise of Clientele Services in American Higher Education, outline for WHC talk at the University of Minnesota, 13 pages. 1959 Oct 8

Box 32, folder 59-21

The Functions and Purposes of Clientele Services in American Colleges and Universities, outline of talk at the University of Minnesota, 9 pages. 1959 Oct 8

Box 32, folder 59-22

Correspondence with and WHC memo to Maxwell, William Quentin about the course credit system, 15 pages. 1959 Oct-1960 May

Box 32, folder 59-23

Correspondence about WHC editorial review for McGraw Hill of a proposed manuscript, "An Introduction to Higher Education in the USA," by Penrose, William O. 1959 Sep-Dec

Box 32, folder 59-24

Correspondence with and notes from phone conversations with Odell, Bill, SUSE colleague about his Kellogg Foundation proposal. 1959 Dec

Box 32, folder 59-25

Correspondence with McGrath, Earl J. about the history of the college curriculum, the origin of normal schools and teacher colleges, and the training of teachers. 1959 Jan-1960 Jan

Box 32, folder 59-26

"Two and a Half Centuries of Institutional Research in American Higher Education," WHC paper read at the Institute on Institutional Research, Stanford. Published by the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education in College Self-Study, 1960, 16 pages. Folder includes related correspondence. 1958 Sep-1960 Sep

Box 32, folder 59-27

Correspondence with Stanford staff, chiefly Hefferlin, J.B. during WHC's semester teaching at the University of Illinois. 1959 Feb-Jun

Box 32, folder 59-28

An Overview of American Higher Education, lecture outlines from course of same title, University of Illinois revision. 37 pages. Spring 1959

Box 32, folder 59-29

Correspondence with Kimpton, President Larry of the University of Chicago and outline of WHC talk to the University of Chicago Board of Trustees. 1959 Sep-Nov

Box 32, folder 59-30

Annotated Bibliography on the Government of Higher Education, prepared by the staff of SUSE. 80 pages. Includes related correspondence with Johns, Robert. 1959 Aug-Nov

Box 32, folder 59-31

WHC memo to Johns, Robert, on the coordination of state colleges and universities, Stanford. 7 pages. 1959 Sep 19

Box 32, folder 59-32

Two WHC memos to Howard, John B. about the Ford Foundation Committee on the University and World Affairs. File also contains correspondence with Howard, J.B. and WHC notes of phone conversations with him. 1959 Sep-Nov

Box 32, folder 59-33

Selected Bibliography of Publications American Higher Education," prepared by the Publications Committee on Materials to Explain American Higher Education Abroad, WHC chairman, Washington: American Council on Education. See also 59-33A and 59-33B. 1959 Nov 25

Box 32, folder 59-33A

Correspondence, minutes of meetings, rough drafts of 59-33. 1959 May-Dec

Box 32, folder 59-33B

Report on the activities of the Commission on Education and International Affairs of the American Council on Education. 1958 Jan-1960 Dec

Box 33, folder 59-34

Correspondence with Glover, Fred, and Edwards, Paul about readings on academic government for the Stanford Board of Trustees' bookshelf. 1959

Box 33, folder 59-34B

Readings for the Stanford Trustees, See also 59-34. 1959 Jan

Box 33, folder 59-35

"Understanding the Academic World," WHC talk to the Cleveland Engineering Conference, Journal of Engineering Education. Pages 86-92. 1960 Nov

Box 33, folder 59-36

Six WHC lectures on academic government, University of Illinois. Includes rough drafts. See also 59-20 and 59-21. 1959

Box 33, folder 59-37

Professional notes accession sheets. 1959

Box 33, folder 59-38

Papers relating to WHC's consulting services to the Ford Foundation Committee on International Education, Howard, John B., Chief of Staff. 1960 Jan-Oct

Box 33, folder 59-39

"Conflicts in American Higher Education Affecting Clientele Service," WHC article, University of Minnesota. See also 59-19 and 59-20. MISSING. 1959 Oct

Box 33, folder 59-40

"The Rise and Development of Vocational Counseling," transcript of WHC speech, University of Minnesota, 21 pages. See also 59-19 and 59-20. 1959 Sept-1960 Nov

Box 33, folder 59-41

Correspondence with Morris, Michael, University of Nebraska Law Professor. 1959 Sep-1960 Nov

Box 33, folder 59-42

Stanford University School of Education questionnaire concerning WHC's teaching, Stanford, 5 pages. 1959 Jul

Box 33, folder 59-43

Correspondence with Johnshoy, Howard D. 1959 Sep

Box 33, folder 59-44

Correspondence with Osborn, Alex F. and Button, D.E. 1958 May-1960 Jan

Box 33, folder 59-45

Correspondence with Allen, Charles M., Dean of the University of Illinois. 1959 Jul-Aug

Box 33, folder 59-46

Correspondence with Sparling, Edward J. of Roosevelt University. 1959 Dec-1960 Mar

Box 33, folder 59-47

University of Illinois and Stanford students comments on WHC's teaching. 1959

Box 34, folder 59-48

Correspondence with the University of Illinois Press about publishing WHC's lectures on academic government. 1959 May-Aug

Box 34, folder 59-49

Correspondence with Harvard University Press about WHC's academic government manuscript. 1959 Apr

Box 34, folder 59-50

Correspondence with Tead, Ordway 1958 Nov-1959 Oct

Box 34, folder 60-1

"Governmental Aid to Private Enterprise," WHC memo to Howard, John B. of the Ford Foundation, 20 pages. Includes correspondence.

Box 34, folder 60-2

"The Liberal Arts Hoax," WHC address to the Faculty of the University of Hew Hampshire. 1959 Nov-1960 Jan

Box 34, folder 60-3

Correspondence with Distler, Theodore A., Laurie, James W., and others about WHC's participation in a panel discussion entitled, "The Validity of the Religious Tradition in Higher Education Today." Association of American Colleges 46th Annual Meeting, Boston, MA. 1960 Jan 12-14

Box 34, folder 60-3A

Correspondence with Eddy, Edward D. about WHC's and EDE's participation in the panel discussion above (60-3) and graduate education. 1959 Feb-1960 Mar

Box 34, folder 60-4

"Cooperation Among American Colleges and Universities," WHC memo to Howard, John B. 28 pages. See also 59-38. 1960 Feb 26

Box 34, folder 60-5

Correspondence and papers about WHC moderating Mt. Holyoke College panel discussion on higher education, Cubberley High School. 1960 Mar

Box 34, folder 60-6

Revision of 1956 version of an "Appraisal of American Higher Education." 1960

Box 34, folder 60-7

"On the Coordination of State Colleges and Universities," WHC memo to Johns, Robert reproduced for Gardner, John W. of the Carnegie Corporation, 9 pages. See also 59-31.

Box 34, folder 60-8

Correspondence with J.B. Conant. 1959 Feb-1961 Mar

Box 34, folder 60-9

Correspondence and outline about WHC's proposed American higher education documental history. 1960 Apr-Jun

Box 34, folder 60-10

Copies of WHC and Hefferline, JB's reviews of Shyrock, Richard H.'s The University of Pennsylvania Faculty: a Study in American Higher Education, The Annals of the American Academy for Political and Social Science. 1960 Apr

Box 34, folder 60-11

Papers related to WHC assistance to the University of Chicago Trustee Faculty Committee on the selection of a new chancellor. 1960 Apr-Sep

Box 34, folder 60-12

Correspondence with Quillen, Dean, about the SUSE higher education program. 1960 Jun

Box 34, folder 60-13

"Services Performed by American Colleges and Universities for Agriculture and Industry," WHC memo to Howard, John B., of the Ford Foundation, 25 pages. Includes correspondence with Law, Ernest M. of Boston University. 1960 Sept-1961 Apr

Box 34, folder 60-14

Correspondence with Hamilton College staff about WHC's Hamilton College correspondence. 1960 Jun

Box 34, folder 60-15

"Some Curricular Conflict," WHC paper read at Harvard University, 30 pages. See also 60-20.

Box 34, folder 60-16

"A Student of Higher Education Views Junior College Administration," WHC speech at the Western Conference on Junior College Administration, UCLA. Published in The Journal of Secondary Educational, pages 39-43. Folder includes related correspondence. 1960 Jan-Oct

Box 34, folder 60-17

Correspondence with Duke, K.E. of Stanford Research Institute. 1960 Jul-Sep

Box 34, folder 60-18

Correspondence with Dodds, Harold W. 1960 Jul

Box 34, folder 60-19

"Report to the Carnegie Corporation on the Activities of Cowley, W.H. facilitated by the Grants it has Made in Their Support," 47 pages. 1960 Aug

Box 34, folder 60-20

"Three Curricular Conflicts," WHC address at the Institute for College and University Administrators, Harvard University. Also published in Liberal Education, pages 467-483. File includes related correspondence. See also 60-15. 1960 Jun-1961 Jan

Box 35, folder 60-21

Correspondence with Riesman, David. 1960 Jul-1961 Jan

Box 35, folder 60-22

Outline of WHC talk to the administrative staff of Chico State College. File also contains related correspondence. 1960 Aug-Sep

Box 35, folder 60-23

"Prospectus of the Courses Taught by WHC," 40 pages. 1960

Box 35, folder 60-24

"Write it Right and Brightly." 1960

Box 35, folder 60-25

"What does a College President Do?" WHC address at the inauguration of Miller, Harry K., Jr., Keystone Junior College, 22 pages. 1960 Oct 30

Box 35, folder 60-26

"What Every Professor Should Know," text of WHC address to the Akron University Faculty, 32 pages. File includes correspondence. 1960 Oct 8

Box 35, folder 60-27

Correspondence with McGraw-Hill about WHC editorial review of Political Process in Public Higher Education, by Kennan, Boyd R.. Includes correspondence with Keenan. 1960 Sep-1961 Jan

Box 35, folder 60-28

Correspondence about WHC consultation with President Sparling of Roosevelt University. 1960 May-Dec

Box 35, folder 60-29

Correspondence with Johns, Robert and others about WHC consultation with Johns and Miami University. 1960 Nov-1961 Jan

Box 35, folder 60-30

Correspondence with McGraw-Hill about publication of Professors Presidents, and Trustees, (WHC's academic government manuscript), and "A Short History of American Higher Education." 1960 Aug-1962 Aug

Box 35, folder 60-31

Professional notes accession sheets. 1960

Box 35, folder 60-32

Questionnaire which led to the formation of the G9.2 Society, an organization of WHC's former students. 1960 Jan

Box 35, folder 60-33

Papers relating to the appointment and activities of the five-member committee on the future of the higher educational program at Stanford. 1960 Oct-1961 Apr

Box 35, folder 60-34

Correspondence with Chambers, M.M., about his teaching topics. 1960 jan-1961 Nov

Box 35, folder 60-35

Four drafts of opening chapter of WHC's "Short History of Higher Education" manuscript. 1960

Box 35, folder 60-36

"The Core Characteristic of American Democracy (Political Pluralism)," topic 27 from WHC course, An Overview of Higher Education. 1960

Box 35, folder 60-37

Correspondence with economists about WHC's memo "Governmental Financial Aid to Private Enterprises." 1960 Jan-1961 Dec

Box 35, folder 60-38

Correspondence with Lorge, Irving about predicting career success of college and university graduates and other students. 1958-1960

Box 35, folder 60-39

WHC notes from a discussion with Wert, R.J., about his negotiation of a $6000 grant to finance WHC's writing projects, from the Ford Foundation. 1960 Dec

Box 35, folder 60-40

Correspondence with McGrath, Earl J. 1960 Feb-Dec

Box 35, folder 60-41

Correspondence with Newburn, Harry K. about the University of Montana. 1958 Sep-1963 Apr

Box 35, folder 60-42

Student comments about WHC teaching. 1960

Box 35, folder 60-43

Correspondence with Pierson, Professor George W. of Yale. 1958 Dec-1962 Feb

Box 35, folder 60-44

Correspondence with Johnson, Franklyn A. about his WHC's "An Appraisal of American Higher Education," 1956 version. 1960 Nov-Dec

Box 35, folder 60-45

Exchange of memoranda with Hefferlin, J.B., concerning concepts in the 1960 version of an "Overview of American Higher Education." 1960 Sep-Oct

Box 36, folder 61-1

Correspondence with Wert, Robert J., Quillen, I.J., and Eurich, A.C. about Ford Foundation grant to WHC. See also 60-39. 1960 Nov-1963 Jun

Box 36, folder 61-2

Correspondence with President J.E. W. Starling about academic freedom. 1961 Feb

Box 36, folder 61-3

Professors, Presidents, and Trustees, 1961 (Danforth) version of manuscript, 146 pages. 1961

Box 36, folder 61-4

"A Short History of American Higher Education," 188 pages. Edited with the help of Hefferlin, J.B.. OVERSIZE 1961

Box 36, folder 61-5

Brochure and WHC letter to Hefferlin, J.B., about the two lecture series given by WHC at the Danforth Foundation Workshop, Colorado college. See also 61-3 and 61-4. 1961 Jun-Jul

Box 36, folder 61-6

"American Higher Education: Progress and Problems," WHC paper read at the Cubberley Conference. Published as a chapter in Hanna, Paul's Education: An Instrument of National Goals, pages 150-174. 1961 Jul-1962

Box 36, folder 61-6A

Correspondence regarding 61-6. 1961 Jul-Oct

Box 36, folder 61-6B

Article in Stanford Today about the Cubberley Conference. Fall 1961

Box 36, folder 61-7

WHC memo to Vest, H. Grant of Colorado College about the coordination of state institutions of higher education. 1961 Jul-Aug

Box 36, folder 61-8

Correspondence with Lam, Elizabeth of Fulbright Committee, Washington, about the publication of WHC Fulbright paper of 1957. 1961 Mar-1962 Jan

Box 36, folder 61-9

Correspondence with Wise, Max about his taxonomic study of Teachers College. 1961 Jul-1964 May

Box 36, folder 61-10

Brochure and correspondence about Stanford University Endowed Professorships dinner, Fairmont Hotel, San Francisco. 1961 Nov

Box 36, folder 61-11

"Some Myths about Professors, Presidents, and Trustees," WHC chapter in Changing Roles and Patterns in Higher Education, Kennecott Lectures, No.7, pages. 43-64. See also 62-3. 1962 Mar

Box 36, folder 61-12

Correspondence with Ohio State University Press concerning publishing a book of WHC articles and addresses. 1961 Jun-Sep

Box 36, folder 61-13

Correspondence with Harper and Brothers concerning publication of WHC articles and addresses. 1961 Jun-Sept

Box 36, folder 61-14

Papers relating to WHC's temporary membership on the Stanford Faculty Advisory Board. 1962 Jan-1962 Mar

Box 36, folder 61-15

Professional notes accession sheets. 1961

Box 36, folder 61-16

Correspondence with Coombs, Philip H., about the importance of higher education in 19th century Germany's economic and military hegemony. 1961 Nov-1962 May

Box 36, folder 61-17

"Reports on Selected Leaders in American Higher Education," University of Minnesota pamphlet which includes a sketch of WHC. Fall 1961

Box 36, folder 61-18

Correspondence with Morrill, J.L., now of the Ford Foundation, appealing for research funds. 1961 Apr-1964 Feb

Box 36, folder 61-19

Correspondence with former student, Partridge, Arthur. 1960 Dec-1961 Jun

Box 36, folder 61-20

"An Overview of American College and Universities," Stanford, 413 pages. OVERSIZE. 1961

Box 36, folder 61-21

WHC memo to students, Education 348. 1961

Box 36, folder 61-22

Correspondence with McGrath, Earl J. 1961 Jan-Nov

Box 36, folder 61-23

Correspondence with Pope, Loren of Oakland University about his plans for a higher education periodical. 1961 Jul-Oct

Box 36, folder 61-24

Correspondence with Mayhew, Lewis B. welcoming him to the Stanford University Faculty. 1961 Nov

Box 36, folder 61-25

Correspondence with McGraw-Hill about 1961 book contract. 1973 Jul

Box 36, folder 61-26

Correspondence with Wert, Robert J. 1961 Mar-1962 Jul

Box 36, folder 62-1

Papers related to Lloyd-Jones, Esther, Chicago Conference, including an outline of WHC paper read, "A Tentative Holistic Taxonomy applied to Education." Published in pamphlet entitled Behavioral Science and Guidance, pages 39-59. File includes correspondence. See also 62-6. 1962 Feb

Box 36, folder 62-2

Correspondence with Starr, Louis M., and others about taping WHC's career recollections for the Oral History Project of Columbia University. 1962 Jan-1964 Sep

Box 36, folder 62-3

Correspondence about WHC's speech and article, "Professors, Presidents and Trustees," published in Changing Roles and Patterns in Higher Education, Kennecott, Lectures, University of Arizona Press. 1962 Mar-Dec

Box 36, folder 62-3A

Correspondence about and copy of WHC article, "Some Myths about Professors, Presidents, and Trustees," Teachers College Record, pages 159-171. 1960 Oct-1962 Oct

Box 37, folder 62-3B

Correspondence about 62-3A. 1962 Nov-1963 Mar

Box 37, folder 62-4

Correspondence with officials of the American Association of University Professors about academic government. 1962 Jan-1963 Sep

Box 37, folder 62-5

"Some Remarks on Liberal Education," WHC speech at the California Council on Teachers Education, Santa Barbara, CA. 1962 Mar-Apr

Box 37, folder 62-6

Revision of 62-1.

Box 37, folder 62-7

Correspondence with Dodge, Homer L. about AAUP politics. 1962 Feb-May

Box 37, folder 62-8

"The Concept of Power," WHC seminar topic, Stanford, 9 pages. 1962 Jan

Box 37, folder 62-9

Student comments on WHC teaching. 1962 Apr

Box 37, folder 62-10

Correspondence and related papers about WHC commencement address at Idaho State College, 14 pages. 1962 Apr-Jul

Box 37, folder 62-10A

"Thoughts on Freedom," Vital Speeches of the Day, XXVIII, No. 19, pages 588-591. 1962 Jul

Box 37, folder 62-11

WHC book review of Herbst, Jurgen's The Influence of Germany on American Scholarship. File includes correspondence. 1962 May-Jul

Box 37, folder 62-12

Correspondence about WHC talk on the history of higher education at the Stanford University Institute on College Admissions. Does not include a copy of this speech. 1962 Jan-Aug

Box 37, folder 62-13

Outlines of three talks given by WHC at Chico State College, plus related correspondence. 1962 Jan-Jul

Box 37, folder 62-14

Correspondence with Wilson, Logan, McGrath, Earl, and Carmichael, O.C. about a committee of the American Council on Education to select the best book in higher education for 1962. 1962 Jul-Oct

Box 37, folder 62-15

Papers related to WHC's participation in a KPIX broadcast with Glenn Dumke and B. Dorais, includes correspondence and text of broadcast. 1962 Aug

Box 37, folder 62-16

Correspondence with Greene, John in Tucson about a higher education periodical called Epitome. 1962 Mar-Aug

Box 37, folder 62-17

Correspondence with Corson, John J. about his request for help on an academic government topic. 1962 Aug-Sep

Box 37, folder 62-18

Correspondence with Bohn, William E. and Laidler, Henry W. about socialist professors in American colleges and universities earlier in this century. See also 62-21. 1962 Jul-Aug

Box 37, folder 62-19

Correspondence with Metzger, Walter P. about AAUP history. 1961 Dec-1962 Sep

Box 37, folder 62-20

Papers relating to WHC's study of British academic government. 1962 Oct-1965 Mar

Box 37, folder 62-21

Correspondence related to WHC's study of student radicals of the past. 1962 Nov

Box 37, folder 62-22

Papers related to the Stanford University School of Education Visiting Committee's subcommittee on the Stanford higher education program. 1962 Nov

Box 37, folder 62-23

Correspondence with and about Smith, T.V. 1962 Aug-Sep

Box 37, folder 62-24

Professional notes accession sheets. 1962

Box 37, folder 62-25

Correspondence about two WHC money raising efforts with Shell Oil and Harold Dodds. 1962 Dec-1963 Jan

Box 37, folder 62-26

Correspondence with Barnes, Harry Elmer about American higher education, and socialist professors in the early twentieth century. 1962 Feb-1963 Feb

Box 37, folder 62-27

"Fire Always Makes Room for Itself," WHC article, Contemporary Forum, Wrage, Ernest J., and Baskerville, Barnett, editors, Hew York: Harper and Brothers, pages. 226-233. 1962

Box 37, folder 62-28

Correspondence with the Cornell Library about faculty participation in Cornell government. 1961 Dec-1962 Jul

Box 37, folder 62-29

Correspondence with Williams, E.I.F. of the Educational Forum about the possibility of WHC doing a book review of Carmichael, Oliver's Graduate Education for them. 1962 Nov

Box 37, folder 63-1

Papers relating to WHC's teaching at the University of Colorado Summer Session. 1962 Dec-1964 Jan

Box 37, folder 63-2

"Crucial Decisions in American Higher Education," WHC speech at the Association for Higher Education, Chicago. File includes correspondence. Later published in Current Issues in Higher Education, pages 13-21. 1962-1963

Box 38, folder 63-3

William, Donald's revision of WHC's topic 1. Appraisal of American Higher Education Course, into two topics. See also 64-43. 1956, 1963

Box 38, folder 63-4

Correspondence with Fuchs, Ralph F. of the AAUP. See also 62-4. 1960 Jun-1963 Jul

Box 38, folder 63-5

Correspondence with several medical group officers about medical education, licensing and accreditation. 1963 Jan-Feb

Box 38, folder 63-6

Papers relating to the President's Committee on the Stanford Program in Higher Education. 1962-1975

Box 38, folder 63-7

"Thoughts on Freedom," WHC commencement address at Pennsylvania colleges. 1963 Jan-1964 Jul

Box 38, folder 63-8

Correspondence with Pilkington, Walter, Hamilton College librarian, about Dickson, Campbell. 1963 Mar-Apr

Box 38, folder 63-9

Correspondence with Heimberger, Frederic, and many others about the power of learned societies and faculty loyalties. 1963 Feb-May

Box 38, folder 63-10

WHC course materials duplicated for Hunt, Professor Pearson, a visiting Harvard professor. 1963

Box 38, folder 63-11

Correspondence with Hunt, Pearson about his seminar at the Stanford Graduate School of Business. See also 63-10. 1963 May-Nov

Box 38, folder 63-12

Correspondence with Donovan, C.F., Boston College Vice-President, who sought help with an address on Catholic higher education. 1963 Dec 2-8

Box 38, folder 63-13

"Revitalization of the liberal Arts--the Responsibility of the Faculty," WHC talk at Stanford. File includes notes and related correspondence. 1963 Mar-May

Box 38, folder 63-14

Letter of Marine Major, Marsh, James, about WHC teaching. 1963 Jun

Box 38, folder 63-15

Correspondence with Brauner, Charles J. 1963 Jan-Jun

Box 39, folder 63-16

Correspondence with the American Council on Education staff about academic government and the AAUP. 1963 Feb-Jul

Box 39, folder 63-17

Correspondence with Carnegie Corporation staff about publishing WHC manuscript. 1963 Feb-Oct

Box 39, folder 63-18

Correspondence with the G9.2 Society. 1963 Jul-1964 Apr

Box 39, folder 63-19

Student reaction papers from WHC course at the University of Colorado. Summer 1963

Box 39, folder 63-20

Correspondence with Gerard, Ralph about graduate education in the U.S. and WHC's taxonomy. 1963 Nov-1964 Feb

Box 39, folder 63-21

Papers related to WHC speech which was to be given at the Illinois Conference on Higher Education, but cancelled due to illness. 1963 Oct-Nov

Box 39, folder 63-22

Correspondence about WHC's teaching at the University of Michigan Summer Session. 1964

Box 39, folder 63-23

Correspondence with Hutchinson, Eric, about scientific education and research. 1963 May-Oct

Box 39, folder 63-24

Papers related to WHC's scheduled 1964 retirement from Stanford. 1963 Oct-1964 Mar

Box 39, folder 63-25

Correspondence with Walter, Dr. J.D. About Nittler, Dr. Alan and WHC's health examination. 1963 Jun-1964 Jan

Box 39, folder 63-26

Correspondence with Duryea, E.D.. See also 64-4. 1963 Jan-1964 Jan

Box 39, folder 63-27

Professional notes accession sheets. 1963

Box 39, folder 63-28

Correspondence with Magee, Molly seeking research funds. 1963 Nov-1964 Jan

Box 39, folder 63-29

Correspondence with the National Science Foundation officers concerning WHC's proposed study of higher education. 1963 Sept-1964 Mar

Box 39, folder 63-30

Correspondence with Conant, James B. and others about Harvard Ad Hoc committees which he employed to make faculty appointments. 1963 Jun-Oct

Box 39, folder 63-31

Correspondence with U.S. Office of Education staff about WHC help on a research proposal and taxonomic Project. See also 66-52. 1963 Dec-1965 Nov

Box 39, folder 63-32

Papers relating to Guerrero, Arturo M.'s dissertation. 1957 Jan-1963 Dec

Box 39, folder 63-33

"Why Study American Higher Education," Funk, Robert N.'s reaction paper, Course 308. 1963 Oct 8

Box 39, folder 63-34

"Student Participation in Academic Government," chapter 11 of Professors, Presidents and Trustees. 1963 Sep

Box 39, folder 63-35

"A Tentative Holistic Taxonomy Applied to Education, text of WHC talk at the Arden House Conference on Higher Education. Sponsored by Jones, Esther Lloyd, 28 pages. 1963 Jun 10

Box 39, folder 64-1

Correspondence about WHC's editorial review of Storr, Richard's History of the University of Chicago. 1964 Jan-Mar

Box 39, folder 64-2

Correspondence with Golgau, Arthur H., and a copy of his article, "Seven Kinds of Advertising in Higher Education," College and University Journal, pages 34-39. 1964 Jan-Feb

Box 39, folder 64-3

Bresi, Robert M. memo to Reder, Melvin W. about time taken to acquire a Ph.D degree. 1964 Jan

Box 39, folder 64-4

Correspondence with Duryea, E.D. Jr., See also 63-26. 1963 Jan-1964 Dec

Box 40, folder 64-5

"An Overview of Student Charges," WHC article written with Glogau, Arthur H. 1964 Mar-Apr

Box 40, folder 64-5A

Papers related to 64-5. 1963 Dec-1964 May

Box 40, folder 64-6

Correspondence and other papers relating to WHC's participation in the Bay Area Religious Colloquium. 1964 Jan-Feb

Box 40, folder 64-7

Papers relating to Jones, Esther-Lloyd projects. 1964

Box 40, folder 64-8

"Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution," Cowley, Ellen course paper written with WHC help. 1964 Mar 2

Box 40, folder 64-9

"The American Higher Educational labyrinth," WHC paper for the College Entrance Examination Board, San Diego. Includes related correspondence. 1964 Feb-Sep

Box 40, folder 64-10

Correspondence about WHC money raising efforts, at the suggestion of Balch, Richard l., Stanford Development Office. 1964 Feb-Apr

Box 40, folder 64-11

Correspondence with Kettering, Charles F. of the Charles F. Kettering Foundation, about possible grant for WHC research. See also 64-28. 1962 Dec-1964 May

Box 40, folder 64-12

"Philosophical Issues Underlying Education," Student comments on WHC lecture topic. See also 49-20. 1964

Box 40, folder 64-13

"Reflections of a Troublesome but Hopeful Rip Van Winkle", WHC paper read for the American College Personnel Association, San Francisco. Includes related correspondence. 1963 May-1964 June

Box 40, folder 64-13A

Correspondence about 64-13, rough drafts of paper. 1963 Oct-1964 Mar

Box 40, folder 64-14

"What is Education?" student comments on WHC lecture topic. 1963 Jan 20

Box 40, folder 64-15

Student applications and criticisms of WHC's taxonomy. 1964

Box 40, folder 64-16

Correspondence about WHC's University of Chicago Alumni talk, San Francisco. Text of speech not included. 1964 May 2

Box 40, folder 64-17

Correspondence about WHC talk at the University of Detroit. Does not include text of speech. 1964 Apr-Jul

Box 40, folder 64-18

Correspondence and outline of talk at Michigan State University. 1964 May-Jul

Box 40, folder 64-19

Correspondence about WHC talk at the University of Minnesota. 1964 Jul 30

Box 40, folder 64-20

Correspondence about WHC/Bartky, John retirement reception. 1964 Jun-Aug

Box 40, folder 64-21

Correspondence about WHC teaching at the University of Michigan Summer Session. 1964 Feb-Jun

Box 40, folder 64-22

Correspondence with higher education colleagues about finding a position for WHC student, Glogau, Arthur. 1964 Apr-Jul

Box 40, folder 64-23

"Overview of American Colleges and Universities, University of Michigan version. 1964

Box 41, folder 64-24

Correspondence with Hallanan, Elizabeth V. about WHC consulting job for the West Virginia Association of College and University Presidents. 1964 Jul-1965 Feb

Box 41, folder 64-25

Correspondence with Ginascol, Frederick H., about James, William, Plato and definitions of knowledge. 1963 Jan-1964 Sep

Box 41, folder 64-26

"The Prospectus of Courses Taught by Cowley, W.H.," 1964 version. See also 48-18 and 60-23. 1964

Box 41, folder 64-27

"Write it Right and Brightly," 1964 version. 1964

Box 41, folder 64-28

Correspondence with C.F. Kettering Foundation regarding grant to WHC. See also 64-11. 1964 Aug 1968 Feb

Box 41, folder 64-28A

C.F. Kettering Foundation grant, budget papers. 1964-1967

Box 41, folder 64-29

Papers relating to G9.2 money raising program to aid WHC research. 1963 Aug-1964 Jan

Box 41, folder 64-29A

G9.2 Society money raising program, budget papers. 1966 Apr-1967 Jul

Box 41, folder 64-30

Outline and correspondence with the Western Personnel Institute. 1964 Oct-Dec

Box 41, folder 64-31

Correspondence about lancaster invitation for WHC to be senior Fullbright Scholar for the year. 1964-1967

Box 41, folder 64-32

Papers related to Syracuse University proposal. MISSING. 1964

Box 41, folder 64-33

Correspondence about WHC speech at the University of California, Davis. Does include text of speech. 1964 Nov

Box 41, folder 64-34

Student comments, University of Michigan Summer Session. 1964

Box 41, folder 64-35

Professional notes accession sheets. 1964

Box 41, folder 64-36

Correspondence with DeWitt, Norman J., Minnesota classics professor about noesis/poesis. 1963 Nov-1965 Dec

Box 41, folder 64-37

Discussion outlines for WHC's University of Michigan taxonomy course. See also 64-23. 1964

Box 41, folder 64-38

Correspondence with Perdue, James E. 1984 Aug-1965 Jan

Box 41, folder 64-39

Correspondence and summary of phone conversations with Wert, Robert J. about seminar for Stanford business units, including vice presidents, Cuthbertson and Brandin. 1964 Nov-1965 May

Box 41, folder 64-40

Correspondence with DeGall, Andrew in an effort to find him a position. 1964 Oct-1965 June

Box 41, folder 64-41

Notes from WHC's student projects, Winter and Spring quarters. 1964

Box 41, folder 64-42

Papers relating to book project on educational quotations written with Glogau, Arthur H. 1964 May-1965 Dec

Box 42, folder 64-43

"What is a Definition," WHC lecture topic, American Higher Education Course. See also 63-3. 1964

Box 42, folder 64-44

"Enculturation, the Pivotal Educational Purpose," WHC lecture outline for Overview of American Higher Education course. See 68-14. 1964

Box 42, folder 64-45

"What Is Education," WHC lecture outline for Overview course. See also 56-22. 1964

Box 42, folder 64-46

Funk, Robert H.'s reaction to WHC lecture topic, "The Pivotal Educational Purpose." 1964

Box 42, folder 64-46

Correspondence with Brubacher, John, of the University of Michigan. 1964-1966

Box 42, folder 64-47

Correspondence from Field Enterprises requesting WHC's opinion about a new educational periodical. 1964 Feb

Box 42, folder 64-48

Correspondence with Mrs. Cowley and daughter, Tina and Ellen, while WHC teaching at the University of Michigan. 1964 Jun-Jul

Box 42, folder 65-1

Correspondence about WHC's teaching at Portland State College. 1964 Aug-1965 Oct

Box 42, folder 65-2

Correspondence with Mayhew, Lewis B. about foreword WHC wrote for American Higher Education by Mayhew, L.B. and Brown, Hugh S. 1964 Oct-1965 Feb

Box 42, folder 65-3

Correspondence with Conant, James B. and Hoover, J. Edgar concerning Stalin, Joseph's 'fortress of learning' statement. 1965 Jan-Feb, 1928

Box 42, folder 65-4

Correspondence about WHC address at the California State College at Hayward convocation. Does not include text of speech. 1965 Jan-May

Box 42, folder 65-5

Correspondence about WHC talk for the Pacific School of Religion. 1964 Dec-1965 Apr

Box 42, folder 65-6

Correspondence with Aikin, Wilford M. from Ohio State. 1965 Feb-Sept

Box 42, folder 65-7

Correspondence with G9.2 Society. 1965 Feb-Dec

Box 42, folder 65-7A

Correspondence with G9.2 member, Williams, M.M. 1965 Jan-Sep

Box 42, folder 65-8

"Tentative Holistic Taxonomy Applied to Education," March 1965 revision, with the help of Hind, Robert R. 1965 Mar

Box 42, folder 65-9

Correspondence and notes from talk with Palmieri, Victor about WHC becoming trustee of California State College System. 1965 Apr

Box 42, folder 65-10

Correspondence about WHC alumni conference talk. See also 65-11 and 65-24. 1965 May-Oct

Box 42, folder 65-11

Correspondence about and copy of Los Angeles Times interview with WHC about student unrest. See also 65-24. 1965 Apr-May

Box 42, folder 65-12

Correspondence about WHC talk on the junior college, University of California, Berkeley (does not include text of speech). 1965 Apr-Jul

Box 42, folder 65-13

Papers relating to the Administrative Staff Seminar on Higher Education led by WHC, Stanford. 1965 Apr-Jun

Box 42, folder 65-13A

Minutes from seminar. 1965 Apr-Jun

Box 42, folder 65-13B

Correspondence relating to seminar. 1965 Feb-Aug

Box 42, folder 65-13C

Digest of reading materials for seminar.

Box 42, folder 65-13D

Correspondence with Byrne, Jerome C., who visited seminar to discuss his report commissioned by the Forbes Committee of the Board of Regents of the University of California. 1965 June

Box 42, folder 65-13E

Correspondence between Virello, Marshall and Bewkes, Eugene G. of the Edward John Noble Foundation, about financial support for WHC's research. 1965 June

Box 42, folder 65-13F

Enrollment cards for seminar.

Box 42, folder 65-14

Correspondence with President Bissell of the University of Toronto, Duff, Sir James, and Berdahl, Robert about the government of Canadian higher education. 1965 Feb-Jun

Box 42, folder 65-15

Correspondence about WHC's Fullerton State College talk, includes news clippings. 1965 Mar-May

Box 42, folder 65-16

Correspondence with Duryea, Ed D. at Syracuse University. 1965 Jun-Dec

Box 42, folder 65-17

Correspondence about WHC placement efforts for former students, Glogau, Arthur H. and Charles, Milton. 1964 Feb-1966 Dec

Box 42, folder 65-18

Correspondence about and copy of Grinager, Patricia dissertation proposal. 1965 Jan-Apr

Box 42, folder 65-19

Papers related to $50,000 grant from Stanford for WHC to hire research assistance. Williams, Donald T. appointed as research assistant. 1965 Jun-Oct

Box 42, folder 65-20

Outline and correspondence about WHC's speech at Cabrillo College. 1965 Jul-Sep

Box 42, folder 65-21

Correspondence and notes for WHC speech at the California Junior College Association. 1965 Aug-Nov

Box 42, folder 65-22

Correspondence about WHC speech for the American Nurses' Association which was cancelled because of WHC's illness. 1965 Jul-1966 May

Box 42, folder 65-23

Papers related to the College Entrance Examination Board Conference, Arizona. Cancelled by the CEEB. 1964 Sep and 1965 Aug

Box 43, folder 65-24

Correspondence regarding Stanford Today and Tomorrow Conference. Includes text of WHC speech and news clippings. 1965 Aug-1966 Feb

Box 43, folder 65-25

Papers about WHC consulting work for Wisconsin State University, Stevens Point. 1965 Aug-Dec

Box 43, folder 65-26

Correspondence with Duryea, Ed D. 1965 Aug-1966 Jan

Box 43, folder 65-27

Correspondence with Perdue, James E. about WHC consulting work for Oswego State College. 1965 Apr-1966 Feb

Box 43, folder 65-28

Correspondence about WHC consulting work for the Cortland State College with President Kenneth Young. 1965 Apr-1966 Feb

Box 43, folder 65-29

Correspondence with Zwingle, J.L. about WHC consulting work for the Association of Governing Boards. 1965 Aug-Oct

Box 43, folder 65-30

Correspondence and minutes from Hutchinson, Eric's Advisory Committee meeting on his faculty master task. 1965 Oct-Dec

Box 43, folder 65-31

Professional notes accession sheets. 1965

Box 43, folder 65-32

Miscellaneous correspondence concerning 1965 version of an Overview of American Higher Education. 1965 Sep-1966 Mar

Box 43, folder 65-33

Student comments and grades, Overview of American Higher Education course. Fall 1965

Box 43, folder 65-34

Correspondence with Hutchinson, Eric, about Weinberg article on the nature of scientific research. 1965 Aug

Box 43, folder 65-35

Correspondence and proposals about Gatchel, Richard's Freedom in American Higher Education study. 1965 Aug-1967 Dec

Box 43, folder 65-36

Correspondence about WHC's academic government study for the Carnegie Corporation. See also 69-35. 1965 Dec-1966 Nov

Box 43, folder 65-37

Notes and outline for WHC's final presentation in the Administrative Staff Seminar, "Observations about Freedom in General." See also 65-13. 1965 Jun

Box 43, folder 65-38

Correspondence with Sanford, Nevitt about WHC's holism concept. 1965 Jul-1966 Feb

Box 43, folder 66-1

Correspondence about WHC's planned talk at Foothill College commencement, cancelled due to illness. See also 66-20. 1965 Dec-1966 Apr

Box 43, folder 66-2

Papers related to WHC's National Association of Student Personnel Administrators talk and award, Seattle. See also 66-53. 1966 Jun-1967 Jan

Box 43, folder 66-3

Correspondence about WHC talk for the College Entrance Examination Board, San Diego. 1965 Dec-1966 Mar

Box 43, folder 66-4

Correspondence regarding WHC's commencement address for the College of San Mateo, cancelled due to illness. 1966 Jan-Apr

Box 43, folder 66-5

Correspondence with the University of Michigan about invitation to teach summer session there. See also 64-46. 1965 Dec-1966 Dec

Box 43, folder 66-6

Papers relating to Wert, Robert J. move from Stanford Dean to professor in the School of Education. 1966 Feb

Box 43, folder 66-7

"Student Unrest in Perspective," WHC article in the California Teachers Association Journal. Includes correspondence and rough drafts. 1966 Jan-Mar

Box 43, folder 66-8

Papers relating to IBM data processing course taken by WHC. 1965 Sep-1966 Feb

Box 43, folder 66-9

Correspondence relating to WHC's talk for the Stanford chapter of the AAUP. 1966 Jan-Mar

Box 43, folder 66-10

Correspondence regarding WHC talk to Merritt College. 1966 Jan-Feb

Box 43, folder 66-11

Correspondence about Jones, Esther Lloyd guidance book manuscript. 1965 Oct-1966 May

Box 43, folder 66-12

Correspondence with Rowe, Jerry and Rawnsley, David about WHC's consulting work for San Mateo County. 1966 Mar-Jul

Box 43, folder 66-13

Correspondence and program brochure from the American Alumni Council-American Public Relations Association regional conference, San Francisco. 1965 Nov-1966 Feb

Box 43, folder 66-14

Correspondence about WHC talk at Medsker, Leland L.'s seminar, University of California. 1966 Feb

Box 43, folder 66-15

Papers relating to WHC's presentation for the International Center for the Advancement of Management Education, Stanford Graduate School of Business. 1966 Jan-Feb

Box 43, folder 66-16

Correspondence about Tyler, Robert C.'s paper using WHC's taxonomy. 1966 Jan-1968 Oct

Box 43, folder 66-17

Papers related to WHC's consulting work for the California Teachers Association Commission on Higher Education. 1966 Feb

Box 43, folder 66-18

WHC review of Veysey, Lawrence R.'s The Emergence of the American University, Educational Forum. Page 35. Correspondence about. 1965 Nov-1966 Aug

Box 43, folder 66-19

Correspondence and newsletters from the G9.2 Society. 1965 Dec-1966 Dec

Box 44, folder 66-20

Correspondence about WHC's coronary thrombosis. 1966 Mar-Jul

Box 44, folder 66-21

Correspondence with Wise, Max of the Danforth Foundation. 1964 Nov-1966 Feb

Box 44, folder 66-22

"Analysis of the concept of Leadership," written for WHC seminar, Stanford, 6 pages. Winter 1966

Box 44, folder 66-23

"Values, Ideals, Aspiration," written for WHC seminar, 3 pages. Winter 1966

Box 44, folder 66-24

Correspondence inviting WHC to attend the Associated Students of Stanford University Asilomar Conference, on the role of the undergraduate and his education at Stanford. 1966 May-Jun

Box 44, folder 66-24A

Correspondence about WHC's Palomar College Talk. Does not include text of speech. 1966 Apr-Nov

Box 44, folder 66-25

"What is Higher Education," introductory chapter from WHC manuscript "American Higher Education in Perspective." Winter 1966

Box 44, folder 66-25A

8 versions of 66-25.

Box 44, folder 66-26

"The Hellenic Fountainhead," chapter 1 from WHC manuscript "American Higher Education in Perspective." Winter 1966

Box 44, folder 66-27

Correspondence with members of Midwest Universities Consortium for International Activities About offer for WHC to head two year project to improve higher education in Brazil. 1966 Jun-Aug

Box 44, folder 66-28

Outline of WHC talk to Fellowship Forum on power in 1776. 1966 Jul

Box 44, folder 66-29

Correspondence regarding Long Island University offer of teaching position. 1966 1966 Jul-Sep

Box 44, folder 66-30

Papers related to WHC talk for the Kansas City Regional Council for Higher Education. 1966 Aug-Nov

Box 44, folder 66-31

Correspondence and papers related to WHC talk for the California Junior College Association, Fall Meeting, Chabot College. 1966 Nov-Dec

Box 44, folder 66-32

Papers related to Jacks, David Professor Search Committee. 1966 Oct-1967 Mar

Box 44, folder 66-33

Correspondence with Tuttle, William M. Jr., Conant, James B.'s biographer. See also 42-21, 42-25, 69-12 and 76-1. 1966 Jul-1968 May

Box 44, folder 66-34

Correspondence with Bersi, Robert M. about money owed WHC, and Bersi's efforts to interest Spillsbury, Duane in WHC's work. 1966 May-1968 Jun

Box 44, folder 66-35

Professional notes accession sheets. 1966

Box 44, folder 66-36

Correspondence with Burtness, Paul about his Phillips Foundation internship in academic administration. 1966 Jan-1967 Feb

Box 44, folder 66-37

Correspondence with Anderson, Florence of the Carnegie Corporation seeking financial support for WHC's research. 1966 Dec-1967 Jan

Box 44, folder 66-38

Correspondence with Bowles, Frank of the Ford Foundation. 1966 Dec-1967 Feb

Box 44, folder 66-39

Correspondence with Connolly, Bishop James L. of Fall River, MA about higher educational history. 1965 Dec-1966 Mar

Box 44, folder 66-40

Correspondence with Craig, William C. and Boyan, Norman, U.S. Office of Education, about financial support for WHC's research. 1966 Aug-1968 Mar

Box 44, folder 66-41

Walker, Ronald W. weekly work reports. 1966 Jan-Oct

Box 44, folder 66-42

"The Hellenistic Age," chapter 2 of WHC manuscript. "American Higher Education in Perspective." MISSING (Second copy filed in PRP V.III, No. 43). 1966

Box 44, folder 66-43

Correspondence with Jordon, J.S. of John Wiley and Sons discussing publication of WHC's "A Holistic Overview of American Colleges and Universities." 1966 Dec-1968 Jun

Box 44, folder 66-44

Correspondence with Chambers, M.M. about WHC's publication, The Grapevine, Chambers' book on the courts and the colleges, and WHC's manuscript, "Professors, Presidents and Trustees." 1965 Dec-1967 May

Box 44, folder 66-45

Correspondence with Zwingle, J.l. of the Association of Governing Boards. 1966 Jan-Dec

Box 44, folder 66-46

Letter of resignation from Risser, Betty, WHC's secretary. 1966 Aug 19

Box 45, folder 66-47

Correspondence and notes from visit with Gideonse, Harry about WHC's "Student Unrest in Perspective," and HG's retirement plans. 1966 May-1967 Jan

Box 45, folder 66-48

Correspondence with Morrill, J.l. about WHC article, "Critical Decisions in American Higher Education." 1966 Sep-Nov

Box 45, folder 66-49

"Private Philanthropy in Higher Education," excerpts from WHC writings printed in Stanford University News Service release. 1966 Feb 28

Box 45, folder 66-50

Correspondence about Jacks, David Professorship search and Mayhew, Lewis B. involvement. 1966 Jan-1968 Feb

Box 45, folder 66-51

Papers related to the Hanna Committee on his proposed Higher Education Institute. 1966 Jan-Feb

Box 45, folder 66-52

Memo from Williams, Donald T. about his trip to set up a Stanford ERIC for higher educational administration. 1966

Box 45, folder 66-53

Papers related to award from the National Association of Personnel Administrators, presented to WHC for distinguished service. 1966 Jun

Box 45, folder 67-1

Correspondence and newsletters from the G9.2 Society. 1967

Box 45, folder 67-2

Correspondence and notes of speech for the American Friends Service Committee, Portland College. 1967 Jan-Apr

Box 45, folder 67-3

Papers related to Stanford School of Education Faculty Seminar. 1967 Feb 21

Box 45, folder 67-4

Correspondence with Williams, Donald T. concerning suggestions for revision of Course 308. 1967 Feb-1968 Mar

Box 45, folder 67-5

Correspondence regarding WHC consulting work for the Stanford University Board of Trustees. 1966 Dec-1968 Jun

Box 45, folder 67-6

Correspondence and list of students from WHC's teaching at the University of Michigan Summer Session. 1966 Nov-1967 Oct

Box 45, folder 67-6A

University of Michigan student rating forms. 1967

Box 45, folder 67-7

Correspondence and daily calendar from WHC's University of Lancaster Conference and visit to England, arranged by McGrath, Earl. Includes paper read at conference, "Academic Government in Britain and the United States." 1966 Dec-1968 Jul

Box 45, folder 67-7A

University of Lancaster, Grasmere Conference on the Purposes and Assessment of Methods in Higher Education: program, list of papers read, copies of papers by WHC and others. 1967 Apr

Box 45, folder 67-8

Correspondence and outline of talk to Chico State College. 1967 Mar

Box 45, folder 67-9

Papers related to WHC's Stanford University Public Affairs Fellowship Program talk. 1967 Feb-May

Box 45, folder 67-10

Papers related to two WHC talks given at Michigan State University. 1967 Feb-Aug

Box 45, folder 67-10A

Manuscripts and outlines for 67-10 talks.

Box 45, folder 67-11

Coladarci Committee to select a new Jacks, David Professor: log of daily developments, list of persons under consideration, correspondence. 1967-1968 Mar

Box 45, folder 67-11A

Correspondence related to 67-11. 1967-1968

Box 45, folder 67-12

Correspondence with Cronbach, Lee and Silberman, Charles E. about WHC article, "The Need for Conceptually Oriented R~search in Education," and "The Academic Lazzaroni." 1967 Feb-1969 Feb

Box 45, folder 67-13

Correspondence about distribution of copies of WHC manuscript, "An Overview of American Colleges and Universities." 1966 Jan-1967 Mar

Box 45, folder 67-14

Correspondence with McGrath, Earl J. of Teachers College, Columbia University about Hefferlin, J.B.'s work there. 1962-1967

Box 45, folder 67-15

Correspondence with Columbia University Oral History Project about WHC contribution to the Carnegie Corporation history. 1967 May-Sep

Box 45, folder 67-16

Correspondence with the University of Illinois Press about possible publication of WHC manuscript. 1967 Mar-Jun

Box 45, folder 67-17

Correspondence about WHC talk for the Stanford Alumni Association, Tucson, OK. 1967 May-Sep

Box 46, folder 67-18

Unanswered letters. 1967

Box 46, folder 67-19

Analysis of WHC taxonomy by Hind, Robert R. Spring, 1967

Box 46, folder 67-20

G9.2 Society biographical sketches.

Box 46, folder 67-21

Correspondence with Hubbard, Guy about WHC talk at the University of Indiana. 1967 Aug-Dec

Box 46, folder 67-22

Correspondence about WHC's course 308, An Overview of American Higher Education, as taught at Michigan State University. 1967 Aug-Sep

Box 46, folder 67-23

Correspondence and related papers for WHC consulting work at Sacramento State College. 1967 Oct

Box 46, folder 67-24A

Papers related to WHC critique of Hefferlin, J.B.'s manuscript, "The Dynamics of Academic Reform," for the Kettering Foundation Study. 1967 Oct-Dec

Box 46, folder 67-25

Correspondence with Johnson, Franklin A. of the Donner Foundation about $25,000 grant to WHC. See also 67-26 and 69-4. 1967 Apr-1968 Nov

Box 46, folder 67-26

Correspondence with Gideonse, Harry, Chancellor of the Hew School of Social Research. See also 66-47 and 67-25. 1967 Jun-1969 Oct

Box 46, folder 67-27

WHC review of the California Oath Controversy, by Gardner, David P., The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, page 211. 1968 May

Box 46, folder 67-28

Correspondence with Pettit, Dean Joseph M., Stanford University School of Engineering about his engineering education report. 1967 Sep-Dec

Box 46, folder 67-29

Professional note accession sheets. 1967

Box 46, folder 67-30

"The Concepts of Energy, Power, and Force," WHC paper written at the University of Michigan. 1967 Jul

Box 46, folder 67-31

"The Value Taxon," from WHC course 308. 1967

Box 46, folder 67-32

"The Purpose Taxon, from WHC course 308. 1967

Box 46, folder 67-33

"The Problems Taxon," from WHC course 308. 1967

Box 46, folder 67-34

Papers related to WHC student, Funk, Robert: correspondence, dissertation proposal and biography. 1964-1967

Box 46, folder 67-35

Papers related to Bacchetti, Raymond F.'s participation in the search for a new Jacks, David Professor. 1967 Oct-1968 Dec

Box 46, folder 67-36

"Time, the Temporal Continuity Taxon," course 308, Stanford. 1967

Box 46, folder 67-37

Papers related to Wert, Robert J.'s acceptance of the Mills College Presidency. Includes correspondence about $50,000 grant RJW helped get for WHC's research. 1949-1969

Box 46, folder 68-1

Papers related to WHC's three day lecture series at the University of Connecticut. 1967 Nov-1968 Dec

Box 46, folder 68-2

Correspondence about WHC consulting work for Haggerty, William J. 1968 Feb-May

Box 46, folder 68-3

Papers concerning Nurses' Seminar, Emory University.

Box 46, folder 68-3/1

Application for grant.

Box 46, folder 68-3/2

Correspondence. 1968 Feb-1969 Dec

Box 47, folder 68-3/3

Papers from first seminar week. 1968 Mar 4-8

Box 47, folder 68-3/4

"Stipulated Definitions Employed in the C-H-W Holistic Taxonomy for the Study of Social Institutions," 3 pages. 1968 Feb 17

Box 47, folder 68-3/5

Papers from second seminar week. 1968

Box 47, folder 68-3/6

McLaughlin, Dean's and WHC's taxonomic examples; also other related papers. 1968 Nov

Box 47, folder 68-4

"Summary of Stipulated Definitions in the Taxonomy," See also 68-3/4 and 68-6. 1968 Feb 17 and 1968 Oct 10

Box 47, folder 68-5

Correspondence with Bond, Kendell H., University of Illinois about WHC speech given in 1940, "Fire Always Makes Room for Itself." 1968 Feb-Jun

Box 47, folder 68-6

WHC proposal to William, Donald T. and Hefferlin, J.B. about working with him to develop taxonomy. See also 68-3/4 and 68-4. 1968 Feb-May

Box 47, folder 68-7A

"Write it Right and Brightly," revision edited and reproduced by former student, Glyer, Richard. Includes correspondence. 1968 Feb-Jul


Series I-C. Correspondence, writings and speeches Series 1C 1922-1978

Scope and Contents note

Miscellaneous correspondence and papers including Cowley's 'Kind Words and Criticism' series, 'Requests for Help' series, 'Former Students' series, and four volumes of the Daily Dartmouth.

Misc. correspondence

Box 1, folder 1


Box 1, folder 2


Box 1, folder 3


Box 1, folder 4


Box 1, folder 5


Box 1, folder 6


Box 1, folder 7


Box 2, folder 1


Box 2, folder 2


Box 2, folder 3


Box 2, folder 4


Box 2, folder 5


Box 2, folder 6


Box 3, folder 1


Box 3, folder 2


Box 3, folder 3


Box 4, folder 1


Box 4, folder 2


Box 4, folder 3


Box 4, folder 4


Box 5, folder 1


Box 5, folder 2


Box 5, folder 3


Box 5, folder 4


Box 5, folder 5


Box 5, folder 6



Correspondence with former students

Box 6, folder 1


Box 6, folder 2

A-G 1968

Box 6, folder 3

H-R 1968

Box 6, folder 4

S-Z 1968

Box 6, folder 5


Box 7, folder 1


Box 7, folder 2


Box 7, folder 3


Box 8, folder 1


Box 8, folder 2


Box 8, folder 3


Box 8, folder 4


Box 8, folder 5


Box 9, folder 1

J. B. Hefferlin 1956-1960

Box 9, folder 2

J. B. Hefferlin 1961

Box 9, folder 3

J. B. Hefferlin 1962

Box 9, folder 4

J. B. Hefferlin 1963

Box 9, folder 5

J. B. Hefferlin 1964

Box 9, folder 6

J. B. Hefferlin 1965

Box 9, folder 7

J. B. Hefferlin 1966

Box 9, folder 8

J. B. Hefferlin 1967

Box 9, folder 9

J. B. Hefferlin 1968

Box 9, folder 10

J. B. Hefferlin 1969

Box 9, folder 11

J. B. Hefferlin 1970

Box 9, folder 12

J. B. Hefferlin 1971

Box 9, folder 13

J. B. Hefferlin 1972

Box 9, folder 14

J. B. Hefferlin 1973

Box 9, folder 15

J. B. Hefferlin 1974-1976

Box 9, folder 16

Robert Johns 1953-1964

Box 9, folder 17

Robert Johns 1958-1963

Box 10, folder 1

Robert Johns 1954-1963

Box 10, folder 2

Robert Johns 1955-1969

Box 10, folder 3

Andreas Psomas 1968-1969

Box 11, folder 1

Donald T. Williams 1961

Box 11, folder 2

Donald T. Williams 1962

Box 11, folder 3

Donald T. Williams 1963

Box 11, folder 4

Donald T. Williams 1964

Box 11, folder 5

Donald T. Williams 1965

Box 11, folder 6

Donald T. Williams 1966

Box 11, folder 7

Donald T. Williams 1967

Box 11, folder 8

Donald T. Williams 1968

Box 11, folder 9

Donald T. Williams 1969

Box 11, folder 10

Donald T. Williams 1970

Box 11, folder 11

Donald T. Williams 1971

Box 11, folder 12

Donald T. Williams 1972

Box 11, folder 13

Donald T. Williams 1973

Box 11, folder 14

Donald T. Williams 1974

Box 12, folder 1

D. T. Williams revision of WHC's course outline book ms., "An Overview of American Higher Education." See also Series I-D, folder 67-4. 1966

Box 12, folder 2

D. T. Williams' data for Professors, Presidents and Trustees: Government and Education chapter. See also Series II-A, Box 14, F327.70.

Box 12, folder 3

D. T. Williams' final revision of aProfessors, Presidents and Trustees

Box 13, folder 1

D. T. Williams' revisions of WHC's "A Short History of American Higher Education" ms 1966-1968


Incoming correspondence: kind words and criticisms

Box 14, folder 1


Box 14, folder 2


Box 14, folder 3


Box 14, folder 4


Box 14, folder 5


Box 14, folder 6


Box 14, folder 7


Box 14, folder 8


Box 14, folder 9


Box 14, folder 10


Box 14, folder 11


Box 14, folder 12


Box 14, folder 13


Box 14, folder 15


Box 14, folder 16


Box 14, folder 17


Box 15, folder 1


Box 15, folder 2


Box 15, folder 3


Box 15, folder 4


Box 15, folder 5


Box 15, folder 6


Box 15, folder 7


Box 15, folder 8


Box 15, folder 9


Box 15, folder 10


Box 15, folder 11


Box 15, folder 12


Box 15, folder 13


Box 15, folder 14


Box 15, folder 15


Box 15, folder 16



Incoming correspondence: unanswered letters

Box 15, folder 17


Box 15, folder 18


Box 15, folder 19



Incoming correspondence: requests for WHC writings

Box 15, folder 20


Box 15, folder 21


Box 15, folder 22


Box 15, folder 23


Box 15, folder 24


Box 15, folder 25



Incoming correspondence: requests for research help from WHC

Box 16, folder 1


Box 16, folder 2


Box 16, folder 3


Box 16, folder 4


Box 16, folder 5


Box 16, folder 6


Box 16, folder 7


Box 16, folder 8


Box 16, folder 9


Box 16, folder 10


Box 16, folder 11



Outgoing correspondence: chronological files

Box 17, folder 1


Box 17, folder 2


Box 17, folder 3


Box 17, folder 4


Box 17, folder 5


Box 17, folder 6


Box 17, folder 7


Box 17, folder 8


Box 17, folder 9


Box 17, folder 10


Box 18


Box 1-4

Series I-E. Lecture outlines Series 1E 1945-1968

Language of Material: English.

Scope and Contents note

Annotated lecture outlines and readings for Cowley's classes at Stanford make up this series. These are bound by course. These materials are very comprehensive; Professor Cowley prepared thoroughly for his classes and organized his subject matter carefully. Included in this series are student reaction sheets. (Cowley handed out lecture outlines early and required his students to read them in advance of class discussion and comment on them in writing.) The 1967 version of his basic course, "A Holistic Overview of American Colleges and Universities," it is closer to a polished manuscript than a collection of lecture outlines. Cowley had planned to publish this volume which concentrates on his taxonomic or conceptual approach to the study of higher education, and it remains one of his two major unpublished manuscripts.

Series II. Research files Series 2


"F" files Series 2A 1922-1978

Scope and Contents note

This series is the first of Cowley's research series comprisises 'professional notes' or 'PN' files and his folder files. Numbers to the left of the decima1 point are coded for a specific subject. Numbers to the right of the decimal point are accession numbers. Thus, the number 220.26 would mean the item is the 26th file on subject 220, the Professorship. This same numbering system is also used in Series II-B, the pamphlet series, and in Series II-C, the workbook series. A list of the subjects corresponding to the numbers is appended at the end of Series II-C.
These notes, typed on 8" by 5" paper, are significant excerpts or paraphrases taken from books, articles, and papers read by Professor Cowley. 'PN's' are organized by subject; each subject has its own assigned number. The 'f' files are identical conceptually to the 'PN' files, but different from 'PN's' in size. 'F' files are 8 1/2" by 11 and stored in folders. The 'f' files are numbered using the same classification scheme as 'PN's'.
Included in the 'f' files are numerous papers written by Cowley's graduate students. Cowley considered these very important to his research, while in turn, his meticulous comments on the style and content of these papers benefitted his students enormously.
Until 1945, Cowley kept three separate indices to the 'PN' and 'f' files by subject, institution and date. After 1945, he maintained one by author only.
W.H. Cowley's "f"and "PH" files are research materia1s classified by numbers.
Box 1

F1.1- f14.3

Box 2

F16.1 - F45.25

Box 3

F45.26 - F83.2

Box 4

F83.3 - F201.117

Box 5

F201.118 - F206.20

Box 6

F206.21 - F206.101

Box 7

F206.102 - F212.22

Box 8

F212.23 - F220.25

Box 9

F220.26 - F235.8

Box 10

F235.9 - F254.5

Box 11

F254.6 - F271.1

Box 12

F273.1 - F306.3

Box 13

F306.4 - F327.42

Box 14

F327.43 - F342.10

Box 15

F342.12 - F391.2

Box 16

F392.1 - F410.29

Box 17

F410.30 - F413.1

Box 18

F413.2 - F414.67

Box 19

F414.74 - F1022.9

Box 20

F1023.1 - F1100.4

Box 21

F1100.5 - F1139.1

Box 22

Indexes kept by Cowley to PH and F files

Box 23

WHC Article, "Explaining the Rah Rah Boy," published in the New Republic. Also includes long diary entry about it. 1926 Apr 14

Language of Material: English.
Box 23

Transcript of WHC talk, "The New Psychology", American Legion talk, Chicago 1926 Apr 12

Language of Material: English.

"PN" files

Box File Cabinet 1

PN1.237- PN13.165

Box File Cabinet 2

PN20.364 - PN204.301

Box File Cabinet 3

PN204.302 - PN236.243

Box File Cabinet 4

PN236.244 - PN342.241

Box File Cabinet 5

PN342.242 - PN1022.378

Box File Cabinet 6

PN1023.1 - PN1144.2


Workbooks Series 2C 1938-1978

Scope and Contents note

Cowley's 'Workbooks' analyze and index for ready access, the vast store of information in the 'PN', tft and 'PT' series. The workbooks are divided into broad subject areas, with each page in a workbook focusing on a particular subdivision of the major subject. Each page lists relevttnt articles, notes, pamphlets and papers from the various series along with the series name and item number and a short summary of the contents of each item. These workbooks organized Cowley's thinking and research. He claimed that his talent for producing' thoroughly researched and beautifully documented papers and articles on a wide variety of topics was a result of this analytical organization.
In later years fifteen-ring binders replaced "the more conventional three-ring ones. This made for a more elaborate and easily used workbook, but his basic system remained unchanged.
Box 1

Education Function - Curriculum

Language of Material: English.
Box 1

Subject Matter - 4 - Education

Language of Material: English.
Box 1


Language of Material: English.
Box 1

Administrative Functions

Language of Material: English.
Box 1


Language of Material: English.
Box 1

Dartmouth College Case Workbook

Language of Material: English.
Box 1

Dartmouth College Case Correspondence

Language of Material: English.
Box 1

Yale Workbook

Language of Material: English.
Box 2

Fine Arts, Language, Literature, and their Professions

Language of Material: English.
Box 2

Education Function - General and Special Education 2

Language of Material: English.
Box 2

Education Function - General and Special Education 3

Language of Material: English.
Box 2

Education Function - Specialization

Language of Material: English.
Box 2

Education Function - Instruction

Language of Material: English.
Box 2

Old Functions Workbook

Language of Material: English.
Box 2

Function (Fc.z)

Language of Material: English.
Box 2

Functions (Fc)

Language of Material: English.
Box 2

Functions Workbook

Language of Material: English.
Box 3

English Higher Education Workbook

Language of Material: English.
Box 3

A Holistic Overview of American Colleges and Universities [Chapters 1-23, 2 binders] 1966

Language of Material: English.
Box 3


Language of Material: English.
Box 3


Language of Material: English.
Box 3

Purpose (Old Workbook)

Language of Material: English.
Box 3

Research (New Workbook)

Language of Material: English.
Box 3

Research (Old Workbook)

Language of Material: English.
Box 4

The Research Function of Higher Education

Language of Material: English.
Box 4

Higher Education Research Workbook

Language of Material: English.
Box 4

Student Clientele and Admissions

Language of Material: English.
Box 4

Administration of Student Affairs

Language of Material: English.
Box 4

Student Unrest, Radicalism, Etc.

Language of Material: English.
Box 4

Students and Student Services

Language of Material: English.
Box 4

Systems of Higher Education and Comparative Higher Education

Language of Material: English.
Box 4

The American Academic Presidency

Language of Material: English.
Box 4

The Professoriate

Language of Material: English.

Series III. Indexes Series 3

Language of Material: English.

Binders kept by W.H.C. about his collection

Box 1, folder 1

General Index to various parts of WHC Collection

Box 1, folder 2

Pamphlet index (Series 2-B, PT files)

Box 1, folder 3

WHC inventory to Series 1-B

Box 1, folder 4

WHC inventory to Series 1-B

Box 1, folder 5

Correspondence about the dispostion of the collection 1976-1977

Box 1, folder 6

Dissertations sponsored by WHC 1945-1968


Indexes to W.H.C.'s professional notes, Series II-A

Language of Material: English.
Box 2, folder 1

Date file: institutional

Box 2, folder 2

Date file: topical source cards

Box 2, folder 3

Date file: chronological


Indexes to W.H.C. writings and correspondence, Series I-B

Box 3, folder 1

Name index to 1-B (partial, compiled by WHC)

Box 3, folder 2

Index of WHC articles by year, (partial)

Box 3, folder 3

Student comments on WHC collections

Box 3, folder 4

Student comments on WHC collections

Box 4

Card file index, organized alphabetically by correspondent/title

Box 3, folder 4

Miscellaneous research notes 1976-78

Box 3, folder 5

Cassette tapes by W.H.C., biographical


Series Binders Binders


Organized by file number or binder title.
Box 1


Box 1

32-25 (2 v.)

Box 1


Box 1


Box 1


Box 1


Box 1


Box 1


Box 1


Box 1


Box 1


Box 1


Box 1


Box 1


Box 2


Box 2


Box 2


Box 2


Box 2


Box 2


Box 2


Box 2


Box 2


Box 3


Box 3


Box 3


Box 3

Professors, Presidents and Trustees 1964

Box 3

PPST 1961

Box 3

Trustees Minutes – Hamilton College 1938-1941

Box 4

Faculty Evaluation - Hamilton College, Vol. 1, 2, and 3

Box 4

Trustees Minutes – Hamilton College 1941-1944

Box 4

Yale Memos (7)

Box 4

Yale Memos (6)

Box 5

Academic Government Vol. 1, 2, 3, and 4

Box 5

Dunster workbook (5)

Box 6

C. U. Structures

Box 6


Box 6


Box 6

Social Science and Professions (3)

Box 6

Basics Two

Box 7

Basics One

Box 7

Informal Education

Box 7

Structures 2 – Junior college

Box 7

Structures 1 – University

Box 7


Box 7

Power Workbook

Box 7


Box 8

Basics Three

Box 8

Basics Four

Box 8

Polity, Theology, Liturgy (4)

Box 8

Church-State (5)

Box 8

Democracy and Equality

Box 9

Higher Education History No. 1-6

Box 10

Higher Education History No. 7-8

Box 10

Person. Secq 3 (Ecclesiastical Personia workbook)

Box 10


Box 10

[Taxonomy ?]

Box 10

1944 Version + 1957 Outline

Box 11

Intellectual Power and Intelligence

Box 11

Humanism and the Humanities

Box 11

Freedom and Academic Freedom

Box 11

The Great Awakening

Box 11

Knowledge and Skills, Kinds of

Box 12

Man and Manpower

Box 12

Philosophy and Ethics (Morality)

Box 12

Religion – general topics

Box 12

Power MS Workbook

Box 12

Power misc.

Box 13


Box 13

Civil Government

Box 13


Box 13

Structure Gen'l Workbook

Box 13

Religious Denominations: Structures and their Functions

Box 14

Science Workbook

Box 14

Social Processes

Box 14


Box 15

1946-47 Versions

Box 15

Short History of American Higher Education 1961

Box 15

1945 – First and Second Versions

Box 15

TSS of chapter (accordion file)

Box 15

First version duplicates (accordion file)

Box 15

Carnegie Book: 1973 analysis (accordion file)


Series Books Books

Box 1

Books cited in text [WHC 1.3]

Box 2

Books inscribed by author or gift of author [WHC 1.4]

Box 3

Books inscribed by author or gift of author [WHC 1.4]

Box 3

Books inscribed by donors [WHC 1.5]

Box 4

Books inscribed by donors [WHC 1.5]

Box 5

Books inscribed by donors [WHC 1.5]

Box 6

Books reviewed by WHC [WHC 1.6]

Box 7

Books written by former students [WHC 1.7]

Box 7

WHC Republished [WHC 1.8]

Box 8

WHC Republished [WHC 1.8]

Box 8

Books cited in acknowledgements [WHC 1.9]

Box 9

Harvard University President's Reports, 1825-1876

Box 10

Harvard University President's Reports, 1877-1896/1897

Box 11

Harvard University President's Reports, 1897/1898-1911/1912

Box 12

Harvard University President's Reports, 1912/1913-1924/1925

Box 13

Harvard University President's Reports, 1925/1926-1942

Box 14

Harvard University President's Reports, 1941-1955/1956

Box 15

Harvard University President's Reports, 1956/1957-1965/66

Box 15

Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Bulletin No. 1 (1907) – No. 6 (1912)

Box 16

Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Bulletin No. 7 (1914) – No. 31 (1940)

Box 17

Association of American Universities. Annual Conference Proceedings 1900-1935

Box 18

Association of American Universities. Annual Conference Proceedings 1936-1961

Box 18

Harvard University President's Reports 1966/67-1971/72

Box 19

AGB Reports [Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges] 1964-1973

Box 19

Corson dissertation supplementary materials


Addenda, 2002-048 Accession ARCH-2002-048

Box 1

An Overview of American Colleges and Universities (1960) and Random Writings (1960) - both photocopies of typescripts