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Records Accession ARCH-2000-079

Box 1, folder 1

Strong Vocational Interest Blanks (SVIB) Scoring Scales, Men A-Z and Groups I, II, V, VIII, IX, X 1938

Box 2, folder 1

SVIB Form W & Balance of Form M Reprints of Machine-Scoring Scales

Box 2, folder 2

SVIB-SCII (Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory) envelopes – site licenses, Spanish, Swedish, SCII forms, Roche Testing Services, National Career Research Institute (NCRI)

Box 2, folder 3

SVIB Roche computer program for scoring Navy scales

Box 2, folder 4

SVIB Women hand stencil complete set

Box 2, folder 5

SVIB Men Scales, Original 1928-1934

Box 3, folder 1

SVIB Form M Reprints of Machine-Scoring Scales

Box 3, folder 2

SVIB Form M Reprints of Hand-Scoring Scales

Box 3, folder 3

SVIB Form W Reprints of Hand-Scoring Scales

Box 4, folder 1

Stanford University Press (SUP) Catalogs 1915-1985 (bound)

Box 4, folder 2

Keen, Myra A., Marine Molluscan Genera of Western North America; An Illustrated Key 1963

Box 5, folder 1

SVIB Women Scoring Scales

Box 5, folder 2

Sex-Fair Interest Measurement: Research and Implications (NIE, 1978)

Box 5, folder 3

Issues of Sex Bias and Sex Fairness in Career Interest Measurement (NIE 1975)

Box 5, folder 4

Computer-Based Career Guidance & Counselor-Administrative Support System

Box 5, folder 5

SVIB-SCII licenses, forms, brochures, answer sheets, scoring stencils, item weights

Box 5, folder 6

SVIB Manual 1966

Box 5, folder 7

SVIB-SCII Manual 1st & 2nd editions 1974, 1977

Box 5, folder 8

SVIB-SCII Papers and reports of Jo-Ida Hansen and David Campbell

Box 6, folder 1

The American Personnel & Guidance Association Program Annual Convention 1979

Box 6, folder 2

Kuder E. General Interest Survey Manual 1975

Box 6, folder 3

Addison-Wesley Catalog of School Tests and Services 1978-79

Box 6, folder 4

SVIB-SCII Test batteries

Box 6, folder 5

SVIB-SCII Veterans Administration, St. Petersburg, FL 1976

Box 6, folder 6

SVIB-SCII V.A. Medical Center, Salt Lake

Box 6, folder 7

SCII License University of the Witwatersrand

Box 6, folder 8

SCII Counseling Center, University of Washington Profile

Box 6, folder 9

SVIB Vernon Psychological Laboratory

Box 6, folder 10

SVIB Vernon Psychological Laboratory

Box 6, folder 11

SVIB-SCII Experimental Edition (1972) and Research Edition (1972) Test Booklet

Box 6, folder 12

SVIB-SCII Test booklets

Box 6, folder 13

SVIB-SCII Answer sheets

Box 6, folder 14

SVIB-SCII Profiles 1974 and 1976 revised

Box 6, folder 15

SCII T325 brochure

Box 6, folder 16

SVIB Research results, articles, Manual 1967-1969

Box 6, folder 17

SVIB-SCII Jo-Ida Hansen Annual Reports

Box 6, folder 18

SVIB Research results, articles on SVIB, Manual 1970-

Box 6, folder 19

SVIB A Bibliography for the Strong Vocational Interest Blank – Stanford-Campbell Interest Inventory (SVIB-SCII) 1912-1980. Center for Interest Measurement Research, University of Minnesota.

Box 6, folder 20

SVIB and SCII: Evaluation Service Inc.

Box 6, folder 21

SVIB and SCII: Evaluation Service Inc.

Box 6, folder 22

SVIB and SCII forms: Consulting Psychologists Press

Box 6, folder 23

SCII Scoring Agency – Insight Centres, Glasgow

Box 6, folder 24

SVIB-SCII Interactive Enterprises Ltd. (Canada)

Box 6, folder 25

SCII Interpreting Scoring Systems

Box 6, folder 26

SVIB-SCII T325 National Computer Systems

Box 6, folder 27

SVIB-SCII T399 & TW398 National Computer Systems

Box 7, folder 1

SVIB-SCII National Computer Systems, Johansson Career Assessment Inventory NCS GATB

Box 7, folder 2

SVIB Women Scoring Scales

Box 7, folder 3

SVIB-SCII Medical Specialists Preference Blank

Box 7, folder 4

SVIB-SCII Manual Supplement 1969

Box 7, folder 5


Box 7, folder 6

SVIB-SCII Women Printings through 1968

Box 7, folder 7

SVIB-SCII Women Printings 1969-1975

Box 7, folder 8

SVIB-SCII Men Printings 1966-1975

Box 7, folder 9

SVIB-SCII MRC/Westinghouse Learning Corp.

Box 7, folder 10

SVIB-SCII University of Alabama

Box 7, folder 11

SVIB-SCII Brigham Young University

Box 7, folder 12

SVIB-SCII Caress, Gilhooly, Kestin, Inc.

Box 7, folder 13

SVIB-SCII Central Intelligence Agency

Box 7, folder 14

SVIB-SCII Computer Printouts 1981

Box 7, folder 15

SVIB-SCII University of Houston

Box 7, folder 16

SVIB-SCII Georgia State University

Box 7, folder 17

SVIB-SCII University of Illinois

Box 7, folder 18

SVIB-SCII University of Illinois

Box 7, folder 19

SVIB-SCII Career Guidance Center, Region 10

Box 7, folder 20

SVIB-SCII Career Guidance Center, Region 15

Box 7, folder 21

SVIB-SCII Klein Institute

Box 7, folder 22

SVIB-SCII Klein Institute

Box 7, folder 23

SVIB-SCII Career Research Systems

Box 7, folder 24

SVIB-SCII Ashland Oil Co.

Box 7, folder 25

SVIB-SCII Personnel Decisions

Box 7, folder 26

SVIB-SCII Ford Motor Co.

Box 7, folder 27

SVIB-SCII Life Insurance Agency Management Association

Box 7, folder 28

SVIB-SCII Motivational Training/Supervision

Box 7, folder 29

SVIB-SCII National Institute of Mental Health

Box 7, folder 30


Box 7, folder 31


Box 7, folder 32

SVIB-SCII forms & manuals

Box 7, folder 33

SVIB-SCII A-B Inventory Hand-Scoring Stencils

Box 8, folder 1

SVIB Men Hand-scoring Stencils

Box 8, folder 2

SUP Editorial Board Minutes Oct. 1976 – Aug. 1988 (bound)

Box 8, folder 3

Clark, A. B. Perspective, a Textbook and Manual for Artists, Architects and Students. 1936

Box 8, folder 4

Barry, John D. Albert Bender's Birthday. Roxburghe Club booklet 1938

Box 8, folder 5

Seven Pioneer San Francisco Libraries. Roxburghe Club booklet 1958

Box 8, folder 6

Photographs and thank you card

Box 8, folder 7

Specifications and blueprints for alteration and addition to press expansion, Clark and Beuttler Architects 1961-62

Box 8, folder 8

Photographs – SUP/Cambridge University Press collaboration ceremonies [2 sets]

Box 8, folder 9

SUP news releases (re publications) 1940s-50s [3-ring binder]

Box 8, folder 10

Stanford Book Worm, Stanford Colophon

Box 8, folder 11

Book-Keeping and Cost-Finding 1916 (bound typescript)

Box 8, folder 12

Taylor, Edward DeWitt This Fortunate Man 1948

Box 8, folder 13

Pressing Business: Leon E. Seltzer and Stanford University Press, 1956-1983

Box 8, folder 13

Hansen, Ralph W. "The Stanford University Press From Printer to Publisher," University of California School of Librarianship L.S. 298 [class paper, no date – post 1969 from internal evidence]

Box 8, folder 14

SUP warehouse photographs July 1, 1997

Box 8, folder 15

Woodburne, Lloyd S. Principles of College and University Administration 1958

Box 8, folder 16

Harte, Bret Concerning "Condensed Novels" 1929

Box 8, folder 17

Jay Miller's retirement party 1971: film (color Super 8), slides, and audio tape (3" reel)

Box 8, folder 18

Stanford/Muybridge commemoration ceremony 5/8/1929

Box 8, folder 19

SUP Miscellaneous manuals, forms, contracts, price list

Box 8, folder 20

SVIB scoring stencils, forms, booklets, manuals, weight & conversion tabulations

Box 8, folder 21

SVIB James K. Dent permissions

Box 9, folder 1

SVIB miscellaneous publications

Box 9, folder 2

Weitzenhoffer & Hilgard - Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale -tests, forms, charts

Box 9, folder 3

Wrenn – Studying

Box 9, folder 4

Index card files on SUP publications and reprint requests (out of order)

Box 9, folder 5

Stanford Scenes, 10 Views of Stanford in Color

Box 10, folder 1-8

Faculty Committee on University Publications Minutes, Aug. 1945-June 1976 [8 bound volumes]

Box 10, folder 9-10

SUP Special Committee Minutes, Dec. 1927-June 1945

Box 10, folder 11

Muller, Will, Olympic Country, typescript and photographs 1934-1938

Box 10, folder 12

Price, John B., Familiar Birds of the Stanford Campus 1931

Box 10, folder 13

Jordan, D. S., The Story of the Innumerable Company 1895 (first SUP publication)

Box 10, folder 14

Marryat, Frank, Mountains and Molehills or Recollections of a Burnt Journal 1855

Box 10, folder 15

Clausen, Henry C., Stanford's Judge Crothers 1967

Box 10, folder 16

Research Work of the Stanford University School of Medicine from 1919 to 1929

Box 10, folder 17

Sandstone Scribe

Box 10, folder 18

Stanford Colophon history

Box 10, folder 19

Stanford University Memorial Church

Box 10, folder 20

Herbert Packer Memorial

Box 10, folder 21

SUP Sales Manager's Report 1928-1929

Box 10, folder 20

Stanford University Study of Printing and Related Services (Cresap, McCormick and Paget, Management Consultants Feb. 1969)

Box 10, folder 22

Printing copy – L.E. Seltzer memoranda to Alf Brandin, Feb. 28, 1969, Mar. 26, 1969 and Apr. 1, 1969

Box 10, folder 23

Transcript of conference held in Office of Business Affairs on Mar. 27, 1969

Box 10, folder 24

Corrected draft of transcript of conference held in Office of Business Affairs on Mar. 27, 1969

Box 10, folder 25

File copies – L.E. Seltzer memoranda to Alf Brandin, Feb. 28, 1969, Mar. 26, 1969 and Apr. 1, 1969

Box 10, folder 26

CMP report correspondence 1969

Box 10, folder 27

Photographs of party in SUP building

Box 10, folder 28

Samples of SUP book plate and two printing dies

Box 10, folder 29

Horsburgh and Health, Atlas of Cat Anatomy, 3rd ed. 1967

Box 10, folder 30

Wrenn and Larsen, Studying Effectively 2nd ed.

Box 11, folder 1

SVIB-SCII Memphis State University

Box 11, folder 2

SVIB-SCII Psych Systems

Box 11, folder 3

SVIB-SCII Ministry Inventories

Box 11, folder 4

SVIB-SCII University of Minnesota

Box 11, folder 5

SVIB-SCII University of Mississippi

Box 11, folder 6

SVIB-SCII National Cash Register Corp.

Box 11, folder 7

SVIB-SCII University of New Mexico

Box 11, folder 8

SVIB-SCII North Texas State University

Box 11, folder 9

SVIB-SCII St. Louis Community College Maramee

Box 11, folder 10

SVIB-SCII Southern Methodist University

Box 11, folder 11

SVIB-SCII University of Swansea

Box 11, folder 12

SVIB-SCII U.S. Naval Academy

Box 11, folder 13

SVIB-SCII U.S. Naval Academy

Box 11, folder 14

SVIB-SCII – assorted manuals (10 volumes; "most complete set")

Box 11, folder 15

Videotape "Individual Interpretation Strong Campbell Interest Inventory, 1981" [3/4 inch U-matic]

Box 11, folder 16

SVIB – assorted forms

Box 11, folder 17

SVIB – assorted forms

Box 11, folder 18

SVIB – Sales & Printing Records

Box 11, folder 19

SVIB forms, Personal Data Blanks, Hypnotic Susceptibility

Box 11, folder 20

SVIB T399 & TW398 Item Weights Archive Sets

Box 11, folder 21

SVIB A-B Inventory 1969

Box 11, folder 22

SVIB item weights

Box 11, folder 23

SVIB correspondence

Box 11, folder 24

SCII PI in process

Box 11, folder 25

PI SUB-SCII Manual 2nd edition – correspondence file

Box 11, folder 26

SCII T325 1972

Box 11, folder 27

SCII Final Forms

Box 11, folder 28

SVIB miscellany

Box 11, folder 29

DOR Bell test and manual

Box 11, folder 30

SVIB Form M – Machine-Scored, Hand-Scored, Testscor and Klein Institute

Box 11, folder 31

SVIB brochures and announcements

Box 11, folder 32

SVIB forms

Box 11, folder 33

SVIB-SCII Summary Reply on Sex-Bias Charge

Box 11, folder 34

"Aguas Abajo" by Gloria Moreno and "The Cave of Salamanca" by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, both translated by Wilber E. Bailey, 1936-1942 (typescripts)

Box 11, folder 35

Richards and Richards, Geologic History at a Glance 1955 printing

Box 11, folder 36

Maslow, Security – Insecurity Inventory

Box 11, folder 37

Maslow, Social Personality Inventory for College Women

Box 12, folder 1

Otterstein – Mosher, Sight Singing O-M Test

Box 12, folder 2

Pond, Inventory of Reading Experiences

Box 12, folder 3

Pryor, Width-Weight Tables and Charts

Box 12, folder 4

Cooper & Robins, The Term Paper, various editions

Box 12, folder 5

Stauf, Ida, Outline for French Verbs 1929

Box 12, folder 6

Starks, Edwin C., assorted dissection manuals

Box 12, folder 7

Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale: assorted publications

Box 12, folder 8

SUP type faces: 3 binders of samples

Box 12, folder 9

Miscellaneous photographs: Leon E. Seltzer, Sam McDonald, Donald P. Bean, and retirement dinner 1949 (Whittern, Ware, Thomson)

Box 12, folder 10

Paul Hanna & W. H. Cowley Addresses 1954

Box 12, folder 11

Aerial photograph of Stanford University 1985

Box 12, folder 12

Photo reproduction of Stanford University Deed of Grant

Box 12, folder 13

The Story of the Bowman Alumni House 1952

Box 12, folder 14

A Challenge to California and the West (booklet re proposed gift to School of Medicine, 1932)

Box 12, folder 15

Staged in Arboreal Beauty – Laurence Frost Amphitheater 1939

Box 12, folder 16

Buell, original pencil sketches for Time Line, California Stepping-Stones

Box 12, folder 17

Ricketts, Between Pacific Tides – separation negatives, Chiton color photo for 1941 reprinting (glass plates)

Box 13, folder 1

Your Rugged Constitution correspondence

Box 13, folder 2

Your Rugged Constitution and Crary funds – correspondence

Box 13, folder 3

Your Rugged Constitution article in Shell News, May 1960

Box 13, folder 4

Your Rugged Constitution Promotional Material

Box 13, folder 5

L.E. Seltzer memorandum to Alf Brandin re CMP report as it relates to the Press, 1969

Box 13, folder 6

SVIB – trademarks

Box 13, folder 7

Ricketts, Between Pacific Tides Old Artwork, not in 4th ed.

Box 13, folder 8

Ricketts, Between Pacific Tides Duplicates, not in 4th ed.

Box 13, folder 9

Buell, Historical Time Line of California Stepping-Stones

Box 13, folder 10

King, P.S. Stanford University map ca. 1959

Box 13, folder 11

Bestor, Arthur Eugene, David Jacks of Monterey, and Lee L. Jacks his Daughter – unbound and bound copies 1945

Box 13, folder 12

Klass, Bertrand, A Handbook for Group Discussion Leaders (American Ideals and American Industry) 1954

Box 13, folder 13

American Ideals and American Industry workbook, discussion handbook, correspondence

Box 13, folder 14

The Stanford American Ideals Program; Experimental Industrial Course 1953

Box 13, folder 15

Life under Communism, a Series of Experimental Discussion Programs – (1953, The Fund for Adult Education, Pasadena, CA)

Box 13, folder 16

SUP Business Files: Composing Room – Equipment

Box 13, folder 17

SUP Business Files: S.U. Departmental Publications – syllabus

Box 13, folder 18

SUP Business Files: Bindery

Box 13, folder 19

SUP Business Files: Bindery equipment, 1969-

Box 13, folder 20

SUP Business Files: Bindery equipment, 1946-1968

Box 13, folder 21

SUP Business Files: Insurance – automobile

Box 13, folder 22

SUP Business Files: Insurance – compensation, 1944-1951

Box 13, folder 23

SUP Business Files: Camera room – equipment

Box 13, folder 24

SUP Business Files: Composing room – equipment

Box 13, folder 25

SUP Business Files: Hi-Fi system

Box 13, folder 26

SUP Business Files: Office equipment – Auto-typist

Box 13, folder 27

SUP Business Files: Photolith typing equipment

Box 13, folder 28

SUP Business Files: Pressroom equipment, 1966-76

Box 13, folder 29

SUP Business Files: Pressroom equipment, 1947-65

Box 13, folder 30

SUP Business Files: Proof room – equipment

Box 13, folder 31

SUP Business Files: Record player and amplifier

Box 13, folder 32

SUP Business Files: Insurance – provisional – merchandise, 1947-1950

Box 13, folder 33

SUP Business Files: Insurance – merchandise, 1939-1946

Box 13, folder 34

SUP Business Files: Insurance – retirement insurance plan

Box 13, folder 35

SUP Business Files: Contracts – contract forms – author royalties, 1949-1955

Box 13, folder 36

SUP Business Files: Insurance – surety bond coverage

Box 14, folder 1

SUP Business Files: Inventory – books taken from work in progress, 1952-1954

Box 14, folder 2

SUP Business Files: Inventory – records

Box 14, folder 3

SUP Business Files: Inventory – stores

Box 14, folder 4

SUP Business Files: Financial statements – annual (August), 1934-1943

Box 14, folder 5

SUP Business Files: IBM – tests-card order department, 1951-1959

Box 14, folder 6

Wrenn, C. Gilbert, Building Self-Confidence pamphlet, various eds.

Box 14, folder 7

Wrenn, Practical Study Aids pamphlet, various editions

Box 14, folder 8

Wrenn, Study-Habits Inventory pamphlet with scoring key 1941

Box 14, folder 9

Wrenn, Study Hints for High School Students pamphlet, various eds.

Box 14, folder 10

Wrenn, C. Gilbert and Luella Cole, Reading Rapidly and Well pamphlet, various eds.

Box 14, folder 11

Zyve, D.L., Stanford Scientific Aptitude Test and manual, various eds.

Box 14, folder 12

Zyve, Stanford Scientific Aptitude Test French translations

Box 14, folder 13

Zyve, Stanford Scientific Aptitude Test Portuguese translation

Box 14, folder 14

Zyve, Stanford Scientific Aptitude Test new printings: 1955, 1962, 1985

Box 14, folder 15

SVIC-SCII miscellany and computer printouts

Box 15, folder 1

SVIB-SCII manuals, etc., Consulting Psychologists Press

Box 15, folder 2

SVIB miscellany

Box 15, folder 3

Revised Stanford Profile Scales of Hypnotic Susceptibility – scoring booklets

Box 15, folder 4

Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale – assorted publications

Box 15, folder 5

Fitzwater, James P., Educational Film Appraisal Scale

Box 15, folder 6

Weitzenhoffer, Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale – Forms I & II

Box 15, folder 7

Weitzenhoffer, Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale – Forms A & B

Box 15, folder 8

Weitzenhoffer, Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale – Form C

Box 15, folder 9

Weitzenhoffer, Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale – 1982 printing, booklets and blanks

Box 15, folder 10

Weitzenhoffer, Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale – Forms I & II, 1967 revision

Box 15, folder 11

Weitzenhoffer, Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale – Form C

Box 15, folder 12

Cooper and Robins, The Term Paper, A Manual and Model

Box 15, folder 13

Wrenn and Larsen, Studying Effectively 1962, 1987

Box 15, folder 14

Wrenn, Study Habits Inventory – Spanish translations

Box 15, folder 15

Wrenn, University Training and Vocational Outlets

Box 15, folder 16

Wrenn and Larsen, Studying Effectively – Norwegian, Icelandic, Spanish, Thai translations

Box 15, folder 17

Wrenn and Larsen, Studying Effectively, through 1961

Box 15, folder 18

Tyler-Kimber Study Skills Test

Box 15, folder 19

Weatherbe, A Checklist for School Health Services

Box 15, folder 20

Willoughby, Emotional Maturity Scale

Box 15, folder 21

Worthingham, Upper and Lower Extremity Muscle and Innervation Charts, multiple eds.

Box 15, folder 22

White, Personal Data Blank

Box 15, folder 23

Working, Binomial and Poisson Distributions

Box 15, folder 24

Tomlin, The Best Thing to Do

Box 15, folder 25

Consulting Psychologists Press catalogs 1986-1988

Box 15, folder 26

Catalogs from other Presses

Box 15, folder 27

Hansen, Jo-Ida C., Strong-Hansen Occupational Guide (Consulting Psychologists Press, 1987)

Box 16, folder 1

Hirsh, Sandra Krebs, Using the Strong in Organizations (Consulting Psychologists Press, 1986)

Box 16, folder 2

Mears, Eliot Grinnell, Tentative Findings on a Survey of Race Relations 1925

Box 16, folder 3

Mead, Margaret, The Study of National Character 1953

Box 16, folder 4

Hoss – Stanford University map postcard 1950

Box 16, folder 5

Espinosa, Aurelio M., Folklore in European Literature 1935

Box 16, folder 6

Pierson, William H., Te Pacific Northwest (map) 1945

Box 16, folder 10

Lutz and Quinn, The Reichstag election of March 5, 1933 1943

Box 16, folder 11

Klass, Bertrand, The American Ideals Program: session booklets and handbook

Box 16, folder 12

Shock, Nathan W., Journal of Gerontology Author Index to Current Publications 1953-1961

Box 16, folder 13

Shock, Nathan W., Journal of Gerontology Author Index to Current Publications 1961-1963

Box 16, folder 14

Working, Holbrook, Guide to Utilization of the Binomial and Poisson Distributions in Industrial Quality Control

Box 16, folder 15

Williams, Joseph – maps of the world

Box 16, folder 16

Scaff, Alvin H., La Response des Iles Philippines au Communisme (French translation of The Philippine Answer to Communism – mimeographed, with cover letter from Lawrence R. Houston, C.I.A. 1959)

Box 16, folder 17

Shafer, George D., Physiology 101: A Syllabus Guide 1934

Box 16, folder 18

Bell, Hugh, The Adjustment Inventory: Students report forms and test booklets

Box 16, folder 19

Bell, Hugh, The Adjustment Inventory: Students scoring keys

Box 16, folder 20

Bell, The Adjustment Inventory: Students manuals

Box 16, folder 21

Bell, The Adjustment Inventory: Students answer sheets

Box 16, folder 22

Bell, The Adjustment Inventory: Adults test booklets & manuals

Box 16, folder 23

Bell, The Adjustment Inventory: Adults scoring key & answer sheets

Box 16, folder 24

Bell, The Adjustment Inventory: Adults special research ed. NFER

Box 16, folder 25

Bell, The Adjustment Inventory: Adults Arabic translation

Box 16, folder 26

Bell, The School Inventory

Box 16, folder 27

Chan, Shau Wing, Chinese Writing Stroke Chart 1944

Box 16, folder 28

Cole, Stewart, Charting Intercultural Education 1946

Box 16, folder 29

Anderson, H. Dewey, Our California State Taxes 1937

Box 16, folder 30

Bennett, M. K., Price Relatives for Individual Commodities 1949

Box 16, folder 31

Buell, Robert K., California Stepping Stones 1950

Box 16, folder 32

Bernreuter, Robert G., The Personality Inventory: translations in Dutch, French, Spanish, Japanese, etc.

Box 16, folder 33

Bernreuter, The Personality Inventory Specimen Set

Box 16, folder 34

Bernreuter, The Personality Inventory test booklets

Box 16, folder 35

Bernreuter, The Personality Inventory permissions

Box 16, folder 36

Bernreuter, The Personality Inventory answer sheets

Box 16, folder 37

Bernreuter, The Personality Inventory scoring keys

Box 16, folder 38

Bernreuter, The Personality Inventory manuals, norm sheets, report sheets, Spanish translation

Box 16, folder 39

Bernreuter, The Personality Inventory IBM scoring keys

Box 16, folder 40

Bernreuter, The Personality Inventory Klein Institute test booklets

Box 16, folder 41

Bernreuter, The Personality Inventory Klein Institute personal data sheets

Box 16, folder 42

Bernreuter, The Personality Inventory Associated Personnel Technicians, Inc. (APT) imprint test booklets

Box 16, folder 43

Bernreuter, The Personality Inventory MTS Co.

Box 17, folder 1

Richards, L.W. and G. L Richards, Geologic History at a Glance- various printings

Box 17, folder 2

Sands, Lester B. and Richard E. Gross, History of Education Chart

Box 17, folder 3

Bell, The Adjustment Inventory Slovak/Czech translation

Box 17, folder 4

Bell, The Adjustment Inventory APT

Box 17, folder 5

Bell, The Adjustment Inventory French translation

Box 17, folder 6

Bell, The Adjustment Inventory French & Polish translations

Box 17, folder 7

Bell, The Adjustment Inventory Italian translation

Box 17, folder 8

Bell, The Adjustment Inventory Hindi translation

Box 17, folder 9

Bell, The Adjustment Inventory Spanish & Bengali translations

Box 17, folder 10

Bell, The Adjustment Inventory Spanish translations

Box 17, folder 11

Bell, The Adjustment Inventory NFER 1976

Box 17, folder 12

Bell, The Adjustment Inventory school inventory

Box 17, folder 13

Borow, Henry, College Inventory of Academic Adjustment

Box 17, folder 14

Burch, Mary C., Stanford Tests of Comprehension of Literature 1928

Box 17, folder 15

Byrd, Oliver E., Health Attitude Scale

Box 17, folder 16

Byrd, Oliver E., Personal Health Inventory

Box 17, folder 17

Byrd, Oliver E., Patient's Self-History Form

Box 17, folder 18

Dearborn, Terry H., A Checklist for the Survey of Health and Physical Education Programs in Secondary Schools

Box 17, folder 19

Dearborn, Terry H., College Health Knowledge Test

Box 17, folder 20

Eells, Walter C. and David Segel, Stanford Tests for Junior Colleges Test in English

Box 17, folder 21

Espinosa, Aurelio, The Stanford Spanish Tests

Box 17, folder 22

McReynolds, Paul and James T. Ferguson, Hospital Adjustment Scale

Box 17, folder 23

Fitzwater, James P., Fitzwater Educational Film Appraisal Scale

Box 17, folder 24

Hinkle, George and Francis R. Johnson, The Form for the Term or Research Paper

Box 17, folder 25

Jensen, Milton B., Stanford Educational Aptitudes Test

Box 17, folder 26

Johns, Edward B., Health Practice Inventory

Box 17, folder 27

Bernreuter/Bell correspondence

Box 18, folder 1

SVIB-SCII MinComp Corp 1973-

Box 18, folder 2

SVIB-SCII Mincomp Manual

Box 18, folder 3

SVIB-SCII MinComp Forms thru 1972

Box 18, folder 4

SVIB-SCII Mincomp Testin/Evalution/Guidance

Box 18, folder 5

SVIB-SCII IPR French-Canadian ed.

Box 18, folder 6

SVIB-SCII IPR French-Canadian & English eds.

Box 18, folder 7

SVIB-SCII IPR French-Canadian forms

Box 18, folder 8

SVIB-SCII Psi Can Consulting Ltd. (Canada) T325

Box 18, folder 9

SVIB-SCII Saville & Holdsworth Ltd.

Box 18, folder 10

SVIB-SCII miscellaneous

Box 18, folder 11

SVIB-SCII Spanish ed. M, W

Box 18, folder 12

SVIB-SCII Italian ed. M, W

Box 18, folder 13

SVIB-SCII Korean ed. T399R

Box 18, folder 14

SVIB-SCII Portuguese ed. T399, M

Box 18, folder 15

SVIB-SCII Dutch ed. Meijan Reports on T399

Box 18, folder 16

SVIB-SCII Flemish-Belgium ed. M, W

Box 18, folder 17

SVIB-SCII NIER British ed.

Box 18, folder 18

SVIB-SCII Dutch T399

Box 18, folder 19

SVIB-SCII Bengali ed. M adaptation

Box 18, folder 20

SVIB-SCII Danish ed. M

Box 18, folder 21

SVIB-SCII French ed. Clerebaut M, W, T399R

Box 18, folder 22

SVIB-SCII French ed. EAP forms

Box 18, folder 23

SVIB-SCII German ed.

Box 18, folder 24

SVIB-SCII Hindi ed. M

Box 18, folder 25

SVIB-SCII Indian ed. Calcutta University M

Box 18, folder 26

SVIB-SCII Iranian ed. T399

Box 18, folder 27

SVIB-SCII Irish ed.

Box 18, folder 28

SVIB-SCII miscellaneous

Box 18, folder 29

SVIB-SCII Form T325 test

Box 18, folder 30

SVIB-SCII manuals & blanks, various editions

Box 19 os

Between Pacific Tides Artwork (photos, sketches) including dust jacket photo for 1968 edition

Box 19 os

Bird's eye view of S. U. Press facilities

Box 19 os

One Day in the World's Press; Fourteen Great Newspapers on a Day of Crisis [November 2, 1956]

Box 19 os

Original art for Ivan Benson's Mark Twain's Western Years

Box 19 os

Artwork for Mackey & Sooy, Early California Costumes

Box 20 os

California Stepping Stones – records produced by Pax Productions [15 ¾ inch wide] of dramatizations produced by The Junior Leagues of California, with two copies of the Teachers' Utilization Guide and one copy of the Historical Time Line

Box 21 os

"Between Pacific Tides" — charts redrawn for the 4th edition

Language of Material: English.

Records Accession ARCH-2007-327

Box 1, folder 1

Chester Kerr, "The Kerr Report Revisited," reprint from Scholarly Publishing, October 1969

Box 1, folder 2

"The Story of Stanford University Press," pamphlet, Feb. 1954

Box 1, folder 3

Fruge, August, "A Report on University Publishing in Latin-American Countries," 1961

Box 1, folder 4

A Report on the University of California Printing Department, 1960

Box 1, folder 5

Richards and Richards, "Geologic History at a Glance," 1955

Box 1, folder 6

Bartky and Doyle, "Your Democracy," proofs 1953

Box 1, folder 7

Bartky and Doyle, "Your Democracy," letter and outline 1951

Box 1, folder 8

Bartky and Doyle, "Your Democracy," project ideas 1951-52

Box 1, folder 9

Bartky and Doyle, "Your Democracy," letter and typescript 1952

Box 1, folder 10

Bartky and Doyle, "Your Democracy," typescript and letter by Elizabeth

Box 1, folder 11

Bartky and Doyle, "Your Democracy," typescript

Box 1, folder 12

Bartky and Doyle, "Your Democracy," typescript of selected parts

Box 1, folder 13

Your Rugged Constitution – newspaper installments, typescripts

Box 2, folder 1

Your Rugged Constitution – installments, printed sheets

Box 2, folder 2

Your Rugged Constitution – installments for Junior Scholastic, typescripts

Box 2, folder 3

Your Rugged Constitution – Junior Scholastic, #1-12 (incomplete) 1951

Box 2, folder 4

Your Rugged Constitution – Junior Scholastic, #13-29 (incomplete) 1952

Box 2, folder 5

Your Rugged Constitution – photos and binding example

Box 2, folder 6

Your Rugged Constitution – illustrations

Box 2, folder 7

Your Rugged Constitution – illustrations

Box 2, folder 8

Horse Power Days – negatives of images of carriages

Box 2, folder 9

McClure, California Landmarks – photos

Box 2, folder 10

McClure, California Landmarks – photos

Box 2, folder 11

McClure, California Landmarks – photos

Box 2, folder 12

McClure, California Landmarks – photos for part I

Box 2, folder 13

McClure, California Landmarks – photos for part II

Box 2, folder 14

McClure, California Landmarks – photos for part III

Box 2, folder 15

McClure, California Landmarks – photos pages 110-131

Box 3, folder 1

Adams, Yosemite – maps

Box 3, folder 2

Collins, Horse Power Days – printing negatives

Box 3, folder 3

Pickwell, Amphibians and reptiles of the Pacific states – illustrations and photos


Records Accession ARCH-2014-036 1951-2013

Box 2, Item 1

Stanford University Press - Fall 2013 2013

Box 2, Item 2

Stanford University Press - Spring 2013 2013

Box 2, Item 3

Stanford University Press - Fall 2012 2012

Box 2, Item 4

Stanford University Press - Spring 2012 2012

Box 2, Item 5

Stanford University Press - Fall 2011 2011

Box 2, Item 6

Stanford University Press - Spring 2011 2011

Box 2, Item 7

Stanford University Press - Fall 2010 2010

Box 2, Item 8

Stanford University Press - Spring 2010 2010

Box 2, Item 9

Stanford University Press - Fall 2009 2009

Box 2, Item 10

Stanford University Press - Spring 2009 2009

Box 2, Item 11

Stanford University Press - Spring 2008 2008

Box 2, Item 12

Stanford University Press - Spring 2008 (different cover) 2008

Box 2, Item 13

Stanford University Press - Fall 2007 2007

Box 2, Item 14

Stanford University Press - Spring 2007 2007

Box 2, Item 15

Stanford University Press - Fall 2006 2006

Box 2, Item 16

Stanford University Press - Spring 2006 2006

Box 2, Item 17

Stanford University Press - Fall 2005 2005

Box 2, Item 18

Stanford University Press - Spring 2005 2005

Box 2, Item 19

Stanford University Press - Spring 2004 2004

Box 2, Item 20

Stanford University Press - Fall 2004 2004

Box 2, Item 21

Stanford University Press - Fall 2003 2003

Box 2, Item 22

Stanford University Press - Spring 2003 2003

Box 1, folder 1

SUP Board of Overseers 1998 Sep 21

Box 1, folder 2

SUP Board of Overseers 1999 May 6

Box 1, folder 3

Press Board of Overseers (SUP History)

Box 1, folder 4

SUP - Correspondences

Box 1, folder 5

Publisher Briefs & Author 1951

Box 1, folder 6

SUP Report to Faulty & Staff 1962 Dec 1

Box 1, folder 7

SUP - Press Fiances and Budgets - Part 1

Box 1, folder 8

SUP - Press Fiances and Budgets - Part 2 1976-1979

Box 1, folder 9

SUP - Press Fiances and Budgets - Part 3

Box 1, folder 10

SUP - Press Fiances and Budgets - Part 4

Box 1, folder 11

Letters of Appraisal 1992

Box 1, folder 12

Warren Christopher - Foreign Policy for a New Era 1993-1997

Box 1, folder 13

LES Material

Box 1, folder 14

SUP Fiances Reports circa 1980s

Box 1, folder 15

SUP/ CUP 1993

Box 1, folder 16

SUP Proposal For the 1990s and Beyond 1996

Box 1, folder 17

Electrongic Imprint Proposal 1994

Box 1, folder 18

Re: Wayne State Press 1991

Box 1, Item 19

Stanford University Press - Fall 2002 2002

Box 1, Item 20

Stanford University Press - Spring 2002 2002

Box 1, Item 21

Stanford University Press - Fall 2001 2001

Box 1, Item 22

Stanford University Press - Spring 2001 2001

Box 1, Item 23

Stanford University Press - Fall 2000 2000

Box 1, Item 24

Stanford University Press - Spring 2000 2000

Box 1, Item 25

Stanford University Press - Fall 1999 1999

Box 1, Item 26

Stanford University Press - Spring 1999 1999

Box 1, Item 27

Stanford University Press - Fall 1998 1998

Box 1, Item 28

Stanford University Press - Spring 1998 1998

Box 1, Item 29

Stanford University Press - Fall 1997 1997

Box 1, Item 29

Stanford University Press - Spring 1997 1997

Box 1, Item 30

Stanford University Press - Fall 1996 1996

Box 1, folder 31

Stanford University Press - Spring 1996 1996

Box 1, Item 32

Stanford University Press - Fall 1995 1995

Box 1, Item 33

Stanford University Press - Spring 1995 1995

Box 1, Item 34

Stanford University Press - Fall 1994 1994

Box 1, Item 35

Stanford University Press - Spring 1994 1994

Box 1, Item 36

Stanford University Press - Fall/Winter 1993-94 1993 -1994

Box 1, Item 37

Stanford University Press - Spring 1993 1993

Box 1, Item 38

Stanford University Press - Fall/Winter 1992-93 1992-1993

Box 1, Item 39

Stanford University Press - Spring 1992 1992

Box 1, Item 40

Stanford University Press - Fall/Winter 1991-92 1991- 1992

Box 1, Item 41

Stanford University Press - Spring 1991 1991

Box 1, Item 42

Stanford University Press - Fall/Winter 1990-91 1990-1991

Box 1, Item 43

Stanford University Press - Spring 1990 1990

Box 1, Item 44

Stanford University Press - Fall/Winter 1989-90 1989-1990

Box 1, Item 45

Stanford University Press - Spring 1989 1989

Box 1, Item 46

Stanford University Press - Fall/Winter 1988-89 1988-1989

Box 1, Item 47

Stanford University Press - Spring 1988 1988

Box 1, Item 48

Stanford University Press - Fall/Winter 1987-88 1987-1988

Box 1, Item 49

Stanford University Press - Fall/Winter 1986-87 1986-1987

Box 1, Item 50

Stanford University Press - Spring 1986 1986

Box 1, Item 51

Stanford University Press - Fall/Winter 1985-1986 1985-86

Box 1, Item 52

Stanford University Press - Spring 1985 1985

Box 1, Item 53

Stanford University Press - Fall/Winter 1984-85 1984-1985

Box 1, Item 54

Stanford University Press - Spring 1984 1984

Box 1, Item 55

Stanford University Press - Fall/Winter 1983-84 1983-1984

Box 1, Item 56

Stanford University Press - Spring 1983 1983

Box 1, Item 57

Stanford University Press - Fall 1982 1982

Box 1, Item 58

Stanford University Press Books - Spring 1982 1982

Box 1, Item 59

Stanford University Press Books - Fall 1981 1981

Box 1, Item 60

Stanford University Press Books - Spring 1981 1981

Box 1, Item 61

Stanford University Press Books - Fall 1980 1980

Box 1, Item 62

Stanford University Press Books - Spring 1980 1980

Box 1, Item 63

About Stanford University Press Pamphlet 1980

Box 1

Poster from faculty senate meeting protest on future of Stanford University Press ARCH-2020-071 2019

Language of Material: English.

Addenda, 2024-121 ARCH-2024-121

Box 3

David M. Kennedy's Freedom From Fear hand-bound by Joanne Sonnichsen and miscellaneous Stanford University Press ephemera 1963-1999