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Finding Aid to the Donald Davidson Papers, 1935-2003, bulk 1955-2003
BANC MSS 2005/167  
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Series 1 Correspondence 1955-2005

Physical Description: Carton 1; Carton 2: 1-60; Box 1; Box 5.


Arranged alphabetically.

Scope and Content Note

This series includes professional correspondence with colleagues from academic institutions around the world from a number of disciplines, including first and foremost Anglo-American philosophy in the analytic tradition; correspondents include Tyler Burge, Daniel Dennett, Michael Dummett, Dagfinn Føllesdal, Ian Hacking, Gilbert Harman, Jaegwon Kim, Ernest LePore, Jean-Francois Lyotard, Colin McGinn, John McDowell, Christopher Peacocke, Jacque Poulain, Willard V.O. Quine, John Rawls, Richard Rorty, Ernest Sosa, Peter Strawson, and Gregory Vlastos.
Carton 1, Folder 1

A 1984-1996

Carton 1, Folder 2

Bàlsamo, Iris 1999-2002

Carton 1, Folder 3

Burge, Tyler, Reply to 1986-1988

Carton 1, Folders 4-12

B 1955-2001

Carton 1, Folder 13

Caorsi, Carlos E. 1993-1997

Carton 1, Folder 14

Cassar, Mary Ann 1996-1997

Carton 1, Folder 15

Churchman, C. West 1956-1959

Carton 1, Folder 16

Cragg, Arnold 1985-1992

Carton 1, Folders 17-18

C 1984-1999

Carton 1, Folder 19

Dasenbrock, Reed Way 1986-1993

Carton 1, Folder 20

Dennett, Daniel C. 1978-1987

Carton 1, Folders 21-22

Dummett, Michael 1969-1977

Carton 1, Folder 23

Dolan, John 1964-1969

Carton 1, Folder 24

Donagan, Alan 1964-1987

Carton 1, Folder 25

Dougherty, Jude P. 1971-1974

Carton 1, Folders 26-29

D 1984-2000

Carton 1, Folder 30

Engel, Pascal 1984-1995

Carton 1, Folder 31

E 1980-2002

Carton 1, Folder 32

Føllesdal, Dagfinn 1985-1993

Carton 1, Folder 33

Frank, Manfred 1995-1996

Carton 1, Folder 34

F 1984-1997

Carton 1, Folder 35

Gibson, Roger 1987-1990

Carton 1, Folder 36

Glüer, Kathrin 1992-1996

Carton 1, Folder 37

Gordon, Robert M. 1984-1987

Carton 1, Folders 38-39

G 1985-2000

Carton 1, Folder 40

Hacking, Ian 1984-1993

Carton 1, Folder 41

Harman, Gilbert H. 1966

Carton 1, Folder 42

Heil, John 1984-1990

Carton 1, Folders 43-44

H 1996-1998

Carton 1, Folder 45

I 1988-1995

Carton 1, Folder 46

J 1984-1994

Carton 1, Folder 47

Kim, Jaegwon 1984-1990

Carton 1, Folders 48-49

Kohler, Wolfgang R. 1994-1995

Carton 1, Folder 50

K 1984-1976

Carton 1, Folder 51

Lauener, Henri 1984-1998

Carton 1, Folder 52

LePore, Ernest 1983-1994

Carton 1, Folder 53

Lear, Jonathan 1982-1986

Carton 1, Folder 54

Lewis, Harry A. 1985-1990

Carton 1, Folder 55

Lyotard, Jean-Francois 1989

Carton 1, Folder 56

L 1983-1998

Carton 2, Folder 1

Malpas, Jeff 1990-1998

Carton 2, Folders 2-4

Marshak, Jacob 1956-1959

Carton 2, Folder 5

Martin, Bill 1988-2000

Carton 2, Folder 6

Martin, C.B. 1983-1989

Carton 2, Folder 7

Matilal, B.K. 1984-1990

Carton 2, Folders 8-9

Morris, Robert 1993-1999

Carton 2, Folder 10

Moya, Carlos 1988-1995

Carton 2, Folders 11-12

M 1984-2000

Carton 2, Folder 13

McDowell, John 1985-1996

Carton 2, Folder 14

McGinn, Colin 1984

Carton 2, Folder 15

McGuinness, Brian 1991

Carton 2, Folder 16

Mc 1984-1985

Carton 2, Folder 17

Nelson, R.J. 1989-1990

Carton 2, Folder 18

Nomoto, Kazuyuki 1990-1995

Carton 2, Folder 19

N 1983-1998

Carton 2, Folders 20-22

Oxford University Press 1982-2001

Carton 2, Folder 23

O 1984-1995

Carton 2, Folder 24

Peacocke, Christopher 1983-1989

Carton 2, Folder 25

Petrov, V.V. 1986-1992

Carton 2, Folder 26

Poulain, Jacques 1990-1996

Carton 2, Folder 27

Pradhan, Shekhar 1986-1987

Carton 2, Folder 28

Prawitz, Dag 1993-2001

Carton 2, Folder 29

P 1983-1993

Carton 2, Folder 30

Quine, Margaret 1969-1972

Carton 2, Folders 31-32

Quine, Willard Van Orman 1955-1995

Carton 2, Folder 33

Q 1989-1994

Carton 2, Folder 34

Rabossi, Eduardo 1990

Carton 2, Folder 35

Ramberg, Bjorn 1988-1994

Carton 2, Folder 36

Rawls, John 1972

Carton 2, Folder 37

Reidel Press 1985-1991

Carton 2, Folders 38-39

Rorty, Richard 1984-1999

Carton 2, Folder 40

Rosenblatt, Richard 1983-1987

Carton 2, Folder 41

Rossi, Olbeth 1985-1994

Carton 2, Folder 42

R 1984-1998

Carton 2, Folder 43

Sen, Pranab Kumar 1983-1996

Carton 2, Folder 44

Smart, Jack J. C. 1995-1999

Carton 2, Folder 45

Sosa, Ernest 1989-1990

Carton 2, Folder 46

Strawson, Peter 1983

Carton 2, Folders 47-49

S 1958-2002

Carton 2, Folder 50

Taylor, Paul 1955-1991

Carton 2, Folder 51

Thalberg, Irving and Suzanne Undated

Carton 2, Folder 52

Trapp, Rainer 1984-1987

Carton 2, Folder 53

T 1984-2000

Carton 2, Folder 54

U Undated

Carton 2, Folder 55

Villanueva, Enrique 1983-1994

Carton 2, Folder 56

Vlastos, Gregory 1985-1990

Carton 2, Folder 57

V 1985-1998

Carton 2, Folder 58

Wertheimer, Lori 1986-1992

Carton 2, Folder 59

W 1983-1995

Carton 2, Folder 60

XYZ 1983-1995

Box 1, Folder 1

Digital Media: Email and Draft Correspondence Circa 1980-2005

Box 5, Folder 1

Restricted Correspondence Undated


Series 2 Publications 1953-2003

Physical Description: Carton 2: 61-63; Carton 3-7; Carton 13; Box 1.


Arranged chronologically by date of publication.

Scope and Content Note

This series includes manuscript drafts, notes, and annotated works, as well as related editorial correspondence. Davidson's early research into utility and stochastic decision theory, and his essay, Actions, Reasons, and Causes, are especially well-documented. Lecture materials that contributed directly to the production of a publication were generally kept with other draft materials, and may be found in this series. Also, a select series of lectures dating primarily from the 1990's, which Davidson compiled for publication under the title The Sources of Objectivity, can be found In this series. Additional lecture and seminar materials can be found in Series 4, Professional Associations. Includes annotated volumes and reprints.
Carton 2, Folder 61

Outline of a Formal Theory of Value 1953

Carton 2, Folder 62

Outline of a Formal Theory of Value - Seminar Circa 1953

Carton 2, Folder 63

Decision Making: An Experimental Approach 1953-1959

Carton 3, Folder 1

Decision Making: An Experimental Approach 1956-1980

Carton 3, Folder 2

Decision Theory and Philosophy 1959

Carton 3, Folder 3

Decision Making 1976-1977

Carton 3, Folder 4

Decision Making: Conflict Undated

Carton 3, Folder 5

Decision Theory and Voluntary Action Undated

Carton 3, Folder 6

Subjective Probability and Utility 1954

Carton 3, Folders 7-8

Subjective Probability and Utility / Decision Making Circa 1955

Carton 3, Folders 9-10

Subjective Probability and Utility / Reasons / Decisions Circa 1956

Carton 3, Folders 11-12

Subjective Probability and Utility / Experimental Data 1957

Carton 3, Folder 13

Subjective Probability and Utility / Utility of Gambling Undated

Carton 3, Folder 14

Utility Theory Bibliography 1955

Carton 3, Folder 15

Rationality and Decision Making 1955

Carton 3, Folder 16

Stochastic Modifications of Decision Theory 1956

Carton 3, Folder 17

Experimental Tests of a Stochastic Decision Theory 1958-1959

Carton 3, Folders 18-19

Stochastic Decision Theory / Utility 1958-1960

Carton 3, Folder 20

Learning Transitivity of Choice in Paired... 1959

Carton 3, Folder 21

Actions, Reasons, and Causes 1959-1968

Carton 3, Folder 22

Actions, Reasons, and Causes Kenny Anthony 1963

Carton 3, Folders 23-24

Actions, Reasons, and Causes IV - Motives and Causes Circa 1964

Carton 3, Folders 25-26

Actions, Reasons, and Causes II-Intentions Circa 1965

Carton 3, Folder 27

Actions, Reasons, and Causes Actions 1966

Carton 3, Folders 28-29

Actions, Reasons, and Causes I-Classification of Reason 1966

Carton 3, Folder 30

Actions, Reasons, and Causes III-The Practical Syllogism Circa 1967

Carton 3, Folder 31

Actions, Reasons, and Causes Outline and Bibliography 1968

Carton 3, Folder 32

Actions, Reasons, and Causes Seminar 1968

Carton 3, Folders 33-34

Actions, Reasons, and Causes Ethics 1972-1977

Carton 3, Folders 35-36

Actions, Reasons, and Causes Ethics Undated

Carton 3, Folder 37

Actions, Reasons, and Causes Ethics/Rules Undated

Carton 3, Folder 38

Actions, Reasons, and Causes 1983

Carton 3, Folders 39-40

Actions, Reasons, and Causes Undated

Carton 3, Folders 41-42

Actions, Reasons, and Causes VII-Freedom Undated

Carton 3, Folder 43

Actions, Reasons, and Causes Introduction Undated

Carton 3, Folder 44

Actions, Reasons, and Causes Laws and Causes Undated

Carton 3, Folders 45-46

Actions, Reasons, and Causes V-Mixed Motives and Moral... Undated

Carton 3, Folder 47

Actions, Reasons, and Causes Response to Woodger Undated

Carton 3, Folder 48

Actions, Reasons, and Causes VI-Self Knowledge Undated

Carton 3, Folders 49-51

A Coherence Theory of Truth and Knowledge 1962-1981

Carton 3, Folder 52

A Coherence Theory of Truth and Knowledge 1983

Carton 3, Folder 53

How is Weakness of the Will Possible? 1966-1973

Carton 3, Folder 54

How is Weakness of the Will Possible? Circa 1976

Carton 4, Folders 1-2

Causal Relations 1967-1974

Carton 4, Folder 3

The Individuation of Events 1967-1969

Carton 4, Folders 4-5

On Saying That 1968-1969

Carton 4, Folders 6-7

Semantics of Natural Language 1968-1975

Carton 4, Folders 8-11

Semantics of Natural Language 1972

Carton 4, Folder 12

Semantics of Natural Language Undated

Carton 4, Folders 13-14

Facts and Events 1969

Carton 4, Folder 15

Events as Particulars 1969-1970

Carton 4, Folder 16

Words and Objections: Essays on the Work of W. V. Quine 1969-1974

Carton 4, Folders 17-18

True to the Facts 1969-1977

Carton 4, Folders 19-20

The Structure of Truth 1970

Carton 4, Folders 21-24

Mental Events 1970-1981

Carton 4, Folders 25-27

Essays on Actions and Events: Correspondence and Permission 1970-1982

Carton 4, Folders 28-29

Essays on Actions and Events 1981-1985, Undated

Carton 4, Folders 30-31

Joyce and the Net of Language, James Joyce and Humpty Dumpty 1970-1989

Carton 4, Folder 32

James Joyce and Humpty Dumpty 1988-1990

Carton 4, Folders 33-35

Agency 1971-1974

Carton 4, Folders 36-38

In Defense of Convention T 1971-1973

Carton 4, Folder 39

Freedom to Act 1972-1978

Carton 4, Folder 40

The Material Mind 1973

Carton 4, Folder 41

Agency and Causality Gavin David Young Lecture Circa 1973

Carton 4, Folders 42-44

Psychology as Philosophy 1973-1974

Carton 4, Folder 45

Belief and the Basis of Meaning 1973-1974

Carton 4, Folder 46

Belief and the Basis of Meaning, German editions 1979-1982

Carton 4, Folder 47

Radical Interpretation 1973-1974

Carton 4, Folder 48

On the Very Idea of a Conceptual Scheme 1973-1985

Carton 5, Folders 1-2

On the Very Idea of a Conceptual Scheme Undated

Carton 5, Folders 3-4

Intending 1974-1975

Carton 5, Folders 5-6

Intending 1975-1979

Carton 5, Folder 7

Thought and Talk 1974-1975

Carton 5, Folder 8

Reply to Foster 1974-1976

Carton 5, Folder 9

The Logic of Grammar 1974-1979

Carton 5, Folders 10-11

Deception and Division 1974-1986

Carton 5, Folders 12-13

Hempel on Explaining Action 1975-1976

Carton 5, Folders 14-15

Moods and Performances 1976-1979

Carton 5, Folder 16

The Inscrutability of Reference 1977-1979

Carton 5, Folder 17

Quotation 1977-1979

Carton 5, Folders 18-21

A Nice Derangement of Epitaphs 1977-1986

Carton 5, Folder 19

Adverbs of Action Individuation of Action Circa 1977

Carton 5, Folders 23-25

Adverbs of Action 1982-1983

Carton 5, Folders 26-27

The Method of Truth in Metaphysics Circa 1977-1979

Carton 5, Folder 28

Utility, Intransitivity, and Change 1978

Carton 5, Folder 29

What Metaphors Mean 1978-1981

Carton 5, Folders 30-35

Paradoxes of Irrationality 1978-1983

Carton 5, Folder 36

Toward a Unified Theory of Meaning and Action 1980-1981

Carton 5, Folder 37

Meaning and Interpretation Circa 1980

Carton 5, Folders 38-39

Empirical Content 1982-1983

Carton 5, Folders 40-41

Reply to Rorty, Pragmatism, Davidson, and Truth 1983

Carton 5, Folder 42

Communication and Convention 1983

Carton 5, Folder 43

Plato's Philosopher 1983-1985

Carton 5, Folder 44

Plato's Philosopher 1985-1994

Carton 5, Folders 45-46

Judging Interpersonal Interests 1983-1987

Carton 5, Folders 46-47

First Person Authority 1983-1984

Carton 6, Folder 1

First Person Authority Circa 1984

Carton 6, Folder 2

Incoherence and Irrationality 1985

Carton 6, Folders 3-4

Meaning, Truth, and Evidence 1985

Carton 6, Folders 5-7

Meaning, Truth, and Evidence 1989-1995

Carton 6, Folder 8

Reply to Grice Circa 1985

Carton 6, Folders 9-11

The Myth of the Subjective 1986-1988

Carton 6, Folder 12

Afterthoughts" to "A Coherence Theory of Truth and Knowledge 1987

Carton 6, Folder 13

How Public Must a Language Be? Circa 1987

Carton 6, Folders 14-16

Pursuit of the Concept of Truth 1987-1991

Carton 6, Folder 17

Quine's Behaviorism / Dretske Outline 1988

Carton 6, Folder 18

What is Present to the Mind? 1988-1989

Carton 6, Folder 19

The Conditions of Thought 1988-1989

Carton 6, Folders 20-21

The Objectivity of Values 1988-1994

Carton 6, Folder 22

Representation and Interpretation 1990

Carton 6, Folder 23

Turing's Test 1990

Carton 6, Folder 24

The Socratic Concept of Truth 1990-1992

Carton 6, Folders 25-26

Measure of the Mental 1990-1995

Carton 6, Folder 27

Epistemology Externalized" 1991

Carton 6, Folder 28

Three Varieties of Knowledge 1991

Carton 6, Folders 29-31

The Second Person 1991-1992

Carton 6, Folders 32-33

The Sources of Objectivity Circa 1991

Carton 6, Folder 34

The Sources of Objectivity - Paris 1992

Carton 6, Folder 35

The Sources of Objectivity - Mexico 1992

Carton 6, Folders 36-37

The Sources of Objectivity - Rome 1993

Carton 6, Folders 38-39

The Sources of Objectivity - Munich 1993-1994

Carton 6, Folders 40-42

The Sources of Objectivity 1994

Carton 6, Folder 43

The Sources of Objectivity - Leuven Lectures 1994

Carton 6, Folder 44

The Sources of Objectivity - Jean Nicod Lectures Circa 1994

Carton 6, Folder 45

The Sources of Objectivity - Book Notes 1994-1996

Carton 6, Folder 46

The Sources of Objectivity 1995

Carton 6, Folders 47-48

The Sources of Objectivity - Externalisms Circa 1995

Carton 6, Folders 49-50

The Sources of Objectivity Circa 1995-1997

Carton 6, Folder 51

The Sources of Objectivity - Ariela Circa 1998

Carton 6, Folder 52

The Sources of Objectivity - Stroud Circa 1998

Carton 6, Folder 53

The Sources of Objectivity - Genova Circa 1998

Carton 6, Folder 54

The Sources of Objectivity - Bilgrami Circa 1998

Carton 7, Folder 1

The Sources of Objectivity - McDowell Circa 1998

Carton 7, Folder 2

The Sources of Objectivity - Smart Circa 1998

Carton 7, Folder 3

The Sources of Objectivity - Frede, M. (correspondence) 2000

Carton 7, Folder 4

The Sources of Objectivity 2003

Carton 7, Folder 5

The Sources of Objectivity - Book Notes Undated

Carton 7, Folders 6-7

The Social Aspect of Language 1991-1995

Carton 7, Folder 8

Locating Literary Language 1992

Carton 7, Folders 9-11

Spinoza's Causal Theory of the Affects 1992-1999

Carton 7, Folder 12

Dialectic and Dialogue 1994

Carton 7, Folder 13

What is Quine's View of Truth? 1994

Carton 7, Folder 14

Radical Interpretation Interpreted 1994

Carton 7, Folder 15

The Folly of Trying to Define Truth 1995

Carton 7, Folder 16

Could there be a Science of Rationality? 1995

Carton 7, Folder 17

Laws and Cause 1995

Carton 7, Folder 18

Who is Fooled? 1995-1998

Carton 7, Folder 19

Indeterminism and Antirealism Circa 1996

Carton 7, Folder 20

Gadamer and Plato's Philebus Circa 1996

Carton 7, Folder 21

Truth Rehabilitated Circa 1996

Carton 7, Folder 22

Seeing Through Language 1996-1997

Carton 7, Folder 23

Replies to seventeen essays 1998

Carton 7, Folders 24-25

What Thought Requires 1998

Carton 7, Folder 26

The Emergence of Thought 1999

Carton 7, Folder 27

The Centrality of Truth 1999

Carton 7, Folder 28

Interpretation: Hard in Theory, Easy in Practice Circa 1999

Carton 7, Folder 29

Aristotle's Action 2000

Carton 7, Folder 30

Subjective, Intersubjective, Objective 2001

Carton 7, Folders 31-32

Meanings and Morals: The Return of Reason in Ethics Undated

Carton 7, Folder 33

Conceptual Relativism Undated

Carton 7, Folder 34

Epistemology and Truth Undated

Carton 7, Folder 35

Interpersonal Comparisons Undated

Carton 7, Folder 36

Quine's Externalism Undated

Carton 7, Folders 37-39

Editorial Correspondence: Synthese 1967-1982

Carton 7, Folders 40-42

Editorial Correspondence: Erkenntnis 1974-1986

Carton 7, Folder 43

Editorial Correspondence 1987-1988

Carton 7, Folder 44

Compilation Notes Circa 1994-1996

Box 1

Digital Media: Publication Drafts Circa 1980-2005

Carton 7, Folder 45

Donald Davidson Reprints 1963-1969

Carton 7, Folder 46

Donald Davidson Reprints 1969-1971

Carton 7, Folder 47

Donald Davidson Reprints 1971-1974

Carton 7, Folder 48

Donald Davidson Reprints 1975-1979

Carton 7, Folder 49

Donald Davidson Reprints 1979-1982

Carton 7, Folder 50

Donald Davidson Reprints 1982-1986

Carton 7, Folder 51

Donald Davidson Reprints 1986-1994

Carton 7, Folder 52

Donald Davidson Reprints 1994-2003

Carton 13, Folder 1

The Poetics; On the Sublime; On Style - Annotated Undated

Carton 13, Folder 2

The Politics - Annotated Undated

Carton 13, Folder 3

The Metaphysics - Annotated Undated

Carton 13, Folder 4

The Metaphysics II - Annotated Undated

Carton 13, Folder 5

The Nicomachean Ethics - Annotated Undated

Carton 13, Folder 6

On the Soul. Parva Naturalia. On Breath. - Annotated Undated

Carton 13, Folder 7

The Paul Carus Lectures - Annotated Undated

Carton 13, Folder 8

Methods of Logic - Annotated Undated

Carton 13, Folder 9

Philosophical Papers - Annotated Undated

Carton 13, Folder 10

Pursuit of Truth - Annotated Undated

Carton 13, Folder 11

Introduction to Semantics - Annotated Undated

Carton 13, Folder 12

The Time of My Life: An Autobiography - Annotated Undated

Carton 13, Folder 13

Word and Object - Annotated

Carton 13, Folder 14

In Conversation: Donald Davidson 1997

Carton 13, Folder 15

Davidson Series Broadcast Transcripts 1997


Series 3 Teaching Materials 1951-2002

Physical Description: Carton 8; Carton 9: 1-6.


Arranged hierarchically, then chronologically.

Scope and Content Note

This series includes course notes, syllabi, lecture outlines, and administrative materials from the Dept. of Philosophy at the University of California.
Carton 8, Folder 1

UCB Admin - Faculty and Graduate Students 1986, 1994

Carton 8, Folder 2

UCB Admin - Visiting Scholars 1992-1999

Carton 8, Folder 3

Theory of Meaning (Phil. 202) 1951-1957

Carton 8, Folders 4-5

Ethics (Phil. 2) 1953-1957

Carton 8, Folder 6

Ideas in Literature (Phil. 192) 1957-1967

Carton 8, Folders 7-8

Theory of Knowledge/Epistemology (Phil. 152. 184) 1960-1963

Carton 8, Folder 9

Philosophy of Language outlines/exams (Phil. 181) 1962-1968

Carton 8, Folder 10

Ethics (Phil. 156) 1964

Carton 8, Folder 11

Aesthetics of Music Seminar (Phil. 175) 1965

Carton 8, Folder 12

Theory of Meaning 1973-1977

Carton 8, Folder 13

Theory of Meaning assignments (Phil. 135/137) 1977-1990

Carton 8, Folder 14

Theory of Action assignments (Phil. 131) 1977-1992

Carton 8, Folder 15

Theory of Meaning (Phil. 531) 1978

Carton 8, Folder 16

Course Notes - University of Chicago 1980

Carton 8, Folder 17

Philosophy and Epistemology (Phil. 290) 1982

Carton 8, Folders 18-19

Philosophy of Social Science (Phil. 141) 1982-1984

Carton 8, Folder 20

Philosophy of Social Science Lectures (Phil 130/141) 1983-1986

Carton 8, Folder 21

Philosophy of Action (Phil. 131) 1984

Carton 8, Folders 22-23

Ethics and Objectivity Seminar 1985

Carton 8, Folder 24

Theory of Action (Hilary and Oslo Terms) 1985-1988

Carton 8, Folders 25-26

Theory of Meaning (Phil. 135/137) 1985-1990

Carton 8, Folders 27-29

Theory of Knowledge/Epistemology lectures/assignments (Phil. 122) 1986

Carton 8, Folders 30-31

Philosophy of the Social Sciences notes/assignments (Phil. 130) 1986

Carton 8, Folder 32

Concept of Truth Seminar 1987

Carton 8, Folder 33

First Person Authority (Phil. 290-1) 1987

Carton 8, Folders 34-36

Theory of Action lectures (Phil. 131) 1987-1992

Carton 8, Folder 37

Recent work in the Philosophy of Psychology Seminar 1988

Carton 8, Folders 38-41

Concept of Truth Seminar 1988-1990

Carton 8, Folder 42

Naturalized Epistemology Seminar 1990

Carton 8, Folder 43

Social Conditions of Thought - Reader 1990

Carton 8, Folders 44-45

Plato's Methods (Phil. 290-7) 1991

Carton 8, Folder 46

Radical Interpretation Seminar (Phil. 290-2) 1992

Carton 8, Folder 47

Objectivity (Phil. 290) 1994

Carton 8, Folder 48

Mind and World (Phil. 290-2) 1995

Carton 8, Folder 49

Language and Thought Seminar 1997

Carton 8, Folder 50

Conceptualization (Phil. 290-2) 1998

Carton 9, Folder 1

Conceptualization (Phil. 290-1) 1999

Carton 9, Folder 2

Prediction and Truth (Phil. 290-1) 2000

Carton 9, Folders 3-4

Quine on Epistemology and Truth (Phil. 290-1) 2001

Carton 9, Folder 5-6

Unity of Preposition (Phil. 290-1) 2002


Series 4 Professional Associations 1953-1998

Physical Description: Carton 9: 7-49; Carton 10; Carton 11: 1-15; Box 1.


Arranged chronologically.

Scope and Content Note

This series consists primarily of drafts and notes for papers delivered by Davidson at academic conferences, seminars, and workshops, or as part of ongoing lecture series. Lecture series represented include including the Carus Lectures, the Dewey Lectures, the Isenberg Lectures, the Lindley Lectures, and the Locke Lectures.
Carton 9, Folders 7-8

APA - Use and Meaning 1953

Carton 9, Folder 9

The Role of Reference in Storytelling 1958

Carton 9, Folder 10

APA - Reasons and Causes - Quine and Strawson Seminar 1961

Carton 9, Folder 11

APA - Actions, Reasons, and Causes 1963-1964

Carton 9, Folder 12

Lectures/Articles 1967-1968

Carton 9, Folder 13

Council for Philosophical Studies (SFSU) 1967-1982

Carton 9, Folder 14

Comment on Braithwaite 1968

Carton 9, Folder 15

Isenberg Memorial Lectures 1968

Carton 9, Folder 16

Center for Advanced Study 1969-1979

Carton 9, Folder 17

APA - American Philosophical Association 1971

Carton 9, Folder 18

Balliol Reading Party / Philosophy of Action 1971

Carton 9, Folder 19

APA - Forty-Sixth Annual Meeting 1972

Carton 9, Folder 20

Notre Dame Lectures - Events and Actions; Ontology 1972

Carton 9, Folder 21

Humanities Visiting Committee 1972

Carton 9, Folder 22

Semantics and Linguistics Workshop: Ontology without Reference 1972

Carton 9, Folder 23

Dalhousie: Events and Causality Lecture 1973

Carton 9, Folders 24-26

Meaning without Reference 1973

Carton 9, Folder 27

Dewey Lectures - Speaking and Thinking 1973-1975

Carton 9, Folder 28

John Locke Lectures - The Structure of Truth 1973-1976

Carton 9, Folders 29-30

Ontology and Reference Seminars 1973-1979

Carton 9, Folder 31

Intending - Weakness of the Will 1974

Carton 9, Folder 32

Oxford - Truth Seminar 1974

Carton 9, Folder 33

Intending - Problem of Agency 1975

Carton 9, Folder 34

Conference: Origins and Evolution of Language... 1975

Carton 9, Folder 35

Colloquium on Intentionality: Truth and Ontology Circa 1976

Carton 9, Folder 36

The Ontology of Adverbial Modification Circa 1976

Carton 9, Folders 37-38

Why Animals Can't Think 1976-1982

Carton 9, Folder 39

Harvard University - Cognitive Science Series 1979

Carton 9, Folder 40

Lectures on Force 1979

Carton 9, Folder 41

Confrontation with Lyotard 1980

Carton 9, Folder 42

Sloan Workshop: Paradoxes and Belief, Desire, Meaning 1980

Carton 9, Folders 43-45

Carus Lectures: I-III 1980

Carton 9, Folder 46

Carus I Lectures: Personal Reference Circa 1980

Carton 9, Folders 47-48

Carus II Lectures: Objective Truth Circa 1980

Carton 9, Folder 49

Carus III Lectures Undated

Carton 10, Folder 1

Carus III Lectures Undated

Carton 10, Folder 2

Carus Lectures Undated

Carton 10, Folders 3-5

Paper Topics, Lecture Topics Circa 1980-1995

Carton 10, Folder 6

Alicante Conference: Intentionality and Action 1981

Carton 10, Folder 7

Heidelberg Seminar: Exchange w/ Quine and Putnam 1981

Carton 10, Folder 8

Lindley Lectures - Expressing Evaluations 1982-1983

Carton 10, Folders 9-11

Rutgers - Davidson Conference 1982-1984

Carton 10, Folder 12

Belief Seminar 1984

Carton 10, Folder 13

Conference on Rationality and Emotions 1984

Carton 10, Folder 14

Minds and Matters Seminar: The Brain in the Vat 1984

Carton 10, Folders 15-16

Davidson-Peacocke - Interpretation, Truth, and Knowledge 1984

Box 1, Tapes 1-4

Calcutta Lectures 1985

Carton 10, Folder 17

Calcutta Lectures 1985

Carton 10, Folder 18

Cognitive Science Seminar: Epistemology and Representation 1985

Carton 10, Folders 19-22

Exchange with Quine, Føllesdal (Dresden) Circa 1986

Box 1, Tapes 5-24

Theory of Meaning 1987

Carton 10, Folder 23

Paris - Interpretation Seminar 1988

Carton 10, Folders 24-28

Dewey Lectures - The Concept of Truth 1989

Carton 10, Folder 29

Dewey V Lectures Undated

Carton 10, Folder 30

Scripps - Does it Think? Lectures, Turing's Test 1989

Carton 10, Folder 31

Cal Tech Lecture- The Problem of Radical Interpretation 1989

Carton 10, Folder 32

Symposium: Meaning and Holism Debate with Fodor 1992

Carton 10, Folder 33

Dartmouth Lectures: Objectivity of Values 1993

Carton 10, Folders 34-36

Kant Lectures - Truth and Worth 1993

Carton 10, Folders 37-38

Kant Lectures - Munich 1993

Carton 11, Folders 1-3

Kant Lectures - Munich 1993

Carton 11, Folders 4-7

Kant Lectures - Drafts Circa 1986

Carton 11, Folder 8

Kant II Lecture - Variant Undated

Carton 11, Folder 9

Distinguished Scholar in Residence Lecture, Seminar 1994

Carton 11, Folder 10

Philosophy International 1994-1997

Carton 11, Folder 11

APA - Comment on Fodor and Lepore: Understanding Language 1995

Carton 11, Folder 12

Belgrade Circle Talks 1995

Carton 11, Folders 13-14

Quine: Karlovy Vary Symposium, Czech Republic 1995

Carton 11, Folder 15

Montevideo - Lecture on Truth 1998


Series 5 Subject Files 1958-2000

Physical Description: Carton 11: 16-51; Carton 12: 1-13; Box 3-5.


Arranged alphabetically.

Scope and Content Note

This series includes research materials relating to various subjects in philosophy, the humanities and social sciences. In many cases these subject files formed the basis for publications, speeches, and teaching notes. Includes three boxes of subject card files primarily concerning epistemology, ethics, and language.
Carton 11, Folder 16

Action Sentences 1971-1976

Carton 11, Folder 17

Assertions Undated

Carton 11, Folders 18-19

Belief/Belief Sentences Undated

Carton 11, Folder 20

Consciousness - Qualia Undated

Carton 11, Folders 21

Criteria of Language Circa 1980

Carton 11, Folder 22

Criticism, Literary 1991-1992

Carton 11, Folder 23

Davidson on Dummett Undated

Carton 11, Folder 24

Davidson on Rorty: Philosophers Meet Their Critics 1994-1995

Carton 11, Folder 25

Dogma, The Third Dogma of Empirical Counterfactuals Undated

Carton 11, Folder 26

Early Externalism Circa 1995

Carton 11, Folder 27

Externalisms Circa 1995

Carton 11, Folder 28

Freud's Project Undated

Carton 11, Folder 29

Imperatives Undated

Carton 11, Folder 30

Informational Theories Undated

Carton 11, Folder 31

Intension with an S and Intention with a T 1962

Carton 11, Folder 32

Kuhn, Thomas 1962-1986

Carton 11, Folder 33

Luce, Comments on 1960

Carton 11, Folder 34

Meaning and Music Undated

Carton 11, Folder 35

Mental - Physical Causation 1981

Carton 11, Folder 36

Miscellaneous - Annotated Articles by Colleagues 1983-1994

Carton 11, Folder 38

Objectivity of Practical Reason Circa 1995

Carton 11, Folder 39

Ontology/Formal Criteria of Existence Circa 1970

Carton 11, Folder 40

Political Theory Circa 1958

Carton 11, Folder 41

Prepositional and Animal Thought Circa 1995

Carton 11, Folder 42

Problem of Predication Circa 1995

Carton 11, Folder 43

Quantified Intensions Undated

Carton 11, Folder 44

Questions Undated

Carton 11, Folder 45

Quine and Davidson by Gibson Circa 1993

Carton 11, Folders 46-51

Quine's Annotated Autobiography Undated

Carton 12, Folders 1-4

Quine Reprints 1958-1985

Carton 12, Folder 5

Quotation 1978

Carton 12, Folder 6

Radical Transition and Intentionality Undated

Carton 12, Folder 7

ROTC Circa 1963

Carton 12, Folder 8

Russell on Logical Form Circa 1969

Carton 12, Folder 9

Sensation, The Intensionality of Undated

Carton 12, Folder 10

Sex Differences Undated

Carton 12, Folder 11

The Tuned String Undated

Carton 12, Folder 12

Voluntarily and Involuntarily Undated

Carton 12, Folder 13

Wisdom 1993-2000

Box 2, Folder 1

Subject Card File: Ideas in Literature / Epistemology 1950-1970

Box 2, Folder 1

Memory Theaetetus (Philosophy 184) Theory of Knowledge Hume Phenomenalism Enquiry Plato (Philosophy 135) Phaedo Gorgias Republic Parmenides Philebus Greek Philosophy Philosophy 17 Intro, Philosophy 192 Homer Hesiod Aeschylus Euripides Sophocles Augustine Dante Circa 1950-1970

Box 3, Folder 1

Subject Card File: Ideas in Literature / Ethics 1950-1970

Box 3, Folder 1

Shakespeare Marlowe, Nash Donne Goethe Joyce Philosophy 4 (with criticism) Republic (Philosophy 4) Nicomachean Ethics (Philosophy 4) Butler and Design (Philosophy 4, 11?) Hume (Philosophy 4) Kant's Ethics (Philosophy 8) J.S. Mill Conclusion Circa 1950-1970

Box 4, Folder 1

Subject Card File: Language Circa 1950-1970

Box 4, Folder 1

Philosophy 311: Language Theory of Meaning: Bibliography, Assignments Descriptions, Names, Indices Belief Sentences Imperatives Analytic Carnap On What There is Lewis Carnap: Truth and Confirmation Modalities Descriptions and Singular Terms Philosophy 311: Precepts Truth Frege Convention T Truth Definition as a Theory of Meaning Hume (Russell) Defining "Language" Defining, "Sign" and "Token" Pragmatic Assertion Philosophy 181 - Language Synonymy, Analyticity, Dispositions, Constructs, the Building-Block Model of Language Church Naming, Meaning, Description, Predicates Aesthetic, Moral Uses of Language Theory of Meaning Use and Mention Rules Quine Circa 1950-1970


Series 6 Biographical Materials 1935-2003

Physical Description: Carton 12: 14-41; Carton 14; Carton 15.


Arranged chronologically.

Scope and Content Note

This series includes copies of Davidson's honors thesis and Ph.D. dissertation, as well as personal journals and correspondence, including a rich collection of correspondence dating from Davidson's naval service during WWII. It also includes Davidson's curriculum vitae, a number of intellectual biographies, photographs, and nineteen video cassette tapes of interviews recorded for the series In Conversation.
Carton 12, Folders 14-16

Autobiographical Information 1935-2000

Carton 12, Folder 17

Harvard Honors Thesis: The Concept of Aretē and the Two Lives in the "Philebus" 1939

Carton 12, Folders 18-19

UC Navy Officer Service Record 1942-1952

Carton 12, Folders 20-21

Correspondence - Davidson, Virginia 1943-1944

Carton 12, Folder 22

Correspondence - Davidson, Virginia 1978-1991

Carton 12, Folder 23

Personal Journals - Mexico 1945-1946

Carton 12, Folder 24

Harvard Dissertation: Plato's "Philebus" 1947

Carton 12, Folders 25-26

Plato's "Philebus" Circa 1947

Carton 12, Folders 27-28

Correspondence - Davidson, Elizabeth 1968-1993

Carton 12, Folder 29

Princeton 1968-1974

Carton 12, Folders 30-32

Correspondence - Hirschberg, Nancy 1970-1974

Carton 12, Folder 33

22nd Carus Lecturer 1975-1976

Carton 12, Folder 34

Bibliography; On Davidson Circa 1976

Carton 12, Folder 35

Davidson Profiles Volume 1977-1978

Carton 12, Folders 36-38

Newspaper Clippings/Articles 1977-2002

Carton 12, Folder 39

Foreign Articles 1983-1997

Carton 12, Folder 40

Correspondence - Cavell, Marcia 1984-2000

Carton 12, Folder 41

Davidson's 70th Birthday 1987

Carton 15, Folders 1-2

Interviews 1988-1997

Carton 14, Tapes 1-19

In Conversation: Donald Davidson 1997

Carton 15, Folder 3

The Willis S. And Marion Slusser Professor of Philosophy Award 1990-1992

Carton 15, Folders 4-10

Davidson - Library of Living Philosophers Compilation 1993-1999

Carton 15, Folder 11

Honorary Degree Materials 1995

Carton 15, Folder 12

Intellectual Biography Circa 1995

Carton 15, Folders 13-14

Curriculum Vitae - Donald Davidson 1995-1997

Carton 15, Folder 15

Davidson's 80th Birthday - Photographs 1997

Carton 15, Folder 16

Important Dates 1997

Carton 15, Folder 17

Unfinished Quine Essay 2000-2003

Carton 15, Folder 18

Copyrights 2003

Carton 15, Folder 19-20

Last papers on Davidson's desk Undated

Carton 15, Folder 21

Unpublished paper - Danto Undated

Carton 15, Folder 22

Unpublished paper - A Defense of some Freudian Theses Undated

Carton 15, Folder 23

Davidson Bibliographies Undated

Carton 15, Folder 24

Photographs Undated

Carton 15, Folder 25

Autobiographical Materials Undated