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Meyerhof (Walter Ernst) Papers
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Papers, 1998-145 Accession ARCH-1998-145

General note


Missing Title

  1. 1-5 Atomic Research
  2. 5-8 Miscellaneous: minutes, project files, some unlabeled files
  3. 8-13 Atomic Radiation
  4. 14-16 Stanford courses
  5. 16-20 Physics department files
  6. 21-23 Department related, alpha files A - L
  7. 24-26 Department related, alpha files M - R
  8. 27-28 Department related, alpha files R - Z
  9. 27-28 Miscellaneous files
  10. 29-31 Faculty Reports
  11. 29-31 Progress Reports
  12. 29-31 Proposals
  13. 31-35 Administrative files: purchase orders, abstracts, conferences, talks, manuscripts
  14. 35-37 Administrative files
  15. 35-37 Correspondence
  16. 37-39 Administrative files
  17. 37-39 Files from desk
  18. 39-40 Files from desk
  19. 37-39 41-44 Reprints; card file
Box 1

Atomic Research:

Box 1

MO Munich 1973

Box 1

Observ. of Z=70 Br+Br

Box 1


Box 1

Auger – X Ray

Box 1

Stopped Atom

Box 1

MO Shape

Box 1

AFO/MO x-ray proc. Belgrade 1973

Box 1


Box 1


Box 1


Box 1

Review Letters

Box 1

Annual Reviews Article, 1977

Box 1

Position emission

Box 1

Dilution experiments

Box 1

MO Auisotropy

Box 1

Pb-Pb MO Exp't

Box 1

L-L level watching

Box 1

K-L level watching

Box 1

Multistep process

Box 1

Thorson Plot

Box 1

MO Carambole

Box 1

1976 Meetings

Box 1

80 Mev I+I

Box 1

1974, 1980 Meetings

Box 1

US – Japan

Box 1

3dδ Ioniz. P(b)

Box 1

2 dδ Paper (II)

Box 2

Science Article

Box 2

Nuclear reaction Effects on Intershell Ionization (Draft)

Box 2

2 FEV 436 Progress report 1980/81

Box 2

1 FEV 403 Germany / France

Box 2

1082/83 Progress report

Box 2

U+U Berkeley, 1984/85

Box 2

Final report 1989

Box 2

Progress report 1984

Box 2

Facilities account # 3 2 FEV 443

Box 2

1 FEV 402

Box 2

Computer proposal

Box 2

Frankfurt / Bordeaux Coop. Program 1985/90, NSF 84-14671

Box 3

2 FEV 435 - finished

Box 3

NSF equipment proposal

Box 3

ATO. Phys. Expenses Nov. 1980, 2 FEV 436

Box 3

1994 proposal

Box 3

Supplementary 1991 proposal, 2 FEV 448

Box 3

2 FEV 449 SCAC FAB – University Memos etc.

Box 3

Facilities account: 2 FEV 437/8; Computer proposal 2 FEV 440; 2 FEV 442

Box 4

Atomic physics expenses 2 FEV 442

Box 4

Frankfurt Coop. Prog. 1981-85

Box 4

1987 proposal to NSF PHY-86-14650

Box 4

NSF 1984 Proposal

Box 4

2 FEV 444

Box 4

2 FEV 445 Facilities account #4

Box 4

Proposed research plans for Van De Graff Lab

Box 4

Meyerhof original proposal 2 FEV 436

Box 5

Progress report 1989/90 figures

Box 5

CN proposal

Box 5

1984 Proposal

Box 5

NSF Suppl. Proposal to 2 FEV 436 (Aug. 1983)

Box 5

Atomic proposal

Box 5

Women in Physics – Stanford U.

Box 5

Minutes 1988/89

Box 5

Minutes 1986/7/8

Box 5

Astro search

Box 5

Gravitation Com

Box 5

Quantum Electronic search

Box 5


Box 5


Box 5

Senate represent

Box 6

Affirm. Action

Box 6

Van De Graff Stanford

Box 6

High Volt. Engineering Corp

Box 6


Box 6

Kirkpatrick resolution

Box 6

Hofstadter Resolution

Box 6

Meetings and invitations

Box 6

Lecture Hall

Box 6

Van de Graaf Building (empty)

Box 6

Van de Graaf Use

Box 6

Tandem optics

Box 6

Grad. School Committee

Box 7

Foil Changer Equip. Rebate

Box 7


Box 7

Cranston, Frederic P.

Box 7


Box 7

Chain Hoists & Cranes

Box 7


Box 7


Box 7


Box 7

Advances in Ado/Mobe Phys. Articles

Box 7

Amer. Phys. Soc., Am. Inst. Of Physics, etc.

Box 7

Atomic Data

Box 7

B-ray spectometer

Box 7

Answer Book

Box 8

1994 references

Box 8

Thoughts on classroom teaching

Box 8

Physics 10 1972/3

Box 8

HEPL search

Box 8


Box 8


Box 8

References 1991/2

Box 8

Misc. papers

Box 8

Compound . . . X-rays

Box 9

Duinker effect

Box 9

Memorandum & misc.

Box 9

Metal-Metal contacts

Box 9

Beta-Bay spectrometer

Box 9

Be 9

Box 9

X-ray intensities

Box 9

β ranger

Box 9

Standard absorption curves

Box 9

γ-γ angular correlation curves

Box 9

Absorption coefficients

Box 9

Standard curves – extra copies

Box 9

No. I Detector Efficiencies

Box 9

Energy spread in neutron producing reactions

Box 10

"An Atom Smasher for Well Logging" by Philip W. Martin

Box 10

Lamb – Advanced QM

Box 10

G (UA) highly promoted MO's

Box 10


Box 10

Inelastic N scattering Zu, Ce

Box 10

Cl 33

Box 10

As 71

Box 10

Ir 192

Box 10

e polarization

Box 10


Box 10


Box 10


Box 10


Box 11


Box 11

Gove, Durser

Box 11


Box 11

University Panel on Radiological Hazards

Box 11


Box 11


Box 11


Box 11


Box 11


Box 12


Box 12


Box 12

Physics 11 1979/80

Box 12

Lectures in ionization etc.

Box 12

Physics 21 1987-90

Box 13

Physics 25 1989/90

Box 13

Physics 51 1967-68

Box 13

Physics 52-53. Electricity

Box 13

Physics 55 set ups

Box 13

Physics 57 1960/61

Box 14

Physics 55 Fall 91

Box 14

Physics 57 lectures

Box 14

Physics 57 summer 1962 Exams/Problems

Box 14

Physics 105 Solids

Box 14

Physics 108 58/59

Box 14

Physics 140 1967-68

Box 14

Physics Nuclear Moment - Bloch

Box 14

Themodynamics Physics 173

Box 15

Physics 175

Box 15

Stanford Physics 181 1950/51

Box 15

Physics 181 1951/52

Box 15

Physics 183 1953/54

Box 15

185/7 1961-62

Box 15

Physics 240/1 1962/3

Box 15

Physics 240, Nuclear physics, Autumn 1965/66

Box 15

Physics 181 1972/73

Box 15

Physics 299

Box 15

Physics 260 1987

Box 15

Physics 260 Talk

Box 16

Nuclear Physics 240-241, Stanford Univ., 1969/70

Box 16

Physics 241 Walecka

Box 16

Physics 242 Walecka

Box 16

Physics 243 Walecka

Box 16

Curriculum Project

Box 16

Minutes 1989-.

Box 16

Grad. Study Committee

Box 16

Minutes 1985-6

Box 17

Minutes 1984-5

Box 17

Minutes 1983

Box 17

Stipends 1979-83

Box 17

Minutes 1982

Box 17

Minutes 1981-82

Box 17

TA Survey 1979-80

Box 17

Minutes 1979/81

Box 17

Minutes 1977/79

Box 17

Grad. Students 1977-8

Box 17

Grad. Students 1975-6

Box 17

Professorial Committee 1976-77

Box 17

Grad Students 1976-77

Box 18

Grad Students 1974

Box 18

Grad Studies 1965-70

Box 18

Grad Studies 1972-74

Box 18

Grad Studies 1970-72

Box 18

Trial Tutorial System

Box 18

Course Review (Physics)

Box 18

Education Committee

Box 18

Faculty Meetings 1975-77

Box 18

Faculty Meetings 1970-71

Box 18

Minutes of Meetings 1970-75

Box 18

Stanford 1969-70

Box 18

Stanford 1968-69

Box 18

Stanford 1961-72, misc.

Box 19

Stanford 1967-68

Box 19

Education Committee

Box 19

Stanford Minutes 1966-67

Box 19

Students 1965-66

Box 19

Stanford minutes 1965-66

Box 19

Students 1964-65

Box 19

Stanford minutes 1964-65

Box 19

Stanford minutes 1963-64

Box 19

Students 1963-64

Box 19

Stanford minutes 1962-63

Box 19

Students 1962-63

Box 19

Stanford minutes 1961-62

Box 19

Graduate students 1961-62

Box 20

Stanford minutes 1960-61

Box 20

Graduate students 1960-61

Box 20

Physics 51 discussions

Box 20

Stanford minutes 1959-60

Box 20

Graduate students 1959-60

Box 20

Stanford minutes 1958-59

Box 20

Graduate students 1958-59

Box 20

Stanford minutes 1957-58

Box 20

Professional and Faculty meetings 1956-1957

Box 20

Graduate Study Committee (G.S.C.) 1956-57 (4 folders)

Box 20

Physics Department 1956-57

Box 20

Undergraduate Study Comm. 1956-57

Box 20

Professional and Faculty Meetings 1953-56

Box 20

G.S.C. 1955-56 (4 folders), 1954-55 (3 folders), 1953-54 (3 folders)

Box 20

Undergraduate Study Comm. 1953-56

Box 20

Physics Department 1953-56

Box 21

Professional and Faculty Meetings 1950-53

Box 21

G.S.C. 1952-53 (3 folders), 1951-52 (3 folders), 1950-51 (4 folders), and 1949-1950 (1 folder)

Box 21

Physics Department 1950-53

Box 21

Undergraduate Study Comm. 1950-52

Box 21

Other, 1949-50 and prior to

Box 21

High School Students

Box 21

Dept. Grad. Study Comm: Minutes of Last Years, bound annually

Box 21

Dept. Grad. Study Comm: loose minutes and other notes

Box 21

APS Committee on Minorities

Box 21


Box 21

Annual Review

Box 21


Box 21


Box 22

Army Research

Box 22

A.P.S. Nominating Committee

Box 22

Auston, Sam

Box 22


Box 22


Box 22

Becker, U.

Box 22


Box 22

Bloch, Felix

Box 22

Bloch committee

Box 22

Bockelheide, Irving

Box 22

Brun, Dr. Ernst

Box 22

California Research Corp. (2 folders)

Box 23


Box 23


Box 23

Chase, Lloyd F., Jr.

Box 23

Community college

Box 23


Box 23

Consultants and visitors

Box 23


Box 23


Box 23

Dale, Daniel Stanton

Box 23


Box 23

Frank Dietrich

Box 23

Fairbank, William Martin

Box 23


Box 23


Box 23

HLS Budget Advisory Group

Box 23

S.S. Hanna

Box 23


Box 24

Humboldt Foundation

Box 24

Horen, Dan

Box 24


Box 24

Kohler, Donald

Box 24


Box 24

McDonald, Robert

Box 24

Meyerhoff - Dept. and personal (3 folders)

Box 24

Miscellaneous correspondence

Box 24

Molitoris, J.D.

Box 25

National Science Foundation (2 folders)

Box 25

NSF research proposals

Box 25

R. O'Neil

Box 25

NSF Reports

Box 25

NSF CP 2969

Box 25

NSF CP 5697

Box 26

OOR-ARO Reports, 1959 -

Box 26

ONR status report

Box 26


Box 26

Paul, Peter

Box 26

PEW Science Program

Box 26


Box 26

Radiation Committee

Box 26

Radiation Exposure Limits

Box 26

Radioactive sources

Box 26

Radiation Detection Co.

Box 27

Radiation Committee

Box 27

Ramus Proposal

Box 27

Research in our Dept.

Box 27


Box 27

Scheurer, J.-N.

Box 27

Schiff lecture (2 folders)

Box 27

Secretarial Personnel

Box 27

Secretary - group

Box 27


Box 27


Box 28

Sloan Foundation

Box 28


Box 28

Superhilac Pac

Box 28


Box 28


Box 28


Box 28

Wells, Don

Box 28

Wells, John

Box 28

Wilkinson, D.H., Dr.

Box 28


Box 28


Box 28


Box 28

Zupančič, Č.

Box 28

Detector Efficiency Curves

Box 28


Box 28

Charge Exchange, Yields 6(b)

Box 28

C 12 CPP paper

Box 28

Dr. Meyerhof

Box 29

Faculty Reports

Box 29

Supplementary 9019293 High Energy Atomic Phys. March 1982

Box 29

Proposals, 1986-87 (4 folders)

Box 29

Final report, 1984-87

Box 29

Progress reports, 1981-92 (7 folders)

Box 29

Budget continuation request, starting 2-1-90

Box 30

Progress reports, 1973-75

Box 30

Progress report, 6/1/76-6/30/77

Box 30

Progress reports, Nov 1, 1980 - Oct 31, 1981

Box 30

Progress reports, Dec 15, 1981 - Dec 14, 1982

Box 30

Progress report, 1986

Box 30

Check requests & other financial documents, 1983

Box 31

Progress reports, 1980-82

Box 31

Petty Cash Records – WEM & other financial documents, 1979-80; n.d.

Box 31

Workshop "Minorities and Women in Physics", 1990

Box 31

Invited talks

Box 31

Abstracts, 1983-1991

Box 32

Purchase requisitions and orders, 1985-88

Box 32

1988 – Invited Lecture, 20th Int'l Summer School, Nuclear Physics, Poland

Box 32

XIV ICPEAC Conference, Palo Alto, 1985

Box 32

U.S. – Japan Cooperative Seminar, March 14-18, 1983, etc.

Box 32

Misc. articles by W. Meyerhof (and in a co-authorship), 1969, 1975, 1987, 1993 (4 folders)

Box 32

4th Int'l Conference on Atomic Physics, July 22-26, 1974, Heidelberg, W. Germany

Box 32

Misc. articles by others, 1987-88; n.d. (5 folders)

Box 33

Misc. articles, abstracts, off prints & related correspondence (by W. Meyerhof and others), 1987-92; n.d. (17 folders)

Box 33

Licenses and Registration State of California

Box 33

Application for CRA approval

Box 34

Radioactive material license material

Box 34

Tandem Radiation Procedures

Box 34

3 MeV Van de Graaff

Box 34

PH 001-PH 009 (9 folders)

Box 34

Misc. correspondence, PH 010-PH 014

Box 34

Actual applications, PH 010-PH 014

Box 35

Actual applications, PH 015-PH 021

Box 35

Misc. correspondence, PH015-PH022

Box 35

Misc. financial documents, 1983-91

Box 35

Correspondence, 1989-91

Box 35

Documentation 1989-91

Box 36

Interdept. Requests 1989-91

Box 36

Stores, 1989-91

Box 36

Transfer of expense & travel expenses reports, 1989-91

Box 36

1985-88 check requests & 1987-88 correspondence

Box 36

1985-86 correspondence

Box 36

1985-88 stores requisitions

Box 36


Box 37

1984-88 documentation charges

Box 37

1985-88 travel expense reports

Box 37


Box 37

Requisition Orders, Date Chronological, 2 FEV 436

Box 38

Van de Graaf equipment

Box 38

Draft of the Enclosed H&S Guidelines for Laboratory Space, 1984

Box 38

Proposal 1990 2 FEV 448

Box 38

Miscellaneous correspondence 1989-90

Box 38


Box 38


Box 38

SLAC Expt.

Box 38

Walter Meyerhof

Box 38

1FEV 404 406 Brazil

Box 38

1FEV 405 Berlin

Box 38

2FEV 448 ATO Phys. 1991/92

Box 38


Box 38


Box 39

1FEV 602 Dean

Box 39

Meyerhof Budget Sheets, 2 FEV 444-94

Box 39

Meyerhof personal

Box 39


Box 39


Box 39


Box 39

1FEV 614

Box 39


Box 39


Box 39


Box 39


Box 40


Box 40


Box 40


Box 40

Chinese visitors

Box 40


Box 40


Box 40

Equipment Loans and Inventory

Box 40

Misc. abstracts, off prints etc. by W. Meyerhof / in a co-authorship, 1972-75 (15 folders)

Box 41

Misc. abstracts, off prints etc. by W. Meyerhof / in a co-authorship, 1976-84; n.d. (25 folders, some are empty)

Box 42

Misc. abstracts, off prints etc. by W. Meyerhof / in a co-authorship, 1984 (cont'd)-86 (5 folders); 1953, 1957 (3 folders)

Box 42

Address cards labeled Meyerhof

Box 42

R. Anholz - Reprints

Box 43

Misc. abstracts, off prints etc. by W. Meyerhof / in a co-authorship, 1958-59, 1962-80, 1982 (21 folders)

Box 44

Misc. abstracts, off prints etc. by W. Meyerhof / in a co-authorship, 1983-89, 1991-96 (12 folders)


Addenda, 2024-659 Accession ARCH-2024-659

Box 45, folder 1

Meyerhof, Walter. Book review regarding Varian Fry 1997

Box 45, folder 2

Clippings regarding Varian Fry 1998