Finding Aid to the Luis W. Alvarez Papers, 1932-1988, bulk 1943-1987
Finding Aid to the Luis W. Alvarez Papers, 1932-1988, bulk 1943-1987
Collection Number: BANC MSS 84/82 cz
The Bancroft LibraryUniversity of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, California
- Finding Aid Written By:
- Bancroft Library Staff
- Date Completed:
- March 2008
Scope and Content of Collection
Correspondence: Institutions and Professional Associations 1946-1973
A-C 1955-1964
D-H 1956-1964
I-L 1956-1964
M 1946-1960
M 1961-1964
N-R 1955-1964
S-Z 1946-1964
A 1965-1970
American Physical Society 1969-1970
B 1965-1970
Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) Review Committee 1963-1969
C 1965-1970
California Scientist 1968
Carnegie-Mellon University--Honorary Doctorate Degree 1968
D-H 1965-1970
Hertz Award 1964-1968
I-K 1965-1970
Kenyon College--Honorary Degree 1969
Kittel Committee 1962
L-M 1965-1970
Michelson Award 1965-1966
N-O 1965-1970
Office of Science and Technology (OST) 1961-1965
OST Travel 1965-1970
P 1965-1970
R-S 1965-1970
T-U 1965-1970
USC, UC Davis 1965-1970
V-Z 1965-1970
Edited draft, " The Certification of Three Old Cosmic Ray Emulsion Events as O- Decays and Interactions" Undated
"Alvarez the Nobelist" (Physics 1968) by Chuck Levym p 10-18, California Monthly Jan-Feb 1969
O- Manuscripts/worksheets 1954-1972
O- Paper Correspondence 1972-1973
Miscellaneous papers and reprints 1953-1961
R.C. Cameron Correspondence 1967-1973
Travel - Science and Technology Advisory Committee (STAC) 1966-1970
STAC Winter Study 1968
STAC 1970
NASA-STAC 1966-1969
NASA 1963-1970
Travel - NASA Physics Committee 1964-1969
President's Science Advisory Committee (PSAC) 1971-1973
Correspondence and Reports Undated
Joe Weber Correspondence 1969-1974
Frederick Reines Correspondence 1969-1974
Luis W. Alvarez (LWA) Travel - Colorado State University 1974-1975
Travel - Wellesley, Notre Dame, Indiana 1969-1970
Travel - Space Science Board 1965-1968
Space Science Board publications, including membership, draft meeting minutes, draft Space Biology Summer Study report 1967-1969
Space Science Board, correspondence, meeting minutes, reports 1964-1969
Draper, Gaither, Anderson 1962
Il Nuovo Cimento excerpts 1963-1965
Argonne National Lab 1962-1965
R. L. S. Woolcott (thesis) 1964-1967
NOTS - China Lake (U.S. Naval Ordnance Test Station) 1963-1967
"Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics" 1966
Clyde Wiegand nomination for California Scientist of the Year Award 1970
Outside Employment [of LRL employees] 1961-1962
Bubble Chamber Operating Condition 1955-1966
5-meter Chamber correspondence and reports 1963-1968
Pyramid File 1963-1973
Pyramid File--Articles 1965-1969
A 1971-1974
American Institute of Physics (AIP) 1976-1974
"Anti-Oxygen" 1971
American Physical Society (APS), Miscellaneous 1971
B 1971-1974
Arthur H. Compton 1970
C 1971-1974
D 1971-1974
Document Receipts 1959-1971
E-L 1971-1974
M 1971-1974
Moravcsik, Michael Julius 1971-1974
N 1971-1974
XVI International Conference on High Energy Physics (HEP) - NAL 1971
O-R 1971-1974
Accelerator for Diagnostic Radiology Discussion 1974
S-Z 1971-1974
Alvarez--Personal 1945-1962
Alvarez - Special travel and conferences 1966-1967
Bubble Chamber Correspondence 1953-1959
American Institute of Physics (AIP) Visiting Scientist Program 1957-1959
Baker Panel 1956-1958
University of Chicago Reunion 1957
Joint Committee of Congress - Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) Hearings 1958
Modern Physics for the Engineer (lecture series & book) 1957-1961
[Edwin] McMillan letter - Accelerators 1959
Radio Astronomy Advisory Committee 1957-1960
Space Science Committee 1958
General Correspondence 1957-1964
Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) Summer Students 1965
Don Gow, London trip 1958
Australia - New Zealand Trip 1964
Conference on Nucleon Structure - Stanford 1963
Instrumentation Conference 1960
International Conference on High Energy Physics - C.E.R.N. 1962
International School of Physics - Varonna 1964
Fallout Meter 1961-1962
Fallout Meter 1962-1963
Bubble Chamber Undated
Spiral Reader 1963
SMP [scanning and measuring projector] 1963
Hydrogen Bubble Chamber Undated
Data Reduction Meeting Minutes 1959-1964
Monday Noon Meeting Minutes 1956-1966
Correspondence: Incoming and Outgoing Undated
A-K 1975-1977
L 1975-1977
M 1975-1977
Mc 1975-1977
N 1975-1977
O 1975-1977
P 1975-1977
Q 1975-1977
R 1975-1977
S 1975-1977
David Saxon re: U. C. Retirement System 1975
Smithsonian Institution 1975-1977
T 1975-1977
V 1975-1977
W 1975-1977
Y 1975-1977
Z 1975-1977
Outgoing Correspondence 1976-1979
Outgoing Correspondence 1980
Outgoing Correspondence 1981
The Mitre Corporation 1958-1972
Conference Correspondence and Miscellaneous Files 1955-1966
VI Annual Rochester Conference 1955-1956
VII Annual Rochester Conference 1956-1957
VIII Annual Rochester Conference 1957-1958
IX Annual Rochester Conference 1958-1959
X Annual Rochester Conference 1960
XIII Annual Rochester Conference 1966
Septum-type electromagnetic Separator - J. Murray 1959
Other J. Murray Publications 1957-1959
Lawrence Radiation Lab, Physics Divn., Semi-Annual Reports 1958-1965
Science article: Alvarez letter on coincidences 1965
Foreign Travel Requests 1958-1963
Requests and Authorization for Official Travel 1958-1959
Monday Meetings (2:30 PM) - Minutes 1962-1964
Photocopies of photographs - "Congratulations Luis 25" Undated
Telegram from President John F. Kennedy (negative photocopy) 1961
Daily Californian 1962
R. T. Van de Walle with others, reports, Determination of (-( cross-sections," "Evidence that the ( meson has I-Spin Zero 1961-1962
Pyramid Project 1964-1975
NSF mini-documentary, The Pyramid Probe, by Earl Pierce, with Alvarez 1973
Joint UAR-USA Pyramid Project 1968-1973
United Arab Republic (UAR) Embassy (Pyramid Project) 1966-1969
Lauren Yazolino (Pyramid Project) 1966-1968
International Business Machines (IBM) (Pyramid Project) 1967-1969
Ford Foundation - U.C. - Smithsonian (Pyramid Project) 1965-1971
J. Anderson - Correspondence (Pyramid Project) 1964-1965
J. Anderson - Reports and Correspondence (Pyramid Project) 1967-1968
J. Anderson - Notes (Pyramid Project) Undated
National Geographic (Pyramid Project) correspondence 1964-1975
Pyramid Project - Reports and data [2 folders] 1965-1966
Pyramid Project - Early Planning Letters on Pyramids 1964-1966
Pyramid Project - Notes and Figures 1965-1966
Pyramid Project - Paulsen / Jorgensen 1965-1966
Pyramid Project - Stuart Jewell 1967
Pyramid Project - Margaret Silbar 1964-1966
Pyramid Project - Dr. Becker Colonna 1966
Pyramid Project - K. Mendelssohn 1966-1968
Pyramid Project - Requests for Articles, etc. 1966-1967
Pyramid Project - Applications 1965-1967
Pyramid Project - Miscellaneous 1966-1968
Pyramid Project - Miscellaneous 1969-1970
Pyramid Project - Miscellaneous 1971-1972
Egyptian Letters 1964-1973
Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) Letters 1965-1972
Lawrence Radiation Laboratory
McMillan correspondence - Alvarez resignation as Associate Director of Lawrence Radiation Lab 1959
McMillan correspondence - Other issues 1963-1968
R. L. Thornton correspondence 1961-1962
Andrew Sessler correspondence re: Charles Schwartz controversy 1973-1974
Correspondence: Individuals and Institutions Undated
A-C 1978-1988
Arthur C. Clarke 1972-1987
D 1978-1987
Philip M. Dauber 1973-1974
E-F 1978-1987
G 1978-1987
Senator John Glenn 1982
H 1978-1987
Afzaal Hussain 1956-1981
I 1978-1987
International Business Machines (IBM) Suit 1974-1976
J-L 1978-1987
M 1978-1987
Mc 1978-1987
Michelson - Morley Centennial Celebration 1987
N 1978-1987
"Nut" File 1956-1985
O 1978-1987
Osborne - Goodman 1975
P 1978-1987
Physics Today 1978-1987
Princeton - Washington meeting 1981
University of the Punjab, India and Pakistan 1979-1985
R 1978-1987
S 1978-1987
Smithsonian Institution 1977-1986
Donald M. Stuart 1978-1979
T 1978-1987
Peter Trower 1980-1987
U 1978-1987
V 1978-1987
W 1978-1987
Steven Weinberg 1981-1984
X-Y-Z 1978-1987
Robert J. Yaes 1974-1977
Pyramid Project: Reports, Notes, and Correspondence 1965-1985
Search for Hidden Chambers in the Pyramids first draft submitted to Science 1969
Alvarez, et al., Search for Hidden Chambers in the Pyramids, Science 1970
Investigation Chephren Interior using Cosmic-Ray Muons, Science? Undated
Subsequent Developments, Adventures in Experimental Physics, first draft 1972
Story of the Search: One Researcher's Personal Account - Luis W. Alvarez, first draft 1972
V. How the Pyramids were Constructed 1972
"Search for Hidden Chambers in the Pyramids," Science 1970
Pyramid pictures Undated
Pyramid mailing package, master copy 1970-1974
Professor F. El Bedewi 1965-1984
Nick Chakakis 1972-1975
Ahmed Fakhry 1966-1969
Ahmed Fakhry 1970-1974
Miscellaneous re UAR - USA Pyramid Project 1961
Dr. Gamal Mokhtar 1969-1974
Professor Nayel Barakat 1973-1975
Zaky Iskander 1975
Dr. Lambert Dolphin Jr. of Stanford Research Institute 1972-1977
Dr. Amr Goneid 1970-1974
Hugo Fellner of Hewlett-Packard (HP) Undated
Vice Chancellor Magy El Mahallawy 1971
Federation of American Scientists - Public Interest Report 1978
Newspaper Clippings re Pyramid project 1968-1969
Pyramid Photographs Undated
Telegrams 1967-1974
"Electromagnetic Sounder Experiments at the Pyramids of Giza" 1975
Pyramid Transparencies and Photographs Undated
Pyramid Project 1970-1985
Pyramid reports, correspondence, clippings 1973-1976
Smithsonian Institution Travel 1967-1970
SRI - Pyramid Project 1973-1974
William T. Golden 1965-1962
First Report - Pyramid Project, first draft 1966
Pyramid Project - Washington Meeting 1969
Cheops Boat Project 1974
Visa letters - United Arab Republic (UAR) 19681-1969
Sayed Abdel-Wahab, report 1970-1971
Pyramid File - Miscellaneous 1966-1984
Nouvelles Recherches Sur la Grande Pyramide, J. Bruchet 1967
Pyramid Project Log Book (Photographs) 1968
Conferences and Symposia 1963-1986
Abstracts Received for Siena Conference 1963
Siena Conference Notes 1963
Conference on Solar Neutrinos, UC-Irvine 1972
Proceedings, Solar Neutrino Conference 1972
International Astronautical Federation, Tokyo Meeting; CETI Review Session 1980
Linear Accelerator (LinAc) Conference Pictures 1986
Albert Einstein Symposium, Jerusalem 1978-1979
Symposium to consider Technical Solution of Vietnam War Problems, Puerto Rico 1966
Spring General Meeting of Science Advisory Board, Colorado Springs 1966
Symposium on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, Argonne National Laboratory 1981
Woods Hole New Directions Symposium 1982
Autobiography 1972
Autobiography, pages 1-629 1972
Autobiography, pages 650-739 1972
Outgoing Correspondence 1982-1988
Outgoing Correspondence 1982-1985
Outgoing Correspondence 1986-1988
Kennedy Assassination 1975-1986
LBL-3884 Kennedy Assassination Film 1975
Assassination of President John F. Kennedy Correspondence 1980-1982
Committee on Ballistic Acoustics (Ramsey - National Academy of Sciences Panel) correspondence 1980-1986
Transparencies re JFK Assassination Undated
Photographs related to JFK Assassination Investigation Undated
Kennedy Assassination 1975-1982
Investigation of Assassination of JFK (Appendix to Hearings before 95th Congress 1979
Miscellaneous re Assassination of JFK Investigation Undated
Bubble Chambers 1955-1987
Bubble Chamber Photographs Undated
High Efficiency, Self-contained Liquid Expansion System for 72" Bubble Chamber 1955
"Low-temperature Bubble Chamber" - N. C. Barford 1960
"Introduction to the Detection of Nuclear Particles in a Bubble Chamber" 1964
Professional Associations 1959-1988
JASON / MITRE / SRI International 1960-1987
JASON Air Traffic Control (ATC) Panel Correspondence 1959-1969
JASON ATC Panel (ATC "Truth and Consequences") 1968
JASON ATC Panel (Design for National Airspace Utilization System) 1962
JASON ATC Panel (Airport Capacity Criteria used in Preparing the National Airport Plan) 1968
JASON ATC Panel (Civil Aviation Research and Development) 1968
JASON ATC Panel (Genealogy of Terminal ATC Automation) 1969
JASON ATC Panel (Project Beacon) 1961
JASON Travel 1962-1972
President's Science Advisory Committee (PSAC) 1970s
Joint PSAC - STAC Meeting, Cape Kennedy 1969
Science and Technology Advisory Committee (STAC) Meeting, Houston 1969
Science Advisory Committee - Lawrence Livermore Laboratory (LLL) / Los Alamos Science Laboratory 1980
Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA) 1961-1968
IDA 1969-1973
National Academy of Engineers (NAE) 1968-1988
National Academy of Scientists (NAS) 1967-1986
Monopoles and Publications on Physics 1947-1983
Correspondence re Monopoles 1962-1972
Correspondence re Monopoles 1975-1976
Correspondence re Monopoles 1977
Correspondence re Monopoles 1978
Correspondence re Monopoles 1982
"Monopoles" in the Sun, Why does the sun sometimes look like a magnetic monopole? 1972, 1981
Newspaper and magazine articles re Monopoles 1962-1982
Notes for Replies to Buford Price's Talks on Monopoles Undated
Buford Price's Monopole Notes for my Stanford Talk 1975
Monopole Talk Transparencies, Stanford Conference 1975
Abstracts and Papers re Magnetic Monopoles 1960-1975
A Proposal to Search for Magnetic Monopoles in Returned Moon Surface Materials 1968
Physics Notes on Magnetic Monopoles 1964-1981
Physics Text Chapters I - IX c. 1952
Physics Text Chapter XI Undated
Physics Text Chapter XIV - XV Undated
Miscellaneous Notes for Physics Text 1953
References - A. Ashmore, et al 1957
References - V. B. Belyaev, et al 1959
References - J. A. Crawford Undated
References - V. P. Dzhelepov, et al 1965
References - F. C. Frank 1947
References - S. S. Gershtein 1958
References - C. Hayashi, et al 1957
References - J. D. Jackson 1957
References - H. Marschall and T. Schmidt Undated
References - E. McMillan 1957
References - A. K. Mihul and M. G. Petrashcu 1958
References - Primakoff 1956
References - Rosenfeld 1957
References - M. Shimizu, et al 1958
References - H. K. Ticho 1957
References - Tornabene 1957
References - S. Vuccino 1958
References - I. B. Zeldovich 1954-1957
Published Papers on Monopoles 1963-1970
Miscellaneous re Monopoles 1964-1976
Awards 1968-1987
National Academy of Engineers (NAE) 24th Election 1968-1987
Wright Prize - Harvey Mudd College 1980-1985
National Inventors Hall of Fame 1978
John J. Carty Medal and Award for the Advancement of Science - National Academy of Sciences (NAS 1972-1975
Dr. Frank T. Solmitz 1969-1971
Ernest Orlando Lawrence Memorial Award 1970
1979 Nobel Prize Nomination Undated
National Academy of Sciences (NAS) - Voluntary Nominating Group and Fermi Award re Dr. Seth Neddermeyer 1980
Fermi Award 1981
1987 Nobel Prize Nomination 1985-1986
Lists [of Congratulatory Letter Senders] re Nobel Prize 1968-1969
A-Y 1968-1969
Others 1968-1969
Photographs for Science Nobel article Undated
Other telegrams and phone messages 1968
Telegrams A - Z 1968
Stockholm Official Visit 1968-1969
Nobel Acceptance pictures and negatives Undated
Miscellaneous re 1968 Nobel Prize Undated
Requests for Photographs and Autographs 1969-1975
Nobel Celebration 1971-1975
"The Nobel Tradition at Berkeley" 1984
NASA Particle Physics Project (Alvarez Project), UCRL Memoranda 1-65 [Missing 20, 32, 37, 38, 42-44, 46, 51-54, 56, 58, 62-64] [6 folders] 1965-1968
Outline of Remarks by Lloyd and Colombe Undated
Photographs, Publications, and Reports
HAPPE - 1 Gondola Flight Report 1967
NCAR Balloon Flight No. 233-P launched 1966
Photographs, Cosmos 135 and Cosmos 213 Undated
Photographs - Miscellaneous Undated
Publications Collected [by others] 1960s-1980s
Publications Collected 1980s
Publications Collected 1960s-1980s
Publications Collected [27 folders] 1947-80s; including Fermi's Lectures on Pions and Nucleons 1955
Professional Associations 1958-1986
K-Tec II Meeting, Ottawa, Canada 1981
Nemesis Transparencies 1985
"Extinction of Species by Asteroid Impacts," 1984 by Davis, Hut & Muller 1984
C-14 Dating by Activation of C14 to C15 or N17 by Deuterons or ('s Respectively Undated
Energy Study Group 1974
American Physical Society (APS) - Division of Cosmic Physics correspondence 1974-1975
American Institute of Physics (AIP) correspondence 1975-1979
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) correspondence 1980
National Commission on Space correspondence and reports 1985-1986
Physical Science Study Committee films 1958
Optical Society of America correspondence 1972-1981
National Academy of Sciences (NAS) Committee on Rocket - Satellite Research 1965
Spaceshop Workshop 1979-1980
Scientists and Engineers for Secure Energy correspondence 1981
White House Science Panel (Packard Panel) 1984
UCB White Mountain Research, Committee on Astronomy Advisory...draft proposal 1970-1971
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (LBL) 50th Anniversary Minutes of Meetings 1980-1981
Proceedings of the Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of LBL 1981
Moon Pictures Undated
Photographs - Lunar Landing 1969
Radon from the Moon Undated
Writings and Correspondence 1948-1988
Currents 1980
Europhysics News 1984
Miscellaneous Articles, Europhysics News 1985-1987
Miscellaneous - The Magnet 1963
The Magnet 1965
The Magnet 1967
Miscellaneous Articles - Nature Physical Science 1973
Miscellaneous Articles - New Scientist 1988
Miscellaneous Articles - New York Times Magazine Undated
Miscellaneous Articles - Physical Review Letters 1966, 1984-1987
Miscellaneous Articles - Physics Today 1980-1988
Miscellaneous Articles - Science 1980-1988
Science 1970
Proceedings of the Royal Society, Series A, Heavy Mesons Issue 1954
William M. Brobeck [recommendation for honorary doctorate] 1948-1970
Piccioni file [Nobel Prize lawsuit] 1952-1972
Memorandum 45 - Cerenkov Radiation in Freon-12, (R. Muller) 1967
Memorandum 744 - Properties of Xenon (T. Mast) 1972
Memorandum 769 - Stopping Distances for e- in H2O and Liquid Xe (L. Miller) 1973
AECU-663, Range-Energy Curves 1951
Miscellaneous University of California Radiation Laboratory (UCRL)Publications 1948-1965
Miscellaneous UCRL Publications 1966-1971
Miscellaneous Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (LBL) Publications 1973, 1984
SSL [Space Sciences Laboratory) Series 12, Issue 47 [by Smith, Buffington, Wahlig and Dauber 1971
Miscellaneous Papers by Peers at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (LBL) 1956-1962
Professional Associations: Correspondence and Reports 1945-1981
Special Relativity (Trip to Brazil) 1971
Hearings before Subcommittee on Research and Development, 85th Congress, Second Session 1958
Hearing before the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy 1963
Hearings before Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, 91st Congress, First Session 1969
Miscellaneous Photographs Undated
[Untitled Photograph] Undated
Miscellaneous Notes, includes Physics Notes, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory 1974
Miscellaneous - [other] 1949-1968
Alvarez Group Scanning Training Memorandum 1968
Group A Scanning Training Manual Undated
Mass of Neutrino 1950-1969
Fragment of First [Scan] Idea for Drill Cores (Iridium) Undated
Historical Correspondence and Manpower Budget (Isotope Experiment) 1971
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) correspondence 1966-1967
Conflicts of Interest [includes Alvarez letters] 1960s
Correspondence re J. S. Foster Radiation Laboratory at McGill University, 30th Anniversary 1976
Correspondence re Variable Focal Length Lens Attachment (Kodak) 1976
[Unmarked, untitled computer printouts] 1969-1970
Personnel Security Questionnaire 1949-1970s
Q Clearance 1979-1981
Walter Alvarez [letters from Luis Alvarez] 1945-1977
China Trip 1973
Large Concrete Linear Storage Facilities 1977
Lecture Invitations 1982-1985
Problem Sets for Physics 129-A, 129-B 1952-1953
Bio-bibliographical Materials 1947-1987
LWA Personal Miscellaneous 1947-1948
LWA Biography - Introduction - Lists of Patents 1966-1984
Photocopies of UCRL Library cards of LWA Papers Undated
LWA Publications Lists Undated
LWA Publications 2-83 [Numbered according to LWA Publication List] 1933-1964
LWA Publications 84-125 [Numbered according to LWA Publication List] 1965-1973
LWA Publications 126-171 [Numbered according to LWA Publications List] 1975-1984
UCRL-328 A Proposed Experimental Test of the Neutrino Theory 1979
UCRL-3648 Abstract Lifetime of K Mesons - L. W. Alvarez 1957
Status Report on New Particles - L. W. Alvarez Undated
Anomalous Nuclear Scattering of 2.8 MeV Photons by Carbon Undated
Introduction [to XXXII Course of Enrico Fermi International School of Physics] Undated
Some Thoughts on Monopoles - L. W. Alvarez 1982
Experimental Evidence for Existence of Magnetic Monopoles with M( 6.7 X 10 GeV/c² - L. W. Alvarez Undated
LBL-22554 Rev "History of Proton Linear Accelerators" - L. W. Alvarez 1986-1987
Experience with a Large Hydrogen Bubble Chamber - L. W. Alvarez 1961
LBL--22786 Mass Extinctions Caused by Large Bodile Impacts 1987
Inverse ( by (- Bombardment - L. W. Alvarez Undated
(( Lifetime by Neutron time-of-flight Undated
Notes on Fundamentals of High Energy Physics - Accelerators III ["Modern Physics for Scientists and Engineers" lectures 2 & 3] 1952-1958
Wire Position Indicator for Wire-Orbiting Measurements 1961-1962
Research: Experiment Notes, Logs, and Reprints 1933-1971
Research Notes 1934-1936
Slow Neutron Beam Experiments 1937-1938
Magnetic Moment of Neutron I 1939
Magnetic Moment of Neutron II 1939-1940
Magnetic Moment of Neutron Notes Undated
LWA Log Book #10 1947-1948
LWA Log Book #11 1948-1949
LWA Log Book #12 1949
LWA Log Book #13 1949-1951
LWA Log Book #14 1949-1951
LWA Log Book #15 1951-1952
LWA Log Book #16 1951-1952
LWA Log Book #18 1951-1955 LWA Log Book #18
LWA Log Book #7 1953
Record of 10" Bubble Chamber Assembly 1955-1956
Reprints Undated
Professional Associations, Consulting, Correspondence 1938-1987
Reprints 1933-1952
Bohemian Club 1951-1985
Physics Department 1952-1970
Regents' Professorships and Leaderships 1954-1957
Bio-Bibliography 1954-1983
Hewlett-Packard (HP) 1957-1987
Non-Project Travel 1961-1965
Optic Technology Inc 1961-1967
Cryonetics Corporation 1962-1965
Personal Files 1963-1967
IBM 1965-1970
Physics Department Forms 1967-1973
Society for the Friends of Count Agoston Haraszthy 1967
FAA 1969-1970
ARF (Archaeological Research Faculty) 1971
Brazil Trip - September 1971 Correspondence 1971-1972
Lawrence Hall of Science Advisory Committee 1975-1983
Miscellaneous (Bohemian Club, Optical Society) 1984-1987
Publications 1938-1967
Evaluation of The Instrumentation Tube Program 1952
Personal 1952-1964
Reprints 1956
Examinations 1960-1970
The 49th Annual Facility Research Lecture 1962
1660- Mev Yi *Hyperon* 1963
Science and Washington Politics (1 of 3) 1963-1965
Newspaper Clippings 1963-1981
A Pseudo Experience in Parapsychology" and Parapsychology and Spontaneous Cases" 1965
Personal files 1965-1970
Personal miscellaneous 1976-1985
Kenneth Larson publications 1967-1968
Recent Developments in Particle Physics 1969
Ernest Orlando Lawrence 1901-1958, biographical memoir 1970
Search for Magnetic monopoles in the lunar sample of Apollo II 1970
A Liquid Xenon Radioisotope Camera 1972
Diary: Trip to China" 1973
Experimental Evidence that an Asteroid Impact led to the Extinction of Many Species 65 million years ago 1982
Annual Meeting of the National Academy of Science: speech 1982
Professor Ryokichi Sagane Personal Collection Undated
Diaries, Notebooks, Photographs, Textbooks 1943-1988, Undated
Egyptian Pyramids Undated
"X-ray" Plot Pictures Undated
Nobel Prize: photographs/negatives Undated
25th Anniversary Undated
Lawrence Radiation Laboratory Award: Hydrogen Bubble Chambers 1966
Math notebook Undated
The Topstone, Kenneth Lloyd Larson Undated
Diaries 1942-1984
Draft for physics textbook Undated
The question of the correlation between photons in coherent light rays Undated
Laser Activated Hearing Aid idea 1985
Photographs 1947
William Hynes Correspondence Undated
Autobiography 1987
Draft for Alvarez, Adventures of a Physicist 1987
Untitled autobiographical draft Undated
Correspondence 1943-1945
Correspondence, including one letter dated Oct. 8, 1945 regarding the first test of an atomic device at Alamogordo, south of Los Alamos and aboard another B - 29 following the bomber "Enola Gay" as it dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan 1943-1945