Series 1: Founder and Co-Founder Files, 1952-1974
Scope and Content Note
Subseries 1.1: Alfred E. Heller, 1961-1974
Scope and Content Note
1.1.1: Correspondence, 1961-1974
Scope and Content Note
Correspondence 1961-1966
Personal 1966
Correspondence 1967-1968
Bronson for Heller 1968
Correspondence, A 1969-1971
American Institute of Planners Merit Award Nomination 1969
Army Corps of Engineers 1969-1970, 1972
Correspondence, B 1968-1971
Boise Cascade 1969-1970
Correspondence, C-E 1968-1971
Environmental Reference Center groundwork 1968-1969
Correspondence, F-H 1968-1972
Homestead Act of 1969, proposal by Samuel Wood 1969
Correspondence, I-J 1968-1970
International School of America, Karl Jaeger, Executive Director 1968
Correspondence, K-M 1968-1970
Man Out of Doors, KPFA radio 1968-1969
Correspondence, N-Q 1968-1971
People for Open Space 1967-1969
Public Broadcast Laboratories, WGBH-TV Boston 1968-1969
Correspondence, R 1969-1970
Regional Development Act of 1969, proposal by Samuel Wood 1969
Correspondence, S 1967-1971
Stanford Alumni Almanac 1970
Correspondence, T 1967-1971
Tunney, John V. 1968-1970
Correspondence, U-W 1968-1971
Wood, Samuel - address change 1968-1969
Wood, Samuel - retirement 1968-1969
Correspondence, X-Z 1968-1971
Correspondence, A-O Includes Abbott, John W. 1971-1974
Correspondence, N-Z 1971-1974
1.1.2: Speeches, 1964-1971
Scope and Content Note
Correspondence regarding speeches 1964-1966
Claremont Civic Association 1965
El Monte Conferences 1966-1967
Speeches 1967-1970
Santa Barbara Declaration of Environmental Rights Program 1970 January 28
Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference 1970 March 22
American Society of Planning Officials National Planning Conference 1970 April 4-9
Ecology Week, UC Davis and San Fernando Valley State College 1970 March-April
Tahoe Environmental Planning Conference 1970 May 3-4
Stanford Environmental Teach-in and Land Use Workshop 1970 April 25
Junior League of San Francisco 1970 October 22
Speeches 1971
Junior League Conference 1971 May 3
Commission on Population Growth and the American Future 1971 May 4
American Institute of Planners Conference Session on California Tomorrow Sketch Plan, Santa Cruz 1971 May 7
Stanford Alumni Association Campus Conference 1971 May 22
USF Conference on Conservation and Jobs 1971 June 18-20
American Institute of Planners Confer-in West 1971 October 24-28
Conference on California Tomorrow Plan 1971 November 4
American Academy of Arts and Sciences West Coast Division Meeting 1971 November 5-6
Pacific Northwest River Basins Commission, Portland 1971 December 2
Man and His Environment, Pasadena City College 1971 December 15
1.1.3: Organizational Files, 1961-1973
Scope and Content Note
Board of Directors Meeting 1966-1973
Advisory Board 1967-1971
Program planning and suggestions 1961-1966
General fundraising ideas 1966-1971
Fundraising - individuals 1966-1971
Fundraising - foundations and businesses 1964-1966, 1969-1973
Rockefeller Foundation, grant application 1962
Ford Foundation 1962, 1964
Rockefeller Brothers Fund, grant application 1964
Fleischmann Foundation of Nevada 1964
Taconic Foundation 1964
Resources for the Future, Inc. 1962, 1964
Budget 1970-1971
Five-year plan 1970
Memos - Jack Abbott 1974-1975
Memos - William Bronson 1971-1972
Speeches - Wood and Abbott 1967, 1972
Samuel Wood - consultant 1967-1972
Personnel 1970-1971
California Tomorrow background material circa 1970
Press response 1963-1970
1.1.4: Subject Files, 1964-1973
Scope and Content Note
Boise Cascade 1969-1970
Book reviews 1969-1970
California Tomorrow tour 1971 1971
Conference February 10, 1970 1969
Conservation education 1971
Conservation Foundation 1970-1971
Council for Planning and Conservation 1971
Cry California - poison-free garden 1969
Cry California suggested subjects 1967-1970
California Center on Environment-California Tomorrow merger 1971
Denmark 1968
Episcopal Diocese of California 1971
Environment: New Dimensions of Management 1972
European trip 1968 1967-1968
European trip 1969 1969
European trip 1970 1970
Ford Foundation 1971
Future field trips 1967-1968
Garden renewal 1969
Harris, Ellen Stern (Council for Planning and Conservation) 1966-1971
Hawaii planning tour 1968 1964-1969
Legislation 1967-1973
Life and Death of State Planning undated
Livermore, Norman - State Resources Agency 1965-1973
Livermore, Norman Regarding Bronson article in Audubon magazine 1970-1973
Los Angeles Times 1966-1969
Miscellaneous 1965-1969
Planning and Conservation League 1966-1968 1966-1968
Quality of Life Conference 1972
Reagan, Ronald, Governor 1967, 1973
San Francisco Chronicle 1966-1969
Sierra Club 1967-1971
Slide presentation - Steve Whitney circa 1971
SPUR Regional Organization Committee 1971
State Environmental Quality 1970-1971
State Lands Commission 1968
State Office of Planning 1967-1971
State Planning 1968-1969
Tahoe 1967-1973
Tahoe National Park 1970
Tahoe Area Open Space Study 1970-1972
Tahoe Regional Planning Agency 1970-1971
Watt, Kenneth 1971-1973
Subseries 1.2: Samuel E. Wood, 1952-1968
Scope and Content Note
1.2.1: Correspondence, 1956-1968
Scope and Content Note
Correspondence, A-Z 1956-1960
Correspondence 1961-1964
Public Land Law Review Commission 1964
Correspondence, A-P 1965
Peterson, Gunnar A. 1965
Correspondence, Q-Z 1965
Miscellaneous 1965
Correspondence, A-G 1966-1967
Ford Foundation Study Plan 1967
Correspondence, H-Z 1966
Correspondence, A-Z 1967
McWilliams, Carey 1966-1968
Personal Correspondence 1962-1966
Textbook chapter 1964-1966
1.2.2: Contributed Time Files, 1961-1968
Scope and Content Note
Calendars and reports 1961
American Society of Public Administrators Conference 1960-1961
Contributed time 1962
Interagency Management Conference, UC Davis 1962
Contributed time 1963
Conference on Environmental Health, "Man in California: 1980's" 1962-1963
Contributed time 1964
Contributed time 1965-1967
California One State Conference 1967
General correspondence 1966-1968
Requests for information 1967
Public Affairs Council 1968
UC Extension - Continuing Education in Environmental Design 1968
Calendar and reports 1959
1.2.3: Advisory Board Files, 1961-1967
Scope and Content Note
Correspondence 1962, 1965
Memo to members regarding press attention 1965-1966
Backus, Jr., Standish 1963-1964
Banks, Harvey O. 1961-1964
Berliner, Harold A. 1961-1966
Boelter, L.M.K. 1966
Burdick, Eugene 1961-1964
Dudley, George A. 1966-1967
Eisner, Simon 1961-1967
Griffin, Allen, Colonel 1964-1965
Heller, Clarence E. 1961-1966
Houghteling, Joseph C. 1961-1967
Kelly, Robert E. 1961-1966
Kent, Jr., T.J. 1961-1966
Lee, Russell V., MD 1962-1965
Lindsay, Francis C. 1961-1964
Mellquist, Proctor 1961-1967
Morgan, Neil 1962-1966
Owings, Nathaniel 1961-1966
Palmieri, Victor 1961-1967
Roth, William 1961-1966
Sorenson, Roy 1961-1965
Stegner, Wallace 1961-1965
Weinberger, Caspar W. 1963-1966
Wellman, Charles A. 1961-1964
Wheaton, William L.C. 1965-1966
Wurster, Catherine B. 1961-1964
Minutes of Advisory Board meetings 1961-1965, 1967
Travel expense reimbursement forms 1961-1965
1.2.4: Administrative Files, 1962-1968
Scope and Content Note
Foundation applications - miscellaneous 1964
Correspondence with members 1965-1967
Contributions 1966-1968
Lifetime members 1965-1967
New York-Washington trip 1963
A.E. Heller New York trip 1966
Memos to file 1962-1964
Educational television 1965
Filmmaking 1962, 1966
Record of activities 1968
1.2.5: Job and Subject Files, 1952-1960, bulk, 1955-1960
Scope and Content Note
Airport planning 1957-1959
Amador County 1959
American Society for Public Administration 1959-1960
Bureau of Public Administration Conference on Metropolitan Problems 1958 July-September
California-Nevada Interstate Compact Commission 1958-1960
California Public Outdoor Recreation Plan 1958-1959
California Recreation Conference 1960 January-February
Canada--Area Development Program (Winnepeg, Manitoba) 1959-1960
Central Business District Plan, Spokane, Washington 1960
Conferences and meetings - miscellaneous 1959-1960
County Supervisors Association of California 1955
Economic Development Clinic 1960
Greater North Area Chamber of Commerce, Urban Government Committee 1955-1957
Green Belt Legislation 1956-1957
Horseshoe Cattle Company, A. Ronald Button 1958-1959
Lake Arrowhead Conference 1958 August-September
Lake Tahoe Area Council 1957-1960
Lake Tahoe Area Opinion Survey, CA-Nevada Interstate Compact Commission 1958
Lake Tahoe Association 1957-1960
League of California Cities 1955-1957
Legislative bills 1959-1960
Miscellaneous 1959
National Outdoor Recreation Resources Review Commission 1958-1959
North Area Incorporation Committee 1957-1958
Northeastern Illinois Metropolitan Area Planning Commission 1959-1960
United States Geological Service maps and base maps 1952-1960
Series 2: Administrative Files, 1946-1983
Scope and Content Note
Subseries 2.1: Organizational History, 1962-1983
Scope and Content Note
Advisory Board and Board of Directors 1962-1980
Publications circa 1966
Awards 1973
New York Times Op Ed 1975
Membership brochures circa 1970-1980
Proposal - California 2000 Phase Three 1982-1983
Proposal - Program for the Next Frontier 1982-1983
Proposal - video project 1982
Isabel Wade - "continuing attention" file 1982-1983
Project - Budget 2000 1983
Isabel Wade - Board of Directors 1982-1983
Board members' correspondence 1983
Subseries 2.2: Correspondence, 1962-1983
Scope and Content Note
2.2.1: General Correspondence, 1962-1983
Scope and Content Note
Incoming correspondence 1962-1969, 1973-1983
Letters of congratulation 1965-1969, 1977-1983
Outgoing correspondence 1964 January-1965 August
Outgoing correspondence 1965 September-1968 September
Outgoing correspondence 1968 October-1970 September
Outgoing correspondence 1972-1973, 1978-1980
2.2.2: John W. Abbott Files, 1968-1978
Scope and Content Note
Correspondence, A-B 1968-1976
Bassow, Whitman - Center for International Information 1974-1975
Bay Area Council Environmental Jury 1973-1974
Correspondence, C-F 1971-1978
Ford Foundation and miscellaneous foundations 1969-1971
Future Alternatives - responses 1974
Futures Conditional 1973
"Futurist" file 1975
Correpondence, G 1971-1976
Grant, Dick - memos 1972-1975
Correspondence, H 1971-1975
Heller, Alfred 1971-1976
Howe, Sydney 1973-1975
Correspondence, I-K 1971-1976
Kahrl, Bill - memos 1971-1975
KCET film 1971-1972
Correspondence, L 1972-1977
Lamson, Robert - Visual Exhibits Project, NSF 1973-1975
Correspondence, M 1971-1975
Massachusetts Tomorrow, David Bird 1970, 1974
McAlister, John 1974-1975
Correspondence, N 1971-1977
NASA Earth Resources Lab System 1975
National Commission on Water Quality--SF Bay/Central Valley Group 1974-1975
National Endowment for the Arts 1974-1975
Nomination for 1970 Merit Award program 1971
Correspondence, O 1971-1976
Owings, Nathaniel 1971-1975
AAAS: The Coming Showdown 1974
Correspondence, P 1971-1978
Patri, Tito 1971-1972
People's Lobby, Clean Environment Act 1972
Priolo, Paul, Assemblyman 1971-1974
Correspondence, R 1971-1975
Roth, William 1972-1976
Correspondence, S 1971-1978
Syntex Corporation 1973
S.P.E.A.K. 1972-1974
Correspondence, T 1972-1978
Tunney, John V., Senator 1973-1975
Correspondence, U-V 1971-1977
Udall, Morris, Representative 1974
United Nations Conference on Human Settlements 1974-1975
Correspondence, W 1970-1976
Washington State and Exposition 1974
Wilton Park 1972-1975
Wisconsin 1973-1974
Wood, Samuel 1971-1977
Correspondence, X-Z 1972-1975
Z'Berg, Edwin, Assemblyman 1973-1974
John Abbott New York trip 1971
Personal 1972, 1976-1977
Subseries 2.3: Planning Study Tours, 1967-1973
Scope and Content Note
2.3.1: 1967 European Tour, 1967, 1970
Scope and Content Note
Correspondence 1967
Printed material 1967
Post-tour correspondence 1967, 1970
2.3.2: 1968 European Tour, 1967-1968
Scope and Content Note
Correspondence 1967-1968
Ford Foundation 1968
Photographs 1968
Samuel Wood 1967-1968
Brochure 1967-1968
Promotional mailings 1968
Post-tour correspondence 1968
Photographs 1968
2.3.3: 1968 Hawaii Tour, 1968-1969
Correspondence 1968-1969
Brochure 1968
Promotion 1968
Itinerary 1968
Background information/updates 1968-1969
Printed materials 1968
Post-tour correspondence 1968-1969
Photographs 1968
Napa tour 1966
Photographs 1966
Sacramento field trip 1968
Luncheon press conference March 18, 1968 1968
European tour 1970 1969-1970
European tour 1973 1973
Subseries 2.4: Membership Services, 1964-1983
Scope and Content Note
Newsletters 1966-1967
Ideas circa 1966-1967
Samples from other organizations 1964-1966
Membership plan 1971
Reports 1972-1982
Renewal forms 1968-1980
Rate increases 1976-1982
Development 1980, 1982-1983
Brochure ideas 1982
Lifetime members, major donors 1976, 1982
Membership drive 1982
Refunds/cancellations 1976-1983
Subseries 2.5: Promotional Material and Advertising, 1965-1983
Scope and Content Note
Promotional mailing 1965-1966, 1971, 1977-1979
Teachers and bookstores 1976, 1979
Promotional ideas and analysis 1979
Promotional mailing budgets 1980
Promotional mailing California 2000 1980
Response 1982-1983
Promotional mailing ABA Litigation Section 1982
Parker-Dodd promotional mailing 1981-1982
Results 1982
Recording: "The Frank and Bill Show" on KFAX radio, Bill Bronson and Frank Stead 1971
Recordings: Radio promotions for San Francisco and Los Angeles circa 1960-1970
Advertisements - television and radio 1974-1976
Public service announcements circa 1979
Advertisements - print 1978-1979
Press release 1982
Directory listings 1972-1982
Subseries 2.6: Office Operations, 1967-1983
Scope and Content Note
Internal Revenue Service 1971
Office policies 1974, 1983
Job descriptions 1982
Environmental Intern Program 1979-1981
Insurance - property 1979-1983
Insurance - medical 1974-1980
Consultants 1977-1983
Temp/employment agencies 1967-1983
Workers' Compensation 1973-1983
Pension Plans/Social Security 1973-1974, 1982
Telephone 1982
Office equipment - warranties 1969-1981
Office inventories - receipts 1968-1982
Snyder/Newell, Inc. 1976-1983
Information Management International 1975-1982
Forms for duplication circa 1980
Catering 1976-1982
Vendors - printing and duplicating 1972-1983
Hotels 1972
Subseries 2.7: Publications Distribution, 1962-1983
Scope and Content Note
California Tomorrow publication lists 1974-1983
Publication orders - Federal government 1962-1964
Local government 1962-1963
Publication orders 1962-1967
Publication exchange 1968-1983
Publication orders 1980-1983
Publications - complimentary 1974-1982
William Kaufmann, Inc. 1972-1975, 1980-1981
Bookstore refunds 1971-1983
California Going, Going... - sales 1964
Phantom Cities sales 1964
Publication sales 1965
Cry California bulk orders 1965-1966
Statement of Ownership, Management and Circulation 1966-1983
Post Office - information 1979-1982
Subseries 2.8: Financial, 1961-1983
Scope and Content Note
Expenditures and receipts 1961-1966, 1976-1983
Second Street office expenses 1982-1983
Income and expenses 1982-1983
Fundraising 1983
Statement of Cash Balances, Cash Receipts and Disbursements 1982
Purchase orders 1971-1982
Office equipment and supplies 1973-1981
Purchase and repairs 1976-1983
Word processing and copy editing 1977-1983
Printing and typography 1974-1983
Duplicating services 1977-1983
Delivery, messenger and courier services 1978-1983
Miscellaneous travel reimbursements 1976-1983
Conference registration fees 1977-1983
Miscellaneous journal expenses 1976-1983
Publications - photography 1976-1983
Authors and graphics 1976-1983
California Tomorrow library subscriptions 1976-1982
Subseries 2.9: Reference Materials, 1946-1983
Scope and Content Note
2.9.1: Reports and General Reference, 1946-1982
Scope and Content Note
Alameda County Scenic Route Element of the General Plan 1966
California Advisory Commission on Marine and Coastal Resources 1970
California Land Use Task force Summary 1975
California Toll Bridge Authority Act circa 1965
Minutes 1970-1976
Conference on Bay Area Urban Growth - Janet Gray Hayes 1975
Environmental Resource Directories 1970, 1981-1982
Geologic Survey Circular 714 1975
Geologic Survey Professional Paper 590 1968
Highways/Freeways 1972-1974
Japanese logging 1967
Joint Commission on Bay Area Regional Organization 1968-1969
Legislative summaries 1981-1982
Local Energy Initiatives - A Second Look 1981
Metropolitan Transportation Commission Regional Transportation Plan 1971-1973
National Park Service Advisory Group 1979-1982
PG&E Seminar on Nuclear Power Plants - opening remarks and panel discussion 1969
Port of Oakland 1971-1977
Redwood City - Traffic and Transportation 1971
Regional Airport Systems Study Committee 1970-1972
Senate Local Government Committee on Land Use Planning - Sacramento, California 1974
Senate Public Utilities and Corporations Committee - transcript of Subcommittee on Geothermal Resources 1973
Hearing transcript 1973
State of California Division of Bay Toll Crossings - Annual Report Financial Supplements 1967-1977
State of California Environmental Goals and Policies 1972
Urban-Metropolitan Open Space Study (prepared for California State Office of Planning by Eckbo, Dean, Austin & Williams) 1965
Water Resources Division - Waste Disposal 1970-1972
Miscellaneous printed materials 1946-1981
West, New York Times Magazine 1964, 1967
Flying Saucers, Soviet Life 1967, 1970
The Ski Hut, Sunset 1973, 1975
Golden Gate National Recreation Area / Point Reyes National Seashore - Summary of General Management Plan undated
Planet 1969
The Green Revolution, Freedom News, Peninsula Observer, The Movement 1969-1970
The Story Behind the Largest and Finest Stadium in America undated
Miscellaneous recordings circa 1960-1970
This Land was Made for You and Me, by Frank Hemingway; Professor Charles Goldman, Department of Zoology, UC Davis circa 1960-1970
United States Geologic Survey Map OM-215 1964
Maps I-553, I-547 and I-575 1969-1970
United States / Other States / Western Europe circa 1970
Visual aids - overhead transparencies undated
Acid Rain 1982
Agriculture 1983
Air Quality 1968, 1979-1982
Bay Area Issues 1977, 1981-1982
"C" - California, Coastal Issues, Conservation 1976, 1982-1983
Energy and Recycling 1976-1983
Forests 1982, undated
Hazardous Waste 1983
Land Use 1976-1977, 1982
Lake Tahoe 1982-1983, undated
"M" - Marine Life, Mono Lake 1982-1983, undated
Nuclear Energy 1979-1982
"O" - Oil, Organizations 1982
Pest Management 1981-1983
"R" - Recreational Lands, Recycling, Dialog Search on Regional Planning 1982, undated
San Francisco Bay 1981-1982
Soil 1982
Solid Waste 1980-1982
Transportation 1980-1982, undated
Urban Life 1979-1982, undated
Water 1968-1982, undated
Watt, James 1982
Western Governors' Policy Office 1978, 1982
Wilderness, Wildlife 1982, undated
Miscellaneous 1978-1982, undated
2.9.3: Photo Subject Files, 1959-1982
Scope and Content Note
Aerial, including Santa Clara; San Diego; China Basin Viaduct; San Francisco Bay; Richmond BART station 1959-1982
Agriculture, including Central Valley circa 1960-1970
Coast, including Sea Ranch; Shelter Cove; Jenner; Santa Cruz; San Diego; Queen Mary circa 1965-1975
Desert circa 1970-1980
Development circa 1970s
Earthquake, including parapets circa 1970s
Energy, including images of California dams and power plants circa 1970s
Forests and Logging circa 1960s
Housing circa 1960s-1970s
Lake Tahoe circa 1955-1960s
Miscellaneous, including down Oakland circa 1970s; Sacramento freeway construction; landscapes; US Air Force photos of MX Missile housing; Stockholm, Sweden circa 1970s
Oakland Museum exhibit preparation circa 1960s
Oil Drilling circa 1970-1980
Parks/Recreation, including reproductions of Eadweard Muybridge Yosemite photographs circa 1960-1970
People and Personages, including 1967 One State Conference circa 1960s-1970s
Pesticides circa 1960s-1970s
Rural circa 1960s-1970s
Smog 1971-1973
Transportation, including freeways and traffic; San Francisco MUNI light-rail car circa 1970s
Urban/Industrial circa 1970s
Poster: "Stop Them From Burying Our City Under a Skyline of Tombstones" circa 1971-1972
Waste circa 1960-1970
Water, including California Aqueduct, State water project; irrigation of farmlands; Mono Lake; Auburn Dam; Hoover Dam circa 1970
Watershed circa 1960s
Wilderness/Wildlife circa 1960s-1982
Subseries 2.10: Scrapbooks and Clippings, 1962-1983
Scope and Content Note
Scrapbook 1962-1963
Scrapbook, California Going, Going... 1962
Scrapbook, Phantom Cities of California 1963
Scrapbook 1963
Scrapbook 1968-1969
Clippings 1961-1968
Clippings 1969-1975
Miscellaneous articles 1969, 1976
Underground press 1969-1970
Clippings and articles 1980-1983
Magazines with California Tomorrow mention 1969-1976
Series 3: Publications, 1954-1983
Scope and Content Note
Subseries 3.1: William Bronson Files, 1965-1971
Scope and Content Note
Correspondence 1965 July-1967 December
Marincello 1965-1967
Correspondence 1968 January-April
Correspondence 1968 May-1970 March
Correspondence 1970 April
Insurance Institute for Highway Safety 1970 April
Correspondence, A-Z 1970 May-1971
Notebook 1967-1970
Correspondence with authors 1966-1967
Miscellaneous undated
The California Tomorrow Plan - A First Sketch 1970-1971
Subseries 3.2: Editorial and Administrative Files, 1963-1983
Scope and Content Note
Press response 1963, 1967
Owen Spann interview response 1956-1966
Cry California articles - index circa 1970
Possible future articles 1968-1970
Hunter's Point 1971
Gamer Valley 1970
Possible future articles 1971, 1973
Orville L. Freeman 1973
Possible future articles 1974, 1976
Unsolicited manuscripts 1979-1980, 1982
Miscellaneous drawings undated
Editorial committee 1971-1972
Miscellaneous editorial 1980, undated
Artwork circa 1966-1980
Correspondence 1974, 1976
Spring 1976 overview 1973, 1975
Correspondence Spring 1976 issue 1973, 1975
Response to Summer 1976 issue 1976
Summer 1976 special mailing 1976
California Tomorrow 1983 1983
Subseries 3.3: Cry California, 1954-1982, bulk 1965-1982
Scope and Content Note
Winter 1965-66
Miscellaneous 1965, undated
Photographs, including docks, acreage for the future Foster City, San Bernardino High School at 50 undated
Elysian Park: A Grisly Case of Terracide / King, Harrison M. 1965
Photographs, including freeway to Dodger Stadium; Police Academy undated
The Wires of Woodside / Reinhardt, Richard undated
Photographs undated
The Nervous Sign / Bronson, William 1965-1966, 1969
Photographs, neon signs circa 1960s
Garbage and the Space Age / Brugmann, Bruce undated
Photographs undated
The Cruel Myth of Sustained Yield Logging / McCloskey, Michael 1965
Photographs, including Mendocino 1961, undated
Tahoe: Time for Tough Federal Action / Heller, Alfred 1964-1965
Some Psychological Aspects of Driving Through Sacramento / Herbert, Van undated
The Assessor: His Bounty and His Victim / Harris, Michael undated
Spring 1966
Miscellaneous 1966, 1977
Photographs undated
Reshaping Super-City: The Problem of Los Angeles / Temko, Allan 1965, 1975
Humble is as Humble Does / Cloud, Stanley 1965, undated
Photographs undated
Who Will Save the Coastside? / Shands, William 1965, undated
Photographs undated
Another Los Angeles Park Debacle / Swanton, Harold 1965-1966
Confessions of a Highway Commissioner / Houghteling, Joseph C. 1966
The San Diego General Plan Defeat / Keen, Harold undated
Photographs undated
The Passing of a Landmark / Ballis, George 1965-1966
Photographs, Fresno County Courthouse undated
Summer 1966
Miscellaneous 1965-1966, undated
Photographs undated
Food and Land: The Coming Shortage / Mrak, Emil 1966, 1980
Home is a Freeway / Interview 1966, 1975
The Napa Valley National Vineyard / Bronson, William 1966-1968
Photographs circa 1966
The Channel Islands / Staff 1956-1966
Photographs, including wildlife circa 1966
I-Lak-89-D Across the Fruited Plain / Engbeck, Jr., Joseph undated
The Biggest Mall of All / Ferris, Helen 1966, undated
Photographs, Los Angeles circa 1966
We'll Take the Low Road / Girvetz, Harry 1966, undated
Fall 1966
Miscellaneous 1966, undated
A Visit to the Seat of Power / Olmsted, Roger 1966
Photographs of Sacramento Governor's mansion undated
Behind the Redwood Curtain / Bronson, William 1968, undated
The Fragile Desert / Hebert, Ray 1966
Photographs undated
Shadows on the Feather / Reinhardt, Richard 1966
Photographs, including Feather River, Mendocino 1965, undated
The Beach at San Onofre / Wray, Karl 1966
Photographs circa 1966
Looking Backward (with Hope) / Wood, Samuel undated
Winter 1966-67
Miscellaneous 1966, undated
Parklands for the Urban Desert / Eckbo, Garrett 1977, undated
Why Not Sell Zoning and Rezoning? / Clawson, Marion 1966, 1971
The Vanishing Avocado / Engbeck, Jr., Joseph undated
Photographs of Fallbrook, California undated
Gas Station Architecture / Johnson, Steven M. undated
Skulduggery at Washington Square / Wax, Mel undated
Photographs, including St. Mary's Square undated
Reflections of the Consulting Architect / Emmons, Donn 1965-1966, undated
How to Get Rid of Smog / Stead, Frank M. 1966, undated
Spring 1967
Miscellaneous 1966-1967, undated
The Federal Threats to the California Landscape 1966-1967
Summer 1967
Miscellaneous 1967
Photographs undated
Grande Dame of Broadway / Hebert, Ray undated
Photographs of Bradbury Building, Los Angeles circa 1967
The Planning Fiasco in California / Belser, Karl 1971, undated
Must Schoolyards a Prison Make? / Osmundson, Theodore 1967, 1973
Photographs circa 1967
Dam and Condemn! / Frost, John 1967
Photographs, Santa Anita Canyon undated
Paradise in a Nutshell? / A Press Release 1966-1967
Photographs of Walnut Creek, California circa 1966
Hard Facts About the Future of Our Cities / Palmieri, Victor H. 1967
The Great Billboard Sellout / Cloud, Stan and March, Ray 1967
Photographs undated
Fall 1967
Miscellaneous 1967, 1970
Photographs undated
Treasure of the Sierra Foothills / Heller, Alfred undated
Photographs circa 1967
Let's Abolish the Planning Commission / Wood, Samuel undated
Life and Death Along the California Coast / Kovalik, Vladimir and Nada 1977, undated
Photographs circa 1967
Ear Pollution / Bronson, William 1967-1979
The Towering Stacks of Morro Bay / Loveridge, Ronald and Yount, Larry 1967
Photographs circa 1967
Winter 1967-68
Miscellaneous 1968
Buy a Little Bit of California for Your Own / Cannon, Lou 1967-1969
Photographs, including Shelter Cove in Mendocino County undated
The Bad News From Lake Tahoe / Goldman, Charles 1968
Photographs circa 1968
Lessons from European Planning / Wood, Samuel E. and Heller, Alfred 1967-1968
Photographs 1967
Hawaii's Statewide Land-Use Zoning / Wenkam, Robert 1967
Photographs undated
Spring 1968
Miscellaneous 1967-1968
Photographs undated
A Great City Program / Ward, Barbara 1967-1968
Too Little, Too Late, Too Bad / Alexander, Robert E. 1967-1968
What a Transit Grid can do for Supercity / Patri, Piero 1968, 1971
Protecting the Quality of Life / Palmieri, Victor H. 1967-1970
Photographs circa 1968
The Freeway Establishment / Simmons, Bob 1966-1970
Summer 1968
Miscellaneous 1968
High Dam in the Valley of the Tall Grass / Cannon, Lou 1967-1971
Photographs undated
Losing the Water Battle / Stead, Frank M. 1968-1970
The Mad Harbor Party / Swanton, Harold 1967-1968
The Great "Property Rights" Fallacy / Heyman, Ira Michael 1968-1970, 1977
San Diego Plan Revisited / Keen, Harold 1968
Photographs circa 1968
Fall 1968
Miscellaneous 1968, 1970
Iron Heel on the California Coastline / Gentry 1968-1969
Photographs circa 1968
The Wasteland Playground / Barrios, George 1968
Photographs, including Los Angeles/Orange County Coast 1968
Beer-Can Crackdown? / Bronson, William 1968
Public and Spending and Private Development / Schon, Donald A. 1968
Photographs circa 1968
Winter 1968-69
Miscellaneous 1968-1969
Editorial / Heller, Alfred E. 1968-1969
Bangs and Superbangs / Moscone, George 1968-1969, 1976
Photographs, including Boeing SST circa 1968
1969 - The Year We Save, or Lose, San Francisco Bay / Bailey, Gil 1966-1970
Angel Island / Olmsted, Roger 1968
Hazard Park / Rosen, Kenneth M. 1968
Photographs circa 1968
The Forts of San Francisco / Watkins, T.H. 1965-1969
The Juggernaut Rolls On / Bronson, William 1968
Spring 1969
Miscellaneous 1969-1975
Notebook 1969
Infernal Machines on the Public Lands / Watkins, T.H 1968-1970
Photographs circa 1969
Bloody Run / Bronson, William 1969-1970
Photographs circa 1966-1969
California's Cloaca Maxima / Stead, Frank M. 1965, 1969-1970
Photographs of San Joaquin Valley circa 1960s
Summer 1969
Miscellaneous 1969-1971, 1975
Biology of Pesticides / Kennedy, Donald and Hessel, John 1967-1972
Photographs circa 1969
California: Pesticides and Politics / Bronson, William 1969
Photographs circa 1969
A Thoughtful Gardener's Guide 1969-1974
Miss Tilly's Garden / Reinhardt, Richard 1969
Photographs circa 1969
The Compleat Gardener / Seginski, John 1969
Photographs circa 1969
The End of Overkill in my Backyard (and the Backyard of my Mind) / Heller, Alfred 1966, 1968-1969
Photographs circa 1969
Fall 1969
Miscellaneous 1969-1970
Photographs circa 1969
A Walk Across California / Watkins, T.H. [see Oakland Museum photos, series 2.9.2] 1969
The Regional Development Act of 1970 / Wood, Samuel 1969
Our 19th-Century State Lands Commission / Harris, Michael 1969-1971
Yes - Let's Raid the Gas Tax! / Dorais, Bill 1969
Tahoe: A New Call for Federal Action / Ames, Laurel 1969
State Planning: The Cities and the Deprived / Brown, Willie. L., Jr. 1969
Winter 1969-70
Miscellaneous 1969
A New Water Plan for California / Stead, Frank M. 1969-1970
Politics in Water Planning / Simmons, Bob 1969-1970
The Issue of This Generation / Conrat, Richard F. 1969
Photographs 1969
Recorded interviews for article 1969
A Conservation Action Corps / Traynor, Michael and Watkins, T.H. 1969-1970
Needed: A Modern Approach to State Planning / Watt, Kenneth E. F. 1969, 1971
Spring 1970
Miscellaneous 1970-1973
The Desert Pupfish / Bunnell, Sterling 1970
Photographs undated
Man and Pupfish / Deacon, James and Bunnell, Sterling 1967-1975
Saving the Pupfish / Litton, Martin 1970-1971
Photographs circa 1970
What Became of Arbor Day? / Reinhardt, Richard 1970-1971
Photographs circa 1954, undated
To Save the Golden Shore / Watkins, T.H. 1970
Summer 1970
Miscellaneous 1969-1971
Plague on the Land / Berliner, Harold 1970-1972
Photographs 1970
H.O.P.E. / Conrat, Maisie & Richard 1970
Photographs circa 1970
Santa Monica Mountains / Barrios, George 1970
Photographs circa 1970
Bicycling in San Francisco / Crawford, Thomas and Caroline 1970-1972
How to Control the Flood Controllers / Osmundson, Theodore 1970
Photographs circa 1970
Piercing the Quagmire, etc. / Staff 1969-1970
Fall 1970
Miscellaneous 1970
Photographs 1966, 1970
The Making of Suburban America 1970-1971
Photographs 1961-1970
The Carrying Capacity of the Los Angeles Basin / von Wodtke, Mark 1970
The Open Space Explosion / Adams, Gerald D. 1970
Photographs, including San Francisco Bay Area 1964-1967, undated
Winter 1970-71
Miscellaneous 1970
UCSC Garden Project / Bronson, William 1970
A New State Planning Start / Kahrl, William L. 1970
Irvine / Curry, David 1963, 1969-1970
Photographs 1969, undated
Spring 1971
Miscellaneous 1970-1971
A Vision of Clean Water / Stead, Frank M. 1970-1971
Photographs 1969
San Francisco's Shoreline / Reinhardt, Richard 1970-1971
Photographs circa 1970
The Forest Service versus California's Last Wilderness / Watkins, T.H. and Parker, Joan 1970-1971
Summer 1971
Miscellaneous 1971
Commentaries/Drafts 1971
Fall 1971
Miscellaneous 1972
A New Halt to State Planning / Kahrl, William L. 1971
The California Earthquake Hazard: A Future Built on Sand / Watkins, T.H. and Bronson, William 1970-1971
Photographs, including reproductions of images of 1906 San Francisco earthquake 1971, undated
A Letter to Secretary Livermore / Heller, Alfred 1971
Follow-on Responses to the California Tomorrow Plan 1971
Winter 1971-72
Miscellaneous 1972
A Clinching Case for Open Space / Blayney, John 1971
Photographs, including selections from Richard Conrat's traveling exhibit "Land for Sale" circa 1971
California's Bright Geothermal Future / Scott, Stanley and Wood, Samuel E. 1971
Photographs, including Sonoma County geysers 1971
A Great Betrayal / Smith, Lowell, and Deuel, Pamela 1971-1972
Photographs of Pyramid Lake circa 1971
Washington Can Help ,but... / Hyde, Floyd H. 1971-1973
Spring 1972
Miscellaneous 1972
Our Troubled Cities / Hasslein, Dean George J. and Faculty 1972
Forming the City / Goldstein, Marc E. Utopia: Practical Man, Real Man / Soleri, Paolo Designing Cities for People / Glazer, Nathan New Hope for Urban Communities / Culver, Taylor R. Back to Earth / Moynihan, Daniel A report to the members / Abbott, John W. 1972, 1977
Summer 1972
Miscellaneous 1972
The California Tomorrow Plan 1972, 1979
Fall 1972
Miscellaneous 1972
Earthwatch at Stockholm / Heller, Alfred 1972
The Big Space Squeeze / Bonnicksen, Thomas M. 1972
San Diego: / Wilson, Pete, Mayor 1972
Photographs 1972
Why the Energy Crunch Came in the '70s / Lees, Lester 1972
Let's Change Models / Crawford, Thomas H. 1972-1973
No Plan, No Protection / Wood, Samuel E. 1972
Winter 1972-73
Miscellaneous 1972
The Fight for the California Desert / Grant, Richard A., Jr. 1972-1973
Photographs 1972
Orange County's Compass for the Future / Commons, Gerry 1972, 1974
The Slurbs Revisited / Heller, Alfred 1972-1973
Armageddon in Air Pollution 1972-1974
Photographs 1972
Friends of Mammoth: A Judicial Earthquake / Graff, Thomas J., and Ellman, Howard N. 1972
Spring 1973
Miscellaneous 1973
The Palo Alto Experience / Thorwaldson, Jay 1972-1973
Earthwatch / Heller, Alfred 1972-1973
!Kung vs. Utopia / Jenkins, Robert E. 1972-1974
The "Intentional" Community / Sager, Leon B. 1972-1973
Photographs 1969
Off the Road in Washington / Cannon, Lou 1972-1973
Summer 1973
Miscellaneous 1973
Photographs 1973
Did the Pieces Fit? / Hart, John 1973
In Defense of Nature / Owings, Margaret 1973
Government Reorganization: Performance is the Test / Wilson, Pete 1973
Part Way: Progress Toward Regional Government / Hetland, James L., Jr. 1973
Comprehensive Planning: A View from Sweden / Hanson, Per-Olof 1973
Sea, Land, and Man: Some Thoughts on California's Future / An Interview with Nierenberg, Dr. William A. 1973
Fall 1973
Miscellaneous 1973
Earthwatch / Heller, Alfred 1973
Guest Editorial: Will the News Media Meet the Test? / Harris, Thomas H. 1973
New Spirit in the Barrios / Torres, Esteban E. 1973
Local Planning in Perspective / Doyle, Donald E. 1973
Life Style Circa 2000 / Press, Bill 1973
Stop Driving or Stop Breathing / Bailey, Gil 1970-1973
The Community's Role in Urban Planning / Schneider, Kenneth R. 1973
Conservation Education in California / Wood, Samuel E. 1973-1974
Winter 1973-74
Miscellaneous 1973-1974
To Plan or to Panic / Hart, John 1972-1973
Photographs 1972-1973
Let the Students In / Wray, Charles 1973
Will Baikal and Tahoe be Saved? / Goldman, Charles R. 1973-1974, 1979
The San Diego-Tijuana Basin / Grant, Richard A., Jr. 1973
Photographs 1969, undated
New Ways from Old / Jeavons, John C. 1973
No "Gold" on the American / Steinhart, Peter 1973, 1976
Spring 1974
Miscellaneous 1974
Earthwatch / Heller, Alfred 1974
Photographs 1974
The Petaluma Case / Hart, John 1974-1976
Photographs 1974
Jitters on the Potomac / Bailey, Gil 1974
Is There an Earthquake in Your Future? / Elders, Wilfred A. 1973-1975
Can You Fight City Hall? / Rickert, Thomas E. 1974
Managed Resource or Stamping Ground / Grant, Richard A., Jr. 1974
Summer 1974
Miscellaneous 1974
Hawaii Weighs the Future / Chaplin, George 1974
Photographs 1967-1974
The Environmental Impact Report / Sedway, Paul H. 1974
Earthquakes, Landslides and Public Planning / Mader, George C. 1974-1975
"Once more unto the breach..." / Wood, Samuel E. 1974
Expo '74: Spokane / Moskowitzh, Milton R. 1974
Photographs 1974
Comprehensive Planning in Oregon / McLennan, Janet 1974
Photographs 1974
Fall 1974
Miscellaneous 1974
The Challenges of Scarcity / Train, Russell E. 1974
Photographs 1974
A Checklist for California 1974
Photographs undated
No Place to Grow / Wood, Samuel E. 1974
Perspective on Property Rights / Coop, Dana D. 1974
"It's Tuesday, so it Must Be Planning!" / Houghteling, Joseph C. 1974
Photographs 1974
Summary of California Tomorrow/UAW Meeting / Grant, Richard A. 1974
Can the Housing Market Do the Planner's Job? / Northcross, Mark 1974
Photographs 1974
Washington Money Tree / Bailey, Gil 1974
Winter 1974-75
Miscellaneous 1974
Finding the Dollars for Housing / Chiu, Colin 1974-1975
It Pays to Preserve / Rothenberg, Alan E. 1974
Some of our Freeways are Missing / Houghteling, Joseph 1974-1976
"Past is Prologue..." / Parker, Robert Miles 1974-1976
Project Independence: Oil and Water Won't Mix / Bailey, Gil 1974-1975
Photographs 1967-1972, undated
The Colorado: A Weary River / Grant, Richard A., Jr. 1974
Four-by-Fouring - A Subdivision Ripoff / Nash, Steve 1974
Spring 1975
Miscellaneous 1975
Your Money and Your Life / Adams, Gerald D. 1974-1975
Use the Streets First! / Braly, Mark 1975
Photographs 1974, undated
Mass Transit: A Free Ride for Whom? / Alexander, Robert E. 1975
Sacramento Town Meeting / Hart, John 1975
Photographs 1975
Danger Signs for Tahoe's Future / Goldman, Charles R. and Cahill, Thomas A. 1974-1975
Photographs 1969-1973
Open Space, Outer Space and Mountain Lions / Nygaard, Anita 1974-1975
Summer 1975
Miscellaneous 1975
"Progress" and/or Beauty / Power, Con 1975-1976
Congress or the White House 1974-1975
A Panacea that Wasn't / Dean, John B. 1975
Roadsigns to the Future / Press, Bill 1975
New Peril for the Sea Otter / Telfer, Judie 1975
The Desert Under Assault / Grant, Richard A., Jr. 1975
Photographs undated
Fall 1975
Miscellaneous 1975
Assault on the Siskiyous / Hart, John 1975-1976
Blueprint for California / Lotery, Rex 1975
Technology and Environmental Quality / Bengelsdorf, Irving S. 1974-1975
Photographs circa 1970
Do You Know Your LAFCO / Getreu, Sanford 1975-1976
The Williamson Act / Lefaver, Scott 1975
Town Meeting III: Ventura Coast and Plain Besieged / Grant, Richard A., Jr. 1975
Winter 1975-76
Miscellaneous 1975
Town Meeting IV: Santa Clara County 1975
Comprehensive is the Word for California 1975
Spring 1976
Miscellaneous 1975-1976
An Economic View of the Coastal Plan / Rooney, Robert F. 1976
The Scientist and the Sun: A Modern Parable / Bengelsdorf, Irving S. 1975-1977
San Diego's Growth Problem / Grant, Richard A., Jr. 1976
Spring 1976
Miscellaneous 1975-1976
Overview / Wilson, Richard A. 1976
The California Water Plan / Stead, Frank and Anderson, Walt 1976-1977
The California Transportation System / Crawford, Thomas H. 1976-1977
The Coastal Plan / Bailey, Gil 1976-1977
Tahoe / Nathan, Harriet and Barusch, Phyllis 1976, 1978-1979
San Diego-Tijuana / The Senses Bureau 1976
Los Angeles County / Northcross, Mark 1976
Petaluma / Hart, John 1976
People / Anderson, Walt and Dickson, Elizabeth 1974-1976
Water / Blackburn, Dan 1976
Agriculture / Lawrence, Robert 1975-1976
Energy / Lawrence, Robert 1975-1976
Transportation / Anderson, Walt 1976
Air / Grant, Richard A., Jr. 1976
Waste Management / Anderson, Walt 1975-1976
Recommendations / California Tomorrow Board of Directors 1976
Planning in Other States / Anderson, Walt [unpublished] 1976
Fall/Winter 1976
Miscellaneous 1976-1977
Letter to CT members / Roth, William M. 1976
California Tomorrow: A Cry for California / Heller, Alfred 1976
Eulogy of William Knox Bronson 1976
State Planning and How it Grows / Wood, Samuel E. 1976-1977
Spring 1977
Miscellaneous 1976-1977
The Forecasters' Quandary / Hart, John 1977
Progress Without Cheap Energy / Rooney, Robert F. and Mitchell, Phillip S. 1977
A Barrel Saved is a Barrel Earned / Schipper, Lee 1977
The Commissioners Debate: To Save or To Burn? 1977
Summer 1977
Miscellaneous 1977
Interviews 1977
Photographs 1977
Jobs vs. Environment: The Right Nobody Can Win / Anderson, Walt 1977-1979
The Dow Aftermath: Does California Really Mean Business? / Jackson, Anne 1977
California's New Timber Law: Can We Have Our Forest and Cut It Too? / Whitney, Stephen 1977
Our Transportation Plan: The $64-Million Misunderstanding / Crawford, Thomas H. 1977
Solar Energy for Homes: The Slow Dawn of the New Era / Grant, Richard A., Jr. 1977
The Wildlife Bureaucracy: An Endangered Species? / Graber, David 1977
The Environmentalist's Almanac 1977
The Delta: The Living (or Dying?) Heart of California / Hart, John 1977
Water Politics: Those Clouds over Westlands Aren't Rain / Blackburn, Dan 1977
Automating the Farms: Hard Times and Tough Tomatoes / Barnett, Paul 1977
The Pesticide Problem: Working Can Be Hazardous to Your Health / Nelson, James 1977
Land Preservation: Five Bills in Search of a Majority / Lawrence, Robert 1977
OPR's Urban Strategy: A New Kind of Development? / Wood, Samuel E. 1977
208 Planning: Is Cooperation the Solution? / Huth, Ora and Scott, Stanley 1977
Local Planning: The Owner-Builders and the Codes / Taylor, Jeff 1977
Population Problems: Choosing, Using and Abusing / Kunofsky, Judy 1977
Fall 1977
Miscellaneous 1977-1978
Water: Beyond the Crisis / Editorial 1977
One System, Many Masters / Hart, John 1977-1978
One Way Out / Grant, Richard A., Jr. 1977
California's Natural Reservoirs / Stead, Frank M. 1977
Putting it All in One Basket / Wood, Samuel E. 1977-1978
The North Coast Revisited / Wilkins, Alfred S. 1977
Winter 1977-78
Miscellaneous 1977
Artwork 1977
A New Environmental Agenda - Greber, Seymour 1977
Orphaning Desert Land / Wilshire, Howard G. 1977
Loving the Sierra to Death / Graber, David 1977
Playground-Building Battleground / Rosenthal, Murray 1977
The Redwoods: An Era Dying / Wayburn, Peggy 1977-1978
Spring 1978
Miscellaneous 1978
How to Abuse a Valuable Resource / McKay, Floyd 1978
A Visit to the Front Lines / Vaz, Mark 1978
Tapping Grass Roots to Save the Coast / Bowen, Mignon 1977-1978
Yosemite Park Planning / Buck, J. Vincent and Stone, Barbara S. 1978
208: A Vision Few Can See / Grant, Richard A., Jr. 1978
Summer 1978
Miscellaneous 1978
Photographs 1956, undated
California's New Grand Strategy / Heller, Alfred 1978-1979
Suburbanizing the Sierra / Egan, Ferol 1978
The Appropriate Metropolis / Higgins, Charlotte 1978
High Costs on the Highway / Rogalin, Suzanne 1978
Integrated Pest Management / Nelson, James 1978
The Tahoe Troubles / Anderson, Walt 1978
"Property Rights" Revisited / Crawford, Thomas H. 1978
The Environmentalist's Almanac 1978
Up the Solid Waste Stream / Reinhardt, Richard 1978
The Energy Commission / Foster, Douglas 1978
California's Non-Nuclear Future / Craig, Paul P. and Levine, Mark D. 1978
The End of the Forest Primeval / Graber, David 1978
The Next Environmental Crusade / Jones, Bruce 1978
Accidents Will Happen / Marx, Wesley 1978
Supercity at the Interchange / Anderson, Walt 1978
Fall 1978
Miscellaneous 1978
Viewpoints 1978
Photographs 1978
Requiem for Home Rule / Griselle, Sherman W. 1978
Statewide Planning's Chance to Work / Wood, Samuel E. 1978
Cry California asks the next governor / Grant, Richard A., Jr. 1978
Photographs 1978
Decision-Making in the Dark / Anderson, Walt 1978
Winter 1978-79
Miscellaneous 1978-1979
A Favored Land's Dilemma / Jackson, Anne 1978-1979
Fleeing Capital in Pursuit of Farmlands / Toigo, Jack 1978
Rural Planning for Rural Communities / Lefaver, Scott 1978-1979
The Small Farmer Deserves a Chance / Wollenberg, Charles 1978
Spring 1979
Miscellaneous 1978-1979
Preview of The California Water Atlas 1978-1979
Photographs undated
The Environment and the Election Seesaw / Harris, Thomas H. 1978-1979
Report to Members 1978-1979
LNG Terminal Siting / McKeown, Timothy J. 1978
The State and Planning / Press, Bill 1979
Summer 1979
Miscellaneous 1979
Update File: What Ever Became of the Dow Power Plant? / Anderson, Walt 1977-1979
Update File: What Ever Became of the Coastal Alliance? / Harris, Thomas H. 1979
Update File: What Ever Became of the Urban Strategy? / Brazil, Eric 1979
Update File: What Ever Became of the Bottle Bill? / Pumfrey, Ross 1977-1979
We've Still Got a Long Way to Go / Washburn, Patricia 1978-1979
Another Joker in the Nuclear Deck / Rubin, Hal 1979
Bet You Can't Eat Just One / Cannon, James S. 1979
L.A. Is Not the Villain, New Developments Are Not the Answer / Arguimbau, Nicholas 1979
Who Cares? / Graber, David 1979
The Environmentalist's Almanac 1979
Reflections from Washington / Warren, Charles 1979
Environmental Litigation / Wolfe, Constance Jarvis 1979
Working Papers for an Environmental Bill of Rights / Behr, Peter 1979
OCCUR / Anderson, Maurica 1979-1980
Pesticide Politics / Anderson, Walt 1979
Federal vs. State / Marx, Wesley 1979
Recreation Shock / Badaracco, Robert J. 1979
Fall 1979
Miscellaneous 1979
California on 10 Gallons a Week / Hebert, Ray 1979-1980
Looking Backward at Gas Rationing / Swanton, Harold 1979
Taking a Transfer to Mass Transit / Anderson, Walt 1979
The Solar Village / Van der Ryn, Sim 1979
Santa Clara County: A Valley in Perpetual Motion / Thorwaldson, Jay 1979
The "Big Red" Rail System / Grant, Richard 1979, 1981
Winter 1979-80
Miscellaneous 1980
Beautiful Vegetables...Unhealthy People / Hersh, Helen E. 1979
Environmental Contamination and the Risks / Smuckler, Edward A. 1979
Breathing the Air We Breath / Crocker, T. Timothy 1979
Pesticides and Wildlife / Davis, David E. 1979
Integrated Pest Management / Metcalf, Robert L. 1979-1980
Spring 1980
Miscellaneous 1980
California 2000 Project - To Turn the Century / Warren, Charles H. 1980
Statewide Planning in Oregon / Stacey Jr., Robert E. 1980
Life on the Ranchette / Wilvert, Calvin 1980
Timber 2000 - From Where It Stands Today / Bytheriver, Marylee 1979-1981
Summer 1980
Miscellaneous 1980
Update File: The Urban Strategy Goes Into Year 3 / Brazil, Eric 1980
Update File: Retrofitting the Redwood Country / Brostrom, Gerhard 1980
The Sagebrush Rebellion: The "Thirteen Western Colonies" Take on the Feds / Bauman, Joe 1980
The MX Missile: "Man's Largest Project" Targets the West / Wheeler, Steve 1980
The Indian Claims: Western Shoeshones Battle for Tribal Lands / Anderson, Walt 1980-1981
Wind Power: New Uses for an Old Friend / Anderson, Maurica 1980
Workplace Pollution: A Hard Road for the Whistle-Blower / Krotinger, Eve 1980
Ground Pollution: Is it Cheaper to Litigate than Mitigate? / Rubin, Hal 1980
The States and Population: Notes on the Absence of a Policy / Anderson, Walt 1980
Housing: The Crisis That Came to Stay / Rubin, Pat Washburn 1980
Water Reclamation: The Missed Connection / Marx, Wesley 1980-1981
Agriculture in the Bay Area: Its High Productivity, Its Precarious Future / Hart, John and Orman, Larry 1980
Inflation as a World Problem / Fuller, Robert 1980
Growing Food from Money / LeVeen, E. Phillip 1980
The New Counter-Economics / Henderson, Hazel 1980
How Consumers Are Changing / Mitchell, Arnold 1980
The Environmentalist's Almanac 1980
Fall 1980
Miscellaneous 1980
Photographs 1979
The High Risks and High Costs of Living High / Swanton, Harold 1980
How to Turn Megalopolis Around / Hebert, Ray 1980
Sacramento 2000 - A Conference Summary 1980
Driving Forces that Shape our Future / Watt, Kenneth E.F. 1980
Winter 1980-81
Miscellaneous 1980
Photographs 1980
The North Coast Speaks Out - A Conference Summary / Hart, John 1980
Trying to Reach the Beginning of a Millennium / Dasmann, Raymond F. 1980
Cities Confront Their Energy Future / Marx, Wesley 1980-1981
Designing to Save Energy / Flavin, Christopher 1980
Spring 1981
Miscellaneous 1981
Downtown San Francisco Builds to a Crisis / Russo, Michael V. 1981
The Missing Links of Incremental Planning: 1981 Comprehensive Statewide Goals / Styles, Frederick G. 1981
Conference Summaries: San Diego 2000 - A Binational, Bicultural Region Looks at its Problems & Opportunities / Houk, Walter 1981
Riverside/San Bernardino 2000-Acting Locally, Thinking Globally / Houk, Walter 1980-1981
Living Next Door to the Strawberry Farm / Marston, Ted 1981
Photographs circa 1981
Summer 1981
Miscellaneous 1981
Photographs circa 1970-1980
Update File: The Sagebrush Rebellion / Bauman, Joe 1981
Update File: Dow Comes to Alaska: A Tale of Two Giants / Ture, Martha 1981
The Coming Food Crunch / Rodale, Robert and Dybdahl, Thomas 1980-1982
Time for a Change in Food Policy / LeVeen, E. Philip 1981
Organic Farming in California / Strong, Richard 1981
The Humboldt Bay Reactor: Radioactive White Elephant On the North Coast / Rubin, Hal 1981
Energy: Moving Uncertainly Into a New Era / Rubin, Pat Washburn 1981
America Misses the Bus / Peirce, Neal R. and Steinbach, Carol 1981
Los Angeles 2000 Conference: Summary of the Fifth Regional Conference of the California Tomorrow Project 1981
The Troubled Parks / Hart, John 1981
Two Views of Environmental Politics in the 1980s: How Bad is the Backlash? How Much Can We Deregulate? / Livermore, Norman B. and Marx, Wesley 1981
The Other California / Schurmann, Franz 1981
Needed: A New Natural Philosophy / Meeker, Joseph 1981
Water Conservation: The Untapped Well / Gustaitis, Rasa 1981
Genetic Politics: The Art of Managing the Game Without Knowing the Rules / Anderson, Walt 1981
Fall 1981
Miscellaneous 1981
The Federal Threat to the California Coast / Sollen, Robert 1981
Photographs 1978
Fighting Smog is No Breeze / Tow, Philip S. 1981
Ridding NEPA of Its Barnacles / Yost, Nicholas C. 1981
San Francisco Bay Area 2000 - A Region Seeks Balance in Turbulent Times / Hart, John 1981
Winter 1981-82
Miscellaneous 1981
Taking Stock of the Regional 2000 Conferences / Grant, Richard A. 1981
The Dam Plan That Won't Go Away / Gunn, Peggy 1981-1982
California's Communications Revolution / Adler, Richard P. 1981
Microfilm: Volumes 1-20 1965-1981
Subseries 3.4: California Tomorrow, 1982-1983
Spring 1982
Miscellaneous 1982
WATER 1982: After Proposition 9... Where Do We Go From Here? / Hart, John 1982
Viewpoints / Various Authors 1982
Summer 1982
Miscellaneous 1982
Cautious Optimism and Ongoing Concern / Lundquist, Weyman I. and Grant, Richard A. 1982
The Trouble with the Future 1982
Population: The Increasing Pressure 1982
Land: The Irreplaceable Resource 1982
Water: The Transforming Flow 1982
Energy: An Essential Force 1982
Air: The Encompassing Element 1982
People: The Agents of Change 1982
Conclusions 1982
Executive Summary 1982
Statistics 1982
Untitled / Mead, Ralph A. [unpublished] 1982
The Oil Spill that Will Break the Bank / Marx, Wesley [unpublished] 1982
Fall-Winter 1982
Miscellaneous 1982-1983
Leo J. McCarthy Interview / Mills, Stephanie [unpublished] 1982
Tom Bradley Interview / Mills, Stephanie [unpublished] 1982
City Hall as a Stepping Stone to Statewide Office / Harrison, Donald 1982
An Insider's Estimate of Brown's Economics / Press, Bill 1982
California's Contrary Electorate / Pope, Carl 1982
Editorial: A People's Geography of the Next Frontier / Mills, Stephanie 1982
Winter 1983
Miscellaneous 1982-1983
California Agriculture in Context / Mills, Stephanie 1981-1983
Will Changes in the Capitol Spell Changes on the Farm? / Carroll, James Robert 1982
The Greater Realities of California Agriculture / Hart, John 1982-1983
The Struggle to Legislate Protection for Agricultural Lands / Witt, Steven 1982
Spring 1983
Miscellaneous 1983
The Unkindest Cuts of All / Mills, Stephanie 1983
A Californian's Primer on Tax & Tax Increase / Mitchell, Laura Remson 1983
The Politics of Tax Repeal and Tax Reform in California / Leary, Mary Ellen 1983
Raise Taxes! / Lundquist, Weyman I. 1983
Subseries 3.5: Other Publications, 1962-1975
Scope and Content Note
California Going, Going... 1962
Phantom Cities of California 1963
The Federal Threats to the California Landscape 1967
A Legacy of our Presence: The Destruction of Indochina 1970
Correspondence 1970
Democracy in the Space Age 1973
Private Property and the Public Interest 1974
Resource Allocation and Comprehensive Planning 1975
Subseries 3.6: Publication of The California Tomorrow Plan, 1971-1979
Scope and Content Note
Research and editorial files 1971-1979
Index 1972
Reading list 1972
Design 1972
Series 4: The California Tomorrow Plan, 1966-1977
Scope and Content Note
Subseries 4.1: Planning and Administrative Files, 1970-1972
Scope and Content Note
The California Tomorrow Plan Proposal 1970
Plan Task Force 1970
Alfred Heller's notes 1970
Plan Task Force meeting notices 1970
Plan Task Force meeting, September 15, 1970 1970
Recording: Plan Task Force meeting , September 15, 1970 1970 September 15
Recordings: Plan Task Force meetings on October 15, November 3, and November 11, 1970 1970 October 15-November 11
Recordings: Plan Task Force meeting, December 17, 1970 1970 December 17
Plan Task Force meeting, July 1, 1971 1971
Plan Task Force meeting, January 10, 1972 1972
Budget 1970-1971
Fundraising 1970-1971
Fundraising for seminars 1971
Response to September 1970 mailer 1970
Subseries 4.2: The California Tomorrow Plan - A First Sketch, 1969-1972
Scope and Content Note
4.2.1: Semi-Final Draft, 1971
Contents, introduction, publication 1971
California I Overview 1971
California II Overview 1971
California Zero (A) 1971
Driving Policies (B) 1971
The Land (C) 1971
Structures (D) 1971
People (E) 1971
California I and II Compared (F) 1971
Phasing In (G) 1971
Notes 1971
4.2.2: Conference Programs, 1969-1972
Scope and Content Note
A First Sketch - Program transcript 1971
Alfred Heller's remarks 1971
Slides 1971
Recording: Excerpts of remarks by various speakers 1971
Recording: Remarks by Dr. Kenneth Watt 1971
Program planning 1969-1971
Plan Conference - Correspondence 1970-1971
Plan Conference - Administrative 1971
Publicity 1971
Offers of assistance 1970-1971
Requests for conference proceedings 1971
Sketch Plan/Conference response 1971
Copies of comments on Sketch Plan for William Bronson 1971
Comments on Revised Plan 1972
Subseries 4.3: Revision, 1966-1974
Scope and Content Note
The California Tomorrow Plan revision working files 1971-1972
PPC Baylands Findings, Goals and Policies for Balloting 1971
Mass Transportation in Southern California 1971
A Nonprofit Housing Development Corporation for San Francisco 1970
Pacific Northwest River Basins Commission 1971
Plan revision - charts 1971-1972
Miscellaneous Plan revision material 1971-1972
Plan revision process 1971
Proposal for regional seminars 1971
Plan revision distribution 1972
Comments on working draft 1972
Plan Comments
Bob Cook 1972
Business and industry 1971
Colleges and universities 1971
Conservation groups 1971
Davis Study Group 1971
Federal agencies 1971
Federal legislators 1971
Local governments 1971
Professional 1971
State agencies 1971
State legislators 1971
Correspondence, A-G 1967-1971
Correspondence, H-P 1970-1972
Correspondence, R-Z 1971-1972
Regional Seminars
Los Angeles, July 1, 1971 1971
Seminar transcript 1971
Respiratory Disease Conference, October 6, 1971 1971
San Diego, November 4, 1971 1971
Berkeley, November 11, 1971 1971
Notes 1971
Photo contact sheets 1971
Eureka, November 13, 1971 1971
Riverside, January 6, 1972 1972
Santa Barbara, January 11, 1972 1971-1972
Washington, D.C., March 2, 1972 1971-1972
Fresno, March 15, 1972 1972
The California Tomorrow Plan auxiliary documents 1966-1971
Study material 1969-1970
John Abbott's final draft 1972
The California Tomorrow Plan final draft 1972
Distribution of The California Tomorrow Plan 1971-1972
Correspondence with William Kaufmann, Inc. 1972-1973
Endorsements 1971
Speeches about The California Tomorrow Plan
Harvey S. Perloff, October 27, 1971 1971 October 27
Floyd Hyde, October 27, 1971 1971 October 27
Press response 1972-1974
Clippings and articles 1970-1972
Subseries 4.4: Presentations, 1971-1977
Scope and Content Note
Miscellaneous - 1971 1971
Miscellaneous - 1972 1972
Photographs and contact sheets undated
Preparation of slide show script circa 1972
Slides 1972
American Society for Public Administration Environmental Conference, "Color Colorado 2050," April 28, 1972 1972 April
Claremont School of Theology, May 3-5, 1972 1971 November-1972 May
Regional Plan Association of Southern California, U.C. Riverside, May 5, 1972 1971 November-1972 May
United Nations Conference on Human Environment, Stockholm, June 5-16, 1972 1971 July-1972 October
Regional Plan Association of Southern California, Los Angeles, June 8, 1972 1971 August-1972 June
State Department of Public Works, Asilomar, July 21-22, 1972 1972 May-November
California Attorney General "Survival School," Los Angeles, August 7-9, 1972 1972 June-August
Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Studies Division Quality of Life Conference, August 29-31, 1972 1972 March-October
San Francisco Bay Area Industrial Development Club 1972 September
National Urban Coalition Western Coalitions Conference, September 28-29, 1972 1972 September
"Business and the Environment," UCLA Graduate School of Management, October 5, 1972 1972 October
Pasadena Community Goals Conference, October 21, 1972 1972 October
Conservation Foundation, "Environmental Quality and Social Justice in Urban America," November 15-17, 1972 1972 September-November
UC Berkeley Institute of Industrial Relations, "Jobs and the Environment," November 28, 1972 1972 September-1973 February
American Academy of Pediatrics Northern California Chapter, "Ecology and the Environment," December 2, 1972 1972 December-1973 January
Massachusetts Tomorrow, December 5, 1972 1972 June-1973 January
Miscellaneous - 1972 1972
Background material from other conferences 1972-1973
American Society for Public Administration California- Hawaii Chapters Conference, January 18-20, 1973 1973 January
Institute for Local Self-Government, "Growth," January 22, 1973 1973 January
Santa Barbara Channel City Club, February 13, 1973 1973 February
Town Hall, Los Angeles, February 9, 1973 1972 October-December
Academy for Contemporary Problems, February 1973 1972-1974
California Department of Public Works, Sacramento, February 28, 1973 1973 February-March
Santa Barbara City College, March 8, 1973 1972 December-1973 March
AFL-CIO Conference on Jobs and the Environment, March 14, 1973 1973 March
Environmental Information Clearinghouse, March 15, 1973 1973 March
American Society of Planning Officials National Conference, April 7-12, 1973 1973 April
J.W. Abbott Trip to New York and Washington, D.C. 1973 May
Task Force on Land Use and Urban Growth, May 24, 1973 1973 May-June
Society of Actuaries, June 7-8, 1973 1973 June
Pacific Coast Builders Conference, June 12-15, 1973 1973 June
Vermont Natural Resources Council, June 14-15, 1973 1973 June-1974 February
California Chamber of Commerce, July 23, 1973 1973 July
Virginia Transportation Workshop, July 23-27, 1973 1973 July
California Department of Transportation, July and September, 1973 1973 July-November
National Conference on Managed Growth, September 16-18, 1973 1973 September-1974 January
National Science Foundation/Charles F. Kettering Foundation Conference, October 1-2, 1973 1973 August-October
Oakland Museum Conference, October 3-5, 1973 1973 July-October
California Library Association, December 10, 1973 1973 December
J.W. Abbott visit to Hawaii 1973 December
UC Davis Law Student Project 1973
Miscellaneous - 1973 1972-1973
California Council of Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors, February 1, 1974 1973 October-1974 March
National Committee Against Discrimination in Housing, March 8, 1974 1974 March
Rollins College, March 20-23, 1974 1974 March-April
J.W. Abbott Washington, D.C. trip after Florida 1974 February-March
National Association for Environmental Education, April 20-30, 1974 1974 April
Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska, May 10, 1974 1974 May
UC Extension Statewide Lecture Series on Local Government planning meeting 1974 April-July
Mendocino Conservation and Planning Foundation, July 13, 1974 1974 June-July
Institute for Local Self-Government Intergovernmental Management Training Program, August 22-23, 1974 1974 August-September
Senator Alan Cranston - California Conference on Inflation, September 4, 1974 1974 August-September
UC Berkeley Institute of Government Studies California Scholars Forum Series, October 22, 1974 1974 April-November
"How Many People Can You Mix with Wine?" Public meeting on Napa County's future, November 16, 1974 1974 August-November
Miscellaneous - 1974 1974
International Conference on High Speed Ground Transportation, January 7-10, 1975 1974-1975
Lambda Alpha lunch meeting, January 15, 1975 1974 August-1975 January
Caltrans Listen and Learn Workshop, February 14-15, 1975 1974 November-1975 February
Congressional Hearing on President's Report on National Growth and Development for 1974, September 4, 1975 1975 July-October
Council of State Planning Agencies, Nov. 13-14, 1975 1975 April-November
Council of State Governments, December 9, 1975 1975 November-1976 February
Miscellaneous - 1975 1975
Miscellaneous - 1976 1976
California Round Table, October 20, 1977 1977
Series 5: California 2000 Project, 1977-1982
Scope and Content Note
Subseries 5.1: General Information and Planning, 1977-1982
Conference brochures 1980-1982
Correspondence 1977-1982
Video 1981-1982
Telecommunications 1980-1981
Subseries 5.2: Regional Conferences, 1980-1981
Scope and Content Note
Sacramento, May 17, 1980 1980
North Coast 1980
Recording: Conference speakers and question and answer sessions 1980
Riverside/San Bernardino, November 22, 1980 1980
San Diego, February 7, 1981 1981
Recording: Afternoon session and conference summary 1981 February 7
Los Angeles, May 9, 1981 1981
San Francisco, June 20, 1981 1980-1981
Recording: Conference speakers and panel discussion 1981 June 20
Subseries 5.3: California 2000: The Next Frontier Draft 1981-1982
Chapter summaries 1981-1982
Report draft 1982
California 2000: The Next Frontier 1982
Series 6: Conferences, 1964-1977
Scope and Content Note
Subseries 6.1: California Tomorrow Conferences, 1967-1976
Scope and Content Note
6.1.1: California One State Conference, 1967
Scope and Content Note
Conference working papers 1967
Preparation, invitations and press releases 1967
General mailing list 1967
Letters of regret 1967
Biographies of Participants 1967
Speeches 1967
Requests for copies 1967
Contact sheets 1967
Recording: Remarks by Barbara Ward 1967
6.1.2: State Planning - Are We Doing Enough?, 1968-1969
Scope and Content Note
State Planning Seminar, February 18, 1969 1968-1969
Recordings: Conference addresses 1969
6.1.3: Statewide Planning Conference, 1973
Scope and Content Note
Organization and preparation 1973
Speakers 1973
Photographs 1973
Promotion and invitations 1973
Mailing list 1973
Program design 1973
Hotel arrangements 1973
Comments 1973
Media response 1973
Complimentary 1973
Correspondence 1973
Transcript 1973
Speeches and remarks 1973
6.1.4: Workshop on Regional Government, 1973
Scope and Content Note
Workshop on Regional Government, October 26, 1973 1973
Photographs 1973
California Tomorrow Regional Government Study 1973
6.1.5: Miscellaneous, 1973-1974
Scope and Content Note
California Tomorrow Meeting - Fresno 1973
Seminar on Legal Aspects of Land Acquisition and Control, September 15, 1973 1973
California Tomorrow Legal Seminar Transcript 1973
California Tomorrow and United Auto Workers Jobs and Regional Planning Workshop, June 22, 1974 1974
California Tomorrow Seminar on Land Planning, Management and Regulation, December 7, 1974 1974
6.1.6: Town Hall Meetings, 1972-1976
Scope and Content Note
Town Meetings - General 1974-1976
National Endowment for the Arts grant 1974-1976
Sacramento, January 18, 1975 1974-1975
Brochure design and questionnaire 1974-1975
Attendee packet 1975
Questions from attendees 1975
Responses from attendees 1975
Publicity 1974-1975
Ron Pereira 1974-1975
Program printing and contacts 1975
Set-up at Hiram Johnson High School 1974-1975
Program and attendance 1975
Slides for presentation 1975
Photographs 1975
Correspondence 1974-1975
Background material 1972-1975
Riverside, February 22, 1975 1974-1975
Background material 1974-1975
Slides for presentation 1975
Ventura, May 17, 1975 1975
Santa Clara County, September 13, 19715 1974-1975
Background material 1974-1975
Fresno, October 18, 1975 (not held) 1975
San Diego, January 24, 1976 1975-1976
Background material 1975-1976
Eel River Project Proposal 1977
Subseries 6.2: Participation in Conferences and Seminars, 1961-1976
Scope and Content Note
Western Governmental Research Association 1961-1966
American Institute of Planners (AIP) Conference 1962
Working Committee on Planning Legislation 1963
American Institute of Planners CalChapter Conference 1964
White House Conference on Natural Beauty 1965
American Society of Planning Officials (ASPO) 1966
Association of Soil Conservation Districts 1966
Governor's Conference on California Beauty 1966
Planning and Conservation League for Legislative Action 1966-1967
How To Invent a Human City Conference 1967
National Commission on Urban Problems 1967
South El Monte Conference 1967
Man and His Environment, San Jose State Conference, December 2, 1967 1967-1969
American Society of Planning Officials 1968-1971
Arizona Governor's Conference on Beauty, April 1968 1968-1971
Audubon Western Conference, April 1968 1967-1968
Bay Area Regional Organization Conference, September 14, 1968 1968
County Planning Commissioners Association, Oakland, California, October 25, 1968 1968
Soil Conservation Society, January 30, 1969 1968-1969
Recordings: "Pesticide Tape, Sunset Seminar, Los Angeles, April 4, 1969" 1969
Joint Commission on Watercourses and Flood Control, Theodore Osmundson 1969
Our Changing Environment, Oakland Museum, September 26-27, 1969 1969
Student Environmental Congress, November 15-16, 1969, Stanford University 1969
Governor's Conference on California's Changing Environment, November 17-18, 1969 1969
UNESCO Conference, November 23-25, 1969 1969
Conservation Federation Wildlife Conference, March 22, 1970 1970
Conference on Conservation and Jobs, University of San Francisco, June 19-20, 1971 1971
Corporate Planners Association, February 15, 1972 1972
Washington, D.C. Seminar, co-sponsored with Conservation Foundation, March 2, 1972 1972
Municipal Recycling-Compost Conference, San Francisco, May 11-12, 1972 1972
National Growth Policy Seminar, Stanford University, May 22, 1972 1972
People for Open Space, Berkeley, California, July 19, 1972 1972
Conference on Balanced Growth, Portland, Oregon, July 23-25, 1972 1972
Quality of Life Conference, Environmental Protection Agency, August 29-31, 1972, Warrenton, Virginia 1972
Anthology of Selected Readings 1972
Assembly Committee on Planning and Land Use, Statement by John W. Abbott, October 4, 1972 1972
American Institute of Planners, Boston, Massachusetts, October 11, 1972 1972
National Audubon Society, New York, October 12, 1972 1972
Non-governmental Organizations Concerned with Human Environment, New York, October 17-19, 1972 1972
County Supervisors Association, Palm Springs, California, November 16, 1972 1972
Channel City Club, February 13, 1973, Santa Barbara 1972-1973
AFL-CIO Jobs and the Environment Conference, March 7-8, 1973 1973
Subcommittee on Fisheries and Wildlife Conservation and the Environment, May 1, 1973 1973
San Jose State University, Department of Environmental Studies, May 9, 1973 1973
National Forum on Growth with Environmental Quality, September 23, 1973 1973
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Convention, February 24 to March 1, 1974 1973-1974
Unstable Lands and Public Policy 1971, 1974
University of Southern California "Biology Semester" 1973-1974
Anchorage Humanities Symposium, March 6-7, 1974 1974
Atlanta Environmental Symposium, April 3, 1974 1974
Growth and Quality of Life in Washington, June 21-22, 1974, University of Washington 1974
American Association for the Advancement of Science- Ecological Society of America, February 26-27, 1974, San Francisco 1974
Conference on the Energy Crisis '75, April 26, 1975 1975
E.F. Schumacher Lecture and Luncheon, October 17, 1975 1975
Bay Area Urban Growth Conference, October 31-November 1, 1975 1975
Assembly Committee on Resources, Land Use & Energy, November 12, 1975 1975
Sierra Club, Redwood Chapter, March 6, 1976 1976
Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference, March 21-25, 1976 [contains material about Arizona's Research Ranch; copy of Summary California Coastal Plan; two papers by Bruce M. Hannon of the Center for Advanced Computation, University of Illinois] 1975-1976
Society of American Military Engineers, July 27, 1976 1976
Miscellaneous correspondence regarding California Tomorrow participation 1967-1971