Center for Community Economic Development Records MS-0432
Subjects and Indexing Terms
Administrative Files I 1963-2006
Office Files Sub-Series 1 1981-2006
Alumni Group Information Folder 1 1996-2005
Annual Reports: College of Business Administration Folder 2 1981-2003
Awards and Certificates Folder 3 1997
Background Information: Community Economic Development Program Folder 4
Business and Sustainability Plan Folder 5 2004-2005
Business Plan Templates/Guidelines Folder 6 2005
Business Retention and Expansion Resource Guide for Orange County Folder 7 2004
Case Studies Folder 8 1999-2005
Community Advisory Board Folder 9 1998-2006
Correspondence Folder 10 2005-2006
Curriculum Development Folder 11 1998-2005
Curriculum Development Folder 12 1998-2005
Definitions of Community Economic Development Folder 13 2004
Economic Development Handbook, 2nd edition Folder 1 2003
Faith-based Resources: All Categories Together (ACT) Folder 2 2002
Faith-based Resources: Bethel Seminary Folder 3 2001-2002
Faith-based Resources: Faith into Action Resource Guide Folder 4 2001
Faith-based Resources: General Folder 5
Graduation: General Programs and Expenses Folder 6 1996-2005
Initiative for a Competitive Inner City (ICIC) Action Plan Summary Folder 7 1998, 2005
ICIC: Michael Porter Folder 8 1999
Invitations and Community Economic Development Literature Folder 9 1998-2006
Junior Community Economic Development: Linda Guzzo's Class Materials Folder 10 2002
National University Project Folder 1 1998-1999
Neighborhood Development Strategies Folder 2 1997
Online Distance Learning Project Folder 3 2001-2006
Overhead Transparencies Folder 4
Performance Measures Folder 5
Power Point Presentations Folder 6 1996-2001
Presentation Information for Community Economic Development Program Folder 7 1998-2001
Press Coverage for Community Economic Development Folder 8 2000-2005
Press Coverage for Community Economic Development Folder 9 1996-2000
Press Releases Folder 10 1998-2004
Procedures Manual Binder Folder 11
Procedures Manual Binder Folder 1
Procedures Manual Binder Folder 2
Project Advisors Folder 3 2000-2005
Project Descriptions Folder 4 1996-2005
Project Descriptions Folder 5 1996-2005
Project Design and Implementation Folder 6 2003-2004
Project Design and Implementation Folder 7 2000-2002
Project Design and Implementation Folder 1 1998-2005
Project Presentations Folder 2 2001-2005
Project Presentations Folder 3 2001-2005
Project Teams Folder 4 1998-2005
Proposal: Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Community Economic Development Folder 5 1998
Proposal: MBA in Community Economic Development Folder 6 1998
Public Relations Folder 7 1997-2001
Registration Report: Class of 2002 Folder 8 September 12, 2001
SCORE: Counselors to America's Small Business Folder 9 2005
Scholarship Status Report: Class of 2002 Folder 1 August 22, 2001
Student Information Binder Folder 2 1997-2005
Student Information Binder Folder 3 1997-2005
City of San Diego Proclamation of Community Economic Development Day Item 1 March 26, 1997
County of San Diego Proclamation of Community Economic Development Day Item 2 March 26, 1997
Class Files Sub-Series 2 1995-2005
Alternative Sources of Capital Folder 4 2002-2004
Consensus Community Organizing Folder 5 2000, 2002
Developing a Market-driven Approach to Community Economic Development Folder 6 2004
Financial Management for Community Economic Development Folder 7 Spring 2005
Introduction to Community Economic Development Folder 8 September 2003, September 2004
Introduction to Community Economic Development Folder 9 September 2001, September 2002
Introduction to Community Economic Development Folder 10 September 2000
Community Economic Development Class Materials Folder 1 2004-2005
Community Economic Development Class Materials Folder 2 2004-2005
Community Economic Development Class Materials Folder 3 2004-2005
Community Economic Development Class Materials Folder 4 2004-2005
Introduction to Community Economic Development Folder 1 no date
Introduction to Community Economic Development Folder 2 no date
Legal Structures Folder 3 April 2002
Legal Structures: Dr. Russ Block Folder 4 1995
Marketing Strategies Folder 5 February 2005
Micro-Enterprise Development Folder 6 December 2001, April 2003
Organizational Management Folder 7 December 2003
Organizational Management Folder 8 December 2004
Proposal Writing Folder 9
Seminar Files Sub-Series 3 1996-2006
Correspondence Folder 10 1996-2004
Development Folder 11 1996-2006
Speakers Folder 12 1998-2006
Alternative Financing Folder 1 1999-2000
Business Plan Development Folder 2 1999-2005
Business Plan Development Folder 3 1999-2005
Creating Effective Teams Folder 4 2002-2004
Community Reinvestment Folder 5 1998
Developing Communities Economically Folder 6 2001-2004
Developing Communities Economically Folder 7 2001-2004
Developing Communities Economically Folder 8 2001-2004
Developing Communities Economically Folder 1 2001-2004
Developing a Diversified Fundraising Strategy Folder 2 2003
Ethnic Domain of Community Building Folder 3 2001-2003
Grant Writing, 1998-2004 Folder 4
Grant Writing, 1998-2004 Folder 5
Housing Folder 6 December 9, 1996
Investing in People and Their Communities Folder 7 2002-2005
Investing in People and Their Communities Folder 8 2002-2005
Investing in People and Their Communities Folder 9 2002-2005
Leadership Folder 1 1998-2005
Legal Foundations Seminar and Public Policies to Support Business Folder 2 October 2004
March 22, 1999 Seminar Folder 3 March 22, 1999
Marketing/Public Relations Folder 4 1998-2004
Power of Perspective Folder 5 2001
Presentation Skills Folder 6 1998-2006
Project Management Folder 7
Real Estate and Community Economic Development Folder 8 1998-2002
Real Estate and Land Development Folder 9 2001-2004
Redevelopment Seminar Folder 10 2006
Strategic Planning Folder 11 2004-2005
Technology and the Community Economic Development Practitioner Folder 12 December 1, 1997
What's Going On In San Diego? Folder 13 2000
Sanford R. Goodkin Research Corporation Files Sub-Series 4 1963-1980
Continuing Audit of San Diego Folder 1 October 1963
Development of the R-1 Portions of Heritage Homes Land on the Union Oil Property Folder 2 1963
Sunset International Petroleum Corporation: Market Analysis Folder 3 1963
Analysis of Rohr Aircraft Architectural Division Concerning Product and Marketing Concept, First Phase, volume 1 Folder 4 1964
Analysis of Rohr Aircraft Architectural Division Concerning Product and Marketing Concept, First Phase, volume 1 Folder 5 1964
Analysis of Rohr Aircraft Architectural Division Concerning Product and Marketing Concept, First Phase, volume 2 Folder 6 1964
Analysis of Rohr Aircraft Architectural Division Concerning Product and Marketing Concept, First Phase, volume 3 Folder 7 1964
Marketability of Apartments on a 53 Acre Parcel of Land in Irvine's University Park for Philmer Ellerbroek Folder 1 1964
Marketability of Apartments on a 53 Acre Parcel of Land in Irvine's University Park for Philmer Ellerbroek Folder 2 1964
Marketability of Apartments on a 53 Acre Parcel of Land in Irvine's University Park for Philmer Ellerbroek Folder 3 1964
Lupton Manufacturing Company Study Folder 4 November 1968
"Crisis 1970" Century Plaza Hotel Folder 5 April 1, 1970
Ken Caryl Ranch Market Strategy Analysis Folder 6 May 1974
Residential Development Opportunities at Quayside Folder 7 1978
New Mexico Resources, Inc. Estancia Primera Folder 8 June 1980
Executive Seminars, Inc. Folder 9
Student Community Project Files II 1996-2006
Micro-Loan Team Project Folder 1 1997-2006
Abernethy, Kelly: Mission Hills Parking; Ahmed, Zurha: African Heritage Childcare Folder 2 2001; 2005
Anthony Thomas, Esther: CommUNITY Childcare Folder 3 April 28, 2003
Badillo, Berenice: Wasted, Inc. Spraycan Entrepreneurail Development Program Folder 4 1998-1999
Banner, Diana: San Diego Habitat ReStore, North County Folder 5 1997-1999
Barney, Stephanie: Economic Independence for Former Foster Youth Folder 6 2001
Barraza-Roppe, Beatriz: Folk Art Workers Co-Op; Bayisa, Megersa: African Marketplace Folder 7 1996; 1998
Becerra, Alex: Youth Alive; Birkhauser, Gerard: Two and Up Project Folder 8 2002; 2001
Blair, Edward/Boruta, Marcia: Linking Defense Conversion with Community Economic Development Folder 9 1996
Brega, Michelle: Uptown Tansit Kiosk; Brinkley, Vernon: Redevelopment of the Rancho Lomita Square Folder 10 1999; no date
Brown, Marcel: Yo Pace; Brown, Sharon: Chollas View Mentoring for Job Retention Folder 11 2005; no date
Cabrera, Michelle Doty: Investing in Our Future; Cadena, Cristyan: Light the Future Folder 12 2005
Calderon, Rosalina: Center for Academic and Social Advancement (CASA) Folder 13 2002
Carpenter, Claire: Downtown El Cajon Business Retention Strategy Folder 1 2002
Carrillo, Raul Omar: National City Technical Assistance Center; Chambers, A.: Urban Technology Center Folder 2 2005; 2000
Chang, Leah: City Heights Affordable Housing Coalition; Chantengco, J.R.: Teamwork Bridge Center Folder 3 2002; 1999
Chavarin, Jose: Operation Samahan, Inc. Folder 4 1998
Chavez, Norma: Volando Con Nuestros Suenos; Clark, Ken M.: Business Resources Center at Southwestern College Folder 5 2001
Cobbs, Rev. R.O.: Gang Five Ministries; Colston, Jean: Colston Computer Concepts Folder 6 1999; 1997
Conger-Cross, Carol: Local Employer Development Strategy Folder 7 1999
Cooper, Gloria: Cooper Marble and Tile Company Folder 8 2001
Cornejo, Anabele: Needs Assessment of Community School Innovations Folder 9 1997
Cruz, Kim M.: Marketing Plan for the Habitat ReStore Folder 10 2005
Dahl, Starlene: Community Fundraising in Mission Hills Folder 11 1999
Davis, Charles E.: Keturah International; Davis, Janice: Youth-based Entrepreneurial Training Program Folder 12 no date; 1996
De Bonis, Brent: CASA; Diemert, Grover: Investment Club for Linda Vista Youth Folder 13 1998
Domingo, Carmencita: Healing Hands of the Blind Folder 1 c. 2002
Donn, Stan: Gateway Chula Vista Folder 2 2000
Dorado, Jose: Fallbrook Community Economic Development Marketing Plan Folder 3 2004
Dresser, Charles: Urban Affordable Housing; Du, Guy: Golden Hill Business Assets and Resources Map Folder 4 1996-1997; 2004
Dunn, Michael: City Heights Community Development Credit Union Folder 5 1999
Elliot, Lynn: North Park Puts Pedestrians First Folder 6 2003
Ellis, Rev. Lloyd: Victory in Transition And Life (VITAL); Estrada, Mary: Community Information Web Folder 7 c. 1999; no date
Ferrand, Trisha: Access to Jobs Folder 8 1999-2000
Fields, JoAnn: People with Economic Empowerment (PeWee) Folder 9 c. 2000
Fitzgerald, Debra: Employment Training for Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) Folder 10 1998
Francisco, Sam: From Prison to Work Folder 11
French, Wendell B.: Affordable Housing Folder 12 1996
Gabriel, Emmanuel: African Beauty Hair Braiding Salon Folder 13 2004
Garde, Christine: San Ysidro Folder 14 1996
Gee, Caldwell: Welfare-to-Life Skills; Gee, Vicki: Saving for a Downpayment Folder 15 1999; 1996
St. Germain, Isabel: Bayview Community Development Corporation Communication Strategy Folder 1 2000
Gilbert, James B.: Limited Equity Housing in City Heights Folder 2 2001
Glenn, David: Park Crest Economic Independence Initiative; Goldby, Jay: Poway Road Opportunity for Growth (PROGRESS) Folder 3 2002; 1997
Gonzalez, Celia: CASA Strategic Financial Plan; Goodwill, Linda: Lincoln Park Housing Cooperative Folder 4 2002; 1997
Granby, Sarah: Local Business in Linda Vista Folder 5 2004
Green, Lorenzo: Ark of Mercy, Inc. Computer Training; Gregg, Kristy: San Diego Business Partners Folder 6 1999; 1996
Gunter, George: TechCity Heights Folder 7 2001
Gutierrez, Ada: For Teens by Teens; Gutierrez, Jamie: Bayview Community Development Corporation Folder 8 2002; 2000
Guzzo, Linda: Martin Luther King Christian Center Business Plan Folder 9 1996
Ham, Kevin: Coronado Economic Development Department Strategic Plan Folder 10 1999
Hansen, Marilee: Dorothy Street Manor Employment Support Project Folder 11 2003
Harris, Jacqueline: Family Self-Sufficiency Micro-Business Development; Harris, Angel: Da Boo AKA Quick Pik Folder 12 no date; 2000
Hayes, Steven: Diamond Business Directory and Resource Guide; Henderson, Rev. Andre: Entrepreneurial Explosion Folder 13 2003; 1998
Henriques Jr., Edison: Teamwork Bridge Center Folder 14 1999
Hernandez, Rick: Ray at Night - North Park Artwalk Folder 15 2005
Hinojosa, Jorge: Regional-level Development Agency; Horiye, Joseph: Partnership 2000 Folder 1 no date; 1996
Hubbard, Jerri: Ebenezer Cookies; Hueso, Benjamin: Property Maintenance Assessment Folder 2 2003; 2000
Ivy, C. Candace: North Park - A No-Nonsense Location for Business Folder 3 2003
Johnson, Billy: Community Economic Development Resource Partnership; Johnson, Jacquelyn: Faith-based Community Credit Union Folder 4 2005; 2000
Johnson, Samuel: Emergency Alternative Transportation Service; Jok, Joseph: Imatong Joint Venture Folder 5 2000, 2001
Jones, Jennifer: La Jolla, By Design Folder 6 2005
Jones, Lynette: KidsWorks/Success Folder 7 2001
Justus, James: Banners Mean Business Folder 8 2005
Karikas, Paula: Paseo del Sol's Career Resource Library Folder 9 2000
Kelley, Denise: VITAL Youth Development Program Folder 10 1998-1999
Kellogg, Lorene: County Internship Program Folder 11 2004
Kenyi, Alex Lodu: African Gift Shop; Kerr, Sydney: Head Start Program at Grace Church Folder 12 2001
Kettner-Borough, Kurt: Head Start Program at Grace Church Folder 13 2001
Khouri, Rimah: San Diego Winter Aquatic Vocational Education Academy Folder 14 2003
King-Taylor, Tracy: Imperial Beach Business District Folder 15 1997-1998
Kish, Christina: College Area Business Improvement Branding Folder 16 2003-2004
Kohlmeier, Kirstie: Ben and Jerry's Customer Service Training Program Folder 17 2003-2004
Konecky, Karen: North Park Business District Folder 1 1996-1997
Kramer, Rebecca: Service Exchange Systems Folder 2 1996-1997
Landeros, Emma: Self-Sufficiency Resource Center Folder 3 2003-2004
Landers, Roy: Economic Development Institute Folder 4 1998-1999
Lansang Jr., Robert: 8th Street Business Improvement Folder 5 2002-2003
Lau, Shirley: Access to Capital for Small Business; Lawson, Darlene: Bronze Triangle Family Economic Support Folder 6 1996; 2003
Lee, Elizabeth: Youth Run Micro-Enterprise Folder 7 2002-2004
Lee, Elizabeth: Youth Run Micro-Enterprise Folder 8 2002-2004
Levy, Travis: Daycare Provider Lending Program; Lewis, Charles: First-time Homebuying Folder 9 2001-2002; 1996-1997
Lind, Lisa: Building a Better Business District; Logalla, Marco: Worldwide Express Enterprises Folder 10 2001-2002; 2003-2004
Lukes, Leisa: Non-Ethnic Food Market in Linda Vista; Lupro, Kelly: Children's Village Family Care Center Folder 11 1995-1996; 2000-2001
Mack, Laura: Financial Literacy for Self-Sufficiency; Manis, Catherine: Townsite Micro-Enterprise Project Folder 12 2000-2001; 2001-2002
Manley, Cedric: Community and Church Education and Business Center Folder 13 1999
Martin, Savina: Preserving Low-Income Housing in City Heights Folder 1 2001-2002
Martinez, Gilda: Expansion of Samahan Health and Multi-Service Center Folder 2 1999
Martinez-Higgs, Alicia: CareerLinks 2000; Mahy, Mary: Partners in Progress Folder 3 1999-2000; 1998
Mason, Lisa Marie: International Alliance Federal Credit Union; Mazares, Joe: Au-Topia Community Tavern Folder 4 2004-2005; 2004
McCoy-Marble, Tonja: Future Entrepreneurs; McGee, Mac: Community Linkage Transportation System Folder 5 1998-1999; 1998-1999
McKell, Marnyce: Connect International Folder 6 2002
Medina, Edgar: Family Daycare Training and Support Center; Mercer, Scott: Mission Village Shopping Center Folder 7 1998-1999; 1998-1999
Miller, Beverly: True Vine's Bi-lingual Preschool Folder 8 2000
Miller, Eric: TrueVine Bi-lingual Infant Center Folder 9 2000
Miller, Steve: North Park Thursday Night Market Folder 10 2001
Mitchell, Susan: Financial Literacy for Middle School Students Folder 11 2005
Monda Dill, Diana: Axantu Imports Folder 12 2002
Monroy, Rafael: Youth4rce Multimedia Communications Network Folder 13 2001
Mullen, Don: College Communities Newspaper Folder 14 2000
Murphy, Frank: Certified Nurses Assistant Training Program Folder 15
Nathaniel, Zuleika: Individual Development Accounts; Niermann, Annie: Federation for Housing and Community Development Folder 16 no date; 1996-1997
Nicholls, Benjamin: Pacific Beach Community Parking District; Nyofu, Mshinda: UJIMA Institute for Economic and Civic Responsibility Folder 17 2005; 2001
Oetami, Fransiska: International Women's Kitchen Micro-Enterprise Development Folder 18 2004
Olson, Elyse: Ocean Beach Restaurant Gift Certificate Folder 19 2002
O'Neill, Cynthia: International Marketplace Folder 1 1999
Oliver, Ron: Community Development Venture Capital Fund Folder 2 2001
Ossavou, Dieudonne: Africa and Beyond; Otero Gonzalez, Mary: No-Interest Revolving Loan Pool Folder 3 2000; 1998
Park, Michelle: Light the Future; Prater, Rebecca: Low-Income Senior Housing Grant Folder 4 2005; 1996
Pelkey, Joan: Teenage Paid Internships; Powell, John: Maranatha Economic Growth Assistance Center Folder 5
Price, Lisa: Cleaning Business for Youths; Quintero, Leticia: National City Technical Assistance Center Folder 6 2002; 2005
Racelis, Wilfredo: Filipino American Business Development Center Folder 7 1999
Rencher, Natalie: One-Stop Career Center Network Folder 8 2004
Reyes, Mason, Maria Lourdes: Tanglaw "Beam of Light" Filipino American Center for the Arts Pavilion Folder 9 2000
Riley, Trenton: Community Technology Training Center; Rivera, Arturo: Real Estate Acquisition Fund Folder 10 1998-1999
Rivera, Gilbert: Down Payment Assistance; Rivero, Lorenzo: Sevilla Giving Program Folder 11 1999; 2005
Robertson, Cherolyn: Empowerment Association; Robinson, Cheryl: Job Shadowing Folder 12 1997; no date
Robledo, Roberta: Empowerment Through Education and Training Folder 13
Roc, Christian: Asian Pacific Historic District Farmers' Market Folder 14 2003
Romero, Alejandra: San Ysidro Small Business Retention Plan Folder 15 2002
Rosas, Margarita: Impact of Community Economic Development Program; Ross, Eddie: Ray Street Revitalization Folder 16 2005; 2002
Sahardid, Ismail: Transportation Services for CalWorks Refugees; Sanchez, Christina: Low-Interest Loans Folder 1 2001; 1997-1998
Santos, Marcia: City Heights Culinary Arts Center; Scott, Daniel: First-Time Homebuyer Counseling Folder 2 1998; 1997
Scott, Daniel: The Hope Project; Sikking, Jeff: Golden Hill Landlord Training Program Folder 3 2002, 2000
Simon, Warren: Clean Streets for Hillcrest Folder 4 2001
Sisneros, Renee: Economic Impact of Condo Conversions in City Heights Folder 5 2005
Sison, James: Human Capital Development Initiative; Sponsler, Luke: Voltaire Village Micro-District Folder 6 2001
St. Bernard, Michele: College Area Circulator Shuttle Folder 7 2004
St. Germain, Isabel: Bayview Community Development Corporation Communication Strategy Folder 8 1996
Stegner, Richard: Old Town Parking Facility Folder 9 2005
Streater, Les Pierres: "We the Collective" Folder 10 1996
Taskin, Shelly: Bayside Settlement House Market Sewing Class Folder 11 1999
Taylor-Moore, Edna: Maranatha Economic Growth Assistance Center Folder 12 2000
Thaeler, Jennifer Anderson: Fallbrook Farmers Market; Thalhammer, Karen: Chargers Redevelopment Area Folder 13 1998; 2004
Thomas, Janet: Golden Hill Business Development Folder 14 2003
Thomas, Wesley: Community CARE Childcare and Youth Center Folder 1 2003
Thompson, Cornell: Empowerment Zone Incubator; Thompson, Joyce: African Heritage Childcare Folder 2 1999; 2005
Tombe, Sereno: African Beauty Hair Braiding and Henna Folder 3 2004
Tufford, Joan: Corey's Place Folder 4 2001
Van Thillo, Ethan: Affordable Housing Opportunities for HIV/AIDS patients Folder 5
Vancio, Maryanne: El Cajon Blvd Business Improvement Association Folder 6 2002
Vargas, Anthony: Teen Producers Project; Ventimiglia, Nicole: Community Garden Folder 7 2002; 2000
Victoria, Joe: Fair and Affordable Housing Folder 8 1996
Villareal, Robert: City Heights Construction and Development Company Folder 9 1996
Walker, Gale: Bronze Triangle Community Development Corporation Folder 10 2001
Wallake, Daphney: CyberLab Folder 11 2002
Weathers, Steve: Venture Capital Fund Folder 12 2001
White, Annis: Childcare Cooperative; Williams, Bruce: Mountain View Restoration Community Development Corporation Folder 13 1999
Williams, Nancy: Establishment of a Non-Profit Neighbors, Inc. Folder 14 1997
Wonsidler, Michael: Julian Community Recycling Center Project Folder 1 2003
Woods, Morris: Faith-based Financial Literacy Training (FBFLT) Folder 2 2003
Woods, Rick: Young Entrepreneurs Program; Wray, Tim: Apartments with On-Site Childcare Folder 3 1997; 1998
Yamane, Ditas: National City Filipino Village Marketing and Public Relations Plan Folder 4 2003-2004
Yip, Kerry: Childcare Feasibility Study in City Heights Folder 5 2003
Multimedia Files III 1996-2005
Photo Albums Sub-Series 1 1996-2005
Graduation Folder 6 1996
Graduation Folder 7 1997
Luncheon Folder 8 1997-1998
Graduation Folder 9 1998
Graduation Folder 10 1999
Day Luncheon Folder 11 2000
Graduation Folder 12 May 20, 2000
Day Luncheon Folder 13 2001
Graduation Folder 1 2001
Graduation Folder 2 May 11, 2002
Graduation Folder 3 May 31, 2003
Project Locations Photo Discs Folder 4 March 2003
Graduation Folder 5 May 22, 2004
Hal Brown Event Folder 6 June 2004
Scholarships, Seminars, Fundraisers, Hal Brown Event Album Folder 7 2004-2005
Graduation Folder 8 June 4, 2005
Student Projects Photo Album Folder 1 1999-2005
Campus Photos Folder 2
Untitled Photo Album Folder 3
Video Recordings Sub-Series 2 1996-2005
Community Economic Development (CED) Class Segment and Campus Pickups Item 1 1996
CED Graduation Item 2 April 13, 1996
CED Graduation Item 3 June 1, 1996
CED Graduation and Testimonials Item 4 June 1996
10 News CED Graduation, Mary Mahy Item 5 August 22, 1998
Seminar: Grant Writing, Reed Morgan Item 6 October 26, 1998
Analysis Research, CED Project Item 7 November 5, 1998
Effective Business Plans #2 Item 8 November 23, 1998
Class: Introduction to CED, tape #1 Item 9 September 9, 2000
Class: Introduction to CED, tape #2 Item 10 September 9, 2000
Class: Introduction to CED, tape #3 Item 11 September 9, 2000
Class: Introduction to CED, Session 2, tape #2 Item 12 September 23, 2000
CED Presentations, tape #1 Item 13 March 12, 2001
CED Presentations, tape #2 Item 14 March 12, 2001
Class: Alternative Sources of Capital, tape #1 Item 15 April 7, 2001
Class: Alternative Sources of Capital, tape #2 Item 16 April 7, 2001
CED at San Diego State University Gala Item 17 April 19, 2002
Class: Introduction to CED, Linda Guzzo, Session 1, tape #1 Item 18 September 6, 2003
Class: Introduction to CED, Linda Guzzo, Session 1, tape #2 Item 19 September 6, 2003
Class: Introduction to CED, Linda Guzzo, Session 1, tape #3 Item 20 September 6, 2003
Class: CED, Linda Guzzo, tape #1 Item 21 September 20, 2003
Class: CED, Linda Guzzo, tape #2 Item 22 September 20, 2003
Class: CED, Linda Guzzo, tape #3 Item 23 September 20, 2003
Faith into Action Item 24
Legacy of Faith Item 25
Audio Recordings Sub-Series 3 1998, 2001, 2004
City Views with R. Oliver - Radio Show Item 3 August 28, 2001