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Center for Community Economic Development Records
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Collection Details
Table of contents What's This?
  • Scope and Contents
  • Arrangement Note
  • Conditions Governing Access
  • Conditions Governing Use
  • Source of Acquisition
  • Related Materials
  • Preferred Citation
  • Other Descriptive Information
  • Historical Note
  • Accruals

  • Contributing Institution: Special Collections & University Archives
    Title: Center for Community Economic Development Records
    Creator: Center for Community Economic Development
    Identifier/Call Number: MS-0432
    Physical Description: 12.37 Linear Feet
    Date (inclusive): 1963-2006
    Date (bulk): 1996-2005
    Language of Material: English .

    Scope and Contents

    The Center for Community Economic Development Records document the establishment, operation, and curriculum of the Center's thirteen-year existence.  The collection includes correspondence, reports, power point presentations, student projects, photographs, certificates, awards, seminar handouts, class curricula, real estate research files, and student rosters.  The majority of materials date from 1996 to 2005, and highlight the CCED's efforts to promote and foster community economic development through classes, seminars, and student projects.  The Collection is divided into three series:  Administrative Files (1963-2006), Student Community Project Files (1996-2005), and Multimedia Files (1996-2006).
    The Administrative Files (1963-2006) document the CCED's curriculum and operation.  This series is divided into four sub-series, the Office Files (1981-2006), Class Files (1995-2005), Seminar Files (1996-2006), and Sanford R. Goodkin Research Corporation Files (1963-1980).  Arranged alphabetically, the Office Files primarily document the CCED's routine activities, guidelines, and procedures.  This sub-series, dating from 1981 to 2006, includes correspondence, procedure manuals, class rosters, project descriptions, promotional materials, floppy disks and zip disks with website development files and CCED newsletters, and curriculum development files, which underscore the Center's goal of producing community-minded professionals by providing the necessary skills and knowledge needed to create a successful CED organization.  Dating from 1995 to 2005, the Class Files help document CCED curriculum.  This sub-series is arranged alphabetically by course title, and contains course descriptions, handouts, lectures and presentations for several of the required ten courses offered by the CCED.  The best documented classes include Introduction to CED and the Legal Structures class.  The Seminar Files (1996-2006) are organized alphabetically by seminar title, and document CCED curriculum and major community development topics.  This sub-series includes correspondence, speaker information, seminar development information, power point presentations, handouts, and lecture notes.  The Sanford R. Goodkin Research Corporation Files includes the Goodkin Research Corporation's real estate and land development studies from 1963 to 1980.  Probably used as examples of land use and development, these files consist solely of study reports. These files are arranged chronologically by report date.
    The Student Community Project Files provide extensive documentation of the culminating knowledge and hands-on experience gained from the CCED program.  Arranged alphabetically by student last name, these files consist of each student's final community project, and date from 1996 to 2006. The student community project was the last step in obtaining the CCED certificate.  Students (individually or in teams) had to create and implement a community development service or business, then submit a final report detailing their project's purpose, goals, business plan, successes, and failures. The projects highlight the CCED's success in improving local communities through micro-enterprise and community-run and –organized social services executed by CCED students.
    The Multimedia Files provide extensive visual and audio documentation of CCED events, seminars, classes, and presentations.  This series is divided into three sub-series, Photo Albums (1996-2005), Video/DVD Files (1996-2005), and Audio Files (1998, 2001).  Arranged chronologically, the Photo Albums document CED graduation ceremonies, fundraisers, luncheons, seminars, and student projects.  When possible, people in the photographs have been identified.  Similarly, the Video/DVD Files include video recordings of CCED graduation ceremonies, seminars, course lectures, promotional materials, and student presentations. These files also provide documentation regarding the change in curriculum overtime. Lastly, the Audio Files include several recordings of radio shows from 1998 and 2001 discussing community economic development issues with Harold Brown and other experts.

    Arrangement Note

    I. Administrative Files, 1963-2006
    1. Office Files, 1981-2006
    2. Class Files, 1995-2005
    3. Seminar Files, 1996-2006
    4. Sanford R.Goodkin Research Corporation Files, 1963-1980
    II. Student Community Projects, 1996-2006
    III. Multimedia, 1996-2006
    1. Photo Albums, 1996-2005
    2. Video Recordings, 1996-2005
    3. Audio Tapes, 1998, 2001

    Conditions Governing Access

    This collection is open for research.

    Conditions Governing Use

    The copyright interests in some of these materials have been transferred to or belong to San Diego State University. The nature of historical archival and manuscript collections means that copyright status may be difficult or even impossible to determine. Copyright resides with the creators of materials contained in the collection or their heirs. Requests for permission to publish must be submitted to the Head of Special Collections, San Diego State University, Library and Information Access. When granted, permission is given on behalf of Special Collections as the owner of the physical item and is not intended to include or imply permission of the copyright holder(s), which must also be obtained in order to publish.  Materials from our collections are made available for use in research, teaching, and private study. The user must assume full responsibility for any use of the materials, including but not limited to, infringement of copyright and publication rights of reproduced materials.

    Source of Acquisition

    Linda Guzzo

    Related Materials

    Citizens Coordinate for Century 3 Records, 1961-1980
    Leon Williams Papers, 1961-2006
    Records of the Economic Research Bureau, 1931-2000
    San Diego Chamber of Commerce Records, 1826-1980

    Preferred Citation

    Identification of item, folder title, box number, Center for Community Economic Development Records, Special Collections and University Archives, San Diego State University Library.

    Other Descriptive Information

    This collection was processed with a generous donation from Harold Brown.

    Historical Note

    Initially formed in 1995 as a certificate program in Community Economic Development at San Diego State University's College of Business Administration, the program expanded in 2000, becoming the Center for Community Economic Development (CCED) under the direction of Harold Brown. The program originally consisted of 10 classes, and a series of class-related seminars. Student coursework culminated in a final project, in which students had to create and implement a community development service or business, then submit a final report detailing their project's purpose, goals, business plan, successes, and failures. The Center not only continued to offer a comprehensive curriculum in community economic development, but also provided resources and consulting services to community organizations, educational institutions, and small businesses, as well as high school outreach programs and job placement services. The Center's goal was to endorse economic self-reliance, and generate community-minded individuals in the hopes of improving disadvantaged and low-income neighborhoods. One of only a handful of such programs in the United States, the CCED received numerous awards for its activities. In 2008, the College of Business Administration suspended the CCED for budgetary reasons.



    Subjects and Indexing Terms

    Audio Recordings
    Video Recordings
    Institutional Archives
    Corporate Records