Finding aid for the Vizetelly and Company letters and documents, 1785, 1838-1854
Finding aid prepared by Onica Busuioceanu.
Descriptive Summary
Title: Vizetelly and Company (1850-1855) letters and documents
Date (inclusive): 1785-1854 (bulk 1838-1854)
Number: 860111
Vizetelly and Company (1850-1855)
Physical Description:
108.0 items
The Getty Research Institute
Special Collections
1200 Getty Center Drive, Suite 1100
Los Angeles, California, 90049-1688
(310) 440-7390
Abstract: Collection comprising 103 letters sent to James Vizetelly and his company of printers and engravers by ca. 40 correspondents
between 1838 and 1854. Most of the letters are in French, from French editors, and printers, and prominent publishers, including
Béthune et Plon, Pagnerre Éditeur, Melchior Yvan, and L. Curmer. They reflect Vizetelly & Co.'s involvement in the growing
demand for illustrated French and "exotic" literature.
Request Materials: Request access to the physical materials described in this inventory through the
catalog record for this collection. Click here for the
access policy .
Language: Collection material is in
Administrative History
The Vizetelly London firm of printers, engravers and publishers was active under various names from ca. 1827-1890. Founded
by James Henry Vizetelly with various associates, the firm was reorganized at his death in 1838, by the eldest son James,
with his younger brother Henry as associate. In 1849 the firm went into liquidation, the brothers setting up separate businesses.
James Vizetelly's firm remained active until 1855 under the name of Vizetelly and Company (at 135 Fleet Street). The name
Vizetelly was successfully continued in the printing business of James's brother Henry. Henry Vizetelly's firm ended unfortunately
in 1889 when the publication of several novels by the French writer Émile Zola brought Henry to the Criminal Court. He was
condemned under the Obscene Libel Act to three months in prison.
Administrative Information
Open for use by qualified researchers.
Publication Rights
Preferred Citation
Vizetelly and Company letters and documents, 1785, 1838-1854, Getty Research Institute, Research Library, Accession no. 860111.
Acquisition Information
Acquired at auction in 1986.
Custodial History
Archive formerly owned by Sir Thomas Phillips.
Scope and Content of Collection
The collection comprises letters and some accounts sent to James Vizetelly by ca. 40 correspondents over 14 years, between
February 1838 and January 1854. Most of the letters are from 1840-1842 (36 items) and 1851-1853 (47 items). There are no letters
from the years 1848-1850. Except for three letters in English, all items are in French. The collection includes a draft of
a letter by Vizetelly to the Parisian publisher Pagnerre from 1852. Also included are four unrelated documents: a public announcement
signed Étienne Mehrel, asking for a loan for his invention; the transcription of a letter from 1641 by the French courtesan
Marion de Lorme; the transcript of a judicial settlement of a French nobleman's estate from 1785; and a request from an English
traveler in Paris looking for families offering room and board.
Most of the letters are from business partners or collaborators. They reflect James Vizetelly's involvement in the growing
demand for illustrated books from French and exotic literature, in genres ranging from fairy tales to romantic and historical
novels, handbooks for fashionable hobbies, and treatises. Vizetelly's partners are among the leading Parisian publishers and
editors, such as Béthune et Plon, Pagnerre Éditeur, Melchior Yvan, and Léon Curmer. A number of letters are from draftsmen
and engravers about their work (always belated) or requesting payment (always delayed and often reduced). The correspondence
communicates the tension involved in the creation of each book, often simultaneously in its original version in Paris and
its translation in London. Also relevant for this period is a letter from a printing machine producer in Brussels about the
new and faster machine he has invented and licensed that prints both text and engravings on both sides of a sheet of paper
The collection, formerly owned by Sir Thomas Phillips, comprises 108 items totaling 217 pages. The items were bound in two
volumes at Sir Thomas Phillips' Middle Hill bindery, seemingly by size: vol. I in 8vo and vol. II in 4to. Three letters are
detached and filed separately in a folder. All items have been numbered (1-108) to facilitate access, as there is no apparent
order within the volumes. The information supplied by the cataloger is enclosed in square brackets.
Arrangement note
Organized in 2 bound volumes, described in the order within each volume.
Indexing Terms
Subjects - Names
Béthune, Max
Callery, J.- M. (Joseph-Marie), 1810-1862
Curmer, L. (Henri Léon), 1801-1870
Français, Louis, 1814-1897
Golovin, Ivan, b. 1816
Hetzel, Pierre-Jules, 1814-1886
Lamartine, Alphonse de, 1790-1869
Masson, Victor
Pagnerre, 1805-1854
Philipon, Charles, 1800-1862
Plon, Henri
Vizetelly, Henry, 1820-1894
Vizetelly, James Thomas, 1817-1897
Yvan, Melchior, 1803-1873
Subjects - Corporate Bodies
Vizetelly & Co. (1880-1889)
Vizetelly and Company (1850-1855)
Vizetelly Brothers & Co.
Subjects - Topics
Authors and publishers--England
Authors and publishers--France
Copyright--Great Britain
Engraving--19th century
Illustration of books--19th century
Literary agents--France--Correspondence
Printing ink industry--Great Britain
Printing ink--Great Britain
Printing machinery and supplies--Great Britain
Printing--Great Britain--History
Publishers and publishing--France
Publishers and publishing--Great Britain
Wood-engraving, French
Genres and Forms of Material
Callery, J.- M. (Joseph-Marie), 1810-1862
Curmer, L. (Henri Léon), 1801-1870
Français, Louis, 1814-1897
Imprimerie de Béthune & Plon
Pagnerre (Firm)
Pagnerre, 1805-1854
Plon, Henri
Vizetelly Brothers & Co.
Vizetelly, James Thomas, 1817-1897
Yvan, Melchior, 1803-1873
Letters and documents,
1785, 1838-1854
Physical Description:
108.0 items
Scope and Content Note
The collection comprises letters and some accounts sent to James Vizetelly by ca. 40 correspondents over 14 years, between
1838 and 1854. Most of the letters are from 1840-1842 (36 items) and 1851-1853 (47 items). There are no letters from the years
1848-1850. Except for three letters in English, all items are in French. The collection includes a draft of a letter by Vizetelly
to the Parisian publisher Pagnerre from 1852. Also included are four unrelated documents.
item 1
[date indecipherable]
Physical Description:
3.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
Nereston [?] asks his friend James Vizetelly to lend him 6 livres.
item 2
1851 Feb 15
Physical Description:
1.0 p.
Scope and Content Note
T. Canet asks Vizetelly to pay his account of 20 livres 4 shillings and 6 pence.
item 3
1852 Nov 17
Physical Description:
3.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
Ivan Golovine informs Vizetelly that he is settling in England and would like Vizetelly to publish some works, such as
Russian servitude,
Mémoires d'un prêtre russe, and other titles.
item 4
[1853 Sept?]
Physical Description:
3.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
E. Vacherot asks Vizetelly to send money for room and board and other expenses for his (Vizetelly's) wife and child. [see
items 35-38]
item 5
1853 Aug 17
Physical Description:
2.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
C. Colleau asks Vizetelly to confirm in writing that he will be employed as a correspondent of the company.
item 6
Physical Description:
3.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
Melchior Yvan informs Vizetelly about the price and conditions for publishing his illustrated treatise in several volumes.
item 7
1852 Dec 26
Physical Description:
4.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
G. de la Laudelle sends Vizetelly an enthusiastic description of his latest volume,
Falcar le rouge, comparing it with
Les princes d'ébène, another of his novels in the series, and also comparing it with
Uncle Tom's cabin.
item 8
1844 Jan 2
Physical Description:
3.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
Victor Masson asks Vizetelly to provide his best ink to the Crapelet Printing Co., which would like to become a client.
item 9
1845 Nov 15
Physical Description:
2.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
[Indecipherable] informs Vizetelly about the source and price of the clock and candelabra Vizetelly saw at his home, and which
he is willing to sell.
item 10
[1853?] June 26
Physical Description:
2.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
Melchior Yvan asks for confirmation that he is hired to translate
Voyage et récits.
item 11
1854 Jan. 28
Physical Description:
2.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
P. Spironiane [?] asks Vizetelly to send him the woodcuts made for his volume in order to make a cliché for its second improved
and enlarged edition, unless the Vizetelly company would prefer to publish the new edition directly.
item 12
Physical Description:
1.0 p.
Scope and Content Note
Unsigned and undated note from Alphonse de Lamartine regarding copyright for the English edition of his work
Histoire de la Restoration.
item 13
1840 May 14
Physical Description:
1.0 p.
Scope and Content Note
Plon thanks Vizetelly (on letterhead Imprimerie de Béthune et Plon) for the vignettes and the box of fine ink he has sent
item 14
1839 Nov 22
Physical Description:
2.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
Léon Curmer writes Vizetelly criticizing the company's books about "femmes célèbres." He suggests the best biographical sources
to be used, starting with Michaud's
Biographies universelles.
item 15
1840 Aug 12
Physical Description:
1.0 p.
Scope and Content Note
Plon writes (on letterhead) about payment for a keg of ink received from Vizetelly.
item 16
1840 July 2
Physical Description:
2.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
Plon discusses (on letterhead) the ink color in various shipments, ordering a barrel of special ink for vignettes.
item 17
1842 June 23
Physical Description:
3.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
L. Curmer asks for the wood blocks engraved by James Vizetelly's brother, Henry, and the watercolor he had sent him. Includes
a list of illustrated books sent by Curmer.
item 18
1841 Feb 4
Physical Description:
2.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
Plon complains (on letterhead) about the poor quality of the barrel of ink recently received, probably sent in error, and
asks for the better quality.
item 19
1841 Feb 28
Physical Description:
1.0 p.
Scope and Content Note
Plon orders (on letterhead) the same ink as the previous shipment.
item 20
1841 June 9
Physical Description:
1.0 p.
Scope and Content Note
Plon writes (on letterhead) a letter of introduction for his client, Mr. [Victor] Masson, one of the best editors in Paris,
who is traveling to London. He asks Vizetelly to give him all the information he needs.
item 21
1841 July 29
Physical Description:
2.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
Louis Français informs Vizetelly that he has given Curmer the drawings "Intégrité" and "Persévérance et force." He would gladly
make more drawings, especially of landscapes, and indicates his prices.
item 22
1841 Apr 9
Physical Description:
2.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
Louis Français informs Vizetelly that he has given Curmer the drawings "Héroïsme" and "Bienveillance," and is sending two
sketches for the last drawing ordered. Reiterates his preference for landscapes, and lists his prices by size.
item 23
1840 March 11
Physical Description:
2.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
Louis Français apologizes for the delay caused by illness. He will soon send the drawings along with samples of decorated
capitals in case Vizetelly wants to order a full alphabet.
item 24
Physical Description:
2.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
Louis Français has given Curmer the last three drawings, and indicates the prices.
item 25
1841 Nov 4
Physical Description:
2.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
Louis Français has sent the last two drawings, "Persévérance," and "Integrité." He did not receive payment for them, nor for
the previous two; he adds the prices.
item 26
1841 July 5
Physical Description:
1.0 p.
Scope and Content Note
Plon inquires (on letterhead) about his request for ink sent with a friend traveling to London.
item 27
1840 Apr 27
Physical Description:
3.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
L. Curmer thanks Vizetelly for the souvenir he has sent him. He could not write sooner because of illness. The gravure of
Jeanne d'Arc is included in the work of Garard, which he is sending with a friend. Curmer informs Vizetelly about his projects,
including one of 10 volumes. Asks to be kept informed about possible business collaborations for the future.
item 28
1842 Oct 16
Physical Description:
3.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
Plon writes Vizetelly (on letterhead) that he is waiting for the ink they ordered, and that he has sent Vizetelly the wine
he asked for. If he likes it, Plon will send more in exchange for the same ink. The engraver Philipon adds a note about "Cinderella"
and other fairy tales being engraved.
item 29
1841 July 21
Physical Description:
2.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
Plon sends his friend the current issue of the
Musée Parisien. He has acquired a large stock of famous brands of old wine that Vizetelly could sell at a good price in London.
item 30
1842 Nov. [5?]
Physical Description:
1.0 p.
Scope and Content Note
The Imprimerie-Librairie Dondey-Dupré (on letterhead) orders 25 lb. of Vizetelly's best ink for woodcuts.
item 31
1842 Aug 18
Physical Description:
3.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
L. Curmer urgently asks that the engravings made by Vizetelly's father be sent, along with proofs of more recent engravings.
item 32
1839 Dec 19
Physical Description:
1.0 p.
Scope and Content Note
L. Curmer sends Vizetelly a letter and a box of drawings to be delivered to Orrin Smith who will engrave them. He has temporarily
interrupted the series of "heads." Vizetelly may withdraw his money from Rothschild.
item 33
1842 Oct 20
Physical Description:
2.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
Max Béthune explains (on letterhead) the payment conditions for merchandise sent.
item 34
1854 Jan 17
Physical Description:
2.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
M. Godefroy, agent of Société des gens de lettres (on letterhead) clarifies a monetary transaction with Vizetelly. In a postscript
Mr. Busquet asks if Vizetelly would print, in French or in translation, his study of English customs,
Londres fantastique.
item 35
1853 May 20
Physical Description:
2.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
E. Vacherot informs Vizetelly that everything is prepared to accommodate Mrs. Vizetelly, her child and brother, starting May
item 36
1853 May 29
Physical Description:
2.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
Magnier writes Vizetelly that the repeated delays are a growing inconvenience both for Vacherot, who has refused other clients
while waiting for Mrs. Vizetelly to arrive, and for Magnier himself, who recommended them to Vacherot. He hopes that, if she
does not come, Mr. Vizetelly will compensate Mr. Vacherot for his losses.
item 37
1853 Sept 2
Physical Description:
2.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
Danton writes (on letterhead Académie de la Seine) on behalf of Mr. Vacherot, his brother-in-law, who is still lodging Mrs.
Vizetelly and her child, although he has not received any money despite months of promises. Mrs. Vizetelly also needs money
to return to London.
item 38
[1853] Aug 16
Physical Description:
2.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
E. Vacherot informs Vizetelly that they are out of money after incurring expenses for his wife and child, including those
for doctor's visits, and room and board.
item 39
1854 Jan 31
Physical Description:
1.0 p.
Scope and Content Note
[Indecipherable] writes Vizetelly on behalf of his friend, the Comte de la Gironnière, requesting the copies of his work he
is entitled to, as well as the plates that are needed for the Paris edition.
item 40
1842 July 16
Physical Description:
3.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
L. Curmer writes Vizetelly about some engraving business conducted through Vizetelly's brother, who has not answered his letter.
He needs some wood engravings and drawings to be sent to him, as well as the watercolors depicting the French army, which
Vizetelly's brother could not use, but for which Curmer has found a client in Paris.
item 41
1842 Oct 22
Physical Description:
1.0 p.
Scope and Content Note
Max Béthune writes Vizetelly (on letterhead) about a misunderstanding related to a financial transaction.
item 42
Physical Description:
2.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
A. Berty complains that he received no payment for a drawing made on order. If he does not receive the money soon, he will
have to use other means less polite than his letter.
item 43
Physical Description:
1.0 p.
Scope and Content Note
After failing to meet the unnamed addressee to receive the payment due him, A. Berty asks that the money be handed to the
person he will send to fetch it.
item 44
Physical Description:
1.0 p.
Scope and Content Note
Announcement signed by Etienne Mehrel, inventor of a new "Rabot et Varloppe," who is looking for someone willing to advance
25 pounds sterling for the patent, in exchange for a share in the commercialization of this new process.
item 45
1848 Dec 28
Physical Description:
1.0 p.
Scope and Content Note
J. Hetzel [?] sends Vizetelly a bill for the 28 clichés delivered. He asks for the list of subjects they have selected, for
which he will make clichés.
item 46
1853 Dec 8
Physical Description:
2.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
Godefroy asks Vizetelly (on letterhead Société des gens de lettres) if he will agree to take charge of registering the copyright
of Hippolyte Castille's book
Les hommes et les moeurs en France sous le règne de Louis-Philippe.
item 47
1853 June 18
Physical Description:
3.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
E. Sallior [?] informs Vizetelly about the prices, payments and deliveries decided by M. Yvan for the illustrated books in
the works.
item 48
[1853] June 10
Physical Description:
1.0 p.
Scope and Content Note
M. Yvan sends Vizetelly a letter from J.-M. Callery related to their business; he is waiting for Vizetelly's suggestions.
item 49
1853 June 10
Physical Description:
2.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
Letter from J.-M. Callery to Yvan, who sent it to Vizetelly. Callery believes they should accept the price Vizetelly asked
for registering the copyright for Castille's book in London. Callery asks Yvan to remind Vizetelly to return the drawings
of Chinese costumes he gave him.
item 50
1851 Oct 24
Physical Description:
3.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
Collignon writes (on letterhead) on behalf of Pagnerre about the publication of the third and fourth volumes of Lamartine's
Histoire de la restauration, which is slightly delayed. He hopes that Vizetelly will not put the English translation on sale before the French edition
is out in November.
item 51
Physical Description:
2.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
Charles Geoffrey asks for payment for the drawings he made of Lord Wellington's funeral.
item 52
Physical Description:
1.0 p.
Scope and Content Note
E. Sallior [?] writes to an unnamed person, asking for information about payment conditions for molds and clichés. [in English]
item 53
1853 Mar 24
Physical Description:
1.0 p.
Scope and Content Note
P. Hesse [?] writes to Vizetelly on behalf of his friend, the Comte de la Gironnière, asking whom he should contact to obtain
a copy of Dumont-Durville's book. The Comte also asks where he should send the drawings Vizetelly requested, and informs him
that, if he is well treated, he also will send them several pages of the
Supplément sur l'agriculture des Philippines and other materials.
item 54
1854 Jan 19
Physical Description:
4.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
J. Murtin [?] answers James Vizetelly's letter, informing him of the steps he and M. Lemercier took against the Villain and
Hombres Companies, the money the company embezzled, and the resulting bankruptcy. He advises Vizetelly to obtain patents in
England for his company's new designs for machines, including printing presses. They are ready to come to London as soon as
they receive an answer from him. [See related letter, item 105.]
item 55
1853 Nov 6
Physical Description:
1.0 p.
Scope and Content Note
M. Mallouni [?] informs Vizetelly (on hotel stationery) about the hotel where he is lodged, waiting for Mrs. Vizetelly.
item 56
1854 June 9
Physical Description:
1.0 p.
Scope and Content Note
Note accompanying the first nine chapters of a novel by Alexandre Dumas, which should help Vizetelly make his decision [signature
item 57
1845 Nov 13
Physical Description:
2.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
C. Van Bevere, notary in Brussels to the Baron Beckman, informs Vizetelly that Mr. Wahlen has consulted him about the authenticity
of signatures on the account of concern to his company. The notary asks for an exact copy of that account to show to the Baron.
item 58
Dec 28
Physical Description:
4.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
Letter from an unidentified woman, sent to James Vizetelly during his trip to Paris, informing him that he soon will receive
the box of samples he left behind. The woman reminds him not to forget the modern gold earrings she has asked for, and recommends,
among other Paris attractions, the painting by Delaroche exhibited at the Palais de beaux-arts.
item 59
1847 Dec 17
Physical Description:
4.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
Letter to Bondeville from a friend in Paris (indecipherable) who transcribes for him a letter by Marion de Lorme from 1641
about the visit of Lord Worcester to the Bicêtre hospice describing his talk with the inmate Salomon de Caus, inventor of
the steam engine.
item 60
1853 Jan 15
Physical Description:
2.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
G. de la Laudelle asks his agent Godefroy to inform Vizetelly that he has made all the changes he was asked to do, and he
has written the introduction to the translated edition of his book.
item 61
1853 Jan 15
Physical Description:
2.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
Godefroy writes Vizetelly (on letterhead) that he is sending a letter just received from G. de la Laudelle, asking him to
send his answers to the writer. He also asks Vizetelly to send him the issue of the
Illustrated London News in which was published Paul Féral's essay.
item 62
Physical Description:
2.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
Transcription (or digest) of a text regarding the copyright treaties between England and France, specifying publishers' obligations
and noting that the United States has unrestricted choices regarding publication because it is not included in such treaties.
item 63
1852 June 8
Physical Description:
3.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
Pagnerre informs Vizetelly (on letterhead Pagnerre Éditeur) that he has received the sixth volume of
Histoire de la restauration, which is being printed; he will send the pages as soon as the galleys are corrected. He lists his publication projects.
item 64
1852 Feb 22
Physical Description:
1.0 p.
Scope and Content Note
Collignon informs Vizetelly (on Pagnerre letterhead) that he has sent the end of the fifth volume of the
item 65
1852 Mar 24
Physical Description:
3.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
Pagnerre informs Vizetelly (on letterhead) that he received from Lamartine the manuscript of the sixth volume of the
Restauration, which he will start printing at once. He has sent a copy of the previous volume to London in compliance with the copyright
treaty with England. Includes some financial information.
item 66
1852 Feb 3
Physical Description:
4.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
Pagnerre informs Vizetelly (on letterhead) of his long illness. Discusses the money to be paid for the publication of the
previous volumes of Lamartine, while the fifth volume is still being printed. After seeing how Lamartine treated the English
army and Lord Wellington, he doubts that the author will have much success in England.
item 67
1852 Mar 9
Physical Description:
4.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
Pagnerre writes (on letterhead) about the genius and eloquence of Lamartine, which should prevail over the occasional mistake
in dates, names and historical events in his
Histoire de la restauration. He informs Vizetelly that they are authorized to publish the English version, and have the statement of the author himself,
which does not require his signature. [see item 12]
item 68
1851 Aug 25
Physical Description:
2.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
Collignon writes Vizetelly (on letterhead) on behalf of Pagnerre who is bedridden with rheumatic pains. He reminds Vizetelly
of his promise to send the translated version of the
Histoire de la restauration along with the published reviews.
item 69
1851 Sept 2
Physical Description:
2.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
Collignon informs Vizetelly (on Pagnerre letterhead) about the shipment of pages from the third volume of Lamartine's work.
item 70
1851 June 30
Physical Description:
3.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
Pagnerre announces (on letterhead) the shipment of pages from Lamartine's second volume. Sends news about his family and asks
for the same from Vizetelly.
item 71
1851 July 3
Physical Description:
2.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
Pagnerre informs Vizetelly (on letterhead) of his talk with Lamartine about the translation of his book.
item 72
1851 July 4
Physical Description:
2.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
Pagnerre announces (on letterhead) that they finished the first two volumes of Lamartine's book, which will be translated
into English by the author himself.
item 73
1851 July 5
Physical Description:
2.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
Pagnerre sends Vizetelly more pages of the English translation by Lamartine, who is working on it at a steady pace.
item 74
1851 July 15
Physical Description:
3.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
Pagnerre writes Vizetelly (on letterhead) that he should send Lamartine a letter of congratulations for his English translation.
He encloses a note in Lamartine's hand regarding the copyright for the English edition of his book. [see item 12]
item 75
1851 Aug 4
Physical Description:
3.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
Pagnerre informs Vizetelly (on letterhead) that he will send him a copy of the first two volumes of their French edition of
Restauration. The author demands a copy of the English version from Vizetelly. He is very happy with the success of the book in the press,
and asks for all the newspapers that have discussed the copyright issue.
item 76
1785 Aug 10
Physical Description:
6.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
Transcript of the judicial settlement regarding the movable goods of Paul d'Hugues's estate.
item 77
1843 Dec 9
Physical Description:
1.0 p.
Scope and Content Note
J. Best, from Andrew, Best & Leloir, sends the director of the London illustrated journal
Pictorial times several proofs from a comic book by the caricaturist Cham, illustrated with 120 wood engravings, which the artist would like
to sell to the journal or to
item 78
1852 Feb 24
Physical Description:
3.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
Draft of a letter by Vizetelly informing Pagnerre that he postponed his trip to Paris because of smallpox in his family. He
intended to talk with him about mistakes found in
Histoire de la restauration by Lamartine. He also asks Pagnerre to comply with some procedures required for its publication in England. [text heavily
edited, not signed]
item 79
1838 Feb 22
Physical Description:
1.0 p.
Scope and Content Note
A. Fellonneau sends James Vizetelly the transcription and translation of a paragraph from a letter received from the "eminent
Parisian publisher Curmer," who expresses his great admiration for the skills and talent of Mr. Vizetelly in the "art of printing"
and hopes that he has a successor.
item 80
1840 Sept 1
Physical Description:
1.0 p.
Scope and Content Note
Request sent by messenger to the "Propriétaire de la librairie des Étrangers" in Paris, inquiring about English-speaking families
offering room and board. Includes three answers at the bottom.
item 81
1852 Dec 23
Physical Description:
1.0 p.
Scope and Content Note
Janet Lanyer [?] asks Vizetelly for payment of the drawings he had ordered for his brother.
item 82
1851 Nov 28
Physical Description:
2.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
J.-M. Callery communicates the answer from his Chinese draftsman to James Vizetelly's letter regarding the Chinese-Tatar work
he has started to publish. The illustrations from the first volume executed by Gower are all wrong. After detailed criticism,
Callery offers help if Vizetelly agrees to his terms.
item 83
1852 Jan 31
Physical Description:
1.0 p.
Scope and Content Note
Callery sends Vizetelly the account for the drawings, woodcuts and clichés made by his artists. He also asks for four copies
of the published book in exchange for the 12 free drawings by his Chinese draftsman, sent for the second volume.
item 84
1851 Dec 5
Physical Description:
1.0 p.
Scope and Content Note
Callery refuses to execute Vizetelly's order at a discounted price and explains his prices, which must be paid in advance.
item 85
1852 Jan [4?]
Physical Description:
2.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
Upset by Vizetelly's answer, Callery explains again in detail the conditions under which he will agree to cooperate.
item 86
1852 Jan 9
Physical Description:
1.0 p.
Scope and Content Note
Callery sends two drawing samples for Vizetelly's order, one of which illustrates a better deal: he suggests his artists transfer
the drawings to wood, instead of having the work done in London at higher prices.
item 87
1852 Jan [24?]
Physical Description:
1.0 p.
Scope and Content Note
Callery has sent Faber & Co., his agent in London, a box of 10 drawings on wood. He will deliver the rest of the order in
two days, and asks Vizetelly to send payment to Faber.
item 88
1852 Jan 28
Physical Description:
1.0 p.
Scope and Content Note
Callery explains that he is not responsible for the misunderstanding that delayed his delivery. He is offended by Vizetelly's
delay of the payment for the previous shipments, and asks him to remit the last payment for the final delivery sent with this
item 89
1843 Nov 10
Physical Description:
2.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
Account sent to Vizetelly by Aubert & Co. (on letterhead that includes advertising) listing the clichés and drawings delivered
from November 1842 to November 1843. It is accompanied by a letter dated Nov. 19 from Ch. Philipon, who reminds Vizetelly
of the terms of their contract for clichés.
item 90
1842 Nov 17
Physical Description:
2.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
Letter from Philipon who discusses some technical problems with the drawings used for the clichés made for
Robinson Crusoe and the fairy tales. Includes prices.
item 91
1842 Nov 1
Physical Description:
1.0 p.
Scope and Content Note
Ch. Philipon sends Vizetelly the account for the clichés used in the comic album of 1843. He soon will send those for "Petit
Poucet," (Tom Thumb) "Cendrillon," (Cinderella) and "Chat botté" (Puss in boots).
item 92
1842 Sept 13
Physical Description:
1.0 p.
Scope and Content Note
Account sent to Vizetelly by Aubert & Co. (on letterhead with advertising) for 24 clichés.
item 93
1843 July 21
Physical Description:
1.0 p.
Scope and Content Note
Philipon informs Vizetelly that he has sent seven drawings on wood; the engraved clichés will follow soon. Mme. Veze [?] has
agreed to write reviews for 60 Fr. per month, but she needs the first issue of their review to see what is appropriate.
item 94
1842 Nov 9
Physical Description:
2.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
Max Béthune sends detailed explanation regarding Vizetelly's account, mentioning some inconsistencies in their accounting
procedures. [see item 33]
item 95
1840 Apr 30
Physical Description:
1.0 p.
Scope and Content Note
Charles Gossalon informs James Vizetelly that he has seen some proofs of the wood engravings by Captain Marryat for the novel
Poor Jack. He needs to know the prices before he will consider acquiring the clichés.
item 96
1839 Dec 11
Physical Description:
1.0 p.
Scope and Content Note
Plon informs James Vizetelly (on letterhead with book advertising on both sides) that they have received a barrel of excellent
ink, and will continue ordering.
item 97
1840 Jan 20
Physical Description:
1.0 p.
Scope and Content Note
Plon complains (on letterhead with advertising) that the ink received was not as strong as that obtained through Mr. Andrew,
and he asks for a keg of that quality.
item 98
1842 Nov 8
Physical Description:
1.0 p.
Scope and Content Note
Plon informs Vizetelly that he has sent the clichés for the three fairy tales. He corrects previous calculation of prices.
item 99
1840 Nov 28
Physical Description:
1.0 p.
Scope and Content Note
Plon urges Vizetelly (on letterhead) to send the ink requested three weeks ago, and to send another shipment immediately afterwards.
item 100
1842 Dec 16
Physical Description:
1.0 p.
Scope and Content Note
Typographie Lacrampe et Co. (on letterhead that also lists "Fabrique d'encre") orders a 29 livre sample of Vizetelly's best
quality ink.
item 101
1853 Dec 2
Physical Description:
2.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
J. Murtin [?], a printing machine producer, announces to his clients that the bankruptcy of his partner Villain does not affect
his own business. He informs them that, besides his previous composing and typesetting machines, he has invented and licensed
a new and faster machine called "lytho-typographique" that prints both text and engravings on both sides of a sheet of paper
simultaneously. He asks to be contacted directly, because of the other party's dishonest machinations. [See item 54.]
item 102
1853 Nov 13
Physical Description:
4.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
An associate, Malouni [?] reports to Vizetelly his efforts to contact various persons in Paris who are or could become involved
in Vizetelly's business. The proceedings are costly and he asks for more money as soon as possible.
item 103
1840 July 15
Physical Description:
3.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
Louis Français informs Vizetelly that he has given his drawing to Curmer for delivery. On the second page he includes three
decorated capitals as samples for a full alphabet he would be glad to make for 20-25 Fr. apiece. On the last page, under the
address, a note by Français's brother mentions a change in shipping arrangements.
item 104
1846 May 22
Physical Description:
1.0 p.
Scope and Content Note
Victor Masson (letterhead Victor Masson libraire des sociétés savantes) suggests that Vizetelly publish an English translation
of a "charming" arboriculture handbook with 325 illustrations that is very successful in Paris. He can provide the clichés
for 80 livres apiece.
item 105
1841 Aug 11
Physical Description:
1.0 p.
Scope and Content Note
Fellonneau [?] writes James Vizetelly asking for his help to obtain the 10% commission due him from Mr. Tyas [?] for selling
the casts of
Robinson Crusoe in America. [in English]
item 106
1848 Oct 2
Physical Description:
1.0 page(s)
Scope and Content Note
Albert Smith informs Vizetelly in a short, angry letter that he does not care for the critical view of himself in the
Puppet-show, and he refuses to accept Vizetelly's request. [in English]
item 107
1852 Dec 12
Physical Description:
6.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
G. de la Laudelle writes Vizetelly, who has agreed to register the copyright of his books at the request of M. Godefroy. He
discusses similarities and differences between
Uncle Tom's cabin and his own successful abolitionist novels,
Les princes d'ebène and
Falcar le rouge, suggesting their publication in English. The letter includes a list of changes to be made to accommodate his novels to the
British public. [see item 7]
item 108
1840 Aug 5
Physical Description:
4.0 pp.
Scope and Content Note
Doctor George Johnston confirms his collaboration on the publication of the
Dictionary of the natural history of sciences according to the conditions mentioned in Vizetelly's prospectus. He emphasizes that the work must be very well planned regarding
the contents, and that sections must be allocated to collaborators according to their expertise. [in English]