Mexican Inquisition Papers: Finding Aid mssMX
Immediate Source of Acquisition
Existence and Location of Copies
- Volumes
- Boxes
- Facsimiles and miscellaneous
Individuals represented in the collection:
- Agustin, Juan. HM 35123.
- Alamilla Valderas, Pedro de. HM 35113.
- Alvarez, Leonor (Rodríguez) de. HM 35101.
- Amaya, Francisco de. HM 35147.
- Arceo, María de. HM 35132.
- Arellano y Córdova, Ramiro de. HM 35160.
- Arias de Rabanal, Gómez. HM 35156.
- Armas, Gaspar de. HM 35126.
- Ayala, Luis de. HM 35100.
- Barba, Bartolomé. HM 35106.
- Barrosso de Palacios, Cristóbal. HM 35158.
- Bazán, Nocilás [Nicolas?]. HM 35131.
- Bello, Antonia. HM 35115.
- Bermejo, Joseph. HM 35182.
- Bolaños, Sebastián de. HM 35133.
- Bruñón de Vertiz, Joseph. HM 35127.
- Cabrera, Diego de, see San Martín, Diego de.
- Cáceres, Leonor de. HM 35105.
- Caravajal, Ignacio. HM 35134.
- Carvajal, Juan de. HM 35154.
- Carvajal, Ignacio de, see Caravajal, Ignacio.
- Carmona Tamariz, Diego. HM 35161.
- Carvajal, Francisco de León, see León Carvajal, Francisco de.
- Casimiro, Vicente. HM 35177.
- Castillo, José Lázaro del. HM 35181.
- Castro, Margarita (Moreira) de. HM 35125.
- Caveros, Francisco. HM 35138.
- Charte, Pedro, see Conarte, Pedro.
- Correa Juárez, Pedro. HM 35131, HM 35132.
- Couto Figueroa, Sebastián de. HM 35157.
- Covarrubias, Agustín de. HM 35178.
- Covarrubias, Francisco de. HM 35149.
- Cruz, Cristóbal de la, see Basurto, Cristóbal.
- Díaz, Baltasar, see Valle, Baltasar del.
- Díaz, Domingo. HM 35109.
- Díaz, Yáñez, Juan, see Domínguez, Sebastián.
- Díaz de Possadas, Melchior. HM 35131.
- Domínguez, Sebastián. HM 35110.
- Enríquez, Catalina. HM 35123.
- Erenchun Salmerón, Mariana de. HM 35167.
- Fernández Arévalo, Joseph George. HM 35179.
- Fernández Cavadas de Quirós, Gregorio. HM 35173.
- Fernández Machuca, Antonio. HM 35128.
- Fernández y Domínguez, Manuel. HM 35138.
- Ferrete, Joseph de, see Basurto, Cristóbal.
- Fonseca, Gaspar de. HM 35123.
- Frechel, Pedro. HM 35108.
- García Cárdenas, Serafín. HM 35122.
- Gómez Casillas de Solorzano, Frutus. HM 35111.
- González Carmona, Diego. HM 35159.
- Guerrero, Bartolomé. HM 35122.
- Gutiérrez Jalapa, Juana. HM 35130.
- Hidalgo y Costilla, Manuel. HM 35101.
- Hortigosa, Pedro de. HM 35148.
- Iraragorri, Francisco de. HM 35155.
- Jacinto, Jorge. HM 35118.
- Juárez de Figueroa, Diego, see Suárez de Figueroa, Diego.
- León Carvajal, Francisco de. HM 35103.
- Leoz, Francisco de. HM 35162.
- López de Aguarda, Simón. HM 35118.
- López de Erenchun, Martín. HM 35163-HM35164, HM 35167.
- López de Erenchun, Tomás. HM 35164.
- López Páramo, Francisco. HM 35167.
- Manuel, Juan Antón. HM 35129.
- Marques, Vicente de los Dolores, see Casimiro, Vicente.
- Márquez, Pedro. HM 35106.
- Mauriño, Domingo. HM 35139.
- Melgarejo Santaella y Lobera, Antonio Eugenio. HM 35176.
- Mendoza, Pedro de. HM 35153.
- Menéndez Valdez, Fernando. HM 35106.
- Montoro, Antonio. HM 35171.
- Montoya, Jorge de. HM 35119.
- Mosquera, Pedro Bernardo. HM 35122.
- Muñoz, Francisco. HM 35108.
- Ocharte, Pedro. FAC 16.
- Olivares Villaroel, Juan de. HM 35161.
- Olmo, Pedro del. HM 35151.
- Oñate, Pedro de. HM 35098.
- Ortiz, Joan. FAC 15.
- Palao, Pedro Mártir. HM 35110, HM 35112.
- Palau, Pedro Mártir, see Palao, Pedro Mártir.
- Paniagua, Francisco. HM 35160.
- Peralta, Isidro de. HM 35168-HM 35169.
- Pérez de Ugarte, Joseph. HM 35107.
- Pineda y Morales, María Josepha. HM 35175.
- Quintero de Villalta, Baltasar. HM 35170.
- Rame, Luis. HM 35130.
- Ramírez, Luis, see Rame, Luis.
- Ramos, Domingo. HM 35114.
- Razin, Francisco, see Ruiz, Francisco.
- Reguera, Pedro de. HM 35108.
- Reyna, Bernardo. HM 35172.
- Rivera Rendón, Gerónimo de. HM 35106.
- Rodríguez, Domingo, see Díaz, Domingo.
- Rodríguez, Esteban. HM 35109.
- Rodríguez, Juan. HM 35129.
- Rodríguez, Leonor, see Alvarez, Leonor (Rodríguez) de.
- Rodríguez, Pedro. HM 35116.
- Rodríguez de Abouza y Messa, Manuel Joseph. HM 35174.
- Romano, Gregorio. HM 35152.
- Ruiz, Alonso. HM 35146.
- Ruiz, Francisco. HM 35120, HM 35124.
- Salinas, Buenaventura de. HM 35102.
- San Joseph, Francisca de. HM 35113.
- San Juan de la Cruz, Francisco de. HM 35137.
- San Martín, Diego de. HM 35121.
- San Nicolás, María de, see Arceo, María de.
- Solorzano, Melchior de. HM 35111.
- Suárez de Figueroa, Diego. HM 35120.
- Suárez de Mezquita, Alejandro. HM 35135.
- Texosso, Francisca. HM 35119.
- Texosso, Isabel. HM 35122.
- Tinoco, Antonio. HM 35121.
- Torquemada, Lorenzo de. HM 35124.
- Uribe, Juan de, see Rivera Rendón, Gerónimo de.
- Valle, Baltasar del. HM 35111, HM 35117.
- Vallejo, María Gerónima de. HM 35165.
- Vega, Pedro de. HM 35150.
- Vera, Santiago de. HM 35145.
- Vidaurre, Francisco de. HM 35117.
- Vie, Cornelio de. HM 35099.
- Villarejo, Eusebio. HM 35140.
- Villasana Platero, Gabriel de. HM 35144.
- Vívero, Rodrigo de. HM 35116.
- Yáñez, Francisco. HM 35097.
- Zaragoza, Miguel de. HM 35180.
Subjects and Indexing Terms
Inventario de los Expedientes del Extinguido Tribunal de la Inquisicion ... [Chronological list of Inquisition trials, 1525-1817] HM 35095. 1525-1817.
Abecedario de Relaxados, reconciliados y penitenciados ... . [Alphabetical list of prisoners, 1525-1709] HM 35096. 1525-1709.
Trial of Francisco Yáñez for stealing statue and sambenitos. HM 35097. 1578-1582.
Trial of Fray Pedro de Oñate for soliciting. HM 35098. 1581-1586.
Trial of Fray Cornelio de Vie for soliciting. HM 35099. 1582.
Trial of Fray Luis de Ayala for soliciting. HM 35100. 1595-1598.
Part I. Trial of Leonor Rodríguez [de Alvarez] for judaizing, 1597-1601. Part II. Investigation of Manuel Hidalgo y Costilla for position of lawyer with the Inquisition, 1790-1791. HM 35101. 1597-1601 and 1790-1791.
Trial of Fray Buenaventura de Salinas for soliciting HM 35102. 1597.
Trial of Francisco de León Carvajal for soliciting. HM 35103. 1790-1791.
Volume of letters and communications. Marked No. 31. HM 35104. 1601.
Trial of Leonor de Cáceres for Judaizing. HM 35105. 1601.
Part I. Denunciation against Bartolomé Barba and others for heresy, 1602. Part II. Trial of Gerónimo de Rivera [Rendón], soldier in New Mexico where he was known as Captain Juan de Uribe, for bigamy, 1603-1605. Part III. Trial of Pedro Marquez for blasphemy, 1603-1604. Part IV. Genealogy of Fernando Menéndez Valdez of Cebu in the Philippine Islands, 1603. HM 35106. 1602-1605.
Trial of Joseph Pérez de Ugarte [or Huarte] for representing himself as an officer of the Inquisition. HM 35107. 1603-1605.
Part I. Trial of Grancisco Muñoz for soliciting, 1609. Part II. Genealogical investigation of Pedro de Reguera, 1613. Part III. Information re Fray Pedro Frechel, 1616-1617. HM 35108. 1609-1617.
Part I. Trial of Fray Esteban Rodríguez for soliciting boys in the confessional, 1620-1639 Part II. Trial of Domingo Díaz, alias Domingo Rodríguez of Portugal ... for Judaizing, 1622-1625. HM 35109. 1620-1639.
Part I. Trial of Fray Pedro Martir Palao [or Palau] for soliciting, 1621- 1624. [Case is continued in HM 35112] Part II. Trial of Sebastián Domínguez, alias Juan Díaz Yáñez, for bigamy, 1619-1624. HM 35110. 1619-1624.
Part I. Trial of Baltasar del Valle, alias Baltasar Díaz, for Judaizing, 1622- 1626. [Case is continued in HM 35117] Part II. Genealogical investigations of Frutus Gómez Casillas de Solorzano and his brother Melchior de Solorzano, 1621-1624. HM 35111. 1621-1626.
Trial of Fray Pedro Martir Palao [or Palau] for soliciting [Case is continued form HM 35110]. HM 35112. 1622-1623.
Part I. Trial of Francisca de San Joseph for blasphemy, 1625. Part II. Trial of Pedro de Alamilla Valderas for soliciting, 1625-1627. HM 35113. 1625-1627.
Trial of Fray Domingo Ramos for soliciting. HM 35114. 1620-1631.
Trial of Antonia Bello for witchcraft. HM 35115. 1625-1629.
Part I. Trial of Fray Pedro Rodríguez for having said mass without having been ordained, 1631. Part II. Information re Padre Rodrigo de Vívero, 1631-1636. HM 35116. 1631-1636.
Part I. Trial of Baltasar del Valle, alias Baltasar Díaz for Judaizing, 1634- 1644.[Case is continued form HM 35111] Part II. Genealogy of Francisco de Vidaurre and his wife, of Manila in the Philippine Islands, 1620-1634. HM 35117. 1620-1644.
Part I. Trial of Simón López de Aguarda for observing the law of Moses, 1642-1649. Part II. Trial of Jorge Jacinto for observing the law of Moses, 1642-1650. HM 35118. 1642-1650.
Part I. Trial of Francisca Texosso for observing the law of Moses, 1642- 1647. Part II. Trial of Jorge de Montoya, fugitive from Portugal to Macao, for being a Judaizing heretic, 1642-1650. HM 35119. 1642-1650.
Part I. Trial of Francisco Ruiz [or Razin], French weaver in Guatemala, for heresy, 1640-1642. Part II. Trial of Diego Suárez [or Juárez] de Figueroa, Portuguese, for observing the law of Moses, 1642-1649. HM 35120. 1640-1649.
Part I. Trial of Antonio Tinoco for observing the law of Moses, 1642- 1657. Part II. Trial of Diego de San Martin [or Diego de Cabrera] for bigamy, 1631-1650. HM 35121. 1642-1657.
Part I. Trial of Isabel Texocco for Judaizing, 1642-1646. Trial against the memory of Isabel Texocco, deceased, 1650-16[??]. Part II. Trial of Pedro Bernardo Mosquera, 1727. Part III. Petition of Serafín García Cárdenas for position with the Inquisition, 1791-1792. Part IV. Genealogy of Bartolomé Guerrero of Guatemala, 1627. HM 35122. 1642-1792.
Part I. Trial of Catalina Enríquez for observing the law of Moses, 1643- 1649. Part II. Trial of Gaspar de Fonseca, Portuguese, for observing the law of Moses, 1645-1649. Part III. Trial of Juan Agustín, free mulatto, for bugamy, 1648-1654. HM 35123. 1643-1654.
Part I. Trial of Lorenzo de Torquemada for making himself a minister of the Inquisition, 1641-1646. Part II. Trial of Francisco [Ruiz or] Razin, Frenchman accused of heresy, 1643-1653 [Case is a continuation of HM 35120, Part I] HM 35124. 1641-1653.
Trial of Margarita (More[i]ra) de Castro for observing the law of Moses. HM 35125. 1642-1646.
Genealogical information about Captain Gaspar de Armas. HM 35126. 1647-1648.
Part I. Papers relating to the case of Joseph Bruñón de Vertiz, 1638-1649. Part II. Trial of Joseph Bruñón de Vertiz, 1649-1656. HM 35127. 1638-1656.
Part I. Publication of the "Edicto General de la Fee" and letter of anathema in the Real de minas, Chichicapa as well as related documents from Villa de Yautepec and Antequera, 1650-1659. Part II. Information from the trial of Antonio Fernández Machuca, 1659- 1660. HM 35128. 1650-1660.
Part I. Trial of Juan [Antón] Manuel, a free mulatto, for apostasy, 1650- 1653. [f.22 missing as of March 20, 2012]. Part II. Proceedings against Juan Rodríguez for bigamy, 1672-1686. HM 35129. 1650-1686.
Part I. Trial of Juana Gutiérrez Jalapa, a free Black woman, for witchcraft, 1650-1656. Part II. Trial of Luis Ramé, alias Ramírez, a Frenchman, for heresy, 1678- 1684. HM 35130. 1650-1684.
Part I. Denunciation against the mulatto slave Melchior Díaz de Posadas for blasphemy, 1660-1662 Part II. Trial of Pedro Correa Juárez for blasphemy, 1666-1669 [This case is continued in HM 35132] HM 35131. 1660-1669.
Part I. Testimony against Pedro Correa Juárez, 1667-1668 [Case is continued from HM 35131]. Part II. Trial of María de Arceo, alias María de San Nicolás, a free mulatto, for witchcraft, 1678-1680. HM 35132. 1667-1680.
Trial of Lic. Sebastián de Bolaños for soliciting. HM 35133. 1691-1703.
Part I. Trial of Fr. Cristobal de Basurto, alias Cristobal de la Cruz, alias Joseph de Ferrete, for having married, 1693-1699. Part II. Trial of fray Ignacio Carvajal for soliciting, 1784-1788. HM 35134. 1693-1788.
Trial of Alexandro Suárez de Mezquita for Judaism [in Spain]. HM 35135. 1703-1722.
Decrees concerning the Holy Tribunal. HM 35136. 1718.
Trial of Fray Francisco de San Juan de la Cruz for soliciting. HM 35137. 1762-1789.
Trial of Francisco Caveros and Manuel Fernández y Domínguez. HM 35138. 1775-1789.
Trial of Fray Domingo Mauriño for soliciting. HM 35139. 1771-1792.
Trial of Fray Eusebio Villarejo for apostasy. HM 35140. 1788-1792.
Santa Isabel Church, Guatemala. Marriage Records. HM 35141. 1743-1805.
Decree of Carlos III concerning the Holy Tribunal. HM 35142. 1761, Nov.27.
Letter from Martín Angel Michaus and others to José Vicente Valdés and Pedro Garibay regarding the property of the defunct Inquisition and the Pious Fund of California. HM 35143. 1822, Jan.21.
HM 35144-35151. 1572-1589.
Genealogical information on Gabriel de Villasana Platero. HM 35144. 1572.
Genealogical information on Santiago de Vera. HM 35145. 1582-1583.
Trial of Alonso Ruiz, grandson of a Jew. HM 35146. 1582-1583.
Genealogical information on Francisco de Amaya. HM 35147. 151583-1586.
Genealogical information on Doctor Pedro de Hortigosa. HM 35148. 1585.
Genealogical information on Francisco de Covarrubias. HM 35149. 1585-1586.
Genealogical information on Pedro de Vega. HM 35150. 1572.
Genealogical information on Pedro del Olmo. HM 35151. 1589.
HM 35152-35154. 1599-1607.
Testimony presented for Gregorio Romano. HM 35152. 1599-1600.
Trial of Pedro de Mendoza for having said mass without being ordained. [Also partial English translation]. HM 35153. 1602-1605.
Trial of Juan de Carvajal for soliciting. [Also partial English translation]. HM 35154. 1606-1607.
HM 35155-35157. 1607-1610.
Genealogical information on Francisco de Iraragorri. HM 35155. 1607-1609.
Genealogical information on Gómez Arias de Rabanal, of Guatemala. HM 35156. 1607-1609.
Trial of Sebastián de Couto Figueroa of Realejo, Nicaragua, for bigamy. [Also partial English translation]. HM 35157. 1608-1610.
HM 35158-35161. 1609-1615.
Genealogical information on Cristóbal Barrosso de Palacios. HM 35158. 1609.
Trial of Diego González Carmona for bigamy. HM 35159. 1609-1617.
Information presented at the request of Ramiro de Arellano y Córdova against Francisco Paniagua. HM 35160. 1610-1611.
Trial of Diego Carmona Tamariz for blame in the death of Juan de Olivares Villaroel. HM 35161. 1612-1615.
HM 35162-35165. 1613-1635.
Genealogical information on Francisco de Leoz. HM 35162. 1613-1615.
Genealogical information on Martín López de Erenchun and his wife Antonia Salmerón. HM 35163. 1614-1618.
Genealogical information on Tomás López de Erenchun, son of Martín López de Erenchun. HM 35164. 1623-1626.
Trial of María Gerónima [de Vallejo], mulatto, for witchcraft. HM 35165. 1626-1635.
HM 35166-35170. 1635-1705.
Copies of letters to the commissioners and other officials of the Inquisition. HM 35166. 1635-1639.
Information concerning Mariana de Erenchun Salmerón. HM 35167. 1637.
Trial of Isidro de Peralta, mulatto, for founding a cult of San Agustín. HM 35168. 1699.
Proceedings against several persons who formed a new cult of San Agustín, headed by Isidro de Peralta. HM 35169. 1702.
Trial of Baltasar Quintero de Villalta for having sold papers belonging to the Archives of the Inquisition. HM 35170. 1702-1705.
HM 35171-35175, HM 35182. 1710-1771.
"Trial of Joseph Bermejo for failure to pay for jewelry obtained from Diego de Vergara Gavinia. [Gift of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Merwin, Nov. 2, 1948]. HM 35182. 1710-1739.
Trial of Antonio Montoro for soliciting. HM 35171. 1735.
Trial of Bernardo Reyna for polygamy. HM 35172. 1735-1739.
Genealogical information on Gregorio Fernández Cavadas de Quirós. HM 35173. 1753-176?.
Genealogical information on Manuel Joseph Rodríguez de Abouza y Messa. HM 35174. 1755-1761.
Trial of María Josepha Pineda y Morales for bigamy. [English translation only]. HM 35175. 1760-1771.
HM 35176-35181. 1765-1785.
Genealogical information on Doctor Antonio Eugenio de Melgarejo Santaella y Lobera. HM 35176. 1765-1776.
Trial of Vicente Casimiro, alias Vicente de los Dolores Marques for bigamy. HM 35177. 1770-1773.
Trial of Agustín de Covarrubias for polygamy. HM 35178. 1771-1775.
Trial of Miguel de Zaragoza for wearing printed religious images in his shoes. HM 35180. 1778-1782.
Trial of José Lázaro del Castillo for polygamy. HM 35181. 1781-1785.
HM 35179. 1775-1777.
Trial of Joseph Jorge Fernández Arévalo for heretical blasphemy. [Also partial English translation and portion of rosary]. HM 35179. 1775-1777.
Facsimiles and miscellaneous
Photostatic copy of three pages from Libro Primero de Votos concerning Erasmus' De copia verborum and Juan de Zumarraga's Doctrina Cristiana FAC 14 1573, April 28, June 9
Photostatic copy of a page from Libro Primero de Votos concerning the trial of Joan Ortiz FAC 15 1573, November 27
Photostatic copy of a page from Libro Primero de Votos concerning the trial of Pedro Ocharte [or Charte] (1573, Nov. 27) and Alonso de Molina (1574, Mar. 20) FAC 16 1573-1574.
Photostatic copy of two pages from Libro Primero de Votos concerning the prefatory letter to the Vocabulario de la Lengua Castellano (by Fray Alonso de Molina) FAC 17 1574, March 20
Miscellaneous items that came with the collection from Walter Douglas 1900-1918