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Finding Aid to the Norma B. Ricketts Papers, 1881-2007, bulk 1966-2007
Banc Mss 2007/199  
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Series 1 Research Materials 1881-2007

Physical Description: 6 cartons (6 linear feet)


Carton 1, Folder 1

Allen, Ezra 1995-1998

Carton 1, Folder 2

American flags Circa 1959-1979


Arizona's Honeymoon Trail and Mormon Wagon Roads 2001-2005

Carton 1, Folder 3

Correspondence, draft 2001-2005

Carton 1, Folder 4

Maps, research, reviews 2001-2003

Carton 1, Folder 5

A - General 1997, undated

Carton 1, Folder 6

Behunin, Philo 1994; 2005-2007

Carton 1, Folder 7

Bennett, Kathleen 1940s-1992

Scope and Content Note

re: Melissa Burton Coray
Carton 1, Folder 8

Borrowman, John Undated

Scope and Content Note

copy of journal
Carton 1, Folder 9

Brannan, Samuel 1990-2005

Carton 1, Folder 10

Broadbent, Belva 1983-1984


Brooklyn (ship) 1964-2003

Carton 1, Folder 11

Correspondence, article, research 1964-2003

Carton 1, Folder 12

Clippings re: 150th anniversary 1996-1998

Carton 1, Folder 13

Brown, Ebenezer and Phoebe 1957-1997

Carton 1, Folder 14

Brown, James S. 1999

Carton 1, Folder 15

B - General 1967-2003

Carton 1, Folder 16

California - General 1961-1985


The California star, 1847-1848 : San Francisco's first newspaper 1969-1996

Carton 1, Folder 17

Correspondence 1969-1996

Carton 1, Folder 18

Drafts, published version 1982 - circa 1996

Carton 1, Folder 19

Images for book 1996, undated

Carton 1, Folder 20

Research Undated

Carton 1, Folder 21

Charbonneau, Jean Baptiste 1983-2004

Carton 1, Folder 22

Chronology of San Francisco undated


Carton 1, Folder 23

Clayson, Jane 1996-1997

Scope and Content Note

Carton 1, Folder 24

Code for footnotes Undated


for NBR's major writings

Coloma 1947-1987

Carton 1, Folder 25

Correspondence 1965-1967

Carton 1, Folder 26

Research, re: discovery of gold Circa 1947-1987

Carton 1, Folder 27

Colton, Philander 1998-1999

Scope and Content Note

includes correspondence
Carton 1, Folder 28

Copyright forms 1966-1985

Carton 1, Folder 29

Cowdrey, Oliver 1966-1967

Carton 1, Folder 30

C - General 1966-2003

Carton 1, Folder 31

Davies, J. Kenneth 1977-1982

Scope and Content Note

re: Thomas Rhoads; includes correspondence, drafts of Davies's work on Rhoads
Carton 1, Folder 32

Dennett, Daniel 1996

Carton 1, Folder 33

Donner Party 1966-1973

Carton 1, Folder 34

Eagle Theater, Sacramento 1955-1988

Scope and Content Note

includes slide
Carton 1, Folder 35

Early Day Romances: Sutter's Fort, 1847-1848 1943

Scope and Content Note

Carton 1, Folder 36

El Dorado County and National Forest Interpretive Association 1974; 1987-1988

Carton 2, Folder 1

El Dorado Research Notes (EDRN) 1977-1978

Carton 2, Folder 2

Emigrant Summit Trail 1983

Carton 2, Folder 3

Ensign 1996

Scope and Content Note

correspondence re: article with contribution by NBR
Carton 2, Folder 4

Flake, James 1965-1978

Carton 2, Folder 5

The Forgotten Pioneers 1997

Scope and Content Note

article by NBR
Carton 2, Folder 6

Freighters Undated

Scope and Content Note

49ers; notes
Carton 2, Folder 7

D, E, F - General 1968-2005

Carton 2, Folder 8

Garner, William 1997

Carton 2, Folder 9

Gold - general research 1994-1999, undated

Carton 2, Folder 10

Great Basin Studies Center 1988-1989

Scope and Content Note

correspondence and mss re: Comstock Lode
Carton 2, Folder 11

Hammond, Francis Asbury 1982-1984


Hancock, Levi 1966-1998

Carton 2, Folder 12

Thesis by Dennis Clegg 1966

Carton 2, Folder 13

General 1993-1998


Hansen, Lorin K. 1982-1995

Carton 2, Folder 14

Correspondence, writings, research 1982-1991

Carton 2, Folder 15

Drafts, info on Brooklyn passengers 1995

Carton 2, Folder 16

Harris, Robert 2002

Carton 2, Folder 17

Hatch, Orin and Meltiar 1968-1978; 1992-1994

Carton 2, Folder 18

Hawk, Nathan 1967-1999

Scope and Content Note

includes info on Silas Harris, a cousin
Carton 2, Folder 19

Hefferan, John 1985-1989

Carton 2, Folder 20

Henrie, Daniel 1983

Carton 2, Folder 21

Hess, John W. 1987-1991


Historic Cosumnes and the Slough House Pioneer Cemetery 1966-2006

Carton 2, Folder 22

Correspondence, reviews 1978-1993

Carton 2, Folder 23

Research-related correspondence 1972-1977

Carton 2, Folder 24

Published version in DUP lesson, related art materials 1978

Carton 2, Folder 25

Publicity re: cemetery 1972-1989

Scope and Content Note

includes correspondence
Carton 2, Folder 26

Cosumnes background material 1966-1984


Slough House Cemetery 1970-2006

Carton 2, Folder 27

Legal materials 1970-1983

Carton 2, Folder 28

General 2006

Carton 2, Folder 29

Hulet, Sylvester 1979; 1994

Carton 2, Folder 30

Humor Circa 1985

Scope and Content Note

includes audio cassette tape
Carton 2, Folder 31

Hunsaker, Abraham 1957

Carton 2, Folder 32

Hunt, Jefferson 1983-1998

Carton 2, Folder 33

Hyde, William 1996-2001

Carton 2, Folder 34

G, H - General 1983-2004


Ide, William Brown 1963-1989

Carton 2, Folder 35

Correspondence, research 1963-1989

Scope and Content Note

includes info on James Ide
Carton 2, Folder 36

General 1970s

Carton 2, Folder 37

Johnson's Ranch - Camp Far West 1985-1988

Carton 2, Folder 38

Jones, Nathaniel 1931; 1997-2003

Carton 2, Folder 39

Judd, Zadok Circa 1963

Scope and Content Note

photocopy of diary
Carton 3, Folder 1

Karren, Thomas 1981-1998

Carton 3, Folder 2

Kilgore, William 1980

Carton 3, Folder 3

Lienhard, Heinrich Undated

Carton 3, Folder 4

Lore of Faith and Folly 1974

Carton 3, Folder 5

I, J, K, L - General 1982-1997

Carton 3, Folder 6

Maps 1976-1991

Carton 3, Folder 7

Maxwell, William B. 2004

Carton 3, Folder 8-9

Melissa Coray Peak Dedication 1991-1994

Carton 3, Folder 10-21

Melissa's Journey With the Mormon Battalion 1991-2003, undated

Carton 3, Folder 22

Merrill, Philemon C. 1997-1999

Carton 3, Folder 23

Millennial Star 1881; 1979

Carton 3, Folder 24

Mississippi Saints Circa 1984-2005

Carton 3, Folder 25

Mitchell's Map 2003-2006


The Mormon Battalion 1952-2007, undated

Carton 3, Folder 26

Analysis of movement within Battalion 1996

Carton 3, Folder 27

Article for O.C.T.A. Undated

Carton 3, Folder 28

Awards 1996-1998

Carton 3, Folder 29

Background (early notes, research) 1966-1967, undated

Carton 3, Folder 30

Bishops appointed to care for families 2000-2004

Carton 3, Folder 31

Coloma - Mormon cabin 1966-1988

Carton 3, Folder 32

Company A ledger Undated

Carton 3, Folder 33

Analysis of Company B Undated

Carton 3, Folder 34

Correspondence 1966-2007

Carton 4, Folder 1

Deaths 1997

Scope and Content Note

article for Ensign and related correspondences
Carton 4, Folder 2

Documents (Photocopies - e.g. muster rolls) Undated

Carton 4, Folder 3

Endnotes - alternate versions Undated

Carton 4, Folder 4

Endnotes for early version Undated

Carton 4, Folder 5

Flag 1967-1985

Carton 4, Folder 6

Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery 1997

Carton 4, Folder 7

General background and Arizona names 1966, undated

Carton 4, Folder 8

Gravesites Circa 1987

Carton 4, Folder 9

Iowa volunteers Undated

Carton 4, Folder 10

Jamison, Max 1999

Scope and Content Note

correspondence, research related
Carton 4, Folder 11

Maps - created for book, and illustrations 1993-1996

Carton 4, Folder 12

Music 1997-1998

Scope and Content Note

sheet music, lyrics, program-related
Carton 4, Folder 13

Newspaper clippings (not photocopied) 1961-1998

Carton 4, Folder 14

Program in Tempe, AZ 1997


Photographs 1966-1996

Carton 4, Folder 15

Research, copies from LDS 1966

Carton 4, Folder 16

Correspondence, permissions 1995-1996

Carton 4, Folder 17

Return of the Mormon Battalion Group from the Gold Fields Undated

Scope and Content Note

journal entry from 1848
Carton 4, Folder 18

Reviews - primarily correspondence, readers' reviews 1996-1998

Carton 4, Folder 19

Revised draft of select pages Undated

Scope and Content Note

p. 5, 7, 36-38, 49, 50
Carton 4, Folder 20

Roster, alphabetical ms. Undated

Carton 4, Folder 21

Roster, updated 1997-2004

Carton 4, Folder 22

Senate documents Undated

Carton 4, Folder 23

San Diego Center - correspondence 1982-1983, 1991

Scope and Content Note

includes Melissa's Journey
Carton 4, Folder 24

Notes on San Diego, Los Angeles 1952-1987

Scope and Content Note

SD Visitor Center
Carton 4, Folder 25

Sick detachments 1997

Scope and Content Note

notes, article in Pioneer
Carton 4, Folder 26

Tyler's History of Mormon Battalion Undated

Scope and Content Note

also includes other excerpts re: Sanford Jacobs
Carton 4, Folder 27

Utah State University Press 1995-1999

Scope and Content Note

correspondence re: publication
Carton 4, Folder 28

Women 1990-1991

Scope and Content Note

primarily related to Melissa's Journey, but not the published work
Carton 4, Folder 29

Women and Children - lists 1996

Carton 4, Folder 30

Worksheets 1991-1992

Scope and Content Note

lists of men, related data
Carton 4, Folder 31

General research 1972-1997, undated

Carton 4, Folder 32

Research sources 1965-1982


original folder note - Mance Vaught material
Carton 4, Folder 33

Mormons and the discovery of gold 1966

Scope and Content Note

Carton 4, Folder 34

Mormon Footprints in California 1961-1962

Scope and Content Note

two copies, copyright certificate
Carton 4, Folder 35

Mormon Gold: California's Mormon Argonauts 1982-1985

Scope and Content Note

appendices, correspondence
Carton 4, Folder 36

Mormon Heritage 1994

Scope and Content Note

periodical, 3 issues; correspondence
Carton 4, Folder 37

Mormon Island 1957-1985

Carton 4, Folder 38

Mormons - general notes and research material 1959-1979, undated

Carton 4, Folder 39

Music 1965

Scope and Content Note

liner notes, lyrics from album The Mormon Pioneers; 1 cassette tape removed
Carton 4, Folder 40

New Helvetica Diary Undated

Carton 4, Folder 41

Orr, Thomas 1967-1968

Scope and Content Note

includes info on Orr gold nugget
Carton 5, Folder 1

The Overland Emigrant Trail to California 1980-1992

Carton 5, Folder 2

Owens, Kenneth. The Mormon-Carson Emigrant trail 1992

Carton 5, Folder 3

Packard, Henry 1998-2001

Carton 5, Folder 4

Personal - correspondence 1961- circa 1996

Carton 5, Folder 5

Pettegrew, David 1964

Carton 5, Folder 6

Photographs - includes Tragedy Springs Undated

Carton 5, Folder 7

Pioneer Presses - printing 1982-1998

Carton 5, Folder 8

Pioneers of 1847 1995-2000, undated

Scope and Content Note

correspondence, research, one audio tape
Carton 5, Folder 9

Pioneers of 1847 2004-2006


re: LDS website, correction to
Carton 5, Folder 10

Pioneers of 1847 2005

Scope and Content Note

research, printouts from website familysearch.org
Carton 5, Folder 11

Pixton, Robert 1976-1982

Carton 5, Folder 12

Placerville, Auburn, Grass Valley (Gold Country) 1972-1986

Scope and Content Note

brochures, other publications (one map)
Carton 5, Folder 13

Pony Express 1960-1985

Carton 5, Folder 14

Pratt, Parley P. 1975, undated

Scope and Content Note

diary excerpts, research
Carton 5, Folder 15

Prows, William C. 1991-1997

Carton 5, Folder 16

M, N, O, P - General 1969-1997

Carton 5, Folder 17

Rawson, Daniel 1967-1997

Carton 5, Folder 18

Readings 1980-1982, undated

Scope and Content Note

parable-like texts read at programs, includes pioneer women theme
Carton 5, Folder 19

Reed, Calvin 1992-2001

Carton 5, Folder 20

Reorganized LDS 1982

Scope and Content Note

Independence, MD

Rhoads family 1844-1998, undated

Carton 5, Folder 21

Background info 1971-1977

Carton 5, Folder 22

"new info" 1972-1983

Carton 5, Folder 23

Caleb, Catherine files 1972-1977

Carton 5, Folder 24

Daniel file 1972-1977

Scope and Content Note

includes photographs
Carton 5, Folder 25

Elizabeth, George, Henry, Isaac files 1973-1977

Carton 5, Folder 26

John file 1973

Carton 5, Folder 27

John Rhoads's Rifle 1968-1986

Carton 5, Folder 28

Lucinda, Polly, Sarah, Thomas Jr., William files 1973-1977

Carton 5, Folder 29

Family genealogy 1978-1983

Carton 5, Folder 30

Genealogy - prior to CA Undated

Carton 5, Folder 31

Legal materials 1844-1893

Scope and Content Note

copies of land grants, agreements, etc.
Carton 5, Folder 32

Mining (gold and coal) 1959-1980

Carton 5, Folder 33

Photographs 1972, undated

Carton 5, Folder 34

Bernie L. Rhoades's material 1997-1998

Carton 5, Folder 35

Dorothy Cotton's material 1972

Scope and Content Note

primarily on Rhoads Grimshaw
Carton 5, Folder 36

General 1968-1994

Carton 5, Folder 37

Rhoads School 1976-1977


1872 schoolhouse, Sacramento area

Thomas Rhoads 1967-1980, undated

Carton 6, Folder 1


Scope and Content Note

includes NBR's Thomas and Eliz. Rhodes: Pioneers of 1946
Carton 6, Folder 2

1980, undated

Carton 6, Folder 3

Thomas Rhoads' Gold Train 200-2005, undated

Scope and Content Note

correspondence, research, published article
Carton 6, Folder 4

The River People in the Desert, by Grant and Bernice Skinner 1982


note on folder to use p. 46 in Melissa's story
Carton 6, Folder 5

Rogers, Samuel 1991

Carton 6, Folder 6

Rosa, Ellen 1974-1983

Scope and Content Note

correspondence; primarily genealogical materials on Rhoads family
Carton 6, Folder 7

Roylance, John 1994

Carton 6, Folder 8

R - General 1997-2001


Sacramento LDS History 1936-1995, undated

Carton 6, Folder 9

Research 1936-1995, undated

Carton 6, Folder 10

Writings 1961-1984, undated

Carton 6, Folder 11

Salt Lake City 1981-1982

Scope and Content Note

two essays re: move of Mormons west
Carton 6, Folder 12

San Bernadino LDS History 1930-1982, undated

Scope and Content Note

research, correspondence
Carton 6, Folder 13

San Juan Bautista 1980, undated

Scope and Content Note

re: Twichell-Woodworth family
Carton 6, Folder 14

Sanderson, Sylvanus 1947-1948

Scope and Content Note

includes original documents, 1947; possibly from his descendants
Carton 6, Folder 15

Simmons, William Alphus 1965-1998

Carton 6, Folder 16

Sly, James Calvin 1975

Carton 6, Folder 17

Smith, Charles C. 1917-1984

Scope and Content Note

worked for Samuel Brannan
Carton 6, Folder 18

Smith, Joseph - death Undated

Carton 6, Folder 19

Snowflake Monument 1966; 2000

Scope and Content Note

Carton 6, Folder 20

Sons of Utah Pioneers (SUP) 1965-1979

Scope and Content Note

correspondence, newsletters
Carton 6, Folder 21

Speeches 1953-1997, undated

Scope and Content Note

talks or workshops given by NBR; includes background material
Carton 6, Folder 22

Standage, Henry 1972

Carton 6, Folder 23

Sutter's Fort 1941-1983, undated

Carton 6, Folder 24

S - General 1967-2001

Carton 6, Folder 25

Taggart, George Washington 1997

Carton 6, Folder 26

Tippetts, John 1997-1999

Carton 6, Folder 27

Tucson Monument 1995-1996

Carton 6, Folder 28

T, U, V - General 1997-1998

Carton 6, Folder 29

"Wagons East Across the Sierras" by Allen Fifield 1961

Scope and Content Note

two copies, annotated
Carton 6, Folder 30

Wilson, George Deliverance 1998

Carton 6, Folder 31

Wilson, Helena 1982

Scope and Content Note

family history
Carton 6, Folder 32

Witworth, Robert 1967-1968; 1999

Scope and Content Note

correspondence with Edna Blaschke
Carton 6, Folder 33

Workman, Andrew Jackson 1988

Scope and Content Note

includes David Garner
Carton 6, Folder 34

W - General 1995-1998

Carton 6, Folder 35

Clippings Circa 1961-1965

Scope and Content Note

primarily Sacramento or LDS-related
Carton 6, Folder 36

General - clippings 1961-1974

Carton 6, Folder 37

General research 1965-1967

Scope and Content Note

primarily "Gateways to California" articles