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Velez-Ibanez (Carlos G.) Sterilization Research Collection
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Series 1. General research files

Scope and Contents

This series contains material about sterilization, fertility, and eugenics. It also includes material about Dr. Velez-Ibanez's activity in professional sociological organizations.
Box 1, Folders 1-9, Box 2, Folders 1-8

Biographical index cards undated

Box 3, Folder 1

Handwritten notes for a bibliography undated

Box 3, Folder 2

"War Dance for All the Skins and All the Meskins" by Inez Hernandez Tovar undated

Box 3, Folder 3

Junto Newsletter - correspondence 1972

Box 3, Folder 4

La Junta de Sociologos Chicanos meeting 1973

Box 3, Folder 5

La Junta de Sociologos Chicanos newsletters 1971-1972

Scope and Contents

Volume 1 numbers 1-4 (photocopies).
Box 3, Folder 6

Rivera, Jaime - correspondence 1972-1973

Box 3, Folder 7

La Junta de Sociologos Chicanos - correspondence 1972-1973

Box 3, Folder 8

Items for bulletin 1973

Scope and Contents

Includes material on the Chicano Training Center Inc.; SPSSI poverty committee pamphlet.
Box 3, Folder 9

La Junta de Sociologos Chicanos - miscellaneous 1972-1973

Scope and Contents

Includes: Newsletter volume 1, no. 4 and volume 2, no. 1; list of current Ph.D.s; material on the conference of the National Caucus of Chicano Social Scientists.
Box 3, folder 10

La Junta de Sociologos Chicanos - unfinished business 1973

Scope and Contents

Box 3, Folder 11

La Junta de Sociologos Chicanos - miscellaneous 1971-1973

Scope and Contents

Includes: newsletters volume 1, nos. 1-4 and volume 2, no. 1; reports and proposals.
Box 3, Folders 12-13

La Junta de Sociologos Chicanos - miscellaneous 1970-1976

Box 3, Folder 14

American Sociological Association - Maurice Jackson 1972

Box 3, Folder 15

American Sociological Association 1970-1972

Box 3, Folder 16

Notes on Items for sterilization project undated

Box 4, Folder 1

Table on methods of female sterilization undated

Box 4, Folder 2

"Female Contraceptive Sterilization" by Marguerite K. Shepard 1974

Box 4, Folder 3

"Obstacles to Sterilization in One Community" by Susan C. Scrimshaw and Bernard Pasquariella 1970

Box 4, Folder 4

"Vasectomy and Psychosexual Damage" by Philip M. Savage Jr., M.D. 1972

Box 4, Folder 5

"Vasectomy: Old and New Techniques" by J.E. Davis 1973

Box 4, Folder 6

"Female Sterilization" by Theodore W. Adams. M.D. 1964

Box 4, Folder 7

"An Examination of the Effects of Tubal Ligation: Their Implications for Prediction" by A.S. Norris, M.D. 1964

Box 4, Folder 8

"Sociocultural Research in Family Planning in the United States: Review and Prospects" by Steven Polgar 1966

Box 4, Folder 9

"Anthropology and Population: Problems and Perspectives" by Moni Nag 1973

Box 4, Folder 10

Index card undated

Box 4, Folder 11

"The International Fertility Association and International Feticide" by J.P. Greenhill, M.D. 1958

Box 4, Folder 12

"Population Studies: A Journal of Demography" edited by D.V. Glass and E. Grebenik 1969

Box 4, Folder 13

"Some Cultural Influences on Family Size in Three East African Societies" by Marc J. Swartz undated

Box 4, Folder 14

"The Problem of Fertility Control in India: Cultural Factors and Development of Policy" by N.V. Sovani undated

Box 4, Folder 15

"Demographic Correlates of Group Achievement: Contrasting Patterns of Mexican-Americans and Japanese-Americans" by Peter Uhlenberg 1972

Box 4, Folder 16

"Demographic and Social Aspects of Contraceptive Sterilization in the United States: 1965-1970" by Harriet B. Presser undated

Box 4, Folder 17

"The Measurement of Family Size Preferences and Subsequent Fertility" by Lolagene C. Coombs 1974

Box 4, Folder 18

"Modern Values and Fertility Ideals in Brazil and Mexico" by Joseph A. Kahl 1967

Box 4, Folder 19

"Chapter XIII: Cultural Context and Population Control Programs in Village India" from Fact and Theory in Social Science by Morris E. Opler 1964

Box 4, Folder 20

"Research Report: Family Planning and Conjugal Roles in New York City Poverty Areas" by Steven Polgar and Frances Rothstein 1970

Box 4, Folder 21

Index cards undated

Box 4, Folder 23

"Attitudes, Interests, and IQ" by Sandra Scarr and Richard A. Weinberg 1978

Box 4, Folder 24

"Voluntary Sterilization: A World View" issued by the Population Council and the International Institute for the Study of Human Reproduction at Columbia University 1970

Box 4, Folder 25

"Medical and Psychological Sequelae of Surgical Sterilization of Women" by Manuel E. Paniague, Matthew Tayback, Jose L. Janer, and Jose L. Vazquez 1964

Box 4, Folder 28

Clippings 1978

Box 4, Folder 29

"The Limitation of Human Population: A Natural History" by Don E. Dumond 1975

Box 4, Folder 30

"The Anthropologist as Expert Witness" by Lawrence Rosen undated

Box 4, Folder 31

"The Demographic Transition: Stage Four" by Roberta L. Hall 1972

Box 4, Folder 32

"Culture and Natality: A Preliminary Classified Bibliography" by John F. Marshall, Susan Morris, and Steven Polgar 1972

Box 4, Folder 33

"Population History and Population Policies from an Anthropological Perspective" by Steven Polgar 1972

Box 4, Folder 34

"The Parameters of an Ethnic Group: A Method for Studying the Total Tribe" by Robert A. Hackenberg 1967

Box 4, Folder 35

Index cards undated

Box 4, Folder 36

"Institutional Patterns Favoring High Fertility in Underdeveloped Areas" by Kingsley Davis undated

Box 5, Folder 1

"Problems of Culture Change in the Indian Village" by Mildred Stroop Luschinsky undated

Box 5, Folder 2

"Motivational Aspects of Resistance to Family Planning in an Indian Village" by Thomas Poffenberger undated

Box 5, Folder 3

"Navajos and Eastern Kentuckians: a Comparative Study in the Cultural Consequences of the Demographic Transition" by George A. Hillery, Jr. undated

Box 5, Folder 7

"Variables Associated with the Demand for Female Sterilization in Spanish Harlem" by Susan C. Scrimshaw and Bernard Pasquariella 1971

Box 5, Folder 8

"Sterilization Regulations: Debate Not Quelled by HEW Document" by Judith Coburn and Deborah Shapley 1974

Box 5, Folder 9

Clippings undated

Box 5, Folder 10

"Illegitimacy, Sterilization and Racism: A North Carolina Case History" by Joseph L. Morrison 1965

Box 5, Folder 11

Clippings 1974

Box 5, Folder 12

"Female Sterilization: Guidelines for the Development of Services" by the World Health Organization 1976

Box 5, Folder 13

"The Patient's Bill of Rights" by Willard Gaylin undated

Box 5, Folder 14

"Informed (But Uneducated) Consent" by F.J. Ingelfinger 1972

Box 5, Folder 15

Clippings 1978

Box 5, Folder 17

Notes on sterilized patient's medical status (2 copies) 1975

Box 5, Folder 19

"Public Hearing on Sterilization Guidelines" 1975

Box 5, Folder 24

Privacy rights undated

Box 5, Folder 26

Memorandum regarding the sterilization cases 1975

Box 5, Folder 27

Family Planning Council for the Spanish Speaking 1978

Box 5, Folder 28

"Methods of Sterilization" undated

Box 5, Folder 29

"Voluntary Sterilization for Men and Women" 1974

Box 5, Folder 31

Notes concerning statistical data undated

Box 5, Folder 32

Clippings undated

Box 5, Folder 33

"Interviews of Mexican Women" by Adelaida R. Del Castillo 1978

Box 5, Folder 34

Index cards undated

Box 5, Folder 35

"Inventario Multifasico de la Personalidad MMPI-espanol" by Dr. S.R. Hathaway and Dr. J.C. McKinley 1959

Box 5, Folder 36

"List of Exhibits" undated

Box 5, Folder 37

"Coerced Sterilization" by Richard V. Siggins 1977

Box 5, Folder 38

Krauss, Elisa - affidavit undated

Box 6, Folder 1

"ACLU Reports: Hospital Survey on Sterilization Policies" by Elissa Krauss 1975

Box 6, Folder 3

Beliefs and Attitudes about Contraception among the Poor by Robert R. Blake et al. 1969

Box 6, Folder 4

Qualitative Evaluation of Family Planning Proposals and Programs: A Systems Approach by Curtis P. McLaughlin, Edward S. Trainer, and D.G. Horvitz 1971

Box 6, Folder 5

The Effects of Income on Fertility by Julian L. Simon 1974

Box 6, Folder 6

Population Policy Acceptance: Psychological Determinants by Vaida Thompson et al. 1974

Box 6, Folder 7

Zero Population Growth: Implications edited by Joseph J. Spengler 1975

Box 6, Folder 8

Family and Mental Health in the Mexican-American Community edited by J. Manuel Casas and Susan E. Keefe 1978

Box 6, Folder 9

"1979-1980 Fulbright-Hays Opportunities Abroad" 1979

Box 6, Folder 10

"Ethnic Variations in Social Support Concepts among the Elderly in Post-Emergency Reactions" by Francisco Nunez 1978

Box 6, Folder 11

Voluntary sterilization documents circa 1977

Box 6, Folder 12

Questionnaires undated

Box 6, Folder 13

"Ideologies of Cultural Differences in Race Relations" undated

Box 6, Folder 14

"A Roman Catholic View of Population Control" by Norman St. John-Stevas undated

Box 6, Folder 15

"The Current Status of Fertility Control" by Christopher Tietze undated

Box 8, Folder 5

"Laparoscopic Sterilization with Clips" 1974

Box 8, Folder 6

"Female Sterilization by Mini-Laparotomy" 1974

Box 8, Folder 7

"Female Sterilization Using the Culdoscope" 1975

Box 8, Folder 8

"Vasectomy: What are the Problems?" 1975

Box 8, Folder 9

"Doctrines and Attitudes of Major Religions in Regard to Fertility" by Richard M. Fagley 1965

Box 8, Folder 10

"Beginnings of Sterilization in America" by William M. Kantor undated

Box 8, Folder 11

"Woman's Place Is at the Typewriter: The Feminization of the Clerical Labor Force" by Margery Davis 1974

Box 8, Folder 12

"The Return of Punitive Sterilization Proposals: Current Attacks on Illegitimacy and the AFDC Program" by Julius Paul 1968

Box 8, Folder 13

"The Political Economy of Population Control in Latin America" by Bonnie Mass 1975

Box 8, Folder 14

"Eugenic Thought in the American Birth Control Movement 100 Years Ago" by Norman E. Himes 1929

Box 8, Folder 15

"Voluntary Sterilization" by Elizabeth Ogg 1974

Box 8, Folder 16

"Population and the American Future" by Elizabeth Ogg 1974

Box 8, Folder 17

"Why the Population Bomb Is a Rockefeller Baby" by Steve Weissman 1970

Box 8, Folder 18

"Fatalism and Familism among Anglos and Mexican Americans in San Antonio" by Buford E. Farris and Norval D. Glenn 1976

Box 8, Folder 19

"Chapter Six: Toward Racism: The History of an Idea" / "Chapter Ten: The Tribal Twenties" undated

Box 8, Folder 20

"A Critique of Political Ecology" by Hans Magnus Enzensberger undated

Box 8, Folder 21

"Contraceptive Sterilization in the U.S.: 1965 and 1970" by Larry L. Bumpass and Harriet B. Presser 1972

Box 9, Folder 1

"Ethnic Group and Welfare Status of Women Sterilized in Federally Funded Family Planning Programs, 1972" by Denton Vaughan and Gerald Sparer 1974

Box 9, Folder 2

"Changing Status of Tubal Sterilization" by Laura E. Edwards and Erick Y. Hakanson 1973

Box 9, Folder 3

"Genetics, Eugenics, and Class Struggle" by Garland E. Allen 1975

Box 9, Folder 4

"'Thinking the Unthinkable': The Prospect of Compulsory Sterilization in India" by Meredith Minkler 1977

Box 9, Folder 5

"An Historical Sketch of the American Population Control Movement" by Bonnie Mass 1974

Box 9, Folder 6

"The Progress of American Eugenics" by Harry H. Laughlin 1929

Box 9, Folder 7

"Max Madlener, Ralph Pomeroy, Federick Irving, and Tubal Sterilization" undated

Box 9, Folder 8

"Evolution of Cesarean Hysterectomy" by Raphael B. Durfee 1969

Box 9, Folder 9

"Hysterectomy: Past, Present, and Future" by Ralph C. Wright 1969

Box 9, Folder 10

"Vaginal Hysterectomy: A Modality for Therapeutic Abortion and Sterilization" by Leonard E. Laufe and A. Karen Kreutner 1971

Box 9, Folder 13

Questions regarding sterilization techniques undated

Box 9, Folder 14

Clippings undated

Box 9, Folder 15

Untitled essay on the eugenics movement in the United States undated

Box 9, Folder 16

List of books 1979

Box 9, Folder 17

"Obstetrical and Gynecological Survey" undated

Box 9, Folder 18

"Reported Morbidity from Vasectomy, by Type of Complication, for Three Specified Countries" undated

Box 9, Folder 19

"The Eugenics Movement to Population Control: Historical Backdrop for Forced Sterilization" undated

Box 9, Folder 20

Notes on eugenics undated

Box 9, Folder 21

Notes on "The Political Economy of Population Control in Latin America" by Bonnie Mass undated

Box 9, Folder 22

Notes on eugenics and the progressives undated

Box 9, Folder 23

Population resources bibliography undated

Box 9, Folder 24

Sterilization, contraception, family planning - database search results undated

Box 9, Folder 25

"'Sterilization and Latin Woman' Discussed" by Mike Cardenas 1978

Box 9, Folder 26

Clippings 1979

Box 11, folder 6

"Anthropology of Bioethics" by Arthur Kleinman undated

Scope and Contents

Includes a note from the author.
Box 11, folder 7

Chicana and Chicano Studies Foundation 1997

Scope and Contents

Includes brief of appellees from Rodolfo Acuna'a lawsuit against the Regents of the University of California.
Box 11, folder 8

Short story drafts by Carlos Velez-Ibanez 1969

Box 11, folder 9

Short stories by unidentified author undated


Series 2. Madrigal v. Quilligan files 1978-1979

Scope and Contents

This series contains documents related to the lawsuit brought by ten Chicana women against Dr. E.J. Quilligan and the Los Angeles County Hospital for sterilizing them without their informed consent.
Box 4, Folder 22

Clippings 1978

Box 4, Folder 26

Clippings 1978

Box 4, Folder 27

Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law 1978

Box 5, Folder 4

Los Angeles Center for Law and Justice circa 1978

Box 5, Folder 5

Clippings undated

Box 5, Folder 6

Clippings 1978

Box 5, Folder 16

Clippings 1978

Box 5, Folder 18

Notes on the unlawful sterilization of Chicano women (photocopy) undated

Box 5, Folder 20

"Sterilization Notes" (photocopy) undated

Box 5, Folders 21-23

Quilligan, Dr. E.J. 1974

Scope and Contents

Contains form letters to obstetrics staff regarding sterilization procedures.
Box 5, Folder 25

Bendat, Cindy - letter to Antonia Hernandez undated

Box 5, Folder 30

Hernandez / Nabarrete undated

Box 6, Folder 2

Clippings 1978

Box 6, Folder 16

Clippings 1979

Box 7, Folder 1

Court reporter's transcript of proceedings 1978 May 30

Box 7, Folder 2

Court reporter's transcript of proceedings 1978 May 31

Box 7, Folder 3

Court reporter's transcript of proceedings 1978 June 1

Box 7, Folder 4

Court reporter's transcript of proceedings 1978 June 2

Box 7, Folder 5

Court reporter's transcript of proceedings 1978 June 5

Box 7, Folder 6

Court reporter's transcript of proceedings 1978 June 6

Box 7, Folder 7

Court reporter's transcript of proceedings 1978 June 7

Box 8, Folder 1

Court reporter's transcript of proceedings 1978 June 9

Box 8, Folder 2

Court reporter's transcript of proceedings 1978 June 12

Box 8, Folder 3

Court reporter's transcript of proceedings 1978 June 13

Box 8, Folder 4

Court reporter's transcript of proceedings 1978 June 14

Box 10

Restricted material 1938-1978

Conditions Governing Access


Series 3. "Se me acabo la cancion" circa 1978

Scope and Contents

Contains drafts and outlines for Carlos Velez-Ibanez's article on sterilization and Madrigal v. Quilliigan.
Box 9, Folders 11-12

Outlines undated

Box 11, Folder 1

Rough draft undated

Box 11, Folder 2

Second draft undated

Box 11, Folder 3

Draft for New Delhi conference 1978 December

Box 11, Folder 4

Fourth draft undated

Box 11, Folder 5

Final draft undated