Pedagogical Materials Series 1
Age of Swift and Pope Folder 1
Alderson--Looking at... Folder 2 1973
Asimov--"How I write..." Folder 3
Assignment--EBW Sentence Style Folder 4
Basic Questions Folder 5
Beauty and the Beast--Hughes Folder 6
Blue Book Exams Folder 7 1954, n.d.
Burton, V.L--Little House Folder 8 1981
C.E.B. Paradigm Folder 9
Children's Book Intro Lecture Folder 10
Children's Literature Course Materials Folder 11
Children's Literature Courses--Reserve Articles Folder 12
Children's Literature Criticism Folder 13
Children's Lit Folk Tale Table Folder 14
Children's Literature Reader Folder 15 1982
Children's Literature Reader, 1985 Folder 16
Children's Lit Reader (306A) Folder 17 1988
Children's Lit Reader (306) Folder 18 1990
Children's Literature Seminar Articles Folder 1
Children's Lit Seminar--Books on Reserve Folder 2 1988
Children's Lit Seminar, Interim Ref. Bibliography Folder 3
Children's Literature Tests/Quizzes Folder 4 1979-1987
Class Notes Folder 5
Class Notes Folder 6
Columbia University--Children's Literature Folder 7 1988
Columbia University--Children's Lit Institute Folder 8 1988
Columbia University--Children's Lit Reader Folder 9 1988
Columbia University--Children's Poetry Folder 10 1987
Columbia University--Children's Poetry Folder 11 1988
Columbia University--Children's Lit Summer Program Folder 12 Early 1990s
Columbia University--Children's Lit Syllabus Folder 13
Columbia University--Essays on Reserve Folder 14 1988
"Concerning Some Changes in the English Drama..." Folder 1 1952
Coriolanus Folder 2
Dickinson, Emily Folder 3
Diction--Gordon Allport Folder 4
Donne, John--"Batter My Heart" Folder 5
Donne, John--"That God..." Folder 6
E.B. White Facsimile Manuscript Folder 7
English 119--The Age of Johnson Folder 8 1953
English 306A Folder 9 1990
English 501--Cole, Goats Questions Folder 10
English 501, SDSU Folder 11 1992
English 306 Final Folder 12
English 501 Reader Folder 13 1991
English 501 Syllabus Folder 14 1989
English 501 Folder 15 Fall 1991
English 501 Folder 16 Spring 1992
English 509 Folder 17 Spring 1992
English 501 Tests Folder 18
English 549--Syllabus Folder 19
English 730 Reader Folder 20 Spring 1991
English 730--Illustration Seminar Folder 21 1991
Faulkner/Hoban Quotes Folder 22
"The Function of the Idea of Decay in John Donne's..." Folder 23 1954
George, Jean--"Julie of the Wolves" Folder 24
Guide to Dictionary Study Folder 25 1958
Gulliver's Travels Folder 26
Gulliver's Travels Questions Folder 27
Harlequin Folder 28
Heine--Translation Exercise Folder 29
Hoban, Russell--General Quotes Folder 30
Hoban, Russell--Mouse and His Child Folder 31
Hoban, Russell--Poems, Three Statements Folder 32
Hughes, Ted--"Hospitals..." Folder 33
Hughes, Ted--"Myth and Education" Folder 34 1976
Hughes, Ted Folder 35
Illustration Bibliography Folder 36
Jansson, Tove--M. at Sea Folder 37
Jarrell, Randall--Animal Family Folder 38
Jarrell, Randall--Bat Poet Folder 1
Jarrell, Randall--Fly By Night Folder 2
Kipling, R.--Group Work Folder 3
Kipling, R.--Just So Stories Folder 4
Lectures--General Literature Folder 5
Lectures--Guest: Moramarco/Farber Folder 6
L'Engle, M.--Wrinkle in Time Folder 7
Lewis, C.S. Folder 8 1979
Literature and the Irrational Folder 9
MacLeish, A.--"Why Do We Teach Poetry" Folder 10
Master's Degree Notes Folder 11
Miles, J.--"Prosody" Folder 12
"Moral Tone of Cyril Tourneur" Folder 13 1954
The Nature of a Seminar Folder 14
Notes on 18th Century Literature Folder 15
Notes on Literature Folder 16
Novels--Beginning of... Folder 17
Paper Instructions Folder 18
Poems: for Children Collection Folder 19
"Poem, Reading a..." Folder 20
Poems: Neumeyer Classes Folder 21
"Poet and Image of a Savior" Folder 22 1950
Poetry, Children's--Misc. Articles Folder 23
Poetry Classes Folder 24
Poetry Course: Questions Folder 25
Poetry for Children--Class Materials Folder 26
Poetry for Children Folder 27
Potter/Kipling Review Questions Folder 28
Questions: Peter Rabbit/Little House Folder 29
Quotes: Adult/Ch. Lit--Unhappy Ending Folder 30
"Reading for Signs of Life" Folder 31
Role of Poetry in the Classroom Folder 32 1963
Sayers--"Walt Disney Accused" Folder 33 1965
Semester Project--Children's Lit Seminar Folder 1 1966
Seminar--Library Card Assignment Folder 2 1981
Seminar--Treasure Hunt Assignment Folder 3
Sewell, E.--"Nonsense Verse..." Folder 4
Steiner, George Folder 5
Style Folder 6
The TA Book--Neumeyer Dedication Folder 7 1984
Translation Folder 8
Translation Materials Folder 9
Translation--The Odyssey Folder 10
Trumpet of the Swan--Midterm Folder 11
University of Rhode Island--All Class Handouts Folder 12 1993
University of Rhode Island--Lecture Notes Folder 13 1993
The Wind in the Willows Folder 14
Professional Files Series 2
Annotated Charlotte's Web--Advertising Folder 15 1994
Annotated Charlotte's Web--Correspondence Folder 16 1993-1994
Annotated Charlotte's Web--Marketing Folder 17 1994-1995
Annotated Charlotte's Web Folder 1 1993-1994
Annotated Charlotte's Web--Post-Publication PR Folder 2 1994
Annotated Charlotte's Web--Reviews Folder 3 1994
Articles about E.B. White Folder 4
Articles on E.B. White Folder 5
Baumann, Hans Folder 6
Black Brothers--Correspondence/Reviews Folder 7 2003-2004
Black Brothers--Correspondence and Contract Folder 8 2003-2004
Borgens, Helen--Memo to Neumeyer Folder 9
Borges, Jorge Luis Folder 10
Burgess--E.B. White Folder 11 1998
Burhans, Richard--Correspondence Folder 12 1989
Burhans, Richard Related Correspondence Folder 13 1990-2005
Burhans, Richard--St. Nicholas and the Valley Beyond Folder 14 1990
Burhans, Richard--The Gift Folder 15 1989
Burhans, Richard--Golden Sparrow Folder 16 1989
Carnell, Jeff--Samples Folder 1
Carroll, Lewis Folder 2
Catalogs--Special Collections Folder 3
Charlotte's Web Criticism Folder 4
Charlotte's Web 50th Anniv. Intro Correspondence Folder 5 2001
Childhood, History of Folder 6
Children's Literature--Bibliographies Folder 7
Children's Literature Circle Folder 8 1988-1994
Children's Lit Libraries and Collections--England & Aust. Folder 9
Clare, John Folder 10
Clare, John--Copyright Correspondence Folder 11 1978-1988
Clare, John--Dennis Doyle Essay Folder 12
Clare, John--Grigson/M. Storey Folder 13
"C" Misc. File Folder 14
Cornell Alumni News Folder 15 1984
Davis, L.--Visit to E.B. White Folder 16
Dressed Rabbits Folder 17
"Fenstermachers Boulder" Folder 18
Finland Folder 19 1994
Finland--Lectures/Correspondence Folder 20 1993-1994
Finland--Talk, Article Folder 21 1994
Folk and Faily Tales Folder 22
Frascino, E.--Illustrator Folder 1
Garrett, Jeffrey--Children's Lit Bibl. Method Folder 2
German Authors Encyclepedia Folder 3
Grimm--Politicized/Zipes Article Folder 4
Gramatky, Hardie Folder 5
Gunn, Thom--"Flying Above California" Folder 6
Hamilton, V.--"Long Ride..." Folder 7
HaperCollins Contract--C.W. 50th Anniversary Folder 8 2001
"'Innocence' is an Excellent...." Folder 9 1988
Jansson, Tove--Articles Folder 10
Jansson, Tove--Misc. Folder 11
Jansson, Tove--Neumeyer's Memoirs Folder 12
Kennedy, Richard Folder 13
Konigsburg, Elaine/Keeper, Charles Folder 14
Letters Pertaining to Annotated Charlotte's Web Folder 15 1991-2005
Literary Fairy Tale Quotes Folder 16
Livingston, Myra Folder 17
MacLeish--Ars Poetica Folder 18
Materials for Preface Folder 19
Material for White Intro Folder 20
Neumeyer Children's Lit Text--Reader Responses Folder 21 1984
Neumeyer Correspondence--Trumpet/Stuart Folder 22 1982-1984
Neumeyer Miscellaneous Folder 23
Phantom of the Opera--Correspondence Folder 24 1988-1991
Phantom of the Opera--Publicity/Reviews Folder 25 1989
Pigs (General)/Gossip Folder 1
Reading Lists/Advice Folder 2
SDSU Report Folder 3 1989
Spiders Folder 4
Stanton, Harry and Law Business Folder 5 1976-1978
Strbk Folder 6 1986-1987
Stuart Little Folder 7
Stuart Little Article, SF Chronicle Folder 8 1990
Sweden Folder 9 1993
Sweden Folder 10
Sweden Folder 11 1992-1993
Trumpet of the Swan--Manuscript Talk Folder 12
University of Oregon--Children's Lit Manuscripts Folder 13
Welty, E. on E.B. White Folder 14
White, E.B.--American Mercury Correspondence Folder 15
White, E.B.--Basic NEH Folder 16 1994
White, E.B.--Class Lecture Notes Folder 17
White, E.B.--Elledge Review, Horn Book Magazine Folder 18 1984
White, E.B.--"Good Late Stuff" Folder 19
White, E.B.--Memorial Service Folder 20 1985-1992
White, E.B.--Morgan Library Folder 21
White, E.B.--Paris Review Interview Folder 22
White, E.B.--Photo Information Folder 23
White, E.B.--Prose Style Folder 24
White, E.B.--Trumpet Manuscript Folder 25
White, E.B.--Trumpet of the Swan Notes Folder 1
White, E.B.--Public Relations Flier/Periodicals List Folder 2
White, E.B.--Neumeyer Manuscript Research Folder 3
White, E.B.--"Xerox from misc. writing" Folder 4
White and U. Nordstrom Obits Folder 5 1985-1988
Williams, Garth--Obit/Correspondence Folder 6 1983-1989
Williams, Garth/Nordstrum, U. Folder 7
Williams, Garth--Illustration Correspondence Folder 8 1983-1989
Williams, Garth--Annotated C.W. Appendix Folder 9
Zimmer, Paul--Poetry Folder 10
Annotated Charlotte's Web--Advertising Folder 1 1994
Annotated Charlotte's Web--Post Publication PR Folder 2 1994
Annotated Charlotte's Web Folder 3 1993-1994
Burhans, Richard--The Gift Folder 4 1989
Burhans, Richard--St. Nicholas and the Valley Beyond Folder 5 1990
Dressed Rabbits Folder 6
Published Work Series 3
Annotated C.W.--Appendix III, D-Letters Folder 11
Annotated C.W.--Appendix III, Spiders Folder 12
Annotated C.W.--IV Appendix B. The Manuscripts Folder 13
Bay Area Parent Folder 14 1987
The Black Brothers Translation--Artwork Folder 15 2004
The Black Brothers Translation, Final Draft Folder 16 2004
Book Reviews, Unknown Publications Folder 17
Boston Sunday Globe--Reviews Folder 18 2002
Bucholz, Quint--The Collector of Moments-Trans MSS Folder 19 1998
CEA: Charlotte "Vive" Folder 1 1997
Central California Parent Folder 2 1997
Chapter 6--Unfinished Ch. Lit Text Book Folder 3
C.W. 50th Anniv. Intro--First Draft Folder 4 2001
C.W. 50th Anniv. Intro--Last Draft MS Folder 5 2001
Chicago Parent Folder 6 1987
Children's Lit Textbook Incomplete MS Folder 7
Collector of Moments--Neumeyer Translation Folder 8 1999
Draft for Intro--C.W. 50th Anniversary Ed. Folder 9 2001
"E.B. White"--Dictionary of Literature Biography Folder 10
EBW Stuart Little Article--MS Folder 11 1988
"E.B. White's Trumpet of the Swan: The Manuscripts-MS Folder 12
Faithful Fish--Galley Folder 13
Habib's Foolish Wish--MS Folder 14 1990
Harriet the Spy/Infant Tongues--MSS Folder 1 1996
"Heroes Without Crowns"--MS Folder 2
"Interaction" and Censorship Folder 3
Interaction Activity Cards Folder 4
Interaction Activity Cards Folder 1
Interaction--Favorite Stories Folder 2 1973
Interaction--Folk Tales 1 Folder 3
Interaction--Folk Tales 2 Folder 4
Interaction--The Idea Behind Interaction Folder 5
Interaction--Insults Folder 6
Interaction--Jump Rope Jingles Folder 7
Interaction--Lyric Poetry Folder 8
Interaction--More Poems Folder 9
Interaction--Narrative Poetry Folder 10
Interaction--Nature Stories Folder 11
Interaction--Poems Folder 12
Interaction--Promotional Booklet Folder 13
Interaction--Rhymes Folder 14
Interaction--Scary Tales Folder 15
Interaction--Sonnets Folder 16
Interaction--Teacher's Guide--Level I Folder 17
Interaction--Teacher's Guide--Level II Folder 18
Interaction--Teacher's Guide--Level III Folder 19
Interaction--Teacher's Guide--Level IV Folder 20
Interaction--Fables Folder 1 1973
Interaction--Animal Stories Folder 2 1973
Interaction--Nature Stories Folder 3 1973
Knulp--Neumeyer Translation Folder 4
Learning--Reviews Folder 5 1974
Los Angeles Parent--Reviews Folder 6 1988-1998
Los Angeles Times--Reviews Folder 7 1985-1993
Mothering Magazine--Reviews Folder 8 1989-2006
National Parenting Center--Reviews Folder 9 1989-1993
New York Times--Reviews Folder 10 1987
ParenTalk--Reviews Folder 11 1989-1993
Parent's Choice--Reviews Folder 12 December 1987
Parent's Choice--Reviews Folder 13 May 1988-December 1989
Parent's Choice--Reviews Folder 1 Jan-Dec 1990
Parent's Choice--Reviews Folder 2 Summer 1991-Dec 1992
Parent's Choice--Reviews Folder 3 June 1993-Summer 1996
Parent's Choice--Reviews Folder 4 August 1996-Fall 1997
Parent's Choice--Correspondence Folder 5 1988-1998
Phantom of the Opera--MSS Drafts Folder 6
"Picture Books for Children"--MS Draft Folder 7
Prodigy--Extra Reviews Folder 8 1990
Prodigy--NPC Scripts Folder 9 1991-1992
Prodigy--27 Reviews Folder 1 1990
Published Articles Folder 2 1964-1983
Published Articles Folder 3 1984-1995, n.d.
Published Poetry Folder 4 1964-1982
Pumpkin for Lewis--MS Folder 5 1989
Quarterly Review of Biology--Reviews Folder 6 1970s
"Randall Jarrell's The Animal Family..." MS Folder 7 1980
A Reader and Handbook for Children's Lit--MS Folder 8 1983
Report on Visit to Study Swedish Children's Books Folder 9 1992
"Representative Selection of E.B. White..."--MS Folder 10
Rough Notes for C.W. 50th Anniversary Intro Folder 11 2001
"Rrtr's 'Strbk': A Report from the Academy Folder 12 1984
San Diego Home and Garden--MSS, Correspondence Folder 13 1987-1989
San Diego Home and Garden--Reviews Folder 14 1988-1989
San Diego Home and Garden--Review MSS Folder 15 1989
San Diego Magazine--Reviews Folder 1 1987
San Diego Magazine--Review Proofs Folder 2 1988
San Diego Parent--Review MSS Folder 3 1990
San Diego Parent Magazine Folder 4 1987
San Diego Parent Magazine--Reviews Folder 5 1989-1992
SF Penninsula Parent--Reviews Folder 6 1991-1992
School Library Journal--Reviews Folder 7 1982-1984
Shakespeare Comics--Review Folder 8 1992
Sweden: Picture Book Exhibit Folder 9 1993
Tampa Bay Parent--Reviews Folder 10 1988-1989
"Thomas Mann and England: A Chapter in Anglo-German Literary Relations" MS Folder 11
"Thomas Mann and the English Language"--MS Folder 12
Tove Jansson at Eighty--MS Folder 13
Tove Jansson at Eighty--MS Folder 14
White, E.B.--Trumpet of the Swan MS Folder 15
The Black Brothers Translation--Artwork Folder 7 2004
Collector of Moments--Neumeyer Translation Folder 8 1999
"Fenstermacher's Boulder" Folder 9
Habib's Foolish Wish MS Folder 10 1990
Interaction--Activity Card Folder 11
Phantom of the Opera--MSS Drafts Folder 12 1988
San Diego Magazine--Review Proofs Folder 13 1988
Margot Zemach Art Show Series 4
Articles about Margot Zemach Folder 16
Atthowe Arts Storage Folder 17
Biographical Information Folder 1
Books--Specific Folder 2
"Catalogue" Folder 3
Correspondence w/ Nick Clark Folder 4 2003-2004
DiCapua Folder 5
Expenses--Zemach Project Folder 6
"Helen's Zemach" Folder 7
Influences--Francois Folder 8
Labels Folder 9
"Latest Zemach" Folder 10 2004
Logistics--Planning Folder 11
Nick Clark--Contracts Folder 12
Zemach Book Lists/H Neumeyer Oral Notes Folder 1
Zemach--Catalog Draft, Correspondence Folder 2 2004
Zemach--Kerlan Collection Folder 3
Zemach Opening Night Agenda and Notes Folder 4
Zemach--Other Sources Folder 5
DiCapua Interview (audio recording) Folder 6
"Latest Zemach" Folder 14
Correspondence with Edward "Ted" Gorey Series 5
Correspondence includes, "Donald Has a Difficulty" typescript. Also: letter from Harry Stanton, publisher, Addison-Wesley Publishing. Folder 1 1968
Correspondence includes "Surprise for Daniel" typescript. Also: Gorey's "The Last Stoejgnpf or, Donald Takes in a Pet" with Gorey's handwritten notations. Folder 2 January-April, 1969
Correspondence includes "Donald Has Something" typescript. Also: letter from Harry Stanton, publisher, Addison-Wesley Publishing and letter from Helen Neumeyer. Folder 3 May-November, 1969
Correspondence includes "A Christmas Tale" typescript. Also: pencil doodle and splinter taped to a board presumably by Gorey. Folder 4 1970
Correspondence includes the possible last outgoing letter between Neumeyer and Gorey, September 20. Also: "Laboratory Molly" typescript. Folder 5 1971
Newspaper clippings and enclosures from Neumeyer Folder 6 1968-1971
Envelopes addressed to Edward "Ted" Gorey Folder 7 1968
Envelopes addressed to Edward "Ted" Gorey Folder 8 1969
Envelopes addressed to Edward "Ted" Gorey Folder 9 1970-1971