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Executive and Administrative Files 1893-1929 (bulk 1911-1916) Series 1
Scope and Content Note
Executive Files 1903-1929 Subseries 1.1
Scope and Content Note
Charles C. Moore Office 1.1.1
Correspondence 1912-1915
Cumming, Joseph M. 1912-1914
Pollock, Allan 1915
Crocker, William H. 1911-1915
Brown, Frank L. 1911-1917
Participation and exhibits 1912
Esberg, Alfred I. (New York Office) 1912-1918
Hale, R. B. 1912-1913
Skiff, F. J. V. (Frederick James Volney), 1851-1921, 1911-1916
Moore, Thomas M. 1913-1915
Moore, Thomas M. 1912-1915
Rolph, James, Jr., Mayor of San Francisco 1911-1915
Brown, Colvin B. 1912-1915
De Young, M. H. (Michael Harry), 1849-1925, 1911-1915
Bennett, Ira E.(Ira Elbert), 1868-1957, 1912-1915
Commissions to Foreign Countries 1913
Contributions 1913
Foreign participation reports 1913-1916
Miscellaneous 1911-1915
Participation notebook 1912-1915
Lynch, Robert Newton 1911-1913
Sloss, Leon 1912-1913
Fee, Charles S. 1912-16
Southern Pacific Company 1912-1915
Davison, F. B. 1912
Wilson, Charles F. 1912
Scott, A. W. 1911-1914
Japanese Participation, Matsuzo Nagai 1912-1913
Murray, Arthur, Major General 1912-1915
Hilles, Charles D., President Wilson and William H. Taft 1912-1915
Schwerin, R. P. 1912-1915
Francis, David R. 1912
McNab, James 1912-1913
Hardee, Theodore,1868- 1911-1915
Secretary of the Navy 1912
Kahn, Julius 1912-1916
Johnson, Hiram W., Governor of California 1912
McKim, Mead and White 1912
Connick, D. H. 1912
Lively, D. O., Department of Livestock 1912-1914
Perkins, George C. 1912-1915
Hammond, John Hays, 1855-1936, Commission Extraordinary to Europe 1912-1914
Walker, John Brisben 1912-1913
San Francisco Chamber of Commerce 1912
Sulzer, William 1911-1912
Southern Pacific Company 1912
Charles Moore's Request to Philadelphia for the Liberty Bell 1915
Invitations, San Francisco 1911-1915
Invitations, California 1912-1916
Invitations, out of state 1912-1915
Personal Correspondence
A 1911-1916
Bacon, Henry 1913-1915
Barneson, John 1913-1915
Barrett, John J. 1913-1915
Brashear, John A. 1915-1921
Brittain, Frank (General Attorney) 1912-1919
Brown, Frank L. 1913-1916
Bryan, William J. 1914-1915
Burrell, Martin 1915
Burt, Frank 1913-1915
Β 1911-1916
Carleton, Newcomb 1913-1915
Cumming, Joseph M. 1913-1920
C 1911-1916
D 1912-1916
Esberg, Alfred I. 1913-1916
Field, Stanley 1914-1915
E-F 1911-1916
Ga 1911-1915
Ge-Gz 1911-1916
Hammond, John Hays, 1855-1936 1912-1915
Hawaii: Wood, H.P. 1912-1916
H 1911-1917
I 1915
J 1915
Japan: Yamawaki, H. 1912-1916
Johnson, Hiram W. 1915
Jones, W.L. 1915-1918
K 1911-1916
Lindley, Curtis H. 1911-1915
L 1911-1916
Mack, Norman E. 1912-1916
McMorran, Charles Wesley 1912-1913
Moore, Thomas M. 1914
M 1911-1916
N 1911-1917
National Magazine, Joe Mitchell Chappie 1912-1916
O 1913-1914
Phelan, James D. 1912-1915
Pinkerton Detective Agency 1913-1914
Polk, Willis 1911-1915
Pollak, Arnold 1911-1915
Power, Charles O. 1913-1916
P 1911-1916
Prentiss, Mabel Emerton 1903
Q 1913
Reed, Fred R. 1909-1916
Rolph, James Jr. 1913-1916
Rowell, Chester H. 1912-1913
Ryan, Walter D'Arcy 1913-1915
R 1911-1919
Selby, Eugene 1911-1919
Stanton, Charles S. 1912-1915
S 1911-1916
Taft, William H. (William Howard), 1857-1930, 1912-1915
T 1911-1916
U-V 1912-1916
W 1911-1916
Y-Z 1912-1917
Invitations 1913-1915
Postcards 1912-1915
Forms 1912-1915
Miscellaneous 1912-1915
Washington Trip 1911-1912
Washington Trip 1911-1912
Eastern Trip, Charles C. Moore and Theodore Hardee 1912
California Congressional Delegation, conference proceedings 1912
New York architects 1912
Hardee, Theodore,1868- 1911-1912
Executive Architectural Council 1912
Pollok, Allan 1912
Esberg, Alfred I. 1912
Hilles, Charles D. 1912
Moore, Thomas M. 1912
Emery, A. C. 1912
Souvenir postage stamps 1912
Skiff, F. J. V. (Frederick James Volney),1851-1921 1912
Washington Trip, expenses Moore 1912
Brown, Colvin 1912
President Moore's Eastern trip 1912
Washington trip, expenses Theodore Hardee 1912
Higginbotham, H. N. 1912
Gillett Lynch Southern trip 1912
Commission Extraordinary to Europe 1912
Moore, Charles C. 1912-1913
Skiff, Frederick J. V. 1912
Austria- Turkey 1911-1915
Jones, T. Sambola, Judge 1912
Secretary Knox's visit 1912
Miscellaneous Endorsements 1914
Endorsement of Mr. Frank Burt 1912
Commendations 1912-1919
Endorsements, Charles F. Hilles 1914
National Titanic Memorial 1912-1919
Fisher, V.S. 1913
Loomis, Francis B. 1913
Slauson, James 1911-1913
Zeehandelaar, F.J. 1912-1913
Clubs 1912-1915
Panama Canal trip 1912
Government and Foreign Commissioners 1913-1914
European trip 1913
Washington trip 1913
Highway associations 1913
Foster, A. W. 1913
Cooley, Hollis E. 1913-1914
Sullivan, James E., Athletic Director 1914
Telegrams to Governors regarding Colvin Brown 1914
Perry, George Hough, Director of Exploitation 1914
Cooley, Hollis E., Special Events 1914-1915
E. C. Conroy's Eastern trip for state organization 1914
Curtis Lindley Washington trip 1914
A. C. Baker European trip 1914
Acknowledgement of gifts 1913-1916
Staff appointments 1913-1914
Letters of thanks and appreciation 1915-1916
Diplomas, certificates, medals, and testimonials 1915-1921
Certificates and awards 1915-1929
Certificates and awards 1913-1919
"Around Pacific Good Will Cruise" 1929
Telegrams to Eastern newspaper editors 1915
Visit to C. C. Moore's country home 1915
Congressional invitations 1915
Programs, invitations, pamphlets 1911-1915
Thank you letters 1915-1916
Thank you letters 1915-1916
Bulletin book 1915, undated
Minute book of Information Bureau 1915 May 9
Official Award Ribbons 1915
Executive Officers Correspondence and Files 1.1.2
Taussig, Rudolph J., Office of the Secretary 1911-1915
Cumming, Joseph M., Executive Secretary
Moore, Thomas 1912-1913
Scullon, R. Q. 1911
Critcher, Edward Payton 1913
Sloss, Leon 1911
Hardee, Theodore 1912-1913
Moore, Charles C. and Mrs. 1911-1920
Brittain, Frank (General Attorney) 1912-1921
A-P miscellany 1911-1918
R-W miscellany 1911-1923
Kahn, Julius 1912-1917
Esberg, Alfred I. 1911-1917
Jordan, Frank C. 1912
Field, Charles K. 1912-1915
Avis, John J. 1912-1917
Butler, O. 1912
Brown, Colvin B. 1912-1917
Brown, Frank L. 1912-1917
Invitations 1912-1917
Postal Telegraph Company 1912
Woman's Board 1912-1913
Scott, A. W., Jr. 1912
Walker, John Brisben 1912
Shelby, Eugene 1912
Baker, Emma Nelson 1912-1916
Taussig, Rudolph J. 1912-1917
Hale, R. B. 1913-1915
Complaints 1914
Foster, A. W. 1913-1915
Brittain, Frank Skiff 1914
Gifts 1915-1917
Skiff, F. J. V. (Frederick James Volney), 1851-1921 1915-1920
Jewelry and furniture order by Mrs. Moore 1915-1916
Rose, Lillian Moore 1915
Hale, Ruben B., Vice President
Correspondence, B-W miscellany 1910-1913
Interoffice correspondence 1912-1915
Perry, George H. 1913
American Chamber of Commerce in Paris 1913
Endorsements 1911-1912
Committee of Preservation 1915
Organization of the Exposition 1915-1916
Motor trucks and roads 1915
Road blueprint plans circa 1913
Lifesaving service 1914
Foreign Commission Bulletin 1915
Office accommodations 1914-1915
Division of Works 1914-1915
Miscellaneous 1913-1915
Comptroller 1913-1915
Budget, income and expenditures 1914-1915
Workmen's Compensation 1914-1915
Subcommittee of the Executive Committee 1915
Legal matters 1914-1915
Women's Affairs 1911-1914
Applications 1911-1915
Copyright and postal office 1912-1914
Exposition Legion 1912-1913
Correspondence 1912-1913
San Diego, California 1912
Division of Exhibits 1914-1915
Department of Livestock 1913-1915
Director of Congresses, James G. Barr 1914-1915
Department of Education and Social Economy 1914-1915
Concessions and admissions 1911-1916
Kahn Bill 1913-1914
Washington matters 1913-1915
Foreign fleets 1914
Foreign participation 1912-1916
State participation 1913-1915
100th Anniversary of Peace Celebration 1911-1914
Aeronautics, Round the World Race 1914-1915
Hotel Bureau 1915
Special Days 1914-1915
Invitations 1915
Press notes 1913-1914
Musical matters 1915
Brief of Exposition 1915
Societies 1913-1914
New York office 1914-1915
Exposition Guards 1914-1915
Transportation 1914-1915
Railroad ticket office 1914-1915
Roads 1914
Loan of automobiles 1914
Public liability insurance 1915
Final toast 1915
Board of Directors 1.1.3
California Delegation to Washington 1910-1911
California Delegation to Washington 1910-1911
California Delegation to Washington, notebooks of comments by politicians, alphabetical by state 1910-1911
Commission Extraordinary to Europe 1912
Commission Extraordinary to Europe 1912
German newspapers clippings 1912
United States International Exposition Commission 1913-1914
Chronological history circa 1916
Alphabetical index to minutes in volumes undated
Minutes 1910-1915
Minutes 1912-1914
Minutes 1909-1920
Meeting announcements and dockets 1911-1921
Correspondence, notices, resolutions 1911-1921
Resolution to honor Homer S. King 1919
Appointments to Board 1907-1913
Resignations 1910-1913
Lists of members 1912-1913
Rules and regulations 1912-1915
By-laws 1911
Voting Trust 1911
Notices to committees 1912-1916
Committee reports and appointments 1912
Attendance 1912-1920
Stockholders meetings, reports and minutes 1912-1923
Trial balance of private ledger 1910-1912
Daily reports 1911-1912
Weekly reports 1911-1915
Monthly reports 1911
Monthly reports 1911-1921
Weekly balances ledger 1915
Bills collectible ledger 1915
Ways and Means Committee 1910-1917
Lists of members 1915
Preservations Committee 1915
Willing workers 1912-1915
Invitations 1912
Special Committees 1915
British residents of San Francisco 1912
"Organization and Description of the Panama- Pacific International Exposition" 1913
Executive Architectural Council 1911
Executive Architectural Council 1912-1915
Building and Grounds, appointments 1912
Exposition Auditorium 1912-1924
John A. Britton memorial, memorials 1920
Display of spade used by President Taft 1912
Meeting French residents of San Francisco 1912-1913
Meeting Spanish residents of San Francisco 1912
Organizations, societies, clubs, meetings 1913-1914
President's weekly reports and daily letters 1912-1916
German American Auxiliary 1912-1913
Swiss American Auxiliary 1912
Meeting Welsh residents 1912
European Consuls 1912-1915
Committee on Improvement Organizations 1912-1914
Participating countries 1912-1914
President's agenda
Committee Meetings
Water situation, seal, flags, pageants 1912-1913
Notices 1912-1915
Scrapbook of letters about committee meetings 1909-1911
Department of Works, operating expenses 1915
Department of Admissions, revenue and attendance reports 1915
Concessions and Admissions Committee, notices and attendance lists 1913-1915
Exhibits Committee, meeting announcements 1912-1914
Transportation Committee, notices 1913-1914
Executive Committee
Minutes 1913
Minutes 1914
Minutes 1907-1909
Minutes 1910-1916
Meeting announcements, notices, dockets 1912-1916
Executive Subcommittee
Resolutions 1915
Correspondence 1915
Minutes 1915-1916
Reports to Executive Committee 1915
Docket 1915
Docket 1915-1916
Miscellaneous 1915
Miscellaneous 1915-1918
Sub-Committee of the Executive Committee, Minutes 1915-1916
Portola Committee 1913-1915
Executive Council of the Finance Committee
Meetings 1910-1916
Minutes 1910-1914
Minutes 1914-1915
Minutes 1911-1916
Correspondence, miscellaneous 1910-1914
Buildings and Grounds Committee
Meetings 1912-1915
Minutes 1911-1913
Minutes 1914-1917
Minutes 1911-1916
Exploitation and Publicity Committee 1910-1914
Committee on Concessions 1915
Committee on Participation and Exhibits 1911-1912
Minutes 1911-1914
Auditing Committee 1912-1915
Executive Staff of the President 1913-1916
Exposition Builders 1913-1915
Committee on Women's Affairs 1912-1914
Polo Committee 1913-1915
Chinese Committee 1914
French Committee 1914
Horse Race meeting 1913-1914
Horse Race meeting 1913
Committee on Special Events, Athletics and Military Affairs 1914-1915
Committees, miscellaneous 1911-1915
Exposition Guard, Sidney A. Cloman 1913-1914
Correspondence 1912-1916
Exposition Guide Service 1915
Committee to Preserve Parts of the Exposition 1915-1916
Committee to Preserve Parts of the Exposition 1915
Bids, miscellaneous 1914-1915
Designs for Exposition seal and flag 1911-1914
Facts about PPIE 1913-1915
Cups, coins, certificates, drawings 1914-1916
Lists of leading newspapers and magazines in the United States 1914
Moving pictures 1914
Directors' rooms 1915
Administrative Files 1893-1925 Subseries 1.2
Scope and Content Note
Information on other exhibitions 1908-1925
Poster from the 1912 Belgium Exposition 1912
Louisiana Purchase Exposition blank certificate 1904
Legislative 1909-1912
Legislative 1909-1916
Labor conditions 1911-1915
Labor conditions 1912-1914
Legal 1910-1924
Cooperative organizations, local 1911-1916
Cooperative organizations, local 1911-1923
Requests for information 1911-1924
Requests for information 1911-1924
San Francisco climate 1911-1912
Buildings and Pavilions
Automobile Building 1913-1914
State buildings 1912-1915
Torpy, D.B., Directing Commissioner. Ohio 1913-1914
The Government Building 1914
Southern Pacific Building 1914
Slavonic Alliance of San Francisco 1913
Canadian Pacific Railway 1914
Foreign pavilions 1914-1923
Opening and closing hours of state and foreign buildings 1915
U.S. Government Departments
Commerce and Labor 1911-1912
Trade and Transportation Bureau 1911
Interstate Commerce Commission 1911
Government Printing Office 1911-1912
Department of State 1911-1912
Isthmian Canal Commission 1911-1915
Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce 1912-1915
Treasury Department 1913
War Department 1912-1917
Surgeon General 1915-1916
Government Exhibit Board 1914-1917
Department of the Interior 1915
Navy 1914-1915
Immigration 1911-1915
Panama California Exposition, San Diego 1910-1917
Project Endorsements
Tour companies 1912
Jolly Jokers' Club 1911
World's Permanent Exposition 1912
Establishing bank on Exposition grounds 1914-1915
Disposal of garbage at Exposition 1914
Publishers' associations 1914-1915
Peace doctrine 1914-1915
Ferry slips at Exposition 1914
Cattery 1915
Auto bus motor system 1913
Establishing day nursery 1915
Rest Rooms for employees 1915
Post-Exposition preservation plans 1915-1922
Preservation of Fine Arts Building 1915-1916
Preservation of California Building 1916-1920
Aquarium 1915-1916
Post Exposition, murals and paintings 1916-1924
Missions 1911-1912
Earthquakes 1911-1912
Miscellaneous 1911-1919
Ideas not specified 1912-1915
Publicity and advertising 1912-1914
Pageants 1912-1914
Pageants 1912-1915
Savings banks, savings Accounts 1912-1919
Exposition Savings Club 1915
Increasing attendance 1912-1917
Spectacle concession 1913-1914
Theatre publicity 1914
Railroad electric signs, advertising 1913
Employee suggestions 1915
Congratulations 1911
Report on dredging 1911
Golden Gate Park site 1911
Harbor View site 1911
Presidio and Fort Mason maps 1911
Topographical blueprint map of the Presidio 1912
Harbor View maps 1911
Miscellaneous maps, drawings, plans 1911
Leavitt, Charles W., Jr. 1911-1914
Miscellaneous sites 1911
National Fine Arts 1911
Lake Merced sites 1911
Sutro Tract 1911
Real Estate reports 1911
Transportation reports 1911
City and consulting engineers' reports 1911
Report: William Ham Hall 1911
Park Commissioner's report 1911
Supervisors and Mayor McCarthy, correspondence 1911
Frank L. Brown speech 1915
A.W. Foster speech 1911
Minutes of Meeting Site Committee, resolutions 1911
Hellman, Barneson, and Davis, report 1911
Public statement by Charles C. Moore 1912
Resolutions passed in favor if San Francisco Site Campaign - Theodore Hardee 1910
Campaign for Recognition- lists and data 1911
"San Francisco: The Logical Point" 1911
Frank L. Brown's address undated
Reports and tabulations 1911
Islais Creek site 1911
Southern Pacific Traffic Department, report 1911
United Railroads, report 1911
Charter Amendment - Constitutional Amendment 1911
John T. Flynn report 1911
Reasons for placing art museum in city, not park 1911
Vanderbilt- Oelrichs lease 1911
Referring to Judge Lindley 1911
Washington correspondence, Mrs. Baker 1910-1911
Adverse criticisms 1912-1916
Sanitation 1911-1916
Construction, contracts, bids 1913-1914
Exposition Legion
Commissioner's General 1914-1915
Membership lists 1912-1915
Membership lists 1913-1915
Foreign Auxiliaries 1912-1915
State societies 1912-1915
State societies 1912-1915
State societies 1912-1915
Esperanto Club 1913-1915
County organizations 1913
Philippine Orchid exhibit 1913
Petroleum 1914
Belgian exhibit 1915
Removal of exhibits 1915-1917
British section 1915
Miscellaneous 1914-1915
Endorsements, Hamill, J. A. 1913
Presidio- Ft. Mason 1914-1915
Dickinson, Major J.J. 1913
Tour Agents 1914
Pain Fireworks Display Company 1914
Miscellaneous appointments 1913-1914
International Jury of Awards 1914-1924
Concessions 1912-1915
Concessions 1914-1915
Special Days and Weeks 1914-1916
Commissioners' appointments 1912-1920
Commissioners' appointments 1913-1921
Certificate of appointment, John G.B. Lester, Secretary of the Foreign Dept. 1913
Freight agents 1914
Conventions 1911-1915
Bands 1915
Cowan, W.W., personal 1915
Office administration files 1909-1922
Office administration files 1908-1923
Accounts, equipment, supplies, inter-office 1910-1924
Accounts, equipment, supplies, inter-office (Publicity, articles and publications) 1911-1923
Accounts, equipment, supplies, inter-office 1911-1923
Employees 1913-1916
Moore, Charles C. memoranda 1911-1915
President Moore / Department Chiefs, grief and troubles 1915-1916
Comptroller 1911-1917
Director of Works 1911-1915
Director of Works 1912-1915
Press and Publicity 1910-1913
Concessions and Admissions 1893-1915
Concessions and Admissions 1911-1916
Participation and Exhibits 1911-1913
Transportation 1911-1915
Congresses and Conventions 1915
Reception Committee 1913-1915
Hale, R.B. 1912-1915
Finance Committee 1912-1915
Finance Committee 1911-1916
Auditing Committee 1911-1915
Rolph, James, 1869-1934., Mayor of San Francisco 1911-1915
Taussig, Rudolph J., Division of Exploitation 1912-1915
Wilson, Charles F. 1912-1914
Filcher, J. A. 1912
Britton, John A. (John Alexander), 1855-1923 1912-1916
Baker, A. C.,- Division of Exhibits 1912-1915
Treasurer 1910-1915
Esberg, Alfred I. 1912
Walker, John Brisben, Congresses and Conventions 1912
Cumming, Joseph M. 1911-1915
Brandenstein, M.J. 1912-1915
Scott, A.W. 1912-1915
Committee meeting notices 1912-1913
California State Commission 1912-1915
McLaren, John 1912-1916
Scott, Henry T. 1912-1915
Lindley, Curtis H. 1912-1915
Sesnon, William T., Reception Committee 1913
Brown, Colvin 1912
Sloss, Leon 1912
Clay, Philip T. 1912-1913
Fortmann, H.P. 1912
McNab, James 1913-1915
Henion, C.C., Exposition Legion 1912-1915
Henion, C.C., Exposition Legion 1914-1918
Kelham, George W., Chief of Architecture 1913-1915
Tobin, R.M. and J.S. 1913
Division of Exploitation 1913-1915
Barr, James A., Director of Congresses 1913-1916
Baker, Emma Nelson, Executive Subcommittee 1910-1918
President's diaries 1913-1915, undated
President's office diary 1914
Connick, H.D.H., Director of Works 1912-1917
Hardee, Theodore,1868-, Liberal Arts 1913-1916
Special Days 1915
Special Days 1915
Final Report of Directors Special Days and Events 1915 February 20 December 4
Bureau of Lectures 1912-1914
Levy, Louis 1912-1916
Lively, D.O., Department of Livestock 1913-1915
Traffic management 1913-1916
Division of Exploitation 1913-1915
Division of Exploitation 1915
Committee on Music 1913-1916
Captain Sellers/ Commander Woodward 1912-1915
Exposition grounds 1914-1915
Department of Fine Arts 1913-1916
Military Bureau 1913-1915
Vogelsang, Charles 1913-1914
Robeson, R.R., Paymaster 1915-1916
Sullivan, James E., Athletic Director 1913-1916
Hunt, A.M., Chief, Department of Machinery 1913-1915
Clipping Bureau 1914
Department of Mines and Metallurgy 1913-1915
Department of Horticulture 1913-1915
Bureau of Aeronautics 1915
Department of Manufactures 1915
Office of the Commissioner of the California Building 1913-1915
Lester, John B.G., Foreign Office 1912-1915
Dutton, Arthur 1913-1915
International Award system 1915
Government Building 1914
Cooley, Hollis E., Director of Special Events 1914-1915
Bureau of Publications 1914-1915
Pope, Alvin, Social Economy 1914-1915
Department of Machinery 1914-1915
Office of the Historian 1912-1918
Schultz, W. W. 1913-1916
Eastern Headquarters 1912-1913
Department of Agriculture 1913-1915
Employment Bureau 1914-1915
Telephone service 1915
Mulally, Thornwell 1915
Exposition Memorial Auditorium 1915
World Insurance Congress 1915
Proceedings 1915 October 4-14
Historical data regarding events 1915
Official Coin and Medal Department 1915-1923
Exposition jewels 1917-1922
Young Women's Christian Association 1915-1916
Hardy, Lowell, Publicity, Special Days 1915
Marine encampment 1915
Taft visit, ground breaking ceremony 1911
Taft visit, ground breaking ceremony 1911
Taft Proclamation 1912
Petition, on behalf of the school children of California, to President Taft to visit the Exposition, undated
Presidential banquet, invitation 1911 October 13
Correspondence and thank you letters 1911
Special Events and Celebrations
Functions attended by President Moore 1915
Australian Boys' tour 1911-1913
John Dwight luncheon 1912
William Randolph Hearst banquet 1911-1912
Steamship "Cleveland" luncheon 1912
Panama Pacific luncheons 1911-1915
Colorado Delegation luncheon 1912
Bohemian Club dinner 1912
Western trip of British manufacturers 1912
Consular Corps banquet 1912
Arizona Commissioners' luncheon 1912
Oregon Delegation luncheon 1912
David R. Francis dinner 1912
Governor R. S. Vessey dinner 1912
Red Cross International conference 1912
Ambassador James Bryce luncheon 1912
Stanley Field luncheon 1912
California Development board meeting 1912
Philander C. Knox, Secretary of State visit 1912
Native Daughters of the Golden West visit 1912
San Francisco Commercial Club 1912-1914
Visit of the "Flying Legion" to Victoria, B. C. 1912
New Year's celebration 1912-1914
Christmas Day 1912-1914
Liberty Bell tour 1912-1915
Site Selections and Dedications
Japanese Commission 1912
Japanese Commissioners luncheon 1912
Ohio Governor Judson Harmon, reception 1912
Indiana, Governor Thomas R. Marshall 1912
"The Daughter of Heaven" 1912
China 1912
Sweden 1912
New York, West Virginia 1912-1913
Portugal 1912-1913
Minnesota, Netherlands 1912-1913
Massachusetts 1913
Spain 1912-1913
Denmark 1913
Puerto Rico 1913
Dominican Republic 1913
Peru 1913
Schedule of foreign arrivals 1913
Illinois 1913
Bolivia 1913
Argentina 1913-1914
New Jersey 1913
Brazil, Lauro Muller visit 1913
Honduras, Guatemala 1913
Indiana, Utah 1913
North Dakota 1913-1914
Washington State 1913
France 1913
Austria-Hungary 1913
Panama 1913
Special Events and Celebrations
Convention of Women's Federation of Clubs 1912
Royal Rosarians visit 1912
S. S. Cleveland (ship) 1913
Blossom Festival 1913
William Jennings Bryan visit 1913
Victoria Carnival Week 1913
Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen Convention 1913
Long Beach Municipal Band 1913
California Grays, "Royal Oaks Special" 1913
Guthrie, George W., Ambassador to Japan 1913
Press Association 1913
Daniels, Josephus, Secretary of the Navy 1913
Garrison, Lindsay M., Secretary of War 1913
Fourth of July program 1914
Portola Festival 1913
Completion of the Canal, 1913 1913
Panama Canal toast 1913
Southern California Editorial Association 1913
Excursion to Los Angeles, 1914 1913-1914
Insurance Day 1914
"Year Before Opening" celebration 1914
California Building ground breaking 1914
Opening Day celebration and congratulations 1915
President's visit 1914-1915
Military Pageant ball 1915
William Jennings Bryan invitation 1915
Theodore Roosevelt visit 1915
Champ Clark visit 1915
E.O. McCormick visit 1915
Elihu Root visit 1915
Dewey, George 1915
Pan-American Financial Conference 1915
George W. Goethals visit 1915
"Out of Debt" celebration 1915
David R. Frances visit 1915
Mrs. Galliard M. Stoney visit 1915
Henry Ford visit 1915
Myron T. Herrick visit 1915
Miscellaneous 1910-1912
Miscellaneous 1912-1916
Ribbons, medals, buttons, and stamps 1894-1915
Ribbons 1904, undated
Legacy of the Exposition, International Toast 1915
Letters of appreciation 1916
Closing Day ceremonies 1915-1916
Office of the Comptroller 1908-1923 Series 2
Scope and Content Note
Cashier's Office- receipt book 1910-1914
Change Fund, Liberty Bonds, General Bank Account, History Accounts Receivable 1922-1923
Appropriation unexpended ledger 1909-1910
Appropriation ledger 1915-1916
Expenditure ledger 1915-1919
Journal 1911 March-August
Bank general personal ledger 1912-1914
Personal ledger 1916-1919
Transfer ledger 1914-1915
Miscellaneous income ledger (back: post period Salvage ledger) 1914-1919
Deposit ledger 1914-1919
Private ledgers 1911-1922
Cash books 1910-1919
Jeffery, John B. 1911-1913
President's dining room 1915
Payroll undated
Notices of Meetings
Buildings and Grounds Committee 1911-1916
Exploitation Committee 1911-1915
Committee on Concessions and Admissions 1912-1915
Committee on Exhibits 1912-1915
Various committees 1913-1915
Executive Committee 1912-1916
Committee on Special Events 1914-1915
Finance Committee 1912
Financial records circa 1915
Statements and closing entries 1915-1918
Final financial report circa 1915
Notices to directors, lease of office space 1911-1914
Reports on preservation of buildings 1915
Circular Letters
All Department Correspondence 1912-1915
All Department Correspondence 1912-1915
Accounting 1914-1915
Lists of officers and committee members 1912
Form letters 1911-1915
Requisition and purchase orders 1913-1915
Mail service 1913-1915
Picture shipping and storage 1911-1912
Hamilton Wright contract 1912-1914
Commission Extraordinary to Europe 1912
Press and Publicity Committee 1912
Motion Picture slides 1912-1916
Notices of meetings 1913-1916
Office accommodations 1914-1916
Authorization for vouchers, etc. 1912-1913
Reports to the President and the Executive Secretary 1912-1913
Exposition building 1912-1913
Miscellaneous income and invoices 1912-1915
Office of Park Commissions 1912
Director of Exhibits 1912-1915
Photographic Department 1912
Office regulations 1912-1916
Exposition bonds 1912-1916
Executive Council of the Finance Committee 1912-1915
Bonding of employees 1915-1916
Lists of employees 1912-1917
State Commission 1912
Plan for revenue from postage stamps 1908-1910
Mail delivery and postage 1912-1915
Conference of San Diego Committee 1910
Lindley, Curtis H. 1912-1913
Congressional endorsements for applications 1912
Lecture Bureau 1912-1914
Special events 1915
Transportation Department 1913-1916
Office Correspondence
Crocker, William H. 1913
Hale, R.B. 1913-1917
Wright, Hamilton, Publicity 1911-1912
Levy, Louis 1913-1915
Spurgeon, William 1913
Chief of Agriculture 1914-1915
Financial facts 1913-1917
Director of Congresses 1913-1916
Department of Mines and Metallurgy 1913-1915
Division of Concessions 1913-1914
Division of Works 1913-1914
Department of Machinery exhibits 1914-1915
Bureau of Deliveries and Customs 1916
Office of the Historian 1915-1918
Miscellaneous subscriptions 1911
Subscription reports 1912-1916
Finance Committee, correspondence H-S 1910-1917
Finance Committee 1910-1917
Examination of books 1912
Report of the Comptroller, Appendix D, accounting circulars 1914
Miscellaneous 1914-1916
Employment Files for Foreign Countries
Applications 1911-1915
Applications under consideration 1912-1913
Asia-Great Britain 1910-1915
Great Britain-West Indies 1910-1914
Contract and Agreement files
San Francisco Art Association 1915-1923
Miniature Automobile Races and Balloon Race 1915
Austrian Exhibit 1915-1916
San Francisco California Driving Club, matinee harness races 1915
Eisteddfod, Redwood Bungalow, George L. and Frances Furman North 1915
Yosemite Hall and Fontana Warehouse, rental 1915
Young Women's Christian Association 1915
Tours Bureau 1915
Spratt's Patent (America) Limited 1915
Claim of Ernest Coxhead 1915
Bills of Sale 1915-1916
Salvage 1915-1916
Division of Works 1892-1917 (bulk 1911-1916) Series 3
Scope and Content Note
Exposition Auditorium 1912-1916
Civic Center 1911-1914
Connick, Harris D.H., Director of Works
Miscellaneous 1912-1917
Appointments 1912
"The Architect and Engineer" 1912-1914
Scott, A.W., Jr. 1914-1915
Washington correspondence 1912-1914
Polk, Willis 1912
Report regarding building inscriptions 1914-1915
Esberg, Alfred I. 1913-1914
Mullally, Thornwall 1914
Allen, Frank, Jr. 1912-1913
Architectural Commission, Willis Polk
Telegrams 1913-1914
Hastings, Thomas 1911-1912
Moore, Charles C. 1912
Architectural plaster casts 1911-1912
Lotus and rose poem 1912
Memorial to St. Francis 1911
Construction, bids, proposals, plans 1912-1916
Construction, bids, proposals, plans 1912-1916
Civic Center Auditorium, acoustics 1912-1915
Foreign Country Files
Argentine Republic -Mexico 1913-1917
Netherlands -Venezuela 1913-1916
State and foreign, miscellaneous 1913-1914
State Files
Alabama-Arkansas 1913-1916
California Counties Building 1915
California-Illinois 1912-1917
Illinois -New York State 1912-1916
Letter to H.D.H. Connick from O.W. Lamb of Paragon Film Company. 1914 November 23 BANC MSS C-A 190
Scope and Content Note
Additional Note
Paragon Film Company brochure (spread of pages 4-5). circa 1914 BANC MSS C-A 190
Scope and Content Note
Additional Note
New York State -Wyoming 1911-1916
State awards undated
Wheeler, William R., correspondence on telescopes 1912
Markwart, A.H., Assistant Director of Works
Correspondence and blueprints, A-T 1913-1916
Data collected on progress of Panama Pacific International Exposition 1913-1915
Inter-office communication 1913-1914
Estimated costs and bills of sale 1912-1918
Bayley, G.L., Chief of Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering 1914
Baker, A. C., Director of Exhibits 1915-1916
Durkee, A.S., Comptroller 1913-1914
Miscellaneous 1914-1915
Personnel 1915
Civil Engineering Department 1914
San Francisco Architectural Club Exhibit 1913-1916
Landscape Development 1911-1914
Requests for maps and plans 1912-1917
Hiring architects 1911-1914
Race tracks, layout and fence 1912-1915
Race tracks and fencing blueprints and plans 1913-1915
List of employees, contractors and committee members 1910-1915
Foreign and domestic commissioners 1915
Foreign and domestic participation, updates 1913-1915
Building materials; Hardware specification and prices 1912-1914
Miscellaneous; Original specifications 1914-1915
List of contracts and related correspondence 1913
Rules and regulations, participation and construction 1910-1916
Report of the Committee on Emergency Exploitation circa 1904
Answers to queries circa 1913
Summary of injuries circa 1914
Memorandum of construction activities 1913
Size of exhibit palaces 1911
Palace of Fine Arts floor and aisle plans 1913
Cost estimates, second preliminary revision 1913
Forms undated
Chase, H. 1913
Blackmar, Paul 1912-1913
Labor and material cost 1913-1914
Financial statistics, admissions, incomes, expenses 1912-1917
Accidents and deaths on work site, reports 1913
Admissions, requests for passes and permits 1915-1916
Pinkerton's National Detective Agency reports 1913-1916
Pinkerton's National Detective Agency reports 1915
Photographs, blueprints and orders 1913-1915
Budget and expenditures 1913-1915
Claims 1913-1915
Accounts 1914
Insurance, accident prevention and inspection work 1915 February
Sketching permits 1915
Cost and expenses compared to other Expositions 1911-1915
Liquor licenses 1912-1914
Leases and Rentals 1911-1912, 1915
Electrical Contractors 1911-1912
Trade Rules circa 1914
Labor Organization 1913-1914
Exposition guides 1914-1915
Exposition guards 1914-1916
Guard uniforms 1913-1915
Complaints and claims 1911-1916
Removal of houses 1912-1916
Purchase, lease and sale of property 1911-1917
Settlement of dispute, Panama-Pacific International Exposition and State of California 1920
Land Department 1915-1916
Exposition property 1912, 1916
Spring Valley Water Company 1913-1914
Jules Guerin, Chief, Department of Color and Decoration, files A-Z 1912-1916
Contracts for all work 1913-1914
Kelham, George W., Chief of Architecture 1912-1913
Mural paintings, minutes of meetings and related material 1912-1917
Concession Buildings and Facilities
Progress Map of the Concessions 1914
Plans for Van Ness Avenue entrance to concessions 1913
Blueprints for the Service Building floor plans 1913
Yellowstone 1914-1916
Marine Gardens and Café 1913-1916
Submarine Café and Ocean Gardens blueprints circa 1914
Toilet facilities 1913-1915
Orange Blossom 1914-1916
Earth extravaganza 1913
Toyland 1914-1916
Miscellaneous 1914-1915
Parsival Airship 1913-1914
Panama Canal 1913-1916
Panama Canal poster 1915
Panama Canal Exhibition Company (Chicago) proposed general plans for Panama Canal exhibit 1913
Submarine 1913
Consolidated Concession 1913-1916
American-Oriental Concession 1914-1916
Alligator Farm and Dayton Flood 1913-1915
Shamrock Isle 1914-1915
Old Red Mill 1913-1914
Official Pan Souvenir Concession 1913-1915
American Chicle Company 1913-1915
Novelty Dairy Lunches 1913-1914
Shooting galleries 1913-1915
Peanuts and popcorn 1914-1916
Young's Restaurant 1914-1915
Laskey's Photos 1914-1916
Frankfurters, roast beef, infant incubators 1914-1916
Ghiradelli Company 1914-1916
M. A. Gunst Company 1914-1915
Sherman Rose Cottage, tamales 1913-1914
Mahomet's Mountain 1913-1914
Diving Girls 1916-1917
'49 Camp and Tehuantepec 1912-1915
Old Nurnberg 1913-1916
Muller Luxus Café 1914-1915
African Dip 1913-1914
National Ice Cream Company 1914-1915
Aeroscope 1912-1916
Ice Hippodrome 1913-1914
Fruit and nuts 1914-1916
Soft drinks 1914
Carousel 1914-1916
Welch's Grape Juice 1914-1916
Scenic Railway, Racing Coaster 1913-1916
Grand Canyon of Arizona, Santa Fe Railroad 1913-1915
Photographers 1914-1916
Souvenir Watch Company 1914-1916
Inside Inn Hotel Company 1914-1916
Palace of Wonders 1914
Overfair Railroad 1911-1915
Racing Coaster 1914
Novagem Jewel 1913-1916
Austrian Concessions Company 1913-1915
Taft Spade 1915
Australasian Villages 1914-1915
Cawston Ostrich Farm 1914-1915
Samoan Village 1914-1915
Young's and the Vienna restaurants 1914-1915
Bowls of Joy 1914-1916
Standard Film Company 1915
Judell's Cigars 1914-1916
Japan Beautiful 1914-1916
Valdora Sweets 1914-1916
Pacific Motor Coach Company 1914
News Stand 1914
Mysterious Orient 1914-1916
Anglo-California Bank 1914-1916
Candy floss 1914-1915
The Wahlgreen Company 1913-1916
Crowley Launch and Tugboat Company 1913-1916
Motordrome, Autodrome 1914-1915
London to South Pole 1914-1916
World's News, Stationary and Lap Robe Company 1914-1915
Buttermilk 1914-1916
Exposition ice delivery 1914
Joy Wheel 1914-1915
Pennant 1914-1915
Hawaiian Village 1914-1915
Captain J. Rupert Foster 1914
Our Girls Theater 1915-1916
Samoliland 1915
Animal 1915
Pharaoh's Daughters 1915
View Books 1915-1916
Cinematography 1914-1916
Selig's Wild Animal Arena 1915
Stella 1915
Panama Pacific Souvenir Company 1915
Venetian Glass Blowers 1915
Educated Horse 1915
Miniature Electric Motor Vehicles 1913-1916
Underground Slumming 1915
Wild West Show 1915
Fadgl Auto Train Inc. 1915
Bay Street Tunnel 1911
Golf Links 1911
Bridal Path 1911
Parkway to Connect "Lincoln" and Golden Gate Parks 1911-1913
United States War Department
Authorization, contracts for Presidio 1913-1914
Tennessee Hollow Greenhouse 1912-1916
Excavation of Shell Mound, A. L. Kroeber letter 1912
Presidio stables 1913-1915
Presidio lands 1912-1913
Removal of signal wires 1912-1913
Constructing Quartermaster 1915-1919
United States Army 1911-1915
Presidio Wharf 1913-1916
United States Army Field Hospital 1914-1915
Fort Mason Fencing 1912-1917
Architectural Board 1912
Garbage reduction 1912-1915
Sewage system 1912-1914
Hygiene 1914
Janitorial service 1913-1915
Sanitation 1915-1916
Water Supply
Sierra Blue Lakes Water and Power Company 1911
San Francisco 1912
Correspondence, Alvord, John 1911
Spring Valley Water Company 1912-1916
Correspondence 1912-1915
Inter-office communication 1915-1917
City wells 1913-1915
Water bill 1913-1914
Golden Gate Park 1914-1916
Miscellaneous 1914-1916
Austin Western Road Machinery Company, sprinkler wagons 1914
Water meters 1913-1915
Pipe line, auxiliary water 1914-1915
Lobos Creek water 1914
Sump in Golden Gate Park 1914
Wells, contracts 1913-1914
High Pressure Water System 1913
Service Water Supply System 1913
Presidio Reserve 1913
Water and pools blueprints circa 1914
Public Transportation
Plans, proposals 1911-1913
Promotional fares, advertising 1913-1914
Rail Transportation
Southern Pacific 1912-1916
Railroad tracks 1913-1916
Presidio and Farries Railroad Company 1913-1915
Facilities 1913-1914
Grand Trunk Railway 1913-1915
Grand Trunk Railway building site plan 1913
Denver and Rio Grande and Western Pacific Railway Company 1913
Canadian Pacific Railway 1914-1915
Canadian Pacific Railway site plan blueprint circa 1913
Pennsylvania Railroad System 1913-1914
Great Northern Railway Company 1914-1916
San Francisco Bay
Yacht Harbor 1913-1916
Waterfront issues 1911-12
Tide Tables 1912-1915
San Francisco Streets
Suggestion for Civic Center 1911
Water pipes 1911-1915
Paving 1912
Sewers 1912-1915
Sweeping 1914-1915
Improvements 1912-1917
Fillmore Street Tunnel 1911-1913
Sewage Systems for Exposition, blueprints 1914
Sewer blueprints circa 1914
Park Improvement Clubs 1911-1916
Panama-Pacific Contractor's Club 1913-1914
San Francisco Cooperative Employment Bureau 1915
Association of Commissions of the Countries Officially Represented at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition 1915
Suggestions 1911-1915
Polo Grounds 1913-1915
Paul E. Denivelle, consultant
Travertine construction materials 1912-1915
Salary 1913-1915
Formulae 1913-1914
Contracts for plastering, constructing Machinery Building 1910-1915
Travertine Construction material 1913-1915
Estimates of construction costs 1913-1915
Bids by suppliers of metal buckets 1913
Ellerbeck, E.L. 1915
Exposition block plans, blueprints circa 1912-1915
Block plans, inventory cards undated
Block plans circa 1912-1915
Block plans circa 1912-1915
Block and building plans circa 1912-1915
Garage, invoices 1915 May
Assignment of stock 1912-20
Models 1914
Budgets undated
Buildings and Grounds Committee 1911-1917
Miscellaneous 1912-1914
Harbor View Islands 1912
Robert, Dent H. 1913-1914
Retrenchments 1915
Budgets 1911-1914
Requests for appropriations 1911-1916
Property rental 1912-1916
Payments for service 1912-1915
J.F. Dowling and Company, general contractors 1914-1915
Donnelly and Ricci, Architectural Sculptors (Court of Four Seasons) 1912-1915
Office of the Comptroller 1911-1912
Office Furnishings 1911-1913
Federal Telegraph Company 1912-1915
Managing editor, San Francisco Chronicle 1911-1912
Engineering publications 1911-1915
Miscellaneous correspondence 1911-1916
Comptroller's report 1912-1913
Insurance 1912-1915
Public health 1915
Comptroller 1914-1916
Standard forms 1912-1917
Correspondence regarding publicity materials 1912-1917
Legal advice 1912
Passes to grounds 1913
Newspaper clippings 1912
Adding machine companies 1912-1913
American National Livestock Association 1912
Bonds 1912-1913
Surety Company, policy for insurance 1912
Drafting materials, blueprinting designs 1912-1913
Requests for Exposition plans 1912
Sewage, sewer bonds and construction 1912
Copyrights, architecture and artwork 1912-1913
Land 1911-1917
Civic Center, location and contacts 1912
Commission Extraordinary to Europe 1912 July
Telephones 1912-1915
Rental of office space 1912-1916
Design for commemorative postage stamps 1912
Money orders 1912-1913
Automobiles and trucks services 1913-1915
Freight services 1913-1915
Statement of bills 1915
Engineering consultants 1913-1914
Progress reports 1911-1914
Cost estimates 1912-1914
Fire Prevention 1913
Executive Sub-Committee appropriations 1915
Payroll data 1914-1915
Payroll data 1915-1917
Moore, Charles C., President
Affairs 1914-1915
Functions attended 1915
Topics from department meetings 1912-1914
Meeting of the Executive Council of the Finance Committee 1913-1914
Office of the Comptroller 1912-1915
Credits, charges, balances 1913-1917
Bulletins 1912-1915
Guidelines for classification of post-Exposition accounts 1916
Crocker, William H., Executive Committee 1911-1912
Division of Exploitation 1912-1915
Department of Concessions and Admissions 1912-1915
Division of Exhibits 1912-1916
Transportation Department 1913-1915
Buildings and Grounds 1912-1914
McNab, James, Vice-Chair, Buildings and Grounds Committee 1912-1914
de Young, Charles and M.H. 1912-1913
Correspondence regarding illustrations of exhibit grounds 1912
Legal Department
Brittain, Frank S., General Attorney 1912-1916
Articles of Incorporation (General Attorney Files) 1910
Burt, Frank (Concessions and Admissions) 1915-1916
Baker, Emma Nelson 1914-1915
Building and Grounds Committee 1913 Jan 10
Connick, Harris (Director of Works) 1914
Durkee, R.S (Comptroller) 1914-1915
Executive Committee 1912-1915
Executive Sub-committee 1915-19
Skiff, Frederick J.V. (Director-in-Chief) 1914 May 19
Taussig, Rudolph J. (Secretary) 1912-1915
Miscellaneous Claims 1914
Miscellaneous Correspondence 1913
Compensatory claims 1915
Condemned, purchased property circa 1913-1914
Invoices, warehouse 1913-1914
Mayor's Office 1912-1914
Brown, Colvin, Chief, Department of Domestic Exploitation 1912-1913
Sloss, Leon, Executive Committee 1912-1913
Champion, L.F., Engineer of Railways 1912-1914
Sesnon, William T., Reception Committee 1912-1914
Britton, John Alexander, Pacific Gas and Electric 1912
Colley, Hollis E., Chief, Special Events 1913-1914
Office of the President, Horace H. Moore 1915-1916
Advisory Insurance Committee 1913
Race Tracks 1912-1916
Hale, Reuben B., Executive Committee 1913-1915
Requisitions 1913-1914
Accounts and payments 1913-1916
Skiff, Frederick James Volney, Director-in-Chief, Foreign and Domestic Participation Committee 1912-1914
German Kali Works 1914-1916
Musical productions 1914-1916
Extracts from the Daily Reports of the Guards 1914-1916
Report of the Guard Department 1916
Receipts 1915
Fire Safety 1911-1916
Lumber Department 1913-1915
Paper and Poster Supplies 1913-1916
Mechanical and Electrical Department
Proposals, inventories, reports 1913-1916
PG and E Contract Dispute 1912-1917
Contract bids, electrical 1912
Lighting 1912-1915
Safety Regulations 1914-1915
Western Union 1913-1916
Fire Underwriters 1912-1914
Concession District 1912-1913
National Electric Lamp Association 1912-1913
Ryan, Walter D'Arcy, Chief, Department of Illumination 1912-1915
Gleason Tiebout Glass Company 1914-1915
City Electric Company 1912-1916
Sierra and San Francisco Power Company 1912-1914
Facilities for reporters 1913
PG and E contracts 1912-1914
Lumber 1913-1914
Building materials undated
Post Exposition, salvage and removal 1915-1916
Department of Sculpture, contracts 1913-1914
U.S. Government Exhibits 1914-1916
Construction, lists of manufacturers, reports contracts, specifications, charts, maps bidding instructions, blueprints, costs and estimates 1912-1916
Buffalo Exposition, reports 1892, 1901
Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition, reports 1907-1908
Reports- Pamphlets and Booklets undated
Salvaging the Physical Properties 1917 January 29
Report on Activities- Covering the Pre-Exposition Period 1915
Blueprints, assorted and unidentified circa 1912-1915
Blueprints, assorted and unidentified circa 1912-1915
Division of Exploitation 1910-1915 Series 4
Scope and Content Note
Director's files 1912-1914
Report of foreign clippings 1914
Badges 1915
Request for maps and guides 1914
Official Exposition seal 1914
Galley Proofs, "War and the Exposition" 1913-1915
Exposition stickers 1914-1915
Stamps and stickers 1913-1915
Balloon tours 1914
Public school competition 1915
Johnson, Tom L., Hotel directory 1914
Prints and orders for publishers 1914-1915
Film companies 1914
Booklet No. 1 and Condensed Facts 1914
Rejection of paid advertising 1913-1914
Prices for pamphlet 1914
Exposition posters 1914-1915
Souvenir Booklet 1914
Literature and poster distribution 1914
Esperanto Booklet 1915
Postal cards 1914
Orders and receipts 1914-1915
Advertisement Club Secretaries, list and addresses undated
List of directors undated
Panoramas 1914
World's Insurance Congress, news bulletin 1914
Government Exhibit Board, "Rules and Regulations" 1914
New Thought mailing list 1914
"California Invites the World" 1913
Traveling Tour exhibit cars undated
Department of Customs, Advertising to Canada 1914-1915
Disposition foreign labels and tags 1915
Order for photographs 1914
Reception compliments 1915
Application for employment 1914
List of commissions in the city undated
List of foreign consular at San Francisco undated
World's Fair Companies Sub-Agents undated
List of newspapers and trade magazines 1914
Naval pamphlets 1914
List of states undated
Ordering literature 1914
Publication order sheets 1910-1915
Inscriptions for building and monuments 1915
Copyrights undated
Accounting Circular No. II undated
List of Exhibitors 1914
Exposition rates undated
Standard Gas Engine Company, progress 1914
List of Exhibitors, Palace of Transportation 1915
Location of poster boards undated
Window display 1915
Miscellaneous 1913
Request for listing of states and countries 1914
Commissioner's Report 1913-1914
Correspondence with committees 1913-1914
Harp, C.A. 1913
Hoge, Frank 1913-1914
Kendrick, C. E. 1914
Reports 1913-1914
Townsend, William R. 1913
Counties 1912-1913
Budget and appropriation 1912-1913
Brown, Colvin 1913-1915
Correspondence 1912-1914
Baker, Asher Carter 1912-1914
Conroy, E. C. and Perry, G. H. 1914
Wright, Hamilton 1912-1914
Hardee, Theodore 1912-1914
Lively, Daniel O'Connell 1912-1914
Inter Office correspondence 1913-1914
State Societies 1913
Burt, Frank 1912-1914
Bennett, Ira E.(Ira Elbert), 1868-1957. 1913-1914
Exposition Builders, Notice of meetings 1914
Departmental Notices 1914-1915
Report Charges 1914
Newspaper mailing list undated
Negatives undated
Brown, Colvin 1912-1914
Dorland Advertising Agency 1913-1915
Victor Tours Booklet 1913
Brown, Colvin 1912-1914
State Files
Alabama-Illinois 1912-1914
Illinois- Minnesota 1912-1915
Mississippi-Oregon 1912-1915
Oregon-West Virginia 1912-1915
Wisconsin-Wyoming 1913-1914
California County Files
Alameda County -Yolo County 1912-1914, undated
Country Files
General 1910-1913
Australia- Switzerland 1911-1914
Newspaper Daily Output 1914
Press releases 1913-1915
Volumes of Newspaper Clippings 1909-1915
Circa 1915
Division of Concessions and Admissions 1912-1915 Series 5
Scope and Content Note
Departments of Concessions and Admissions 1914-1915 Subseries 5.1
Scope and Content Note
Committee on Concessions and Admissions 1915
Minutes 1911-1915
I. Miller "engraving" undated
Nordman, Leon 1915
Deluxe Catalog, Fine Arts Building undated
Sales privilege Italian section- manufactures undated
Guessing Weight Scales undated
Sales privileges- Italian section exhibit 1915
Piettro Cattadori, laces and linens 1915
Pigeon Feed undated
California Tea and Fruit Garden Company 1915
Mona Lisa Smile undated
J. Hannania and Company 1915
Living Pictures of Famous Paintings undated
Yosemite Views on China 1915
Portland Beadry 1915
Hanoff and Hasimuan 1915
Seed Tape Concession 1915
Gastronomic Demonstration 1915
Magic Wand 1915
Automatic Baseball Game 1915
Moses Levi Jewelry 1915
International Demonstrator 1915
Goldsmith, H. B. undated
Bhumjara, F. J. 1915
Chinrazzi and Meille 1915
Umgreto Frilli, Florentine Lace 1915
Coffee And Liquors, Cairo Café 1914
Phillip Klein Jewelry undated
To Concessionaires undated
Daily report of concession income 1915
Programs 1915
Concessions, admissions, and miscellaneous forms undated
Department of Admissions 1915
Invitations, tickets, passes, and related material 1915
Special events and programs 1915
Department of Admissions- forms and tokens circa 1915
Tickets 1915
Daily attendance record 1915
Analysis of attendance and revenue 1915
Concessions records 1912-1915
Daily statement of revenue cash attendance 1915
Department of Music 1912-1915 Subseries 5.2
Scope and Content Note
Index to music drawers 1915
Applications: Dallimore, Thaviu's, Conway, Chicago Band, and A-E 1913-1915
Applications, F-Z 1913-1915
Propositions 1913-1915
Chicago Band 1914
Official band 1915
Official march 1913-1915
Position applications 1915
Band contests- events requiring bands 1915
Bandstand construction, etc. 1914
Music for state days and special occasions 1915
Musique de la Garde undated
Compositions 1915
Bandstand charges 1915
Conductors 1914-1915
Guest conductors 1914-1915
Parès, Gabriel, La Garde Républicaine 1915
Violins, violas, cellos 1914-1915
Bass, harp, flute, piccolo, oboe, chime 1914-1915
Horn, clarinet, bassoon, trumpet, saxophone 1914-1915
Cornet, trombone, tuba, tympani, baritone, drum 1914-1915
Librarian applications 1914
Boston Symphony Orchestra 1915
Composers, contests 1915
Saint-Saens, Camille 1915
Chamber concerts 1914
Symphony orchestras 1914-1915
Yellowstone Park, Mr. Kathrens 1914
Programs (Band and organ) undated
Pianos, pianists 1914-1915
Small orchestras, quintets, quartets, trios 1913-1915
Ladies' orchestras 1913-14
Exposition orchestra 1915
Music publishers 1915
Booking agents 1915
Organ specifications, Austin Organ Company 1913-1915
Organists' applications, A 1913-1915
Organists' applications, B-Z 1913-1915
Lemare, Edwin H. 1913-1915
Organists 1913-1915
Recitals 1915
Stewart, Dr. H. J. 1915
Programs 1915
Mustel, Alphonse H. 1914-1915
Official organist, Wallace A. Sabin 1915
Vouchers 1915
Song- Choral
Applications from clubs, societies, etc. 1913-1915
Ogden Tabernacle Choir 1913-1915
The Apollo Musical Club 1913-1915
Compositions, oratorios, librettos 1913-1915
Applications from singers 1913-1915
Songs submitted 1913-1915
Whistlers, readers, lectures and plays 1913-1914
Official Hymn 1914-1915
Mendelssohn Choir of Toronto 1914-1915
Song competition prizes 1913-1915
Programs 1913-1915
Song compositions 1913-1915
Opening chorus 1915
Special singing events 1915
October Festival 1915
Festival Hall and Auditorium
Operation, equipment, etc. 1915
Adjudicators 1914-1915
Barr, James, bookings 1913-1915
Bookings, miscellaneous 1915
Denmark Building Committee 1914
Superintendent Festival Hall undated
Official daily programs 1915
Tickets 1915
Advertising 1915
Festival Hall building plans 1913
Welsh Eisteddfod
Mr. Jones 1913-1915
Mr. Morris 1913-1915
Interoffice, Supplies, Accounts, Equipment 1912-1915
Theodore Hardee, Special Days, Mr. Henion 1913-1915
Commissioners 1914-1915
Levison, J. B. 1914-1915
Hollis E. Cooley, Chief Special Events, Mallaly, Levy 1915
Anonymous 1915
Law Department 1915
Western Union Company 1915
Traffic Department 1915
Illumination, Walter D'Arcy Ryan 1915
Baker, E. N. 1915
Stewart, Mr. George, Personal
American Federation of Musicians 1914-1915
Correspondence 1914-1915
Thomas Cook and Son 1914
Requests for information 1914-1915
Transportation 1914-1915
Requisitions 1914-1915
Requisitions 1914-1915
Daily report of telegrams handled 1915
Division of Exhibits 1910-1920 Series 6
Scope and Content Note
Department of Liberal Arts 1911-1916 Subseries 6.1
Scope and Content Note
Moore, Charles C. 1912-1915
Hale, Ruben B. 1912-1914
Cumming, Joseph M. 1912-1915
Sellers, David Foote 1912-1913
Skiff, Frederick J. V. 1912-1915
Interoffice correspondence 1912-1915
Accounting Circulars 1912-1915
Director of Exhibits 1912-1915
Publicity and promotion 1912-1915
Publicity and promotion 1913-1914
Division of Works 1912-1915
Department of Concessions and Admissions, permits 1914-1915
Fine Arts 1913-1915
Education 1913-1915
Social Economy 1913-1915
Kerrigan, Herbert W., General Superintendent 1913-1915
Varied Industries 1912-1915
Machinery 1913-1915
Transportation 1913-1915
Agriculture 1913-1915
Livestock 1913-1915
Horticulture 1913-1915
Mines and Metallurgy 1913-1915
Special Events 1914-1915
Bureau of Conventions and Societies 1912-1915
Printing and Illustration 1912-1915
Reception Committee 1913-1914
Vogelsang, Charles H. 1913-1914
Traffic manager 1913-1915
Military Bureau 1913-1915
Foreign Office 1913-1915
Legal Department 1912-1915
Moore, Thomas M. 1912-1915
Exposition Legion 1914
Director of Music 1914-1915
New York Representative 1914
Applications clerk 1914-1915
Putman, A. H., Architect for Exhibits 1914-1915
Deliveries and customs 1914-1915
Office of Historian 1914-1915
Permits 1914-1915
Correspondence, F-N 1914
Correspondence, N-Y 1913-1914
United States Government 1913-1915
Pan American Union, John Barrett 1912-1914
St. Louis Exposition 1911
Publicity 1914-1915
Meetings and invitations 1913-1915
Exposition data and comparison with Chicago 1915
General data 1912-1915
General data 1912-1915
Commission to Europe, expenses 1912
Requisitions and bills 1913-1916
Washington trip 1912
President Moore's Eastern trip 1913
Badge, medal and ribbon design 1912-1915
President's badge 1913
Sacramento legislation trip 1912
Commission to Europe 1913-1914
Ottoman exhibitors 1913-1914
State and foreign commissions 1915
Italy and Sweden 1915
Cuba 1915
South America and Mexico 1915
Navy 1915
Exhibitors 1915
Awards 1915
Applications for employment 1915
San Diego Exposition 1912-1915
Philippine Islands, awards 1915
Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition 1905
Exhibit questions 1911-1915
List of Exhibits 1915
Palace of Liberal Arts floor and aisle plans 1913
Records by groups of applications received undated
Rules and regulations governing domestic exhibitors undated
Exhibitors, miscellaneous 1911-1915
Exhibitors, miscellaneous 1911-1915
Rulings undated
Construction progress record undated
Division of exhibit circulars undated
Itinerary of 700,000 boosters club 1914
Exports by foreign countries in liberal arts undated
Photographic permits 1915
Liberal Arts awards, A-Ha 1915-1916
Liberal Arts awards La-Z 1915-1916
International Jury of Award certificate for bronze medal to Edward Henry Weston from exhibit of pictorial photography at Panama-Pacific International Exposition. 1915 May 20 BANC MSS C-A 190
Additional Note
Awards, letters and lists 1915
Department of Special Events 1911-1916 Subseries 6.2
Scope and Content Note
Hollis E. Cooley Files 6.2.1
Yachting races, Miller Freeman 1913-1915
Olympic games 1911-1912
Aviation 1914-1915
Automobile and Motorcycles 1911-1915
Rowing 1911-1914
Swimming 1912-1915
Dancing 1914-1915
Aerial Acts 1914-1915
Novelty Acts 1913-1915
Cricket 1914-1915
Athletic Events 1914-1915
Intercollegiate Ball Games 1912-1915
Horse Racing 1914-1915
Guns/Shooting Tournaments 1915
Fireworks 1914-1915
Automobile Races 1914-1915
Scottish Day 1914-1915
Department of Music 1914-1915
Fasting Exhibition 1914
Festival Associations Day 1914
President Wilson's Visit 1914
Rodeo 1914-1915
California County Days 1914-1915
State Files
Alabama-Georgia 1914-1915
Hawaii-Wyoming 1915
Miscellaneous events, A-M 1914-1915
Miscellaneous events M-Z 1914-1915
Lists of participants undated
Pageants 1914-1915
"1915" License plate 1914
World's Insurance Congress 1914
Floats, Tents and Awnings 1915
Employee Applications 1914-1915
Drama Display 1914-1915
Advertising and Publicity 1914-1915
Opening Day Ceremonies 1915
Lawn Tennis 1915
Exposition Auditorium Events 1914-1915
Louis Levy Files 6.2.2
Native Daughters of the Golden West 1914
San Diego Day 1915
Yale Alumni of California 1915
Japan Day 1915
Liberty Bell Farewell Day 1915
Miscellaneous Days and Events, A-D 1915
Miscellaneous Days and Events, F-Z 1915
San Francisco Day ephemera 1915
May Day Pageant 1915
Fashion Show 1915
International Folk Dance Fiesta 1915
July 4th Week-end 1915
Committee on Special Events and Athletics 1914-1915
Fly Casting Committee 1915
Private Schools Committee 1915
Playgrounds and Recreation Committee 1915
General Committee on Athletics 1915
Permissions, requests and invitations 1915
Trophies and Prizes
Purveyors 1914-1915
Badges, medals, and cups 1915
Athletic and sporting events 1914
Yachts 1914
Pentathlon medal 1914
Polo 1915
Athletic Event Prizes 1915
Military Events 1915
Exposition -Civic Auditorium Ball 1915
Mardi Gras Ball 1915
Opening Day, Ceremonies 1915
Opening Day, Certificate 1915
Mardi Gras Ball 1915
Opening Day, ceremonies, Old Faithful Inn, celebrations 1915
Closing Day 1915
Director of Congresses 6.2.3
Andrews, Mrs. Fannie Fern 1913-1914
Alwood, William B. 1913-1915
A miscellaneous 1913-1914
Babcock, E. B. 1913-1914
Baker, Captain A. C. 1912-1914
Balcomb, E. E. 1912-1914
Barr, James A. 1913-1915
Barrows, Albert L. 1914-1915
Barrows, David P. 1912-1914
Bassett, H. K. 1914
Bassett, Lee Emerson 1913-1914
Bennett, Ira E. (Ira Elbert), 1868-1957. 1913-1915
Boone, Richard G. 1913
Bowman, J. N. 1912-1914
Bryden, C. L. 1913-1914
Burt, Frank A. 1913-1914
B miscellaneous 1912-1914
Caine, Joseph E. 1914-1915
Campbell, W. W. 1912-1914
Chamberlain, Arthur Henry 1912-1915
Cheney, Mrs. May L. 1912-1915
Claxton, Philander P. 1913-1914
Connick, Harris D. H. 1913-1914
Cook, A. J. 1913-1915
Cooke, Miss Genevieve 1913-1914
Coolbrith, Ina 1913-1914
Cooley, Hollis E. 1914-1915
Cope, Henry F. 1913-1914
Cowell, A. L. 1913-1915
Critcher, Edward Payson 1912-1914
Cumming, Joseph M. 1912-1914
C miscellaneous 1912-1914
Dennison, George A. 1913-1915
Dunlap, Boutwell 1913-1914
Dupuy, Edward J. 1913-1915
Durkee, Rodney S. 1912-1915
D miscellaneous 1913-1914
Eggers, Frederick 1912-1914
Egilbert, W. D. 1913-1914
Eliot, Dr. Charles W. 1913-1914
Ernst, Dr. Harold C. 1914
Etcheverry, B. A 1913-1914
Fisher, Frederick V. 1912-1914
Flood, Dr. Arthur M. 1912-1915
F miscellaneous 1912-1913
Gay, Frederick P. 1912-1913
Geldern, Otto von 1912-1913
Gillis, James L. 1913-1915
Goodwin, Ralph 1913-1915
Gorrell, Frank E. 1913-1914
Graham, J. D. 1913-1914
Greene, Charles S. 1913-1914
Greene, J. Charles 1913-1915
Grinnell, Joseph 1912-1914
Griffiths, Farnham 1912-1913
G miscellaneous 1912-1914
Hale, R. B. 1913-1915
Hardee, Theodore 1912-1914
Harris, Kirk 1914-1915
Harshe, Robert B. 1914-1915
Hatch, Wallace 1914
Hunt, Dr. Thomas Francis 1912-1915
Hyatt, Edward 1912-1914
H miscellaneous 1913-1914
Jordan, David Starr 1912-1914
Jaffa, M. E. 1912-1914
J miscellaneous 1913-1914
Kahn, Julius 1912-1915
Kellogg, Vernon L. 1913-1915
Kelsey, C. E. 1913-1914
Kimball, Sarah L. 1912-1915
Kroeber, A. L. 1912-1915
Lake, E. R. 1913-1915
Lake, Marguerite B. 1912-1914
Lange, Alexis F. 1912-1914
Lardner, Henry A. 1912-1915
Leonard, Fred E. 1913-1915
Lester, J. E. G. 1913-1914
Leuschner, A. O. 1912-1914
Levermore, Charles M. 1913-1914
Levison, J. B. 1914
Levy, Louis 1912-1914
Lively. D. O. 1912-1915
Louderback, George D. 1913-1914
Lynch, Robert Newton 1912-1915
L miscellaneous 1912-1914
MacFarland, Charles S. 1913-1915
Mailliard, Joseph 1912-1914
McCleary, James T. 1913-1914
McConnaughy, H. G. 1912-1914
McConnell, E. W. 1913-1914
McCormick, James 1914
McCoy, Henry J. 1913-1914
McLauren, John 1912-1915
Mc miscellaneous 1913-1915
Miller, Adolph C. 1913-1914
Milligan, L. E. 1913-1914
Moffitt, Herbert C. 1912-1914
Moore, Charles C. 1913-1914
Moore, Thomas M. 1914-1915
Morrow, W. M. 1912-1914
Mortensen, A. M. 1912-1915
Mott, Frank K. 1914-1915
M miscellaneous 1913-1915
Otlet, Paul 1914-1915
Peixotto, Jessica B. 1913-1914
Perry, George H. 1913-1914
Plehn, Carl C. 1913-1915
Pope, Alvin E. 1913-1914
P miscellaneous 1912-1914
Rich, Ednah A. 1912-1914
Richardson, Friend W. 1913-1914
Rieber, C. H. 1912-1914
Rolph, James Jr. 1913-1915
Root, Robert C. 1913-1914
Rowell, Mrs. H. N. 1914
Rugh, C. E. 1912-1914
R miscellaneous 1912-1914
Skiff, Frederick J. V. 1912-1915
Snow, W. F. 1912-1915
Stallsmith, Thomas G. 1913-1914
Steadwell, B. S. 1913-1915
Stephens, Henry Morse 1913-1915
Stewart, George W. 1913-1915
S miscellaneous 1913-1915
Taussig, R. J. 1913-1915
Tilden, Douglas 1912-1913
Wendte, Charles W. 1913-1915
Wheeler, Benjamin Ide 1912-1915
Wilbur, Ray Lyman 1913-1914
Williams, Walter 1914-1915
Wright, Hamilton 1913-1915
W miscellaneous 1913-1914
Organization files, A-Z 1912-1915
Accommodation and attendance 1913
Cowell, A. L., general correspondence 1914-1915
Hatfield, Charles F., general correspondence 1913-1915
Statistical report 1916
"List of Congresses and Conventions Scheduled" 1914
Department of Receptions
Liberty Bell Escort 1915
Neil D. Sills, National Association of Life Underwriters 1913
Military 1913-1915
United States Government 1913-1915
States, Alabama-Wisconsin 1913-1915
Woman's Board 1914-1915
Foreign countries, Argentina-Britain 1912-1915
Foreign countries, Canada-Venezuela 1912-1915
Foreign Commissioners 1915
Foreign and State Commissioners 1915-1916
Map of States and Foreign Sites 1914
International Press 1915
Reception Committee
Correspondence 1915
Report of the Reception Committee 1914-1915
Entertainment Committee 1914-1915
Office memos 1915
Lists undated
Permits undated
Yachting Bureau
Yachting and Motor Boat Committee 1914-1915
Yachting commissioners 1915
Lipton, Sir Thomas, 12 meter race 1913-1914
Correspondence 1913-1915
San Pedro to San Francisco race 1915
Seattle to San Francisco race 1915
Six meter race 1915
Sail regattas 1915
New York to San Francisco long distance motorboat race 1915
Motorboat regattas 1915
American Powerboat Association 1915
Pacific Inter-club Yacht Association 1915
San Francisco Yacht Club 1915
Yacht clubs 1915
Acceptances 1915
Racing buoys 1915
Financial file 1915
Trophy cups 1915
Department of Manufactures and Varied Industries 1912-1915 Subseries 6.3
Scope and Content Note
State Files
Arkansas-Wisconsin 1913-1914
Philippine Island 1912-1914
Hawaii 1914
Cuba 1914
Official State Commissioners undated
Foreign Files, Argentina-Venezuela (not in alpha order) 1913-1915
Foreign miscellany 1914
Departmental Notices 1914
Division of Work 1913-1914
Division of Exploitation 1913-1914
Division of Concessions and Admissions 1913-1914
Foreign and Domestic Participation, Skiff, F.J.V. 1914-1915
Baker, A. C. 1913-1915
Department of Agriculture 1913-1914
Department of Machinery 1914
Department of Liberal Arts 1914
Department of Livestock 1913-1914
Department of Mines and Metallurgy 1914
Department of Manufacturers and Varied Industry 1914
Department of Social Economy 1914
Department of Transportation 1913-1914
Teagar, J.S. 1914
Permit to remove goods, February to May 1915
Permit to remove goods, July to October 1915
Baker, A. C., exhibits 1913-1914
Exposition Builders
Meetings 1913-1914
Hospital 1913
Drill grounds and race tracks undated
Computations and estimates 1912
Model kitchen undated
Inquiries About Exhibiting
Prospective exhibitors 1914
Hough Shade Company 1913-1914
Cummer Manufacturing Company 1913-1914
Electric and electrical companies 1914
Textiles 1913-1914
Rugs and carpets 1914
Flooring and upholstery 1914
Bedding 1913-1914
Bath fixtures 1913-1914
Glass 1913-1914
Pipe 1914
Stoves and hardware 1913-1914
Stoves 1913-1914
Gas stoves 1913-1914
Gas 1913-1914
Iron fittings and irons 1914
Lamps and electric lights 1913
Laundry 1913-1914
Sewing machines 1914-1915
Dry goods 1914
Cotton mills 1912-1914
Cordage 1913-1914
Dress goods 1913-1914
Knitting 1913-1914
Woolen Mills 1913-1914
Thread and ribbon 1912-1914
Silk 1914
Lace, embroidery and trim 1914
Oil Proof clothing 1913-1914
Tailored clothing 1913-1914
Clothing and furs 1912-1914
Leather 1914
Shoes 1913-1914
Gloves 1913-1914
Hats 1913-1914
Shirts 1912-1914
Neckwear and accessories 1913-1914
Corsets 1913-1914
Manufacturers correspondence 1915
Manufacturers correspondence 1912-1914
Awards: Manufactures, A-Mat 1915
Awards: Manufactures, Mau-Zuver 1915
Indiana Women's Exhibit for award consideration 1915
Cancelled entrants 1915
For award consideration 1915
Employment Applications 1913-1915
Department of Mines and Metallurgy 1912-1917 Subseries 6.4
Scope and Content Note
Mines and Metallurgy building undated
U.S. Geological Survey
Day, David T. 1914-1915
Holmes, J. A. 1915
Parker, E.W. 1913-1915
Manning, Van H. 1914-1915
Wilson, H.M. 1915
Miscellaneous 1915
The Mine, A-Z 1914-1915
American Institute of Mining Engineers, lists 1913-1915
Indiana Exposition Commission 1914-1915
Henahen, T.R., State of Colorado 1914-1915
Jones, Richard S., State of Washington 1913-1915
American Mining Congress 1913-1914
Mills, George T., State of Nevada 1914-1915
Missouri Exposition Commission 1914-1915
Bain, H. Foster 1913-1914
Bradford, R.H. undated
Government Exhibit Board 1913-1915
Promotion and cooperation, A-Z 1914-1915
Eaton, Arthur 1914
Harron, Rickard and McCone 1913-1915
Miller, Glen, State of Utah 1914-1915
Ray, Chester P., State of Pennsylvania 1913-1914
Ruhl, Otto 1915
Charles Garvey Diamond Drilling Company 1914
The Braun Corporation 1915
Drilling 1913-1914
Hercules Powder Company 1914-1915
Mining Methods 1913-1914
Anaconda Copper Mining Company 1914-1915
Copper Queen Consolidated Mining Company 1914-1915
Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company 1913-1914
The American Mine Door Company 1914
Oxygen and lamps 1913-1914
Lamps 1915
Electrical Company 1913-1915
Service Rescue Equipment 1913
Manufacturing Company 1913-1914
Iron 1914
Union Tool and Oil Company 1914-1915
Gas 1913
Salt 1912
Sulfur 1914-1915
Quarrying 1914
Pacific Tank and Pipe Company 1914-1915
Foreign Countries 1914-1915
General 1914-1915
Canal Zone 1913
States, A-W 1913-1915
Granite 1914
Marble 1914-1915
Limestone and sandstone 1913-1914
Brophy and Sons 1914
Linn, Robert 1913
Building Material 1912-1914
Cement, A-Z 1913-1915
Atlas Portland Cement Company 1913
The Carborundum Company 1914-1915
The Norton Company 1914
Clay 1912-1914
Middleton, Jefferson 1914
Orton, Jr. Edward, Ohio State University 1914
Wells, J.C., Brick and Clay Record 1914-1915
Asbestos Projected Metal Company 1914
Mineral 1913
Graphite 1914
Miscellaneous 1914
Gems and Precious Stones 1914
Tiffany and Company, George F. Kunz 1915
The Maylor Gem Company 1915
The Low-Taussig-Karpers Company 1914
Mineral salts 1914
Phosphate 1914
Borax 1913
Department of Agriculture 1914
Miscellaneous Companies, A-Z 1913-1915
Fuller, W.P and Company 1914-1915
Herring Hall Marvin Safe Company 1914-1915
Keystone Varnish company, Lamb, G.W. 1914
Ohio Varnish Company 1913-1915
Pratt and Lambert 1913-1914
Standard Varnish Works 1913-1915
Stedman's Foundry and Machine Works 1913
Publicity 1915
Awards: Mines and Metallurgy
State of California 1915-1917
A-Yuba 1915
U.S. Steel Corporation and Subsidiary Companies 1915
Scrapbook of awards 1915
Department of Education and Social Economy 1913-1916 Subseries 6.5
Scope and Content Note
Hatch, Wallace, Director 1913-1915
Pope, Alvin E., Chief 1914
Advisory Committee, Department of Education 1914
Baker, Asher C., Director of Exhibits 1913-1915
Barr, James A., Director of Congresses 1914
Department of Concessions and Admissions 1915
Department of Works 1915
Hardee, Theodore 1915-1916
Carpenter, Edward, Commandant of the Guards 1915
Curran, Garner 1914-1915
Office of the Comptroller 1913-1915
Barnard, Bonnie 1913
Green, Charles H. 1913-1915
Hale, Ruben B. 1914-1915
Palace of Education, G. A. Hallicher 1915
Levy, Louis 1913
Lively, D. O. 1913
Lubeck, Pearl A. 1913-1914