The archive contains photographs by Alexander Liberman, Russian-born photographer,
art director of
Vogue magazine, and editorial director of Condé Nast publications. Included in the collection are
approximately 8,000 photographic prints, 50,000 transparencies, 90,000 negatives, 38 books of contact prints, and prints mounted
for exhibition. The
predominant subjects are artists and other cultural figures, and European historical sites. Also included are personal photographs
of family and
Russian-born artist Alexander Liberman was the influential art director of Vogue magazine from 1943 to 1962, then editorial
director of Condé Nast
publications until 1994. As an artist, Liberman worked in paint, large-scale sculpture, and photography. He photographed contemporary
artists and other
cultural figures, friends, family, and historical sites from about 1925 until 1998. He published several books of his photographs,
including The Artist in His Studio (1960, 1988), Campodiglio: Michelangelo's Roman Capitol (1994), and
Then: Photographs 1925-1995 (1995).
337 Linear Feet
(405 boxes, 4 flat file folders, 19 framed items)
Contact Library Reproductions and
Open for use by qualified researchers.