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Finding Aid to the Dick Dobbins Collection on the Pacific Coast League, 1866-1999, bulk 1902-1999 MS 4031
MS 4031, MSP 4031  
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Container List


Series 1:  Pacific Coast League Records, 1903-1995

Physical Description: Boxes 1-18


Arranged hierarchically.

Scope and Content Note

Comprised of documents pertaining to the Pacific Coast League (PCL) as an organization.

Subseries 1.1:  Board of Directors Minutes, 1923-1967

Physical Description: Boxes 1-4


Arranged chronologically.

Scope and Content Note

Includes original typed transcripts and some photocopies for individual regular and special meetings, plus bound cumulative minutes.
Box 1, Folder 1-5

1923-1941, 1943-1946

Box 2, Folder 6-8


Box 3, Folder 9-11


Box 4, Folder 12-16



Subseries 1.2:  Presidents' Papers, 1915-1972

Physical Description: Boxes 5-6


Arranged by name, in order of service.

Scope and Content Note

Includes correspondence between the PCL front office, PCL teams, Major League Baseball teams, and organized baseball's front office and pertain to player transactions; team interactions; territory rights; baseball, league and team policy; scouting; finances; and a wide range of other topics, and legal documents pertaining to an anti-trust lawsuit brought against Major League Baseball by the PCL.
Box 5, Folder 17-18

A.T. Baum, 1915

Box 5, Folder 19

William H. McCarthy, circa 1920-1924

Box 5, Folder 20-22

Harry A. Williams, 1925-1931

Box 5, Folder 23

W.C. Tuttle, 1938

Box 5, Folder 24-28

Clarence H. Rowland, 1944-1954

Box 5, Folder 29-35

Leslie O'Connor, 1943-1960

Box 5, Folder 36

Dewey Soriano, 1962-1967

Box 6, Folder 37-41

William B. McKechnie, Jr., 1968-1972

Box 6, Folder 42-46

Concerning PCL v. Pacific Northwest Sports, Inc., and San Diego Padres, circa 1961-1970


Subseries 1.3:  Records and Final Statistics, 1903-1995

Physical Description: Box 7, folders 47-58; Box 8, folders 59-75


Arranged chronologically.

Scope and Content Note

This series also contains official league records, including the PCL Blue Books, rosters, and final statistics.
Box 7, Folder 47-58

Records, 1903-1969, 1991, 1995

Box 8, Folder 59-60

PCL Blue Book, 1949-1953

Box 8, Folder 61

Rosters, 1952

Box 8, Folder 62

Miscellaneous roster lists, 1937-1951, undated

Box 8, Folder 63-73

"Final Stats" (scattered years), 1958-1987

Box 8, Folder 74-75

Miscellaneous statistics, 1903-1968


Subseries 1.4:  Player Sketches, 1948-1957

Physical Description: Boxes 9-10


Arranged chronologically.

Scope and Content Note

Contains brief biographies and lifetime statistics of players, compiled by the PCL.
Box 9, Folder 76-79

1948, 1952, 1954

Box 10, Folder 80-86



Subseries 1.5:  Player Guides, 1960-1976

Physical Description: Boxes 11-17; Box 18, folders 113-114


Arranged chronologically.

Scope and Content Note

Contains player statistics compiled for press, radio, and television by PCL statistician William J. Weiss.
Box 11, Folder 87-89

1960, 1962, 1964

Box 12, Folder 90-92


Box 13, Folder 93-96


Box 14, Folder 97-100


Box 15, Folder 101-104


Box 16, Folder 105-108


Box 17, Folder 109-112


Box 18, Folder 113-114



Subseries 1.6:  Pacific Coast League Baseball News , 1946-1951

Physical Description: Box 18, folders 115-120


Arranged chronologically.

Scope and Content Note

Publication issued monthly (then semi-monthly) for PCL fans.
Box 18, Folder 115-120

Volume 1-Volume 5, Numbers 1-3, 1946 May-1951 May


Subseries 1.7:  Printed Materials, 1915-1955, undated

Physical Description: Box 18, folders 121-123; OV Box 1, folder 1


Further subdivided into publications and ephemera.

Scope and Content Note

Contains miscellaneous printed matter on the PCL, and baseball in general, including a few booklets, yearbooks, and an article. Also contains ephemera, including a complimentary pass to the 1915 PCL season, and Southern Pacific Railroad breakfast and dinner menus for the PCL.
Box 18, Folder 121

How to Play Baseball the Professional Way , 1940

Box 18, Folder 122

John B. Old's Coast League Annual , 1947-1948

Box 18, Folder 123

Miscellaneous PCL ephemera, 1915-1955

OV Box 1, Folder 1

Miscellaneous PCL ephemera - oversize, 1945-1951, undated


Series 2:  Printed Materials, Scrapbooks, and Clippings, 1866, 1901-1998

Physical Description: Boxes 19-36


Divided into four subseries: 2.1: Schedules, Programs, and Score Books; 2.2: PCL Team Publications and Ephemera; 2.3: Scrapbooks; and 2.4: Newspaper and Magazine Clippings.

Scope and Content Note

Consists of printed material pertaining to teams and players within the PCL, including schedules, scorebooks and ephemera; some team files may include manuscript material. Also contains scrapbooks of clippings about the PCL and specific franchises, and newspaper and magazine clippings on players, teams, and the league as whole.

Subseries 2.1:  Schedules, Programs and Score Books, 1902-1981

Physical Description: Boxes 19-29


Further arranged into 2.1.1: Schedules and 2.1.2: Programs and Scorebooks, then arranged chronologically.

Scope and Content Note

Contains schedules, programs and scorebooks for games.

2.1.1:  Schedules

Box 19, Folder 124


OV Box 1, Folder 1



2.1.2:  Programs and Score Books

Box 19, Folder 125-141


Box 20, Folder 142-159


Box 21, Folder 160-166


Box 22, Folder 167-174


Box 23, Folder 175-183


Box 24, Folder 184-190


Box 25, Folder 191-196


Box 26, Folder 197-203


Box 27, Folder 204-210


Box 28, Folder 211-216


Box 29, Folder 217-223

1974-1978, 1980-1981

OV Box 1, Folder 12

Tacoma Tigers, 1980


Subseries 2.2:  Pacific Coast League Team Publications and Ephemera, 1866, 1903-1997

Physical Description: Boxes 30-34; Oversize Box 1, folders 2-12; MSP OV Box 4, items 7-8


Arranged alphabetically by city and franchise. Cities/franchises with a large number of documents are further divided by type.

Scope and Content Note

Consists of manuscript and ephemeral materials associated with specific cities or PCL franchises, with a heavy emphasis on cities/franchises through 1957. Oakland has the largest collection both in quantity and diversity. Also included with the San Francisco Seals materials is a file on Francis "Lefty" O'Doul.
Box 30, Folder 224

Albuquerque Dukes, 1978, undated

OV Box 1, Folder 2

Albuquerque Dukes, Dodgers, 1970-1974, 1981, undated

Box 30, Folder 225

Arkansas Travelers, 1964, undated

OV Box 1, Folder 3

Arkansas Travelers - oversize, 1965

Box 30, Folder 226

Dallas-Fort Worth Rangers, 1952, 1958, 1963

Box 30, Folder 227-228

Denver Bears, 1959-1969

Box 30, Folder 229

Edmonton Trappers, 1981

Box 30, Folder 230

Eugene Emeralds, undated

Box 30, Folder 231-232

Hawaii Islanders, 1961-1976, undated

OV Box 1, Folder 4

Hawaii Islanders - oversize, 1961

Box 30, Folder 233-236

Hollywood Stars, 1930, 1945-1957, undated

OV Box 1, Folder 5

Hollywood Stars - oversize, 1957

Box 30, Folder 237

Indianapolis Indians, 1964, undated

Box 30, Folder 238-246

Los Angeles Angels, 1917-1918, 1934-1957, undated

Box 31, Folder 247-257

Oakland Oaks, 1866, 1909-1977, 1992, undated

OV Box 1, Folder 6

Oakland Oaks - oversize, 1926-1928, 1946-1950, 1992, undated

Box 31, Folder 258-260

Oakland Association, 1915-1948, undated

Box 32, Folder 261

Oklahoma City 89ers, 1963-1969

Box 32, Folder 262-264

Phoenix Giants, 1956-1981, undated

Box 32, Folder 265-269

Portland Beavers, 1927-1970, undated

OV Box 1, Folder 7

Portland Beavers - oversize, 1936, 1964-1974

Oversize MSP OV Box 4, Item 8

Portland Beavers, Poster: Little Miss Sunbeam 1950 Presents 1950 PCL Schedule , [dated March 1951], 1950 or 1951

Box 32, Folder 270-273

Sacramento Solons, Cardinals, 1914, 1931-1974, 1997, undated

OV Box 1, Folder 8

Sacramento Solons - oversize, 1951

Box 32, Folder 274

Salt Lake City Bees, 1915, 1958-1971

Box 32, Folder 275

Salt Lake City Gulls, undated

Box 32, Folder 276-281

San Diego Padres, 1939-1967, 1984-1995, undated

OV Box 1, Folder 9

San Diego Padres - oversize, 1955, 1961-1968

Box 33, Folder 282

San Francisco Mission Reds, 1930, 1936

Box 33, Folder 283-293

San Francisco Seals, 1903-1957, 1971, undated

OV Box 1, Folder 10

San Francisco Seals - oversize, 1946-1955, undated

MSP OV Box 4, Item 7

San Francisco Seals, poster: "Follow the San Francisco Seals," with portraits and schedule, 1940

Box 33, Folder 294

O'Doul, Francis ("Lefty"), 1939-1951, 1992, 1997, undated

Box 34, Folder 295

San Jose Missions, 1978

Box 34, Folder 296

Seattle Indians, undated

Box 34, Folder 297-301

Seattle Rainiers, 1908-1909, 1934-1968, undated

OV Box 1, Folder 11

Seattle Rainiers - oversize, 1951, undated

Box 34, Folder 302-304

Spokane Indians, 1941, 1958-1970, undated

Box 34, Folder 305-308

Tacoma Giants, 1959-1965, undated

Box 34, Folder 309-310

Tacoma Cubs, 1966-1969

OV Box 1, Folder 12

Tacoma Cubs - oversize, 1970, 1980

Box 34, Folder 311

Tacoma Twins, 1972

Box 34, Folder 312

Tucson Toros, 1970-1971, undated

Box 34, Folder 313

Vancouver Mounties, 1956-1969, undated


Subseries 2.3:  Scrapbooks, 1912-1968

Physical Description: Volumes 1-34


Arranged hierarchically then chronologically, with PCL related scrapbooks first, then scrapbooks related to specific teams.

Scope and Content Note

Consists of scrapbooks, some created, most collected by Dick Dobbins, pertaining mainly to the PCL; some volumes focus on specific teams, such as the Los Angeles Angels and the Oakland Oaks.
Volume 1

Scrapbook, [1912]

Volume 2

San Francisco Teams and Players, 1918-1933

Volume 3

PCL, with some boxing, 1925-1932

Volume 4

Baseball, compiled by Virginia H. Kincaid, [1930]

Scope and Content Note

Contains autographs.
Volume 5

Mainly PCL, [1931-1933]

Volume 6

Baseball Scrap Book, PCL, [1931]

Volume 7

PCL, circa 1932-1934

Volume 8

PCL, [1939]

Volume 9

Major and minor leagues, 1939

Volume 10

Major League Baseball, 1939

Volume 11

P.C.L. Baseball for 1941, 1941

Volume 12-13


Volume 14


Volume 15


Volume 16


Volume 17

PCL and Angels, 1950s

Volume 18

PCL and East Bay, 1950s

Volume 19

PCL, 1950s

Volume 20

Clippings and correspondence, 1950s



Volume 21

Angels, 1932

Box 1, Folder 17

Loose scrapbook pages, circa 1932-1934

Volume 22


Volume 23-25

Volumes 1-3, 1942

Volume 26

Volume 1, 1944

Volume 27

Volume 3, 1946

Volume 28-32

Volumes 1-5, 1947

Volume 33

Oaks, 1948

Volume 34

Rainiers 1945, 1945-1968

Box 1, Folder 14

Miscellaneous scrapbook pages, undated


Subseries 2.4:  Newspaper and Magazine Clippings, 1901-1998

Physical Description: Box 35


Further arranged into Players, A-Z, arranged alphabetically by player name, and Clippings, arranged chronologically.

Scope and Content Note

Consists of newspaper clippings pertaining to individual players, teams, and the league as a whole. Includes the PCL section of The Sporting News and early issues of The Bulletin.

Players, A - Z

Box 35, Folder 314-319

1907-1978, 1998, undated

OV Box (MS Folio) 2, Folder 1

1917-1918, 1951-1958, 1994-1996, undated



OV Box (MS Folio) 2, Folder 3

circa 1919-1950

Box 35, Folder 320-356

circa 1919-1998, undated

OV Box (MS Folio) 2, Folder 4


OV Box (MS Folio) 2, Folder 2

The Bulletin, 1901-1903

Box 3-4

The Sporting News, 1957-1974


Series 3:  Dick Dobbins Personal Papers, Research Materials, Writings and Collections, 1903-1999

Physical Description: Boxes 36-45


Divided into five subseries: 3.1: Notebooks; 3.2: Articles and Publications; 3.3: Nuggets on the Diamond and The Grand Minor League; 3.4: Autographs and Player Portraits; 3.5: Miscellaneous Major League Baseball Manuscripts and Ephemera.

Scope and Content Note

Personal papers and writings of Dick Dobbins. Bulk consists of typecripts and research materials for his two books, Nuggets on the Diamond and Grand Minor League, and the audiocassette recordings of oral histories conducted by Dobbins with PCL players and staff. Also contains documents, autographs, and other materials collected by Dobbins related to Major League Baseball.

Subseries 3.1:  Notebooks, 1947-1957

Physical Description: Box 36


Arranged chronologically.

Scope and Content Note

Consists of notebooks containing research notes by Dobbins.
Box 36, Folder 357

Who Plays Where in the PCL of 1947; PCL 1948, 1949, 1947-1949

Box 36, Folder 358

PCL Baseball, 1950, 1952-1953

Box 36, Folder 359

PCL Players' Book 1954; PCL Book, 1955, 1954-1955

Box 36, Folder 360

PCL, 1956-1957


Subseries 3.2:  Articles and Publications, 1912-1998

Physical Description: Box 36; OV Box 1, folder 15


Arranged as received.

Scope and Content Note

Consists of articles and other published materials pertaining to baseball and players, and correspondence relating to Dobbins' collecting of PCL memorabilia.
Box 36, Folder 361

Articles and player profiles by Dick Dobbins, 1973, 1987, 1998, undated

Scope and Content Note

An Intimate Luncheon with Joe DiMaggio ; Billy Raimondi: An Oakland Baseball Tradition ; Baseball By the Bay: A Look at the San Francisco Seals and the Oakland Oaks ; What is a Zeenut? ; Renaissance Baseball, Lefty & Casey Collide ; Herm Pilette (Old Folks); Renaldo "Rugger" Ardizoia; Joe Bravia; Larry Jansen; Ferris Fain (Burrhead); Sam Chapman; Artie Wilson; Don Klein
Box 36, Folder 362

Publications, 1912, 1985

Scope and Content Note

A History of Baseball in the San Francisco Bay Area : San Francisco Giants Official 1985 Yearbook; typescript reference on sandlot baseball from San Francisco, A History of the Pacific Coast Metropolis , by John P. Young, 1912, p. 445
Box 36, Folder 363

Baseball Digest, 1947, 1958

Scope and Content Note

May 1947, Special PCL edition; April 1958, California edition.
Box 36, Folder 364

Dreyer's Weekly Averages, 1952

Scope and Content Note

Volume 1, Number 1, April 11 - May 9, 1952
Box 36, Folder 365

Publications, 1936, [1957], undated

Scope and Content Note

Baseball is Not a Business - and Why, by Earle W. Moss, [1957]; The Fundamentals of How to Play Baseball, The National Baseball School, 1936; Toast of the Town, Chapter 7 in: Lefty O'Doul: The Legend that Baseball Nearly Forgot, by Richard Leutzinger [draft]
Box 36, Folder 366

Miscellaneous articles, 1915, 1991-1998, undated

Scope and Content Note

The California Winter League, by R. Scott Mackey; Rube Levy: a San Francisco Shoe Cutter..., by Joel S. Franks; The 1919 Pacific Coast League Fixing Scandal, by Dr. Al Figone; Pitchers and Pitching, by Billy Evans
OV Box 1, Folder 15

Base Ball, 1845-1871, by Seymour R. Church (photocopy), 1902

Box 36, Folder 367

Miscellaneous clippings featuring Dick Dobbins, 1968, 1981, undated

Box 36, Folder 368-369

Correspondence, mainly pertaining to collecting PCL-related photographs and ephemera, circa 1950-1977


Subseries 3.3:  Nuggets on the Diamond and The Grand Minor League, 1903-1999

Physical Description: Boxes 37-43


Subdivided into 3.3.1: Nuggets on the Diamond ; 3.3.2: The Grand Minor League ; and 3.3.3: Oral Histories and Interviews .

Scope and Content Note

Includes typescripts for Dobbins' two books, Nuggets on the Diamond and The Grand Minor League . Also included here are research materials used by Dobbins, and the audiocassettes and transcripts of the oral histories and interviews conducted by Dobbins with players, coaches and others in the sport, portions of which were published in The Grand Minor League. Other audiocassette recordings include conferences and reunions of the PCL, and taped radio interviews and book promotions with Dobbins.

3.3.1: Nuggets on the Diamond, 1988-1999

Box 37, Folder 370-374

Corrected typescripts, 1993-1994, undated

Box 37, Folder 375

Correspondence, 1988-1998

Box 37, Folder 376

Publicity, 1994-1999


3.3.2:  The Grand Minor League, 1903-1998

Box 38, Folder 377-380

Research materials: PCL Records, 1903-1956

Box 38, Folder 381-384

Corrected typescripts, 1998 August 8, undated


3.3.3:  Oral Histories and Interviews, 1978-1998

Box 39, Folder 385-391

Transcripts of oral histories and notes, 1935-1998


PCL Players

Box 40, Cassette 1

Adams, Red (at his home), (1 of 3), transcribed, 1997 September 23

Box 40, Cassette 2

Adams, Red (Betty), (2 of 3), transcribed, 1997 September 23

Box 40, Cassette 3

Adams, Red (by phone) (3 of 3), transcribed, 1997 October 12

Box 42, Cassette 94

Anderson, Sparky, 1997 November 23

Box 40, Cassette 4

Archie, George, transcribed, 1997 November 17

Box 41, Cassette 60

Ardizoia, Rugger, 1993 April 1

Box 40, Cassette 5

Ardizoia, Rugger (Hollywood 1938), transcribed, 1996 August 22

Box 40, Cassettes 6-7

Babich, Johnny (Oaks coach), 1997 Jan. 30

Box 40, Cassette 8

Barath, Steve, 1993 April 6

Box 40, Cassettes 4, 9

Basinski, Eddie (by phone), transcribed, 1997 November 13

Box 40, Cassette 10

Baxes, Jim, 1993 December 13

Box 41, Cassette 65

Beasley, Bud, 1993 September 9

Box 40, Cassettes 11-12

Bongiovanni, Nino, 1993 January 13

Box 40, Cassette 13

Brewer, Jack, 1992 May 16

Box 41, Cassette 76

Broslio, Ernie, 1998 January 5

Box 40, Cassette 14

Cereghino, Ed (by phone), 1992 September 22

Box 40, Cassette 15

Chericoni, Lou (Bush Leagues, Oakland), 1991 March 13

Box 40, Cassette 20

Christianson, Toby, 1985 January

Box 40, Cassette 16

Christie, Claude (Seattle Rainiers 1951), transcribed, 1997 September 8

Box 40, Cassettes 17-18

Coscarart, Pete, transcribed, 1997 April 22, November 11

Box 40, Cassette 19

Criscola, Tony, transcribed, 1997 May 23

Box 40, Cassette 23

Crosetti, Frank, 1991 September 2

Box 40, Cassette 20

DeVivieros, Bernie, 1991 October 25

Box 40, Cassettes 21-22

Dempsey, Con, 1991 October 24

Box 40, Cassette 23

DiMaggio, Dominic, 1991 August 30

Box 40, Cassettes 24-25

Duezabou, Mel and Jackie, 1992 January 7

Box 40, Cassette 26

Erautt, Eddie (Vancouver 1954), transcribed, 1997 April 23

Box 40, Cassette 27

Fain, Ferris, transcribed, 1997 September 22

Box 40, Cassette 39

Ferrarese, Don, 1990 July 21

Box 40, Cassettes 28-29

Fleming, Bill, transcribed, 1997 July 7

Box 40, Cassette 30

Freese, George, transcribed, 1998 January 13

Box 40, Cassette 31

Freitas, Tony (interviewed by Zak Ford?), 1993 August

Box 40, Cassette 32

Gabrielson, Len (Lois), transcribed, 1997 October 23

Box 40, Cassette 33

Graham, Jack, transcribed, 1997 May 22

Box 40, Cassette 34

Gregory, Paul, transcribed, 1997 November 18

Box 40, Cassette 35

Grissom, Marv (1951 Seattle, 1948 Sacramento), transcribed, 1997 September 19

Box 40, Cassettes 36-39

Haas, Carl, 1990 September 20, 1991 March 26

Box 40, Cassette 40

Hafey, Tom (at D. McWilliams), 1992 October 18

Box 40, Cassette 8

Hafey, Will, 1993 April 6

Box 41, Cassette 41

Handley, Gene, transcribed, 1997 October 16

Box 41, Cassette 42

Harshman, Jack (by phone), transcribed, 1997 April 16

Box 41, Cassettes 43-44

Hayes, Damon, 1991 August 26

Box 41, Cassette 45

Hughes, Leo "Doc", 1991 December

Box 41, Cassette 46

Jacobs, Forrest "Spook" - La Sorda Fight, transcribed, 1997 March 30

Box 41, Cassette 47

Jansen, Larry, transcribed, 1991 July 19

Box 41, Cassette 71

Jensen, Bob (San Francisco Seals 1940s), undated

Box 41, Cassette 48

Jensen, John "Swede", transcribed, 1997 June 19

Box 41, Cassette 49

Jolley, Smead (Alameda), 1990 November 15

Box 41, Cassette 50

Joost, Eddie (Manager San Francisco Seals), 1990 September 22

Box 41, Cassette 51

Kelly, Helen (wife of George Kelly), 1991 June 3

Box 41, Cassette 52

Kerr, Frank, transcribed, 1997 April 23

Box 41, Cassettes 53-54

Kerrigan, Bob (San Diego Padres), transcribed, 1997 April 23

Box 41, Cassette 55

Kintana, Leo, 1991 July 12

Box 41, Cassette 72

Kittle, Barbara, 1997 November 3

Box 41, Cassette 81

Lake, Eddie, 1993 April 12

Box 41, Cassette 56

Liska, Ad, transcribed, 1995 September 19

Box 41, Cassette 57

Loane, Bobby (L.A. Angels 1934), transcribed, 1997 April 9

Box 41, Cassette 58

Lodigiani, Dario, 1991 September 17

Box 41, Cassette 59

Lyons, Hershel (Sacto Solons 1942), transcribed, 1997 August 22

Box 41, Cassette 60

Mailho, Emil, transcribed, 1993 April 2

Box 41, Cassette 61

Mandish, George "Bee", 1997 September 9

Box 41, Cassette 62

McDermott, George, 1991 September 5

Box 41, Cassettes 63-64

McDonald, George, transcribed, 1997 April 22

Box 41, Cassette 65

Munoz, Tom, 1993 September 9

Box 41, Cassette 10

Munoz, Tom, 1994 May 21

Box 41, Cassette 66

Neal, Lennie, transcribed, 1997 March 19

Box 41, Cassette 67

Peterson, Carl "Buddy", transcribed, 1997 September 22

Box 41, Cassette 68

Pillette, Duane, transcribed, 1997 November 4

Box 41, Cassette 69

Pintar, John (Sacramento Solons 1942-45), transcribed, 1997 September 16

Box 41, Cassette 13

Pocekey, Walt, 1992 May 16

Box 41, Cassettes 70-72

Raimondi, Bill and Fran, 1992 May 6

Box 41, Cassettes 73-74

Reed, Bob, undated

Box 42, Cassette 93

Renna, Bill (by phone), transcribed, 1997 November 5

Box 41, Cassettes 75-76

Restelli, Dino, transcribed, 1997 December 28-29

Box 41, Cassette 77

Rigney, Bill, transcribed, 1992 February 6

Box 41, Cassette 78

Ritchey, John and Lydia (first Black player in PCL, San Diego 1948), transcribed, 1997 April 21

Box 42, Cassette 87

Schroth, Bob (Recreation Park in San Francisco, "Old Reck"), 1991 January 13

Box 42, Cassette 79

Schuster, Marion (wife of Bill Schuster), 1997 November 3

Box 42, Cassette 80

Serrell, Barney (first Black player with San Francisco Seals early 1950s), 1995 December 2

Box 42, Cassette 81

Seward, Frank, 1993 March 17

Box 42, Cassette 82

Silvera, Charlie, transcribed, 1997 December 10

Box 42, Cassettes 83-84

Stevens, Chuck, transcribed, 1996 February 15

Box 42, Cassette 86

Stewart, Eddie (San Diego and Hollywood), transcribed, 1997 May 27

Box 42, Cassette 87

Suhr, Gus (San Francisco Seals 1930s), 1990 November 27

Box 42, Cassette 88

Usher, Bob, transcribed, 1998 January 15

Box 42, Cassette 89

Vanni, Edo (by phone), transcribed, 1997 November 18

Box 42, Cassette 90

Vezilich, Lon, transcribed, 1997 June 25

Box 42, Cassettes 91-93

Watkins, Bud, transcribed, 1997 September 23, undated

Box 42, Cassette 94

Werle, Bill, transcribed, 1997 December 10

Box 42, Cassette 95

Westlake, Jim, transcribed,

Box 42, Cassettes 96-97

Whalt, Bernie, transcribed, 1997 September 22 1996 July 17

Box 42, Cassette 98

Williams, Ted, 1998 January 15

Box 42, Cassette 99

Wilson, Artie, 1991 April 19

Box 40, Cassette 15

Woodling, Gene (San Francisco Seals 1946), 1991 August 28

Box 40, Cassette 14

Woodshow, Phil, 1992 October 2

Box 42, Cassette 16

Wright, Al (PCL infielder), 1998 January 14


Pacific Coast League Staff

Box 42, Cassettes 100-101

Andersen, John "Dutch" (bat boy Recreation Park), 1993 November 15

Box 42, Cassettes 102-103

Arieta, Bobby (Oakland Oaks bat boy 1933-1941), 1992 April 16

Box 42, Cassettes 104-106

Carlucci, Cece, (PCL Umpire, 1950s), partially transcribed, 1997 April 24, July 21

Box 42, Cassette 103

Chinn, Pete (Oakland Oaks trainer, 1940s), 1992 April

Box 42, Cassette 107

Grant, George (Hollywood Stars bat boy 1942-1948), transcribed, 1997 April 9

Box 42, Cassette 108

Johnson, Martin (Vancouver Mounties ball boy 1950s-1960s), transcribed, 1997 September 3

Box 42, Cassettes 109-110

Klein, Don (KSFO Radio Broadcaster for San Francisco Seals), 1992 February 5

Box 42, Cassette 111

Lassen, Leo (Broadcast of Seattle Rainiers vs. L.A. Angels), undated

Box 42, Cassette 112

Laws, Bill (KLX radio broadcaster for San Francisco Seals, and son of Oakland Oaks owner Brick Laws), transcribed, 1997 December 4

Box 42, Cassette 113 [verify]

Levin, Bob, 1992 March 3

Box 42, Cassette 114

Miller, Kay (wife of Damon Miller, owner San Francisco Seals in 1950s "The Little Corporation"), 1992

Box 42, Cassette 115

Robson, Jim (Mounties radio announcer), 1998 March

Box 42, Cassette 116

Rode, Don (San Francisco Seals bat boy in late 40s-early 50s), 1998 January 14

Box 42, Cassette 117

Silva, Niggy (baseball oldtimer in Bay Area; may not have played in PCL), 1981 August 30

Box 42, Cassettes 118-119

Stevens, Bob ( San Francisco Chronicle beat writer covering San Francisco Seals), 1992 March 3

Box 43, Cassettes 120-121

Symonds, Chuck (Oakland Oaks bat boy 1945-1953), 1993 May 23, November 14

Box 43, Cassette 122

Wallgren, Charlie (Bay Area baseball scout 1920s-1950s), 1990 November 30

Box 43, Cassettes 123-128

Weiss, Bill (PCL statistician for 50 years, discussing black ballplayers, scouting and PCL history), 1991 April 3-1992 November 5


PCL Reunions and Conferences

Box 43, Cassette 129

Major League Baseball Players Association: Salute to the PCL by F. Zupo, B. Murphy, 1996 February

Box 43, Cassette 130

Major League Baseball Players Association: Salute to the PCL by B. Murphy, D. Lodigiani, transcribed, 1997 March 1

Box 43, Cassette 131

PCL Reunion, Oakland Museum: D. Beverage, P. Zingg, 1993 March 30

Box 43, Cassette 132

Northern California PCL Historical Society, Oakland, California, transcribed, 1996 August 3

Scope and Content Note

Sacramento panel: D. Beverage, B. Watkins, D. Restelli; San Francisco panel: Beverage, Dempsey, Powell, Fain; Oaks panel: Dobbins, Lodigiani, Ferrarese, Murphy, Symonds
Box 43, Cassette 133

Northern California PCL Historical Society, Oakland, California, transcribed, 1996 August 3

Scope and Content Note

Sacramento Panel: Beverage, B. Watkins, Restelli
Box 43, Cassette 134

PCL Historical Society, Oakland, California, transcribed, 1997 August 16

Scope and Content Note

Christie, Beasley, B. Stevens, D. Klein
Box 43, Cassette 135

PCL Historical Society, Oakland, California, 1998 August 22

Scope and Content Note

Lodigianni, Murphy, Raimondi
Box 43, Cassette 136

PCL Reunion, Portland, Oregon, transcribed, 1995 August

Box 43, Cassette 137

PCL Historical Society [poor quality], 1991 April-May

Box 43, Cassette 138

PCL Historical Society Reunion, Los Angeles, and Carson, California, 1993 May 15

Scope and Content Note

Bill McCawley, Jack Graham
Box 43, Cassette 139

PCL Historical Society Reunion, Carson, California, transcribed, 1995 May 13

Box 43, Cassettes 140-141

PCL Historical Society Reunion, Carson, California, transcribed, 1996 May 18

Scope and Content Note

Cassette 140: Stevens, Rosenbaugh, Basinski, Carlucci panel; Cassette 141: 1956 Angels panel
Box 43, Cassette 142

PCL Historical Society Reunion, Carson, California, transcribed, 1997 May 16

Scope and Content Note

Charles "Tootie" Richardson, Chuck Stevens, Irv Kaze
Box 43, Cassette 143

PCL Historical Society Reunion, Carson, California, 1998 March 28

Scope and Content Note

Doug McWilliams interview, salute to PCL
Box 43, Cassette 144

PCL Historical Society Reunion, Carson, California, transcribed, 1998 March 30

Scope and Content Note

Panel: McWilliams, Ponce, Perez
Box 43, Cassette 145

San Francisco Seals Reunion, 1992 October 30

Scope and Content Note

Restelli, Klein, Lodigiani hosted by Don Solem
Box 43, Cassette 146

Society of American Baseball Research (SABR), 1996 October

Box 43, Cassette 147

SABR meeting at San Francisco State University, 1997 May 7

Scope and Content Note

Panel on Jackie Robinson 50th Anniversary of his start in MLB

Radio Interviews with Dick Dobbins: Book Promotions and About PCL

Box 43, Cassette 148

Book promotion: Cammy's Corner, 1994

Box 43, Cassette 149

Book promotion: David Fisher Sports Commentary on Nuggets on the Diamond, 1994 June 10

Box 43, Cassette 150

Book promotion: H. Caen, J. Spalding, 1994

Box 43, Cassette 151

Book promotion: KSFO, Dan Sorkin; side 2: Fog City Radio, Ben Fong-Torres, 1994 May 2, July 30

Box 43, Cassette 152

KCBS, Steve Baker, 1994 September 23

Box 43, Cassette 153

KFBK, 1994 June 10

Box 43, Cassette 154

KNBR, Sports Show, Greg Jordan, Marv Porter, Dick Dobbins; side 2, KGO, 1978 January 3, 1979 January 22

Box 43, Cassette 155

KNBR, 1979 January 22

Box 43, Cassette 156

KNBR, Ralph Barbieri, KGO, Duane Garrett, 1994 August 25, September 15

Box 43, Cassette 157

KPFA, baseball reading, 1995 April 12

Box 43, Cassette 158

KSFO, "Sports Talk," Ron Barr with Dwight Chapin, Michael O'Flynn, and Dick Dobbins, 1984 July 4

Box 43, Cassettes 159-160

KSFO, Evening Sports Magazine , Collectors, 1986 November 19


Subseries 3.4:  Autographs and Player Portraits, 1911-1988

Physical Description: Boxes 44-45; OV Box 1, folders 13 and 16; OV Box 2, folder 7


Further subdivided into Autographs and Player Portraits.

Scope and Content Note

Consists of a collection of player portraits, many clipped from newspapers and magazines by Dobbins, with the intention of having players autograph them. Also included are portraits of players painted by artist Carl Aldana, including a portrait of Dick Dobbins and Doug McWilliams with Lefty O'Doul, and various cartoons and drawings of players from both the PCL and Major League.


Box 44, Folder 392-395

Player autograph collection, 1911-1988, undated

OV Box 1, Folder 16

Autographed newspaper clippings, 1925-1938, 1950, 1977, undated


Player Portraits

Box 45, Folder 396

Player portraits by Carl Aldana, undated

MSP OV Box 2, Folder 7

Painting of Lefty O'Doul, Dick Dobbins, and Doug McWilliams by Carl Aldana, 2004 June 19

MSP OV Box 1, Folder 13

Player cartoons and drawings, 1936, 1997, undated


Subseries 3.5:  Miscellaneous Major League Baseball Manuscripts and Ephemera, 1908-1997

Physical Description: Box 45


Arranged hierarchically.

Scope and Content Note

Includes small collections of material such as correspondence between the New York Giants and San Francisco mayor George Christopher about moving the Giants to San Francisco; and PCL scouting reports of Joe Devine, scout for the New York Yankees.
Box 45, Folder 397-399

Joe Devine Correspondence and Scouting Reports, 1933-1941

Box 45, Folder 400

Jose Perez Correspondence and contracts, 1947-1953

Box 45, Folder 404

Major League Baseball clippings, 1909-1983, undated

Box 45, Folder 405

Non- and pre-PCL ephemera and miscellany, 1908-1968, undated


San Francisco Giants

Box 45, Folder 401

Correspondence pertaining to Giants' move to San Francisco, 1957-1958

Box 45, Folder 402

Walter Mails, Publicity Director correspondence, 1957-1958, undated

Box 45, Folder 403

Rosters, Ephemera, 1957-1969, 1997, undated


Series 4:  Photographs and Trading Cards, 1866-1987

Physical Description: MSP Boxes 1-17; Albums 1-18; MSP OV Boxes 1-5


Further divided into two subseries: 2.1: Photographs; and 2.2: PCL Trading Card and Photograph Albums.

Scope and Content Note

Contains photographs, images, and trading cards pertaining to the PCL collected by Dick Dobbins. Includes a small amount of material on pre-PCL, non-PCL, and Major League baseball.

Subseries 4.1:  Photographs, 1866-1987

Physical Description: MSP Boxes 1-17; MSP OV Boxes 1-4


Arranged alphabetically by franchise city, with the following exceptions: photographs pertaining to the PCL in general, Major League Baseball, other images related to baseball, but not directly related to the PCL, and unidentified photos. Players with separate files are Francis "Lefty" O'Doul and the three DiMaggio brothers (Joseph, Dominic, and Vincent); their folders are located with the San Francisco Seals materials.

Scope and Content Note

Contains photographs and other images of players, teams and team personnel, stadiums, and baseball events.

4.1.1:  Pacific Coast League

MSP Box 1, Folder 1

General, 1919, undated

MSP Box 1, Folder 2

Owners/Executives, 1914, 1939, 1949, 1958, undated

MSP Box 1, Folder 3

Managers (Groups), 1967-1968

MSP Box 1, Folder 4

Umpires, 1938, 1954, undated

MSP Box 1, Folder 5

All-Star Teams and Old-Timer Teams, circa 1930, 1937, 1942, 1947, 1976, undated


4.1.2:  Pacific Coast League Teams



MSP Box 1, Folder 6

circa 1970s-1980s

MSP OV Box 2, Folder 1

Oversize, circa 1972-1974

MSP Box 1, Folder 7

Dallas-Ft. Worth, 1963-1964

MSP Box 1, Folder 8

Denver, 1963-1973

MSP Box 1, Folder 9

Eugene, 1969-1986



MSP Box 1, Folder 10-12

circa 1960s-1980s

MSP OV Box 2, Folder 1

Oversize, circa 1972-1974

MSP  Box 1, Folder 13

Stadiums - Aloha, Rainbow stadiums, 1976, 1986



MSP Box 2, Folder 14-18


MSP OV Box 2, Folder 2

Oversize, 1940s-1950s

MSP Box 2, Folder 19

Stadiums - Gilmore Field, circa 1976-1987

MSP Box 2, Folder 20

Miscellaneous, 1947, 1953, undated

MSP Box 2, Folder 21

Indianapolis, circa 1960s-1970s

MSP Box 2, Folder 22

Iowa, 1971-1976


Los Angeles

MSP Box 2, Folder 23-24


MSP Box 3, Folder 25-28


MSP OV Box 2, Folder 4

Oversize, 1934-1941

MSP Box 3, Folder 29

Stadiums - Wrigley Field, 1925-1949, undated

MSP Box 3, Folder 30

Memphis, circa 1972-1973

MSP Box 3, Folder 31

Oklahoma City, 1962-1973



MSP Box 4, Folder 32-33


MSP OV Box 4, Item 10

Team photo, circa 1919-1920

MSP Box 4, Folder 34-41


MSP Box 5, Folder 42-46


MSP OV Box 1, Folder 4

Oversize, 1909-1951

MSP Box 5, Folder 47

Stadiums - Oakland Oaks Ballpark, circa 1912, 1927, circa 1930s, 1943-1948, undated

MSP OV Box 4, Item 12

Stadiums - Oakland Oaks Ballpark - oversize, circa 1942

MSP Box 5, Folder 48-49

Miscellaneous, 1892-1968, undated

MSP Box 5, Folder 50

Ogden, 1979

MSP Box 5, Folder 51

Omaha, 1973



MSP Box 6, Folder 52-54

circa 1958-1980s

MSP OV Box 2, Folder 1-2

Oversize, circa 1972-1977



MSP Box 6, Folder 55-61


MSP OV Box 2, Folder 2

Oversize, 1914

MSP Box 7, Folder 62-69


MSP OV Box 2, Folder 2

Oversize, 1942

MSP Box 8, Folder 70-74


MSP Box 8, Folder 75

Stadiums - Portland Municipal Stadium, 1945-1948, 1951, 1968, undated

MSP Box 8, Folder 76

Miscellaneous, 1949, undated



MSP  Box 8, Folder 77-80


MSP OV Box 2, Folder 1

Oversize, circa 1910-1915

MSP Box 9, Folder 81-83


MSP OV Box 2, Folder 1

Oversize, 1949, circa 1972-1974

MSP Box 9, Folder 84

Sacramento - Stadiums - Edmunds Field, Hughes Stadium, Sacramento Stadium, 1949-1964, 1976, undated


Salt Lake City

MSP Box 9, Folder 85-87

1916-1926, circa 1958-1980s

MSP MSP OV Box 2, Folder 1

Oversize, circa 1972-1974


San Diego

MSP Box 9, Folder 88-90


MSP Box 10, Folder 91-96


MSP Box 10, Folder 97

Stadiums - Lane Field, 1935-1937, 1956, 1958, undated

Oversize MSP OV Box 2, Folder 6

Oversize, 1938

Oversize Box 10, Folder 98

Stadiums - Westgate Park, 1958, undated


San Francisco - Missions

MSP Box 10, Folder 99-100


MSP Box 11, Folder 101-106


MSP OV Box 1, Folder 3

Oversize, circa 1920s


San Francisco - Seals

MSP Box 11, Folder 107-111


MSP Box 12, Folder 112-113

circa 1921-1930

MSP OV Box 4, Item 3

Opening day of baseball season, Seals vs. Oaks, 1912

MSP OV Box 1, Folder 2

circa 1914-1950s

MSP OV Box 4, Item 4a-4b

Jimmy O'Connell being presented with gold watch, 1922

MSP Box 12, Folder 114-121


MSP Box 13, Folder 122


MSP Box 13, Folder 123

DiMaggio, Joe, 1933-1937, undated

MSP OV Box 1, Folder 1

DiMaggio, Joe - oversize, circa 1934-1935, undated

MSP Box 13, Folder 124

DiMaggio, Dominic and Vince, 1937-1938, undated

MSP Box 13, Folder 125-126

O'Doul, Frank ("Lefty"), 1926-1951, undated

MSP OV Box 1, Folder 1

O'Doul, Frank ("Lefty") - oversize, 1951, undated



MSP Box 13, Folder 127

Ewing Field, 1914, undated

MSP Box 13, Folder 128

Haight St. Grounds, 1887

MSP Box 13, Folder 129

Recreation Park, 1887-1927, undated

MSP OV Box 4, Item 5, Item 9

Recreation Park - oversize, circa 1903-1920

MSP Box 13, Folder 130

Seals Stadium, 1945-1959, undated

MSP OV Box 4, Item 1a-1b, 2, 6

Seals Stadium - oversize, circa 1942, circa 1953, undated

MSP Box 13, Folder 131

Unidentified, undated

MSP Box 13, Folder 132

Miscellaneous, 1954, undated



MSP Box 13, Folder 133

International Coast League, 1918

MSP Box 13, Folder 134-137


MSP OV Box 2, Folder 2

Oversize, 1951

MSP Box 14, Folder 138-144


MSP Box 14, Folder 145

Stadiums - Sick's Stadium, 1941-1947, undated

MSP Box 15

Popcorn cards, 1955-1956, 1958-1962



MSP  Box 14, Folder 146


MSP Box 16, Folder 147-149


MSP OV Box 2, Folder 1

Oversize, circa 1972-1974



MSP Box 16, Folder 150-151

circa 1900s-1980s

MSP OV Box 2, Folder 1

Oversize, 1972-1974

MSP Box 16, Folder 152

Tucson, circa 1970s

MSP Box 16, Folder 153

Tulsa, circa 1960s-1970s



MSP Box 16, Folder 154-156

circa 1957-1980s

MSP Box 17, Folder 157

circa 1957-1980s

MSP Box 17, Folder 158

Venice, 1914

MSP Box 17, Folder 159-163

Vernon, 1916-1925

MSP Box 17, Folder 164

Unidentified players/teams, undated

MSP Box 17, Folder 165

Unidentified stadiums, undated

MSP Box 17, Folder 166

PCL, miscellaneous, undated


4.4.3:  Pacific Coast League Players, Miscellaneous

MSP OV Box 2, Folder 3

Harry Krause Day; Chuck Dressen, Harry Davis, Red Adams, Billy Raimondi, George Kelly, Charlie Gassaway, and Cookie Lavagetto in hotel lobby, Glendale, 1949; Charlie Root, Reed Hadley (Red Ryder), and Robert Blake (Little Beaver), 1940s, 1927, 1940s

MSP OV Box 3, Folder 1

Bassler, John, undated

MSP OV Box 3, Folder 2

Dillon, Frank, undated

MSP OV Box 3, Folder 3

Easterly, Ted, undated

MSP OV Box 3, Folder 4

Fausett, Robert "Buck", undated

MSP OV Box 3, Folder 5

Graham, Charles, undated

MSP OV Box 3, Folder 6

Hogan, Hap, undated

MSP OV Box 3, Folder 7

Killefer, Wade, undated

MSP OV Box 3, Folder 8

Lupien, Tony, undated

MSP OV Box 3, Folder 9

Maggert, Harl, undated

MSP OV Box 3, Folder 10

Mulligan, Eddie, undated

MSP OV Box 3, Folder 11

Olsen, Barney, undated

MSP OV Box 3, Folder 12

Vit, Oscar, undated

MSP Box 17, Folder 167

Pre-PCL, 1866, 1897, 1926, undated

MSP OV Box 2, Folder 5

Pre-PCL - San Francisco Baseball Club, 1875


Non-PCL Teams

MSP Box 17, Folder 168

Evansville, circa 1970-1973

MSP Box 17, Folder 169

Wichita, circa 1973

MSP Box 17, Folder 170

Portrait of Dick Dobbins in San Francisco Seals uniform, undated

MSP Box 17, Folder 171

Major League Baseball, 1921, 1957, 1961, 1972-1973, undated

MSP Box 17, Folder 172

Ruth, George Herman ("Babe"), undated


Subseries 4.2:  Trading Card and Photograph Albums, 1902-1961

Physical Description: Albums 1-18; MSP OV Box 5


Arranged chronologically.

Scope and Content Note

Albums contain baseball trading cards and player and team photographs and other images compiled by Dick Dobbins. Includes Zeenut, Obaks (Old English Backs), and other commercial brand baseball cards, circa 1911-1938.

Trading cards

Album 1

Trading cards, with some photos and drawings, 1902-1913

Scope and Content Note

Including: 1908, cards with drawings of PCL players; 1909-1910, Obaks (Old English Backs); 1910-1911, Bishops; 1911, Sporting Life; 1911, Pacific Coast Biscuit; 1911-1913, Zeenut; 1912, Home Run Kisses; 1913, Oakland Club Issue
Album 2

Zeenut trading cards, 1913-1924

Album 3

Trading cards, 1924; Walter Mails Card Game 1924-1938; Zeenut, 1924-1938


Photograph Albums

Album 4

circa 1936-1941

Album 5


Album 6


Album 7


Album 8


Album 9


Album 10


Album 11


Album 12


Album 13


Album 14


Album 15


MSP OV Box 5, Album 16

Oakland; Major League Baseball, 1930-1933

MSP OV Box 5, Album 17

Various PCL teams, circa 1930-1933

MSP OV Box 5, Album 18

Seattle, undated