Guide to the the Richard W. Lyman, President of Stanford University, Papers SC0215

compiled by Stanford University Archives staff
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March 2011
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Contributing Institution: Department of Special Collections and University Archives
Title: Richard W. Lyman, President of Stanford University, Papers
Identifier/Call Number: SC0215
Physical Description: 386.5 Linear Feet
Date (inclusive): 1965-1981
Summary: This collection consists of records from Richard W. Lyman's term as President of Stanford University (1970-1980), along with the records of the Provost. Some of the records were generated by the previous administration of Kenneth Pitzer.
Language of Material: English .

Information about Access

Files on student judicial cases and donor files are restricted. The collection is otherwise open for research; materials must be requested at least 48 hours in advance of intended use.

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All requests to reproduce, publish, quote from, or otherwise use collection materials must be submitted in writing to the Head of Special Collections and University Archives, Stanford University Libraries, Stanford, California 94304-6064. Consent is given on behalf of Special Collections as the owner of the physical items and is not intended to include or imply permission from the copyright owner. Such permission must be obtained from the copyright owner, heir(s) or assigns. See:
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Cite As

[Identification of item], Richard W. Lyman Papers (SC0215). Department of Special Collections and University Archives, Stanford University Libraries, Stanford, Calif.

Biographical/Historical Sketch

Lyman was born in Philadelphia in 1923 and raised in New Haven, Conn. His father, a chemist who lost his job during the recession that followed World War I, became an attorney. His mother taught French.
His exposure to the world began with a summer visit to Belgium to visit his maternal grandmother. Later, in 1939 at the outbreak of WWII, he returned with his mother in an unsuccessful attempt to get permission for his stateless grandmother to leave Brussels.
In 1940, Lyman entered Swarthmore College, a Quaker college near Philadelphia. He was drafted in 1943 and served in the Army Air Forces Weather Service for three years – a formative experience, by his account.. He returned to Swarthmore in 1946, and one day – as he loved to tell the story – noticed a "gorgeous creature asleep in the Friends Library." It was Elizabeth "Jing" Schauffler, the sister of a classmate.
The couple married in 1947 in a ceremony on Great Spruce Head Island in Penobscot Bay, Maine, the summer after they graduated. That same year, Lyman began his graduate studies in history at Harvard University.
In 1951 and 1952, Lyman was a Fulbright Fellow at the London School of Economics. He spent two summers writing for The Economist, a newsweekly based in London, and for a time thought he might become a journalist. But when the editor asked Lyman to become its permanent Washington correspondent, Lyman, who was teaching history at Swarthmore and writing his dissertation, declined.
"By that time I was very near achieving the PhD, and I thought I had invested too much in an academic career to give it up, so I became a historian," he said.
Lyman taught history at Washington University in St. Louis from 1954 to 1958.
He arrived at Stanford in 1958, a year after his Harvard dissertation was published as a book, The First Labour Government, 1924. Lyman said one of the things that attracted him to Stanford was the British Labour Party history collection at the Hoover Institution – which he described as the "best one outside Britain."
At the time, Lyman and his wife had four children – two girls and two boys – ranging in age from 1 to 8 years old.
"I first knew him as a teacher," said David Kennedy, an emeritus professor of history. "He was a really great teacher; he was exceptionally rigorous, but he was also very supportive."
"Even his 8:00 a.m. lectures received high evaluations from students," said Lyman's son, Timothy.
Lyman, who was promoted to full professor in 1962, began his rise through the administrative ranks in 1964, when he became associate dean of the School of Humanities and Sciences, a position he held for three years.
It was an era of great social change across the country, marked by the battles for civil rights and against the Vietnam War.
In 1965, Lyman agreed to chair a campus "teach-in" on the Vietnam War at Stanford – as long as the panel included speakers for and against the war.
"Still I got blasted by the Winds of Freedom Foundation, a self-appointed bunch of right-wing guardians of Stanford's virtue, which believed it very sinful that I would even get within earshot of Vietnam objections," Lyman recalled in a 2004 interview in Sandstone & Tile, the quarterly journal of the Stanford Historical Society.
Lyman, who served as president from 1970 to 1980, held many posts during the 25 years he spent at Stanford: history professor, associate dean of the School of Humanities and Sciences, provost, president, and founder and director of the center now known as the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies.
In 1972, Lyman launched the $300 million Campaign for Stanford, then the largest fundraising campaign in the history of higher education. The successful five-year drive raised money for the endowment, buildings, endowed chairs and financial aid.
"Dick Lyman was a man of great strength, integrity, common sense and good humor," said Stanford President John Hennessy. "It was a privilege to know him, and I am deeply saddened by his death. His impact on Stanford was profound. He guided the university through some of the most turbulent years in its history, and under his leadership, Stanford not only survived, it flourished.
"He had an unswerving belief in academic freedom and universities, and he inspired that commitment in others. We are very fortunate – and certainly the better – for having known him and for having his courageous, committed leadership and service to Stanford."
Lyman's Stanford legacy was largely shaped by his three years as provost and the early years of his presidency, a time he recounted in Stanford in Turmoil: Campus Unrest, 1966-1972, which was published by Stanford University Press in 2009.
During those years, students demonstrated for racial equality and against military research, CIA recruiting and ROTC training on campus.
"Whether I got it published or not, I wanted my version of what happened in those years on record, so that anybody writing the history of Stanford would have to stumble over what I had to say about it," Lyman told Stanford Report in 2009.
The 200-page memoir gave a behind-the-scenes look at several watershed university decisions: to ban classified research on campus; to increase the admission of black students and to hire more black faculty; to summon police to quell violent anti-war protests; and to fire a tenured professor for allegedly inciting students to disobey a police order during a 1971 anti-war protest.
Stanford magazine published an excerpt from the book under the title "At the Hands of the Radicals" in its January/February 2009 issue.
Lyman opposed the Vietnam War – he sent a personal telegram to President Richard Nixon deploring the U.S. invasion of Cambodia in 1970 – and was an ardent advocate of free speech. But he was unwavering in his opposition to violent protests and the sit-ins – which he disparaged as coercive acts – that disrupted campus life.
During the three years he was provost, from 1967 to 1970, Lyman grew increasingly frustrated with what he viewed as Stanford's tolerant, even sympathetic approach to students involved in anti-war protests.
In 1969, hundreds of students occupied the Applied Electronics Laboratory for nine days in a peaceful protest over classified and war-related research on campus.
Weeks after that sit-in ended, students broke into Encina Hall – the main administration building – and began breaking windows, rifling through desks and file cabinets and seizing files. Lyman persuaded Stanford President Kenneth Pitzer to summon riot police. It was the first time Stanford called police to campus.
"One of the reasons why we called the police to Encina was because it came so soon after the protest at the Applied Electronics Laboratory, and it was clear there was just not going to be any peace as long as we had to tolerate these sit-ins," he said.
When Lyman became president in 1970, he instituted a policy that student protesters would not be allowed to occupy a building overnight.
"We have to preserve order, because if we do not, someone else who does not understand the delicate fabric of the university will come in and do it," Lyman told Time magazine after he took the helm at 46 as Stanford's seventh president.
Donald Kennedy, who joined Stanford's faculty in 1960, served as provost under Lyman from 1979 to 1980, and succeeded him as president from 1980 to 1992.
"After a time as provost, during which he performed superbly, Dick undertook the presidency just when peace and civility were both among the missing here," said Kennedy, who is the Bing Professor of Environmental Science, Emeritus.
"He did bring us peace, and he also employed candor and occasional bluntness to build a more civil community. Those of us who served him grew soon to respect his values and then to share them, as we watched him accomplish an extraordinary 10-year feat of gradual, steady institutional resurrection."
After Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in 1968, Stanford organized a memorial colloquium on white racism in Memorial Auditorium.
While Provost Lyman was speaking, 60 members of the university's Black Student Union quietly took over the stage. One student read a list of demands, including calls to increase the number of minority students and minority faculty.
When they finished reading their demands, they walked out of the auditorium to a standing ovation. Lyman resumed his speech. Before the week ended, Lyman wrote in Stanford in Turmoil, the administration had met most of the demands in spirit, if not in exact detail.
He said the negotiations gave him a sense of "exhilaration."
"We were doing our best to set an institution, for which we cared deeply, on the road toward diversity after many decades of injustice and exclusion," he told Stanford magazine in 1995, in an article titled "Years of Hope, Days of Rage: Twenty-Five Years Later."
Lyman earned praise for the way he handled that situation from one of the protesters, Leo Bazile, '71, the former president of the Stanford Black Student Union.
"Lyman was very instrumental in opening doors so we could go back with some kind of victory," Bazile told Stanford magazine. "We were not there to make war on the university. We were there to extract for our constituency the best agreement so they could get the education they needed. Dick Lyman never treated us like kids."
In a 2009 interview, Lyman told Stanford Report that the hostility toward him on campus back then was intense.
"Unless you've tried to speak to a crowd of several hundred people, all of whom hate your guts, you can't realize how difficult it is," he said. "In some way everyone's articulateness is decreased by that kind of circumstance."
Instead, Lyman held court on KZSU, the campus radio station.
"Any Stanford student journalist – from the radical papers as well as the Stanford Daily – and the Stanford News Service person would be able to come and ask any question they wanted and I'd answer," he said. "That made it impossible for the radicals to say: 'We can't find out what he thinks. We can't find out why he did what he did.' They were reduced to saying: 'He's afraid to face us.' Which was true. I didn't want to face a crowd of 500 if I could talk over the radio to a dozen reporters in my physical presence. It was much more constructive for me."
In 1972, Lyman recommended abandoning the "Indian," Stanford's mascot, following talks with Native American students and staff who called the image demeaning and degrading. The student senate concurred. Some alumni were so incensed by the decision that they withheld financial contributions in protest.
Reflecting on that decision in 1995 in Stanford magazine, Lyman said:
"The picture the angry alumni had was that the Indian students put unbearable pressure on us. The Indian students were a couple dozen very shy people who certainly felt strongly about the issue but were about as un-intimidating as any group of people could possibly be. No, I just decided they were right about it."
In 2002, the Stanford Powwow commemorated the 30th anniversary of the decision.
"I'm very pleased that someone thinks well of that decision," Lyman told Stanford Report. "I've gotten so much flak over the years for it."
Stanford, which no longer has a mascot, is known by its nickname, "the Cardinal," a reference to one of its two official colors, red and white.
In the 2009 Stanford Report interview at his home in Palo Alto, Lyman, who described himself as a lifelong feminist, said he was proud of the gains women achieved during his tenure as provost and president.
"Instead of resisting things like Title IX, we encouraged them," he said, referring to the landmark federal legislation that banned sex discrimination in schools.
"I supported the Center for Research on Women," he added. The research center is now known as the Michelle R. Clayman Institute for Gender Research at Stanford
Reminded that Stanford had opened its first coed dormitory on the Farm while he was provost, Lyman said the university was already housing male and female students in the same dorm in Florence, Italy, at an overseas studies campus. "If we can have a coed dorm in Florence, Italy, why not in Florence Moore," he quipped in 2009, referring to a residence hall at Stanford.
In 1976, Lyman came under fire for not intervening after students invited black activist Angela Davis to speak on campus. Lyman, who wrote his own speeches, memos and letters, responded in a letter to one irate donor:
"The reason I am unwilling, despite the anger and unhappiness of many, and threats of financial retaliation from some, to attempt to intervene in this matter is that I have an absolute duty to respect and do whatever I can to protect the right of free speech, and the willingness to listen to unpopular or even dangerous ideas, which lie at the core of any good university's being," Lyman wrote.
"But a great university is a tough, long-lived institution, and Stanford will long survive you and me and our opinions and prejudice, our achievements and our mistakes. I hope you will reconsider the drastic step of breaking your ties with this institution, for you and I at least share one thing: We are both of us devoted to Stanford."
In Stanford in Turmoil, Lyman wrote that the university continued its "meteoric rise to prominence and increase in reputation and selectivity" despite the turmoil of the late 1960s and early 1970s. Stanford, a regional university in the 1950s, was a "nationally and internationally prestigious university by the time the 70s were over," he wrote.
Lyman left the university in 1980 to become president of the Rockefeller Foundation in New York City – a post he held for eight years.
During Lyman's tenure, the foundation launched programs on a variety of topics, including genetic plant engineering; biomedical research in Africa, Asia and Latin America; fellowships for independent film, video and multimedia artists in the United States; fighting persistent poverty in American cities; and using science and technology to improve living standards in developing countries.
In 2002, the National Humanities Center, an independent institute for advanced study in the humanities, established the Richard W. Lyman Award, with a $500,000 grant from the Rockefeller Foundation. The award was given to five people from 2002 to 2006. It recognized scholars who had advanced humanistic scholarship through the innovative use of information technology.
Lyman served on the National Council on the Humanities from 1976 to 1982, including two years as vice chairman. (The council is composed of 26 people appointed by the president and confirmed by the U.S. Senate. They advise the chairman of the National Endowment for the Humanities, an independent federal agency that is one of the nation's largest funders of humanities programs.)
Lyman returned to Stanford in 1988 to develop a forum for interdisciplinary research on key international issues and challenges – now known as the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies.
Lyman served as director of the center until he retired in 1991.
Said Stanford President Emeritus Gerhard Casper: "Lyman prevented the collapse of Stanford and stood up for the values and seriousness of a great university. Though he was too modest to accept that characterization, I believe that Dick saved Stanford. His contribution was essential not only for Stanford but for the morale of American higher education more generally."
In addition to his wife, Jing, who lives in Palo Alto, Lyman is survived by daughters Jennifer P. Lyman of Washington, D.C., and the Rev. Holly Antolini of Cambridge, Mass.; sons Christopher of Searsmont, Maine, and Timothy of Hartford, Conn.; and four grandchildren.

Description of the Collection

The collection consists of records from Lyman's term as President of Stanford University, along with the records of the Provost. Some of the records were generated by the previous administration of Kenneth Pitzer.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Universities and colleges -- Administration.


Series 1. Papers Series 1


Box 1, folder 1

Admissions (Annual Reports-Hold) 1965-68

Box 1, folder 2

Student Faculty Sub-committee on Admissions (Sherman Report) 1967

Box 1, folder 3

Business Office and Business Affairs 1970-71

Box 1, folder 4

Business Office Minutes 1970-71

Box 1, folder 5

Project Planning and Business Office Meeting Minutes 1970-71

Box 1, folder 6

Chemistry 1966-69

Box 1, folder 7

Classics 1966-68-69

Box 1, folder 8

Computation Center 1964-69

Box 1, folder 9

Computation Center-Search for Director 1968

Box 1, folder 10

Computer Science 1968-71

Box 1, folder 11

Controller 1968-71

Box 1, folder 12

Controller - Contract Officer 1966

Box 1, folder 13

Controller - Machine Records 1970-71

Box 1, folder 14

Counseling and Testing 1965-69

Box 1, folder 14

Dean of Students, Search for, 1969

Box 1, folder 14

Assistant Dean of Students, Search for, 1969

Box 1, folder 15

Dean of Students 1968-71

Box 1, folder 16

Drama Dept 1968-70

Box 1, folder 17

Earth Sciences 1968-71

Box 1, folder 18

Earth Sciences Visiting Committee 1965-70

Box 1, folder 19

Economics 1966-71

Box 1, folder 20

Education 1969-70

Box 1, folder 20

Education, Dean of, Search for, [retrieved by President's Office 5/01/79] 1970

Box 1, folder 21

Education, School of - Stanford International Development Education Center (SIDEC) 1966-68

Box 1, folder 22

Education - Visiting Committee 1967-70

Box 1, folder 23

Student Center for Innovation in Research and Education, Proposal for (SCIRE) 1969-71

Box 1, folder 24

Engineering, School of, 1968-71

Box 1, folder 25

[Engineering] - Conference on the future of Industrial Engineering at Stanford 1969-70

Box 1, folder 26

[Engineering] - Civil Engineering Faculty Meeting Minutes 1968-70

Box 1, folder 27

Engineering, Electrical

Box 1, folder 28

Engineering - Dual Degree Program 1952-57

Box 1, folder 29

English 1966-71

Box 1, folder 30

Financial Aids 1963-71

Box 1, folder 31

Fire Department 1970-71

Box 1, folder 32

Food Research Institute 1969-70

Box 1, folder 32

Director of Food Research Institute, Search for, [retrieved by President's Office 5/01/79] 1969

Box 1, folder 33

Food Services 1968-71

Box 1, folder 34

Foreign Visitors Office 1970-71

Box 1, folder 35

Health Service 1969

Box 1, folder 36

Health Service 1969-70

Box 1, folder 37

Health Service Contract and Palo Alto Clinic Contract 1949-62

Box 1, folder 38

[Hoover Institutions], Consortium of Western University and Colleges (Utilization of Hoover Institution resources), Ford Foundation proposal

Box 1, folder 39

Hoover Institution 1969

Box 1, folder 40

Hoover Institution (controversy) 1967-68

Box 1, folder 41

Humanities (Special Programs); Religion at Stanford 1967-70

Box 1, folder 42

Humanities and Sciences, Search Committee for, Dean of,

Box 1, folder 42

Humanities and Sciences, Search Committee for, Associate Dean [retrieved by President's Office 5/01/79] 1970

Box 1, folder 43

Law School 1968-70

Box 1, folder 44

Law School Goals 1962-70

Box 1, folder 45

Law School, Visiting Committee 1969-70

Box 1, folder 46

Libraries 1968-71

Box 2, folder 1

Director of Libraries, Search Committee, [retrieved by President's Office 5/01/79] 1961

Box 2, folder 1

Medicine 1968-71

Box 2, folder 2

Medical School, Board of Visitors, 1969-70

Box 2, folder 3

Memorial Church 1968-70

Box 2, folder 4

[Memorial Church] Dr. Wayne R. Rood, Acting Dean of Chapel for six months beginning January 1, 1970

Box 2, folder 5

Music Dept 1967-69

Box 2, folder 6

[Music] Band,(contains Tim Williams file) 1966-70

Box 2, folder 7

Naval Science 1966-70

Box 2, folder 8


Box 2, folder 9

News Service 1968-70

Box 2, folder 10

Nursing, School of 1966-70

Box 2, folder 11

Overseas Campus Program/Policies 1962-71

Box 2, folder 12

[Overseas Campus Program], Stanford in Austria 1969-70

Box 2, folder 13

[Overseas Campus Program], Stanford in Britain 1969-71

Box 2, folder 14

[Overseas Campus Program], Stanford in France 1969-70

Box 2, folder 15

[Overseas Campus Program], Stanford in Germany 1961-62

Box 2, folder 16

[Overseas Campus Program], Spanish Language Program in Madrid 1967-68

Box 2, folder 17

[Overseas Campus Program], Stanford in Warsaw 1962-65

Box 2, folder 18

[Overseas Campus Program], Summer seminar in American studies in Yugoslavia (proposed) 1965

Box 2, folder 19

Personnel and Employee relations 1969-71

Box 2, folder 20

Physical Education and Athletics 1968-70

Box 2, folder 21

[Physical Education and Athletics], Faculty Athletic Representative 1967-69

Box 2, folder 22

[Physical Education and Athletics], Financial Aid- Athletes 1965-68

Box 2, folder 23

[Physical Education and Athletics], Football 1969

Box 2, folder 24

[Physical Education and Athletics], Big Game (Here) 1969

Box 2, folder 25

[Physical Education and Athletics], Working Paper-- Discrimination in Athletics, Brigham Young Univ 1967-70

Box 2, folder 25

BYU News articles/ Report of events

Box 2, folder 26

[Physical Education and Athletics], Athletic Board 1968-69

Box 2, folder 27

[Physical Education and Athletics], Yell Leaders (Clippings, etc.)

Box 2, folder 28

[Physical Education and Athletics], President's Courtesy List 1968-70

Box 2, folder 29

[Physical Education and Athletics], Club Team Programs Physica1 Education Dept 1966-70

Box 2, folder 30

Physiology 1967

Box 2, folder 31

Placement Services 1967-70

Box 2, folder 32

Planning 1968-70

Box 2, folder 33

Police Department 1968-70

Box 2, folder 34

Political Science 1968-70

Box 2, folder 35

President's Office 1968-70

Box 2, folder 35

President, Committee to Select, [retrieved by President's Office 5/01/79] 1969

Box 2, folder 35

President, Legal Advisor to - Search for, [retrieved by President's Office 5/01/79] 1969

Box 2, folder 36

Press 1968-70

Box 2, folder 37

Provost's Office (Staff meeting minutes) 1968-70

Box 2, folder 38

[Provost's Office] E. Howard Brooks, Vice-Provost 1970-71

Box 2, folder 39

Public Events 1967-69

Box 2, folder 40

Purchasing 1966-70

Box 2, folder 41

Registrar 1968-70

Box 2, folder 42

Photo Reproduction Services 1968

Box 2, folder 43

Research Administration 1968-70

Box 2, folder 44

Vice President for Research 1970

Box 2, folder 45

Speech and Drama 1969

Box 2, folder 45

Search for Head of Speech and Drama [retrieved by President's Office 5/01/79] 1969

Box 2, folder 46

Stanford Electronics Laboratories 1966-70

Box 2, folder 47

Summer Sessions 1966-70

Box 2, folder 48

Undergraduate Studies, Dean of, 1969-70

Box 2, folder 49

Undergraduate Studies, Dean of, Search Committee, 1970

Box 2, folder 50

Undergraduate Education 1966-69

Box 2, folder 51

University Relations 1966-70

Box 3, folder 1

Fleischmann Foundation 1957-62

Box 3, folder 2

Fleischmann Foundation 1963-69

Box 3, folder 3

The Ford Foundation 1956-60

Box 3, folder 4

The Ford Foundation 1960-67

Box 3, folder 5

Ford Foundation Federal Communication Commission 1966-67

Box 3, folder 6

International Science Foundation 1954-63

Box 3, folder 7

National Science Foundation 1965-67

Box 3, folder 8

National Science Foundation 1967-70

Box 3, folder 9

Newhouse Foundation 1950-70

Box 3, folder 10

Rockefeller Foundation 1967-69

Box 3, folder 11

Rockefeller Foundation, To Establish Theatre and M.F.A. Degree 1964-65

Box 3, folder 12

Sawyer Foundations (Abstracts) 1961-64

Box 3, folder 13

Sloan, Alfred P., Foundation of 1956-68

Box 3, folder 14

United States Steel Foundation 1955-68

Box 4, folder 1

Academic Reprints (Possibly Communistic) 1954

Box 4, folder 2

Activism (Stanford) 1968-70

Box 4, folder 3

Activism (Other Campuses) 1969-70

Box 4, folder 4

Alumni Assembly - Nay 1970

Box 4, folder 5

Alumni College, Stanford 1969-70

Box 4, folder 6

Alumni Conferences/Campus 1967-70

Box 4, folder 7

Alumni Opinion Survey 1969

Box 4, folder 8

American Association of University Professors 1968-69

Box 4, folder 9

American Association of University Professors, Stanford Chapter 1968-70

Box 4, folder 10

American Broadcasting Company 1967-70

Box 4, folder 11

American Council on Education 1968-70

Box 4, folder 12

American Council on Education, Board of Directors Meeting 1968-69

Box 4, folder 13

American Institute of Chemical Engineers 1969

Box 4, folder 14

American Medical Association 1966-69

Box 4, folder 15

Animal Care Facilities and Committee 1965-68

Box 4, folder 16

Anniversaries 1968

Box 4, folder 17

Anti-Draft Union 1966-70

Box 4, folder 18

Antipoverty Programs 1966

Box 4, folder 19

Arena, The 1968-71

Box 4, folder 20

ASSU Council of Presidents 1960-70

Box 4, folder 20


Box 4, folder 21

Association of American Medical Colleges 1959-65

Box 4, folder 22

Auto Registration 1966

Box 4, folder 23

Black Student Union 1968-69

Box 4, folder 23

BSU Activities at Med School 1968

Box 4, folder 24

Black Student Union - Conference at Stanford May 1-3, 1970

Box 4, folder 25

Black Students (General) 1963-69

Box 4, folder 26

Boy Scouts of America 1965-68

Box 4, folder 27

California Legislature and Legislation 1964-70

Box 4, folder 28

Chicano Students

Box 4, folder 29

Chronicle of Major Events 1967-68

Box 4, folder 30

Classified Research (Other Universities) 1969

Box 4, folder 31

Clearinghouse 1968

Box 4, folder 32

Cleaver, Eldridge 1968

Box 4, folder 33

Coffee House 1966-70

Box 4, folder 34

Collective Bargaining, (see also AFT and Policy: Hiring Practices) 1968-69

Box 4, folder 35

Commission on Student Unrest 1969

Box 4, folder 36

Commission on Foundations and Private Philanthropy 1969

Box 4, folder 37

Committee for Art at Stanford 1961-70

Box 4, folder 38

Complaints and Commendations A to F

Box 4, folder 39

Complaints and Commendations List (Handling of) 1969-70

Box 4, folder 40

Complaint and Commendations - A

Box 5, folder 1

Complaints and Commendations - B

Box 5, folder 1

Complaints and Commendations - C

Box 5, folder 1

Complaints and Commendations - G

Box 5, folder 2

Complaints and Commendations - H to J

Box 5, folder 3

Complaints and Commendations - K to L

Box 5, folder 4

Complaints and Commendations - ME to MZ

Box 5, folder 5

Complaints and Commendations - N to R

Box 5, folder 6

Complaints and Commendations - S to Z

Box 5, folder 7

Complaint Letters. A-C Letters. Re: Discrimination Policy and Effect on Brigham Young University

Box 6, folder 1

[Complaint Letters]. H-O Letters. Re: Discrimination Policy and Effect

Box 6, folder 2

[Complaint Letters]. P-Z Letters. Re: Discrimination Policy and Effect on Brigham Young University

Box 6, folder 3

Advanced Gifts Prospective Solicitors (Complaint Letters)

Box 6, folder 4

AGPS Steering Committee

Box 6, folder 5

Alumni Letters Regarding Fund Raising

Box 6, folder 6

American Indians

Box 6, folder 7

Campus Recruiting AD2.3

Box 6, folder 8

Class Agents Workshop

Box 6, folder 9

Cornell Alumni Committee for Balanced Education

Box 6, folder 10

Cresap, McCormick and Paget

Box 6, folder 11

Crew, The Stanford

Box 6, folder 12

Gifts to Sterling/ Prospective Donors/Following Fire

Box 6, folder 13

Major Gift Committees and Solicitors

Box 6, folder 14

Newspapermen Connections

Box 6, folder 15

Parents Committee

Box 6, folder 16

Policy - Accident Reports

Box 7, folder 1

Conferences--Miscellaneous (Policies/ etc.)

Box 7, folder 2

National Conference on citizenship

Box 7, folder 3

Conferences: Model United Nations

Box 7, folder 4

Conferences: Off-campus (includes: Conference on relationships between the President and the Board; Presidents to Presidents Conference: Washington, D.C., "To seek the answers together")

Box 7, folder 5

Conferences: On campus

Box 7, folder 6

Congratulations 1970-

Box 7, folder 7

Conscientious objectors

Box 7, folder 8

Consultants (Applicants, misc.)

Box 7, folder 9

Controversial speakers (including other universities)

Box 7, folder 10

Cornell University-Committee studying the Federal government-private universities relationship (Herbert Packer is secretary)

Box 7, folder 11

Cosgrove, Mr. and Mrs. John C

Box 7, folder 12

Counterpart (auxiliary file)

Box 7, folder 13

Christian Anti-Communism Crusade 1960-62

Box 7, folder 14

Crimes at Stanford/Crime prevention

Box 7, folder 15

Critiques (requests for)

Box 7, folder 16

Crothers Hall

Box 7, folder 17

Data processing (total information system)[file missing 9/1/04 no out card]

Box 7, folder 18

Day care center (Stanford community children's center) includes: News releases on the Day care center

Box 7, folder 19

Deans Council-meetings includes: Minutes (Deans council)

Box 7, folder 20

Degrees: Honorary/posthumous/fellowships

Box 7, folder 21

Disruption, (see the following sub-files) Spring 1970

Box 7, folder 22

Petitions in support of President Pitzer [volume]

Box 7, folder 23

Steps being taken to meet new trouble in Fall 1970

Box 7, folder 24

Cases involving those outside the Stanford community

Box 7, folder 25

Cost of violence/damage to buildings, etc

Box 7, folder 26

Prosecutions resulting from Anti-ROTC violence

Box 7, folder 27

State of the student movement Summer 1970

Box 7, folder 28

Other universities-disruption Spring quarter 1970

Box 7, folder 29

Reports on campus events May 1970

Box 7, folder 30

Contempt of court case against Weiss, Busse, Sweeney, Siegel, and John Shoch

Box 7, folder 31

Spring quarter--effect on students (incompletes/pass-fail/dept. credit)

Box 7, folder 32

Summer anti-war activities

Box 7, folder 33

Partisan politics as outgrowth of disruption Spring 1970

Box 7, folder 34

Expression of appreciation for staff during the disruption

Box 7, folder 35

Delegation to travel to Washington to discuss with government officials matters of grave importance

Box 7, folder 36

Closing of buildings when security is threatened/authorization (re-opening of buildings)

Box 7, folder 37

Faculty/student statements re: strike, Cambodia, etc

Box 7, folder 38

Political action coordinating committee (to organize all info, on organizations, actions, departments, and other)

Box 7, folder 39

Issue of public safety; emergency first aid, etc

Box 7, folder 40

Police handling of situations/hazards, identification, etc

Box 7, folder 41

Stanford--Palo Alto relations during campus disruption

Box 7, folder 42

financing university community to "say its piece"

Box 7, folder 43

Open campus (to allow for an exchange of ideas)

Box 7, folder 44

Statements made by federal and state officials re: Disruption, Revolution and destruction goal of militants

Box 7, folder 45

Disruption, (cont'd) Spring 1970

Box 7, folder 46

Effect of anti-ROTC demonstrations on "the business as usual of the university"

Box 7, folder 47

volunteers for cleaning up the campus

Box 7, folder 48

Violence/vandalism following sit-in in Old Union

Box 7, folder 49

Moderate students to organize

Box 7, folder 50

Governor Reagan closes California colleges for 4 days

Box 7, folder 51

Anti-ROTC activities arid repercussions

Box 7, folder 52

Staff/alumni statements re: strike/Cambodia position and repercussions

Box 7, folder 53

Sit-in in old Union (Student services building)

Box 7, folder 54

Cambodia invasion--renewed bombing of North Vietnam--effect on University affairs

Box 8, folder 1

Drugs 1968-70

Box 8, folder 2

Dubois Club 1964-67

Box 8, folder 3

Duryea, Father John S

Box 8, folder 4

Educational Digest. 8/70 - 8/71[?]

Box 8, folder 5

Emeriti (General)

Box 8, folder 6

Environmental matters includes: Environmental teach-in (Earth Day) Project on corporate responsibility April 22, 1970

Box 8, folder 7

Escondido Village 1967-7

Box 8, folder 8

Faculty administration reorganization 1966-67

Box 8, folder 9

Faculty Club includes: Letters on issue of liquor license By- laws/articles of incorporation/history

Box 8, folder 10

Faculty Handbook includes: Faculty Review Board for a new faculty handbook

Box 8, folder 10

Farm workers (health and living conditions)

Box 8, folder 11

Federal aid to education, includes: State-Justice-Commerce appropriation; anti-riot, legislation Student dissent and its effect on federally supported education; also anti-riot legislation 1966-71

Box 8, folder 12

Federal government - Stanford relationship; research/grants/contracts includes: Miller Bill, "National institutional grants program"

Box 8, folder 13

Financing higher education 1967-69

Box 8, folder 14

Financing private institutions 1967-68

Box 8, folder 15

Ford College Seminar Program/Round Table 1964-69

Box 8, folder 16

Foreign affairs scholars program

Box 8, folder 17

Foreign scholars/students

Box 8, folder 18

Forensics (general) and other schools 1966-70

Box 8, folder 19

Founders Day 1967-70

Box 8, folder 20

Fraternities--Restrictive clause

Box 8, folder 21

Fraternities--IFC (Inter-fraternity Council)

Box 8, folder 22

Fraternity loan policy

Box 8, folder 23

Fraternities- -Alpha Chi Sigma

Box 8, folder 24

Alpha Sigma Phi 1966-

Box 8, folder 25

Alpha Tau Omicron

Box 8, folder 26

Beta Theta Pi includes: Typhoid epidemic May-June, 1967

Box 8, folder 27

Chi Psi

Box 8, folder 28

Kappa Alpha

Box 8, folder 29

Kappa Sigma

Box 8, folder 30

Fraternities--Lambda Nu

Box 8, folder 31

Phi Delta Theta

Box 8, folder 32

Phi Kappa Psi

Box 8, folder 33

Phi Sigma Kappa

Box 8, folder 34

Sigma Chi 1966-67

Box 8, folder 35

Zeta Psi (reorganized in 1966)

Box 8, folder 36

The Free Society Association

Box 9, folder 1

The Free You (Mid-peninsula Free University publication)

Box 9, folder 2

Freedom House public affairs institute

Box 9, folder 3

Frenchman's Hill includes: Frenchman's Hill Homeowners Association

Box 9, folder 4

Frenchman's Tower

Box 9, folder 5

Freshmen at Stanford

Box 9, folder 6

Freshmen Achievement Awards

Box 9, folder 7

Freshmen Convocation

Box 9, folder 8

Freshman Orientation

Box 9, folder 9

Freshman Reception

Box 9, folder 10

Freshman Seminars 1963-68

Box 9, folder 11

Freshman Sunday

Box 9, folder 12

Fuller, Mrs. W.P., Jr

Box 9, folder 13

Fundraising 1964-68

Box 9, folder 14

G.I. Bill, Cold War 1966

Box 9, folder 15

Gardner, Dr. John W., 1963-69

Box 9, folder 16

Golf: Golf course use 1963-69

Box 9, folder 17

Governance of the university,(includes: Letters re: restructuring of the Board of Trustees, 1969 Trustee - Faculty meeting to discuss governance of the university, 1968-69) 1967-70

Box 9, folder 18

Grades/grading 1965-70

Box 9, folder 19

Graduate Student Association 1968-69

Box 9, folder 20

Graduate Student union 1968-69

Box 9, folder 21

Guardian, The San Francisco Bay

Box 9, folder 22

Guatemala 1968

Box 9, folder 23

Hacienda, waiting list 1962-70

Box 9, folder 24

Hayden, Carl--Senator from Arizona 1967-72

Box 9, folder 25

Institute for Defense Analyses 1966-68

Box 9, folder 26

Invitations 1970-71

Box 9, folder 27

Invitations: Inaugurals, convocations, dedications, etc

Box 9, folder 28

Invitations to join 1965-69

Box 9, folder 29

Invitations, (Pitzer host)

Box 9, folder 30

Judicial procedures (working papers),includes: Attorney general to act as a prosecutor and investigator of complaints; Emergency procedures, judicial procedures; Proposed charter amendments 1967-70

Box 9, folder 31

Ketchum, Jonathan 1967-71

Box 9, folder 32

Liquor policy, includes: Liquor licenses (off campus issues); Timothy Hopkins reversion clause 1970

Box 9, folder 33

American Universities Field Staff (AUFS) 1952-53

Box 9, folder 34

AUFS 1953-54

Box 9, folder 35

AUFS 1951-52

Box 10, folder 1

Local agency formation commission 1968

Box 10, folder 2

Mime troupe 1966-67

Box 10, folder 3

Policy: Admissions; includes: Re: admission of women [returned to President's Office 6/15/72]; Readmissions

Box 10, folder 4

Policy: Alien employees

Box 10, folder 5

Policy: Appointment of lecturers and other short-term teachers

Box 10, folder 6

Policy: Campus residences AD 8.18 includes: Campus Housing cases; Review of on campus housing eligibility

Box 10, folder 7

Housing AD8.18

Box 10, folder 8

Policy: Classified research; includes: Managerial group; Diversion of funds

Box 10, folder 9

Policy: Closing of campus [empty]

Box 10, folder 10

Policy: Communication with President/Board of Trustees

Box 10, folder 11

Policy: Communism

Box 10, folder 12

Policy: Conduct (community-wide)

Box 10, folder 13

Policy: Consulting (outside consulting by faculty)[file missing 9/01/04 - no out card]

Box 10, folder 14

Policy: Copyrights

Box 10, folder 15

Policy: Dead week

Box 10, folder 16

Policy: Demonstrations, vigils, etc

Box 10, folder 17

Policy: Dept.'s/Dept. heads --procedures for

Box 10, folder 18

Policy: Discipline of Faculty/Staff

Box 10, folder 19

Policy: Discrimination, includes: Discrimination-religious; Discrimination against women

Box 10, folder 20

Policy: Discrimination--Racial, religious, sex, etc. includes: Fair housing practice

Box 10, folder 21

Policy: Disruptions on campus, includes: Costs--$/other estimates of damage due to disruptions; Importance of communication and observation/volunteers; Limitations placed on students who have been placed on probation due to campus disruption involvement; Re: closing of university due to serious disruption; High School students involved in campus disruptions; Disruptions policy (at other universities) Stanford students condemn the use of coercive tactics in campus disruptions

Box 10, folder 22

Policy: Distribution of literature on campus

Box 10, folder 23

Policy: Drugs

Box 10, folder 24

Policy: Emergency procedures

Box 10, folder 25

Policy: Emeriti (retirement age, etc.. including teaching)

Box 10, folder 26

Policy: Employee organizations

Box 10, folder 27

Policy: endowments

Box 10, folder 28

Policy: Stanford Faculty (Appointment, promotion, salary, tenure,participation, fringe benefits, etc. (form letters), dismissals), includes: Study of faculty appointments and reappointments [empty]; Issue of hiring more female professors [empty]; Appointment procedures in the School of Medicine

Box 10, folder 29

Policy: Faculty appointments (working papers) 1967

Box 10, folder 30

Policy: Financial aid for employees

Box 10, folder 31

Policy: Foundation grants--underwriting educational needs/ routine handling of proposals

Box 10, folder 32

Policy: Free speech and assembly

Box 10, folder 33

Policy: Fringe benefits, staff, faculty/non-athletic includes: Staff development program; Athletic privileges

Box 10, folder 34

Policy: Fund raising

Box 10, folder 35

Policy: Processing of non-government grant proposals

Box 10, folder 36

Policy: Grievance procedures, includes: Pertaining to student grievances [empty]; Arbitration panel to handle staff grievances /cases

Box 10, folder 37

Policy: Health Service (Immunization)

Box 10, folder 38

Policy: Hiring practices, includes: HEW to examine female hiring at Stanford {empty)

Box 10, folder 39

Policy: Holidays

Box 10, folder 40

Policy: Miscellaneous 1956-67

Box 10, folder 41

Policy: Personnel Records (student/faculty) and their availability

Box 11, folder 42

in envelope: Indian Mascot Decals; American Indian Student Activities; St3.3

Box 11, folder 43

Policy: Religion

Box 11, folder 44

Policy: Student voluntary political and religious organizations, Board statement

Box 11, folder 45

Policy: Use of facilities for profit-making events and benefits

Box 11, folder 46

Policy: Use of land (general),[file checked out] includes: Use of land, 1979; Vacations, 1968; Vehicle registrations, 1969; Voluntary employee organizations; Voluntary political and religious organizations, 1967-70; Widows [?] 1955; 1966-70

Box 11, folder 47


Box 11, folder 48

R (general)

Box 11, folder 49

ROTC, letters, regarding, A - L

Box 11, folder 50

ROTC, letters, regarding, M - Z

Box 11, folder 51

S 1957-67

Box 11, folder 52

Sacramento Host Breakfast

Box 11, folder 53

Salary Review 1967-70

Box 11, folder 54

Salaries 1961-1966

Box 11, folder 55

Stanford Associates, includes: 4/23/69, Stanford Associates/R.-planners dinner, San Francisco

Box 11, folder 56

Stanford Shopping Center

Box 11, folder 57

Stanford University Hospital

Box 11, folder 58

Tuition data--Stanford includes: re: tuition refunds; Study plan with Bank of America insurance-tuition; Admissions policy for SLAC children

Box 11, folder 59

Tuition waiver, includes: Tuition waiver review, 1966-; Tuition waiver for service personnel 1956-70

Box 11, folder 60

Western Association of Graduate Schools

Box 11, folder 61

Western Association of Schools and Colleges, includes: Western Assoc. of Schools and Colleges visit, Oct. 27-29, 1969 1969-70

Box 12, folder 62

Staff meeting minutes (Jan. 1969 - Nov. 1969)

Box 12, folder 63

"Stanfordiana" [several Folders]

Box 12, folder 64

Storke, Thomas M

Box 12, folder 65

Students for a democratic society (SDS), includes: Sit-in greets President Pitzer, 12/2/68; Election day protests, 11/5/68; "Ten days to shake the empire," planned for April 20-30, 1968; Students (Special cases), 1967,1968, 1969; Troubled and Troublemakers (old) 1965-68

Box 12, folder 66

Alumni Trustees/Election procedures, includes: Procedures for electing alumni trustees

Box 12, folder 67

Trustees, includes; Relationship between the Senate, university officers, deans, and Board of Trustees 1968-

Box 12, folder 68

Trustees (series of Daily articles)-challenge of 1966-68

Box 12, folder 69

Trustee Board meeting agenda/additional matters 1966-70

Box 12, folder 70

Trustees Building and Grounds Committee includes: Membership and procedures

Box 12, folder 71

Trustees Finance Committee; includes: Membership and procedures 1969-70

Box 12, folder 72

Trustees, Board of--Resignations

Box 12, folder 73

Trustees role--appointment criterion (reports from other universities) 1958-69

Box 12, folder 74

Trustees--agenda handling; additional matters 1970-71

Box 12, folder 75

Trustees--Associate (Long range planning committee) (sub-committee on Planning and development) 1964-67

Box 12, folder 76

Trustees Campus Board meetings 1968-70

Box 13, folder 1

Trustees, Board of--Post-board meeting minutes

Box 13, folder 2

Composition and structure 1969

Box 13, folder 3

Doyle Committee (Trustee special committee)

Box 13, folder 4

Student/Faculty relations (activism) includes: Re: Mar.28-30, 1969, encounter group session (trustees invited);"Open meeting" between students and Trustees, following March meeting

Box 13, folder 5

Investment committee, includes: General Motors issue 1967-68

Box 13, folder 6

Ad hoc Committee to recommend on proxy proposals (Academic affairs and finance)

Box 13, folder 7

Tuition date 1968-70

Box 13, folder 8

Tuition benefit advisory committee, cases handled by 1970-

Box 13, folder 9

Un-American activities committee, Senate 1952-67

Box 13, folder 10

Universities research associate inc. 1962-69

Box 13, folder 11

Visiting Committees (miscellaneous data)

Box 13, folder 12

Visiting teachers and scholars association

Box 13, folder 13

Visitors, Foreign 1970-71

Box 13, folder 14

W (old) 1956-66

Box 13, folder 15

Weinmann, Honorable L.R

Box 13, folder 16

Western History Association

Box 13, folder 17

Whitney, L. Jack

Box 13, folder 18

WICHE (Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education)

Box 13, folder 19

Wilbur Hall includes: Wilbur sponsors

Box 13, folder 20

Winds of Freedom Foundation, [2 Folders] 1965-66

Box 13, folder 21

W.C.T.U. of California

Box 13, folder 22

Wirth, Timothy

Box 13, folder 23

Woodside community relations with Stanford

Box 13, folder 24

World population

Box 13, folder 25


Box 13, folder 26

Work study programs

Box 13, folder 27

XYZ (general)

Box 13, folder 28

Young Democrats--Young Republicans

Box 13, folder 29

Youth opportunity program

Box 13, folder 30

Young Turks

Box 14, folder 1

Gift summaries/general information

Box 14, folder 2

Policy re: gifts to the University

Box 14, folder 3

Gifts -A

Box 14, folder 4

Gifts -B

Box 14, folder 5

Gifts -C

Box 14, folder 6

Gifts -D

Box 14, folder 7

Gifts -E

Box 14, folder 8

Gifts -F

Box 14, folder 9

Gifts -Ford Motor Company

Box 14, folder 10

Gifts -G

Box 14, folder 11

Gifts -H

Box 14, folder 12

Gifts -Hoover Institution Gifts

Box 14, folder 13

Gifts -I

Box 14, folder 14

Gifts -International Business Machines/matching - unrestricted corporation gift

Box 14, folder 15

Gifts -J

Box 14, folder 16

Gifts -K

Box 14, folder 17

Gifts -Kaiser Steel Corporation; corporate and matching gifts

Box 14, folder 18

Gifts -Kauffman, Virgil

Box 14, folder 19

Gifts -Kennedy, Thomas Hart

Box 14, folder 20

Gifts -L

Box 14, folder 21

Gifts -Land, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin

Box 14, folder 22

Gifts -M, Mc

Box 14, folder 23

Gifts -McBean, Atholl

Box 14, folder 24

Gifts -McCone, Mrs. John A

Box 14, folder 25

Gifts -Ne-Mz

Box 14, folder 26

Gifts -Millbank, Jeremiah, Foundation

Box 14, folder 27

Gifts -Mobil Foundation/Corporation

Box 14, folder 28

Gifts -Mobil Research and Development Corporation

Box 14, folder 29

Gifts -N

Box 14, folder 30

Gifts -O

Box 14, folder 31

Gifts -Owens Illinois

Box 14, folder 32

Gifts -P

Box 14, folder 33

Gifts -R

Box 14, folder 34

Gifts -Standard Oil Company Gifts

Box 14, folder 35

Gifts -S

Box 14, folder 36

Gifts -T

Box 14, folder 37

Gifts -U, V

Box 14, folder 38

Gifts -W, X, Y, Z

Box 14, folder 39

Gifts October 1971

Box 15, folder 1

-A- 1969-72

Box 15, folder 2

Academe 1968

Box 15, folder 3

Academic Executive Officers 1970-71

Box 15, folder 4

Academic Freedom / Important Reports and Policy 1915-71

Box 15, folder 5

Policy: Academic Freedom of Students 1956

Box 15, folder 6

Policy: Academic Freedom 1953

Box 15, folder 7

Academic Freedom 1952-68

Box 15, folder 7

Academic Freedom 1953-58

Box 15, folder 8

Academic Freedom. Reports and Policy Statements 1968

Box 15, folder 9

Annual Reports from Administrative Units AD 1.6.3 1968-71

Box 15, folder 10

Albert or Alpert, Richard 1965

Box 15, folder 11

American Academic Freedom Project - Tenure Plans and Practices in American Higher Education 1955-57

Box 15, folder 12

Academic Freedom and Tenure 1962-67

Box 15, folder 13

Academic Governance Project (empty)

Box 15, folder 14

Academic Regulations (empty)

Box 15, folder 15

Academy for Educational Development 1968-69

Box 15, folder 16

Accreditation AA 3.4 1959-72

Box 15, folder 17

Administrative Organizations 1959-69

Box 15, folder 18

Adult Education 1967-68

Box 15, folder 19

Affiliation with other Universities / (Proposals, etc.) 1971-72

Box 15, folder 20

Air Force Luncheon 1968-69

Box 15, folder 21

Alioto, Mayor of San Francisco 1969

Box 15, folder 22

Alumni A1manac 1969-70

Box 15, folder 23

Alumni Association Executive Board and Advisory Council (Includes Minutes) 1970

Box 15, folder 24

Alumni Association - including background 1966-70

Box 15, folder 25

Alumni Director/President 1970

Box 15, folder 26

Alumni Herbert Hoover Gold Medal 1962-67

Box 15, folder 27

Alumni Attitude Research and Alumni Colleges Abroad - Director, Rix Sayder 1968-69

Box 15, folder 28

Alumni Clubs / Misc. Groups 1965-70

Box 15, folder 29

Alumni Club of Boston 1969

Box 15, folder 30

Alumni Club of Chico 1968-70

Box 15, folder 31

Alumni Club of Napa. 1969

Box 15, folder 32

Alumni C1ub of New York 1969

Box 15, folder 33

Alumni Clubs of Portland and Seattle 1969

Box 15, folder 34

Sacramento Alumni Club 1968-70

Box 15, folder 35

Alumni Club of Sari Diego 1969

Box 15, folder 36

Alumni Club. of San Jose 1969-70

Box 15, folder 37

Alumni Club of Santa Barbara 1969-70

Box 15, folder 38

Alumni Club of Sonoma 1969

Box 15, folder 39

Alumni Club of Washington, D.C 1969

Box 15, folder 40

Alumni Club of Western Washington 1967

Box 15, folder 41

Alumni Conference- Los Angeles 2/15/70

Box 15, folder 42

Alumni Directory 1966

Box 15, folder 43

American Assembly 1970-71

Box 15, folder 44

American Association for the Advancement of Science 1966-69

Box 15, folder 45

American Association of Independent College and University Presidents 1968

Box 15, folder 46

American Association of University Professors. Stanford Chapter 1968-69

Box 15, folder 47

American Association of University Professors 1963-69

Box 15, folder 48

American Civil Liberties Union 1966-70

Box 15, folder 49

American Colleges in Istanbul 1965-66

Box 15, folder 50

American Council of Learned Societies 1968-70

Box 15, folder 51

American Council on Education 1969-70

Box 15, folder 52

American Federation of Teachers 1967-70

Box 15, folder 53

American Field Service 1966-69

Box 15, folder 54

American Foundation for Management Research, Inc 1969

Box 15, folder 55

Americans For Democratic. Action 1967

Box 15, folder 56

Amherst College 1969

Box 15, folder 57

Anthony Amsterdam 1972

Box 15, folder 58

Animal Care/Facilities 1966-70

Box 15, folder 59

Annuity Programs 1969

Box 15, folder 60

Anonymous Mail/Obscene Mail, etc 1964-71

Box 15, folder 61

Appointments (Misc. Vacancies) Here and Abroad 1966

Box 15, folder 62

Apports 1949/68

Box 15, folder 63

Arbuckle, Ernest C 1967-72

Box 15, folder 64

Arnett, Dixon (Rep. 26th Assembly District) 1970

Box 15, folder 65

Arson and Possible Arson Cases 1968-70

Box 15, folder 66

Articles 1969-70

Box 15, folder 67

Articles of Organization of Faculty/By-Laws 1959-70

Box 15, folder 68

ASIA Foundation (Higher Education Seminar Project In the Far East) 1967-70

Box 15, folder 69

The Asian Student/ Asian-American Student Alliance 1968-71

Box 16, folder 1

ASSU Constitution (1920) 1969

Box 16, folder 2

Associated Students of Stanford University 1968-70

Box 16, folder 3

ASSU Budget: Fees/Financial Problems

Box 16, folder 4

ASSU Committee on Nominations 1969-70

Box 16, folder 5

ASSU Legislature 1967-70

Box 16, folder 6

ASSU Council of Presidents 1970

Box 16, folder 7

ASSU Education Commission 1966-69

Box 16, folder 8

ASSU Education Council 1969

Box 16, folder 9

ASSU Publishing Board 1969

Box 16, folder 10

ASSU Visiting Scholar/Professor Committee 1968-70

Box 16, folder 11

Associated Students of Stanford University Senate 1969-70

Box 16, folder 12

Association of ~American Medical Colleges 1971-72

Box 16, folder 13

Association of American Colleges 1967-70

Box 16, folder 14

Association of American Universities. General information/Schedu1e of meetings 1967-70

Box 16, folder 15

Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges 1964-70

Box 16, folder 16

Association of Independent California Colleges and Universities 1969-70

Box 16, folder 17

Auditing 1962-70

Box 16, folder 18

Awards - General information 1965-67

Box 16, folder 19

Awards to Graduates (Federal) 1968-70

Box 16, folder 20

Awards to Stanford 1965-70

Box 16, folder 21

Awards made to Stanford Students 1965-70

Box 16, folder 22

-B- 1969-70

Box 16, folder 23

Bail Fund Reserve 1969

Box 16, folder 24

Banking Services 7 Banks 1966-70

Box 16, folder 25

Bay Area Science Fair 1968-69

Box 16, folder 26

Bechtel, Steven IL 1966-68

Box 16, folder 27

Behavioral Research Laboratories 1968

Box 16, folder 28

Behavioral Sciences Newsletter 1971

Box 16, folder 29

Beloit College 1970

Box 16, folder 30

Bicycles (Safety, paths, etc.)

Box 16, folder 31

The John Birch Society 1966-68

Box 16, folder 32

Black Candidates for Faculty Positions 1969

Box 16, folder 33

Black Employees 1969

Box 16, folder 34

Black Leaders. [1971]

Box 16, folder 35

Black Muslims 1968-69

Box 16, folder 36

Black on Black -- Black Power Magazine 1967

Box 16, folder 37

Black Panthers 1969-70

Box 16, folder 38

Black Power/Activism 1979

Box 16, folder 39

Black Problems 1968-70

Box 16, folder 40

Black Student Union 1969-70

Box 16, folder 41

Black Studies 1968-70

Box 16, folder 42

Blind/Braille 1965-69

Box 16, folder 43

B'Nai Brith Hillel Foundation 1959-70

Box 16, folder 44

Bowker, Al 1965-69

Box 16, folder 45

Bowman Alumni House 1967

Box 16, folder 46

Boy Scouts of America 1969

Box 16, folder 47

Willy Brandt, West German Chancellor 1970

Box 16, folder 48

Braunstein, Yale.[file missing 9/01/04 - no out card] 1969-70

Box 16, folder 49

President Kingman Brewster - Yale University 1967-70

Box 16, folder 50

The Bridge 1968

Box 16, folder 50

Brigham Young University

Box 16, folder 51

Brooks, E. Howard 1966

Box 16, folder 52

Brown, Robert McAfee 1965-69

Box 16, folder 52

Broyhill Amendment

Box 16, folder 53

Buck Club 1966-68

Box 16, folder 54

Buck, Mrs. Frank 1965-69

Box 16, folder 55

Budget 1968-69

Box 16, folder 56

Budget 1969-70

Box 16, folder 57

Bulletins, Bulletin Boards (Kiosks) 1963-70

Box 16, folder 58

Bundy, McGeorge [1968]

Box 16, folder 59

Burns, Joseph U 1968-69

Box 16, folder 60

Bush, Royal Robert 1968-70

Box 16, folder 61

Stanford Cabinet 1969-70

Box 16, folder 62

California Advisory Group on Governmental Organization and Performance 1969

Box 16, folder 63

California Advisory Group on Land Use Planning 1969

Box 16, folder 64

Assembly Science and Technology Advisory Council - California Legislature 1969-70

Box 16, folder 65

California Association of Secondary School Administrators 1964-65

Box 16, folder 66

Student Nominations / Appointments California Commissions and Boards 1970

Box 16, folder 67

California Constitution Revision Commission 1965-70

Box 16, folder 68

California Council on Education of Teachers 1966-69

Box 16, folder 69

California Council for the Academic Community 1969-70

Box 16, folder 70

California Democratic Council 1969

Box 16, folder 71

California Freedom of Information Committee 1969

Box 16, folder 72

Governor Reagan and His Political Family 1966-70

Box 16, folder 73

California Advisory Group on Engineering Considerations and Earthquake Sciences 1969

Box 16, folder 74

California History 1967

Box 16, folder 75

California Institute of Technology 1968-70

Box 16, folder 76

California Legislature Senate Committee on Education 1969

Box 16, folder 77

California School Employees Association 1968-70

Box 16, folder 78

California State Board of Education 1967-70

Box 16, folder 79

California State-Stanford Relations 1968

Box 16, folder 80

California State College/ Trustees 1968

Box 16, folder 81

California State Scholarship Commission 1968-70

Box 16, folder 82

Graduate Fellowship Advisory Committee of California State Scholarship Committee 1969

Box 16, folder 83

California Teachers Association 1968-69

Box 16, folder 84

Camping on Campus 1967-68

Box 16, folder 85

Cap and Gown 1964-70

Box 16, folder 86

Capp, Al 1969

Box 16, folder 87

Car Rental Services 1967

Box 16, folder 88

CARE (Cooperative for American Relief Everywhere, Inc.) 1966

Box 16, folder 89

Carillon (Hoover Tower) 1967

Box 16, folder 90

Carnegie Institution of Washington 1960, 1968

Box 16, folder 91

Carter,A11an N 1967

Box 16, folder 92

Catering Services 1968

Box 16, folder 93

Censorship 1964-68

Box 16, folder 94

Census Service Facility Committee (Berkeley) 1970

Box 16, folder 95

Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences 1958-69

Box 16, folder 96

Center for Metropolitan Studies 1966

Box 16, folder 97

Center for Research in International Studies 1967-69

Box 16, folder 98

Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions

Box 17, folder 1

Chicago Seven (Trials and Repercussions)

Box 17, folder 2

Children of Israel

Box 17, folder 3

Children's Health Council

Box 17, folder 4

Civil Liberty/Disobedience 1967-69

Box 17, folder 5

Carnegie Commission on Higher Education

Box 17, folder 6

Carnegie Corporation of New York Quarterly.

Box 17, folder 7

Chaparral (Non-current)

Box 17, folder 8

CIA - National Student Association Controversy

Box 17, folder 9

Civil Rights / Act of 1964 1964-69

Box 17, folder 10

Civilian Defense

Box 17, folder 11

Class Day Activities/Plaque 1969

Box 17, folder 12

Clubhouse 1966-70

Box 17, folder 13

Coaching Camp 1965-69

Box 17, folder 14

Coalition for An Academic Community

Box 17, folder 15

Reverend Sloane Coffin

Box 17, folder 16

Fred Cohen

Box 17, folder 17

Collective Bargaining 1969-70

Box 17, folder 18

College Day Program 1971

Box 17, folder 19

College Entrance Examination Board 1966-69

Box 17, folder 20

College Facts Chart 1961-72

Box 17, folder 21

College Student Personnel Institute 1967-69

Box 17, folder 22

The Colonist 1969-70

Box 17, folder 23

Columbia Broadcasting Company 1969

Box 17, folder 24

Columbia University 1968-69

Box 17, folder 25

Commencement - other Universities/Reform Discussions 1965-70

Box 17, folder 26

Commencement - 1970

Box 17, folder 27

Commencement - 1971

Box 17, folder 28

Commitment (Name changed to "Resistance")

Box 17, folder 29

Committee Against War and Fascism

Box 17, folder 30

Committee on Institutional Cooperation 1968-69

Box 17, folder 31

Committee for a New Politics

Box 17, folder 31

Committee to Save Stanford Uiniversity 1969

Box 17, folder 32

Committee to Repeal the Draft 1970

Box 17, folder 33

Commonwealth Club 1968-69

Box 17, folder 34

The Community of Christian Revolutionaries

Box 17, folder 35

Community Committee for International Students 1969

Box 17, folder 36

Community for Relevant Education 1968

Box 17, folder 37

Comments, Complaints, and Commendations. A - H

Box 17, folder 38

Comments, Complaints, and Commendations. H - N

Box 17, folder 39

Comments, Complaints, and Commendations. P. - S

Box 17, folder 40

Comments, Complaints, and Commendations. T - Z

Box 17, folder 41

Compliance Reports 1967-68

Box 17, folder 42

Conflict of Interest

Box 18, folder 1

Committees - General 1969-70

Box 18, folder 2

Students on University Committees 1968-70

Box 18, folder 3

Academic Senate (General Correspondence.) 1970-71

Box 18, folder 4

Ad Hoc Committee on Memberships and Privileges to the Senate 1970

Box 18, folder 5

Committee on Athletic and Physical Education 1968-71

Box 18, folder 5

Committee on Committees 1968-71

Box 18, folder 6

Committee on Faculty and Staff Affairs 1969-70

Box 18, folder 7

Committee of Fifteen: Dr. Pitzer's Records 1968-69

Box 18, folder 8

Committee of Fifteen 1964-68-69

Box 18, folder 9

Foreign Study Programs Committee 1969

Box 18, folder 10

Graduate Studies Committee 1969

Box 18, folder 11

Health, Committee on 1969-70

Box 18, folder 12

Ad Hoc Housing Advisory Committee 1969-70

Box 18, folder 13

Human Relations Committee 1968-69

Box 18, folder 14

IJB Sentences 1967-68

Box 18, folder 15

Disruption of Board of Trustees Meetings. January 1969

Box 18, folder 16

Stanford Judicial Council 1968-70

Box 18, folder 17

Case Handled By SJC. A-B. [returned to President's Office 10/18/72] 1969-70

Box 18, folder 18

Cases Handled by SJC. C-E. [returned to President's Office 10/18/72] 1969-70

Box 18, folder 19

Cases Handled by SJC. F-Hi [returned to President's Office 10/18/72] 1969-70

Box 18, folder 20

Cases Handled by SJC. I-L. [returned to President's Office 10/18/72] 1969-72

Box 18, folder 21

Cases Handled by SJC. N-P. [returned to President's Office 10/18/72] 1969-70

Box 19, folder 1

Cases Handled by SJC. Q-S. [returned to President's Office 10/18/72] 1969-70

Box 19, folder 2

Cases Handled by SJC. T-Z. [returned to President's Office 10/18/72] 1969-70

Box 19, folder 2

Charge and Committee Membership

Box 19, folder 3

Decorum of Defendant/Witnesses. Stanford Judicial Council 1971

Box 19, folder 4

Proposal to Create Subordinate Judicial Council in the Schools of Business, Education, Law and Medicine 1970

Box 19, folder 5

Matter of Committee Jurisdiction over Faculty 1967-71

Box 19, folder 6

Case Procedures/Legal Opinions. Stanford Judicial Council 1969-70

Box 19, folder 7

Penalty Code. Stanford Judicial Council 1970

Box 19, folder 8

Challenge re: SJC Charter: Chairman's power, etc 1971

Box 19, folder 9

Stanford Judicial Council (Misce11aneous) 1968-71

Box 19, folder 10

Judicial Council. Membership File 1968-69

Box 19, folder 11

Judicial Procedure, Committee 1964-66

Box 19, folder 12

Disruption of April 3, 1970 Academic Council Meeting

Box 19, folder 13

Judicial Council, Stanford Applied Electronics Lab Disruption April, 1969

Box 19, folder 14

Committee on a New Undergraduate Living Unit. Terminated 1968-70

Box 19, folder 15

Human Relations Commission 1968-70

Box 19, folder 16

Land and Building Development. (Misc.) 1969-70

Box 19, folder 17

University Libraries, Committee on 1968-70

Box 19, folder 18

Committee for Minority Affairs 1969-70

Box 19, folder 19

Committee on Minority Student Problems 1968

Box 19, folder 20

University Pres. 1969-71

Box 19, folder 21

Committee on Public Events 1968-69

Box 19, folder 22

Radiological Hazards Control Committee 1966-70

Box 19, folder 23

Committee on Research 1969-70

Box 19, folder 24

President's Advisory Committee on ROTC 1970

Box 19, folder 25

Services to Students Committee 1969-70

Box 19, folder 26

Student Conduct Legislative Council 1968-70

Box 19, folder 27

Committee on Undergraduate Admissions and Financial Aid

Box 19, folder 28

Committee on Undergraduate Studies 1969-70

Box 19, folder 29

University Operations, Committee on 1969

Box 19, folder 30

Ad Hoc Committee re: Vandalism Costs 1970

Box 19, folder 31

Committee on the Education and Employment of Women in the University

Box 19, folder 32

Off-ROTC Statements

Box 19, folder 33

ROTC Future -- ASSU/Student Actions

Box 19, folder 34

ROTC - Punitive Clause

Box 19, folder 35

Correspondence with House and Senate Armed Services Committee

Box 19, folder 36

President Pitzer/Other Administrative Officers Statements re: ROTC

Box 19, folder 37

News/KZSU Articles re: ROTC

Box 19, folder 38

Re: Blocking ROTC Building

Box 19, folder 39

Re: Identification of Anti-ROTC Demonstrators

Box 19, folder 40

Arguments/Groups/Favoring Retention of ROTC on Campus - ROTC

Box 19, folder 41

ROTC Future - Correspondence with Trustees

Box 19, folder 42

Complaint Letters re: ROTC

Box 19, folder 43

ROTC Recruiting Charged (Possible violation of Senate Resolution)

Box 20, folder 1

ROTC Future - General Correspondence

Box 20, folder 2

Military Science - Course Enrollment Problems and others

Box 20, folder 3

ROTC (General)

Box 20, folder 4

ROTC Agreements (Air Force, Army, Navy)

Box 20, folder 5

ROTC Summer Training Camp Visit

Box 20, folder 6

ROTC Commanding Officer's Fitness Reports. (including Air, Military, and Naval Science)

Box 20, folder 7

ROTC Military Programs Coordinator

Box 20, folder 8

Recommendations: ROTC Posts; Benefits

Box 21, folder 1

Policy making Boards - summary of results, etc 1969

Box 21, folder 1

Policy: Benefits - Visiting Scholars, Fellows, SLAC, Summer Session, Center for Advanced Study, and misc 1957-69

Box 21, folder 1

Policy: Housing (Relates to discrimination)

Box 21, folder 2

Policy: Honorarium (Speaker)

Box 21, folder 3

Faculty - Staff Housing Policy, Board Action, Requests - Exceptions, etc

Box 21, folder 4

Policy: Injunctions. (Use of)

Box 21, folder 5

Policy: Leave of Absence

Box 21, folder 6

Policy: Lecturer/Senior Lecturer

Box 21, folder 7

Policy: Loans for Campus Residences

Box 21, folder 8

Policy: Loans to Students

Box 21, folder 9

Policy: Faculty-Staff Residential Loan Policy

Box 21, folder 10

Policy: Loans for Off-campus Mortgages

Box 21, folder 11

Policy: Maternal Matters/Pregnancy, etc

Box 21, folder 12

Policy: Medical School Professional Service Income

Box 21, folder 13

Policy: Miscellaneous 1968

Box 21, folder 14

Po1icy: Misuse and Use of Stanford Name

Box 21, folder 15

Policy: Nepotism

Box 21, folder 16

Policy: Off-campus Activities

Box 21, folder 17

Policy: Participation in Politics or other partisan matters

Box 21, folder 18

Patent policy

Box 21, folder 19

Policy: Personal Records (Student and Faculty and their availability)

Box 21, folder 20

Policy: Plaques

Box 21, folder 21

Policy: Post-Doctoral Fellows

Box 21, folder 22

Policy: President of the University (selection/stand-in/removal)

Box 21, folder 23

Policy: Publication Freedom

Box 21, folder 24

Policy: Race relations

Box 21, folder 25

Policy: Recruitment

Box 21, folder 26

Policy: Religion

Box 21, folder 27

Policy: Removal of Objectionable People from Campus and Related Problems

Box 21, folder 28

Policy: Retirement plan (Academic and Non-academic)

Box 21, folder 29

Policy: Sabbatical Leave - Stanford

Box 21, folder 30

Policy: Search and Seizure

Box 21, folder 31

Policy: Seminars

Box 21, folder 32

Policy: Sick-leave (Non-teaching personnel)

Box 21, folder 33

Policy: Sit-Ins (Handling)

Box 21, folder 34

Policy: Smoking on campus

Box 21, folder 35

Policy: Regulations exchange and guest meals

Box 21, folder 36

Policy: Solicitation on campus

Box 21, folder 37

Policy: Standards

Box 21, folder 38

Policy: Staff privileges for temporary or part-time, employees

Box 21, folder 39

Policy: Student discipline.(including student morals 1963-

Box 21, folder 40

Policy: Subpoenas (handling)

Box 21, folder 41

Policy: Teacher (Qualifications)

Box 21, folder 42

Policy: Teaching load

Box 21, folder 43

Policy: Tenure

Box 21, folder 44

Policy: Titles

Box 21, folder 45

Policy: Travel expenses

Box 21, folder 46

Policy: Trespassing

Box 21, folder 47

Policy: Stanford Students. Conduct: rights and responsibilities

Box 21, folder 47

Policy: Student Discipline (includes Student Morals) 1968

Box 21, folder 48

Policy: Trustees, Selection, Tenure, etc

Box 21, folder 49

Policy: Use of facilities

Box 22, folder 1

Chairs, Stanford (Policy Re:) [1963-69]

Box 22, folder 2

Children's Hospital at Stanford (Name changed from Stanford's Children Convalescent Hospital) [1961-69]

Box 22, folder 3

Communism [1953-70]

Box 22, folder 4

Community Forum [1970]

Box 22, folder 5

Consul Office / Consulates [1966-71]

Box 22, folder 6

Continuing Education [1968-71]

Box 22, folder 7

Controversial Speakers [1971]

Box 22, folder 8

Counselors / Counseling [1968-70]

Box 22, folder 9

Senator Alan Cranston [1969-70]

Box 22, folder 10

Crew, The Stanford [1955-64]

Box 22, folder 11

Cross Currents [1969-70]

Box 22, folder 12

Cuban Student Loans [1963-69]

Box 22, folder 13

D (General) [1968-72]

Box 22, folder 14

Angela Davis [1970-72]

Box 22, folder 15

Angela Davis and Her War on the Capitalist Society. [1969]

Box 22, folder 16

Paul H. Davis [1969-70]

Box 22, folder 17

Ralph P. Davidson [1967-71]

Box 22, folder 18

Dedications [1969-71]

Box 22, folder 19

Deficiency Lists [1968-70]

Box 22, folder 19

Degrees/Honorary Degrees/Fellowships 1969-70

Box 22, folder 20

Demonstrations at Stanford / Chronology [1969]

Box 22, folder 21

Dig-In Project [1970]

Box 22, folder 22

Dinkelspiel Auditorium [1957-69]

Box 22, folder 23

Dissertations / Challenges (contains only the file on Sparks, Marshall.) [1965-70]

Box 22, folder 24

Distaff Club [1969]

Box 22, folder 24

Diplomas 1965-70

Box 22, folder 25

Dornbusch, Sanford [1969-71]

Box 22, folder 25

Double jeopardy [1965]

Box 22, folder 26

Doyle, Nr. Morris M. (Trustee) [1962-71]

Box 22, folder 27

Drugs (Laws Regarding the use of Marijuana) 1965-68

Box 22, folder 27

Drugs (LSD in Particu1ar) [1967-69]

Box 22, folder 28

Druidism [1971]

Box 22, folder 29

DuBridge, Advisor to Pres. Nixon on Science and Technology. See also: Pres. Science Adv. Comm. (Gen.) [1969-70]

Box 22, folder 30

Duke University [1968-69]

Box 22, folder 31

E General [1967-71]

Box 22, folder 32

East-Asian Seminars [1968]

Box 22, folder 33

East Palo Alto Day School [1968-69]

Box 22, folder 34

Editorial Projects For Education. The "EPE" 15-Minute Reports [1967-70]

Box 22, folder 35

Educational Career Service [1968]

Box 22, folder 36

Educational Innovations [1969]

Box 22, folder 37

Educational Resources Information Center [1967]

Box 22, folder 38

Educational Television [1968-71]

Box 22, folder 39

Satellite Communications Educational Television. [1970-71]

Box 22, folder 40

Education As Awareness [1971]

Box 22, folder 40

Education Testing Service [1967-70]

Box 22, folder 41

Stanford Elementary School [1966-70]

Box 22, folder 42

Ely, Northcutt [1966-67]

Box 22, folder 43

Emergency Interim Legislation [1968-70]

Box 22, folder 44

Emeriti (General). See also: Policy Emeriti Retirement [1962-68]

Box 22, folder 45

American Association On Emeriti [1965-66]

Box 22, folder 46

Supplementary Pension Program [1962-68]

Box 22, folder 47

Employment Agencies [1968]

Box 22, folder 48

Encina Fund [1969]

Box 22, folder 49

Encounter Groups. See also: Esalen Institute [1969]

Box 22, folder 50

Endowment Data, Stanford and Others [1966]

Box 22, folder 51

Enrollment Data, Stanford [1957-70]

Box 22, folder 52

Environmental Health Task Force Bay Area Comprehensive Health Planning Council [1970]

Box 22, folder 53

Environmental Law Society. See also: Coyote Hall (Activism) [1969]

Box 22, folder 54

Environmental Matters. See also: Urban America, Inc [1969-70]

Box 22, folder 55

Equal Employment Opportunity [1968-69]

Box 22, folder 56

Esalen Program/Institute. See also: Experiential Education [1966-68]

Box 22, folder 57

Brant Case, Esalen Institute [1969]

Box 22, folder 57

Escondido Village [1959-60]

Box 22, folder 58

-Re: Rent Increase [1969]

Box 22, folder 59

Evers, Williamson M. (Bill) [1968]

Box 22, folder 60

Examinations [1969]

Box 22, folder 61

Exchange Programs [1963-70]

Box 22, folder 62

Experiential Education. See also: Esalen Program [1969]

Box 22, folder 63

F General [1966-70]

Box 22, folder 64

Faculty Club [1965-69]

Box 22, folder 65

Faculty Club Liquor License [1969-70]

Box 22, folder 66

President's Dining Room [1966-69]

Box 22, folder 67

Faculty-Miscellaneous [1966-67]

Box 22, folder 68

Faculty Political Action Group [1971]

Box 22, folder 69

Faculty / Staff Directory [1970]

Box 22, folder 70

Fair Employment Practices Act - California Fair Labor Standards Act. See also: Equal Opportunities and Policy: Hiring Practices [1967-69]

Box 22, folder 71

Fall Out Shelters [1968]

Box 22, folder 72

Federal Aid to Education [1968-69]

Box 22, folder 73

Federal Bureau of Investigation [1956-67]

Box 22, folder 74

Pres. Nixon's Plan to Investigate Campus Violence (file empty)

Box 22, folder 75

Federal Communications Commission [1968]

Box 22, folder 76

Federal Government - Stanford Relationship Research/Grants/Contracts [1961-69]

Box 22, folder 77

Fellowship of Christian Athletes [1970]

Box 22, folder 78

Film Festivals/Films [1967-69]

Box 22, folder 79

Film Making on Campus [1969]

Box 22, folder 80

Financial Reports [1968-69]

Box 22, folder 81

Financing (Stanford in Particular) [1969]

Box 22, folder 82

Financing Higher Education. See also: California Constitutional Reform [1969-70]

Box 22, folder 83

Financing Private institutions. See also: Cornell University For Study of Government Education Relations or California Constitution Revision Commission [1968-70]

Box 22, folder 84

Biddle Bill (ACA 47) [1970]

Box 22, folder 85

Financing Public Education in California [1968]

Box 23, folder 1

Peter Coutts-Frenchman's Terrace (Low / Moderate Income Housing) AD 13.2

Box 23, folder 2

Fires/Other Than Stanford [1968]

Box 23, folder 3

Flag of the United States, Etiquette [1955-71]

Box 23, folder 4

Flags [1967]

Box 23, folder 5

Flowers (Ordering of) [1965]

Box 23, folder 6

Fluoridation of Water Supply AD 13.9.2 [1969-70]

Box 23, folder 7

Foreign Scholars/Students [l968-70]

Box 23, folder 8

Forensics St3.15 [1966-70]

Box 23, folder 9

Form Letters AD3.9 [1968-70]

Box 23, folder 10

Formal Processions AD11.7.5 [1965]

Box 23, folder 11

Forum 70 [1970]

Box 23, folder 12

Founding Grant AD7.6 [1969-70]

Box 23, folder 13

Fraternities Restrictive Clause AD 8.18.8 [1957-65]

Box 23, folder 14

Fraternities General [1953-70]

Box 23, folder 15

Alpha Phi Omega AD8.18.8 1964-70

Box 23, folder 16

Fraternity Beta Chi [1966-70]

Box 23, folder 17

Delta Chi [1967]

Box 23, folder 18

Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity (Housing) [1964-68]

Box 23, folder 19

Delta Tau Delta [1966-70]

Box 23, folder 20

Phi Delta Theta Fraternity. See: Demonstration Housing

Box 23, folder 21

Phi Gamma Delta Disaffiliates With The National Fraternity. Zeta Alpha Pi (New Name) [1965-70]

Box 23, folder 22

Fraudulence/Possible Fraud AD 7.7 [1967]

Box 23, folder 23

Frost Amphitheater [1963-70]

Box 23, folder 24

Fundamental Standard [1963-68]

Box 23, folder 25

G General [1965-69]

Box 23, folder 26

Gifted Children [1965-69]

Box 23, folder 27

Glee Club St 3.16 [1968-70]

Box 23, folder 28

Golf: Golf Course Use AD 12.14.7/23 [1965-70]

Box 23, folder 29

Governance of the University. See also: Gardner Comm. to Study Structure of the Board of Trustees, 1969 AD 7.8 [1968-69]

Box 23, folder 30

Grades/Grading AA3.l3 [1970]

Box 23, folder 31

-Pass/Fail Grading System [1966-71]

Box 23, folder 32

Graduate Reception. (Graduate Division Handles) AD 11.7.8 [1969]

Box 23, folder 33

Graduation Requirements. See: Course-Credit Issues

Box 23, folder 34

Grass Roots, (Environment) AD.13.9 1970

Box 23, folder 35

Grievance Procedure see: Policy (Cases filed: Personnel and Employee Relations Dept.)

Box 23, folder 36

The Grove Project. See: Demonstration Housing

Box 23, folder 37

John Grube [1969]

Box 23, folder 38

University of Guanabara in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil . See: Exchange Programs

Box 23, folder 39

Gubser, Charles S. - U.S. Rep 1965-70

Box 23, folder 40

Guest Rooms. See: Room Reservations (Guest Rooms)

Box 23, folder 41

Gunther, Professor Gerald [1969]

Box 23, folder 42

Fund Raising [1969-70]

Box 23, folder 43

Major Fund Raising Campaign. (file empty) See: Cabinet / Committee on Gift Program-Trustees (1971-72)

Box 23, folder 43

H [1966-70]

Box 23, folder 44

Hammond, Eddie [1966]

Box 23, folder 45

Mary Hanson [1967-70]

Box 23, folder 46

David Harris/Joan Baez [1967-72]

Box 23, folder 47

Hart, George D. [1970] See also: Index Card For More

Box 23, folder 48

Harvard University [1969-70]

Box 23, folder 49

Harvard Recognition System (25 Year Employees) U 8.23 [1971]

Box 23, folder 50

Hashing St 3.13.1 [1968]

Box 23, folder 51

Hayakawa, Dr. SI [1969-71]

Box 23, folder 52

Head Start Program [1966-67]

Box 23, folder 53

Heffner, Hubert [1969-70]

Box 23, folder 54

William R. Hewlett [1963-70]

Box 23, folder 55

High School Day AD11.7.9.

Box 23, folder 56

Higher education, Case For / Against

Box 23, folder 57

Higher Education Act of 1965. See also: Financial Aids [1966-68]

Box 23, folder 58

Higher Education Act of 1963. Facilities. See also: Coordinating Council for Higher Education [1964-71]

Box 23, folder 59

Hitch, Charles J [1969]

Box 23, folder 60

Hoax [1965-69]

Box 23, folder 61

Home Exchanges [1966]

Box 23, folder 62

Homosexuality/Homophile League [1967-68]

Box 23, folder 63

Honor Code, The Stanford 1955-59

Box 23, folder 64

Honor Societies 1968-70

Box 23, folder 65

Hoover, Allan 1966-70

Box 23, folder 66

Hoover, Herbert Jr 1955-68

Box 23, folder 67

Hoover, J. Edgar 1965

Box 23, folder 68

Lou Henry Hoover House. See: President's House

Box 23, folder 69

Herbert Hoover Pavilion 1959-69

Box 23, folder 70

Housing, Emeriti/Senior Staff 1965-68

Box 23, folder 71

Housing-Low Cost/Low Income. Graduate Student Housing [1969-70]

Box 23, folder 72

Arguments Re: Use of Land for Low-Income Housing [1970]

Box 23, folder 73

Relates to Housing For Graduate Students [1970-71]

Box 23, folder 74

Alan S. Maremont To Advise on the Feasibility of Rental Housing on Stanford Lands [1969]

Box 23, folder 75

Minority Housing AD 8.18.11 [1970]

Box 23, folder 76

Housing - Raven Proposal Regarding Old Corporation Yard [1968]

Box 24, folder 1

Housing-General Policy 1965-69

Box 24, folder 2

Co-educational Housing [1967-70]

Box 24, folder 3

Visiting Hours, Coeducational Housing [1968]

Box 24, folder 3

Housing Coordinator (Student) [1969]

Box 24, folder 4

Housing (Student): Includes Demonstration Housing [1967-70]

Box 24, folder 5

Alternative Homes. (empty file)

Box 24, folder 6

Florence Moore Hall [1967-69]

Box 24, folder 7

Wilbur Hall [1967]

Box 24, folder 8

The Grove Project [1966-68]

Box 24, folder 9

Serra-Donner Controversy [1967-68]

Box 24, folder 10

Stern Jacks Housing [1966-70]

Box 24, folder 11

Housing: Married Student [1964-69]

Box 24, folder 12

Housing (Men). [1963-69]

Box 24, folder 12

Housing Research Group [1969]

Box 24, folder 13

Fraternity Cluster III [1967-68]

Box 24, folder 14

Housing Available in England [1969]

Box 24, folder 15

Howard University [1968]

Box 24, folder 16

Hubert Humphrey [1966-67]

Box 24, folder 17

Hutchinson, Eric [1967-68]

Box 24, folder 18

Hypnosis Workshop [1970]

Box 24, folder 19

I [1969-71]

Box 24, folder 20

Immigration [1966-69]

Box 24, folder 21

Index of Social Responsibility for American Business [1969]

Box 24, folder 22

Stanford Industrial Park AD 13.8 [1968-70]

Box 24, folder 23

Information Bulletin [1967-70]

Box 24, folder 24

In Loco Parentis [1967]

Box 24, folder 25

Inner Quad [1970]

Box 24, folder 26

Institute for Educational Management. See: Sloan Program-Business School Dept

Box 24, folder 27

Institute in Germany for Advanced Study [1968]

Box 24, folder 28

Institute of International Education [1965-69]

Box 24, folder 29

Institute for Public Policy Analysis [1968-71]

Box 24, folder 30

Institute for the Study of Human Problems [1966-69]

Box 24, folder 31

Institute of Human Relations O3.40 [1971]

Box 24, folder 32

Institute for the Study of Non-Violence O3.39 [1968-70]

Box 24, folder 33

Insurance (General)/Property AD 12.8.1 [1969-70]

Box 24, folder 34

Insurance ASSU AD 12.8. 1/2 [1969]

Box 24, folder 35

Insurance Claim Agent [1970]

Box 24, folder 36

Earthquakes/Studies of, Insurance, Etc [1969-70]

Box 24, folder 37

Insurance. (Fire) [1968-69]

Box 24, folder 38

Insurance-Group Life Plans (Faculty and Non-Faculty) [1955-67]

Box 24, folder 39

Insurance (Student Hospitalization) [1970]

Box 24, folder 40

Insurance Cases and possible cases [1965-66]

Box 24, folder 41

Long Term Disability Income Plan [1966]

Box 24, folder 42

United Medical Clinics Plan Insurance, Medical Service Plan-Insurance [1965-71]

Box 24, folder 43

Re: Modification of Health Plan [1966-70]

Box 24, folder 44

Insurance: T.I.A.A [1960-70]

Box 24, folder 45

Insurance: Group and Individual Travel Accident [1957-60]

Box 24, folder 46

Insurance: Unemployment [1965-70]

Box 24, folder 47

Insurance Pool, Voluntary Property [1970]

Box 24, folder 48

Insurance (Vehicles) [1968]

Box 24, folder 49

Intelligence Quotient [1969]

Box 24, folder 50

Intercollegiate Studies Institute [1967-68]

Box 24, folder 51

Interdepartmental Assembly [1970]

Box 24, folder 52

Interdepartmental Majors [1967-69]

Box 24, folder 53

Intern Programs [1962-70]

Box 24, folder 54

J.E. Wallace Sterling Internship (Formerly Stanford In Sacramento Intern Program) [1966-69]

Box 24, folder 55

International African Institute [1964-70]

Box 24, folder 56

International Association (Institute of International Relations and the International Club Merged to form International Association) [1965-71]

Box 24, folder 57

International Association of University Presidents [1967-68]

Box 24, folder 58

IAU 5th General Conference 8/29/70 - 9/5/70, Montreal [1965-70]

Box 24, folder 59

International Club [1963-66]

Box 24, folder 60

International Congress of Classical Studies [1969]

Box 24, folder 61

International Education Act of 1966 [1966-69]

Box 24, folder 62

International Research and Exchanges Board-U.S. Dept. of State G 3.16.6 [1969-70]

Box 24, folder 63

International Student Affairs. (changed from Foreign Student Advisor-1965) [1968]

Box 24, folder 64

International Study Project, Inc

Box 24, folder 65

International University of Europe [1969]

Box 24, folder 66

International Voluntary Services [1966-68]

Box 24, folder 67

Inter-Tribal Council of California [1968]

Box 24, folder 68

Invitations [1970]

Box 24, folder 69

Invitations to Speak (Regretted) [1970]

Box 24, folder 70

Invitations (Lyman Host) [1969]

Box 24, folder 71

Invitations (Special) Hold for Reference [1965,1968]

Box 24, folder 72

Invitations/To Speak, Other. (Glover and Others). (file empty)

Box 24, folder 73

Involvement Corps (Pilot Project to Bring About "Constructive Revolution") [1968]

Box 24, folder 74

J 1966-67

Box 24, folder 75

Jack and Jill Conference [1968]

Box 24, folder 76

Jamaica Vacation Applicants [1961-65]

Box 24, folder 77

Japan and Japanese Affairs 1966-67

Box 24, folder 78

Jasper Ridge Biological Experimental Area 1966-67

Box 24, folder 79

Jones, Thomas V. Trustee. (file empty)

Box 24, folder 80

Journal of Higher Education [1968]

Box 24, folder 81

Judicial Procedures. (RE: Legislative and Judicial Charter.) [1968-70]

Box 24, folder 82

Judicial Procedures (Probation and Suspension/Definitions of: Prosecutor/Attorney General) [1969-70]

Box 24, folder 83

Junior Faculty Forum [1969]

Box 24, folder 84

Junior Science and Humanities Symposium 1964-65

Box 24, folder 85

Jury Duty/Commissioner, Santa Clara County.(file missing - no out card) 1962-69

Box 24, folder 86

K General [1965-70]

Box 24, folder 87

Keio University (Student Exchange Program). See: Exchange Program

Box 24, folder 88

Kemnitzer, Wm. J [1962-67]

Box 24, folder 89

Kent State University in Ohio [1970]

Box 24, folder 90

Clark Kerr [1964-67]

Box 24, folder 91

Kingscote Apartments [1963-69]

Box 24, folder 92

Kline, Stephen J [1968-69]

Box 24, folder 93

KQED (Includes auction) [1970]

Box 24, folder 94

Krebiozen [1965-66]

Box 24, folder 95

Thomas H. Kuchel, U.S. Senator [1965-68]

Box 24, folder 96

KZSU [1966-70]

Box 24, folder 97

L General [1965-70]

Box 24, folder 98

Lacrosse [1964-70]

Box 24, folder 99

Lake Lagunita [1962-69]

Box 25, folder 1

Ladera Dam [1962-69]

Box 25, folder 2

Land, Edwin H [1964-68]

Box 25, folder 3

Landscaping [1970]

Box 25, folder 4

Languages (Gen. Misc.) 1965-69

Box 25, folder 5

Leadership Development Program [1969]

Box 25, folder 6

Lee, Dr. Russell V 1968-71

Box 25, folder 7

Legal Aid Society 1966

Box 25, folder 8

Liberation Week Activities 1970

Box 25, folder 9

Librarian Association 1969

Box 25, folder 10

Liquor Policy 1968-70

Box 25, folder 11

Liquor - Legal Opinions, licenses (Policy) Legality on Campus and 1/2 mile zone 1955-70

Box 25, folder 12

Serving of Alcohol in University Buildings (Other than Residence Halls - Must be Ok'd by President's Office.) 1966-70

Box 25, folder 13

Long Range Estimates/Planning, 1967-70

Box 25, folder 14

Long Range Estimates/Planning 1967-70

Box 25, folder 15

Lowenstein, Allard 1963-70

Box 25, folder 16

M [1963-70]

Box 25, folder 17

Mack Burnell [1970]

Box 25, folder 18

The Mafia [1969]

Box 25, folder 19

Maggie's Farm [1969]

Box 25, folder 20

Mail, Interdepartmental, Etc [1967-70]

Box 25, folder 21

Re: Bulk Mailing [1969-70]

Box 25, folder 22

Manganiello, Aaron J [1968]

Box 25, folder 23

Mailings. (Art, Music, Summer Festival, Calendars) [1967-69]

Box 25, folder 24

Bayless Manning, Dean of the Law School [1968]

Box 25, folder 25

Management Consultants. (See: Cresap, Etc.)

Box 25, folder 26

Manzanita Park (Trailers) [1969-70]

Box 25, folder 27

Roscoe Maples Pavilion [1958-69]

Box 25, folder 28

Problem of Acoustics [1969]

Box 25, folder 29

Correspondence With Mrs. Maples [1969-70]

Box 25, folder 30

Marine Corps [1968-69]

Box 25, folder 31

Massachusetts Institute of Technology [1969]

Box 25, folder 32

May 2nd Movement

Box 25, folder 33

Mayfield House (Cooperative Residence) [1968-69]

Box 25, folder 34

McClellan Committee. - Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee on Government Operations [1969]

Box 25, folder 35

Letters of Response to our Handling of the Subpoena [1969]

Box 25, folder 36

McCloskey, Paul N. Jr. (The Hon.) [1968-70]

Box 25, folder 37

John A. McCone [1969]

Box 25, folder 38

R. C. McCurdy [1961-68]

Box 25, folder 39

McGovern, George (Senator of South Dakota) [1969]

Box 25, folder 40

Medical Coverage, Students [1968]

Box 25, folder 41

Basic Medical Plan for Faculty and Staff (Increased Staff Benefit Rate) 1969

Box 25, folder 42

Medical Student Association [1969]

Box 25, folder 43

Memberships, Stanford. Lists and Miscellaneous Information [1962-69]

Box 25, folder 44

Memorial Auditorium [1965-69]

Box 25, folder 45

Memorials (War) [1965-68]

Box 25, folder 46

Mendicants [1965-67]

Box 25, folder 47

Stanford-Menlo Park Relations Including H.U.D. Model City Program. See also U.S. Dept. H.U.D [1967-68]

Box 25, folder 48

Menlo School and College [1969]

Box 25, folder 49

Mexican-American Affairs [1966-69]

Box 25, folder 50

Mexican/American Affairs, Assistant to the President for. (John Johnson's search committee files (2) (1969-70)

Box 25, folder 51

Mexican-American Seminars [1969-70]

Box 25, folder 52

Mexican-American Seminars, Search for the Director of. (John Johnson's file, 1970)

Box 25, folder 53

Mid-Peninsula Christian Ministry [1968]

Box 25, folder 54

Mid-Peninsula Free University [1968-70]

Box 25, folder 55

Mid-Peninsula Health Facilities Planning Council [1966-68]

Box 25, folder 56

Miller, Robert [1968]

Box 25, folder 57

Mills College [1966-69]

Box 25, folder 58

Minority Education/Programs [1969-70]

Box 25, folder 59

Affirmative Action-Program Minority Employment [1969-70]

Box 25, folder 60

Minority Programs (funding for) [1969]

Box 25, folder 61

Minority Groups and Acton Taken [1967-70]

Box 25, folder 62

Minority Demands, Minority Groups and Action Taken [1969-71]

Box 26, folder 1

Minority Students [1972]

Box 26, folder 2

Monterey Institute of Foreign Studies [1968]

Box 26, folder 3

Moran, Hugh A 1966-69

Box 26, folder 4

Mothers' Club of Stanford University 1969-70

Box 26, folder 5

Motto, The Stanford 1966-68

Box 26, folder 6

Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan. See: Chicanos File

Box 26, folder 7

Multi-National Universities 1967-68

Box 26, folder 8

N General 1966-67

Box 26, folder 9

Nairobi College 1969-70

Box 26, folder 10

Names for Stanford Streets and Parks 1957-69

Box 26, folder 11

Names for Resident Units and Office Buildings 1954-69

Box 26, folder 12

National Academy of Sciences 1963-70

Box 26, folder 13

National Advisory Council on Education Professions Development 1969

Box 26, folder 14

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 1966-70

Box 26, folder 15

Conference at NASA ib 6-23-69 re: The Relationships Between Universities and Government Agencies [1969]

Box 26, folder 16

National Association for Foreign Student Affairs 1962-69

Box 26, folder 17

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 1957-68

Box 26, folder 18

National Association of College and University Business Officers 1968

Box 26, folder 19

National Bureau of Economic Research 1968-70

Box 26, folder 20

National Center for Primate Biology. California Advisory Committee (Proposal) [1967]

Box 26, folder 21

National Collegiate Athletic Association 1966-70

Box 26, folder 22

Freshman Participation in All Varsity Sports Except Basketball and Football [1967-68]

Box 26, folder 23

Re: Financial Aid to Athletes (See also file re: Financial Aid to Athletes--P.E. Dept.) [1970]

Box 26, folder 24

National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence. See: Violence File

Box 26, folder 25

National. Commission on. Libraries 1970

Box 26, folder 26

National Defense Educational Act. See also: Fellowships 1962-70

Box 26, folder 27

National Defense Student Loan Funds 1958-70

Box 26, folder 28

National Education Association. American Association for Higher Education 1965-69

Box 26, folder 29

National Industrial Conference Board 1960-69

Box 26, folder 30

National Institute of Public Affairs. See: Fellowships

Box 26, folder 31

National Labor Relations Board (Unions) 1964-69

Box 26, folder 32

National Medal of Science 1966-69

Box 26, folder 33

W.K.H. Panofsky, National Medal of Science

Box 26, folder 34

National Plan for Emergency Preparedness -Filed (Office of Emergency Planning)

Box 26, folder 35

National Service. See: Community for Relevant Education

Box 26, folder 36

National Student Association (NSA) 1962-69

Box 26, folder 37

Natural Disaster Study 1968

Box 26, folder 38

Naval Research Advisory Committee 1966-68

Box 26, folder 39

Nazis Activities 1969

Box 26, folder 40

Nelson, Lyle M 1960-71

Box 26, folder 41

New York Office(Stanford) 1964-69

Box 26, folder 42

New University Conference (NUC) (2 files) [1970]

Box 26, folder 43

New Mobilization Com. to End the War--See: Vietnam Moratorium Protests

Box 26, folder 44

News Releases/Coverage 1965-69

Box 26, folder 45

Newsweek Magazine [1969]

Box 26, folder 46

President Richard M. Nixon 1969-70

Box 26, folder 47

Nobel Peace Prize 1963-70

Box 26, folder 48

Noise Pollution 1966-68

Box 26, folder 49

Non-violent Alternative to War. See: Peace Caucus under Political Union

Box 26, folder 50

Northern California Council on Economic Education 1968

Box 26, folder 51

Northern California Industry - Educational Council (Auxiliary File) 1968-70

Box 26, folder 52

Nuisance Problems. See also: Crime on Campus [1967-69]

Box 26, folder 53

Nursery School 1967

Box 26, folder 54

O 1970-71

Box 26, folder 55

Oak Creek Apartments 1970

Box 26, folder 56

Oak Ridge National Laboratory 1968-69

Box 26, folder 57

Oberlin College 1969

Box 26, folder 58

O'Brian, Richard F 1971

Box 26, folder 59

Obscenity 1968-69

Box 26, folder 60

Stanford Observer 1966-70

Box 26, folder 61

Pres. Charles E. Odegaard. University of Washington [1967-68]

Box 26, folder 62

Office of Emergency Planning. See: Civil Defense

Box 26, folder 63

Office Equipment/Availability of Other Offices Services 1967-69

Box 26, folder 64

Oil Company Drilling 1969

Box 26, folder 65

Olympics/Committee 1965-70

Box 26, folder 66

Ombudsman 1968-70

Box 26, folder 67

Establishment of a University Ombudsman at Stanford 1969

Box 26, folder 68

Open House 1963-69

Box 26, folder 69

Opinion Polls 1969

Box 26, folder 70

Opportunities Industrialization Center West 1965-70

Box 26, folder 71

P 1965-70

Box 26, folder 72

Pacific Eight Conference (General) 1968-70

Box 26, folder 73

Women's Athletics. Pacific Eight Conference 1964-69

Box 26, folder 74

Pacific Eight Conference Meetings 1970-71

Box 26, folder 75

Statement of Intent. Pacific Eight Conference 1964-71

Box 26, folder 76

Pacific Eight Handbook O3.47.2 1964-70

Box 26, folder 77

Articles of Organization; By-laws. Pacific Eight Conference 1960-68

Box 26, folder 78

Pacific Improvement Co. (owned 25% by Stanford, 25% by Crocker and 50% by U of C) 1964-66

Box 26, folder 79

Policy Statements. Pacific Eight Conference 1957-69

Box 27, folder 1

Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co 1967-70

Box 27, folder 2

Packard, David 1961-70

Box 27, folder 3

Palo Alto, City of (Organizations, Societies, Etc.) 1964-70

Box 27, folder 4

Palo Alto City Council 1967-69

Box 27, folder 5

Palo Alto Club 1964-68

Box 27, folder 6

Palo Alto Medical Research Foundation / Hospital [1967-68]

Box 27, folder 7

Palo Alto Square 1969

Box 27, folder 8

Palo Alto / Stanford Relationship 1953-70

Box 27, folder 9

Happenings at the Plaza. Also See: SDS File. Palo Alto Times. 1967 [1968-69]

Box 27, folder 10

Palo Alto Medical Clinic 1965-69

Box 27, folder 11

University Clinic Liaison Comm [1968-69]

Box 27, folder 12

Parents Day 1967-69

Box 27, folder 13

Parking/Transportation to Campus 1968-70

Box 27, folder 14

Parking Committee Judge (Mrs. Lillian R. Altree) [1969]

Box 27, folder 15

Re: Parking Spaces/Guest Parking [1969-70]

Box 27, folder 16

Re: Violations [1968-70]

Box 27, folder 17

Partisan Politics 1963-69

Box 27, folder 18

Peace Caucus. See: Political Union and Peace Caucus

Box 27, folder 19

Peace Corps/Summer Intern Program 1966-70

Box 27, folder 20

Peace on Campus/Attempts Made 1970

Box 27, folder 21

Peace Monger 1970

Box 27, folder 22

Peninsula Children's Center 1963-69

Box 27, folder 23

Pensions 1966-68

Box 27, folder 24

People's Park (Stanford's Own) 1964-70

Box 27, folder 25

People's Park - Issue at University of California Spring 1969

Box 27, folder 26

Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency 1970

Box 27, folder 27

Per Se 1967-68

Box 27, folder 28

Percy, Charles (Senator from Illinois) 1965-70

Box 27, folder 29

Peru/Peruvian-American Council for Educational Exchange (PACE) 1966-67

Box 27, folder 30

Pesticides 1969

Box 27, folder 31

PhD Degrees on Stanford Faculty. (Includes Survey 1958) 1958-70

Box 27, folder 32

Phi Beta Kappa 1959-70

Box 27, folder 33

Phleger, Herman (Trustee)

Box 27, folder 34

Photographers/Painters/Autographs and Photographs [1961-70]

Box 27, folder 35

Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Pitzer [1970-72]

Box 27, folder 36

Pitzer College [1970]

Box 27, folder 37

Pitzer Statements [1968-70]

Box 27, folder 38

Jim Plunkett [1970]

Box 27, folder 39

Stanford Police Officers Association 1969

Box 27, folder 40

Political Groups, Local

Box 27, folder 41

Political Union, 1959-70

Box 27, folder 42

Pope Paul VI 1969

Box 27, folder 43

Pollution See also: Urban Affairs 1969

Box 27, folder 44

Population and Environment Forum 1968-69

Box 27, folder 45

Population / Family Planning, Etc 1969

Box 27, folder 46

Pornography (Academic Council and Film banning). see also: Committee on Standards 1966-69

Box 27, folder 47

Postal matters/Post office 1962-70

Box 27, folder 48

Postdoctoral students 1966

Box 27, folder 49

Pre-election recess. Princeton plan. see also: Community forum 1969-70

Box 27, folder 50

Pre-registration program 1966-70

Box 27, folder 51

Presbyterian hospital. see: Pacific Medical Center

Box 27, folder 52

Presidential scholars 1968-69

Box 27, folder 53

President's mail summary 1970-71

Box 27, folder 54

President's house/staff/car/driver 1965-70

Box 27, folder 55

President's portraits 1965-66

Box 27, folder 56

President's report. see: Annual reports (general)

Box 27, folder 57

President's schedule 1970-71

Box 27, folder 58

President's science advisory committee 1969

Box 27, folder 59

Princeton plan. see: pre-election recess 1970

Box 27, folder 60

Princeton University 1969

Box 27, folder 61

Princeton University--critical languages program 1969

Box 27, folder 62

Prior, Frank 0. see also: Winds of freedom 1968-70

Box 28, folder 1

Private colleges, the case for 1967-68

Box 28, folder 1

University of California O8.43

Box 28, folder 2

PTA--Protesters, troublemakers, and anarchists 1968-69

Box 28, folder 3

Project Info, see: Long-range plans for administrative data processing, also Ford Foundation grant and administrative data processing. (dept. file)

Box 28, folder 4

Protesters/calendar 1969-70

Box 28, folder 5

The Pub 1967

Box 28, folder 6

Publications 1965-70

Box 28, folder 7

Quad 1966-70

Box 28, folder 8

Questionnaires, handling of 1968

Box 28, folder 9

"R" 1965-70

Box 28, folder 10

Racism 1968-70

Box 28, folder 11

Rampart's magazine 1968

Box 28, folder 12

Ram's Head 1966-69

Box 28, folder 13

Ravenswood High School 1964-70

Box 28, folder 14

Recommendations 1965-68

Box 28, folder 15

Recommendations 1968-70

Box 28, folder 16

Reporter 1968-70

Box 28, folder 17

Research--General 1967-70

Box 28, folder 18

Research, classified 1967-68

Box 28, folder 19

Public Broadcasting Lab 1968-69

Box 28, folder 20

Research Corporation (sabbatical program) 1970

Box 28, folder 21

Research program, government. See also: Federal government - Stanford relations, also Federal government sponsored projects (university financial obligations 1960-70), also Indirect costs, research (government) 1961-69 1961-70

Box 28, folder 22

Research personnel- research assistants, associates, grad. assts., etc. see also: Teaching and research assistants 1957-69

Box 28, folder 23

Residence staff 1964-70

Box 28, folder 24

Resistance (Name changed from commitment) 1969

Box 28, folder 25

Retirements 1968-70

Box 28, folder 26

Retirement Center (and studies made) 1963-66

Box 28, folder 27

Riding ring 1964-70

Box 28, folder 28

Rifle range and team 1955-66

Box 28, folder 29

Right wing activities. see also: YR's [young republicans] and Young Americans for Freedom 1969

Box 28, folder 30

Riots (includes Broyhile amendment and amendments from Stanford Univ.) see: Federal aid to education

Box 28, folder 31

Rockefeller family 1969-70

Box 28, folder 32

David Rockefeller 1965

Box 28, folder 33

Room and board rates 1969-70

Box 28, folder 34

Room reservations (guest rooms), other accommodations. see: Residence operating committee (other) for room rates 1967-69

Box 28, folder 35

Lee Rosten

Box 28, folder 36

Michael Roster 1968-69

Box 28, folder 37

Rumor verification center 1971

Box 28, folder 38

Rupert, Paul 1969-70

Box 28, folder 39

"S" - General 1968-69

Box 28, folder 40

Sailing/Sailing Association 1966-70

Box 28, folder 41

Salaries 1968-69

Box 28, folder 42

Impact of hospital salary increases in university [1969]

Box 28, folder 43

Sanford, Prof. Nevitt 1969

Box 28, folder 44

San Francisquito Creek. see also: Ladera Dam 1968-70

Box 28, folder 45

San Francisco, City of - including newspapers, science fair, S.F. Associations, clubs, societies, etc [1968]

Box 28, folder 46

San Francisco State College 1968-69

Box 28, folder 47

San Mateo County Sheriff's Dept 1971

Box 28, folder 48

San Mateo County - Stanford relations 1965-70

Box 28, folder 49

San Jose State College 1968

Box 28, folder 50

Santa Clara County Grand Jury 1970

Box 28, folder 51

Santa Clara County Hiking and Riding Trails 1967-71

Box 28, folder 52

Santa Clara County Office of Education 1968

Box 28, folder 53

Santa Clara County Sheriff/ Office I relations with Stanford Univ 1969-70

Box 28, folder 54

Sapir, Marc. see also: interim judicial body (committee) 1968-70

Box 28, folder 55

Saratoga House, Campus 1965

Box 28, folder 56

Savings Bond / Payroll plan 1967-70

Box 28, folder 57

SCAN (Students for Constructive Action) 1968

Box 28, folder 58

Schedule of meetings / travel, etc 1968-70

Box 28, folder 59

Schedule of Stanford events 1965-68

Box 28, folder 60

Schools, General 1964-67

Box 28, folder 61

Schwengal, the Honorable Fred, (Rep.) 1968-70

Box 28, folder 62

Scientists for Social and Political Action. (SSPA) 1969

Box 28, folder 63

Role of the University 1969-70

Box 28, folder 64

Scientology 1969

Box 28, folder 65

SCOPE -- College Entrance Examination Board 1966-69

Box 28, folder 66

Stanford Committee for Radical Education 1968-70

Box 28, folder 67

Scrolls 1966

Box 28, folder 68

Scratch Sheets. see also: Evaluation of teaching 1966-69

Box 28, folder 69

Searsville Lake 1963-66

Box 28, folder 70

Selective Service--Hershey Directive 1967-69

Box 28, folder 71

Selective Service 1965-69

Box 28, folder 72

Letters requesting deferment [1968]

Box 28, folder 73

Ad hoc Committee on Selective Service [1967]

Box 28, folder 74

National Advisory Commission on Selective Service 1966

Box 28, folder 75

Effects of the draft on Stanford physics graduate program and that of other schools 1970

Box 28, folder 76

Selective Service College Qualification test [1966-70]

Box 29, folder 1

"S"- General 1970-71

Box 29, folder 2

Semester-in-Washington program 1966-67

Box 29, folder 3

Semester system. see: Educational inquiry committee

Box 29, folder 4

Seminars (Higher education project in Far East) see: Asian Foundations (general

Box 29, folder 5

Senior Class officers 1970-71

Box 29, folder 6

Senior Fund / Reception annual 1968

Box 29, folder 7

Sequoia Literary Magazine 1955-63

Box 29, folder 8

Service projects. see: Volunteer. Services Center

Box 29, folder 9

Serra Street. (Closure) 1970-71

Box 29, folder 10

Seven Universities. (Provost has complete file) 1967-70

Box 29, folder 11

Stanford sexual rights forum 1965-66

Box 29, folder 12

Shriners Hospitals for Crippled Children 1965-68

Box 29, folder 13

Stanford Shopping Center 1965-70

Box 29, folder 14

Shrine Burnt Child Clinic 1962-70

Box 29, folder 15

Sigma Xi. see: Honor Societies

Box 29, folder 16

Sit-ins involving other universities. see also: Columbia University 1966-70

Box 29, folder 17

Sleep laboratory 1970

Box 29, folder 18

Social Science research council 1968

Box 29, folder 19

Socially Concerned Industrial Placement 1969

Box 29, folder 20

Social regulations 1966-70

Box 29, folder 21

Sororities 1965-70

Box 29, folder 22

Southern California Office AD4.23 1962-70

Box 29, folder 23

Space Survey 1970

Box 29, folder 24

Space 1966-70

Box 29, folder 25

Spaght, Monroe E 1964-70

Box 29, folder 26

Speakers (general information). see also: controversial speakers 1967-69

Box 29, folder 27

Sponsors, 1959-70

Box 29, folder 28

Dr. Pitzer decides that while on probation, students may not hold a university position of trust and responsibility. (includes sponsors) 1969

Box 29, folder 29

Sports Illustrated 1965-68

Box 29, folder 30

Spring Sing 1964-65

Box 29, folder 31

Stadium (Stanford) 1958-69

Box 29, folder 32

Staff Coalition Committee 1970

Box 29, folder 33

Staff meetings 1966-70

Box 29, folder 34

Standard Oil Company of California (including Faculty seminars) 1966

Box 29, folder 35

Stanford Associates 1970-71

Box 29, folder 36

Stanford Binet 1966

Box 29, folder 37

Stanford Campus Homeowners Association 1964-67

Box 29, folder 38

Stanford Conservation Group. see also: Coyote Hill 1969-70

Box 29, folder 39

Stanford University Employees Association 1968-70

Box 29, folder 40

Stanford Flying Club 1956-69

Box 29, folder 41

Stanford University Hospital Board 1968-69

Box 29, folder 42

Stanford University Hospital. [contains only the following sub-file]

Box 29, folder 43

re: interest charge on working capital advances to hospital 1970

Box 29, folder 44

General members/Hospital

Box 29, folder 45

Stanford Institute

Box 29, folder 46

Stanford Linear Accelerator Center 1966-70

Box 29, folder 47

Stanford linear accelerator center atom smasher 1966

Box 29, folder 48

Stanford Linear Accelerator Center--Scientific policy committee meeting minutes 1969-70

Box 29, folder 49

SLAC/Physics Department relationship 1962-70

Box 29, folder 50

Stanford National rating 1965-70

Box 29, folder 51

Stanford relations with surrounding communities 1967-69

Box 29, folder 52

Stanford Republican

Box 29, folder 53

Stanford Review 1957-67

Box 29, folder 54

Stanford suggested sites 1965-69

Box 29, folder 55

Stanford in Sacramento

Box 29, folder 56

Stanford in Washington

Box 29, folder 57

Stanford Today 1967-69

Box 29, folder 58

Stanford University - general info

Box 29, folder 59

Stanford Village 1961-68

Box 29, folder 60

Stauffer, John 1961-70

Box 29, folder 61

Sterling, J.E.W., affairs/statements. see also: Chancellor 1964-68

Box 29, folder 62

Strong vocational tests 1967

Box 29, folder 63

Student - administration - faculty relations 1962-68

Box 29, folder 64

Student agencies, incorporated 1969

Box 29, folder 65

Students--Academic Freedom 1965-67

Box 29, folder 66

Student - Alumni Associates 1968

Box 29, folder 67

Student conduct, student rights and responsibilities. see also: Policy: Student rights and responsibilities 1963-70

Box 29, folder 68

Student consumer protection study committee 1968

Box 29, folder 69

Student deaths. see also: suicides 1970

Box 29, folder 70

Student disciplinary cases (confidential file). Report of special cases Sept. 15, 1962 - March 15, 1965.

Box 29, folder 71

Student disciplinary cases (other universities and colleges). The Educational Court Digest) 1964-65

Box 29, folder 72

Students--general info. see also: senior class officers 1964

Box 29, folder 73

Student non-violent coordinating committee 1965-67

Box 29, folder 74

Student morals 1965-67

Box 30, folder 1

Student / Alumni volunteer services 1966

Box 30, folder 2

Student privacy 1969

Box 30, folder 3

Student role 1966-69

Box 30, folder 4

Students for Democratic Action 1962

Box 30, folder 5

Students for a Democratic Society. (SDS) 1969-70

Box 30, folder 6

SDS by-laws, philosophy, and other related material 1966-69

Box 30, folder 7

SDS disruption of 1/69 Board meeting 1969

Box 30, folder 8

SDS, news articles about activities 1968-70

Box 30, folder 9

Government begins investigations of campus disruptions. McClellan Committee 1969

Box 30, folder 10

SDS pamphlets, leaflets, etc 1969-70

Box 30, folder 11

Students, special cases 1970-71

Box 30, folder 12

Students (special watch list for grades) 1966-70

Box 30, folder 13

Students--stress and the college experience 1966-67

Box 30, folder 14

Study of the role of the university in public affairs 1968-70

Box 30, folder 15

Summer alumni college 1967-70

Box 30, folder 16

Summer camp programs / the Mountain Camp 1967-68

Box 30, folder 17

Summer festivals 1969-70

Box 30, folder 18

Sunday athletics 1964-70

Box 30, folder 19

Surveys and studies - miscellaneous 1963-68

Box 30, folder 20

Sweeney, Michael 1970

Box 30, folder 21

Swig, Benjamin H 1957-69

Box 30, folder 22

Swim, Dudley 1963-72

Box 30, folder 23

Syntex 1967

Box 30, folder 24

"T" 1960-71

Box 30, folder 25

Tanner, Obert C 1970

Box 30, folder 26

Tarr, Curtis W 1968-70

Box 30, folder 27

Tax reform, effect on charitable giving to Stanford University 1964-69

Box 30, folder 28

Taxes I taxation 1957-69

Box 30, folder 29

Tax data, internal revenue (income tax) 1958-68

Box 30, folder 30

Tax exemption , 100 acre. (Bill 2719) 1956-61

Box 30, folder 31

Teaching and research assistants 1958-70

Box 30, folder 32

Teaching assistants (activism) 1968-69

Box 30, folder 33

Salary I income tax issue (teaching assistants) 1969-70

Box 30, folder 34

Teaching and/or research 1964-70

Box 30, folder 35

Telephone - telegraph - telefax 1965-68

Box 30, folder 36

Television / closed circuit 1968-70

Box 30, folder 37

Terman, Frederick E., consultant to Dr. Sterling 1962-70

Box 30, folder 38

Terry, Rev. Thomas D., S.J., President of University of Santa Clara 1970

Box 30, folder 39

Testing, vocational and psychological 1970

Box 30, folder 40

Theatre Building, temporary 1969

Box 30, folder 41

Third world 1970

Box 30, folder 42

Toole, K. Ross, and Toole, J. Howard 1970

Box 30, folder 43

Totterer's Club 1967-69

Box 30, folder 44

Transcripts 1966-68

Box 30, folder 45

Translations / translators 1968

Box 30, folder 46

Travel - expenditure practices and controls 1966-70

Box 30, folder 47

Travel (includes Council on Student Travel) 1962-70

Box 30, folder 48

Travel of faculty, alumni and friends of the university 1966-69

Box 30, folder 49

Travel suspended, western hemisphere / ramifications 1968

Box 30, folder 50

Travel schedule for President's Office staff 1969-70

Box 31, folder 1

Trustees appointments and resignations 1968-69

Box 31, folder 1

U.S. Department of Defense 1969-70

Box 31, folder 2

Trustees: by-laws 1964-70

Box 31, folder 2

Fulbright / Rivers / Mansfield amendments 1969-70

Box 31, folder 3

Trustee Committees / assignments, etc 1969-70

Box 31, folder 3

Implementation of section 203 of the Military Procurement Authorization Act of 1970 1969-70

Box 31, folder 4

Trustees academic affairs committee 1966-70

Box 31, folder 4

United Campus Christian Ministry 1965-70

Box 31, folder 5

Trustees / Gardner Committee ( renewed study of the structure of the Board of Trustees. see also: Governance of the University, for letters re:) 1969-70

Box 31, folder 5

United Fund Campaign 1964-70

Box 31, folder 6

ad hoc Committee on Structure, composition, and Function of the Board. Attempt to define delegation of authority to President. [1970]

Box 31, folder 6

United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare 1969-70

Box 31, folder 7

[Trustees] Joint meeting ad hoc Committee on Structure, Composition and Function of the Board / Alumni Assoc. Special Committee on Nomination and Election procedures - Trustees 1970

Box 31, folder 7

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. see also: Institute for Urban Development 1968-69

Box 31, folder 8

[Trustees] Structure / restructuring of Boards of Trustees, other universities 1969-71

Box 31, folder 8

United States Department of Justice 1969-70

Box 31, folder 9

[Trustees] Committee on Trustee Reorganization Committee on Rules 1953-59

Box 31, folder 9

United States Department of Labor 1966-69

Box 31, folder 10

[Trustees] Special Committee on Board of Trustees Composition and Organization. (Brown report) 1966-68

Box 31, folder 10

United States legislators 1967-70

Box 31, folder 11

Trustees Hoover Institution Committee. [includes material on SLAC] 1963-70

Box 31, folder 11

United States Office of Economic Opportunity 1965-70

Box 31, folder 12

[Trustees] Investment Committee. see also: Policy: Investment responsibility for administrative designate of authority in these matters / handling of issues, 1971 1967-70

Box 31, folder 13

re: Consultants to the Committee on Investments, Board of Trustees 1967-68

Box 31, folder 14

Social and moral concerns in Stanford's investment policies 1969-70

Box 31, folder 15

Social and moral concerns in investment policies. (other universities) 1969

Box 31, folder 16

[Trustees] ad hoc Committee to study shareholder voting policy--material merged with Committee on Investment Responsibility

Box 31, folder 17

[Trustees] ad hoc Committee to recommend on proxy proposals (Acad. affairs and finance) see: non-current Trustees Committees and Committee on Investment Responsibility beginning 5/71

Box 31, folder 18

Trustees Land Development, Special Committee 1968-70

Box 31, folder 19

joint meetings between the Trustees Committee on Land Development and the ad hoc Committee on Housing. Re: Land use consultant see: Policy Use of land 1970

Box 31, folder 20

[Trustees] Committee on Nominations 1964-70

Box 31, folder 21

Nominations / volunteers (following the 1969 change in structure.) 1969-70

Box 31, folder 22

Suggestions for Trustees. (from Robert Moulton) 1965

Box 31, folder 23

[Trustees] Joint meeting of the Planning and Development Committee of the Board - Stanford Cabinet - Board of Governors of the Stanford Associates. Minutes 1970

Box 31, folder 24

ad hoc Committee to Develop Strategy for Increasing Gift Receipts 1970

Box 31, folder 25

[Trustees] Joint committee meeting of the Trustees ad hoc Committee on the gift program and the Stanford Cabinet 1970

Box 31, folder 26

Trustees Planning and Development Committee 1969-71

Box 31, folder 27

membership, Planning and Development 1970

Box 31, folder 28

Trustees Planning and Development Committee 1960-67

Box 31, folder 29

[Trustees] Committee of Two 1971

Box 31, folder 30

Trustee Committees, Faculty on. Faculty / Trustee relations 1968-70

Box 31, folder 31

[Trustees] Trust indentures 1967

Box 31, folder 32

Trustees, Board of, Library 1968

Box 31, folder 33

Trustees Manual 1956-70

Box 31, folder 34

Trustees meetings / schedules / etc 1966-70

Box 31, folder 35

Trustees, memos to, 1969-70

Box 31, folder 36

[Trustees] Pre-Board meeting minutes 1967-70

Box 31, folder 37

Trustees] Jan. 1969 Board of Trustees meeting (on campus). see: SDS for correspondence re: disruption of meeting 1968-70

Box 31, folder 38

[Trustees] Board meeting. (on campus) Oct.1968

Box 31, folder 39

[Trustees] Minutes: format of, distribution and access to, policy governing disclosures of business of the Board 1967-70

Box 31, folder 40

Trustees, list of members 1970

Box 31, folder 41

Trustees, miscellaneous. (office location, parking, travel expense, etc.) 1957-8

Box 31, folder 42

information sent to new members 1968-71

Box 31, folder 43

re: travel expenses trustees 1968-70

Box 31, folder 44

[Trustees] policy changes affecting the Board of Trustees 1969-70

Box 31, folder 45

Trustees role, appointment criterion. (reports from other universities 1962-69

Box 31, folder 46

[Trustees] Symonds, Mr. Gardner 1962-71

Box 31, folder 47

Trustee widows 1965

Box 31, folder 48

Tutorial program (students, East Palo Alto, etc.) 1964-70

Box 31, folder 49

"U" - 1962

Box 31, folder 50

Un-American activities committee, Senate 1953

Box 31, folder 51

Un-American committee, House / 1966-67 issue 1966

Box 31, folder 52

Underground utilities conversion project 1965-69

Box 31, folder 53

Underprivileged children. For reports of student activities in this field see: Upward Bound, Head Start, Ravenswood High School, United Campus Christian Ministry, Student Voluntary Organizations 1965

Box 31, folder 54

UNESCO 1966-70

Box 31, folder 55

Unions, student organized 1966-68

Box 31, folder 56

Unique 1968-70

Box 31, folder 57

United Nations. (includes student internship) 1968-69

Box 31, folder 58

United Stanford Employees [USE] 1969-70

Box 31, folder 59

United States - British relations 1969

Box 31, folder 60

United States, miscellaneous information 1961-68

Box 31, folder 61

U.S. Atomic Energy Commission 1963-69

Box 31, folder 62

re: to Underground testing. Pitzer statement before the committee on foreign relations Of the U.S.A 1969

Box 31, folder 63

U.S. Civil Service Commission 1965-70

Box 31, folder 64

U.S. Department of Commerce (includes internship program) 1965-67

Box 31, folder 65

U.S. Congress - House of Representatives / Senate Committee on Appropriations 1968-69

Box 32, folder 1

United States Dept. of State (general) 1960-70

Box 32, folder 2

Fulbright - Hays Act. see also: Institute of International Education, general 1962-70

Box 32, folder 3

Program for Foreign Service officers at Stanford 1969

Box 32, folder 4

Diplomat in residence 1968

Box 32, folder 5

United States Department of State - Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs 1966-69

Box 32, folder 6

United States Dept. of State - Foreign Service / Institute 1966-70

Box 32, folder 7

United States Department of State-Office of Public Services 1968

Box 32, folder 8

United States Dept. of State - Senior officer training and education program 1967-69

Box 32, folder 9

United States. Dept. of State - Senior seminar in foreign policy 1968-70

Box 32, folder 10

U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service 1961

Box 32, folder 11

U.S. Information Agency 1968-69

Box 32, folder 12

U.S. legislation 1964-69

Box 32, folder 13

Universities and colleges 1969-70

Box 32, folder 14

Congratulations 1969

Box 32, folder 15

Universities and colleges, foreign 1967-69

Box 32, folder 16

Universities Centers for rational Alternatives, Inc 1969-71

Box 32, folder 17

University of California 1968-70

Box 32, folder 18

U.C. - Stanford agreement on appointments 1963-70

Box 32, folder 19

U.C. - Stanford meetings to explore areas of inter-institutional cooperation 1965-69

Box 32, folder 20

U.C. rules committee, composition and responsibilities 1968

Box 32, folder 21

U.C. Berkeley. Activism / Activists / Violence 1969-71

Box 32, folder 22

Students to serve as regent-designate (with all but voting privileges.) 1970

Box 32, folder 23

U.C. Fund raising 1961-69

Box 32, folder 24

U.C. Regent scholars 1966

Box 32, folder 25

U.C. re: tuition 1967

Box 32, folder 26

U.C. at Los Angeles 1966-69

Box 32, folder 27

U.C. at Santa Barbara 1970

Box 32, folder 28

U.C. at Santa Cruz 1968-69

Box 32, folder 29

University of Chicago 1967-69

Box 32, folder 30

University of Melbourne, Australia 1967

Box 32, folder 31

University of Michigan 1970

Box 32, folder 32

University of Pennsylvania 1969-70

Box 32, folder 33

University of Southern California 1963-70

Box 32, folder 34

University of Washington 1961-69

Box 32, folder 35

Unruh, Jesse M 1968-69

Box 32, folder 36

Upward Bound Program 1969

Box 32, folder 37

Urban America, includes environmental work. see also: U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development, 1966-69 1966-69

Box 32, folder 38

Urban Coalition, Stanford Mid-Peninsula 1967-70

Box 32, folder 39

Urban Institute I studies 1968

Box 32, folder 40

"V" 1965-67

Box 32, folder 41

Vandalism 1969-70

Box 32, folder 42

Vandalism at the Bookstore following a misunderstanding between the BSU [Black Student Union] and Dr. Pitzer 1969-70

Box 32, folder 43

Varian Associates - Stanford agreement 1955-68

Box 32, folder 44

Vehicle regulations, Stanford campus. see also: Parking 1969

Box 32, folder 45

Vickers, the Honorable Joseph W 1959-69

Box 32, folder 46

Vending machines, Stanford 1954-62

Box 32, folder 47

Veterans 1969

Box 32, folder 48

Vietnam moratorium protests 1969-70

Box 32, folder 49

April 15 Moratorium. Vietnam protest

Box 32, folder 50

March 1970 Protest. Vietnam moratorium

Box 32, folder 51

January protest. Vietnam moratorium

Box 32, folder 52

November protest. (new mobilization membership committee)

Box 32, folder 53

refusal of some Stanford community members to pay part of their federal income tax as a protest to the Vietnam war

Box 32, folder 54

Vietnam (including Vietnam Day Committee.) 1966-70

Box 32, folder 55

David Truong / Truong Dinh Dzu

Box 32, folder 56

Constitutional legality of the Vietnam war is challenged

Box 32, folder 57

Chemical and germ warfare

Box 32, folder 58

Vietnam defense committee

Box 32, folder 59

Spring mobilization week (April. 8-15)

Box 32, folder 60

[Vietnam] Faculty - Staff committee for peace in Vietnam 1967

Box 32, folder 61

[Vietnam] New Mobilization Committee (outgrowth of the national Mobilization Committee..) 1969-70

Box 32, folder 62

Vietnam Newsletter. (published by graduate students of the political science dept. at Stanford) 1965

Box 32, folder 63

Violence and threats of violence 1966-70

Box 32, folder 64

Toni Johnson and Pat Gay (black students) threatened by racists

Box 32, folder 65

paint throwing episode

Box 32, folder 66

Violence, other universities 1970

Box 32, folder 67

V.I.P.'s 1966-69

Box 32, folder 68

Visas, see: Immigration

Box 32, folder 69

Visiting Blacks 1969

Box 32, folder 70

Visiting Committee, general information 1969-70

Box 32, folder 71

Visiting scientists / scholars, policy re: 1967-70

Box 32, folder 72

Visitors 1967-68

Box 32, folder 73

Volunteer Armed Forces 1969-70

Box 32, folder 74

Volunteers in Service to America. (VISTA) 1965-68

Box 32, folder 75

Volunteer Services Center / Student activities and concerns 1969-70

Box 32, folder 76

Volunteers in Asia (VIA). (file missing - no out card) 1966-71

Box 32, folder 77

Volunteers (handbook)

Box 32, folder 78

Volunteers of America 1971

Box 32, folder 79

Voting laws / voting 1971

Box 32, folder 80

"W" general 1970-71

Box 32, folder 81

Wald, George 1970

Box 32, folder 82

Water requirements and resources, Study of: (including flood control and drainage basin 1959-69

Box 33, folder 1

Watts riots 1966

Box 33, folder 2

Weddings (Stanford) general information 1967-70

Box 33, folder 3

Weismann, Steve 1969

Box 33, folder 4

West, Robert J 1959-70

Box 33, folder 5

Wesleyan University 1968-69

Box 33, folder 6

Western Association of Schools and colleges. see also: Accreditation 1970-71

Box 33, folder 7

Western college association 1969-70

Box 33, folder 8

WICHE - Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education 1970

Box 33, folder 9

Whitaker, Virgil 1968

Box 33, folder 10

White House Fellows 1964-68

Box 33, folder 11

White Memorial Plaza 1970

Box 33, folder 12

Who's Who in American Education, Inc 1967-68

Box 33, folder 13

Wilkes, Gertrude 1970

Box 33, folder 14

Willow Creek Apartments 1959

Box 33, folder 15

proposal for apartments 1966

Box 33, folder 16

Willow freeway extension. (Alpine - Sand hill controversy) 1964-69

Box 33, folder 17

Women's Forum / The Professional Women Youth Committee 1970

Box 33, folder 18

Women, the education of 1958-64

Box 33, folder 19

Women's Clubhouse, see: Clubhouse

Box 33, folder 20

Women's Liberation 1969-70

Box 33, folder 21

Workers Action Caucus 1970

Box 33, folder 22

Workers for People's Democracy 1970

Box 33, folder 23

Workers - Students Alliance Caucus 1970

Box 33, folder 24

World Academy 1969

Box 33, folder 25

World Affairs Council 1968-69

Box 33, folder 26

World University Service 1965-70

Box 33, folder 27

Wright Institute 1969

Box 33, folder 28

Yale University 1969

Box 33, folder 29

Young Americans for Freedom 1969-70

Box 33, folder 30

Free Campus Movement 1969

Box 33, folder 31

Y.W.C.A., Stanford 1965

Box 33, folder 32

Youth Opportunity program 1970

Box 33, folder 33

Yugoslavia project 1967-70

Box 34, folder 1

Affiliates Programs, miscellaneous 1969

Box 34, folder 2

Anonymous Fund for marine biology. "Te Vega." 1962-63

Box 34, folder 3

anonymous Funds, miscellaneous 1955-66

Box 34, folder 4

Arbuckle, Ernest C., Fund 1968

Box 34, folder 5

Funds "B", miscellaneous 1968

Box 34, folder 6

Bailey, Helen Lucile, Memorial Fund II 1968-71

Box 34, folder 7

Brack, Jacot, Memorial Fund. (Donors: Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Davis) 1944-66

Box 34, folder 8

Briggs Trusts - J.E.W. Sterling as trustee from 5/16/49 1949-69

Box 34, folder 9

Berry, Jayne Annette Fund. Berry, Lowell and Mrs. (anonymous) 1963-70

Box 34, folder 10

Chancellor's Gift Fund 1968

Box 34, folder 11

Cap and Gown Scholarship Fund. see also: Cap and Gown Scholarship 1954-66

Box 34, folder 12

Camp, Harry, Lectureship Fund. From 1959-60, see: Camp Lectures 1956-59

Box 34, folder 13

Funds "C" miscellaneous

Box 34, folder 14

Business School Trust 1965-69

Box 34, folder 15

Buck, Frank E., Professorship Fund. see also: Mrs. Frank E. Buck, PACE PG 1960-66

Box 34, folder 16

Braun Trust, Carl F., miscellaneous funds. see also: Braun Scholarship or Braun Trust - PACE PG 1949-69

Box 34, folder 17

Coe, William Robertson, Endowment Fund - American Studies Program. see also: Institute of American History (Fund) 1955-69

Box 34, folder 18

COE - American Ideals, Wyoming 1954

Box 34, folder 19

Committee on the Education of Disadvantaged Minorities Fund 1965

Box 34, folder 20

Commonwealth Matching Funds. Medical Center 1956-68

Box 34, folder 21

Corvin, Valerie and Harry, Fund

Box 34, folder 22

Crossett, Elizabeth Rankin, Fund for Humanities and Sciences faculty sick leave 1957-64

Box 34, folder 23

Crossett, Elizabeth Rankin, Scholarship Fund 1955-65

Box 34, folder 24

Funds "D" miscellaneous 1955

Box 34, folder 25

Dinkelspiel, Lloyd W., Award Fund. see also: Dinkelspiel Memorial Fund and Estate Fund (FF.2) 1959-66

Box 34, folder 26

Davis, Helen Brack and Paul H., Fund 1966-68

Box 34, folder 27

Dean's Discretionary Fund 1968

Box 34, folder 28

Funds, general information 1966-69

Box 34, folder 29

Dinkelspiel, Lloyd W. Estate Fund. see also: Award Fund and Memorial Fund 1959-62

Box 34, folder 30

Dinkelspiel, Lloyd W., Memorial Fund (Medical School). see also: Dinkelspiel Award and Estate 1959-63

Box 34, folder 31

Dinkelspiel, Lloyd W., Trust Fund, 1966-67

Box 34, folder 32

Funds "E" miscellaneous 1971-72

Box 34, folder 33

Engineering, School of, Reserve Fund 1968

Box 34, folder 34

Funds "F" miscellaneous 1968-69

Box 34, folder 35

Funds "G" miscellaneous 1968-70

Box 34, folder 36

Garden Fund, President's House, Sterling 1954-58

Box 34, folder 37

Grimmett Testamentary Funds., A, B, and C 1969

Box 34, folder 38

Funds "H" miscellaneous 1968-70

Box 34, folder 39

Hammer and Coffin Fund 1969

Box 34, folder 40

Hettinger, Albert J., Jr., Fund 1953-64

Box 34, folder 41

Hewlett, William R. and Flora L., (2) Funds. See also: Edge of Greatness Fund 1961-69

Box 34, folder 42

Honors Cooperative Program Fund 1953-68

Box 34, folder 43

Hoover Archives Fund 1954-60

Box 34, folder 44

Hoover Institution Building Fund 1964-67

Box 34, folder 45

Hoover Institution Endowment Fund 1963-68

Box 34, folder 46

Hoover, Herbert, 90th birthday endowment fund 1966

Box 34, folder 47

Hoover Library on War, Revolution and Peace. (file checked out) 1922-61

Box 34, folder 48

Hummel, Donald H. and Ruth N 1969

Box 34, folder 49

Jacks, Margaret. see also: Lee and David Jacks Professorship and Mary Jacks Thomas Fund. Margaret Jacks Prof. of Education 1962-67

Box 34, folder 50

Jackson, J. Hugh, Fellowship Fund 1968-69

Box 34, folder 51

Stanford - Tokyo Committee Fund, formerly The Center of Japanese Studies Fund 1955-70

Box 34, folder 52

Jordan, David Starr, Fund in International Relations 1958-59

Box 34, folder 53

Funds "K" miscellaneous, 1966-70

Box 34, folder 54

Kaiser, Henry J., Memorial Fund, 1968

Box 34, folder 55

Kaiser, Leland N. and Kathleen H. , Fund 1962-63

Box 34, folder 56

Kennedy, Joseph P., Jr. Foundation Fund. See also: Clinical Science Building 1961-65

Box 34, folder 57

Kilkenny, Myrtle Guidery, Loan Fund 1969

Box 34, folder 58

King, Martin Luther, Fund 1968-71

Box 34, folder 59

Funds. "L" - "Mc" 1969-70

Box 34, folder 60

Lillick, Ira S., Fund - anonymous fund 1944-68

Box 34, folder 61

Funds "M" miscellaneous, 1963-68

Box 34, folder 62

Maples, Roscoe, (estate) Fund 1961-65

Box 34, folder 63

Marble Fund, see: Fellowships - Marble

Box 34, folder 64

McElroy, Floyd L., Fellowship Fund 1955

Box 34, folder 65

Medical Center Funds. see also: General files for Development Program, 1955-58 1958-59

Box 34, folder 66

Mellon, Andrew, Fund. (Hoover) and others 1959

Box 35, folder 1

Mellon, Richard King, Charitable Trusts 1963-70

Box 35, folder 2

Memorial Funds. (various donors) 1956-68

Box 35, folder 3

Merrill, Charles E., Trust 1969-71

Box 35, folder 4

Mineral Engineering Building Fund. Cyprus Mines 1957-66

Box 35, folder 5

Mirrielees, Edith - Pacific Spectator Book Fund 1962-63

Box 35, folder 6

Mitchell, Ruth Wattis, Fund - President's Office 1960-67

Box 35, folder 7

Morell, George F., Property Fund. see also: General file - Morell 1961-63

Box 35, folder 8

Mudd, Seeley C., Fund 1963-70

Box 35, folder 9

Munro, William Bennett, Memorial Fund (to be "Professorship" later) 1962-66

Box 35, folder 10

Funds "N" - "0" 1968

Box 35, folder 11

Oakes, Roscoe and Margaret, Labs of Radiology and Biophysics 1957-65

Box 35, folder 12

Funds "P" 1969

Box 35, folder 13

Phi Beta Kappa Scholarship / Loan Fund 1968

Box 35, folder 14

Pigott, Paul, Fund 1961-66

Box 35, folder 15

Pike, Thomas P. and Katherine K., Fund 1960-70

Box 35, folder 16

Pike, Thomas P. and Katherine K., Grandview Ranch 1953-69

Box 35, folder 17

President's contingency fund 1962-70

Box 35, folder 18

President's Gift account 1954-67

Box 35, folder 19

President's Mark X Fund 1967

Box 35, folder 20

President's Office Thorne Foundation Distinguished Visitors Fund 1962-65

Box 35, folder 21

Proctor and Gamble Fund 1968-69

Box 35, folder 22

Funds "R" 1968

Box 35, folder 23

Rhoades, Ralph 0., Memorial Fund 1961-69

Box 35, folder 24

Roth, William P., Advanced Management Center Fund 1963-65

Box 35, folder 25

Funds "SE" - "SM" 1968

Box 35, folder 26

Sawyer, E.W., Science Research Fund 1951-67

Box 35, folder 27

Scottish Rite Foundation Fund. see also: Grants for specific projects 1964-69

Box 35, folder 28

Sears Fund 1967-68

Box 35, folder 29

Shepard, Charles H. and Nellie B., Fund and old scholarship account 1957

Box 35, folder 30

SLAC Emergency relief association fund 1968

Box 35, folder 31

SLOAN - Graduate School of Business building 1964

Box 35, folder 32

SLOAN Foundation Scholarship and Loan Fund 1960-67

Box 35, folder 33

SLOAN Mathematics Building expansion. $1,000,000 1963

Box 35, folder 34

Sloss, Louis, Fund. see also: Lectureship 1943-68

Box 35, folder 35

Sloss, Marcus C., Endowment Fund 1958-59

Box 35, folder 36

Funds "SN" - "SZ"

Box 35, folder 37

Stanford School of Nursing Endowment and Scholarship Fund 1935-66

Box 35, folder 38

Stanford at Stuttgart Fund 1957-59

Box 35, folder 39

Stanford - Sylvania Competitive Fund in Mathematics 1957-62

Box 35, folder 40

Stanford in Tours (France) Fund 1960-61

Box 35, folder 41

Stanford Union Building and improvement Fund 1955

Box 35, folder 42

Stanton, Robert H., Human Relations Fund 1966

Box 35, folder 43

Sigall, Marie Stauffer, Room in Museum. John Stauffer, Mitzi Stauffer Briggs 1963-64

Box 35, folder 44

Stauffer, John, Laboratory for physical chemistry Fund #2 1961-64

Box 35, folder 45

Stuaffer Chemical building Fund #1 1954-66

Box 35, folder 46

Sterling, J.E. Wallace and Mrs. Ann S., Fund 1961-63

Box 35, folder 47

Sterling, J.E.Wallace, Books Fund, 1968

Box 35, folder 48

Sterling portrait fund 1962-64

Box 35, folder 49

Stern, Edgar, Family Fund 1960-67

Box 35, folder 50

Stern Hall, Lucy, Fund 1947-68

Box 35, folder 51

Stern Fund, 'Lucy - Stern Estate, gifts for general use, including Medical School 1950-70

Box 35, folder 52

Stern, Lucy, Trust - Faculty Club House. Walter A. Haas, trustee. see also: General files - Faculty Club Planning Committee 1961-70

Box 35, folder 53

Stern, Lucie, Hall, endowment for the maintenance of. (Wager and Martinez) 1950-55

Box 35, folder 54

Stern, Ruth Lucie, Research Laboratory Fund 1939-60

Box 35, folder 55

Stewart, Alexander and Margaret, Trust - Study and treatment of leukemia 1968

Box 35, folder 56

Storke Student Publication Building 1961-64

Box 35, folder 57

Stovel Memorial Fund (Mrs. Charles J. Stovel) 1954-59

Box 35, folder 58

Strauss, Jack S., Funds I and II 1959-68

Box 35, folder 59

Stuart, Graham, Fund 1961-65

Box 35, folder 60

Stuart, Henry Waldgrave, Memorial Fund (Dr. Lawrence A. Kimpton) 1961-63

Box 35, folder 61

Student loan fund 1932-62

Box 35, folder 62

Students' Organizations Fund 1945-62

Box 35, folder 63

Sullivan, William Allen, Loan Fund 1941-62

Box 35, folder 64

Swain, Robert Eckles and Juanita Elena, Funds 1959-63

Box 35, folder 65

Swanberg, Harold, Academic Achievement Program 1965

Box 35, folder 66

Sweeney, Joseph P. and Anna S. Memorial Fund

Box 35, folder 67

Sworakowski, Witold S., Collection on Poland 1970

Box 35, folder 68

Symonds, Nathaniel Gardiner, Fund 1960-68

Box 35, folder 69

Terman Engineering Fund. (formerly "Engineering Dean's Special Fund") 1953-68

Box 35, folder 70

Terman, Frederick B., Engineering Fund 1959-67

Box 35, folder 71

Terman Special Fund for Gifted Children 1946-58

Box 35, folder 72

Thomas, Mary Jacks, Fund (for David and Lee Jacks Professorship) 1954-68

Box 35, folder 73

Tresidder, Donald B. and Mary C., Fund 1944-65

Box 35, folder 74

Trustees, Board of. Library Fund

Box 35, folder 75

Undergraduate Library Fund. (Ruby Hale Field). see also: Prospective Donor file 1960-67

Box 35, folder 76

Undergraduate Library Fund #2. (Mrs. C. Crawford, Mrs. R. Naftzger). see: Vickers Fund and Crawford Fund after 1966 1961-67

Box 35, folder 77

Valentine, Louie C. and E.R., Gifts. (Mrs. W.L. Valentine - PACE pledge) 1961-65

Box 35, folder 78

Varian Associates Fund for Physics building. see following Folder for "Varian Foundation." 1959-62

Box 35, folder 79

Varian Associates Microwave Building Fund. (last payment made 1/5160). see: Varian Fund for Physics Building 1955-60

Box 35, folder 80

Varian Foundation Fellowship Funds 1956-62

Box 35, folder 81

Varian Foundation Fund for Physics Building. Varian Lab of Physics 1959-65

Box 35, folder 82

Vickers, John V., Memorial Fund. See: Undergraduate Library Fund #2 for list 1967

Box 35, folder 83

Funds "W", miscellaneous 1968-70

Box 35, folder 84

West, Victor J., Memorial Fund - Library 1934 - 42

Box 35, folder 85

Weigel, Pamela, Memorial Fund 1970

Box 36, folder 1

Scholarships, general Sept. 1, 1954 -70

Box 36, folder 2

Scholarships (offered by other institutions) 1969

Box 36, folder 3

California State Scholarship Fund 1958-70

Box 36, folder 4

California State Scholarship Committee Meeting. 10/10/58

Box 36, folder 5

Canfield Scholarships 1955-70

Box 36, folder 6

The Cap and Gown Scholarship 1924-70

Box 36, folder 7

The Division Fund Scholarship 1968

Box 36, folder 8

Scholarships, "B" - "F" 1968

Box 36, folder 9

Ford Motors Scholarship Fund 1951-70

Box 36, folder 10

General Motors Scholarships 1955-70

Box 36, folder 11

General Motors Scholarship Visitors. (Chope and Mitchell 1957-70

Box 36, folder 12

A.P. Giannini Scholarship 1953-59

Box 36, folder 13

"Hands across the Sea" Scholarship Fund (Hertelendy, Paul) 1959-67

Box 36, folder 14

The Heritage Fund Scholarship. Business Firms 1955-70

Box 36, folder 15

Hettinger, A.J., Scholarship Fund 1969

Box 36, folder 16

Heublein Scholarship 1969

Box 36, folder 17

Institute of American History Fund. see also: William Robertson Coe Fund 1942-61

Box 36, folder 18

Jacobs, George C. and Emily, Scholarship Fund, see also: Eureka District Trust Office Scholarship 1957-69

Box 36, folder 19

Jordan, David Starr, Scholarship 1958-66

Box 36, folder 20

Klein, Margaret Galimore, and William Klein Scholarship 1969

Box 36, folder 21

National Merit Scholarships 1965-70

Box 36, folder 22

Richards, Mabel Wilson, Scholarship Fund 1969-70

Box 36, folder 23

Scott Paper Co. Scholarship (Award) 1955-69

Box 36, folder 24

Sloan, Alfred P., National Scholarships 1954-69

Box 36, folder 25

Sloss, Leon, Scholarship 1922-62

Box 36, folder 26

Sloss, Louis'and Sarah, Scholarship 1934-58

Box 36, folder 27

Stanford, Leland Jr., Memorial Scholarship 1919-61

Box 36, folder 28

Terman, Frederick B., Scholarship Fund 1943-66

Box 36, folder 29

Wilbur, Ray Lyman, Scholarship 1943-56

Box 37, folder 1

Assistant to the President. Inquiries and/or notice of search 1969

Box 37, folder 2

Assistant to the President. Letters providing names and information 1969

Box 37, folder 3

Assistant to the President. No thank you letters 1969

Box 37, folder 4

Abeyta, Victor 1969-70

Box 37, folder 5

Acevedo, Jorge 1969-70

Box 37, folder 6

Aragón, John W., 1969-70

Box 37, folder 7

Arredondo, Hank 1969-70

Box 37, folder 8

Banda, Manuel 1969-70

Box 37, folder 9

Bayonda, Hugo 1969-70

Box 37, folder 10

Camacho, Victor 1969-70

Box 37, folder 11

Campa, Arthur L. , 1969-70

Box 37, folder 12

Cancino, F.C 1969-70

Box 37, folder 13

Carrasco, David L 1969-70

Box 37, folder 14

Chacon, Jose

Box 37, folder 15

Chavez, J. Gilbert

Box 37, folder 16

Elizondo, Sergio 1969-70

Box 37, folder 17

Flores, Genaro 1969-70

Box 37, folder 18

Gallegos, A. Moses 1969-70

Box 37, folder 19

Gallegos, Gene 1969-70

Box 37, folder 20

Garza, de la Rodolfo 1969-70

Box 37, folder 21

Hernandez, Raul J 1969-70

Box 37, folder 22

Jaramillo, Raul 1969-70

Box 37, folder 23

Kaslow, Audrey A 1969-70

Box 37, folder 24

Martinez, Gilbert 1969-70

Box 37, folder 25

Mercure, Alex P 1969-70

Box 37, folder 26

Morendo, J. Hector 1969-70

Box 37, folder 27

Nortenson, Ben F 1969-70

Box 37, folder 28

Orozco, Cecil 1969-70

Box 37, folder 29

Paramo, Ernest J 1969-70

Box 37, folder 30

Pena, Hiario S 1969-70

Box 37, folder 31

Ramirez, Oscar 5 1969-70

Box 37, folder 32

Reyna, Henry 1969-70

Box 37, folder 33

Rivers, Carlos 1969-70

Box 37, folder 34

Salamanca, Anthony 1969-70

Box 37, folder 35

Tellez, Thomas 1969-70

Box 37, folder 36

Terrones, Edward 1969-70

Box 37, folder 37

Torres, Andy R 1969-70

Box 37, folder 38

Velarde, Vidal 1969-70

Box 37, folder 39

Valencia, Atilano 1969-70

Box 37, folder 40

Villanveva, Louis 1969-70

Box 37, folder 41

Zazveta, Richard 1969-70

Box 37, folder 42

Cabrera, Richard 1969-70

Box 37, folder 43

Gutierrez, Felix 1969-70

Box 37, folder 44

Calderón, Richard 1969-70

Box 37, folder 45

Juárez, Jose 1969-70

Box 37, folder 46

Samoya, Julian

Box 37, folder 47

Telles, Raymond

Box 37, folder 48

Lopez, Henry P 1969-70

Box 37, folder 49

Almanzan, Robert 1969-70

Box 37, folder 50

Bertoglio, Joseph 1969-70

Box 37, folder 51

Borrego, Eva 1969-70

Box 37, folder 52

Cabrero, Arturo 1969-70

Box 37, folder 53

Camacho, Joseph 1969-70

Box 37, folder 54

Carrillo, George 1969-70

Box 37, folder 55

Flores, Luis 1969-70

Box 37, folder 56

Flores, Salvador 1969-70

Box 37, folder 57

Gonzalez, Simón 1969-70

Box 37, folder 58

Leyba, Charles 1969-70

Box 37, folder 59

López, Ronald 1969-70

Box 37, folder 60

Manriquez, Napoleón 1969-70

Box 37, folder 61

Morales, Hilbert. 1969-70

Box 37, folder 62

Ortega, Rudy 1969-70

Box 37, folder 63

Romo, John 1969-70

Box 37, folder 64

Roybal, Thos. De A 1969-70

Box 37, folder 65

Rubalcava, Roberta 1969-70

Box 37, folder 66

Sanchez, David 1969-70

Box 37, folder 67

Sanchez, Pedro 1969-70

Box 37, folder 68

Search Committee Assistant to President. Interviews 1970

Box 37, folder 69

Replies (concerning above) 1968

Box 37, folder 70

Coordinator of Inter-Group Relations 1968

Box 37, folder 71

CIR: General Correspondence 1968

Box 37, folder 72

CIR: Job Description 1968

Box 37, folder 73

[CIR: Replies.] 1968

Box 37, folder 74

CIR: Request for names 1968

Box 37, folder 75

CIR: Sample Letters

Box 37, folder 76

CIR: Henry Anderson 1968

Box 37, folder 77

Horace Anderson

Box 37, folder 78

James Banks

Box 37, folder 79

William C. Barnes

Box 37, folder 80

Albert Barringer

Box 37, folder 81

Joseph F. Brooks

Box 37, folder 82

Roscoe Brown

Box 37, folder 83

John D. Butler

Box 37, folder 84

Paul Chann

Box 37, folder 85

Evelyn Clark

Box 37, folder 86

Noyes Collinson

Box 37, folder 87

James Crawford

Box 37, folder 88

Zelte Crawford

Box 37, folder 89

Fredrich Drayton

Box 37, folder 90

Felix Elizalde

Box 37, folder 91

James Forrest

Box 37, folder 92

Kenneth C. Goode

Box 37, folder 93

John Henderson

Box 37, folder 94

Robert Hoover

Box 37, folder 95

Robert W. Lawrence

Box 37, folder 96

Ennis McDaniel

Box 37, folder 97

Jerome Miller

Box 37, folder 98

Arthur Milton

Box 37, folder 99

Charles Modiste

Box 37, folder 100

William Moses

Box 37, folder 101

James Moses 1968

Box 37, folder 102

Henry Organ. (empty)

Box 37, folder 103

Ernestine Patterson

Box 37, folder 104

Anthony Rachal, Jr

Box 37, folder 105

Peter Robinson

Box 37, folder 106

Nancy Roche

Box 37, folder 107

Alan Rogers

Box 37, folder 108

Pedro Sanchez

Box 37, folder 109

Franklin Sands

Box 37, folder 110

Edward C. Sylvester, Jr

Box 37, folder 111

William Trueheart

Box 37, folder 112

Charles Wade

Box 37, folder 113

JoAnne Walker

Box 37, folder 114

John Walker

Box 37, folder 115

Thomas C. Walker

Box 37, folder 116

Sidney Walton

Box 37, folder 117

Tom Williams

Box 37, folder 118

Dr. Charles Wilson

Box 38, folder 1

Departments (suggestions and miscellany) 1966-69

Box 38, folder 2

Administrative Data Processing 1968-70

Box 38, folder 3

Admissions (minority) 1968-70

Box 38, folder 4

Funding for minority programs 1968-69

Box 38, folder 5

As pertains to Mexican-American admissions. (minority) 1969

Box 38, folder 6

Pilot program (admissions experiment) - see: Ford Grant. Admissions (general) 1967-70

Box 38, folder 8

Information given to Stanford applicants 1971

Box 38, folder 9

Admissions, future 1965-70

Box 38, folder 10

Admissions cases 1970-71

Box 38, folder 11

Admissions. A-Z 1970-71

Box 38, folder 12

Admissions, (freshmen) 1969-70

Box 38, folder 13

Admissions 1969-70

Box 38, folder 14

Admissions, transfer 1969-70

Box 38, folder 15

Aeronautics and astronautics, School of Engineering 1968-70

Box 38, folder 16

Aerospace Studies. (Air Force) 1968-70

Box 38, folder 17

Implementation of new requirement (no degree credit given for military-taught or AFROTC courses) 1969

Box 38, folder 18

African and Afro-American studies 1968-70

Box 38, folder 19

Anatomy 1969

Box 38, folder 20

Anthropology. Departmental visitation team for the Dept. of Anthropology, see: Graduate Education Study Committee 1965-70

Box 38, folder 21

Applied behavioral sciences 1969

Box 38, folder 22

Applied mathematics and statistics laboratory 1958-61

Box 38, folder 23

Applied physics 1963-69

Box 38, folder 24

Architectural Advisory Council 1966

Box 38, folder 25

Archives 1963-69

Box 38, folder 26

Art Gallery and Museum 1970

Box 38, folder 27

Asian Languages 1966-69

Box 38, folder 28

Bechtel International Center 1970

Box 38, folder 29

Biochemistry 1966-70

Box 38, folder 30

Biological Sciences. See also: Committee on Financial Awards 1966-70

Box 38, folder 31

Business, Graduate School of 1968-70

Box 38, folder 32

Re: Fund raising for GSB 1970

Box 38, folder 33

Minority programs at GSB 1968-70

Box 38, folder 34

Business office and business affairs 1970

Box 38, folder 35

Business, Graduate School of 1968-70

Box 38, folder 36

Business School Advisory Council 1968-70

Box 38, folder 37

Dean, Graduate School of Business 1969-70

Box 38, folder 38

Business School Affiliates Program 1967-70

Box 38, folder 39

Business Development Association, Graduate School of Business 1970

Box 38, folder 40

Business Placement Office, Graduate School of Business 1966

Box 38, folder 41

International Center for the Advancement of Management Education - Graduate School of Business 1967-69

Box 38, folder 42

Career planning and placement center 1968-72

Box 38, folder 43

Chancellor's Office 1967-70

Box 38, folder 44

Chemistry 1968-70

Box 38, folder 45

Classics 1970

Box 38, folder 46

Communication 1967-70

Box 38, folder 47

Community and preventive medicine 1969

Box 38, folder 48

Comparative literature 1969

Box 38, folder 49

Computation Center 1966-70

Box 38, folder 50

matter of idle computer time/arrangements for external computing services or equipment 1960-68

Box 38, folder 51

Development, Vice-President for 1971

Box 38, folder 52

Earth Sciences visiting committee 1969

Box 38, folder 53

East Asian Studies, Center for 1969-70

Box 38, folder 54

Economics 1969

Box 38, folder 55

Education department 1969

Box 38, folder 56

Center for research and development in teaching - Education 1969-70

Box 38, folder 57

Education, visiting committee 1969

Box 38, folder 58

[Engineering] School of Engineering Advisory Council 1969-70

Box 38, folder 59

Advisory Council, Engineering School 1969-70

Box 38, folder 60

[Engineering] Bio-medical engineering 1968-70

Box 38, folder 61

[Engineering] Mineral Engineering (re-named Applied Earth Sciences) 1969

Box 38, folder 62

Financial Aids 1965-70

Box 38, folder 63

College work study program 1966-70

Box 38, folder 64

Educational opportunities grant, financial aids 1965-70

Box 38, folder 65

Food Research Institute. (empty)

Box 38, folder 66

Foreign Student Advisor's Office 1968

Box 38, folder 67

French and Italian 1965-70

Box 38, folder 68

Leonardo da Vinci Society 1965

Box 38, folder 69

General Secretary's Office 1969

Box 38, folder 70

General Studies 1967-69

Box 38, folder 71

Geology 1967-70

Box 38, folder 72

Geophysics 1969

Box 38, folder 73

German Studies 1968-70

Box 38, folder 74

Graduate Division 1969

Box 38, folder 75

Hansen Laboratories 1967-70

Box 38, folder 76

Health Service 1948-69

Box 38, folder 77

Immunization/Health service requirements/exceptions

Box 38, folder 78

re: contraceptives 1962-70

Box 38, folder 79

re: contraceptives - Health Service. Complaints and commendations 1969-70

Box 38, folder 80

History 1968-70

Box 39, folder 1

Hoover Institution. [file out] 1969-70

Box 39, folder 2

Hoover Institution (challenge from Libertarians and others). [file out] 1969

Box 39, folder 3

Proposal to the Dept. of Defense for research on sources of threats to the U.S. from international communists. [file out] 1969

Box 39, folder 4

Committee to screen research proposals from Hoover Institution (Brooks, Cilley, Campbell). [file out] 1969

Box 39, folder 5

Glenn Campbell. [file out] 1968

Box 39, folder 6

Hoover Institution. Senior fellows 1969

Box 39, folder 7

Hoover Tower security 1950-68

Box 39, folder 8

Hopkins Marine Station 1966-68

Box 39, folder 9

Housing Office 1968-70

Box 39, folder 10

Human Development / Biology 1969-70

Box 39, folder 11

Humanities and Sciences 1968-70

Box 39, folder 12

Humanities, Honors programs 1960-69

Box 39, folder 13

Humanities - Special Programs 1967-69

Box 39, folder 14

Religious studies 1967

Box 39, folder 15

Institute of political Studies 1969

Box 39, folder 16

Insurance, Safety and Health Physics 1969-70

Box 39, folder 17

Latin American Studies, Center for 1967-70

Box 39, folder 18

Law School 1965-69

Box 39, folder 19

Libraries, University 1966-70

Box 39, folder 20

Main Library Development Plan 1962-70

Box 39, folder 21

Materials Research, Center for, 1961-68

Box 39, folder 22

Mathematics 1969

Box 39, folder 23

Medicine 1967-70

Box 39, folder 24

[Medicine, School of] Coordinating Council of the Professional Women of Stanford Medical School 1969

Box 39, folder 25

[Memorial Church], Dean of the Chapel 1965-69

Box 39, folder 26

[Memorial Church], University Chaplain 1967-69

Box 39, folder 27

Military Science 1968

Box 39, folder 28

Stanford United Ministry 1969

Box 39, folder 29

Multi-disciplinary Health Services Research, Provisional Program in, 1970

Box 39, folder 30

Nursing, School of 1966

Box 39, folder 31

Nursing School Accreditation 1966

Box 39, folder 32

Overseas Campus Program / Policies 1969

Box 39, folder 33

Stanford in France 1969

Box 39, folder 34

Stanford in Germany 1957-70

Box 39, folder 35

Leverhulme Graduate Overseas Program 1967

Box 39, folder 36

Stanford in Italy 1969

Box 39, folder 37

Stanford in Mexico 1969-70

Box 39, folder 38

Proposal for cooperation between the Centre International de Formation Europeane and Stanford and other institutions 1966-70

Box 39, folder 39

Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies in Rome 1968-69

Box 39, folder 40

Stanford in Spain 1968-69

Box 39, folder 41

Inter-University Program for language studies in Taipei 1965-66

Box 39, folder 42

Center for Japanese Studies in Tokyo 1964-65

Box 39, folder 43

Operations Research 1968-70

Box 39, folder 44

Patent Administration 1969

Box 39, folder 45

Personnel and Employee Relations 1970

Box 39, folder 46

Petroleum Engineering 1969

Box 39, folder 47

Pharmacology 1969-70

Box 39, folder 48

Philosophy 1967-69

Box 39, folder 49

Physical Education and Athletics 1967-69

Box 39, folder 50

[Physical Education and Athletics] (cont'd)

Box 39, folder 51

Search for full-time supervisor of officials

Box 39, folder 52

stunts: Leaflet flights, propaganda, advertising, card stunts [1965]

Box 39, folder 53

Basketball; baseball; soccer 1967

Box 39, folder 54

Academic background / statistics re: Stanford athletes 1965

Box 39, folder 55

Coaching P.E. Department 1967-69

Box 39, folder 56

Council of Athletes 1966

Box 39, folder 57

Discrimination in athletics. P.E. Department 1970

Box 39, folder 58

discrimination in athletics (other universities) 1970

Box 39, folder 59

East-West game and brunch 1969

Box 39, folder 60

Faculty athletic representatives 1969

Box 39, folder 61

Football 1969

Box 39, folder 62

Press box / general information 1969

Box 39, folder 63

Football tickets 1967-70

Box 39, folder 64

Athletic Department master plan 1968-69

Box 39, folder 65

Athletic Phase II building project 1968-69

Box 39, folder 66

Physical Education, Women 1968-70

Box 39, folder 67

Physical plant (name changed to Plant Services, 1971-72) 1969-70

Box 39, folder 68

layoff begins of university painters and carpenters 1969

Box 39, folder 69

Physics. see also: Biological Sciences for Biophysics Dept 1967-70

Box 39, folder 70

Planning AD 12.14.7/29 1968-70

Box 39, folder 71

Architectural selection Committee Planning (auxiliary file)

Box 39, folder 72

Police Department 1967-70

Box 39, folder 72

Board action re: Police Dept. / Police powers, etc 1967-68

Box 39, folder 73

Police reports 1967

Box 39, folder 74

Issue of increased Police protection / Safety on campus 1969-70

Box 39, folder 75

Political Science 1969

Box 39, folder 76

President's Office

Box 39, folder 77

Security Measure in the President's Office 1972

Box 39, folder 78

Assistant to the President for Mexican Affairs - Luis Nagales AD4.17 1969-70

Box 39, folder 79

Simmons, Assistant to the President 1969

Box 39, folder 80

Academic Secretary, President's Office 1967

Box 39, folder 81

Legal Advisor to the President 1970

Box 39, folder 82

Assistant to the President - Southern Ca1ifornia 1970

Box 39, folder 83

Press 1967

Box 39, folder 84

Psychiatry Dept 1969

Box 39, folder 85

Psychology 1968-69

Box 39, folder 86

Public Events 1967-68

Box 39, folder 87

Academic Gowns. Public Events 1967-68

Box 39, folder 88

Public Safety, Director of 1968-69

Box 39, folder 89

Publications Service 1969

Box 39, folder 90

purchasing 1962-71

Box 39, folder 91

Registrar 1967-69

Box 39, folder 92

Religious Studies. see: Special Program in Humanities, Stanford United Ministry, Religious movement (in General file for student attitudes.)

Box 39, folder 93

Research, Vice-President for 1970

Box 39, folder 94

Research Administration 1968-69

Box 39, folder 95

Research Information Center 1969-70

Box 39, folder 96

Residence Halls / Food Services 1963-68

Box 39, folder 97

Guests in Residence 1963-68

Box 39, folder 98

Stern Guest-in-residence 1963-68

Box 39, folder 99

Russian and East European Studies, Center for 1967-69

Box 39, folder 100

Safety, Insurance and Health 1967-70

Box 39, folder 101

Slavic 1968-69

Box 39, folder 102

Sociology 1968-69

Box 39, folder 103

Spanish and Portuguese 1968-70

Box 39, folder 104

Speech and drama, see: Drama dept

Box 39, folder 105

Statistics 1969

Box 39, folder 106

Student Counseling Services 1967

Box 39, folder 107

Systematic Biology, Division of 1968-71

Box 39, folder 108

Tresidder Union 1966-69

Box 39, folder 109

Tresidder Union - Liberation 1969

Box 40, folder 1

Committees (general) Chairman/responsibilities/membership criteria 1969-71

Box 40, folder 2

Decorum during meetings, etc. Committees (general) 1966-69

Box 40, folder 3

Faculty / Jr. faculty representation on committees 1969

Box 40, folder 4

Academic Council (correspondence) 1964-71

Box 40, folder 5

Criteria for membership to the academic council 1969-71

Box 40, folder 6

Academic Council, Conference committee 1969

Box 40, folder 7

Academic Council, Memorial and other resolutions 1968-70

Box 40, folder 8

Academic Council, Steering Committee 1969-70

Box 40, folder 9

Committee on Advising and individual student petitions 1968

Box 40, folder 10

Academic Senate (general correspondence.) 1969-70

Box 40, folder 11

constituency meetings 1970-71

Box 40, folder 12

charge and membership-see: Ad hoc Committee on revision of Senate rules (for old working papers re: rules of Senate) 1968-70

Box 40, folder 13

Advisory Board 1968-70

Box 40, folder 14

Committee membership/procedures 1969

Box 40, folder 15

Ad hoc Subcommittee on the Advisory Board to prepare recommendations for by-laws in elections. 1969

Box 40, folder 16

University Advisory Committee 1969-70

Box 40, folder 17

Function / membership 1969-70

Box 40, folder 18

Procedure to obtain hearings at BIT 1969-70

Box 40, folder 19

Presidential Commission on external Affirmative Action 1969-70

Box 40, folder 20

Advisory committee on external Affirmative Action-charge and membership 1969-70

Box 40, folder 21

Committee on African and Afro-American Studies 1969-70

Box 40, folder 22

Ad hoc Committee on Architecture (Provost's) 1967-69

Box 40, folder 23

Archives advisory council 1968

Box 40, folder 24

President's advisory committee on the Art Gallery and Museum 1962-64

Box 40, folder 25

Committee on acceptance or rejection of art objects 1958-68

Box 40, folder 26

Committee on Awards, Prizes and Honors 1969-71

Box 40, folder 27

Behavioral and social sciences survey committee 1967

Box 40, folder 28

University budget committee 1968

Box 40, folder 29

Commission on use of biocides. see: Committee on Health and safety

Box 40, folder 30

Advisory committee on the, university budget adjustment program [BAP] 1969-70

Box 40, folder 31

Committee on business and financial operations 1969-70

Box 40, folder 32

Committee to review and aid in decisions of the business office 1968

Box 40, folder 33

Ad hoc committee on the Academic calendar 1969

Box 40, folder 34

Committee of Fifteen. 1969-70

Box 40, folder 35

Committee on Committees 1969-70

Box 40, folder 36

committee structure 1969

Box 40, folder 37

Committee on Comparative literature 1969

Box 40, folder 38

Community Health Planning Committee 1965

Box 40, folder 39

Committee on community medicine 1968

Box 40, folder 40

President's advisory committee on non-faculty compensation 1969-70

Box 40, folder 41

Ad hoc committee on course credit and requirements 1969

Box 40, folder 42

Committee on SUSE Futures. (School of Education) 1971

Box 40, folder 43

Educational inquiry committee. Quarter vs. semester system 1955-69

Box 40, folder 44

interim report of the semester and quarter systems 1955

Box 40, folder 45

Enrollment policies committee. Graduate division 1967

Box 40, folder 46

Committee on computation facilities 1969-71

Box 40, folder 47

Articles of organization of the faculty 1958-64

Box 40, folder 48

AAUP Committee on faculty benefits 1969

Box 40, folder 49

Faculty consultative group on campus disruptions 1968-70

Box 40, folder 50

membership and charge 1968-70

Box 40, folder 51

emergency procedures, committee on disruptions 1970

Box 40, folder 52

Committee on the faculty handbook 1970-71

Box 40, folder 53

Ad hoc faculty information committee 1969

Box 40, folder 54

Fall-out shelter - Civil defense committee 1968-69

Box 40, folder 55

Fall-out shelter - Civil defense committee 1968-70

Box 40, folder 56

Financial awards (external). see also following files for Rhodes, Fulbright, etc 1965-71

Box 40, folder 57

Churchill Scholarship 1967-68

Box 40, folder 58

Fulbright Scholarship Committee 1967-69

Box 40, folder 59

Rhodes - Marshall Scholarship Committee 1966-70

Box 40, folder 60

Floor management Committee. See: Faculty self-discipline committee

Box 40, folder 61

Ad hoc committee on long range financial planning. see also: Advisory Committee on university budget 1969

Box 40, folder 62

Ad hoc Food review committee 1968-70

Box 40, folder 63

Committee on Foreign Study Programs 1969-70

Box 40, folder 64

membership and charge 1969-70

Box 40, folder 65

Sub-committees 1969

Box 40, folder 66

Planning Committee for freshman registration 1969

Box 40, folder 67

Ad hoc committee to plan a major fund raising campaign

Box 40, folder 68

Committee on governing the university. AAUP 1968

Box 40, folder 69

Committee on government relations 1969-70

Box 40, folder 70

Financial support of graduate students Committee. See: Graduate Education Study Committee

Box 40, folder 71

Graduate students reviewing officers panel re: grievances 1969-70

Box 40, folder 72

Graduate student teaching committee. See: Graduate Education Study Committee

Box 40, folder 73

Committee on Health 1970

Box 40, folder 74

Committee on Housing Needs (for the Medical School) 1969

Box 40, folder 75

Ad hoc Committee to study the issue of property insurance 1969

Box 40, folder 76

Interim Judicial Body. (Faculty appeal Body) 1966-68

Box 40, folder 77

International studies, Committee on, 1968-69

Box 40, folder 78

charge and membership 1969

Box 40, folder 79

Steering committee of the junior faculty 1968

Box 40, folder 80

Land and building development committee 1968-70

Box 40, folder 81

Parking and traffic subcommittee 1970

Box 40, folder 82

Stanford Elementary School subcommittee 1970

Box 40, folder 83

Community liaison subcommittee 1970

Box 40, folder 84

Joint meeting of committee on land and building development and subcommittee on faculty / staff housing 1970

Box 40, folder 85

Subcommittee to recommend acceptance of pieces of sculpture and art works for temporary or permanent display out-of-doors 1968-70

Box 40, folder 86

Advisory committee on land and building development. (June 1, 1954, and April 1956) 1953-70

Box 40, folder 87

University Libraries Committee 1968-70

Box 40, folder 88

Committee on Linguistics 1968

Box 40, folder 89

Center for materials research, Executive Committee 1966-70

Box 40, folder 90

Medical School - Clinical committee 1967

Box 40, folder 91

Medical School - Executive Committee 1968-70

Box 40, folder 92

School of Medicine Administrative Committee 1969-70

Box 40, folder 93

Committee on medical and engineering biosciences 1970

Box 40, folder 94

Mexican American seminar committee 1970

Box 41, folder 1

Minority Affairs committee 1968-70

Box 41, folder 2

Committee on minority employment. (Affirmative action-internal) 1969-70

Box 41, folder 3

Committee on Modern thought and literature. (Humanities and Sciences) 1969

Box 41, folder 4

Orals Committee 1966

Box 41, folder 5

Advisory Committee on Executive Organization and Personnel 1968-69

Box 41, folder 6

Parents Day coordinating committee 1966-67

Box 41, folder 7

Patient care committee. Medical School 1971

Box 41, folder 8

Ph.D. Dissertation and alternative degree committee. See: Graduate Education Study committee

Box 41, folder 9

Planning coordinating committee 1966

Box 41, folder 10

Committee on protection of privacy of information 1969-70

Box 41, folder 11

--charge and membership 1969-70

Box 41, folder 12

Provost Committee to study campus police problem 1969

Box 41, folder 13

Provost Committee - Clinic/University liaison committee 1968

Box 41, folder 14

Provost's computer committee 1968-69

Box 41, folder 15

Provost Committee - Draft deferment committee 1968

Box 41, folder 16

Provost Committee - Committee on Economics 1969

Box 41, folder 17

Provost Committee - Committee on Metropolitan studies 1967

Box 41, folder 18

Provost Committee - Committee for the program in Human Biology 1969

Box 41, folder 19

Provost Committee - Ad hoc committee to study teaching assistantships 1968-69

Box 41, folder 20

Provost Committee - Special Committee on unexcused absences 1969-70

Box 41, folder 21

Committee on Public Events 1969-70

Box 41, folder 22

Committee on Public Health 1969

Box 41, folder 23

Committee on Religious Affairs. [file out] 1966-69

Box 41, folder 24

Committee on Research 1969-70

Box 41, folder 25

Residence Operating Committee 1969

Box 41, folder 26

Restoration Committee 1969

Box 41, folder 27

ROTC, President's advisory committee 1969-70

Box 41, folder 28

charge and membership 1970

Box 41, folder 29

Advisory committee on Selective service 1969

Box 41, folder 30

Ad hoc Committee on revision of Senate rules C2 1969-71

Box 41, folder 31

re: Senate rules 1969-71

Box 41, folder 32

Services to students committee 1969-70

Box 41, folder 33

subcommittee on housing 1970

Box 41, folder 34

Committee to study the problem of size as it affects Stanford. See also: Enrollment data 1969-70

Box 41, folder 35

Proposed committee - social and moral concerns in University Investing 1969

Box 41, folder 36

Ad hoc committee on space problems 1967

Box 41, folder 37

Stanford Today and Tomorrow committee 1966

Box 41, folder 38

Committee number two on student employment 1970-71

Box 41, folder 39

Student Conduct Legislative Council 1968-70

Box 41, folder 40

Proposed SCLC Penalty code 1969-70

Box 41, folder 41

Emergency procedures 1970

Box 41, folder 42

Issue of closing buildings when security is threatened /consultation requirement 1970

Box 41, folder 43

Student - Faculty Employment Committee 1970

Box 41, folder 44

Ad hoc committee on student involvement in political processes 1970

Box 41, folder 45

Students on committees 1968-69

Box 41, folder 46

Assessment and reporting of students' performance and progress, Committee. see: Graduate Education Study Committee

Box 41, folder 47

Summer Festival Committee 1968-69

Box 41, folder 48

Sunday activities, Committee on 1967-68

Box 41, folder 49

Committee of Tellers 1966-70

Box 41, folder 50

Tresidder Union Committee 1969-71

Box 41, folder 51

Committee on undergraduate admissions and financial aids 1969-70

Box 41, folder 52

Undergraduate studies, Committee on, 1971

Box 41, folder 53

Charge and membership 1971

Box 41, folder 54

University Laser Safety committee 1967

Box 41, folder 55

Committee on violence (Psychiatry dept.) 1968

Box 41, folder 56

Women's Clubhouse committee (now referred to as simply "Clubhouse"), located in Clubhouse file

Box 41, folder 57

Education and employment of Women committee 1969-70

Box 41, folder 58

Awards and prizes (miscellaneous) 1966-68

Box 41, folder 59

Borden Award at the Hoover Institution 1958-62

Box 41, folder 60

Ina Coolbrith Memorial Poetry Prize 1949-64

Box 41, folder 61

Edwin A. Cottrell Memorial Award 1959-67

Box 41, folder 62

Dinkelspiel Awards 1966-70

Box 41, folder 63

Dinkelspiel Awards 1967-68

Box 41, folder 64

Dinkelspiel Award 1970

Box 41, folder 65

Lloyd W. Dinkelspiel Award 1964-66

Box 41, folder 66

Lloyd W. Dinkelspiel Award. See also: L.W. Dinkelspiel Award Fund 1960-63

Box 41, folder 67

Eastman Kodak Scientific Award 1967

Box 41, folder 68

William Roberts Eckart Prize in Mechanical Engineering 1923-52

Box 41, folder 69

Stephen Fox Memorial Fund 1954-55

Box 41, folder 70

The Bertha Glikbarg Law Prize (Fund) 1955-66

Box 41, folder 71

Grants - in - aid 1954-63

Box 41, folder 72

Davis B. Gray Memorial Award 1940-41

Box 41, folder 73

Irene Hardy Poetry Prize 1935-66

Box 41, folder 74

Irving Hellman, Jr. Memorial Fund. (Law School) 1948-55

Box 41, folder 75

L.A. and Marian S. Hopkins Award 1952-68

Box 41, folder 76

Leavelle, Arnaud B. - Memorial Award 1958-69

Box 41, folder 77

Mary A. Earl McKinney Prizes 1948-65

Box 41, folder 78

National Society of the Colonial Dames of America Annual Prize Award 1922-64

Box 41, folder 79

Hilmer Oehlmann Jr. Competition Fund 1951-52

Box 41, folder 80

Lindsay Peters Jr. Memorial Prize Fund 1949-69

Box 41, folder 81

Phillips Exeter Academy Prize. (anonymous donor - Ralph Bollard) 1954-58

Box 41, folder 82

Sawyer Foundation Prize Fund 1956

Box 41, folder 83

Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity Award. (community service competition) 1967

Box 41, folder 84

Urmy, Clarence, Poetry Prize Award 1937-65

Box 41, folder 85

Robert C. Wheeler Assistance Grant 1956-58

Box 41, folder 86

Julian Wolfsohn Memorial Fund 1943-52

Box 43, folder 1

-C-Tresidder Union Directorship. Search Committee 1968

Box 43, folder 2

-C-Undergraduate Dean Search Committee. [Retrieved by President's Office 5/01/79]

Box 43, folder 3

University Relations Search Committee. [Retrieved by President's Office 5/01/79] 1971

Box 43, folder 4

Vice Provost, Search Committee for. [Retrieved by President's Office 5/01/79] l971

Box 43, folder 5

Research, Vice Provost for, Search Committee. [Retrieved by President's Office 5/01/79] l971

Box 43, folder 6

Status Of SU Police, Presidential Commission on 1971

Box 43, folder 7

Sit-in (5/3/68)

Box 43, folder 8

Letters re: Sit-in 5/3/68

Box 43, folder 9

(SRN) Stanford Rehabilitation Movement 1972

Box 43, folder 10

The Fasters 1972

Box 43, folder 11

Faster Letters. (no answer required 1972

Box 43, folder 12

SLAC Bombing Incident December 7, 1971

Box 43, folder 13

Encina Sit-in 5/1/69

Box 43, folder 14

SU-SRI 1969

Box 43, folder 15

SRI May 16, 1969

Box 43, folder 16

Sit-in(AEL) 1969

Box 44, folder 1

-C-Academic Council 1968

Box 44, folder 2

-C-Academic Council 1967

Box 44, folder 3

American Association of University Professors (AAUP) 1967-68

Box 44, folder 4

-C-Association of American Universities (AUU) (1967-68)

Box 44, folder 5

BSU - (Demands Elsewhere) [1968-69]

Box 44, folder 6

-G-Foundations: Ford 1967-68

Box 44, folder 7

-C-General Studies, Committee on 1967-68

Box 44, folder 8

-G-Government Relations 1968-69

Box 44, folder 9

-G-Judicial Council 1968-69

Box 44, folder 10

-G-Judicial Council. ASSU 1967-68

Box 44, folder 11

Minority Incidents. (Temporary file) [1969]

Box 44, folder 12

-G-Research Administration (1967-68)

Box 44, folder 13

-G-Selective Service 1967-68

Box 44, folder 14

-G-Seven Universities Group 1967-68

Box 44, folder 60

Office Machines/Service AD3.17

Box 45, folder 1

Foundations (Misc.) 1958-69

Box 45, folder 2

Foundations (General) [1962-70]

Box 45, folder 3

A.A.A.A. Educational Foundation, Inc [1968-70]

Box 45, folder 4

Aetna Life Affiliated Companies [1961-64]

Box 45, folder 5

Alcoa Foundation 1967-71

Box 45, folder 6

Allied Chemical Foundation [1968]

Box 45, folder 7

van Ameringen Foundation, Inc [1971]

Box 45, folder 8

Ampex Foundation [1969-70]

Box 45, folder 9

Anderson, Harry W. Charitable Foundation [1972]

Box 45, folder 10

Arcs Foundati,on Inc 1961-63

Box 45, folder 11

Arthritis Foundation 1968-71

Box 45, folder 12

Atlantic Richfield Foundation 1968-71

Box 45, folder 13

Avalon Foundation. See also: Avalon Professorship [1959-68]

Box 45, folder 14

Babcock Foundation [1963-70]

Box 45, folder 15

Ruth and John Bamberger Memorial Foundation [1969]

Box 45, folder 16

Baxter Foundation 1963-70

Box 45, folder 17

Lowell Berry Foundation 1969-71

Box 45, folder 18

Boise Cascade Foundation 1968

Box 45, folder 19

Boyer, Charles. (French Research Foundation) [1971]

Box 45, folder 20

Boswell Foundation [1953-67]

Box 45, folder 21

C.A. Buck Educational Foundation [1963-69]

Box 45, folder 22

CBS Foundation, Inc [1956]

Box 45, folder 23

Louis Calder Foundations [1970]

Box 45, folder 24

Carnation Foundation 1969-72

Box 45, folder 25

Carnegie Foundation/Corporation [1970]

Box 45, folder 26

Chase Manhattan Bank Foundation (Grant) Gifts [1965-70]

Box 45, folder 27

Harvey Bassett Clarke Foundation [1954-68]

Box 45, folder 28

Columbia Foundation [1970]

Box 45, folder 29

Cook Foundation [1970-72]

Box 45, folder 30

Coro Foundation [1954-70]

Box 45, folder 31

S.H. Cowell Foundation [1970-71]

Box 45, folder 32

Creole Foundation [1957-71]

Box 45, folder 33

Crown Zellerbach Foundation [1965-70]

Box 45, folder 34

Danforth Foundation [1969-72]

Box 45, folder 34

E. Harris Harbison Award. Danforth Foundation Prize 1968-72

Box 45, folder 34

Danforth Foundation Workshop in Liberal Education 1969

Box 45, folder 35

D.L.J. Foundation [1968]

Box 45, folder 36

Arthur V. Davis Foundation [1968-71]

Box 45, folder 37

William H. Donner Foundation [1968-70]

Box 45, folder 38

Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation [1965-71]

Box 45, folder 39

Earhart Foundation [1970-72]

Box 45, folder 40

Educational Foundation Inc [1962-71]

Box 45, folder 41

Epilepsy Foundation of America [1965-71]

Box 45, folder 42

Eppley Foundation [1955-60]

Box 45, folder 43

Ernst and Ernst Foundation [1966]

Box 45, folder 44

Esso Education Foundation [1961-71]

Box 45, folder 45

Fireman's Fund American Foundation [1971]

Box 45, folder 46

Firestone Foundation [1967]

Box 45, folder 47

Fleischmann Foundation [1969-70]

Box 45, folder 48

The Fluor Foundation [1968-71]

Box 45, folder 49

The Ford Foundation [1967-71]

Box 45, folder 50

French Research Foundation [1970-71]

Box 45, folder 51

The Fuller Foundation [1952-65]

Box 45, folder 52

Clifford W. Gaylord Foundation [1958-61]

Box 45, folder 53

General Electric Foundation [1961-71]

Box 45, folder 54

General Service Foundation [1966]

Box 45, folder 55

A. P. Giannini Foundation [1971]

Box 45, folder 56

Marcus Goodbody Foundation [1971]

Box 45, folder 57

Grant Foundation [1966-72]

Box 45, folder 58

Gulbenkian Foundation [1970-71]

Box 45, folder 59

Hammond-Field Foundation. See also: Field Gifts [1971]

Box 45, folder 60

John A. Hartford Foundation [1967-71]

Box 45, folder 61

William Randolph Hearst Foundation. Funds/Awards 1961-68

Box 45, folder 62

Fannie and John Hertz Foundation Award 1961-69

Box 45, folder 63

Hoffmann-Laroche Foundation 1968-70

Box 45, folder 64

Nathan Hofheimer Foundation., Inc 1965-67

Box 45, folder 65

Hoover Foundation 1970

Box 45, folder 66

Inland Steel-Ryerson Foundation, Inc 1965-69

Box 45, folder 67

The James Irvine Foundation 1949-69

Box 45, folder 68

The James Foundation 1944-64

Box 45, folder 69

W.K. Kellogg Foundation 1961-69

Box 45, folder 70

The Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. Foundation 1964-68

Box 45, folder 71

Kettering Foundation 1963-68

Box 45, folder 72

The Kresge Foundation 1962-70

Box 45, folder 73

Samuel H.. Kress Foundation 1953-68

Box 45, folder 74

Lakeview Foundation 1968

Box 45, folder 75

Thomas and Dorothy Leavey Foundation 1969

Box 45, folder 76

Henry Luce Foundation 1969-70

Box 45, folder 76

Luce Foundation 1/19/70

Box 45, folder 77

Anita Oliver Lunn Foundation 1968-69

Box 45, folder 78

Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation 1962-70

Box 45, folder 79

Edward Mallinckrodt, Jr. Foundation 1967

Box 45, folder 80

John and Mary Mark1.e Foundation 1969

Box 45, folder 81

Louis B, Mayer Foundation 1957-70

Box 45, folder 82

George H. Mayr Educational Foundation 1968-70

Box 45, folder 83

John A. McCarthy Foundation 1968

Box 45, folder 84

Medina Foundation. See gifts from: Norton Clapp

Box 45, folder 85

Richard King Mellon Charitable Trusts. See also: Funds 1962-70

Box 45, folder 86

T. Mellon and Sons Foundation. See: Scaife Family Gifts

Box 45, folder 87

Menninger Foundation 1968

Box 45, folder 88

B. R. Morris Foundation 1969

Box 45, folder 89

National Foundation on the Arts and Humanities 1969-70

Box 45, folder 90

The New World Foundation 1970

Box 45, folder 91

Vivian Bilby Noble Foundation 1967

Box 45, folder 92

James A. Norris Foundation 1967-68

Box 45, folder 93

Kenneth T. and Eileen L. Norris Foundation 1969

Box 45, folder 94

Roscoe and Margaret Oakes Foundation 1956-69

Box 45, folder 95

Old Dominion Foundation 1968

Box 45, folder 96

Olin Foundation, Inc 1966-69

Box 45, folder 97

The Thomas F. Peterson Foundation 1967-68

Box 45, folder 98

Pfaffinger Foundation 1970

Box 45, folder 99

Pfeiffer Foundation 1967

Box 45, folder 100

Ellis L. Phillips Foundation 1962-66

Box 45, folder 101

John B. Pierce Foundation 1959

Box 45, folder 102

Quaker Oats Foundation 1967

Box 46, folder 1

Relm Foundation 1969

Box 46, folder 2

Rockefeller Foundation 1969-70

Box 46, folder 3

Dorothy H. and Lewis Rosenstiel Foundation 1968

Box 46, folder 4

Rotary Foundation Group Exchange 1948-65

Box 46, folder 5

Russell Sage Foundation 1962-69

Box 46, folder 6

George H. Sandy Foundation 1961-70

Box 46, folder 7

The San Francisco Foundation 1966-70

Box 46, folder 8

The San Mateo Foundation 1964-70

Box 46, folder 9

Santa Cruz-El Pajaro Foundation 1964-65

Box 46, folder 10

Schlumberger Foundation 1966-70

Box 46, folder 11

Sears Roebuck Foundation 1965-70

Box 46, folder 12

Shell Canada Limited 1968-69

Box 46, folder 13

Shell Companies Foundation 1955-70

Box 46, folder 14

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation l969-70

Box 46, folder 15

Smith Kline and French Laboratories 1965

Box 46, folder 16

Christopher D. Smithers Foundation 1967

Box 46, folder 17

Sonics Research Foundation 1967-69

Box 46, folder 18

Standard Oil Foundation 1968-70

Box 46, folder 19

State Farm Companies Foundation 1968-70

Box 46, folder 20

Elbridge A. Stuart Scholarship. (Complete File in Chancellor's office) Re: Carnation Gifts 1963-70

Box 46, folder 21

Times Mirror Foundation 1970

Box 46, folder 22

TRW Foundation 1968

Box 46, folder 23

United States Steel Foundation 1969

Box 46, folder 24

George Vanderbilt Foundation 1954-62

Box 46, folder 25

Veritas Foundation 1963

Box 46, folder 26

Westinghouse Educational Foundation 1970

Box 46, folder 27

Helen Hay Whitney Foundation 1966-70

Box 46, folder 28

Dean Witter Foundation 1970

Box 46, folder 29

Zaffaroni Foundation 1969-70

Box 46, folder 30

Fellowships General 1953-68

Box 46, folder 31

(Bank of America) Giannini Foundation Fellowship 1955-69

Box 46, folder 32

Fellows of the University 1967-70

Box 46, folder 32

University Fellows shift efforts to longer range aspects arising from current period of expanded commitment

Box 46, folder 32

Committee on the Innovation Fund

Box 46, folder 32

The Innovation Fund

Box 46, folder 33

Ford Foundation. Foreign Area Training Fellowship 1953-61

Box 46, folder 34

Ford International Fellowship 1965-66

Box 46, folder 35

Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowships 1952-68

Box 46, folder 36

Harkness Fellowships 1963-69

Box 46, folder 37

Herbert Hoover. Fellowship in Business 1952-65

Box 46, folder 38

Hughes Aircraft Co.. Fellowships 1961-69

Box 46, folder 39

Mirriam M., John E. Marble Fellowship 1961-69

Box 46, folder 40

National Defense Education Act Fellowship 1965-70

Box 46, folder 41

National Institute of Public Affairs 1963-70

Box 46, folder 42

National Research Council Fellowships 1968-69

Box 46, folder 43

National Scholarship Trust Fund Fellowship Program 1968

Box 46, folder 44

National Science Foundations Fellowship 1959-70

Box 46, folder 45

Edward John Noble Foundation 1958-67

Box 46, folder 46

Nuclear Engineering Traineeships 1968-69

Box 46, folder 47

Professional Journalism Fellowship 1969-70

Box 46, folder 48

Journalism Fellowships 1964-68

Box 46, folder 49

Public Affairs Fellows Program. See: National Institute of Public Affairs

Box 46, folder 50

Rockefeller Brothers Fund- -program of Fellowships in International Affairs 1968

Box 46, folder 51

Shell Merit Fellowships for High School Teachers of Chemistry, Physics and Math 1955-68

Box 46, folder 52

Alfred P. Sloan. Research Fellowships 1965-67

Box 47, folder 1

Alfred P. Sloan. Foundation Fellowship Fund 1956-68

Box 47, folder 2

Stauffer Chemical Company Fellowship 1957-65

Box 47, folder 3

Wallace E. Stegner. Fellowships in Creative Writing 1947-67

Box 47, folder 4

Benjamin H. Swig Fund for Dr. Sterling Bunnell 1950-56

Box 47, folder 5

U.S. Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare (Traineeships and Fellowships) 1968

Box 47, folder 6

United States Steel Corporation 1969

Box 47, folder 7

Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship 1965-70

Box 47, folder 8

Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship 1952-65

Box 47, folder 9

University Lectures Committee. (Suggested Speakers) 1969

Box 47, folder 10

Aaron-Roland Fund for Jewish Studies. (Lectureships) 1969

Box 47, folder 11

American Democracy Lectureship 1965-68

Box 47, folder 12

Bussey-Webb Memorial Lectureship 1923-36

Box 47, folder 13

Camp-West Lectureship 1963-67

Box 47, folder 13

Camp-West Lectureships. (Committee- File) 1963-67

Box 47, folder 13

Working File-Camp Lectures [1963-64]

Box 47, folder 13

Working File-West Lectures [1963]

Box 47, folder 14

Camp-West Lecture Committee 1962-64

Box 47, folder 15

Harry Camp Memorial Lectures. (Kingman Brewster) 1967-68

Box 47, folder 16

Camp Lectures 1959-65

Box 47, folder 17

Harry Camp Memorial Lectures 1966-69

Box 47, folder 18

Cubberley Lectureship Fund 1935-51

Box 47, folder 19

Distinguished Alumnus Lecture 1966-69

Box 47, folder 20

Jake Gimbel Sex Psychology Lectures 1962-69

Box 47, folder 21

Jake Gimbel Sex Psychology Lectures 1946-62

Box 47, folder 22

William Haas Memorial Lecture 1961-68

Box 47, folder 23

Haas-Sloss Lectureship 1965-70

Box 47, folder 24

Harmon Memorial Lectures 1965

Box 47, folder 25

Herzstein Lectures 1968

Box 47, folder 26

Herzstein Lectures 1944-67

Box 47, folder 27

Lane Medical Lectures 1946-70

Box 47, folder 28

John Kent Lewis Memorial Lecture 1965-69

Box 47, folder 29

McClatchy Visiting Lectureship 1963-69

Box 47, folder 30

Sloss Visiting Lectureship in Humanities 1947-70

Box 47, folder 31

Visiting Lecturers- Milovan Djilas 1966

Box 47, folder 32

Raymond Fred West Memorial Lectures 1946-68

Box 47, folder 33

Endowed Professorships and Appointments 1958-70

Box 47, folder 34

Professorships (General) 1950-70

Box 47, folder 35

Proposed Professorships 1960-62

Box 47, folder 36

Visiting Professorships 1968

Box 47, folder 37

ASSU Professorship 1965-69

Box 47, folder 38

Avalon Foundation Chair in the Humanities. See also: Avalon Foundation and Mellon Foundation 1967-69

Box 47, folder 39

Barnett Professorship 1970

Box 47, folder 40

Andres Bello Chair/Venezuelan Studies 1968-70

Box 47, folder 41

Bloomfield Professorship of Medicine 1954-65

Box 47, folder 42

Charles A. Beardsley Professorship 1965

Box 47, folder 43

William .H. Bonsall Professorship 1966-69

Box 47, folder 44

Frank E. Buck Professorship of Management 1965-68

Box 47, folder 45

Margaret Byrne Professorship in American History 1946-68

Box 47, folder 46

Ross H. Chamberlain Chair in Earth Sciences 1965

Box 47, folder 47

Chidester Chair in Surgery 1970

Box 47, folder 48

The William Nelson Cromwell Professorship in Communication 1967-68

Box 47, folder 49

Paul C. Edwards Memorial Professorship in Communication 1967-68

Box 47, folder 50

Ford Foundation Professorships in International Studies 1967

Box 47, folder 51

Shelagh Galligan Professorship 1968

Box 47, folder 52

Joseph Grant Professorship of Genetics 1969

Box 47, folder 53

Robert Grimmett Professorship of Mathematics [1967]

Box 47, folder 54

Guerard Professorship 1960-68

Box 47, folder 55

Guggenhime, Berthold and Belle N. Professorship 1956-65

Box 48, folder 1

Harmsworth Professorship in American History [1971]

Box 48, folder 2

Dr. Morris Herzstein Chair in Biology 1963

Box 48, folder 3

Osgood Hooker Professor 1970

Box 48, folder 4

Lee Jacks Professorship of Child Education and David Jacks Professorship of Higher Education [1966]

Box 48, folder 5

Lee and David Jacks Professorships (also see Mary Jacks Thomas Fund) 1943-71

Box 48, folder 6

Margaret Jacks Chair of Education 1967

Box 48, folder 7

Vida Jacks Professorship of Education 1967

Box 48, folder 8

J. G. Jackson-C. J. Wood Professorship in Chemistry 1965

Box 48, folder 9

Kirkwood, Marion Rice - Professorship 1953-63

Box 48, folder 10

Kratter Chair in European H1story 1962-70

Box 48, folder 11

Sebastian S. Kresge Prof. in Marketing 1967

Box 48, folder 12

Stella and Ira S. Lillick Professorship 1967

Box 48, folder 13

Merner, Emma Pfeiffer, Professorship. Gustav Pfeiffer Foundation 1961-67

Box 48, folder 14

1907 Foundation Chair - United Parcel Service 1965

Box 48, folder 15

C.0.G. Miller Fund. Distinguished Professorship in Finance 1950-58

Box 48, folder 16

NATO Visiting Professorships 1957-69

Box 48, folder 17

Silas H. Palmer Scholarship Funds. Oliver H. Palmer Professor ship 1961-69

Box 48, folder 18

Sadie Dernham Patek Professorship in Humanities 1963

Box 48, folder 19

Janet M. Peck Professorship of International Communication 1957-62

Box 48, folder 20

Paul Pigott Professorship 1967

Box 48, folder 21

The Alexander N. Poniatoff Professorship (Ampex Corporation - donor) 1960-70

Box 48, folder 22

Jackson Eli Reynolds Professorships (Law and Humanities) 1958-60

Box 48, folder 23

Robinson Professorship in History. Institute of American History-in funds 1945-54

Box 48, folder 24

Henry Salvatori Distinguished Visiting Scholar 1968

Box 48, folder 25

Henry Salvatori Professorship in Geophysics 1951-66

Box 48, folder 26

Wm. Benjamin Scott and Lyna M. Scott professorship (School of Law) 1970

Box 48, folder 27

Donald Steel Professorship 1960-68

Box 48, folder 27

Max H. Stein Professorship 1959-62

Box 48, folder 28

J. E. Wallace Sterling Professorship in the Humanities 1968-69

Box 48, folder 29

James J. Waring Visiting Professorship in Biochemistry 1960-70

Box 48, folder 30

Whitney (John Hay) Visiting Professorships 1952-61

Box 48, folder 31

Jack and Lula Willson Professorship in Biochemistry 1960-70

Box 48, folder 32

Dean Witter Professorship in Finance (Bus. School) 1957-66

Box 48, folder 33

Jack and Lulu Willson Professorship 1966

Box 48, folder 34

Zellerbach Professorship in International Studies 1979

Box 48, folder 35

Study of Education 1966-70

Box 48, folder 36

Steering Committee. Study of Education 1967-70

Box 48, folder 37

Budget Matters. Study of Education At Stanford 1969

Box 48, folder 38

S.E.S. Coalition 1969

Box 48, folder 39

Study of Education. "Admissions" 1968-69

Box 48, folder 40

Quarter Versus Semester System. Study of Education 1969

Box 48, folder 41

Ph.D. Production (in relation to graduate enrollment) 1966-68

Box 48, folder 42

Steering Committee. The Study of Education At Stanford 1967-68

Box 48, folder 43

Proposals Offered by Various Members of Faculty. SES 1969

Box 48, folder 44

Esthetics Environment Committee 1967

Box 48, folder 45

Admissions and Financial Aids 1967

Box 48, folder 46

Committee on Advising and Counseling 1967-68

Box 48, folder 47

Floor Management Committee. Study of Education 1969

Box 48, folder 48

Committee on Government of the University 1967-68

Box 48, folder 49

Committee on International Education. "Study of Education At Stanford." 1967

Box 48, folder 50

Committee on Residence Policies 1968

Box 48, folder 51

Educational Reform/Suggestions. Study of Education 1969

Box 48, folder 52

SES (Study of Education At Stanford) 1968-70

Box 49, folder 1

Undergraduate Program in Human Biology--Ford Foundation 1969

Box 49, folder 2

Ford Foundation. Pilot Program for Disadvantaged Minority Group Students 1968-70

Box 49, folder 3

Ford Foundation. Grant in support of a training program in the biology of populations 1968-69

Box 49, folder 4

Ford Foundation. Center for Research in International Studies for a socio-linguistic research project 1968-69

Box 49, folder 5

Development of Stanford's New Program of African and Afro- American Studies. Ford Foundation Proposal 1969

Box 49, folder 6

Ford Foundations. Proposal for a teaching, training, and research program in the history of African-American Civilizations 1968-69

Box 49, folder 7

Ford Foundation. To enhance responsible Participation in the University Affairs by Jr. members of Faculty

Box 49, folder 8

Ford Foundation. Master's Degree Program for Persons from Southeast Asia in SIDEC program 1970

Box 49, folder 9

Ford Foundation. Support of the Medical School--$3,100,O00 1968

Box 49, folder 10

Ford Foundation. Proposal requesting $3,000,000 for the Grad. School of Business 1959

Box 49, folder 11

The Ford Foundation. One year of research project on State financing of Public Elementary and Secondary Education 1967

Box 49, folder 12

Ford Foundation. To strengthen and accelerate Doctoral Education in the Social Sciences and Humanities for Seven Years 1967-69

Box 49, folder 13

Ford Foundation grant for informal consortium of Undergraduate Deans 1968-69

Box 49, folder 14

Ford Foundation. Program for the Training of Educational Administrators 1968-69

Box 49, folder 15

Ford Foundation. A Three-year Period Grant for the Design and Testing of an integrated computer system for administrative processes 1968

Box 49, folder 16

Higher Education and Research Program. Ford Foundation Grants 1968

Box 49, folder 17

The Ford Foundation. School Planning Lab for the American School of Rio de Janeiro 1967

Box 49, folder 18

Ford Foundation (Bay Area Consortium to promote Undergraduate Education for Disadvantaged and Minority Youth 1967

Box 49, folder 19

Ford Foundation Grant--Long term support of improvement and expansion of Doctoral Education in Engineering 1967

Box 49, folder 20

Ford Foundation. Cross-National studies on political and social change 1963-68

Box 49, folder 21

Ford Foundation. Grant of $210,000 over a 5-year period for use by the Law School in support of studies of criminal law and social policy 1967-68

Box 49, folder 22

Ford Foundation. Grant for the program on International Legal Studies 1955-68

Box 49, folder 23

Ford Foundation. Interuniversity programs for Advanced Language Training, in Chinese and Japanese 1963-70

Box 49, folder 24

Ford Foundation. Improvement of the Education of Journalists and Others Working in Communications 1965-66

Box 49, folder 25

Ford Foundation - Aid to establish internship program in U.S. Government Agencies for Advanced Graduate Students in Design of Engineering Economic Systems 1965-69

Box 49, folder 26

Ford Foundation Presentation 1960. (Ten year program.) [1959-60]

Box 49, folder 27

Ford Foundation - Original Text Materials 1960-61

Box 49, folder 28

International Studies Building 1965-66

Box 49, folder 29

Ford Foundation $25,000,000 grant.(General support for a period of five years (11/1/60-68)

Box 49, folder 30

Ford Grant - International Studies 1961-70

Box 49, folder 31

A Report to the Ford Foundation International Studies at Stanford University 1968

Box 49, folder 32

Ford Foundation International Studies Grant Proposals 1961-63

Box 49, folder 33

Ford Training Grant $3,500,000 - Business School. ICAME 1959-66

Box 49, folder 34

Ford Grant to School of Engineering; $3,400,000 - Approximately fifteen years 6/30/60-63

Box 49, folder 35

Ford Foundation Grant: Strengthening Engineering Faculty 1959-63

Box 49, folder 36

Ford Fellowship Program in Economic Development and Administration 1956-57

Box 49, folder 37

Ford Foundation Grant. Institute of Development Economics in Karachi, Pakistan 1965

Box 49, folder 38

Ford Foundation Latin American Studies Grant 1964-70

Box 49, folder 39

Ford Foundation. Dynamics of Intellectual Development in College 1964

Box 49, folder 40

Ford Grant for Law Review $5,100. California Legislative Internship Program 1957-65

Box 49, folder 41

Management Sciences and Business Environment $800,000 5 year School of Business 1962-68

Box 49, folder 42

PACE - Ford Grant - Jacket in PACE Program File - Current Files

Box 49, folder 43

Ford Grant to Strengthen Preparation for College Teaching. $202,000 1960-66

Box 49, folder 44

Ford Motor Company Grants 1960-68

Box 50, folder 1

Old Gifts AD12.10.3/5 (following June 1970)

Box 50, folder 2

Estates and Wills - A to C

Box 50, folder 3

Crothers Biography 1964-67

Box 50, folder 4

Estates and Wills - D through H 1955-70

Box 50, folder 5

Estates and Wills - I through L 1963-70

Box 50, folder 6

Jackling, Daniel C., (Estate of) 1957-63

Box 50, folder 7

Jacks, Estate 1965-67

Box 50, folder 8

Kahn-Wolf, Mr. Andre J., PG prospective donor 1960-62

Box 50, folder 9

Leonard, Albert P 1963

Box 50, folder 10

Estates and Wills - M through R 1954-70

Box 50, folder 11

Estates and Wills - S through Z 1953-70

Box 50, folder 12

Gifts to President Lyman [1971]

Box 50, folder 13

Area Notes--Los Angeles. (Misc.) Prospective Donors 1959-62

Box 50, folder 14

Medical School Prospective Donors 1959-60

Box 50, folder 15

Los Angeles Prospective Donors 1959-63

Box 50, folder 16

Prospective Donors (Lists) 1967

Box 50, folder 17

PACE Prospective Donors. A-D 1961-4

Box 50, folder 18

Prospective Donors. A-B 1963-69

Box 50, folder 19

Baker, Solomon. (Prospective Donor) 1964-66

Box 50, folder 20

Prospective Donor-Theodore C. Achilles 1966-67

Box 50, folder 21

Prospective Donors. C-K 1966-70

Box 50, folder 22

Prospective Donors. L-R 1965-70

Box 50, folder 23

Corporation Reminder Letters 1967-70

Box 50, folder 23

Corporation reminders to Banks and others

Box 50, folder 24

Prospective Donors. S-Z 1965-70

Box 50, folder 25

W. Clement Stone, prospective donor 1963-4

Box 50, folder 26

PACE Program (Background and reference information) 1961-4

Box 50, folder 27

Prospective Donors 1956 - Sept. 1964

Box 50, folder 28

Non-Monetary Gifts to the Medical School 1967-70

Box 50, folder 29

Gifts (Declined) 1965-68

Box 50, folder 30

Non-Monetary Gifts. Archives 1966-70

Box 50, folder 31

Non-Monetary Gifts. Hoover Collection 1966-70

Box 50, folder 32

Universities Libraries (Non-monetary Gifts) 1969-70

Box 50, folder 33

Prospective Non-Monetary Donors l967

Box 50, folder 33

Non-monetary gifts. Hopkins Marine Station 1967-69

Box 50, folder 35

Music Department. Gifts 1959-70

Box 50, folder 36

Stanford Annual Fund/Inner Quad, Etc. (National Chairmen) 1965-70

Box 50, folder 37

Non-Monetary Gifts (Art Gallery and Museum) 1966-69

Box 50, folder 38

Stanfordiana Gifts 1959-65

Box 50, folder 39

R Plan 1965-66

Box 50, folder 40

Record of Checks Received in the President's Office (1957-61)

Box 51, folder 1

International Studies Committee - Grant Proposals 1961-68

Box 51, folder 2

Ford Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences 1955-60

Box 51, folder 3

Fund for the Advancement Of Education Phase III of the Stanford School Scheduling System Project 1966

Box 51, folder 4

Fund for the Advancement of Education "Improving the Quality of Secondary Education." 1957-67

Box 51, folder 5

Research Grant. Medical School 1956-61

Box 51, folder 6

The John A. Hartford Foundation Inc. Grants 1965-70

Box 51, folder 7

Institute of International Education--a 2 year study on international relations decision making in contemporary Hungary

Box 51, folder 8

Institute of Strategic Studies. Board of National Missions of the United Presbyterian Church 1966

Box 51, folder 9

Joint Council on Economic Education 1967

Box 51, folder 10

The Lilly Research Laboratories 1967-70

Box 51, folder 11

Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation Grants 1954-67

Box 51, folder 12

Medical School Hill-Burton Act 1953-58

Box 51, folder 13

Grants - N 1958-70

Box 51, folder 14

National Academy of Sciences Grants 1966-70

Box 51, folder 15

National Aeronautical and Space Administration Grant--Clinical Sciences Research Building 1966

Box 51, folder 16

National Aeronautics and Space Administration 1965-66

Box 51, folder 17

National Fund for Medical Education 1967-70

Box 51, folder 18

National Institute of Health 1965-70

Box 51, folder 19

National Legal Aid and Defender Association. National Defender Project 1968

Box 51, folder 20

National Multiple Sclerosis Society 1966-69

Box 51, folder 21

National Science Foundation. "Mass Media Coverage of Environmental Problems" 1970

Box 51, folder 22

National Science Foundation. (Misc. Correspondence) 1965-70

Box 51, folder 23

National Science Foundation. (Earth Sciences Building) 1969

Box 51, folder 24

National Science Foundation Graduate Training Program 1968

Box 51, folder 25

National Science Foundation "Systematics of the Onagraceae." 1969

Box 51, folder 26

National Science Foundation- -"Transport Processes Across an Air-Water Interface." 1968

Box 51, folder 27

National Science Foundation. Construction of Facilities for Research in Electrical Engineering 1962-67

Box 51, folder 28

Research Corporation (General and Applications) 1965-70

Box 51, folder 29

Resources of the Future, Inc 1967-69

Box 51, folder 30

The Rockefeller Foundation (Misc. Grants) 1965-69

Box 51, folder 31

Rockefeller Foundation Grant #70015 to Assist in the Establishment of a Graduate Program in Afro-American Studies 1970

Box 51, folder 32

Rockefeller Foundation--Support of Program for Scholars to Teach and Research related Development in institutions in Africa, Asia and Latin America. #70045 1970

Box 51, folder 33

Rockefeller Foundation--Research of Change in Tropical African Agriculture 1965-68

Box 51, folder 34

S - Grants (Misc.) 1966-69

Box 51, folder 35

Sloan, Alfred P. Foundation Grant-Executive Management Program 1957-67

Box 51, folder 36

Stanford-Sloan Program in the Business School 1966-67

Box 51, folder 37

Stanford Proposals 1964

Box 51, folder 38

Stanford Research Institute. Grant 1955-63

Box 51, folder 39

United Cerebral Palsy 1966-68

Box 51, folder 40

United Health Foundation, Inc 1966-68

Box 51, folder 41

U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Office of Education 1965-70

Box 51, folder 42

Regional Rehabilitation Research institute. U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare 1970

Box 51, folder 43

U.S. Office of Education (Sub-Saharan Africa NDEA Language and Area Center. Grant Proposal 1967

Box 51, folder 44

U.S. Department of Interior 1964

Box 51, folder 45

USPH - Health Research Facilities Program 1956-60

Box 51, folder 46

USPH Research Facilities Grant RC-l5(S3) and Chemical Department Research Building Grant RC-657 1957-62

Box 51, folder 47

Grants - Miscellaneous Grants 1970

Box 52, folder 1

Current Membership. Association of American Universities 1960-69

Box 52, folder 2

Association of American Universities 1969-70

Box 52, folder 3

American Association of Universities 1968-69

Box 52, folder 4

Committee Assignments. Association of American Universities 1970

Box 52, folder 5

Establishment of a Quick Response Network Among Universities 1969-70

Box 52, folder 6

Financing of Higher Education (Auxiliary File, includes 6a and 6b) 1967-70

Box 52, folder 6

Tax Reforms and their implications for higher Education 1969

Box 52, folder 6

Emergency Committee for Full Funding Financing of Higher Education 1969-70

Box 52, folder 7

National Foundation for Higher Education 1970 AAU File

Box 52, folder 8

Proxy Issue (Introduced by the Project on Corporate Responsibility.) 1969-70

Box 52, folder 9

Pre-Election Recess

Box 52, folder 10

Recommendations for Special Sessions. Association of American Universities 1970

Box 52, folder 11

Meeting With President Nixon. AAU Files May 7, 1970

Box 52, folder 12

H.R.35 (Bill To Promote the Advancement of Science and the Education of Scientists) 1969

Box 52, folder 13

Health Professions (Increases for Training) 1969-70

Box 52, folder 14

Department of Defense. Re: Academic Research Not Directly Related to a Military Function 1969-70

Box 52, folder 15

National Laboratories as Opposed to University Based Research 1970

Box 52, folder 16

Mandel Immigration Incident 1969-70

Box 52, folder 17

Council on Federal Relations 1968-70

Box 52, folder 18

Steering Committee. Council on Federal Relations 1968-69

Box 52, folder 19

April 1970 Minutes. Association of American Universities 1969-70

Box 52, folder 20

No. 1 - International Involvement of Universities and the Future 1969

Box 52, folder 21

No. 4 - Pennsylvania Reporting Requirements 1969-70

Box 52, folder 22

No. 6 - Employment of Minority Groups 1969-70

Box 52, folder 23

No. 7 - Financial Status Public/Private Colleges and Universities 1969-70

Box 52, folder 24

October Meeting 1969. Association of American Universities 1969-70

Box 52, folder 25

April 14-17, 1969 Meeting (General Correspondence/Minutes) Association of American Universities 1968-69

Box 52, folder 26

AAU Meeting - October 1968. (General Correspondence/Minutes) (Dr. Pitzer's First Meeting) 1968-69

Box 52, folder 27

Association of American Universities. April Meeting. General Correspondence 1968

Box 52, folder 28

AAU Meeting (General Correspondence) October 1967

Box 52, folder 29

Association of American Universities. April Meeting - 1967 General Correspondence 1965-67

Box 52, folder 30

Search Committee for a new Football Coach. [retrieved by President's Office 5/01/79] 1972

Box 52, folder 31

Paul A. Bissinger Center for Radiation Therapy Sept. 12, 1970

Box 52, folder 32

Dedication of Dermatology Facilities Sept. 15, 1970

Box 52, folder 33

Ruth Wattis Mitche1l Earth Science Building Nov. 19-20, 1970

Box 52, folder 34

Dohrmann Memorial 1969-9/24/71

Box 52, folder 35

Levin Memorial Playfield Dedication 1971-72

Box 52, folder 36

Dedication of Psychiatric Dept. (Adult and Child Facility) December 9, 1971

Box 52, folder 37

Ducommun, Charles E. (Trustee) 1958-69

Box 52, folder 38

Edmund W. Littlefield 1970

Box 52, folder 39

Rogers, W.L.(Lefty) Trustee 1969

Box 52, folder 40

Haas, Walter and Peter 1965-68

Box 52, folder 41

Judge Ben C. Duniway (Trustee) and Mrs. Duniway 1962-70

Box 52, folder 42

Trustees Emeriti 1961-69

Box 52, folder 43

Students on Trustee Committees 1966-70

Box 52, folder 44

Trustees (Honorary Fellowships for Retiring Members of the Board) 1967

Box 52, folder 45

Trustees (Communications, Handling of Mail). See also: Policy: Communication with President/Board of Trustees 1961-70

Box 52, folder 46

Board of Trustees - Luncheons/Dinners 1969-70

Box 53, folder 1

Grants-General 1968-69

Box 53, folder 2

American Cancer Society-General 1966-70

Box 53, folder 3

Grants--A--General 1965-66

Box 53, folder 4

American Chemical Society Grants 1966-69

Box 53, folder 5

American Heart Association 1966-70

Box 53, folder 6

American Medical Association 1966-69

Box 53, folder 7

Ayerst Laboratories 1967-70

Box 53, folder 8

Grants-B 1966-70

Box 53, folder 9

Grant-Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundation. In support of the Hoover Institution Yearbook on International Communist Affairs 1967-69

Box 53, folder 10

Bay Area Heart Research Committee 1966-70

Box 53, folder 11

Board of National Missions of the United Presbyterian Church 1967

Box 53, folder 12

Grants. C - Misc 1969

Box 53, folder 13

Grants - Carnegie Corporation--General 1955-70

Box 53, folder 14

Grants - Carnegie Corporation--Applications 1956-67

Box 53, folder 15

Carnegie Corporation - Miscellaneous Grants 1965-67

Box 53, folder 16

Carnegie Corporation of New York Health Assistant Training Program in the Stanford University Medical Center 1969

Box 53, folder 17

Carnegie Corporation for Program in Art 1965-69

Box 53, folder 18

Carnegie Corporation Grant Application for Art 1968

Box 53, folder 19

Carnegie-5 year grant,1963-68, Computer-based learning and teaching laboratory 1963-69

Box 53, folder 20

Carnegie Inter-University program of undergraduate study in Japan 1962-64

Box 53, folder 21

Carnegie Grant for "Quantitative Study of Learning Processes w/application in Education." 1961-64

Box 53, folder 22

Carnegie Corporation Inter-University Program of Undergraduate Study in Taiwan 1963-65

Box 53, folder 23

Chevron Research Company Grant in Chemical Engineering 1966-68

Box 53, folder 24

Development Education Center. Comparative Education Center 1965

Box 53, folder 25

Council on Education in Professional Responsibility 1967

Box 53, folder 26

The Wm. H. Donner Foundation Grant to the Hoover Institution (to support a machine information retrieval system to index archives.) 1966

Box 53, folder 27

Dow Chemical Company 1969

Box 53, folder 28

Grants - E 1966-69

Box 53, folder 29

Educational Facilities Laboratory, Inc. miscellaneous grants 1959-70

Box 53, folder 30

Ford Foundation grants 1959-70

Box 53, folder 31

Ford Foundation. Research by the Committee for new Structures in Higher Education 1969-70

Box 53, folder 32

Ford Foundation. Master's Degree program in development Education for persons from Latin American and the Caribbean 1969

Box 53, folder 33

Ford Foundation. Research by the Committee for New Structures in Higher Education 1969-70

Box 53, folder 34

Gifts May 1972

Box 53, folder 35

Gifts April 1972

Box 53, folder 36

Gifts March 1972

Box 53, folder 37

Gifts February 1972

Box 53, folder 38

Gifts January 1972

Box 53, folder 39

Gifts December 1971

Box 53, folder 40

Gifts November 1971

Box 53, folder 41

Gifts (non-current)

Box 53, folder 42

Special Tuition Grants Fund (ASSU Grant-in-Aid) 1948-60

Box 53, folder 43

Buck Club Grants-In-Aid 1955-62

Box 53, folder 44

Grants-in-Aid, Dean of Students Fund 1940-62

Box 53, folder 45

Engineering Student Aid Fund, 1951

Box 53, folder 46

Law School. Grant-in-Aid 1958

Box 53, folder 47

Susan Leighton Memorial Fund 1938-50

Box 53, folder 48

Grants-in-Aid, Student Aid Fund (various donors) 1937-62

Box 53, folder 49

Religious Activities. Includes the following 11 envelopes:

Box 53, folder 49.1

Brandeis University

Box 53, folder 49.1

Princeton University

Box 53, folder 49.11

Queen's University

Box 53, folder 49.2

University of Chicago

Box 53, folder 49.3

Columbia University

Box 53, folder 49.4

Cornell University

Box 53, folder 49.5

Dartmouth College

Box 53, folder 49.6

Duke University

Box 53, folder 49.7

University of Michigan

Box 53, folder 49.8

Northwestern University

Box 53, folder 49.9

Pennsylvania State

Box 53, folder 50

LASSU REPORT of Religious Activities (and background material) 1963

Box 54, folder 1

Board of Trustees (file #1) B1 1970-71

Box 54, folder 2

Board of Trustees, misc B1 1971-72

Box 54, folder 3

Gardner Committee: Study of Board of Trustee Structure B10.2

Box 54, folder 4

Board of Trustees meetings schedule B13 1970-72

Box 54, folder 5

Students on Trustee committees B14.2.3 1970-71

Box 54, folder 6

Academic Affairs Committee, Board of Trustees B14.3 1970-72

Box 54, folder 7

Finance and Development Committee, Board of Trustees B14.4 1971-72

Box 54, folder 8

Investment Committee, Board of Trustees B14.5 1972

Box 54, folder 9

Investment Committee, Board of Trustees B14.5 1971-72

Box 54, folder 10

Board of Trustees, Committee on Investment Responsibility B14.5 1970-71

Box 54, folder 11

Land and Building, Board of Trustees B14.6 1970-72

Box 54, folder 12

Committee on Nominations, Board of Trustees B14.7 1965-72

Box 54, folder 13

Sub-committee charged with identifying potential additional women trustees B14.7 1971

Box 54, folder 14

Religion AD2.24 1965-72

Box 54, folder 15

On-campus and military recruiting AD2.3 1971-72

Box 54, folder 16

Stanford mascot/symbol, file #1. [out - file transferred to SC215 Series 3 Box 44] AD2.7 1972

Box 54, folder 17

Stanford mascot/symbol, file #2. [out - file transferred to SC 215 Box 44 - 6/2010 not found, search in process] AD2 7 1970-72

Box 54, folder 18

Conscientious objection AD2.9 1970-71

Box 55, folder 1

Free speech issue AD2.12 1968-71

Box 55, folder 2

Homosexuality AD2.13 1971

Box 55, folder 3

Honorarium AD2.14 1970

Box 55, folder 4

Pre-election recess-"Princeton plan" AD2.23 1970-72

Box 55, folder 5

ROTC-Navy AD2.26 l970-72

Box 55, folder 6

ROTC-Army AD2.26 1970-72

Box 55, folder 7

ROTC AD2.26 January 1971-August 1972

Box 55, folder 8

ROTC AD2.26 1970-72

Box 55, folder 9

ROTC AD2.26 June-Sept. 1970

Box 55, folder 10

Speeches, other than R.W. Lyman's AD3.22 1969-71

Box 55, folder 11

Lyman interviews/remarks/statements on issues AD3.22 1970-72

Box 55, folder 12

Speech materials AD3.22 1967-69

Box 55, folder 13

President's Office AD4 l970-72

Box 55, folder 14

President's Schedule AD4.9 1971-72

Box 55, folder 15

Presidential Staff Meetings AD4.11 1970-72

Box 55, folder 16

Vice presidential group AD4.12 1972

Box 55, folder 17

Past Presidents AD4.13 1970

Box 55, folder 18

Condolence letters; deceased letters AD4.20.2 1970-72

Box 55, folder 19

Congratulations AD4.20.3 1971-72

Box 55, folder 20

Invitations AD4.20.4 1970-72

Box 55, folder 21

Troubled: Pearlstein, Carl AD4.20.5 1964-1972

Box 55, folder 22

Complaints; nonsense letters AD4.20.5

Box 55, folder 23

Complaints II

Box 55, folder 24

Complaints III

Box 56, folder 1

Recommendations, routine AD4.20.6 1970-72

Box 56, folder 2

Complaints I

Box 56, folder 3

Ombudsman AD6 1970-72

Box 56, folder 4

Campus disruptions and demonstrations AD7.2 1968-71

Box 56, folder 5

Student discipline, Board of Trustees AD7.2.3/1 1963-72

Box 56, folder 6

Stanford Judicial Council (SJC), Case # file AD7.2.7 1969-71

Box 56, folder 7

Stanford Judicial Council (SJC) AD7.2.7 1970-72

Box 56, folder 8

Fraud AD7.7 1971

Box 56, folder 9

Judicial systems AD7.9.1 1972

Box 56, folder 10

Legal cases AD7.10 1970-71

Box 56, folder 11

Admissions Office AD8.1 1970-72

Box 56, folder 12

Admissions, Student cases, file #1 AD8.1.2 1971-72

Box 56, folder 13

Admissions, student cases, file #2 AD8.1.2 1971-72

Box 56, folder 14

Dean of Student affairs AD8.8 1970-72

Box 56, folder 15

Discrimination policy AD8.8.3 [1969?]

Box 56, folder 16

Drug use AD8.9 1970-71

Box 57, folder 1

Exchange programs AD8.10 1970-71

Box 57, folder 2

Overseas campuses, misc AD8.11 1970-72

Box 57, folder 3

Financial aids AD8.12 1970-71

Box 57, folder 4

Student loans, professional school loan bank AD8.12.1 1970-71

Box 57, folder 5

Guide Service AD8.15 1971

Box 57, folder 6

Housing Office, misc. reports AD8.18.1 1970-72

Box 57, folder 7

Columbae House AD8.18.6/1

Box 57, folder 8

Fraternities, AD8.18.8 1970-71

Box 57, folder 9

Housing for students 1970-72

Box 57, folder 10

Social regulations AD8.18.15 1967-70

Box 57, folder 11

I.D. cards AD8.19 1970-71

Box 57, folder 12

Women at Stanford AD9.5 1970-72

Box 57, folder 13

Affirmative Action program AD9.6 1972

Box 57, folder 14

Affirmative Action program, internal AD9.6 1970-72

Box 57, folder 15

[various affirmative action reports]

Box 57, folder 16

Affirmative Action for women. file #1 AD9.6.3 1970-71

Box 57, folder 17

Affirmative Action for women. file #2 AD9.6.3 1971-72

Box 57, folder 18

Personnel and employee relations AD10 1970-72

Box 58, folder 1

Employment inquiries and requests AD10.1 1970-72

Box 58, folder 2

Staff development programs AD10.2 1970-72

Box 58, folder 3

Administrative searches, [Retrieved by President's Office 5/01/79] AD10.3 1971-72

Box 58, folder 4

Administrative appointments AD10.4 1969-72

Box 58, folder 5

Policy: appointment of lecturers and other short-term teachers AD10.6 l969-72

Box 58, folder 6

Employee organizations AD10.7 1970-71

Box 58, folder 7

Miscellaneous ad hoc employee organizations AD10.7.1 1971

Box 58, folder 8

Stanford chapter. of the California School employees Assoc AD10.7 1972

Box 58, folder 9

Stanford Credit Union AD10.7.3 1967-71

Box 58, folder 10

Committee for Art AD10.7.4 1970-72

Box 58, folder 11

Day Care Center AD10.7.5 1969-72

Box 58, folder 12

United Stanford employees AD10.7.8 1970-73

Box 58, folder 13

Distaff Club AD10.7.6 1970-72

Box 58, folder 14

Stanford Employees Assoc AD10.7.7 1970-72

Box 58, folder 15

Personnel policies AD10.8 1971-72

Box 58, folder 16

Collective bargaining AD10.8.2 1970-72

Box 58, folder 17

Labor relations policy group AD10.8.2/1 1970-71

Box 58, folder 18

Minority Employment and recruitment AD10.8.4 1970-71

Box 58, folder 19

Staff fringe benefits AD10.8.9 1970-72

Box 58, folder 20

Part-time staff: policy re:, AD10.8.9/1 1971

Box 58, folder 21

Policy: benefits for visiting scholars, fellow AD10.8.9/2 1972

Box 58, folder 22

Grievance hearings/cases AD10.8.10/1 1971-72

Box 58, folder 23

Graduate students (employed) grievance procedures AD10.8.10/2 1970-72

Box 58, folder 24

Grievances: student/faculty on academic matters AD10.8.10/3 1972

Box 58, folder 25

Health insurance AD10.8.11 1971-72

Box 58, folder 26

Hiring practices AD10.8.12 1970-72

Box 58, folder 27

Leaves of absence AD10.8.15 1970-72

Box 58, folder 28

Retirement/annuity programs (Prudential and TIAA-CREF) AD10.8.17 l966?-1972

Box 58, folder 29

Salaries AD10.8.19 1970-72

Box 58, folder 30

Policy: Travel / vacations AD10.8.21 1970-72

Box 58, folder 31

Tuition benefit plan AD10.8.22 1970-72

Box 58, folder 32

Jury duty AD10.8.26 1962-72

Box 58, folder 33

University Services, misc AD.11 1972

Box 58, folder 34

Fire department AD11.2 1971-72

Box 58, folder 35

Food Service AD11.3 1970-71

Box 58, folder 36

Vending machines/vending/vendors AD11.3.1 1970-72

Box 58, folder 37

Plant Services AD11.4 1967-72

Box 58, folder 38

Police services AD11.6 1968-72

Box 58, folder 39

Police and campus security AD11.6.2 1970-72

Box 58, folder 40

Arson and possible arson cases/fires AD11.6.2/1 1971-72

Box 58, folder 41

Crime and crime prevention AD11.6.2/4 1970-72

Box 58, folder 42

Vandalism AD11.6.2/5 1970-72

Box 58, folder 43

Policy: weapons on campus AD11.6.2/6 1970-71

Box 58, folder 44

Vehicle regulations AD11.6.5 1972

Box 58, folder 45

Office of public events AD11.7 1970-72

Box 58, folder 46

University ceremonies, annual programs, misc AD11.7.1 1970

Box 58, folder 47

Commencement at other universities AD11.7.2/1 1971

Box 58, folder 48

Freshman convocation AD11.7.3 1971

Box 58, folder 49

Freshman convocation AD11.7.3 1970

Box 58, folder 50

Pre-registration program AD11.7.12 1970

Box 58, folder 51

Summer festivals AD11.7.13 1971

Box 58, folder 52

Publications service/communications AD11.8 1970-72

Box 59, folder 1

Microfilm records AD11.8.3 1970-71

Box 59, folder 2

Stanford News Service AD11.8.4 1970-72

Box 59, folder 3

News Service reports/releases AD11.8.5 1970-72

Box 59, folder 4

Questionnaires/questions AD11.8.10 1970-72

Box 59, folder 5

Stanford publications, misc AD11.8.11 1970-72

Box 59, folder 6

Opinion polls AD11.8.7 1971

Box 59, folder 7

Mothers Club of Stanford Univ AD11.9.1 1970-72

Box 59, folder 8

Financial management of the University AD12 1971

Box 59, folder 9

Business and finance AD12.2 1971-72

Box 59, folder 10

Administrative data processing AD12.3 1970-71

Box 59, folder 11

Budgets AD12.5 1971-72

Box 59, folder 12

Budgets, file#1 AD12.5 11/70-5/71

Box 59, folder 13

Federal input for budget AD12.5.2 1969-70

Box 59, folder 14

Room and board rates AD12.5.3 1971-72

Box 59, folder 15

Tuition, Stanford AD12.5.4 1970-72

Box 59, folder 16

Wage and price freeze issue AD12.5.5 1971-72

Box 59, folder 17

Financial reports AD12.6 1971-72

Box 59, folder 18

Consultants AD12.7.1 1970-72

Box 59, folder 19

Insurance, risk management AD12.8 1970-72

Box 59, folder 20

Taxes, tax data AD12.9 1970-72

Box 59, folder 21

General Secretary's Office AD12.10.1 1970-72

Box 59, folder 22

Endowment, Stanford AD12.10.2 1970-72

Box 59, folder 23

Fund raising AD12.10.3 1970-72

Box 59, folder 24

Estates and wills AD12.10.3/3 l970[?]-72

Box 59, folder 25

Stanford Annual Fund (Inner Quad) AD12.10.3/4 1970-72

Box 59, folder 26

Gift Policies: Gift summaries AD12.10.3/5 1970-71

Box 60, folder 1

United Fund campaign/Community Fund/CHAD AD12.10.8 1970-72

Box 60, folder 2

Patent administration AD12.11 1969-71

Box 60, folder 3

Planning, long range estimates AD12.12 1971-72

Box 60, folder 4

Resources for the future AD12.12.1 1970-72

Box 60, folder 5

Surveys and studies, misc AD12.12.2 1970-72

Box 60, folder 6

Land and buildings AD12.14 1952-72

Box 60, folder 7

Policy: use of land and facilities AD12.14.1 1954-72

Box 60, folder 8

Faculty Club

Box 60, folder 9

Visitors AD13.10 1971-72

Box 60, folder 10

Guest-in-residence program AD13.10.2 1970

Box 60, folder 11

Foreign visitors AD13.10.3 1971-72

Box 60, folder 12

Speakers on campus AD13.10.4 1970-72

Box 60, folder 13

Visiting committees AD13.10.5 1969-72

Box 60, folder 14

Visiting committee, general file,'71 AD13.10.5 [1970-72]

Box 60, folder 15

Trustee participation in visiting committees AD13.10.5 1971

Box 60, folder 16

Advisory committee, Computer Science. [File checked out 2/13/79] AD13.10.5/1 1970-72

Box 60, folder 17

Advisory committee, Computer Science. [File checked out 2/13/79] AD13.10.5/1 1967-72

Box 60, folder 18

Visiting committee (advisory) Earth Sciences AD13.10.5/2 l971-72

Box 60, folder 19

Earth Sciences, Advisory Board AD13.10.5/2 1961-72

Box 60, folder 20

SED subcommittee on higher education AD13.10.5/3 1963

Box 60, folder 21

Education visiting committee AD13.10.5/3 1961-71

Box 60, folder 22

Visiting committee, international studies AD13.10.5/4 1970-71

Box 60, folder 23

Law School Board of Visitors AD13.10.5/5 1970-72

Box 60, folder 24

Law School Board of Visitors AD13.10.5/5 1961-1972

Box 61, folder 1

Members, Law School Board of Visitors AD13.10.5/5 1962-68

Box 61, folder 2

School of Medicine Visiting Committee AD13.10.5/6 1971-72

Box 61, folder 3

School of Medicine Visiting Committee AD13.10.5/6 1965-72

Box 61, folder 4

Engineering Visiting Committee AD13.10.5/7 1971-72

Box 61, folder 5

Engineering Advisory Council AD13.10.5/7 1966(?)-71

Box 61, folder 6

Graduate School of Business Advisory Council AD13.10.5/8 1970-71

Box 61, folder 7

Business School Advisory Council AD13.10.5/8 1968-71

Box 61, folder 8

Graduate School of Business Advisory Council, Reports AD13.10.5/8(?) 1959-71

Box 61, folder 9

Graduate School of Business Advisory Council members AD13.10.5/8(?) 1958-68

Box 61, folder 10

Library Visiting Committee AD13.10.5/9 1971-72

Box 61, folder 11

Library Visiting Committee proposal AD13.10.5/9 1971-72

Box 61, folder 12

Hopkins Marine Station Advisory Committee AD13.10.5/11

Box 61, folder 13

Hopkins Marine Station Advisory Committee AD13.10.5/11 1967-72

Box 61, folder 14

Provost's Office AA1 1971-72

Box 61, folder 15

Provost's staff minutes AA1.4 1970-72

Box 61, folder 16

Deans' Council correspondence AA1.5 1971-72

Box 61, folder 17

Academic Information Center AA1.6 1970-71

Box 61, folder 18

Academic Planning Office AA1.7 1969-72

Box 61, folder 19

Dean of the Chapel AA1.8 1971-72

Box 61, folder 20

United Campus Christian Ministry AA1.10 1970-71

Box 62, folder 1

Officer of Undergraduate Studies AA1.12 1970-72

Box 62, folder 2

Tutoring program AA1.12.1 1972

Box 62, folder 3

Urban studies AA1.12.2 1970-72

Box 62, folder 4

Graduate division AA1.13 1970-72

Box 62, folder 5

Terman Faculty Planning Study AA2.1.2/1 1970

Box 62, folder 6

Emeriti AA2.2 1971

Box 62, folder 7

Faculty appointments AA2.3 1970-72

Box 62, folder 8

Academic freedom AA2.6.1 1966-71

Box 62, folder 9

Dissenting faculty; disruptions AA2.6.2 1970-72

Box 62, folder 10

Newspaper clippings, press releases, etc. re: the Franklin case AA2.6.2/1

Box 62, folder 11

Letters re: Franklin issue, A-G AA2.6.2/1

Box 62, folder 12

Letters re: Franklin issue, H-O AA2.6.2/1

Box 62, folder 13

Letters re: Franklin issue, P-Z AA2.6.2/1

Box 62, folder 14

Faculty self-discipline AA2.6.3 1970-72

Box 62, folder 15

American Assoc. of University Professors (AAUP), Report on faculty self-discipline (Packer committee) AA2.6.3/1 1970-71

Box 62, folder 16

Teaching load policy AA2.6.8 1972

Box 62, folder 17

Tenure: policy AA2.6/9 1967-72

Box 62, folder 18

AAUP, Stanford chapter AA2.8 1970-72

Box 62, folder 19

Fellows of the University AA2.9 1969-72

Box 62, folder 20

Research and teaching assistants AA2.11 1969-72

Box 62, folder 21

Voluntary faculty groups AA2.13 1971

Box 62, folder 22

Faculty political action group (FPAG) AA2.13.2 1970-72

Box 63, folder 1

SLAC-Physics relations 1963-73

Box 63, folder 2

File memos re: Physics Dept.-SLAC [in orange binder]

Box 63, folder 3

copies of memos, reports, letters, etc. re: SLAC or physics dept. [filed loose, not in a file folder]

Box 63, folder 4

Stanford Univ. national rating/accreditation AA.3.4 1969-71

Box 63, folder 5

Advising, counseling and testing AA3.7 1970-72

Box 63, folder 6

Pre-medical advising AA3.7.1 1970-71

Box 63, folder 7

Course credit issues AA3.8 1967-72

Box 63, folder 8

Course evaluation AA3.8.1 1969-72

Box 63, folder 9

Curriculum AA3.9 1962-72

Box 63, folder 10

Degrees/honorary degrees AA3.10 1970-72

Box 63, folder 11

Educational innovations AA3.11 1970-72

Box 63, folder 12

Stanford and U.C. exchange programs AA3.12 1964-72

Box 63, folder 13

On campus seminars, symposia, etc AA3.15 1971

Box 63, folder 14

Summer sessions AA3.16 1970-72

Box 63, folder 15

Freshman seminars AA3.18.1 1970-72

Box 63, folder 16

Study of Education at Stanford AA3.19 1969-72

Box 63, folder 17

School of Humanities and Sciences AA4.1 1965-71

Box 63, folder 18

Afro-American studies AA4.1.4 1971

Box 63, folder 19

Art and Architecture AA4.1.9 1970-72

Box 63, folder 20

Applied Physics, visiting committee AA4.1.8 1971-72

Box 63, folder 21

Communications AA4.1.15 1970-72

Box 63, folder 22

Drama AA4.1.18 1971-72

Box 63, folder 23

English AA4.1.21 1971-72

Box 63, folder 24

French and Italian Dept AA4.1.22 1971-72

Box 63, folder 25

German AA4.1.24 1971-72

Box 63, folder 26

History AA4.1.25 1970-71

Box 63, folder 27

Human biology AA4.1.26 1969-71

Box 63, folder 28

Mathematics AA4.1.27 1969-71

Box 63, folder 29

Music AA4.1.29 1971-72

Box 63, folder 30

Physical Education and athletics AA4.1.30 1970-71

Box 63, folder 31

Physical Education and athletics AA4.1.30 1965-70

Box 64, folder 1

P. E. and athletics AA4.1.30 1971-72

Box 64, folder 2

Football AA4.1.30/1 1970

Box 64, folder 3

Big Game (away) AA4.1.30/1 1970

Box 64, folder 4

Rose bowl expenses AA4.1.30/2 1971-72

Box 64, folder 5

Rose bowl game AA4.1.30/2 1971-72

Box 64, folder 6

Rose bowl game AA4.l.30/2 January 1, 1971

Box 64, folder 7

Rose bowl game; Physical education and athletics AA4.1.30/2 (1970-71)

Box 64, folder 8

Rose bowl trip, RWL -ESL AA4.1.30/2 1970-72

Box 64, folder 9

Athletic Board, P.E. and athletics AA4.1.30/3 1971-72

Box 64, folder 10

Athletic Board, P.E. and athletics AA4.1.30/3 1970-71

Box 64, folder 11

Athletic Board, P.E. and athletics AA4.1.30/3 1964-72

Box 64, folder 12

Women's physical education AA4.1.31 1971-72

Box 64, folder 13

Physics AA4.1.33 1971

Box 64, folder 14

Political Science AA4.1.34 1970-71

Box 64, folder 15

Psychology AA4.1.35 1970-72

Box 64, folder 16

Social Sciences (special program) AA4.1.39 1972

Box 64, folder 17

Sociology AA4.1.40 1972

Box 64, folder 18

Spanish and Portuguese AA4.1.41 1970-72

Box 64, folder 19

Statistics (miscellaneous) AA4.1.42 1969-71

Box 64, folder 20

Black studies institute AA4.1.43 1971

Box 64, folder 21

Chicano studies institute AA4.1.44 1969-71

Box 64, folder 22

Chicano studies program AA4.1.44/1 1971

Box 65, folder 1

Graduate School of Business AA4.2 1969-72

Box 65, folder 2

School of Earth Sciences AA4.3 1970-72

Box 65, folder 3

School of Engineering AA4.4 1970-72

Box 65, folder 4

Electrical Engineering AA4.4.5 1970-72

Box 65, folder 5

Industrial Engineering AA4.4.6 1970-73

Box 65, folder 6

Center for Materials Research AA4.4.7 1970-72

Box 65, folder 7

Materials Science Engineering AA4.4.8 1968-70

Box 65, folder 8

School of Education AA4.5 1970-72

Box 65, folder 9

Medical School AA4.6 July-August 1972

Box 65, folder 10

Medical School AA4.6 January-June 1972

Box 65, folder 11

Medical School AA4.6 July-December 1971

Box 65, folder 12

School of Medicine AA4.6 January-June 1971

Box 65, folder 13

School of Medicine AA4.6 up to December 1970

Box 65, folder 14

Patient care center AA4.6.2 1970-71

Box 65, folder 15

Medical School Executive Committee (correspondence) AA4.6.3 1971

Box 65, folder 16

Medical School Executive Committee (correspondence) AA4.6 January-August 1972

Box 65, folder 17

Medical Service Plan AA4.6.4 1971

Box 65, folder 18

Nursing program AA4.6.5 1970-72

Box 66, folder 1

Food Research Institute AA4.8 1971

Box 66, folder 2

Hoover Institute AA4.9 1969-72

Box 66, folder 3

Hoover Institution AA4.9 1969

Box 66, folder 4

Hoover Institution AA4.9 1970

Box 66, folder 5

Hoover Institution, Board of Overseers, AA4.9.1 1971

Box 66, folder 6

International Studies, Center for Research in, AA4.10 1971

Box 66, folder 7

International Studies, visiting committee, AA.4.10 1968

Box 66, folder 8

Center for Latin American studies AA4.11 1969-72

Box 66, folder 9

Libraries AA4.12 1970-72

Box 66, folder 10

SLAC (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center), File #1 AA4.13 1970-71

Box 66, folder 11

Public Law Advocates, Stanford AA4.15.1 1971

Box 66, folder 12

Computation Center AA4.16 1967-72

Box 66, folder 13

Stanford University Hospital AA4.17 1968-72

Box 66, folder 14

Stanford University Hospital, general members AA4.17.1 1969-72

Box 66, folder 15

Stanford University Hospital Board of Directors AA4.17.2 1968-71

Box 67, folder 1

Stanford Hospital disruptions AA4.17.3 1971

Box 67, folder 2

Awards and Prizes, misc AA5 1923-72

Box 67, folder 3

Dean's List AA5.1 1967-71

Box 67, folder 4

Phi Beta Kappa AA5.2 1970-72

Box 67, folder 5

White House Fellows AA5.4 1964-72

Box 67, folder 6

Ernest C. Arbuckle Award AA5.7 1968-71

Box 67, folder 7

Jake Gimbel Athletic Attitude Prize AA5.24 1959-72

Box 67, folder 8

Graves Awards AA5.28 1967-71

Box 67, folder 9

Royal Society of Arts AA5.48 1971

Box 67, folder 10

Grants, misc AA6 1970-72

Box 67, folder 11

Special Tuition Grants Fund AA.6.1 1971

Box 67, folder 12

Scholarships, misc AA7 1943-72

Box 67, folder 13

Scholarships at other institutions AA7.1 1971-72

Box 67, folder 14

California State Scholarship Fund AA7.2 1970-72

Box 67, folder 15

Canfield Scholarships AA7.3 1970-72

Box 67, folder 16

Cap and Gown Scholarship AA7.4 1970-72

Box 67, folder 17

A.P. Giannini Scholarship Foundation AA7.9 1970-72

Box 67, folder 18

Heritage Fund AA7.11 1970-72

Box 67, folder 19

Proctor and Gamble Scholarship AA7.20 1970

Box 67, folder 20

Mabel Wilson Richards Scholarship Fund AA7.22 1970-72

Box 67, folder 21

Sloss, Leon Jr. Memorial Lectures AA7.26 1971

Box 67, folder 22

Board of Trustees Scholarship AA7.31 1968

Box 67, folder 23

Alice C. Woodbury Scholarship AA7.33 1969-71

Box 67, folder 24

Fellowships, Misc. / general AA8

Box 67, folder 25

Fellowships, Honorary AA8.2 1941-64

Box 67, folder 26

Fellowships, Honorary AA8.2 1956-73

Box 67, folder 27

California State Fellowship Program AA8.5 1970-72

Box 67, folder 28

William Robertson Coe Fellowship AA8.6 1953-67

Box 67, folder 29

John and Emilie Cosgrove Fellowship A.A8.7 1961-70

Box 67, folder 30

Danforth Fellowship AA8.10 1953-72

Box 67, folder 31

Ford Foundation four-year guaranteed assistance program AA8.12 1968-71

Box 67, folder 32

Ford Foundation doctoral fellowships AA8.13

Box 67, folder 33

Fullbright Fellowship AA8.16 1970-71

Box 67, folder 34

Guggenheim Memorial Foundation/Fellowship Awards AA8. 17 1970-72

Box 67, folder 35

Herbert Hoover Fellowship in business AA8.20 1951-55

Box 67, folder 36

National advisory commission of professional journalism fellowships AA8.24 1972

Box 67, folder 37

Miriam and John Marble Fellowship AA8.26 1969-72

Box 67, folder 38

National Defense Education Act Fellowship AA8.29 1970-71

Box 67, folder 39

National Science Foundation Fellows AA8.34 1973

Box 67, folder 40

Public Affairs Fellowship Program AA8.37 1972

Box 67, folder 41

Woodrow Wilson Fellowship AA8.45 1958-71

Box 67, folder 42

Lectureships, misc AA9 1970-72

Box 67, folder 43

Proposed lectureships AA9.1 1970

Box 67, folder 44

Aaron-Roland Lectures AA9.3 1970-71

Box 67, folder 45

Harry Camp Memorial Lectures AA9.7 1967-72

Box 67, folder 46

William Haas Memorial Lectures AA9.11 1970

Box 67, folder 47

McClatchy visiting lectures AA9.17 1970-71

Box 67, folder 48

Lectures, student sponsored AA9.19 1971

Box 67, folder 49

Endowed chairs, professorships, misc AA10 1968-72

Box 67, folder 50

C.A. Beardsley Professorship AA10.5 1971

Box 68, folder 1

Advisory Board C3 June 1970-June 1972

Box 68, folder 2

Steering Committee, (StCD #1150-1464) C4.1 1971-72

Box 68, folder 3

Steering Committee (StC), minutes and agenda C4.1 1971-72

Box 68, folder 4

Steering Committee correspondence C4.1.1 1971-72

Box 68, folder 5

Committee on Committees correspondence C4.2.1 1969-72

Box 68, folder 6

Interim panel for faculty hearing groups (P-FHG) C4.3 1970-73

Box 68, folder 7

Study of Graduate Education at Stanford (SGES) C4.5 1971-72

Box 68, folder 8

Floor management committee on faculty self-discipline (FMC-FSD) C4.6 1970-72

Box 68, folder 9

Committee on the professorate C4.8 1971-72

Box 68, folder 10

Committees of the Academic Council C5 1972

Box 68, folder 11

Committee on Academic appraisal and achievement (C-AAA) C5 1971-72

Box 68, folder 12

Sub-committee on evaluation of teaching (C-AAA-ET) C5.1.2 1972-73

Box 68, folder 13

Gores-Dinkelspiel C5.1.3 1972

Box 68, folder 14

Gores-Dinkelspiel C5.1.3 1971

Box 68, folder 15

Gores-Dinkelspiel C5.1.3 1970

Box 68, folder 16

Rhodes-Marshall panel (C-AAA-RNP) C5.1.4 1970-72

Box 68, folder 17

Committee on foreign study programs C5.2 1970-72

Box 68, folder 18

Committee on graduate studies (C-GS) C5.3 1970-72

Box 68, folder 19

Sub-committee on graduate special programs (C-GS-GSP) C5.3.1 1972

Box 68, folder 20

Libraries, Committee on, C5.4 1969-72

Box 68, folder 21

Committee on undergraduate admissions and financial aids (C-UAFA) C5.6 1969-72

Box 68, folder 22

Committee on undergraduate studies C5.7 1971-72

Box 69, folder 1

Sub-committee on advising (C-US-A) C5.7.1 1971-72

Box 69, folder 2

Sub-committee on entering students (C-US-ES) C5.7.2 1971-72

Box 69, folder 3

Sub-committee on interschool majors (C-US-IM) C5.7.3 1971-72

Box 69, folder 4

Special joint agency of C-US and Dean of undergraduate studies on student innovation, sub-group on credit review C5.8 1970-72.

Box 69, folder 5

Special joint agency of C-US and D-US on SWOPSI C5.9 1971-72

Box 69, folder 6

Committee on athletics, physical education and recreation C6.1 1970-72

Box 69, folder 7

Administrative panel on internal athletic, physical education, and recreational programs C6.2 1971

Box 69, folder 8

Committee on computation facilities (CC-F) C6.3 1970-72

Box 69, folder 9

Committee on education and employment of women in the university (C-EEWU) C6.4 1969-72

Box 69, folder 10

Committee on faculty and staff affairs C6.5 1970-72

Box 69, folder 11

Land and building development committee, campus planning C6.6 1971-72

Box 69, folder 12

Committee on land and building development (C-LBD) C6.6 1970-71

Box 69, folder 13

Committee on Public Events C6.8 1970-72

Box 69, folder 14

Services to students, committee on (COSS) C6.9 1971

Box 69, folder 15

Committee on Tresidder Union C6.10 1970-72

Box 69, folder 16

Presidential commissions C7 1971-72

Box 69, folder 17

Biocides on campus, commission on, C7.1 1971-72

Box 69, folder 18

Commission on cable TV C7.2 1970-72

Box 69, folder 19

Commission on external affirmative action C7.3 1969-72

Box 69, folder 20

Faculty advisory panel to the President on the Hoover Institution C7.4 1970-71

Box 69, folder 21

Human relations commission C7.5 1969-72

Box 70, folder 1

Commission on investment responsibility C7.7 1971-72

Box 70, folder 2

Advisory commission on ROTC affairs C7.8 1969-71

Box 70, folder 3

Advisory commission on the Budget Adjustment Program (ACUBAP) C7.13 1970-72

Box 70, folder 4

Advisory commission on the Budget Adjustment Program (ACUBAP). (folder 1) C7.13 1972-73

Box 70, folder 5

Advisory commission on the Budget Adjustment Program (ACUBAP). (folder 2) C7.13 1972-73

Box 70, folder 6

Government policy group C7.14 1971-72

Box 70, folder 7

Government policy committee C7.14 1970

Box 70, folder 8

President's commission on campus unrest C7.15 1970

Box 70, folder 9

Committee on staff compensation C7.16 1971-72

Box 70, folder 10

Panel on parking and traffic C8.1 1969-72

Box 70, folder 11

Panel on radiological hazards control C8.2 1965-72

Box 70, folder 12

SLAC coordinating committee C8.4 1970-72

Box 70, folder 13

SLAC scientific policy committee C8.4.1 1970-72

Box 70, folder 14

University Library Council C8.5 1970-71

Box 70, folder 15

Panel on the university press C8.6 1971-72

Box 70, folder 16

Panel on the use of human subjects in research C8.7 1971-72

Box 70, folder 17

Administrative panel on health and safety C8.10 1970-72

Box 70, folder 18

Legislative and judicial bodies for student conduct C9 1971-72

Box 70, folder 19

Campus Judicial Panel; charge to/hearing officers C9.1 1971-72

Box 70, folder 20

Committee of fifteen (C15) C9.2 1969-72

Box 70, folder 21

Student conduct legislative council (SCLC) C9.3 1969-72

Box 70, folder 22

Protection of privacy of information, committee on, C11 1967-72

Box 70, folder 23

Students, misc St [no number] 1970-72

Box 70, folder 24

Student activism/demands St1.1 1970-72

Box 70, folder 25

Communal living St1.3 1970

Box 70, folder 26

Student protestors St1.5 1970-71

Box 70, folder 27

Student rights and responsibilities St1.7 1969-72

Box 70, folder 28

ASSU budget, fees, financial problems ST2.1 1970-72

Box 70, folder 29

ASSU constitution St2.2 1969-72

Box 71, folder 1

ASSU education commission ST2.3 1970

Box 71, folder 2

ASSU elections and referendums ST2.4 1966-72

Box 71, folder 3

ASSU publishing board ST2.9 1970-72

Box 71, folder 4

ASSU senate ST2.10 1970-72

Box 71, folder 5

African student organization ST3.1 1969-72

Box 71, folder 6

Stanford Band ST3.4 1970-72

Box 71, folder 7

Bechtel International Center ST3.5 1970-72

Box 71, folder 8

B'nai Br'th Hillel Foundation ST3.7 1971

Box 71, folder 9

Class Day/activities/plaque ST3.9 1970-72

Box 71, folder 10

Stanford Conservation Club ST3.10 1970

Box 71, folder 11

Student Environmental Study ST3.10.1 1971-72

Box 71, folder 12

Eating Clubs St3.12 1967-72

Box 71, folder 13

Student employment ST3.13 1970-72

Box 71, folder 14

Forensics, debate St3.15 1970-72

Box 71, folder 15

Graduate student association St3.17 1972

Box 71, folder 16

KZSU St3.18 1970-72

Box 71, folder 17

The Asian student St3.23.1 1971

Box 71, folder 18

The Arena ST3.23.2 1970

Box 71, folder 19

The Chaparral St3.23.5 1963-72

Box 71, folder 20

The Stanford Daily, etc., clippings St3.23.7 9/25-12/7/72

Box 71, folder 21

The Stanford Daily, [includes numerous sub-files] St3.23.7 1969-72

Box 71, folder 22

The Real News (BSU publication) St3.23.9 1971

Box 71, folder 23

Student service groups St3.25 1971-73

Box 71, folder 24

E.P.A. [East Palo Alto] Tutorial program St3.25.1 1971

Box 71, folder 25

Sailing Association 1970-72

Box 71, folder 26

Stanford workshops on political and social issues (SWOPSI) St3.28 1970-72

Box 71, folder 27

Meeting announcements (students) St3.29 1970-72

Box 71, folder 28

Student center for innovation in research and education (SCIRE) St3.30.29 1970-72

Box 71, folder 29

Volunteers in Asia St3.31 1966-71

Box 71, folder 30

Ad hoc student groups, misc St4 1970-72

Box 71, folder 31

Student Bail Fund St4.3 1971

Box 71, folder 32

Students for a Democratic Society, (SDS) St4.7 1968-72

Box 71, folder 33

Committee for medical supplies to Indo-China St4.10 1971

Box 71, folder 34

New Left Project/New Left summaries St4.11 1970-71

Box 71, folder 35

Political Action Coordinating Committee St4.13 1970

Box 71, folder 36

Venceremos St4.19 1970-72

Box 71, folder 37

Coalition against the war in Indo-china St4.22 1971

Box 72, folder 1

California State government G1.2 1970-72

Box 72, folder 2

Fair labor standards act G1.2.3 1970-71

Box 72, folder 3

State of California,, Bill # 818 G1.2.4 1971

Box 72, folder 4

California Senate bill #810 G1.2.5 1971

Box 72, folder 5

California State Board of Education G1.3 1971

Box 72, folder 6

California master plan for higher education G1.3.3 1971

Box 72, folder 7

Environmental matters,(State and Federal levels) G2 1971-72

Box 72, folder 8

Bay area pollution control district G2.1 1969

Box 72, folder 9

Population/family planning G2.2 1971-72

Box 72, folder 10

U.S. government relations G3 1970-72

Box 72, folder 11

Constitutional rights G3.1.1 1956

Box 72, folder 12

Civil rights (U.S. Government) G3.1.2 1966-71

Box 72, folder 13

Federal aid to higher. education ("Sallie May") G3.1.5 1967-72

Box 72, folder 14

G.I. Bill G3.1.8 1970

Box 72, folder 15

House committee on internal security G3.1.10 1970

Box 72, folder 16

National defense student loan fund G3.1.13 1970-71

Box 72, folder 17

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)/CIA G3.2 1970-71

Box 72, folder 18

US Civil Service G3.4 1970-71

Box 72, folder 19

US Dept. of Commerce G3.5 1970

Box 72, folder 20

US Dept. of Defense G3.7 1970-72

Box 72, folder 21

Selective service/draft information/national guard service G3.7.1 1969-71

Box 72, folder 22

Selective service information G3.7.1 1973

Box 72, folder 23

Atomic Energy Commission G3.7.2 1970-72

Box 72, folder 24

Security guide, US Dept. of Defense G3.7.5 1972-73

Box 72, folder 25

US Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare G3.8 1970-72

Box 72, folder 26

Dept. of the Interior G3.10 1969-71

Box 72, folder 27

National Labor Relations Board G3.12.1 1969-72

Box 72, folder 28

Dept. of State G3.16 1970-72

Box 72, folder 29

Immigration G3.16.3 1970-72

Box 72, folder 30

International research and exchange board G3.16.6 1970-72

Box 72, folder 31

Supreme Court G3.17 1971-72

Box 72, folder 32

Internal, Revenue Service G3.18.1 1970

Box 72, folder 33

National Science Foundation (NSF), misc G3.19 1970-72

Box 72, folder 34

Palo Alto, City of / community relations G4.2 1969-72

Box 72, folder 35

Palo Alto Chamber of Commerce G4.2.1 1966-72

Box 72, folder 36

Sheriff, Santa Clara County G4.6.1 1970-71

Box 72, folder 37

Foreign governments/countries G5 1970-72

Box 72, folder 38

China G5.2 1971-72

Box 72, folder 39

Chinese Ping Pong 1972

Box 72, folder 40

Czechoslovakia G5.4 1968

Box 73, folder 1

Southeast Asia G5.8 1970-71

Box 73, folder 2

Nigeria G5.10 1968-71

Box 73, folder 3

Viet Nam G5.15 1965-72

Box 73, folder 4

Alumni Director AL1.2 1970-72

Box 73, folder 5

Alumni Almanac AL1.3 1972

Box 73, folder 6

Alumni Directories AL1.4 1971

Box 73, folder 7

Alumni - Herbert Hoover Gold Medal AL1.11 1962-71

Box 73, folder 8

Alumni Associates [Stanford Associates] AL2 1970-72

Box 73, folder 9

Alumni Association AL3 1970-72

Box 73, folder 10

Alumni Association AL3 1969-70

Box 73, folder 11

Alumni Association Executive Board and Advisory Council AL3 1969-71

Box 73, folder 12

Alumni Association Committee on Education for Alumni AL3.2 1971-72

Box 73, folder 13

New Founders League AL4.4 1970-72

Box 73, folder 14

Totterers Club AL4.5 1971

Box 73, folder 15

Winds of Freedom Foundation AL4.6 1972

Box 73, folder 16

Stanford Camp--articles of incorporation and by-laws; misc., other important papers 1957-71

Box 73, folder 17

Alpine Chalet AL4.8 1971

Box 73, folder 18

Moldoff, William 1973

Box 73, folder 19

Ad hoc and miscellaneous organizations O1 1970-72

Box 73, folder 20

American Bar Association O1.1 1971

Box 73, folder 21

American Civil Liberties Union O1.2 1970-72

Box 73, folder 22

American Conservatory Theatre O1.3 1967

Box 73, folder 23

American International Academy O1.4 1970-

Box 73, folder 24

Banks, Banking Services O1.7 1971-72

Box 73, folder 25

Bay Area Science Fair O.1.8 1970

Box 73, folder 26

Commonwealth Club O1.11 1971

Box 73, folder 27

Community Trust of Santa Clara County O1.12 1963-65

Box 73, folder 28

East Palo Alto Day School O1.13 1968-69

Box 73, folder 29

Encounter Groups (Esalen and misc.) O1.15 1970-72

Box 73, folder 30

Film Festivals O1.16 1970-72

Box 73, folder 31

A Better Chance O1.17 1973

Box 73, folder 32

Nobel Peace Prize O1.24 1970-73

Box 73, folder 33

Mission Coalition O1.19 1970-72

Box 73, folder 34

Palo Alto Club O1.26 1971

Box 73, folder 35

Palo Alto TIMES O1.27 1970-72

Box 73, folder 36

Youth Opportunity Program O1.36 1970-71

Box 73, folder 37

Business Organizations O2 1971

Box 73, folder 38

Pride Unlimited O2.8 1970-71

Box 73, folder 39

Stanford Research Institute (SRI) O2.11 1971-72

Box 73, folder 40

Academy for Educational Development O3.1 1970-71

Box 73, folder 41

ACTION, University year for, O3.2 1971-72

Box 73, folder 42

American Association for higher education O3.4 1970-71

Box 73, folder 43

American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Administrative Officers O3.5 1970-71

Box 73, folder 44

American Association of University Professors (AAUP) O3.6 1970-72

Box 73, folder 45

American Association of University Professors (AAUP), old documents O3.6 1915-1970

Box 73, folder 46

ACE: Higher Education and National Affairs O3.82 1968-71

Box 74, folder 1

American Council on Education O3.8 1970-72

Box 74, folder 2

American Council of Learned Societies O3.12 1969-72

Box 74, folder 3

American Men of Science O3.15 1970

Box 74, folder 4

California Council for the Academic Community O3.16 1969

Box 74, folder 5

California Council on Education of Teachers O3.17 1970-71

Box 74, folder 6

California Institute of International Studies, (Ronald Hilton) O3.19 1949-71

Box 74, folder 7

California School Employees Association O3.20 1970-72

Box 74, folder 8

Carnegie Commission on Higher Education O3.22 1970-72

Box 74, folder 9

Carnegie Commission (Cheit Report) O3.22.1 1970-71

Box 74, folder 10

Campus Studies Institute O3.24 1970-72

Box 74, folder 11

College Entrance Exam Board O3.25 1970-73

Box 74, folder 12

Committee on Institutional Co-operation O3.27 1970

Box 74, folder 13

Coordinating Council for Higher Education (CCHE) O3.28 1969-71

Box 74, folder 14

Editorial Projects for Education O3.29 1970

Box 74, folder 15

Stanford Elementary School O3.32 1970-71

Box 74, folder 16

Mayfield Elementary School O.33 1970-71

Box 74, folder 17

Ford College Seminar Program O3.34 1970-72

Box 74, folder 18

Four Colleges Trust Fund O3.36 1970

Box 74, folder 19

Bay Area Consortium on Continuing Education for Women O3.37 1971-72

Box 74, folder 20

Institute for International Education O3.38 1970-72

Box 74, folder 21

International Council for Educational Development O3.42

Box 74, folder 22

National Academy of Sciences O3.43 1968-72

Box 74, folder 23

National Collegiate Athletic Assn O3.44 1970-72

Box 74, folder 24

NCAA TV contract matter O3.44 1967-72

Box 74, folder 25

Northern Calif. Industry-Education Council O3.46 1970

Box 74, folder 26

Pacific Eight Conference O3.47 1964-72

Box 74, folder 27

Pacific eight conference dispute with NCAA re: Univ. of Calif. Eligibility to compete O3.47 1971-72

Box 74, folder 28

Pacific eight meetings O3.47.3 1971-72

Box 74, folder 29

Western History Association O3.50 1970-72

Box 74, folder 30

National Student Association O3.53 1971

Box 74, folder 31

Mid-peninsula citizens for fair housing O4.2 1970-71

Box 74, folder 32

Palo Alto Tenants Union O4.3. 1970

Box 74, folder 33

Association of American Medical Colleges O5.1 1972

Box 74, folder 34

Free peoples medical clinic, East P.A O5.3 1970

Box 74, folder 35

Regional Medical Program O5.8 1969-71

Box 74, folder 36

National Assoc. for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) O6.11 1970-71

Box 74, folder 37

Political Parties O6.13 1971

Box 74, folder 38

Urban coalition O6.16 1970-72

Box 74, folder 39

Advanced research projects agency O7.1 1970-71

Box 74, folder 40

Behavioral Research Lab O7.4 1970-72

Box 74, folder 41

Human Factors research, inc O7.7 1970

Box 74, folder 42

National Bureau of Economic Research O7.10 1970

Box 74, folder 43

Sleep Laboratory O7.14 1971

Box 74, folder 44

University Research Assn., Inc O7.16 1969-72

Box 74, folder 45

Other universities and colleges O8 1969-72

Box 74, folder 46

American Association of colleges for Teacher Education O8.2 1971

Box 75, folder 1

Seven Universities Group O8.39 1970-72

Box 75, folder 2

Association of American Colleges O8.6 1970-72

Box 75, folder 3

Association of American Universities(AAU) O8.7 1971-72

Box 75, folder 4

Association of American Universities O8.7 1972-73

Box 75, folder 5

Association of Independent California Colleges and Universities O8.9 1970-72

Box 75, folder 6

Brandeis University O8.11 1971

Box 75, folder 7

Brigham Young University, [file missing - no out card] O8.12 1969-72

Box 75, folder 8

Brown University O8.13 1971

Box 75, folder 9

California Association of Independent Schools O8.15 1970

Box 75, folder 10

Columbia University O8.18 1970-72

Box 75, folder 11

Cornell University O8.19 1965-72

Box 75, folder 12

Denison University O8.20 1971

Box 75, folder 13

Emeritus University (see also Box 79) O8.22 1971-72

Box 75, folder 14

Gift policies / gift summaries AD12.10.3/5 1971-72

Box 75, folder 15

Andres Echo Professorship AA10.6 1969-70

Box 75, folder 16

William H. Bonsall Professorship AA10.9 1969

Box 75, folder 17

Margaret Byrne Professorship in American History AA10.11 1972

Box 75, folder 18

Coe Professorship AA10.14 1971-72

Box 75, folder 19

Wm. H. Cromwell Professorship AA10.15 1972

Box 75, folder 20

Lee and David Jacks Professorship in Education AA10.28 1971

Box 75, folder 21

Vida Jacks Professorship in Education AA10.30 1971

Box 75, folder 22

David Starr Jordan Professorship AA10.33 1971

Box 75, folder 23

C.O.G. Miller Professorship in Finance AA10.41 1971

Box 75, folder 24

Morrison Professorship in Population Studies AA10.42 1968-73

Box 75, folder 25

Silas and Olive Palmer Professorship AA10.44 1972

Box 75, folder 26

Jackson E. Reynolds Professorship in Law and Humanities AA10.49 1971

Box 75, folder 27

Scott Professorship in Law AA10.54 1970-72

Box 75, folder 28

D. Steel Professorship AA10.55 1971

Box 75, folder 29

Max L. Stein Professorship AA10.56 1971

Box 75, folder 30

J.E. Wallace Sterling Professorship in the Humanities AA.10.57 1968-71

Box 75, folder 31

Sweitzer Professorship in Law AA10.58 1971

Box 75, folder 32

Stuart C. Way Professorship in histopathology AA10.65 1970

Box 75, folder 33

Ray Lyman Wilbur Professorship AA10.67 1971

Box 75, folder 34

Eberle Professorship in Economics AA10.71 1972

Box 75, folder 35

Academic Council C1 9/70-4/72

Box 75, folder 36

Academic Council Correspondence C1.1 6/70-6/72

Box 75, folder 37

Senate of the Academic Council, reports and minutes C2 1969-72

Box 76, folder 1

Senate of the Academic Council Correspondence C2.1 1971-72

Box 76, folder 2

Senate of the Academic Council Correspondence C2.1 1970-71

Box 76, folder 3

Committee on Committees (documents) C4.2 1972

Box 76, folder 4

Committee on Committees (documents) C4.2 1970-71

Box 76, folder 5

Minority Affairs, Committee on; C6.7 1968-72

Box 76, folder 6

Hoover Institution - Advisory Board C7.4 1962-72

Box 76, folder 7

Government Policy group C7.14 1970-71

Box 76, folder 8

SLAC - Scientific policy committee C8.4.1 1962-72

Box 76, folder 9

Athletic Directorship (Search Committee). [Retrieved by the President's Office 5/01/79] C12 1972

Box 76, folder 10

Dean of the Chapel, Search committee for (RWL's file). [Retrieved by the President's Office 5/01/79] C12 1971-72

Box 76, folder 11

Search for Dean of the Chapel. [Retrieved by the President's Office 5/01/79] C12 1972

Box 76, folder 12

Rood, Wayne - Visiting Dean of the Chapel 1972 Spring qtr.

Box 76, folder 13

Search for Dean of Engineering. [Retrieved by the President's Office 5/01/79] C12 1971

Box 76, folder 14

Search for Director of the Computation Center. [Retrieved by the President's Office 5/01/79] C12 1970

Box 76, folder 15

Search for Director of Personnel and Employee Relations. [Retrieved by the President's Office 5/01/79] 1971

Box 76, folder 16

Food Research Institute Director, Search Committee C12 1971-72

Box 76, folder 17

Search for Director of Student Services. [Retrieved by the President's Office 5/01/79] 1971-72

Box 76, folder 18

Dean of Student Affairs, Search Committee. [Retrieved by the President's Office 5/01/79] 1971

Box 77, folder 1

ASSU St2 1971

Box 77, folder 2

ASSU St2 1969-70

Box 77, folder 3

Government efforts to stress the importance of the ROTC program/ correspondence with the Defense Dept 1969-71

Box 77, folder 4

Report of the President's Advisory committee on ROTC affairs 1970

Box 77, folder 5

Effect of changes in ROTC program upon student admissions 1970

Box 77, folder 6

Phase-out of present ROTC program, (negotiations with D.O.D. for new officer training program off-campus) 1970-71

Box 77, folder 7

Committee to appraise ROTC programs, (Secretary Laird's special committee) 1969-70

Box 77, folder 8

Trustees - Miscellaneous and memorial resolutions, (re: deceased trustees) 1953-71

Box 77, folder 9

Invitations declined, (RWL) 1971-72

Box 77, folder 10

Invitations declined, (RWL) 1971-72

Box 77, folder 11

Invitations declined, (RWL) 1971-72

Box 77, folder 12

Invitations declined, (RWL) 1971-72

Box 77, folder 13

Invitations accepted, (RWL) July - Dec., 1970

Box 77, folder 14

Invitations accepted, (RWL) Jan. - June, 1971

Box 77, folder 15

F Invitations accepted, (RWL) July - Dec., 1971

Box 77, folder 16

Invitations accepted, (RWL) July - Dec., 1972

Box 77, folder 17

Invitations accepted, (RWL) Jan. - June, 1972

Box 77, folder 18

Gifts December 1972

Box 77, folder 19

Gifts November 1972

Box 77, folder 20

Gifts October 1972

Box 81, folder 1

Faculty on Trustee Committees B14.2.2 1970-72

Box 81, folder 2

Students on Trustee Committees B14.2.3 1971-72

Box 81, folder 3

Students on Trustee Committees B14.2.3 1972-73

Box 81, folder 4

Investment Committee, Board of Trustees B14.5 9/72-8/73

Box 81, folder 5

Condolence Letters/Deceased Lists AD4.20.2 9/72-8/73

Box 81, folder 6

Condolence Letters/Deceased Lists AD4.20.2 9/73-12/73

Box 81, folder 7

Condolence Letters/Deceased Lists AD4.20.2 1/74-3/74

Box 81, folder 8

Condolence Letters/Deceased Lists AD4.20.2 4/74-6/74

Box 81, folder 9

Recommendation Letters, Routine AD4.20.6 1972-74

Box 81, folder 10

Commencement AD11.7.2 1972

Box 81, folder 11

Graduate Reception AD11.7.8 1970-72

Box 81, folder 12

News Service Reports/releases AD11.8.5 12/71-8/74

Box 81, folder 13

"The Campaign", File #1 of 2 AD12.10.4/33 6/70-8/72

Box 82, folder 1

"The Campaign", File #2 of 2 AD12.10.4/33 3/72-8/72

Box 82, folder 2

Budgets, File #1 of 2 AD12.5 1972-73

Box 82, folder 3

Budgets, File #2 of 2 AD12.5 1973-74

Box 83, folder 1

Project M - SLAC [no file #] 1960-61

Box 83, folder 2

Underground Utilities Conversion Project, File #1 of 3 [no file #] 1965-69

Box 83, folder 3

Underground Utilities Conversion Project, File #2 of 3 [no file #] 1965-69

Box 83, folder 4

Underground Utilities Conversion Project, File #3 of 3 [no file #] 1965-69

Box 84, folder 1

Assn. of American Universities O8.7 Jan.-July 1973

Box 84, folder 2

Assn. of American Universities Executive Committee O8.7.3 1973

Box 84, folder 3

Complaints/Nonsense AD14.20.5 1/73-12/74

Box 84, folder 4

Assn. of American Universities, #2 O8.7 July 1973-April 1974

Box 84, folder 5

Budgets, #3 AD12.5 2/74-8/74

Box 84, folder 6

Housing for Students AD8.18.11 8/72-8/74

Box 84, folder 7

Performance Inventory, (general information re: performance of Stanford University in comparison to other institutions - file added 4/75) 1972-74

Box 85

University Relations Director Search, (SEALED) May 1974

Box 85

University Relations Director Search, folders THOMAS - TRUDEAU, (SEALED) May 1974

Box 85

University Relations Director Search, UNGER - ZOGLIN, (SEALED) May 1974

Box 86

University Relations Director Search, folders ABEL - KRUSE, (SEALED) May 1974

Box 87

University Relations Director Search, folders LAITIN - SWEET, (SEALED) May 1974

Box 88, folder 1

Other Universities & Colleges O8

Box 88, folder 2

Trustees Investment Committee B14.5 9/73-8/74

Box 88, folder 3

Memorial Church AD12.14.7/50 1972-73

Box 88, folder 4

Memorial Church AD12.14.7/50 1971-72

Box 88, folder 5

Steering Committee, STCD #1467 - 1620 C4.1 Jan. - June 1973

Box 88, folder 6

Assn. of American Universities Council on Federal Relations O8.7.1 1968 - July 1974

Box 89, folder 1

Undergraduate Externship Program AA1.12.3 1973

Box 89, folder 2

Academic Freedom, Historical AA2.6.1 1972-74

Box 89, folder 3

Medical School AA4.6 1972-73

Box 89, folder 4

Medical School AA4.6 1973-74

Box 89, folder 5

Medical School Executive Committee Correspondence AA4.6.3 1973

Box 89, folder 6

Medical School Executive Committee AA4.6.3 1973-74

Box 89, folder 7

Stanford University Hospital AA4.17 10/72-8/74

Box 90, folder 1

Vice-Presidential Group AD14.12 3/72-2/73

Box 90, folder 2

Vice-Presidentia1 Group AD13.12 3/73-8/74

Box 90, folder 3

Condolence Letters/Deceased Lists AD14.20.2 July-Dec. 1974

Box 90, folder 4

Career Planning and Placement Center AD8.7 1971-74

Box 90, folder 5

Escondido Village AD8.18.7 1970-74

Box 90, folder 6

Affirmative Action Program (File #2) AD9.6 July-Dec. 1974

Box 90, folder 7

Staff Affirmative Action Program AD9.6.2 1972-74

Box 90, folder 8

Minority Program Review AD9.7 1973

Box 91, folder 1

Employment Inquiries and Requests AD10.1 9/72-12/74

Box 91, folder 2

Committee for Art AD10.7.13 1973-74

Box 91, folder 3

Day Care Center AD10.7.5 1973-74

Box 91, folder 4

Equal Employment Opportunity AD10.8.3 1974

Box 91, folder 5

Minority Employment and Recruitment AD10.8.4 1973

Box 91, folder 6

Grievance Hearings/Cases AD10.8.10/1 1971-74

Box 91, folder 7

Leaves of Absence AD10.8.15 1974

Box 91, folder 8

Vending Machines/Vending/Vendors AD11.3.1 1973

Box 91, folder 9

Parents Program/Nationa1 Chairmen AD11.7.14 1971-73

Box 91, folder 10

Tresidder Program AD11.7.14 1971-72

Box 91, folder 11

Stanford Facts AD11.8.11/1 1966-73

Box 91, folder 12

Financing Higher Education/Higher Education Acts AD12.1 1972-74

Box 91, folder 13

Business and Finance Annual Reports AD12.2 1972-74

Box 91, folder 14

Annual Reports AD12.2 1972-73

Box 91, folder 15

Wages and Prices Freeze (Mr. Lyman's File) AD12.5.5 1971-73

Box 91, folder 16

Financial Reports AD12.6 1967-74

Box 91, folder 17

Estates and Wills AD12.10.3/3 1973-75

Box 91, folder 18

Prospective Donors AD12.10.3/12 6/70 - 6/73

Box 91, folder 19

Prospective Donors AD12.10.3/12 7/73 - 8/74

Box 92, folder 1

Foundations, Misc./Funds, Misc AD12.10.13 1971-74

Box 92, folder 2

Ford Foundation AD12.10.14/71 1971-74

Box 92, folder 3

"The Campaign", AD12.10.13/33 9/72 - 8/73

Box 92, folder 4

Alumni Assembly/Campus AL1.7 May 1973

Box 92, folder 5

Alumni Association - Los Angeles Conf AL1.7 Feb. 1972

Box 92, folder 6

Alumni Association - Los Angeles Trip AL1.7 Nov. 1970

Box 92, folder 7

Alumni Association - Sacramento Trip AL1.7 Jan. 1972

Box 92, folder 8

Alumni Association - San Jose AL1.7 Feb. 1972

Box 92, folder 9

Alumni Association - Seattle Trip AL1.7 Dec. 1970

Box 92, folder 10

ALA Association - Washington D.C., Boston AL1.7 March 1972

Box 92, folder 11

Alumni Club - Palo Alto AL1.7 Dec. 1971

Box 92, folder 12

Alumni Conference/Hawaii AL1.7 March 1971

Box 92, folder 13

Alumni Conference/Los Angeles AL1.7 Feb. 1973

Box 92, folder 14

Alumni Conference/New York City AL1.7 Oct. 1973

Box 92, folder 15

Alumni Conference/Oakland AL1.7 March 1971

Box 92, folder 16

Alumni Conference/Portland AL1.7 May 1973

Box 92, folder 17

Alumni Conference/San Diego Rotary AL1.7 1973

Box 92, folder 18

Alumni Conference/San Francisco AL1.7 Feb. 1971

Box 92, folder 19

Alumni Conference/SLAC AL1.7 June 1971

Box 92, folder 20

Alumni Conference/SU Campus AL1.7 May 1971

Box 92, folder 21

Alumni Day Speech - G.S.B AL1.7 Oct. 1971

Box 92, folder 22

Campus Conference AL1.7 June 1972

Box 92, folder 23

SU Inner Quad - Los Angeles AL1.7 Oct. 1971

Box 92, folder 24

SU - Inner Quad - New York City AL1.7 Oct. 1971

Box 92, folder 25

New Founders League AL4.4

Box 92, folder 26

Board of Trustees Minutes (Format and Distribution) B13.2 1972-73

Box 93, folder 1

Senate of the Academic Council (#'d Documents) C2 1972

Box 93, folder 2

Senate of the Academic Council (#'d Documents) C2 1972-73

Box 93, folder 3

Senate of the Academic Council (#'d Documents)[File #2] C2 1973-75

Box 93, folder 4

Steering Committee (StC) C4.1 Beginning: 1883 - 7/74

Box 93, folder 5

Steering Committee (StC), (1621/1535/1722) C4.1 3/73 - 12/73

Box 93, folder 6

Steering Committee (StC), (1723-1882) C4.1 1/74 - 6/74

Box 94, folder 1

Committee on Committees (CoC) C14.2 1973

Box 94, folder 2

Committee on Undergraduate Studies C5.7 1973

Box 94, folder 3

Committee on Land and Building Development C6.6 1972-73

Box 94, folder 4

Committee on Land and Building Development C6.6 1973-74

Box 94, folder 5

Committee on Services to Students (COSS) C6.9 1972-73

Box 94, folder 6

Committee on Tresidder Union (CTU) C6.10 1969-73

Box 94, folder 7

Government Policy Group C7.14 1972-74

Box 94, folder 8

Committee Rosters C10 1971-72

Box 94, folder 9

Search Committee - Dean of Humanities and Sciences, [Retrieved by President's Office 5/01/79] C12 1973

Box 94, folder 10

California Master Plan for Higher Education G1.3.3 1973-74

Box 94, folder 11

U.S. Government Relations G3 1972-74

Box 95, folder 1

National Commission on the Financing of Post-Secondary Education G3.1.11 1973-74

Box 95, folder 2

National Science Foundation (NSF) G3.19 1973-74

Box 95, folder 3

NSF Advisory Comm. for Institutional Relations G3.19.1 1973-74

Box 95, folder 4

EDUGOM G.3.19.2 1973-74

Box 95, folder 5

Palo Alto, City of / Community Relations G.4.2 1972-74

Box 95, folder 6

Ad Hoc and Miscellaneous Organizations O1 1972-74

Box 95, folder 7

American Red Cross O1.5 1971-74

Box 95, folder 8

Asia Foundation O1.6 1970

Box 95, folder 9

Educational TV Network O1.14 1973

Box 95, folder 10

A Better Chance (ABC) O1.17 1974

Box 95, folder 11

American Council on Education O3.8 1974

Box 95, folder 12

American Council on Education/Internship Program O3.8.1 1971-73

Box 95, folder 13

American Council of Learned Societies O3.12 1973

Box 96, folder 1

California Higher Education Association O3.18 1973-74

Box 96, folder 2

Campus Studies Institute O3.24 1973

Box 96, folder 3

National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) O3.44 1973-74

Box 96, folder 4

NCAA Reorganization O3.44 1973

Box 96, folder 5

Pacific 8 Conference O3.47 1972-74

Box 96, folder 6

Pacific 8 Meeting Minutes O3.47 1973

Box 96, folder 7

Pacific 8 Meeting Agenda and Related Documents O3.47 1973

Box 96, folder 8

Penn. Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA) O3.49 1970

Box 96, folder 9

Children's Health Council O5.2 1970-74

Box 96, folder 10

American Association for the Advancement of Science O7.2 1970-73

Box 96, folder 11

National Accelerator Laboratory O7.17 1974

Box 96, folder 12

Bay Area Inter-institutional Cooperation O8.1 1973

Box 96, folder 13

Association of American Colleges O8.6 1972-74

Box 96, folder 14

Association of American Universities O8.7 1974

Box 96, folder 15

AAU: Executive Committee O8.7.3 1973-74

Box 96, folder 16

AAU: Executive Committee O8.7.3 1974

Box 96, folder 17

AAU: Lyman meeting With Charles Kidd, et. al O8.7.1 1974

Box 96, folder 18

Association of Independent California Colleges and Universities O8.9 1971-74

Box 96, folder 19

University of Chicago O8.44 1971-75

Box 96, folder 20

KZSU St3.18 1972-73

Box 97, folder 1

Board of Trustees, Miscellaneous (ref. data here) B1 1972-73

Box 97, folder 2

Board of Trustees, Miscellaneous and "hold for reference." B1 1974

Box 97, folder 3

Board of Trustees Meetings/Schedule B13 1971-73

Box 97, folder 4

Faculty on Trustee Committees B14.2.2 1974-75

Box 97, folder 5

Students on Trustee Committees B14.2.3 1973-75

Box 97, folder 6

Academic Affairs Comm., Board of Trustees B14.3 1971-73

Box 97, folder 7

Academic Affairs Comm., Board of Trustees B14.3 1974-75

Box 97, folder 8

Finance and Development Committee, Board of Trustees B14.4 1972-73

Box 97, folder 9

Finance and Development, Committee, Board of Trustees B14.4 1974-75

Box 97, folder 10

Investment Comm., Board of Trustees B14.5 1972-74

Box 97, folder 11

Investment Comm., Board of Trustees B14.5 1975

Box 97, folder 12

Land and Buildings/Campus Planning Comm., Board of Trustees B14.6 1972-75

Box 97, folder 13

Committee on Nominations B14.7 1973-75

Box 97, folder 14

Committee on Rules B14.8 1970-73

Box 98, folder 1

Condolence Letters/Deceased Lists AD4.20.2 1975

Box 98, folder 2

Asst. to the Pres. for Black Affairs AD9.1.1 1973-74

Box 98, folder 3

Budgets AD12.5 9/74

Box 98, folder 4

"The Campaign", misc AD12.10.4/33 1971-72

Box 98, folder 5

P.E. & Athletics AA4.1.30 1972-73

Box 98, folder 6

P.E. & Athletics AA4.1.30 1973-74

Box 98, folder 7

Football/Games AA4.1.30/1 1971-72

Box 98, folder 8

Football/Games AA4.1.30/1 1972-73

Box 99, folder 1

Rose Payne 5th Amendment file [sealed] 3/26/73

Box 99, folder 2

Association of American Universities (File #1) O8.7 1970-71

Box 99, folder 3

Assoc. of American Universities (File #2) O8.7 1970-71

Box 99, folder 4

Campus Reports AD3.4 (1970-72)

Box 99, folder 5

Gifts AD12.10.3/5 June 1972

Box 99, folder 6

Gifts AD12.10.3/5 July 1972

Box 99, folder 7

Gifts AD12.10.3/5 August 1972

Box 99, folder 8

Gifts AD12.10.3/5 September 1972

Box 99, folder 9

Knight Foundation AD12.10.3/5-1

Box 99, folder 10

Cornelius Shields Sr AD12.10.3/5-1

Box 99, folder 11

Monroe E. Spaght AD12.10.3/5-1

Box 99, folder 12

Marie C. & Joseph C. Wilson Foundation AD12.10.3/5-1

Box 99, folder 13

Ford Foundation AD12.10.4/71 (1970-71)

Box 99, folder 14

National Multiple Sclerosis Society AD12.10.4/287

Box 99, folder 15

Search Committee, Dean of Chapel, [Retrieved by the President's Office 5/01/79] C7.9

Box 99, folder 16

Search Committee, Director of Student Services, [Retrieved by the President's Office 5/01/79] C7.11

Box 99, folder 17

Search Committee, Director of Student Services, [Retrieved by the President's Office 5/01/79] PC12

Box 99, folder 18

Search Committee, Vice Provost to replace E.H. Brooks, [Retrieved by the President's Office 5/01/79] PC12

Box 99, folder 19

Search Committee, Vice Provost for Research, [Retrieved by the President's Office 5/01/79] PC12

Box 99, folder 20

Search Committee, Dean of Medical School PC12

Box 99, folder 21

Ad Hoc Committee on Inter-disciplinary Research, Feb. 17 President's Board Room PR1.4.1

Box 99, folder 22

Ad Hoc Committee on Interdisciplinary Research PR1.4.2

Box 99, folder 23

Ad Hoc Committee on Interdisciplinary Research 2.922

Box 99, folder 24

Research - New Directions (Subcommittee)

Box 100, folder 1

Provost's Staff Action AA1.14 9/72-8/76

Box 100, folder 2

Franklin Case AA2.6.2/1 1970-73

Box 100, folder 3

Franklin Case AA2.6.2/1 1969-70

Box 100, folder 4

Franklin Case AA2.6.2/1 1971-73

Box 100, folder 5

Shockley Case AA2.6.2/2 1972-73

Box 100, folder 6

Hoover Institute AA4.9 1972-75

Box 100, folder 7

Deficiency Lists AA3.13.2/1 1971-72

Box 100, folder 8

Rose Bowl Games AA4.1.30/2 1973 and 1974

Box 100, folder 9

School of Medicine AA4.6 8/74-12/75

Box 101, folder 1

Libraries AA14.12 1/71-8/75

Box 101, folder 2

School of Law AA14.15 1966-8/75

Box 101, folder 3

Advisory Board C3 1972-75

Box 101, folder 4

Steering Comm. File by Doc # C4.1 1975-76

Box 101, folder 5

Comm. on Land & Bldg. Dev C6.6 9/73-8/75

Box 101, folder 6

Pres. Commission on University Budget Priorities C7.13 1974-75

Box 101, folder 7

ASSU, General St2 1972-73

Box 102, folder 1

Administrative Organization AD1.6.14 1971-73

Box 102, folder 2

Admissions Cases - Candidates for: AD8.1.2 1972-73

Box 102, folder 3

Admissions Cases - Candidates for: AD8.1.2 1973-74

Box 102, folder 4

Admissions Cases - Candidates for: AD8.1.2 1974-75

Box 102, folder 5

Admissions Cases - Candidates for: AD8.1.2 1975-76

Box 102, folder 6

Financial Aids AD8.12 5/69-8/76

Box 102, folder 7

Grievance Procedures, Faculty-Staff AD10.8.10 11/70-8/76

Box 102, folder 8

Commencement AD11.7.2 1973

Box 102, folder 9

Budgets AD12.5 8/76-1/77

Box 102, folder 10

Budgets AD12.5 9/75-8/76

Box 102, folder 11

Wage & Price Freeze Issue AD12.5.5 1973

Box 102, folder 12

Stanford Annual Fund (Inner Quad) AD1.10.3/4 8/72-8/76

Box 102, folder 13

Gift Policies: Gift Summaries AD12.10./5 1972-76

Box 103, folder 1

Prospective Donors AD12.10.3/12 9/74-8/75

Box 103, folder 2

"The Campaign" #14 AD12.10.4/33 9/73-8/76

Box 103, folder 3

Campaign Major Gift Chairmen AD12.10.4/33-7 1973-75

Box 103, folder 4

Andrew W. Mellon Foundation AD12.10.4/139 9/69-8/76

Box 103, folder 5

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation AD12.10.4/204 4/67-8/76

Box 104, folder 1

Board of Trustees, misc B1 Nov. 1973-Aug. 1975

Box 104, folder 2

Board of Trustees Meetings/Schedule B13 1/74-8/75

Box 104, folder 3

Board of Trustees Minutes B13.2 1/75-6/75

Box 104, folder 4

Board of Trustees Minutes B13.2 1974

Box 104, folder 5

Trustee Committees B14 1971-73

Box 104, folder 6

Trustee Committees B14 1/74-8/75

Box 104, folder 7

Trustees Investment Comm B14.5 3/75-8/75

Box 104, folder 8

U.S. Govt. Relations G3 1975

Box 104, folder 9

Dept. of H.E.W G3.8 10/72-8/75

Box 104, folder 10

Alumni Assn AL3 1972-75

Box 105, folder 1

Educational Groups O3 1973-75

Box 105, folder 2

Educational Groups O3 9/75-8/76

Box 105, folder 3

Amer. Council on Education, misc O3.8 1/73-12/73

Box 105, folder 4

National Collegiate Athletic Assn O3.44 9/74-8/75

Box 105, folder 5

Pacific 8 Conference O3.47 1/75-8/76

Box 105, folder 6

Assn. of American Colleges O8.6 2/75-12/75

Box 105, folder 7

Assn. of American Universities O8.7 9/74-8/75

Box 105, folder 8

AAU - Executive Committee O8.7.3 1/75-8/76

Box 106, folder 1

Faculty AA2 8/72-8/76

Box 106, folder 2

Fellows of the University AA2.9 5/72-8/76

Box 106, folder 3

Degrees/Honorary Degrees AA3.10 12/72-8/76

Box 106, folder 4

Grading/Student Credit AA3.13 5/70-8/76

Box 106, folder 5

Hopkins Marine Biology Center AA4.1.28 3/72-5/76

Box 106, folder 6

Dept. of Athletics, Phys. Ed. and Recreation AA4.1.30 7/74-8/76

Box 106, folder 7

Dept. of Athletics, Phys. Ed. & Rec AA4.1.30 1974-75

Box 106, folder 8

Athletic Board AA4.1.30/3 5/74-8/76

Box 106, folder 9

Graduate School of Business AA4.2 6/73-8/76

Box 107, folder 1

Hoover Institution Board of Overseers AA4.9.1 9/74-8/75

Box 107, folder 2

Hoover Institution Board of Overseers AA4.9.1 9/73-8/74

Box 107, folder 3

Hoover Institution Board of Overseers AA4.9.1 1972-73

Box 107, folder 4

Hoover Institution Board of Overseers AA4.9.1 9/71-8/72

Box 107, folder 5

International Studies, Center for Research in, AA4.10 12/71-8/76

Box 107, folder 6

Libraries AA4.12 9/75-8/76

Box 107, folder 7

Stanford Linear Accelerator Center AA4.13 1971/72

Box 107, folder 8

Stanford University Hospital AA4.17 5/74-8/76

Box 107, folder 9

Endowed Chairs, Professorships AA10 11/72-8/76

Box 107, folder 10

ASSU Professorship AA10.2 6/72-8/76

Box 109, folder 1

Commencement Speaker AD11.7.2 1973

Box 109, folder 2

Commencement Speaker AD11.7.2 1974

Box 109, folder 3

Graduate Reception AD11.7.8 1973-74

Box 109, folder 4

Endowment, Stanford AD12.10.2

Box 109, folder 5

Prospective Donors AD12.10.3/12 3/75-8/76

Box 109, folder 6

Ford Foundation AD12.10.4/71 12/75-8/76

Box 109, folder 7

Henry Luce Foundation AD12/10.4/126 9/70-8/76

Box 109, folder 8

Rockefeller Foundation AD12.10.4/184 8/70-8/76

Box 110, folder 1

Facilities Planning AD12.14.7/29 6/73-8/75

Box 110, folder 2

Chas. Luckman Associates/Architects AD12.14.7/29

Box 110, folder 3

John Carl Warnecke and Associates AD12.14.7/29

Box 110, folder 4

Memorial Church AD12.14.7/50 1961-6/71

Box 110, folder 5

Parking (space) AD12.14.7/73 9/70-8/76

Box 110, folder 6

Tresidder Memorial Union AD12.14.7/64

Box 110, folder 7

Lay-Offs/Repercussions/Investigations - Tresidder AD12.14.7/64

Box 110, folder 8

Law School Board of Visitors AD13.10.5/5 5/75-8/76

Box 110, folder 9

Board of Trustees, Misc B1 9/75-8/76

Box 110, folder 10

Board of Trustees, Minutes B13.2 9/75-8/76

Box 111, folder 1

Ad Hoc Budget Committee B14.1 2/74-8/76

Box 111, folder 2

Trustees Investment Committee B14.5 9/75-8/76

Box 111, folder 3

Advisory Board C3 9/75-8/76

Box 111, folder 4

Committee on Foreign Study Programs C5.2 5/72-8/76

Box 111, folder 5

Committee on Libraries C5.4 2/70-8/76

Box 111, folder 6

Committee on Undergraduate Studies C5.7 9/72-8/76

Box 111, folder 7

Committee on Athletics, P.E. & Rec C6.1 4/72-8/76

Box 113, folder 1

U.S. Government Relations G3 10/75-8/76

Box 113, folder 2

EDUCOM G3.19.12 1/75-8/76

Box 113, folder 3

Ad Hoc Committee to Review the Indirect Cost Proposal G3.19.12 2/72-73

Box 113, folder 4

EDUCOM Correspondence G3.19.12

Box 113, folder 5

EDUCOM Conference G3.19.12 4/3/76

Box 113, folder 6

EDUCOM Policy Board Meeting G3.19.12 4/29/76

Box 113, folder 7

EDUCOM Speech G3.19.12 4/3/75

Box 113, folder 8

EDUCOM Planning Council Finance Committee G3.19.12 2/13/76

Box 113, folder 9

EDUCOM Planning Council Steering Committee G3.19.12 7/26/74

Box 113, folder 10

EDUCOM Meeting Dec. 11 - New York G3.19.12

Box 113, folder 11

EDUCOM Meeting G3.19.12 11/1/74

Box 113, folder 12

EDUCOM Conference G3.19.12 4/22/74

Box 113, folder 13

EDUCOM Planning Council Interviews G3.19.12 1973/74

Box 113, folder 14

EDUCOM Planning Council on Computing in Education and Research G3.19.12

Box 113, folder 15

EDUCOM, Public Broadcasting G3.19.12

Box 113, folder 16

EDUCOM, CIR Objectives and Charter G3.19.12

Box 113, folder 17

EDUCOM, CMR Exec. Comm. Meeting G3.19.12 5/28/76

Box 113, folder 18

EDUCOM, Personnel Director Search Committee G3.19.12

Box 113, folder 19

EDUCOM, Heliometeorology Institute Proposal G3.19.12

Box 113, folder 20

EDUCOM, Electric Power Research Institute G3.19.12

Box 113, folder 21

EDUCOM, Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Program G3.19.12

Box 113, folder 22

EDUCOM, Teaching Evaluations G3.19.12

Box 114, folder 1

EDUCOM, Board of Trustees G3.19.12

Box 114, folder 2

Iran G3.19.12

Box 114, folder 3

China G5.2 3/73-8/76

Box 114, folder 4

Report, Change Magazine O1 1977

Box 114, folder 5

Consortium on Financing Higher Education O3.1 6/74-8/76

Box 114, folder 6

American Council on Education O3.8 11/73-8/76

Box 114, folder 7

National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities O3.10 2/76-8/76

Box 114, folder 8

American Council of Learned Societies O3.92 2/75-8/76

Box 115, folder 1

National Collegiate Athletic Assn O3.44 8/75-8/76

Box 115, folder 2

National Assn. of College and University Business Officers O3.55 10/73-8/76

Box 115, folder 3

Other Universities & Colleges O8 11/75-8/76

Box 115, folder 4

Association of American Universities O8.7 7/75-8/76

Box 115, folder 5

AAU: Executive Committee O8.7.3 9/75-8/76

Box 115, folder 6

University of California O8.43 9/72-8/75

Box 116, folder 1

Research, miscellaneous R0 7/69-8/76

Box 116, folder 2

Research Administration R1 11/75-8/76

Box 116, folder 3

Research, Vice Provost for: R1.1 6/75-8/76

Box 116, folder 4

Committee on Research R1.2 10/68-8/76

Box 116, folder 5

Center for Interdisciplinary Research R1.4 11/72-8/76

Box 116, folder 6

Institute for Energy Studies R1.4.2 3/73-8/76

Box 116, folder 7

Solar Energy Research Institute R1.4.3

Box 116, folder 8

SERI. Meeting R1.4.4 4/5/76

Box 117, folder 1

Solar Energy Research Institute R1.4.4 10/75-8/76

Box 117, folder 2

Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Project R1.9 1/75-8/76

Box 117, folder 3

NMR Lab R1.10 11/72-8/76

Box 117, folder 4

Proposals (misc.) R4 9/73-8/74

Box 117, folder 5

ASSU, General St2

Box 117, folder 6

ASSU Senate St2.0 3/72-5/76

Box 118, folder 1

Stanford Miscellaneous / Stanfordiana AD1

Box 118, folder 2

Governor Stanford Locomotive AD1.1

Box 118, folder 3

Academic Administrative Information Projects AD1.6.2

Box 118, folder 4

Annual Reports (Administrative and Academic) AD1.6.3

Box 118, folder 5

Policy: Authorizations / signing, etc AD1.6.5

Box 118, folder 6

Emergency Procedures AD2.10

Box 118, folder 7

Liquor Policy AD2.15

Box 118, folder 8

Resolutions, Memorial and other AD2.16

Box 118, folder 9

Pets on Campus AD2.20

Box 118, folder 10

Religion AD2.24

Box 118, folder 11

ROTC file #1 AD2.26

Box 118, folder 12

ROTC file #2 AD2.26

Box 118, folder 13

Administrative Guide AD3.2

Box 118, folder 14

Campus Reports AD3.4

Box 118, folder 15

University Calendar / Holidays AD3.21

Box 118, folder 16

Speeches: Richard W. Lyman AD3.22 1970-72

Box 118, folder 17

Speeches (other than RWL). [FILE MISSING - NO OUT CARD] AD3.22

Box 118, folder 18

President AD4.1

Box 119, folder 1

President's House, Staff, Car AD4.1

Box 119, folder 2

A - C general and miscellaneous AD4.20

Box 119, folder 3

D - H general and miscellaneous AD4.20

Box 119, folder 4

I - N general and miscellaneous AD4.20

Box 119, folder 5

O - S general and miscellaneous AD4.20

Box 119, folder 6

T - Z general and miscellaneous AD4.20

Box 119, folder 7

Invitations AD4.20.4

Box 119, folder 8

Complaints I AD4.20.5

Box 119, folder 9

Complaints II AD4.20.5

Box 119, folder 10

Complaints III AD4.20.5

Box 119, folder 11

Recommendations Letters (routine) AD4.20.6

Box 119, folder 12

University Relations AD4.22 5/24-11/76

Box 119, folder 13

Legal Problems and Services AD7

Box 119, folder 14

DOS Case Numbers AD7.2.5

Box 119, folder 15

Cost of Campus Disruptions AD7.2.6

Box 119, folder 16

Dismissal Cases AD7.5

Box 119, folder 17

Founding Grant AD7.6

Box 119, folder 18

Judicial Procedures / Charter AD7.9

Box 120, folder 1

Legal Cases AD7.10

Box 120, folder 2

Participation in Politics, Policy on, AD7.13

Box 120, folder 3

Admissions Office AD8.1

Box 120, folder 4

Policy: Admissions general AD8.1.1

Box 120, folder 5

Admissions Cases: AD8.1.2 1976 (June and earlier)

Box 120, folder 6

Alumni Conferences AL1.7

Box 120, folder 7

The Stanford Magazine AL1.12

Box 120, folder 8

Stanford Associates AL2

Box 120, folder 9

Alumni Clubs miscellaneous AL3.4

Box 120, folder 10

New Founder's League AL4.4

Box 120, folder 11

Board of Trustees Elections B4

Box 120, folder 12

Board of Trustees Manual B5

Box 120, folder 13

Board of Trustees By-Laws B7 1968-72

Box 120, folder 14

Board of Trustees By-Laws B7 1973-

Box 120, folder 15

Stanford Cabinet B9

Box 120, folder 16

Board of Trustees Reorganization B10

Box 120, folder 17

Trustees Appointments and Resignations / membership roster B12

Box 121, folder 1

Trustee Role and Appointment Criterion B12.1

Box 121, folder 2

Board of Trustees Agenda and pre-Board Agenda B13.3

Box 121, folder 3

Additional Matters (Board of Trustees) B13.5

Box 121, folder 4

Trustee Committees B14

Box 121, folder 5

Finance and Development Committee B14.4

Box 121, folder 6

Committees, Commissions, Administrative Panels, etc C

Box 121, folder 7

Academic Council Minutes / Reports C1

Box 121, folder 8

Academic Council Correspondence C1.1

Box 121, folder 9

Senate Reports by Numbers C2.4

Box 121, folder 10

Advisory Board Meetings C3.2

Box 121, folder 11

Advisory Board, Rules for Conduct of Hearings C3.4

Box 121, folder 12

Senate Committees C4

Box 121, folder 13

Committee on Committees (Correspondence) C4.2.1

Box 121, folder 14

Members of Academic Council to attend ASSU Senate Meetings as Stanford Guests C4.4

Box 121, folder 15

Study of Graduate Education at Stanford (SGES) C4.5

Box 121, folder 16

Committee on Academic Appraisal and Achievement (C-AAA) C5.1

Box 121, folder 17

Sub-Committee on Academic Standing, Petitions and Exceptions (C-AAA-ASPE) C5.1.1

Box 121, folder 18

Sub-Committee on Evaluation of Teaching (C-AAA-TE) C5.1.2

Box 121, folder 19

Gores-Dinkelspiel C5.1.3 1959-75

Box 122, folder 1

The Rhodes-Marshall Panel (C-AAA-RMP) C5.1.4

Box 122, folder 2

Committee on Graduate Studies C5.3

Box 122, folder 3

Committee on Undergraduate Admissions and Financial Aids (file #1) C5.6

Box 122, folder 4

Committee on Undergraduate Admissions and Financial Aid (file #2) C5.6

Box 122, folder 5

Sub-Committee on Female Admissions C5.6.1

Box 122, folder 6

Special Joint Agency for the Program in Urban Studies C5.7.4

Box 122, folder 7

Joint Agency on Stu. Inn. [sic] Committee on Undergraduate Studies and Dean of Undergraduate Studies C5.8

Box 122, folder 8

Special Joint Agency of the C-US and D-US on SWOPSI C5.9

Box 122, folder 9

Administrative Panel on Internal Athletic, Physical Education and Recreation Programs (PIAPERP) C6.2

Box 122, folder 10

Committee on Land and Buildings C6.3.1

Box 122, folder 11

Computational Facilities, Committee on, C6.3 6/72-8/76

Box 122, folder 12

Minority Affairs, Committee on, C6.7

Box 122, folder 13

Committee on Services to Students C6.9

Box 122, folder 14

Human Relations Commission C7.5

Box 122, folder 15

Commission on International Studies C7.6

Box 122, folder 16

Committee Policies / General information C7.12

Box 123, folder 1

Task Forces I to VI -UBPAC C7.13.1 (1975)

Box 123, folder 2

Committee on Parking and Transportation C8.1

Box 123, folder 3

Radiological Hazards Control Committee C8.2

Box 123, folder 4

SLAC Coordinating Committee C8.4

Box 123, folder 5

Library Council C8.5

Box 123, folder 6

Panel on the Use of Human Subjects in Research (PUSHR) C8.7

Box 123, folder 7

Administrative Panel on Health and Safety C8.10

Box 123, folder 8

Administrative Panel on Laboratory Animal Care (APLAC) C8.11

Box 123, folder 9

Legislative and Judicial Bodies for Student Conduct C9

Box 123, folder 10

Campus Judicial Panel Hearing Officers (for cases see AD 7.2.4) C9.1

Box 123, folder 11

Committee of Fifteen C9.2

Box 123, folder 12

Search Committees, miscellaneous C12

Box 123, folder 13

Athletic Directorship (Search Committee) C12

Box 123, folder 14

Search File: Registrar.[RETREIVED BY THE PRESIDENT'S OFFICE 5/0/79] C12

Box 123, folder 15

Search Committee for the Assistant to the President for Chicano Affairs. [RETREIVED BY THE PRESIDENT'S OFFICE 5/0/79] C12

Box 123, folder 16

Dean of Humanities and Sciences Search Committee C12

Box 123, folder 17

Academic Secretary: Search Committee C12

Box 123, folder 18

Assistant to the President: Search [RETREIVED BY THE PRESIDENT'S OFFICE 5/0/79] C12 June-Sept. 197(?)

Box 124, folder 1

ATP-TA Search File (large envelope) C12 1977

Box 124, folder 2

Chicano Affairs Search (large envelope) C12 (cross filed at: AD 9.2.1)

Box 124, folder 3

Search File: Vice-Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Studies (large envelope) C12

Box 124, folder 4

California State Government G1.2

Box 124, folder 5

California State Commission for Teacher Preparation and Licensing G1.3.1

Box 124, folder 6

California Education Facility Authority G1.3.2

Box 124, folder 7

California Post-Secondary Education Commission G1.3.5

Box 124, folder 8

Federal Legislation G3.1

Box 124, folder 9

Herbert Amendment G3.1.16

Box 125, folder 1

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) G3.7.4

Box 125, folder 2

Department of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) G3.8

Box 125, folder 3

HEW: Office for Civil Rights G3.8.1

Box 125, folder 4

National Institute of Health G3.8.2

Box 125, folder 5

HEW Report on Higher Education (Newman) G3.8.3

Box 125, folder 6

HEW: Office of Education G3.8.4

Box 125, folder 7

National Science Foundation G3.19

Box 125, folder 8

National Medal of Science G3.19.11

Box 125, folder 9

EDUCOM G3.19.12

Box 125, folder 10

Central Intelligence Agency [MKULTRA documents and cover letter] G3.27 1977

Box 125, folder 11

Palo Alto, City of: Community Relations G4.2

Box 125, folder 12

Stanford/Palo Alto Community Liaison G4.2.1

Box 125, folder 13

Foreign Countries, Governments, etc G5

Box 125, folder 14

China visit G5.2.1

Box 125, folder 15

Ad hoc and miscellaneous organizations O1

Box 126, folder 1

Boy's Town Center O1.10

Box 126, folder 2

American Revolution Bicentennial Commission: SU Committee O1.20

Box 126, folder 3

World Affairs Council O1.31

Box 126, folder 4

Industry - Education Council of California O1.38

Box 126, folder 5

Corporate Support of American Universities, Committee for O2.2

Box 126, folder 6

Stanford Research Institute. File #1 O2.11

Box 126, folder 7

Stanford Research Institute. File #2 O2.11

Box 126, folder 8

University Study Group O3.5

Box 126, folder 9

American Association of University Professors O3.6

Box 126, folder 10

A.C.E. Administrative Internship Program O3.8.1

Box 126, folder 11

Carnegie Commission on Higher Education O3.22

Box 126, folder 12

College Entrance Exam Board O3.25

Box 126, folder 13

Institute of International Education O3.38

Box 126, folder 14

PAC-8 Conference Meetings O3.47.3

Box 126, folder 15

PAC-8 Conference Meeting Minutes O3.47.3

Box 126, folder 16

Financial Aspects of the Athletic Programs/Reviewing Committee/Financial Aid to Athletes O3.47.3

Box 126, folder 17

Intercollegiate Comp. for Women/Right of Women to compete on Men's teams (PAC-8) O3.47.3

Box 126, folder 18

Ethnic Minority Officials. (PAC-8 conference) O3.47.3

Box 126, folder 19

Rose Bowl O3.47.3

Box 126, folder 20

1.6 Rule (PAC-8 Conference) O3.47.3

Box 126, folder 21

Freshman eligibility for Varsity football & basketball issue O3.47.3

Box 126, folder 22

Financial Statements/Income Summaries (PAC-8) O3.47.3

Box 127, folder 1

PAC-8 Meeting (R.W. Lyman) O3.47.3 1974

Box 127, folder 2

Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education O3.51

Box 127, folder 3

University Research Association O7.16

Box 127, folder 4

Association of American Colleges O8.6

Box 127, folder 5

A.A.U.: Council on Federal Relations O8.7.1

Box 127, folder 6

A.A.U.: Council on Federal Regulations O8.7.1

Box 127, folder 7

Association of Governing Boards and Universities O8.8

Box 127, folder 8

Association of Independent California Colleges and Universities O8.9

Box 127, folder 9

Cornell University O8.19

Box 127, folder 10

Harvard University O8.2.3

Box 127, folder 11

International Association of Universities O8.25

Box 127, folder 12

Princeton University O8.36

Box 128, folder 2

Inaugurations O8.55

Box 128, folder 3

Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) O8.57

Box 128, folder 4

Solar Energy Research Institute (SERI) R1.44

Box 128, folder 5

Indirect Costs R3.1 10/73-8/76

Box 128, folder 6

Research Development Fund R3.2

Box 128, folder 7

Research Development Fund R .2

Box 128, folder 8

R.D.F. Awarded R3.2.1

Box 128, folder 9

Research Proposals (miscellaneous) R4

Box 128, folder 10

National Iranian Radio-T.V. (NIRT) Contract R4.8 9/76-12/77

Box 128, folder 11

Advanced Research Projects Agency R5.6

Box 128, folder 12

Students, miscellaneous St.1

Box 128, folder 13

ASSU: Budget, Fees, Financial Problems St2.1

Box 128, folder 14

ASSU: Constitution St2.2

Box 128, folder 15

ASSU: Committee on Nominations St2.7

Box 128, folder 16

ASSU: Council of Presidents St2.8

Box 128, folder 17

Student Activities St3

Box 128, folder 18

Stanford Band St3.4

Box 129, folder 1

KZSU (Radio Station) St3.18

Box 129, folder 2

Student Publications St3.23

Box 129, folder 3

Stanford Daily St3.23.7

Box 129, folder 4

Stanford Workshops on Political and Social Issues (SWOPSI) St3.28

Box 129, folder 5

SCIRE: Student Center for Innovation in Research and Education St3.30

Box 129, folder 6

ARLO: Action Research Liaison Office St4.1

Box 129, folder 7

Free Campus Movement St4.8

Box 129, folder 8

Student Deaths St5.2

Box 129, folder 9

Freshmen St5.3

Box 129, folder 10

Cases handled by the SJC: A - B

Box 129, folder 11

Cases handled by the SJC: C - E

Box 129, folder 12

Cases handled by the SJC: F - H

Box 129, folder 13

Cases handled by the SJC: I - L

Box 129, folder 14

Cases handled by the SJC: M - P

Box 129, folder 15

Cases handled by the SJC: Q - S

Box 129, folder 16

Cases handled by the SJC: S - Z

Box 129, folder 17

Associates of American Universities 9/72 - 6/73

Box 130, folder 1

Academic Appointments AA1.3

Box 130, folder 2

Deans Council Correspondence AA1.5

Box 130, folder 3

Academic Leadership Conference/Deans Retreat AA1.5.3

Box 130, folder 4

Academic Planning Office AA1.7

Box 130, folder 5

Dean of the Chapel AA1.8

Box 130, folder 6

Office of Undergraduate Studies AA1.12

Box 130, folder 7

Graduate Division AA1.13

Box 130, folder 8

National Board on Graduate Education AA1.13.1

Box 130, folder 9

Faculty, Miscellaneous (loyalty oaths) AA2

Box 130, folder 10

Paulsen, Jim AA2

Box 130, folder 11

Napier, Dean of the Chapel AA2

Box 130, folder 12

Articles of Organization of the Faculty AA2.1.1

Box 130, folder 13

Emeriti AA2.2

Box 130, folder 14

Faculty Appointments AA2.3

Box 130, folder 15

Faculty and Academic Appointment Procedures and Policies AA2.3.2

Box 130, folder 16

Academic Freedom AA2.6.1

Box 130, folder 17

Franklin Case: File #1 AA2.6.2/1

Box 130, folder 18

Franklin Case: File #2 AA2.6.2/1

Box 131, folder 1

Franklin Case: Petitions File #1 AA2.6.2/1

Box 131, folder 2

Franklin Case: Petitions File #2 AA2.6.2/1

Box 131, folder 3

Franklin, H. Bruce AA2.6.2/1

Box 131, folder 4

Tenure: Policy AA2.6.9 4/72-8/76

Box 131, folder 5

Volunteer Leadership Conference (GSO) AA2.7.1

Box 131, folder 6

Academic Standing/Requirements AA3.5

Box 131, folder 7

Ph.D. Review Committee Report AA3.10.1

Box 131, folder 8

Summer Sessions AA3.16

Box 131, folder 9

Undergraduate Specials AA3.18.3

Box 131, folder 10

School of Humanities and Sciences AA4.1

Box 131, folder 11

Values, Technology and Society AA4.1.1/1

Box 131, folder 12

Stanford Locomotive (Duplicate File Art Department) AA4.1.9 1/9/63-9/21/76

Box 131, folder 13

Art and Architecture AA4.1.9

Box 131, folder 14

Rodin Collection/Cantor Gift AA4.1.9/1

Box 131, folder 15

Linguistics AA4.1.11

Box 131, folder 16

Communications AA4.1.15

Box 131, folder 17

Professional Chandler Center for Journalism AA4.1.15/1

Box 131, folder 18

Football Games: 1975-1976 AA4.1.30/1 1975-8/1976

Box 131, folder 19

Freshman Eligibility AA4.1.30/4

Box 132, folder 1

Women's Physical Education AA4.1.31

Box 132, folder 2

Business School: Sloan Program AA4.2.1

Box 132, folder 3

School of Engineering.[Folder Missing - No OUT card] AA4.4

Box 132, folder 4

Industrial Engineering AA4.4.6

Box 132, folder 5

School of Education AA4.5

Box 132, folder 6

Department of Psychiatry AA4.6.14

Box 132, folder 7

Faculty Medical Practice AA4.6.17

Box 132, folder 8

Sherman Fairchild Center for the Neurosciences AA4.6.18

Box 132, folder 9

Addiction Research Laboratory AA4.7

Box 132, folder 10

Hoover Institution - Confidential AA4.9

Box 132, folder 11

Hoover Institution AA4.9

Box 132, folder 12

Hoover Institution: Board of Overseers AA4.9

Box 132, folder 13

Hoover Institution: Policy AA4.9

Box 132, folder 14

Japanese Studies at Stanford AA4.10.2

Box 132, folder 15

Status of Librarians AA4.12

Box 132, folder 16

School of Law AA4.15

Box 132, folder 17

Stanford Hospital: Board of Directors AA4.17.2

Box 132, folder 18

Stanford Center for Information Processing AA4.22

Box 132, folder 19

Awards and Prizes, Miscellaneous AA5 6/74-8/76

Box 132, folder 20

White House Fellows AA5.4

Box 132, folder 21

Scholarships, Miscellaneous AA7

Box 132, folder 22

Heritage Fund AA7.11

Box 133, folder 1

National Merit Scholarships AA7.19 1971-74

Box 133, folder 2

Fellowships, Miscellaneous/General AA8 1972-75

Box 133, folder 3

Guggenheim Fellowship Awards AA8.17 1973-76

Box 133, folder 4

Harry Camp Memorial Lectures AA9.7 1972-75

Box 133, folder 5

Sloss Visiting Lectureship AA9.18 1971-75

Box 133, folder 6

Ford Foundation Professorships in International Studies AA10.18 1971

Box 133, folder 7

Trouble/Complaints AD4.20.5 1965-71

Box 133, folder 8

Troubled: Hopkins, Wilma AD4.20.5

Box 133, folder 9

Gregman File (President's Office) AD4.20.5

Box 133, folder 10

Troubled: Gantner, Vallejo AD4.20.5

Box 133, folder 11

Troubled: Fischer, Marguerite AD4.20.5

Box 133, folder 12

Calsoyas AD4.20.5

Box 133, folder 13

Coulter, James AD4.20.5

Box 133, folder 14

Schiffman, Max AD4.20.5

Box 133, folder 15

SJC #4 Trustees Meeting AD7.2.4 1/14/69

Box 133, folder 16

SJC #13 Encina Hall AD7.2.4 5/1/69

Box 133, folder 17

SJC #32 Rock Throwing, Weiss and McGuire AD7.2.4 3/31/70

Box 133, folder 18

SJC #32 McGuire, Diarmind, Rock Throwing AD7.2.4 3/31/70

Box 133, folder 19

SJC #32 Weiss, Janet, Rock Throwing AD7.2.4 3/31/70

Box 133, folder 20

SJC #33 Sweeney, Mike AD7.2.4 5/1/70

Box 133, folder 21

SJC #37 McGuire, D., Academic Council AD7.2.4 4/3/70

Box 133, folder 22

SJC #37 Everdell, Peter B., Academic Council AD7.2.4 4/70

Box 133, folder 23

SJC #37 Erickson, Leif Charles, Charges Dropped AD7.2.4 11/20/70

Box 133, folder 24

SJC #37 Gostovich, John B., Charges Dropped AD7.2.4 11/20/70

Box 133, folder 25

SJC #37 Keitch, John, Charges Dropped AD7.2.4 11/20/70

Box 133, folder 26

SJC #37 Sweeney, Michael, Charges Dropped AD7.2.4 11/20/70

Box 133, folder 27

SJC #37 Fischer, Francois, Charges Dropped AD7.2.4 11/20/70

Box 133, folder 28

SJC #37 Gocking, Roger Stephen, Charges Dropped AD7.2.4 11/20/70

Box 133, folder 29

SJC #37 Gustafson, Albert K., Charges Dropped AD7.2.4 11/20/70

Box 133, folder 30

SJC #37 Parks, David, Charges Dropped AD7.2.4 11/20/70

Box 133, folder 31

SJC #37 Shoch, John F., Charges Dropped AD7.2.4 11/20/70

Box 133, folder 32

SJC #37 Weiss, Janet Margaret C., Charges Dropped AD7.2.4 11/20/70

Box 133, folder 33

SJC #37 Broderick, Tim AD7.2.4

Box 133, folder 34

SJC #37 Denenholz, Cynthia AD7.2.4

Box 133, folder 35

SJC #37 Douglas, W. Otto, Closed AD7.2.4 10/15/70

Box 133, folder 36

SJC #37 Fisher, Francois AD7.2.4

Box 133, folder 37

SJC #37 Fleeson, George AD7.2.4

Box 133, folder 38

SJC #37 Hammond, Rich, Closed AD7.2.4 10/15/70

Box 133, folder 39

SJC #37 Goetz, Lori AD7.2.4

Box 133, folder 40

SJC #37 Hanson, Mary AD7.2.4

Box 133, folder 41

SJC #37 Katzenbach, Chris AD7.2.4

Box 133, folder 42

SJC #37 Johnson, Scott. Encina Door Blocking AD7.2.4 11/15/70

Box 133, folder 43

SJC #37 Lowe, Fichard S AD7.2.4

Box 133, folder 44

SJC #37 Levin, Lanny, Encina Door Blocking AD7.2.4 5/11/70

Box 133, folder 45

SJC #37 McNamara, Craig, Encina Door Blocking AD7.2.4 5/11/70

Box 133, folder 46

SJC #37 Marks, Alfie, Closed JS AD7.2.4 10/15/70

Box 133, folder 47

SJC #37 Moore, Roberta AD7.2.4

Box 133, folder 48

SJC #37 Oswald, Nancy AD7.2.4

Box 133, folder 49

SJC #37 Otto, Steve, Closed JS AD7.2.4 10/15/70

Box 133, folder 50

SJC #37 Pollock, Bruce, (1) Closed AD7.2.4 10/15/70

Box 133, folder 51

SJC #37 Pollock, Bruce, (2) Closed AD7.2.4 10/15/70

Box 133, folder 52

SJC #37 Schindler, Craig, Closed AD7.2.4 10/15/70

Box 133, folder 53

SJC #37 Shea, Pat A., Closed AD7.2.4 10/15/70

Box 133, folder 54

SJC #37 Weiss, Marc, Closed AD7.2.4 10/15/70

Box 133, folder 55

SJC #37 Bows, Robert A., Closed AD7.2.4 10/15/70

Box 133, folder 56

SJC #37 Atkins, Richard N., Closed AD7.2.4 10/15/70

Box 133, folder 57

SJC #37 Barber, James L AD7.2.4

Box 133, folder 58

SJC #37 Bauer, Anne C., Academic Council AD7.2.4 4/3/70

Box 133, folder 59

SJC #37 Siegel, L., Academic Council AD7.2.4 4/3/70

Box 133, folder 60

SJC #37 SJC: Academic Council AD7.2.4

Box 133, folder 61

SJC #38 Old Union Sit-in AD7.2.4 4/23/70

Box 133, folder 62

SJC #38 Old Union AD7.2.4 4/23/70

Box 133, folder 63

SJC #39 SJC: Old Union AD7.2.4 4/29/70

Box 133, folder 64

SJC #40 Grossman, Henry AD7.2.4

Box 133, folder 65

SJC #41 Malicious Mischief AD7.2.4

Box 133, folder 66

SJC #42 ROTC Door Blocking AD7.2.4

Box 133, folder 67

SJC #43 Rock Throwing: W.E. Hamburg AD7.2.4

Box 133, folder 68

SJC #37 Johnson, Scott, Encina Door Blocking [FILE MISSING - NO OUT CARD] AD7.2.4 11/15/70

Box 134, folder 1

SJC #44 Simons, Richard AD7.2.4 5/13/70

Box 134, folder 2

SJC #44 ROTC: Door Blocking AD7.2.4 5/13/70

Box 134, folder 3

SJC #45 ROTC Case AD7.2.4 4/7/70

Box 134, folder 4

SJC #45 Patty, Jeffrey, Charges Dropped AD7.2.4 11/16/70

Box 134, folder 5

SJC #45 Pollock, Bruce, ROTC Mill-in AD7.2.4 4/7/70

Box 134, folder 6

SJC #45 Siegel, Leonard AD7.2.4

Box 134, folder 7

SJC #45 Sweeney, Michael AD7.2.4

Box 134, folder 8

SJC #45 Wasserman, Zack, Charges Dropped AD7.2.4 11/16/70

Box 134, folder 9

SJC #45 Cassidy, Frnak, Charges Dropped AD7.2.4 11/16/70

Box 134, folder 10

SJC #45 Cyrus, Muriel, Charges Dropped AD7.2.4 11/24/70

Box 134, folder 11

SJC #45 Fidanque,David, Charges Dropped AD7.2.4 11/16/70

Box 134, folder 12

SJC #45 Shoch, John, Charges Dropped AD7.2.4 11/16/70

Box 134, folder 13

SJC #45 Freeman, Szebelski, Charges Dropped AD7.2.4 11/16/70

Box 134, folder 14

SJC #45 Fricke, Thomas, Charges Dropped AD7.2.4 11/24/70

Box 134, folder 15

SJC #45 Hamilton, Hallam, Charges Dropped AD7.2.4 11/16/70

Box 134, folder 16

SJC #45 Jolivette, Steven, Charges Dropped AD7.2.4 11/16/70

Box 134, folder 17

SJC #45 Weiss, Janet, Charges Dropped AD7.2.4 1/5/71

Box 134, folder 18

SJC #45 Page, Hugh, Charges Dropped AD7.2.4 1/5/71

Box 134, folder 19

SJC #46 Eigner, Diane AD7.2.4

Box 134, folder 20

SJC #48 ROTC Mill-in, GSB AD7.2.4 4/7/70

Box 134, folder 21

SJC #48 Busse, Irwin,. A., ROTC Mill-in at GSB 4/7/70; Closed AD7.2.4

Box 134, folder 22

SJC #48 Freeman, Szebelski, ROTC Mill-in at GSB 4/7/70; Charges Dropped AD7.2.4 3/19/71

Box 134, folder 22

SJC #48 McGuire, Diarmuid, ROTC Mill-in at GSB 4/70/71; Charges Dropped AD7.2.4 12/70

Box 134, folder 23

SJC #48 Pollock, Bruce, ROTC Mill-in at GSB 4/70; Charges Dropped AD7.2.4 12/70

Box 134, folder 24

SJC #48 Siegel Leonard, ROTC Mill-in at GSB 4/7O; Charges Dropped AD7.2.4 12/70

Box 134, folder 25

SJC #48 Shoch, John, ROTC Mill-in at GSB 4/70; Charges Dropped AD7.2.4 12/70

Box 134, folder 26

SJC #48 Sweeney, Michael, ROTC Mill-in at GSB 4/70; Charges Dropped AD7.2.4 12/70

Box 134, folder 27

SJC #52 (see also #37) Class Disruption AD7.2.4 5/1/70

Box 134, folder 28

SJC #56 Disruption of Bracewell's Class AD7.2.4 5/1/70

Box 134, folder 29

SJC #58A VonEuer, Gary, Trashing AD7.2.4 11/23/70

Box 134, folder 30

SJC #58 Holman, M., Trashing AD7.2.4 11/23/70

Box 134, folder 31

SJC #59 Siegel, Leonard AD7.2.4

Box 134, folder 32

SJC #60 Vanier, Gary, Honor Code Case AD7.2.4

Box 134, folder 33

SJC #61 Assault of Ray White AD7.2.4 11/30/70

Box 134, folder 34

SJC #65 HCL Disruption, Janet Weiss AD7.2.4 1/11/71

Box 134, folder 35

SJC #65 HCL, Hearing Folder AD7.2.4 1/11/71

Box 134, folder 36

SJC #65 Interviews AD7.2.4

Box 134, folder 37

SJC #65 Hearing Case AD7.2.4 1/29/71

Box 134, folder 38

SJC #65 HCL Disruption, Bradley Harris Dowden AD7.2.4 1/11/71

Box 134, folder 39

SJC #65 HCL Disruption, Geraldine Foote AD7.2.4 1/11/71

Box 134, folder 40

SJC #65 HCL Disruption, Michael Holman AD7.2.4 1/11/71

Box 134, folder 41

SJC #65 HCL Disruption, Merle Rabin AD7.2.4 1/11/71

Box 134, folder 42

SJC #65 HCL Disruption, Theresa C. Ramirez AD7.2.4 1/11/71

Box 134, folder 43

SJC #65 HCL Disruption, John Slade AD7.2.4 1/11/71

Box 134, folder 44

SJC #65 HCL Disruption, Jeffrey Youdelman AD7.2.4 1/11/71

Box 134, folder 45

SJC #65 HCL Disruption, John Keilch, Charges Dropped AD7.2.4 1/11/71

Box 134, folder 46

SJC #65 HCL Disruption, Kerry R. Stoebner AD7.2.4 1/11/71

Box 134, folder 47

SJC #65 HCL Incident, Krumbein, G.; Charges Dropped AD7.2.4 1/11/71

Box 134, folder 48

SJC #65 HC Lodge Disruption, Bruce Pollock AD7.2.4 1/11/71

Box 134, folder 49

SJC #65 HCL Disruption AD7.2.4 1/11/70

Box 134, folder 50

SJC #66 Honor Code Case, Greene, M., and Hahn, P AD7.2.4 12/16/70

Box 134, folder 51

SJC #67 Razo, Jose, H., Fundamental Standard Case AD7.2.4

Box 134, folder 52

SJC #68 Katzenbach, C., Rock Throwing AD7.2.4 2/7/71

Box 134, folder 53

SJC #68 Ramirez, T., Rock Throwing AD7.2.4 2/7/71

Box 134, folder 54

SJC #68 VonEuer, Gary, Rock Throwing AD7.2.4 2/7/71

Box 134, folder 55

SJC #69 Dowden, B., and Lee, D AD7.2.4 2/10/71

Box 134, folder 56

SJC #70 Heffron, Kenneth, Alleged Honor Code Violation AD7.2.4 3/71

Box 134, folder 57

SJC #71 Hospital Incident AD7.2.4 4/9/71

Box 134, folder 58

SJC #71 Hospital Incident, DOSA 15 AD7.2.4

Box 134, folder 59

SJC #71 Hospital Statements AD7.2.4 4/9/71

Box 134, folder 60

SJC #72 Perlee, A.M. and Sampson, R.G. DOS #8 AD7.2.4

Box 134, folder 61

SJC #74 Robles and Garcia, Assault on J. Kuiper AD7.2.4 5/30/71

Box 134, folder 62

SJC #74 Robles, R.R., Assault on M. Fromson AD7.2.4 5/30/71

Box 134, folder 63

SJC #75 Calvillo, Jesse, Burglary AD7.2.4 5/17/71

Box 134, folder 64

SJC #76 Baidoo, E.K., Honor Code Violation, DOS #9 AD7.2.4 6/71

Box 134, folder 65

SJC #77 Mark, Michael, Bookstore AD7.2.4 6/2/7l

Box 134, folder 66

SJC #78 Allen, Stuart C., Bookstore, DOS #13 AD7.2.4 6/1/71

Box 134, folder 67

SJC #79 Skerrett, Shawn, Bookstore AD7.2.4 5/28/71

Box 134, folder 68

SJC #80 Barmeyer, Robert, Bookstore, DOS #14 AD7.2.4 6/3/71

Box 134, folder 69

SJC #81 Levinthal, Judith, Bookstore AD7.2.4 5/24/71

Box 134, folder 70

SJC #82 Majumder, Kumar, Bookstore AD7.2.4 6/71

Box 134, folder 71

SJC #83 Hing-Hue Li, Stephen, Bookstore AD7.2.4 6/71

Box 134, folder 72

SJC #84 Bouie, Ann S.,Bookstore AD7.2.4 7/6/71

Box 134, folder 73

CJP #85 Forgery, Robles AD7.2.4 Fall Quarter, 1971

Box 134, folder 74

CJP #86 Holman, Michael A., Spray Painting AD7.2.4 6/27/71

Box 134, folder 75

CJP #87 Placement Center AD7.2.4

Box 135, folder 1

CJP #87 Placement Center: Exhibits AD7.2.4

Box 135, folder 2

CJP #87 Placement Center Hearing Folder-Newspapers AD7.2.4

Box 135, folder 3

CJP #87 Placement Center Hearing Folder AD7.2.4 11/4/72

Box 135, folder 4

CJP #87 Placement Center Hearing. CJP AD7.2.4 11/1-5/71

Box 135, folder 5

CJP #88 Bell, John F., Forgery AD7.2.4 Fall Quarter 1971

Box 135, folder 6

CJP #89 Robles, T., Forgery; Esparza, Room Rent Deferment AD7.2.4

Box 135, folder 7

CJP #90 Wilbur, Curtis, Burglary AD7.2.4 10/21/71

Box 135, folder 8

CJP #91 McCloud, K., and Whitman, K., Honor Code AD7.2.4 Fall 1971

Box 135, folder 9

CJP #95 Peterson, J.L., Computer Accounts AD7.2.4 8/10/71

Box 135, folder 10

CJP #96 Morot, Gerard, Honor Code Violation AD7.2.4 2/72

Box 135, folder 11

CJP #98 Devezin and Powell, Honor Code AD7.2.4 3/13/72

Box 135, folder 12

CJP #99 GSB Honor Code Violations AD7.2.4 March 1972

Box 135, folder 13

CJP #99 GSB honor Code Violations, Exams AD7.2.4

Box 135, folder 14

Dean of Students' Office AD7.2.5

Box 135, folder 15

Cases heard by Dean of Students AD7.2.5

Box 135, folder 16

Barmann Case AD7.2.5

Box 135, folder 17

DOS #2 McDonnel, Patrick, Assault AD7.2.5 5/1/70

Box 135, folder 18

DOS #3 Brown, Isiah, Forged Removal of Hold on Registration AD7.2.5

Box 135, folder 19

DOS #4 Carrigan, Casey, Honor Code Violation AD7.2.5 11/13/70

Box 135, folder 20

DOS #5 Ozarar, Ilhaz, Honor Code Violation AD7.2.5 Fall 1970

Box 135, folder 21

DOS #6 Door Blocking Durand Bldg AD7.2.5 4/8/70

Box 135, folder 22

DOS #7 BAC Door Blocking AD7.2.5 4/8/70

Box 135, folder 23

Students on Committees, Policy AD8.5 1/70-8/76

Box 135, folder 24

Students on Committees, Policy AD8.5

Box 135, folder 25

Career Planning and Placement Center AD8.7 11/72-8/77

Box 135, folder 26

Dean of Student Affairs AD8.8

Box 135, folder 27

Dean Lyon's Report AD8.8 Fall 1972

Box 135, folder 28

Discrimination Policy AD8.8.3

Box 135, folder 29

"The Bridge" AD8.8.5

Box 135, folder 30

Stanford Overseas Study Program AD8.11

Box 136, folder 1

Germany Campus AD8.11.4

Box 136, folder 2

Ad Hoc Commission for Review of Overseas Campus AD8.11/7

Box 136, folder 3

Housing: Faculty, Staff, Emeriti AD8.18 12/66-8/76

Box 136, folder 4

Fraternities AD8.18.8 2/72-8/76

Box 136, folder 5

Housing For Students AD8.18.11 9/74-8/76

Box 136, folder 6

Registrar AD8.21

Box 136, folder 7

Enrollment Data AD8.21.1

Box 136, folder 8

Minority Enrollment AD8.21.2

Box 136, folder 9

Minorities, Miscellaneous.[FILE MISSING - NO OUT CARD] AD9

Box 136, folder 10

Black Affairs AD9.1

Box 136, folder 11

Black Student Union AD9.1.2

Box 136, folder 12

Staff Affirmative Action Program AD9.1.1

Box 137, folder 1

Chicano Affairs AD 9.2

Box 137, folder 2

Assistant to the President for Chicano Affairs AD 9.2.1

Box 137, folder 3

Chicano Law Student Association AD 9.2.3

Box 137, folder 4

Native American Indian Affairs AD9.3

Box 137, folder 5

Affirmative Action for Women AD9.6.3

Box 137, folder 6

Personnel and Employee Relations AD10

Box 137, folder 7

United Stanford Employees AD10.7.8 6/7/73-8/76

Box 137, folder 8

United Stanford Employees Strike AD10.7.8/1 5/74

Box 137, folder 9

Collective Bargaining AD10.8.2

Box 137, folder 10

Personnel Policies AD10.8

Box 137, folder 11

Policy: Benefits for Visiting Scholars, Fellows AD10.8.9/2

Box 137, folder 12

Grievance Hearings/Cases AD10.8.10/1 5/75-8/76

Box 137, folder 13

Retirement/Annuity Programs (Prudential and TIAA-CREF) AD10.8.17

Box 137, folder 14

Early Retirement AD10.8.17/1

Box 137, folder 15

Salaries AD10.8.19 9/72-8/77

Box 137, folder 16

Policy: Travel, Vacations AD10.8.21

Box 137, folder 17

Fire Department AD11.2

Box 137, folder 18

Service Operations AD11.4

Box 138, folder 1

Energy Crisis AD11.4.2

Box 138, folder 2

Police Services AD11.6

Box 138, folder 3

Securing Offices and Buildings Following President's Office Fire AD11.6.2

Box 138, folder 4

Security AD11.6.2

Box 138, folder 5

Office of Public Events AD11.7

Box 138, folder 6

Commencement Advisory Group AD11.7.2/2

Box 138, folder 7

Commencement AD11.7.2 1975

Box 138, folder 8

Commencement Robes AD11.7.2

Box 138, folder 9

Commencement AD11.7.2 1976

Box 138, folder 10

Dedications AD11.7.4

Box 138, folder 11

Founder's Day AD11.7.6

Box 138, folder 12

Freshman Orientation AD11.7.7

Box 138, folder 13

Graduate Reception AD11.7.8

Box 138, folder 14

Pre-Registration Program AD11.7.12

Box 138, folder 15

Copyright Policy AD11.8.1

Box 138, folder 16

Stanford News Service AD11.8.4

Box 138, folder 17

Stanford Press AD11.8.9

Box 138, folder 18

Questionnaires AD11.8.10

Box 138, folder 19

Stanford Publications, Miscellaneous AD11.8.11

Box 138, folder 20

File: Publications, Miscellaneous AD11.8.11

Box 138, folder 21

Financing Higher Education: Higher Education Acts AD12.1

Box 138, folder 22

Financing Higher Education: Higher Education Acts AD12.1

Box 139, folder 1

Business and Finance AD12.2 9/76-8/77

Box 139, folder 2

Vice-President for Business and Finance AD12.12/1

Box 139, folder 3

Auditing AD12.4

Box 139, folder 4

Budgets AD12.5 2/77-8/77

Box 139, folder 5

Budgets AD12.5 9/77-12/77

Box 139, folder 6

Tuition, Stanford AD12.5.4

Box 139, folder 7

Policy: Investment Responsibility AD12.7

Box 139, folder 8

Insurance, Risk Management AD12.8

Box 139, folder 9

File: Safety and Health, Subheading: Radiological Hazards AD12.8.1

Box 139, folder 10

Taxes, Tax Data AD12.9

Box 139, folder 11

General Secretary's Office AD12.10.1

Box 139, folder 12

Fund Raising AD12.10.3

Box 139, folder 13

Gifts-Miscellaneous AD12.10.3/5-1

Box 139, folder 14

Carnegie Corporation of New York AD12.10.3/5-10

Box 139, folder 15

Farleigh S. Dickinson Jr AD12.10.3/5-17

Box 139, folder 16

John E. Elliot: Elliot Unit Trust AD12.10.3/5-20.5

Box 140, folder 1

The Gates Foundation AD12.10.3/5-24.5

Box 140, folder 2

General Motors Corporation Scholarships, Fellowships, General Gifts AD12.10.3/5-25

Box 140, folder 3

Glenmede Trust Company AD12.10.3/5-26

Box 140, folder 4

R. Allen Griffen Fund AD12.10.3/5-26.5

Box 140, folder 5

Hewlitt Packard Company AD12.10.3/5-28

Box 140, folder 6

David Packard (Mr. & Mrs.) AD12.10.3/5-38

Box 140, folder 7

John D. Rockefeller III AD12.10.3/5-39

Box 140, folder 8

John D. Rockefeller III AD12.10.3/5-39

Box 140, folder 9

Carroll J. Roush Fund AD12.10.3/5-40

Box 140, folder 10

Xerox Corporation AD12.10.3/5-49

Box 140, folder 11

International Business Machines AD12.10.3/5-51

Box 140, folder 12

Templeton. Hall: Prospective Donor AD12.10.3/12

Box 140, folder 13

Jennifer J. Simon: Prospective Donor AD12.10.3/12

Box 140, folder 14

Edwin C. Whitehead: Prospective Donor AD12.10.3/12

Box 140, folder 15

Cyrus Eaton: Prospective Donor AD12.10.3/12

Box 140, folder 16

Land, Dr. Edwin: Prospective Donor AD12.10.3/12

Box 140, folder 17

Foundations, Funds, Miscellaneous AD12.10.4

Box 140, folder 18

Texas Instruments Foundation AD12.10.4/3

Box 140, folder 19

Berry Fund AD12.10.4/18

Box 140, folder 20

Briggs Trust Funds AD12.10.4/23

Box 140, folder 21

Campaign Executive Committee AD12.10.4/33-5

Box 140, folder 22

Foundations: Commonwealth AD12.10.4/33-7

Box 140, folder 23

Campaign Major Gift Chairmen AD12.10.4/47

Box 140, folder 24

The Danforth Foundation AD12.10.4/55

Box 140, folder 25

The Earhart Foundation AD10.4/61

Box 140, folder 26

Exxon Educational Foundation (formerly ESSO) AD12.10.4/67

Box 140, folder 27

Foundations: Fleischmann, Max C AD12.10.4/69

Box 140, folder 28

Foundations: Irvine, James AD12.10.4/117

Box 140, folder 29

Foundations: Kresge AD12.10.4/117

Box 141, folder 1

National Endowment for the Humanities AD12.10.4/152

Box 141, folder 2

1907 Inc., Foundation AD12.10.4/156

Box 141, folder 3

Foundations: San Francisco Foundation AD12.10.4/192

Box 141, folder 4

Victor J. West Memorial Fund AD12.10.4/260

Box 141, folder 5

President's Gift Fund AD12.10.4/270

Box 141, folder 6

William R. Kenan Jr. Charitable Trust AD12.10.4/288

Box 141, folder 7

Research Corporation AD12.10.4/293

Box 141, folder 8

Christensen Fund AD12.10.4/295

Box 141, folder 9

Japan Foundation AD12.10.4/301

Box 141, folder 10

United Fund and CHAD (Combined Health Agencies Drive)- on Campus Solicitation of Staff AD12.10.8

Box 141, folder 11

Long Range Planning Estimates AD12.12

Box 141, folder 12

Surveys and Studies, Miscellaneous AD12.12.2

Box 141, folder 13

Land and Buildings AD12.14 1972-77

Box 141, folder 14

Policy: Use of Land & Buildings AD12.14.1

Box 141, folder 15

Land & Building Annexation AD12.14.3

Box 141, folder 16

Names for Stanford Streets, Parks, and Buildings, Miscellaneous AD21.14.5

Box 141, folder 17

Space, Building AD12.14.7

Box 141, folder 18

Bookstore AD12.14. 7/5

Box 141, folder 19

Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences AD12.14.5/16

Box 141, folder 20

Cowell Student Health Center AD12.14.7/18

Box 142, folder 1

Faculty Club.[PAGED TO PRESIDENT'S OFFICE 12/29/78] AD12.14.7/30

Box 142, folder 2

Golf Course AD12.14.7/33

Box 142, folder 3

Jasper Ridge Biological Experimental Area AD12.14.7/43

Box 142, folder 4

Memorial Church (4 folders) AD12.14.7/50

Box 142, folder 5

Memorial Church AD12.14.7/50 7/73 - 12/78

Box 142, folder 6

Memorial Church AD12.14.7/50 7/73 - 12/78

Box 142, folder 7

Memorial Church AD12.14.7/50 7/73 - 12/78

Box 142, folder 8

Undergraduate Studies, Dean (Space) AD12.14.7/65

Box 142, folder 9

Urban Coalition, Stanford Mid-Peninsula AD12.14.7/66

Box 142, folder 10

Accounting AD12.15

Box 142, folder 11

Peter Coutts - Frenchman's Terrace (Low-Moderate Income Housing) AD13.2

Box 142, folder 12

Coyote Hall Subdivision AD13.3

Box 142, folder 13

Environmental Issues AD13.9

Box 142, folder 14

Visitors AD13.10

Box 142, folder 15

Ambassador Robert Luc AD13.10.3

Box 142, folder 16

Foreign Visitors (Radvanyi, Janos) AD13.10.3

Box 142, folder 17

Visiting Committees AD13.10.5 8/72-8/77

Box 142, folder 18

Advisory Committee: Computer Science.[FILE PAGED 2/13/79] AD13.10.5/1

Box 142, folder 19

Visiting Committee, (Advisory) Earth Sciences AD13.10.5/2

Box 142, folder 20

Engineering Visiting Committee AD13.10.5/7

Box 142, folder 21

Graduate-School of Business Advisory Council AD13.10.5/8

Box 142, folder 22

Library Visiting Committee AD13.10.5/9

Box 142, folder 23

School of Medicine Visiting Committee AD13.10.5/6

Box 143, folder 1

C12 Search File: Vice-President for Business and Finance. [Missing] 1977

Box 143, folder 2

C12 Search File: Vice-President of Development. [Missing]

Box 143, folder 3

C12 Search File: Dean of the Law School.[Missing]

Box 143, folder 4

C12 Search File: Dean of the Medical School, File #1. [Missing] 1970

Box 143, folder 5

C12 Search File: Dean of the Medical School, File #2. [Missing] 1970

Box 143, folder 6

C12 Search File: Assistant to the President - Mexican American Affairs. [Missing] 1969-70

Box 143, folder 7

C12 Search File: Research and Academic Services, Vice-President. [Missing] 1969

Box 143, folder 8

C12 Search File: President. [Missing] 1970-71

Box 143, folder 9

C12 Search File: Dean of Undergraduate Studies. [Missing]

Box 143, folder 10

C12 Search File: Director of University Relations. [Missing]

Box 144, folder 1

Provost's Staff for Development AA1.4.1

Box 144, folder 2

Stanford United Ministry AA1.9

Box 144, folder 3

Urban Studies AA1.12.9

Box 144, folder 4

Women's Physical Education AA4.1.31

Box 144, folder 5

Faculty Self-Discipline AA2.6.3

Box 144, folder 6

AAUP Report on Faculty Self-Discipline (Packer Committee) AA2.6.3/1

Box 144, folder 7

Faculty Development Program AA2.7

Box 144, folder 8

AAUP - Stanford Chapter AA2.8

Box 144, folder 9

Faculty Political Action Group AA2.13.2

Box 144, folder 10

General Academic Matters AA3

Box 144, folder 11

Academic Goals AA3.2

Box 144, folder 12

Stanford Honors AA3.3

Box 144, folder 13

Ph.D. Review Committee Report AA3.10.1

Box 144, folder 14

Post-Doctoral Education AA3.17.2

Box 144, folder 15

Study of Education at Stanford (SES) AA3.19

Box 144, folder 16

Aerospace AA4.1.3

Box 144, folder 17

Stanford Repertory Theatre AA4.1.18/1

Box 144, folder 18

Black Studies Institute AA4.1.43

Box 144, folder 19

Medical School: Faculty Senate AA4.6.8

Box 144, folder 20

Master Plan for the Medical Center AA4.6.11

Box 144, folder 21

Hoover Centennial AA4.9.4

Box 144, folder 22

Earnest C. Arbuckle Award AA5.7

Box 144, folder 23

Royal Society of Arts AA5.48

Box 144, folder 24

Frederick Terman Award AA5.51

Box 144, folder 25

Elizabeth Rankin Crossett Scholarship AA7.5

Box 144, folder 26

Division Fund Scholarship AA7.6

Box 144, folder 27

Doffleyer Scholarship AA7.7

Box 144, folder 28

George C. and Emily Jacobs Scholarship Trust AA7.15

Box 144, folder 29

Ramirez Memorial Scholarship AA7.21

Box 144, folder 30

Leon Sloss Scholarship AA7.26

Box 144, folder 31

Leland Stanford Jr., Memorial Scholarship AA7.28

Box 144, folder 32

National Advisory Commission of Professional Journalism: Fellowship AA8.24

Box 144, folder 33

National Defense Education Act Fellowship AA8.29

Box 144, folder 34

K.H. Maddox Distinguished Lectureship in Professional Journalism AA9.21

Box 144, folder 35

Conservative Persuasion Lecture Series AA9.22

Box 144, folder 36

Bing Professorship in Human Biology AA10.7

Box 144, folder 37

Ross H. Chamberlain Professorship in Earth Sciences AA10.12

Box 144, folder 38

Harold K. Faber Professorship in Pediatrics AA10.17

Box 144, folder 39

Ford Foundation Professorship in International Studies AA10.18

Box 144, folder 40

Robert Grimmett Professorship in Mathematics AA10.22

Box 144, folder 41

William Haas Professorship of Chinese Politics AA10.32

Box 144, folder 42

Emile Holman Professorship of Surgery AA10.35

Box 144, folder 43

Frances and Charles Field Professorship of History AA10.38

Box 144, folder 44

S.W. and I.S. Lillick Professorship AA10.39

Box 144, folder 45

Emma P. Merver Professorship AA10.40

Box 144, folder 46

Paul Piggott Professorship in Engineering AA10.47

Box 144, folder 47

Thomas More Storke Professorship AA10.60

Box 144, folder 48

Majorie Mhoon Fair Professorship of Quantitative Science AA10.72

Box 144, folder 49

Kratter Professorship in Law AA10.74

Box 144, folder 50

Edmund Littlefield Professorship in GSB AA10.76

Box 144, folder 51

Lewis Terman Professorship & Fellowship AA10.78

Box 144, folder 52

Bulletin Boards/Kiosks AD2.2

Box 144, folder 53

Civil Disobedience AD2.6

Box 144, folder 54

Emergency Procedures AD2.10

Box 144, folder 55

Resolutions, Memorial and Other AD2.16

Box 144, folder 56

Pets on Campus AD2.20

Box 144, folder 57

Administrative Materials AD3

Box 144, folder 58

Bus Service on Campus AD3.3

Box 144, folder 59

Car Rental Service AD3.5

Box 144, folder 61

Room Reservations on Campus AD3.18

Box 144, folder 62

President's Wife AD4.3

Box 144, folder 63

Secretary to the University AD4.18

Box 144, folder 64

Chancellor's Office AD5

Box 144, folder 65

Removal of Individuals from Campus AD7.2.2

Box 144, folder 66

Injunctions and Related Matters AD7.3

Box 144, folder 67

Meetings (Open and Closed) Policy AD7.11

Box 144, folder 68

Policy: Closing of Campus AD7.12.1

Box 144, folder 69

Student Related Activities AD8

Box 144, folder 70

Drug Use AD8.9

Box 144, folder 71

Stanford in Mexico AD8.11.6

Box 144, folder 72

Student Voluntary Groups: Policy AD8.22

Box 144, folder 73

Chicano Law Students Association AD9.2.3

Box 144, folder 74

Women's Center/Clubhouse AD9.5.2

Box 144, folder 75

Hiring Practices AD10.8.12

Box 144, folder 76

Policy: Widows AD10.8.25

Box 144, folder 77

University Services, Miscellaneous AD11

Box 144, folder 78

Archives: Registry of Materials AD11.1.1

Box 144, folder 79

Photo-Reproduction Services AD11.5

Box 144, folder 80

Crimes and Crime Prevention AD11.6.2/4

Box 144, folder 81

Policy: Distribution of Literature on Campus AD11.8.2

Box 144, folder 82

Mother's Club of Stanford University AD11.9.1

Box 144, folder 83

BAP: Budget. Administration Project AD12.5.1

Box 144, folder 84

Bay Area Heart Research Commission AD12.10.3/5-6

Box 144, folder 85

Fight for Sight, Inc AD12.10.3/5-23

Box 144, folder 86

General Secretary's Office (Name Lists) AD12.10.3/9

Box 144, folder 87

Ampex Foundation AD12.10.4/6

Box 144, folder 88

Arthritis Foundation AD12.10.4/11

Box 144, folder 89

Business School Trust Fund AD12.10.4/29

Box 144, folder 90

Valerie and Harry Corwin Fund AD12.10.4/49

Box 144, folder 91

Creole Foundation AD12.10.4/51

Box 144, folder 92

Epilepsy Foundation AD12.10.4/64

Box 144, folder 93

General Services Foundation AD12.10.4/79

Box 144, folder 94

Gulbenkian Foundation AD12.10.4/83

Box 144, folder 95

Fannie and John Hertz Foundation AD12.10.4/88

Box 144, folder 96

Inland Steel - Ryerson Foundation AD12.10.4/101

Box 144, folder 97

M. G. Kilkenny Loan Fund AD12. 10. 4/115

Box 144, folder 98

Lakeview Foundation AD12.10.4/120

Box 144, folder 99

T. & P. Leavey Foundation AD12.10.4/123

Box 144, folder 100

Roscoe Maples Fund AD12.10.4/131

Box 144, folder 101

Floyd McElray Fellowship Fund AD12.10.4/136

Box 144, folder 102

James A. Norris Foundation AD12.10.4/158

Box 144, folder 103

Menninger Foundation AD12.10.4/142

Box 144, folder 104

Ruth Wattis Mitchell Fund AD12.10.4/145

Box 144, folder 105

K.T. & E.L. Norris Foundation AD12.10.4/159

Box 144, folder 106

Roscoe & Margaret Oakes Foundation AD12.10.4/161

Box 144, folder 107

Pan American Petroleum Foundation, Inc AD12.10.4/167

Box 144, folder 108

Pfeiffer Foundation AD12.10.4/171

Box 144, folder 109

Pooled Income Fund AD12.10.4/177

Box 144, folder 110

Scottish Rite Foundation Fund AD12.10.4/198

Box 144, folder 111

Smith, Kline, and French Labs Foundation AD12.10.4/207

Box 144, folder 112

Thorne Foundation/Distinguished Visitors Fund AD12.10.4/247

Box 144, folder 113

The Zale Foundation AD12.10.4/266

Box 144, folder 114

Hammond-Field Foundation AD12.10.4/275

Box 144, folder 115

I.H. & J.L. Given Foundation AD12.10.4/276

Box 144, folder 116

United Cerebral Palsy Research and Educational Foundation AD12.10.4/289

Box 144, folder 117

Resources for the Future AD12.12.1

Box 144, folder 118

Clubhouse AD12.14.7/15

Box 144, folder 119

Earth Sciences (Space) AD12.14.7/22

Box 144, folder 120

Old Corporation Yard: Holiday Inn AD13.4

Box 144, folder 121

Guest-in-Residence Program AD13.1.0.2

Box 144, folder 122

Alumnus Guest-in-Residence Program AL1.10

Box 145, folder 1

"Stanford Notes" Board of Trustees B3

Box 145, folder 2

Gardner Committee: Study of Board of Trustees Structure B10.2

Box 145, folder 3

Committee on Student Evaluation of Teaching C.4.9

Box 145, folder 4

Cable T.V., Commission on C7.2

Box 145, folder 5

Advisory Commission on ROTC Affairs (ACROTC) C7.8

Box 145, folder 6

Task Forces I to VI (UBPAC C7.13.1

Box 145, folder 7

Federal Grants G3.1.6

Box 145, folder 8

National Commission on the Financing of Post-Secondary Education G3.1.11

Box 145, folder 9

JOBS Program Contract G3.12.2

Box 145, folder 10

Office of Economic Opportunity G3.13

Box 145, folder 11

National Science Foundation: Technology Incentives G3.19.8

Box 145, folder 12

Human Relations Commission G4.1

Box 145, folder 13

Southeast Asia G5.8

Box 145, folder 14

BALLOTS/Library Automation Project PAA4.12.1 9/76-2/77

Box 145, folder 15

Seven Universities PO8.39 1974-8/1977

Box 145, folder 16

American Revolution Bicentennial Commission: SU Committee Q1.20

Box 145, folder 17

Consortium on Financing Higher Education - (C0FHE) Q3.1 October 1976-August 1977

Box 145, folder 18

American Council on Education Q3.8 Sept. 1976 - August 1977

Box 145, folder 19

Public Broadcasting, Corp. for Q3.9

Box 145, folder 20

Co-ord. Council for Higher Education Q3.28

Box 145, folder 21

Palo Alto Medical Clinic Q5.6

Box 145, folder 22

Students, Miscellaneous St1

Box 145, folder 23

Student Rights and Responsibilities St1.7

Box 145, folder 24

Policies Re Student Employment. Per St3.13

Box 145, folder 25

Forensics, Debate St3.15

Box 145, folder 26

Stanford Glee Club St3.16

Box 145, folder 27

Stanford in Washington Program St3.19

Box 145, folder 28

Volunteers in Asia St3.31

Box 145, folder 29

Venceremos St4.19

Box 145, folder 30

Student Suicides/Deaths St5.2 1958-1969

Box 146, folder 1

Dempsey, Cedric

Box 146, folder 2

Geiger, Andy

Box 146, folder 3

Kearney, Joseph

Box 146, folder 4

Murphy, Bob

Box 146, folder 5

Strathairn, Pam

Box 146, folder 6

Seaver, Peter

Box 146, folder 7

Young, Ray

Box 146, folder 8


Box 146, folder 9

Miscellaneous- Notes of Correspondence

Box 147, folder 1

DAPER Expenses

Box 147, folder 2

DAPER Search Committee, binder

Box 148, folder 1

Stanford University Academic Leadership Conference (binder) AA1.5.3 Feb 1-2, 1974

Box 148, folder 2

Graduate Division AA1.13 1/76-7/77

Box 148, folder 3

Graduate Students AA1.13.2 1976-1977

Box 148, folder 4

Emeriti AA2.2 1976-1977

Box 148, folder 5

Fellows of the University AA2.9 1976-1977

Box 148, folder 6

Stanford Nat'l Rating/Accreditation AA3.4 1/70-3/77

Box 148, folder 7

Dept. of Athletics, Phys. Ed. Recreation AA4.1.30 9/76-9/77

Box 148, folder 8

Graduate School of Business AA4.2 1976-1977

Box 148, folder 9

School of Medicine AA4.6 1976

Box 148, folder 10

School of Medicine AA4.6 1/77-8/77

Box 148, folder 11

Executive Committee: Med School AA4.6.3 1976-1977

Box 148, folder 12

Libraries AA4.12 9/76-l2/77

Box 148, folder 13

Stanford University Hospital AA4.17 9/76-3/77

Box 148, folder 14

Stanford Hospital: Board of Directors AA4.17.2 1976-1977

Box 148, folder 15

Low Overhead Time Sharing (LOTS) AA4.22.1 1976

Box 148, folder 16

Endowed Chairs/Professorships, Misc AA10 1976

Box 148, folder 17

Autopen AD4 1965-1977

Box 148, folder 18

Student Loans/Professional School Loan Bank (binder) AD8.12.1

Box 148, folder 19

Graduate Reception AD11.7.8 1977

Box 148, folder 20

Policy: Investment Responsibilities AD12.7 4/77

Box 148, folder 21

Stanford Annual Fund (Inner Quad) AD12.10.3/4 1976-77

Box 148, folder 22

Gifts Misc AD12.10.3/5-1 1976-1977

Box 148, folder 23

Prospective Donors AD12.10.3/12 1976

Box 148, folder 24

Prospective Donors AD12.10.3/12 1977

Box 148, folder 25

Foundations, Misc./Funds, Misc AD12.10.4 1976-1977

Box 148, folder 26

Campaign Information for Richard W. Lyman (binder) AD12.10.4/33 August 1972

Box 148, folder 27

Campaign Plans R.W.L.(binder) AD12.10.4/33 October 1972

Box 149, folder 1

Ford Foundation AD 12.10.4/71 9/76-1/77

Box 149, folder 2

Ford Foundation AD 12.10.4/71 March-Aug. 1977

Box 149, folder 3

Conferences, Misc AD 13.10.1 1976

Box 149, folder 4

Foreign Visitors AD 13.10.3 1976-1977

Box 149, folder 5

Law School Board of Visitors AD13.10.5/5 1976-1977

Box 149, folder 6

Engineering Visiting Committee AD13.10.5/7 1976-1977

Box 149, folder 7

Board of Trustees, Misc B1 1976-1977

Box 149, folder 8

Board of Trustees By-laws/Powers B7 1973-1974

Box 149, folder 9

Board of Trustees Meetings/Schedule B13 1976-8/77

Box 149, folder 10

Trustees' Ad Hoc Budget Committee B14.1 Tuesday Feb.11, 1975

Box 149, folder 11

Ad Hoc Budget Committee B14.1 1976-1977

Box 149, folder 12

Students on Trustee Committee B14.2.3 1/72-6/76

Box 149, folder 13

Trustee Investment Committee B14.5 1976-1977

Box 149, folder 14

Committee on Minority Affairs C 1970-1972

Box 149, folder 15

Senate of the Academic Council C2 1976-1977

Box 149, folder 16

Advisory Board C3 3/76-8/77

Box 150, folder 1

Gores-Dinkelspiel Awards C5.13 1975-1977

Box 150, folder 2

Scientific Policy Committee C8.4.1 1977

Box 150, folder 3

Committee on Undergrad. Studies C5.7 1976-1977

Box 150, folder 4

Univ. Committee on Land & Building Dev C6.6 1976-1977

Box 150, folder 5

Committee on Investment Responsibility C7.7 1971-1977

Box 150, folder 6

Admin. Panel on Health & Safety (Biohazard Control Program) C8.10 2/73-3/76

Box 150, folder 7

Administrative Panel on Health and Safety C 8.10 1976-1977

Box 150, folder 8

U.S. Government Relations G3 1977

Box 150, folder 9

Atomic Energy Commission G3/7/2

Box 150, folder 10

National Science Foundation G3.19 3/77-8/77

Box 150, folder 11

NSF Institutional Grants G3.19.9 1968-1972

Box 150, folder 12

EduCom G3.19.12 1/77-3/77

Box 150, folder 13

EduCom G3.19.12 3/77-6/77

Box 150, folder 14

China G5.2 1976

Box 150, folder 15

China G5.2 1/77-6/77

Box 150, folder 16

Ad Hoc and Misc. Organizations O1 9/76-3/77

Box 150, folder 17

American Academy of Arts and Sciences O3.7 1974-1977

Box 150, folder 18

Nat'l Assoc. of Independent Colleges & Universities O3.10 (9/76-1977)

Box 151, folder 1

National Collegiate Athletic Assoc O3.44 1976

Box 151, folder 2

Pacific 8 Conference O3.47 1976

Box 151, folder 3

Pacific 8 Conference O3.47 1977

Box 151, folder 4

National Assoc. of College & University Business Officers O3.55 1976-1977

Box 151, folder 5

Other University & Colleges O8 1976-1977

Box 151, folder 6

Assoc. of American Universities O8.7 8/76-2/77

Box 151, folder 7

AAU Executive Committee O8.7.3 9/76-12/76

Box 151, folder 8

Brown University O8.13 1976-1977

Box 151, folder 9

Research, Misc. (Research Incentive Plan) R0 8/75-12/75

Box 151, folder 10

Sponsored Projects R1 1976-1977

Box 151, folder 11

Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Project R1.9 1976-1977

Box 151, folder 12

Indirect Costs R3.1 9/76-12/76

Box 151, folder 13

Indirect Costs R3.1 1977

Box 151, folder 14

Research Proposals Misc R4 1976-1977

Box 151, folder 15

National Iranian Radio-TV Contract R4.8 1976-1977

Box 151, folder 16

National Iranian Radio-TV Contract(backup R4.8 1/77-8/78

Box 151, folder 17

Students, Misc St1 1976-1977

Box 151, folder 18

Bechtel International Center St3.5 1972-1977

Box 152, folder 1

Articles of Organization of the Faculty 6/67-8/68

Box 152, folder 2

Appointments 11/71 - 12/79

Box 152, folder 3

Appointment Forms-Faculty 1971

Box 152, folder 4

Benefits (staff) 3/67 - 2/72

Box 152, folder 5

Benefits TIAA/CREF (SU correspondence) 4/67 - 2/72

Box 152, folder 6

Benefits TIAA/CREF (nomination) 4/67-12/70

Box 152, folder 7

Courtesy Titles 10/67-6/68

Box 152, folder 8

Department Chairmanships 1969

Box 152, folder 9

Faculty Collective Bargaining 1971

Box 152, folder 10

Faculty Expansion 1967

Box 152, folder 11

Faculty Handbook 1968-70

Box 152, folder 12

Faculty Reorganization 1967

Box 152, folder 13

Faculty Retirement 1970-71

Box 152, folder 14

Faculty Senate 1967

Box 152, folder 15

Faculty/Staff Housing 1970-72

Box 152, folder 16

Faculty/Staff Housing 1969-70

Box 152, folder 17

Faculty/Staff Housing 1968-69

Box 152, folder 18

Faculty/Staff Housing 1967-68

Box 152, folder 19

Faculty Travel 1967

Box 152, folder 20

Housing Jr. Faculty 1968-71

Box 152, folder 21

Jr. Faculty Forum 1968

Box 152, folder 22

Leave-Policy 1967-70

Box 152, folder 23

Lectures 1968-70

Box 152, folder 24

Medical Plan 1967

Box 152, folder 25

Miscellaneous 1967-69

Box 152, folder 26

Organization/SU 1968-72

Box 152, folder 27

Policy - Misc 1967-71

Box 152, folder 28

Sabbatical Leave Policy 1966-71

Box 152, folder 29

Salaries, Faculty 1969-72

Box 152, folder 30

Salaries, Faculty 1967-69

Box 152, folder 31

Misc 1967

Box 152, folder 32

Salaries, Staff 1968-70

Box 152, folder 33

Statistics 1964-69

Box 152, folder 34

International Brotherhood of Teamsters (Chauffeurs) 1970

Box 152, folder 35

Loc. Amer. Federation of Teachers (unionism-local 1816) 1967

Box 152, folder 36

Tenure 1967

Box 152, folder 37

Trade Union/Faculty 1970

Box 152, folder 38

UC Agreement 1966-68

Box 153, folder 39

Personnel Misc

Box 153, folder 40

Law, School of

Box 153, folder 41

Medicine, School of

Box 153, folder 42

SLAC (Personnel)

Box 153, folder 43

Senior Lecturer (Personnel)

Box 153, folder 44

Senior Scientist (Personnel)

Box 153, folder 45

Business, School of (Personnel)

Box 153, folder 46

Dean of Students (Personnel)

Box 153, folder 47

Earth Sciences (Personnel)

Box 153, folder 48

Education, School of (Personnel)

Box 153, folder 49

Engineering, School of (Personnel)

Box 153, folder 50

Humanities & Sciences (Personnel)

Box 153, folder 50

Humanities & Sciences (Personnel)

Box 153, folder 51

Provost's Office, miscellaneous (Personnel)

Box 153, folder 52

Anderson, Bo (Professor)

Box 153, folder 53

Arrow, Kenneth

Box 153, folder 54

Augsberger, Robert, Business & Finance, Vice President for

Box 153, folder 55

Bacchetti, Raymond F

Box 153, folder 56

Baeza, Maria

Box 153, folder 57

Bem, Sandra - Professor (appeal)

Box 153, folder 58

Braunstein, Yale

Box 153, folder 59

Bulkley, Peter Z

Box 153, folder 60

Cuthbertson, Kenneth M

Box 153, folder 61

Cullenbine, Robert

Box 153, folder 62

Davis, Douglas D

Box 153, folder 63

Diamond, Larry

Box 153, folder 64

Driessel, A. Berkley

Box 153, folder 65

Ehrlich, Paul R

Box 153, folder 66

Everett, H.H. (Hap)

Box 153, folder 67

Freelan, Robert E

Box 153, folder 68

Gibbs Jr., James L

Box 153, folder 69

Glazer, Robert J

Box 153, folder 70

Glover, Frederic O

Box 153, folder 71

Goheen, John D. University Ombudsman

Box 153, folder 72

Grundmann, Alan

Box 153, folder 73

Gunther, Gerald

Box 153, folder 74

Hall, Harvey

Box 153, folder 75

Hamrdla, G. Robert

Box 153, folder 76

Hargadon, Fred A

Box 153, folder 77

Halligan, Gerald

Box 153, folder 78

Heffner, Hugh (deceased)

Box 153, folder 79

Hammerton-Kelly, Robert

Box 153, folder 80

Kennedy, Donald

Box 153, folder 81

LaPlant, John D. (Professor)

Box 153, folder 82

Lederberg, Joshua

Box 153, folder 83

Lyons, James W

Box 153, folder 84

Mahoney, Sally

Box 153, folder 85

Main, Sally

Box 153, folder 86

Massy, Wm

Box 153, folder 87

Miller, Wm. F

Box 154, folder 88

Miner, Anne

Box 154, folder 89

Moses, Lincoln E

Box 154, folder 90

Nelson, Lyle M

Box 154, folder 91

Nelson, Robert M

Box 154, folder 92

Newberry, Willie L

Box 154, folder 93

Newman, Frank

Box 154, folder 94

Nogales, Luis

Box 154, folder 95

Packard, David (Personal & Private)

Box 154, folder 96

Packer, Herbert (deceased)

Box 154, folder 97

Price, L. Wayne

Box 154, folder 98

Ralston, John

Box 154, folder 99

Rosenzweig, Robert M

Box 154, folder 100

Rupert, Paul

Box 154, folder 101

Sanchez, Salvador

Box 154, folder 102

Sapirstein, Leo A

Box 154, folder 103

Schwartz, John J

Box 154, folder 104

Seltzer, Leon

Box 154, folder 105

Shock, James & John

Box 154, folder 106

Shockley, William

Box 154, folder 107

Seina, James V

Box 154, folder 108

Simmons, James E

Box 154, folder 109

Smith, Joel P

Box 154, folder 110

Sterling, J.E. Wallace (Chancellor)

Box 154, folder 111

Stone, Wm. E

Box 154, folder 112

Sweeney, Michael

Box 154, folder 113

Taylor, Charles

Box 154, folder 114

Terman, Frederick

Box 154, folder 115

Whittacker, Virgil K

Box 154, folder 116

Henry Cabot Lodge Incident Jan.-Feb. 1971

Box 154, folder 116

Henry Cabot Lodge Incident March 1971

Box 154, folder 117

Faculty Observers

Box 154, folder 118

Student Observers

Box 154, folder 119

Faculty Political Action Group (FPAG)

Box 154, folder 120

Angela Davis Trial

Box 154, folder 121

Black Student Union

Box 154, folder 122

Black Student Union Letters

Box 154, folder 123

Mecha Incident

Box 154, folder 124

"Purloined Papers Caper"

Box 154, folder 125

Incident April 26, 1971

Box 154, folder 126

Incident April 23, 1971

Box 154, folder 127

SU Hospital Sit-In April 8-9, 1971

Box 154, folder 128

Mem. Church Sit In Jan. 1972

Box 154, folder 129

Keilch Case (Library)

Box 155, folder 130

University Closing

Box 155, folder 131


Box 155, folder 132

Spring Disruptions 1972

Box 155, folder 133

Ray White Incident

Box 155, folder 134

Placement Center Disruption 1967-72

Box 155, folder 135

SLAC 1970

Box 155, folder 136

Committee on Religious Activities Spring 1966

Box 155, folder 137

University Council

Box 155, folder 138

SU Hospital Governing Board

Box 155, folder 139

GSB Salaries 1979

Box 155, folder 140

Tanzania 1975

Box 155, folder 141

Provost's Office Reorganization

Box 155, folder 142

Hoover File

Box 155, folder 143

Koening Report

Box 155, folder 144

Secretary of State (Henry Kissinger)

Box 155, folder 145

"A" Misc

Box 155, folder 146

ACE/ARL Library

Box 155, folder 147

ACE/ARL Management Study

Box 155, folder 148

AAU Reorganization

Box 155, folder 149

AAU Presidential Search

Box 155, folder 150

ACE Presidential Search

Box 155, folder 151

AHA British Studies Program Aug. 1967

Box 155, folder 152

American Historical Association

Box 155, folder 153

AHA Meeting Dec. 1978

Box 156, folder 154

American Academy of Arts & Sciences

Box 156, folder 155


Box 156, folder 156

American Historical Review

Box 156, folder 157

Ellen Asher

Box 156, folder 158

Auld, John

Box 156, folder 159

"B" Misc

Box 156, folder 160

Baker, Donna

Box 156, folder 161

Brooks, Howard E

Box 156, folder 162

Brown, John

Box 156, folder 163

Brynn, Edward

Box 156, folder 164

Club letters (personal)

Box 156, folder 165

California Tomorrow

Box 156, folder 166

Center Club

Box 156, folder 167

Cline, Peter

Box 156, folder 168

Coalition for Hand Gun Control

Box 156, folder 169

Commonwealth Club of Calif

Box 156, folder 170

Conference on British Studies

Box 156, folder 171


Box 156, folder 172

Cowley, W.H

Box 156, folder 173

Corss, Dr. Nancy Jewel

Box 156, folder 174

"C" Misc

Box 156, folder 175

"D" Misc

Box 156, folder 176


Box 156, folder 177

Danforth Leave

Box 156, folder 178

Directed Reading list

Box 156, folder 179

Douglas, Kate

Box 156, folder 180

"E" Misc

Box 156, folder 181

Evans, John T

Box 157, folder 182

"F" Misc

Box 157, folder 183

Fall Quarter Report 1973

Box 157, folder 184

"G" Misc

Box 157, folder 185

Gordon, Michael

Box 157, folder 186

Graduate Students

Box 157, folder 187

"H" Misc

Box 157, folder 188

Harcourt, Brace & World Inc

Box 157, folder 189

Harvard Club

Box 157, folder 190

Hewlett, Wm. R

Box 157, folder 191

History Departmental Affairs

Box 157, folder 192

"I" Misc

Box 157, folder 193

Industry/Education Council of California

Box 157, folder 194

"Intelligencer" (Conference on British Studies)

Box 157, folder 195

"J" Misc

Box 157, folder 196

James, Robert Rhodes

Box 157, folder 197

Journal of British Studies

Box 157, folder 198

"K" Misc

Box 157, folder 199

"L" Misc

Box 157, folder 200

Lammers, Donald

Box 157, folder 201

Library Acquisitions

Box 157, folder 202

Lott, James Albert

Box 157, folder 203


Box 157, folder 204

Lyman, Mrs. Richard W

Box 157, folder 205

Richard W. Lyman (Personal)

Box 157, folder 205

Richard W. Lyman (Personal)

Box 157, folder 205

Richard W. Lyman (Personal)

Box 157, folder 205

Richard W. Lyman (Personal)

Box 158, folder 206

Richard W. Lyman, Curriculum Vitae

Box 158, folder 207

Richard W. Lyman, Degrees, honorary

Box 158, folder 208

Richard W. Lyman, Seabury Book (chapter for) 3/13/79

Box 158, folder 209

Richard W. Lyman, Publisher & Reviewer

Box 158, folder 210

RWL Historian

Box 158, folder 211

RWL Professor

Box 158, folder 212

RWL Invitations to write, speak, appear

Box 158, folder 213

RWL Stanford University Press

Box 158, folder 214

McCarthy, John (Professor)

Box 158, folder 215

McKinzie, Kirk

Box 158, folder 216

"M" Misc

Box 158, folder 217

Mejia, Arthur

Box 158, folder 218

Mellini, Peter

Box 158, folder 219

Methadone Maintenance Program/Santa Clara County Citizens Advisory Board

Box 158, folder 220

MCFH - Mid-Peninsula Citizens for Fair Housing

Box 158, folder 221

Minor Field Exams

Box 158, folder 222

Musky, Senator Edmond S

Box 158, folder 223

National Academy of Sciences

Box 158, folder 224

U.S.-China Relations Committee 1976

Box 158, folder 225

"N" Misc

Box 158, folder 226

NSF Institutional Relations (Advisory Committee for)

Box 158, folder 226

NSF Institutional Relations (Advisory Committee for)

Box 158, folder 227

Newspaper Clippings

Box 158, folder 228

"0" Misc

Box 158, folder 229

"P" Misc

Box 158, folder 230

Packard, David

Box 158, folder 231

Palo Alto Club

Box 158, folder 232

Ph.D.'s directed by RWL

Box 158, folder 233

Counsel for Policy Evaluation

Box 159, folder 234

Potter, David M

Box 159, folder 235

Prior, Frank O

Box 159, folder 236

Religion in Higher Education (Society for)

Box 159, folder 237

"R" Misc

Box 159, folder 238

"S" Misc

Box 159, folder 239


Box 159, folder 240

Samuels, Stuart

Box 159, folder 241

Search Committee History (Harris Position)

Box 159, folder 242

Search Committee History (American History Position)

Box 159, folder 243

Search Committee History (British History Position)

Box 159, folder 244

SCRA - Stanford Campus Recreation Program

Box 159, folder 245

Swarthmore College

Box 159, folder 246

"T" Misc

Box 159, folder 247

Taylor, James Stephen

Box 159, folder 248

"U" Misc

Box 159, folder 249

Urban Coalition (Stanford Policy Committee)

Box 159, folder 250

University Club

Box 159, folder 251

"V" Misc

Box 159, folder 252

Gabor Vermes

Box 159, folder 253

"W" Misc

Box 159, folder 254

Weinberger, Caspar

Box 159, folder 255

Willis, Richard E

Box 159, folder 256

World Affairs Council of Northern California 25th Anniversary

Box 159, folder 257

Wright, Gordon (Professor)

Box 159, folder 258

"XYZ" Misc

Box 159, folder 259

Physics Department 1969

Box 159, folder 260


Box 159, folder 261

Theater planning

Box 159, folder 262

Dean of Students - Reorganization 1966-67

Box 159, folder 263

Academic (except Stanford)

Box 160, folder 264


Box 160, folder 265

Far East 1972

Box 160, folder 266

P.R.C./People's Republic of China trip Nov. 1974

Box 160, folder 267

RWL Vacation 1971

Box 160, folder 268

Japan July 1971

Box 160, folder 269

Cambridge, Mass 8/20-21 1971

Box 160, folder 270

England 1972

Box 160, folder 271

Yugoslavia 1977

Box 160, folder 272

Israel 1975

Box 160, folder 273

Russia 1975

Box 160, folder 274

Hong Kong 1975

Box 160, folder 275

Japan 1975

Box 160, folder 276

London 1978

Box 160, folder 277

South Africa 1978

Box 160, folder 278

TIME Leadership Conference


Series 2. Chronological Files Series 2

Box 1, folder 1

Chronological files for President Lyman 1970 August

Box 1, folder 2

Chronological files for President Lyman 1970 September

Box 1, folder 3

Chronological files for President Lyman 1970 September

Box 1, folder 4

Chronological files for President Lyman 1970 October

Box 1, folder 5

Chronological files for President Lyman 1970October

Box 1, folder 6

Chronological files for President Lyman 1970 November

Box 1, folder 7

Chronological files for President Lyman 1970 December

Box 1, folder 8

Congratulatory letters 1970 Oct.-Nov.

Box 1, folder 9

Chronological files for President Lyman 1971 January

Box 1, folder 10

Chronological files for President Lyman 1971 February

Box 1, folder 11

Chronological files for President Lyman 1971 March

Box 1, folder 12

Chronological files for President Lyman 1971 April

Box 1, folder 13

Chronological files for President Lyman 1971 May

Box 1, folder 14

Chronological files for President Lyman 1971 June

Box 1, folder 15

Chronological files for President Lyman 1971 July

Box 1, folder 16

Chronological files for President Lyman 1971 August

Box 1, folder 17

Chronological files for President Lyman 1971 September

Box 1, folder 18

Chronological files for President Lyman 1971 October

Box 1, folder 19

Chronological files for President Lyman 1971 November

Box 1, folder 20

Chronological files for President Lyman 1971 December

Box 2, folder 1

Chronological files for President Lyman 1972 January

Box 2, folder 2

Chronological files for President Lyman 1972 February

Box 2, folder 3

Chronological files for President Lyman 1972 March

Box 2, folder 4

Chronological files for President Lyman 1972 April

Box 2, folder 5

Chronological files for President Lyman 1972 May

Box 2, folder 6

Chronological files for President Lyman 1972 June

Box 2, folder 7

Chronological files for President Lyman 1972 July

Box 2, folder 8

Chronological files for President Lyman 1972 August

Box 2, folder 9

Chronological files for President Lyman 1972 September

Box 2, folder 10

Chronological files for President Lyman 1972 October

Box 2, folder 11

Chronological files for President Lyman 1972 November

Box 2, folder 12

Chronological files for President Lyman 1972 December

Box 2, folder 13

Chronological files for President Lyman 1973 January

Box 2, folder 14

Chronological files for President Lyman 1973 February

Box 2, folder 15

Chronological files for President Lyman 1973 March

Box 2, folder 16

Chronological files for President Lyman 1973 April

Box 2, folder 17

Chronological files for President Lyman 1973 May

Box 2, folder 18

Chronological files for President Lyman 1973 June

Box 2, folder 19

Chronological files for President Lyman 1973 July

Box 2, folder 20

Chronological files for President Lyman 1973 August

Box 2, folder 21

Chronological files for President Lyman 1973 September

Box 3, folder 1

Chronological files for President Lyman 1973 October

Box 3, folder 2

Chronological files for President Lyman 1973 November

Box 3, folder 2

Chronological files for President Lyman 1975

Box 3, folder 3

Chronological files for President Lyman 1973 December

Box 3, folder 4

Chronological files for President Lyman 1974 January

Box 3, folder 5

Chronological files for President Lyman 1974 February

Box 3, folder 6

Chronological files for President Lyman 1974 March

Box 3, folder 7

Chronological files for President Lyman 1974 April

Box 3, folder 8

Chronological files for President Lyman 1974

Box 3, folder 8

Chronological files for President Lyman 1974 May

Box 3, folder 9

Chronological files for President Lyman 1974 June

Box 3, folder 10

Chronological files for President Lyman 1974 July

Box 3, folder 11

Chronological files for President Lyman 1974 August

Box 3, folder 12

Chronological files for President Lyman 1974 September

Box 3, folder 13

Chronological files for President Lyman 1974 October

Box 3, folder 14

Chronological files for President Lyman 1974 November

Box 3, folder 15

Chronological files for President Lyman 1974 December

Box 3, folder 16

Chronological files for President Lyman 1975 January

Box 3, folder 17

Chronological files for President Lyman 1975 February

Box 3, folder 18

Chronological files for President Lyman 1975 March

Box 3, folder 19

Chronological files for President Lyman 1975 April

Box 3, folder 20

Chronological files for President Lyman 1975 May

Box 3, folder 21

Chronological files for President Lyman 1975 June

Box 3, folder 22

Chronological files for President Lyman 1975 July

Box 3, folder 23

Chronological files for President Lyman 1975 August

Box 4, folder 1

Chronological files for President Lyman 1975 September

Box 4, folder 2

Chronological files for President Lyman 1975 October

Box 4, folder 3

Chronological files for President Lyman 1975 November

Box 4, folder 4

Chronological files for President Lyman 1975 December

Box 4, folder 5

Chronological files for President Lyman 1976 January

Box 4, folder 6

Chronological files for President Lyman 1976 February

Box 4, folder 7

Chronological files for President Lyman 1976 March

Box 4, folder 8

Chronological files for President Lyman 1976 April

Box 4, folder 9

Chronological files for President Lyman 1976 May

Box 4, folder 10

Chronological files for President Lyman 1976 June

Box 4, folder 11

Chronological files for President Lyman 1976 July

Box 4, folder 12

Chronological files for President Lyman 1976 August

Box 4, folder 13

Chronological files for President Lyman 1976 September

Box 4, folder 14

Chronological files for President Lyman 1976 October

Box 4, folder 15

Chronological files for President Lyman 1976 November

Box 4, folder 16

Chronological files for President Lyman 1976 December

Box 4, folder 17

Chronological files for President Lyman 1977 January

Box 4, folder 18

Chronological files for President Lyman 1977 February

Box 4, folder 19

Chronological files for President Lyman 1977 March

Box 4, folder 20

Chronological files for President Lyman 1977 April

Box 5, folder 1

Chronological files for President Lyman 1977 May

Box 5, folder 2

Chronological files for President Lyman 1977 June

Box 5, folder 3

Chronological files for President Lyman 1977 July

Box 5, folder 4

Chronological files for President Lyman 1977 August

Box 5, folder 5

Chronological files for President Lyman 1977 September

Box 5, folder 6

Chronological files for President Lyman 1977 October

Box 5, folder 7

Chronological files for President Lyman 1977 November

Box 5, folder 8

Chronological files for President Lyman 1977 December

Box 5, folder 9

Chronological files for President Lyman 1978 January

Box 5, folder 10

Chronological files for President Lyman 1978 February

Box 5, folder 11

Chronological files for President Lyman 1978 March

Box 5, folder 12

Chronological files for President Lyman 1978 April

Box 5, folder 13

Chronological files for President Lyman 1978 May

Box 5, folder 14

Chronological files for President Lyman 1978 June

Box 5, folder 15

Chronological files for President Lyman 1978 July

Box 5, folder 16

Chronological files for President Lyman 1978 August

Box 5, folder 17

Chronological files for President Lyman 1978 September

Box 5, folder 18

Chronological files for President Lyman 1978 October

Box 5, folder 19

Chronological files for President Lyman 1978 November

Box 5, folder 20

Chronological files for President Lyman 1978 December

Box 6, folder 1

Chronological files for President Lyman 1980

Language of Material: English.
Box 6, folder 2

Chronological files for President Lyman 1979 January

Language of Material: English.
Box 6, folder 3

Chronological files for President Lyman 1979 February

Language of Material: English.
Box 6, folder 4

Chronological files for President Lyman 1979 March

Language of Material: English.
Box 6, folder 5

Chronological files for President Lyman 1979 April

Language of Material: English.
Box 6, folder 6

Chronological files for President Lyman 1979 May

Language of Material: English.
Box 6, folder 7

Chronological files for President Lyman 1979 June

Language of Material: English.
Box 6, folder 8

Chronological files for President Lyman 1979 July

Language of Material: English.
Box 6, folder 9

Chronological files for President Lyman 1979 August

Language of Material: English.
Box 6, folder 10

Chronological files for President Lyman 1979 September

Language of Material: English.
Box 6, folder 11

Chronological files for President Lyman 1979 October

Language of Material: English.
Box 6, folder 12

Chronological files for President Lyman 1979 November

Language of Material: English.
Box 6, folder 13

Chronological files for President Lyman 1979 December

Language of Material: English.
Box 7, folder 1

Chronological files for President Lyman 1980 January

Language of Material: English.
Box 7, folder 2

Chronological files for President Lyman 1980 February

Language of Material: English.
Box 7, folder 3

Chronological files for President Lyman 1980 March

Language of Material: English.
Box 7, folder 4

Chronological files for President Lyman 1980 April

Language of Material: English.
Box 7, folder 5

Chronological files for President Lyman 1980 May

Language of Material: English.
Box 7, folder 6

Chronological files for President Lyman 1980 June

Language of Material: English.
Box 7, folder 7

Chronological files for President Lyman 1980 July

Language of Material: English.
Box 7, folder 8

Speech drafts 1980 July

Language of Material: English.
Box 24b, folder 1

WFM - Chronological File 1978 January

Box 24b, folder 2

WFM - Chronological File 1978 February

Box 24b, folder 3

WFM - Chronological File 1978 March

Box 24b, folder 4

WFM - Chronological File 1978 April

Box 24b, folder 5

WFM - Chronological File 1978 May

Box 24b, folder 6

WFM - Chronological File 1978n June

Box 24b, folder 7

WFM - Chronological File 1978 July

Box 24b, folder 8

WFM - Chronological File 1978 August

Box 24b, folder 9

WFM - Chronological File 1978 September

Box 24c, folder 1

WFM - Chronological File 1978 October

Box 24c, folder 2

WFM - Chronological File 1978 November

Box 24c, folder 3

Chronological File 1978 December

Box 24c, folder 4

Chronological File 1979 January

Box 24c, folder 5

Chronological File 1979 February

Box 24c, folder 6

Chronological File 1979 March

Box 24c, folder 7

Chronological File 1979 April

Box 24c, folder 8

Chronological File 1979 May

Box 24c, folder 9

Chronological File 1979 June

Box 24c, folder 10

Chronological File 1979 July


Series 3. Additional Papers Series 3

Box 1, folder 1

Hoover Institute: Board of Overseers AA4.9.1 9/76-12/77

Box 1, folder 2

Stanford Linear Accelerator Center AA4.13 9/76-12/77

Box 1, folder 3

Fundamental Standard (Honor Code) AD3.10 1975-76

Box 1, folder 4

Speeches RWL's and Others AD3.22 9/76-12/77

Box 1, folder 5

Staff Meetings AD4.11 1970-72

Box 1, folder 6

Comment Summaries AD4.20.1 1972-77

Box 1, folder 7

Congratulation Letters AD4.20.3 1977

Box 1, folder 8

Invitations: Accepted AD4.20.4.1 11/77-8/78

Box 1, folder 9

Invitations: Declined AD4.20.4.2 11/77-8/78

Box 1, folder 10

Complaints/Troubled: Mary Gates AD4.20.5

Box 1, folder 11

Complaints/Troubled: Dee-Dee Jayne Guidera AD4.20.5

Box 1, folder 12

Complaints/Troubled: Christine Jardetsky AD4.20.5

Box 1, folder 13

Complaints/Nonsense AD4.20.5 1/78-8/78

Box 1, folder 14

Complaints/Nonsense [retrieved] AD4.20.5 1976-78

Box 1, folder 15

Complaints/Nonsense AD4.20.5 12/76-12/77

Box 1, folder 16

Admissions Cases AD8.1.2 1976-78

Box 1, folder 17

Hoover Institution Board of Overseers AA4.9.1 1972-75

Box 2, folder 1

Affirmative Action Program (Internal) AD9.6 9/76-12/77

Box 2, folder 2

Affirmative Action Program (Internal) AD9.6 9/76-12/77

Box 2, folder 3

Employment Inquiries and Requests AD10.1 1978

Box 2, folder 4

Grievance Hearings/Cases AD10.8.10/1

Box 2, folder 5

Grievance Hearings/Cases AD10.8.10/1 9/76-8/78

Box 2, folder 6

Staff Fringe Benefits AD10.8.9 7/74-7/78

Box 2, folder 7

Retirement AD10.8.17 9/76-7/78

Box 2, folder 8

Tuition Benefit Plan AD10.8.22 3/73-7/78

Box 2, folder 9

Commencement AD11.7.2 1977

Box 2, folder 10

Freshman Orientation AD11.7.7 4/76-8/78

Box 2, folder 11

Policy: Investment Responsibilities AD12.7 4/77-12/77

Box 2, folder 12

Computer Science: Advisory Committee AD13.10.5/1 1967-72

Box 2, folder 13

Trustee Investment Committee B14.5 1/78-4/78

Box 2, folder 14

Trustee Investment Committee B14.5 10/77-12/77

Box 3, folder 1

Committees, Commissions, Administration, Panels, etc C 10/75-10/78

Box 3, folder 2

Advisory Board C3 1977-78

Box 3, folder 3

Steering Committees (StC): By Document Number C4.1 2/78-5/78

Box 3, folder 4

Steering Committees (StC): By Document Number C4.1 9/77-1/78

Box 3, folder 5

Committee on Committees C4.2 6/78-8/78

Box 3, folder 6

Committee on Committees C4.2 1/78-5/78

Box 3, folder 7

Committee on Committees C4.2 1977

Box 3, folder 8

The Rhodes-Marshall Scholarship Panel (C-AAA-RMP) C5.1.4 7/76-78

Box 3, folder 9

Committee on Libraries C5.4 9/76-12/77

Box 3, folder 10

Committee on Undergraduate Studies C5.7 1977-78

Box 3, folder 11

Committee on Athletics, Physical Education and Recreation C6.1 11/76-8/78

Box 3, folder 12

University Committee on Land and Building Development C6.6 1977-78

Box 3, folder 13

Committee on Public Events (CPEV) C6.8 9/72-8/78

Box 3, folder 14

Committee on Investment Responsibility C7.7 1977-78

Box 3, folder 15

Committee on Parking and Transportation C8.1 1/78-8/78

Box 3, folder 16

Committee on Parking and Transportation C8.1 9/76-12/77

Box 3, folder 17

Federal Legislation G3.1 1976-77

Box 3, folder 18

Department of Health, Education and Welfare G3.8 1/77-9/77

Box 3, folder 19

Educom: Conference (Provost) G3.19.12 7/78

Box 3, folder 20

Educom: G3.19.12 6/77-12/77

Box 3, folder 21

California State Government G7.2 9/76-77

Box 4, folder 1

Consortium on Financing Higher Education (CoFHE) 03.1

Box 4, folder 2

National Collegiate Athletic Association 03.44 1977

Box 4, folder 3

Pacific Ten Conference 03.47 5/78-10/78

Box 4, folder 4

National Association of College and University Business Officers 03.55 1977

Box 4, folder 5

American Council on Education: Misc 03.8 1977-8/78

Box 4, folder 6

Other Universities and Colleges 08 10/77-7/78

Box 4, folder 7

American Association of Universities 08.7 1/78-6/78

Box 4, folder 8

A.A.U.: Council on Federal Relations 08.7.1

Box 4, folder 9

School of Medicine PAA4.6 1/78-6/78

Box 4, folder 10

School of Medicine PAA4.6 9/77-12/77

Box 4, folder 11

Stanford: Miscellany PAD1

Box 4, folder 12

Chicano Affairs PAD9.2 6/71-8/78

Box 4, folder 13

Assistant to the President for Chicano Affairs PAD9.2.1 10/71-6/78

Box 4, folder 14

Sponsored Projects Information Center (SPIC): Evaluation R1.1 1974-75

Box 5, folder 1

Wonka, Warren G. / Wendy PAD1 6/53-6/67

Box 5, folder 2

Governor Stanford Locomotive PAD1.1 5/76-4/77

Box 5, folder 3

Administrative Departments, Misc PAD1.6 9/73-8/76

Box 5, folder 4

Academic and Administrative Information Projects PAD1.6.2 11/73-3/78

Box 5, folder 5

Signature Resolutions/Authorizations PAD1.6.5 2/74-8/77

Box 5, folder 6

Procedures for Department Heads and Departments PAD1.6.6 12/71-12/76

Box 5, folder 7

Recruiting PAD2.3 11/72-10/78

Box 5, folder 8

Nepotism PAD2.18 1/71-11/76

Box 5, folder 9

ROTC PAD2.26 7/73-3/78

Box 5, folder 10

Higher Education, Misc PAD2.27 8/76-3/77

Box 5, folder 11

Administrative Guide PAD3.2 9/72-3/76

Box 5, folder 12

Campus Reports PAD3.4 3/73-2/77

Box 5, folder 13

Academic Staff Handbook PAD3.6 10/75-1/77

Box 5, folder 14

Faculty Handbook PAD3.7 2/73-8/77

Box 5, folder 15

Directories: Faculty/Staff/Student PAD3.8 8/73-9/77

Box 5, folder 16

Fundamental Standard (Honor Code) PAD3.10 9/73-12/77

Box 5, folder 17

Mailings, ID Mail PAD3.13 10/69-11/77

Box 5, folder 18

University Calendar/Holidays PAD3.21 8/74-1/78

Box 5, folder 19

Speeches, RWL's and Others PAD3.22 9/72-5/77

Box 5, folder 20

President's Office PAD4 9/72-5/77

Box 5, folder 21

Presidential Powers PAD4.2 6/72-5/78

Box 5, folder 22

President's House, Staff, Car PAD4.7 8/75-9/76

Box 5, folder 23

Vice Presidential Group PAD4.12 5/77-11/77

Box 5, folder 23.1

[title not noted] PAD4.14 3/69-6/76

Box 5, folder 24

University Counsel PAD4.19 1/75-6/78

Box 5, folder 25

General, Misc. (Individual Folders, A-Z) PAD4.20 8/69-1/77

Box 5, folder 26

Condolence Letters/Deceased Lists PAD4.20.2 12/75-6/77

Box 5, folder 27

Congratulation Letters PAD4.20.3 2/73-7/78

Box 5, folder 28

Invitation, General PAD4.20.4 8/74-10/77

Box 5, folder 29

Complaints/Nonsense PAD4.20.5 9/73-12/77

Box 5, folder 30

Recommendation letters PAD4.20.6 11/71-3/78

Box 6, folder 1

Public Affairs Office PAD4.22 9/72-10/78

Box 6, folder 2

Southern California Office PAD4.23 5/75

Box 6, folder 3

New York Office PAD4.24 2/76-7/76

Box 6, folder 4

Ombudsman PAD6 5/69-9/77

Box 6, folder 4.1

[title not noted] PAD7 3/76-7/78

Box 6, folder 5

Student Discipline: Inquiries/General Info PAD7.2.3 11/74

Box 6, folder 6

SJC (Stanford Judicial Council) (Cases) PAD7.2.7 6/70-12/77

Box 6, folder 7

Dismissal Cases PAD7.5 3/77

Box 6, folder 8

University Governance PAD7.8 3/76

Box 6, folder 9

Admissions Office PAD8.1 10/75-11/77

Box 6, folder 10

Policy: Admissions/General PAD8.1.1 11/72-12/77

Box 6, folder 11

Admissions Cases PAD8.1.2 4/73-9/76

Box 6, folder 12

Students on Committees, Policy PAD8.5 3/70-6/76

Box 6, folder 13

Career Planning & Placement Center PAD8.7 3/75-11/77

Box 6, folder 14

Dean of Student Affairs PAD8.8 5/74-11/77

Box 6, folder 15

Student Services & Special Services Office PAD8.8.2 5/71-2/78

Box 6, folder 16

Policy on Discrimination PAD8.8.3 11/71-4/77

Box 6, folder 17

Exchange Programs PAD8.10 2/72-8/76

Box 6, folder 18

Intern Programs PAD8.10.2 8/75-4/78

Box 6, folder 19

Stanford Overseas Studies Programs PAD8.11 9/77-7/78

Box 6, folder 20

Stanford Center in Vienna PAD8.11.1 1/73-11/77

Box 6, folder 21

Stanford Center in Britain PAD8.11.2 2/73-8/77

Box 6, folder 22

Stanford Program in Tours PAD8.11.3 2/69-2/75

Box 6, folder 23

Stanford Program in Berlin PAD8.11.4/1 4/77-3/78

Box 6, folder 24

Stanford Program in Bonn PAD8.11.4/2 1/78-4/78

Box 6, folder 25

Stanford Center in Italy PAD8.11.5 2/73-7/78

Box 6, folder 26

Ad Hoc Commission for Review of Overseas Campuses PAD8.11.7 12/72-8/73

Box 6, folder 27

Financial Aids PAD8.12 9/76-9/78

Box 6, folder 28

Student Loans PAD8.12.1 6/73-11/77

Box 6, folder 29

Graduate Student Financial Aid PAD8.12.2 1/74-6/78

Box 6, folder 30

Housing: Faculty, Staff, Emeriti PAD8.18 6/71-6/78

Box 6, folder 31

Hanna-Honeycomb House PAD8.18.2 11/76-6/78

Box 6, folder 31.1

Lake House PAD8.18.3

Box 6, folder 32

Fraternities/Sororities PAD8.18.8 2/73-11/77

Box 6, folder 33

Off-Campus Housing PADS/8.11 1/75-4/78

Box 6, folder 34

Residence Halls/Staff PAD8.18.12 7/72-12/77

Box 6, folder 35

Registrar PAD8.21 9/77-6/78

Box 6, folder 36

Registrar PAD8.21 9/76-12/78

Box 7, folder 1

Enrollment Data PAD8.21.1 9/72-9/78

Box 7, folder 2

Minorities PAD9 3/75-7/79

Box 7, folder 3

Black Affairs PAD9.1 1/75-7/78

Box 7, folder 4

Black Student Union (BSU) PAD9.1.2 9/72-6/78

Box 7, folder 5

Native American Indian Affairs PAD9.3 11/70-3/75

Box 7, folder 6

Affirmative Action Office PAD9.6 4/78-7/78

Box 7, folder 7

Affirmative Action for Women PAD9.6.3 10/73-10/77

Box 7, folder 8

Personnel and Employee Relations PAD10 9/76-7/78

Box 7, folder 9

Employment Inquiries and Requests PAD10.1 9/76-3/78

Box 7, folder 10

Policy: Appointment of Lecturers & Other Short-Term Teachers PAD10.6 12/71-6/78

Box 7, folder 11

Child Care Program PAD10.7.5 5/73-12/77

Box 7, folder 12

United Stanford Employees PAD10.7.8 5/74-8/76

Box 7, folder 13

Personnel Policies/Hiring Practices PAD10.8 12/74-3/78

Box 7, folder 14

Collective bargaining PAD10.8.2 7/73-2/76

Box 7, folder 15

Equal Employment Opportunity PAD10.8.3 2/73-3/77

Box 7, folder 16

Faculty/Staff Fringe Benefits PAD10.8.9 10/76-10/77

Box 7, folder 17

Policy: Benefits for Visiting Scholars, Fellows PAD10.8.9/2 5/75-1/76

Box 7, folder 18

Grievance Procedures, Faculty/Staff PAD10.8.10 1/76-2/78

Box 7, folder 19

Grievance Hearings: Cases PAD10.8.10/1 1/76-7/78

Box 7, folder 20

Grievances: Student/Faculty on Academic Matters PAD10.8.10/3 12/76-6/78

Box 7, folder 20.1

Grievances: Van Saun/GSB grievance PAD10.8.10/3 4/77-1/78

Box 7, folder 21

Long Term Disability PAD10.8.14/5 6/72-1/78

Box 7, folder 22

Leaves of Absence "Absences" etc PAD10.8.15 9/69-12/78

Box 7, folder 23

Retirement PAD10.8.17 9/77-7/78

Box 7, folder 24

Early Retirement PAD10.8.17/1 5/72-3/78

Box 7, folder 25

Retirement Legislation PAD10.8.17/2 7/77-6/78

Box 7, folder 26

Salaries: Other Institutions PAD10.8.19/1 9/72-4/77

Box 7, folder 27

Policy: Travel PAD10.8.21 1/73-10/77

Box 7, folder 28

Tuition Benefit Plan PAD10.8.22 12/75-2/78

Box 7, folder 29

University Services, Misc PAD11 12/72-11/76

Box 8, folder 1

Service Operations PAD11.4 2/73-5/78

Box 8, folder 2

Energy, Info / Misc PAD11.4.2 1/74-12/78

Box 8, folder 3

Police Services/Campus Security PAD11.6 12/72-9/77

Box 8, folder 4

Commencement PAD11.7.2 2/75-6/77

Box 8, folder 5

Dedications PAD11.7.4 5/74-1/77

Box 8, folder 6

Founders' Day PAD11.7.6 3/72-2/75

Box 8, folder 7

Freshman Orientation PAD11.7.7 8/74-11/77

Box 8, folder 8

Baccalaureate PAD11.7.15 4/77

Box 8, folder 9

Publications Service/Communications PAD11.8 8/73-7/76

Box 8, folder 10

Copyright Policy PAD11.8.1 10/76-1/78

Box 8, folder 11

Records, Privacy of PAD11.8.3 10/72-6/78

Box 8, folder 12

Stanford News Service PAD11.8.4 9/72-5/77

Box 8, folder 13

News Service Reports/Releases PAD11.8.5 5/73-10/77

Box 8, folder 14

Stanford Press PAD11.8.9 3/73-1/78

Box 8, folder 15

Surveys, Studies & Questionnaires PAD11.8.10 11/71-5/78

Box 8, folder 16

Stanford Publications, Misc PAD11.8.11 2/76-4/78

Box 8, folder 17

Stanford Facts PAD11.8.11/1 12/75

Box 8, folder 18

Television Instructional Network PAD11.8.13 5/76-1/78

Box 8, folder 19

Financing Higher Education/Higher Education Acts PAD12.1 2/74-5/76

Box 8, folder 20

Business and Finance PAD12.2 7/78-8/78

Box 8, folder 21

Budgets PAD12.5 11/76-12/78

Box 8, folder 22

Room and Board Rates PAD12.5.3 5/74-11/77

Box 8, folder 23

Tuition PAD12.5.4 10/76-4/78

Box 8, folder 24

Wage and Price Freeze Issue PAD12.5.5 10/72-7/73

Box 8, folder 25

Financial Reports PAD12.6 10/74-12/7

Box 8, folder 26

Policy: Investment Responsibilities PAD12.7 5/75-10/77

Box 8, folder 27

Consulting Policy/Conflict of Interest PAD12.7.1 11/77-8/78

Box 8, folder 28

Health & Safety PAD12.8.1 8/73-2/78

Box 8, folder 29

Taxes: Tax Reform PAD12.9 9/73-8/78

Box 8, folder 30

Vice President for Development PAD12.10 1/73-8/78

Box 8, folder 31

Office of Development PAD12.10.1 1/75-11/78

Box 9, folder 1

Endowment: Stanford PAD12.10.2 12/67-12/77

Box 9, folder 2

Fund Raising/Filer Committee PAD12.10.3 5/76-6/78

Box 9, folder 3

Estates & Wills PAD12.10.3/3 11/73-8/78

Box 9, folder 4

Stanford Annual Fund (Inner Quad) PAD12.10.3/4 2/76-12/77

Box 9, folder 5

Gift Policies: Gift Summaries PAD12.10.3/5 2/75-8/78

Box 9, folder 6

Gifts, (Permanent File) Misc PAD12.10.3/5-1 1/75-8/78

Box 9, folder 7

American Cancer Society PAD12.10.3/5-2 9/76-6/77

Box 9, folder 8

Standard Oil of California PAD12.10.3/5-5 5/74-8/78

Box 9, folder 9

Bechtel Corporation PAD12.10.3/5-7 1/75-7/75

Box 9, folder 10

Carnegie Foundation of New York PAD12.10.3/5-10 10/73-6/77

Box 9, folder 11

Criley, C. A PAD12.10.3/5-12 11/77-2/78

Box 9, folder 12

Crocker, Mrs. Roy P PAD12.10.3/5-13 10/77-3/78

Box 9, folder 13

Crown, John H. and Family PAD12.10.3/5-14 7/78

Box 9, folder 14

Dickenson, Fairleigh S., Jr PAD12.10.3/5-17 3/73-8/78

Box 9, folder 15

Ely, Northcutt PAD12.10.3/5-21 8/76

Box 9, folder 15

Gates Foundation PAD12.10.3/5-24.5 8/73-12/78

Box 9, folder 16

General Motors Corporation, Scholarship Fellowships, General Gifts PAD12.10.3/5-25 4/75-4/78

Box 9, folder 17

Glenmede Trust Company PAD12.10.3/5-26 8/74-1/78

Box 9, folder 18

R. Allen Griffin Fund PAD12.10.3/5-26.5 12/76-2/77

Box 9, folder 19

Hewlett Packard Company PAD12.10.3/5-28 6/72-1/78

Box 9, folder 20

Hewlett, William R. and Flora PAD12.10.3/5-29 4/73-8/78

Box 9, folder 21

Morell, George (Black Mountain Ranch) PAD12.10.3/5-34 9/72-3/78

Box 9, folder 22

Russell, Mrs. Madeline Haas PAD12.10.3/5-41 3/78-5/78

Box 9, folder 23

Syntex Corporation PAD12.10.3/5-46 3/73-1/75

Box 9, folder 24

Varian Corporation and Foundation PAD12.10.3/5-48 12/73-5/74

Box 9, folder 25

Xerox Corporation PAD12.10.3/5-49 1/73-8/78

Box 9, folder 26

Zellerbach Family Fund PAD12.10.3/5-50 3/75-10/75

Box 9, folder 27

IBM PAD12.10.3/5-51 6/72-8/78

Box 9, folder 28

University Seminars PAD12.10.3/13 2/76-3/78

Box 9, folder 29

Foundations, Funds, Misc PAD12.10.4 10/77-8/78

Box 9, folder 30

Texas Instruments Foundation PAD12.10.4/3 9/74-6/77

Box 9, folder 31

Facilitation Fund PAD12.10.4/5 10/75-8/77

Box 9, folder 32

Anonymous Funds, Misc PAD12.10.4/7 12/73-7/78

Box 9, folder 33

ARCS Foundation PAD12.10.4/10 4/75

Box 9, folder 34

Atlantic Richfield Foundation PAD12.10.4/12 5/74-2/78

Box 9, folder 35

Babcock Foundation PAD12.10.4/14 2/74-12/75

Box 9, folder 36

Lowell W. Berry Fund PAD12.10.4/18 1/75-11/77

Box 9, folder 37

Carl F. Braun Trust PAD12.10.4/25 4/73-6/79

Box 9, folder 38

Luke B. Hancock Foundation PAD12.10.4/28 8/74-4/75

Box 9, folder 39

CBS Foundation PAD12.10.4/30 7/73-5/77

Box 9, folder 40

"The Campaign" PAD12.10.4/33 7/72-12/77

Box 9, folder 41

Campaign Goals, Priorities & Objectives PAD12.10.4/33-1 9/72-5/77

Box 9, folder 42

Foundation and Corporation Input to the Campaign PAD12.10.4/33-2 9/72-5/77

Box 9, folder 43

Capital Campaign Advisory Group PAD12.10.4/33-4 11/72-3/74

Box 9, folder 44

Faculty Volunteer Group - The Campaign PAD12.10.4/33-6 7/72-4/77

Box 9, folder 45

Major Gift Committee PAD12.10.4/33-7 8/75-5/76

Box 9, folder 46

Carnegie Institution of Washington PAD12.10.4/37 9/72-2/78

Box 9, folder 47

Coro Foundation PAD12.10.4/38 9/77

Box 9, folder 48

Mobil Corp/Foundation PAD12.10.4/39 6/74-9/77

Box 9, folder 49

Edna Clark Foundation PAD12.10.4/41 7/73-1/75

Box 9, folder 50

Commonwealth Foundation PAD12.10.4/47 7/73-1/75

Box 9, folder 51

Commonwealth Matching Funds - Medical Center PAD12.10.4/48 9/72

Box 9, folder 52

S. H. Cowell Foundation PAD12.10.4/50 10/73-3/74

Box 9, folder 53

Elizabeth Rankin Crossett Fund PAD12.10.4/52 8/74

Box 9, folder 54

Crown Zellerbach Foundation PAD12.10.4/53 12/75-3/76

Box 9, folder 55

Danforth Foundation PAD12.10.4/55 10/72-5/76

Box 10, folder 1

Arthur Vining Davis Foundation PAD12.10.4/56 9/72-11/77

Box 10, folder 2

Wm. H. Donner Foundation PAD12.10.4/59 11/73-3/76

Box 10, folder 3

C. & H. Dreyfus Foundation PAD12.10.4/60 2/74-12/77

Box 10, folder 4

Educational Foundation PAD12.10.4/62 9/73-11/74

Box 10, folder 5

Exxon Educational Foundation (formerly ESSO) PAD12.10.4/67 12/73-9/77

Box 10, folder 6

Fleishmann Foundation PAD12.10.4/69 9/72-8/78

Box 10, folder 7

Ford Foundation PAD12.10.4/71 1/76-11/78

Box 10, folder 8

General Electric Foundation PAD12.10.4/78 2/72-8/78

Box 10, folder 9

John A. Hartford Foundation PAD12.10.4/85 9/72-7/77

Box 10, folder 10

Hazen Foundation PAD12.10.4/86 4/71-5/76

Box 10, folder 11

Wm. Randolph Hearst Foundation PAD12.10.4/87 10/73-7/78

Box 10, folder 12

James Irvine Foundation PAD12.10.4/103 10/72-8/78

Box 10, folder 13

Johnson Foundation PAD12.10.4/107 11/72-3/77

Box 10, folder 14

Max Kade Foundation PAD12.10.4/109 10/75-3/78

Box 10, folder 15

W. K. Kellogg Foundation PAD12.10.4/112 7/70-7/78

Box 10, folder 16

Kresge Foundation PAD12.10.4/117 7/70-12/77

Box 10, folder 17

Henry Luce Foundation PAD12.10.4/126 1/76-7/78

Box 10, folder 18

Louis Lurie Foundation PAD12.10.4/128 11/74-5/75

Box 10, folder 19

Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation PAD12.10.4/129 3/74

Box 10, folder 20

John & Mary Markle Foundation PAD12.10.4/133 10/72-10/77

Box 10, folder 21

Medina Foundation PAD12.10.4/138 10/74-12/74

Box 10, folder 22

Andrew W. Mellon Foundation PAD12.10.4/139 7/70-7/78

Box 10, folder 23

Richard King Mellon Charitable Trusts PAD12.10.4/140 7/70-6/74

Box 10, folder 24

T. Mellon Foundation PAD12.10.4/141 3/76-7/78

Box 10, folder 25

Charles E. Merrill Trust PAD12.10.4/143 7/72-7/78

Box 10, folder 26

Wm. T. Morris Foundation PAD12.10.4/148 6/74-8/76

Box 10, folder 27

Seeley G. Mudd Fund PAD12.10.4/149 1/76-9/78

Box 10, folder 28

Wm. Bennett Munro Memorial Fund PAD12.10.4/150 9/73-4/75

Box 10, folder 29

John A. McCarthy Foundation PAD12.10.4/151 11/76-2/77

Box 10, folder 30

National Endowment for the Humanities PAD12.10.4/152 3/77-8/78

Box 10, folder 31

Sherman Foundation PAD12.10.4/153 7/78

Box 10, folder 32

Olin Foundation, Inc PAD12.10.4/164 7/70-11/75

Box 10, folder 33

George F. Baker Trust Fund PAD12.10.4/168 2/74-5/77

Box 10, folder 34

Ellis L. Phillips Foundation PAD12.10.4/171 10/75

Box 10, folder 35

Rockefeller Foundation PAD12.10.4/184 7/70-10/78

Box 10, folder 36

Rockefeller Brothers Fund PAD12.10.4/189 4/74-8/78

Box 10, folder 37

Russell Sage Foundation PAD12.10.4/190 1/75

Box 10, folder 38

George H. Sandy Foundation PAD12.10.4/191 7/73-9/73

Box 10, folder 39

San Francisco Foundation PAD12.10.4/192 3/72-5/75

Box 10, folder 40

San Mateo Foundation PAD12.10.4/193 11/74-2/76

Box 10, folder 41

Shell Companies Foundation PAD12.10.4/200 12/74-10/77

Box 10, folder 42

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation PAD12.10.4/204 5/77-6/78

Box 10, folder 43

Spencer Foundation PAD12.10.4/211 3/76-7/78

Box 10, folder 44

Standard Oil Foundation PAD12.10.4/212 9/73-12/74

Box 10, folder 45

Lucy Stern Estate Fund PAD12.10.4/225 9/74-1/77

Box 10, folder 46

Student Loan Fund PAD12.10.4/235 3/76-8/76

Box 10, folder 47

SURDNA Foundation PAD12.10.4/238 10/73

Box 10, folder 48

Times Mirror Foundation PAD12.10.4/248 3/75-10/75

Box 10, folder 49

T R W Foundation PAD12.10.4/249 1/73-6/73

Box 10, folder 50

Donald & Mary Tresidder Fund PAD12.10.4/250 11/72-1/73

Box 10, folder 51

Whitehall Foundation PAD12.10.4/263 2/76

Box 10, folder 52

Stone Foundation PAD12.10.4/267 10/72-5/74

Box 10, folder 53

Volker Fund PAD12.10.4/269 8/76-4/77

Box 10, folder 54

Fairchild Foundation PAD12.10.4/271 9/72-6/78

Box 10, folder 55

E.D. & E.L. van Loben Sels Foundation PAD12.10.4/279 6/74-5/77

Box 11, folder 1

Grace A. & Obert C. Tanner Foundation PAD12.10.4/280 1/78

Box 11, folder 2

United States Steel Foundation PAD12.10.4/281 4/73

Box 11, folder 3

Bank of America - Giannini Foundation PAD12.10.4/292 8/74-4/77

Box 11, folder 4

Wm. R. Kenan, Jr., Charitable Trust PAD12.10.4/293 7/70-5/78

Box 11, folder 5

Richard E. Lang Dean's Fund PAD12.10.4/294 2/73-8/73

Box 11, folder 6

The Christensen Fund PAD12.10.4/295 3/73-5/78

Box 11, folder 7

Bush Foundation PAD12.10.4/296 6/70-8/74

Box 11, folder 8

Lilly Endowment, Inc PAD12.10.4/297 7/70-7/78

Box 11, folder 9

Mott Foundation PAD12.10.4/298 12/74-8/75

Box 11, folder 10

Sunnen Foundation PAD12.10.4/299 2/72-5/76

Box 11, folder 11

Japan Foundation/Japan PAD12.10.4/301 1/76-1/77

Box 11, folder 12

Howard Foundation PAD12.10.4/303 11/74-11/75

Box 11, folder 13

United Way Campaign PAD12.10.8 6/73-6/78

Box 11, folder 14

Combined Health Agencies Drive (CHAD) PAD12.10.8/1 6/73-6/78

Box 11, folder 15

Patent Administration PAD12.11 3/76-12/78

Box 11, folder 16

Planning, Long Range Estimates PAD12.12 7/76-8/78

Box 11, folder 17

Willow Freeway Extension (Livingston Study) PAD12.12.3 11/74-6/76

Box 11, folder 18

Land and Buildings PAD12.14 10/73-11/77

Box 11, folder 19

Policy: Use of Land and Buildings PAD12.14.1 10/72-5/78

Box 11, folder 20

Master Facilities Plan/Capital Funding Forecast PAD12.14.1/1 3/75-12/78

Box 11, folder 21

Land and Building Annexation PAD12.14.3 1/75

Box 11, folder 22

Streets, Parks, Buildings, Misc PAD12.14.5 10/72-7/77

Box 11, folder 23

Searsville Project PAD12.14.6 10/72-3/77

Box 11, folder 24

Buildings, Building Space PAD12.14.7 2/72-8/78

Box 11, folder 25

Art Gallery and Museums PAD12.14.7/1 1/76-5/77

Box 11, folder 26

Terman Engineering Center PAD12.14.7/3 2/74-10/77

Box 11, folder 27

Facilities Planning - Monthly Project Report PAD12.14.7/4 1/78-8/78

Box 11, folder 27.1

Facilities Planning - Monthly Project Report PAD12.14.7/4 1/78-8/78

Box 11, folder 27.2

Facilities Planning - bookstore PAD12.14.7/45 10/68-2/76

Box 11, folder 28

Building 1 PAD12.14.7/7 6/75

Box 11, folder 29

Building 10 PAD12.14.7/8 5/75-6/76

Box 11, folder 30

Campus Bank PAD12.14.7/11 12/73

Box 11, folder 31

Center for Advanced Study in Behavioral Sciences PAD12.14.7/16 9/74-8/77

Box 11, folder 32

Cowell Student Health Center PAD12.14.7/18 3/73-7/77

Box 11, folder 33

Stanford Electronics Lab PAD12.14.7/25 2/73-1/74

Box 11, folder 33.1

Encina Commons PAD12.14.7/26 10/73-1/74

Box 11, folder 34

Facilities Planning PAD12.14.7/29 4/78-9/78

Box 11, folder 35

Golf Course PAD12.14.7/33 1/76-11/76

Box 11, folder 36

Hansen Laboratories PAD12.14.7/34 9/76-5/78

Box 11, folder 37

Humanities and Science PAD12.14.7/39 9/73-6/77

Box 11, folder 38

Stanford International Development Educational Center PAD12.14.7/41 2/73-3/74

Box 11, folder 39

Jasper Ridge Biological Experimental Area (Primate Facility) PAD12.14.7/43 10/76-12/77

Box 11, folder 40

Law School PAD12.14.7/45 6/75-8/75

Box 11, folder 41

Maples Pavilion PAD12.14.7/47 11/77-2/78

Box 11, folder 42

Medicine PAD12.14.7/48 5/75-9/76

Box 11, folder 43

Memorial Auditorium PAD12.14.7/49 9/73-11/78

Box 11, folder 44

Memorial Church PAD12.14.7/50 11/76-11/77

Box 11, folder 45

Quad PAD12.14.7/55 9/73-10/78

Box 11, folder 46

Stanford Stadium PAD12.14.7/59 10/73

Box 12, folder 1

SLAC PAD12.14.7/61 11/75-5/76

Box 12, folder 2

Tresidder Memorial Union PAD12.14.7/64 9/72-7/76

Box 12, folder 3

Accounting PAD12.15 2/73-5/77

Box 12, folder 4

Payroll PAD12.15.1 5/74-7/78

Box 12, folder 5

Planning Office PAD12.16 11/72-11/77

Box 12, folder 6

Peter Coutts Frenchman's Terrace: Low-Moderate Income Housing PAD13.2 6/74-4/75

Box 12, folder 7

Stanford Industrial Park PAD13.8 7/73-5/74

Box 12, folder 8

Industrial Affiliates Program PAD13.8.1 11/73-9/78

Box 12, folder 9

Fluoridation of Water Supply, Water Issues, Misc PAD13.9.2 2/77-3/77

Box 12, folder 10

Visitors PAD13.10 3/73-3/76

Box 12, folder 11

Conferences, Misc PAD13.10.1 1/77-12/78

Box 12, folder 12

Foreign Visitors/"Visa Matters" PAD13.10.3 10/75-8/78

Box 12, folder 13

Speakers on Campus PAD13.10.4 1/74

Box 12, folder 14

Visiting Committees, Misc PAD13.10.5 9/72-8/78

Box 12, folder 15

Computer Science Advisory Committee PAD13.10.5/1 4/73-8/78

Box 12, folder 16

Earth Sciences Advisory Board PAD13.10.5/2 3/74-1/78

Box 12, folder 17

Law School Board of Visitors PAD13.10.5/5 2/74-5/78

Box 12, folder 18

Visiting Committee of the Medical School PAD13.10.5/6 11/71-3/73

Box 12, folder 19

Advisory Council of the Engineering School PAD13.10.5/7 2/74-2/78

Box 12, folder 20

Advisory Council of the Graduate School of Business PAD13.10.5/8 1/76-4/78

Box 12, folder 21

Visiting Committee of the Stanford University Libraries PAD13.10.5/9 1/76-11/77

Box 13, folder 1

President's/Provost's Office [2 folders] PAA1 12/77-6/78

Box 13, folder 2

WFM's chronological files PAA1 July 1975

Box 13, folder 3

WFM's chronological files PAA1 Aug. 1975

Box 13, folder 4

WFM's chronological files PAA1 Sept. 1975

Box 13, folder 5

WFM's chronological files PAA1 Oct. 1975

Box 13, folder 6

WFM's chronological files PAA1 Dec. 1975

Box 13, folder 7

Provost's Staff Action (Red Folders) PAA1.4 9/76-1/78

Box 13, folder 8

Provost's Senior Staff PAA1.4.2 10/75-9/88

Box 13, folder 9

Deans' Council Correspondence [2 folders] PAA1.5 7/75-11/78

Box 13, folder 10

Deans' Council Agendas PAA1.5.1 1/76-6/78

Box 13, folder 11

Deans' Retreat (Academic Leadership Conference) PAA1.5.3 3/77-1/78

Box 13, folder 12

Academic Information Center PAA1.6 1/73-6/76

Box 13, folder 13

Academic Planning Office PAA1.7 10/77-5/78

Box 13, folder 14

Dean of the Chapel PAA1.8 9/72-3/78

Box 13, folder 15

Tutoring Program PAA1.12.1 1/73-6/78

Box 13, folder 16

Urban Studies Program PAA1.12.2 8/75-2/78

Box 13, folder 17

Program in Structured Liberal Education PAA1.12.4 12/73-1/77

Box 13, folder 18

Graduate Division PAA1.13 1/77-8/78

Box 13, folder 19

Graduate Students PAA1.13.2 10/72-5/78

Box 13, folder 20

Faculty PAA2 4/72-5/77

Box 13, folder 21

Articles of Organization of the Faculty PAA2.1.1 6/67-1/77

Box 13, folder 22

Faculty Planning/Billet Control PAA2.1.2 8/72-11/78

Box 13, folder 23

Dean's Retreat [with loose papers] PAA1.4.2 May 10-11, 1975

Box 13, folder 24

[black folder with some papers labelled 1.12.2]

Box 14, folder 1

Emeriti PAA2.2 2/78-3/78

Box 14, folder 2

Fund for Retired Faculty and Staff PAA2.2.1 8/72-12/74

Box 14, folder 3

Faculty Appointments PAA2.3 8/66-8/78

Box 14, folder 4

Joint Faculty Appointments (Between Schools) PAA2.3.1 12/72-2/76

Box 14, folder 5

Faculty and Academic Appointment Procedures and Policies PAA2.3.2 10/77-12/76

Box 14, folder 6

Faculty Affirmative Action Fund PAA2.3.3 9/71-1/77

Box 14, folder 7

Part-time Faculty PAA2.3.4 9/71-3/76

Box 14, folder 8

Academic Freedom PAA2.6.1 6/53-1/74

Box 14, folder 9

Franklin Case [2 folders] PAA2.6.2/1 5/78

Box 14, folder 10

Policy: Sabbatical Leave PAA2.6.7 9/76-8/78

Box 14, folder 11

Policy: Teaching Load PAA2.6.8 4/73-5/77

Box 14, folder 12

Policy: Tenure PAA2.6.9 1/77-1/78

Box 14, folder 13

Faculty Development Program PAA2.7 3/72-7/78

Box 14, folder 14

Volunteer Leadership Conference (OD) PAA2.7.1 5/72-6/73

Box 14, folder 15

Fellows of the University PAA2.9 1/77-11/73

Box 14, folder 16

Research and Teaching Assistants PAA2.11 7/72-7/78

Box 14, folder 17

Visiting Faculty PAA2.12 8/73-10/75

Box 14, folder 18

Stanford National Rating/Accreditation PAA3.4 1/70-11/77

Box 14, folder 19

Academic Standing/Requirements PAA3.5 3/78-6/78

Box 14, folder 20

Continuing Education PAA3.6 5/71-11/77

Box 14, folder 21

Freshman Advising PAA3.7 10/72-7/78

Box 14, folder 22

Pre-Med Advising PAA3.7.1 2/76-2/78

Box 14, folder 23

Course Credit Issues PAA3.8 10/75-3/78

Box 14, folder 24

Course Evaluation PAA3.8.1 2/76-2/77

Box 14, folder 25

Instructional Technology PAA3.9.1 9/72-9/74

Box 14, folder 26

Degrees/Honorary Degrees PAA3.10 7/73-1/78

Box 14, folder 27

Educational Innovations PAA3.11 6/76

Box 14, folder 28

Grading/Student Credit PAA3.13 1/75-5/77

Box 14, folder 29

Summer Sessions PAA3.16 10/76-7/78

Box 14, folder 30

Post-Doctoral Fellows/Researchers PAA3.17.2 1/78-3/78

Box 14, folder 31

Freshman Seminars PAA3.18.1 2/73-1/78

Box 14, folder 32

Undergraduate Specials PAA3.18.3 12/77-1/78

Box 14, folder 33

Academic Departments, Misc PAA4 3/75-6/78

Box 14, folder 34

School of Humanities and Sciences PAA4.1 2/73-8/78

Box 14, folder 35

Humanities and Sciences: Special and Honors Programs PAA4.1.1 4/73-8/78

Box 14, folder 36

Values, Technology & Society PAA4.1.1/1 9/76-5/78

Box 14, folder 37

Afro-American Studies PAA4.1.4 2/76-7/78

Box 14, folder 38

Anthropology PAA4.1.5 3/74-1/78

Box 14, folder 39

Applied Behavioral Sciences PAA4.1.7 6/72-4/73

Box 14, folder 40

Applied Physics PAA4.1.8 9/72-8/78

Box 14, folder 41

Art PAA4.1.9 1/74-12/78

Box 14, folder 42

Rodin Collection/Cantor Gift PAA4.1.9/1 10/74-7/78

Box 14, folder 43

Linguistics PAA4.1.11 4/72-5/78

Box 15, folder 1

Biological Sciences PAA4.1.12 1/76-11/78

Box 15, folder 2

Chemistry PAA4.1.13 6/72-8/78

Box 15, folder 3

Classics PAA4.1.14 3/74-11/77

Box 15, folder 4

Communication PAA4.1.15 9/77-7/78

Box 15, folder 5

Chandler Center for Professional Journalism PAA4.1.15/1 7/77-5/78

Box 15, folder 6

Computer Science [2 folders] PAA4.1.17 2/76-10/78

Box 15, folder 7

Drama PAA4.1.18 11/72-7/78

Box 15, folder 8

East Asian Studies PAA4.1.19 7/77-3/78

Box 15, folder 9

Economics PAA4.1.20 9/76-11/78

Box 15, folder 10

English PAA4.1.21 11/76-5/78

Box 15, folder 11

French and Italian PAA4.1.22 3/76-6/78

Box 15, folder 12

German PAA4.1.24 2/76-8/78

Box 15, folder 13

History PAA4.1.25 2/71-5/78

Box 15, folder 14

Human Biology PAA4.1.26 9/75-9/78

Box 15, folder 15

Mathematics PAA4.1.27 11/71-6/78

Box 15, folder 16

Hopkins Marine Biology Center PAA4.1.28 6/73-8/78

Box 15, folder 17

Music PAA4.1.29 9/77-9/78

Box 15, folder 18

Department of Athletics, Physical Education, and Recreation PAA4.1.30 9/76-12/78

Box 15, folder 19

Football Games PAA4.1.30/1 8/73-8/78

Box 15, folder 20

Athletic Board PAA4.1.30/3 11/73-6/78

Box 16, folder 1

Philosophy PAA4.1.32

Box 16, folder 1.1

Physics PAA4.1.33 8/72-12/78

Box 16, folder 2

Astronomy PAA4.1.33/1 6/73-6/78

Box 16, folder 3

Political Science PAA4.1.34 1/73-7/78

Box 16, folder 4

Psychology PAA4.1.35 9/72-6/78

Box 16, folder 5

Psychology Department: Nursery School PAA4.1.36 7/76-2/78

Box 16, folder 6

Slavic Languages and Literature PAA4.1.38 12/71-8/78

Box 16, folder 7

Sociology PAA4.1.40 12/75-6/78

Box 16, folder 8

Spanish and Portuguese PAA4.1.41 4/69-3/77

Box 16, folder 9

Statistics PAA4.1.42 7/67-2/78

Box 16, folder 10

Chicano Studies (Institute) PAA4.1.44 3/73-7/73

Box 16, folder 11

Religious Studies PAA4.1.47 5/73-3/78

Box 16, folder 12

Peace Studies Program PAA4.1.48 3/73-4/73

Box 16, folder 13

Graduate School of Business PAA4.2 9/76-12/78

Box 16, folder 14

Sloan Program: Business School PAA4.2.1 11/73-11/76

Box 16, folder 15

School of Earth Sciences PAA4.3 8/73-8/78

Box 16, folder 16

Geology PAA4.3.1 3/73-11/76

Box 16, folder 17

Geophysics PAA4.3.2 2/74-6/78

Box 16, folder 18

Applied Earth Sciences PAA4.3.3

Box 16, folder 19

Petroleum Engineering PAA4.3.4 12/74-12/76

Box 16, folder 20

School of Engineering PAA4.4 9/77-8/78

Box 16, folder 21

Aero-Astro (Aeronautics-Astronautics) PAA4.4.1 11/73-6/77

Box 16, folder 22

Telecommunications PAA4.4.1/1 3/73-11/77

Box 16, folder 23

Joint Institute of Aeronautics PAA4.4.1/2 11/73-8/77

Box 16, folder 24

Applied Mechanical Engineering PAA4.4.2 3/71-7/76

Box 16, folder 25

Bioengineering PAA4.4.3 3/76

Box 16, folder 26

Electrical Engineering PAA4.4.5 2/74-12/78

Box 17, folder 1

Industrial Engineering PAA4.4.6 11/75-5/78

Box 17, folder 2

Center for Materials Research PAA4.4.7 9/76-11/78

Box 17, folder 3

Materials Science Engineering PAA4.4.8 3/71-6/77

Box 17, folder 4

Mechanical Engineering PAA4.4.9 1/72-9/78

Box 17, folder 5

Operations Research PAA4.4.10 6/74-12/76

Box 17, folder 6

Institute for Plasma Research PAA4.4.11 8/74-12/77

Box 17, folder 7

Civil Engineering PAA4.4.12 1/76-3/78

Box 17, folder 8

Chemical Engineering PAA4.4.13 4/73-8/78

Box 17, folder 9

School of Engineering Executive Committee Minutes PAA4.4.15 1/77-2/78

Box 17, folder 10

School of Education [3 folders] PAA4.5 4/72-12/78

Box 17, folder 11

Institute for Research on Educational Finance and Governance (IFG) PAA4.5.1 11/72-9/77

Box 18, folder 1

Leonard Hayflick, M.D PAA4.6/1 4/77

Box 18, folder 1.1

Cancer Research Center PAA4.6.1 3/76

Box 18, folder 2

Patient Care Center PAA4.6.2 10/72-9/75

Box 18, folder 2.1

Executive Committee: Medical School [3 folders] PAA4.6.3 1/78-8/78

Box 18, folder 3

Anatomy and Physiology PAA4.6.4

Box 18, folder 4

Nursing Program PAA4.6.5 3/72-8/78

Box 18, folder 5

Medical Technology PAA4.6.6 6/71

Box 18, folder 6

Health Services Administration PAA4.6.9 9/72-10/73

Box 18, folder 7

Medical Design Center PAA4.6.10 12/74

Box 18, folder 8

Medical Service Plan PAA4.6.12 12/72-11/73

Box 18, folder 9

Patient Care Committee PAA4.6.13 8/74

Box 18, folder 10

Psychiatry PAA4.6.14 9/72-9/78

Box 18, folder 11

Pion Radiotherapy Facility PAA4.6.15 1/76

Box 18, folder 12

Sherman Fairchild Center for the Neurosciences PAA4.6.18 12/72-8/78

Box 18, folder 13

Recombinant DNA Molecules PAA4.6.19 4/77-12/77

Box 18, folder 14

Addiction Research Laboratory PAA4.7 7/71-8/78

Box 18, folder 15

Food Research Institute PAA4.8 7/76-6/78

Box 18, folder 16

Hoover Institution PAA4.9 9/76-9/78

Box 18, folder 17

Hoover Institution Board of Overseers PAA4.9.1 1/76-7/77

Box 18, folder 18

Center for Research in International Studies [3 folders] PAA4.10 9/76-7/78

Box 19, folder 1

Arms Control and Disarmament Course [3 folders] PAA4.10.1 9/77-8/78

Box 19, folder 2

Japanese Studies at Stanford PAA4.10.2 12/75-12/77

Box 19, folder 3

Program on U.S.-China Relations PAA4.10.3 6/76-9/78

Box 19, folder 4

Center for Latin American Studies PAA4.11 12/72-7/78

Box 19, folder 5

Libraries [2 folders] PAA4.12 1/77-9/78

Box 19, folder 6

Library Automation Project(Ballots, RLIN) [3 folders] PAA4.12.1 9/77-9/78

Box 19, folder 7

Library Bulletin PAA4.12.2 1/78-8/78

Box 19, folder 8

Associates of Stanford University Libraries PAA4.12.3 1/73-9/78

Box 19, folder 9

Task Force on Library Planning for the Future PAA4.12.4 10/77-11/78

Box 19, folder 10

Stanford Linear Accelerator Program (SLAC) [3 folders] PAA4.13 3/73-8/78

Box 20, folder 1

SLAC: Physics Department Controversy PAA4.13.1 3/71-1/76

Box 20, folder 2

Institute for Mathematical Studies in Social Sciences PAA4.14 7/76-7/78

Box 20, folder 3

School of Law PAA4.15 9/76-7/78

Box 20, folder 4

Computation Center PAA4.16 2/76-5/78

Box 20, folder 5

Associate Provost for Computing/Computer Forum PAA4.16.1 9/71-8/78

Box 20, folder 6

Stanford University Hospital/Blood Bank PAA4.17 9/77-7/78

Box 20, folder 6.1

Stanford University: General members PAA4.17 6/74-11/76

Box 20, folder 7

Stanford University Hospital, Board of Directors PAA4.17.2 3/74-1/78

Box 20, folder 8

Physician's Assistant Program PAA4.17.4 10/72-11/72

Box 20, folder 9

Transportation Program PAA4.21

Box 20, folder 10

Stanford Center for Information Technology PAA4.22 9/77-9/78

Box 20, folder 11

Low Overhead Time Sharing (LOTS) PAA4.22.1 8/76-7/78

Box 20, folder 12

Phi beta Kappa PAA5.2 6/74-2/76

Box 20, folder 13

Harvey Prize PAA5.6 11/73-4/74

Box 20, folder 14

Grants, Misc PAA6 2/74-12/77

Box 20, folder 15

Law School Fund PAA6.4 7/73

Box 20, folder 16

Scholarships, Misc PAA7 1/74-11/77

Box 20, folder 17

Heritage Fund PAA7.11 3/75

Box 20, folder 17.1

National Merit Scholarship PAA7.19 10/73

Box 20, folder 18

Fellowships, Misc.//General Information PAA8 10/73-8/78

Box 20, folder 19

Danforth Fellowship PAA8.10 11/73-2/77

Box 20, folder 20

Fulbright Fellowship PAA8.16 11/73-11/75

Box 20, folder 21

Guggenheim Memorial Fellowship PAA8.17 1/77-8/78

Box 20, folder 22

Professional Journalism Fellowship PAA8.25 9/74-6/75

Box 20, folder 23

National Science Foundation Fellows PAA8.34 11/73-3/78

Box 20, folder 24

Lectureships, Misc PAA9 7/69-5/78

Box 20, folder 25

Harry Camp Memorial Lectures PAA9.7 9/72-12/73

Box 20, folder 26

Sloss Visiting Lectureship PAA9.18 10/73-11/73

Box 20, folder 27

Endowed Chairs, Professorships. Misc. [2 folders] PAA10 12/76-8/78

Box 20, folder 28

ASSU Professorship PAA10.2 7/74-2/76

Box 20, folder 29

Adjunct Professoriate PAA10.3 11/74-5/76

Box 20, folder 30

Chandler Chair: Department of Communication PAA10.13 10/77

Box 20, folder 31

Coe Professorship PAA10.14 2/72-12/77

Box 20, folder 32

Visiting Professorships, Misc. [2 folders] PAA10.59 1/75-8/78

Box 20, folder 32.1

Material on proposed professorhip in German Studies PAA10.59 11/76-10/77

Box 20, folder 33

Herman Phleger Professorship in Law PAA10.73 6/72-1/74

Box 20, folder 34

Marriner S. Eccles Professorship of Public and Private Management PAA10.75 7/76

Box 21

Expense reports 1967-1980

Language of Material: English.
Box 22, folder 1

California State Government G1.2 1/78-12/78

Box 22, folder 2

California State Board of Education G1.3 4/73-5/77

Box 22, folder 3

California Commission for Teacher Preparation and Licensing G1.3.1 2/77-11/78

Box 22, folder 4

California Educational Facilities Authority G1.3.2 2/76-4/78

Box 22, folder 5

California Student Aid Commission G1.3.4 6/72-9/78

Box 22, folder 6

California Postsecondary Education Commission G1.3.5 5/76-12/78

Box 22, folder 6.1

[title not noted] G2.3 11/74-4/78

Box 22, folder 7

United States Government Relations G3 1/78-12/7?

Box 22, folder 8

Federal Legislation G3.1 1/78-12/78

Box 22, folder 9

Federal Aid to Higher Education (Sallie May) G3.1.5 3/73-10/76

Box 22, folder 10

Veterans Benefits G3.1.8 2/74-6/78

Box 22, folder 11

National Defense Education Act G3.1.12 5/70-10/77

Box 22, folder 12

Federal Communications Commission G3.6 5/71-1/73

Box 22, folder 12.1

[title not noted] G3.7 10/72-11/78

Box 22, folder 13

Department of Energy G3.7.2 5/77-12/78

Box 22, folder 14

National Aeronautics and Space Administration G3.7.4 1/76-7/78

Box 22, folder 15

NASA--Ames University Consortium G3.7.4/1 1/76-12/78

Box 22, folder 16

Joint Institute for Surface and Micro-structural Research G3.7.4/2 3/77-6/78

Box 22, folder 17

Security Guide--Department of Defense G3.7.5 4/74-12/78

Box 22, folder 18

Department of Health, Education and Welfare G3.8 10/77-12/78

Box 22, folder 19

Department of Health, Education and Welfare: Office for Civil Rights G3.8.1 1/76-10/78

Box 22, folder 20

National Institute of Health [2 folders] G3.8.2 1/74-2/78

Box 22, folder 21

Department of Health, Education and Welfare: Office of Education G3.8.4 3/76-12/78

Box 22, folder 22

Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) G3.9 1/70-12/75

Box 22, folder 23

Department of Labor G3.12 11/70-11/78

Box 22, folder 24

National Labor Relations Board G3.12.1 1/76-4/78

Box 22, folder 24.1

[U. S. Postal Service] G3.14 4/71-10/78

Box 22, folder 25

President of the United States G3.15 6/70-11/78

Box 23, folder 1

President's Science Advisory Committee G3.15.3 1/73-12/73

Box 23, folder 2

Department of State G3.16 1/78-12/78

Box 23, folder 3

U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service G3.16.3 6/74-1/78

Box 23, folder 4

International Research and Exchange Board G3.16.6 4/74-9/78

Box 23, folder 4.1

[title not noted] G3.18.1 11/74-11/78

Box 23, folder 5

1) National Science Foundation, Misc. (NSF), 1/76-12/78; 2) NSF [2 folders] G3.19 3/76-3/77

Box 23, folder 6

NSF: Cost Sharing G3.19.3 10/70-7/78

Box 23, folder 7

NSF: Institutional Grants G3.19.9 12/71-8/78

Box 23, folder 8

National Medal of Science G3.19.11 1/76-6/76

Box 23, folder 9

EDUCOM G3.19.12 1/78-12/78

Box 23, folder 10

Federal Funding for Higher Education G3.21 5/73-12/77

Box 23, folder 11

Central Intelligence Agency G3.27 9/77-11/78

Box 23, folder 12

Department of Transportation G3.28 7/74-9/75

Box 23, folder 13

Federal Agencies, Misc G3.29 1/78-10/78

Box 23, folder 14

Local Government G4 5/74-8/78

Box 23, folder 15

Palo Alto, City of/Community Relations G4.2 1/76-11/78

Box 23, folder 16

Stanford/Palo Alto Liaison Committee G4.2.1 2/78-3/78

Box 23, folder 17

Santa Clara County G4.6 1/71-2/78

Box 23, folder 17.1

Santa Clara County Sheriff's Department G4.6.1 2/74-11/78

Box 23, folder 18

Foreign Countries, Governments, Misc G5 1/76-12/78

Box 23, folder 19

China [2 folders] G5.2 9/77-12/78

Box 24, folder 1

Alumni Relations AL1 1/72-11/78

Box 24, folder 2

Alumni Director AL1.2 1/73-3/77

Box 24, folder 3

Alumni College AL1.6 8/72-8/78

Box 24, folder 4

Alumni Conferences AL1.7 3/76-10/78

Box 24, folder 5

Class Reunions AL1.8 2/72-11/77

Box 24, folder 6

Alumni: Herbert Hoover Gold Medal AL1.11 12/72-11/77

Box 24, folder 7

The Stanford Magazine AL1.12 1/76-10/78

Box 24, folder 8

Stanford Associates AL2 1/76 - 10/78

Box 24, folder 9

Alumni Association AL3 1/77-12/78

Box 24, folder 10

Alumni Association Executive Board and Advisory Council AL3.1 5/73-11/78

Box 24, folder 11

Alumni Clubs, Misc AL3.4 12/75-10/78

Box 24, folder 12

Alumni Club of Denver AL3.4.1 5/72-3/74

Box 24, folder 13

Alumni Club of Boston AL3.4.2 3/72-6/78

Box 24, folder 14

Alumni Club of Houston AL3.4.3 10/78-12/78

Box 24, folder 15

Alumni Club of Hawaii AL3.4.4 6/70-4/78

Box 24, folder 16

Alumni Club of La Jolla AL3.4.5 12/69

Box 24, folder 17

Alumni Club of L.A AL3.4.6 6/70-3/78

Box 24, folder 18

Alumni Club of New York AL3.4.9 5/75-7/78

Box 24, folder 19

Alumni Club of Orange County AL3.4.10 6/70-5/77

Box 24, folder 20

Alumni Club of Portland and Seattle AL3.4.11 8/72-3/78

Box 24, folder 21

Alumni Club of Sacramento AL3.4.13 1/72-9/77

Box 24, folder 22

Alumni Club of San Diego AL3.4.14 10/71-10/74

Box 24, folder 23

Alumni Club of San Jose AL3.4.15 10/77

Box 24, folder 24

Alumni Club of Santa Barbara AL3.4.16 2/77

Box 24, folder 25

Alumni Club of Washington, D.C AL3.4.18 2/72-12/75

Box 24, folder 26

Other Alumni Groups, Misc AL4 12/73-12/78

Box 24, folder 27

Buck Club, Stanford AL4.1 10/70-11/78

Box 24, folder 28

Cap and Gown AL4.2 1/72-12/78

Box 24, folder 29

New Founders League AL4.4 7/75-6/78

Box 24, folder 30

Sierra Camp (at Fallen Leaf Lake) AL4.7 6/73-10/74

Box 24, folder 31

Alpine Chalet AL4.8 5/74-5/76

Box 25, folder 1

ASSU Constitution [2 folders] St2.2 6/77-7/77

Box 25, folder 2

ASSU Elections, Referendums, Fees St2.4 8/72-10/77

Box 25, folder 3

ASSU Committee on Nominations St2.7 10/73-12/78

Box 25, folder 4

ASSU Council of Presidents St2.8 9/76-12/78

Box 25, folder 5

Publishing Board St2.9 5/73-7/77

Box 25, folder 6

Stanford Band St3.4 9/76-12/78

Box 25, folder 7

Bechtel International Center St3.5 10/77-12/78

Box 25, folder 8

Stanford Crew Association St3.11 12/72-8/78

Box 25, folder 9

Student Employment St3.13 9/72-8/78

Box 25, folder 10

KZSU St3.18 11/75-11/78

Box 25, folder 11

The Chaparral St3.23.5 3/73-2/77

Box 25, folder 12

The Stanford Daily St3.23.7 4/78-1/79

Box 25, folder 13

Quad St3.23.8 2/72-6/77

Box 25, folder 14

Stanford Workshops on Political and Social Issues (SWOPSI) St3.28 10/76-11/78

Box 25, folder 15

Student Center for Innovation in Research in Education (SCIRE) St3.30 5/73-12/78

Box 25, folder 16

Action Research Liaison Office (ARLO) St4.1 9/76-12/78

Box 25, folder 17

Gay People's Union St4.2 12/73-2/78

Box 25, folder 18

Student Deaths St5.2 7/76-10/78

Box 25, folder 19

Freshmen St5.3 9/76-10/78

Box 25, folder 20

Council on Learning (Change Magazine) 01.1 2/76-6/78

Box 25, folder 21

Boy Scouts of America 01.9 4/71-12/77

Box 25, folder 22

New York Times 01.29 3/72-11/78

Box 25, folder 23

Stanford Shopping Center 01.32 2/72-3/78

Box 25, folder 24

SRI 02.11 3/71-3/77

Box 25, folder 25

Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) 02.16 3/73-4/78

Box 25, folder 26

American Academy of Arts and Sciences 03.7 10/77-12/78

Box 25, folder 27

National Collegiate Athletic Association 03.44 1/78-12/78

Box 25, folder 28

Association of Intercollegiate Athletics for Women 03.45 11/77-12/78

Box 25, folder 29

Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education 03.51 9/77-12/78

Box 25, folder 30

National Association of College and University Business Officers 03.55 1/78-12/78

Box 25, folder 31

Association of American Medical Colleges 05.1 4/76-10/78

Box 25, folder 32

Children's Hospital/Health Council 05.2 12/77-12/78

Box 25, folder 33

Research Organizations, Misc 07 12/72-10/78

Box 25, folder 33.1

American Assoc. for the Advancement of Science 07.2 12/72-11/78

Box 25, folder 34

National Bureau of Economic Research 07.10 2/70-12/78

Box 25, folder 35

National Research Council (see also NAS) 07.11 2/78-12/78

Box 25, folder 36

Association of American Colleges 08.6 10/76-9/78

Box 25, folder 37

Association of American Universities (three files) 08.7 3/77-12/78

Box 26, folder 1

AAU: Executive Committee (two files) 08.7.3 1/77-12/78

Box 26, folder 2

Association of Independent Calif. Colleges & Univ. (AICC) 08.9 9/76-11/78

Box 26, folder 3

Pacific-Ten Conference 03.47 11/78-12/78

Box 26, folder 4

Pacific-Eight Handbook 03.47.2 3/72-10/76

Box 26, folder 5

Pacific-Ten Meetings 03.47.3 5/75-11/78

Box 26, folder 6

Martin Luther King, Jr., Center for Social Change 03.58 10/73-12/78

Box 26, folder 7

Medical Organizations, Misc 05 7/73-12/78

Box 26, folder 8

Political Groups, Misc 06 12/73-10/78

Box 26, folder 9

Space Telescope Science Institute 07.1 11/78-12/78

Box 26, folder 10

University Research Association, Inc 07.16 10/78-12/78

Box 26, folder 11

Amherst 08.5 7/71-9/78

Box 26, folder 12

Brigham Young University 08.12 10/70-9/78

Box 26, folder 13

Brown University 08.13 1/78-2/78

Box 26, folder 14

Caltech 08.16 4/76-12/78

Box 26, folder 15

California State Universities 08.17 12/71-2/78

Box 26, folder 16

Columbia University 08.18 12/73-11/78

Box 26, folder 17

Cornell University 08.19 1/75-9/78

Box 26, folder 18

Emeritus University 08.22 3/74-2/78

Box 26, folder 19

International Association of Universities (two files) 08.25 3/76-10/78

Box 26, folder 20

Linkoping University 08.26 3/76-8/78

Box 26, folder 21

Nairobi College [Missing] 08.33 1/70-3/78

Box 26, folder 22

Seven Universities 08.39 10/71/10/78

Box 26, folder 23

University of California (all campuses) 08.43 1/78-12/78

Box 26, folder 24

University of Michigan 08.47 9/69-12/78

Box 26, folder 26

University of Southern California 08.49 5/70-11/78

Box 26, folder 27

University of Washington 08.50 9/72-6/76

Box 26, folder 28

Western Association of Schools & Colleges 08.52 7/70-3/77

Box 26, folder 29

Yale 08.53 2/71-12/78

Box 26, folder 30

Western College Association 08.54 6/70-1/77

Box 26, folder 31

Inaugurations - Other Schools 08.55 1/76-11/78

Box 26, folder 32

Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics (SIAM) 08.57 1/78-12/78

Box 26, folder 33

Board of Trustees, Misc. [2 folders] B1 1/77-12/78

Box 26, folder 34

Board of Trustees Special Meeting [missing 1/72

Box 26, folder 35

Faculty Self Discipline Special Mtg. HH [missing] 4/72

Box 26, folder 36

Trustee Awards B2 5/75

Box 26, folder 37

Board of Trustee Elections B4 3/76-12/78

Box 26, folder 38

Board of Trustees Manual B5 1/76

Box 26, folder 39

Board of Trustees By-Laws B7 11/73-12/78

Box 26, folder 40

Stanford Cabinet B9 1/77-10/78

Box 26, folder 41

Board of Trustees Reorganization B10 7/73-7/76

Box 26, folder 42

President, Board of Trustees B11 6/64-8/78

Box 26, folder 43

Trustee Appointments & Resignations/Membership Roster B12 2/76-11/78

Box 26, folder 44

Board of Trustees Meetings/Schedule B13 9/77-11/78

Box 26, folder 45

Board of Trustees Report to the President B13.1 11/71-12/78

Box 26, folder 46

Board of Trustees Minutes (Format & Distribution) (two files) B13.2 5/78-12/78

Box 26, folder 47

Board of Trustees Agendas & Pre-Board Agendas [2 folders] B13.3 2/76-12/78

Box 26, folder 48

Board of Trustees Special Meeting B13.4 1-72

Box 26, folder 49

Board of Trustees, Additional Matters B13.5 10/78

Box 26, folder 50

Trustee Committees B14 7/74-12/78

Box 26, folder 51

Ad Hoc Committees B14.1 9/77-12/78

Box 26, folder 52

Alumni on Trustee Committees B14.2.1 5/71-5/78

Box 26, folder 53

Faculty on Trustee Committees B14.2.2 8/73-7/78

Box 26, folder 54

Students on Trustee Committees B14.2.3 5/77-7/78

Box 26, folder 55

Trustee Committee on Academic Affairs B14.3 5/75-8/78

Box 26, folder 253

University of Pennsylvania 08.48 6/73-7/76

Box 27, folder 1

Finance and Development Committee (TC-FD) B14.4 1/76-12/78

Box 27, folder 2

Trustee Investment Committee (TC-I) (four files) B14.5 9/78-12/78

Box 27, folder 3

Trustee Committee on Land & Buildings, Campus Planning (TC-LB) B14.6 5/75-11/78

Box 27, folder 4

Committee on Nominations B14.7 11/75-12/78

Box 27, folder 5

Ad Hoc Committee on the Medical Center B14.9 11/78-12/78

Box 27, folder 6

Academic Council: Minutes & Reports C1 1/76-12/78

Box 27, folder 7

Academic Council: Correspondence C1.1 9/76-9/78

Box 27, folder 8

Senate of the Academic Council: Correspondence C2.1 9/76-12/78

Box 27, folder 9

Senate Membership and Privileges C2.3 1/70-9/78

Box 27, folder 10

Senate Reports (filed by number) C2.4 9/76-12/78

Box 27, folder 11

Advisory Board (AB) C3 9/78-12/78

Box 27, folder 12

Advisory Board Red Folder Meetings C3.3 2/77-8/78

Box 27, folder 13

Steering Committee (StC) (File by Document No.) C4.1 5/78-12/78

Box 27, folder 14

Steering Committee Correspondence C4.1.1 6/72-11/78

Box 27, folder 15

Steering Committee Sub-Committee on Academic Freedom C4.1.2 11/72-4/74

Box 27, folder 16

Committee on Committees (CoC) (File by Document No.) (three files) C4.2 10/78-11/78

Box 27, folder 17

Committee on Committees Correspondence C4.2.1 6/76-10/78

Box 27, folder 18

Committee of Tellers (C-Tel) C4.7 2/71-9/76

Box 27, folder 19

Committees of the Academic Council C5 10/72-9/78

Box 27, folder 20

Committee on Academic Appraisal & Achievements (C-AAA) C5.1 7/55-1/78

Box 27, folder 21

Sub-Committee on Evaluation of Teaching (C-AAA-ET) C5.1.2 5/71-5/78

Box 27, folder 22

Sub-Committee for the Gores & Dinkelspiel Awards (C-AAA-PGDA) C5.1.3 6/77-11/78

Box 27, folder 23

The Rhodes-Marshall Scholarship Panel (C-AAA-RMP) C5.1.4 10/78-11/78

Box 27, folder 24

Committee on Foreign Study Programs (C-FSP) C5.2 5/73-12/78

Box 27, folder 24.1

Sub-Committee on Special Foreign Study Programs (C-FSP-SFP) C5.2.6 4/72-2/77

Box 27, folder 25

Committee on Graduate Studies (C-GS) C5.3 1/76-10/78

Box 27, folder 26

Committee on Libraries C5.4 1/78-11/78

Box 27, folder 27

Committee on Undergraduate Admissions & Financial Aids (C-UAFA) C5.6 1/76-1/78

Box 27, folder 28

Committee on Athletics, P.E., and Recreation (CAPER) C6.1 9/78-12/78

Box 28, folder 1

Committee on Computation Facilities (CCF) C6.3 July 1973 - July 1978

Box 28, folder 2

Committee on the Education and Employment of Women in the University (CEEUW) C6.4 November 1972 - December 1978

Box 28, folder 3

Committee on Faculty and Staff Benefits (CFSB) C6.5 May 1976 - November 1978

Box 28, folder 4

Joint Sub-Committee on Governance of Residential Areas of Campus C6.5.1 February 1971 - December 1976

Box 28, folder 5

Sub-Committee on Faculty and Staff Housing (CLBDFSH) C6.6.1 August 1971 - May 1978

Box 28, folder 6

Sub-Committee on Outdoor Sculpture (CLBDOS) C6.6.2 January 1969 - November 1978

Box 28, folder 7

Committee on Public Services (CPEv) C6.8 September 1978 - September 1978

Box 28, folder 8

Sub-Committee on University (CPEvUL) C6.8.1 October 1968 - December 1978

Box 28, folder 9

Committee on Services to Students (COSS) C6.9 October 1976 - November 1978

Box 28, folder 10

Committee on Reform and Renewal of Liberal Education C6.11 January 1975 - October 1977

Box 28, folder 11

Presidential Commissions C7 July 1971 - July 1975

Box 28, folder 12

Commission on Biocides Use on Campus C7.1 November 1972 - January 1977

Box 28, folder 13

Commission on International Studies (CIS) C7.6 September 1972 - September 1977

Box 28, folder 14

Commission on Investment Responsibility (CIR) C7.7 September 1978 - December 1978

Box 28, folder 15

Committee on the Japan Fund C7.9 June 1974 - November 1977

Box 28, folder 16

Committee Policies/General Information C7.12 December 1978

Box 28, folder 17

University Advisory Committee on Budget Planning C7.13 October 1973 - April 1978

Box 28, folder 18

Administrative Panels C8 July 1971 - June 1978

Box 28, folder 19

Tree Advisory Committee C8.1.1 April 1976 - May 1977

Box 28, folder 20

Panel on Radiological Hazards Control (PRHC) C8.2 January 1978 - December 1978

Box 28, folder 21

Panel of Reviewing Officers for Level Grievance Procedures, Etc C8.3 October 1972 - March 1979

Box 28, folder 22

SLAC Coordinating Committee (SLAC) C8.4 October 1976 - September 1978

Box 28, folder 23

Scientific Policy Committee (SLAC) C8.4.1 December 1977 - October 1978

Box 28, folder 24

PEP Policy Committee C8.4.2 December 1977 - October 1978

Box 28, folder 25

University Library Council C8.5 September 1976 - November 1978

Box 28, folder 26

Panel on the University Press (PUP) C8.6 January 1970 - December 1978

Box 28, folder 27

Panel of the Use of Human Subjects in Research C8.7 November 1973 - December 1978

Box 28, folder 28

Administrative Panel on Recombinant DNA Molecules C8.8 September 1974 - December 1978

Box 28, folder 29

Administrative Panel on Human Subjects in Behavioral Science Research C.8.9 November 1975 - December 1978

Box 28, folder 30

Administrative Panel on Health and Safety C.8.10 November 1977 - November 1978

Box 28, folder 31

Administrative Panel on Laboratory Animal Care C8.11 May 1976 - August 1978

Box 28, folder 32

Administrative Panel on Internal Affirmative Action C8.12 June 1976 - November 1978

Box 28, folder 33

Administrative Panel on External Affirmative Action C8.13 September 1976 - November 1978

Box 28, folder 34

Administrative Panel on Human Subjects in Medical Research C8.14 June 1976 - December 1978

Box 28, folder 35

Administrative Panel on Mandatory Retirement C8. 15 January 1977 - December 1978

Box 28, folder 36

Legislative and Judicial Bodies for Student Conduct C9 October 1973 - July 1977

Box 29, folder 1

Committee of Fifteen (C15) C9.2 June 1976 - May 1978

Box 29, folder 2

Student Conduct Legislative Council (SCLC) C9.3 January 1972 - October 1978

Box 29, folder 3

Stanford Judicial Council (SJC) C9.4 November 1971 - October 1978

Box 29, folder 4

Honor Code Commission C9.5 October 1977 - October 1978

Box 29, folder 5

Employment Advisory Committee C9.6 July 1978

Box 29, folder 6

Committee Rosters C10 December 1975 - October 1978

Box 29, folder 7

Administrative Panel on Privacy of Information C11 June 1969 - October 1978

Box 29, folder 8

Search Committees, Misc C12 February 1971 - December 1978

Box 29, folder 9

Stanford, Misc., Stanfordiana AD1 January 1976 - December 1978

Box 29, folder 10

Student, Administration, Faculty Relations AD1.4 August 1970 - April 1976

Box 29, folder 11

Academic and Administrative Information Projects AD1.6.2 October 1977

Box 29, folder 12

Annual Reports (Administrative and Academic) AD1.6.3 December 1973 - June 1978

Box 29, folder 13

Administrative Organization AD1.6.4 September 1976 - October 1977

Box 29, folder 14

Signature Resolutions/Authorizations AD1.6.5 August 1977 - December 1978

Box 29, folder 15

Procedures for Department Heads and Departments AD1.6.6 September 1971 - November 1971

Box 29, folder 16

University Policy, Misc. Matters AD2 July 1970 - December 1978

Box 29, folder 17

Bicycles (Safety, Paths, etc.) AD2.1 June 1971 - February 1978

Box 29, folder 18

Recruiting December AD2.3 1967 - October 1978

Box 29, folder 19

Disposition of Human Ashes on Stanford Land AD2.5 August 1975 - October 1978

Box 29, folder 20

Facilities for the Handicapped AD2.11 February 1971 - October 1979

Box 29, folder 20.1

Liquor Policy AD2.15 1/76-2/79

Box 29, folder 21

Alcoholism AD2.15/1 August 1976 - September 1976

Box 29, folder 22

Memorial Services AD2.16/1 April 1975 - September 1978

Box 29, folder 23

Misuses of Stanford Name AD2.17 July 1974 - May 1978

Box 29, folder 24

Nepotism AD2.18 December 1970 - October 1975

Box 29, folder 25

Obscenity AD2.19 January 1969 - April 1973

Box 29, folder 26

Rock Concerts AD2.25 April 1970 - March 1973

Box 29, folder 27

ROTC AD2.26 March 1975 - October 1978

Box 29, folder 28

Higher Education, Misc AD2.27 September 1973 - January 1978

Box 29, folder 28.1

University Address Lists/Policy for use of AD3.1 10/69-12/77

Box 29, folder 29

Administrative Guide PAD3.2 November 1975 - March 1976

Box 29, folder 30

Campus Reports AD3.4 March 1976 - June 1977

Box 29, folder 31

Faculty Handbook AD3.7 May 1972 - September 1977

Box 29, folder 32

Directories: Faculty/Staff/Student AD3.8 January 1976 - August 1977

Box 29, folder 33

Form Letters AD3.9 January 1971 - June 1978

Box 29, folder 34

Fundamental Standard (Honor Code) AD3.10 December 1976 - October 1978

Box 29, folder 35

Mailings, ID Mail AD3.13 February 1974 - December 1978

Box 29, folder 36

Stanford Seal/Motto AD3.16 April 1961 - April 1976

Box 29, folder 37

University Calendar/Holidays AD3.21 September 1976 - October 1978

Box 29, folder 38

Speeches, RWL's and Others AD3.22 January 1978 - March 1978

Box 29, folder 39

President's Office AD4 June 1975 - November 1978

Box 29, folder 40

Presidential Powers AD4.2

Box 29, folder 41

President's House, Staff, Car AD4.7 March 1976 - May 1978

Box 29, folder 42

President's Schedule AD4.9 May 1972 - December 1978

Box 29, folder 43

Presidential Staff Meetings AD4.11 June 1974 - December 1978

Box 29, folder 44

Vice Presidential Group AD4.12 October 1978

Box 29, folder 45

Academic Secretary AD4.14 December 1968 - November 1978

Box 29, folder 46

University Counsel AD4.19 August 1970 - June 1978

Box 29, folder 47

Congratulation Letters AD4.20.3 September 1978 - December 1978

Box 29, folder 47.1

Invitation general AD4.20.4 2/78-12/78

Box 29, folder 47.2

Invitations accepted AD4.20.4/1 9/78-12/78

Box 30, folder 10

Complaints/Nonsense AD4.20.5 September 1978 - September 1977

Box 30, folder 11

Public Affairs Office AD4.22 November 1977 - December 1978

Box 30, folder 12

Southern California Office AD4.23 April 1970 - April 1976

Box 30, folder 13

New York Office AD4.24 September 1972 - December 1976

Box 30, folder 14

Ombudsman AD6 August 1977 - December 1978

Box 30, folder 15

Legal Problems & Services AD7 January 1973 - October 1978

Box 30, folder 16

Dr. Nancy Jewell Cross AD7

Box 30, folder 17

Campus Disruptions and Demonstrations AD7.2 November 1972 - April 1978

Box 30, folder 18

Student Discipline: Inquiries/General Info AD7.2.3

Box 30, folder 19

Dean of Student Cases AD7.2.5 June 1976 - October 1978

Box 30, folder 20

SJC (Stanford Judicial Council) (Cases) AD7.2.7 March 1976 - July 1978

Box 30, folder 21

Founding Grant AD7.6 January 1971 - July 1976

Box 30, folder 22

University Governance AD7.8 October 1970 - March 1976

Box 30, folder 23

Judicial Procedures/Charter AD7.9 April 1975 - December 1976

Box 30, folder 24

Policy: Participation in Politics AD7.13 January 1976 - February 1976

Box 30, folder 25

Admissions Office AD8.1 January 1976 - October 1978

Box 30, folder 26

Policy: Admissions/General AD8.1.1 March 1977 - November 1978

Box 30, folder 27

Bakke Case (Admissions Policy) AD8.1.1/1 January 1976 - December 1977

Box 30, folder 28

Admissions Cases AD8.1.2 May 1978 - April 1979

Box 30, folder 29

Students on Committees, Policy AD8.5

Box 30, folder 30

Career Planning and Placement Center AD8.7 November 1976 - September 1978

Box 30, folder 31

College Work-Study AD8.7.2 October 1970 - February 1978

Box 30, folder 32

Dean of Student Affairs AD8.8 February 1976 - December 1978

Box 30, folder 48

Invitation, General AD4.20.4 February 1978 - December 1978

Box 30, folder 49

Invitations Accepted (Keep 1 yr. & review) AD4.20.4/1 September 1978 - December 1978

Box 31, folder 1

Student Services and Special Services Office AD8.8.2 June 1970 - March 1976

Box 31, folder 2

Policy on Discrimination AD8.8.3 July 1976 - December 1978

Box 31, folder 3

Student Counseling Services AD8.8.4 October 1973 - May 1977

Box 31, folder 4

"The Bridge" AD8.8.5 March 1974 - April 1979

Box 31, folder 5

Exchange Programs AD.8.10 April 1975 - December 1978

Box 31, folder 6

Intern Programs AD8.10.2 December 1970 - October 1978

Box 31, folder 7

Stanford Overseas Studies Programs AD8.11 October 1976 - October 1978

Box 31, folder 8

Stanford Center in Vienna AD8.11.1 February 1970 - June 1977

Box 31, folder 9

Stanford Center in Britain AD8.11.2 January 1968 - May 1978

Box 31, folder 10

Stanford Program in Tours AD8.11.3 December 1970 - November 1976

Box 31, folder 11

Stanford Program in Berlin AD8.11.4/1 November 1976 - July 1977

Box 31, folder 12

Stanford Program in Bonn AD8.11 4/2 January 1977

Box 31, folder 13

Stanford Center in Italy AD8.11.5 July 1970 - March 1976

Box 31, folder 14

Financial Aids AD8.12 July 1976 - December 1978

Box 31, folder 15

Student Loans AD8.12.1 August 1966 - December 1978

Box 31, folder 16

Graduate Student Financial Aid AD8.12.2 December 1972 - July 1978

Box 31, folder 17

Guide Service AD8.15 March 1974 - June 1977

Box 31, folder 18

Housing: Faculty, Staff, Emeriti AD8.18 October 1976 - December 1978

Box 31, folder 18.1

Housing Office, miscellaneous reports AD8.18.1 7/74-12/77

Box 31, folder 19

Hanna-Honeycomb House AD8.18.2 May 1972 - December 1978

Box 31, folder 20

Lake House AD8.18.3 September 1977 - October 1978

Box 31, folder 21

Escondido Village AD8.18.7 February 1975 - November 1978

Box 31, folder 22

Fraternities/Sororities [2 folders] AD8.18.8 September 1977 - December 1977

Box 31, folder 23

Housing for Students AD8.18.11 September 1976 - May 1978

Box 31, folder 24

Residence Halls / Staff AD8.18.12 April 1973 December 1978

Box 31, folder 25

Registrar AD8.21 October 1976 - October 1978

Box 31, folder 26

Enrollment Data AD8.21.1 October 1976 - November 1978

Box 31, folder 27

Minority Enrollment AD8.21.2 January 1976 - October 1978

Box 32, folder 1

Black Affairs AD9.1 May 1977 - December 1978

Box 32, folder 2

Chicano Affairs AD9.2 September 1978 - November 1978

Box 32, folder 3

Assistant to the President for Chicano Affairs AD9.2.1 March 1976 - October 1978

Box 32, folder 4

MECHA AD9.2.2 August 1968 - March 1977

Box 32, folder 5

Native American Indian Affairs AD9.3 March 1973 - March 1978

Box 32, folder 6

Affirmative Action Office AD9.6 August 1978 - December 1978

Box 32, folder 7

Affirmative Action for Women AD9.6.3 September 1976 - December 1977

Box 32, folder 8

Personnel and Employee Relations AD10 September 1976 - October 1978

Box 32, folder 9

Employment Inquiries and Requests [2 folders] AD10.1 June 1972 - December 1979

Box 32, folder 10

Policy: Appointment of Lecturers and Other Short-Term Teachers AD10.6 September 1974 - August 1978

Box 32, folder 11

Employee Organizations AD10.7 December 1974

Box 32, folder 12

Distaff Club AD10.7.1 October 1975 - October 1977

Box 32, folder 13

Committee for Art AD10.7.4 December 1975 - August 1978

Box 32, folder 14

Child Care AD10.7.5 September 1975 - December 1977

Box 32, folder 15

United Stanford Employees AD10.7.8 September 1976 - September 1978

Box 32, folder 16

Personnel Policies / Hiring practices AD10.8 April 1971 - September 1978

Box 32, folder 17

Collective Bargaining AD10.8.2 December 1975 - June 1977

Box 32, folder 18

Policy: Benefits for Visiting Scholars, Fellows AD10.8.9/2

Box 32, folder 19

Grievance Procedures, Faculty/Staff AD10.8.10

Box 32, folder 20

Grievance Hearings: Cases AD10.8.10/1

Box 32, folder 21

Henry Organ Grievance AD10.8.10/1 August 1977 - December 1979

Box 32, folder 22

Grievances: Student/Faculty on Academic Matters AD10.8.10/3 November 1975 - December 1976

Box 32, folder 23

Short Term Disability AD10.8.14/4 February 1978 - April 1979

Box 32, folder 24

Long Term Disability AD10.8.14/5 December 1977 - March 1978

Box 32, folder 25

Leaves of Absences "Absences" etc AD10.8.15 August 1975 - January 1979

Box 32, folder 26

Early Retirement AD10.8.17/1 January 1976 - October 1977

Box 32, folder 27

Retirement Legislation AD10.8.17/2 July 1977 - July 1979

Box 32, folder 28

TIAA CREF/Prudential AD10.8.17/3 September 1978 - May 1979

Box 32, folder 29

Salaries AD10.8.19 January 1977 - August 1979

Box 32, folder 30

Salaries: Other Institutions AD10.8.19/1 May 1974

Box 32, folder 31

Policy: Travel AD10.8.21 January 1976 - May 1979

Box 32, folder 32

Vacation AD10.8.23 June 1978 - December 1978

Box 32, folder 33

Jury Duty AD10.8.26 October 1970 - May 1977

Box 32, folder 34

Archives AD11.1 October 1970 - May 1977

Box 33, folder 1

Food Service AD11.3 June 1973 - September 1978

Box 33, folder 2

Service Operations AD11.4 January 1976 - March 1979

Box 33, folder 3

Police Services/Campus Security AD11.6 October 1978 - August 1979

Box 33, folder 4

Office of Public Events AD11.7 January 1976 - October 1978

Box 33, folder 5

Founders' Day AD11.7.6 February 1976 - March 1978

Box 33, folder 6

Freshman Orientation AD11.7.7 September 1978

Box 33, folder 7

Publications Service/Communications AD11.8 October 1972 - July 1978

Box 33, folder 8

Copyright Policy AD11.8.1 November 1977 - April 1978

Box 33, folder 9

Records, Privacy of AD11.8.3 December 1967 - October 1978

Box 33, folder 10

Stanford News Service AD11.8.4 January 1976 - October 1978

Box 33, folder 11

News Service Reports/Releases AD11.8.5 October 1974 - October 1976

Box 33, folder 12

Policy: Solicitation on Campus AD11.8.8 July 1970 - March 1977

Box 33, folder 13

Stanford Press AD11.8.9 September 1978 - April 1979

Box 33, folder 14

Stanford Publications, Misc AD11.8.11 October 1978 - April 1979

Box 33, folder 15

Stanford Facts AD11.8.11/1 April 1977 - November 1978

Box 33, folder 16

Television Instructional Network AD11.8.13 January 1974 - June 1978

Box 33, folder 17

Voluntary Organizations at Stanford AD11.9 July 1970 - August 1979

Box 33, folder 18

Business and Finance [2 folders] AD12.2 September 1978 - April 1979

Box 33, folder 19

Business and Finance, Vice President for [missing] AD12.2/1 April 1976 - May 1979

Box 33, folder 20

Auditing AD12.4 April 1972 - January 1976

Box 33, folder 21

Budgets AD12.5 September 1978 - August 1979

Box 33, folder 22

Room and Board Rates AD12.5.3 February 1978 - November 1978

Box 33, folder 23

Tuition AD12.5.4 October 1978 - April 1979

Box 33, folder 24

Wage and Price Freeze Issue AD12.5.5 November 1978 - May 1979

Box 33, folder 25

Policy: Investment Responsibilities AD12.7 June 1978 - December 1978

Box 33, folder 26

Consulting Policy/Conflict of Interest AD12.7.1 May 1978 - December 1978

Box 33, folder 27

Insurance/Risk Management AD12.8 October 1976 - April 1978

Box 33, folder 28

Health and Safety AD12.8.1 June 1973 - December 1978

Box 33, folder 29

Taxes; Tax Reform AD12.9 February 1976 - January 1979

Box 33, folder 30

Office of Development AD12.10.1 September 1978 - April 1979

Box 33, folder 31

Endowment: Stanford AD12.10.2 September 1977 - May 1979

Box 33, folder 32

Estates and Wills AD12.10.3/3 February 1978 - May 1979

Box 33, folder 33

Stanford Annual Fund (Inner Quad) D12.10.3/4 October 1978 - February 1979

Box 33, folder 34

Gift Policies: Gift Summaries AD12.10.3/5 September 1978 - June 1979

Box 33, folder 35

Gifts, (Permanent File) Misc AD12.10.3/5-1 September 1978 - August 1979

Box 33, folder 36

American Cancer Society AD12.10.3/5-2 June 1970 - May 1979

Box 33, folder 37

American Heart Association AD12.10.3/5-3 April 1972 - May 1978

Box 33, folder 38

Annenberg, Walter H AD12.10.3/5-4 April 1968 - May 1979

Box 34, folder 1

Standard Oil of California AD12.10.3/5-5 August 1972 - June 1978

Box 34, folder 2

Bechtel Corporation AD12.10.3/5-7 January 1966 - April 1979

Box 34, folder 3

Bing, Peter S., M.D AD12.10.3/5-8 May 1970 - May 1978

Box 34, folder 4

Brown, Robert Minge and Gloria AD12.10.3/5-9 February 1972 - September 1978

Box 34, folder 5

Carnegie Foundation of New York AD12.10.3/5-10 March 1975 - June 1979

Box 34, folder 6

Childs, Jane Coffin Memorial Fund of Medical Research AD12.10.3/5-11 November 1966 - June 1973

Box 34, folder 7

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cook AD12.10.3/5-11.5 March 1975 - December 1975

Box 34, folder 8

Criley, C.A AD12.10.3/5-12 October 1971 - September 1979

Box 34, folder 9

Crocker, Mrs. Roy P AD12.10.3/5-13 October 1963 - January 1975

Box 34, folder 10

Crown, John H. and Family AD12.10.3/5-14 May 1972 - February 1976

Box 34, folder 11

Cummings, Nathan AD12.10.3/5-15 October 1972 - September 1976

Box 34, folder 12

de Basily, Mrs. Nicolas AD12.10.3/5-16 December 1969 - June 1979

Box 34, folder 13

Dickenson, Fairleigh S., Jr AD12.10.3/5-17 March 1976 - June 1979

Box 34, folder 14

Ducommun, Charles E. and Palmer G AD12.10.3/5-18 December 1971 - June 1979

Box 34, folder 15

DuPont de Nemours Company AD12.10.3/5-19 January 1966 - April 1978

Box 34, folder 16

Ehrlich, Paul AD12.10.3/5-20 May 1972 - February 1978

Box 34, folder 17

Elliot Unitrust AD12.10.3/5-20.5 July 1974 - July 1977

Box 34, folder 18

Ely, Northcutt AD12.10.3/5-21 January 1968 - February 1979

Box 34, folder 19

David L. Farnsworth Fund D12.10.3/5-22 May 1973 - February 1977

Box 34, folder 20

Farmers Insurance Group AD12.10.3/5-23 September 1978 - October 1979

Box 34, folder 21

FNC Corporation AD12.10.3/5-23.5 January 1978

Box 34, folder 22

Ford Motor Company AD12.10.3/5-24 December 1970 - December 1978

Box 34, folder 23

Gates Foundation AD12.10.3/5-24.5 January 1976 - February 1979

Box 34, folder 24

General Motors Corporation, Scholarship, Fellowships, General Gifts AD12.10.3/5-25 August 1975 - November 1978

Box 34, folder 25

Glenmede Trust Company AD12.10.3/5-26 September 1976 - June 1979

Box 34, folder 26

R. Allen Griffin Fund AD12.10.3/5-26.5 May 1975 - July 1978

Box 34, folder 27

Guggenhime, Richard E AD12.10.3/5-27 January 1973 - September 1978

Box 34, folder 28

Hewlett Packard Company AD12.10.3/5-28 February 1977 - September 1977

Box 34, folder 29

Hewlett, William R. and Flora AD12.10.3/5-29 April 1968 - July 1979

Box 34, folder 30

Leukemia Society of America, Incorporated AD12.10.3/5-30 November 1966 - April 1976

Box 34, folder 31

Lewis, Roger AD12.10.3/5-31 April 1972 - August 1979

Box 34, folder 32

Maples, Roscoe AD12.10.3/5-32 April 1966 - December 1978

Box 34, folder 33

Mervill, Fred H AD12.10.3/5-33 October 1972 - December 1977

Box 34, folder 34

Morell, George (Black Mountain Ranch) AD12.10.3/5-34 September 1972 - July 1978

Box 34, folder 35

Morell, George (Black Mountain Ranch) AD12.10.3/5-34.5 December 1979

Box 34, folder 36

Pacific Gas and Electric Fund AD12.10.3/5-35 August 1976 - July 1979

Box 34, folder 37

Nissan Motor Corp AD12.10.3/5-36 August 1976 - September 1978

Box 34, folder 38

Nichols, Jesse, Mr. and Mrs AD12.10.3/5-37 January 1972 - February 1976

Box 34, folder 39

Packard, David, Mr. and Mrs AD12.10.3/5-38 March 1976 - March 1979

Box 34, folder 40

Russell, Mrs. Madeline Haas AD12.10.3/5-41 August 1966 - January 1979

Box 34, folder 41

Scaife Family AD12.10.3/5-42 July 1967 - May 1979

Box 34, folder 42

Sterling, Dr. and Mrs. J.E. Wallace AD12.10.3/5-43 December 1972 - January 1979

Box 34, folder 43

Stewart, Arthur C AD12.10.3/5-44 May 1973 - November 1978

Box 34, folder 44

Sunset Magazine-Lane Publishing Company AD12.10.3/5-45 December 1971 - May 1979

Box 34, folder 45

Syntex Corporation AD12.10.3/5-46 September 1972 - September 1979

Box 34, folder 46

Terman, Dr. and Mrs. Frederick E AD12.10.3/5-47 December 1972 - November 1978

Box 34, folder 47

Varian Corporation and Foundation AD12.10.3/5-48 January 1966 - September 1978

Box 34, folder 48

Xerox Corporation AD12.10.3/5-49 January 1976 - March 1979

Box 34, folder 49

Zellerbach Family Fund AD12.10.3/5-50 November 1968 - January 1973

Box 34, folder 50

Cecil and Ida Green Gifts AD12.10.3/5-52 October 1976 - June 1979

Box 34, folder 51

Charles M. Piggott Gift AD12.10.3/5-53 June 1973 - June 1979

Box 34, folder 52

Miller, Harold A AD12.10.3/5-54 May 1973 - May 1979

Box 35, folder 1

Parents Program/National Chairman AD12.10.3/8 October 1975 - November 1978

Box 35, folder 2

University Seminars AD12.10.3/13 September 1978 - September 1979

Box 35, folder 3

Foundations, Funds, Misc AD12.10.4 June 1978 - December 1979

Box 35, folder 4

Rockefeller Family Fund AD12.10.4/1 October 1979 - July 1979

Box 35, folder 5

Aaron-Roland Fund for Jewish Students AD12.10.4/2 May 1971 - July 1977

Box 35, folder 6

Texas Instruments Foundation AD12.10.4/3 July 1978 - May 1979

Box 35, folder 7

Alcoa Foundation AD12.10.4/4 September 1970 - March 1979

Box 35, folder 8

Facilitation Fund AD12.10.4/5 October 1975

Box 35, folder 9

Anonymous Funds, Misc AD12.10.4/7 June 1973 - January 1979

Box 35, folder 10

Ernest C. Arbuckle Fund AD12.10.4/9 September 1973 - December 1977

Box 35, folder 11

ARCS Foundation AD12.10.4/10 December 1973 - February 1979

Box 35, folder 12

Atlantic Richfield Foundation AD12.10.4/12 October 1972 - August 1979

Box 35, folder 13

Avalon Foundation AD12.10.4/13 September 1972

Box 35, folder 14

Babcock Foundation AD12.10.4/14 April 1975 - May 1975

Box 35, folder 15

Bank of America Foundation AD12.10.4/16 June 1969 - May 1979

Box 35, folder 16

Baxter Foundation AD12.10.4/17 January 1973 - January 1975

Box 35, folder 17

Lowell W. Berry Fund AD12.10.4/18 January 1976 - April 1979

Box 35, folder 18

The Charles R. Blyth Fund AD12.10.4/19 December 1978 - June 1979

Box 35, folder 19

James G. Boswell Foundation AD12.10.4/21 March 1972 - April 1979

Box 35, folder 20

Briggs Trust Funds AD12.10.4/23 February 1975 - June 1979

Box 35, folder 21

Carl F. Braun Trust AD12.10.4/25 October 1970 - March 1979

Box 35, folder 22

Luke B. Hancock Foundation AD12.10.4/28 June 1972 - May 1978

Box 35, folder 22.1

C. B. S. Foundation AD12.10.4/30 3/75-10/77

Box 35, folder 23

Louis Calder Foundation AD12.10.4/31 June 1972 - July 1978

Box 35, folder 24

"The Campaign" AD12.10.4/33 1976 - 1977

Box 35, folder 24.1

"The Campaign" AD12.10.4/33.5 1976 - 1977

Box 35, folder 25

Foundation and Corporation Input to the Campaign AD12.10.4/33-2 June 1974 - February 1978

Box 35, folder 25.1

"The Campaign" : Executive Committee AD12.10.4/33-5 12/75-1/77

Box 35, folder 26

Faculty Volunteer Group - The Campaign AD12.10.4/33-6 November 1973 - March 1976

Box 35, folder 27

Major Gift Committee AD12.10.4/33-7 January 1976 - April 1979

Box 35, folder 28

Post-Campaign Planning AD12.10.4/33-8 August 1976 - August 1978

Box 35, folder 29

Canfield Foundation AD12.10.4/34 August 1972 - October 1975

Box 35, folder 30

Cap and Gown Fund AD12.10.4/35 July 1972 - July 1979

Box 35, folder 31

Carnation Foundation AD12.10.4/36 May 1972 - June 1979

Box 35, folder 32

Carnegie Institution of Washington AD12.10.4/37 February 1974 - December 1976

Box 35, folder 33

Coro Foundation AD12.10.4/38 April 1972 - July 1979

Box 35, folder 34

Mobil Corp/Foundation AD12.10.4/39 May 1974 - May 1979

Box 35, folder 35

Edna Clark Foundation AD12.10.4/41 December 1970 - December 1976

Box 35, folder 36

Commonwealth Foundation AD12.10.4/47 February 1975 - July 1979

Box 35, folder 37

Commonwealth Matching Funds -- Medical Center AD12.10.4/48 April 1972 - November 1973

Box 35, folder 38

S.H. Cowell Foundation AD12.10.4/50 May 1972 - June 1978

Box 35, folder 39

Council on Foundations, Incorporated AD12.10.4/51 June 1977 - May 1979

Box 35, folder 40

Elizabeth Rankin Crossett Fund AD12.10.4/52 January 1973 - August 1978

Box 35, folder 41

Crown Zellerbach Foundation AD12.10.4/53 September 1970 - March 1976

Box 35, folder 42

Danforth Foundation AD12.10.4/55 February 1976 - September 1979

Box 35, folder 43

Arthur Vining Davis Foundation AD12.10.4/56 June 1970 - February 1978

Box 36, folder 1

Wm. H. Donner Foundation AD12.10.4/59 December 1972

Box 36, folder 2

C and H Dreyfus Foundation AD12.10.4/60 May 1982 - January 1979

Box 36, folder 3

Earhart Foundation AD12.10.4/61 February 1976 - November 1979

Box 36, folder 4

Educational Foundation AD12.10.4/62 July 1973 - June 1979

Box 36, folder 5

Exxon Educational Foundation (formerly ESSO) AD12.10.4/67 December 1975 - August 1979

Box 36, folder 6

Fleishmann Foundation AD12.10.4/69 July 1977 - August 1979

Box 36, folder 7

Fluor Foundation AD12.10.4/70 December 1970 - July 1979

Box 36, folder 8

Ford Foundation AD12.10.4/71 September 1977 - August 1979

Box 36, folder 9

Ford Foundation AD12.10.4/71 September 1977 - August 1979

Box 36, folder 10

General Electric Foundation AD12.10.4/78 December 1972 - June 1979

Box 36, folder 11

Grant Foundation AD12.10.4/81 February 1972 - October 1978

Box 36, folder 12

Hammer and Coffin Fund AD12.10.4/84 November 1970 - March 1976

Box 36, folder 13

John A. Hartford Foundation AD12.10.4/85 November 1970 - March 1976

Box 36, folder 14

Hazen Foundation AD12.10.4/86 October 1970 - January 1979

Box 36, folder 15

Wm. Randolph Hearst Foundation AD12.10.4/87 May 1972 - July 1979

Box 36, folder 16

Albert J. Hettinger, Jr. Fund AD12.10.4/89 January 1973 - August 1978

Box 36, folder 17

Nathan Hofheimer Foundation AD12.10.4/91 June 1972 - December 1974

Box 36, folder 18

Hoffman-Laroche Foundation AD12.10.4/92 April 1970 - November 1973

Box 36, folder 19

Hoover Foundation AD12.10.4/95 December 1971 - January 1978

Box 36, folder 20

Hope Foundation AD12.10.4/99 February 1970 - July 1970

Box 36, folder 21

James Irvine Foundation AD12.10.4/103 January 1976 - May 1979

Box 36, folder 22

J. Hugh Jackson Foundation AD12.10.4/105 June 1972 - February 1974

Box 36, folder 23

Johnson Foundation AD12.10.4/107 December 1970 - May 1979

Box 36, folder 24

Max Kade Foundation AD12.10.4/109 September 1972 - September 1976

Box 36, folder 25

Henry J. Kaiser Fund AD12.10.4/110 March 1972 - June 1979

Box 36, folder 26

Martin Luther King Memorial Fund AD12.10.4/116 February 1971 - January 1976

Box 36, folder 27

Kresge Foundation AD12.10.4/117 January 1976 - August 1979

Box 36, folder 28

Kress Foundation AD12.10.4/118 August 1971 - September 1976

Box 36, folder 29

Lakeside Foundation AD12.10.4/119 June 1971 - May 1979

Box 36, folder 30

E.H. and Helen Land Fund, Inc AD12.10.4/121 September 1970 - May 1977

Box 36, folder 31

Linkletter Foundation AD12.10.4/125 January 1970 - April 1977

Box 36, folder 32

Henry Luce Foundation AD12.10.4/126 September 1976 - April 1979

Box 36, folder 33

Anita Oliver Lunn Foundation AD12.10.4/127 July 1971 - January 1979

Box 36, folder 34

Louis Lurie Foundation AD12.10.4/128 July 1970 - June 1979

Box 36, folder 35

Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation AD12.10.4/129 February 1974 - January 1979

Box 36, folder 36

John and Mary Markle Foundation AD12.10.4/133 May 1971 - December 1973

Box 36, folder 37

Louis B. Mayer Foundation AD12.10.4/134 February 1971 - August 1975

Box 36, folder 38

George H. Mayr Education Foundation AD12.10.4/135 July 1970 - August 1979

Box 36, folder 39

Medical Center Funds AD12.10.4/137 July 1972 - July 1978

Box 36, folder 40

Medina Foundation AD12.10.4/138 July 1973 - December 1974

Box 36, folder 41

Andrew W. Mellon Foundation AD12.10.4/139 October 1976 - August 1979

Box 36, folder 42

Richard King Mellon Charitable Trusts AD12.10.4/140 December 1971 - September 1976

Box 36, folder 43

T. Mellon Foundation AD12.10.4/141 October 1972 - January 1979

Box 36, folder 44

Charles E. Merrill Trust AD12.10.4/143 March 1972 - April 1978

Box 36, folder 45

B.R. Morris Foundation AD12.10.4/147 October 1970 - January 1979

Box 36, folder 46

Wm. T. Morris Foundation AD12.10.4/148 May 1971 - June 1979

Box 36, folder 47

Seeley G. Mudd Fund AD12.10.4/149 December 1971 - January 1979

Box 36, folder 48

John A. McCarthy Foundation AD12.10.4/151 January 1971 - April 1979

Box 36, folder 49

John A. McCarthy Foundation AD12.10.4/151.5 January 1971 - April 1979

Box 36, folder 50

National Endowment for the Humanities [2 folders] AD12.10.4/152 January 1976 - May 1979

Box 36, folder 51

Sherman Foundation AD12.10.4/153 January 1971 - May 1978

Box 36, folder 52

Newhouse Foundation AD12.10.4/154 October 1970 - June 1979

Box 36, folder 53

National Endowment for the Arts AD12.10.4/155 July 1976 - May 1979

Box 36, folder 54

1907 Inc. Foundation AD12.10.4/156 May 1972 - May 1978

Box 36, folder 55

Vivian B. Noble Foundation AD12.10.4/157 May 1971 - February 1975

Box 37, folder 1

University Progress Fund AD12.10.4/179 January 1974 - June 1979

Box 37, folder 1

Commission on the Humanities AD12.10.4/184.1 1978 - 1980

Box 37, folder 2

Standard Oil Foundation AD12.10.4/212 May 1970 - December 1978

Box 37, folder 2

Drafts & Revisions ?? Seminar 1979

Box 37, folder 3

Lucy Stern Estate Fund AD12.10.4/225 October 1970 - December 1974

Box 37, folder 3

HC Meetings 1978-80

Box 37, folder 4

William Bireley Foundation AD12.10.4/268 May 1972 - October 1975

Box 37, folder 4

HC Meetings 1979

Box 37, folder 5

Volker Fund AD12.10.4/269 October 1971 - January 1979

Box 37, folder 5

Staff Meetings

Box 37, folder 6

Fairchild Foundation AD12.10.4/271 December 1972 - January 1979

Box 37, folder 6

RWL's Commission on the Humanities 1978

Box 37, folder 7

Chase Manhattan Bank Foundation AD12.10.4/272 November 1972 - December 1978

Box 37, folder 7

RWL and HC correspondence

Box 37, folder 8

Fireman's Fund American Foundation AD12.10.4/274 January 1978 - December 1979

Box 37, folder 9

National Foundation AD12.10.4/276 July 1972 - January 1979

Box 37, folder 10

J.C. Penny Foundation AD12.10.4/278 January 1972

Box 37, folder 11

E.D. & E.L. van Loben Sels Foundation AD12.10.4/279 November 1971 - October 1974

Box 37, folder 12

Grace A. & Obert C. Tanner Foundation AD12.10.4/280 February 1972 - September 1979

Box 37, folder 13

United States Steel Foundation AD12.10.4/281 September 1970 - September 1978

Box 37, folder 14

Helen Hay Whitney Foundation AD12.10.4/282 August 1972 - May 1973

Box 37, folder 15

Levi Strauss Foundation AD12.10.4/283 March 1971 - October 1979

Box 37, folder 16

Educational Facilities Laboratories AD12.10.4/284 December 1970 - January 1972

Box 37, folder 17

Foundations Fund for Research in Psychiatry AD12.10.4/285 August 1972 - August 1975

Box 37, folder 18

Lilly Research Laboratories AD12.10.4/286 January 1971 - November 1973

Box 37, folder 19

National Multiple Sclerosis Society AD12.10.4/287 July 1974 - August 1978

Box 37, folder 20

Research Corporation AD12.10.4/288 February 1976 - August 1977

Box 37, folder 21

Scott Paper Co. Foundation AD12.10.4/290 July 1972 - March 1975

Box 37, folder 22

Mrs. Giles Whiting Foundation AD12.10.4/291 November 1972 - December 1978

Box 37, folder 23

Bank of America - Giannini Foundation AD12.10.4/292 March 1957 - July 1979

Box 37, folder 24

Wm. R. Kenan, Jr., Charitable Trust AD12.10.4/293 October 1976 - October 1979

Box 37, folder 25

Richard E. Lang Dean's Fund AD12.10.4/294 February 1973 - October 1979

Box 37, folder 26

The Christensen Fund AD12.10.4/295 April 1974 - July 1979

Box 37, folder 27

Bush Foundation AD12.10.4/296 August 1974 - September 1979

Box 37, folder 28

Lilly Endowment, Inc AD12.10.4/297 May 1972 - February 1979

Box 37, folder 29

Mott Foundation AD12.10.4/298 February 1975 - November 1975

Box 37, folder 30

Sunnen Foundation AD12.10.4/299 September 1976

Box 37, folder 31

Stanley McCormick Fund AD12.10.4/300 December 1972 - December 1975

Box 37, folder 32

Japan Foundation/Japan AD12.10.4/301 September 1975 - August 1979

Box 37, folder 33

Union Oil Co. of California Foundation AD12.10.4/302 October 1972 - January 1978

Box 37, folder 34

Howard Foundation AD12.10.4/303 October 1973 - October 1975

Box 37, folder 35

Edwin W. Pauley Foundation AD12.10.4/304 November 1973 - February 1977

Box 37, folder 36

Law School Bd. of Visitors AD12.10.5/5 April 1978

Box 37, folder 36.1

United Way Campaign AD12.10.8 Fe. 1976-Aug. 1979

Box 37, folder 37

Combined Health Agencies Drive (CHAD) AD12.10.8/1 July 1977 - June 1978

Box 37, folder 38

Patent Administration AD12.11 February 1970 - July 1979

Box 37, folder 39

Planning Long Range Estimates AD12.12 October 1976 - November 1979

Box 37, folder 40

Land and Buildings AD12.14 January 1978 - March 1978

Box 37, folder 41

Policy: Use of Land and Buildings AD12.14.1 February 1976 - March 1979

Box 37, folder 42

Master Facilities Plan/Capital Funding Forecast AD12.14.1/1 April 1976 - April 1979

Box 37, folder 43

Classrooms AD12.14.2 August 1966 - January 1971

Box 37, folder 44

Streets, Parks, Buildings. Misc AD12.14.5 January 1976 - July 1979

Box 37, folder 44.1

Streets, Buildings AD12.14.7 March 1976 - Nov. 1979

Box 37, folder 45

Art Gallery and Museums AD12.14.7/1 November 1972 - June 1979

Box 37, folder 46

Athletic Department AD12.14.7/2 December 1969 - December 1973

Box 37, folder 47

Terman Engineering Center AD12.14.7/3 October 1973 - November 1977

Box 37, folder 48

Bookstore AD12.14.7/5 June 1976 - April 1979

Box 37, folder 49

Bowman Alumni House AD12.14.7/6 September 1969

Box 37, folder 50

Building 10 AD12.14.7/8 October 1970 - October 1978

Box 37, folder 51

Campus Bank AD12.14.7/11 April 1972 - December 1974

Box 37, folder 52

Chemistry AD12.14.7/14 June 1972

Box 37, folder 53

Center for Advanced Study in Behavioral Sciences AD12.14.7/16 March 1977 - July 1979

Box 37, folder 54

Cowell Student Health Center AD12.14.7/18 June 1976 - August 1979

Box 37, folder 55

Economics AD12.14.7/23 March 1972 - June 1973

Box 37, folder 56

Education, School of AD12.14.7/24 January 1971 - April 1971

Box 37, folder 57

Stanford Electronics Lab AD12.14.7/25 September 1973 - March 1974

Box 37, folder 58

Encina Commons AD12.14.7/26 January 1974

Box 37, folder 59

Encina Hall AD12.14.7/27 October 1972 - December 1977

Box 37, folder 60

Facilities Planning (two files) AD12.14.7/29 August 1974 - August 1979

Box 38, folder 1

Faculty Club AD12.14.7/30 January 1976 - August 1979

Box 38, folder 2

Frost Amphitheatre AD12.14.7/32 March 1972 - June 1977

Box 38, folder 3

Golf Course AD12.14.7/33 February 1976 - September 1979

Box 38, folder 4

Humanities and Sciences AD12.14.7/39 August 1971

Box 38, folder 5

Stanford International Development Educational Center AD12.14.7/41 March 1973

Box 38, folder 6

Jasper Ridge Biological Experimental Area (Primate Facility) AD12.14.7/43 April 1975 - June 1979

Box 38, folder 7

Law School AD12.14.7/45 January 1972 - May 1972

Box 38, folder 8

Libraries AD12.14.7/46 June 1970 - August 1970

Box 38, folder 9

Maples Pavilion D12.14.7/47 July 1971 - November 1971

Box 38, folder 10

Medicine AD12.14.7/48 November 1970 - August 1974

Box 38, folder 11

Memorial Auditorium AD12.14.7/49 June 1971 - January 1979

Box 38, folder 12

Memorial Church AD12.14.7/50 January 1979 - March 1979

Box 38, folder 13

Parking AD12.14.7/53 May 1975 - August 1979

Box 38, folder 14

Psychology AD12.14.7/54 November 1970

Box 38, folder 15

Quad AD12.14.7/55 March 1973 - October 1978

Box 38, folder 16

Stanford Stadium AD12.14.7/59 March 1971 - December 1978

Box 38, folder 17

Tresidder Memorial Union AD12.14.7/64 November 1976 - August 1979

Box 38, folder 18

Dean of Undergraduate Studies AD12.14.7/65 April 1976 - July 1976

Box 38, folder 19

Stanford Mid-Peninsula Urban Coalition AD12.14.7/66 March 1976 - August 1976

Box 38, folder 20

White Memorial Plaza AD12.14.7/67 November 1973 January 1974

Box 38, folder 21

Accounting AD12.15 September 1976 - July 1979

Box 38, folder 22

Payroll AD12.15.1 May 1974 - July 1978

Box 38, folder 23

Planning Office AD12.16 July 1975 - July 1979

Box 38, folder 24

Peter Coutts Frenchman's Terrace - Low-Moderate Income Housing AD13.2 March 1976 - October 1976

Box 38, folder 25

Page Mill Plaza AD13.7 January 1971 - May 1971

Box 38, folder 26

Stanford Industrial Park AD13.8 January 1971 - March 1973

Box 38, folder 27

Industrial Affiliates Program AD13.8.1 December 1973 - January 1979

Box 38, folder 28

Fluoridation of water supply, Water Issues, Misc AD13.9.2 December 1970 - May 1977

Box 38, folder 29

Visitors AD13.10 April 1973 - August 1979

Box 38, folder 30

Conferences, Misc. [2 folders] AD13.10.1 August 1977 - August 1979

Box 38, folder 31

Foreign Visitors "Visa Matters" [2 folders] AD13.10.3 March 1966 - August 1979

Box 38, folder 32

Speakers on Campus AD13.10.4 June 1972 - April 1979

Box 38, folder 33

Visiting Committees, Misc AD13.10.5 July 1976 - December 1977

Box 38, folder 34

Computer Science Advisory Committee AD13.10.5/1 November 1975 - December 1978

Box 39, folder 1

Visiting Advisory Committee: Earth Sciences AD13.10.5/2 January 1976 - March 1979

Box 39, folder 2

Advisory Council to the Hopkins Marine AD13.10.5/3 December 1977 - September 1978

Box 39, folder 3

Law School Board of Visitors AD13.10.5/5 September 1977 - May 1979

Box 39, folder 4

Visiting Committee of the Medical School AD13.10.5/6 March 1979 - August 1979

Box 39, folder 5

Advisory Council of the Graduate School of Business AD13.10.5/8 March 1979 - August 1979

Box 39, folder 6

Visiting Committee of the Stanford University Libraries AD13.10.5/9 August 1971 - July 1979

Box 39, folder 7

Stanford Golf Course Advisory Committee AD13.10.5/10 January 1974 - February 1978

Box 39, folder 8

President's/Provost's Office AA1 September 1976 - January 1979

Box 39, folder 9

Academic Executive Officers AA1.2 August 1975 - December 1975

Box 39, folder 10

Provost's Staff Action (Red Folders) AA1.4 September 1976 - January 1979

Box 39, folder 11

Provost's Senior Staff AA1.4.2 October 1975 - November 1979

Box 39, folder 12

Dean's Council Correspondence AA1.5 March 1976 - December 1979

Box 39, folder 13

Dean's Council Agendas AA1.5.1 October 1977 - May 1979

Box 39, folder 14

Dean's Retreat (Academic Leadership Conference) AA1.5.3 April 1976 - January 1978

Box 39, folder 15

Academic Information Center AA1.6 February 1973 - March 1979

Box 39, folder 16

Academic Planning Office AA1.7 October 1976 - December 1977

Box 39, folder 17

Dean of the Chapel AA1.8 September 1966 - August 1978

Box 39, folder 18

Office of Undergraduate Studies AA1.12 1976-1977

Box 39, folder 19

Program in Structured Liberal Education AA1.12.4 February 1973 - November 1979

Box 39, folder 20

Graduate Division AA1.13 September 1977 - July 1979

Box 39, folder 21

Graduate Students AA1.13.2 September 1977 - October 1979

Box 39, folder 22

Faculty Lists/Statistics Reports AA2 December 1976 - August 1979

Box 39, folder 23

Faculty Organization AA2.1 June 1967 - March 1977

Box 39, folder 24

Articles of Organization of the Faculty AA2.1.1 March 1976 - May 1977

Box 39, folder 25

Faculty Planning/Billet Control AA2.1.2 February 1975 - June 1978

Box 40, folder 1

Faculty Jr./Faculty Luncheons AA2.1.3 May 1977 - April 1979

Box 40, folder 2

Emeriti AA2.2 August 1977 - August 1979

Box 40, folder 2.1

Fund for Retired Faculty AA2.2.1 July 1973-July 1978

Box 40, folder 3

Emeritus Tea AA2.2.2 September 1976 - April 1977

Box 40, folder 4

Faculty Appointments AA2.3 April 1976 - February 1979

Box 40, folder 5

Joint Faculty Appointments (Between Schools) AA2.3.1 August 1974 - June 1977

Box 40, folder 6

Faculty and Academic Appointment Procedures and Policies AA2.3.2 January 1976 - April 1979

Box 40, folder 7

Franklin Case AA2.6.2/1 January 1972 - March 1978

Box 40, folder 8

Policy: Sabbatical Leave AA2.6.7 April 1957 - July 1976

Box 40, folder 9

Tenure AA2.6.9 January 1972 - April 1977

Box 40, folder 10

Volunteer Leadership Conference (OD) AA2.7.1 February 1976 - August 1977

Box 40, folder 11

Fellows of the University AA2.9 September 1977 - December 1978

Box 40, folder 12

Research and Teaching Assistants AA2.11 February 1971 - July 1978

Box 40, folder 13

Academic Dress AA3.1 January 1960 - January 1978

Box 40, folder 14

Stanford National Rating/Accreditation A3.4 February 1976 - June 1979

Box 40, folder 15

Academic Standing/Requirements AA3.5 May 1976 - January 1977

Box 40, folder 16

Western Culture Requirement AA3.5.1 November 1976 - May 1979

Box 40, folder 17

Continuing Education AA3.6 May 1972 - July 1979

Box 40, folder 18

Freshman Advising AA3.7 November 1973 - July 1978

Box 40, folder 19

Course Credit Issues A3.8 December 1972 - December 1977

Box 40, folder 20

Course Evaluations AA3.8.1 January 1974 - March 1979

Box 40, folder 21

Curriculum AA3.9 April 1973 - April 1979

Box 40, folder 22

Instructional Technology AA3.9.1 January 1974 - December 1976

Box 40, folder 23

Degrees/Honorary Degrees AA3.10 September 1976 - February 1979

Box 40, folder 24

Educational Innovations AA3.11 April 1974

Box 40, folder 25

Grading/Student Credit AA3.13 September 1976 - March 1979

Box 40, folder 26

Summer Sessions AA3.16 March 1976 - January 1979

Box 40, folder 27

Freshman Seminars AA3.18.1 May 1971 - June 1979

Box 40, folder 28

Undergraduate Specials AA3.18.3 November 1977 - November 1979

Box 40, folder 29

Academic Departments, Misc AA4 December 1978

Box 40, folder 30

School of Humanities and Sciences AA4.1 March 1976 - March 1979

Box 40, folder 31

Humanities and Sciences: Special and Honors Programs AA4.1.1 August 1973 - May 1977

Box 40, folder 32

Interdepartmental Majors AA4.1.2 April 1971 - March 1977

Box 40, folder 33

Afro-American Studies AA4.1.4 October 1975 - March 1979

Box 40, folder 34

Anthropology AA4.1.5 August 1970 - August 1978

Box 40, folder 35

Art [3 folders] AA4.1.9 October 1975 - July 1979

Box 40, folder 36

Rodin Collection/Cantor Gift AA4.1.9/1 October 1974 - May 1979

Box 40, folder 37

Linguistics AA4.1.11 September 1974 - August 1977

Box 40, folder 38

Biological Sciences AA4.1.12 August 1970 - March 1979

Box 40, folder 39

Chemistry AA4.1.13 April 1972 - April 1979

Box 40, folder 40

Classics AA4.1.14 June 1972 - April 1976

Box 41, folder 1

Communication AA4.1.15 April 1976 - March 1979

Box 41, folder 2

Chandler Center for Professional Journalism AA4.1.15/1 January 1975 - August 1978

Box 41, folder 3

Computer Science AA4.1.17 June 1973 - May 1979

Box 41, folder 4

Drama AA4.1.18 February 1973 - March 1979

Box 41, folder 5

East Asian Studies AA4.1.19 August 1970 - January 1979

Box 41, folder 6

Economics AA4.1.20 November 1970 - January 1979

Box 41, folder 7

English AA4.1.21 October 1972 - November 1978

Box 41, folder 8

French and Italian AA4.1.22 October 1972 - November 1978

Box 41, folder 9

German AA4.1.24 January 1973 - April 1979

Box 41, folder 10

History AA4.1.25 November 1972 - April 1979

Box 41, folder 11

Human Biology AA4.1.26 December 1963 - May 1977

Box 41, folder 12

Hopkins Marine Biology Center AA4.1.28 November 1976 - May 1979

Box 41, folder 13

Music AA4.1.29 October 1972 - May 1979

Box 41, folder 14

Dept. of Athletics, P.E., and Recreation [2 folders] AA4.1.30 1974 - August 1979

Box 41, folder 15

Football Games AA4.1.30/1 September 1976 - June 1979

Box 41, folder 16

Rose Bowl AA4.1.30/2 November 1976 - February 1978

Box 41, folder 17

Athletic Board AA4.1.30/3 July 1975 - March 1979

Box 41, folder 18

Philosophy AA4.1.32 August 1970 - August 1976

Box 41, folder 19

Physics AA4.1.33 November 1972 - November 1978

Box 41, folder 20

Political Science AA4.1.34 April 1975 - August 1977

Box 41, folder 21

Psychology AA4.1.35 July 1973 - May 1979

Box 41, folder 22

Psychology Department: Nursery School AA4.1.36 April 1977 - February 1978

Box 41, folder 23

Slavic Languages and Literature AA4.1.38 February 1971 - July 1976

Box 41, folder 24

Sociology AA4.1.40 January 1974 - April 1976

Box 41, folder 25

Spanish and Portuguese AA4.1.41 August 1973 - April 1979

Box 41, folder 26

Statistics AA4.1.42 October 1973 -March 1976

Box 41, folder 27

Chicano Studies Institute AA4.1.44 March 1977

Box 41, folder 28

Religious Studies AA4.1.47 March 1973 - January 1977

Box 41, folder 29

Graduate School of Business AA4.2 September 1977 - December 1978

Box 41, folder 30

Sloan Program: Business School AA4.2.1 May 1976 - April 1977

Box 41, folder 31

School of Earth Sciences AA4.3 July 1968 - May 1978

Box 41, folder 32

Geology AA4.3.1 April 1976 - December 1978

Box 41, folder 33

Applied Earth Sciences AA4.3.3 February 1972 - November 1977

Box 42, folder 1

School of Engineering [2 folders] AA4.4 April 1976 - March 1979

Box 42, folder 2

Aero-Astro (Aeronautics-Astronautics) AA4.4.1 June 1971 - January 1974

Box 42, folder 3

School of Medicine [2 folders] AA4.6 September 1977 - December 1977

Box 42, folder 3.1

Hoover Institution [2 folders] AA4.9 July 1977 - March 1979

Box 42, folder 4

Hoover Institution Board of Overseers [2 folders AA4.9.1 July 1978 - December 1979

Box 42, folder 5

Center for Research in International Studies AA4.10 September 1976 - December 1977

Box 42, folder 6

Program on U.S.-China Relations AA4.10.3 April 1975 - August 1978

Box 42, folder 7

Libraries AA4.12 1977 - 1979

Box 42, folder 8

Library Automation Project (Ballots/RLIN) [2 folders] AA4.12.1 January 1978 - July 1979

Box 42, folder 8.1

Stanford University Hospital AA4.17 September 1978 - April 1979

Box 42, folder 9

Stanford University Hospital, Board of Directors AA4.4.17.2 1977 - 1978

Box 43, folder 1

Stanford University Hospital, Board of Directors AA4.17.2 1979

Box 43, folder 2

Research, Misc RO September 1976 - December 1977

Box 43, folder 3

Sponsored Projects [4 folders] R1 January 1975 - August 1979

Box 43, folder 4

Research Advisory Group R1.2.1 September 1976 - December 1977

Box 43, folder 5

Institute for Energy Studies R1.4.2 September 1976 - December 1977

Box 43, folder 6

Principal Investigators R1.7 September 1976 - November 1978

Box 43, folder 7

Center for Research on Women (CROW) [2 folders] R1.8 September 1976 - December 1978

Box 43, folder 7.1

Stanford Synchroton Radiation Project [2 folders] R1.9 May 1976 - January 1979

Box 43, folder 7.2

Stanford Magnetic Resonance Lab [2 folders] R1.10 September 1976 - October 1978

Box 43, folder 8

Indirect Costs R3.1 1977 - 1978

Box 43, folder 9

Research Development Fund PR3.2 February 1976 - May 1977

Box 43, folder 10

Multidisciplinary Research R5.2 November 1978

Box 43, folder 11

Advanced Research Projects Agency PR5.6 March 1977 - July 1978

Box 43, folder 12

University Corporation for Atmospheric Research PR.5.3 November 1973 - December 1977

Box 43, folder 13

Universities Space Research Association PR.6.2 March 1974 - November 1976

Box 44, folder 1

Stanford Mascot/Symbol [3 folders] AD2.7 January 1972 - August 1972

Box 44, folder 2

Police Services AD11.6 October 1972 - June 1978

Box 44, folder 3

Commencement Plaques, Senior Class Only AD11.7.2 June 1961 - November 1974

Box 44, folder 4

Stanford Press AD11.8.9 1976 - 1978

Box 44, folder 5

Campus Publications, Misc AD11.8.11 March 1976 - November 1978

Box 44, folder 6

Business and Finance AD12.2 October 1977 - August 1978

Box 44, folder 7

Tuition AD12.5.4 January 1976 - July 1978

Box 44, folder 8

Room and Board Rates AD12.5.3 1972 - 1977

Box 44, folder 9

Budgets AD12.5 January 1978 - August 1978

Box 44, folder 10

Financial Reports AD12.6 September 1975 - January 1978

Box 44, folder 11

Vice-President for Development AD12.10 September 1976 - September 1978

Box 44, folder 12

Surveys, Studies and Questionnaires AD11.8.10 1976 - August 1978

Box 44, folder 13

Office for Development AD12.10.1 September 1976 - August 1978

Box 44, folder 14

Prospective Donors AD12.10.3/12 August 1977 - August 1978

Box 44, folder 15

University Seminars AD12.10.3/13 March 1976 - August 1978

Box 44, folder 16

Fundraisers AD12.10.3 February 1976 - August 1978

Box 44, folder 17

Foundations, Misc AD12.10.4 1977 - August 1978

Box 44, folder 18

Ford Foundation AD12.10.4/71 June 1977 - October 1977

Box 44, folder 19

Consulting Policy/Conflict of Interest AD12.7.1 May 1974 - November 1977

Box 45, folder 1

Public Events PAD11.7 September 1972 - May 1978

Box 45, folder 2

Salaries PAD10.8.19 August 1977 - December 1978

Box 45, folder 3

Facilities Planning PAD.12.14.7/29 February 1972 - April 1978

Box 45, folder 4

Bicentennial Science and Technology Exposition PAD 13.10.1 October 1976

Box 45, folder 5

Conferences, Misc PAD.13.10.1 January 1976 - October 1976

Box 45, folder 6

Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Project R1.9 January 1977 - April 1978

Box 45, folder 7

U.S. Government Relations G3 June 1977 - December 1977

Box 45, folder 8

Students, Misc St.1 1977 - 1978

Box 45, folder 9

A.S.S.U. (General) St.2 April 1972 - June 1978

Box 45, folder 10

Stanford Daily St.3.23.7 February 1976 - August 1978

Box 45, folder 11

Dept. of Athletics, P.E., and Recreation [2 folders] AA4.1.30 January 1978 - August 1978

Box 45, folder 12

The Hoover Institution AA4.9 September 1976 - December 1977

Box 45, folder 13

Endowed Chairs/Professorships, Misc AA10 1977 - 1978

Box 45, folder 14

Chandler Chair, Dept. of Communication AA10.13 December 1972 - April 1975

Box 45, folder 15

BALLOTS/Library Automation Project AA4.12.1 September 1976 - December 1977

Box 45, folder 16

Stanford University Hospital AA4.17 September 1977 - August 1978

Box 46, folder 1

Stanford Chapter: Amer. Assoc. of Univ. Profs 03.6.1 December 1973 - June 1978

Box 46, folder 2

Boys Town Center 01.10 July 1973 - August 1978

Box 46, folder 3

Resource Center for Women 01.7 June 1973 - September 1976

Box 46, folder 4

Educational Groups 03 December 1977 - August 1978

Box 46, folder 5

American Association of University Profs 03.6 February 1976 - August 1978

Box 46, folder 6

Consortium on Financing Higher Education 03.1 January 1978 - August 1978

Box 46, folder 7

Nat'l Assoc. of Independent Colleges and Univ. [2 folders] 03.10 October 1977 - August 1978

Box 46, folder 8

American Council of Learned Societies 03.12 November 1976 - August 1978

Box 46, folder 9

National Collegiate Athletic Association 03.44 January 1978 - July 1978

Box 46, folder 10

Assoc. of Governing Boards and Univ 08.8 December 1976 - August 1978

Box 46, folder 11

Society for Industrial and Applied Math 08.57 1977

Box 46, folder 12

University Research Association 07.16 January 1976 - March 1978

Box 46, folder 13

University of Chicago 08.44 1975 - 1978

Box 46, folder 14

Princeton University 08.36 February 1976 - September 1978

Box 46, folder 15

Harvard University 08.23 September 1975 - October 1978

Box 46, folder 16

University of California 08.43 July 1976 - December 1977

Box 47, folder 17

Trustee Investment Committee B14.5 May 1978 - August 1978

Box 47, folder 18

Policy: Investment Responsibilities AD12.7 January 1978 - May 1978

Box 47, folder 19

Commission in Investment Responsibility C7.7 April 1977 - April 1978


Addenda, 1982-052 Accession 1982-052

Box 1, folder 1

Stanford Miscellaneous/Stanfordania AD 1 1/79 - 2/80

Box 1, folder 2

Governor Stanford Locomotive AD 1.1 7/76 -4/79

Box 1, folder 3

Policy: Authorizations, signing, etc. AD 1.6.5 1/79 - 7/80

Box 1, folder 4

Bicycles: Safety, Paths, etc. AD 2.1 4/79 - 6/79

Box 1, folder 5

R.O.T.C. AD2.26 4/79 - 3/80

Box 1, folder 6

Faculty Handbook AD 3.7 3/79 - 4/39

Box 1, folder 7

Speeches AD 3.22 1/79 - 7/80

Box 1, folder 8

President's Office AD 4 1/79 - 7/80

Box 1, folder 9

President AD 4.1 7/70 - 7/80

Box 1, folder 10

President AD 4.1 1/79 - 6/80

Box 1, folder 11

President's House, Staff, Car AD 4.7 7/79 -8/80

Box 1, folder 12

President's Schedule AD 4.9 7/79 - 8/80

Box 1, folder 13

University Counsel AD 4.10 4/72 - 5/80

Box 1, folder 14

Presidential Staff Meetings AD 4.11 1/79 - 1/80

Box 1, folder 15

Vice-Presidential Meetings AD 4.12 9/79 - 4/80

Box 1, folder 16

Administrative Counsel AD 4.12 6/79 - 6/80

Box 1, folder 17

Vice-Presidential Meetings AD 4.12 1/79 - 8/79

Box 1, folder 18

General Miscellaneous A-C AD 4.20 2/76 - 4/80

Box 1, folder 19

Public Affairs Office AD 4.22 2/79 - 8/80

Box 1, folder 20

Ombudsman AD 6 8/79 - 5/80

Box 1, folder 21

Legal Problems and Services AD 7 3/79 - 6/80

Box 1, folder 22

Campus Disruptions/Demonstrations AD 7.2 4/79

Box 1, folder 23

D.O.S. Case Numbers AD 7.2.5 3/79 - 3/80

Box 1, folder 24

SJC (Stanford Judicial Council) AD 7.2.7 6/79 - 7/80

Box 1, folder 25

Career Placement and Planning Center AD 8.7 1/80 - 8/80

Box 1, folder 26

Career Placement and Planning Center AD 8.7 1977 -12/79

Box 1, folder 27

Dean of Student Affairs AD 8.8 1/79 - 8/80

Box 1, folder 28

Exchange Programs AD 8.10 1/79 - 6/80

Box 1, folder 29

Stanford Overseas Studies Office AD 8.11 7/79 - 5/80

Box 1, folder 30

Financial Aids AD 8.12 1/79 - 8/80

Box 1, folder 31

Student Loans AD 8.12.1 1/79 - 2/80

Box 1, folder 32

Housing: Faculty, Staff, Emeriti AD 8.18 1/79 - 12/80

Box 2, folder 1

Hanna-Honeycomb House 8.18.2 4/79 - 7/80

Box 2, folder 2

Escondido Village AD 8.18.7 1/79 - 3/80

Box 2, folder 3

Fraternities and Sororities AD 8.18.8 1/79 - 6/80

Box 2, folder 4

Sororities AD 8.18.8 3/77 - 1/79

Box 2, folder 5

Fraternities AD 8.18.8 10/74 - 10/76

Box 2, folder 6

Housing for Students AD8.18.11 5/79 - 8/80

Box 2, folder 7

Registrar AD 8.21 11/72 - 6/80

Box 2, folder 8

Minorities AD 9 8/78 - 3/80

Box 2, folder 9

Black Affairs AD 9.1 1/79 -9/79

Box 2, folder 10

Black Student Union AD 9.1.2 11/74 - 11/78

Box 2, folder 11

Chicano Affairs AD 9.2 2/79 - 12/79

Box 2, folder 12

Chicano Affairs AD 9.2 1/80 - 7/80

Box 2, folder 13

Assistant to the President for Chicano Affairs AD 9.2.1 4/80 - 7/80

Box 2, folder 14

Mecha AD 9.2.2 2/80 - 3/80

Box 2, folder 15

Native American Indian Affairs AD 9.3 9/79 - 6/80

Box 2, folder 16

Asian American Affairs AD 9.4 6/71 - 6/80

Box 2, folder 17

Women at Stanford AD 9.5 1/80 - 5/80

Box 2, folder 18

Affirmative Action Program AD 9.6 1978 - 80

Box 2, folder 19

Staff Affirmative Action Program AD 9.6 1/79 - 11/79

Box 2, folder 20

Staff Affirmative Action Program AD 9.6 1/90 - 8/80

Box 2, folder 21

Affirmative Action for Women AD 9.6.3 11/79 - 8/80

Box 2, folder 22

Personnel and Employee Relations AD 10 1/79 - 8/80

Box 2, folder 23

United Stanford Employees AD 10.7.8 1/79 - 7/80

Box 2, folder 24

Personnel Policies/Hiring Practices AD 10.8 2/79 - 7/80

Box 2, folder 25

Equal Employment Opportunity AD 10.8.3 11/78 - 7/80

Box 2, folder 26

Staff Fringe Benefits AD 10.8.9 9/79 - 8/80

Box 2, folder 27

Grievance Hearings: Cases AD 10.8.10/1 2/79 - 12/79

Box 2, folder 28

Retirement AD 10.8.17 3/79 - 7/80

Box 2, folder 29

Salaries AD 10.8.19 9/79 - 4/80

Box 3, folder 1

Tuition Benefit Plan AD 10.8.22 11/56 - 8/79

Box 3, folder 1

Stanford Annual Fund (Inner Quad) 10/79 - 7/80 AD 12.10.3/4

Box 3, folder 2

Service Operations AD 11.4 6/79 - 7/80

Box 3, folder 2

Joseph Drown Research Fund AD 12.10.3/5-17.5 10/74 - 9/78

Box 3, folder 3

Energy; Information; Miscellaneous AD 11.4.2 5/78 - 8/80

Box 3, folder 3

The Glenmede Trust Company AD 12.10.3/5-26 7/79 - 7/80

Box 3, folder 4

Police Service/Campus Security AD 11.6 4/80 - 5/80

Box 3, folder 4

William Hewlett AD 12.10.3/5-29 9/79 - 8/80

Box 3, folder 5

Crime and Crime Prevention AD 11.6.2/4 2/79

Box 3, folder 5

International Business Machines AD 12.10.3/5-51 1/76 - 8/80

Box 3, folder 6

Office of Public Events AD 11.7 1/79 - 8/80

Box 3, folder 7

Commencement: AD 11.7.2 1978

Box 3, folder 8

Commencement: AD 11.7.2 1979

Box 3, folder 9

Commencement: AD 11.7.2 1980

Box 3, folder 10

Commencement Advisory Group AD 11.7.2/1 1971 -1977

Box 3, folder 11

Dedications AD 11.7.4 10/76- 8/80

Box 3, folder 12

Freshman Orientation AD 11.7.7 9/78 - 7/80

Box 3, folder 13

Graduate Reception AD 11.7.8 8/78 - 6/80

Box 3, folder 14

Baccalaureate AD 11.7.15 6/74 - 6/80

Box 3, folder 15

Stanford News Service AD 11.8.4 2/79 - 7/80

Box 3, folder 16

Surveys, Studies and Questionnaires AD 11.8.10 1/80 - 7/80

Box 3, folder 17

Surveys, Studies and Questionnaires AD 11.8.10 9/78 - 12/79

Box 3, folder 18

Campus Publications, Misc. AD 11.8.11 2/79 - 6/80

Box 3, folder 19

Information Bulletin AD 11.8.11/2 10/78 - 6/80

Box 3, folder 20

Business and Finance AD 12.2 6/79 - 7/80

Box 3, folder 21

Vice President for Business and Finance AD 12.2/1 6/79 - 7/80

Box 3, folder 22

Budgets AD 12.5 1/80 - 7/80

Box 3, folder 23

Budgets AD 12.5 9/79 - 12/79

Box 3, folder 24

Financial Reports AD 12.6 1976 - 1980

Box 3, folder 25

Policy: Investment Responsibility AD 12.7 1/78 - 11/79

Box 3, folder 26

Consulting Policy/Conflict of Interest AD 12.7.1 6/79 - 9/79

Box 3, folder 27

Insurance, Risk Management AD 12.8 6/79 - 6/80

Box 3, folder 28

Health and Safety AD 12.8.1 6/79 - 7/80

Box 3, folder 29

Vice-President for Development AD 12.10 1/79 - 3/80

Box 3, folder 30

Office of Development AD 12.10.1 6/79 - 8/80

Box 3, folder 31

Fundraising AD 12.10.3 9/78 - 10/79

Box 4, folder 1

Miller, Harold A. AD 12.10.3/5-54 8/78 - 7/80

Box 4, folder 2

Prospective Donors A - E AD 12.10.3/12 1978 - 1980

Box 4, folder 3

University Seminars AD 12.10.3/13 10/79 - 8/80

Box 4, folder 4

Foundations, Miscellaneous AD 12.10.4 1/80 - 6/80

Box 4, folder 5

Exxon Educational Foundation AD 12.10.4/67 9/79 - 8/80

Box 4, folder 6

Max C. Fleishmann Foundation AD 12.10.4/69 9/79 - 7/80

Box 4, folder 7

Ford Foundation AD 12.10.4/71 10/79 - 7/80

Box 4, folder 8

General Electric Foundation AD 12.10.4/78 6/79 - 8/80

Box 4, folder 9

Andrew W. Mellon Foundation AD 12.10.4/139 8/79 - 8/80

Box 4, folder 10

Land and Buildings AD 12.14 2/80 - 5/80

Box 4, folder 11

Faculty Club AD 12.4.7/30 9/79 - 6/80

Box 4, folder 12

Accounting AD 12.15 10/79 - 7/80

Box 4, folder 13

Earth Sciences Advisory Board AD 13.10.5/2 12/79 - 4/80

Box 4, folder 14

Law School Board of Visitors AD 13.10.5/5

Box 4, folder 15

Advisory Council of the School of Engineering AD 13.10.5/7 6/79 - 5/80

Box 4, folder 16

Advisory Council of the School of Engineering AD 13.10.5/7 12/77 - 2/79

Box 4, folder 17

Graduate School of Business: Advisory Council AD 13.10.5/8 9/79 - 1/80

Box 4, folder 18

Visiting Committee of the Stanford Libraries AD 13.10.5/9 10/79 - 7/80

Box 4, folder 19

Dean's Council Agendas AA 1.5.1 9/79 - 5/80

Box 4, folder 20

Office of Undergraduate Studies AA 1.12 9/79 - 6/80

Box 4, folder 21

Graduate Division AA 1.13 9/79 - 6/80

Box 4, folder 22

Graduate Students AA 1.13.2 9/79 - 5/80

Box 4, folder 23

Faculty Lists/Statistical Reports AA 2 11/79 - 4/80

Box 4, folder 24

Emeriti AA 2.2 8/79 - 8/80

Box 4, folder 25

Fellows of the University AA 2.9 1/74 - 5/80

Box 4, folder 26

Biological Sciences AA 4.1.12 8/79 - 8/80

Box 4, folder 27

Football Games AA 4.1.30/1 1/79 - 1/80

Box 4, folder 28

History AA 4.1.25 3/74 - 12/80

Box 4, folder 29

Dept. of Athletics, Phys.Ed. and Recreation AA 4.1.30 9/79 - 12/79

Box 4, folder 30

Dept. of Athletics, Phys.Ed. and Recreation AA 4.1.30 1/80 - 6/80

Box 5, folder 1

Graduate School of Business AA 4.2 1/79 - 8/80

Box 5, folder 2

Business School: Sloan Program AA 4.2.1 3/76 - 11/78

Box 5, folder 3

School of Earth Sciences AA 4.3 4/79 - 8/80

Box 5, folder 4

Electrical Engineering AA 4.4.5 10/72 - 6/80

Box 5, folder 5

Industrial Engineering AA 4.4.6 11/75 - 3/80

Box 5, folder 6

Center for Integrated Systems Development AA 4.4.19 10/78 - 4/80

Box 5, folder 7

School of Medicine AA 4.5 1/79 - 8/80

Box 5, folder 8

School of Medicine AA 4.5 10/75 - 10/78

Box 5, folder 9

Institute for Research on Educational Finance and Governance AA 4.5.1 6/79 - 7/72

Box 5, folder 10

School of Medicine AA 4.6 9/79 - 6/80

Box 5, folder 11

School of Medicine AA 4.6 9/79 - 12/79

Box 5, folder 12

School of Medicine AA 4.6 1/79 - 8/79

Box 5, folder 13

School of Medicine AA 4.6 4/79

Box 5, folder 14

Donald L. Stilwell AA 4.6/2 9/71 - 9/79

Box 5, folder 15

Cancer Center Proposal AA 4.6.1 2/71 - 1/79

Box 5, folder 16

Nursing Program AA 4.6.5 1/73 - 2/80

Box 5, folder 17

Faculty Medical Practice AA 4.6.17 8/78 - 8/79

Box 5, folder 18

Recombinant DNA/Patent Matters AA 4.6.19 6/76 - 8/79

Box 5, folder 19

Addiction Research Laboratory AA 4.7 1/76 - 8/80

Box 5, folder 20

Food Research Institute AA 4.8 3/73 - 8/80

Box 6, folder 1

The Hoover Institution AA 4.9 4/79 - 12/80

Box 6, folder 2

Hoover Institution/Board of Overseers AA 4.9.1 12/79 - 8/80

Box 6, folder 3

Center for Research in International Studies AA 4.10 2/78 - 5/80

Box 6, folder 4

Arms Control and Disarmament Course AA 4.10.1 5/72 - 12/79

Box 6, folder 5

Program on US/China Relations AA 4.10.3 10/78 - 3/80

Box 6, folder 6

Libraries AA 4.12 9/79 - 7/80

Box 6, folder 7

Research Libraries Group (RLG) AA 4.12.1 3/79 - 7/80

Box 6, folder 8

Research Libraries Group (RLG) AA 4.12.1 3/78 - 7/78

Box 6, folder 9

Associates of SU Libraries AA 4.12.3 9/73 - 2/80

Box 6, folder 10

Task Force on Library Planning for the Future AA 4.12.4 2/78 - 4/80

Box 6, folder 11

Stanford Linear Accelerator Center AA 4.13 2/78 - 9/79

Box 6, folder 12

School of Law AA 4.15 12/76 - 6/80

Box 6, folder 13

RWL's TestimonyHearing - Sacramento AA 4.17 7/79

Box 6, folder 14

Stanford University Hospital AA 4.17 5/79 - 8/80

Box 6, folder 15

SU Hospital: General Members AA 4.17.1 12/76 - 6/80

Box 6, folder 16

Stanford Hospital Board of Directors AA 4.17.2 10/77 - 5/80

Box 6, folder 17

SU Hospital Board of Directors: Community Physicians Issue AA 4.17.3 3/77 - 8/80

Box 6, folder 18

Stanford Center for Information Technology AA 4.22 4/71 - 6/80

Box 6, folder 19

Awards and Prizes, Misc. AA 5 6/77 - 10/79

Box 6, folder 20

Uncommon Man Award/Dinner AA 5.1 3/78

Box 6, folder 21

Phi Beta Kappa AA 5.2 11/72 - 8/79

Box 6, folder 22

Tanner Lectures AA 9.19 4/76 - 6/80

Box 6, folder 23

Endowed Chair/Professorships, Misc. AA 10 12/79 - 6/80

Box 7, folder 1

Ad Hoc and Misc. Organizations O1 4/80 - 7/80

Box 7, folder 2

Ad Hoc and Misc. Organizations O1 1/80 - 2/80

Box 7, folder 3

Ad Hoc and Misc. Organizations O1 9/79 - 12/79

Box 7, folder 4

Ad Hoc and Misc. Organizations O1 4/79 - 8/79

Box 7, folder 5

Resource Center for Women O1.7 9/78 - 12/79

Box 7, folder 6

Boys Town Center O1.10 9/78 - 6/80

Box 7, folder 7

HEI - Correspondence O2.1 9/79 - 8/80

Box 7, folder 8

Committee for Corporate Support of Private Univ's O2.2 10/79 - 7/80

Box 7, folder 9

Educational Groups O3 9/78 - 6/80

Box 7, folder 10

Consortium on Financing Higher Education O3.1 1/80 - 8/80

Box 7, folder 11

Consortium on Financing Higher Education O3.1 1/79 - 12/79

Box 7, folder 12

American Association of University Professors O3.6 1/79 - 6/80

Box 7, folder 13

Stanford Chapter: American Assoc. of Univ. Profs O3.6.1 12/78 - 3/80

Box 7, folder 14

American Academy of Arts and Sciences O3.7 3/79 - 6/80

Box 7, folder 15

American Council on Education O3.8 5/80 - 8/80

Box 7, folder 16

American Council on Education O3.8 9/79 - 4/80

Box 7, folder 17

American Council on Education O3.8 1/79 - 8/79

Box 7, folder 18

ACE: Business-Higher Education Forum O3.8.4 12/79 - 4/80

Box 7, folder 19

Nat'l Assoc. of Independent Colleges and Univ's O3.10 1/79 - 9/79

Box 7, folder 20

American Council of Learned Societies O3.12 11/78 - 5/80

Box 7, folder 21

College Entrance Examination Board O3.25 5/79 - 4/80

Box 7, folder 22

Aspen Institute O3.37 7/79 - 12/79

Box 7, folder 23

National Academy of Sciences O3.43 3/79 - 5.80

Box 8, folder 1

National Collegiate Athletic O3.44 1/79 - 8/79

Box 8, folder 2

Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women O3.45 4/79 - 3/80

Box 8, folder 3

Pacific Ten Conference O3.47 1/79 - 12/79

Box 8, folder 4

Pacific Ten-Report of Ad Hoc Committee O3.47 6/80

Box 8, folder 5

Pacific Ten Conference O3.47 1/80 - 8/80

Box 8, folder 6

Pacific Ten Conference O3.47

Box 8, folder 7

National Association of College and University Business Officers O3.55 1/79 - 6/80

Box 8, folder 8

National Research Council O7.11 4/79 - 6/80

Box 8, folder 9

University Research Association O7.16 1/79 - 2/80

Box 8, folder 10

Other Universities and Colleges O8 1/80 - 8/80

Box 8, folder 12

Other Universities and Colleges O8 5/79 - 12/79

Box 8, folder 13

Other Universities and Colleges O8 8/78 - 4/79

Box 8, folder 14

Association of American Colleges O8.6 1/79 - 8/80

Box 8, folder 15

Association of American Universities O8.7 8/79 - 4/80

Box 9, folder 1

Association of American Universities O8.7 12/79 - 8/80

Box 9, folder 2

Association of American Universities O8.7 1/79 - 6/80

Box 9, folder 3

AAU Executive Committee O8.7.3 9/79 - 6/80

Box 9, folder 4

AAU Executive Committee O8.7.3 1/79 - 8/79

Box 9, folder 5

Association of Governing Boards and Universities O8.8 1/79 - 3/79

Box 9, folder 6

Association of Governing Boards and Universities O8.8 4/79 - 8/79

Box 9, folder 7

Association of Governing Boards and Universities O8.8 9/79 - 11/79

Box 9, folder 8

Association of Governing Boards and Universities O8.8 12/79 - 5/80

Box 9, folder 9

Association of Governing Boards and Universities O8.8 6/80

Box 9, folder 10

Association of Governing Boards and Universities O8.8 7/80

Box 9, folder 11

Association of Independent Calif. Colleges and Univ. O8.9 2/79 - 8/80

Box 9, folder 12

Harvard University O8.23 1/79 - 5/80

Box 10, folder 1

Princeton University O8.36 1/78 - 3/80

Box 10, folder 2

University of California O8.43 1/80 - 8/80

Box 10, folder 3

University of California O8.43 1/79 - 12/79

Box 10, folder 4

University of Chicago O8.44 11/78 - 6/80

Box 10, folder 5

Western Association of Schools & Colleges O8.52 1/79 - 8/80

Box 10, folder 6

Yale University O8.53 2/79 - 5/80

Box 10, folder 7

Research, Misc. R 0 1/79 - 6/80

Box 10, folder 8

Sponsored Projects R 1 9/79 - 8/80

Box 10, folder 9

Genetics and Biomedical Eng. Project R1 6/79 - 4/80

Box 10, folder 10

Vice-Provost for Research R 1.1 10/76 - 6/80

Box 10, folder 11

Committee on Research R 1.2 9/76 - 1/80

Box 10, folder 12

Stanford Center for Chicano Research R 1.3 12/79 - 7/80

Box 10, folder 13

Center for Interdisciplinary Research R 1.4 6/72 - 5/79

Box 10, folder 14

Institute for Energy Studies R 1.4.2 2/78 - 2/80

Box 10, folder 15

Solar Energy Research Associates R 1.4.3 5/76 - 9/76

Box 10, folder 16

Possible New Research Areas R 1.6 1/10 - 10/79

Box 10, folder 17

Center for Research on Women R 1.8 1/79 - 5/80

Box 10, folder 18

Principal Investigators R 1.7 2/79 - 6/80

Box 10, folder 19

Research Associates R 1.8.2 2/76 - 8/80

Box 11, folder 1

Research Policies R 2 1/76 - 2/80

Box 11, folder 2

Contract Activities R 2.1 11/73 - 11/79

Box 11, folder 3

Security R 2.1.1 10/73 - 4/79

Box 11, folder 4

Institutional Support for Research, Misc. R3 8/74 - 8/77

Box 11, folder 5

Indirect Costs R3.1 1/79 - 4/80

Box 11, folder 6

RDF Awarded R3.2.1 2/76 - 10/77

Box 11, folder 7

RDF Deferred R3.2.2 11/71 - 2/76

Box 11, folder 8

D o D Sponsored Research R3.3 4/76 - 3/80

Box 11, folder 9

Research Proposals, Misc. R4 8/78 - 12/79

Box 11, folder 10

Committees Commissions, Adm, Panels, etc. C 1/79 - 8/79

Box 11, folder 11

Academic Council Correspondence C1.1 1/79 - 5/80

Box 11, folder 12

Senate of the Academic Council C2 4/80 - 6/80

Box 11, folder 13

Senate of the Academic Council C2 9/78 - 9/79

Box 11, folder 14

Senate of the Academic Council C2 11/79 - 4/80

Box 11, folder 15

Senate of the Academic Council Correspond. C2.1 1/79 - 4/80

Box 11, folder 16

Senate Reports C2.4 1/79 - 6/80

Box 11, folder 17

Advisory Board C3 9/79 - 4/80

Box 11, folder 18

Advisory Board C3 1/79 - 6/79

Box 11, folder 19

Steering Committee (StC) C4.1 9/79 - 6/80

Box 11, folder 20

Steering Committee (StC) C4.1 1/79 - 6/79

Box 11, folder 21

Rhodes-Marshall Scholarship Panel C5.1.4 5/79 - 3/80

Box 12, folder 1

Committee of Graduate Studies C5.3 9/79 - 6/80

Box 12, folder 2

Committee of Libraries C5.4 3/79 - 4/80

Box 12, folder 3

Committee on Undergraduate Studies C5.7 9/78 - 6/80

Box 12, folder 4

Universities Committees C6 7/71 - 8/80

Box 12, folder 5

Comm. on Athletics, P.E. and Recreation C6.1 1/79 - 5/80

Box 12, folder 6

Comm. on the Employment of Women in the Univ. C6.4 9/79 - 8/80

Box 12, folder 7

Faculty and Staff Benefits Committee C6.5 1/79 - 7/80

Box 12, folder 8

Committee on Land Building and Devel. C6.6 1/80 - 8/80

Box 12, folder 9

Committee on Land Building and Devel. C6.6 10/78 - 11/79

Box 12, folder 10

Committee on Public Events C6.8 1/79 - 8/80

Box 12, folder 11

Committee on Services to Students C6.9 1/79 - 5/80

Box 12, folder 12

Commission on Investment Responsibility C7.7 12/77 - 8/80

Box 12, folder 13

Ad Hoc Committee on Investment Responsibility C7.7 5/77 - 1/78

Box 12, folder 14

Commission on Investment Responsibility C7.7 2/80 - 4/80

Box 12, folder 15

Commission on Investment Responsibility C7.7 1/79 - 3/80

Box 12, folder 16

University Advisory Committee on Budget Plan. C7.13 2/79 - 6/80

Box 12, folder 17

Committee on Parking and Transportation C8.1 9/78 - 6/80

Box 13, folder 1

Radiological Hazards Control Committee C8.2 2/79 - 8/80

Box 13, folder 1

Trustee Committees B14 1/79 - 2/80

Box 13, folder 2

S.L.A.C. Coordination Committee C8.4 8/79 - 10/79

Box 13, folder 2

Ad Hoc Budget Committee B14.1 1/79 - 11/79

Box 13, folder 3

Scientific Policy Committee C8.4.1 2/79 - 8/80

Box 13, folder 4

University Library Council C8.5 2/79 - 6/80

Box 13, folder 5

Panel on University Press C8.6 1/79 - 2/80

Box 13, folder 6

Administrative Panel on Human Subjects C8.7 1/79 - 8/80

Box 13, folder 7

Administrative Panel on R-DNA Molecules C8.8 1/79 - 12/79

Box 13, folder 8

Administrative Panel on Hum. Subj. in Behavioral Science Research C8.9 3/79 - 10/79

Box 13, folder 9

Administrative Panel on Health and Safety C8.10 3/79 - 8/80

Box 13, folder 10

Administrative Panel on Lab. Animal Care C8.11 1/79 - 4/80

Box 13, folder 11

Administrative Panel on external Affirmative Action C8.13 1/79 - 2/80

Box 13, folder 12

Administrative Panel on Mandatory Retirement C8.15 9/77 - 6/78

Box 13, folder 12

Finance and Development Committee B14.4 10/78 - 2/80

Box 13, folder 13

Administrative Panel on Mandatory Retirement C8.15 7/78 - 6/79

Box 13, folder 14

Administrative Panel on Mandatory Retirement C8.15 1/79 - 2/80

Box 13, folder 15

Committee of Fifteen C9.2 3/78 - 12/79

Box 13, folder 16

Honor Code Commission C9.5 1/79 - 7/80

Box 13, folder 17

Administrative Panel on Privacy of Information C11 3/79 - 11/79

Box 13, folder 18

Presidential Search: Public Information C12 1/69 - 5/80

Box 13, folder 19

Search Committees, misc. C12 8/79 - 6/80

Box 13, folder 20

Board of Trustees, misc. Bl 1/80 - 7/80

Box 13, folder 21

Board of Trustees, misc. Bl 9/73 - 12/79

Box 13, folder 22

Stanford Cabinet B9 1/79 - 3/80

Box 13, folder 23

President, Board of Trustees B11 5/79 - 4/80

Box 13, folder 24

Board of Trustees Meetings/Schedules B13 3/79 - 7/80

Box 13, folder 25

Board of Trustees Agendas and Pre-Board Agendas B13.3 6/79 - 11/79

Box 13, folder 26

Board of Trustees B13.4 1/72 - 6/80

Box 13, folder 31

Deceased Former Trustee Files: Charles R. Blythe, James F. Crafts, Benjamin S. Crocker, Paul Edwards, Fred H. Merril, George Morell, Homer Spence, Flora Lamson Hewlett

Language of Material: English.
Box 13A, folder 1

Charles R. Blyth

Language of Material: English.
Box 13A, folder 2

James F. Crafts

Language of Material: English.
Box 13A, folder 3

Benjamin S. Crocker

Language of Material: English.
Box 13A, folder 4

Paul Edwards

Language of Material: English.
Box 13A, folder 5

Flora Lamson Hewlett

Language of Material: English.
Box 13A, folder 6

Fred H. Merrill

Language of Material: English.
Box 13A, folder 7

George Morell

Language of Material: English.
Box 13A, folder 8

Homer Spence

Language of Material: English.
Box 13A, folder 9

Student Trustee 4/76 - 6/76

Language of Material: English.
Box 13A, folder 10

Committee on Nominations B14.7 4/79 - 2/80

Language of Material: English.
Box 13A, folder 11

Ad Hoc Committee on the Med. Center B14.9 10/31 - 7/80

Language of Material: English.
Box 14, folder 1

Stanford Misc., Stanfordania PAD 1 9/77 - 6/80

Box 14, folder 2

Annual Reports (Admin. and Academic) PAD 1.6.3 8/72 - 8/79

Box 14, folder 3

Administrative Organization PAD 1.6.4 1/74 - 1/80

Box 14, folder 4

Signature Resolutions/Authorizations PAD 1.6.5 3/80 - 8/80

Box 14, folder 5

University Policy, Misc. Matters PAD 2 3/75 - 6/80

Box 14, folder 6

Facilities for the Handicapped PAD 2.11 5/77 - 7/80

Box 14, folder 7

Alcoholism PAD 2.15/1 9/76 - 5/80

Box 14, folder 8

Misuse of Stanford Name PAD 2.17 8/78 - 1/79

Box 14, folder 9

Higher Education, Misc. PAD 2.27 5/79 - 8/80

Box 14, folder 10

Administrative Guide PAD 3.2 4/76 - 8/80

Box 14, folder 11

University Calendar/Holidays PAD 3.21 8/79 - 2/80

Box 14, folder 12

Presidential Staff Meetings PAD 4.11 9/78 - 6/80

Box 14, folder 13

Vice-Presidential Group PAD 4.12 1/78 - 5/80

Box 14, folder 14

Public Affairs Office PAD 4.22 2/79 - 3/80

Box 14, folder 15

Ombudsman PAD 6 11/78 - 6/80

Box 14, folder 16

Admissions Office PAD 8.1 8/80 - 10/79

Box 14, folder 17

Bakke Case (Admissions Policy) PAD 8.1.1/1 6/77 - 2/80

Box 14, folder 18

College Work-Study Program PAD 8.7.2 10/79 - 6/80

Box 14, folder 19

Dean of Student Affairs PAD 8.8 10/78 - 8/80

Box 14, folder 20

Student Services and Special Services PAD 8.8.2 1/79 - 1/80

Box 14, folder 21

Exchange Programs PAD 8.10 8/78 - 12/79

Box 14, folder 22

Stanford Overseas Studies PAD 8.11 1/79 - 8/80

Box 14, folder 23

Stanford Program in Berlin PAD 8.11.4/1 4/79 - 7/79

Box 14, folder 24

Stanford Program in Bonn PAD 8.11.4/2 7/79

Box 14, folder 25

Financial Aids PAD 8.12 3/79 - 5/80

Box 14, folder 26

Student Loans PAD 8.12.1 11/79 - 5/80

Box 14, folder 27

Graduate Student Financial Aid PAD 8.12.2 5/79 - 5/80

Box 14, folder 28

Housing: Faculty, Staff, Emeriti PAD 8.18 6/78 - 8/80

Box 14, folder 29

Hanna-Honeycomb House PAD 8.18.2 10/75 - 10/77

Box 14, folder 30

Buck Estate PAD 8.18.4 8/79 - 2/80

Box 14, folder 31

Fraternities/Sororities PAD 8.18.8 4/80 - 6/80

Box 14, folder 32

Housing for Students PAD 8.18.11 8/79 - 7/80

Box 15, folder 1

Registrar PAD 8.21 9/78 - 8/80

Box 15, folder 2

Minority Enrollment PAD 8.21.2 8/73 - 5/80

Box 15, folder 3

Minorities PAD 9 7/79 - 3/80

Box 15, folder 4

Black Affairs PAD 9.1 2/79 - 11/79

Box 15, folder 5

Black Affairs PAD 9.1 8/78 - 8/80

Box 15, folder 6

Chicano Affairs PAD 9.2 4/80 - 5/80

Box 15, folder 7

Asst. to the Pres. for Chicano Affairs PAD 9.2.1 12/79 - 7/80

Box 15, folder 8

Staff Affirmative Action Program PAD 9.6 8/75 - 8/80

Box 15, folder 9

Affirmative Action (OFCCP) PAD 9.6 9/79 - 3/80

Box 15, folder 10

Task Force on Women PAD 9.6.1 1/80 - 6/80

Box 15, folder 11

Personnel & Employee Relations PAD 10 3/79 - 8/80

Box 15, folder 12

Staff Development Programs PAD 10.2 3/74 - 11/79

Box 15, folder 13

Policy: Appointment of Lecturers and other Short-term Teachers PAD 10.6 2/79 - 5/80

Box 15, folder 14

Committee for Art PAD 10.7.4 10/73 - 2/80

Box 15, folder 15

Child Care PAD 10.7.5 10/72 - 8/80

Box 15, folder 16

United Stanford Employees PAD 10.7.8 9/79 - 8/80

Box 15, folder 17

Personnel Policies PAD 10.8 3/79 - 8/80

Box 15, folder 18

Faculty/Staff Fringe Benefits PAD 10.8.9 9/79 - 8/80

Box 15, folder 19

Grievance Procedures: Faculty/Staff PAD 10.8.10 8/79 - 12/79

Box 15, folder 20

Grievance Procedures: Faculty/Staff PAD 10.8.10 1/76 - 8/79

Box 15, folder 21

Grievance Hearings: Cases PAD 10.8.10/1 1/80 - 7/80

Box 15, folder 22

Grievance: Walker/James PAD 10.8.10/1 5/80 - 7/80

Box 15, folder 23

Grievance: Tetteh Kofi PAD 10.8.10/1 11/77 - 8/80

Box 15, folder 24

Grievance Hearings: Cases PAD 10.8.10/1 2/79 - 12/79

Box 15, folder 25

Grievance: Gilda Loew PAD 10.8.10/1 5/79 - 10/79

Box 15, folder 26

Grievance: Robert Bernard PAD 10.8.10/2 3/78 - 1/79

Box 15, folder 27

Grievances: Student/Faculty on Acad. Matter PAD 10.8.10/3 10/78 - 3/79

Box 16, folder 1

Retirement PAD 10.8.17 10/78 - 7/80

Box 16, folder 2

Early Retirement PAD 10.8.17/1 9/78 - 7/80

Box 16, folder 3

TIAA/CREF and Prudential PAD 10.8.17/3 3/76 - 9/79

Box 16, folder 4

Salaries PAD 10.8.19 9/79 - 3/80

Box 16, folder 5

Salaries PAD 10.8.19 1/79 - 5/80

Box 16, folder 6

Tuition Benefit Plan PAD 10.8.22 4/79 - 6/80

Box 16, folder 7

Service Operations PAD 11.4 9/78 - 7/80

Box 16, folder 8

Energy: Information, Misc. PAD 11.4.2 8/77- 8/80

Box 16, folder 9

Policy Services PAD 11.6 10/78 - 8/80

Box 16, folder 10

Commencement PAD 11.7.2 6/78 - 8/80

Box 16, folder 11

Stanford Publications, Misc. PAD 11.8.11 9/78 - 12/78

Box 16, folder 12

Television Instructional Network PAD 11.8.13 10/78 - 8/80

Box 16, folder 13

Business and Finance PAD 12.2 2/79 - 8/80

Box 16, folder 14

Auditing PAD 12.4 1/77 - 1/79

Box 16, folder 15

Budgets PAD 12.5 1/79 - 8/80

Box 16, folder 16

Tuition PAD 12.5.4 12/78 - 6/80

Box 16, folder 17

Wage and Price Freeze Issue PAD 12.5.5 1/79 - 6/80

Box 16, folder 18

Insurance/Risk Management PAD 12.8 2/72 - 7/80

Box 16, folder 19

Health and Safety PAD 12.8.1 11/78 - 6/80

Box 16, folder 20

Office of Development PAD 12.10.1 11/79 - 3/80

Box 16, folder 21

Office of Development PAD 12.10.1 1/79 - 12/79

Box 16, folder 22

Gift Policies: Gift Summaries PAD 12.10.3/5 9/78 - 8/80

Box 16, folder 23

Hewlett, William R. PAD 12.10.3/5-29 10/78 - 4/80

Box 16, folder 24

I.B.M. PAD 12.10.3/5-51 10/78 - 5/79

Box 16, folder 25

Prospective Donors PAD 12.10.3/12 1/75 - 7/80

Box 16, folder 26

University Seminars PAD 12.10.3/13 9/78 - 11/79

Box 16, folder 27

Exxon Education Foundation (Esso) PAD 12.10.4/67 12/78 - 11/79

Box 16, folder 28

Fleishman Foundation PAD 12.10.4/69 11/78 - 10/79

Box 16, folder 29

Fluor Foundation PAD 12.10.4/70 11/74 - 4/80

Box 16, folder 30

Mellon Foundation, Andrew W. PAD 12.10.4/139 9/79 - 4/80

Box 16, folder 31

National Endowment for the Humanities PAD 12.10.4/152 10/78 - 7/80

Box 16, folder 32

1907 Foundation PAD 12.10.4/156 4/76 - 3/80

Box 16, folder 33

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation PAD 12.10.4/204 6/78 - 5/80

Box 17, folder 1

Patent Administration PAD 12.11 1/80 - 8/80

Box 17, folder 2

Patent Administration PAD 12.11 1/79 - 12/79

Box 17, folder 3

Land and Buildings PAD 12.14 11/78 - 6/80

Box 17, folder 4

Master Faculty Plan/Capital Funding PAD 12.14.1/1 1/79 - 1/80

Box 17, folder 5

Buildings, Building Space PAD 12.14.7 11/78 - 7/80

Box 17, folder 6

Facilities Planning/Monthly Project Report PAD 12.14.7/4 9/78 - 8/80

Box 17, folder 7

Facilities Planning PAD 12.14.7/29 3/79 - 7/80

Box 17, folder 8

Jasper Ridge Bio. Exper. Area (primate) PAD 12.14.7/43 5/78 - 6/80

Box 17, folder 9

Visiting Committee of the SU Libraries PAD 13.10.5/9 7/79

Box 18, folder 1

Provost's Office PAA 1 1/79 - 7/80

Box 18, folder 2

Provost's Office PAA 1 6/78 - 12/78

Box 18, folder 3

Provost's Senior Staff PAA 1.4.2 9/78 - 8/80

Box 18, folder 4

Dean's Council Agenda File #3 PAA 1.5.1 9/78 - 4/80

Box 18, folder 5

Dean's Council Agenda PAA 1.5.1 1/76 - 6/78

Box 18, folder 6

Dean's Retreat (Acad. Leadership Conf.) PAA 1.5.3 8/74 - 1/78

Box 18, folder 7

Office of Undergraduate Studies PAA 1.12 2/79 - 5/80

Box 18, folder 8

Graduate Divisions PAA 1.13 9/78 - 7/80

Box 18, folder 9

Graduate Students PAA 1.13.2 11/78 - 4/80

Box 18, folder 10

Faculty Lists/Statistical Reports PAA 2 6/79 - 4/80

Box 18, folder 11

Emeriti PAA 2.2 9/78 - 8/80

Box 18, folder 12

Faculty Appointments PAA 2.3 4/75 - 6/79

Box 18, folder 13

Faculty Appointments PAA 2.3 10/78- 8/79

Box 18, folder 14

Faculty and Acad. Appoint. Procedures and Policies PAA 2.3.2 1/79 - 6/80

Box 18, folder 15

Franklin, H. Bruce: Hearing PAA 2.6.2/1 6/73 - 7/80

Box 18, folder 16

University Fellows PAA 2.9 4/79 - 10/79

Box 18, folder 17

Stanford National Ratings and Accred. PAA 3.4 10/77 - 8/80

Box 18, folder 18

Stanford National Ratings and Accred. PAA 3.5.1 10/77 - 12/79

Box 18, folder 19

School of Humanities and Sciences PAA 4.1 10/78 - 6/80

Box 18, folder 20

Art & Architecture PAA 4.1.9 1/79 - 6/80

Box 18, folder 21

Rodin Collection/Cantor Gift PAA 4.1.9/1 6/79 - 6/80

Box 18, folder 22

Linguistics PAA 4.1.11 3/79 - 6/80

Box 18, folder 23

Biological Sciences PAA 4.1.12 1/79 - 7/80

Box 18, folder 24

Chemistry PAA 4.1.13 3/79 - 6/80

Box 18, folder 25

Communication PAA 4.1.15 4/78 - 8/80

Box 18, folder 26

Computer Science PAA 4.1.17 1/79 - 6/80

Box 19, folder 1

Economics PAA 4.1.20 1/79 - 8/80

Box 19, folder 2

English PAA 4.1.21 6/79 - 8/80

Box 19, folder 3

French and Italian PAA 4.1.22 12/78 - 8/80

Box 19, folder 4

German PAA 4.1.24 1/79 - 6/80

Box 19, folder 5

Mathmatics PAA 4.1.27 9/78 - 8/80

Box 19, folder 6

Hopkins Marine Biology Center PAA 4.1.28 9/79 - 7/80

Box 19, folder 7

Hopkins Marine Biology Center PAA 4.1.28 9/78 - 7/80

Box 19, folder 8

Physics PAA 4.1.33 1/79 - 7/80

Box 19, folder 9

Psychology PAA 4.1.35 4/78 - 11/79

Box 19, folder 10

Sociology PAA 4.1.40 10/78 - 8/80

Box 19, folder 11

Religious Studies PAA 4.1.47 9/78 - 6/80

Box 19, folder 12

Graduate school of Business PAA 4.2 10/78 - 8/80

Box 19, folder 13

School of Earth Sciences PAA 4.3 1/79 - 8/80

Box 19, folder 14

School of Engineering PAA 4.4 1/80 - 12/80

Box 19, folder 15

School of Engineering PAA 4.4 9/78 - 9/79

Box 19, folder 16

Engineering Economics PAA 4.4.4 3/76 - 8/80

Box 19, folder 17

Electrical Engineering PAA 4.4.5 1/79 - 8/80

Box 19, folder 18

Center for Material Research PAA 4.4.7 2/79 - 8/80

Box 19, folder 19

Mechanical Engineering PAA 4.4.9 10/78 - 5/80

Box 19, folder 20

Center for Integrated Systems PAA 4.4.19 1/80 - 6/80

Box 19, folder 21

Center for Integrated Systems PAA 4.4.19 8/79 - 12/79

Box 19, folder 22

Center for Integrated Systems Development PAA 4.4.19 3/79 - 12/79

Box 20, folder 1

School of Education PAA 4.5 1/80 - 6/80

Box 20, folder 2

School of Education PAA 4.5 2/79 - 12/79

Box 20, folder 3

Center for Integrated Systems Dev. PAA 4.4.19 11/78 - 2/79

Box 20, folder 4

School of Medicine PAA 4.6 11/78 - 12/78

Box 20, folder 5

School of Medicine PAA 4.6 7/78 - 10/78

Box 20, folder 6

School of Medicine PAA 4.6 5/79 - 8/79

Box 20, folder 7

School of Medicine PAA 4.6 1/79 - 3/79

Box 20, folder 8

School of Medicine PAA 4.6 1/80 - 4/80

Box 20, folder 9

School of Medicine PAA 4.6 4/80 - 6/80

Box 20, folder 10

Food Research Institute PAA 4.8 12/78 - 6/80

Box 20, folder 11

Hoover Institution PAA 4.9 10/78 - 7/80

Box 20, folder 12

Center for Research in Inter. Studies PAA 4.10 10/78 - 7/80

Box 20, folder 13

Arms Control & Disarmament Program PAA 4.10.1 8/78 - 12/79

Box 20, folder 14

Program on U.S.-China Relations PAA 4.10.3 10/78 - 8/80

Box 21, folder 1

N.E. Asia-US forum (NEXUS) PAA 4.10.3 12/79 - 6/80

Box 21, folder 2

Program on Inter. Sci., Technology and Strategic Studies PAA 4.10.4 8/78 - 6/79

Box 21, folder 3

Middle Eastern Studies/Pharoan PAA 4.10.5 10/79 - 2/80

Box 21, folder 4

Libraries PAA 4.12 1/79 - 6/80

Box 21, folder 5

RLG/RLIN PAA 4.12.1 10/79 - 8/80

Box 21, folder 6

Ballots/Library Automation Project PAA 4.12.1 10/78 - 7/80

Box 21, folder 7

Stanford Linear Accelerator Center PAA 4.13 6/79 - 7/80

Box 21, folder 8

Stanford Linear Accelerator Center PAA 4.13 1/79 - 5/79

Box 21, folder 9

Stanford Linear Accelerator Center PAA 4.13 9/78 - 1/79

Box 21, folder 10

School of Law PAA 4.15 9/78 - 7/80

Box 21, folder 11

Stanford University Hospital PAA 4.17 9/78 - 8/80

Box 21, folder 12

Stanford Hospital: Board of Directors PAA 4.17.2 10/78 - 7/80

Box 21, folder 13

CIT (SCIP -- SHAW) PAA 4.22 8/79 - 8/80

Box 22, folder 1

Stanford Center for Information Processing (SCIP) PAA 4.22 10/78 - 7/80

Box 22, folder 2

Awards and Prizes, Misc. PAA 5 2/77 - 1/80

Box 22, folder 3

Fellowships, Misc./General Info PAA 8 10/78 - 2/80

Box 22, folder 4

Endowed Chairs, Professorships PAA 10 1/79 - 5/80

Box 22, folder 5

Endowed Chairs, Professorships PAA 10 9/78 - 12/78

Box 22, folder 6

California State Government G1.2 1/79 - 8/80

Box 22, folder 7

US Government Relations G3 1/79 - 8/79

Box 22, folder 8

US Government Relations G3 9/79 - 3/80

Box 22, folder 9

US Government Relations G3 4/80 - 8/80

Box 22, folder 10

Department of Health, Ed. & Welfare G3.8 10/79 - 8/80

Box 22, folder 11

Department of Health, Ed. & Welfare G3.8 1/79 - 6/79

Box 22, folder 12

HEW -Office of Civil Rights G3.8.1 1/79 - 7/80

Box 22, folder 13

National Institute of Health G3.8.2 2/79 - 7/80

Box 22, folder 14

Department of Education G3.8.3 7/79 - 8/80

Box 22, folder 15

Department of Education G3.8.3 8/78 - 6/79

Box 22, folder 16

Office of Education (HEW) G3.8.4 2/79 - 2/80

Box 22, folder 17

Department of Labor G3.12 7/79 - 4/80

Box 23, folder 1

National Science Foundation (HEW) G 3.19 1/79 - 5/80

Box 23, folder 2

Palo Alto, City of: Comm. Relations G 4.2 2/79 - 7/80

Box 23, folder 3

Foreign Countries, Governments/Misc. G 5 4/79 - 7/80

Box 23, folder 4

China G 5.2 1/79 - 7/80

Box 23, folder 5

Alumni Conference AL 1.7 1/79 - 5/80

Box 23, folder 6

The Stanford Magazine AL 1.12 1/79 - 7/80

Box 23, folder 7

Stanford Associates AL 2 1/79 - 7/80

Box 23, folder 8

Alumni Association AL 3 10/79 - 6/80

Box 23, folder 9

Alumni Clubs, Misc. AL 3.4 1/79 - 11/79

Box 23, folder 10

Alumni Clubs, Misc. AL 3.4 1979 -

Box 23, folder 11

Students, Misc. ST 1 1/79 - 7/80

Box 23, folder 12

ASSU General ST 2 10/79 - 5/80

Box 23, folder 13

ASSU General ST 2 1/79 - 8/79

Box 23, folder 14

ASSU Elections and Referendums ST 2.4 8/72 - 5/80

Box 23, folder 15

ASSU Committee on Nominations ST 2.7 4/79 - 6/80

Box 23, folder 16

ASSU: Council of Presidents ST 2.8 1/79 - 5/80

Box 23, folder 17

ASSU Senate ST 2.10 11/76 - 7/80

Box 23, folder 18

Bechtel International Center ST 3.5 3/79 - 7/80

Box 23, folder 19

KZSU (Radio) ST 3.18 3/79 - 6/80

Box 23, folder 20

ARLO: Action Research Liaison Office ST 4.1 2/79 - 5/80

Box 23, folder 21

Freshmen ST 5.3 3/79 - 9/79

Box 23, folder 22

Senior Class ST 5.4 12/79 - 1/80

Box 23, folder 23

Unidentified Folder


Addenda, 1983-005 ARCH-1983-005

Box 23A

Search files for Vice President for Development


Addenda, 1984-042 Accession ARCH-1984-042

Box 1

Hoover House entertainment files, events 1970 October-1972 September, 1973 October

Box 2

Hoover House entertainment files, events 1972 October - 1973 December

Box 3

Hoover House entertainment files, events 1974 January - 1974 December

Box 4

Hoover House entertainment files, events 1975 January - 1975 December

Box 5

Hoover House entertainment files, events 1976 January - 1977 May

Box 6

Hoover House entertainment files, events 1977 June - 1978 July

Box 7

Hoover House entertainment files, events 1978 June - 1979 July, 1980 June

Box 8

Hoover House entertainment files, events 1979 July - 1980 June

Box 9

Hoover House entertainment forms, guest files A-L 1970-1980

Box 10

Hoover House entertainment forms, guest files M-Z 1970-1980

Box 11

Hoover House entertainment files, invitations and catering 1971-1974, 1979-1980

Box 12

Hoover House entertainment files, Christmas cards 1970-1978

Box 13

Hoover House entertainment files, miscellaneous (house maintenance paperwork, catering information, student worker manuals, calendars)


Addenda, 2018-038 Accession ARCH-2018-038

Language of Material: English.

Scope and Contents

Remarks given at Fairmont Hotel Grand Ballroom.
Box 1, folder 1

Remarks to Alumni Group (1/3) 1971 Feb 17

Language of Material: English.
Box 1, folder 2

Remarks to Alumni Group (2/3) 1971 Feb 17

Language of Material: English.
Box 1, folder 3

Remarks to Alumni Group (3/3) 1971 Feb 17

Language of Material: English.