Award, Fellowship Program in Economic Education and Administration, 1965; biographical sketch, Who's Who in America, and related material; and curriculum vitae undated
Clippings 1971-1991
Printed matter
Miscellany 1967-1997
Correspondence 1946-1998 and undated.
Aaseng, Rolf E. 1971
Abbema, Loren Van 1966
Abraham, David 1983
Ackermann, Theodor 1958-1959
Adams, Geoffrey 1970
Adams, Nora 1965
Aggarwal, Arjun P. 1970
Agnew, Spiro 1970
Agria, John J. 1974
Akufo, Emmanuel 1970
Aldridge, Alexandra B. 1974
Alexander, Eleanor E. 1991
Alexander, Paul J. 1969-1970
Allen, William B. 1985
Allin, Mary Ann 1983
Alter, Allan E. 1980
Altholz, Josef L. 1968-1971
Altman, William C. 1980
Alvis, John 1995
Amato, Joe 1966-1990
American Museum of Natural History 1987
Amick, Jean undated
Amidon, Ervan L. 1970
Anderson, Dennis L. 1975-1981
Anderson, Frank R. 1971
Anderson, James B. 1969
Anderson, Lauren undated
Anderson, Oscar A. 1969
Ann Arbor News 1969
Annunziata, Frank 1989
Appleby, John T. 1970
Arca, Emil 1984
Arlotto, William D. 1986-1987
Arnheim, Rudolf 1981
Arny, Wayne 1980
Art Institute of Chicago 1985
Arthos, John 1970
Ascher, Abraham 1974
Ash, Robert 1974
Augenstein, Leroy G. 1969
Augros, Robert M. 1983
Ayres, James H. circa 1971
Babione, Daisy, Mrs. 1971
Bailey, Richard W. 1984
Baldwin, John 1967
Balla, Phil 1970-1971
Balog, James T. 1970
Balogh, Sandor 1983
Bambach, Charles
Bankmann, Ulf 1985
Bargad, Warren 1983
Barker, Stanley Cline circa 1969
Barletta, William L. 1965
Barnes, William E. O. 1968
Barnett, Frank R. 1969
Barney, Joseph A. 1974
Baroody, William Joseph Jr., Mr. and Mrs.
Barry, Edward 1981
Bate, George L. 1975
Bateman, Lewis 1980-1984
Bauer, Peter 1974
Baxter, Hugh 1979
Bay, Christian 1971
Beale, Walter 1985
Beaumont, William 1967-1969 and undated
Beisner, Robert L. 1985
Belgray, Alice B. 1970
Bell, Daniel 1982
Bell, L. Nelson 1970
Benedict, Philip 1986
Benford, Harry 1970
Benson, George C. S. 1969
Benson, Joan 1989
Berberet, William G. 1987-1988
Berg, Meredith 1986
Berger, Peter L. 1968-1979
Berman, Ronald S. 1974-1975
Bernard, Richard M. 1984
Berquist, Marcus 1974
Berry, Charles 1986
Bertier, G. de undated
Betanzos, Kathleen 1998
Betanzos, Ramon J. 1966-1989
Biederwolf, Robert 1969-1970
Bierly, Ivan R. 1964
Billick, Dave 1983
Binkley, Thomas 1973
Birr, Kendall 1967
Bishirjian, Richard J. 1971-1986
Bitting, Christina 1966-1968
Black, Bruce Douglas 1968
Blackburn, Robert T. 1973
Blackwell, Gordon W. 1970
Blair, C. Stanley 1970
Bleiberg, Robert M. 1970
Block, Walter 1982-1983
Bloomhardt, R. J., Mr. and Mrs. 1982-1988 and undated
Blum, Albert A. 1970
Boarman, Patrick M. 1996
Bodman, Henry T. 1969-1974 and undated
Bodman, Weezie? undated
Bolduc, Thomas E. 1970
Bolen, Charles W. 1971
Bolstler, Elizabeth 1982
Boorstin, Daniel J. 1970
Borgquist, Daryl 1984
Borkman, Kurt J. 1985-1993 and undated
Bovenizer, David A. 1996
Bowers, Robert E. 1970
Bowsma, William J. 1970
Boyd, Jonathan 1992
Bozell, L. Brent 1970
Bradford, M. E. 1971-1986
Bradley, Robert I. 1970
Brady, Thomas A., Jr. 1983
Brandin, G. Rudolph 1974
Branham, Jill M. 1992
Brann, Eva 1985-1989
Bray, Thomas J. undated
Breckenridge, Joe undated
Breihan, J. R. 1984
Brewer, Thomas B. 1971
Brezicki, Margaret M. 1987
Briefs, Goetz 1970
Brink, James E. 1983-1984
Brinkley, George 1971
Brinks, Herbert 1975
Briscoe, Keith G. 1972
Brodt, Carl L. 1973
Broek, William Vanden 1969
Brooks, Samuel M. 1982
Brown, Gaylen 1969
Brown, Harry E. 1974 and undated
Brown, Kay 1984-1985
Brown, Kendall W. 1983
Brunsdale, Anne 1975
Brushaber, George K. 1970
Bryant, T. C. 1971
Buckler, John 1988
Buckley, Priscilla L. 1969-1973
Buckley, William F., Jr. 1965-1991
Bullock, Henry M. 1970
Bunting, Robert 1981-1982
Burleigh, Anne 1984
Burns, Norman 1971
Burrows, E. G. 1969
Bush, John W 1970
Butler, Jeffrey 1985
Butterfield, Herbert 1951
Byers, Walter 1969
Byrd, R. Eugene 1971
Cali, Christian R. 1994
Cambridge University Press 1970
Campaigne, Jameson G., Jr. 1966-1986
Campbell, Angus 1970
Campbell, Bill 1996
Campbell, William F. 1969-1995 and undated
Cansler, Loman D. 1970
Capaldi, Nicholas 1984-1992
Caponigri, A. Robert 1970
Carey, Christopher R. 1969-1970
Carey, George W. 1970-1971
Carlson, Allan C. 1990
Carlson, Edgar M. 1970
Carlsson, Eric 1991-1994
Carneal, Jeffrey J. 1994
Carson, Thomas E. 1983
Carter, Richard B. 1980
Cartier, Louis F., Jr. 1977
Carus, M. Blouke 1993
Case, David T. 1980
Case, Elisabeth W. 1965-1968
Catholic University of America 1974-1981
Catholicism in Crisis 1986
Catholics of Economic Growth 1987
Cavanaugh, Tom, Mrs. 1970
Center for Economic and Policy Education 1996-1997
Chaet, Alfred B. 1968
Chalmers, Mary E. 1985 and undated
Chamberlain, John 1971
Chickering, A. Lawrence 1986
Chilman, Walter J. 1986
Chitester, Robert J. 1985-1986
Christensen, George C. 1975
Christian Science Monitor 1980-1981
Christian Scholar's Review 1970
Christmann, Adam 1977
Chrobot, Leonard F. 1971
Clare, George 1967
Clark, William Reeve 1969-1970
Clor, Harry M. 1970-1973 and undated
Coakley, Frank 1968-1969
Cobb, Jean Danzer 1975
Cockip, Chez M. 1978
Cogan, Marc 1986
Cohen, Wilbur J. 1970
Colby, Roy 1971
Cole, John R. 1984
Coleson, Edward P. 1967-1968
Collier, David S.
Committee for the Bicentennial 1971-1975
Comprone, Joseph J. 1990
Connolly, Ruth E. 1994-1997
Cony, Edward R. 1971
Cooke, Romney W. 1971
Cooley, Janet 1982
Cooper, George E., Jr.
Cooper, John W. 1980-1981
Cope, J. I. 1956
Coriden, Guy E. 1968
Cornell University Press 1966
Corpus Dictionaries 1969 and undated
Corwin, Rebecca Brown 1971
Cory, Mary? 1987
Cosner, Mary 1984-1989
Coston, Herbert 1983
Cotton, W. Philip, Jr. 1968
Covent, Jane undated
Cox, Billy Ray 1967-1975
Cox, Eugene L. 1975
Crane, Philip M. 1978
Creech, Jill undated
Cribb, Kenneth, Jr. 1972
Cribb, T. Kenneth, Jr. 1978
Criscuolo, Antonio T. 1970
Croake, Richard 1971
Cronin, Morton 1972
Crosson, Frederick J. 1981
Crowder, C. 1983
Culross, Rita R. 1988
Curry, Richard C. 1969
Cutler, Richard L. 1972-1993
Cutsinger, Carol 1995
Cutsinger, James S. 1994
D'Andrea, Tom 1993
D'Arms, John H. 1985-1987
D'Souza, Dinesh 1981 and undated
D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc. 1967
Dahl, John R. 1982
Daly, Joseph S. 1986
Dannhauser, Werner J. 1986
Dante,? 1992
Davidoff, Norma 1971
Davidson, Eugene 1963-1968
Davis, Belinda 1985
Davis, John E. 1986
Davis, Matthew M. 1991
Davies, William 1985
Dawson, Christopher 1959
Dearborn Rotary Club 1970
Decker, Fred W. 1970
Decter, Moshe 1972
Deitenbeck, Bill, Jr. 1970
Delehanty, William 1985
DeLuca, Peter L. 1965
DeMatteis, Rosalind 1967
Denman, William F. 1983-1988
Dennis, William C. 1985-1988
Derrick, Christopher 1970-1971
Dervishi, Brian S. 1977-1992 and undated
Devlin, Barbara A. 1975
Diamond, Martin 1975
Dickman, Howard 1980
Dickson, Peter W. 1970-1980
Die President, Johannesburg 1969
Die Welt 1966
Dodds, Andy C. 1978-1981
Dodson, Ken 1968
Dodt, Jeffrey A. 1984
Doenecke, Carol 1985
Doenecke, Justus D. 1984-1989
Doeringer, F. M. 1984
Donald, Aida DiPace 1973
Donnelly, Mark Anthony 1994
Donovan, Michael A. 1975
Dotson, Paul R. 1970
Dott, Diane 1994
Dougherty, Jude P. 1974-1980
Dougherty, Richard M. 1987
Dowling, Lester M. 1966
Downey, Betsy 1987
Dudden, Arthur P. 1982
Duke, Kathleen F. 1991
Dumm, Christine 1997
Dunbar, Willis 1968
Dunlap, Beth undated
Durant, William Clark III 1970
Dwyer, Robert J. 1968-1970 and undated
Dykes, E. W. 1969
Eadie, John 1969
Ecclestone, David A. 1969
Edelen, Stephen R. 1983
Edwards, Lee 1970
Ege, Nezahet Nurettin 1944-1984
Eggert, Linda 1975
Ehmann, John 1967
Ehrmann, Howard M. 1954-1956
Ekman, Richard H. 1975
Elsas, Norman E. 1970
Else, Gerald F. 1966
Elsert, Katherine undated
Epstein, Fritz T. 1967
Epstein, Klaus 1966
Ericson, Edward E. III, Jr. 1974-1976 and undated
Ericson, Stephen A. 1984 and undated
Erlich, John L. 1970
Esch, Marvin L. 1968-1971
Evans, Lyon 1974-1975
Evans, M. Stanton 1970-1982
Eyck, U. Frank J. 1985
Faberman, Hilarie 1986
Fallis, Laurence S. 1970
Fand, David I. 1990
Fanning, Louis 1981
Farmer, Christopher 1978-1988
Farnham, Nicholas 1978
Fears, J. Rufus 1983-1992 and undated
Feigenbaum, Susan 1991
Feinberg, Charles E. 1961
Feldman, Gerald D. 1975
Feldman, Marlene 1971
Fenyo, Robert P. 1968-1971
Fettig, John M. 1988
Feuerwerker, Albert 1984-1985
Feulner, Edwin J., Jr. 1971-1985 and undated
Fielczak, John J. 1978
Filler, Louis 1986
Finch, Robert H. 1970
Fine, Sidney 1971
Fingerhut, Bruce M. 1976
Fink, John 1966
Fishbane, Jon 1980-1987 and undated
Fitzpatrick, Sheila 1983
Fitzsimons, M. A. 1971
Fleming, Robben W. 1969-1971 and undated
Flickner, Charles 1966
Florer, John H. 1971
Foote, Susan 1968-1969 and undated
Forbes, Anthony H. 1967-1968
Ford Foundation 1970
Ford, Gerald R. 1965-1967
Fort Hays Kansas State College 1971
Foster, Mary C. 1970 and undated
Fowler, Booth 1969
Fox, Patricia M. 1965
Fox, Robert S. 1967
Fox, Robert W. 1968-1969
Francis, Samuel T. 1984
Franck, Michael 1971
Freedom House 1983
Freimuth, E. G. 1970
Frick, Charlotte 1988
Frischer(?) Bernard D. 1971
Froehlke, Bruce 1986-1987
Fry, David E. 1970
Frye, B. E. 1974-1980
Fuller, Edmund 1980
Fuller, Timothy 1989
Fund for Theological Education 1968
Furet(?), Francois undated
Furst, Milton 1970
Fusfeld, Dan 1970
Gagliano, Joseph A. 1987
Gajewski, Mary O'Brien circa 1977
Galanski, Virginia undated
Galbreath, Robert and Naomi 1966-1970 and undated
Gallin, Mary Alice 1969
Gamage, Robert D. 1970
Gammon, Samuel R. 1981
Ganus, Clifton L., Jr. 1968
Garmel, Sara 1981
Garrison, Garnet R. 1969
Gaston, James 1986
Geiger, Roger L. 1969-1983
Gelbach, Clyde C. 1970
General Motors Corporation 1971
Genovese, Eugene D. 1969-1975
George, Emery E. 1971
Gerber, John M. 1986
Gerety, Peter 1975
German Information Center 1971
Gettman, Royal A. 1986
Gewanter, David 1980 and undated
Geyer, Michael 1985-1986
Gheyn(?), John W. 1986
Gibson, Charles 1968
Gideonse, Harry D. 1969
Giesecke, G. Ernst 1971
Gilbert, Martin 1989
Gildner, Jay W. 1981
Giles, S. F. 1972
Gill, William J. 1968
Gillis, John 1968-1969
Gillis, Mary 1992
Gilman, Sander L. 1984
Glasse, Jack 1988
Gleason, Philip 1974
Glen, Robert 1983-1985
Glover, M. W., Jr. 1986
Goldenberg, Edie N. 1994
Goldman, Bernard M. 1979-1980
Goodell, Grace E. 1983 and undated
Goodman, George D. 1969
Goodrich, Pierre F. 1965-1971
Gordus, Adon A. 1969
Gospodinoff, Gospodin 1979
Goss, Steven G. 1968-1969
Gottfried, Paul E. 1970-1994 and undated
Grady, Susanna 1993
Graf, Otto 1967
Graham, George J., Jr. 1978
Graham, Theodora R. 1985
Greeley, Andrew M. 1975-1976
Green, Richard undated
Green, Shirley 1966
Green, Willard P. 1974
Greenbaum, Louis S. 1970
Greenberg, Janelle 1982
Greenberg, Mark 1981
Greenberger, Allen J. 1970
Greene, Amy 1971
Greenfield, James L. 1965
Greenleaf, Charles W. 1974
Greenstein, Steve 1966
Greenwood, Mary L. 1983 and undated
Greifer, Jojn K. undated
Grew, Raymond 1971
Griffin, Bryan 1981
Griffin, F. Glenn 1982
Griffin, Robert P. 1967-1969
Grimes, Wellington V. 1970
Grix, John C. 1971
GrüBen, Mit den besten 1991
Gueguen, John A. 1971-1984
Guenin, Jon 1985
Guirard, Jim 1986
Gullander, W. P. 1964
Gum, William L. 1962
Gupta, Brijen K. 1970
Guth, Lloyd 1969
Guthrie, John C. 1969
Gutman, Sanford 1967-1971
Guy, Fred 1986
Haag, Ernest Van Den 1968-1979
Haag, John J. 1967
Haas, John M. 1992
Haas, Karen 1970
Habeck, Noel undated
Haber, William 1969-1971
Haberer, Joseph 1971
Habler(?), Martin 1989
Hackett, George O. 1970
Hackett, William H. Y., Jr. 1967
Hagy, James 1984
Hales, Daniel B. 1979
Hall,(?) 1989
Hall, Jason Y. 1975-1984
Hall, Terry R. 1982-1987
Halperin, S. William 1970
Hamburger, Joseph 1974
Hamilton, Lee 1966-1974
Hanseek(?), Bob 1983
Hansen, Kenneth N. 1983
Harcourt, Brace and World, Inc. 1966
Harms, George W. 1970
Harper, F. A. 1967-1971
Harrell, Kenneth E. 1970
Harrigan, Anthony H. 1979-1982
Harrington, Joel F. 1981-1984
Harris, Cynthia undated
Harris, Ralph 1970-1975
Harriss, C. Lowell 1969
Hart, Donald J. 1970
Hartman, John D. 1971
Hartwell, Max 1984
Hastings College of Law 1970
Hatcher, Harlan 1967
Havard, William C. 1978
Hay, G. E. 1971-1974
Hayek, Frederich A. von 1980
Hays, William L. 1966-1969
Haywood, C. Robert 1967
Headden, W. P. 1966
Headley, John M. 1986
Heatherly, Charles L. 1971
Hegeler Institute 1971
Heggoy, Alf A. 1986
Heise, Herman A. 1969
Heldt, Carl A. 1970
Hellerich, Mahlon H. 1970-1971
Henrie, Mark C. 1987
Henry, Michael 1986-1988
Herberg, Will 1969
Heritage Foundation 1981-1986
Herlihy, David 1971
Hermalin, Jolene 1981
Herman, Beaumont S. 1970
Herman, Martin M. undated
Hesburgh, Theodore M. 1968
Hessen, Robert 1973
Hewitt, Bill undated
Heyck, T. W. 1975
Heywood, C. William 1970
Hibbs, Virginia G. 1975
Higham, John 1995
Hill, W. W. 1990-1993
Hill, Watts, Jr. 1969
Hirsch, Eric D., Sr. 1970
Historian 1976
Hoab, Eric G. undated
Hobbs, Walter C. 1992
Hochberg, Leonard 1993
Hoffer, Kenneth 1967-1972
Hofman, Amos 1981
Holland, James C. 1986
Hollwig, James M. 1988
Holt, Andrew W. 1984
Holt, Rinehart and Winston 1966
Hook, Sidney 1985
Hollis and Carter 1951
Hollister, C. Warren 1984
Hollingsworth, J. Rogers 1971
Holthoon, Frederick L. Van 1987-1992 and undated
Hoover Institution 1967-1992 and undated
Hope College 1981
Hopkins, Richard J. 1987
Hornback, Bert G. 1979-1992
Horowitz, Irving Louis 1973
Horowitz, Robert 1969-1971
Horsch, William F. 1969
Horten, Alphons and Elisabeth 1973-1974
Houghton, Donald A. 1970
Houseck, Bob 1983-1990 and undated
Howami(?), George F. 1968
Howard, John A. 1966-1996 and undated
Howell, Martha C. 1986-1987
Hoxie, R. Gordon 1974
Huber, Rober J. 1970
Hughes, Clarence 1972
Hughes, Joseph D. 1970
Humboldt-Stiftung, Alexander von 1971
Humphrey, Hubert 1968
Hunter, Timothy N. 1974 and undated
Hurtig, Serge 1981
Hussman, Cindy L. 1981
Husted, Ralph W. 1987-1991
Huston(?), Joe 1971
Hutson, Charles 1970
Hyde, John M. 1983
Idzarda, Stanley J. 1965
Idziak, Janine Marie 1975
Iggers, Georg G. 1966-1970
Iklé, Frank W. 1971
Illinois State University 1964-1971
Imesch, Joseph L. 1967
Indiana State University 1981
Indiana University 1975-1981
Institute for Public Affairs Research 1970
Isaac, Erich 1971
Ishida, Nakao 1957
Iverson, Irving L. 1969
Ives, C. P. 1966-1975 and undated
Jackson, Hal P. 1967
Jackson Henry M. 1957
Jacobson, Jon S. 1988
Jaffa, Harry V 1970
James, C. H. 1970
Jarrett, Mary H. 1981-1985
Jeffrey, Julie 1982
Jellema, William W. 1967-1970
Jellison, Richard 1985
Jensen, Dwight circa 1970
Jensen, Ken 1983
Jewell, Harry 1974
Johns, Kingston 1970
Johns, Michael 1986
Johnson, Bruce Alan 1973
Johnson, Harold K. 1969
Johnson, Lyndon B. 1963
Johnson, Sandra R. 1965
Jones, C. Clyde 1958
Jones, Charles F. 1969
Jones, Christy E. 1983
Jones, Gary L. 1975-1976
Jones, Jean 1986
Jones, Michael 1984
Jones, Owen 1986
Jordan, David 1966-1967
Joy, Daniel F. 1971
Joyce, Michael S. 1986
Joyner, Quintard 1981-1986
Judd, Thomas W. 1986
Judge, Richard D., Mrs. 1968
Julber, Eric 1968 and undated
Kalish, Abraham H. 1970
Kaplan, Roger 1985
Kapp, Ronald O. 1974
Keating, Michael undated
Keckeissen, Joseph E. 1975
Kelley, Margaret "Maryland," 1975
Kelly, Alfred H. 1961
Kemmerer, Donald L. undated
Kemp, Arthur 1962-1975
Kenna, E. Douglas 1974
Kennard, John B., Jr. 1976
Kennedy, Dane 1986
Kennedy, David B. 1969-1994
Kennedy, James A. 1967-1969
Kenyon College 1973
Kerman, David V. 1966-1971
Kern, Paul J. 1970-1974
Kernan, Peter J. 1969-1970
Kershner, Howard E. 1969-1970
Kiessling, Ed and sons 1982-1986
Kim, Sung Bok 1985
Kindt, Werner and Werner Montag 1972
King, J. Charles 1981-1993
King, John 1982
Kingston, Thomas S. 1991
Kirby, John B. 1981-1984
Kirk, Russell 1958-1995
Kirkendall, Richard S. 1970
Kitzinger, J. 1957
Klaus(?) undated
Klein, Wayne 1970
Kleinfeld, Gerald R. 1981
Knutson, Joseph L. 1971
Kockeissen, Joseph E. 1975
Koller, Kerry 1989
Komives, John L. 1969
Kondelik, John P. 1993
Kort, Fred 1971
Korte, Willi A. 1982-1983
Kosann, Marci 1969
Koslowski, Peter 1991
Kotkas, L. J. 1980(?)
Kraditor, Aileen S. 1979-1981
Kristol, Irving 1971-1980
Krukones, James 1971
Kselman, Claudia 1980-1981 and undated
Kselman, Tom 1979
Kuehnelt-Leddihn, Erik von 1982
Kuh, Richard H. 1970
Kulbicki, Melvin A. 1980
Kunich, Michael 1972
Kyte, George 1985
Lacour, Henry J., Jr., Mr. and Mrs. 1971
Lalley, J. M. 1965-1978
Landes, David S. 1987
Lapeyrouse, Stephen 1985
Lapping, Mark B. 1970
Larmay, Fred N. 1970
LaRocca, John 1986
Larson, B. E. 1970
Lassner, Franz G. 1979
Lauber, Jean K. 1979
Laughlin, Richard W. 1970
Layle, H. F. 1970
Lebrun, Richard 1966-1971
Lederman, Martin J. 1970
Lefever, Ernest W. 1981
Leffler, Phyllis K. 1986
Lefkovitz, Elliot 1970-1973
Lehman, John F., Jr. 1965
Lemble, George P. undated
Lenski, Gerhard 1968
Lepine, Catherine 1983
Levant, Howard 1976-1977
Levine, Daniel 1989
Levine, Donald N. 1985
Levy, Leonard W. 1984
Levy, Roger 1971
Lewis, Marshall C. 1974
Lewis, Phillip A. 1970
Lewitz, Lester, Mrs. 1970
Liddell(?), Charlotte, Mrs. 1982
Liebman, Marvin 1987
Liggio, Leonard P. 1972-1986
Lincer(?), Dotti 1996
Lind, William S. 1971
Lindley, Robert 1970
Lindner, Rudi Paul 1986
Lips, David A. 1991-1992
Lipsett, Don 1959-1993
Lit, Theodore 1964
Littlejohn, Edward 1981
Littmann, Ulrich 1968
Livesay, Harold C. 1985
Locicero, Scott 1985
Locke, Mervyn 1980
Lockhart, Paul A., Jr. 1981
Lodge, Ellerton A. 1970
Loescher, Samuel M. 1981
Loewenheim, Francis L. 1973-1974
Lofton, John D., Jr. 1969-1989
Longmans, Green and Company Ltd. 1951
Looker, Mark undated
Losh, Mark S. 1983
Lougee, Carolyn 1985
Lowens, Irving 1961
Lubienski, Ricardo J. 1959
Lucas, Paul 1972
Ludwig von Mises Institute 1990
Lulves, John F., Jr. 1966-1991
Lummus, Bertrand W. 1974
Lundin, Jon 1967-1970
Lunsford, Robert D. 1986
Lux et Veritas, Inc. 1971
Lynch, K., Mr. and Mrs. 1986
Lynch, Kevin 1981
Lynn, John S. 1972
Lynn, Robert Wood 1986
Lyons, David P. undated
Mable, Phyllis 1970
McCaffrey, Neil 1965-1972
McCahery, Joseph A. 1978-1984
McCarter, Neely D. 1984
McCarthy, Margaret E. 1996 and undated
McCarty, John T. 1970
McCarty, Peter O. 1984
McClellan, James 1967
McCloud, Neal 1974-1976
McConagha, Glenn L. 1969-1994
McConnell, J., Mrs. 1970
McCormack, William D. 1987
McCoy, Ron 1968
MacDonald, Angus 1970-1996
MacDonald, Malcolm M. 1974
McDonald, W. Wesley 1981-1982
McDowell, Edwin 1970
McGarry, Georia 1985
McGee, Paul B. undated
McGonagle, David J. 1986
McGraw-Hill Book Company 1969
Machan, Tibor E. 1974
McInerny, Ralph 1992-1993
McIntosh, Lester A. 1970
McIntosh, Tom 1971
Mackay, Frank J. 1970
Mackie, Ethel P. 1964
McKie, James W. 1975
Mackinnon, Marianne 1980 and undated
McLeod, A. Neil 1986
Macleod, David 1986
McMaster University 1987
Macmillan Company 1966-1968
McNamara, Joseph S. 1982
Maddy, Joseph E. 1965
Madsen, David 1970
Maehl, William H., Jr. 1970
Maggioni, Luigi 1984
Maibach, Michael C. 1983
Mairs, James L. 1970
Maitre, Von H. Joachim 1975-1984 and undated
Mall, Loren 1986
Manfred, Ernest F. 1969
Mann, Herbert F. 1973
Mann, Paul 1971
Mann, Robert W. 1969-1984
Manne, Henry G. 1970
Manning, Roger B. 1985
Manning, Roy O. 1972
Mantz, Francis M. undated
Marciniak, Edward 1970
Marder, Arthur 1966
Markovic, Mihailo 1970
Marlais, Michael 1982-1984
Marmaduke, Arthur S. 1970-1971
Marsh, Peter T. 1972-1974
Marshall, J. Paxton 1971
Martin, George B. 1992
Martin, Michael C. 1981-1991 and undated
Marx, Leo 1975-1976
Mason, Philip P. 1961
Massey, Marilyn Chapin 1986
Masu(?) Tom undated
Mates, Michael 1981
Mather, Judson 1965-1971
Mauro, Tom 1993-1994
Mavrodes, Grorge I. 1988
Maxwell, Robert, 1971, Edwin 1970
Meisel, J. H. 1971-1996 and undated
Men's Club 1970
Mercy College of Detroit 1985
Meridian Books 1966
Mewes, Horst 1992
Meyer, Frank S. 1957-1971 and undated
Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters 1968
Miles, Stephen B. 1986
Miller, Donald E. 1969
Miller, Doris M. 1970
Miller, Fred D., Jr. 1984-1986
Miller, Freeman D. 1960
Miller, Maxine and Ed 1984 and undated
Miller, Ray 1980-1982
Milosch, Mark S. 1993
Mitterling, Philip I. 1965
Modern Age 1974
Molesky, Mark 1990 and undated
Mondigadeh(?), Anusda 1963
Monist 1974
Montag, W. 1972
Moore, Charles L. 1969
Moore, Michael E. undated
Moravcsik, Julius 1975
More, Glen L.(?) 1966
Moreell, Ben 1968
Morris, Geoffrey 1989
Moses, Dirk 1993
Mosher, Mary Lou 1971
Mosse, George L. 1969
Moynihan, Daniel P. 1969-1973
Mueller, Franz H. 1981-1985
Muller, Robert 1967
Muncy, Raymond 1968
Munro, Donald 1985
Murphy, Dwight 1972
Murphy, Randa 1980
Musick, Doug S. 1989
Myers, Harold H. 1969
Nash, George H. III 1970-1974
Nasser, Barbara 1983
National Association of Scholars 1990
National Endowment for the Humanities 1983
Nayenga, Peter 1970
Nease, Stephen W. 1970
Nelson, J. Robert 1957
Nelson, Jeffrey M. 1970
Nelson, Ronald R. 1966-1985
Neuenschwander, John 1987
Neuhausen, Ben 1970
New American Review 1977
New Catholic Encyclopedia 1966
New Mexico Quarterly undated
Newsom, Carroll V. 1969
New York Times 1958-1974
Nichols, Bryan and Darlene 1986
Nichols, David C. 1969
Nichols, James 1971
Nichols, Russell L. 1984-1985
Niemeyer, Gerhart 1966-1990
Nimelman, Andrew A. 1985 and undated
Nisbet, Robert A. 1968-1975
Nixon, Richard M. 1969-1981 and undated
Nolan, John G. 1987
Normack, John, Jr. 1985
Norman, Warren T. 1971
North, Gary 1971
Northwestern University 1979
Northwood Institute 1979
Norton, Mary Beth 1975
Norton, Stephen undated
Novak, Michael 1975-1984
Noworyta, Timothy J. 1981
Nurser, John 1956
Nutt, Clarence D. 1969
Nutter, G. Warren 1966
Obitts, Stanley 1970-1972
O'Brien, Albert C. 1974
O'Brien, Francis W. 1974-1975
O'Gorman, Kathy 1975
Oklahoma State University 1974
Okonski, Raymond N. 1970
Olasky, Marvin 1981-1986
Olegario, Rowena 1984
O'Mally, John 1974
Opitz, Edmund A. 1970
Opitz, Peter J. 1975-1980
Organization of American Historians 1971
Ormsby, M. A. 1967
Orth, Norbert J. 1971
Ortuno, Manuel 1970
Osberger, Alice 1993
Oster, Thomas H. 1970
Overseth, Anneke 1973
Ozog, Thaddeus J. 1971
Pallenger, W. S. 1967
Panichas, George A.
Parker, Geoffrey 1990
Parker, J. A. (Jay) 1970
Parkes, David G. 1982
Parsons, Edward 1985
Pascol(?), Robert A. 1988
Paton, William A. 1970
Patrick, Miriam 1971-1972
Patterson, L. G. 1990
Paul, H. W. 1985
Payne, Francis Dana, Jr. 1969
Payzs, Tibor 1966
Pearson, Al 1976-1978
Pearson, Sidney A., Jr. 1975 and undated
Peckham, Howard H. 1974
Pejovich, Stefan 1970-1985
Pejovich, Svetozar 1974-1977
Pells, Richard 1984
Penn, Ralph S. 1969
Pepperdine University 1980-1982
Perkins, Bradford 1971 and undated
Perry, Laurens B. 1965-1968
Peters, C. 1994
Philbrook, Clarence E. 1968
Philipson, Morris 1977
Phillips, Clifton J. 1970
Phillips, Lester H. 1969-1970
Pickup, Robert E. 1971-1982
Piekacz, Lucian 1970
Pilon, Roger 1975 and undated
Pitts, Henry L. 1970
Platt, Michael 1989-1991 and undated
Podhoretz, Norman 1974
Pond, Elizabeth 1979-1985 and undated
Poppel, Stephen 1969
Porter, Clifford F. undated
Porter, Frederick A. 1971
Porter, John W. 1969
Potter, J. C. 1971
Powell, Ronald R. undated
Pratt, Lawrence D. 1969-1971
Prentice, Edward A. 1970-1984
Prentice, Paul E. 1984
Preston, Robert A. 1973-1974
Price, Ben S. 1985
Price, Jacob M. 1966-1998 and undated
Proulx, Ron 1970
Prout, Jerry 1975
Provost, William 1980
Proxmire, William 1971
Pursell, Carl D. 1981-1988
Putnam, Lloyd W. 1968
Quennell, Peter 1958
Quinlivan, Gary M. 1997
Raico, Ralph 1965-1975
Ralls, Walter A. 1983
Randall, Bernice 1968-1969
Rarick, Margie Needham 1972
Rasmusson, Edith (Mrs. H. Richard) 1972
Rausch, James S. 1976
Read, Leonard E. 1970-1971
Reagan-Bush, '84 1984
Reagan, Ronald 1981
Red Cross of the Democratic Republic of North Vietnam 1969
Reddy, William 1986
Reed, John Shelton 1994
Reed, Ted 1986
Regnery, Alfred S. 1996
Regnery, Eleanor S. (Mrs. Henry Regnery) 1976-1980 and undated
Reich, Virginia 1975
Reilly, Robert W. 1958
Reinerman, Alan J. 1975-1980
Reis Irwin H. 1965
Remick, Carl 1981
Remini, Robert V. 1971
Reuland, Daniel Scott 1983
Rever, Philip R. 1970-1971
Review of Politics 1980
Reynolds, Richard G. 1969
Rhodes, Frank H. T. 1975
Richtmann, David P. 1971-1982
Richtmyer, David L. 1982
Riggs, Donald E. 1993
Ringrose, David 1984-1986
Ritchie, Robert 1964-1968
Rivero, F. 1991
Robbins, Caroline 1974
Robert Bosch Stiftung Gmbh 1982
Robinson, Joan 1968
Robinson, Paul 1986
Robinson, Walter B., Mrs. 1970
Roche, George C., III 1971-1994
Roche, Lissa 1985-1989
Rockefeller Foundation 1975
Rockefeller, Nelson A. 1963
Rockford Institute 1984-1997
Rogers, George C., Jr. 1984
Rogge, Benjamin A. 1967-1971
Romney, George 1966
Ronning, Hal 1988
Rooney, William J. 1971
Roper, Coy 1987-1988
Ross, Mitchell S. 1986
Ross, Stanley R. 1975-1976
Rozek, Edward J. 1970
Ruch, Ulrich 1974
Rule, Philip C. 1974
Rundell, Walter, Jr. 1963
Rupprecht, Nancy E. 1979-1985 and undated
Ruud, Charles A. 1970
Ryn, Claes G. 1985-1991
Sack, James J. 1970-1983
Saffell, David 1988
Salahuddin, Mohammad 1983-1984
Sampson, Bob 1984
Sanders, Jack T. 1987
Sandmel, Samuel 1967
Sandoz, Ellis 1991
Sanford, Donald G. 1967-1991
Savory, Laina 1986
Sawyer, Ralph A. 1957
Scarborough, William K. 1985-1986
Scheetz, M. JoEllen 1969-1970
Schiller, M. Dean 1971
Schilling, Hayden 1986
Schlamm, William S. 1967
Schlesinger, Stephen L. 1982
Schmandt, Raymond H. 1968-1969
Schmidt, Agatha 1969 and undated
Schmidt, Emily 1985-1993 and undated
Schmidt, Wilson 1970 and undated
Scholz, Bernard W. 1993
Schrand, Timothy undated
Schroeder, Paul W. 1986
Schultz, Helen E. 1969-1973
Scobie, Ingrid W. 1971
Scott, Foresman and Company 1979-1985
Segel, Edward B. 1984
Seigel, Jerrold 1971-1984
Sertz(?), Karl 1971 and undated
Shapiro, Harold T. 1982
Sharp, Robert Brooke 1973-1974
Shaughnessy, Andrew 1986
Shields, Dennis J. 1993
Shontz, Patricia J. 1974
Shyrock, Richard H. 1961
Shudy(?) Arthur undated
Shy, John and Arlene 1996
Sidar, Alexander G., Jr. 1970
Sigler, Ernest T. 1970
Silva, Moises 1974
Silverburg, Sanford R. 1971
Silverman, Dan P. 1986
Silvern, G. Steven Jack 1967
Simms, James V. Jr. 1986
Sirico, Robert A. 1991-1993
Skic(?) Larry undated
Slayton, Mary E. 1979-1983
Sluhan, Clyde 1996 and undated
Smaby, W. A. 1970
Smith, Alice 1967
Smith, Allan F. 1978
Smith, Anne L. 1987
Smith, Brenton H. 1970-1971
Smith, Bryan F. 1976-1978
Smith, D. A. 1985
Smith, G. Kerry 1970
Smith, Lacey Baldwin 1986
Smith, Mary S. 1989
Smith, Mortimer 1970-1971
Smith, Richard W. 1968
Smyd, Edwin S. 1970
Smythe, Ormond 1988
Snare, Francis 1969
Solari, Rafael A. 1968-1973
Solchanyk, Roman 1974
Soloway, Richard A. 1985
Sommerfeldt, John R. 1966-1986
Sonderegger, Richard 1967-1970
Sowell, Thomas 1975-1976
Spann, John R. 1986
Spence, Clark 1970
Spirey, Allen 1971 and undated
Spivack, John M. 1986
Spivey, W. Allen undated
Spurr, Stephen H. 1966-1971
Stanford University 1970-1980
Stanlis, Peter J. 1965-1966
Stannard, Richard undated
Starbuck, Dane 1992
Stark, Gary D. 1983-1984
Starr, Chester G. 1981
Stave, Bruce M. 1986
Stearns, Peter N. 1967-1986
Steeples, Douglas W. 1971
Stehlin, Stewart 1986
Stein, Ronald H. 1985-1996
Steiner, Bruce E. 1971
Steinhoff, William 1969-1987 and undated
Sterk, Lois 1970
Sterling, Robert 1970
Stern, Mark Otto 1993 and undated
Steudtner, Fritz 1972
Stigler, George J. 1971
Stoddard, Harriet 1979-1981
Stolz, Benjamine A. 1986-1987
Stone, Lawrence M. 1983
Sue, Wallace 1971
Sullivan, Anthony T.
1970-1974 and undated
Sullivan, Richard E. 1967-1969
Sullivan, Richard H. 1969
Sullivan, Sandra L. 1989 and undated
Super, Bob 1984
Sussman, Alfred S. 1970
Swab, W. H. 1970
Swarthmore College 1970
Synon, John J. 1968
Szaz, Z. Michael 1970
Szporluk, Roman 1982
Tafel, Herman 1977
Talbott, David N. 1970
Tanaskovic, Nicholas J. 1969
Taylor, James B. 1986
Taylor, John H. 1971
Taylor, Robert M. 1964
Teague, Randal Cornell 1969-1970
Templeton, Kenneth S., Jr. 1965-1973
Tentler, Thomas N. 1984-1985
Terrill, Dean 1965
Theodorson, George A. 1970
Theroux, David J. 1993
Thimme, Annelise
Thomas, Mark R. 1986
Thomas, S. Bernard 1983
Thompson, L. V. 1983
Thompson, Mack 1975
Thorne, Ms. 1984
Thornton, J. Mills 1980
Thorpe, James III 1981
Thorson, Thomas L. 1972
Thorwaldsen, Roland 1986
Thrupp, Sylvia L. 1957
Thum, Richard L. Mrs. 1970
Thurston, Robet W. 1979
Tiffany, David H. 1968
Tilly, Louise A. 1981-1984
Tilton, George R.
Times Sunday Magazine 1969
Todorovich, Miro M. 1971-1987
Tompson, Richard S. 1966
Tonsor, Charles A., Jr. 1971-1976
Tonsor, Maxine and Ed undated
Tonsor, Steve and Sue 1978-1990
Trammell, Georgiann 1974
Trapp, Walter B. 1969
Trautmann, Thomas R. 1984
Trosco, James E. 1974
Trowbridge, Keith W. 1970-1981
Trowbridge, Ronald L. undated
Troxler, Carole 1988
Trubman, Howard 1969
Tucker, Herbert F. 1984
Tulkki, Mark R. 1991
Turner, Arlin 1961
Turyn, Alexander, Mrs. 1977
Tuskegee Institute 1970
Tyrmand, Leopold 1984
Tyrrell, R. Emmett, Jr. 1969-1974
Underbrink, Robert 1971
Unfug, Douglas A. 1970-1985
University of Alberta 1984
University of California at Los Angeles 1982
University of San Francisco 1977-1979
University of Texas at Dallas 1978-1988
University of Toledo 1982
Uyl, Douglas Den 1989-1997
Valis, Wayne H. 1968-1971
Van Engen, John 1985
Vann, James Allen 1975-1985
Vann, Richard T. undated
Varga, Nicholas 1989
Veerkamp, Pat 1984
Vella, John M. 1994-1996
Venter, Casper S. C. 1979-1980
Vermillion, W. H., Jr. 1971
Victorian Studies 1959-1971 and undated
Viditch, Joseph J. 1968
Vieson, Paul 1986
Vigilante, Richard 1986
Vinovskis, Maris A. 1986
Vinson, Fred M., Jr. 1967
Vinyard, JoEllen 1985
Vital Speeches of the Day 1970
Vitzthum, Richard C. 1970
Vivas, Eliseo 1968-1979 and undated
Volis, Wayne H. 1971
Vondung, Klaus 1978-1979
Voss, Earl H. 1972-1975
Vree, Dale 1975-1979
Wagner, George 1983-1984
Wagner, John 1983-1996
Wakai, Ted 1970
Waldman, Marilyn 1986
Walker, Donna Wessel 1984
Walker, Franklin A. 1969
Walker, Graham H. 1986
Wall, Annalee 1970
Wall, Irwin M. 1986
Wallace, W. Allen 1970
Waller, George M. 1983
Wallerstein, Immanuel 1970
Wall Street Journal 1969-1981
Wallis, W. Allen 1969-1970
Walter, Scott 1993
Wandel, Winnie(?) 1986
Ward, Charlotte 1968
Ward, James E. 1971
Ward, Leo R. 1971-1972
Ware, Beverly(?) circa 1980
Ware, Richard A.
Warner, Robert M. 1970-1971
Warwick, James Noel undated
Washington Times 1986-1987
Watson, J. H. Adam 1984
Wattles, G. M. 1970
Watts, G. R. 1968
Watts, W. A. 1969
Weatherford, Willis D. 1973
Weaver, Mary Jo 1973-1982
Webb, Joe undated
Webber, Howard R. 1978
Weber, Edward 1984
Wedemeyer, George E. 1968
Weden, Elmer A., Jr. 1971
Weeks, Stephen C. 1986
Weinberg, Gerhard L. 1967-1972
Weir, Charles Robert, Mrs. 1970
Weiss, James 1987-1988
Weiss, John 1970
Werlein, Leila undated
Wesner, David O. 1981
Wessman, Rosemary 1969
West, Elliott 1986
West, Kenneth B. 1968
Wester(?), Roger undated
Wharton, W. W. 1970
Wheaton, Bernice 1987
Wheeler, Benjamin W. 1972
Wheeler, Richard S. 1974
White House 1970-1982
White, Janice L. 1976
White, Kathleen 1975
White, Lyn M. 1992
White, Timothy O. 1983
Whitney, Gleaves 1988-1992
Wick, Charles Z. 1982
Wickre, Bill undated
Wiener, Philip P. 1967
Wiggins, James W. 1968-1970
Wilke, Ekkehard-Teja 1971
Will, George F. undated
Willard, Andrew 1978
Willcox(?) 1966-1967
Willcox, Christopher undated
Willcox, W. B. 1968
Williams, Donald E. undated
Williamson, W. Rulon 1970
Willson, John 1987
Wilson, Francis G. 1965
Windham, William T. 1985
Winnie, Laurence H. 1984 and undates
Winsor, Philip 1986
Winstead, Elizabeth 1987
Witonski, Peter P. 1968-1970
WKBD TV 1969
Woehrer, Patricia 1986
Wolf, Hans 1973
Wolfe, Gregory 1981-1994
Womack, John, Jr. 1984
Women's Republican Club 1971 and undated
Wood, Gordon S. 1975
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars 1972
Woodruff, Douglas 1959
Woodstock, Betty 1970
Woodward C. Vann 1980
Woody, Stella undated
Wormold, F. L. 1970
Wortman, Roy 1982
Wright, Susan 1967
Wu, Yuan-li 1969
Wynn, Charles B. 1969
Yale University 1976
Yates, Anne C. 1970
Yiotis, Gayle 1984
Young Americans for Freedom, Inc. 1980
Young, Francis A. 1964
Young, M. Norvel 1970
Young, Theodore A. 1986
Zeltman, Yadja 1970
Zesmer, David 1984
Zilly, G. Sam, Mrs. 1970-1971
Zimmerman, Paul A. 1969
Zoeller, Michael 1994
Untitled holograph and typescript loose pages about social idealism, East-West conflict, and higher education, undated, and agreement with the publishers, Rhinehart & Company Incorporated 1958
Records of participations 1981-1996
Contemporary Religious Movements in Central Europe undated
Seminar on "Human Nature, Christianity and Liberty," Tulsa, Oklahoma 1996 January 26-28
Records of response to speeches
1968 June – 1969 May
1969 June – 1982 April
Records of speaking engagements
"Alienation and Relevance in Higher Education, National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) Education Committee meeting, Washington, D.C. 1969 April 1-2.
"Science and Technology and the Cultural Revolution," dinner speech, Tau Beta Phi Engineering Honorary Society, University of Michigan 1971 April 2.
"Is it Possible to be both a Radical Christian and a Political and Cultural Conservative?" Conference on Faith and History session, American Historical Association annual meeting, Los Angeles 1981 December 29.
Reply to a letter about "Why I am not a Neo Conservative?" National Review 1986 July 18.