Inventory of the Pacific and Asian American Center for Theology and Strategies Collection
Inventory of the Pacific and Asian American Center for Theology and Strategies Collection
Collection number: GTU 2001-9-01
Graduate Theological Union ArchivesGraduate Theological Union
Berkeley, California
- Processed by:
- Lucinda Glenn
- Date Completed:
- 3/2004
- Encoded by:
- Michele Gibney
Biography / Administrative History
Scope and Content of Collection
Index Terms Related to this Collection
Series 1 Board of Governors/Directors and Executive Committee Meeting Minutes 1972-2001
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Minutes 1972-1984
Minutes 1984-2001
Series 2 Programs Files 1974-2000
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ACTS (Asian American Center for Theology and Strategies) Regional Workshops, East Coast 1974-1975
ACTS Regional Workshops, Great Lakes 1974-1976
ACTS Regional Workshops, Hawaii 1974-1977
ACTS Regional Workshops, Pacific Northwest 1974-1976
UC Berkeley Students Project: University of California course - Christian Churches in Asian American Communities 1974-1975
Asian Women's Seminar and Asian Women's Ecumenical Conference 1975 May, 1975 November
Search for the Sandalwood Mountain: Education for Mission Conference 1975 September
Theological Conference on Pacific and Asian American Concerns 1977 October
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United Methodist Church American Mission Intern Program Orientation, Proposal and Contract 1977
And the Word Became Flesh, Retreat for Pacific and Asian American Young Adults and Leaders 1978 April
Hermeneutics from an Asian American Perspective: A Seminar for Pastors and Interested Laity 1978 April
Cultural Heritage and the Church's Ministry, A Japanese American Exploration. 1979 January
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National Council of Churches China Program, Visit of Chinese Christians 1979 September
Joint Strategy and Action Commission (JSAC) consultation on Immigration: Asian and Hispanic 1979 October
Asian American Mission Intern Program 1980
Theology in the Americas: Asian American Project and PACTS Conference, Berkeley and Detroit 1980 February, 1980 August
National Council of Churches, Japan/U.S. Nuclear Victims Tour 1980 March
World Council of Churches: Churches Responding to Racism in the 1980s, Amsterdam 1980 June
Working Conference on Human Rights, International Training in Analysis and Network for Action 1980 August
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PACTS at Lay Leader's Conference, Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley, CA 1980 November
Western Regional Consultation, United Church of Christ 1980 November
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Marianne Katoppo Visit events 1981 March
A Forum on East Timor 1981 April
Emerging Models for Ministry 1981 May
Pacific and Asian Women in Ministry Conference, Sisters Long Before the Struggle 1981-1984
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National Ecumenical Network of Pacific and Asian Women in Ministry 1981-1982
United Methodist Church Asian American Mission Intern De-briefing 1981 April
Christian Conference of Asia: A Forum with Dr. Yap Kim Hao 1981 October
Pacific and Asian American Refugee and Immigration Project 1981-1985
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Asian American Mission Intern Program 1982-1983
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Bay Area Coalition for a Nuclear Free Pacific: U.S. Tour of Belauans 1982
Pacific and Asian Americans: Models for Ministry, A Working Conference 1982 May
Philippine Solidarity Network Coalition Against the Marcos Dictatorship Conference 1982 July
Pacific and Asian American Ecumenical Convocation 1982 July
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Pacific Peacemaker (a ship) 1982 October
A Christmas Celebration 1982 December
Through Death . . . presented by Mitsuo Aoki 1983 March
PACTS - Pacific and Asian American Christian Education Resource Center (PAACE) Christian Education Workshop 1983 June
International Conference on the Philippines, Cry of the People 1983 September
The Philippines Now 1983 October
PACTS leading the Chapel Service, Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley, CA 1983 December 8
Out of the Shadows: A New Chapter in Pacific and Asian American Stories, Theological Conference 1987 January
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Spirituality and Pastoral Care: Pacific and Asian American Ecumenical Women in Ministry Retreat, Menlo Park, CA 1987 September
Events flyers and brochures 1987-1993
Caregiving in the Asian American Community 1991 June
Calendar of Events 1992
Enlarging the Net, Strengthening the Cords, a retreat/tour to the Philippines 1992 January
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Asian and Asian American Women in Theology and Ministry Conference 1992 March
Theological Forum: Marginality - Toward Asian-American Theology 1992 April
Theological Forum: Experiential Theology Among the Pacific Island, Southeast Asian, and Filipino Peoples (and follow-up) 1992 December-1994
Asian Liturgies Project: East Asian-American Spiritual Practices/Culture, and Ritual 1995
Bridging the Pacific: Lessons from the Beijing Women's Forum for Asian Pacific American Communities 1995 December
Events flyers ca. 1995-2000
Generation and Culture: Building Bridges across Generations Interactive Event for Asian and Pacific churches 1996 October
The Conference for Seminarians of Pacific Asian Heritage, in three parts 1997
Seminarians of Pacific Asian Heritage Conference, Culture and Religiosity 1997
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Seminarians of Pacific Asian Heritage Conference, Culture and Religiosity 1997
Living Conversations: People of Apcific/Asian Heritage , History and Narratives 1997 September
Sacred Spaces in the Asian American Community: A Pilbrimage Connecting our Lives and the Past - San Francisco Chinatown Tour 1997 November
Events Notice 1998
Marriage and Sacred Union: Exploring Contemporary Issues of Faith and Culture in Love 1998 October
Women's Tea ca. 1998
Unfaithing U.S. Colonialism: A Centennial of Liberatory Struggle 1898-1998
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Talk Story: Racial Justice, Faith, and Reconciliation 1999 March
Korean Christian Education Teacher Training 1999 May
The Meaning of Birth: Pacific and Asian Celebrations of Birth 1999 June
Act of War: The Overthrow of the Hawaiian Nation, Asian Americans and Religion Video Series 1999 September
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Opening the Gates of Heaven: Asian Pacific Gay and Lesbian Christians and Our Churches 1999 October
Compassion Opens the Door to Wisdom, a faith community's journey towards wholeness: Accepting Gay Men and Women in Pacific Asian American Congregations 1999
GRACE - PACTS, Gay/Lesbian Ministry 2000
Pacific and Asian Heritage and Regligiosity Series on Marriage, Birth, and Death. Living and Dying Well: Pacific Asian Perspectives on Death and Dying 2000 January
Opening the Gates of Heaven, and Follow-up. Tea House Concert - Celebration of Asian and Pacific Islander Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender Sisters and Brothers of Faith 2000 February
Sacred Belonging: Re-membering the Past, Shaping the Present, and Re-visioning the Future, 15th Annual PANAAWTM Conference (Pacific, Asian and North American Asian Women in Theology and Ministry) 2000 April
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Series 3 PACTS Published Newsletters and Journals. 1975-1999
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PACTS Occasional Bulletin 1975-1985 1988
Branches: Pacific and Asian American Journal of Theology and Ministry 1979 1986-1997
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Pacific People 1989-1995
PACTS Page 1998-1999
Connections: Pacific and Asian Women in Ministry 1981-1983
Series 4 Funding. 1972-2001
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Coalition for Human Needs, Episcopal Church 1972
Human Relations Day Offering 1973-1976
Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley, CA 1974-1976
East Asia Working Group, National Council of Churches 1975
World Council of Churches, Division of Inter-Church Aid, U.S. Projects Screening Committee 1975
Epworth Trust, Glide Foundation, San Francisco 1975-1977
Human Relations Day Offering Project Training Fund, United Methodist Church 1975-1977
Episcopal Church Center, East Coalition 1975-1978
Lilly Endowment 1975-1983
United Methodist Church Minority Group Self-Determination Fund 1975-1979
United Methodist Church Division of Ordained Ministry 1975-1981
United Presbyterian Church, USA, Asian Mission Development 1975 1981-1983
Epworth Fund, Glide Foundation, San Francisco: Courses taught at University of California, Berkeley 1976-1977
Issei Oral History Project 1976
San Francisco Theological Seminary, San Anselmo, CA: to teach courses 1976
United Thank Offering 1976-1977
United Church of Christ Office for Church Life and Leadership 1976-1981
Emergency Fund for Legal Aid for Racial and Inter-Cultural Justice, United Presbyterian Church, USA, Presbytery of San Francisco: Wendy Yoshimura Fair Trial Committee 1977-1978
United Methodist Church Board of Global Ministries, Asia/Pacific Section 1977-1980
Budget 1978
Consultation for Pacific and Asian American Women Seminarians, and Joint consultation, Men and Women 1979 April
Vivian G. Crummey Benevolent Trust 1980
Ethnic and Language Ministries, Board of Global Ministries, United Methodist Church 1980-1981
Robert Moss Fund for Ecumenical Leadership 1980-1983
United Church of Christ, Board for World Ministries, Pacific Area 1981
United Church of Christ, Committee on Ministry 1981
American Baptist Church USA, National Ministries, Asian Ministries 1981-1983
Reformed Church in America, Council for Pacific and Asian American Ministries 1981-1983
United Church of Christ, Pacific and Asian-American Ministries 1981-1983
United Methodist Church Minority Group Self-Determination Fund 1981-1983
United Church of Christ, Church and Mission Commission, No. California 1981-1984
National Ecumenical Netwo9rk of Pacific and Asian Women in Ministry 1982-1984
United Methodist Church Commission on Religion and Race 1983-1984
Financial Statement/Budget 1983-1984
Presiding Bishops' Fund for World Relief 1984
Various Proposals to be written 1984
Coalition for Human Needs, Episcopal Church 1985
Financial Statements, Bank Statements, Cancelled checks, Accounts Payable 1985
Financial Statements, Bank Statements, Cancelled checks, 1986 1986
Financial Statement 1987
Financial Reports 1989
Appeal Letters 1992 1994-1998
Financial Statements and Director's Reports 1995
Budget Projections 1998
FAITHS Initiative: Community Partners 1999
Grants awarded 2000
National Federation of Asian American United Methodists Endowment Fund 2000
Thank You Letters to Donors and donations received 2000 December-2001 March
San Francisco Foundation: Faith and Ethnicity - The Future of the Pacific Asian American Church 2000-2001
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Series 5 Subject Files. 1972-2001
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Agreement of Affiliation, PACTS with the Graduate Theological Union 1976 1986
Affirmative Action Commissions in the Graduate Theological Union and member schools 1975-1977
Affirmative Action Commission, Pacific School of Religion 1981-1982
Clifford Alika, Service of Ordination and Installation 1988 January 24
American Baptist Churches, Correspondence 1979-1982
Articles of Incorporation, PACTS Incorporation papers, By-Laws 1974-1975 ca. 198?
Asian American Baptist Caucus 1991
Asians and Pacific Islanders Gay and Lesbian Events and Information 1998-1999
Asian and Pacific Islanders Gay/Lesbian Working Group 2000
Asian Women Theologians Northern California Group 1985-1986 1990
Assumptions Document Responses 1978
Audit, PACTS 1983
Bung Wantain, Pacific Islanders/Asians organization at the GTU 1992
California State Library - Helping California Libraries Respond to Change 1990-1995
Christmas Dinner, Robert and Mary Lee's 1980 December 12
CARE, Committee Against Racism and Exploitation, Pacific School of Religion ca. 1988-1989
Correspondence 1981-1983 1992
Julia Estrella (or Matsui-Estrella), Correspondence 1990-1991 1993 July 8
Deborah Lee, Correspondence 1995-1999
Dinner at Roy and Kathy Thomas Sanos 1982 October 21
Julia Estrella (or Matsui-Estrella), Director, Working file, and involvement in various community issues and services 1990-1995
Forming a Northern California PACTS Regional Group 1978
Field Education, Pacific School of Religion 1995
Future Directions for PACTS Survey undated
Guide by PACTS to give direction to academic institutions developing a course on history of Asian American Churches 1977
GTU Asian Pacific Bridges Project 1995-1997
GTU Council of Affiliates 1985
GTU Inter-racial and Cross-cultural Education Program, Advisory Council 1985
GTU Racial Ethnic Faculty Association and Conference on Developing a Statement on Theological Education 1994
Hanta-Yo, ABC TV mini-series: Native Americans and the Media 1980
Hawaii Chinese History Center Oral History Program 1975
C. Himaka v. Buddhist Churches of America (BCA) 1989-1995
Human Relations Day, Newspaper article on ACTS Workshops 1974 Januaray
Japanese American Congregational Churches, United Church of Christ, 57th Annual conference, El Cerrito, CA 1972 June
Japanese United Methodist Convocation, Oakland, CA 1974 April
Justice for Vincent Chin - Asian Americans for Justice, San Francisco 1983
Korean Christian Church in Japan: A Minority Strategy for Mission Consultation in Japan 1974
Korean Methodist Church and minister's problems in the U.S. 1975
Mailing lists, various groups ca. 1989
Local Media List 1993 February
Jitsuo Morikawa Memorial Fund, and Morikawa Book and Resources Collection 1988
Statement to the North American Consultation on Racism by Clifford Alika for Kathleen Thomas-Sano, Interim Director, Cleveland, OH, including Appendices 1980 April
Northern California Japanese Christian Church Federation (NCJCCF), 55th Annual meeting, El Cerrito, CA 1981 January
Oral History materials undated
Pacific and Asian American Curriculum Project 1976-1977
PACTS Assessment of the work of the Center, Questionnaire and analysis of data 1972-1978
PACTS Brochures undated
PACTS Catalogue, Publications, Services, and Resources 1979
PACTS Celebration for Roy Sano 1984 August 26
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PACTS Closing 2002 May
PACTS Courses and Readings 1988-1989
PACTS Events and Flyers ca. 1984-1985
PACTS Executive Director Search 2000
PACTS Friends and Members 1978-1980
PACTS General Information undated
PACTS History ca. 1992
PACTS Letterhead master ca. 2000
PACTS Manual ca. 1984-1989
PACTS/ACTS Relations with the United Methodist Church and Claremont School of Theology, Correspondence 1973-1979
PACTS Statement to APCCMC Statement of Organization 1978-1979
PACTS Sales of Publications ca. 1994
PACTS Statement by Domestic Non-Profit Corporation filing forms and fees, State of California 1999-2001
PACTS Tenth Anniversary Celebration and Benefit Dinner 1983 March 5
PANA Institute, Institute for Leadership Development and Study of Pacific Asian North American Religion 2000
Pacific School of Religion, Committee on Questions of Racism 1982-1991
PSR Presidential Search 1978
PSR Issue of rent for PACTS Office space 1991
Priorities and Planning Meeting - ACTS 1976 November 22-23
Program Proposals made by PACTS ca. 1973-1998
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- Pacific School of Religion, 1973-79
- Graduate Theological Union Affiliation, 1974
- To Institutionalize a Pacific and Asian American presence at Pacific School of Religion, 1977
- Support of Warehouse Workers at Nishimoto Trading Co., 1981
- Believing in Rainbows: A Multi-Racial Pacific and Asian American Project, 1981-83
- The Integrity of Creation - The Music, Dance, and Art of Pacific Island American Christians, ca. 1984-85
- Theological Education Proposal, ca. 1987-88
- Asian/Pacific Islander Church Communities Conference on AIDS, Alcohol, and Drug Prevention Strategies, 1993
- Pacific and Asian American Women's Center, 1994
- Center for, or Program in Asian Religions and Culture at the GTU, 1997-98
- Unfaithing U.S. Colonialism: Journal proposal to California-Nevada United Methodist Church Peace with Justice Grants, 1998
Roy Sano - Report, New York Conference and Asian American Staff, United Methodist Church 1977 December
Scholarship Information 1983-1987
Search for the 8th President for the Pacific School of Religion: A Document on Events and Actions with Eight Proposals for Broadening the Ethnic and Sexual Composition of Students, Faculty, Administrators, and Trustees 1979
Southern California ACTS/PACTS 1974-1978
Twentieth Anniversary PACTS Celebration 1993 November 6
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United Presbyterian Church, Asian Mission Development, Correspondence 1980-1983
Sadao Watanabe calendars - fundraising 1987 1991 2001
Western Jurisdictional Asian Caucus, 4th Biennial Asian Convocation, United Methodist Church, San Jose, CA 1976 July
Series 6 Resources Library. 1952-2001
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6-A Monographs 1908-2001
15 Years of CO (Community Organizing): Reports of the ACPO Assessment Meeting, Asia Committee for People's Organization, Kathmandu, Nepal 1986 April
55th Anniversary Service of the Japanese Methodist Church, Bakersfield, CA 1962 May 6
After 100 Years: Hawaii Ecumenical Coalition Annual Report 1993
American Revolution Bicentennial, 1776-1976 - Centennial, Japanese Christian Mission in North America, 1877-1977 undated
Amerasian Theology of Liberation, A Reader, First Draft, Roy I. Sano, Compiler 1973
American Baptist Asian Ministries Conference Reports 1980 May
An Analytical Study of Recent Korean Immigrant Churches in Southern California: A Psycho-Religious Approach to the Basic Needs of the Korean Congregations , Steve Sangkwon Shim. Claremont School of Theology D.Min. Project 1975
…and they also came, by Margaret C. Young 1976
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Asiamerica Ministry: 1st-4th National Conferences, Episcopal Church 1974-1977
An Approach to Moral Education in Philippine Secondary Schools, Patricia Ling Magdamo, Columbia University dissertation 1974
Asian American Books for All Ages, Asian American Curriculum Project 2001
Asian-American Consultation, Reformed Church in America 1979
Asian American Historical Reader, Berkeley, CA Unified School District 1978
Asian American Ministries: Problems and Issues, Student Seminar Papers, Fuller Theological Seminary 1971
Asian-American Perspectives Position Papers, National Consultation on Ethnic Minorities of the United Methodist Church, Chicago, IL 1970 October
Asian American Theology, Paul M. Nagano 1982
Asian American United Methodist Goodwill Team, Visit to Korea Report 1974-1975
Asian Americans: A Case of Benighted Neglect and the Bilingual-Bicultural Service Delivery Implications, Tom Owan, Social Security Administration 1975
Asian and Asian American Women in Theology and Ministry 1992 Annual Conference, Redwood City, CA 1992
The Asian Image in the United States - Stereotypes and Realities, Asian Americans for Fair Media undated
Asian Perspective on theology and Ministry, a course of lectures, by Paul M. Nagano 1987
The First National Meeting of the Asian Presbyterian Caucus, St. Helena, CA 1972
Asian Presbyterian Caucus, 2nd Annual Assembly, Pacific Palisades, CA 1973
Asian Wives of U.S. Servicemen: Women in Triple Jeopardy, by Bok-Lim Kim ca. 1980
Asian, Woman, and the Body, Asian and Asian American Women in Theology and Ministry 1994
Asian Womens Ecumenical Conference Proceedings 1976 November 8
Asians in America: Challenges for the Presbyterian Church U.S.A., by Wesley Woo 1987
An Assessment on rural Asian Americans: A Report of the Yakima Valley Asian American Task Force, by Reynaldo Pascua, Jr. 1976 July
Before the War: The Japanese in San Diego, by Donald H. Estes 1979
The Beginning of Christianity in Korea and the Cultural Interaction, by Grace Younghie Cho, Comprehensive Exam, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, CA 1979
Beyond Labour Issues: Women Workers in Asia, Committee for Asian Women, Hong Kong 1988
Biennial Report for 1976-78National Federation of Asian-American United Methodists, Task Force on Human Rights and Social Justice in Asia 1978
A Buried Past: Early Issei Socialists and the Japanese Community, by Yuji Ichioka 1971
A Cartography of Racial Consciousness and Gender Conciousness Among Asian American Protestants, by Jiannbin Lee Shiao, Brown University B.A. Thesis 1991
The Case of the Kyoto Korean High School and its Relocation Issue, The Coalition for the Protection of Ethnic Education in Kyoto ca. 1974
Celebrate: Many Faiths, Many Cultures, Many Gifts A Resource Kit for Interfaith Sunday and Other Occasions, United Church of Canada 1992
Centenial Celebration of the Japanese Christian Mission in North America 1977
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Chinese American Christian Identity and Calling, Study Packet, ed. Wesley Woo, PACTS ca. 1978
The Chinese in the United States and the Chinese Christian Churches, by Horace R. Cayton and Anne O. Lively 1955
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The Chinese Protestant Churches in Chinatown, New York: A Historical and Community Perspective, by , Irene F. Eng, Honors Thesis, Brown University 1992
Choosing Sides: The Book of Judges from an Asian American Perspective, Study Guide, Pam Odo-Goto, Presbyterian Church U.S.A. undated
Christian Faith and the Chinese Experience: Papers from an Ecumenical Colloquium, Belgium, Lutheran World Federation 1974
Christianity and Colonisation: A Case for the Malaysian Church, by Helen Perciual, M.A. Thesis, Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley, CA 1988
The Churches and the Japanese Evacuation of World War II, Gordon J. Baker, History Committee, United Church of Christ, Conference of Southern California 1992
The National Conference of Christian Work Among the Chinese in America, Proceedings of the Seventh Triennial Meeting, Canada 1974 June
Dance of a Thousand Cranes: A Legacy of Suffering and Hope from the Mary Knoll Japanese American Catholic Community, by Joanne Doi, M.A. Thesis, Pacific School of Religion 1997
A Decade of Struggle and Hope, Ethnic Concerns Committee 10th Anniversary Consultation, Presbyterian Church, Sierra Mission Area 1982
A Design for Cross-cultural Unity: A Partnership of Church and Community College, by William Shinto undated
Developing Teaching Materials and Instructional Strategies for Teaching Asian and Asian American/Canadian Womens Theologies in North America 1999
Directory of Asian-American Methodist Ministers and Churches 1980 October
Doctoral Dissertations on Japan and Korea, 1969-1974: A Classified Bibliographical Listing of International Research, ed. Frank Joseph Shulman undated
East Asian and Amerasian Liberation, Proceedings, 2nd Conference on East Asian and Amerasian Theology, Berkeley, CA undated
East Asian Spiritual Heritage in the San Francisco Bay Area, A Reader for a course at the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, CA 1998
Emerging Asian American Pan-Ethnic Congregations: The Religious Construction of Symbolic Racial Identity, by Russell M. Jeung, PhD Dissertation, University of California, Berkeley 2000
Ethics of Identity: Asian Pacific Americans and the Admissions Debate at the University of California, Berkeley, by Christopher Chua, M.Div. Thesis, Union Theological Seminary, NY 1997
Ethnic Studies Class, AAS 198, University of California, Berkeley: Student Papers 1975 Spring
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- Choy, Virston and Ma, The Church and Chinese Restriction Prior to 1882
- Fong, Jeani, Fong, Karen, and Wong, Carole, Role of Religion During WWII: Focus, Eddect of Buddhism and Christianity in Japanese Concentration Camps
- Koyama, Marian, History of Lake Park United Methodist Church (Oakland, CA): The Japanese Congregation
- Lee, Alice, Housing and the Chinese Churches: To Respond or Not Respond
- Lee, David, Episcopal Asiamerica Strategies Task Force: Whys and Whats, A Discussion
- Lee, Steven, Asian American History and the Community Baptist Church of San Mateo, California
- Louie, Gary, The Berkeley (california) Chinese Community Church
- Woo Young, Charlene, Indigenisation A Step Down from Assimilation?
An Exploratory Study of the Growth of Protestant Chinese Churches in San Francisco, 1950-1992, by James Chuck undated
Exposition of Ephesians, An Asian American Perspective, by Paul M. Nagano undated
The Forgotten Minority: Asian Americans in New York City 1977 November
Generations Trying to Live Together, with Study Guide, United Church of Canada 1995
Gay Young Spirit: Personal Reflections on Gay Young Mens Spirituality, by Norman Eng 1995
Gods Faithfulness: Stewardship in the Ethnic Minority Local Church, by J. La Von Kincaid 1980
The Graduate Theological Union, IRCCE Racial Audit Final Report, Draft, Gary Kawaguchi, Inter-Racial and Cross-Cultural Education Program 1987 July
He Alo A He Alo: Face to Face Hawaiian Voices on Sovereignty, , American Friends Service Committee, Hawaii Area Committee ca. 1992
Helping Asian American Pastors More Effectively Serve within Predominantly White Churches in America, by Abraham New, D.Min. Thesis, United Theological Seminary undated
The History of Pacific and Asian American Churches in Their Communities, PACTS Study Guide, Wesley Woo 1977
History of the Asian Ministry of Southeast Wisconsin, Sparks are Flying, Zi Hyung Sa, Wisconsin Conference of the United Methodist Church 1978
Identity and Pluralism from an Asian American Perspective, Paul M. Nagano 1979
The Impact of the Black Power on the Filipino Community and the Implications for the Church, Aantatlio C. Ubalde, Claremont School of Theology dissertation 1973
International Training in Analysis and Network for Coordinated Action Reports and Background Papers, PACTS 1980
Interpreting the Word, Stories of Liberation, Cheryl Ogawa MacPherson, Grades 6-8 1980
Its Just Not Fair: Racially Motivated Violence Against Asians in the U.S., Wallace Ryan Kuroiwa and Victoria Lee Moy 1989
Issei Christians: Selected Interviews from the Issei Oral History Project 1977
Japanese American Christian Identity and Calling, PACTS Study Packet, Roy I. Sano, ed. ca. 1977
Japanese American Churches, Japanese American Clergy and Laity, A National Ecumenical Listing 1982
Japanese American Experience of Niesei Parents and their Sansei Children and Implications for Education, Seiichi Michael Yasutake, Loyola University of Chicago PhD Dissertation 1977
Japanese Americans and the Christian Church: The Struggle for Identity and Existence, Grant John Hagiya, Claremont School of Theology D.Min. Project 1978
The Japanese Americans in New York City, Alfred Akamatsu undated
75th AnniversaryJapanese Congregational Church, Fresno, CA 1908-1983
The Japanese in Our Midst, Colorado Council of Churches 1943
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Kim Chi Has Concept of Han and His Implicit Theology, Ai Park, Candler School of Theology M.Div. Thesis 1979
The Kingdom of Tonga Human Rights Issues, Manase K. Tafea ca. 1975
Korean American Christian Identity and Calling, PACTS Study Packet, ed. Colleen Chun ca. 1975
Korean Kaleidoscope: Oral Histories, Vol. 1: Early Korean Pioneers in the U.S.A., 1903-05, Sonia Shinn Sunoo 1982
Korean American Women Doing Theology, Report of the First Conference, Duxbury, MA 1989
The Korean Connection in the United Church of ChristMi Pak 1989
Korean Churches in Search of Self Identity, 1930-70: An Examination of Some Protestant Efforts During the Japanization, National Division, and Resurgence , , Myong Gul Son, PhD Dissertation, Southern Methodist University 1974
Korean Shamanism, Women, Sex, and Liberation, Jung Young Lee 1980
Language and Culture in Christian Preaching, A Case Study in Japanese Protestantism, Robert M. Fukada, D.Min. Project, Claremont School of Theology 1979
Learning Economics: Empowering Women for Action, Facilitators Guide, A Womens Collective Project by the Religious Network for Equality for Women undated
Legal Appeal Statement of Ronald Susumu Fujioshi to the Osaka High Court of Appeals 1986
Letter from the Philippines: Letter of Concern from U.S. Missioners in the Philippines to the Christian Churches of the U.S. 1986
Makiki Christian Churchs Oral History Project, Hawaii 1979
Tangata Whenua Maori Peoples Liberation Movement of Aorearoa, New Zealand ca. 1982
Ministry in the Japanese Assembly Centers and Relocation Centers of World War II, Part 1, Lester E. Suzuki, D.Min. Dissertation, San Francisco Theology Seminary, San Anselmo, CA 1976
Ministry in the Japanese Assembly Centers and Relocation Centers of World War II , Parts 2-3, Lester E. Suzuki ca. 1976
The Mission of God in the Context of the Suffering and Struggling People of Asia, Kim Yong-Bock undated
Missionaries in Hawaii: Three Background Notes on the History, Hawaii Ecumenical Coalition 1993 July
A Moment to Choose: Risking to be with Uprooted People, A Statement, World Council of Churches 1995
Jitsuo Morikawa: Prophetic and Proactive, Special Issue of American Baptist Quarterly 1993 June
Morita Psychotherapy and Christianity: The Practice and Promise of an East Asian Way of Life in a Western Pluralistic Society, Brian Kenji Ogawa, D.Min. Dissertation, San Francisco Theology Seminary 1979
My Spiritual Pilgrimage: Autobiographies of Asian American Baptist Ministers, compiled by the Asian American Baptist Caucus 1976
Scope and Content Note
- Includes:
- Jitsuo Morikawa
- James Chuck
- Louise Paw
- Paul M. Nagano
- Max Atienza
- Paul C.C. Szeto
- Edward H. Tong
- T. Tom Fukuyama
National Conference of Christian Work Among the Chinese in America, 16th Triennial Meeting, Pacific Palisades, CA 1971 June
National Conference on the Concerns of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, United Church of Christ, San Francisco 1974 April
National Convocation of Asian American United Methodist Churches 1978
National Federation of Asian American United Methodists and Asia/Pacific Regional Committee, Task Force Report 1977
The New Asian Peril: Report of a Hearing on Rising Anti-Asian Bigotry by the Los Angeles County Commission on Human Relations 1984
New Conversations: A Light to the Nations: Sharing the Gifts of Pacific Islanders and Asian Americans in the United Church of Christ 1998
A New Wind is Blowing, Frank G. Mar undated
No Longer Aliens: Revival Conference for Indochinese American United Methodists, Program Report Book 1984 July
On Life and Living: The Making of an Asian-American, Max B. Surjadinata, B.A. Thesis, Goddard College 1973
One in Christ: The Letter to the Galatians from an Asian American Perspective, Study Guide, Pam Odo-Goto, Presbyterian Church USA undated
Daniel C. Ota Collection Catalogue, Asian American Studies Department, San Francisco State University 1984
Our Christian Testimony: First Methodist Church, Loomis, CA, from Issei members of the Japanese Congregation 1967
Pacasiana: A Resource File of Worship and Teaching Material, ed. May C. Chun, Hawaii District, United Methodist Church undated
Pacific and Asian American Women: A Resource Bank, PACTS undated
Pacific/Asian Heritage and Religiosity, Living Conversations: History and Narrative, A Collection of Stories, Pacific School of Religion 1997
Report of the Pacific Islands Seminar, Board of Higher Education and Ministry, United Methodist Church 1981 November
People Against Domination: A Consultation Report on Peoples Movements and Structures of Domination in Asia, International Affairs Christian Conference of Asia 1981
People on the Way: Asian North Americans Discovering Christ, Culture, and Community, Conference 1995 January
The Philippines at a Crossroad: A Background Study Paper for the U.S. Churches, East Asia and Pacific Committee, International Affairs Commission, National Council of Churches 1986
Pilgrimage Toward a New Age: A Bible Study Guide, National Federation of Asian American United Methodists 1983
Planning for Ministry in Higher Education, Daniel E. Statello and William M. Shinto, American Baptist Churches undated
(Untitled), Political events in Korea 1971-74, particularly regarding arrests of clergy persons 1971-1974
A Program for Theological Education in Hawaii, Hawaii Theological Consortium 1978
Program Ideas and Training Designs for Pacific and Asian American Church Schools, ed. Afrie S. Joye 1978
Race History Theology: Layers on American Identity, Christina Kei Sasaki, M.A. Thesis, Pacific School of Religion 1997
Racial and Ethnic Minority Persons in Mission, Report by Inter-Ethnic Task Force, United Methodist Church 1975 October
Racial Harmony in New Zealand: A Statement of the Issues, New Zealand Human Rights Commission undated
Racism at PSR, (Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley, CA) ca. 1989
Readings on BCC (Basic Christian Communities): Reflections of Christians in the Third World, Faith vis--vis Reality ca. 1977
Report of the Pacific Islands Seminar, Board of Higher Education and Ministry, United Methodist Church 1981 November
Report of the Womens Conference, Centennial Celebration of the Japanese Mission in North American 1977
Report on Ministry in Japan, George Nishimoto 1970
Report on the Needs of Korean Community and Churches in the U.S., Peter Kwon 1972
The Role of a Samaon Woman in New Zealand, Marie Ropeti-Iupeli, M.A. Thesis, Pacific School of Religion 1977
Samata, Santhal Pargamas Region of India repression of the Advasi Population 1979
San Francisco Chinatown Housing and Recreation Program, State of California Department of Housing and Urban Development 1972
Search for the Sandalwood Mountain, Education for Mission Conference, Hawaii Council of Churches and PACTS 1975
Social Factors Bearing upon the Christian Church in Hawaii, Kenneth L. Smith 1976
A Sociological Analysis of Religious Groups in Korea as a Changing Society: With the Perspective of Peter L. Berger, Tai-Sik Jung, M.A. Thesis, Pacific School of Religion 1987
Sojourner III and IV, Asian Writers Project, Berkeley High School, Berkeley, CA 1973-1974
Sojourners in Asian-American and Biblical History, United Presbyterian Church USA religious education curriculum, Adult, High School, Jr. High, and 3rd-6th Grades 1979
South Asia Resource Directory, Center for South Asia Studies, University of California, Berkeley 1999
Spiritual Issues in Samoan Mainland Churches, Iese Mapu Tuuao 1998
A Study of Chinese, Filipino, Japanese and Korean Populations in the United States and ProjectionsUnited Presbyterian Church USA Research Agency 1974
A Study of Korean-American Population, Korean-American Churches and Congregations, and Korean-American Ministers in the U.S., Joseph H. Ryu 1975
Taking Stock Looking Ahead: 1992 National Convocation of Asian-American United Methodists, San Francisco undated
Talk-Story: A New Approach to Evangelism in Hawaii, Grant S.C. Lee, D.Min. Dissertation, San Francisco Theological Seminary 1988
Theological Implications of the New China, Papers presented at an Ecumenical Conference, Belgium, Lutheran World Federation 1974
The Theologies of Asian Americans: A Reader, PACTS, Roy I. Sano, compiler 1976
A Touchstone of Democracy: The Japanese in America, Council for Social Action of the Congregational Christian Churches 1942
Toward a Hermeneutic of Symbols: The Case of the Japanese American, Shigeo H. Kanda 1977
Toward a Theology that Works: Lectures and Papers, Roy I. Sano, ed. 1982
Towards an Authentic Korean-American Worship, Brandon Inkyun Cho, D.Min. Dissertation, Claremont School of Theology 1982
Treasure in Earthen Vessels: Gods Lover Overflows in Peace and War, Herbert V. Nicholson 1974
The Truth is a Pathless Land, the Thought of Jiddu Krishnamurti, John P. Todd, M.A. Thesis, Pacific School of Religion 1986
The Two Brothers, a Church Drama, Paul M. Nagano 1976
Unbroken Thread, a Play, Philip D. Nash 1978
U.S. Military Presence in Korea and its Effect on Korean Women: A Theological Reflection on Prostitution and Marriage, Young Mi Pak, M.Div. Thesis, Harvard Divinity School 1990
We, the Asian and Pacific Islander Americans, U.S. Census Bureau undated
We Press On: A Report from the National Convocation of Asian American United Methodist Churches 1979
Western Christianity and the Peoples Republic of China: Exploring New Possibilities, ed. James A Scherer, Report of the Midwest China Consultation 1979
Without a Handle Asian American Experience: History of Asian American United Methodists, 1952-1982, Jonah Chang undated
Without Number From Every Nation: Ethnic Minority Constituencies in the United Methodist Church, Roy I. Sano 1981
6-B Resources - Articles, Papers, Lectres, Sermons 1860-2001
Scope and Content Note
Abbott, Elizabeth Lee, Believers and Builders: Christian Community Building Before and After the Exclusion Acts undated
Abe, Masao, The Problem of Evil in Christianity and Buddhism undated
Akiyama, Diane, The characters of Velasco, the Samurai, and the Renegade Monk 1986
Akiyama, Diane, Its Time to Take Stock, J. Morikawa Annual Memorial Dinner 1989
Akiyama, Diane, Oral History Interview, Japanese American Womens Exhibit 1989
Alika, Clifford, Diversity and Pluralism will Enrich Our Lives ca. 1982
Alika, Clifford, Haole: American Racism in Hawaii 1976
Alika, Clifford, The Institutionalization of American Racism in Hawaii 1976
Alika, Clifford, Reflections on the World Consultation on Racism 1980
Arakawa, Diane, Nowhere to Lay Their Heads 1981
The Asian American Baptist Caucus, Why the Asian Caucus Can No Longer Support the American Baptist Seminary of the West: A Case Study in Institutional Racism 1982
Asian American Curriculum Project: The Book of Judges from an Asian American Perspective, United Presbyterian Church undated
Asian Center Develops Leaders, article about PACTS in GTU Ecumenical Associates News 1977 Winter
Asian Clergy Study Project: ACTS in Joint Venture with the Pacific School of Religion, newspaper article 1975 Augut 3
Autobiographical Reflections for Amerasian Theology of Liberation, Roy I. Sano, compiler undated
Scope and Content Note
- John V. Moore, Ethnic Consciousness and Unconsciousness
- Michael Stefanko, Reflections on Ethnicity
- Chi Young Kay, Autobiography
- Elmer Jackson, (Untitled)
- Mike Oden, Reflective Autobiography
- Mary Tomita, Reflective Autobiography
- Frederick G. Plocher, An Autobiographical Statement of Awareness of Ethnicity
- Jiro Mizuno, Reflective Autobiography
- (William Shinto), Cultural Pluralism; Cross-Cultural Unity; Ethnic Interlude, An Autobiographical Statement
- Julia Estrella, (Untitled)
- (Lloyd Wake), Tripping with Lloyd Wake, An Autobiography
Barbaree, Gary, The Ko System: An Indigenous Model for the Japanese-American Parish 1976
Barndt, Joseph R., Setting the White Man Free 1973
Baum, Gregory, Liberation Theology and the Supernatural 1981
Bird, Frederick, A Study of Chinese Churches in the San Francisco Bay Area 1968
Bello, Walden, Perils and Possibilities: Carving Out an Alternative Order in the Pacific 1990
Bibliographies Asian Ethnic groups in Hawaii undated
Brock, Rita Nakashima, Dusting the Bible on the Floor: Innocence and Wisdom in Asian American Womens Writing 1991
Brock, Rita Nakashima, A Feminist Consciousness Looks at Christology 1979
Brock, Rita Nakashima, Meticulous Mercy is the Work of Travelers 1989
Butterworth, Frank E., A Look at a Decade 1973
Cain, Leonard D., Jr., Japanese American Protestants: Acculturation and Assimilation 1962
Cao Thi My Loc, Experiences of Vietnamese Students in the United States 1975
Chang, Karl S., An Asian American Liberation Theology: A Paradigm Shift for Second Generation Relevance 1990
The Changing Role of Asian Presbyterian Women A Narration, a script to a filmstrip undated
Chen, Carolyn, Asian American Religious Institutions 1995
Chen, Peter F., Ethnic Minorities in Ministry: A Prophetic Vision 1981
Cheung, Freda K., The Counseling Relationship 1974
Cheung, Freda K., Basic Techniques in Counseling Relationship 1974
Chinn, Calvin, Towards a New Missiology from a Chinese/American Perspective 1989
Choi, Choong Shik, Zeroing in on the Case of Koreans in Japan 1974
Choi, Chung Sik, Theological Education Through Practriced Activism 1975
Choi, Young Yong, With a Mission in My Heart 1972
Chong, Frank A., Why Me? Im One of the Good Guys! A Discussion on Death and Dying ca. 1973
Choy, Bong-youn The Beginning of the Korean Community in America 1981
Choy-Wong, Kathryn Parable of the Peoples: A Story about the Spirits Movement in Asian American History ca. 199?
Choy-Wong, Kathryn Societys Demons and Gods Power: A Devotional Series 1981
Chu, Ernest D., Two Faces of Chinatown 1977
Chuck, James, Fulfilling Our Ministry 1977
Chung, Chang Bok, Indigenization of Worship: The Holy Dinner 1976
Coleman, John A., Civil Religion and Liberation Theology in North America undated
Collins, Sheila, Feminist Theology Panel ca. 1975
Scope and Content Note
Collins, Sheila, Womens Consciousness, Work and Family Lives A Socialist-Feminist Perspective 1976
Cortez, Ruth Ocera, Theology of Struggle: Some Notes and Reflections undated
Cortez, Ruth Ocera, Weaving Biblico-Theological Strands in the Tapestry of Filipino-American Experience 1992
Couch, Beatriz Melano, The Hermeneutics of Liberation Theology 1975
Delloff, Linda-Marie, Colors of the Spirit: The Work of Christian Artist Sadao Watanabe is more the expression of the Holy Spirit than of Himself 1990
Dong, Suh Nam, Theology of Minjung 1982
Dong, Suh Nam, Toward a Theology of Han (Righteous Indignation undated
England, John C., Doing Christian Theology in Asia Ways 1991
Estrella, Julia (or Matsui-Estrella) and Ng, Greer Anne Wenh-In, Asian Womens Theology in North America 1995
Estrella, Julia, Okawara, Miya, and Tomika, Mary, United Church of Christ Mission Work in Japan and Korea: A Brief Analysis and Recommendations 1982
Fong, Norman, Some Attempts to Theologize from an Asian American Perspective ca. 1977
Scope and Content Note
Fong, Norman, Some Significant Dates in Asian American History 1977
Formosa Self Determination 1978
Fujihira, Toge, Asian Americans and Blacks 1974
Fujii, Sharon M., Retirement as it Relates to the Pacific Asian Elderly 1978
Fujiyoshi, Ronald, Testimony Given in Kobes Summary Court 1982
Fujiyoshi, Ronald, The Welfare Mentality (or Rice Christians) undated
Fukuyama, Yoshio, Compensatory Treatment in the Church undated
Fukuyama, Yoshio, Religion and Sexuality: A Sociological Perspective undated
Fukuyama, Yoshio, A Sociological View of the Church and the Family undated
Geaga, Sr. Maria Gloria, The Berkeley Lecture of Hans Kung 1981
Goizueta, Roberto S., Beyond Coercion and Co-Optation: Toward a Polycentric Christianity 1944
Guidote, Sr. Caridad C., Imperialism, The Church, and a Theology of the Signs of the Times 1980
Hartwell, J.B., Missions to the Chinese in America 1885
Hirano, David, Racism and I: An Autobiography and a Self-Analysis 1973
Hunter, Allan A. and Binford, Gurney, eds., The Sunday Before: Sermons by Pacific Coast Pastors of the Japanese Race on the Sunday before Evacuation to Assembly Centers 1942
Ikeda, Tsuguo, Cultural Aspects of Asian Leadership ca. 1976
Ikuta, Cynthia Nozomi, Self-Perceptions of an Asian American: A Story of Healing and Liberation ca. 1983
Ikuta, Cynthia Nozomi, Singing Our Song in a Foreign Land 1993
Inake, Sharon M., Pule Ohana: Native Hawaiian Family Devotions Descended from Puritan New England 1993
Iyoya, Rhoda, Too Often We Kept Silent 1975
Japanese American Women 1860-1990: Strength and Diversity, Womens Exhibit Committee, National Japanese American Historical Society 1860-1990
Japanese Methodist Church, Bakersfield, CA, 55th Anniversary Service 1962 May
Japanese Ministries Staff Team Report and Statement of Mission Policy and Strategies for Ministry to Japanese in America, United Presbyterian Church 1982
The Japanese of Oxnard, California, 1898-1942 1898-1942
Jones, Arun, The Comedy of Christmas 1982
Kamihara, Emy, Search for Faith 1974
Kanda, Shigeo H., Recovering Cultural Symbols: A Case for Buddhism in the Japanese American Communities 1978
Katagiri, Mineo, A Buddhist Looks at the Cross 1981
Katagiri, Mineo, The Church as Servant 1990
Katagiri, Mineo, The Lone Ranger Rides Again 1981
Katagiri, Mineo, More Than Bananas 1977
Katagiri, Mineo, Sermons and Addresses 1974 1979-1982
Scope and Content Note
- Fall Meeting, Sierra Arden-Sacramento
- What is Moral
- Address to the Church Mission Commission
- Graduation, Pacific School of Religion, 1979
Katagiri, Mineo, A Theology of Resistance 1982
Katagiri, Mineo, Why Minorities Fear the WASP 1974
The Heritage of Sen Katayama, by Karl Yoneda 1975
Kawano, Roland M., The Ethnic Pastor in a Multicultural Society 1982
Kawata, Teruo, Address delivered at the Council of Japanese American Churches Annual Meeting, Fresno, CA 1975
Kawata, Teruo, Conference on Christian Responsibility for Pacific Civilization 1991 November
Kawata, Teruo, Gods Troublemakers 1981
Keldermans, Bernie, Palau: A Matter of Urgent Concern 1983
Kent, Noel, Illusions of Development, Hawaii: The Crisis of a Peripheral Society 1981
Khoa, Le Xuan, 2 papers: Cultural Adjustment of Indochinese Refugees, and Vietnamese Immigrants and Their Adjustment to American Society undated
Kim, Bok-Lim C., Asian-Americans: No Model Minority 1973
Kim, Bok-Lim C., Plight of Asian Wives of Americans 1975
Kim, Chai Choon, Christian Perspective on the Repressive Situation in Korea 1974
Kim, Chan Hie, Biblical and Theological Basis of Korean-American Ministry 1975
Kim, Dae Jung, My Faith and My Political Participation 1983
Kim, Dae Jung, Peace and Unification in Korea and Americans Role in the Restoration of Democracy 1983
Kim, Hae-Jong, A Study of a Korean Parish 1975
Kim, Hyung-Chan, History and Role of the Church in the Korean American Community undated
Kim, Sangho, Koreans in Chicago 1968
Kim, Sil D., Asian War Brides: The Nature of Problems and Their Way Out 1975
Kim, Yong Bok, A Story of the People in Asia: Asian American Solidarity in the Future undated
Kimoto, June I., From Silence to Sounds 1975
Kitagawa, John, Cultural Heritage of Asian Americans 1977
Kitagawa, John E., Advent II, a sermon 1981 August 9
Kitagawa, John E., Transfigurations, a sermon 1980 December 7
Kitamori, Kazo, 2 papers: The Problem of Pain in Christology, and Characteristics of Recent Christology undated
Koga, Sumio, A Brief History of the Japanese Presbyterian Churches undated
Kondo, Hiroshi, One Who Speaks Through Silence 1982
Koyama, Kosuke, The Holiness of the Reign of God, a sermon 1978
Kung, Hans, Where I Stand 1981
Kurashima, Maja, Problems in the Asian American Community 1973
Kuwabara, Shigeo, The Church in Japan Today 1982
Lee, Eun Ja Kim, Theological Understanding of Women 1974
Lee, Jung Young, The Communal Rituals of Korean Shamanism undated
Lee, Jung Young, Concerning the Origin and Formation of Korean Shamanism undated
Lee, Jung Young, A Fundamental Issue in the Definition of Death undated
Lee, Jung Young, God Suffers for Us 1974
Lee, Jung Young, The I Ching and its Basic Philosophy of Inner Process 1975
Lee, Jung Young, Karl Barths Use of Analogy in His Church Dogmatics undated
Lee, Jung Young, Korean Shamanistic Rituals for the Dead undated
Lee, Jung Young, Marginality: Toward Asian-American Theology undated
Lee, Jung Young, Shamanistic Thought and Traditional Korean Homes 1975
Lee, Jung Young, The Spirit and the Unity of Change undated
Lee, Jung Young, Zen Enlightenment and the Intellectual Approach 1976
Lee, Patty, Reflections on the International Workshop on Tourism 1980
Lee, Peter K. H., Indigenous Theology Overcropped Land or Undeveloped Field? 1974
Lee, Peter K. H., At the Juncture Between the Old and the New 1974
Lee, Peter K. H., 3 papers: Can Theologians Dance on the Head of a Pin?; My Experiences and Your Concerns; and Two Stories of Loyalty ca. 1989
Lee, Robert, Acculturation of Chinese Americans 1952
Lee, Robert, The Case of Sammy Lee 1955
Lee, Robert, Chinese-Americans in the United States 1955
Lee, Robert, Community Exclusion: A Case Study 1954
Lee, Robert, Emerging Relations Between East and West ca. 1973
Lee, Robert, Reaganomics: A Look at Surprise Side Economics 1981
Lee, Robert and Mar, Frank, Re-Opening Church Doors in China undated
Lee, Robert, Rumors of War, in Christian Century 1981 November 4
Lee, Robert, Social Sources of the Radical Right 1962
Lee, Robert, A Theology for the Social Gospel 1963
Lee, Sang Chul, A Christian Perspective on Multiculturalism in Canada ca. 1988
Lee, Sang Hyun, Called to be Pilgrims 1980
Lee, Sang Hyun, Called to be Pilgrims: Toward an Asian American Theology from the Korean Immigrant Perspective ca. 1980
Lee, Sang Hyun, The Meaning of Marginality: Toward a Theology of Immigration undated
Lim, Jeanine, Asian Women in America 1978
Liu, Po Chuen, Limitations of Minjung Theology undated
Liu, Po Chuen, Songs Tears of the Lady Meng 1983
Liu, Tong H., Ecumenical Perspective on the Relation of Evangelism and Social Concern 1982
Loo, Dennis, Theology of Self-Development from the Perspective of the Asian American undated
Loo, Dennis, Why an Asian American Theology of Liberation? 1974
Loo, Leslie, The Dilemma of One Asian Woman 1973
Louie, Miriam Ching, Yellow, Brown and Red: Toward an Appraisal of Marxist Influences 1991
MacPherson, Neal, Amaeru and Christian Love 1976
MacPherson, Neal, Giri and Christian Social Responsibility 1976
Masuda, Violet, Address to The Third World Youth/Young Adult Conference 1974
Masuda, Violet, Amazing Grace 1974
Masuda, Violet, Radiant, Radical Christian 1975
Masuda, Violet, Self-Affirmation The Asian American Women 1978
Matsuoka, Fumitaka, The Church in the World: The Christology of Shusaku Endo 1978
Matsuoka, Fumitaka, Nature and Purpose of Theological Education: A Racial/Ethnic Perspective 1994
Mayberry, Ralph L., The Future of the Ethnic Church 1968
Miyoshi, Nobu, Identity Chrisis of the Sansei and the Concentration Camp ca. 1975
Moore, Albert C., The Land as Religious Symbol: A View from New Zealand 1989
Moore, John, Ethnic Consciousness and Unconsciousness, An Autobiography 1973
Morikawa, Jitsuo, Asian-American Baptist Convocation 1971
Morikawa, Jitsuo, Called to Be Free 1974
Morikawa, Jitsuo, Christians and the Responsible Use of Power 1974
Morikawa, Jitsuo, An Exodus People 1973
Morikawa, Jitsuo, Evangelism Today and Tomorrow 1973
Morikawa, Jitsuo,> Freedom for What? 1969
Morikawa, Jitsuo, Freedom Under God 1969
Morikawa, Jitsuo, The Mission of God and U.S. Responsibility 1970
Morikawa, Jitsuo, Personal Decision for Jesus Christ 1974
Morikawa, Jitsuo, Pre-Centennial Celebration Address: Japanese Christian Mission in North America, 1877-1977 undated
Morikawa, Jitsuo, A Spiritual Journey 1973
Morikawa, Jitsuo, Theological Duplicity in American Culture 1968
Morikawa, Jitsuo, Toward a New Understanding of Asia 1973
Morikawa, Jitsuo, A Vision of Evangelistic Life Style 1974
Morikawa, Jitsuo, Visions of Hope 1971
Nagano, Paul M., Amerasian Experience and Christianity: The Japanese Experience 1974
Nagano, Paul M., The Asian American Experience 1974
Nagano, Paul M., Asian American Theology 1982
Nagano, Paul M., The Asian Americans undated
Nagano, Paul M., Biblical and Theological Statement for the Asian American Baptist Caucus undated
Nagano, Paul M., Broken for You (Matthew 16: 13-25) undated
Nagano, Paul M., Covenant People 1974
Nagano, Paul M., Ethnic Pluralism and Democracy undated
Nagano, Paul M., An Exegesis of Matthew 15: 31-46 1976
Nagano, Paul M., Future directions for the Asian American Baptist Churches ca. 1973
Nagano, Paul M., God So Loved the World 1975
Nagano, Paul M., In Search for the City of God: A Personal Pilgrimage to Secular Pluralism ca. 199?
Nagano, Paul M., Identity, Identification, and Initiative undated
Nagano, Paul M., Is Hate Ever Justified? 1974
Nagano, Paul M., The Japanese American and His Identity Crisis undated
Nagano, Paul M., The Objectives and Strategies of the Asian American Baptist Caucus undated
Nagano, Paul M., An Overlay of So-Called Yellow Theology upon Black Theology 1970
Nagano, Paul M., My Theological and Identity Odyssey 1994
Nagano, Paul M., Rationale for the Ethnic Church with an Ethnic Focus 1978
Nagano, Paul M., Search for My Identity 1976
Nagano, Paul M., This is My Body (Luke 10: 25-37) undated
Nagano, Paul M., We Cant Imprison God 2001
Nagano, Paul M., Why Asian Theological Education as Primary Focus for PACTS? ca. 1980
Nakasone, Ronald Y., The Spiritual Culture of Okinawa ca. 1993
The New China from Church and Society 1975
Niguidula, Lydia N., A View from the Two Thirds World about the Training of Christian Relief and Development Workers 1987
Nishi, Shunji F., Roots: Biological, Cultural, Religious 1977
Nishimoto, George, Is There a Shortage of Ministers? 1972
Nolan, Albert, Spiritual Growth and the Option for the Poor undated
Ogoshi, Ted, Problems of Japanese in Hawaii undated
Okawara, Mija, Autobiographical Statement undated
Okazaki, Ruby, My Reflections 1991
Oshiro, Sandra, Japanese American Churches: Their Attendance 1981
Pak, Sung H., Courage to Suffer: A Theology for Koreans in America 1979
Paogofie, Too R., Theological Analysis of Pacific City 1978
Park, Philip, Asian American Reality Today 1979
Park, Philip, Asian Americans From Stereotype to Affirmation 1972
Park, Philip, Asian Christians and the Bicentennial 1975
Park, Philip, Asian Identity and Interracial Marriage 1974
Park, Philip, Koreans Struggle for Identity in Japan 1974
Park, Philip, Toward a Racially Pluralistic Church 1979
Park, Philip, When is a Korean Not a Korean? undated
Partners for Peace: Final Statement of Faith Encounters in Social Action, Christian-Muslim dialogue for Justice and Solidarity, Jakarta, Indonesia, Federation of Asian Bishops conferences, Office for Human Development 1996 July
Perera, Rienzi, Discerning Christs Work Among the People undated
Pia, Juan Jr., Asian Theological Reflections on Liberation ca. 1973
Poong, Carol Chin-Fah, Asian-American and Biblical Perspectives for Doing Theology 1977
A Quest for Asian American Integrity: ACTS, Asians Coming Together for Theology and Strategy, , newspaper article undated, ca.1973
The Report of the Asian American Team on churches of the Hawaii Baptist Association, Asian American Baptist Caucus 1973
Rivas, Michael G., The Challenge of Ethnic Minority and Enlistment for Ministry 1982
Sacon, Kiyoshi K., Relevance of the Old Testament to the World of Today undated
Said, Edward, Culture and Imperialism 1993
Sakaguchi, Kay, A Theology of Relationships: The Biblical Mandate 1991
Sakai, Toshio, Nichigo Ministry in the East Bay Tri-Church Parish, (Alameda, Berkeley, and Oakland, California) ca. 1980
Sano, Roy I., Amerasian Theology of Liberation 1973
Sano, Roy I., Asian American Experiences on the Mainland 1975
Sano, Roy I., The Bible and Pacific Basin Peoples 1974
Sano, Roy I., The Biblical Drama and a Liberating Ethnicity 1973
Sano, Roy I., Bright Rainbows and Dark clouds: Our Mission Amidst the Pacific Interactions 1982
Sano, Roy I., The Church: One Holy Catholic and Apostolic 1969
Sano, Roy I., The Contribution of Ethnic Theologies to Old Testament Studies 1973
Sano, Roy I., Creating a Future for Our Churches 1976
Sano, Roy I., The Creation of Community 1977
Sano, Roy I., Cultural Genocide and Cultural Liberation through Amerasian Protestantism ca. 1975
Sano, Roy I., Directors as Royal Priests: A Theology for Ministry 1982
Sano, Roy I., Do You Open Doors? Rev. Sanos Challenge 1966
Sano, Roy I., Ethnic Minority Women in Ministry: Perspectives from an Ethnic Theology of Liberation 1978
Sano, Roy I., Ethnically Sensitive Faith and Christian Education: biblical Foundations 1978
Sano, Roy I., From Bowed Heads to Clenched Fists 1969
Sano, Roy I., The Emerging Pacific Basin and Its Implications: Reflections on Training and Action 1977
Sano, Roy I., The Emerging Pacific Basin and Its Implications 1977
Sano, Roy I., The Giant Leap and the Long March 1972
Sano, Roy I., Higher Levels and Wider Horizons 1979
Sano, Roy I., His-Story/Her-Story 1975
Sano, Roy I., Immigration: The Liberty of Statutes 1981
Sano, Roy I., Integration: Another Look-See 1962
Sano, Roy I., Interethnic, International, and Inter-religious Ingredients in the GTU, (Graduate Theological Union) 1978
Sano, Roy I., Interethnic, International, and Inter-religious Theological Education 1981
Sano, Roy I., Internationalizing Theological Education 1976
Sano, Roy I., In This Kind of World, What Does it Mean to be in Mission?, (a summary of three lectures) 1976 January
Sano, Roy I., Internationalization of Mission A Pacific and Asian American Perspective 1977
Sano, Roy I., Japanese American Christians to Mark Centennial, in Pacific Citizen 1976
Sano, Roy I., Japanese American Ministry, Hearing in Los Angeles 1968
Sano, Roy I., Jesus as Savior and Lord 1979
Sano, Roy I., Learning from Patricians and Peasants 1979
Sano, Roy I., A Liberating White Ethnicity 1977
Sano, Roy I., Liberation Through the Church and the Task of Trainers 1977
Sano, Roy I., Meet the Eat Lady, a sermon 1969 November 16
Sano, Roy I., Ministry for a Liberating Ethnicity: The Biblical and Theological Foundations for Ethnic Ministries 1973
Sano, Roy I., Mission as Incarnation Acts 15 1978 August 12
Sano, Roy I., Mission Interaction and Ethnic Minorities in the U.S. 1979
Sano, Roy I., A Morning Talk 1974
Sano, Roy I., Neo-Orthodoxy and Ethnic Liberation Theology 1975
Sano, Roy I., Our Present Situation: The Role of an Ethnic Theology of Liberation 1977
Sano, Roy I., Playing Games: From Poker to Chess, a sermon 1973 May 27
Sano, Roy I., Problems and Potentialities of Asian American Churches 1974
Sano, Roy I., A Quest for Asian American Integrity 1974
Sano, Roy I., The Reign of God and Human Rights 1978
Sano, Roy I., Religion as an Academic Discipline 1974
Sano, Roy I., Reveilles and Revelries, a sermon 1970 May 31
Sano, Roy I., Revival: Religion on the Campus Mills College, Oakland, CA 1971 May
Sano, Roy I., Settings and Foundations for Mission Mandates Today 1982
Sano, Roy I., The Stranger Within the Gates: Advent Meditation, in Christian Century 1976 December 15
Sano, Roy I., Theological Basis for International Training Programs and Mission Interaction 1977
Sano, Roy I., A Theology of Asian American Worship 1978
Sano, Roy I., A Theology of Struggle from an Asian American Perspective 1989
There is no File Folder 111
Sano, Roy I., This Matter of Integration 1963
Sano, Roy I., Three addresses to the Pacific Northwest Annual Conference, United Methodist Church: Changing Game Plans from Poker to Chess; From Yellow Peril to Yellow Pearl; and Basis of Hope for the Pacific Basin 1973
Sano, Roy I., Toward a Liberating Theology 1973
Sano, Roy I., Two Flames and a Cross 1979
Sano, Roy I., Vagabonds, Pilgrims, and Sojourners, a sermon 1971 May 30
Sano, Roy I., What is Asian American Ministry? 1975
Sano, Roy I., Yes, Well Have No More Bananas in Church 1969
Sato, Masayuki, Concept of Shame and the Mental Health of Pacific Asian Americans 1979
Sato, Masayuki, Cultural Paradox of Shame and Pacific Asian Americans 1979
Sato, Masayuki, Impact of Shame on the Mental health of Pacific Asian Americans 1979
Sato, Masayuki, Paradox of Shame and the Mental Health of Pacific Asian Americans 1979
Sato, Masayuki, The Shame Factor: Counseling Asian Americans 1979
Sato, Masayuki, Shame: Paradoxical Affects and the Mental Health of Asian Americans 1979
Seno, Katsuo, Minorities in Japan and Japanese Christians 1974
Shin, Ty K., Korean Immigration ca. 1976
Shinto, Ernestine, Aging Japanese Americans 1978
Shinto, William, Address: Methodist Caucus, Oakland, CA 1974
Shinto, William, Asian Americans and Higher Education in the Public Sector undated
Shinto, William, Career Education and the Linguistically Different Minorities undated
Shinto, William, Centering and Venturing Affirming the Asian Roots 1977
Shinto, William, A Design for Cross-Cultural Unity undated
Shinto, William, The Eccentric Ministry: A Style of Life in the Margin undated
Shinto, William, The Ethnic Church on the Edge: The End or Edge of Life? undated
Shinto, William, Perspectives on the Church and the Community College undated
Shinto, William, Possibilities in Ministry: Asian American and Pacific Theologians Meet 1978
Shinto, William, The Role of Religion in Asian American Communities 1975
Shipe, Timothy J., The Silence and Invisibility of Queer Asian Americans: A Queer Theory put into Practice 1999
Smith, Archie Jr., An Interpretation of the Peoples Temple and Jonestown 1980
Silva-Netto, Benoni Reyes, Cultural Symbols and Pastoral Care 1986
Singh, Ralph, Sikhism: A Distinct Universal Religion undated
Smith, Kenneth L., Ethnicity in the Christian Congregation 1976
Smith, Kenneth L., Bearing upon the Christian Church in Hawaii 1976
Solis, Melchizekek, Liberation theology in the Ethnic Experience Three Motions: Exodus from Stasis, Delving into Self-Identification, Return to Community 1976
Song, C.S., Adam in Trance, a chapel service 1985 October 1
Song, C.S., Dragon, Garuda, and Christian Theology 1987
Song, C.S., Ecumenical Horizons of Theology in a Global Context, Pacific School of Religion Inaugural Address 1985
Song, C.S., Freedom of Christian Theology for Asian Cultures 1987
Song, C.S., Racism and the Unity of the Church undated
Song, C.S., What Happened on the Day of Pentecost? 1986
Southard, Patricia, The Call to Loneliness: The Power that Heals 1982
Statement by Korean National Council of Churches on Recent Pronouncements of Korean Government Leaders on Christianity 1974
Statement on Ministry to and with Gay and Lesbian Persons, Social Justice Committee, Minnesota Council of Churches 1982
Stockwell, Eugene L., Vietnam Revisited 1979 October 18
Streeter, Deborah, Violet Masuda, a biographical paper 1981
Sunoo, Harold H., The Ethics of Liberation undated
Sunoo, Harold H. and Sonia S., The Heritage of the First Korean Women Immigrants in the United States, 1903-1924 1976
Suzuki, Lester E., Ministry in the Wartime Relocation Center 1972
Suzuki, Peter T., Summary of Statement to the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians 1981
Suzuki, Peter T., Unethical Research by Social Scientists in the Wartime Relocation Authority Camps 1981
Tachiki, Amy, Stereotyping and the Asian American 1972
Takagi, Paul, The Myth of Assimilation in American Life 1973
Takarabe, Hei, The Future of the Issei oral History Project undated
Thomas, M.M., Christian Action in the Asian Struggle 1974
Thompson, Betty, Ecumenists of Our Time: Frances Maeda 1978
Tseng, Timothy, American Baptist Work Among Chinese Immigrants in America 1986
Ushijima, Margaret, Asian Cultural Identity undated
Vergara, Alex, Communicating Gods Good News in a Ghetto of Bad News undated
Wagatsuma, Hiroshi, Mixed Blood Children in Japan: An Exploratory Study 1975
Wake, Lloyd K., From Nobody to Somebody 1978
Wake, Lloyd K., Issues Facing the Asian American Community and the Church 1981
Wake, Lloyd K., Koinonia at GCOM 1978
Wake, Lloyd K., Learning/Experiences which Helped Me to Identify Myself as an Asian American Christian 1991
Wake, Lloyd K., Pacific and Asian American Churches and the Poor 1981
Wake, Lloyd K., Salvation, Struggle, and Survival 1989
Wake, Lloyd K., Wounded Healers 1979
Wake, Marion, Acculturation and Clinical Issues Affecting the Mental health of Japanese Americans 1983
Wake, Marion, Counseling the Japanese Family in the United States undated
Walden, Robert E., Some Theological Reflections on Asian American Worship 1978
Wang, Arthur C., Problems in the Asian American Community 1973
Williams, Emma and Kwock, Lennie, Systematic Perspectives on Racism at the Pacific School of Religion: The Wheres and Hows of Racism at an Institution 1993
Wong, Alan, S., From Sojourners to Spiritual Pilgrimage 1977
Wong, Alan, S., Kinship/Individualism 1974
Wong, Alan, S., Indigenisation Liberation of the Chinese American Churches 197?
Wong, Calvin K.W., Chinese Women in America 1976
Wong, Calvin K.W., The Christian Influence in China: Past, Present and Future 1979
Wong, Calvin K.W., Philosophy of Ministry 1976
Wong, Paul, The Emergence of the Asian American Movement undated
Wong, Samuel, Asians Didnt Suffer Much 1981
Wong, Samuel, Eliminating Racist Language undated
Wong, Samuel, The Impact of Institutional Racism on the Asian Community 1978
Wong, Samuel, Strangers No More 1978
Wong, Shelly, In Search of Hidden Voices: Asian Presbyterian Women 1990
Woo, Franklin J., On Being Asian-American: A Theological Perspective 1977
Woo, Franklin J., Another China Visit: Religion, Religious Dimension, and Religious Surrogates ca. 1974-1975
Woo, Franklin J., The Theology in the Americas, Detroit II Conference 1980
Woo, Wesley S., Asian Americans and Worship 1979
Woo, Wesley S., Asian Americans, Culture, Justice, and the Reformed Tradition 1985
Woo, Wesley S., China and Chinese-American Identity ca. 1973
Woo, Wesley S., Choosing Sides: The Book of Judges, from an Asian American Perspective 1980
Woo, Wesley S., Exploring Present and Future Dimensions of Multicultural Christian Education: Asian American Perspectives 1982
Woo, Wesley S., Sojourners in Asian-American and Biblical History 1976
Woo, Wesley S., Theologizing: An Asian-American Perspective 1975
Woo, Wesley S., Worship: Celebrating Gods Redemptive Acts in Human History 1979
Yabusaki, Ann S., The Japanese American Experience: A Model for the Asian American Family in Transition 1993
Yamamoto, Toshi, Renewal and Hope in Asia Realities ca. 1982
Yasutake, S. Michael, The Oppression of Japanese Americans 1981
Yasutake, S. Michael, Survival and Hope: An Agenda for Pacific/Asian Americans in the 1980s 1983
Yonekura, Isamu, Great Generals: My Lord on Earth or My Lord in Heaven The Christian Daimyo, Takayama Ukon 1973
Yoo, Cheun Ja, The Reunification of Korea and Feminist Theology 1988
Yoshii, Michael, Japanese American Bazaar Tradition and Racial Ethnic Identity 1992
Yoshii, Michael, United Methodist Contribution to the Universal Church 1985
U.S. Senate Joint Resolution 19: Apology to Native Hawaiians on behalf of the U.S. for the overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii 1993 November 23
There is no File Folder 57
Yoshinobu, Kumazawa, Asian Theological Reflections on Liberation ca. 197?
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- Heih Takarabe, The Future Use of Issei Oral History Project
- Harold Hakwon Sunoo, Asian Reflections on Liberation
- Juan Pia, Asian Theological Reflections on Liberation
- Teng Kiat Chiu, The Image of the Christian Church in Chinese Eyes
- Sano, Roy, Ministry for a Liberating Ethnicity
Yu, Geunhee, A Challenge to American Asian Christians: An Invitation to a Life of Covenant 1984
6-C Resources - Subjects ca. 1974-1995
Anti-Racism Work 1993-1995
Asian Wives of U.S. Military Personnel 1974-1976
Human Rights 1980-1983
Human Rights East Timor 1981
Human Rights Korea 1974-1986
Japanese-American Internment undated
Taiwan undated
6-D Resources - Groups ca. 1973-1997
Black Seminarians of the Graduate Theological Union 1981
Center for Women and Religion at the Graduate Theological Union 1980-1985
Christian Workers Fellowship, Sri Lanka ca. 1980
Church Coalition for Human Rights in the Philippines 1979-1983
Council for Pacific Asian Theology 1996-1997
Hawaii Theological Consortium, Theological Education 1978-1980
National Asian American Telecommunications Association 1983
National Asian Presbyterian Caucus, 2nd Assembly 1973 April
National Association for Asian American and Pacific Education 1981
National Coalition for Redress/Reparations (NCCR), for Japanese Americans 1983
National Conference of Chinese Churches, Confab 1976
National Council of Churches, Office for East Asia and the Pacific 1980
National Pacific/Asian Resource Center on Aging 1981
Northern California Japanese Christian Church Federation (NCJCCF) 1977-1982
West Coast Consultation on a Pacific Basin Theological Network 1977
Resource Persons undated
6-E Resources -Periodicals ca. 1975-1999
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American Asian Disciples Newsletter, 3 issues 1980 January 1982 January 1985 Summer
APC Focus, Asia Pacific Center for Peace and Justice, Special Issue, International Monetary Fund Hearings 1998 Summer
The Asian American Journey: A Christian Approach to Life and Society, Issue: ?, Asian American Women 1981 February
Asian American News, National Federation of Asian American United Methodists, (San Francisco) 1981-1985
Asian Issues, International Affairs Christian Conference of Asia, 3 issues 1980 April 1980 June 1981 January
Asian Ministries Update, Church and Community Development Unit, American Baptist Churches 1982-1986
Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars, 2 Special Issues: Asian America and Asian Women 1972 Fall 1975 January-March
Celebrasian News Magazine, Asian Presbyterian Caucus of the United Presbyterian Church, USA, 2 issues 1974 Winter 1975 Spring
China Notes, East Asia/Pacific Office 1990 Autumn
China Talk, United Methodist Church, Hong Kong Liaison Office, 2 issues 1987 Decemberr 1988 January
Christ and Liberation, Korea Christian Alliance for Democracy and Reunification, 2 issues 1990 February 1990 November
EWGAPA News, Ecumenical Working Group of Asian and Pacific Americans, 3 issues 1987 Summer 1988 Summer 1989 Spring-Summer
Federation of Asian Bishops Conferences, Office for Human Development, Newsletter. 7 issues 1996-1997
In Gods Image, Christian Conference of Asia, Singapore , 15 issues ca. 1983-1998
Japan Christian Activity News, National Christian Council of Japan 1980-1981 1985 1996-1999
The Kaki Seed: Developments in Evangelism and Ministry to Japanese People Worldwide, 4 issues 1984-1985
Korea/Update, North American Coalition for Human Rights in Korea, Special Issue: Peace and the Reunification of Korea 1987
New World Outlook, Special Issue: Southeast Asia 1975 June
Perspectives: Journal of Reformed Thought, "Asian Christians Theologians and Artists Portray Advent from their Oriental Perspective" 1987 December
Praxis, Newsletter of the WSCF Asia/Pacific Region, Numbers 1-2 1987
Pulso, Institute on Church and Social Issues, Philippines, 3 issues: Vol. 1, nos. 1-3 1984-1985
Response: United Methodist Women, Special Issue on China 1978 June
Tok Blong Pasifik: News and Views on the Pacific Islands, South Pacific Peoples Foundation, Special Conference Issue Our Knowledge Our Rights 1998
The United Church Letter, United Church of Christ in the Philippines 1994-1997
Uprooted People, Newsletter of the Ecumenical Network in Solidarity with People compelled to leave their land and culture, 4 issues and supplements 1998
YouthNewsletter of the Youth Office, Education and Renewal Unit, World Council of Churches, Special Issue: Pacific Challenges 1980 March
Series 7 Photographs. ca. 1974-2000
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Possibly a birthday party for Toshi 1986
Graduation, Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley, CA, and party after. ca. 1979
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Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Parade, San Francisco, PACTS participation 1986 January
Out of the Shadows, Theology Conference, 1987
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PAAM, Pacific Islander Asian American Ministries Meeting undated
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PACTS Envisioning Consultation, 15th Year 1988 January
PACTS office, GTU Annex Bldg ca. 1997
PACTS 20th Anniversary Celebration 1993 October
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Possibly PANAAWTM, Pacific Asian North American Asian Women in Theology and Ministry, Meeting, New York 1999
Possibly PANAAWTM, Meeting, Berkeley 2000
Philippines undated
PNW Workshop 1976 October
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Protest against racism, Pacific School of Religion ca. 198?
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Photos of Roy Sano 1978, 198?
Possibly Celebration for Roy Sano 1984 August
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Seminarians of Pacific Asian Heritage Conference, Culture and Religiosity 1997
Western Jurisdictional Asian Caucus, United Methodist Church 3rd Biennial Convocation 1974
Unidentified church or memorial service, Pacific School of Religion Chapel 1986
Unidentified church service, Trinity Chapel, United Methodist Church, Berkeley, CA undated
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Unidentified, with Congress people in Washington, D.C. undated
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Unidentified dinner undated
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Unidentified event. 1983 April
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Unidentified event(s) or meeting(s) 1985
Unidentified event or meeting undated, ca. 198?
Unidentified event 1986 May
Unidentified event at Pacific School of Religion Bade Museum 1987 April
Unidentified event undated
Unidentified Korean singing group at Pacific School of Religion undated, ca. 198?
Unidentified meeting ca. 1985 December - 1986 January
Unidentified meeting 1986
Unidentified meeting ca. 1987 December - 1988 January
Unidentified meetings or events ca. 1980-1989
Unidentified meeting or event, Church Divinity School of the Pacific, Berkeley, CA undated, ca. 199?
Unidentified trip to Hawaii and Hawaiian Protest of U.S. takeover 1993
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Unidentified Protest in Union Square, San Francisco 1986
Unidentified Womens meeting 1986
Series 8 Slides ca. 1977-1982
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PACTS Theology Conference 1977 October
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United Church of Christ Western Regional consultation 1980 November
Unidentified communion service with women undated
Unidentified meeting 1977 January
Japanese Consultation, Los Angeles 1980 July
Unidentified meeting on Ethnic Minority Local Church 1977 June
Christmas Party 1976
Miscellaneous Unidentified 1974-1982
Japanese Christian Mission in North America Centennial 1977
Possibly Human Rights Conference 1980 August
Portrait photos of seminarians 1978 Spring
Series 9 Audiocassette Tapes. 1974-2000
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PANAAWTM, Pacific, Asian and North American Asian Women in Theology and Ministry, meeting, Panel and Reflections 2000 April 8-9
Friday Evening Spiral undated
Opening the Gates of Heaven ca. 1999 October - 2000 February
Marriage Event ca. 2000
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Roy Sano, Earl Lecture Workshop (2 copies) 1974 February
Rev. Teruo Kawata, CJAC, Fresno 1975 May 3
Memorial Service, Po-Chuen Victor Liu 1986 February 13
PAAM meeting, Pacific and Asian American Ministers 1990 June
Pacific Southwest Conference World Christian Missions, Asilomar, CA 1989 July
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The Filipino People undated
Unidentified discussion on ethnic identity undated
CNOP Retreat, PACTS 1988 February
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- Richard and Alexia Rubio-Boli, Outreach to the Filipino Community
- Walden Bello, Lobbying on Human Rights in Washington D.C.
Interviews: Carlito Rallistan, the workers situation in the Philippines; and Mila Aguilar, poet and ex-political detainee undated
Life is Sacred: a series of killings in Mindanao, Philippines undated
National Council of Churches Racial Justice Working Group meeting, Oakland, CA on Hate Violence/Crimes in all communities, 1991 March 19
Roy I. Sano, Earl Lectures, Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley, CA 1991
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Through Innocent Eyes: Life in Poston, Arizona Internment Camp, 1942-43 1990
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Series 10 Videotapes. ca. 1977-1997
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Act of War: The Overthrow of the Hawaiian Nation, Na Maka o ka Aina, Honolulu, HA 1993
The B.A.S.I.C. Workshop: Anti-Racism, by C. Vivian undated
Beijing Womens Conference, Report to the Graduate Theological Union 1995 December 2
Beyond Death, Christian Communications Institute, Payap University, Church of Christ in Thailand. undated
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Church Alive 1988-1990
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- Jung Young Lee, Worship Speaker and Workshop Leader, 1988 May 7
- Pacific Island Cultures and Contributions, Panel Discussion, 1988 May 7
- Dialogue with Virstan Choy and Jeremiah Wright; Closing Worship, 1988 October 1
- Ruth Cortez; Roy Sano, Theology in Cultural Contexts, 1989 April 1
- Dance of Polynesia, Ruth Cortez, Roy Sano, 1989 April 1
- Rev. Sang Chuh Lee and Janice Mirikitani, Morning Session, 1990 February 24
A Grave Matter undated
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Hellfire: A Journey from Hiroshima, John Junkerman, Producer and Director 1986
East/West Perspectives on Healing and Spirituality, Holistic Healing Workshop, Dr. Mitsuo Aoki (Parts 1 and 2) 1987 November 7
Home on the Range, Adam Horowitz, Producer and Director undated
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3 films from Na Maka o ka Aina, Kahoolawe; Puhi Pau; A Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific. 1983
Economic Justice, by Young Bok Kim, sponsored by the Northern California Support Association, The Northern California Ecumenical Development Cooperative Society, the Ecumenical Council, PACTS, and the Pacific Ecumenical Forum undated
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Letters to Thien, Trac Minh Vu, Director, Fusion Pictures 1998
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Pacific Asian Heritage Religiosity, Seminarians of Pacific Asian Heritage Conference 1997 February and 1997 April
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The Pacific Ecumenical Forum 1990
PACTS sponsored trip to the Philippines: A Journey of Vision and Compassion 1992 December 18
Philippines: Magkaisa, the overthrow of President Marcos, Bob Garon 1986
Reports on the Philippines 1983
Shiraho: Struggle 1987
C.S. Song event 1997 September 22
Tortured, the Thamil people in Sri Lanka, Chandran Productions 1986
Toward a Fair and Just Pacific Community, Tevita T.M. Puloka and Methodology of the Pacific Theology, with Kava Ceremony 1990 April 21
Tochi Wa Inochi, (46 min.) undated
Tochi Wa Inochi, Land is Life, (33 min.) undated
Whose Pacific Is It Anyway? undated
Widows Might undated
Reel-to-Reel sound recording tape: PACTS Theological Conference 1977 October
Series 11 Computer Disks
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