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Prints circa 1920-1990

Scope and Contents

This series includes a mix of working prints and wire service photos.


Prints are arranged alphabetically.
box 2910

A through Alz.

box 2911

Am through At.

box 2912

Atomic through Az.

box 2913


box 2914


box 2915


box 2916

B through Bail.

box 2917

Bair through Ballard.

box 2918

Balloons through Bark.

box 2919

Barl through Bech.

box 2920

Beck through Bell.

box 2921

Bella through Bergd.

box 2922

Berge through Bic.

box 2923

Bid through Blind.

box 2924


box 2925

Blind through Bor.

box 2926

Bos through Boyc.

box 2927

Boyd through Bradley.

box 2928

Bradley through Brew.

box 2929

Brez through Brop.

box 4195

Bros through Bry.

box 4196

Buc through By.

box 2930

British royalty.

box 2931

British royalty.

box 2932

British royalty.

box 2933

British royalty.

box 2934

British royalty.

box 2935

Beauty contests.

box 2936

Boy Scouts of America.

box 2937


box 2938


box 2939

Cal Poly.

box 2939

Cal State.

box 2940

Cal Tech.

box 2941


box 2942


box 2943


box 2944


box 2945


box 2046


box 2938


box 2947


box 2948

Clark / Clarke.

box 2949


box 2950


box 2951


box 2952


box 2953


box 2954


box 2955


box 2956

Co / Cr.

box 2957


box 2958


box 2959


box 2960


box 2961


box 2962


box 4194

Cun through Cur.

box 1534

Cur through Cz.

box 1535

Cur through Cz.

box 1536

Czech through Dag.

box 2963


box 1537

Dah through Dalai Lama.

box 1538

Dalbeck through Damas Angelinas.

box 1539

Damashek through Dams - Hoover.

box 1540

Dams, Hoover through Dams, Shasta.

box 2964


box 1541

Dan, Judy through Dances, Folk Dancing.

box 1542

Dances, Jerry Harris, the Group through Dances, Sadlers Wells.

box 1543

Dances, San Diego Ballet Co. through Daniels, Martha Mos.

box 2964


box 1544

Daniels, Mel through Dare, Mike.

box 1545

Dargan through Dauberman.

box 1546

Daubney through Davidovich.

box 1547

Davids through Davies, I.

box 1548

Davies, J. through Davis, B.

box 1549

Davis, C. through Davis, E.

box 1550

Davis, F. through Davis, James E.

box 1551

Davis, James H. through Davis, M.

box 1552

Davis, N. through Davis, V.

box 1553

Davis, W. through Dawson, E.

box 1554

Dawson, F. through Day, L.

box 1555

Day, M. through De Camp.

box 1556

De Cantas through De Gasferi.

box 1557

De Gaulle through De Haven.

box 1558

De Haviland, Olivia through De La Housage.

box 1559

De La Hoz through De Lette.

box 1560

De Leuw through De Noue.

box 1749

De Nublia through De Tristan.

box 1750

De Trujillo through Dean, M.

box 1751

Dean, P. through Deckard.

box 1752

Decker through Deevers.

box 1753

Deewall through Dekruis.

box 1754

Del through Delaura.

box 1561

Delaven through Delmonico.

box 1562

Delmont, Alfred through Demarest.

box 1563

Demaria through Demoura.

box 1564

Dempsay through Dennington.

box 1565

Dennis, A. through Derby, Ted & Pat.

box 1566

Dereal, Colette through Dessart.

box 1567

Dessau through Devillaverde.

box 1568

Devilliers through Dewey, T.

box 1569

Dewey, T. through Dezman.

box 1570

Dhammadinna through Dias.

box 1571

Dias, M. through Dickey, E.

box 1572

Dickey, G. through Dieringer.

box 1573

Dierker through Dimonk.

box 1574

Din through Dirlaus.

box 1575

Disabled American Veterans through Dively.

box 1576

Divine through Dmitriev.

box 1577

Dmitrieva through Dockweiler.

box 1578

Dockweiler, E. through Dodge, David.

box 1628

Doeg through Dogs.

box 1629


box 1630


box 1631


box 1579

Dogs through Doheny, E.

box 1580

Doheny, Patrick through Dolls.

box 1581

Dolly, Aunt through Don, Tran Van.

box 1582

Donagy through Donnelley.

box 1583

Donnelly through Dorenzo.

box 1584

Dorey through Doshier.

box 1585

Doss through Douglas, G - H - I.

box 1586

Douglas, J. through Douglas Aircraft Corp.

box 1587

Douglass through Downey.

box 1588

Downey Women's Club through Drachman.

box 1589

Drachkovitch through Dravage.

box 1590

Draves through Drills.

box 1591

Drill teams through Drummond.

box 1592

Drummond, K. through Du Voitle.

box 1593

Dubberke through Duchein.

box 1594

Duchene through Duff.

box 1595

Duffee through Duke.

box 1596

Duke, A. through Dunbar.

box 1597

Dunbar, A. through Dunis.

box 1598

Duniavan through Dunn, Q.

box 1599

Dunn, R. through Duque.

box 1600

Duque, Henry through Durocher, Leo.

box 1601

Duron through Duvall.

box 1602

Duvalle through Dyer.

box 1603

Dyer through Dymoke.

box 1604

Dymtryk through Earhart.

box 2963


box 1605

Earhart through Earons.

box 1755

Earp through Earthquakes, Rumania.

box 1756

Earthquakes, Salvador through Easter, 1966 -1967.

box 1757

Easter, 1968 - 1972 through Easterday.

box 1606

Easterling through Eaton, M.

box 1607

Eaton, N. through Ebert.

box 1608

Eberth through Ecoff.

box 1609

Ecology through Eden, Anthony.

box 1610

Eden, C. through Edmondson.

box 1611

Edmonston through Edwards, M.

box 1612

Edwards, N. through Eggeter.

box 1613

Eggiman through Ehresman.

box 1614

Ehret through Eisendrath.

box 1615

Eisener through Eisenhower, Dwight D.

box 1615

Eisenhower, Dwight D.

box 1616

Eisenhower, Dwight D.

box 1617

Eisenhower, Dwight D.

box 1618

Eisenhower, Dwight D.

box 1619

Eisenhower, Dwight D.

box 1620

Eisenhower, Dwight D.

box 1621

Eisenhower, Dwight D. through Eisinger.

box 1622

Eisler through Election.

box 1623

Elections through Elias.

box 1624

Elias-Nielsen through Ellerby.

box 1625

Ellerman through Ellis.

box 1626

Ellis, F. through Ellyn.

box 1627

Ellyson through Elster.

box 1632

Elston through Emery.

box 1633

Emerzian through Endicott.

box 1634

Endo through Engels.

box 1635

Enger through England.

box 1764


box 1765

England (mostly Royal Navy).

box 1766

England (mostly Royal Navy).

box 1767


box 1768


box 1769


box 1770

England through English National Soccer Club.

box 1636

Englund through Episcopal Church.

box 1637

Episcopal City Mission Society through Erdelyi.

box 1638

Erden through Erkan.

box 1639

Erke through Escarcega.

box 1640

Escarega through Essertier.

box 1641

Essex through Estolas.

box 1642

Estomo through Eucker.

box 1643

Eudemiller through Evans, E.

box 1644

Evans, F. through Evans, W.

box 1645

Evans, Y. through Evol.

box 1646

Evola through Explorers.

box 1647


box 1648

Explosions through Fairfax.

box 2965


box 1649

Fairleigh through Farber.

box 1650

Farhood through Farncombe.

box 1651

Farnell through Fashion shows.

box 1652

Fashion, hats through Father's day.

box 1653

Faubion through Feasby.

box 1654

Feath through Feiertag.

box 1655

Feig through Felice.

box 1656

Felices through Felmus.

box 1704

Fels through Ferderber.

box 1705

Ferdin through Fernande.

box 1706

Fernandes through Ferreira.

box 1657

Ferrell through Fields.

box 1658

Fields through Fingal.

box 2966

Film stars.

box 2967

Film stars.

box 2968

Film stars.

box 1659

Fingold through Finn.

box 1660

Finn through Fire hydrants.

box 1661

Firefighters, California through Fires, California - cities, 1973.

box 2965

Fires, brush.

box 1662

Fires, California - cities, 1974 through Fires, Georgia.

box 1663

Fires, Indiana through Fires, Massachusetts.

box 1664

Fires, Mexicali through Fires, Pennsylvania.

box 1665

Fires, Philippines next hit through Firre.

box 1666

Firor through Fish, albacore.

box 1667

Fish, anchovies through Fish, fishing boats.

box 1668

Fish, fishing catch through Fish, shark.

box 1669

Fish, smelt through Fisher, G.

box 1670

Fisher, H. through Fitts.

box 1671

Fitts, Buron through Flager.

box 1672

Flagg through Fleck, Jack.

box 1673

Fleegle through Flexonic.

box 1674

Fliess through Flood control.

box 1675

Floods, California through Floods, Mississippi.

box 1676

Floods, Missouri through Floto.

box 1677

Flotten through Flowers, chrysanthemums.

box 1678

Flowers, cinerarias through Flowers, marigolds.

box 1679

Flowers, morning glory through Flowers, roses.

box 1680

Flowers, rubber plants through Fluor Corp.

box 1681

Fluornoy through Folger.

box 1682

Foli through Food Machinery & Chemical Corporation.

box 1683

Food shows through Forbes, C.

box 2969


box 2970


box 2971


box 2972


box 1690

Forbes, D. through Ford, F.

box 1691

Ford, G. through Foreign Service Institute.

box 1692

Forell through Fortin.

box 1693

Fortlage through Foulston.

box 1694

Foundation for the Junior Blind through Fox, S.

box 1695

Fox, T. through France, Army - Alpine troops.

box 1696

France, Army - colonial troops through France, Paris - buildings.

box 1697

France, Paris - air views through France - Versailles.

box 1698

Francescatti through Francomacaro.

box 1699

Franconi through Franz.

box 1700

Franzella through Freeform media.

box 1701

Frear through Freeways, accidents.

box 1702

Freeways, Antelope Valley through Freeways, maps.

box 1703

Freeways, Pasadena through French, M.

box 1707

French P through Fridriksdottir.

box 1708

Frieband through Frilot.

box 1709

Frimin through Froelich.

box 1710

Froelicher through Fruehling.

box 1711

Fruendt through Fugatt.

box 1712

Fugazy through Fulmor.

box 1713

Fulmore through Furnish.

box 1714

Furniss through Futch.

box 1715

Futrell through Gafford.

box 2973


box 1716

Gagan through Galbraith.

box 1717

Galbreath through Gallerani.

box 1718

Gallerneau through Gamble.

box 1719

Gambling through Gangstee.

box 1720

Gangsters through Garchitorena.

box 1721

Garcia through Garretson.

box 1722

Garrety through Gayford.

box 1723

Gayl through Gekier.

box 1724

Gela through Geneau.

box 1725

Genee through Gentry.

box 1726

Genuit through Georgia.

box 1727

Georgiade through Gerkensmeier.

box 1728

Gerkin through Germany Berlin West.

box 1729

Germany, Bonn through Germany, Krupp Works.

box 1730

Germany, Leipzig through Germany, Saar River.

box 1731

Germany, Saarbrucken through Gerstel.

box 1732

Gerving through Ghent.

box 1733

Gherardesca through Giannini.

box 1734

Gianninoto through Gibilaro.

box 1735

Gibilisco through Gifford.

box 1736

Gift and art show through Giles.

box 1737

Gilfillan through Gillivan.

box 1738

Gilliman through Giola.

box 1739

Gioncana through Gittelson.

box 1740

Gitterman through Glassmeyer.

box 1771

Glassner through Glenmeade Riding and Recreation Club.

box 1772

Glenn through Glines.

box 1773

Glisch through Goats.

box 1741

Gob through Godt.

box 1742

Godwin through Goff.

box 1743

Goffin through Golden West College.

box 1744

Goldenberg through Goldsmith, J.

box 1745

Goldsmith, K. through Golay.

box 1746

Goldzieher through Golf tournaments, junior.

box 1747

Golf tournaments, L.A. Open through Golyer.

box 1748

Golze through Gonzales, L.

box 1758

Gonzales, M. through Goodenow.

box 1759

Gooder through Goodwell.

box 1760

Goodwill through Gordon, K.

box 1761

Gordon, L. through Gosain.

box 1762

Gosch through Goudzwaard.

box 1763

Gough through Gourson.

box 1774

Gourzis through Grado.

box 1775

Graduation through Graham, C.

box 1776

Graham, D. through Graham, Z.

box 1777

Grahame through Grande.

box 1778

Grandee through Grant, F.

box 1779

Grant, G. through Grantham.

box 1780

Granting through Gravers.

box 1781

Graves through Gray, D.

box 1782

Gray, E. through Gray, R.

box 1783

Gray, S. through Greece.

box 1784

Greece through Greeks.

box 1785

Greelees through Green, K.

box 1786

Green, L. through Greenberg, G.

box 1787

Greenberg, H. through Greenleigh.

box 1788

Greenley through Gregg.

box 1789

Gregor through Gressett.

box 1790

Gressing through Griffin, C.

box 1791

Griffin, D. through Griffith, I.

box 1792

Griffith, J. through Grimes.

box 1793

Grimland through Grobba.

box 1794

Grobatov through Groome.

box 1795

Groomes through Grossmont Junior College.

box 1796

Grossmueller through Grusse.

box 1797

Grussen through Guachalla.

box 1798

Guadgnola through Guercio.

box 1799

Guerin through Guided missiles.

box 1800

Guided missile ranges through Gulliver.

box 1801

Gullixson through Gunty.

box 1802

Gunya through Gustlin.

box 1803

Gustman through Guy.

box 1804

Guyant through Haarova.

box 2974


box 1805

Haas through Hadar.

box 1806

Hadass through Hafener.

box 1807

Hafer through Haggen.

box 1808

Hagger through Haines.

box 1809

Hainey through Hale, H.

box 1810

Hale, I. through Hall, G.

box 1811

Hall, H. through Hall, Z.

box 1812

Hall-Caine through Halloween, 1953.

box 1813

Halloween, 1954 through Halvas.

box 1814

Halverson through Hamilton, F.

box 1815

Hamilton, G. through Hammerstedt.

box 1816

Hammerstein through Hampton, L.

box 1817

Hampton, M. through Handcock.

box 1818

Handel through Hanger.

box 1819

Hang-gliders through Hannegen.

box 1820

Hanneman through Haproff.

box 1821

Hapsburg through Hardacre.

box 1822

Hardage through Hargraves.

box 1823

Hargreaves through Harpham.

box 1824

Harpstrite through Harris, M.

box 1825

Harris, N. through Hartin.

box 1826

Hartke through Harvey, Q.

box 1827

Harvey, R. through Hassoldt.

box 1828

Hasson through Hauff.

box 1829

Hauft through Havelock.

box 1830

Havemann through Hawaii Polynesian Cultural Center.

box 1831

Hawaii, railroads through Hawthorne.

box 1832

Hawtin through Hayre.

box 1833

Hays through Head Start.

box 1834

Headress Ball through Heart Association.

box 1835

Heart Ball through Heddon.

box 1836

Hedeen through Heil.

box 1837

Heilbron through Hekler.

box 1838

Helal through Heller, J.

box 1839

Heller, K. through Helzer.

box 1840

Heman through Henderson, K.

box 1856

Henderson, L. through Henkes.

box 1857

Henkins through Henry, R.

box 1858

Henry, S. through Herbruck.

box 1859

Herbs through Herndon.

box 1860

Hernes through Hertle.

box 1861

Hertogh through Hewitt, L.

box 1862

Hewitt, M. through Hickenbotham.

box 1863

Hickenlooper through Hicks.

box 1864

Hickson through Highfield.

box 1865

Highfill through Highways, San Antonio Canyon.

box 1866

Highways, San Gabriel Range through Hill, C.

box 1867

Hill, D. through Hillaly.

box 1868

Hillar through Hiltner.

box 1869

Hilton through Hines, J.

box 1870

Hines, L. through Hiraide.

box 1871

Hiram through Hitchcock, G.

box 1872

Hitchcock, H. through Ho Le.

box 1873

Ho Tang through Hoboken Four.

box 1874

Hobson through Hodge.

box 1875

Hodgeis through Hofert.

box 1876

Hoff through Hoffman, L.

box 1877

Hoffman, M. through Hoganson.

box 1878

Hogard through Holden, R.

box 1879

Holden, S. through Holland.

box 1880

Holland through Holliday.

box 1881

Holliger through Hollywood Bowl Committees to 1964.

box 1882

Hollywood Bowl Committees, 1965 on through Hollzer.

box 1883

Holm through Holmstrum.

box 1884

Holmwood through Holtrichter.

box 1885

Holtwick through Home Show 1960.

box 1886

Home Show 1961 through Honig.

box 1887

Honigsberg through Hoover, G.

box 1888

Hoover, H.

box 1889

Hoover, H. through Hope, Bob.

box 1890

Hope, Bob through Hopkins, E.

box 1891

Hopkins, F. through Hoppendt.

box 1892

Hopper through Horn, M.

box 1893

Horn, N. through Horsely.

box 1894

Horse racing, accidents through Horse racing, action 1966.

box 1895

Horse racing, action, 1967 through Horse racing, tracks.

box 1896

Horse racing,tracks.

box 1897

Horse racing, tracks through Horses (race), A.

box 1898

Horses (race), A. through Horses (race), C.

box 1899

Horses (race), D. through Horses (race), HI.

box 1900

Horses (race), HO through Horses (race), N.

box 1901

Horses (race), O through Horses (race), SH.

box 1902

Horses (race), ST through Horses (race), WA.

box 1903

Horses (race), WE through Horton, J.

box 1904

Horton, K. through Hossain.

box 1905

Hossfeld through Hough.

box 1906

Houghtaling through Houses.

box 1907

Houseton through Howarth.

box 1908

Howat through Howsley.

box 1909

Howson through Hubbard, O.

box 1910

Hubbard, P. through Huddleston.

box 1911

Huddy through Huerth.

box 1912

Huertley through Hughen.

box 1913

Hughes, A. through Hughes, K.

box 1914

Hughes, L. through Hula hoop.

box 1915

Hulac through Humby.

box 1916

Hume through Humphreys.

box 1917

Humphries through Hunt, B.

box 1918

Hunt, C. through Hunter, C.

box 1919

Hunter, D. through Hunting, ducks.

box 1920

Hunting, ducks through Huntzinger.

box 1921

Hunzicker through Hurwitch.

box 1922

Hurwitt through Hutchinson, C.

box 1923

Hutchinson, D. through Hyams.

box 1924

Hyams through Hyvarinen.

box 2974


box 1925

I Am An American Day, 1942 through Ichord.

box 1926

Ickes through Illegal operation cases.

box 1927

Illes through Illinois, Herrin.

box 1928

Illinois, Joliet through Immel.

box 1929

Immell through India, Bombay.

box 1930

India, borders through India, royalty.

box 1931

India, royalty through Indians.

box 1932

Indians, A. through Indo-China, Japanese occupation.

box 1933

Indo-China, maps through Iness.

box 1934

Infante through Ingleright.

box 1935

Ingles through Innes Shoe Co.

box 1936

Innis through Intermountain Exchange.

box 1937

International Air and Space Exposition through Iozia.

box 1938

Ipar through Irland.

box 1939

Irmas through Irwin, L.

box 1940

Irwin, M. through Iskenderian.

box 1941

Islands through Italians.

box 1942

Italy, A. through Italy, E.

box 1943

Italy, F. through Italy, P.

box 1944

Italy, R.

box 1945

Italy, S. through Ittigian.

box 1946

Iturbi through Ivy league.

box 1947

Iwahashi through Jackman.

box 2975


box 2976


box 1948

Jacknowitz through Jacobs, D.

box 1949

Jacobs, E. through Jacobson, M.

box 1950

Jacobson, N. through Jaguith.

box 1951

Jahelka through James, J.

box 1952

James, K. through Jandourek.

box 1953

Jandreau through Japan, army.

box 1954

Japan, assassinations through Japan, N.

box 1955

Japan, O. through Japan, Tokyo.

box 1956

Japan, Tokyo through Jasch.

box 1957

Jasper through Jekyll Island.

box 1958

Jelal through Jennings, O.

box 1959

Jennings, P. through Jersey.

box 1960

Jershin through Jewett.

box 1961

Jewish through Jocelyn.

box 1962

Jocher through Johnson, K.

box 1963

Johnson, K. through Johnson, Lyndon B.

box 1964

Johnson, Lyndon B. through Johnson, Z.

box 1965

Johnsson through Jones, D.

box 1966

Jones, E. through Jordan, F.

box 1967

Jordan, G. through Jospe.

box 1968

Joss through Judd.

box 1969

Judelson through Junior League, 1964.

box 1970

Junior League, 1965 through Jwicker.

box 1971

Kaae through Kalberer.

box 2976


box 1972

Kalbfleisch through Kane.

box 1973

Kaneen through Kapp.

box 1974

Kappa Alpha Theta through Karstensen.

box 1975

Karstetter through Kauder.

box 1976

Kaufer through Kazats.

box 1977

Kaze through Keenan.

box 1978

Keene through Keller, H.

box 1979

Keller, I. through Kelner.

box 1980

Kelp through Kennaugh.

box 1981

Kenneally through Kennedy, John F.

box 1982

Kennedy, John F. through Kennedy, Robert F.

box 1983

Kennedy, Robert F. through Kenyatta.

box 1984

Kenyon through Kersta.

box 1985

Kerstein through Khalil.

box 1986

Khalili through Kidney.

box 1987

Kidushim through Kimny.

box 1988

Kimo through King, Z.

box 1989

King installations through Kirby, J.

box 1990

Kirby, K. through Kishon.

box 1991

Kisinger through Kiunke.

box 1992

Kiva through Klein, M.

box 1993

Klein, N. through Kloosterman.

box 1994

Klopfer through Knight, G.

box 1995

Knight, Goodwin J. through Knouf.

box 1996

Knowland through Kocfanta.

box 1997

Koch through Kohls.

box 1998

Kohlman through Kolpack.

box 1999

Kolpakova through Koontz.

box 2000

Koop through Korea War.

box 2001

Korea War.

box 2002

Korea War through Kostyenko.

box 2003

Kosygin through Krakower.

box 2004

Kral through Kremen.

box 2005

Kremer through Krogager.

box 2014

Kroger through Krzyzosiak.

box 2015

Ku Cheng-Kang through Kujaneck.

box 2016

Kujawski through Kusin.

box 2017

Kuska through Kyson.

box 2018

Kysor through La Roy.

box 2976


box 2019

La Rue through Lacher.

box 2020

Lachi through Lahej.

box 2021

Lahey through Lakes.

box 2022

Lakes through Lambrino.

box 2023

Lambrinos through Lanczos.

box 2024

Land through Landy.

box 2025

Lane through Langelle.

box 2026

Langen through Laos.

box 2027

Laos through Larsen, D.

box 2028

Larsen, E. through Las Madres.

box 2029

Las Madrinas through Laslett.

box 2030

Lasley through Lauber.

box 2031

Laubsheim through Lauterback.

box 2032

Lauterbur through Lawill.

box 2033

Lawing through Lawrence, O.

box 2034

Lawrence, P. through Layne.

box 2035

Layng through Le View.

box 2036

Lea through Learner.

box 2037

Learnihan through Leddy.

box 2038

Ledeboer through Lee, G.

box 2039

Lee, H. through Lee, R.

box 2040

Lee, S. through Leffingwell.

box 2041

Leffland through Lehre.

box 2042

Lehrer through Leithauser.

box 2043

Leithead through Lemonte.

box 2044

Lemos through Leonard, M.

box 2045

Leonard, N. through Le Roux.

box 2046

Le Roy through Lester, L.

box 2047

Lester, M. through Levesque.

box 2048

Levett through Levy.

box 2049

Levy through Lewis, S.

box 2050

Lewis, T. through Libertore.

box 2051

Lifeguards through Lightner.

box 2054

Lightowler through Limtner.

box 2055

Limyou through Lincourt.

box 2056

Lind through Lindelof.

box 2057

Lindeman through Lindstrand.

box 2058

Lindstrom through Liolios.

box 2059

Lion through Lipton.

box 2060

Liquor through Little Gaelic Singers.

box 2061

Little Singers of Lourdes through Livestock shows, L.A.

box 2062

Livestock shows, L.A. through Lloyd, G.

box 2063

Lloyd, H. through Lockett.

box 2977


box 2064

Lockey through Lodijensky.

box 2065

Lodjic through Logan, L.

box 2066

Logan, N. through Lombardi.

box 2067

Lombardo through Long, F.

box 2068

Long, G. through Longet.

box 2069

Longfellow through Lopada.

box 2070

Lopasky through Lord.

box 2071

Lordan through Los Angeles, A.

box 2072

Los Angeles, A through Los Angeles County.

box 2073

Los Angeles County.

box 2074

Los Angeles County through Los Angeles, C.

box 2075

Los Angeles, C.

box 2076

Los Angeles, C through Los Angeles, F.

box 2077

Los Angeles, F through Los Angeles, H.

box 2078

Los Angeles, H.

box 2079

Los Angeles, H.

box 2080

Los Angeles, I through Los Angeles, parks.

box 2081

Los Angeles, parks.

box 2082

Los Angeles, parks through Los Angeles, P.

box 2083

Los Angeles, P.

box 2084

Los Angeles, P through Los Angeles, S.

box 2085

Los Angeles S through Los Angeles, streets.

box 2086

Los Angeles, streets through Los Angeles, various.

box 2087

Los Angeles, water through Los Angeles, zoo.

box 2088

Los Angeles, zoo through Loubet.

box 2977

Los Angeles.

box 2940

Los Angeles Times Travel Section.

box 2978

Los Angeles.

box 2089

Loucas through Loveless.

box 2090

Lovell through Lowther.

box 2091

Lowthian through Lucas, C.

box 2092

Lucas, D. through Lucerne.

box 2093

Lucero through Luckner.

box 2094

Lucks through Luedeke.

box 2095

Luedemann through Lukens.

box 2096

Luker through Lund, M.

box 2097

Lund, N. through Luning.

box 2098

Lunk through Lush.

box 2099

Lushanya through Lutze.

box 2100

Lutzenberg through Lynam.

box 2101

Lynas through Lynd.

box 2102

Lynde through Lynne.

box 2103

Lynnwood through Lyons, E.

box 2104

Lyons, F. through Lytton.

box 2105

Lyubimov through McAlonan.

box 2979


box 2980

Mc / Mac.

box 2981

Mc / Mac.

box 2106

McAloney through MacArthur, Douglas.

box 2107

McArthur, E. through McCabe.

box 2108

McCadam through McCandless.

box 2109

McCandlish through McCarthy, Joseph.

box 2110

McCarthy, Joseph through McClaflin.

box 2111

McClain through McClure.

box 2112

McClurg through McCormick, C.

box 2113

McCormick, D. through McCray.

box 2114

McCrea through McDaniel, J.

box 2115

McDaniel, K. through McDonald, G.

box 2116

McDonald, H. through McDonaugh.

box 2117

McDonel through McElney.

box 2118

McElreath through McFee.

box 2119

McFeeley through McGoohan.

box 2120

McGovern through McGuffin.

box 2121

McGuigan through MacIntyre, J. Francis.

box 2122

MacIntyre, J. Francis through McKee, I.

box 2123

McKee, J. through McKesson.

box 2124

McKeta through McLaglen.

box 2125

McLain through McLinton.

box 2126

McLish through McMilan.

box 2127

McMillan through McMurdo.

box 2128

MacMurphy through McNamee.

box 2129

McNames through McNitt.

box 2130

McNoughton through MacQuarrie.

box 2131

McQueen through Maceri.

box 2132

Macha through Mack, M.

box 2133

Mack, N. through Madder.

box 2134

Maddern through Madison.

box 2135

Madison through Magee.

box 2136

Magellan Straits through Magness.

box 2137

Magnets through Maharam.

box 2138

Maharg through Maidenberg.

box 2139

Maiditch through Maita.

box 2140

Maitino through Malagoli.

box 2141

Malahni through Malidzan.

box 2142

Malige through Malloy.

box 2143

Mallozzi through Malott.

box 2144

Malotte through Manchester.

box 2145

Manchoukuo through Mandler.

box 2146

Mandorfer through Manke.

box 2147

Mankekar through Mann.

box 2148

Manna through Manning.

box 2149

Manning through Mantzke.

box 2150

Manuel through Marcano.

box 2151

Marcantonio through Marderian.

box 2152

Mardi through Marina Mercy Hospital.

box 2153

Marinacci through Markas.

box 2154

Markay through Markof.

box 2155

Markoff through Marof.

box 2156

Marohn through Marros.

box 2157

Marrott through Marshall, E.

box 2158

Marshall, F. through Martegani.

box 2159

Martel through Martin, D.

box 2160

Martin, E. through Martin, J.

box 2161

Martin, K. through Martin, Z.

box 2162

Martin-Decker Corp. through Marusi.

box 2163

Marusia through Marzonie.

box 2168

Marzotto through Mason, M.

box 2169

Mason, N. through Massevitch.

box 2170

Massey through Matangua.

box 2171

Matano through Mathies.

box 2172

Mathiesen through Mattheis.

box 2173

Matthew through Maudlin.

box 2174

Maudling through Maxwell, E.

box 2175

Maxwell, F. through May.

box 2176

May Co. through Mayevsky.

box 2177

Mayfair through Mays.

box 2178

Mayse through Mead, J.

box 2179

Mead, K. through Meat.

box 2180

Mecca through Meekins.

box 2181

Meeks through Meine.

box 2182

Meinecke through Meline.

box 2183

Melincoff through Meloth.

box 2184

Melott through Menagh.

box 2185

Menard through Mengle.

box 2186

Mengoni through Mercy.

box 2187

Merdian Children's Center through Merritt, G.

box 2188

Merritt, H. through Metcoff.

box 2189

Meteor through Mexico, A.

box 2190

Mexico, B through Mexico, S.

box 2191

Mexico, T through Miault.

box 2192

Micara through Microwaves.

box 2193

Middelman through Mikvy.

box 2194

Miladin through Miller, A.

box 2195

Miller, B. through Miller, M.

box 2196

Miller, M. through Miller, Z.

box 2197

Millerick through Mills, L.

box 2198

Mills, M. through Minehan.

box 2199

Minehart through Minich.

box 2200

Minichiello through Miramontes.

box 2201

Miranda through Missions.

box 2202

Missions through Mistrough.

box 2203

Miszuk through Mitchell, JA.

box 2204

Mitchell, JE through Mitnick.

box 2205

Mitouer through Modesti.

box 2206

Modesto through Moline.

box 2207

Molitore through Mongibeaux.

box 2208

Mongolia through Monroe.

box 2209

Monroney through Montanus.

box 2210

Montari through Montheard.

box 2211

Montgomery through Montgomery Ward Co.

box 2212

Monti through Moody.

box 2213

Mooers through Mooney, T.

box 2214

Mooney, T. through Moore, C.

box 2215

Moore, C. through Moore, H.

box 2216

Moore, H. through Moore, L.

box 2217

Moore, M. through Moosa.

box 2218

Moosdorf through Morello.

box 2219

Morelock through Morgan, I.

box 2220

Morgan, J. through Morhar.

box 2221

Morhouse through Morong.

box 2222

Morosco through Morrison, E.

box 2223

Morrison, F. through Mortenson.

box 2224

Mortage bankers through Mosher.

box 2225

Moshier through Mothers' day.

box 2226

Mothers of servicemen through Motter.

box 2227

Mottiez through Mount Rubidoux.

box 2228

Mount Rushmore through Muddle.

box 2229

Mudersback through Muller.

box 2230

Mullestein through Munro.

box 2231

Munroe through Murder victims.

box 2232

Murder victims through Murphy, G.

box 2233

Murphy, H. through Murrin.

box 2234

Murrish through Music.

box 2235


box 2236

Music through Myers, J.

box 2237

Myers, K. through Nafziger.

box 2982


box 2238

Nagai through Nalon.

box 2239

Nalpas through Nash.

box 2240

Nashashibi through National Football League.

box 2241

National Forensic League through Nedic.

box 2242

Nedwick through Navarette.

box 2243

Navarro through Nehru, J.

box 2244

Nehru, K. through Nelson, C.

box 2245

Nelson, D. through Nerlinger.

box 2246

Nerney through Neukom.

box 2247

Neuls through Nevo.

box 2248

Nevonen through New York.

box 2249

New York.

box 2250

New York through Newcom.

box 2251

Newcomb through Newman, I.

box 2252

Newman, J. through Newton.

box 2253

Newvill through Nichols.

box 2254

Nicholson through Nider.

box 2255

Nidor through Nikolsky.

box 2256

Nikovick through Nishita.

box 2257

Nishizaki through Nixon, Richard.

box 2259

Nixon, Richard.

box 2260

Nixon, Richard through Norbu.

box 2261

Norburn through North.

box 2262

North American Aviation through Norvo.

box 2263

Norway through Nowakowski.

box 2264

Nowaskey through Nuclear.

box 2265

Nuclear through Nuvolari.

box 2266

Nuxhall through O'Brien.

box 2267

O'Brien-Ffrench through O'Dea.

box 2268

O'Deegan through O'Hara.

box 2269

O'Hare through O'Mea.

box 2270

O'Meara through O'Neill, F.

box 2271

O'Neill, G. through Oakley.

box 2272

Oakmont through Ocean waves.

box 2273

Oceanic Institute through Officers Wives Club.

box 2274

Offices through Oil.

box 2982


box 2275

Oil through Oklar.

box 2276

Okner through Old people.

box 2277

Old people through Olds, L.

box 2278

Olds, M. through Oliveau.

box 2279

Olivecrona through Ollis.

box 2280

Olliver through Olson, D.

box 2281

Olson, E. through Omers.

box 2282

Ommanney through Opengault.

box 2283

Openshaw through Opera.

box 2284

Opera through Orange County Symphony Orchestra.

box 2285

Orange Show through Orena.

box 2286

Orendorff through Ortique.

box 2287

Ortiz through Osteopathic.

box 2288

Oster through Otter.

box 2289

Otterbein Regional Bank through Overpeck.

box 2290

Overseas Packaging Co. through Owens.

box 2291

Owens-Corning Fibre Glass through Pachtman.

box 2983


box 2292

Paci through Pacifico.

box 2293

Pacifists through Padgalskas.

box 2294

Padget through Pagel.

box 2295

Pagen through Paine.

box 2296

Painleve through Palermo.

box 2297

Pales through Palm Sunday.

box 2298

Palma through Palmer, I.

box 2299

Palmer, J. through Pan American Games.

box 2300

Pan American League through Pangle.

box 2301

Pangman through Paprocky.

box 2302

Papstein through Parisien.

box 2303

Parisot through Parker.

box 2304

Parker through Parks.

box 2305


box 2306

Parks through Parslow.

box 2307

Parsons through Pasadena Home For Aged.

box 2308

Pasadena Philharmonic Committee through Pasti.

box 2309

Pastor through Patricio.

box 2310

Patrick through Patterson, G.

box 2311

Patterson, H. through Patton, George S.

box 2312

Patton, George S. through Paulekas.

box 2313

Paules through Paxon.

box 2314

Paxson through Peace.

box 2315

Peace through Pearsey.

box 2316

Pearson through Pechukas.

box 2317

Peck through Pego.

box 2318

Pegram through Penfield.

box 2319

Penfold through Peppa.

box 2320

Peppard through Perez.

box 2321

Perez Del Arco through Perrett.

box 2322

Perri through Peru, Cuzco.

box 2323

Peru, Lima through Petersen, N.

box 2324

Petersen, O. through Petra.

box 2325

Petracek through Pezoniak.

box 2326

Pezzuti through previous hit Philippines next hit .

box 2327

previous hit Philippines through Phillips, P.

box 2328

Phillips, R. through Phypers.

box 2329

Physical culture through Picado.

box 2330

Picard through Pickett Industries.

box 2331

Pickford through Pidgeon.

box 2332

Pidlaoan through Pierce, P.

box 2333

Pierce, R. through Pietsch.

box 2334

Pietzke through Pilon.

box 2335

Pilot through Pipersky.

box 2336

Pipes through Pixoteau.

box 2337

Pixley through Platner.

box 2338

Plato through Plays.

box 2339


box 2340


box 2341

Plays through Podoloff.

box 2342

Podres through Polesello.

box 2343

Polgar through Pollar.

box 2344

Pollard through Pomato.

box 2345

Pomaville through Pontis.

box 2346

Pontius through Pope John XXIII.

box 2347

Pope John XXIII through Pope Pius XII.

box 2348

Pope Pius XII through Porcella.

box 2349

Porcett through Portis.

box 2350

Portland through Potatoes.

box 2351

Pote through Poulson, Norris.

box 2352

Poulson, Norris through Powell, A.

box 2353

Powell, B. through Powers.

box 2354

Powis through Prensky.

box 2355

Prentice through Prettyman.

box 2356

Preuss through Priester.

box 2357

Priestes through Prison.

box 2358


box 2359

Pristow through Prokipenko.

box 2360

Prokop through Prudhomme.

box 2371

Prudler through Puffy.

box 2362

Pugach through Pumps.

box 2363

Punard through Purdy.

box 2364

Pure through Puth.

box 2365

Puthoff through Pyle.

box 2366

Pyles through Quarrier.

box 2367

Quarry through Quesnot.

box 2368

Quessy through Quinn, I.

box 2369

Quinn, J. through Rabenhorst.

box 2370

Rabenston through Radel.

box 2371

Rademacher through Radziwill.

box 2372

Rae through Raka.

box 2373

Railcars through Railroads.

box 2374

Railroads through Ralston.

box 2375

Ram through Ramona Pageant.

box 2376

Ramos through Rancho Golf Club.

box 2377

Rancho Los Amigos through Randel.

box 2378

Randell through Rao.

box 2379

Raoul through Rasulo.

box 2380

Rasumny through Rauh.

box 2381

Raulino through Ray, J.

box 2382

Ray, L. through Reach.

box 2383

Read through Reagan, Ronald.

box 2384

Reagan, Ronald through Red Knights.

box 2984

Red Cross.

box 2385

Red Rock Canyon through Redl.

box 2386

Redland through Reed, D.

box 2387

Reed, E. through Rees.

box 2388

Reeves through Refugees.

box 2389

Refugees through Reibstein.

box 2390

Reich through Reis Velloso.

box 2391

Reisbord through Reile.

box 2392

Reiley through Remsburg.

box 2393

Remsen through Rent.

box 2394

Renta through Requa.

box 2395

Requarth through Resendez.

box 2396

Reserva through Restifo.

box 2397

Restivo through Reutter.

box 2398

Reutzel through Reyes.

box 2399

Reyher through Reynolds, R.

box 2400

Reynolds, R. through Rhine.

box 2401

Rhinehart through Rhodes, I.

box 2402

Rhodes, J. through Rica.

box 2403

Ricard through Rich, F.

box 2404

Rich, G. through Richards, E.

box 2405

Richards, F. through Richards, Z.

box 2406

Richardson through Richley.

box 2407

Richlin through Rickenbaker.

box 2408

Rickenberg through Rideau.

box 2409

Ridell through Riede.

box 2410

Riedel through Rifenbark.

box 2411

Rifenburg through Rigney.

box 2412

Rigney through Rinehart.

box 2413

Rineheart through Ripka.

box 2414

Ripley through Rittenhour.

box 2415

Ritter through Rivers.

box 2416

Rivers through Robatzek.

box 2417

Robb through Roberts, B.

box 2418

Roberts, C. through Robins.

box 2419

Robinson through Robman.

box 2420

Robnett through Rockefeller, Nelson.

box 2421

Rockefeller, Nelson through Rockers.

box 2422


box 2423


box 2424

Rockets through Rodeos.

box 2425

Rodeos, Sheriff's through Roehl.

box 2426

Roehling through Rogers, J.

box 2427

Rogers, J. through Rogers, Z.

box 2428

Rogerson through Roller coasters.

box 2429

Roller skating through Romania.

box 2430

Romania through Romero, I.

box 2431

Romero, J. through Rongen.

box 2432

Ronguillo through Roosevelt.

box 2433


box 2434


box 2435


box 2436

Roosevelt through Ros.

box 2437

Rosa through Rosell.

box 3109

Rose Parade.

box 2438

Roselle through Rosensteil.

box 2439

Rosenstock through Ross.

box 2440

Ross-Dilley through Roth.

box 2441

Rothberg through Roussel.

box 2442

Rousselle through Rowen.

box 2443

Rowing through Royar.

box 2444

Royce through Rubber tires.

box 2445

Rubber tires through Rubinow.

box 2446

Rubinstein through Rudden.

box 2447

Rudder through Ruffing.

box 2448

Ruffini through Rumler.

box 2449

Rumley through Ruser.

box 2450

Rush through Russell, B.

box 2451

Russell, C. through Russia.

box 2452


box 2984


box 2453

Russia through Rutgens.

box 2454

Rutgers through Ruud.

box 2455

Ruuska through Rydbeck.

box 2456

Ryde through Sachar.

box 2985


box 2986


box 2457

Sachau through Safian.

box 2458

Safier through Saint Hill.

box 2459

Saint Jacques through Saint Elmo Village.

box 2460

Saint Frances de Sales Church through Saks.

box 2461

Sakurai through Salmi.

box 2462

Salmon through Salzer.

box 2463

Salzman through Sanchez, C.

box 2464

Sanchez, D. through Sanders, H.

box 2465

Sanders, I. through Sanford.

box 2466

Sangare through Sapien.

box 2467

Sapienza through Sarrault.

box 2468

Sarrazin through Saudi Arabia.

box 2469

Saudi Arabia through Savic.

box 2470

Savidge through Scali.

box 2471

Scalia through Schader.

box 2472

Schaefer through Schaubelt.

box 2473

Schauer through Schendel.

box 2474

Schenk through Schillerstrom.

box 2475

Schillig through Schloming.

box 2476

Schlomovitz through Schmittroth.

box 2477

Schmitz through Schoenke.

box 2478

Schoenman through Schools.

box 2479

Schools through Schroeder.

box 2480

Schroepfer through Schupp.

box 2481

Schuppan through Schwaub.

box 2482

Schwebler through Scibelli.

box 2483

Scicolone through Scott, A.

box 2484

Scott, B. through Scott, J.

box 2485

Scott, K. through Scotter.

box 2486

Scotti through Scripps Institute.

box 2487

Scripture through Seaforth.

box 2488

Seager through Seaver.

box 2489

Seavey through Segni.

box 2490

Segovia through Selbst.

box 2491

Selby through Selton.

box 2492

Seltz through Sennet.

box 2493

Sennett through Serret.

box 2494

Serrian through Severn.

box 2495

Severns through Shabo.

box 2496

Shaby through Shakes.

box 2497

Shakespeare through Shannahan.

box 2498

Shannon through Sharitz.

box 2499

Sharkey through Shattles.

box 2500

Shatto through Shaw, G.

box 2501

Shaw, H. through Shea.

box 2502

Sheade through Sheep.

box 2503

Sheer through Shellenback.

box 2504

Shellenberg through Shepherd, I.

box 2505

Shepherd, J. through Sherman.

box 2506

Shermarke through Simanouchi.

box 2507

Shimazaki through Ships, through 1966.

box 2508

Ships, 1967 - through Ships, C.

box 1509

Ships, D. through Ships, F.

box 1510

Ships, G. through Ships, M.

box 2511

Ships, N. through Ships, R.

box 2512

Ships, S. through Shishim.

box 2513

Shiskin through Shooting ranges.

box 2514

Shootings through Shopping centers.

box 2987

Shopping malls - architecture.

box 2515

Shopwin through Shouel.

box 2516

Shoulders through Shriners, Los Angeles.

box 2517

Shriners, national convention, 1925, Los Angeles through Shub.

box 2518

Shuba through Shuttee.

box 2519

Shuttlesworth through Sidle.

box 2520

Sidlin through Sierroty.

box 2521

Sierra through Sik.

box 2522

Siker through Silsbee.

box 2523

Silsby through Silzer.

box 2524

Sim through Simmons, I.

box 2525

Simmons, J. through Simon Wiesenthal Center.

box 2526

Simonds through Simpson.

box 2527

Simpson through Singapore.

box 2528

Singapore through Sinsley.

box 2529

Sintic through Sisney.

box 2530

Sisola through Sister Mary William.

box 2531

Sister Maureen through Skaff.

box 2532

Skaggs through Skelton, Richard.

box 2533

Skelton, Richard through Skimmer boards.

box 2988


box 2534

Skin diving through Sky Park Medical Group.

box 2535

Sky diving through Slato.

box 2536

Slaton through Slipher.

box 2537

Slipslager through Smallfield.

box 2538

Smallman through Smith, A.

box 2539

Smith, A. through Smith, C.

box 2540

Smith, D. through Smith, E.

box 2541

Smith, F. through Smith, HA.

box 2542

Smith, H.E. through Smith, J.I.

box 2543

Smith, J.O. through Smith, L.

box 2544

Smith, M. through Smith, P.

box 2545

Smith, Q. through Smith, T.

box 2546

Smith, V. through Smog.

box 2547

Smog through Smotrich.

box 2548

Smoyer through Sneazwell.

box 2549

Snebold through Snow.

box 2550

Snow through Snyder, B.

box 2551

Snyder, C. through Soccer.

box 2552

Socha through Softball.

box 2553

Sogaard through Solares.

box 2554

Solari through Solt.

box 2555

Soltan through Sonerby.

box 2556

Sonfield through Soref.

box 2557

Sorel through Sortino.

box 2558

Sortland through Souma.

box 2559

Soumi through Southern California Festival of Flowers.

box 2560

Southern California Flower Growers Inc. through Soutsana.

box 2561

Souva through Space.

box 2562

Space through Spain.

box 2563

Spain through Spal.

box 2564

Spalding through Sparks.

box 2565

Sparkuhl through Speas.

box 2566

Speasl through Spenceley.

box 2567

Spencer through Spiders.

box 2587

Spiegel through Spinsters Ball.

box 2588

Spinsters Club through Sporkin.

box 2589

Sporl through Sprague, P.

box 2590

Sprague, R. through Springmeyer.

box 2591

Springs through Stager.

box 2592

Stagg through Spuck.

box 2593

Spudich through Stachowski.

box 2594

Stack through Stampeders.

box 2595

Stamper through Standing.

box 2596

Standish through Stansauk.

box 3110

Stanford University.

box 2597

Stansbury through Starker.

box 2598

Starkey through Stead.

box 2599

Steadman through Steelmon.

box 2600

Steelsmith through Stehula.

box 2601

Steibert through Steiner.

box 2602

Steinert through Stender.

box 2603

Stengel through Stephens. L.

box 2604

Stephens, M. through Stern.

box 2605

Sternad through Stevens, R.

box 2606

Stevens, S. through Stevenson, C.

box 2607

Stevenson, D. through Stewart, Q.

box 2608

Stewart, R. through Stinetort.

box 2609

Stingley through Stockwell.

box 2610

Stoddard through Stone.

box 2611

Stone through Stotesbury.

box 2612

Stotsenberg through Stratton.

box 2613

Straub through Strelova.

box 2614

Strelzin through Strikes.

box 2615


box 2616


box 2617


box 2618

Strikes through Strock.

box 2619

Stroda through Stroop.

box 2620

Stropes through Struckrath.

box 2621

Strudwick through Stuckart.

box 2622

Stuckel through Students.

box 2623

Students through Stuebner.

box 2624

Stueck through Stylionou.

box 2625

Stynchula through Sugg.

box 2626

Suggs through Sullins.

box 2627

Sullivan through Summerall.

box 2628

Summerell through Sunset House.

box 2629

Sunset Magazine through Surrey.

box 2630

Surtees through Sutowski.

box 2631

Sutphen through Swan.

box 2632

Swanberg through Sweden.

box 2633

Sweden through Swig.

box 2634

Swigert through Swope.

box 2635

Swor through Syrovy.

box 2636

Syrstad through Tabuteau.

box 2988


box 2637

Tache through Taft.

box 2638

Tagariello through Takamori.

box 2639

Takano through Talbot, K.

box 2640

Talbot, L. through Tallmadge.

box 2641

Tallman through Tams.

box 2642

Tamsen through Tannan.

box 2643

Tannatt through Taplinger.

box 2644

Tapp through Tarson.

box 2645

Tart through Taufenback.

box 2646

Taufer through Taylor, B.

box 2647

Taylor, C. through Taylor, I.

box 2648

Taylor, J. through Taylor, M.

box 2649

Taylor, N. through Teacher.

box 2650

Teachers through Teen Age Center.

box 2651

Teen-agers through Telephone.

box 2652

Telephone through Television.

box 2653

Television through Tenco.

box 2654

Tendas through Tennis.

box 2655

Tennis through Terrail.

box 2656

Terral through Tessy.

box 2657

Test through Thackrey.

box 2658

Thackwell through Thanksgiving through 1961.

box 2659

Thanksgiving, 1962 - through Thaxton.

box 2660

Thayer through Theotia.

box 2661

Theotokis through Thiessen.

box 2662

Thieu through Thomas, D.

box 2663

Thomas, E. through Thomas, Z.

box 2664

Thomasian through Thompson, C.

box 2665

Thompson, D. through Thompson, H.

box 2666

Thompson, H. through Thompson, K.

box 2667

Thompson, L. through Thompson, Q.

box 2668

Thompson, R. through Thorak.

box 2669

Thorat through Thornton, L.

box 2670

Thornton, M. through Throup.

box 2671

Throwar through Tibbot.

box 2672

Tibbott through Tierstein.

box 2673

Tiesen through Tillier.

box 2674

Tillies through Timwerhof.

box 2675

Tin through Tippetts.

box 2676

Tippey through Titscher.

box 2677

Tittel through Tobiason.

box 2678

Tobiassen through Toland.

box 2679

Tolar through Tomasek.

box 2680

Tomasello through Tomsky.

box 2681

Tomson through Topaz.

box 2682

Tope through Torgler.

box 2683

Toriello through Tornay.

box 2684

Tornberg through Torriarani.

box 2685

Torribio through Totty.

box 2686

Totus through Tousson.

box 2687

Toussoun through Towner.

box 2688

Townes through Toy Loan Library, 1950.

box 2689

Toy Loan Library, 1951- through Track.

box 2690

Track through Traendly.

box 2691

Traffic accidents through Trams.

box 2692

Tramunti through Trasher.

box 2693

Trask through Travis.

box 2694

Travis through Treat.

box 2695

Treaties through Trees.

box 2696

Trees through Treff.

box 2697

Treffery through Trepinski.

box 2698

Trepp through Triggs.

box 2699

Trigiani through Trippett.

box 2700

Trippi through Trotter.

box 2701

Trotti through Trudel.

box 2702

Trudell through Truman, Harry S.

box 2703

Truman, Harry S.

box 2704

Truman, Harry S.

box 2705

Truman, Harry S. through Truston.

box 2706

Trusty through Tuason.

box 2708

Tuckwell through Tunis.

box 2709

Tunisia through Turkey.

box 2710

Turkey through Turner, I.

box 2711

Turner, J. through Turtles.

box 2712

Turton through Twid.

box 2713

Twigg-Porter through Tyler, I.

box 2714

Tyler, J. through Uebel.

box 3111


box 2989


box 2990


box 2715

Uebelhoer through Umbaugh.

box 2716

Umbeck through Union Rescue Mission.

box 2717

Unitas through U.S. Agriculture (Dept. of).

box 2718

U.S. Air Force.

box 2719

U.S. Air Force.

box 2720

U.S. Air Force.

box 2721

U.S. Air Force.

box 2722

U.S. Armed Forces through U.S. Army.

box 2723

U.S. Army.

box 2724

U.S. Army.

box 2725

U.S. Army.

box 2726

U.S. border through U.S. Coast Guard.

box 2727

U.S. Coast Guard through U.S. Customs.

box 2728

U.S. Customs through U.S. Marines.

box 2729

U.S. Marines.

box 2730

U.S. Marines through U.S. Navy.

box 2731

U.S. Navy.

box 2732

U.S. Navy.

box 2733

U.S. Navy.

box 2734

U.S. Navy.

box 2735

U.S. Navy.

box 2736

U.S. Navy.

box 2737

U.S. Navy through U.S. Post Office.

box 2738

U.S. presidents through Unress.

box 2939

University of California.

box 2739

Unruh through Uren.

box 2740

Ureta through Utah.

box 2741

Utashi through Vaiman.

box 2742

Vainisi through Valentine ball.

box 2743

Valentine's day through Valley Junior College.

box 2744

Valley Music Theater through Van Brynke.

box 2745

Van Buren through Van Derford.

box 2746

Van Deusen through Van Hoose.

box 2747

Van Hooser through Van Reisen.

box 2748

Van Remoortel through Van Wie.

box 2749

Van Wiick through Vandenberg.

box 2750

Vandenberg through Vanderpool.

box 2751

Vanderpyl through Vargas.

box 2752

Vargas through Vaughan, E.

box 2753

Vaughan, F. through Veditz.

box 2754

Vedova through Vendrell.

box 2755

Vendroux through Veraun.

box 2756

Verdy through Vescovo.

box 2757

Vesella through Veterans of Foreign Wars.

box 2758

Veterans Service Center through Victorson.

box 2759

Victory through Vietnam War.

box 2760

Vietnam War.

box 2761

Vietnam War.

box 2762

Vietnam War through Villiers.

box 2763

Villines through Virginia.

box 2764

Virginia through Vleck.

box 2765

Vlick through Volcanoes, J.

box 2766

Volcanoes, K through Voltz.

box 2767

Volunteer League through Von Frenckell.

box 2768

Von Fritsch through Von Soosten.

box 2769

Von Spiegel through Votaw.

box 2770

Voters through Vullo.

box 2771

Vulovic through Wagai.

box 2990


box 2772

Wage through Wagner.

box 2773

Wagnsson through Wakehurst.

box 2774

Wakelin through Walkem.

box 2775

Wackera through Walker, H.

box 2776

Walker, I. through Walker, V.

box 2777

Walker, W. through Wallace, George.

box 2778

Wallace, George through Wallace.

box 2779

Wallander through Wallis.

box 2780

Wallis and Carroll through Walstrom.

box 2781

Walsworth through Walton, I.

box 2782

Walton, J. through Waniolek.

box 2783

Wank through War, Middle East.

box 2784

War, Middle East through WWII.

box 2785


box 2786


box 2800


box 2801


box 2802


box 2803


box 2804


box 2805


box 2806


box 2807


box 2808


box 2809


box 2810


box 2811


box 2812


box 2813

WWII through Ward, J.

box 2814

Ward, K. through Warmath.

box 2815

Waring through Warren, Earl.

box 2816

Warren, Earl through Warren, S.

box 2817

Warren, T. through Washington, G.

box 2818

Washington, H. through Washington, DC.

box 2819

Washington, DC through Washkansky.

box 2820

Washner through Water.

box 2821

Water through Watkins, K.

box 2822

Watkins, J. through Watson, K.

box 2823

Watson, K. through Waxer.

box 2824

Waxman through Weapons.

box 2825

Weapons through Weather.

box 2826


box 2827


box 2828

Weather through Webb, I.

box 2829

Webb, J. through Webster, J.

box 2830

Webster, K. through Weeks, G.

box 2831

Weeks, H. through Weigner.

box 2832

Weihe through Weinrich.

box 2833

Weinress through Weislow.

box 2834

Weisman through Weksler.

box 2835

Wela through Weller.

box 2836

Welles through Welpron.

box 2837

Welsch through Wentner.

box 2838

Wents through Werth.

box 2839

Wertham through West, L.

box 2840

West, M. through West Coast Theater Co.

box 2841

West Hills Hunt Club through Western Salt Co.

box 2842

Western Semiconductors Inc. through Weston.

box 2843

Weston Electrical Instrument Corp. through Weitz.

box 2844

Wettlin through Whalen.

box 2845

Whales through Wheelan.

box 2846

Wheeland through Wheelon.

box 2847

Wheelright through White, A.

box 2848

White, B. through White, H.

box 2849

White, I. through White, P.

box 2850

White, R. through Whitecar.

box 2851

Whited through Whitley.

box 2852

Whitlinger through Whitney.

box 2853

Whiton through Whytock.

box 2854

Wian through Widigdo.

box 2855

Widing through Wiesler.

box 2856

Wiesner through Wilby.

box 2857

Wilce through Wiles.

box 2858

Wiley through Wilkins.

box 2859

Wilkinson through William.

box 2860

Williams, A. through Williams, D.

box 2861

Williams, E. through Williams, I.

box 2862

Williams, J. through Williams, P.

box 2863

Williams, R. through Williams, T.

box 2864

Williams, V. through Willits.

box 2865

Willkie through Willumeit.

box 2866

Willys, E. through Wilson, D.

box 2867

Wilson, E. through Wilson, J.

box 2868

Wilson, J. through Wilson, R.

box 2869

Wilson, R. through Wiman.

box 2870

Wimberley through Windhorm.

box 2871

Windhorst through Winfrey.

box 2872

Wing through Winn.

box 2873

Winnai through Winstone.

box 2874

Winter through Wirtz.

box 2875

Wirthwein through Witherbee.

box 2876

Witherill through Wocher.

box 2877

Wochnick through Wolfberg.

box 2878

Wolfe through Wolfshill.

box 2879

Wolfson through Wonders.

box 2880

Wondolowski through Wood, JA.

box 2881

Wood, Jo through Woode.

box 2882

Woodell through Woods, P.

box 2883

Woods, R. through Woody.

box 2884

Woodyard through Wooster.

box 2885

Wootan through World Republic.

box 2886

World Student Services Fund through Worthing.

box 2887

Worthingham through Wrenski.

box 2888

Wrestling through Wright, D.

box 2889

Wright, E. through Wright, R.

box 2890

Wright, S. through Wyeths.

box 2891

Wygant through Wyznynski.

box 2892

Xander through Yanes.

box 2992


box 2893

Yang through Yates, M.

box 2894

Yates. N. through Yerk.

box 2895

Yerke through York, M.

box 2896

York, N. through Younes.

box 2897

Young, A. through Young, L.

box 2898

Young, M. through YMCA.

box 2899

YMCA through Younie.

box 2900

Younker through Yugoslavia.

box 2901

Yugoslavia through Zadnichek.

box 2902

Zadny through Zamorra.

box 2903

Zamos through Zarrouk.

box 2904

Zarubiga through Zeisel.

box 2905

Zeiser through Zezzo.

box 2906

Zhabina through Zimmermann.

box 2907

Zimmers through Zonta Club.

box 2908

Zontini through Zulch.

box 2909

Zulueta through ZZZZZZ.

box 2993


box 2994


box 2995


box 2996


box 2997


box 2998


box 3112


box 2999

A through Atlantic Richfield.

box 3000

Airplane wrecks through Automobile races.

box 3001

Atlantic Pact through Atwood, Donna (ice skater).

box 3002

B through Baseball action (California Angels, 1966 - 1967).

box 3003

Baseball action (California Angels, 1968 - 1969) through Baseball action (LA Dodgers, 1971 - 1972).

box 3004

Baseball action (LA Dodgers, 1972 - 1973) through Baseball action, fights.

box 3005

Baseball players groups (misc.).

box 3006

Baseball players through Baseball (World Series).

box 3007

Basketball action, 1971 - 1972 through Basketball, high school.

box 3008

Basketball players (A) through Basketball players (D).

box 3009

Basketball players (E) through Basketball players (N - O).

box 3010

Basketball players (P) through Basketball players (Z).

box 3011

Beaches through Byrd, R.E. Adm.

box 3012

Boats through Brazil.

box 3013

C through Circus.

box 3014

Clouds through Crowds.

box 3015

California (A - B) through California (J - K).

box 3016

California (L) through California, Pasadena.

box 3017

California, Pasadena, Tournament of Roses through California (W - X - Y - Z).

box 3018

California, Pasadena, Rose Bowl through Dogs.

box 3019

Earth through Eisenhower.

box 3020

Eisenhower through Explosions.

box 3021

Football action, high school through Football action, college.

box 3022

Football action, Rose Bowl games.

box 3023

Football action - UCLA vs. USC, pro bowls, LA Rams through Football, misc.

box 3024

Football action, pros.

box 3025

Football, players - A - D.

box 3026

Football, players, E - K.

box 3027

Football, players, L - S.

box 3028

Football, players, T - Z through Football teams.

box 3029

Farrell through Fires.

box 3030

Fires through Fiscus, Kathy.

box 3031

Floods through France.

box 3032

G through Golfers, B.

box 3033

Golfers, C - M.

box 3034

Golfers, N through Governor's Conference.

box 3035

Graham through Greyhound Bus Teminal.

box 3036

H through Hockey.

box 3037

Hockey through Hoover.

box 3038

Horse racing through Horses' names.

box 3039

Horses' names through Housing.

box 3040

Hughes' Aircraft through Hydrogen bomb.

box 3041


box 3042


box 3043


box 3044

Lakes through LA air views.

box 3045

LA air views.

box 3046

LA buildings through LA City Council.

box 3047

LA Convention Center through LA County Flood Control.

box 3048

LA County jails through LA hotels.

box 3049

LA International Airport through LA Plaza.

box 3050

LAPD through LA stockyard.

box 3051

LA streets through LA urban renewal.

box 3052

LA Times.

box 3053

M through Marciano.

box 3054

Marineland through Monaco.

box 3055


box 3056

Monroe, M through Muskie.

box 3057


box 3058


box 3059

Pacific Cinerama through Pico House.

box 3060

Plays through Puddingstone Dam.

box 3061

Racial segregation through Riots, Watts.

box 3062

Riverside Raceway through Roads, freeways.

box 3063

Roads, freeways.

box 3064

Roads, PCH through Roads, Ridge Route.

box 3065

Robinson through Russia.

box 3066

Sculpture through Skiing.

box 3067

Skylab through Space.

box 3068

Steel industry through Surf riding.

box 3069

Teenagers through Tennis players (A - L).

box 3070

Tennis players (M - Z) through Track action (1976).

box 3071

Track, LA Times Indoor Games through Track stars (A - E).

box 3072

Track Stars (F - O).

box 3073

Track Stars (P) through Truman, Harry.

box 3074

United Airlines through U.S. Air Force.

box 3075

U.S. Army Air Corps through U.S. Defense.

box 3076

U.S. Defense through U.S. Navy.

box 3077

U.S. Navy through U.S. Presidents inauguration.

box 3078

Valley College through War.

box 3079

War through Weather (drought).

box 3080

Weather (hurricane) through Weather (rain).

box 3081

Weather (rain) through Wrigley Field.

box 3082

Yachts through Yorty, Samuel.

box 3083

Brush fires / Snow.

box 3084

Dodger Stadium construction.

box 3085

Architecture / miscellaneous.

box 3086, box 3087


box 3088

California Cities, Towns & Communities - Alameda through Burbank.

box 3089

California Cities, Towns & Communities - Burney Falls through Colusa County.

box 3090

Calfornia Cities, Towns & Communities - Compton through Ferndale.

box 3091

California Cities, Towns & Communities - Fillmore through Igo.

box 3092

California Cities, Towns & Communities - Imperial Valley through Kern County.

box 3093

California Cities, Towns & Communities - Kernville through La Quinta.

box 3094

California Cities, Towns & Communities - Larkspur through Long Beach.

box 3095

California Cities, Towns & Communities - Long Beach through Moneta.

box 3096

California Cities, Towns & Communities - Mono Bay through Newport.

box 3097

California Cities, Towns & Communities - Newport Beach through Orange.

box 3098

California Cities, Towns & Communities - Orange County through Palm Springs.

box 3099

California Cities, Towns & Communities - Palmdale through Point Loma.

box 3100

California Cities, Towns & Communities - Pomona through Redondo Beach.

box 3101

California Cities, Towns & Communities - Reseda through San Bernardino.

box 3102

California Cities, Towns & Communities - San Diego through San Fernando Valley.

box 3103

California Cities, Towns & Communities - San Francisco.

box 3104

California Cities, Towns & Communities - San Gabriel Valley through Santa Fe Springs.

box 3105

California Cities, Towns & Communities - Santa Monica through South Pasadena.

box 3106

California Cities, Towns & Communities - Spring Crest through Van Nuys.

box 3107

California Cities, Towns & Communities - Venice through Watts.

box 3108

California Cities, Towns & Communities - Weaverville through Wilsonia.

box 3113

Associated Press - World War II negatives.

box 3114

Associated Press - World War II negatives.

box 3115

Associated Press - World War II negatives.


Glass negatives circa 1918-1932

Scope and Contents

Collection contains 50 boxes of approximately 5800 glass negatives.

Other Finding Aids

Glass negatives are described in a single bound index housed at the Library Special Collections reference desk on the A level of the Charles E. Young Research Library.
INTERNAL ONLY: Paper index was converted to a staff only Access database located on the drive: \svm_dlib\DLPartners\YRLSpecialCollections\Los Angeles Times Photographic Archive 1429\Databases to be Merged

Conditions Governing Access

Open for research, with the following exceptions: Boxes 3701-3702 are closed until Library Preservation completes treatment of materials.

Nitrate negatives 1930-circa 1948

Conditions Governing Access

Celluse nitrate negatives are unavailable for use.

Existence and Location of Copies

Digital reproductions of the nitrate negative in the collection are available electronically in the UCLA Digital Library.  

Scope and Contents

Collection contains 35 boxes of cellulose nitrate negatives.

Safety negatives circa 1935-1990

Scope and Contents

Collection contains 573 boxes of 4x5 negatives dated 1935-1960; 392 boxes of mostly 35mm negatives and some 2x2 dated 1960-1976; 802 boxes of 35mm negatives dated 1977-1985; and 290 boxes of 35mm negatives dated 1986-1990.

Other Finding Aids

Safety negatives are searchable through paper indexes housed at the Library Special Collections reference desk on the A level of the Charles E. Young Research Library.
INTERNAL ONLY: All paper indexes, excluding Orange County and San Diego materials, were converted into an Access database (1935-1976) and a number of Excel sheets (1977-1990). Located on the drive: \svm_dlib\DLPartners\YRLSpecialCollections\Los Angeles Times Photographic Archive 1429\Databases to be Merged