This collection includes reports, correspondence, newsletters, maps, and imagery documenting
the applications of remote sensing of earth resources and technology transfer efforts to establish Landsat data analysis
capabilities in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. The collection is arranged in six series that reflect
the administration, programs, and records related to these earth resources survey applications projects, as well as the
activities of Donald E. Wilson during his career at the NASA Ames Research Center.
Donald E. Wilson began his career at the NASA Ames Research Center as a member of the Entry Simulation Team (Code ESB) in
From 1963 to 1971, Wilson worked in the Materials Research Branch (Code SVM) of the Vehicle and Environment Division (Code
under the Astronautics Directorate (Code S). It was renamed the Materials Science Branch (Code STS) and reassigned to the
Thermo- and Gas-Dynamics Division (Code ST) in 1972, when the Vehicle and Environment Division, which had supported the Apollo
missions, was eliminated. During the course of his materials science research, Wilson co-authored technical reports on the
thermal analysis of polymeric materials, as well as a study on low temperature cooling techniques.
Number of containers: 10
Volume: 4 cubic feet
Copyright does not apply to United States government records. For non-government
material, researcher must contact the original creator.
Collection is open for research.