Original color drawings from Mexican Codices (in the hand of Eduard Seler).
Tonathuh and the Numbers.
The Twenty Day Signs.
Twenty Gods.
Twenty 13 day examples of Tonalamatl.
The Twenty Beginnings of Weeks.
Leaves from Codex Vaticanus A.
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Various texts in Mixtec and Zapotec with some original commentary by Seler.
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Pages Arte en Lengua Mixteca ... by Fray Antonio de los Reyes. Mexico. 1593.
Doctrina y Catecismo en lengua Mixteca (baja). Ms. Frh Ano de 1823 (Bibl. Hermann Strebel).
Section of Confesionurio en idioma Zapoteco del S. Martin Tilcagete. 1792.
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Various books and manuscripts.
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Indios do Brasil.
Hans Stade and Jon. Levy.
Anchieta: Lingua mais usuada na Costa do Brasil.
Ages 127-170. Figueira: Lingua geral Brasiliana.
Nogueria: Esbaco Grammatical do Abanee.
Conto de Magalhaes. O. Sevagem.
Extract from Sahugun Manuscript of the Biblioteca del Palacio I, Madrid.
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Historia Tolteca-Chichimeca (Manuscript of Eduard Seler).
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Vocabulario Otlomi.