The records of the Commission on Local Governance for the 21st Century (CLG) document the efforts of the commission to perform
a comprehensive study of and publish a report on local government organization in California for presentation to the Governor,
the Legislature, and the public. This record group contains 11.5 cubic feet of textual records and 71 audiocassettes. The
records are organized into four record series and cover the period from 1998 to 2000.
Under the Cortese-Knox Local Government Reorganization Act of 1985, a Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) was established
in each county (except for San Francisco) for the review and approval of changes in boundaries of local agencies. The Commission
on Local Governance for the 21st Century (CLG or CLG21) was created by AB1484 (Statutes 1997, Chapter 943) for the purpose
of generating a report to the Governor on the subject of the organization of local agencies. The Commission was responsible
for: reviewing current statutes; making proposals to both increase citizen participation and to ensure conformity with federal
law; making recommendations for statutory changes; and conducting public meetings. The Commission consisted of 15 members;
nine were appointed by the Governor, three by the Assembly Committee on Rules, and three by the Senate Committee on Rules.
The Chair was Susan Golding; the Vice-Chair was Ruben Barrales, and the Executive Director was Ben Williams.
11.5 cubic feet of textual material, 33 audio cassettes, and 38 audio micro cassettes
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of materials from the California State Archives' collections.
Collection is open for research.