Inventory of the Wolfskill Family Collection
Series 1 Genealogy and Biographical Materials 1854-1975
Scope and Content Note
Ashcraft, Otho Family 1931 undated
Bollinger, William Family 1926-1929
Bynum, Edward Family 1928 undated
Cooper, Benjamin (b. 25 Jan 1756) Family 1894 undated
Cooper, Sarshel (d. 1814) Family 1894-1910 undated
Cooper, Stephen (1797-1890) Family 1866-1894 1932-1936 undated
Cooper, Tobias and Mary Wolfskill undated
Dart, Iris Taylor Interview by Brooks C. Sackett 1973 May 25
Duren Family 1937 undated
General Index of Names undated
Goodyear Family Genealogy, by Grace Goodyear Kirkman 1899
Goodyear Family Genealogy 1899
Scope and Content Note
Knight, William Family 1859-1938
Names and Addresses of Wolfskill Family 1938
Reid and Hyatt Families 1925-1931 undated
Roberts, Isham and Susan Wolfskill Roberts Family 1935 1938 undated
Sabichi, Lugo, and Wolfskill Families 1916-1936 undated
Semple, Robert (d. 1854) 1931-1937
Tapia, Carmel Arcia Family undated
Taylor, Samuel Family 1926-1975 undated
Wolfskill Experimental Orchards 1934-1939 undated
Wolfskill Family Notebook undated
Wolfskill, Edith Irene News Clippings 1929-1935
Wolfskill, George W. (1822-1904) Family 1914-1929 undated
Wolfskill, Heinrich (Henry) Family Tree undated
Wolfskill, John (1836-1913) and Susan B. Moore Wolfskill (1843-1916) Family 1894-1916
Wolfskill, John Henry (1853-1938) 1934-1938
Wolfskill, John Reid (1804-1897) Family 1854-1939
Wolfskill, Joseph (1774-1796) Family 1917-1934 undated
Wolfskill, Joseph C. and Wetmore Ranch 1894 1929
Wolfskill, Mary J. Blake 1937
Wolfskill, Sarshel Cooper Family 1904-1938 1967 undated
Wolfskill, William (1798-1866) Family 1902-1947 undated
Wolfskill, William J. (1795-1876) Family 1925 1934 undated
Series 2 John Reid Wolfskill (1804-1897) and Family 1861-1901
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Subseries 2.1 Correspondence 1861-1901
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Subseries 2.1.1 Outgoing 1892
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Taylor, Samuel 1892 April 19
Subseries 2.1.2 Incoming 1861-1901
Scope and Content Note
Cooper, Thomas Benton 1896 January 22
Field, Carrie 1901 July
Hurlbut, H.P. 1861 June 4
Waterhouse, Mrs. L.G. 1863 November 20
Wolfskill, Joseph R. 1864 February 21
Subseries 2.2 Legal Documents 1869
Deed from Sarshel C. Wolfskill to John R. Wolfskill 1869 May 21
Subseries 2.3 Financial Records 1867-1870
Scope and Content Note
George Hughes, Commission Merchant Statements 1867-1868
Office of Allison, Levy, and Company Statements 1870
Subseries 2.4 Ephemera 1850-1936
Scope and Content Note
Invitation for the Misses Cooper to the "Grand Celebration Ball, In Honor of California Into the Union" 1850 October 29
Invitation for the Misses Cooper to Monumental Fire Company Ball 1851 November 06
Invitation to Commencement Ceremony at Snell Seminary 1881 May 23
"Youth Day Pageant: March of Time" [1936]
Scope and Content Note
Subseries 2.5 Photographs 1864-1892
Scope and Content Note
Subseries 2.5.1 Family 1864-1883 undated
Scope and Content Note
Wolfskill, John R. undated
Wolfskill, John R. Sitting in Chair undated
Wolfskill, Susan Cooper and Unidentified Man undated
Wolfskill, Susan Cooper undated
Wolfskill, Susan Cooper Sitting in Chair undated
Wolfskill, Nellie Cornelia circa 1864
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Wolfskill, Fannie Wolfskill, Edward "Ned" Wolfskill, J. Reed Wolfskill, Olie Horning, Annie B. Wolfskill, Aldanita K. Jacobs, Jennie Wolfskill, and Nathaniel Jacobs in front of John R. Wolfskill Residence near Putah Creek 1883 January 1
Subseries 2.5.2 Wolfskill Properties 1888-1892
Scope and Content Note
John R. Wolfskill's Stone Dwelling 1888
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John R. Wolfskill's Stone Dwelling after Earthquake 1892
Series 3 Edward "Ned" Wolfskill (1850-1939) and Family 1879-1939
Scope and Content Note
Subseries 3.1 Correspondence 1879-1939
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Subseries 3.1.1 Outgoing 1894-1939
Scope and Content Note
Almick, Alpha Duren 1928-1937
Almick, Susan M. Duren 1925-1930
Armstrong, Jarena Wolfskill 1929-1938
Bailey, B.L. 1925 October 14
Baker, W.I. 1936 December 10
Barnett, Lynde Cooper 1924-1927
Bemerly, Mrs. Al 1931 March 31
Bonney, Jennie L. Wolfskill 1915-1931
Bowman, J.N. 1938 August 20
Brooks, Gertrude Clark 1928-1929
Brooks, Mable 1938
Calmes, Cynthia and Mattie 1925-1939
Clay, J.M. 1925-1927
Cooper, Bettie 1924-1930
Cooper, Mary J. 1928 January 3
Cooper, Mazie 1929 October
Cooper, Mollie Wolfskill 1927 1929
Cooper, Thomas Benton 1927
Councilman, Linnie Wolfskill Goodyear 1894-1928
Dart, Iris Taylor 1929-1939
Derham, Adam 1936
Durham, Gladys and Will Duren 1929-1930
Ferrill, Sam 1929-1930
Frey, Cordelia Hyatt 1930
Gibson, Robert 1931
Godfrey, Josephine Reid 1926-1928
Goodyear, J. Murray and Edward Goodyear 1930-1939
Gregory, Ruth (Bird) Wolfskill 1927
Harris, Ruth Wilson 1929
Hemenway, Eva M. 1925
Hickerson, S.D. 1916
Howerson, Leona 1927 January 21
Hume, Anne Hyatt 1926-1930
Hyatt, Elizabeth (Lizzie) 1930
Jacobs, Frank and Frank Elmer Jacobs 1930-1937
Jacobs, Mame 1930 March 25
"Jack" 1938 March 7
Jensik, Rowena Wolfskill 1937 July 16
Kelly, Sue 1927 1937
King, Sue 1927 1930
Knight, J.L. 1927 February 12
Klingman, Florence 1927 February 26
Lee, Mattie Wolfskill 1927-1939
Magee, Ruth Wolfskill 1927-1938
Mayfield, Ben T. 1928-1930
Mayfield, Harriet (Hattie) 1924 1929
McCart, Pink 1929 February 21
McCullough, Lutie Snowball 1930
McMullen, L.J. (Mac) 1929 January 26
"Motor Land" 1931 April 22
Palethorp, Marcella Wolfskill 1939 February 21
Peterman, Josie Mayfield 1927-1938
Pettit, Mrs. L. 1939
Phillips, Mrs. Bessie 1928 August 18
Pleasant, Edward 1928
Poag, Elizabeth 1927 September 26
Ray, Lewis 1928 September 24
Reid, Barbara May 1929
Reid, Beckie 1929 April 8
Reid, Will 1924-1930
Reynolds, Alice 1930
Ritchie, Wanda 1937 July 29
Roberson, Emily J. 1930 September 29
Roberts, Emma 1925-1938
Roberts, Lizzie 1929-1937
Sabichi, George Carlos 1928-1929
Scott, Irene 1926 December 6
Snowball, Mrs. H.H. 1930 May
Sparks, Annie 1938 December 8
Stuart, Belle E. 1926-1928
Talcott, George and G.N. 1935 September
Taylor, Bayard 1938-1939
Taylor, Emma D. 1928 June 15
Taylor, Virginia 1937-1938
Thompson, J.C. and Ruth 1901-1926
Thompson, O.C. 1931 May 7
Tulloch, David E. 1930 June
Turman, Frances and Vivian 1932 1934
Turner, Margaret 1930 July 29
Uyenishi, Joe 1915 November 20
Whitson, Vesta A. 1930 June 09
Whitten, Erma and Lena 1928 December 24
Whitton, Alice 1926 April
Wilcox, Fannie 1929
Wilson, Fannie Wolfskill Taylor 1894-1934
Winn, Mrs. Henry 1923-1929
Wolfskill, Adam 1929 1931
Wolfskill, Annie 1927-1930
Wolfskill, Bunnie M. 1925-1926
Wolfskill, Charles W. 1925-1934
Wolfskill, Edward "Ney" 1926-1934
Wolfskill, Eula 1938 April 16
Wolfskill, Flossie 1927-1937
Wolfskill, Frank A. 1925 January 19
Wolfskill, Frank and Myrtle Cooper Wolfskill 1936-1938
Wolfskill, George H. 1926-1937
Wolfskill, John Henry (1853-1938) 1926-1936
Wolfskill, Joseph (Joe) W. 1924 1925
Wolfskill, Louis W. (1864-1951) 1924-1929
Wolfskill, Mary 1936-1937
Wolfskill, Matt and Irma Douglas Wolfskill 1929 May 2
Wolfskill, Minerva 1926 April 1
Wolfskill, Reed (or Reid) and Nelda T. Wolfskill 1929-1939
Wolfskill, Samuel R. 1926-1930
Wolfskill, William B. 1926 September 15
Young, Lucille 1929 June 29
Letters from Ned Wolfskill to Unknown Correspondents 1917-1937
Ned Wolfskill's Letter Press Book 1894
Subseries 3.1.2 Incoming 1879-1938
Scope and Content Note
Amick, Alpha Duren 1926-1937
Amick, Susan (Sue) M. Duren 1925-1930
Armstrong, Jarena W. 1927-1930
Ashcraft, Otho 1917 January 1
Bailey, B.F. 1925 October 13
Barnette, Lynde Cooper 1917-1930
Bowman, J.N. 1938-1939
Brooks, Gertrude Clarke 1928 September 15
Brooks, Mabel 1928-1938
Campbell, E. 1936 January 23
Scope and Content Note
Clay, J.M. 1925-1928
Cooper, Ben 1915 December 20
Cooper, Bettie 1919-1929
Cooper, Cynthia and Matt 1925-1931
Cooper, Lillian M. and Mollie 1929 May 5
Cooper, Mary 1925
Cooper, Mazie Nathan 1929 October 24
Derkum, Adam 1936
[Dunlap, Boutwell?] 1929 July 14
Duren, Gladys, L.D., and Mattie 1929-1937
Edwards, Harry 1929
Ferril, Sam 1929-1930
Godfrey, Josephine Reid 1926-1928
Goodyear, John Murray 1925-1938
Goodyear, Edward 1929-1930
Correspondence: H 1927-1938
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Harris, Ruth Wilson 1929-1936
Hemenway, Eva M. 1925
Hickerson, S.D. 1916
Holliday, Anne Allen 1926-1931
Hume, Ann Hyatt 1926-1928
Hyatt, Lizzie 1930 August 16
Correspondence: J 1884-1937
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Jacobs, Frank and Evelyn 1927-1935
Jensik, Rowena Wolfskill 1936-1937
Correspondence: K 1927-1935
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King, Marietta 1933
King, Sue 1928-1930
Lee, Mattie 1927-1928
Mayfield, Ben T. 1928-1930
Mayfield, Harriet (Hattie) 1929
Magee, Ruth Wolfskill 1927 1936
McCart, Pink 1929 February 16
McCulloch, Leutie Snowball 1930 August 7
McMullen, L.J. 1927 April 25
McPherson, John C. 1879 June 4
Mitchell, Beatrice 1928 March 26
Correspondence: P 1928-1939
Scope and Content Note
Peterman, Josie A. 1927-1936
Pettit, Mrs. L. 1939
Pleasants, J.E. and Mrs. J.E. Pleasants 1928
Correspondence: R 1924-1931
Scope and Content Note
Reid, Barbara May 1928-1929
Roberts, Emma 1930
Roberts, Lizzie 1930
Correspondence: S 1926-1930
Scope and Content Note
Sabichi, George C. 1927-1928
Talcott, G.N. 1935
Taylor, Emma 1928-1930
Taylor, Frances Iris 1938
Thompson, J.C. ("Dan") 1925-1931
Tulloch, David W. 1920
Turman, L.F. 1931
Correspondence: W 1916-1929
Scope and Content Note
Whitson, Mrs. Vesta A. 1930 July 25
Wolfskill, Annie M. 1925-1929
Wolfskill, Charles 1925-1929
Wolfskill, Edward ("Ney") 1926-1937
Wolfskill, Flossie 1927-1929
Wolfskill, Frances Ann (Fannie) 1925
Wolfskill, Frank and Myrtle 1938
Wolfskill, George and Berniel 1926-1930
Wolfskill, Louis W. 1924-1929
Wolfskill, Matt 1929
Wolfskill, Reed 1937
Wolfskill, Samuel P. 1926
Young, Lucille 1933
Subseries 3.2 Legal Documents 1913-1916
Scope and Content Note
Policy of Title Insurance 1913-1916
Lease of Property 1916
Satisfaction of Mortgage 1916
Subseries 3.3 Financial Records 1920-1930
Scope and Content Note
People's Finance and Thrift 1929
Solano County 1923-1925
Taylor, George W. 1927
United States: Pensions 1920-1930
Subseries 3.4 Ephemera 1879-1937
Scope and Content Note
Letter to William Bollinger Regarding His Mother's Death 1879
Calendar and Roster, Woodland Commandery 1886 1936
San Francisco Stock Exchange Admittance Card; Wedding Invitation for Grace Goodyear Kirkman 1886 1895
Badge for Life Member of State Agricultural Society 1887
Genealogy Information: Correspondence 1926-1937
Pioneer Plow 1926
Voter Registration 1928
Manuscripts Regarding Keepsakes 1931
Subseries 3.5 Photographs 1879-1930 undated
Scope and Content Note
Wolfskill, Ned and Family undated
Wolfskill, Ned and Annie Bollinger Wolfskill undated
[Wolfskill, Ned?] undated
Wolfskill, Frank 1879
Wolfskill, Frank undated
Wolfskill, Frank? 1903
Wolfskill, Frank and Dogs undated
Wolfskill, Frank in Uniform undated
[Wolfskill, Frank?] in Uniform undated
Wolfskill, Frank on Horse undated
Wolfskill, Frank with Rifle undated
Wolfskill, Frank with Tractor; Mission San Rafael undated
Scope and Content Note
Wolfskill, Ina Winn undated
[Wolfskill, Ina Winn?] undated
William Davis Property undated
Wolfskill, John Reed in Mendocino County undated
Wolfskill, John Reed undated
Wolfskill, John Reed With Farm Equipment undated
Wolfskill, John Reed? 1917
Wolfskill, John Reed Family Portrait circa 1919
Wolfskill, John Reed and Annie Rowena Wolfskill 1925
Wolfskill, Annie Rowena 1925
Wolfskill, Annie Rowena circa 1930s
Jacobs, Aldanita undated
Hildebrand, Mrs. B. in Carriage undated
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Hildebrand, Mrs. B. with Woman undated
Hildebrand, Mrs. B. undated
Series 4 Melinda ("Linnie") Wolfskill Goodyear Councilman (1860-1929) and Family 1872-1929
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Subseries 4.1 Correspondence 1872-1916
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Subseries 4.1.1 Outgoing 1872-1916
Scope and Content Note
Wolfskill, Linnie Goodyear Councilman to Susan Cooper Wolfskill 1872-1881
Wolfskill, Linnie Goodyear Councilman to Fannie Wolfskill: Telegrams 1892 April 19
Scope and Content Note
Wolfskill, Linnie Goodyear Councilman to Jennie and Fannie Wolfskill 1897 undated
Wolfskill, Linnie Goodyear Councilman to Edward (Ned) Wolfskill 1916 undated
Wolfskill, John Murray to Parents 1892 1899
Wolfskill, Edward to Parents and Grandparents 1892-1893
Subseries 4.1.2 Incoming 1879-1899
Scope and Content Note
Letters to Linnie Wolfskill Goodyear Councilman 1879-1899
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F.J. Stumm to C. [Henry Clay?] Goodyear 1884
Subseries 4.2 Legal Documents 1930
Petition to Terminate Homestead 1930
Subseries 4.3 Ephemera 1883-1892
Scope and Content Note
Linnie's French Exercises undated
Hair Clippings 1883
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Admittance Card: Columbian Exposition; Friendship Cards 1892 undated
Subseries 4.4 Photographs 1876-1929
Scope and Content Note
Wolfskill, Linnie Goodyear Councilman: Manuscripts and Photograph 1876-1929
Goodyear, Edward A. circa 1883
Goodyear, Edward A. circa 1888
[Goodyear, Edward A.?] undated
Goodyear, Edward A. and Annie V. 1909
Goodyear, Edward A. and Family 1909
Goodyear, John Murray circa 1888
Goodyear, John Murray and Edward A. 1892
[Goodyear, Edward A. or John Murray?] circa 1910
Goodyear, Frank H. (1849-1907) 1899
Goodyear, Grace circa 1875
Goodyear, Grace circa 1888
Series 5 Virginia ("Jennie") Wolfskill Bonney (1864-1934) and Family 1876-1935
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Subseries 5.1 Correspondence 1925-1935
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Subseries 5.1.1 Outgoing 1925-1931
Scope and Content Note
Wolfskill, Edward "Ned" 1925-1931
Wolfskill, Frances Ann ("Fannie") 1930 November 24
Subseries 5.1.2 Incoming 1921-1935
Scope and Content Note
Strobridge, Idah Meacham 1921 February 1
Talcott, George N. 1935 June 22
Taylor, Iris 1934 December 12
Subseries 5.2 Legal Documents 1881-1933
Scope and Content Note
Deed: J.R. Wolfskill to Jennie Wolfskill 1881
Wills 1890-1929
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Memorandum of Agreement 1881
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Certificate of Redemption of Real Estate 1896
Property Documents 1907-1933
Subseries 5.3 Financial Records 1886-1935
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Bank Statements, Bills, and Stock Certificates 1906-1935
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Bank Passbooks 1906-1934
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Stock Certificates 1906-1935
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Subseries 5.4 Ephemera 1883 1900 undated
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Nameplate: Mrs. F.J. Bonney undated
Wedding Invitation 1883
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Membership Card: Knights of the Loyal Guard 1900
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Subseries 5.5 Photographs 1876-1920
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Subseries 5.5.1 Family 1876-1920
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[Bonney, Jennie Wolfskill?] undated
Bonney, Jennie Wolfskill 1876
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Bonney, Jennie Wolfskill 1906
Bonney, Jennie Wolfskill on Park Bench undated
[Bonney, Jennie Wolfskill with Children?] undated
[Bonney Children?] 1920
Subseries 5.5.2 Residence undated
Scope and Content Note
Residence of Mrs. J.L. Bonney undated
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Villa Franca undated
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Series 6 Frances ("Fannie") Wolfskill Taylor Wilson (1866-1934) and Family 1882-1965
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Subseries 6.1 Correspondence 1909-1932
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Subseries 6.1.1 Outgoing 1925-1931
Scope and Content Note
Talcott, George N. 1931
Wolfskill, Ned 1925 undated
Subseries 6.1.2 Incoming 1909-1932
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Field, Mrs. J.L. to Fannie Wolfskill [1909]
Kelly, Florence Scott 1920
Talcott, George N. 1932
Subseries 6.2 Legal Documents 1889
Marriage License: Fannie Wolfskill and Samuel Taylor 1889
Subseries 6.3 Financial Records 1889-1894
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Sales Reciept for Fannie's Trousseau 1889
Stock Certificate 1894
Subseries 6.4 Ephemera 1889-1934
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Wedding Invitation: Fannie Wolfskill and Samuel Taylor 1889
News Clippings 1926 1934
Subseries 6.5 Photographs 1882-1965
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Subseries 6.5.1 Family 1882-1906
Scope and Content Note
Wilson, Fannie Wolfskill Taylor undated
Wilson, Fannie Wolfskill Taylor circa 1882
Wilson, Fannie Wolfskill Taylor circa 1889
Wilson, Fannie Wolfskill Taylor in Wedding Gown 1889
Wilson, Fannie Wolfskill Taylor with Bayard and Don Taylor circa 1895
Taylor Family Portrait 1892
Taylor, Samuel undated
Taylor, Bayard undated
Taylor, Bayard 1902
Taylor, Don 1902
[Taylor, Don?] undated
Taylor, Frances Iris (1898-1975) 1898 December
Taylor, Frances Iris 1899
Taylor, Frances Iris 1902 June
[Taylor, Frances Iris?] undated
Taylor, Virginia 1902
Taylor, Virginia? circa 1902-1903
Taylor, Virginia circa 1904
Taylor, Virginia 1905
Taylor, Frances Iris and Virginia 1906
Subseries 6.5.2 Properties 1896-1965
Scope and Content Note
Taylor Residence undated
Taylor Residence 1896
Taylor Residence 1909
Taylor Residence 1915
Taylor Residence 1938
Taylor Residence, West Gate circa 1900
Taylor Residence, West Side circa 1909
Trees at Taylor Residence circa 1909
Trees at Taylor Residence circa 1940s
Date Trees at Taylor Residence circa 1909
View From Taylor Residence circa 1909
Taylor Residence circa 1909
Scope and Content Note
Picking Dates [circa 1940s]
Taylor Residence After Fire Damage 1948
Avenue of Olive Trees 1965
Wolfskill Estate undated
Wolfskill Estate 1912
Wolfskill Estate 1935
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Wolfskill Estate 1937
Wolfskill Estate 1940
Wolfskill Estate 1965
Series 7 Aldanita Wolfskill Detrick (1884-1958) and Family 1882-1951
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Subseries 7.1 Correspondence 1893-1943
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Detrick, Aldanita Wolfskill to Ned Wolfskill 1893 undated
Detrick, Aldanita Wolfskill to Jennie L. Bonney 1900-1905
Detrick, Charles to Mrs. C.R. Detrick 1896
Detrick, Charles and Detrick Steamship Company 1893-1895 undated
Detrick, Charles: Other Correspondence 1918-1941
Detrick, Charles to San Francisco Life Insurance Company 1930
Detrick, Edington Sr. to Charles Detrick 1893
Detrick, Edward to Aldanita Wolfskill Detrick 1929
Detrick, Edward W. to Edward Wolfskill 1929-1932
Detrick, Shirley to Charles and Aldanita Detrick 1943
Kahn, Emile to Aldanita Wolfskill Detrick 1916
Subseries 7.2 Financial Documents 1914-1943
Scope and Content Note
Camp Haan, Cal. Receipt 1943 June 17
Earl Fruit Company 1916
Fraser Studios 1916 October 1
Mining Stock 1914
Subseries 7.3 Ephemera 1882-1951
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Postcard undated
Lincoln Grammar School Programs and Cards 1882-1936
News Clippings on Aldanita (original) 1913-1928
News Clippings on Aldanita (copies) 1913-1928
Panama Pacific International Exposition Stockholder's Season Book 1915
Notes and Envelopes 1916-1941
Detrick Family Diary 1918-1951
Clippings and Cards from Diary 1923-1951
Certificate of Appointment of Insurance Commissioner of the State of California 1925
Programs for "The Mikado" 1928
News Item: Charles Detrick 1928 October 1
Certificates of Promotion: Edward Detrick 1929
News Clippings: Edward Detrick 1935
Galileo R.O.T.C. Day Program 1935 November 20
Subseries 7.4 Photographs 1905-1948
Scope and Content Note
Detrick, Aldanita Wolfskill undated
Detrick, Aldanita Wolfskill in Winters undated
Detrick, Aldanita Wolfskill at Beach 1915
Detrick, Aldanita Wolfskill and Carrie [?] on Balcony undated
Detrick, Aldanita Wolfskill in Germany? undated
Detrick, Aldanita Wolfskill in Helgolland, Germany 1905
Correspondence from Columbia Records 1913
Madame Pasquali's Concert undated
Detrick, Aldanita Wolfskill; Madame Pasquali 1913-1915
San Francisco Exposition Grounds 1915
Detrick, Aldanita Wolfskill at San Francisco Exposition Grounds 1915
Detrick, Edward W.: Baby Pictures 1919
Detrick, Edward W.: Baby Pictures 1919
Scope and Content Note
Detrick, Edward W. on Horseback at Taylor Residence circa 1928?
Detrick, Charles R. undated
[Detrick, Charles R.?] circa 1910
Detrick, Charles R. 1930
Detrick, Charles R.'s Retirement Party 1948
Series 8 Edington Detrick and Family 1880-1943 undated
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Subseries 8.1 Correspondence 1938-1943
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Bryant, Dolores W. (Society of California Pioneers) 1940
Detrich, William J.; Hewitt, Kate Clement 1939
Detrick, Edington and William Gray Harman 1938-1943
Subseries 8.2 Family Legal Documents undated
Action Against Detrick Steamship Company et al. 1895
Subseries 8.3 Ephemera undated
Detrick Family Clippings and Family Trees undated
Subseries 8.4 Photographs 1880 undated
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Cronise, Jacob undated
Detrick, Edington Sr. undated
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Detrick, Edington Sr. undated
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Edington Detrick and Company 1880
Reighley, Charles undated
Series 9 Other Correspondence 1845-1956
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Cooper, Stephen 1845-1880
Jackson, Jarves to Dr. G.H. Jackson 1882
Letter to Linnie, Jennie, and Fannie Wolfskill from John C. McPherson 1879 June 12
Reynolds, Charles L. and Jas. H. Wilkins 1914
General Correspondence 1914-1956
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Series 10 Other Legal Documents 1849-1925
Scope and Content Note
Abstract of Title to the Rancho Rio de los Putos or Wolfskill Ranch 1849-1886
Abstract of Title to the Susan C. Wolfskill 1,000 Acres Subdivision 1858-1904
Abstract of Title to Land in Solano County, California 1861-1920
Abstract of Title to Land in Solano County, California 1889-1913
Abstract of Title to Land in Yolo County, California 1858-1923
Abstract of Title to Land in Yolo County, California 1910
Liquor License to Mrs. C.J. Pitman 1883
Mortgage: Samuel Martin to Mathus Wolfskill (copy) 1867
Proclamation of Debt Relief 1907
Water Use Lawsuit: Putah Creek 1925
Series 11 Other Financial Documents 1882-1930
Scope and Content Note
Inheritance Documents on Ben Cooper Estate 1918-1930
Inheritance Documents on Ben Cooper Estate 1931-1932
Inheritance News Clippings on Ben Cooper Estate circa 1931
Financial Settlement: Sarshel Cooper and Stephen Cooper 1884
Promissory Note from D.W. Bouldin to Stephen Cooper for Sale of Mare Island 1877
Earl Fruit Company: Dried Fruit Costs 1915
Gray, William G. and D.S. Ward: New California-Tonopah Mining Company Stocks 1894-1927
Hill Brothers: Tax Records 1885-1896
Mr. Jacobs, Tom Wiseman: Sales Receipts 1883-1889
"Statement of Settlement for Division of Personal Property Outside of the Winters Land" 1882 October 14
Series 12 Subject and Reference Files 1868-1947
Scope and Content Note
"Description of the Battle of New Orleans, 1812" by Singleton Vaughn 1883 July 4
Boggs, Lilburn 1926 July 7
California Counties: Colusa County 1931-1947
California Counties: Los Angeles County 1868-1939
California Counties: Mendocino County 1924-1925
California Counties: Monterey County 1916-1938
California Counties: Napa County 1921-1932
California Counties: Orange County 1934
California Counties: Placer County 1931
California Counties: Sacramento County 1909-1934
California Counties: San Diego County 1938
California Counties: San Francisco County 1929-1939
California Counties: Santa Barbara County undated
California Counties: Solano County 1891-1944
California Counties: Sonoma County 1932-1934
California Counties: Yolo County 1891-1938
California Gold Rush 1869-1934
California History 1868-1937
California Missions undated
Carson, Kit 1927
Devilbiss, John Andrew 1903-1935
"Digger Indians" undated
Donner Party 1933-1938
"History of the Donner Party", C.F. McGlashan 1918
Dye, Jobe 1935
Fremont, John C. and Jessie 1903-1934
Gibson, W.B. undated
Gordon, William undated
Halpern, Richard: College Pranks 1937
Harrison, S.N. 1901
Ireland 1878-1932
Lesse, Jacob P. undated
Lewis, Jake undated
Lincoln, Abraham 1924-1937
Long, Southy W. undated
Mare Island 1923-1938
Marsh, John undated
Missouri 1916-1939
Murietta, Joaquin 1936
Native Americans 1887-1934
Panama 1890-1937
Philippines, Central America, Caribbean 1930-1931
"Pioneer Early Visitors" undated
"Pioneer Overlanders of 1841" 1868
Pioneers to California 1904-1938
Richardson, William "Steve" undated
Scott, George W. undated
Smith, Jedediah S. 1931
State and Local Interest (California) 1927-1939
Stevenson, A.M. 1891
Sutter, John A. 1935
United States History 1833-1927
Vallejo Family 1868-1936
Warner, Johnathan 1868
Winters Earthquake 1892
Wolfskill Falls 1927
Yount, George C. 1937
Series 13 Other Ephemera 1850-1965 undated
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Italian Kodak Picture Sleeve undated
Auction Catalog: Edward Wolfskill Estate undated
Obituaries undated
Private Papers: Mrs. E.M. Miller's Cure for Stiff Joints undated
"For Sciatic Rheumatism" undated
Maps undated
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"Pioneers of the Sacramento Valley" undated
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Matted Promotional Brochure for Susan Wolfskill 1000 Acre Subdivision of the Wolfskill Grant undated
Invitations 1850-1936
Bible Verse Cards 1875-1876
Various Notes and Envelopes 1876-1897 undated
Reprinted Articles; J.C. Wolfskill "Late Tragedy Plums" Lug Label 1865-1930 undated
Opera, Theater, and School Programs 1882-1965
Bowie, Augustus Jesse: In Memoriam 1887
Death Notices 1890-1895
Travel Documents, Brochures, Schedules 1890-1907
Newspaper Clippings on Various Subjects 1898
Rome Views Stamp Booklet 1902?
Recital Program 1929
Certificate of Authenticity: Genealogical Information 1939
Series 14 Other Photographs 1820-1956 undated
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Series 14.1 Groups 1850-1928 undated
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Aldanita Wolfskill and Others undated
Wolfskill Women undated
Frank Wolfskill, Frank Jacobs, and Linnie Wolfskill Goodyear 1893
Ella Jacobs, Max, Ella, Henry, and [Henny?] undated
Goodyear, Taylor, and Wolfskill Children undated
Scope and Content Note
Virginia Taylor, Edward W. Detrick and Fannie Wolfskill Taylor at Taylor Residence circa 1928?
Virginia Taylor, Edward W. Detrick and Fannie Wolfskill Taylor at Taylor Residence circa 1928?
Frank, Herman, and John Reed Wolfskill at Shake Rag undated
Herman and John Reed Wolfskill at Shake Rag undated
Herman and Frank Wolfskill undated
Group on Porch circa 1928?
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Five Women circa 1850?
Scope and Content Note
Three Women circa 1850?
Scope and Content Note
Series 14.2 Family Members and Friends 1878-1953
Scope and Content Note
Barnette, Mrs. Lynde undated
Bernard, Jason N. undated
Bollinger, William undated
Bollinger, William undated
Scope and Content Note
Brunswick, William 1908
Cooper, Pinkie undated
Cooper, Stephen 1880?
Lansing, Ala 1879
Obrien, Mrs. and Son undated
Pfister, Mrs. H. undated
Reid, Barbara May 1929
Reid, Will 1925
Rice, Dick 1907
A.R. Rice, Proprietor 1878?
Scope and Content Note
Sprout, B.O. 1879
Teg's Taylor 1892
Thornton, Elena undated
Thornton, William undated
Thornton, William and Elena 1941
Thurber, Sarah 1931
Thurber, Sarah 1935
Wiseman, Thomas undated
Thomas Wiseman's Ranch undated
Wolfskill, Anna Sweany circa 1890s
Wolfskill, Mrs. Annie undated
Home of Mrs. Annie Wolfskill 1926
Wolfskill, Mr. and Mrs. George, Judson Wolfskill circa 1930
Wolfskill, Herman undated
Wolfskill, J. 1896
Wolfskill, Jarena undated
Wolfskill, Joseph W. undated
Wolfskill, José W. undated
Wolfskill, Matt 1894
Wolfskill, Matt 1892
Young, Mr. and Mrs. 1953
Series 14.3 Landscapes and Scenes 1906-1956 undated
Scope and Content Note
General Merchandise Store Scene undated
Old Wetmore House undated
Sarshel Wolfskill House 1956?
Sarshel Wolfskill Estate undated
Putah Creek Bridge in Winters 1930
Views From Putah Canyon undated
Bridges Over Putah Creek undated
Putah Creek Scenes undated
Putah Creek Scenes undated
Putah Creek Scenes undated
Fruit Drying in Winters, California undated
Palm Tree undated
Mono Lake undated
Mono Lake undated
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Oak Creek Pass, Inyo County, California 1910
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"Full Circle at Ranch Barn" 1911
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Stone Canyon, San Jose de Buenos Ayres Ranch 1911
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Negatives of Cirkut Prints 1910-1911 undated
Scope and Content Note
Wrapper for Rolled Photographs undated
Church in San Francisco undated
San Francisco Bay undated
Ingleside Terrace, San Francisco 1914
Street Scene, San Francisco undated
Woman With Band undated
Group of People undated
Street Scene undated
Stow Lake in Golden Gate Park undated
San Francisco undated
Union Square, San Francisco undated
Market Street, San Francisco undated
Music Court at Golden Gate Park, San Francisco undated
Railroads for Debris Removal, San Francisco undated
Restoration of Golden Gate Park Museum, San Francisco undated
Construction, San Francisco undated
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Rebuilding Wholesale District, San Francisco undated
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Fort Mason Refugees, San Francisco undated
Saint Catherine Cathedral, San Francisco undated
Palace Hotel, San Francisco undated
Mason Street, San Francisco undated
Fairmont Hotel, San Francisco undated
Fire From Russian Hill, San Francisco undated
Market Street Ruins, San Francisco undated
Kearney Street, San Francisco undated
Fire on Russian Hill, San Francisco undated
Saint Francis Hotel, San Francisco undated
The Emporium, San Francisco undated
Knob Hill Ruins, San Francisco undated
San Francisco Ruins undated
Majestic Theatre, San Francisco undated
Wholesale District, San Francisco undated
Holliday Heights, San Francisco undated
City Hall, San Francisco undated
Presidio Refugee Camp, San Francisco undated
Prager's Department Store, San Francisco undated
Patio View, Unidentified Location undated
Igorote Women, Philippines undated
Igorote Family, Philippines undated
Igorote Mothers, Philippines undated
Igorote Girl, Philippines undated
Igorote Mother with Daughters, Philippines undated
Igorote Mother, Philippines undated
Garden in Manila, Philippines 1906
Manila, Philippines 1906
Rural Scene Near Manila, Philippines 1908
Philippine Islands 1908
Series 14.4 Unidentified circa 1820-1950 undated
Scope and Content Note
Baby undated
Camp Linger Longer undated
Child undated
Child on Hillside undated
"Fathers-Day" undated
Scope and Content Note
Petty Rolling off the Rock undated
Prize-Winning Mules undated
Ship undated
Skinny Dipping undated
Soldiers undated
Unidentified People in Paso Robles, California undated
Portrait of Woman circa 1820s
Portrait of Man circa 1820s
Elderly Woman circa 1850?
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Native American Woman? circa 1850?
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Unidentified Man circa 1850
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Young Boy circa 1850?
Scope and Content Note
Street Scene circa 1860s
Young Woman circa 1860s
Three Women circa 1860
Wolfskill Man? circa 1865
Woman circa 1865
Woman circa 1865
Family Portrait 1869
Young Boy 1872
Rebecca's Mother 1875
Young Man 1886-1887
Unidentified Woman circa 1890
Portrait of Man with Dog circa 1900?
Two Women circa 1900
"P.P.C." 1900 February 12
Man With Glasses and Moustache 1910
Elderly Man and Boy With Fishing Pole circa 1920s
Elderly Man and Woman With Flowers circa 1920s
Elderly Woman Holding Cake circa 1920s
Woman and Young Man in Front of House 1937
Group at Mural Room circa 1940s
Two Women With Man at Mural Room circa 1940s
Man Beside House circa 1940s
Woman Walking in San Francisco circa 1940s
Three Men circa 1950
Series 15 Realia circa 1840-1896 undated
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Bible undated
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Bible, New Testament 1858
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Bible 1874
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Bradbury's Fresh Laurels 1857
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Collar circa 1860
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La Comédie Humaine, volumes 1 and 2 1896
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Correspondence Copy Book undated
Galvanic Battery 1857-1858
Gold Detector undated
Glove Envelope undated
Handkerchief Linen circa 1860s
Handkerchiefs undated
Index to Home and School Scrapbook undated
Knife undated
Memorabilia 1860-1910 undated
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Mill Cog circa 1840-1850s
Medallion (Saint Theresa) undated
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Medallion (Virgin Mary) undated
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Notebook undated
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Photograph Album undated
Printing Plate undated
Prose and Poetry of Europe and America 1857
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Scrapbook undated
Scope and Content Note
Scrapbook undated
Scope and Content Note
Scrapbook undated
Sock (Child's) undated
Violet Talcum Powder undated
Wedding Glove undated
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Wooden Box undated